
Open Science 101: Principles of Open Science (First-Year Implementation)

By Sharon Hanna, Mathew Vis-Dunbar, and Jason Pither of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus


If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.

-Isaac Newton

It’s hard to stand on the shoulders of giants if the giants are hiding under the bed.

-Bonnie Swoger (Associate Director of RIT Libraries)

This online course will take you on a tour of the world of Open Science, the new Scientific Revolution. After completing this 5-unit module, you should be able to:

● Describe why many people think that the Open Science (OS) movement is necessary; ● Define “Open Science”; ● Describe the ideals underlying the OS movement; ● Articulate the guiding principles of Open Science; and ● List the scientific, economic, and societal advantages resulting from the implementation of Open Science culture and practice.

August 13, 2020. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons ​ ​ Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. ​


Pre-Module Assessment

Quiz Instructions

This question is to gauge your familiarity with Open Science. We suggest a 2-4 sentence answer (short paragraph). Please don’t Google to find answers, as we would like to get an accurate idea of how much you know coming into the course.

Question (1 pt) ​ You have spent some time in lab discussing what science is, but have you also heard of “Open Science”? [Conditional on affirmative response:] What do you think this means?

Question (1 pt) ​ ​ Open Science is very much about transparency in the research process and sharing of scientific inputs and outputs (how research is done and what is discovered). Using examples of the ​ Alvarez story, describe two ways in which Alvarez showed transparency and sharing of science ​ that would benefit the community as a whole.

Question (1 pt) ​ What is citizen science, and how does it benefit society? Can you give an example from ​ Alvarez’s story? ​


Unit 1: Burden of Proof

Unit 1 Objectives

This unit provides a brief look into the nature and purpose of scientific research and the background of the unfolding Open Science movement. After completing it, you should be able to articulate

● why public trust in science has declined; and ● why a “Second Scientific Revolution” is necessary.

Shall we begin?

The Burden of Proof


Science is a beautiful thing. It is a landscape of exploration and one that at its root is tasked with finding evidence, and establishing cause and effect. At a fundamental level, this implies that science should be able to answer questions like If I exercise daily, how is this likely to affect my ​ cardiovascular (heart) health? Or, if we build a road here, how will the local population of ​ ​ bighorn sheep be affected?

As you'll discover throughout your degree, scientists tackle such questions through a combination of exploratory and confirmatory research. At the exploratory stage, ideas are ​ ​ ​ ​ generated and associations are discovered. For instance, we have long known about the ​ ​ positive association between daily exercise and physical health. But establishing that daily exercise causes healthy outcomes is a different challenge. Exploratory research gives rise to ​ ​ hypotheses that can then be tested through confirmatory research, which requires ​ well-designed experiments. For example, an interdisciplinary team of UBC health researchers ​ ran experiments on human subjects called clinical trials on older adults who attended a fall ​ ​ ​ prevention clinic after a fall. The study found that the rate of subsequent falls was substantially reduced among those who participated in a home-based strength and balance retraining exercise program compared to those receiving typical geriatrician care. This confirms a causal ​ basis to the association between participation in this type of home-based exercise program and a lower risk of re-injury through falling.

Causal Links


Suggesting a causal link brings with it the need to show your proof. This burden of scientific proof requires both creativity and rigour; studies must be well designed and well executed. It also requires that studies be independently replicated to show that, if repeated, they will result in ​ ​ the same conclusions, reinforcing the validity of their findings.

Ask yourself this question: Would you try a new medication that was verified by a single research lab to have no side-effects? Or would you prefer a medication that was verified by five independent research labs?

Science and Social Trust


Science does not exist independent of the rest of society. The outputs of science — the discoveries from research — are used in all facets of life. What is a healthy lunch option? Is lead-based paint safe? What's the safest way to perform heart surgery? What should government policy be on climate change?

If science is going to be used by the public, other scientists, and policy makers to address these questions, they need to have trust in research findings and access to these findings.

Trust and Access

Scientists can build public trust in science through the use of ​ ​ ● rigour in the scientific method and ● replication (thorough repetition) of studies to solidify the evidence for a conclusion. ​ We can assure access to science by ​ ​ ● lack of financial barriers and ● Tailoring communication of the outputs for specific .

Stakeholders in Science

Designing accessible outputs for a particular means considering the prior knowledge, , and needs of different stakeholders in science. ​ ​ What is a stakeholder? Anyone who can influence or can be affected by a matter. Examples of these could include government policy makers and funders, business and industry, politicians, environmentalists, patients, and the general public.


A Crisis Much of the scientific community was shocked in 2005 when researcher, John Ioannidis, wrote a paper in the PLOS Medicine journal explaining “Why Most Published Research Findings are ​ ​ ​ False.”

