Theoretical and discussion journal of the Communist Party

EDITORIAL OFFICE FEBRUARY • 1985 VOLUME 29 NUMBER 2 16 St John Street, London EC1M 4AY TelephoneOl-6080265 EDITOR Martin Jacques 2 FOCUS EDITORIAL OFFICE Trudie Cooke Contraception and confidentiality • India at crossroads • The new trade EDITORIAL BOARD union leaders • Who pays for the US deficit? Irene Brennan, Dan Connor, John Foster, Jean Gardiner, Eric Hobsbawm, John Hoffman, AJan Hunt, Arnold Kettle, Betty Matthews, , Dave Priscott, Bob Rowthom, Mike Seifert. FEATURES FOCUS Paul Olive/Paul Webster

CHANNEL FIVE Sally Townsend 7 Britain's Sexual Counter-Revolutionaries •

REVIEWS Sally Davison Rose Shapiro

VIEWPOINT Paul Webster Encouraged by the recent court decision on contraception for under-16s, the moral Right are on the offensive. And there is a sympathetic ear for LETTERS Paddy Farrington them in high places. UPDATE Maria Loftus 12 Mining the Popular Front • Hywel Francis ADVERTISING Dave Kitson In its 11 months, the miners' strike has found support in many different CIRCULATION Paddy Farrington quarters. It has helped to sustain the strike. And in Wales, broad DISTRIBUTION alliances insupportof the miners have been pursued in quite a new way.

Newsagents: Magnum Distribution Ltd 16 Sterling Takes a Pounding - Michael Bleaney 18 Farringdon Lane, London EC1 Bookshops: Sterling has taken a dive. But what does it all mean? Central Books Ltd, 14 The Leathermarket London SE13ER 18 CND's New Era: Interview with Joan Ruddock Subscriptions: Magnum Subscriptions Department, The Geneva talks are underway. Cruise has been sited. Labour's defence Watling Street, proposals suffered a debacle in the last election. CND faces a new era. Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK2 2BW

SUBSCRIPTION RATES for one year 25 No Private Drama Dave Cook Inland: individuals £9, institutions £12, students one-year introductory rate £6 The divisions within the Communist Party are now there for all to see. Overseas airspeeded: individuals £16, And their outcome will have a profound effect on the rest of the Left. institutions £20

The editor welcomes contributions and letters for publication in the journal. Further details if required from the editorial office. Please send SAE if you want an acknowledgement or manuscript returned. The views expressed by authors 30 CHANNEL 5 are personal and not necessarily those of the editor or editorial board. Keeping the Revolution Warm—Interview with Terry Eagleton Polish Film—Monty Johnstone A R C Memberof theAudit Bureau of Circulations 35 REVIEWS The Cultural Front—Andy Croft DESIGN Lee Robinson Misunderstanding or Misrepresentation — Pat Devine TYPESET by Type Generation Ltd The Menace of Anti-—Richard Gott PRINTED by Farleigh Press Ltd (TU) Watford, Herts 40 VIEWPOINT COVER DESIGN: Peter Hammarling with Katherine Gutkind, Lee Robinson James Curran — Rationale for the Right and Paul Webster David Green—Who Dares Wins COVER: Grant Wood's American Gothic

ISSN 0026-4118 42 LETTERS Published by the Communist Party 16 St John Street, London ECIM4AY 44 UPDATE © World Copyright February 1985