YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY FIRST Ranks in Top 10 Among the Best Countries for Expats BRIEFING Turkey is to be an Indispensable Global Base for Transit Trade







05 | Turkey ranks in top 10 among 2019 the best countries for expats 06 | Turkey and EU willing to SECTORAL EXPORT REPORT boost trade, investment ties 06 | Turkey posts around USD Steadily towards 7.6B surplus in trade with EU 07 | Defense giant ASELSAN the 2023 goals breaks export record 07 | Airport reaches 50 million passengers 08 | Turkey’s frst-generation submarine Piri Reis on the seas


11 | TURKEY IS TO BE AN INDISPENSABLE GLOBAL BASE FOR TRANSIT TRADE The Middle Corridor, which P.25 Turkey is also located in, comes forth as the most strategic area in terms of reviving the historical Steadily Towards the 2023 Goals / 25 Silk Road. No Stop For Turkish Exporters! Exports Target is 13 | NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST $200 Billion In 2020 /26 TURKEY Countries with the Highest Export Performed by Sectors / 28 With signs of amelioration The main export market for Turkey is Europe / 30 in the Turkish economy and expectations for continued The Locomotive of Exports / 32 improvement through the next Automotive Industry / 34 Chemicals And Chemical Products Industry / 35 year, Turkey’s trade with Italy Electrical-Electronics And Services Industry / 36 Wood And Forestry Products will likely grow, according to Livio Manzini, president of Industry / 37 Mining And Minerals Industry / 38 Precious Metals And Jewelry the Association of the Italian Industry / 39 Ship And Yacht Industry / 40 Steel Industry / 40 Chamber of Commerce. Machinery And Machinery Accessories Industry / 41 15 | FOREIGNERS COME TO The Guarantee of the Future / 42 ISTANBUL AIRPORT FOR DAILY Defense And Aerospace Industry / 44 SHOPPING Cement, Glass, Ceramic And Soil Products Industry / 45 Unifree Duty Free, which brings HVAC/R Industry / 46 Ferrous And Non-Ferrous Metals Industry / 47 together global brands in the Being the Hub of Fashion and Apparel / 48 retail sector under the same roof, Apparel Industry / 50 Textile And Raw Materials Industry / 51 has become a popular destination for domestic and foreign tourists Leather And Leather Products Industry / 52 Carpet Industry / 53 at Istanbul Airport. Turkish Services Sector Advances / 54 18 | LAUNCHES Service Export Champions / 55 FLIGHTS TO ROVANIEMI The World’s Agricultural Warehouse / 58 Rovaniemi, famous for being one Ornamental Plants Industry / 59 Olive And Olive Oil Industry / 59 Livestock And of the most signifcant locations Aqua Products Industry / 60 To b a cco Industry / 60 Dried Fruits And Products to witness northern lights, Industry / 61 Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds And Products Industry / 61 became the newest addition to the fag carrier’s extensive fight Hazelnut And Hazelnut Products Industry / 62 Fruit And Vegetable Products network. Industry / 62 Fresh Fruit And Vegetables Industry / 62 2 ONLINE








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the Turkish Perspective PRINTING [TURKEY’S FAMOUS] PROMAT BASIM YAYIN SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. PProtected r o t e c t e d will now be more Geographical Indications ORHANGAZİ MAH. 1673 SOK. NO.34 ESENYURT- İSTANBUL / TURKEY interactive and responsive, T. +90 212 622 63 63 F. +90 212 605 07 98 [email protected]

YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY BRIEFING Exporters make the scene in China as expected from INDEPTH Record Breaking Participation at Design Week Turkey BRANDS Production Power of Artepera, Experience of Three Generations



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Export family that carries our industry on its back, never comes to the fore with problems and excuses but with solutions and records… LET 2020 BE THE YEAR OF TİM, THE YEAR OF YOU

DEAR EXPORT FAMILY, n the frst ays of a ran-ne year e are ringing you our anuary issue ith great hoes e ill share the recors Turkey’s exort roke in the frst ays of anuary then e ill exlain you the story of this recor at great length rouly in our next issue ill e the year of Turkey’s return to the groth erio it is accustome to t ill e the eginning year of the age of technology t ill e the year that the goal of omestic an national eveloment is fully reveale T etermine its strategy in accorance ith this eicate an focuse strategy of Turkey as you kno it an you ill eneft from ortunately our country as the irst ant to start y announcing a T more effciently energy of the service sector to the great ne imlementation aout this ear olleagues oer of the inustry Turkey is setting ith the cooeration of T roect nother issue that shos that T is ig goals no smaller than the goals an igital Transformation ffce an orking in harmony ith our inistry of of the inustry in the service sector resiential igital Transformation Trae an our resiency in a common Turkey’s To ervice xorters ffce exorters can no make inuiry strategy is the imrovements to the green erformance that e starte as T an verifcation of memershi of assort oul like to thank inister as carrie out y the ervice xorters the union through e-overnment uhsar ekcan from here as ell he gave ssociation this year ur resient ateay xorters ill e ale to use great efforts to reuce the exort amount ho sares time in every lace an to the ocument that they can receive of million to thousan to everything as among us that ay to from the e-overnment henever they get a green assort an the valiity erio suort the ig targets of the sector nee it as an aitional ocument for to e increase to years r resient ervice xorters are an essential an consultancy an anking transactions also listene to this voice an oule our integral art of T e ish that their as a marketlace registration ocument motivation t is our uty to reson ith success ill e ermanent an e ill an for ilateral usiness meetings ne exorts to this gesture rovie all kins of suort or this our comanies ill not ll exorters reoice ay it return as inally ish roserity an eace even have to get u from their seats goo an successful exorts to our country as a hole for e-transformation an e-comliance ear exorters of Turkey ach of us has great resonsiilities in rocess ill continue uninterrutely ur friens that carry our inustry on this critical turn of the history ay o at T their acks never come to the fore ith give you all strength eautiful future invite all our memers to the igital rolems excuses ut ith solutions aaits us ith this elief greet you orl of T ou ill love this e-orl an recors all ith resect



I SURVEY I TURKEY RANKS IN TOP 10 AMONG THE BEST COUNTRIES FOR EXPATS Among over 150 countries around the world, Turkey is the seventh-best place for expatriates to live and work, according to a new survey.

ORE THAN 18,000 EXPATS LIVING IN 163 safe in Turkey and that Turks are friendly to foreigners. M countries were surveyed on their adopted The roortion of exats ho are satisfe ith the countries’ cultural, political, economic conditions by balance between working hours and private life was 60%. HSBC bank’s Expat Explorer Report, a statement by In terms of the data overall, among 163 countries Turkey’s Communications Directorate. Turkey was ranked seventh-best for expats, after According to the survey, 62% of expats in Turkey Switzerland, Singapore, Canada, Spain, New Zealand, said that quality of life in Turkey is much better than and Australia. in their home countries. Turkey also came in frst in the survey in the Over half of expats in Turkey have enough time for categories of “cultural, open and welcoming” and “ease their hobbies and private lives. Also, 69% said they feel of settling in.” 6 I THE TURKISH PERSPECTIVE FIRST

FOREIGN TRADE TURKEY AND EU WILLING TO BOOST TRADE, INVESTMENT TIES Turkey and the European FOREIGN TRADE nion are illing to advance bilateral trade TURKEY, and investment relations, THAILAND Turkey’s Minister of Trade SET TO SIGN Ruhsar Pekcan said. FTA “We had a fruitful meeting ith Trae Trade relations Commissioner Phil between Turkey and I FOREIGN TRADE I Hogan” to address various Thailand are expected issues of mutual interest, to signifcantly increase Ruhsar Pekcan told a press TURKEY POSTS u to through conference following her a number of new offcial talks in russels AROUND USD 7.6B initiatives, including a Pekcan said both sides are free trade agreement ready to establish positive SURPLUS IN TRADE T currently in the dialogue to bring Turkish- negotiations phase, economic ties u to WITH EU Thailand’s Ambassador their “true potential.” to Turkey Phantipha Saying that updating the Iamsudha Ekahorit told. ustoms nion greement URKEY as the ffth-largest traing artner of the in the “I think that one between the two was 'topic T frst months of this year ith trae volume of important upcoming A' at the meeting, Pekcan illion illion the union’s statistical authority sai negotiation is the added: “We brought up the exorts to Turkey totale illion FTA. We launched economic gains of updating illion hile imorts from the country ere illion negotiations two years the customs union during euros illion uring the same erio leaving Turkey ago. We hope by next the meeting with the ith a trae surlus of illion illion urostat year, we will be able commissioner.” data showed. to conclude the talks She said the meeting also The ’s foreign trae alance oste a illion and sign the free trade aresse the ’s trae illion efcit in the frst months of this year the statistical agreement, which will measures on steel products. oy sai The -memer loc’s exorts of goos totale cover goods,” Ekahorit nfortunately the trillion trillion in anuary-ctoer ith a year- stated, adding that in Turkish steel industry felt on-year rise of urostat ata shoe the future it could also the greatest impact of the n the imorts sie hina as the main source ith see an expansion into steel inustry measures illion illion accounting for of total imorts t investment and services. even though they were not as folloe y the ussia iterlan an Turkey The ambassador meant directly for Turkey further explained ut to reson to that delegations and sanctions,” she added. economic media Pekcan underlined that representatives from they want trade ties between Turkey were being Turkey an to hel invited to Thailand galvanize political relations. $67b to explore possible

EU EXPORTS TO opportunities for TURKEY IN THE FIRST investments and 10 MONTHS $75b economic cooperation EU IMPORTS TO while also meeting TURKEY IN THE FIRST 10 MONTHS $31b their counterparts in Thailand. THE EU’S FOREIGN TRADE DEFICIT IN THE n ilateral FIRST 10 MONTHS trae stoo at billion.


DEFENSE DEAL ON JOINT MISSILE PRODUCTION WITH RUSSIA Turkey is close to sealing an agreement I DEFENSE I with Russia on joint TOURISM missile production and securing know-how via DEFENSE GIANT MSC CRUISES a technology transfer to TO SAIL BACK develop its own defense ASELSAN BREAKS TO TURKEY systems, Head of Defense Industries Presidency EXPORT RECORD The Geneva- based MSC smail emir sai With a shipment of software-based “We will sign a deal Cruises is adding radios to Ukraine, Turkish defense giant after agreeing on fnal Turkey back to its ASELSAN scored its biggest-ticket, single- details regarding joint two cruise lines’ production of some parts shipment export to date, ofcials from the itinerary in 2021. in Turkey and technology company told. sharing,” Demir told. The company chose Turkey is currently stanul an the uaas negotiating the purchase region of the Aegean of a second surface-to-air rovince of yn as missile - embarkation ports of its system from Russia but two cruise ships traveling seeks joint production to the Aegean Sea, the and technology transfer Adriatic Sea and the as essential terms of a Eastern Mediterranean. new agreement. Angelo Capurro, Russia completed the executive director of elivery of the frst feet MSC Cruises, said the of the -s to rte company is excited to Air Base in the Turkish start operations in Turkey capital Ankara in the HE COMPANY COMPLETED the deliveries of four of the again and is returning second half of September. T radios and intercom systems under a contract signed with with a stronger market Currently, Turkish kraine’s state-run ets Techno xort sai the offcials presence after opening military personnel kraine is among the countries that use solutions a ne offce in eruary continue training in to meet their armed forces’ communication needs, and the e exect to Russia. A deal for the frst contract ith kraine ets Techno xort as signe have a highly successful second consignment of in December 2016, followed by eight shipments under eight summer season in 2021 the - missile system ifferent contracts The latest is ’s largest single- with our Aegean and coul e fnalie y shipment export by price tag to date. Adriatic cruise programs, April 2020, when Ankara hich has een elivering softare-ase tactical which include Istanbul is poised to fully install raio to the krainian rme orces since launche an uaas the system. a local production facility in the capital Kiev in October, MSC Fantasia, one taking into consideration the country’s long-term needs. With of the two cruise ships this move, the company aims to foster sustainable relations that will travel to Turkey, eteen Turkey an kraine an oen the ay for future is scheule to have cooperation. calls both in Istanbul and After recently boosting its experience in radio design and uaas throughout the rouction the comany eveloe the military season irica the radio family, which includes national and original radio second cruise ship, will systems that can meet all usage needs in military platforms. have calls in uaas The company exports communications systems to more than only. The cruises are 30 countries, prioritizing local needs and conditions to meet expected to carry around the needs of users. 212,000 travelers. 8 I THE TURKISH PERSPECTIVE FIRST

NIIP NET INT’L INVESTMENT POSITION IMPROVES IN OCTOBER STATISTIC Turkey’s net international INDUSTRY’S investment position PRODUCTIVITY erforme etter in ctoer u ercent UP 1.1% IN Q3 I AVIATION I versus the en of The productivity of the country’s Central the Turkish industry Bank said. increased by 1.1% ISTANBUL The NIIP -- the year-on-year in the difference between a uly-etemer erio AIRPORT REACHES country’s external assets of 2019, the Ministry of and liabilities -- was Industry and Technology 50 MILLION minus illion announced. Calendar as of the end of October, adjusted index of PASSENGERS hile it as minus production per person illion at the en emloye reache STANBUL AIRPORT, which started its operations on April 6, of last year, according to in the third quarter of I hoste a total of million assengers as of ecemer the bank. hile the fgure 23, 2019. Traveling from Istanbul to New York with Turkish Turkey’s foreign assets was 110.23 in the same irlines the oanay family receive the millionth totale period last year, according assenger laue resente y resient ece Tayyi roan illion rising hile to offcial fgures an irst ay mine roan efore their fight its liabilities against non- Among major IGA Board Member Cemal Kalyoncu presented two IGA PASS residents amounted to economic activities, Premium memberships to the Kobanbay family. Turkish Airlines illion on productivity rose by hairman of the oar an the xecutive ommittee lker yc ercent uring the 10.6% in the mining presented an open ticket to all family members, which can be used same period. and quarrying sector, throughout 2020. The bank data showed 2.6% in electricity, tating that it as a surrise for them to e the millionth that Turkey’s reserve gas, steam and air passenger, the Kobanbay family expressed their happiness about assets iene conditioning supply, the gifts an ent to their lanes to fy to e ork ercent to hit an in the illion an other manufacturing industry. investments in the same The highest increase erio rose ercent I AVIATION I in productivity was to illion in seen in the activities of October compared to the the manufacturing of TURKISH AIRLINES en of computer, electronic SERVES SOME 69M The sub-item other and optical products investments, currency, with an annual hike of PASSENGERS and bank deposits in the uly- amounte to September period. HE NUMBER OF passengers an reache million tons billion, indicating a 3.9 On the industrial T carrie y the frm as the company said. Meanwhile, percent rise in the same groupings side, aroun million in the same the number of passengers period. the highest yearly period last year. Turkish Airlines’ Turkish Airlines carried in productivity increase seat occupancy rate -- passenger ovemer rose y to reach posted by the energy loa factor -- as in the million year-on-year ith an ith hile the anuary-ovemer erio The seat occuancy rate durable consumer goods number of passengers carried Turkish Airlines, founded in saw the biggest drop, via international fights rose y fies to estinations ecreasing in the 2.2%, according to the airline. in countries ith its feet third quarter of 2019 on “Cargo/mail carried during of aircraft incluing an annual basis. this erio increase y passenger and cargo planes.



