Scrutiny in Annual report 2011-12

Making a difference Contents

p3 1 Foreword p4 2 Our vision and track record for scrutiny p5 3 Scrutiny structure p6 4 Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee p8 5 Budget and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee p9 5.1 Budget scrutiny process p10 6 Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee p12 6.1 Transitions from children’s services to adult life for disabled young people p13 7 Community Safety Overview and Scrutiny Committee p14 7.1 Trading Standards p15 8 Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee p16 8.1 Severn Estuary shoreline management p17 9 Health, Community and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee p18 9.1 External care packages p19 9.2 Utopia hospital project looking at urgent care pathways p20 10 What’s coming up? p22 11 Contacts 1. Foreword

As Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, I am pleased to present the annual report for 2011-12.

You’ll see from the following pages that effective scrutiny is so much more than just attending meetings at Shire Hall. Members have been involved in a number of task group reviews that have looked at specific issues and they have taken the opportunity to go out to meet people delivering services on the ground. Working with partners is fundamental to strengthening the overview and scrutiny process and it is particularly pleasing that our joint scrutiny arrangements with the district councils have been so successful. This bodes well for the future with the introduction of a police and crime panel from November 2012 to scrutinise the activities of the directly elected police commissioner. I would like to thank the chairs of the scrutiny committees, Councillors Dennis Andrewartha, Phil Awford, Fiona McKenzie, Stephen McMillan and Kathy Williams for their efforts during the year. This year had been a difficult one for all of our staff in the organisation. Normally at this time I would say ‘thank you’ to officers in the Scrutiny Team for their outstanding efforts, especially for the quick turnaround of reports and minutes. However, I think that ‘thank you’ must also include the wider Democratic Services Team who have, as ever served us councillors so well this year. Therefore as we move forward with a new team that covers both Scrutiny and Democratic Services, and as we say good bye to Elizabeth Power, Sharon Clutterbuck, and Helen Symonds, I would like to place on record my thanks, and that of all the scrutiny committee members to Democratic Services. I hope that you will agree after reading the following pages that effective scrutiny can make, and indeed has made, a real difference to the lives of people in Gloucestershire. Although the key issues for each committee are set out in the sections that follow it should be remembered that this is only a snapshot of the work that has been undertaken by councillors and officers during the year.

Councillor Rob Garnham Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee

Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 3 2. Our vision and track record for scrutiny

Last year the council set itself The resulting recommendations In summary scrutiny should: the challenge of not increasing were developed on a non-political • provide a strong voice in council tax, while protecting basis and helped the cabinet identifying areas of under- services to the most vulnerable. in formulating its budget for the performance or local concern coming year. To do this we are squeezing • focus on those areas that budgets elsewhere by living within Scrutiny is well placed to matter to local people challenge how services are our means, providing good basic • hold service providers provided across the public sector services and helping communities (including the council) to account in Gloucestershire. to help themselves. We are finding for their decisions, actions and different and lower cost ways of The scrutiny task group that policies delivering services and we are was set up to look at the • make recommendations to working closely with partners Environment Agency’s proposals improve existing policies and across the public sector to ensure to manage flood risk on the influence emerging policies of the that we are doing things in the Severn Estuary shows how council and its partners most efficient way possible. effective scrutiny can be. It has never been more important Local stakeholders, including for elected members who are not community groups, were able part of the ‘executive’ to engage to present their views and ‘non- in the decision making process. executive’ councillors were given The scrutiny of the 2012-13 an opportunity to have a fresh budget and medium term financial independent look at all the issues. strategy showed how valuable this As a result, the Environment process can be with members Agency has adopted a new from across the council having approach and is working closely an opportunity to be involved. with local communities.

Pete Bungard Jo Walker Chief Executive Strategic Finance Director Corporate Scrutiny Lead

4 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 3. Scrutiny structure

Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 5 4. Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee

Chairman: Lead members: Cllr Rob Garnham Cllr Dennis Andrewartha (vice-chairman) Cllr Diane Hibbert Cllr Steve McHale

The committee is responsible for managing the council’s overview and scrutiny process and ensuring that it is operating effectively and is making a difference for local people.

The membership of the committee includes the chairs of the other overview and scrutiny committees and they report on their committee’s activities at each meeting. The role of the committee also includes commissioning task groups, determining call-ins of cabinet decisions, considering appeals against petition responses and scrutiny of local economic issues.