Ioannidis was criticizing the rigour of the scientific process used by researchers in medicine. His statement sparked a movement that started questioning whether or not published studies could be replicated: that is, could they withstand a of their burden of proof?

Since Ioannidis published his paper, this movement has grown into a crusade seeking to transform the culture and practices of scientific research. As a society and as a species, we face many challenges that require us to work together across geographical, social, political, and disciplinary boundaries. Solid science and public confidence in that science figure prominently in efforts to address such issues as health and wellness, climate change, and the need to make resource use sustainable. What’s needed is a revolution to improve knowledge sharing, quality, accessibility, and trust in science. Focus: Why Most Published Research Findings are False (Lab Exercise)

Read the (summary) of John Ioannidis’s article below and follow the reference link to view the full article. To discuss in lab: What factors did Ioannidis blame for the lack of reliability in research studies? How can these problems be addressed?

There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false. The probability that a research claim is true may depend on study power and bias, the number of other studies on the same question, and, importantly, the ratio of true to no relationships among the relationships probed in each scientific field. In this framework, a research finding is less likely to be true when the studies conducted in a field are smaller; when effect sizes are smaller; when there is a greater number and lesser preselection of tested relationships; where there is greater flexibility in designs, definitions, outcomes, and analytical modes; when there is greater financial and other interest and prejudice; and when more teams are involved in a scientific field in chase of statistical significance. Simulations show that for most study designs and settings, it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true. Moreover, for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias. In this essay, I discuss the implications of these problems for the conduct and interpretation of research.



Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2005). Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. PLOS ​ Medicine 2(8): e124. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124 ​ ​

Unit 1 Quiz

Question 1 (1 pt) ​ In 2005, a paper by medical researcher John Ionnadis revealed a major cause of the decline in public trust in science: we can’t rely on most modern research findings because

☐ they cannot be replicated (repeated in a thorough way to reinforce evidence for ​ their conclusions)

☐ they aren’t reviewed by peers of the authors ​ ☐ they are often based on fraudulent or otherwise unethical research. ​

Question 2 (1 pt) ​ Which of the following are reasons that the general public needs to be able to trust in science? Choose all that apply.

☐ science (for example, medical advances) can affect our daily lives in many ways

☐ government policy may be based on the advice of scientists

☐ many difficult problems facing the world today require scientific expertise, so we must be able to have confidence that the science behind efforts to combat these problems is solid

Unit 2: What Exactly is Open Science (OS)?

Unit 2 Objectives



In Unit 1 we discussed the burden of proof and the erosion of social and stakeholder trust in the sciences.

This unit will explore a related issue: the ability to build up evidence for a scientific claim by repeating the original study to make sure that the finding, be it correlative or causal, is a true finding and is not just a fluke.


After finishing this unit, you should be able to explain

● what the Replication Crisis is; and ● how Open Science proposes to address it.

A Replication Crisis


Open Science addresses many problems with how research is done. It aims to ensure that research can be confirmed through replication, and that both new discoveries and replications of previous research are respected and rewarded.


Although scientific progress rests on the repetition and reproduction of results, efforts at this are hindered by two main factors.

● First, there is a desire for the new and shiny: studies are more interesting. ● Second, many studies cannot be competently analyzed or replicated. This is because critical information about them — design, data, methods, lab notes, analyses and code — may not be made available, or may be poorly communicated.

Flashy Science or Good Science?


New and original findings are exciting. Independently repeating a study and getting the same results, not so much. The consequence for science? Flashy findings get published and a lot of attention. Re-testing, or replicating these studies, snooze.

The result? Novel research gets funded and published. Sometimes, it appears, the excitement factor overrides the quality (or lack of quality) of the science.



Replication studies are hard to fund, and many journals are not interested in them. And and scientific institutes offer career rewards to those who publish novel findings in prestigious journals.

Academia and industry alike reward the publication of positive and so-called “significant” results. Scientists may unwittingly “bend the rules” of science trying to get results worthy of publication. "Bending the rules" in this context is also known as engaging in Questionable Research ​ Practices (QRPs). ​ Questionable Research Practices

It's important to note that QRPs don’t normally result from deliberate efforts on the part of researchers to do bad science. QRPs arise from a complex system of interactions within and around the research process and from the need for researchers to get published. After all, publications are the bread and butter of a researcher. And unfortunately, this can mean that sometimes style trumps substance, as Daniel Engber notes in his Slate article “Cancer ​ ​ ​ Research Is Broken.” ​

Enter Open Science


Open Science is a movement that tries to combat the replication crisis, QRPs, and style trumping substance in two ways:

● By providing different incentives and rewards for research. That is, changing what we measure as a success in research, shifting from a culture that emphasizes novel findings to one that also rewards the many other aspects of practising good science. ● By making all parts of the scientific research process transparent and accessible, allowing for a critical review of how a study was conducted, and ultimately enabling that study to be independently replicated.

