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26 Appendix 3 (PDF) Tosn of Colonic Multiplc RcsourccaArca - Natiooal ReSktcr Noninatioo National Registcr List ' Town of Coloaic oi itl ta.i t|}E o. !O2 a-O/.la or. Er..t.. tO-tt-a, gep.Ttm.rt of the tntcrior Unltod St.tca qdt Nltlonll Park Senlcc Fd taP3 ut. National Register of t{istorie Places r.cdvCd Inventory-Nomination Form detr drteald Fonnr Saainatructlon! in How lo flat on.t R.glrttlt l. Name Resource Area rid or com|no.r Colonle Town MultlDle 2. Location stt .t & nutnb.t Vaflous , roen Colonle rrtr New York 3latu. ?rar.ot U.. Crt.il.rt Orlrrd, X ocanird --I- |ltlq$lst -I- murunr - dlarrlct - nrDllc parr unoccuglrd -&. c€|trma'cLl - - bulldhrg(.) - pdvrL J- ;ott ln - aduc.llonal ipeivrtrnococr - l$uctuna -I- bolh - Fog?aaa Aco.3.lU. - antattaln rt -!r||gnor - 3lL Sfc lcqulrltL.r rcat nc -X- y..; t drlcl d - lpvrtnmant - - obl.ct 31n Procor friaDdtadofr Y yar: utnaiddad -5tr*urtrtr| - nult 1pJ.e l'ilA urtngcouur'.d - oou: !.esource area -'no 4. Owner of n m. VarlouE rEtrt I numbat Location of Offlcet Albany County Court House cosntpqt.t gLttyot d.adr,.tc Clerkrs rtra.t I |mbt torn A lb an 6. on in Ex Surve -- ' ' ..,----, 6--^..-^-- h-r . |r,.dirv b..n dataraiDd dtglbL? -y.. l-m local Inventory 19gl -ffi -J- dtt - - aLL March ncordr New Yo New Ycrk aras 1 lre State Plaza A1ban :rl !.f?.-Irt . E.t t-ll-|. I Drplrtmcnt of thr Intrrior Unitrd 3tetrr FrFr.+ NrtlondPrrt Scllco rl|.vrl NationalFegister ol Historic Places i iri"tory-tlomination Form h rrt { Colonie lttdrn llrltiple resourc€ rlrea, AtbanY,ff;,,"rp""tk Conti.rratio.r Jr-t l. Bacon ard sticlsEy Hr3use Richard C. Reintsema 44I Loudcn Road 441 Loudon Rd. Loudonville, NY L22L)- Senator willian T. Br:'ne Hcuse Heirs of Alice Kelleher 463 Loudon Road 463 Lotldon Road toudonville, NY L22LL Cohoes ConpanY Head Gatehcuse Niagara Mohawk Por'rer CorPoration Cohoes-Cresceni Road, east 126 s!ar'-e Stree'- s ide t a*- Fonda Road Albanlf, NY 12205 Frederlck cramer House John and Ani-hony Audi 4I0 Albany-Shaker Roard 65 Exchange Si'. Albany, NY L2205 Mar--in Dunsbach Ilouse t'{r..rnd }lrs . Sarn DiSibio I4O Dunsbacn Ferr:' Rce.d I..0 Dunsbach Ferr:' Roacl Cohoes, NY L?041 Royal K. FulLer tlouse Dr. Richard A. Raiika 294 Loudon Road 294 Loucion Roa.d Loudonville, NY l22lf Isaac !1. Hassvel,I llouse !lr. and Mrs. J. Robert Dokn 57 lias'.vell Road 67 Ha.slrell Road !.'iatflrvlier-, NY l2l8 9 and Iron suppllt Co' c "Hedge Larrn" (Jernain House ) .\Ibany Steel 5 9 2 Brcadwa'y Box 4006 Uenands, NY I2204 Henry-Remsen House tirs. Catherine L. Lambe:son 34 spring Street Road 3? Sorine si-reet Rond Louciinviile, li'f t22lI Rebusnan 1n Eberezer Hills, Jr. F:rrnhcuse Mr. and M:5. Kenneth A. 10I0 Tro-v-ScirenectadY Rd . 68 Davis Ave. .