6 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council Key areas of activity An alternative water supply year and their activities are • Localism pipeline had been installed in summarised elsewhere in this the north of the county and the report. Members received an overview of flood defence works at the Mythe the Localism Bill and the emerging • Call-in Water Treatment Works had been implications for the council. The Cabinet decisions relating to the completed. The next stage of the committee generally welcomed residual waste project and the project would secure supplies to the bill and the opportunities it will library strategy were called in. the Forest of Dean and parts of provide but members did highlight In both cases, the decision of the Stroud area. some areas of concern. Members the cabinet was upheld. For the recognised that there could • Future scrutiny structure residual waste project, members be a huge rise in expectation Initial discussions were held on a made comments regarding the among local people brought new structure for scrutiny to build timing of scrutiny meetings and about through the new powers. on the success of the council’s the availability of information Managing the message was a current arrangements. This will for members and these were key issue for central and local need to take account of: included in a subsequent report to government. :: The new operating model that the cabinet. • GFirst splits commissioning from the • Scrutiny task group monitoring Members received an overview delivery of services. of the direction and strategy of :: The reduction in the number of Recommendations from task GFirst. An update was provided councillors from 63 to 53 in May groups are monitored after 6, on their activities including 2013. 12 and 18 months and progress progress with the local enterprise :: The introduction of the reports were presented to the partnership. Members found the police and crime panel, a joint committee in September 2011 and April 2012. This has proved update useful but requested a committee of the seven councils, to be very effective and officers further report giving more details to scrutinise the activities of the both from the council and partner on how measurable outcomes police and crime commissioner organisations are aware that they were being achieved. from November 2012. will be asked for regular updates. • Severn Trent The plan is for a new structure to The improved format of the report Alan Payne, General Manager be in place in readiness for the has been well received. at Severn Trent Water, updated new council in May 2013. members on progress with the • Scrutiny task groups project to improve the resilience Five task groups were of water supplies in the county. commissioned during the

Committee membership Councillors Ron Allen, Dennis Andrewartha, Phil Awford, Rob Garnham, Diane Hibbert, Ceri Jones, Steve McHale, Fiona McKenzie, Stephen McMillan, Shaun Parsons, Gordon Shurmer, Klara Sudbury and Kathy Williams.

Officer contact: Simon Harper, Lead Democratic Services Adviser [email protected] 01452 425230

Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 7 5. Budget and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Chairman: Lead members: Cllr Dennis Andrewartha Cllr Shaun Parsons Cllr Sarah Lunnon

The role of the committee is to provide a corporate overview of performance, the budget and service improvement. It also undertakes overview and scrutiny of those county council functions that are not covered by other scrutiny committees.

Key areas of activity: • Monitoring of the budget Challenge’ programme and • Budget scrutiny and performance monitors its progress through the The committee believes it is The committee receives year-end finance and performance reports. important that scrutiny is involved forecasts for revenue and capital The committee will continue to in supporting and advising budgets, and updates on other consider where it can best add throughout the budget setting financial management issues. value to this process with initial process. The committee understands focus being on the customer the importance of ensuring that experience. The committee has devoted a the council effectively deals with large proportion of its work plan • Procurement the ever increasing demands to ensure that it can effectively The committee continues to on services. The committee will engage with the process and is support the developments taking continue to be provided with a able to understand the significant place in this area. Members have strategic oversight of the council’s issues that have to be considered discussed the importance of performance. when setting the budget. The having ambitious saving targets outcome of this has been to • Change programmes in this area that are identified up identify areas where scrutiny can The committee has received front. add value over the coming year. updates on the ‘Meeting the

Committee membership Councillors Dennis Andrewartha, John Burgess, Bill Crowther, Barry Dare, Sarah Lunnon, Shaun Parsons, David Prince, Martin Quaile and Brian Robinson.

Officer contact: Stephen Bace, Democratic Services Adviser [email protected] 01452 425075

8 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 5.1 Scrutinising the draft budget

Chairman of the Budget and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Cllr Dennis Andrewartha

The Budget and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee carried out a review in order to advise the cabinet on council and budget priorities in the lead up to the publication of the draft budget. This process involved committee meetings and informal member briefings that took place from July 2011 until February 2012.