Open Science Ideals

What sort of changes, then, would we expect Open Science to bring? Imagine a world where

● publications and data are freely available (note that there are some restrictions on availability, such as privacy concerns and protection of the location of endangered species);


● conclusions and public policy are based on solid information and analysis that are clearly evident to all; ● studies can be tested and repeated; ● researchers without extensive funding or resources can still participate and collaborate in science; ● good science — rather than flashy science — brings rewards to those who practise it; and ● the public trusts science and has opportunities to participate in research.


Unit 2 Quiz

Question 1 (1 pt) ​ The Replication crisis arose when scientists discovered that many research results could not be replicated. What kinds of information are needed to replicate a study? Check all possible answers.

☐ Data sets used

☐ Methods used

☐ Programming code used

☐ Names of patients in the study (if a medical study)

☐ Analysis techniques used

☐ Documentation of how data were collected

Question 2 (1 pt) ​ Which of the following strategies does Open Science hope to use to combat the Replication crisis? Select all that apply.

☐ Providing different incentives and rewards for replicable and transparent research ​ ☐ Normalizing research practices in which all parts of the scientific research process ​ become transparent and accessible, allowing for a critical review of how a study was conducted, and ultimately enabling that study to be independently replicated.

☐ Encouraging replication studies ​ ☐ Firing scientists who get flashy results. ​


Unit 3: Core Values

Unit 3 Objectives


In the last unit, we talked about the relationship between science and society, and tried to imagine an ideal research landscape transformed by Open Science.

In this unit we'll dive a little deeper and get to the core beliefs that underlie OS principles and practices.

The fundamental values we'll look at include

● scientific integrity; ● equity; and ● diversity and inclusion.


On completion of Unit 3, you should be able to identify how the core values that underpin Open Science intersect with the following practices and goals. In addition, you should be able to assess the appropriateness of a scientific text for a given audience.

● replicability; ● collaboration; and ● science communication.

Scientific Integrity

Though we haven’t mentioned the phrase “scientific integrity”, we have looked at the critical role it plays in replicability and Open Science. Integrity involves sticking to best practices for research that promote reproducibility through transparency and . At the root, this principle springs from a sense of responsibility for public welfare and from the honest pursuit of scientific truth.

In a literal sense, transparency is the property of an object that makes it so clear that you can see through it. But what about when we talk about transparency in government policy, or scientific research? In this context, transparency implies a high degree of disclosure —


revealing clearly the exact reasoning and process used in coming to a decision or taking an action. As well, transparency means taking care to disclose important information in a respectful and responsible fashion.

Scientific integrity implies several practices:

● basing research conclusions and public policy on solid information and analyses that are clearly evident to everyone; ● evaluating scientific work using fair, rigorous criteria and procedures known to all involved; ● publishing good science, period (not just flashy science); ● fully disclosing studies and methods regardless of their outcomes; ● following best practices for creating hypotheses, collecting data, and analyzing results; ● demonstrating sensitivity to stakeholders’ ownership of knowledge and data; and ● providing equitable access to all outputs of the research cycle.

As we saw in the last unit, these form key elements of our ideal research ecosystem, where the public trusts science and studies can be tested and repeated.

Transparency and Grading

One case where want and need transparency is in grading. Most of you probably appreciate knowing how marks were given to questions on a midterm exam and what criteria the marker used to score each question. This provides you with both a reason for the assigned ​ ​ grade and a means of comparing your grade with those of your classmates. Ultimately, this ​ ​ specific information can help you to address gaps in your knowledge and perform better on future assessments (such as the final exam). In the same way, transparency in research allows scientists to improve future studies and add to accumulated knowledge.

Equity through Access

We do research to learn; we share our findings to build a culture of learning and to enhance the future of our disciplines. We also share to build community with researchers and other stakeholders.

But because there can be a range of stakeholders with different needs, values, and backgrounds, it is important to communicate science in ways that consider these specific attributes. Processes and findings need to be contextualized (put into a context meaningful to ​ ​ the particular stakeholder) and made accessible, both in message (the content of the ​ ​ communication) and medium (the way the message is conveyed). The more avenues through which we share and engage and the fewer barriers to access we put up, the more equitably our discoveries can be shared.