n Turkey’s efense The number of giants posted a nearly newly established illion efense companies in revenue, according to Turkey surged the -ase magaine Defense News’ annual 10.2 percent list on company sales year-on-year in release on uly November, the The number of country’s top residential properties business union sold in Turkey jumped said. ercent year-on-year in ovemer refecting The nion of hamers the positive impact of and Commodity the substantial rate cuts Exchanges of Turkey the Central Bank has T ata shoe delivered this year. some comanies Since the start of 2019, were launched last the Central Bank has month u from in I DEFENSE I slashed the key one-week ovemer repo rate- by a total 1,200 total of basis points to 12 percent TURKEY’S companies went out on from ercent of business, indicating Following the Central FIRST-GENERATION an annual decrease of 1 Bank’s easing, local lenders percent. also reduced interest rates SUBMARINE According to the on housing loans, giving a union, the number of boost to house sales. PİRİ REİS ON THE foreign-partnered or total of foreign-funded new houses changed hands SEAS companies slipped in November, while ercent on a mortgage-fnance home URKEY’S FIRST Tye class sumarine T iri eis hit yearly asis to sales soare nearly T the seas with a ceremony held in the northwestern province eteen anuary percent on an annual of ocaeli’s lck istrict s of a sumarine ill go an ovemer asis to units the into service each year y all six of sumarines ill e at new companies started Turkish Statistics Institute seas for service. doing business in Ti reorte T iri eis the frst vessel of Turkey’s e Tye Turkey, an annual Most of the home sales Submarine Project, is planned to start operating in 2020. ecline of ercent - ercent in total or The roect carrie out y the nersecretariat for efence the TOBB data units- took lace Industries, will add a total of six vessels to the Turkish Navy’s showed. in Istanbul, the country’s inventory. largest city, followed by The Tye class vessels are regare as a frst for caital nkara ith the Turkish Navy due to its air-independent propulsion ercent or units characteristics brought by their fuel cell technology. The vessels Property sales in Istanbul also can deploy heavyweight torpedoes and anti-ship missiles and Ankara increased and lay mines against targets, both at sea and on the ground. y ercent an art from iri eis fve more vessels of the roect are percent, respectively, execte to hit the seas y roviing an uer han to compared with the same Turkish naval forces. As Piri Reis was deployed to the sea, the month of last year. roect’s secon sumarine rreis’ outftting an to vessels’ hull production phases are ongoing.



Minister Albayrak gave traditional Blacksea handcraft gift to TİM Chairman İsmail Gülle at the ceremony.

I EXPORT I TURKEY IS TO BE AN INDISPENSABLE GLOBAL BASE FOR TRANSIT TRADE The Middle Corridor, which Turkey is also located in, comes forth as the most strategic area in terms of reviving the historical Silk Road.

İM CHAIRMAN (Turkish Exporters Assembly) countries covere y the elt an oa nitiative of T smail lle sole reresentative of unions hina highays railays oil an gas ielines uilt general secretaries an sectors ith thousan riges from hina to uroe on the other han goos an thousan services exorters soke at hina lans a large netork ith orts ranging from the 4th nternational ilk oa usinessmen ummit outh ast sia to ast frica an the north of the hel in Traon eteen ovemer - ith the eiterranean articiation of inister of Treasury an inance eferring to the future of Turkey’s geostrategic erat layrak osition lle sai The entral orrior hich tating that ith the rise of urasia an sia- Turkey is also locate in emerges as the most acifc in the st century from the easternmost to strategic area to revive the historic ilk oa The the esternmost of urasia a ne an ee-roote sie of the investment in this corrior is calculate as erio of cooeration from hina to ungary trillion of hich illion ill e sent is taking lace lle ointe out that ith on transort infrastructure alone 12 BRIEFING

THE NEW SILK ROAD WILL The facilities rovie RESTART THE GOLDEN AGE OF y energy an logistics TRADE IN EURASIA AND OUR are transforme from REGION manufacturing inustry to tating that this olen services an investment in all ge in hich sia-acifc sectors ince the fxe an urasia is rising nees caital investments mae y to e reare for an the the ulic an rivate sectors countries of the region have reache T trillion an Turkey shoul take hile the irect investments the necessary stes lle entering Turkey since continue as follos ase have reache on the in-in rincile illion the ne ilk oa shoul ave the ay for inclusive WE WILL CONTINUE TO eveloment an trae for the We should continue ars international railay ACHIEVE GREAT SUCCESSES IN hole of urasian countries to develop bilateral line the ilk oa is rising THIS LAND t is not ossile for a orl relations in Eurasia again ne of the milestones aying that Turkey ith the here regional an gloal and to walk shoulder of this roect is the fact that national technology move oortunities ork only for to shoulder with to hang’an the frst freight ecame a eterrent on those the eneft of a small numer our common goals, train earting from hina ho target ositive of countries to achieve a especially with our continue its ay to uroe eveloments in the region sustainale future s a matter neighboring countries through armaray hich is lle continue ith the of fact ith an unerstaning in our region, with connecting to continents e estalishment of eace in the that emraces urasia in take rie in stanul irort region it is not a coincience orer to strengthen all these mutual win-win ith million suare meters that our service exort oortunities in terms of principle. of logistics sace an oer esecially eucation energy services an trae of million tons of cargo caacity health entertainment an goos our mega-roects have ot only to Turkey ut it has tourism exceee een moilie y Turkey e create a great oortunity illion or further sign mega-roects that have a to all the countries in our avancement of these gloal imact an e esign an inisensale gloal ase region T hich ill ositive eveloments an the future trae routes on this in transit trae avu ultan carry the gas rouce at the sreaing roserity to all geograhy as it as in the ast elim an sman ai hah eni as iel in the countries in the region as n articular the roects that riges arch anakkale asian ea an other fels in Turkey e continue our our country has comlete rige an urasia Tunnel the south to Turkey an then ork ith the in-in one y one in the recent are the most imortant to uroe ill e one of the rincile e emhasie this erio an that are folloe roects of the st century iggest reakthroughs of this all the time ur goal is to u orlie oints to our that connect sia-acifc an erio n aition ith the get Turkey to have foreign osition as an intersection tlantic ith the strategic Turktream roect another trae surlus e are the oint in gloal trae an avantage of the armaray energy corrior from sia to sons of the lan that uts oints out that e ill ecome roect an the aku-Tilisi- uroe has een estalishe ork not confict an soliarity not selfshness into the center e shoul continue to evelo ilateral relations in urasia an to alk shouler to shouler ith to our common goals esecially ith our neighoring countries in our region ith mutual resect cooeration an mutual in-in rincile e have achieve many achievements in history on this lan ith unity of hans heart an ieas et no one out again e ill achieve great successes


I FOREIGN TRADE I NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN TURKEY With signs of amelioration in the Turkish economy and expectations for continued improvement through the next year, Turkey’s trade with Italy will likely grow, according to Livio Manzini, president of the Association of the Italian Chamber of Commerce.

ith signs of W amelioration in the Turkish economy an exectations for continue imrovement through the next year Turkey’s trae ith taly ill likely gro accoring to ivio anini resient of the ssociation of the talian hamer of ommerce anini sai no is the time to invest in the Turkish economy as the oortunities are no manifesting anini ointe to years of frienly relations eteen taly an Turkey one of its largest trae artners e sai Turkey an taly to of the most imortant economies in the eiterranean asin have increase their trae relations ith every assing year ith Livio Manzini stated the excetion of aout a efcit The range of that opportunities in the anini thought trae ars roucts that are suect to Turkish economy are now ere the reason for a sloon manifesting. BILATERAL TRADE CAN BE trae is also very ie an e in the gloal economy noting USD 40 BILLION have usiness relationshis that the elief f you lose anini sai the trae volume in almost all sectors nee ill in is a ig mistake eteen Turkey an taly this variation creates a etter veryone is losing out right amounts to nearly groun for sustainaility an ut e have starte to rise no ecause of this arochial illion ut this level oes not groth he sai again ortunities in the unerstaning nternational refect the otential of the to anini ointe out that Turkish economy are no trae has alays create ealth countries There is no reason the Turkish economy has manifesting e ae that it hen governments unerstan this shoul not go u to starte groing again an that is time to invest in Turkey an this erhas they ill move illion in the next years talian caital hich has een this oortunity shoul not toar a ifferent olicy loal anini sai investe in Turkey since the e misse trae offers consumers a ie e unerline that s ill continue to fo e sai imortant talian range of roucts an enales Turkey-taly trae relations comanies run research consumers to suly roucts ere folloing a alance ITALIAN COMPANIES RUN R&D an eveloment centers at a loer rice Trae ars are tren an ae that taly is CENTERS IN TURKEY in Turkey an laue the turning the heels the other Turkey’s thir-largest exort nerlining that no aility of Turkish eole ay aroun he sai market after ermany an talian usiness erson has an the effciency of Turkish anini ae that the the as of ithran from Turkey orkers anini stresse imortance of ilateral n imorts taly is the esite the recent economic that reucing infation from relations comes to the fore ffth-largest sulier country troules anini sai There to as a signifcant etter in the current for Turkey ven if the trae has een a little isrution in achievement an hoe conuncture e sai that the relations are in favor of Turkey talian investments in Turkey the ositive tren oul Turkish-talian trae oul this year e cannot talk recently e have hit ottom continue uickly reoun in 14 BRIEFING

I RETAIL I FOREIGNERS COME TO ISTANBUL AIRPORT FOR DAILY SHOPPING Unifree Duty Free, which brings together global brands in the retail sector under the same roof, has become a popular destination for domestic and foreign tourists at Istanbul Airport.

ESIDES BEING A NEW the ile ast via morning fights use the lounges of ritish an others from BAVIATION HUB, Turkey’s Turkish irlines an later on o their shoing in our ile astern countries stanul irort has starte stores an then take a fight ack in the evening he sai ercent of the sales are to look more like a giant assengers at stanul irort are greete y gloally to foreign assengers he shoing mall There are knon rans right after assing through the assort ae enher emhasie foreigners ho come to control for international eartures nsire y the that ercent of the stanul for a ay of shoing oshorus in its esign an srea over an area of turnover comes from stores at the uty-free sales area at suare meters euivalent to nine footall fels the retail in the earture terminal stanul irort sai li area is serving customers ith stores rans an hich means a serious sale enher the of nifree ifferent roucts of Turkish goos aroa an uty ree hich is oerating imortant foreign exchange uty-free shoing comlexes THE HIGHEST INTEREST IS FROM THE CHINESE info The remaining uner the artnershi of e ill have serve aroun million customers y the en ercent of the turnover is einemann the orl’s of this year e aim to serve million assengers in otaine from stores in the largest uty-free oerator at he note f the comany’s million customers ercent arrival terminal oreover the airort ere foreigners hile the rest ere Turks ercent of the sales in ost of them are coming isting the nationalities of the customers ho i the most the earture stores an from the ile ast shoing in the comlex after Turks enher sai the hinese ercent of sales in the arrival enher state e have toe the list folloe y ussians ermans krainians stores ere to Turks he customers that come from ranians an rais mong others ere mericans rench ae


“Many foreign brands contacted with İstanbul Airport and Unifree for their frst launch” said Mr. Şenher.

aklava an other Turkish roucts is very high he ae nifree hich signe a - year agreement ith stanul irort oerator to oerate uty-free shos has so far mae an investment of T illion in the ie area enher sai

2020 TURNOVER TARGET IS EUR 900 MILLION enher state that they close ith success an satisfaction an state that they think of the targets of in a much stronger an more faithful ay an they ai secial attention to the information rocessing infrastructure enher emhasie they esite coming in secon to Turks enher sai the hinese elieve that ill e very sent tice the time comare to the Turks er erson e goo year an continue as suggeste that a gloal average asket er assenger amounts follos oreign rans to inicating that the hinese sen three times elieve in it as much as e o more than an average customer ’m not going to e ale to share the comany name PERFUMES AND COSMETICS ARE THE HIGHEST DEMAND GROUP right no ut in a fe The nifree unerscore that the hinese mostly refer months a secial listick ill skincare roucts an erfume ermans on the other han e rouce They contacte According to Şenher, refer toacco hile krainians ussians rais an ranians stanul irort an nifree reominantly also chose erfumes n terms of rouct for their frst launch in the 3,000 tons of domestic categories erfume cosmetics an skincare roucts ost the orl The listick ill e food is being sold highest sales such that enher sai this category constitutes sol for e are per day. “Interest in nearly ercent of the turnover folloe y the accessory very lease ith the Turkish cotton candy, an textile category an omestic goos foo an chocolate comanies’ feeack on the Turkish delight, There are skin roucts varying from to stanul irort ur baklava and other There are ags orth as ell as u to turnover target in ill he ae e ercent higher than Turkish products is ccoring to enher tons of omestic foo is eing e exect a turnover of very high,” he added. sol er ay nterest in Turkish cotton cany Turkish elight million 16 BRIEFING

I INVESTMENT I HAYAT KIMYA BECOMES RUSSIA’S BIGGEST WITH NEW INVESTMENT Hayat Kimya doubled its capacity by investing in its second production plant in Tatarstan, Russia, becoming the largest cellulose sanitary paper producer in Russia.

