ABSTRACTS Sponsored by ASSAB 2018 Abstract Booklet Public Lecture A DIAMOND IS NOT FOREVER: THE ETERNAL CONFLICT OVER THE PRICE OF SEX Robert Brooks1 1 Evolution & Ecology Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, Sydney.
[email protected] Key Words: sex, competition, economics, culture, conflict Sex, reproduction and family living often radiate sublime beauty, infusing the arts and all of human creativity, quickening our pulses and elevating our hearts. Why, then, so much heartbreak and misery? How can sex sometimes be so intoxicating and at other times so toxic? Having spent much of my working life studying the dark side of sex in small animals, I have recently descended into the study of human relations and how Darwinian processes combine with economic and cultural forces to make sex and reproduction so complicated for individuals and for societies. I will discuss ideas about sex as a social transaction, how a rising price of sex has made humans the complex cultural and economic beings we are today, and how the origins of much human conflict can be found in the battle over the price of sex. 2 ASSAB 2018 Abstract Booklet Plenary Speakers COLOURFUL PLUMAGE AND BEHAVIOUR: PARROTS MOVE TO CENTRE STAGE IN EVOLUTION AND CONSERVATION Rob Heinsohn1 Fenner School of Environment and Society Australian National University
[email protected] Key Words: parrot, colour, tool-use, rhythm, conservation People everywhere love parrots (Psittaciformes) for their extraordinary colours, intelligence, and personable natures as pets. Yet researchers in behaviour, ecology and evolution have been slow to accord the approximately 400 species of extant parrots their rightful place as fascinating subjects for research alongside their sister taxon the passerines.