Equity vs Equality

Equity and equality are similar, but there is a key distinction: under equality everyone is treated in an identical manner, whereas under equity everyone is treated fairly according to their abilities and needs. The image below nicely illustrates the concept of equity.

Image attribution: Universalincome [cropped] by Leigh Blackall under Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Equity: Considering the Audience

Equity in science communication can be explored in many ways; none addresses all issues of equitable access, but each helps to enhance scientific literacy in our society. Open access publications help to make research available to those who cannot afford costly journal subscriptions. Citizen science engages members of the public in the research process, contributing their voices to projects. Novel ways of sharing a message, like podcasts or Twitter, can reach communities with unique access needs or preferences.

Let's take a look at how we can change the way we talk about science to meet the needs of different audiences.Your Biology professor will change the and techniques used to communicate scientific information to her colleagues when she helps inform a government policy analyst a report. She will use a different approach again to engage you and your classmates in learning. In each case, she adjusts her communication to match her audience's needs, educational background, and experience. Her message isn't fundamentally changed or


simplified, but it does need to be delivered in a way that is understanding and respectful of her audience.

Effects of DDT on Birds: Three Approaches

Consider each of the following three explanations of how DDT affects birds in terms of its intended audience.

Aimed at Researchers in the Discipline Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is a persistent organochlorine compound found worldwide that causes significant anatomical, physiological and behavioural abnormalities in humans and wildlife (Iwaniuk et al., 2006).

Aimed at Post-Secondary Science Students ​ DDT and its metabolites cause eggs to have thin shells and reduce levels of a hormone necessary for female birds to lay eggs. Population declines and local disappearance of peregrine falcons, bald and golden eagles, ospreys, kestrels, and other predatory birds were recorded (Cox, 1991).

Aimed at the General Public High concentrations of DDT in birds cause weakness in the shells of their eggs, which leads to a reduction in their population. DDT is now banned because of this (British Broadcasting Corporation, 2019).


British Broadcasting Corporation. (2019). Toxic materials in the food chain. Retrieved from ​ ​ https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zq4wjxs/revision/5#:~:targetText=It%20can%20accumulat e%20in%20the,now%20banned%20because%20of%20this.

Cox, C. (1991 Winter). Pesticides and Birds: From DDT to Today's Poisons. Journal of Pesticide ​ Reform, 11. Retrieved from https://eap.mcgill.ca/MagRack/JPR/JPR_14.htm. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Iwaniuk, A. N., Koperski, D. T., Cheng, K. M., Elliott, J. E., Smith, L. K., & Wylie, D. R. W. (2006, October 2). The effects of environmental exposure to DDT on the brain of a songbird: Changes in structures associated with mating and song. Behavioural Brain Research, 173, 1-10. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Diversity in Research Culture

Diverse criticism of scientific ideas makes research more robust, and challenges bias and assumptions that might otherwise pass unchecked. Divergent perspectives, skill sets, and ideas introduce the "outside-of-the-box" thinking that drives research forward. Diversity implies


another value, inclusion. This means making sure all voices are heard and respected in the research process. Thus, involving a diversity of views and people enriches research.

Diversity and inclusion show up in many types of research activities that involve participation and collaboration. Participation and collaboration can take many forms. Citizen science ​ engages the public in data collection and processing. Participatory research turns the ​ ​ relationship between researcher and subject into a partnership, where both contribute to the research question, methods, and outcomes. International collaborations increase cultural diversity and can address problems that cross borders, like disease epidemics or pollution.

Interdisciplinary research, such collaboration between medical researchers on the one hand and veterinarians and animal specialists on the other hand, can help investigate complex questions like how the COVID-19 coronavirus evolves in intermediate hosts before being transferred to humans.

Building Diverse Teams

Imagine this conversation between two students. Both Anna and Yuanfeng are fourth-year Biology majors. Yuanfeng is 21 and currently works as a TA for a first-year biology class; Anna is 25 years old and has a computer science diploma and a couple years of programming experience. A few weeks ago Anna applied for an undergraduate research assistant job in Dr. Jones's lab.

Yuanfeng: Hey Anna, what happened with that job you applied for? ​ Anna: Oh, you mean that one in the Jones lab? You won’t believe this, but I actually got it! ​ Yuanfeng: Hey, well, come on -- you are kind of a brain box! ​ ​ ​ Anna: [Laughs] But I’m pretty sure I don't have as much experience in Biology lab work as ​ some other people who applied. I mean, I know Brandon applied.

Yuanfeng: Why do you think you got it, then? ​ Anna: Dr. Jones said that my programming skills would be really helpful ... I guess other people ​ on the team don’t have too much experience coding with R, and I'm the missing piece of the puzzle!