Members considered the Key findings and care performance data. emerging socio-economic recommendations: • Scrutiny to be consulted on challenges facing the county, • Ensure that the customer is at the establishment of the new current performance and the the heart of decision making. The function for transitions pathway financial outlook in order to committee will focus its attention for disabled young people. identify high priority areas for on ensuring that the customer • Scrutiny to examine the work further scrutiny and to respond to experience improves. being done to move service users the draft medium term financial • Regular updates for scrutiny on on to personal budgets. strategy (MTFS). the ‘Right First Time’ programme. • Scrutiny to continue to monitor The committee welcomed • Scrutiny to engage with the performance in relation to the the input from other scrutiny work being carried out to improve current highways contract and to committees who had considered educational attainment of our engage with the development of the MTFS from the perspective looked-after children. the new contract. of the budget areas within their • Scrutiny to monitor the remit. development of children’s social

Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 9 6. Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Chairman: Lead members: Cllr Phil Awford Cllr Brian Oosthuysen Cllr Charmian Sheppard

The Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee is responsible for overview and scrutiny of matters relating to children and young people.

Its remit covers a wide area • Home to school transport members during the year. The including schools, children’s The committee was concerned members received a report on centres, adoption and fostering, about the cost of home to the district programme of positive child protection, childcare, early school transport. Members activities for young people. years education and advice to acknowledged that efforts These issues will continue to be families. The committee not only had been made to reduce the monitored during the coming year. scrutinises the services delivered expenditure but they wanted to • Performance monitoring by the council but also those fully understand the processes The committee monitors the provided by partner organisations. involved. performance of outcomes relating Key areas of activity: A report in January 2012 to children and young people and • Safeguarding outlined the council’s duties partnership performance against The committee regularly considers and processes, and highlighted the Children and Young People’s the quality and performance of current issues and actions Plan priorities for 2011/12, safeguarding services. Members to reduce expenditure. At a including current and emerging wanted to be confident that subsequent meeting, members risks. progress was being made and questioned officers from home • Consultations to school transport procurement, therefore adopted a framework for The committee contributed commissioning and admissions scrutinising safeguarding. to national consultations about service delivery, The committee used the including the school admissions procurement costs and the framework to examine and code and the school appeals actions taken which have reduced test how well the safeguarding code, school funding reform, expenditure. system was performing and special educational needs and offer advice to cabinet members • Youth provision and young disability green paper proposals. where necessary. This will people not in education, The school funding reform allow the committee to gain an employment or training (NEETs) consultation gave the opportunity overall view of the strengths and These are areas of particular for the committee to work with challenges across the system in interest to the committee and the Schools Forum on a joint Gloucestershire. updates have been provided for response.

10 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council Committee membership

Councillors Ron Allen, Phil Awford, Tony Blackburn, Peter Braidwood, Terry Glastonbury, Ceri Jones, Brian Oosthuysen, Vic Rice and Charmian Sheppard Added members: Richard Randall (primary school parent governor representative), John Kyffin (Roman Catholic of Clifton representative) and Gareth Davies ( Diocese of representative).

Officer contact: Julie Hill, Democratic Services Adviser [email protected] 01452 425005

Scrutiny Annual Report 2010/11- Gloucestershire County Council 11 6.1 Transitions from children’s services to adult life for disabled young people in Gloucestershire

Task group chairman: Cllr Shaun Parsons

Members identified that the transition from children’s services to adult life was not always smooth for young people with physical and learning disabilities in Gloucestershire, and that capacity often prevented adult care services from engaging early enough in the transition planning process. The task group was formed in May 2011 to investigate whether consistency of delivery could be improved and to find ways of encouraging those involved in commissioning and delivery to take ownership of their areas of responsibility. The task group spoke to a wide range of people involved in the transitions pathway. They were asked for their impressions of the transitions pathway, what the issues were from their perspective, and how they thought the pathway should operate.

Key findings and and monitored. • Officers establishing a robust recommendations: • Better planning, specifically performance framework for The findings of the task group around using available data as a transition-related activity which were presented to the cabinet on planning aid as early as possible focuses on person-centred 25 November 2011. once needs are identified. outcomes. The recommendations centred • Temporary additional resources The task group put together around the following areas: being made available to support a list of key principles which it recommended to the cabinet • Undertaking further scrutiny operations teams in helping to member and commissioners of of the transition pathway, in clear the waiting list. adult social care consider when particular looking at the formal • Dedicated resource and planning services for disabled plan for remodelling transition posts being allocated within young people. services, and examining how adult services to ensure timely transitions outcomes are delivered involvement in transition cases.

