Wisconsin Legislative Pocket Directory

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Wisconsin Legislative Pocket Directory Senate Committees Assembly Committees, Continued Wisconsin Legislative Administrative Rules: Nass (C), Stroebel, Bradley, Roys, Larson Environment: Kitchens (C), Tusler (VC), Oldenburg, Novak, Krug, Kuglitsch, Behnke, Agriculture & Tourism: Ballweg (C), Marklein (VC), Testin, Petrowski, Bernier, Hebl, Shankland, Anderson Pocket Directory Pfaff, Erpenbach, L. Taylor, Smith Family Law: Magnafici (C), James (VC), Plumer, Snyder, Edming, Duchow, Doyle, 2021 - 2022 Session Economic & Workforce Development: Feyen (C), Testin (VC), Jacque, Ringhand, Conley, Drake Pfaff Finance: Born (C), Loudenbeck (VC), Katsma, Zimmerman, J. Rodriguez, Kurtz, Education: Darling (C), Bernier (VC), Nass, Jagler, Larson, Smith, Johnson Goyke, Neubauer Elections, Election Process Reform & Ethics: Bernier (C), Darling (VC), Stroebel, Financial Institutions: Duchow (C), Katsma (VC), Allen, Murphy, Petryk, Horlacher, Smith, Roys Doyle, B. Meyers, Brostoff Finance: Marklein (C), Stroebel, Kooyenga, Felzkowski, Bernier, Ballweg, Forestry, Parks & Outdoor Recreation: Mursau (C), Krug (VC), Wichgers, Edming, Erpenbach, Johnson Pronschinske, Tusler, Swearingen, Tittl, Moses, Callahan, Milroy, Sinicki, Hebl, Financial Institutions & Revenue: Kooyenga (C), Jagler (VC), Stafsholt, Ringhand, Andraca, Snodgrass Agard Government Accountability & Oversight: Knodl (C), Brandtjen (VC), Kuglitsch, Government Operations, Legal Review & Consumer Protection: Stroebel (C), Steffen, Theisfeldt, Krug, Emerson, Neubauer, Drake, Felzkowski (VC), Bradley, Roys, Smith Health: Sanfelippo (C), Summerfield (VC), Wichgers, VanderMeer, Skowronski, Health: Testin (C), Kooyenga (VC), Bradley, Erpenbach, Carpenter Murphy, Magnafici, Dittrich, Rozar, Moses, Cabral-Guevara, Subeck, Riemer, Updated July, 2021 Housing, Commerce & Trade: Jagler (C), Feyen (VC), Roth, Agard, Johnson Anderson, Vining, S. Rodriguez Information is subject to change. Human Services, Children & Families: Jacque (C), Ballweg (VC), Wimberger, Housing & Real Estate: Summerfield (C), Allen (VC), Brooks, Pronschinske, Murphy, Johnson, Agard Kitchens, Haywood, Emerson, Ortiz-Velez State Legislative Hotline Insurance, Licensing & Forestry: Felzkowski (C), Stafsholt (VC), Roth, L. Taylor, Insurance: Steffen (C), Petersen (VC), Duchow, Tusler, Brooks, Tranel, Petryk, 1-800-362-9472 Ringhand Gundrum, August, Hesselbein, State of Wisconsin Webpage Judiciary & Public Safety: Wanggaard (C), Wimberger (VC), Darling, Jacque, Doyle, Riemer, S. Rodriguez Madison Area Legislative Hotline www.wisconsin.gov Bradley, L. Taylor, Roys Jobs & the Economy: Wittke (C), Armstrong (VC), Snyder, Magnafici, Rozar, Macco, 1-608-266-9960 Labor & Regulatory Reform: Nass (C), Wanggaard (VC), Stafsholt, Wirch, Johnson Dittrich, Neylon, Tittl, Ohnstad, Bowen, Doyle, Shelton Legislature Website Natural Resources & Energy: Cowles (C), Felzkowski (VC), Ballweg, Wirch, Agard Judiciary: Tusler (C), Kerkman (VC), Ramthun, Thiesfeldt, Horlacher, Sortwell, State TDD Legislative Hotline www.legis.wisconsin.gov Senate Organization: LeMahieu (C), Kapenga (VC), Feyen, Bewley, Ringhand Cabrera, Hebl, Ortiz-Velez 1-800-228-2115 