Church of the Holy Spirit Manse Road, Mossley

The Dove Magazine

April / May 2020 Edition

Parish website

(Mossley Parish is a registered charity, NIC103262) From the Rectory Study

Much has happened since the last edition of our parish magazine. Coronavirus has become an all too familiar term and it has brought our nation, and nations throughout the world, to a standstill. Mass gatherings have been prohibited, schools have closed, sporting events have been postponed, and church services can no longer be conducted with congregations in our church buildings. A culture of fear has gripped the world and it is harrowing to watch news broadcasts each evening. We are certainly living in challenging and unprecedented times. Recently, as I was reflecting on the enormity of the situation in which we find ourselves, I received a text message from a friend. It was a link to a YouTube video entitled ‘It’s Friday But Sunday’s Coming.’ This short clip is part of an Easter meditation which was delivered by Dr Shadrach Meshach Lockridge, a former pastor of an African American congregation in California between 1953 and 1993. Please take a few moments to watch this remarkable little video. Dr Lockridge speaks with wonderful passion, sincerity, rhythm and power. He is a truly unique Christian orator. But what is even more impressive than the delivery of his message is the content of the message itself, which focuses on the association between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On Good Friday, after six hours of incredible physical pain, emotional turmoil and mental torture, Jesus cried out in a loud voice and breathed his last breath. The soldiers, the women at the scene of the crucifixion, the crowd who had been watching, Joseph of Arimathea, and even Pontus Pilate were certain that Jesus was dead. I imagine that this news would have spread quickly to other people in the locality and beyond. After all they had witnessed and heard, the disciples must surely have been discouraged, heartbroken and uncertain. But this was Friday and, unknown to all these people, Sunday was coming. We, as Christians, celebrate at Easter because the story doesn’t end with the anguish and pain of the Cross. Sunday came, the stone was rolled away, the tomb was empty, and Jesus is alive. What appeared to be defeat turned out to be the greatest victory in human history. Sadness was turned into joy and despair was replaced by hope. As we journey toward Easter Sunday 2020 let us remain focused on the hope of the resurrection. At present we may feel like it’s Friday, but thanks be to God, Sunday’s Coming. Your friend and Rector, Peter Jones


CHRISTIAN BURIAL USEFUL CONTACTS 20th March 2020 Johnny Lynd 3 Manse Terrace RECTOR Rev Peter Jones 23rd March 2020 Billy McCormick 1 Ballyhenry Dr. The Rectory, 1 Woodford Manor, BT36 6FF. 3rd April 2020 George Beck Carrickfergus Manor Tel. 028 90 832726 [email protected]

PARISH OFFICE ORDAINED LOCAL MINISTER Rev Louise Bowes Tel. 07900410069 Our Parish Office is currently closed due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. It is advised that all DIOCESAN READERS correspondence should be forwarded to the Rector. Mr Tom Irwin Tel 028 90 833399 Contact details are in the Useful Contacts section on this Mob. 07841478427 page. Mrs Valerie Murray Tel. 028 90 835761 ORGANIST ONLINE SERVICES Miss Jane McCartney Tel. 028 90 848854 At present we are no longer able to convene for Sunday [email protected] services or midweek Holy Communion. However, PARISH OFFICE services and reflections are available online. You can Tel. 028 90 832936 find these on: [email protected] 1. The Parish Facebook Page RECTOR’S CHURCHWARDEN 2. The Parish Website ( Winifred Clarke 07749064808 3. YouTube ( On YouTube simply search for Church of the Holy Spirit Mossley and this PEOPLE’S CHURCHWARDEN will lead you to the videos. David Boyd 07484700989 RECTOR’S GLEBEWARDEN HOLY WEEK 2020 Bob Lee 07739185034 PEOPLE’S GLEBEWARDEN Plans for Holy Week 2020 were well advanced, and we Tom Buchanan had an exciting range of services scheduled. Unfortunately, like so much else, these services have HONORARY SECRETARY had to be cancelled. John Nesbitt 07954150067 [email protected] Holy Week will be much quieter this year. However, this enforced change will provide each of us with an HONORARY TREASURER opportunity to be even more reflective. Why not read a David Flint 028 90 836304 chapter of Matthew’s Gospel each day, starting with FWO RECORDER Matthew 21 on Palm Sunday and concluding with Ken Jackson 028 90 294967 Matthew 28 on Easter Sunday? SELECT VESTRY Please also tune in to Facebook, the Parish Website or Alan Bowes Joan Mackey YouTube at 7pm each night during Holy Week. Different John Caldwell John Nesbitt reflections will be uploaded from Monday to Friday. Celia Catherwood Julie Parkinson David Flint Maureen Steenson 3 Pat Flint Billy Williamson George Madden Ken Jackson