Yuanfeng: That’s great! You killed it! ​


Unit 3 Quiz

Question 1 (1 pt) ​ Which of these passages would be the most equitable definition of mitosis for a middle-school ? Choose one.

☐ There are two main methods of replication, mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is a form of eukaryotic cell division that produces two daughter cells with the same genetic component as the parent cell (University of Leicester, n.d.).

☐ Mitosis is the process that facilitates the equal partitioning of replicated chromosomes into two identical groups. Both the alignment and separation processes are the consequence of the chromosomes interacting with filamentous proteinaceous structures, known as microtubules(Wolniak, n.d.).

☐ Two identical copies come from one original. Start with one; get two that are the same. You get the idea (British Broadcasting Corporation, 2018).


Glen, Stephanie. (2020). ANOVA Test: Definition, Types, Examples. StatisticsHowTo.com: ​ ​ ​ ​ Elementary Statistics for the rest of us! https://www.statisticshowto.com/probability-and-statistics/hypothesis-testing/anova/

Paolella, M. S. (2018). Linear models and time-series analysis : Regression, ANOVA, ARMA ​ and GARCH. Wiley. (p. 79) ​ Question 2

Match the example with the underlying Open Science value that supports it: Dr. Jones made her study replicable by providing transparent Scientific integrity access to the data, methods, materials, and code used.

Dr. Nagy explained Mrs. Leoni’s illness to her in plain Equity language, as the patient is an ESL speaker.

Yuanfeng, though she didn’t have as much experience in Diversity and inclusion Biology research as some other applicants, got the job in the Jones lab because she provided a skill that was missing among the current staff of the lab.


Question 3

What are some things you can do in your simploid experiment to ensure scientific integrity?


Andrew Rader Studios. (2018). Mitosis. Retrieved from ​ ​ http://www.biology4kids.com/files/cell2_mitosis.html

University of Leicester. (n.d.). The Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis. Retrieved from ​ ​ https://www2.le.ac.uk/projects/vgec/highereducation/topics/cellcycle-mitosis-meiosis

Wolniak, Stephen M. (n.d.) An Introduction to Mitosis. Retrieved from ​ ​ https://science.umd.edu/CBMG/faculty/wolniak/wolniakmitosis.html

Unit 4: Benefits of Open Science

Unit 4 Objectives


In the preceding modules, we’ve talked a lot about what Open Science is, and what some of the core values of Open Science are. We hope we’re winning some of you over! But some of you might still be wondering what’s in it for you, your discipline, your country, or the world in a more concrete way. And we have yet to really pin down, from a benefits perspective, why we should be practising Open Science.


On completion of Unit 4, you should be able to articulate how Open Science offers the following benefits:

● economic efficiencies arising from higher-quality research; ​ ● facilitation of large-scale data projects through collaboration; ​


● improved responsiveness of policy and research to public needs as a consequence ​ of better and more inclusive research; and ● career benefits for individual researchers. ​ Better Science and Economic Efficiencies

Creating Efficiencies

Open Science acts like a super-fertilizer to make science grow faster and stronger. Here’s a quick review on how it does this.

● OS solidifies the foundation of scientific knowledge – reproducible, robust research ​ can be understood and replicated more easily. ● OS has the potential to make the research process more efficient – data, methods, ​ analytical techniques, and code can be reused. ● OS limits unnecessary research – the publication of studies that include both ​ successful and failed techniques helps others to avoid wasting time and energy.


From to Open Science

But let’s take this back a bit and ask, why is science closed in the first place?

On a practical level, research in the lab can lead to industrial applications, whether it’s a new vaccine, a drone that uses remote sensing technology to identify tree species, or a solar-powered train. In many cases, creators of such applications (or the organizations that employ them) will apply for a , a legal document that gives them the sole right to manufacture and sell the product, their property. ​ ​ So, in many ways, patents, first issued in the 15th century, closed off science. Under patent law, only the inventor can improve the product. This limits the ability of society at large to explore and expand on the techniques and technologies applied.

In , when we open up our practices to share intellectual property, we allow for accelerated innovation, which means less expensive industrial products that take less time to get to market.

Example: Production of Medical Grade Face Shields at UBCO

Cortnee Chulo demonstrates use of a 3D-printed face shield. makerspace UBCO offers equipment and peer assistance for such accessing open-source designs, 3D printing, cutting, and soldering. When the COVID-19 outbreak hit early in 2020, health workers on the front lines faced a critical shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE). Under the guidance of Cortney Chulo, makerspace manager, the makerspace partnered


with the School of Engineering and with the Interior Health Authority to produce face shields for health workers using the makerspace’s 3D printers.