Task group membership Councillors Ceri Jones, Brian Oosthuysen, Shaun Parsons and Brian Robinson.

12 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 7. Community Safety Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Chair: Lead members: Cllr Kathy Williams Cllr Brian Calway Cllr Steve McHale Cllr Charmian Sheppard

The committee is responsible for overview and scrutiny of crime and disorder related issues and the council’s community safety activities. The committee focuses on crime and disorder issues from a public perspective and works in partnership with other agencies such as the Gloucestershire Police Authority and the six district councils in the county. The committee’s remit covers all matters relating to the fire and rescue service, trading standards, civil protection, coroners and registration.

Key areas of activity: Gloucestershire utilising 16 risk • Emergency management • Development of police and and consequence scenarios. The The committee continues to crime panels committee has been active in be updated on the emergency supporting its development and management and business The committee has taken the lead members have discussed with continuity arrangements with in developing the arrangements officers the plans to establish the representatives on the Business for the Gloucestershire Police centre, and to work with partners. Continuity Management and Crime Panel in response to • Integrated risk management Steering Group. Members the Police Reform and Social have received details of the Responsibility Act 2011. plan The plan assesses the changing changes to the service following Members have considered and new risks within the county, its relocation to the Tri-Service draft terms of reference, panel reviews the response and Centre and integration into the arrangements and rules of resource needed to meet the Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue procedure for the panel. The risks, and looks to maintain a Service. committee has played an value for money service. Members • Performance monitoring important role in informing district were updated on the consultation The committee monitors the and borough councils of the that had been carried out with performance of outcomes relating implications of the act as well as specific details around road traffic to community safety across the promoting the establishment of collision development within council. the panel. Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue • Skillzone Service. Members took the The aim of the Life Skills Centre opportunity to question officers on is to educate the communities of the content of the plan.

Committee membership County councillors - Mike Collins, David Cooksley, Terry Glastonbury, Terry Hale, Steve McHale, Brian Robinson, Charmian Sheppard, Brian Tipper and Kathy Williams. District councillors - Brian Calway (Tewkesbury), Gerald Dee (Gloucester), John Jones (Stroud), Helena McCloskey (), David Penman (Cotswold) and Marion Winship (Forest of Dean). Gloucestershire Police Authority - Susan Naydorf.

Officer contact: Stephen Bace, Democratic Services Adviser [email protected] 01452 425075

Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 13 7.1 Trading Standards

Task group chairman: Cllr Brian Tipper

A task group was set up in response to the ‘Meeting the Challenge’ proposals to ensure that an efficient and effective Trading Standards Service continues to be provided to the most vulnerable communities in Gloucestershire following the changes.

The members of the task group service, and should there be services with other authorities, spoke to a wide range of people a need to increase staff in the moving premises, considering involved in Trading Standards future, the level of expertise would further income opportunities and activities in Gloucestershire. be hard to find. examining the existing complaints These included council officers, The task group therefore made procedure. Police Safer Community Team a recommendation to cabinet Animal Welfare is an important representatives, Environmental to ensure that a knowledge and area of work which the council Health Officers from the district skill set was retained, and that has a statutory duty to undertake. councils and representatives from there was appropriate succession Much of this work is funded by regional and national agencies. planning. the Department of Food and Rural Key findings and When considering how the Affairs (Defra) through an agreed recommendations: Trading Standards Service was framework. In recognition that The task group presented its final to continue with a reduced funding was not ring-fenced, a report to cabinet on 25 November budget, the task group made recommendation was made that 2011. Members were concerned a recommendation to cabinet Trading Standards receive the full that the loss of some of the staff to explore the following areas: amount of Defra funding as part skill set would lead to a reduced working with partners, sharing of its budget.

Task group membership Councillors Ron Allen, Gerald Dee (Gloucester City Council), Terry Hale and Brian Tipper Susan Naydorf (Gloucestershire Police Authority).

14 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 8 Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Chair: Lead members: Cllr Fiona McKenzie Cllr Dr John Cordwell Cllr Graham Morgan

The committee is responsible for overview and scrutiny of environment related issues. Its remit covers a wide area including highways, waste management, planning, transport and climate change.