Coronavirus Update

“I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” (Psalm 91:2) These are, undoubtedly, challenging times for us all. Preparations have been made and steps have been taken to enable our Parish to remain as active as possible while, at the same time, protect and care for one another.

• All church services have been suspended until further notice. It had been hoped that we could meet for quiet prayer on Sunday mornings, but escalating guidelines have ensured that this is no longer possible. • Our parish webpage ( and our Facebook page will be a primary means of contact with parishioners, friends of the parish, and people from our local community and beyond. • Short services, sermons, and a range of other resources for all-ages will be uploaded so that we can continue to grow spiritually together. • For those who are not on Facebook, all video recordings will also be available on YouTube. Simply go to and in the search box at the top of the page enter Church of the Holy Spirit Mossley. • A Parish Prayer Booklet has been produced and is available to download from Facebook and the parish webpage ( Some paper copies are available from the Rector. • Parish visitation has also been suspended. This is a protective action which seeks to safeguard the health of clergy and parishioners. As an alternative, the Rector, Rev Louise and other members of the parish will be in contact via telephone. • Practical help (e.g. picking up prescriptions or shopping) is available. A team of volunteers, to help with such practicalities, is being assembled. If you can help with this, or if you could benefit from such practical help, please contact the Rector. • Some parishioners have already enquired about how they can continue to submit their freewill offering at this time. We suggest, where possible, that parishioners explore the prospect of standing orders (even on a temporary basis). For further details contact the Rector (02890832726), Mr Ken Jackson (02890294967) or Mr David Flint (02890836304). Alternatively, parishioners could continue to fill their weekly envelopes, as usual, until such times as arrangements can be made for collection.

We may not be able to gather as a church family in the ways that we did only a few weeks ago, but we can continue to encourage and support one another through phone calls, text messages and other creative ways. Please stay in touch with us. We are still here for you and would be only too delighted to hear from you. Let us also continue to trust in the sovereignty of God at this time.


Select Vestry News

The Select Vestry, like every other Parish organisation, is unable to meet at the present time. However, a small group has been approved by the Vestry to work alongside the Rector in making any necessary practical decisions until such times as the Coronavirus situation has passed, and normal services can be resumed. Unfortunately, some matters which the Vestry were working on have been delayed for the foreseeable future. One matter concerning the Vestry for the last few years has been the damp appearing along the bottom of the big wall in the old minor hall. The water that has been gathering, especially in wet weather, has been considerable and the Vestry has been concerned about how the water is getting in and also what damage it is causing. Although the Vestry had gone as far as employing a structural engineer to look at it, this has had to be put on hold. We would also be worried about the potential cost of repair, however on a positive note, the Vestry will be looking at the long term plans for the hall, particularly at the possibility of using the hall as a potential additional meeting place for organisations and community groups. We have all seen the wonderful transformation to the church since the removal of the old organ pipes. The red cross has now been revealed and even if you remember the way the church used to be, particularly with its grey brick walls, the red cross on a white wall is very striking and a new sight for everyone. However, on a closer inspection of the cross you will notice that due to the years of it being hidden from view, it has become very much deteriorated in places. The frames holding the panes of glass have become rotted, and even some of the panes of glass where they have been replaced are not the exact same colour. This was another matter that the Vestry was looking at but has had to be postponed for the time being. The Annual General Vestry meeting which would have been held on Wednesday 22nd April will take place hopefully later in the year, and until then the present members of the Select Vestry will remain in office. Finally, we are very concerned about the significant fall in income with the church not meeting. Of course, some savings can be made by the heating not being turned on and cleaning services being suspended, but other bills, including salaries, do continue. If you do not give by standing order, please continue to fill your envelopes as usual until such times as we are back to holding services again. John Nesbitt (Honorary Secretary)