Read more at https://news.ok.ubc.ca/2020/04/16/ubco-teams-up-with-community-partners-to-design-medical-p pe/

Large-Scale Projects

Through the pooling of resources and, in particular, data, a project that would remain a distant dream if dependent on a single actor can become a reality.

Such collaborations can involve different research organizations, researchers from different disciplines, citizen science participation, or international cooperation.

One interesting example is the digital Tree of Life, which uses published data to visualize how over two billion living things on Earth have evolved in relation to each other … going back 3.5 billion years! A collaboration of scientists from 11 different research organizations and funding through the U.S. National Science Foundation made this huge online tool possible. One of the scientists involved, genetics professor Douglas Soltis, observed, “Twenty-five years ago people said this goal of huge trees was impossible. The open tree of life is an important starting point that other investigators can now refine and improve for decades to come.” (Shekhtman, 2015) The Tree of Life can be used or edited by anyone, free of charge.

Explore the Tree of Life website.

Improved Responsiveness of Policy and Research to Public Needs

Involvement of citizens in research can help steer science in ways that help society and make science communication and science-based public policy more responsive to public needs. Naturally, this also increases public trust in science.

The “Patient Expert” model of health care, in which patients participating in studies or treatments assume a good amount of responsibility for their own care and contribute feedback that can influence the course of future studies is an excellent example of this.

Example: The CHILD-BRIGHT Network

CHILD-BRIGHT, headquartered in Montreal, networks health practitioners, patients, families, and research scientists across Canada to advance patient-oriented care of children with


brain-based developmental disabilities. This network was born out of consultation with patients and their families. The CHILD_BRIGHT website clearly outlines the importance of citizen ​ ​ ​ engagement to the network’s projects:

At CHILD-BRIGHT, ‘patients’ have been at the centre of our work since before our network was even established. We understand that patients and families are experts on their health experiences and needs and we look to them to provide us with insightful input that will influence our priorities, research study design, the outcome measures we use, as well as the interpretation and use of our findings.

As a network working under Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research, we aim to engage all people touched by brain-based developmental disabilities, especially patients and families, as meaningfully as possible in all aspects of our work.

CHILD-BRIGHT holds summer camps for children at research centres in Calgary, Edmonton, and Toronto under the SPORT (Stimulation for Perinatal Stroke Optimizing Recovery Trajectory) program. Children in the camp receive trial treatments aimed at improving their motor function, as well as undergoing testing and imaging for research. Their participation helps to build data sets for studies, and guides the direction of future research. Of course, some fun is involved as well! Many of the children have reported improved function through the camps’ treatments.

Career Benefits for Researchers

Open science helps researchers – especially those in the beginning stages of their careers – in many ways:

● increased visibility – for example, authors who publish openly may receive early ​ coverage in the media and broader coverage generally; ● enhanced networks – chances to make connections, exchange, and collaborate, ​ creating greater opportunity for advancement; ● greater employability – both at universities and outside of the academic world, such as ​ in industry and government: early-career applicants stand out if they have experience in reproducible practices; and ● funding and publishing opportunities – many funders and journals now require that ​ researchers make their data public and participate in other Open practices.

Example: Exposure of Honours Work

Sammie is doing their honours in biology at UBCO. They’re using a popular online tool for sharing research inputs and outputs, OSF, to help manage their project. ​ ​ Sammie recently presented their work at a local conference. Their poster focused on the key outcomes of their study, but provided a link to the full working project on OSF for those who were more interested in the nitty gritty of the work.


In the following months, Sammie started to notice that more and more people were visiting their OSF page. Some people were even downloading portions of Sammie’s work.

Applying for graduate opportunities, Sammie was able to point to both their project work and the visitor stats it was receiving.

Three months after the conference, Sammie got the following email:

Dear Sammie,

I was very pleased to come across your at a

conference several months back. A colleague at your institution

reached out to me more recently about your work and I have

since had a look at what you’re doing on your OSF page. If

you’re looking for a graduate research opportunity, I’d be

happy to talk, as the work that you are doing would align very

nicely with my research lab at The Joy of Science Institute in ​ ​ Florida.


Dr. Bob Ross

As you might imagine, Sammie was pretty excited.

Unit 4 Quiz

Question 1 (1 pt) ​ How does Open Science create economic efficiencies? Select all that apply.

☐ By solidifying the of scientific knowledge

☐ By making researchers aware of methods that have failed

☐ By making patents required for new inventions


☐ By facilitating re-use of code, data, and methods

Question 2 (1 pt) ​ How did the founders of the CHILD-BRIGHT network decide on which projects to implement? Choose one.