\ib.rn1-r NY 1220 3 ll. Friend Hutflphrey House Ms. Barbara. G' De!'ries 372 Albany-Shaker Road 3 7:l ;'!bin:'-Shal'^: Ro;rd I !r,: , iiY l22LL "o.,i,',t'.u'i 12. .Iop,nWoIf Kerrl-D ( Camg) ilrs. $algaret i. Lestso F.?.rrnhouse 216 wolf Road NY 12205 216 wotf Road i ,iUbrn':', :|,l r€ .?.-3a :ta !-tr-.. 3d gcpr?tmcnt ol thr Intrriol Unitrd 3trtca trf,-tt Nrtload Prrt Senlcs irf His-toric Places rclril National Fegister (I'rt'.rl ii"enlJry-Homination Form Colonie town MultiPle Resource r\rea , AlbanY Co. , NY Itanr tlrJrnbaa cofltiru.tbn crrl '! 3. John v. A. Landinq Farmhouse, M!. and Mrs. Harrison Lela.ld Billsen Cemeter:/ a:ld 225 Consaul Road archeological slte Alban-v, NY 12205t 225 Consaul Rcad Mr. and !trs. M. Graham 2I9 Consaul Road Albany, NY L2205i MEs. A. Cole 237 Co:rsaul Road lilbany, NY 12205 George H. Ld!.t+-on llouse Mr. ilillian H. Je:.qrn 27 May.well Roa.d 585 Loudcn Roild Newtonv:-Ile' NY 1212I Louis Menand House Mr. E.1rl G. Terko 40 CeRetery Avenue 40 Cemetery A'/enue Mene.nds,NY L22O4 to. Mei.rncis Mc.lnor ( Home f or Mr. JosePn Shook r\ge<i Men ) Admi r:i s l--retor 2 7 3 Broadw.eir Horae for AqeC llee and Wonen 172 Broadtr:7 Men;nds, NY 12204 17 charles Pecl'. House Ms. Louise Peck I North Ll'ons Avenue 8 Nc:tr !:tons .\ve. Mer:ands' NY I2204 C;. c.1:: -11c F Pr!..,f.r Hnt:Se Town of Colonie 207 OId Niskay-una Roe.d Newconvllle,-NY 12128 10 Reformed Dutch Churcir oi !{a--e:v! iel Ma.sonic Tan?Ie ;\ssn. Rensselaer in Watervli.:t 2C4 OId Lc'-:clon Rd.. 2IC Old LouCon Ro.lil Li::i:.iil, NY l:ltJ 20. r\Li:eci H. Rens:1a.,,,Hoilse c/o :.lt. Gordon .\ril)ec;l, Ccrniseioner 33 Fiddlers Larre NYS Eduenticn EIig. Alh.'.ri:', NY L22?r. 2L. Sc;ralrcr Dutclr Barn Mr, and tlrs. EerI Deiorge 2!f Vllr Roa,,t 215'ir1'Roaci \ 3cire1.:ctlci:'', NY T2?09 t :ra \. a2. -.:.!l ar. !'lr-! 3- of thr Intctiot UnatadStrtca O'P'?tmtnt hNIC NrtlonrlPrrt Srntcr of His-toricPlaces |tcaaurl J.iion"f Register ([ lrl .l i;;i;;Y-fr omination Form Area ' ' Colonie Town MultiPle Resource tAlban'Lco Mrs. Ralmond R' Szmyr Stone House Mr. and 22. Sirnmons Bollht Road Boght Road 554 554 RD Cohoes, NY 12047 D. RYan Strong House Mrs. Sandra 23. Jedediah vIY Rg..d vly Road 379 .... 379 Schenec!3dy' NY Lz J09 !.trs. i'li1liam M. Schaef er Manor Mr. a.nd 24. T:eenont 71 Olil NiskaYuna Road 7I old Niskayun.r Road . i.ouConv! l Ie , NY l2 2 f I House Mr. Robert W. Ure 2t.- George E. Trimble St' Roa'd sireet Road 158 Spring ts8 SPring waterviiec, NY L2LA9 PauI R' i{ue:' irffoons House Mr. ar:d Mrs. 26. Van<ienberg-s Boght Road Bcghi Roi'd 537 537 RD Cohoes, NY L2O47 Colonie Central Scnool Distric: School North Z.' VercioY Uewionvil:-e, NY g57 tioY-Sche:rectadlt Rd' \I212I "Menancl ParP." Hisioric Dist:ic-- ( al! Menancls, NY L220'! ) Ils. Eli:.rbeth '\ ' Nico!I ' sa'Ire I Tillinghest Ave. sal:'- l1r. .1nd U:s. liilli:ln E' Ilerwin' 2 Tiilinghas! i\ve. Mr. Jav Qui-nl'rn, sane .i T:-llinghast Ave: lts. Be|-:i: Ellroi,t, sa.Qe 5 TiJ.linEhast Ave. samr: Mr. and llrs. ch3rles E' Moore' 6 TilIingltast