Youth Activities News Youth Club The Youth Club had been continuing on Saturday nights until 14 March. The Youth Club is open to children from P4 up to second year (Year 9) and any new members will be made welcome. The Youth Club is usually on every Saturday from 7.00-9.00pm in the church hall during term time, but unfortunately, in line with the recommendations from the Government, the Youth Club is currently suspended until further notice. When the Youth Club is running normally the children enjoy arts and crafts, playing football, pool, air hockey, hockey, games and board games. The tuck shop is also very popular. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the leaders who give up their time on Saturday nights to help at Youth Club. There would be no Youth Club without this dedicated team. Many thanks to Alwyn Bradley, Larry Lennox, Nicole Rea, Marie Galbraith and our junior leader Danielle Speers. Special thanks to Gavin Lennox for assisting me with purchasing supplies for tuck every week and being our Treasurer. Thanks also to all the children and parents for supporting the Youth Club during the year. Due to other commitments some of the leaders cannot be there every Saturday night, and we really need new leaders and helpers please. If anyone can help out on any Saturday night when Youth Club is up and running again this would be a great help. If you are interested, please contact June Meighan or the Rector for further details. June Meighan Girls’ Brigade This year’s GB session came to rather an abrupt end. With less than 48 hours’ notice we didn’t get the chance to say goodbye. No wishing one another to have a good summer and no promises of seeing one another in September. It was very disheartening to not have a proper end to the year, particularly as we were planning a celebration of our 50 years with our Parent’s night and our Thanksgiving service. However, our plans are not cancelled, they are merely postponed. We are already getting organised for the new session in September. In the meantime, we would ask all our girls and their families to stay safe and let’s all look forward to seeing each other in September when we will celebrate our return.


Boys’ Brigade ‘Sure and Steadfast’ (Hebrews 6:19)

As BB came to such an abrupt end this year, we had to cancel this year’s Parents Evening and Prize Giving. This was a great disappointment to as the leaders and boys had been working so hard! Well done to all the boys from all three sections. You have given of your best all year and you will receive your badges, medals and shields at a later date. We enjoyed our annual fun walk on Sunday 23rd February. Thanks to everyone who came along. We wish all the boys moving up to a new section in September all the very best.

Anchor Boys to Junior Section Junior Boys to Company Section Taylor O'Connell Seth Morrison Ryan McConnell Evan Moore Zach Ellis Josh Sandford Josh Craig Harry Kitson We these boys every success in their new sections. A very big thank you to all the officers and leaders who come along to BB every week their dedication is very much appreciated. This is also our 50th Anniversary year and we look forward to celebrating this later in the year. Take care everyone and God Bless. “We have this hope as an Anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”

Dove Tots

“Suffer the little Children to come onto me.” Hello to all our Dove Tots families and friends! 2019/2020 has been a really blessed and successful year for us. It has been encouraging to see so many people in the Parish Centre each Friday morning. We would like to wish all our little ones who are moving onto Nursery School in September all the very best. We will miss you! We want to wish you all a very Happy and Blessed Easter and we look forward to seeing everyone back for a cup of tea and treats soon. God bless and please do stay safe and well.


Creche, Club J and Ignite Since early January our children and young people have been learning about the Parable of the Talents, the Wise and Foolish Builders and the Good Samaritan. They have also created prayer rocks and have redesigned the Club J board at the back of the Parish Centre. Much more had been planned but all activities are now postponed. During coming weeks children’s resources will be available on our Parish Facebook page. Please do use these and we pray that they will be beneficial to our children and young people. We look forward to meeting again soon!