Sporting Heritage, Small Business & Rural Issues: Stafsholt (C), Petrowski (VC), Labor & Integrated Employment: Edming (C), VanderMeer (VC), Knodl, Schraa, Jagler, Smith, Wirch, Petryk, Gundrum, Sinicki, Ohnstad, Hong Transportation & Local Government: Petrowski (C), Cowles (VC), Wimberger, Local Government: Novak (C), Gundrum (VC), Skowronski, Brooks, Macco, Carpenter, Pfaff Spreitzer, Baldeh, Conley Universities & Technical Colleges: Roth (C), Nass (VC), Stafsholt, Feyen, Darling, Mental Health: Tittl (C), Cabral-Guevara (VC), James, Snyder, Novak, Vorpagel, Wisconsin Federal Delegation Larson, Erpenbach, Roys, Pfaff Magnafici, Dittrich, VanderMeer, Vining, Brostoff, Considine, Moore Omokunde Utilities, Technology & Telecommunications: Bradley (C), Roth (VC), Wanggaard, Public Benefit Reform: Krug (C), Schraa (VC), Allen, Brandtjen, Jagler, Cabral- Pfaff, Smith Guevara, L. Myers, Cabrera, Conley United States Senators Veterans and Military Affairs & Constitution and Federalism: Wimberger (C), Regulatory Licensing Reform: Sortwell (C), Allen (VC), Horlacher, Knodl, Cabral- Tammy Baldwin (D) Ron Johnson (R) Jacque (VC), Roth, Carpenter, Wirch Guevara, Dallman, Brostoff, Baldeh, Moore Omokunde 709 Hart Senate Office Building 328 Hart Senate Office Building Rules: Steineke (C), Vos (VC), August, Petersen, Vorpagel, Kuglitsch, Tittl, Plumer, Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510 Dittrich, Hintz, Hesselbein, Spreitzer, Subeck, Pope, Baldeh Phone: (202) 224-5653 Phone: (202) 224-5323 Assembly Committees Rural Development: VanderMeer (C), Moses (VC), Plumer, Edming, Novak, Oldenburg, Pronschinske, Summerfield, Armstrong, Callahan, Vruwink, Milroy, Review of Administrative Rules: Neylon (C), August (VC), Spiros, Subeck, Hebl Considine, B. Meyers, Hong ging & Long-Term Care: Gundrum (C), Petryk (VC), Magnafici, Plumer, A Science, Technology & Broadband: Summerfield (C), Schraa (VC), Brandtjen, United States House of Representatives Pronschinske, Rozar, B. Meyers, Brostoff, Shelton Horlacher, Knodl, Dallman, Anderson, Baldeh, S. Rodriguez House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 Agriculture: Tauchen (C), Oldenberg (VC), Tranel, Kitchens, VanderMeer, Mursau, Small Business Development: Oldenburg (C), Rozar, Snyder, Tranel, Swearingen, Novak, Pronschinske, Plumer, Moses, Considine, Shankland, Spreitzer, Vruwink, Name (Party) District Office Phone (202) Skowronski, Edming, James, Summerfield, Armstrong, Vining, Haywood, Andraca, L. Myers Steil, Bryan (R) 1 1526 Longworth 225-3031 Baldeh, Hong Assembly Organization: Vos (C), Steineke (VC), Petersen, August, Vorpagel, Hintz, Pocan, Mark (D) 2 1727 Longworth 225-2906 Sporting Heritage: Pronchinske (C), Tittl (VC), Skowronski, Mursau, Sortwell, Hesselbein, Spreitzer Wichgers, Tusler, Edming, Callahan, Dallman, Milroy, Hesselbein, Shankland, Kind, Ron (D) 3 1502 Longworth 225-5506 udit: Kerkman (C), Macco (VC), Born, Hesselbein, Hong A Spreitzer, Shelton Moore, Gwen (D) 4 2252 Rayburn 225-4572 Campaigns & Elections: Brandtjen (C), Sanfelippo (VC), Tusler, Thiesfeldt, Murphy, State Affairs: Swearingen (C), Vorpagel (VC), Kuglitsch, Tauchen, Summerfield, Rozar, Spreitzer, Subeck, Emerson Fitzgerald, Scott (R) 5 1507 Longworth 225-5101 