The English Cricketers' Trip to Canada and the United States [Microform]
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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. by errata led to 1 2 3 9nt jne pelure, agon d 1 2 3 4 5 6 32X H H Ui Mu a H H < M H u o THE FRED LILLYWHITE E THE ENGLISH CRICKETERS' TRIP TO CANADA A Nil THE UNITED STATES. BY FRED. LILLYWHITE. LONDON: F. LILLYWHITE, 15, KENNINGTON OVAL, S. ; KENT & CO., ^ 23, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.G. 18G0. JOHN SDCH, PRINTKR, BUnOE HOW, WATI-ING 8TRKKT, CITY. THE ENGLISH CRICKETERS' TRIP TO CANADA AND .A THE UNITED STATES. rilEFACE. In offering to the kindly notice of the British public the fullowing narrative, derived from personal association, of tho recent trip to America of the Twelve English Cricketers, tho writer ventures to bespeak a generous indulgence to the few remarks with which he desires to introduce this record of their adventures and their exploits. It has happened to have been the lot and privilege of tlic writer of these pages to have attended, professionally, tho earliest wanderings of the Eleven of England throughout the length and breadth of the United Kingdom, and it has ever been his earnest endeavour, in the discharge of his duties, whilst chronicling their performances in the tented field, to disseminate amongst all classes that love of " England's pastime," to which its manly and health-bestowing qualities so justly, and so naturally entitle it. To have left no record, therefore, of so novel an occurrence as this memorable expedition would, the writer feels, have been a subject for universal regret, and howx'ver deeply he is sensible vi of his own sliort coming's, in attempting a task which, indeed, requires the exercise of a far abler pen than his, lie is not Avithout liope that tlio fav()ural)le consideration of his readers will be accorded to his humble attempt to fulfil the duty which he has undertaken. That kind forbearance has been too often granted to the writer, not to lead him to the cheerful anticipation that his l{d)our8 will not have been altogether fruitless; and that his object in appearing thus prominently before the public, will be fully recognised in an eager desire to promote and ext/jnd, even further than it has already prevailed, that love for the noble game of Cricket, which has been of such inestimable value to all communities where it has been practised. F. L. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. LOCKYER AT THE WICKET Frontispiece. LILLYWHITE IN HI8 PRINTING TENT Etiffrnved Title. THE NOVA 8C0TIAN LEAVING THE MEllSEY 3 SHIP IN A HEAVY GALE • 5 SCENE IN THE SMOKING ROOM 8 THE GAME OP 8HUF>'LBB0ARD 9 SCENE IN THE DINING SALOON 10 MEETING AN ICEUERO • I4 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL I7 TUB RIVER ROAT <' NEW WORLD " 31 THE IJREAK DOWN IN A SNOW STORM 45 POUR HORSE BUS 4/J HAMILTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE 4G ARRIVAL AT HAMILTON RAILWAY STATION 46 NIAGARA FALLS gQ vm HORSE SHOT! PALL .« • oO TABLE ROCK, NIAGARA FALLS ,q "WHIRLPOOL, NIAGARA FALLS ^q TERRAPIN TOWER, NIAGARA PALLS gj NOCTURNAL ENCAMPMENT. ... 54rj CROSSING FROM KINGS i ON WHARF TO RAILWAY STATION 65 EMBARKATION FOR ENGLAND rr MEETING OP "NORTH BRITON " AND "NOVA SCOTIAN" 5/5 SHIP IN DISTRESS—JIB-BOOM LOST , . fia . 50 THE . 50 . 50 ENGLISH CRICKETERS' TRIP . 51 TO . 54 . 55 CANADA & THE UNITED STATES. 55 . 55 On the Evening of September 6, 1859, Twelve Cricketers of England . 56 met at the George Hotel, Liverpool, to be in readiness to embark for Quebec the following morning, per the " Montreal Ocean Steam-ship Company's ship Novia Scotian, Captain Borland." The Twelve com- prised CafFyn, Lockyer, H. H. Stephenson, Julius Caesar, (Surrey), G. l*arr, Grundy, Jackson (Nottingham), Wisden, John Lillywhite, (Sussex), Carpenter, T. Hayward, Diver, (Cambridge) ; to these was added Fred. Lillywhite, who, with his tent, press, &c. accompanied the expedition in his professional capacity of reporter of the matches to be played across the water. The next morning, the 7th Sep_ tember, the whole party proceeded to the ship, which was anchored oflF Liverpool docks. Before proceeding to describe what occurred from the time the anchor was weighed, it may not be out of place to inform the reader how these Cricketers became so " domiciled " on board of the said ship—the Novia Scotian.