Minister of Industry and Technology aving invested Mustafa Varank million in ussia in visited the company’s H new facility. the last fve years Turkish roucer ayat imya launche its secon cleaning aer rouction facility in an rovie information on the lauga secial economic the rouction oerations one of Tatarstan ith the The comany currently has ne facility investment the rouction facilities in chemical comany increase countries its caacity from tons urat sai that they to tons annually rank secon in the rane ecoming the largest cellulose roucts market of ussia cleaning aer roucer in ith aia amilia an ussia ocus rans aing ur The secon aer facility ne machinery investment foune y ayat imya a an our rouction facility high-uality roucts an aer e rouce in ussia chemical comany aiming to have ecome an imortant investments in the regions e have a market share of ecome a gloal ran in the milestone in our ourney of are resent an resectively fast-moving consumer goos success on ehalf of oth nicating that they uilt on an area of sector in Tatarstan ussia an ayat imya manage to make their suare meters the facility ussia as visite y inister rans one of the to to in has a orl-class rouction of nustry an Technology “WE REACH A TOTAL OF ust fve years urat sai of toilet aer aer toels ustafa arank 13 MILLION HOMES FROM ussian consumers have aer nakins an aer uring the visit ayat 83,000 DISTRIBUTION” reare our uality oth hankerchiefs The roucts imya enior ice resient mhasiing that the amilia an aia ran are istriute to li eyek ho is in charge comany ill continue to roucts ere aare the istriution oints in the of susiiaries an ayat invest to ecome the largest uality aar Toay e ussian eeration an imya eneral anager aer roucer in ussia reach a total of million exorte to countries in ussia etin urat urat note s ayat homes from incluing elarus guie the inister an his imya e ill continue to istriution oints in ussia eraian aakhstan elegation aroun the facility make a ifference ith our The aer toels an toilet stonia an atvia


AVIATION Turkish Airlines Launches Flights to Rovaniemi Rovaniemi, famous for being one of the most significant locations to witness northern lights, became the newest addition to the flag carrier’s extensive flight network.

OVANIEMI becomes the Orhan Birdal, who pointed out flights to this destination When these natural R second destination that Turkish Airlines is now and the only airline to offer phenomena happen in the Turkish Airlines flies to in happy to add Rovaniemi to business class product on the North Pole, it is called Finland following Helsinki. its flight network, the second flights to Rovaniemi, we invite Northern Lights. As it is Starting on 5 December destination of the airline our guests from all over the located on the northern polar 2019, Rovaniemi flights are in Finland after starting its world to experience this special line, Rovaniemi is considered to be operated reciprocally flights to country’s capital city via our extensive flight one of the best locations to three times a week on city of Helsinki back in 1988, connectivity that covers 317 witness the northern lights. Tuesdays, Thursdays and stated; “As the airline that cities in 126 countries.” The variety of its winter Sundays. Always enhancing flies to more countries than Rovaniemi is located in activities and its premier its fleet of 348 aircrafts and any other, we will operate the Arctic region in northern location to experience flying to more countries than three reciprocal flights to Finland. It is one of the most northern lights makes any other airline, Turkish Rovaniemi, one of the most popular and demanded spots Rovaniemi one of the most Airlines increases the popular winter tourism in Northern Europe and is the popular winter tourism number of its destination to destinations due to being a capital of the Lapland region. destinations while it offers 317 with Rovaniemi. premier location to witness Polar Lights are the result different options to its guests During the ceremony of the northern lights. As the first of the interaction between from all over the world with the inaugural flight, Turkish airline outside of European charged particles from Sun eco-friendly glass igloos and Airlines Board Member Union to have scheduled and magnetic field of Earth. ice hotels.


Rovaniemi is located in the Arctic region in northern Finland. It is one of the most popular and demanded spots in Northern Europe and is the capital of the Lapland region.

Scheduled fight times (İstanbul-Rovaniemi) FLIGHT DAYS DEPARTURE ARRIVAL TK 1749 Tuesday IST 09:50 RVN 13:30 TK 1750 Tuesday RVN 16:55 IST 22:15 TK 1749 Thursday IST 09:50 RVN 13:30 TK 1750 Thursday RVN 16:55 IST 22:15 TK 1749 Sunday IST 09:50 RVN 13:30 TK 1750 Sunday RVN 16:55 IST 22:15 *All times are in LMT. 20 BRIEFING


osted by the Presidency stanul ongress enter of lania an uinea- more than rivate sector H of the Republic of uner the theme nleashing issau inisters from reresentatives from Turkey nvestment ffce an ntra- nvestment fghanistan eraian countries. coorinate in collaoration Opportunities: Investment for enin orocco alestine Along with these ith the rganiation of oliarity an eveloment uyana ameroon elegations the igh slamic ooeration The offcial oening of atar Turkish eulic of evel ulic an rivate an the slamic eveloment the conference took lace orthern yrus iya nvestment onference also ank rou s the uring a ceremony honore alives alaysia ali rought together s to-ay igh evel y resient ece Tayyi auritania igeria an other offcials from ulic an rivate nvestment roan an ith the akistan omalia Taikistan multinational comanies onference took lace on resence of the resient of an Turkmenistan oerating in the ecemer - at the uinea the rime inisters ulic institutions an memer countries


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: for slamic countries to estalish an effective mechanism of cooeration uslim countries have signifcant an imlement it ith etermination otential ith their strategic location oul like to exten my sincere natural resources an a comine gratitue to the nvestment ffce for illion eole an enormous its contriutions to the onference human resource making u ercent e rovie all kins of suort in of the orl oulation aterial orer to increase info to our an historical conitions are highly country n our nvestment ffce favorale in orer for slamic countries offers entrereneurs all the necessary to gro economically an achieve a guiance an facilitation efore an after higher level of elfare t is imortant investments

heas of multilateral Investment Ofce President nvestment onference is to increase eveloment anks an Arda Ermut: investments among all slamic countries funs international usiness ue to the increasing uncertainties in reresente here through exchange of leaers analysts economists recent years all over the orl there has exerience e hoe that this imortant legal exerts investment een signifcant turulence in gloal event ill oost investments facilitate consultants acaemics investments a situation tie to further access to fnance an most imortantly an reresentatives of increase cometition for n this create ne oortunities for cooeration international organiations resect the most imortant oective of an artnershi among memer regional economic the igh evel ulic an rivate countries communities chamers of commerce an trae councils. The conference agena focuse on romoting intra- investments y taking stes to remove ostacles that are reventing memer states from oosting investments among themselves an that are hinering free movement The nvestment ffce as one of the hosts of the conference thanks all the attenees for their kin interest an articiation 22 BRIEFING



he Investent fce articiate in the annual usiness ollowing the OIC igh evel ulic an rivate T ink netorking event hel y the itsuishi F nvestment onference the th Turkey’s xerience inancial rou for its customers early comanies haring rogram on investment climate reform kicke off in attene this year’s exhiition at akuhari esse here the stanul ith the articiation of memer countries nvestment ffce ha a ooth


he Investent fce T hoste at the resiential omlex a usiness elegation from outh orea consisting of managers from orea ail etork uthority inistry of oreign ffairs orea verseas nfrastructure ran eveloment ororation an financial institutions The outh orean elegation as riefe on Turkey’s exerience in infrastructure investments articularly on the ee-aiha ken-avu ultan elim rige- stanul irort-alkal igh-ee ailay roect


urkish Ambassador to T the ingom of aui raia roan k an nvestment ffice ountry visor r ustafa ksu ai an official visit to the overnor of the astern rovince of aui raia rince au in ayef in ul i




nvestment ffce ountry visor uichi oki aresse aanese executives at an exclusive seminar hel in Tokyo roviing an overvie of Turkey’s investment environment that as folloe y a session


Taianese steel giant YC Inox announce its ecision to invest million to uil a factory in Turkey.

The EBRD has rovie million in euity fnancing to Turkish online us-ticket latform oilet

The EBRD an the ICBC have given Turkey’s Tekira ort a million loan to imrove the ort’s effciency NOVEMBER 28, İSTANBUL an exan its caacity

nite ations eveloment rogramme release the mact nvesting cosystem in maority of Turkey’s sav Turkey reort The nvestment ffce contriute to the launching of the reort at a anel hel in oistik as acuire y the th Bosporus Summit. ong ong-ase Kerry Logistics.

NOVEMBER 26, ITALY erating in Turkey since aanese tour comany nvestment ffce ountry visor lfreo Cruise Planet has ecie ocera as a seaker at the erosace an to increase its investment in efense nustry in Turkey orksho hel as Turkey ne y aanese art of Torino erosace efense eetings gloal giant ruise the most imortant aviation usiness lanet intens to launch convention in taly romote y the Torino an investment ackage hamer of ommerce nustry secifcally for Turkey The orksho as a useful latform to resent the gloal imortance of the Turkish Radisson Hotel Group aviation inustry an to romote Turkey as announce a near tofol an unarallele country for international exansion ithin the Turkish investments in the sector. market over the next years 24 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2018

JANUARY 2019 ISSUE 66 2019 SECTORAL EXPORT REPORT Steadily towards the 2023 goals



No stop for Turkish exporters! EXPORTS TARGET IS $200 BILLION IN 2020

TURKISH EXPORTERS have only the tailwinds. raw materials, value added products and services exported to 222 countries continue to move the country to the league it truly deserves. Turkey, the country that broke its own record in 2018, whose opponents lost power in 2019, has increased its exports unabated. Turkish companies, which realized USD 180 billion of exports in the last 12 months, gaze upon 2020 for new successes. Now the target is USD 200 billion!


Rising protectionism measures, super levy practices and trade wars in the last two years have influenced many countries. Turkey, thanks to its wide variety of production and flexible export ability, managed to land upon both feet. According to the latest data of the World Export Organization, exports of the top 50 countries among the top exporters decreased by 2.6 percent while Turkey’s exports increased by 2.56 percent. Although not a huge figure as a percentage, the growth that Turkey has shown despite the contraction in the global trade has moved Turkey to the 7th row in the world export growth ranking. Turkey moved to 5th row in the dollar-based value increase ranking. The fact is worth remembering frequently that Turkey is a country with highly maneuverable companies. There is a unique trade dynamism with the ease of doing business and geopolitical advantages. In addition to these, thanks to company managers who are talented in problem solving and able to cope with crises, Turkey is one of the few countries that can respond to all the needs for investment and bilateral trade. 2019 put every country to the proof and Turkey has come through, proving its adequacy. We do not feel the need to redefine the win-win philosophy. Therefore, we say “Turkey is a profit center”. 2019 was a difcult year and so will be 2020. Supply and market scouters, you keep an eye on Turkey. Let 2020 be ‘the year of Turkey’.

All figures are based on January - November 2019 period Resource: TİM 28 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

Countries with the Highest Export Performed by Sectors







2.4% % MINING 12.8 AGRICULTURE $3,94 BILLION $21,1 BILLION 3% EXPORT FIGURES (Exempted from exporters union records) $5,02 BILLION











The main export market for Turkey is Europe Europian Union is the GERMANY largest market with about 50 percent, share of $13,8 Turkey who exports to 223 BILLION countries worldwide. Export value












ITALY 8,55




PORTUGAL 0,99 IN 1996, following the establishment of a Customs ROMANIA 3,59 Union with the European Union, SERBIA 0,87 Turkey’s exports entered a SPAIN SLOVAKIA 0,54 new structural transformation PORTUGAL process. Developments in recent SLOVENIA 1,61 years show that production GREECE 1,9 and exports have increased substantially in high-technology SWEDEN 1,24 sectors, where goods include electrical and electronic machinery and equipment, as well as in the automotive industry.


TOP EXPORT COUNTRY Turkey’s top export country is Germany. Especially in FINLAND the automotive, machinery, nuts, dried fruits, fruit and vegetable products, air conditioning, ready-to-wear sectors. The most SWEDEN exports are made to Germany.












* All figures are based on January - November 2019 period Resource: TİM 32 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

The Locomotive of Exports

AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR constitutes the most important share in Turkey’s exports rising with each passing year. In this process, the share of automotive industry, which signed exports of USD 30,5 billion, reached 17 percent in total exports


MORE THAN 1.3 MILLION Automotive manufacturers, as a production base for export, prefer Turkey increasingly. The exportation about 85 percent of automotive production in Turkey is an indication of this condition. In the same period, more than 1.3 million vehicles have been exported to foreign markets from Turkey.

Turkey, 5th LARGEST especially in the OF EUROPE commercial vehicle This significant production, has become a growth shown by center of excellence. Since the end the automotive of 2016, Turkey has become the largest industry caused light commercial vehicle manufacturer Turkey to be the in Europe. world’s 15th largest, and Europe’s 5th largest automobile manufacturer and The Turkish automotive sector exported provided Turkey to goods ranging from USD 1 million to USD rise to this position. 4 billion to European countries such as Germany, Italy, France, England, Spain, Belgium, Slovenia and Poland.

85% Export rate of production

$10,7 BILLION Value of otomobile exportation 2019 Jan.- Nov. 1,325 MILLION Production (piece) 2019 Jan.- Nov.