Key areas of activity: and using local knowledge the setting up of a task group on • Changes to subsidised through consultations, the impact flood resilience (see section 8.1). transport services of service change on vulnerable • Residual waste project people and sustainability. The committee considered the The committee met prior to the early drafts of bus consultation • Severn Estuary Management cabinet meeting in December documents in May 2011. A Plan and flood risk when a decision was made special single-issue meeting An agenda item about the on the preferred bidder for the took place in August, during Severn Estuary Management residual waste project. Members which the committee had the Plan and flood resilience allowed considered the same information opportunity to advise the cabinet members to discuss the role which was presented to the on the robustness of the overall and responsibilities of the county cabinet and provided advice consultation process. council as lead local flood to the cabinet on whether the The committee received the same authority, and the responsibilities consultation had been thorough information which was presented of riparian ownership, which and whether the bidder selection to cabinet. Members selected impacts upon flood risk should go ahead. bus routes at random and used management. • Performance monitoring key lines of enquiry as a way The committee meeting The committee monitors the of testing how market research discussion also highlighted the performance of outcomes relating had informed the process for concerns of some members to environmental issues across contract award and ‘second about the use of local councillor the council. look’ proposals. The committee knowledge when developing advised the cabinet on sharing strategies. This discussion led to

Committee membership Councillors Tony Blackburn, Basil Booth, Dr John Cordwell, Bill Crowther, Tony Hicks, Fiona McKenzie, Graham Morgan, Martin Quaile and Brian Robinson.

Officer contact Andrea Clarke, Democratic Services Adviser [email protected] 01452 425237 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 15 8.1 Severn Estuary shoreline management

Task group chairman: Cllr Tony Hicks

The task group was set up following concerns raised by members of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee at one of its meetings. They highlighted the concerns of the local community at proposals published by the Environment Agency as part of its Severn Estuary Flood Risk Management Strategy in January 2011.

The role of the task group was to contribute to the Environment Agency’s emerging plans for managing flood risk on the Severn Estuary. The group also considered critical infrastructure issues, particularly those relating to Gloucestershire County Council. After holding an initial scene setting meeting, a day long session was held on 29 November 2011. The following organisations and groups were represented on the day: parish councils from the areas affected, Environment Agency, Natural England, Lower Severn Internal Drainage Board, the National Farmers Union, Stroud District Council and Gloucester City Council. The group benefited from the detailed knowledge of Councillors Phil Awford and Basil Booth who represent divisions adjacent to the estuary.

Key areas of activity: line from 1947 which has little or • To work closely with public The task group presented its no relevance today. sector agencies such as findings to the cabinet on 14 • To ensure that there is a Gloucestershire County Council, December 2012. common understanding of the the Lower Severn Internal Drainage Board, Network Rail, Recommendations to the impact of the proposals on district councils and utility Environment Agency: habitats in the estuary. The legal companies to ensure that critical • To ensure that all relevant position regarding the protection and replacement of habitats infrastructure is protected. stakeholders are engaged by This includes roads, railway being given an opportunity to should be made clear from the outset. lines, schools, the Gloucester be involved in the community to Sharpness canal, electricity engagement exercise before a • To make clear what levels of substations, water supplies and new strategy is developed. compensation will be available to pumping stations. • To make sure that the residents and land owners either information presented is accurate through EU grants or directly from and has a sound evidence base. the Environment Agency. Flood lines should follow the • To provide clarity on the rights, national flood zone maps and not opportunities and responsibilities be based on the indicative flood of landowners.

Task group membership Councillors Tony Blackburn, Dr John Cordwell, Bill Crowther, Tony Hicks and Martin Quaile.

16 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 9 Health, Community and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Chairman: Cllr Stephen McMillan

The Health, Community and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee is responsible for the overview and scrutiny of health and adult social care services.