Ave . Mr. John .i. O'Keeie' same 7 TiI I !:lghas t Ave. 5il'rni) $r. enci- $1r!. :honat :'i' Rea ' il T!l!lnghart A're. ilrs. Rorcri i ' Rlan ' s:"m€' Avc. r. a;ld 9 T!Ilirtlircsc \ salne Rcv. and lirs . Dean r\IlJtr ' 10 tiftinghast Ave. if;o--i3i-,' 33 thc Intorior Unitod 3tetcl Drpertmrnt of Nrtlonrl PrrlrScnicc F nr-t NationalRegister ol Historic Places r€v- inrentorY-Homination Form (h rrtrra Colonie Town Multiple Resource l{rea, Albany Co. ' Co.rtirratbn !h-t It.|tr rurr* 4 II Tillinghast Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Drzynala., same I2 TiIli::ghr,s-' Ave. Mi. and Mrs, willi.ln H. Edi.raEds , Jr . , same 'l 1 1 .Fi l i -^h-iai il,ve . Mr. and Mrs. La',rrence R. Henderson, s ame _ {?t ta.- laSa i o.I n rQ..€rl it€ tr!|. a-'l aa Unltcd St.t.r O.P.rtm.nt of th. Int.tlo? Nrtlonal Prrk Srnlcr Natlonal Hegister of Historic Places lnventory-Nomination Form Colonle Toira lfulciPle Resosrce Area Cootin5tionr1't-1Alb any Co' , New York lrugeee's 0fflce EABS#l{Y-3313 'riashhouse and Canning Faccory I{ABS #}IY-3275 Shaker l{eecing house (f!rsc) I{ABS#!{Y-3314 Shaker Yeecing house (secoad) g/fBS tFIIY-3276 Shaker liorch Farcily General vie.*s I{ABS#tlY-3294 Dwelliag !{ouse EABS#t{Y-3295 Old Second !{ouse HABS#[fY-3296 Bar::. I{ABS,}l{?-3313. Shaka: Schooi.house iiABS iit{S-3315 Shake= Souch 9"'rily Gene;al vieu t{A3S rflqY-3272 ..l,shllouse llASS #lIY-3289 Br:Eier's Do::oicory IIABSilllY-3260 Cannery ILCAS#$Y-3262 Ccccage HABS#lIY-3258 Coccage IIABS#!II-3242 Cosr an<i liay Eara I{ABS #Mf-3245 D"relling House (no. 3) EABS+$S-325f i{o:se and 'liagon 3a:-r (ao. !0) !{ABSiilit-3244 Icsh,ouse TIABSrlNY-3246 S:s:er's'riorkshop IIAES#!IY-3290 ?=.:siee ' s Off ice (no . 4) IIASSrltY-i341 I'ias-'.louse I{ABS:it{Y-33a3 ifoccshed - EA3S :ii{Y-3:47 Shake: iJesc Fa:lly tie::eral v:e'; llA3S iiillY-3374 3::oo Shop (no. 3) IL{BSi.r}fY-3:53 llci:: helll::g Souse !L\SS +Iff-3:5; - P=l.':J itAgs #NY-3355 Sn-.keno';se !tA3S 'rSY-1354 lOG. oraa |h rcta-@ra farl t..t frr, D.rl-ra I Unltad strt.t Depertment of thc Interlor Nrtlonll Prrt Scnlcc National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form Cblonle Toltn lfultiPle Resource Area co.rriru.tionJ16d Albany Co., New York tt .'' nsr$.? rriarervLles Shaker HisEori.c DistricE (20 February L973); expansion (20 Seoteuber f973). Newroirville Post Office, Newconville (14 l{arch 1973). Scnuyler Flacts, liacenrliet, -A-l-ban;r99*cI (21 January L974) lirirtria che clcy lioits of WacenrlieE buE relevani co se:tleoent hlscory of che cown of, Colonie). !ie'r York StaEe Rouce 9 Multiple Resor:rce Area (4 Occcber 197?) Loudon Road l{istoric Dlst:icc 3=;.'an's SEore D.D.?. Moore Fanhous e Go:ha.m !{ouse ilughson l{ans ion Sp::,ngwood Yanor I'Iheeler lloee l.lhi:ney Vans iotr Godirey Fa:=hous e Aibeuy Rural Cerqecery, Menands (25 Oc:cber 1979) Xenry-Y.
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