17% Share in total export 34 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

I AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY I CHAMPION OF EXPORT FOR 14 YEARS The Turkish automotive supply industry, which exports USD 11 billion alone, manufactures for the world’s giant brands. ORHAN SABUNCU Chairman of the Council $30,5 of Automotive Sector BILLION turkish automotive industry, In addition, while producing USD 31.6 billion in Value of automotive with the production capacity the most strategic parts of the industry export in the 2018 was the highest last 12 months of 2 million units, production world’s highest quality brands, export figure of the of 1.5 million units and USD 30 it has reached a very ambitious billion worth of export, is among stage in product development automotive industry the strongest contributors to the level. The supply industry is a to date. This year, economy of Turkey. If we include global platform with co-designer we continue with 2019, automotive industry is the competence and can be part of a decline around 3 $10,7 sectorial export champion of the production projects in more than percent. BILLION last years The exort fgure of one country and exports mostly The Euro/Dollar parity Value of automobile loss in the first half of the exportation more than USD 30 billion reached to European countries. In the 2019 January – is more than the total exort fgure Turkey’s automotive sector exports, year and stagnation in November of many countries. Germany, France and Italy are the EU market caused this Turkey is the 15 th largest high value shareholders. The wide year’s figures to be slightly 17% manufacturer in the world in range of international customers below last year’s figures. Share in total export automotive major industry, is one of the most important However, we will end 2019 5th largest in Europe and 2nd indicators of the high quality of with a figure between USD largest in Europe in commercial Turkish products. 30-31 billion. Thus, we 756,807 vehicles. 85 percent of motor The Turkish automotive will surpass USD 30 billion Automobile export vehicles produced in Turkey industry, which is in a perfect worth of exports for two figure in 2019. are exported all over the world, position in the world in consecutive years. Our and the major export market is terms of quality awareness, automotive industry will 1,55 Western Europe. The Turkish production capability and supply have completed 2019 with nd MILLION automotive supply industry is infrastructure, has become a the 2 highest export figure Yearly motor able to produce and export almost regional production center with in its history. vehicle production As Automotive Industry figure. all parts that make up a vehicle. these features. Exporters’ Association, we MAJOR EXPORTATION work with the vision of 1,14 IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Turkey being a powerful MILLION Turkish automotive industry exported 85 percent part of the change and Exported vehicles. of 1.55 million yearly motor vehicle production. transformation process of the world automotive 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 industry and carry out 1.099 1.147 869 1.094 1.189 1.072 1.125 1.170 1.358 1.485 1.696 1.550 1.325 PIECE important projects. In 2020 Turkish X 1000 820 910 628 754 790 729 828 885 992 1.141 1.333 1.318 1.146 automotive industry 1.800.000 also, we will carry out many is the activities such as national nd 1.600.000 PRODUCTION participation trade fairs, EXPORT biggest2 in Europe 1.400.000 trade missions, design in the production of commercial 1.200.000 competitions and project vehicles. activities under the Turkey 1.000.000 Promotion Group. All 800.000 domestic and international

600.000 activities, current events calendar, sectorial news and 400.000 statistics can be accessed 200.000 through our website, *2019 January- November


I CHEMICALS AND CHEMICAL PRODUCTS INDUSTRY I CHEMICAL SECTOR BREAKS ITS OWN RECORD Having achieved USD 18.8 billion of exports in the first 11 months, the Turkish chemical industry is proud of its production diversity and export performance.

the turkish chemical industry, industry has been seen as a sector with its modern technology and dependent on imports as regards iversife roucts is the key to raw materials and technology. component of the industry and However, Turkey is among one of integrated into supply chain of the leading countries in the world national industries, especially into that has boron, chrome and trona textile and automotive sectors. $20 reserves. Turkey has been manufacturing BILLION The chemical sector, which chemicals for a very long time, Export value also stands out as the sector that being a producer of many basic exports to the most amount and intermediate chemicals of countries, exported to 208 and petrochemicals. Turkish countries and regions. When chemical productions include 17% analyzed in terms of product INCREASE petrochemicals, inorganic and exports in the sector, the highest of export value organic chemicals, fertilizers, rate export was made in mineral fuels paints, pharmaceuticals, soaps and mineral oils group with an etergents synthetic fers USD 5.5 billion. Exports in the essential oils, cosmetics and lastics an fnishe goos grou personal care products. The 11.3 reached USD 5.4 billion, USD SHARE majority of chemicals production In total exports 1.7 billion in inorganic chemicals, is done by the private sector. In USD 1.15 billion in rubber and chemical industry, 30 percent of rubber products, USD 825 the production has been directly million in pharmaceuticals, USD ADİL PELİSTER used by the consumers whereas 208 755 million in soap and washing Chairman of the Council COUNTRIES of Chemicals and 70 percent of the production has Figure of products, USD 775 million in Chemical Products Sector een enefte in other sectors importing paint and varnish, and USD as intermediate goods and raw countries 759 million in essential oils and materials. Turkish chemical cosmetics. Among all sectors, we have achieved significant success as the sector that exports to the most countries by exporting to 208 countries and regions. The highest export figure of our chemical sector so far was USD 17 billion 851 million in 2014. In the 11 months of this year, we surpassed this figure and exported USD 18.8 billion. I would like to congratulate all of our sector representatives and stakeholders, especially those who make us proud and have contributed to this great success. 36 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

I ELECTRIC, ELECTRONIC AND SERVICES INDUSTRY I WHITE GOODS FATİH KEMAL EBİÇLİOĞLU MANUFACTURER Chairman of the Council of Electrical and Electronics OF EUROPE Sector The white goods sector, one of the four sub-sectors, has become the largest producer in Europe in recent years.

experience in the cable industry too. In our country where almost $11,5 all cable types are produced, 7% e stan out ith our fexile BILLION SHARE Export value in the last In total exportation production structure, quality 12 months and competitive prices that can respond to all kinds of demands very quickly. Our sector, followed under the main headings of White Goods, Electronics, Electricity Production and Distribution Equipment and Cable, increased 7.8 percent in 2018 compared to the previous year and totaled USD 11.5 billion. ooking at the fgures for the today’s technological with our White Goods product frst months of e have ~60% innovations and advances in many group. In this sector, our country exported USD 10.5 billion. We Share of export to European other sectors are largely based on has become the largest producer can say that we will catch the 2018 countries developments in the electrical and in Europe and the second largest fgure y the en of the year ur electronics sector. The sector, having producer in the world after China sector companies have exported to a ualife orkforce is very closely in the recent years. We increase almost all countries of the world related to the machinery, motor our competitiveness in the world (approximately 200 countries) vehicle, health and chemical sectors with the international investments this year and exported to 25 and provides input for these sectors. of our domestic companies. countries over USD 100 million Our country’s electricity and We can say that we are one of and above. This year, our biggest electronics sector ranks 5th among the most important suppliers export market has been the EU our industrial sectors with 7 percent of the European market in countries where the demand for share following the automotive, our electronics sector. In this quality and environment friendly clothing, chemical and steel sectors sector, the export of TV receivers products is the highest and the in terms of export size. comes to the forefront. In this most stringent technical standards In the sector we follow in 4 sub- fel esies the investments of are applied. More than 60 percent groups, we realize the biggest export international companies in our of our exports were made to these country, the performance of many countries. domestic companies in terms of Due to the contraction in the R&D, production and export is of volume of trade in the world great importance. economy and EU countries, our All kinds of low and medium sector’s export performance was voltage products are produced below our expectations this year. with the most modern However, we expect economic technologies in our Electricity prospects for 2020 to be more Generation and Distribution favorable and foresee a 10 percent sector. Our products in this sector, increase in our exports. which has investments of many We will continue to make new global players, are exported to markets for our companies with many markets including Middle trade delegations, purchasing East, Africa and Central Asia. committees and sectoral trade fair We have many years of participations in 2020.



AHMET GÜLEÇ THE TOP 10 IN THE Chairman of the Council of Furniture, Paper and FURNITURE EXPORT Forestry Products Sector The Turkish furniture sector, which ranks 13th in the world and exports to 179 countries, aims to make its name among the top Our target is to increase the 10 furniture exporters in 2023. export value per kilogram of furniture to USD 7. We can increase our added value by focusing on innovation, renewal and design. In fact, for the last 10 years, Turkish furniture has started to sell concept products to the world. So, the main issue here is to integrate technology into production. Countries with this perspective take the lead in the sector. Today, we are the 13th most exporting country in the world. The furniture industry has achieved great success in markets such as Germany, Qatar, the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Libya. We aim to maintain our presence in the US by increasing our share in the US market, as of 2018, reaching USD 240 paper and cardboard package increase our current billion worldwide, the furniture exporters, who carried Turkey activity in the Chinese, sector is one of the leading to the 5th place in Europe, who European and South high-value-added sectors of grew by 17 percent during American markets and Turkey. The sector, which is the year, have a quite large increase our exports, and fast-moving due to factors such share in this success. The at the end of 2023, we aim as consumer perceptions of $5,47 furniture, paper and forestry to get a 2.5 percent share of consumption, fashion, design BILLION sector components, which the world furniture market. and architecture, has a very Value of export increase their export figures in the last 12 Our cardboard package dynamic appearance and has a months every year, aim to reach USD 10 exporters, which have wide variety of productions in billion export in 2023, leaving registered their success many regions throughout the their records behind. The in the countries such as country. sector actors who are in the England, Germany, Iraq 36 thousand manufacturers 9,2% process of rapid change and INCREASE and France, aim to prove and 15 thousand exporters, transformation are aiming to In the total share themselves in the sub- esecially from stanul ursa of exports be among the top 10 furniture Saharan African markets, Kayseri and Ankara continue to exporters of the world and the Middle East markets, Latin grow the sector. The furniture top 5 furniture exporters of American markets and sector, which exports 36 3% Europe with the expectation USA markets, where they percent of its total production SHARE of USD 25 billion worth of are less effective. to 179 countries and grew by In total exports production and USD 10 billion 10 percent during the year and export for 2023. 38 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

I MINING AND MINERALS INDUSTRY I PIONEER IN COMPETITION The sector meets 25 percent of the world’s total marble need. AYDIN DİNÇER Turkey is the country with the most diverse marble beds with the Chairman of The Istanbul finest marble in the world. Mineral Exporters’ Association

$4,3 BILLION as one of the leading companies Value of mine and of Turkey’s mining sector, we are minerals exportation in the last 12 months conducting intensive studies for our sector to come to the place it deserves. Mining is of key importance for economies. Today, as Turkey’s mining sector, we are producing raw materials to all other sectors and thus, we create a value close to USD 40 billion for our country. On the other hand, the growth or contraction in the economies of countries directly affects the need of minerals, which constitutes the raw material of the industry, as “increase” or “decrease”. Turkey’s economy is targeting a 5 percent growth in 2020 and it will increase the use of mines and mineral resources as a raw material. Similarly, growth or contraction trends in the world economy affect the export marble and USD 3 billion in block While protecting our existing side of the sector. 80 of a total marble. We provide 25 percent of markets, activities to increase our 90 types of mine and minerals world imports in processed marble exports to new markets are among being produced in the world are and 33 percent in block marble. our priorities. In this context, 26 also found in Turkey. We create raning is one of the iggest we are organizing a national MILLION strategies for this wealth to agenda items of Turkish natural participation organization to TONS contribute to the economy of the stone for us rather than numbers. “Coverings - The Global Tile Total mining country by creating more value We are positioning the Turkish and Stone Experience “ which export. both on the export side and in the tones ran as a ran refecting is one of the biggest and most domestic market. the quality of Turkish natural important fairs of the sector We carry out projects with stone all over the world. Turkey is in the world and is organized $2,4 the same sensitivities on the the country with the most diverse in USA and “Marmomac BILLION natural stone side, which is marle es ith the fnest marle Stone+Design+Technology” in Minerals export. another category of the mining in the world. We use all platforms April-May in Verona, Italy every sector, and apply deepening to show and promote our quality year. Apart from the national strategies in target markets in and to explain that natural stones participation fair organizations 6,5 order to gain more shares. This are stylish and comfortable design mentioned above, we organize MILLION is extremely important because materials with our Turkish Stones sectoral trade delegations to TONS Turkey makes about 11.5 percent brand. In addition, as the Istanbul the target countries we have Minerals export. of world imports of natural stones. Mineral Exporters’ Association, designated. Natural stone is divided into two we continued our sectoral trade On the other hand, in the categories, natural stones that delegation organizations that we material courses given in the 1,8 Turkey has intensively are marbles, started in November 2018 and in faculties of architecture, we organize BILLION which are located in the soft rocks 2019, we organized sectoral trade courses, seminars and workshops Natural stone group. In this way, world imports delegation organizations for 20 to introduce our natural stones in export. are USD 4 billion in processed countries. Turkey as ell n this fel as


