Ftnrer's Guide Limmd WAIRANIY on MEDIA and Repij,CEMENT
-L ll. Apple'llc Plus ftnrer's Guide LIMmD WAIRANIY oN MEDIA AND REPIj,CEMENT If you discover physical defects in the manuals distributed with an Apple product or in the media on which a software product is distributed, Apple will replace the medie or manuals at no charge to you, provided you return the item to be replaced with proof of purchase to Apple or an authorized Apple dealer during the 9G day period after you purchased the software. In addition, Apple will replace damaged software media and manuals for as long as the software product is included in Apple's Media Exchange Program. Vhile not an upgrade or update method, this program offers additional protection for up to fwo years or more from the date of your original purchase. See your authorized Apple dealer for program covenge and deails. In some countries the replacement period rmy be different; check with your authorized Apple dealer. AII IMPIIED \TARMNTIES ON THE MEDIA AND MANUAIS, INCLUDING IMPI,JED WAXMNTIES OF IIERCIHNTISILITY AI{D FITNDSS FOR A PARTICTJIAR PURPOSE, ARE IIMMD IN DURATION TO NIMTY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATT OT TIIE ORIGINAI RETAIT PURCIIASI OF TIIIS PRODUCT. Even though Apple has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, APPLE MAKES NO VARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRXSS OR IWLIED, WITII RESPECT TO SOTTWARE, ITS QUAIXTY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHAMABILITY, OR FTII\IESS FOR A PAXIICT]IAR PIJRFOSE. AS A RESULT, TIIIS SOITWARE IS SOID 1AS Is," ATID YOU, THE PI]RCTIASER, ARE ASSUMING TIIE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ns QUATXTY Ar{D PERFORMANCf,. IN NO f,\IENT VIII APPI.E BE I.IABI..E FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQ{IENTIAL DAMAGES RISULflNG FROM ANy DEFECT IN TIIE SOFTWARE OR rrs DOCUMEMATION, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
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