☐ They looked at other projects for children with brain-based developmental challenges and decided to do something similar.

☐ They left it up to their main donors to decide according to their priorities.

☐ They consulted child patients with brain-based disabilities and their parents/caregivers.


Unit 5: Challenges and Constraints

Unit 5 Objectives


If Open Science is so great, why isn't it more widespread?

We have the technological means, and indeed a duty, to open science in order to solve problems facing our society and our world. This unit looks at the difficulties in implementing Open Science and strategies to overcome them.


On completion of Unit 5, you should be able to articulate and identify a strategy for addressing the following three hindrances to practising Open Science:

● lack of incentives; ​ ● lack of awareness and training; and ​ ​ ● intellectual property rights. ​


Incentives and Rewards

The Current Reward System

As we saw in Unit 2, flashy science may trump good science. The actors involved here are four: researchers, publishers, employers, and funders. Traditional research outputs (academic papers) are coordinated by publishers, while researcher rewards — tenure, wages, and grants — are handled by their employers, funders, and peers

As you'll recall, journals want to publish exciting research. You could say this is good business sense.

Funders, as well, want their projects to achieve clear, novel, and measurable results; they obviously want to be able to justify why they invested in a given project. Employers want to ​ ​ know that their institution is having an impact — and researcher impact contributes to institutional impact.

Researchers’ impact is gauged largely by the number of times their research is cited by others, the prestige of the journals they publish in, and the level of funding they can get. Thus, the rewards a researcher receives depend largely on outputs of journals.

You can see we have a bit of a conflict here. Researchers may want to change their practices, but if such changes negatively affect whether and where they're published, they'll fall out of favour with their employers and funders. At the same time, funders and employers struggle to find other ways to measure research impact to coordinate funding and to demonstrate value. ​ ​ Strategies for Change

Strategies for change centre on how value and impact are interpreted and understood in the ​ ​ ​ ​ context of research. And many large organizations representing researchers, publishers, employers, and funders have started to change the way in which they evaluate these factors.

A few key developments have sparked and motivated some of these shifts.

Changes in Assessment Criteria In 2012, the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in San Francisco gave rise to the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). This document calls on all parties involved in the research process to critically re-evaluate how research is assessed for merit. It has since turned into a worldwide initiative with thousands of individual and organizational supporters. You can read more about DORA here. ​ Funder Requirements


Since 2015, the three major Canadian research agencies -- the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) -- have required that recipients of their research grants provide open access to the resulting papers within a year of publication. These same agencies are currently working on a similar policy for research data. You can read more about the Tri-Agencies Open Access Policy here.

Journal Efforts

In 2014, the journal Psychological Science broke new ground by giving authors the opportunity ​ ​ to signal their use of open practices by awarding badges to their papers. Under the guidance of UBC Vancouver’s Dr. Eric Eich, editor-in-chief of the journal at that time, authors began to ​ ​ receive badges for three types of OS practices: open data, open materials, and preregistration (filing their research design with the journal at the earliest stage of the study). These badges were then added as images to the paper. Before badges were introduced, fewer than 3% of papers in Psychological Science reported that their data was open. By mid 2015, this ​ ​ percentage had grown by a factor of 13 to 39% (Kidwell et al., 2016)!


Kidwell, M. C., Lazarević, L. B., Baranski, E., Hardwicke, T. E., Piechowski, S., Falkenberg, L.-S., … Nosek, B. A. (2016). Badges to Acknowledge Open Practices: A Simple, Low-Cost, Effective Method for Increasing Transparency. PLOS Biology, 14(5), e1002456. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1002456

Lack of Awareness and Training

Most researchers today haven't been trained in Open Science practices. They would likely agree philosophically with opening science, but may not know where to start in terms of modifying their practices. And those in later stages of their career may think that change is too difficult, even if their graduate students try to engage them in talking about Open Science.

A Learning Curve

Learning a new way of conducting science involves time and effort.

Depending on where you are in your career, this time and effort is more or less valuable and easier or harder to come by. For example, longtime researchers may struggle with taking time away from their current responsibilities that have grown over the years, including managing students, administrative tasks, applying for grants, and teaching.

The fact is, Open Science practices involve investing more time at the start of a research project, because they require you to think through the entire project, map out what you're going to do, and to try to foresee where errors could happen so you can prevent them or soften their


impact. However, the investment pays off in increased scientific rigour, less time spent on the end of the project, and increased efficiencies in future projects.

Embracing Open Science education may also mean having to grasp new technologies, and some people, even in the sciences, feel discomfort with learning new tech.