we organize a natural stone design I PRECIOUS METALS AND JEWELRY INDUSTRY I competition every year in order to produce designs and projects THE GLITTERING SECTOR that can be mass produced. Furthermore, in order to introduce OF TURKEY Turkish natural stones to foreign Turkey, with 35 thousand retailers, 6 thousand manufacturers, architects, interior designers, 2 refineries with international standards, as a sector which employs designers and project owners, “Natura” magazine is published 250 thousand people, is one of the world’s 3 largest jewelry every two months in English and manufacturers. Turkish ith the suort of the turkish jewelry sector, 2020 is more promising which is among the top than 2019, as the demand three countries in the world’s for mines and natural gold jewelry production, resources will increase demonstrates its difference n the frst months of with its innovative designs the mining sector exported and modern techniques that $91,9 25,062 million tons on quantity bear the tradition of producing MILLION MUSTAFA KAMAR basis and USD 3 billion 994 folksy and rich jewelry. In the Export value Chairman of the Council to EU million on value basis. There jewelry sector, which attracts of Jewelry Sector is a decrease of 5.82 percent investors and buyers to the compared to the same period Turkish market, especially of the previous year. We will from Europe and the Middle $43,6 We will hold the first surass fgures in terms of East, the jewelry which has MILLION jewelry fair of 2020 in quantity; however, we expect that emerged with the combination Export value to Antalya on January 3, Asia countries we will end the year at the same of traditional and innovative which expects participants level as exort fgures on designs, is gradually increasing from 25 countries. We are value basis. This is because the the exort fgures ith the establishing a VIP fair in stagnation in world commodity accelerating demand. Antalya with 200 major trade pulls down unit prices. The 40 percent of jewelry buyers from 25 countries. trade war between China and the production is exported today We are very happy to have as also infuential in this with an increasing rate an incredible demand to icture ecause hina an the over the last 25 years. The the first jewelry fair of United States are Turkey’s two remaining production is the year. We want to be major markets. sold to domestic consumers, $4,1 dominant especially in BILLION However, we see 2020 as more tourists and suitcase traders. this close environment in Export Value promising than 2019. Turkey’s Turkey is also one of the in the last 12 months Russia, Turkic Republics growth target is 5 percent. This leading countries in the and Eastern Europe. will increase the demand for the jewelry conversion capacity. mine as a ra material esies Turkey, with nearly 400 tons we export to 185 countries as of gold and 200 tons of silver sector and we will work in 2020 treatment each year in the as in previous years to deepen jewelry industry, is one of the and increase our wealth in terms fve largest markets of nia of both reserves and diversity. China, USA and Russia. In In 2019, we organized 20 trade production, Turkey is among delegation organizations to deepen the top three countries with the target markets. We expect that India and Italy. in 2020 we will start to reap the There has een a signifcant enefts of this an ill make a increase in jewelry exports, positive contribution to exports. especially in the last three Within the scope of the “Turkish years. The targeted export Stones” brand works that we have fgure in as developed to make Turkish natural billion, but it surpassed that stone a brand abroad, we will be fgure an reache more visible in the organizations billion and aims to achieve the where we show our design export target of USD 12 billion, direction. determined for 2023. 40 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019 447% November 2019 $14,2 export increase BILLION I SHIP AND YACHT I I STEEL I Export value in the last 12 months VERSATILE TURKISH PRODUCTION AND STEELMAKERS EXPORT RESEMBLE A The ship and yacht sector ofers a wide range COMMANDO SQUAD of products to the world through its strong In the steel industry where protection measures R&D and innovation capability. are decisive, the Turkish steel industry fights $970 of the additional tax dash by entering MILLION shipyard new markets and they have no intention of Export value in industry experiencing any loss in exports. the last 12 months has over 700 years of history in Turkey. Turkish ship and yacht sector takes BAŞARAN BAYRAK an important place among 10.4% Chairman of the Council Production increase the major producers in of Ship and Yacht Sector in the last terms of both number and 11 months tonnage. In shipyards, which İBRAHİM PEKTAŞ are managed by operating Chairman of the Council of Steel Sector frms of the sector varying for distant markets like turkey ranks 8th in the world degrees of ships and yachts Norway, but Turkey became in steel production, which are constructed including a professional at creating annually produces 40 million chemical tankers, bulk projects based on R&D and tons of steel and with these emissions emitted for 1 ton carriers, general cargo innovation. Autonomous rouction fgures Turkey of crude steel production in ships and mega yachts. The tow boats, hybrid ferries, is Europe’s 2nd largest steel Turkey is 0.69 tons. This ratio sector has competent plants, natural gas oerate fshing producer. Turkish steelmakers is quite good compared to the technologies and labor to boats are being produced in export to 193 countries. Flat average 1.5 tons in the world. take advantage of the global Turkey. While the innovation hot rolled steel, wire rod, The 50 percent US tariffs opportunities. There are continues increasingly, rofle an ele ie are the increase for steel products over 70 active shipyards thanks to Industry 4.0, this followers of construction steel imported from Turkey made taking charge in production progress is accelerating. in exort fgures the United States a volatile and export. As a result of The ship and yacht The sector has a world- market in the recent years. its geographical position, sector has proved itself in class infrastructure that Sector representatives draw esecially stanul aror is terms of quality. It always enables it to offer its products attention to the fexile a supply base on its own. holds a preferred position faster through consolidated structure of the Turkish steel Most of the ships and in comparison with the investments. Thanks to its industry and say: “We are like yachts are exported to competitors by the abilities location and proximity to major commandos; we comply with countries such as Norway, like convenient prices and industrial markets, it is able all conditions and conditions. Iceland, England, France, delivery on time. The sector to respond to demand quickly Turkish steelmakers move very Denmark, Canada, Ireland closely follows the sectoral and on time. Through making quickly. As long as the politics and Russia. Some of these improvements and acts use of the latest technology do not get involved and we ships have the aliases such responsibly for technological products and production of can fn suort against unfair as the orl’s largest fsh developments. Thus, the ship the necessary technological competition, we overcome factory ship”, “the world’s and yacht sector retains its investments, Turkey is able to all iffculties an say that frst remote-controlle competitive position. provide high quality products they focus on the other major tug” and “the largest Moreover, Europe recently at very affordable prices. The markets, especially in the Far foating ock to e uilt started to pursue an introvert Turkish steel industry is East. in Turkey”. Cruise ships policy in terms of exports and committed to meet all global Despite the protectionist are being produced for as a result of some political and local environmental measures, the sector is on a the frst time in Turkey debates, the ship and yacht standards without incentives stable path and is expected Moreover, some of Turkey’s sector carries on the works from the government ecause to close 2019 with an export shipyards have new build regarding new markets in 69 percent of Turkish steel fgure of aroun million order books until 2022. It Middle East, North Africa, production is done with electric tons close to the fgures of

is hard to construct ships Russia and South America. arc furnaces, Average CO2 2018.



KUTLU KARAVELİOĞLU EXPORT FOR 20 YEARS Chairman of the Council Turkish machinery, which competes globally in the sector, increases of Machinery and Machinery Accessories its exports by 15 percent on average every year. Sector

The Turkish machinery with its investments in r&d sector increased its machinery exports in 11 and innovation, the Turkish months by 4.1 percent in machinery industry continues % to respond quickly to all the 20 2019 compared to the same INCREASE needs of the manufacturing period of the previous year. Machinery At a time when the European industry in Turkey, increasing its export to Russia manufacturing industry effectiveness on a global scale with in 2019 almost came to a standstill, its competitive prices and high the continuing demand for quality. Our sector, which makes the Turkish machinery sector 60 percent of its exports to the is an important achievement. 7% European Union and the USA, INCREASE The industrial production has a competitive structure in the Compared with of Germany, which has the same period the strongest economy in world’s largest trade area. of the previous Europe, dropped 1.7 percent With its sectoral structure year in October over the previous that can respond rapidly to month. Despite the recession, technological transformation and Germany was the country establish lasting relationships that bought the most Turkish based on trust with its customers machines in 2019. Our abroad, the machinery has industry, which continues increased its share in foreign to export an average of USD trade from 0.4 percent to 0.8 200 million machinery to Germany every month, made percent by increasing four times the highest increase in the the world average since 2001. USA, France and Russia. Increasing logistics opportunities, Especially the remarkable importance given to R&D, design increase in machinery and quality services after order exports to Russia this year increased sales continuously. With was more than 20 percent. the investments made in advanced The machinery sector is technology and innovation, the in every fel it oerates ut preparing to assume a strategic brand perception of the machinery mainly in air conditioning and role in the technology-driven is attempted to be raised further. refrigeration machines, engines, industry transformation of Turkey as of 2020 and all Demand for the Turkish parts and components, washing related ministries support machinery sector continues and drying machines, machines $18 used in construction and the needs of machine BILLION mining, pumps and compressors, manufacturers to improve Export value the existing investment machine tools, machines used in environment in order to fulfill agriculture and forestry, textile this task. Together with our and garment machines. The fact industry know-how to move that the sector has achieved an Turkey to its future goals increase of 15 percent in export of the machinery industry, per year for nearly 20 years, the which is the world’s largest competition environment, we continuous increase in market will end this year with USD share in the developed countries’ 18 billion worth of export. We industries and the growth in all will be one of the sectors that sub-sectors, not only in certain provide the most benefit to the areas, shows that a systematic economy in 2020 with new success in the machinery industry strategies. is attained. 42 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

The Guarantee of the Future

TURKEY’S EFFORTS to promote its indigenous arms rely on three main reasons: to stimulate the economy, maintain its army – which is the second biggest among the NATO countries – and self-sufciency by 2023.


USD 2,74 BILLION EXPORT Undertaking important export contracts throughout the year, the Turkish defense and aerospace industry’s exports hit USD 2,74 billion, the highest defense and aerospace industry export figure on a yearly basis before the end of the year.

690 PROJECTS Turkey pursues 690 defense industry projects

$60 BILLION Continuing projects worth

70% of the products Turkey uses in its defense operations is indigenous 44 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019


RISING TO THE WORLD LATİF ARAL ALİŞ Chairman of the Council LEAGUE of Defense and Aerospace Sector In the last 10 years, the Turkish defense industry has ramped up economically and technologically. While the percent rate of increase in Turkey’s exports in the last six years is 10.5, defense industry reached an increase rate of 61.3 percent. While Turkey’s export value per kg is USD 1.32, the defense and aerospace industry exports reached USD 46.59. In other words, the return of the investment in defense and aviation industry to the economy was 50 times higher than in other sectors. The rise in the defense industry was due to the emergence of new products and platforms. New markets emerged as companies made new products. ASELSAN, Turkish Aerospace Industry Inc. T tokar utomotive an efense nustry nc tokar BMC Automotive Industry and Trae nc T and STM entered the list of the world’s 100 largest defense companies with their sales turkish defense industry Increasing their investments fgures n aition has become the dynamo and accelerating their R&D T l viation urol sector of technology with the activities, companies brought up achinery ale ock an ol encouragement of domestic and $2,74 the domesticity rate in projects nustry o arel lectronics national production in recent BILLION up to 75 percent. Preventing an aykar have een years. When the growing need for Export value foreign dependence, the sector among the fastest growing in the last 12 technology for the fght against months started to export and became one companies in the world. The terrorism and the protection of the sectors with the highest sector, which currently has 690 of border security was blocked added value. Today, the Turkish followed projects, aims to reach its by a secret embargo in the 61% defense industry has reached export target of USD 10.2 billion international arena, the Turkish INCREASE USD 2.5 billion in exports and in 2023. defense industry has made a move. In the total USD 60 billion in project size and The sector wants to increase its Security measures were devoutly export share in has reached around 70 percent effectiveness in markets such as provided by the nationalization of the last 6 years domestic production from its 85 Southeast Asia, Central and Latin cross-border intelligence resources, percent import dependency. Sector America, Africa, where potential while with the armored vehicles, exports increased by 40 percent is seen. domestic production ammunition $47 in January-November period and assault helicopters, terror EXPORT compared to the same period of organizations were fought off VALUE the previous year and reached more effectively. Security measures Per kilogram USD 2.8 billion in the last 12 were thoughtfully provided by the months. nationalization of cross-border intelligence resources, while the armored vehicles, domestic production ammunition and assault helicopters fought off terror organizations more effectively.



PRODUCER IN EUROPE FEYYAZ ÜNAL Turkey’s production flexibility according to demand, wide product Chairman of the Council of Cement, Glass, Ceramic range and variety, and fast transportation attract attention. and Soil Products Sector

The export growth of the cement, glass and ceramic sectors continues in 2019 as well. In 2018, our exports amounted to USD 3,2 billion and are expected to reach USD 3,7 billion with an increase of 16 percent. Our export growth in the cement sector is above the average and has achieved a 45 percent increase in exports. The countries that we export the most in cement sector are USA, Israel, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Guinea; Germany, England, USA, Israel and France in the ceramics industry, and our most important markets in glass when we look at the cement, glass and ceramics industry, exports have been Germany, Turkey is a major player in Italy, USA and England. all three sectors in the global Our action plan will market and is among the major continue in 2020 as manufacturers and exporters $3,7 activities that contribute to the increase of exports of countries in Europe and BILLION Yearly export and to improve Turkey’s the world, exporting to 200 expectation image. We participate in the countries, covering a wide range most important fairs and from Europe to America, from conferences of our sectors Middle East to African countries. st 1 in the international arena, Turkey is the 1st in Europe in COUNTRY increase our visibility with cement production, 4th in the In order to maintain this in cement, our advertisements and world and 1st in Europe in export sanitary ware leading position in the world, promotions and enable and 3rd in the world, the 1st in and flat glass which demonstrates the production in our members to reach Europe in the production of Europe success of our country image, foreign buyers. In 2019, ceramic sanitary ware, 5th in investments in modern facilities we hosted the INTERCEM the world and 3rd in Europe in with high capacity are carried Conference, the most the production of ceramic tiles th out, the design culture is important international and 8th in the world and in 5th 4 strengthened, R&D investments COUNTRY conference in the cement place in the exports of both. and investments to reduce in cement industry, and hosted 500 Turkey is in the foreground in energy costs continue ur production in foreign participants in the glass industry with its flat the world country’s experience in cement, Istanbul and we will host glass, industrial glassware and glass and ceramic sectors is the International ZAK household glassware. Turkey ase on a long history ur Conference in Istanbul in st st is the 1 in Europe in flat glass advantages such as production 2020. A design competition th 1 production, 5 in the world COUNTRY flexibility according to demand, will be organized by our nd and 2 in Europe in household in cement export wide product range and variety, association to highlight and rd glassware production and 3 in Europe and fast transportation are encourage the power of th in the world and the 6 in the the factors that increase our design. exports of glassware in the world. competitiveness. 46 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

I HVAC/R I DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION PERIOD IN HVAC&R SECTOR SALİH ZEKİ POYRAZ Compared to the same period in the previous year, the sector’s export Chairman of the Council has increased by 2.6 percent, reaching the level of USD 4.28 billion. of HVAC-R Sector

2019 has been a very successful year for Turkish exports. Compared to the same period in the previous year, the sector’s export has increased by ercent in the frst months reaching the level of USD 4.28 billion. Germany is the biggest imorter of Turkish products, followed by the United ingom taly rance omania Iraq, Russia, Poland, Spain, the turkish hvac&r sector, products that directly meet the China and the USA. The sector’s which closely follows the latest requirements of Energy Related export performance has been developments in global trade, has roucts’ irectives The above the Turkish foreign trade become the production centre energy effcient roucts are average. for innovative products with high environmentally friendly and Turkish xorters’ added value. This has become increase the use of renewable ssociation is orking possible due to 20 companies in energy sources. Due to the towards ensuring a sustainable $4,64 the sector which now have the aforementioned reasons, Turkey is export growth for the sector BILLION title “R&D centre”. The added one of the key suppliers to Europe, and an increased recognition Export value value er kilogram kg has een which account for 50 percent of around the world. Thanks to our for Turkish Turkey’s total exports. trade and purchase delegation exporters, which is very high The Turkish sector organizations, sector promotion 2.6% according to Turkey’s average. exports to 175 countries with a days and national participation INCREASE Turkey has a 1 percent share in the model oriented towards higher in fairs, we aim to set the bar In the last 11 global air conditioning market, added value through integration even higher in terms of export. months which currently has a total volume with a global value chain. Thanks In this context, we have just of USD 504.7 billion. Currently to these developments and fnalie the ctivity Turkey is aiming for a 1.5 percent Turkey’s geostrategic position, Calendar” and circulated it share in the global market by the sector has effectively among our members. Next 2023. become the production base year we are going to organize Turkish sector has for Europe. Particularly during ector romotion substantial global competitiveness the last few years, Turkey has ays in enya ngola thioia thanks to its efforts towards witnessed a rapid increase in Algeria and Senegal; and national digitalization as part of Industrial foreign investment. Turkey is a participation in fairs to be Revolution 4.0, including leading force in Europe with its organized in Pakistan, Australia sustainability, environmental production capacity in split air and Germany. Additionally, we consciousness energy effciency conditioners, while it is second in have been named as the partner and its emphasis on university- the world production of radiators country in Mostra Convegno industry collaboration. The and heated towel rails. The sector Expocomfort to be held in Turkish frms have is determined to repeat the same Milano, Italy. In 2020, we will acquired top-tier quality success in cooling, installation, have an increased number of certifcates urovent plumbing and ventilation “Trade Delegation” visits to Brazil, T etc an products and be among the top 10 the relan ungary outh have proven the superiority of producers of these product groups frica atar uait an oran their products. We produce in the world. among others.