Men’s Society On the 9th March Ron Bishop gave an illustrated talk to the Society about the Belgian Army in Northern Ireland at the end of WW2 After the liberation of Belgium in 1944, a group of young Belgian men arrived in Northern Ireland. Among them were soldiers who had fought in Belgium in 1940 before relocating to the south of France to join the reserve. When France fell in 1940, many returned to their homeland and joined the Resistance. The Belgian Government, in exile in London, had decided as early as 1942 that training of a new army was necessary. The plan was to raise a new 1st Belgian Army Corps consisting of: a General HQ unit, 2 Infantry Divisions with 3 Infantry Brigades in each. In December 1944, a Belgian Military Mission went to London to put forward this implementation with the British War Office. A reinforced 1st (Piron) Infantry Brigade would receive training in the United Kingdom and be battle-ready on 1st May 1945. In January 1945, 2nd Infantry Brigade would begin training in Northern Ireland. At the end of March 1945, 3rd Infantry Brigade and 4th Infantry Brigade would follow to Northern Ireland. The end of May 1945 would see the arrival of 5th (Merckem) Infantry Brigade and 6th Infantry Brigade. Most Brigades formed of volunteers and conscripts who had seen action throughout WW2. The 6th Infantry Brigade formed from existing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Fusilier Battalions. Battalions were scatted over the Province, the local ones were in Whitehead, Ballycarry, Larne, Whiteabbey and Carrickfergus. The 3rd Infantry Brigade HQ was in Carrickfergus at Prospect House, which was once a grand mansion, built in 1760. All that remains today is Henly Gate (see picture), which you can see at the junction of Woodburn Road and Prospect Road just outside Carrickfergus. As the war in Europe ended all the soldiers left Northern Ireland and returned to Belgium, the role of the Belgian Army became one of occupation in Germany, forming the basis of a new army.


Women’s Guild Unfortunately, our February meeting had to be cancelled due to the bad weather. During our March meeting Val Thom (pictured) shared her work with The Zacchaeus Project which is run by the Church Army and the Diocese of Armagh. They have a bus fitted with a kitchen and seating area which serves free tea and coffee to band members at band parades. They have free literature available to anyone who wants it, and they attend numerous parades each year. The Project was set up because it was felt bands had been marginalised by many parts of society. Val loves this work and the volunteers show members of the band community God’s love for them through serving them tea and coffee on the bus. Unfortunately, in line with the recommendations from the Government, the Women’s Guild is currently suspended until further notice. We look forward to seeing all our members when the Women’s Guild can meet again. Take care of yourselves and stay safe. June Meighan

Mossley Parish Ramblers Congratulations This is the time of year when we start to really Our warmest congratulations to: look forward to the annual trip to Rathlin Island. Who will ever forget the Rector’s first outing Mr John and Mrs Florence Lee who with the Ramblers two years ago? By his own have recently celebrated their 70th admission he was “…radiant with sunburn…” the Wedding Anniversary! next morning in Church.

Unfortunately, like so much else, this year’s trip Mr Joe and Mrs Betty McCartney who has had to be postponed. However, once the have recently celebrated their 65th Coronavirus situation has passed, the Rambler’s Wedding Anniversary! will once again be out and about.

Safeguarding Trust

Our Parish is committed to the Safeguarding Trust policy. Should you have any concerns regarding the welfare of children in the Parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel: Rev Peter Jones 028 90 832726 Carolyn Caldwell 028 90 844040 Clifford Holmes 028 90 848025 Joan Mackey 028 90 775366


Bric-A-Brac Saturday mornings aren’t quite the same! The usual busyness and activity around the Parish Centre is absent. No morning coffee and discussion of current affairs for the ‘Old Codgers. No bargains to be acquired. No holiday books to be bought. But, before long, it will be business as usual once again. We are looking forward to seeing the sense of community reignited on Saturday mornings, and to see people (from near and far) meet for tea/coffee and a chat.

Mossley Parish Mission Group It was with much regret, and following consultation with the other proposed venues and Graham’s team, that the Graham Kendrick concert (scheduled for Friday 20th March) had to be cancelled due to the Coronavirus situation. Ticket sales had been going well and we were looking forward to a really special night. A considerable amount of work had gone into the organising of this event. A few days after this decision was made, the Rector (and the Rectors of the two other venues) received the following email from Graham Kendrick. “I just wanted to express my gratitude for all the hard work you and your various teams have put into preparing the way over the past months. It is of course a disappointment all round but we know that if our labour is ‘in the Lord’ it is never in vain, even if the journey is different from the one we expected…I am sure that in all these things God is working for good as the church loves, prays and serves like never before. I look forward to seeing you in due course when the time is right, believing for a multiplication of the blessing we might have hoped for before our plans were disrupted.” Since then, the concert has been rescheduled for Friday 18th September, still in St. Brigid’s Church, with doors opening at 6.45pm. We are delighted that this has been possible and what an evening this will be. We pray that the current lockdown will be lifted, and we will be able to meet together to praise God, like never before, being led in our worship by Graham Kendrick. Please hold onto your tickets and these will be accepted at the door on the night. We hosted our annual Soup & Cheese lunch on Sunday 16th February. Thank you to everyone who came along; to all who gave of their time in planning, delivering and tidying up after the event; and to everyone who helped raise the magnificent sum of £400. This will be used to support the ongoing work in Tansen Hospital and South America.