Finally, researchers may be concerned with the costs potentially associated with Open Science, from fees for storing data to time required to learn OS practices. Low-cost or free options for data storage may be available through universities or other organizations.

Advocating for Open

To help researchers clear the learning curve, Open Science advocates seek to make information about Open Science benefits, tools, and practices available to researchers at all levels. Initiatives include the following:

● free, easy-to-use tools that don't require coding, like the Open Science Framework (OSF), a project management and networking site that allows researchers to display and interact with all products of their research; ● free storage for researchers, whether through third parties like OSF or Zenodo, or ​ ​ ​ ​ through their institution. At UBC, we have cIRcle for publications and Dataverse for data; ​ ​ ​ ​ ● OS education programs (including this one) at universities aimed at undergraduates, graduates, and early career researchers; ● mentoring programs that team a researcher experienced with OS methods with colleagues new to OS; and ● courses in specific aspects of Open Science, such as those offered by the FOSTER ​ portal (a project of the European Union).

Intellectual Property Rights


Our economy and legal system have long recognized the rights of creators of ideas, methods, products, and other brainchildren to own the products of their creation. These rights provide a strong incentive for research and innovation, both for individual creators and for society through the production of new knowledge, goods, and services.

However, as we know, Open Science also provides strong stimulation to the economy by improving the quality of science and industrial products and services, and making scientific knowledge broadly available to creators or potential creators.


So, intellectual property rights and Open Science exist together in a tense but interdependent relationship; policy makers and all of the actors in the culture of science must work to strike a balance between these two concepts.

The Open COVID Pledge: IP for Free in a Time of Crisis

In April 2020, in response to the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, an international coalition of intellectual property law experts, researchers, and tech giants such as Amazon and Microsoft launched the Open COVID Pledge to call researchers and research organizations to make ​ ​ COVID-related intellectual property available free of charge. These efforts have sped the development of tests, vaccines, medications, equipment, and software.


Unit 5 Recap This five-minute video introduces Open Science changes happening at McGill University’s ​ ​ Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (aka The Neuro). Dr. Guy Rouleau, the Neuro’s director, discusses the difficulties involved in convincing researchers to adopt OS practices and the strategies used to achieve consensus on the decision to change the Neuro’s practices. (Video format is not supported by Canvas.)


Unit 5 Quiz

Question 1 (1 pt) ​ Activity: This unit discusses a new publishing format, Registered Reports, that advances Open Science. Brainstorm 2 other ways in which journals could encourage better and more , and record your answers in the text input field below.

Question 2 (1 pt) ​ This question is based on the short (five-minute) video about The Neuro (the Montreal Neurological Institute) in the final section of this Unit content (Unit 5 Recap). Which of the following was not used by The Neuro to overcome lack of awareness and training about Open ​ ​ Science to win the scientific community over? Choose all that apply.

☐ Focus groups

☐ Surveys

☐ Financial bonuses for adopting open science practices.

☐ Lectures


Open Science 101: Survey and Content Quiz


Question 1 (1 pt) ​ Do you think you’ll major in Biology? What do you want to do with your life, careerwise? (No pressure, especially at this busy time of the year! But feel free to tell us if you like!)

Question 2 (1 pt)

This question is based on the short (five-minute) video about The Neuro (the Montreal Neurological Institute) in the final section of this Unit content (Unit 5 Recap). Which of the following was not used by The Neuro to win the scientific community over to the idea of ​ ​ switching to Open Science? Choose all that apply.

☐ Focus groups

☐ Surveys

☐ Financial bonuses for adopting open science practices.

☐ Lectures

Question 3 (1 pt)

In your opinion, what is the most important benefit that Open Science can bring? Which aspects of the Open Science movement discussed this semester resonate the most with you?

Question 4 (1 pt)

In your opinion, what is the most important benefit that Open Science can bring? Which aspects of the Open Science movement discussed this semester resonate the most with you?

Question 5 (1 pt)

Overall, if you had to sum up your view on Open Science, what would you say?


Question 6 (1 pt)

Have a suggestion for improving OS 101? Let us know here.

Content Quiz

We’re at the end! This quiz is to assess your knowledge of Open Science following the Open Science 101 module. We suggest a short response (two to four sentences) to each question.

Question 1 (1 pt)

Now that you've finished this mini-course, in your own words, what is Open Science?

Question 2 (1 pt)

Name three ways in which Open Science can benefit society.

Question 3 (1 pt)

As you understand it, what is the “replication crisis” in modern science?

Question 4 (1 pt)

Why is replication important to science?

Question 5 (1 pt)

What are two core values behind Open Science?

Question 6 (1 pt)

Why do you think Open Science isn't more widespread?