I FERROUS AND NON-FERROUS METALS I THE MAIN SECTOR MAINTAINED ITS POSITION TAHSİN ÖZTİRYAKİ Turkish products are preferred by the sector’s leading Chairman of the Council of countries, and these markets take note of the reliability of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Turkish companies and high quality of their products. Metals Sector

ferrous and non-ferrous FERROUS AND against these iffculties s the in terms of value with USD Metals industry is the 5th most NON-FERROUS exporters association, we will 2.83 billion in the exports of METALS exporting sector among Turkish EXPORTS maintain our efforts on increasing our industry. The aluminum industrial sectors. The cumulative JAN. - NOV. 2019 Turkish exporters’ access to products were followed by steel fgures from anuary to ovemer new markets by conducting products with USD 1.73 billion, 2019 shows that the industry international marketing activities. metal products with USD 1.65 has taken 4.5 percent share from $7,6 We are planning to organize 11 billion and copper products with BILLION Turkey’s overall exports with an national participations to leading USD 1.21 billion. exports value of USD 7,6 billion. TOTAL international exhibitions in We foresee that exports will ur inustry consists of 2.245.929 2020 and take part in prominent increase by 15 percent in 2020, aluminum, hardware, copper, METRIC TONS international conferences. reaching to USD 9,5 billion. In casting, professional kitchen ekistan uai man atar 2019 our sector has realized equipment & kitchenware, welding Italy and Malaysia are some of the highest exports to Germany materials, metal packaging countries that we have already ercent taly and building materials sectors. planned to organize trade mission ercent the nite ingom Aluminum, being the leading activities to. In the meantime, ercent the sector in export values, is followed we will continue supporting our ercent an omania by iron and steel products metal members with trainings, R&D ercent resectively products and copper. $915m programs and cluster projects. or the year of e Some of our sub-sectors hold GERMANY In 2019 through November, made efforts to determine the high ranks in the world exports. 240.916 export value of the Turkish target markets for each sector We are the world’s largest exporter ferrous and non-ferrous metals and have seen that the USA is of copper stranded wire, 6th largest industry increased by 0.74 percent a common target market for exorter of the aluminum rofle compared to 2018 and aiming to all our sub sectors, where the th product group, 6 of the metal $ reach USD 8.3 billion of exports trade volume between the two door and window accessories and 473m value as the year ends. countries is expected to be ITALY among the top 10 exporters of In the period of January- increased to USD 100 billion 137.772 industrial kitchen equipment. November 2019, the aluminum in the future. We have carefully Turkish metal products enjoy a rouct grou ranke frst chosen the United States as one signifcant osition in uroe as of our target countries. We came 52.94 percent of the exports has together with Turkey Promotion been to the EU countries. That is $398m rou TT uner the ausices followed by Middle East by 13.4 of Ministry of Trade and drafted UK percent, Rest of Europe by 12.53 141.592 new projects to promote Turkish percent and Northern Africa by products in the United States. ercent ur roucts are We will run publicity campaigns preferred by the sector’s leading in exhibitions and trade events countries and these markets abroad in line with our marketing value the reliability of Turkish $375m strategy and targets. companies and high quality of USA their products. 116.322 This year in the global scope, trade wars and protectionist policies have been the main problem for our industry. The $353m $313m $274m $237m $221m $210m ability of our exporters to expand FRANCE IRAQ ROMANIA BULGARIA POLAND SPAIN into new markets plays a key role 93.602 113.062 83.192 67.461 60.894 63.955 48 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

Being the Hub of Fashion and Apparel

TURKEY is a country which has fortified itself to have a strong impact on the world’s fashion. Istanbul is working as a hub for fashion growth. The manufacturing and export of clothes are increasing. The famous international brands like Next, Marks and Spencer’s, Burberry, Hugo Boss and lots of others are now being manufactured in Turkey.


A GAME CHANGER IN THE INDUSTRY Approaching USD 840 million market share in the export of children’s textile products, Turkey is the second largest producer in the world after Italy. Turkey is at the fourth position in the world with an export figure reaching USD 1 billion from socks production and is the world’s second largest supplier after China and with its USD 1 billion 666 million in the jeans wear. With the number of infants and young children aged 0-3 years, which is 4.7 million, and the number of children aged 0-5 years, 7 million, Turkey is the center of attention of national and international companies looking for new markets.

SUPPORTED BY THE TURKISH GOVERNMENT International fashion market has found Turkey as a new center for the boost in profits. International markets have brought advantage to the local brands and designers to generate large sum of money. The Turkish government also has shown positive involvement towards it.

A NEW DIMENSION TO THE WORLD’S FASHION The main fashion activities of Turkey are highlighted by “Istanbul Fashion Week” that takes place twice a year and it is marked with great national and international appreciation. According to fashion critics, Turkey is bringing a new dimension to the world’s fashion. 50 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019


SLOW DOWN EXPORTS MUSTAFA GÜLTEPE Apparel sector is clearly ahead of its competitors in terms of working Chairman of the Council of Apparel Sector conditions, workplace standards, workplace safety and worker welfare.

9.8% SHARE in total exports

$18 BILLION Export value

turkish fashion industry, are regularly checked by the China is at 1.5 percent per unit, which is a strategic sector for our global customer brands of our that’s just 0.2 percent in Turkey. country, is also a global player. country. We are a brand country in We realize 3.4 percent of the On the other hand, we production. We are one of the world’s ready-made garment are very advantageous in two countries that can produce export with approximately USD environmentally friendly integrated production in every 18 billion. We are the world’s 6th production compared to our stage of the value chain from rd and the EU’s 3 largest supplier competitors. CO2 production in textile to fiber, from fabric to of garments. We are in the top final product with our textile TOP 3 three in the socks, denim and sector. Our competitiveness COUNTRIES woven clothing categories. We is based on speed. We IN EXPORTS stand out from our competitors have designers with high in the areas of sustainability and organizational skills and know- corporate social responsibility. how, and the ability to prepare We carry out our works in many unique collections. We RUSSIA European standards in corporate can say that we are the most social responsibility. We are reliable solution partner in clearly ahead of our competitors our supply with our advantage in terms of working conditions, in low quantity orders, our CHINA workplace standards, workplace capacity to meet the demands safety and worker welfare. In of buyers, easy access to world addition to the audits of the markets and most importantly public authority, these criteria our quality. GERMANY


Exports increased by 6 I TEXTILE AND RAW MATERIALS I percent in Euro basis and 9.4 percent in 11 months although it was a very THE CENTER OF ALL KINDS difficult year. In particular, I would like to OF PRODUCTION underline one issue: In addition The sector aims to increase its share in USA, EU and Far Eastern to being a brand country in markets, to assure its sustainability and profitability. production, we are also rapidly advancing towards producing garment brands on a global scale. Our ready-to-wear brands the manufacture of textile, represent the Turkish Fashion a very competitive industry in Industry with nearly 3,000 stores the international markets, is one in more than 100 countries. As of the Turkey’s largest industries e continue our ourney and the most important foreign- in the medium term with the exchange earner. Domestic ZEKİ KIVANÇ vision of putting our country in cotton and wool provide much of $7,94 BILLION Chairman of the Council the top three in the world fashion the raw material for the industry, Value of export of Textile and Raw industry league and issuing 5 but synthetics production Materials Sector garment brands on a global scale. has also expanded. The fabric lthough it as a very iffcult industry as a sub-sector of the 10% year, we did not slow down exports huge Turkish textile industry has INCREASE its products together with in 2019. We anticipate that we will imrove signifcantly in the Increase in exports its strong service ability of increase our exports from USD 17,6 recent years, since the Turkish to Turkic Republics quick response and on-time billion in 2018 to USD 17,8 billion clothing and home textile delivery. All these features in 2019. Although there was a inustries have ha a signifcant 4.4% have enabled Turkish fabric limited increase in dollar basis, role in the world’s clothing and SHARE manufacturers and exporters our sector completed 2019 by home textile markets in the last In total export to earn a good reputation growing and expanding. The fact two decades. in international markets. that exports increased by 6 percent The Turkish faric fnishing Although Turkey is among the in euro basis and 9.4 percent in 11 sector has a level of processing main cotton growers in the months strengthens our positive all the capacity of greige fabric. world, domestic cotton cannot expectations for the future. This sector is equivalent to the meet the production demand Thanks to the agreement European Union in terms of of the country. As well as the we signed this year with processing capacity, modern cotton textile industry, the AliExpress, one of the world’s technology ualife orkforce Turkish man-made textile largest business-to-customer and especially product quality. sector is also a well-developed e-commerce platforms, we Today, the Turkish fabric industry. Having large capacity opened the doors of the world industry has competitive of synthetics in the world, to all our members, small and advantages in international Turkey has a large production large. Our members will be able to markets, particularly in terms of potential for synthetic fabrics reach countless buyers around the its technology, extensive product based especially on 100 world via AliExpress platform. I range and the quality, design and percent polyester and polyester believe these new advantages will creativity of its products. blends with cotton, viscose, encourage many entrepreneurs to In addition to its well- nylon, polyamide, wool, linen become exporters. developed structure, it employs and/or multi-blends of them. We aim to increase at least 10 a highly skilled labor force. Also, percent of our country’s apparel the Turkish fabric industry has exports every year. It is not always a great fexiility an aility to easy to reach the target due to modernize its production and conjunctural factors and causes adapt itself to new technologies. arising from global markets. This ability allows the industry Despite the negative effects of to reduce its reaction time to rexit an economic contraction changes in consumer demand in in EU countries in 2020, we international markets. Thus, the expect our exports to increase Turkish faric inustry satisfes by 4-5 percent to over USD 18,5 its customers by meeting all billion. their needs with the quality of 52 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019


REPUTATION PRECEDES MUSTAFA ŞENOCAK Chairman of the Council ITSELF of Leather and Leather Products The Turkish leather sector, which stands out from its competitors with its high standard and environmentally friendly production, wants to In 2019, we reached USD 1 increase its market share by reaching every region of the world. billion 550 million export in 11 months. When we evaluate this based on sub-sectors, we have USD 875 million in footwear industry, USD 240 million in leather products, and USD 223 million in leather and fur garments exports. $1,7 We export USD 212 BILLION million worth of saddlery. Export Value Compared to last year, the in the las 12 months shoe industry is breaking a record. The record- breaking sector of the last 5 years is the saddlery sector. 212 There’s a drop in clothing. COUNTRIES This decline is due to the Figure of leather and protection measures in leather products global trade. It is also due to importing countries the cheapening of material prices. We have a serious increase in exports to turkish leather has a legacy of the USA. While trying hundreds of years and has been to increase our country flourishing since then. Today, types, we also determine Turkey is one of the biggest $875 our target countries. MILLION producers of high-quality leather We are looking for a Value of shoes market towards more products in the world. It is export mainly known for processing distant countries than the sheep and goat leather, which countries around us. We takes it to the second position in The other important trait of prefer countries suitable for the product range. Europe after Italy. the leather processing industry in We are in the 1st place Leather products have always Turkey is that the production is in the world in lamb fur been considered as one of the carried out in European standards production, both in the most outstanding items in the $ and eco-friendly advanced garment and tannery world. The leather industry in 240 methods are utilized. 70 percent MILLION production. We want to use Turkey outshines the others Leather products of the leather produced in Turkey our potential here. In other because of its unique quality export is made using environment words, while increasing the of the raw materials and its friendly methods. diversity of the countries, production process. Russia is the country with we have efforts to increase TOP 2 the potential not only in COUNTRIES the highest imports, with USD IN EXPORTS 170 from Turkey, which exports the countries where we footwear to 186 countries and export more but also in the leather and leather products to countries where we export less. Our 2020 targets are RUSSIA 212 countries. Germany ranks to carry our exports to 2nd and Italy ranks 3rd. The fact rd these countries by putting that the USA ranks 3 in terms more effort into these of sub-sectors makes Turkish countries. GERMANY leather exporters happy.


I CARPET I TURKISH CARPET IS UNRIVALED Turkey is a global leader in the carpet industry. With a reduction of alternative manufacturers in the carpet industry in recent years, Turkey’s advantageous position has been further strengthened.

