, and East - Westminster constituency Local heart and circulatory disease statistics from the British Heart Foundation Health statistics give our staff, volunteers, supporters and healthcare professionals a sense of the scale of the challenges we face as we fight for every heartbeat. The statistics here are based on official surveys and data sources - please see below for references. This is a presentation of key statistics for this area. You can also make any of them into a jpeg by zooming in and using Snipping Tool or Paint.

Around Around Around There are around 490 1,500 8,700 3,000 people have been diagnosed people are living with heart people are living with stroke survivors with heart failure by their GP and circulatory diseases coronary heart disease in Cumbernauld/Kilsyth/KirkintillochE in Cumbernauld/Kilsyth/KirkintillochE in Cumbernauld/Kilsyth/KirkintillochE in Cumbernauld/Kilsyth/KirkintillochE

Around Around Around Around 9,800 3,900 830 people in Cumbernauld/Kilsyth/KirkintillochE adults have been 1,200 people have a faulty gene that have been diagnosed with people have been can cause an inherited high blood pressure diagnosed with diabetes diagnosed with heart-related condition in Cumbernauld/Kilsyth/KirkintillochE atrial fibrillation in Cumbernauld/Kilsyth/KirkintillochE in Cumbernauld/Kilsyth/KirkintillochE

Reviewed and updated Jan 2021. Next review due late 2021. Around Other key statistical publications: 29% https://www.bhf.org.uk/statistics of adults 20% in Cumbernauld/Kilsyth/KirkintillochE of adults smoke How you can help: have obesity in Cumbernauld/Kilsyth/KirkintillochE https://www.bhf.org.uk/how-you-can-help Contact us for any queries: https://www.bhf.org.uk/what-we-do/contact-us


(OHCA) Statistics Prevalence [living with] heart and circulatory diseases - BHF estimates based on latest GP prevalence data; NHS Digital/Public Health /StatsWales/DH Northern Ireland and latest health surveys with CVD fieldwork; NHS Digital/Scottish Government/Welsh Government

Prevalence [diagnosed with] coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke/TIA, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) – BHF analysis of latest GP prevalence data; NHS Digital/Public Health Scotland/StatsWales/DH Northern Ireland

There are around Inherited heart-related conditions - BHF estimates derived from PHG Foundation, Heart to Heart (2009); updated to reflect revised FH/DCM prevalence estimates; latest (mid-2019) ONS/NRS population estimates plus ACORN 2020 estimates Adult obesity [BMI 30+] – BHF analysis of ACORN estimates 2020 3,500 Adult smoking [regular cigarette smokers] – Public Health England Fingertips 2019 (APS/GP survey data), National Survey for Wales 2019/20, Scottish Health Survey 2015-19 and Northern Ireland Health Survey 2019/20. out-of-hospital cardiac ACORN 2020 estimates where official survey results not available.

arrests each year Only 1 in 10 people Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCAs) - events where resuscitation attempted by ambulance staff - volumes and survival rates are only routinely published for England and Scotland - NHS England Ambulance Quality Indicators, Scottish Out-of-Hospital Cardiac in Scotland survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Arrest Data Linkage Results, Welsh Government Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Plan, DHNI Community Resuscitation Strategy Northern Ireland. in Scotland