Key areas of activity: to receive early intervention community interest company but • Ageing Well in before presenting to the acute following a legal challenge will now Gloucestershire services. National government be advertising for expressions Gloucestershire’s ageing also endorses this approach. The of interest through appropriate population presents a significant committee heard that feedback channels which will allow NHS challenge for the council and its from patients is positive as this bodies, voluntary and third sector partners. The committee received technology is enabling them to organisation as well as private a detailed presentation led by maintain their independence. sector providers to come forward. the Director of Public Health on As the projects progress the The committee has previously the joint approach being taken to committee will receive updates to agreed that this is organisational develop a strategy for Ageing Well determine whether the predicted change, not service change and in Gloucestershire. benefits and savings are being the committee’s role is therefore realised. that of critical friend offering A huge amount of work has • External care packages constructive support, advice and been invested in understanding challenge to NHSG throughout Following concern expressed the key issues and risks relating the procurement process. to the needs of older people in regarding the cost of external care Gloucestershire. The approach packages, the committee set up • Great Western Ambulance taken by the Total Place project a joint task group with the Budget Joint Health Scrutiny has demonstrated how taking and Performance Overview and Committee a person centred approach Scrutiny Committee. Detailed Councillors Ron Allen, Terry Hale and removing many of the information on the findings of the and Sheila Jeffery (Cotswold bureaucratic barriers faced by task group is provided in section District Council) are the council’s professional staff members can 9.1. representatives on this committee. really make a difference. • Gloucestershire Care They have continued to hold • Telecare and telehealth Services the Great Western Ambulance Service to account on ambulance This emerging technology can In line with the Transforming response times, particularly in support both an individual patient Community Services guidance, rural areas such as the Cotswolds to remain independent in their NHS Gloucestershire (NHSG) and the Forest of Dean. own home, and health and adult must separate the commissioning care services to manage staff and and provision of services. • Performance monitoring budgets effectively and efficiently. The updated NHS Operating The committee receives regular If achievable, this dovetails with Framework 2010/11 issued in performance monitoring reports the drive to help more people July 2010 reinforced this directive. relating to adult social care and to stay in their homes, and NHSG initially proposed a NHSG performance targets.

Membership County councillors - Ron Allen, Peter Braidwood, Terry Hale, Stephen McMillan, Christopher Pallet, Mike Skinner, Brian Thornton, Brian Oosthuysen and Gordon Shurmer. District councillors - Penny Hall (Cheltenham), Sheila Jeffery (Cotswold), Jan Lugg (Gloucester), Margaret Ogden (Tewkesbury), Marrilyn Smart OBE (Forest of Dean) and Karon Cross (Stroud).

Officer contact Andrea Clarke, Democratic Services Adviser [email protected] 01452 425237 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 17 9.1 External care packages

Task group chairman: Cllr Chris Pallet

In March 2011, members from the Health, Community and Care Scrutiny Committee and Budget and Performance Scrutiny Committee met to discuss the reported forecasted overspend of the external care budget for 2010/11 of around £7 million. Following this meeting, a task group was established to consider this budget area to determine whether the actions put in place were sufficient, and to also gain an understanding of how locality funding panels operate.

The task group spoke to a had led to overspends in the past. to all localities. The ‘holding wide range of people involved The task group recognised, back’ of assessments should be in this area including council however, that there was still much strongly discouraged. directors and senior managers, work to be done in ensuring that • The Commissioning Team the principal auditor and general all locality funding panels were work with care providers to managers from each locality. operating within budget. Making renegotiate contracts where Key findings and the changes required would take possible to ensure flexibility for recommendations: time but members were confident service users who were previously The task group published its final that the process had begun. in high cost residential care report at the Health, Community The task group’s • That the ability to negotiate and Care Scrutiny Committee recommendations are a rate of care to support service on 20 September 2011 and summarised as follows: users for a short period of Budget and Performance Scrutiny time following discharge from • General managers should Committee on 23 September. The hospital is built into contractual make their attendance at panel findings were presented to the frameworks. meetings a priority. cabinet on 25 November. • That there is a clear strategy • General managers to ensure Throughout its review the task on the way personal budgets are that local members are kept group continued to monitor the communicated to service users weekly spend of the locality informed of factors within their as well as any other changes to funding panels, and found that localities that impact on service existing packages. Members have five localities were operating delivery. a contribution to make to this. within their budgets. • That the enhanced financial • Work is carried out to establish Members felt that this management and reporting the best approach to allocating suggested that there had been arrangements continue. resources around physical improvements in the management • The good practice in some disabilities, taking into account of this budget area and localities around timely completion the option of a co-ordinated recognition of the reasons that of assessments be communicated approach.

Task group membership Councillors Ron Allen, Bill Crowther, Chris Pallet, Mike Skinner and Marrilyn Smart OBE (Forest of Dean).

18 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 9.2 Utopia hospital project looking at unscheduled care pathways

Task group chairman: Cllr Ron Allen

UTOPIA stands for unscheduled treatment of patients in acute care. It was a project developed by Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to improve the service received by patients experiencing the unscheduled care pathway at Cheltenham General Hospital and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.