$2,5 BILLION Export Value SELAHATTİN KAPLAN 2019 Jan. – Nov. Chairman of the Council of Carpet Sector

turkey carries out 39 percent every year and continues to production and export center of the world’s machine-woven do so. However, with their of not only Turkey but also the carpets export. USA, Germany, experience in the manufacturing world. Argentina, Thailand, Mongolia, of handmade carpets, Pakistan The Turkish carpet industry Mauritania, New Zealand and and India have begun to invest has increased its product range Australia are among many in machine-made carpets and in recent years by turning from countries that import carpets it is considered to constitute a traditional Middle Eastern from Turkey. Turkey’s closest serious competition for Turkey markets to developed countries. rival India’s share is only 11 in the medium term by experts. Promotions were especially percent. The almost complete It is unquestioned that the focused on the rapidly growing withdrawal of the former major competition in export markets US market. The export target roucer elgium an exort will increase in the next 10 years of the sector in 2020 is USD 3 decrease of , another major as in these countries, especially billion. producer, due to the embargoes raw material and labor costs are The sector continues its and the supply problems the very low compared to Turkey. 144 “Turkey: Discover the Potential” world’s largest producer in Of the carpet types produced COUNTRY brand and slogan with “Turkish Figure of carpet Egypt suffers from due to in Turkey, polypropylene importing Carpet”, which was established political problems, significantly blended carpets and high- countries in partnership with the Ministry reduced producer alternative quality bamboo viscose woven of Treasury and Finance and in the sector. Therefore, a large carpets are favored. 67 percent Turkish Exporters Association. portion of the production of of the export of carpets woven In addition, it knots the Turkish machine-made carpets, with of artificial and synthetic fibers $477 carpet to the whole world investments made in the last 15 is done by Turkey. Gaziantep MILLION ith its Turkish not ran Export to years, was held in Turkey. The realized 85 percent of the export America which has completed patent export growth of this product of machine woven carpets of continent applications and continues to has continued to increase Turkey. It is the most important work at the logo design level. 54 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

Turkish Services Sector Advances

WHILE THE SERVICE SECTOR is the fastest growing sector of many countries’ economies, it has a share of more than 50 percent of GDP in the economy of many countries. Turkey has made important headway in the export of goods and services with its dynamic and educated young population and a recent development move. Services Export of Turkey, which makes strides in many areas such as tourism, health, logistics, passenger transport, education, IT services, culture and arts, was only USD 14 billion in 2002, but it rose to USD 53 billion in October.


I SERVICE I SERVICE EXPORTERS ARE READY $22 BILLION FOR THE GREAT The share of Turkish exporters in the world construction TRANSFORMATION market

launched for the first time Target is USD 150 billion this year under the hosting of the President of Service Exporters 170 Service Exporters Association ssociation lker yc THOUSAND ervice xorters emphasized that Turkey, with Figure of foreign Meeting and Award Ceremony the surge of development students in Turkey which took place on December 21 at in recent years, has made increased by 5 the Istanbul Congress Center significant progress in times since 2002 with great participation from the export of goods and politics and business with the services. Henceforth, with the $18 attendance of President Recep transformation of the strategic BILLION Tayyi roan ice resient plans to be prepared on the Export revenue Fuat Oktay, Minister of Trade basis of each service sector, from the logistics Ruhsar Pekcan, Minister tourism, health, logistics, sector of Family, Labor and Social passenger transportation, Services Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, education, information services, % Minister of Culture and Tourism culture, arts and many other 15.9 Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, Minister of areas, the path is to become a THOUSAND ealth ahrettin oca an T global brand. In tourism income for the hairman smail lle t the Reminding that the first stop first 10 months ceremony, the companies that on the way to reach the target come out on top of their sectors of USD 150 billion in service as a result of their successful exorts is yc sai that 550 service export activities in 2018 he believes that they will reach THOUSAND received their awards from the the target of USD 90 billion Number of President and the Ministers in at the end of the next 4 years. patients given 17 sectoral categories and in a Stating that the successful health care secial fel The ecial ar efforts made to date can went to the world-renowned become sustainable through T series sector roucers an focused, strategic planning in $700 actresses of the series “Anne”, the coordination of politics, MILLION which is the most exported public and private sectors, IN 140 COUNTRIES product in recent years, were the yc mentione the main Impact radius of team that receive the development areas that should Turkish TV series Special Award. be focused on each sector. 56 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

Exports of services yielded a current surplus of USD 25.8 billion Stating that due to the fact that service export needs low import inputs and is a foreign exchange- earning activity, there is a positive effect on the current account eficit yc continue e are yielding a current account surplus, not a current account deficit in services trade. Services provide more than half of the added value we derive from our total exports of goods and services. Services provide more than half of the added value we derive from our total exports of goods and services. This year, we posted a surplus of USD 25.8 billion in the foreign trade of services.

“Countries that grow with service exports become more resistant to global crises” “In order for Turkey’s economy to come to a steady point against global crisis and for the protection of economic


independence, export of IN 2018 SERVICE EXPORTERS MEETING AND AWARD services with intensive local CEREMONY, 52 ORGANIZATIONS RECEIVED AWARDS. input and no dependence on The first three rankings of the institutions that ofer imported input is very critical” contribute to the sustainable development of Turkey’s sai yc in his seech economy with their service export figures is as follows; Stating that the exports of services provide a significant added value on both the global an local economy yc ae that while the world economy Maintenance and Repair Services Travel Agency Services has grown by 25 percent since 1. TURKISH AIRLINES TECHNIC INC. 1. ODEON TOURS INC. the outbreak of the global crisis 2. SEFİNE SHIPYARD SHIPPING 2. ANEXSERVICES TOURISM INC. TOURISM INDUSTRY AND TRADE 3. MP TURKEY TOURISM INC. in 2010, Turkey has managed INC. Technical Consultancy and to grow at a significant rate 3. MRO TECHNICAL SERVICE of 61 percent and continued INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. Supervision Services N.K.Y. ARCHITECTURAL as follows: “60 percent of this 1. Consultancy and Support Services ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION growth in the world and 55 1. DESTEK PATENT INC. AND TRADE INC. percent in Turkey is provided 2. ANKARA PATENT OFFICE INC. 2. YÜKSEL PROJE INTERNATIONAL by services sector. We are proud 3. BOSS GOVERNANCE SERVICES INC. to be the representatives of INC. 3. PROYAPI ENGINEERING CONSULTING INC. such a strong and growing Education Services sector. The service sector is also 1. ISTANBUL AYDIN UNIVERSITY Telecommunication Services a kind of force multiplier for 2. BAHCESEHIR UNIVERSITY 1. ARVATO TELECOMMUNICATION 3. T. C. ALTINBAS UNIVERSITY SERVICES INC. the exports of goods, it fueled 2. TURKSAT SATELLITE the export of goods in the Filmmaking, Entertainment and COMMUNICATIONS CABLE TV INC. Other Cultural Services 3. MILLENİCOM continuation of service exports, AY ART PRODUCTION AND 1. TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES and as a subcontractor of CONSTRUCTION INC. INC. manufacturing in many areas, 2. GLOBAL COPYRIGHT contributed to total factor PRODUCTION TRADE. INC. Tourism and Accommodation productivity”. 3. DTV NEWS AND VISUAL Services PUBLICATION INC. 1. ETS GROUP - VOYAG TOURISM HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND Finance, Insurance and Other CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRADE Financial Services INC. (ETS GROUP) 1. ANADOLU ANONİM TÜRK 2. FINE HOTEL TOURISM INSURANCE COMPANY OPERATIONS INC. 2. TÜRKİYE HALK BANKASI INC. 3. CEYLAN BUSINESS OTİ HOLDING INC. 3. CONSTRUCTION TOURISM Construction Services INVESTMENT INDUSTRY AND 1. LİMAK CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRADE INC. AND TRADE INC. Software and IT Services 2. YAPI MERKEZİ CONSTRUCTION 1. LOGO SOFTWARE INDUSTRY AND AND INDUSTRY INC. TRADE INC. 3. YENİGÜN CONSTRUCTION 2. EKİN TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. AND TRADE INC. Port Management Services 3. NETAŞ TELECOMMUNICATION INC. TAV AIRPORTS HOLDING INC. 1. Ground Services 2. GLOBAL PORTS HOLDING INC. 1. ÇELEBİ AVIATION HOLDING INC. 3. ASYAPORT INC. 2. HAVAŞ - AIRPORT LOCATION Architectural, Engineering, SERVICES INC. Scientific and Other Technical 3. TGS GROUND SERVICES INC. Services Passenger Transport Services 1. FORD AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY 1. TURKISH AIRLINES JOINT INC. VENTURE 2. FOCUS CONTROL & SORTING & 2. PEGASUS AIR TRANSPORT INC. REWORK INC. 3. ATLASJET AVIATION INC. 3. AEROTİM ENGINEERING INC. Freight Transportation and Health Services Logistics Services 1. ACIBADEM HEALTH SERVICE AND 1. NETLOG LOGISTICS SERVICES INC. TRADE INC. 2. EKOL LOGISTICS JOINT STOCK MLP HEALTH SERVICES INC. 2. COMPANY 3. MOMENT EDUCATION RESEARCH 3. ARKAS CONTAINER TRANSPORT HEALTH SERVICES AND TRADE INC. INC. 58 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

The World’s Agricultural Warehouse

TURKEY is one of the world’s largest agricultural producer, and is the world leader in the production of olives, dried figs, hazelnuts, sultanas/raisins, and dried apricots. Turkey has an estimated total of 11,000 plant species, whereas the total number of species in Europe is 11,500.


I ORNAMENTAL PLANTS AND PRODUCTS I STANDS OUT WITH I OLIVE AND OLIVE OIL I ITS ADVANTAGES HEAVEN OF OLIVE Turkey supplies a variety of olive oils to a wide range of countries including major producers.

$96,3 $125 $ the mediterranean 146 MILLION MILLION MILLION Export value in the Annual export region , owing to its Export value in last 11 months target mild climate, contains 2018-2019 season of the olive harvest an of the olive oil DAVUT ER ornamental plants production in the world. Chairman of the Council rd sector is a growing sector Turkey ranks the in olive of Olive and Olive Oil th in Turkey as well as all İSMAİL YILMAZ production and 5 in olive Products Sector over the world in recent Chairman of the Council of oil production in the world. years. Turkey, in addition to Ornamental Plants Sector tons of tale olive This year, olive oil exports climatic and geographical an tons of olive in 2018-2019 season fell 43 advantages it has in this oil are produced. In Turkey, percent compared to the sector, has a dynamic and Our Association olive oil production has previous season, equaling USD fast developing company continues to carry undergone remarkable 146 million in foreign sales, structuring as well. Turkey’s out important developments since the this is due to the increase export of ornamental promotional activities, eighties and more and in production of the largest plants and products for overseas delegations more olive oil plants have producer, Spain. In the new the frst months of and fair organizations either started to produce season, where we expect high reache million in the ornamental virgin olive oil or increased yields, we aim to reach a total with a 4 percent increase in plants sector. This their production capacity. export amount of USD 300 value compared to the same year, we also participated Today, Turkey has large- million as a sector. The US is period of the previous year. in sectoral fairs and scale olive oil plants one of Turkey’s most important The Netherlands ranked delegation activities in our with modern bottling markets in the olive oil export. frst in the exort of the target markets. Within lines. Table olives are also Exports to border neighbors sector, while Germany, the scope of the sectoral produced in modern plants such as Iran and Iraq may Uzbekistan, United URGE project (Supporting equipped with advanced increase if the import barriers Kingdom, Turkmenistan, the Development technology, which enables are overcome in these countries. Azerbaijan, Iraq, , of International them to comply with the Our olive oil exporters are and Bulgaria Competitiveness Project) standards of hygienic working hard to increase the were other important that we carry out in the packaging. High quality sales of packaged products to export markets. ornamental plants sector, production of table olives Japan. In EU countries’ market, Export of live plants, we have made efforts to is done in retail packs such Turkey’s most important trading which is the most develop this sector. as cans, glass jars and/or partner, due to the application important product group We continued to vacuum-packed bags. Being of customs duties on Turkish of the sector, increased successfully represent our a net exporter of olive oil, olive oil, we are not effective. y ercent in the frst country at Union Fleurs Turkey supplies the variety The EU market can become one months of an a total and AIPH, which are of olive oil to a wide range of our most important markets export of USD 54 million important institutions in of countries including if 30,000 tons of olive oil export were realized. Uzbekistan, the world flower trade. In major producer countries is quoted. We closely follow Germany, Turkmenistan this sense, we participated that either consume or the Brexit process as a sector. and Azerbaijan are the in different congresses and re-export Turkish olive In the UK market, where we most important markets for represented our country oil. Turkish olive oil is have difficulty entering due to export of live plants. and sector. demanded from every parts the customs duties imposed, we n the cut foers I believe that the positive of the world and there expect the taxes to be reset after product group, exports increase in export will are more than hundred they leave the EU. Resetting the increased by 5 percent to continue in 2020 and we countries that have customs duty on olive oil and million ithin will reach our annual target experienced the excellent table olives will play a critical this product group, of USD 125 million. In taste and fragrance of role in our country gaining Turkey’s most important order to achieve our goal, Turkish olive oil such as an important share in the UK markets are respectively we will keep going with the EU, the USA, Saudi market, which meets almost Netherlands, United new projects and effective Arabia, Japan, South Korea, all its needs from EU countries Kingdom, and Romania. promotional activities. Philippines, Australia and such as Spain and Italy. the Russian Federation. 60 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