Mossley Parish Indoor Bowling Club Strange times! I had prepared an article for the magazine then things changed very radically, and suddenly much of that article was either out of date, irrelevant or just plain wrong. So anyway, here goes another attempt to explain to all of you where we are at present. As you may know, the season came to a premature close within the last few weeks and at this time we don’t know when we will begin again. This has also meant that, for the foreseeable future, the Summer Bowls will not be happening. The current situation also affects a few other matters which involve our Club. There will be no Garden Fete and the last of our Club Competitions cannot be completed – at least for the time being. So, during the past year, what have we been doing? Well, all our league fixtures have been completed except for our last fixture against Carnmoney Presbyterian. It goes without saying that we expected to win that fairly comfortably so, taking that into account, I reckon we would have finished well into the top half of the league table. Three of our Club competitions have been completed. The Mixed Pairs Cup was won by Jeanette Leslie and Roy Bashford; the Jean Rea Cup by Cynthia Markwell; and the Harry Morrow Trophy by the Rector, Rev. Jones. We were competing for our last trophy, the Jubilee Shield, when everything shut down. But more about that later! Our Club is one of the oldest organisations in the Parish, founded in 1974. This year will be our 45th anniversary and to mark the occasion we had planned to hold a special anniversary service. Arrangements were well advanced but that too has now been postponed. As Club Secretary I’d like to thank all who help the Club run smoothly – Malcolm and Roy for looking after the mats and putting them away at the end of each evening; the members of the Committee; the Selection Committee; our Chairman, Clifford; and our Treasurer, Robin. Thanks also to everyone who has, in any way, helped to make our Club such an enjoyable organisation to be part of. One final note. When the season crashed to a halt, we were well into our last competition and I note that I was drawn to play the Rector in the next round. I was looking forward to that – you might say it was a clash between Liverpool and Ballymena Utd. I have been assured that this clash of the titans will take place when the bowls resumes. I do look forward to that, so long as the Rector hasn’t been seeking help and advice from Klopp. John McQuillan.

Bible Study In recent weeks we have been studying 2nd Timothy. Thankfully, we managed to complete our studies on this marvellous letter. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to start our mini- series on Titus, but this may be an option for us to look at after Easter! More details soon!


Choir Notes

“Where there is devotional music, God is always at hand with His greatest presence.” (J S Bach)

We are delighted to welcome our newest Choir member, Pat Moore. Services were cancelled indefinitely after her first service, but we look forward to her choir career continuing in the not too distant future! If you have ever considered joining the choir, please come along even for a trial period. Since Christmas we have been experimenting with a new practice schedule. Thursday Choir Practices are slightly longer, but less frequent, and there are a few short practices on Sunday mornings after the Morning Service for anyone who missed the Thursday rehearsal, to catch up on new hymns and anthems. Unfortunately, practices were suspended before we had a chance to evaluate the success of this so we will continue in the same way until Christmas.

The Choir are disappointed not to be able to lead the services for Holy Week and Easter this year. We are keeping in touch on our Facebook page and, as well as reminiscing over a photo (see left) of the Choir who were involved in a “Good Old Days” performance at a choir concert in 1980/81, I am posting hymns that we know as well as the ones I was planning to introduce at practices in the next few months!

I would like to thank each member of the choir for all their hard work, support and commitment throughout the year. We are greatly encouraged by, and appreciative of, all the support and compliments from members of the congregation especially in recent months and we hope and pray that everyone stays safe and well in coming months.

Take care and keep singing!


