MSU 35, SO. ALABAMA 2 Bulldogs now 3-0. Sports, 1B OTHER SCORES #3 Alabama 52, So. Mississippi 12 #14 Ole Miss 56, ULL 15 #24 So. Carolina 38, #6 Georgia 35 Florida 36, Kentucky 30 #4 Oklahoma 34, Tennessee 10 ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM FREE! SUNDAY | SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 Golden Triangle native set for Miss America pageant Miss America judges score Murray, while a high school paper wrote: “Miss Mississippi, Coverage begins at 7 p.m. on ABC contestants from the 50 U.S. student at Mississippi School of Jasmine Murray, 22, a onetime BY WILLIAM BROWNING Miss Mississip- states, the District of Columbia, the Arts in Brookhaven, com- contestant on “American Idol,”
[email protected] pi in July at the Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin peted in the eighth season of brought the house down with Vicksburg Con- Islands based on a talent compe- “American Idol” in 2008. She her vocal performance. Though Jasmine Murray of Columbus vention Center. tition, a personal interview, their made the top 13 on the show. she didn’t win talent, she defi- will take part in the Miss Amer- She competed in answer to an on-stage question, On Saturday, The Star Led- nitely makes an impression.” ica Pageant tonight in Atlantic the Mississippi Murray and their appearance in gowns ger in New Jersey named Mur- The pageant is scheduled to City, New Jersey. pageant as Miss and swimsuits, according to Re- ray a contestant to watch in be broadcast live tonight at 7 The 22-year-old was crowned Riverland.