I AQUA AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS I I TOBACCO I OWES ITS CHARM TO THE WORLD-RENOWNED PRODUCT DIVERSITY PRIVILEGED The sector has become an important AHMET SAGUN PRODUCTION player in the worldwide aquaculture Chairman of the Council of industry which has been characterized Aqua and Animal Products turkish tobacco, which has a well- by being the fastest growing food Sector deserved reputation in the world, is industry sector in recent years. an inustrial lant secies enefcial to the Turkish economy. Tobacco has been one of the with the increasing population trademark in the world with important export items for many of the world, the protein sources its taste, quality, sustainability countries such as China, Brazil, become deficient to cover the services and convenience India, United States of America and nutritional needs of human forms for both customers and Argentina. However, since tobacco beings. Urbanization and consumers in the future. has been introduced to Ottoman industrialization are widening A clear aim of the marketing Empire, Turkish tobacco has gained a this gap more and more. is to build awareness of the good reputation with its high quality fter ’s strong tren potential of Turkish seafood in world markets. Besides, a tobacco $2,51 of consolidation, the Turkish products, as well as diversifying species named as Turkish species or BILLION seafood industry realized beyond traditional markets Oriental specie has been occurred. Export value in the last signifcant investments in by focusing on the greater EU, Tobacco is an important industrial 12 months processed seafood industries the United States, the Russian plant that carries weight for the cleane fllete smoke an Federation, UAE and Balkan Turkish economy. Generally blended marinated) conforming to the countries. Considering the tobacco is used in the world tobacco 180 EU standards, which enabled the general political and economic roucts market an at efnite THOUSAND sector to aim to meet the modern situation in the world, and ratios, oriental tobacco must be used TONS consumer needs and trends. particularly the deceleration in in these blends. Oriental tobacco is Export amount in the first By adopting a diversified Aqua sector, Turkey stays solid in mainly cultivated in Turkey, Greece, 11 months processed seafood product the sector. Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldavia and portfolio (gutted, scaled, gilled, The export threshold of Kyrgyzstan; however, a quarter of filleted and IQF frozen), the illion as exceee in total oriental tobacco production Turkish seafood sector is the fishing and aquaculture is performed in Turkey. Tobacco is seeking a wider spread appeal sector n the targets of one of the most important export in European cuisines along with the sector will be to find new goods which symbolizes Turkey’s the traditional fresh chilled export markets and to use agricultural export products and it varieties. Having reached a its capacity more intensively. has a vital importance for tobacco significant market market share Turkey has left behind a year farmers. Despite the fact that Turkey in the foreign markets supported in which the export targets for is one of the important tobacco by a continuously increasing the fisheries and aquaculture producers and consumers in the production capacity, Turkish sector were achieved and even world, its small contribution to seafood Sector has become exceeded. Fishing industry, as a GNP, governmental restrictions an important player in the sector that adds value to today’s for cultivated areas, constraints for worldwide aquaculture industry Turkey, is a sector that creates advertisements and general trend to which has been characterized by employment in every part of the decrease smoking in the world have TOP 3 being the fastest growing food country with and without the decreased the importance of sector COUNTRIES industry sector in recent years. sea, bringing local and value- both in Turkey and in the world. IN EXPORTS ith increasing caitals added foreign currency from its production amount and labor, network of net to cage, feed to the Turkish Seafood has a packaging exportation. At the growing reputation worldwide. point where Turkey has come to $ NETHERLANDS 900 Today Turkey is the biggest farm fisheries, it is the second MILLION Export value in the producer of sea bream and sea largest producer of Europe after last 12 months bass. oray an exorts to aout All the players in this sector countries. Production is carried ITALY are trying to get a big share out in the most modern and best from the export markets with conditions in Turkey, which is ÖMER CELAL UMUR value added sales. It is strongly a country selling aqua culture Chairman of the Council believed that the Turkish seafood products such as sea bream, sea of Tobacco Sector RUSSIA will be a widely recognized bass and trout all over the world.


I DRIED FRUITS AND PRODUCTS I DIFFERENCE IN EXPERIENCE I CEREALS PULSES, OIL SEEDS AND PRODUCTS I AND QUALITY REAPS THE CROPS OF THE SOWN SEED Turkish cereals, pulses, oily seeds and products sector, which has great a potential, has a 3.8% share in total export.

wheat has great containing four an importance because it it is increasing the is grown in almost all varieties and quality parts of Turkey by a large of its products while number of farmers and modernizing its constitutes the main technologies as a result of BİROL CELEP nutrient for the majority rapid progress it made in Chairman of the of the population. The recent years. The biscuit $1,42 Council of Dried Turkish heat four sector, which is known to BILLION Fruit and Products sector has a major create the highest value Export value in the Sector last 12 months position in the world added among cereal with its high production base products, especially Dried fig price strengthened with capacity. attracts export-oriented turkish dried fruits are purchases of Turkish Grain Board Quality of pasta foreign investments. The exported to countries an (TMO) and the demand increased. produced by the Turkish major countries in export the sector is proud of its high- Particularly in China, India and the pasta sector, which are Iraq, Syria, Yemen, quality products and export US markets, there were significant is among the most Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, exerience for more than increases. Our future is in Asia and competitive players Algeria, Palestine, years. Asia Pacific. Belt and Road Initiative is in the food processing Lebanon, Germany and Consumers are becoming also the beginning of this. Two thirds industry, is recognized Romania. more and more aware that of the world’s population is in these in international markets. Throughout Turkey the dried fruits can be added countries. Exports of dried fruits Turkey is among the during the period from as a part to their healthy diet. and nuts to China increased by 131 major producers and January to October The overall consumption and percent in 2019 from USD 8 million exporters of pasta. exort orth popularity of “natural” snack in 2018 to USD 18 million. Turkey Turkey has a strategic of illion products (dried fruits, nut) needs to maximize the benefit from advantage. Turkey took million thousan of is growing at a steady pace. this growth. The Chinese market 4th place in the world cereals and pulses was Turkey, a fertile agricultural is of great importance to us, and pasta production and performed. Exports to country, produces and exports promotional activities for this market the share of production the increase y high uality rie fgs raisins will continue in the coming months. is ercent percent. The amount apricots and pistachios. At the beginning of November, 54 Biscuit is a product of aroximately Turkish dried fruits are Turkish companies, mainly importers included in the category million tons of oilseeds is exorte to countries an of dried fruits, olive oil, fruits, of four an roucts produced in Turkey. the sector is proud of its high- vegetables, aquaculture and animal quality products and export products, participated in the Second experience for more than China International Import Expo years The sector mainly in Shanghai. Turkey is extremely exports to the EU countries, rich in terms of product range. This the United States and Russian product range will become value- Federation and has the largest added through sustainable exports. dried fruits producing facility The size of the US food market is in the world with the capacity USD 740 billion. Within the scope of an fexiility to uickly serve the objective of increasing the trade MAHSUM ALTUNKAYA customers globally with its volume between the two countries to Chairman of the Council unique geographical location. USD 75 billion, one of the significant of Cereals, Pulses, Oil The sector aims to achieve one opportunities in favor of Turkey is $6,75 Seeds and Products of the highest numbers of its definitely the food trade. BILLION Sector history in Export value in the last 12 months 62 SECTORAL EXPORTS REPORT 2019

I FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES I I HAZELNUT AND HAZELNUT PRODUCTS I I FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS I IDENTIFIED WITH TURKEY THE WORLD’S ALWAYS AIMING VITAMIN STORE besides being the biggest hazelnut producer THE TOP in the world, Turkey is also the biggest the industry’s future appears turkey’s fresh fruit and vegetables have hazelnut exporter. to be bright and it is not far from become very popular and thanks to this The frst lace here haelnuts are gron in its export goal. The agricultural oularity are eing shie to aroun history is known as China but the homeland of sector is not only important destinations throughout the world. it is Turkey. Besides being the biggest hazelnut for the foreign currency info Vegetal production is the leading sector of producer in the world, Turkey is also the biggest it supplies to the country. It Turkish agriculture, and vegetal perishables hazelnut exporter. is also an important sector as constitute the backbone of the sector. The aelnut fels iely srea in the lack it holds a strategic place in availability of diverse ecological conditions Sea coasts of Turkey, have been located within the economy of the country has resulted in growing all temperate, most km from the coast toars inlan n the by contributing to the subtropical and some tropical products. western Black Sea, it starts from Zonguldak (east employment in the related Turkey is the leading producer and of stanul an extens to the east over the sectors as production, packing exorter of fresh fgs in the orl ursa entire Black Sea like a green strip lying between and logistics, beginning from Siyahi” grown in the Bursa province and the sea and the mountains almost until the the stage of production with “Mut Figs” grown in Mut are the most Georgian border. 4 million people are directly farming workers to the stage popular varieties in world’s or indirectly related to hazelnut production or of packing and transportation fresh consumption in terms of production export which has been produced on an area of with the workers in the an exort n the last fve years Turkey’s fresh - thousan hectares in Turkey hich is packinghouses. If we consider fruit and vegetables, which have have become a fact that boosts the socioeconomic importance the sector of fresh fruit and very popular and thanks to this popularity, of hazelnut. Turkey has a distinguished place vegetables, we can say that it is are eing shie to aroun estinations among the other hazelnut producers in the one of the main sub-sectors of (including free zones) throughout the world. world, thanks to its high quality, it maintains its our agriculture. Turkey is one Turkey has begun to enhance its market leading position in production and exportation. of the rare countries where the shares in the CIS, the EU, Middle East and Turkey, as one of the few countries in the prosperous, fertile and large the Gulf countries. Other principal export world having suitable air and solid conditions agricultural areas with different products of the fresh vegetables sector are for haelnut groing rouces ercent regional ecological conditions cucumbers-gherkins, peppers and onions. of the total world production and exports allow the production of fruit The Russian Federation, Iraq, Germany, almost - ercent of exorts in the orl and vegetables of quality in Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Romania, Turkey’s hazelnut export is mainly aimed at optimum conditions. The main Georgia and the Netherlands have been the European Union countries and the share market of Turkish Fresh Fruit major destinations for Turkish fresh fruits of these countries increase in parallel with the and Vegetable sector which an vegetales n it is execte that increase in our exports. prioritizes the quality factor, is citrus exports to Russia will remain at the The share of the EU Russian Federation. level of thousan tons countries in our total exports Russian consumer likes mandarins more is aout - ercent $ but the demand for lemon is also high. though it changes over the 2 Turkey exorts a total of million tons of BILLION years. As for our hazelnut citrus annually. As a result of the ‘Action Export value in the export to other countries, last 12 months $1,55 Plan’ and other activities implemented as Turkey exports hazelnut BILLION of anuary the amount of fresh fruit an over countries Export value in the vegetable products returned from Russia in last 12 months ecline 23,5% Export growth in the last 12 months $2,19 BILLION Export value in the last 12 months İLYAS EDİP SEVİNÇ 270 MELİSA TOKGÖZ MUTLU ALİ KAVAK THOUSAND TONS Chairman of the Council Chairman of the Council Chairman of the Council of of Hazelnut and Hazelnut Amount of Hazelnut export in the of Fruit and Vegetable Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Products Sector last season Products Sector Sector




esho stanul eatherashion air hich is hel at ariye-stanul ongress enter eteen - anuary hosts orl-famous Turkish esigners for the secon time esho stanul hich ill ring together selecte uyers an manufacturers from countries incluing USA, United Arab Emirates, Greece, Russia, South Korea, Italy, France, Poland and Germany, will lead the articiants to meet ne markets n aition to suorting the sector’s exort an usiness volume esho stanul ill kee the ulse of fashion in stanul ariye

TECHNOLOGY FESTIVAL AT EMITT TOURISM FAIR under the corporate sponsorship TUYAP FAIR & CONGRESS CENTRE, ISTANBUL 30 JANUARY - 02 FEBRUARY of the inistry of ulture an Tourism overnorshi of stanul stanul etroolitan TT one of the four largest Municipality and Turkish Airlines tourism fairs in the world, will with the support of KOSGEB, make its mark with the concept Turkey Hoteliers Federation of xerience rea an (TUROFED) and Turkey Tourism TT ill host Tourism nvestors ssociation world tourism professionals TT The fair ill focus on and holiday consumers for the the igitaliation rocess of 24th time from 30 January the tourism sector in terms of to eruary The fair marketing an services hile will take place at TÜYAP Fair visitors ill itness numerous onvention an ongress enter technological shos 64 I THE TURKISH PERSPECTIVE AGENDA


The loal lean xo stanul cleaning trae fair in meets ith ee interest of visitors 02 - 11 JANUARY 2020 coming from countries n th 30 JANUARY-2 FEBRUARY 2020 imortant meeting oint for The 38 International Istanbul GAMING ISTANBUL extening your usiness in INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL Turkey, Middle East, Europe & CHILDREN BABY ENTERTAINMENT & GAMES EXPO sia loal lean xo is full MATERNITY INDUSTRY Eurasia Show and Art Center- Fatih/ of opportunities such as a wide İSTANBUL international customer potential EXPO PLAYERS AND CONTINENTS a chance to contact urchasing İSTANBUL CNR EXPO CENTER - BAKIRKÖY İSTANBUL MEET AT GIST secialists an chances to analye the latest eveloments xorts of ay clothing hich as aming stanul has ecome 118 million in 2010, rose to USD 249 the largest an million in xort ecor reaking gaming exo of Turkey the Sector meets with participants in the in three years an international latform the visitor numer has een increasing aout aroximately The 38th nternational stanul hilren ay ercent every year ou coul aternity xo ill e hel eteen - anuary e laying or footall at stanul xo enter ith its games or nostalgic -it 15- 18 JANUARY m2 exhiiting area ualife exhiitors games or eskto s f you 27th International Trade Fair for Food shocase their rans rofessional ish you may animate game and Beverage uyers coming from target countries characters ith your oslay Anfaş International Expo and Convention Turkey is the most active orer riting trae fair skills aming stanul is an Center ANTALYA for the ay an chilren sector Turkey’s strategic exhiition y layers for layers FOODPRODUCT ENABLES YOU TO geograhical location acts as a rige here the ACHIEVE YOUR TARGET sector can reach illion customers nfa nternational xo an onvention enter hich rings the sector together ith 21 - 26 JANUARY DISCOVER THE MOST IMPORTANT the fair exerience of over half a 16th International Istanbul Furniture Fair FURNITURE MARKET IN THE EURASIA REGION IN İSTANBUL century opens its doors to Food İstanbul CNR Expo Center ISTANBUL Product- International Food ne of the three iggest furniture an everage ecialiation exhiitions in the orl Fair for the 27th time th IMOB – International Istanbul FoodProduct - International Furniture Fair opens its doors oo an everage for the 16th time at xo ecialiation air hich is stanul xo enter eteen hel at nfa nternational anuary - t the xo an onvention enter special B2B area which will be eteen anuary - reare for the exhiition over lans to ring together more 300 companies from the Gulf than articiants over countries orth frica an rofessional visitors uroe ill come together ith from 81 cities in the country Turkish furniture manufacturers an over countries aroa

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