Spiros, Knodl, Brooks, Schraa, Sinicki, Pope,Ohnstad, McGuire Children & Families: Snyder (C), Ramthun (VC), Kerkman, Vorpagel, Grothman, Glenn (R) 6 1427 Longworth 225-2476 Substance Abuse & Prevention: James (C), Magnafici (VC), Snyder, Plumer, Petryk, Pronschinske, Gundrum, James, Dittrich, Billings, Bowen, Vining, Snodgrass Tiffany, Tom (R) 7 1719 Longworth 225-3365 Gundrum, Billings, Ortiz-Velez, Shelton Colleges & Universities: Murphy (C), Dallman (VC), Tranel, Duchow, Wittke, Tourism: Tranel (C), Swearingen (VC), VanderMeer, Tittl, Magnafici, Kitchens, Gallagher, Mike (R) 8 1230 Longworth 225-5665 Summerfield, Krug, Petryk, Mursau, Summerfield, Tauchen, Plumer, Dallman, Stubbs, Vruwink, Haywood, L. Cabral-Guevara, Moses, Hesselbein, Shankland, Anderson, Emerson, Stubbs Myers, Snodgrass Constitution & Ethics: Wichgers (C), Thiesfeldt (VC), Allen, Ramthun, Magnafici, Transportation: Plumer (C), Spiros (VC), Vorpagel, Sanfelippo, Thiesfeldt, Murphy, Hebl, Pope, Cabrera Consumer Protection: Dittrich (C), Edming (VC), Wisconsin Constitutional Officers Skowronski, Ramthun, Brooks, Callahan, Rozar, Considine, Moore Omokunde, Skowronski, VanderMeer, Sortwell, Macco, Pope, Cabrera, McGuire Ortiz-Velez, Shelton, Snodgrass Corrections: Schraa (C), Callahan (VC), Brandtjen, Snyder, James, Sortwell, Tittl, State Capitol, Madison, WI 53702 Veterans & Military Affairs: Skowronski (C), VanderMeer (VC), Edming, Sortwell, Bowen, Goyke, Stubbs Tittl, Allen, James, Summerfield, Petryk, Riemer, Sinicki, Milroy, Criminal Justice & Public Safety: Spiros (C), Horlacher (VC), Sortwell, Duchow, Office Name (Party) P.O. Box Phone (608) Hesselbein Novak, Schraa, Krug, James, Steffen, Callahan, McGuire, Bowen, Emerson, Governor (115 E) Anthony Evers (D) 7863 266-1212 Ways & Means: Macco (C), Wittke (VC), Kerkman, Knodl, Snyder, Dittrich, Ramthun, Stubbs, Drake, Brooks, Armstrong, McGuire, Ohnstad, Riemer, Conley Lt. Governor (19 E) Mandela Barnes (D) 2043 266-3516 Education: Thiesfeldt (C), Kitchens (VC), Wittke, Ramthun, Wichgers, Mursau, Workforce Development: Petryk (C), Dittrich(VC), Gundrum, Edming, Murphy, Secretary of the State Douglas La Follette (D) 7848 266-8888 Duchow, Rozar, Behnke, Pope, Hebl, Considine, Vruwink, L. Myers B41 West, State Capitol, Madison, WI 53702 Oldenburg, Rozar, Armstrong, Shankland, Sinicki, Andraca, Drake Employment Relations: Vos (C), Steineke (VC), Born, Hintz Treasurer Sarah Godlewski (D) 2114 266-1714 Energy & Utilities: Kuglitsch (C), Steffen (VC), Tranel, Oldenberg, Petryk, Neylon, B41 West, State Capitol, Madison, WI 53702 Attorney General Josh Kaul (D) 7857 266-1221 Vorpagel, Tauchen, Petersen, Horlacher, B. Meyers, Subeck, Andraca, Moore Risser Justice Center, 17 W. Main Street, Madison, WI 53703 Omokunde, S. Rodriguez, Supt. of Public Instruction Carolyn Stanford Taylor 7841 266-3390 Wisconsin Assembly Officers Representative (Party) District Home Capitol Phone (608) Wisconsin Senate Officers Oldenburg, Loren (R) 96 Viroqua 10 W 266-3534 Speaker: Robin Vos (R) President: Chris Kapenga (R) 11 N Speaker Pro Tempore: Tyler August (R) Ortiz-Velez, Sylvia (D) 8 Milwaukee 267-7669 President Pro Tempore: Patrick Testin (R) Petersen, Kevin (R) 40 Waupaca
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