The task group was established • That Gloucestershire Care by Gloucestershire LINk at because the Health, Community Services provide six monthly the hospitals to monitor the and Care Overview and Scrutiny update reports to the committee unscheduled care pathway. Committee agreed that it to demonstrate performance • That the outcome and was important to understand against expected outcomes. response to these visits be shared the principles and predicted • That NHS Gloucestershire with the committee. outcomes underlying the UTOPIA continue to communicate to the project. • That the hospitals trust ensure general public the alternative to that there are suitable ongoing The task group spoke to a wide attendance at the emergency communication channels available range of people including those department. to staff to enable them to raise people managing the project, • That the hospitals trust any concerns and put forward those involved in delivering continues to work closely with ideas for improving the care primary care, representatives from GPs in order to ensure that pathway process. the Royal College of Nursing and GP concerns and issues are the Great Western Ambulance • That the hospitals trust submit responded to. Service. The task group also performance reports to the received information from GPs • That the hospitals trust and committee on those indicators through email and letter. Great Western Ambulance related to unscheduled care Service continue to work Key findings and including a description of actions recommendations: towards achieving a reduction in being taken to address concerns. ambulance handover times. The task group published its final • That Great Western report at the Health, Community • That the learning outcomes Ambulance Service submit six and Care Overview and Scrutiny from the UTOPIA project are monthly performance reports on Committee on 22 November embedded into future projects ambulance handover times. This 2011. The recommendations undertaken by the hospitals trust. report should include comparative made by the task group are as • That follow up ‘enter and data from across the GWAS follows: view’ visits are undertaken region.

Task group membership County councillors - Ron Allen, Terry Hale and Chris Pallet. District councillors - Ray Apperley (Stroud), Shelia Jeffery (Cotswold) and Margaret Ogden (Tewkesbury).

Scrutiny Annual Report 2010/11- Gloucestershire County Council 19 10. What’s coming up?

Scrutiny 2012-13

2012-13 will be another challenging year for overview and scrutiny. Major changes are being made to the way in which the council is delivering services, wide- ranging reforms are on their way for the NHS and a police and crime panel will need to be in place from November 2012 to scrutinise the activities of the directly elected police commissioner.

20 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council The following should give you Environment Overview and a flavour for some of the things Scrutiny Committee that are coming up for the • Highways contract committees: • ‘Big Community Offer’ aspects of the transport asset Budget and Performance management plan Overview and Scrutiny • Waste management including Committee the residual waste project • Planning enforcement • Scrutinising the budget • Flood risk management setting process including strategy. public consultation • Performance monitoring Health, Community and • ‘Meeting the Challenge’ Care Overview and Scrutiny programme Committee • NHS cash release efficiency • Customer experience savings • Procurement • Health service reforms • Asset management. including the formation of GP Children and Young People consortia and health and Overview and Scrutiny wellbeing boards Committee • Gloucestershire Care Services • Home to school transport • Integration of the adult social • The role of the local education care and health workforce. authority in relation to Overview and Scrutiny academies Management Committee • Adoption process • Monitoring scrutiny task group • Safeguarding. recommendations after 6, 12 Community Safety Overview and 18 months and Scrutiny Committee • Reviewing the overview and • Preparing for the police and scrutiny structure in readiness crime panel for the new council in May • Coroners’ and mortuary 2013 programme • Monitoring the activities • Police contract of Gloucestershire First, the • Civil protection county’s economic • Private finance initiative for development partnership community fire stations and • Considering the impact of the ‘Skillzone’. Localism Bill.

Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council 21 11. Contacts

Simon Harper Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee [email protected] 01452 425230

Andrea Clarke Health, Community and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee [email protected] 01452 425237

Julie Hill Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee [email protected] 01452 425005

Stephen Bace Budget and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee Community Safety Overview and Scrutiny Committee [email protected] 01452 425075

Postal address Democratic Services Shire Hall Gloucester GL1 2TG

22 Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 - Gloucestershire County Council

GCC_0106 5.12 Cabinet MemberforCommunitiesatGloucestershire CountyCouncil Cllr WillWindsorClive, the localismagendamovesforward.” underestimated. Thistypeofactivitywillbecomeincreasinglyimportantas The valueofnon-executivesinundertakingthistypeworkshouldnotbe Agency adoptinganewapproach. on onedayandtherecommendationshaveresultedinEnvironment and concernsoflocalpeople.Evidencewastakenfromstakeholders is anexcellentexampleofhowthescrutinyprocesscanreflectviews ScrutinyTask“The SevernEstuary Groupledbynon-executivecouncillors