Community Lunches

Our Community Lunches continued to be held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, starting at noon, until government recommendations ensured that we could no longer meet. We are very much looking forward to meeting together again soon. Community lunches are a wonderful way for us to engage in fellowship over food, for only £3. Each week there is a choice of two soups, and this is accompanied by wheaten bread and cheese. Tea / coffee and biscuits are also served. When we can meet again, it would be great to see you there!


Bible Week 2020 We had a wonderful time at Bible Week 2020 and were blessed by the ministry of Bishop Ken Clarke. It was encouraging to see so many members of our Parish attending consistently throughout the week. Plans are already underway for Bible Week 2021 and we hope to have this event in Mossley PS once again. It is so encouraging to see God’s people, regardless of denomination, meet together for praise and Bible study. Please continue to pray for the work of the Newtownabbey Churches Fellowship. Bishop Clarke has written a prayer especially for the current times in which we are living. It can be found below and please do use this prayer on a regular basis in coming weeks.

Unshakeable God, at this time of national crisis and personal pain, we look to you for help and hope. We don’t understand what’s happening. We are fearful and apprehensive. We grieve to see people dying. We are anxious about the future. We are fearful about surviving financially. We are really just about hanging in. We can’t get a grip on what is going on. It hurts to see people suffer. It hurts to see doctors, nurses and care workers stretched to their limits. It is so painful to think of those in isolation who are deeply worried. It is heart-breaking to see the bereaved. It is distressing to know that some people are utterly alone. We cry out to you for help and hope. We ask your forgiveness for our pride and folly. We repent of our selfishness and sin. Show us your mercy Lord. Heal our land. God of compassion; stretch out your hands of healing. God of grace; show us your mercy. God of truth; may your word bring hope. Lord Jesus, walk with us in our pain fear and confusion. Once again calm the storm. Once again heal the hurting. Once again bring hope and help. Bless all who are serving selflessly to care for others. Give our leaders wisdom and vision. Help them to make the right decisions at this unprecedented time. Strengthen and protect all who are still working. Thank you for the thoughtful actions of many people. Thank you for all whose lives are marked by acts of kindness. Thank you for churches seeking first your Kingdom, a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Thank you that in you, the unshakeable God, there is rock solid hope for the present and future. Thank you that you are the God of the Cross and the God of resurrection. Breathe afresh your Holy Spirit upon us, upon our nation, and across the world at this time. In the powerful Name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

Please also remember our prayer The Prayer Fellowship would like to offer prayer for booklet which is available on our everyone, and every situation, at this time. Should website you have any specific prayer requests please contact the Rector or any member of the Prayer Fellowship. The Rector has some paper Your request for prayer will be treated in the copies which can also be made strictest of confidence. available.


Diocesan News New Bishop for Connor

The Ven. George Davison, Archdeacon of Belfast, has been elected Bishop of Connor. Archdeacon Davison was appointed by the Episcopal Electoral College for the Diocese of Connor, meeting in the Alexander Synod Hall, Armagh. He succeeds the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy who retired in December. The Bishop-designate is currently Rector of St Nicholas’ Parish Church, Carrickfergus, in the Diocese of Connor, and Archdeacon of Belfast. He is an Honorary Secretary of the Church of Ireland’s General Synod and was previously Archdeacon of Kilmore and Rector of Kinawley, in the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh. Archdeacon Davison will be consecrated in the near future. Please do pray for him and his family in the days ahead.

Streetreach Postponed We are disappointed that Streetreach 2020 has been postponed. Last year we had a marvellous time in early July as we welcomed over 50 young people to Mossley. I’m sure some of you can remember the holiday clubs, prayer walks, practical work in the community, detached youth work, and the Friday fun day. The picture (left) was taken in the Parish as a number of the young people went to offer prayer to people in our local community. The Rector is working with the Diocesan Youth Officer and other members of the Streetreach team to ensure that Streetreach will be back in Mossley in July 2021. We are very much looking forward to building on the brilliant work which was started last summer. Until then, let’s follow the example of the young people from Streetreach 2019 and pray earnestly for our local community.

Dove Catering We can offer catering at funerals at a cost of £5 per person. For more details contact: Winnie Millar 028 90 840778 Barbara Boyd 028 94 433120 Ann McCutcheon 028 90 800466