Action Plan for Rejuvenation of River Kansi Midnapur, West

Priority – IV

Nodal Agency Municipal Engineering Directorate Department of Urban Development & Municipal Affairs Government of

Approved by River Rejuvenation Committee, West Bengal (constituted in compliance to the order of the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal)

Submitted to Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi

JULY, 2020

Action Plan for Rejuvenation of River Kansi

Executive Summary

Sl. Description of Item Details 1. Name of the identified polluted river River Kansi 2. Identified polluted stretch of the river Midnapur to Ramnagar 3. Total length of the polluted river 10 KM (approximately) Towns in the catchment of the polluted stretch of the 4. river 5. Is river is perennial Non perennial No. of drains contributing to pollution and names of 6. Two (2) major drains 1. Daribandh Khal

2. Jharna Khal Whether ‘River Rejuvenation Committee’ (RRC) Yes. 7. constituted by the State Govt./UT Administration and If 07.01.2019 so, Date of constitution of ‘RRC’ Midnapore 8. Major Towns on the banks of the river with population Population = 1,69,127 (Census, 2011) Total water consumption = 32.01 Total water consumption and sewage generation in MLD a. MLD Total sewage generation = 21.41 MLD Total no. of existing STPs and the totalcapacities in b. Nil MLD Gaps in sewage treatment in MLD and no. of towns c. Town=1, Gap=21.41 MLD not having STPs d. Total MSW generation in TPA 41,610 TPA Existing treatment and disposal facilities and total e. NIL capacity Major industrial estates located with total no. of 9. NIL industries Total no. industries discharging wastewater a. 4 directly/indirectly in to the river b. Total water consumption 637.24 KLD c. Total industrial effluent generation 430.80 KLD No. of industries having captive ETPs and their No. of industries=4 d. treatment capacity Treatment capacity=430.80 KLD e. No. of CETP’s and their treatment capacity NIL f. Gap in industrial wastewater treatment NIL g. Total HW generation in TPA in the catchment area All hazardous waste generating industries are disposing their hazardous wastes through one (1) Existing HW Treatment and Disposal Facilities and h. Common Hazardous Waste total capacity with life span Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility operating at . Action plan includes mainly covering aspect such as Whichever applicable has been taken 10. appropriate management of sewage, rain water into account. harvesting, measures for regulating ground water use,

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protection and management of flood plain zone, plantation on both sides of the river, setting up of bio- diversity parks etc., as per Hon’ble NGT Orders dated 20.09.2018 and 19.12.2018 Responsible Organization (s) for implementation of 11. proposed action plans (Please enclose details as Table-6 annexure ) Municipal Engineering Directorate Department of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs, Govt. of West 12. Nodal Agency Bengal BikashBhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700091

Proposed Mechanism for execution of action plans:

This action plan implementation is to be monitored by the River Rejuvenation Committee (RRC) through meetings every month. The Central Monitoring Committee constituted by the Hon’ble NGT under the Chairmanship of the Secretary, Ministry of Jal Shakti, GoIalso holds meeting in every month with the Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary, Environment of the State to assess progress of work. Every month Monthly Progress Report will be sent to Ministry of Jal Shakti, GoI.

An Environment Monitoring Cell in the Office of the Chief Secretary, WB has been constituted to oversee the progress of work.

Expected deliverables with respect to achieving Goals :

Considering the importance of this river in the PaschimMidnapore district with respect to the livelihood of the fishermen living on both sides of the river, rejuvenation of water quality of this river is extremely important as it is non perennial river. For achieving this objective, generated municipal sewage should be treated and discharged only when they comply with the prescribed standards. It has to be ensured that no industrial effluents are discharged without being properly treated and complying the discharged standards prescribed under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986. The target for water quality for the stretch is to be fit at least for bathing purposes (i.e. BOD< 3 mg/l and FC < 500 MPN/100 ml).

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Response of the RRC, WB on comments of the Task Team for ensuring compliance to Hon’ble NGT (PB), New Delhi in OA No 673/2018 held during 26.02.2020 and 11.06.2020

Comments of Task Team Corresponding response(s) of RRC_West_Bengal Monthly water quality data for BOD & FC for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 provided. Moreover, Latest water quality of PRS covering all latest water quality of river Kansi covering all parameters not provided parameters also provided for the months of Jan- May 2020. Projected population not taken into account for Projected population till 2022 considered for assessment of sewage generation. assessment of sewage generation Detailed gap analysis (Town wise/ ULB wise) w.r.t sewage, Available information included in the report. Industrial Effluent and Waste Management along with infrastructure available not included Department of Urban Development and Aspects such as Utilization of treated waste Municipal Affairs, GoWB has prepared a policy water, Removal on use of treated wastewater. The policy is in of encroachments not covered in action plan final stage of preparation. The same will be sent to CPCB for approval. Primary treatment of wastewater in the two drains in Midnapore town by providing screens, Timelines for construction of STPs is exceeding sedimentation tank, followed by disinfection by March, 2021 chlorination is proposed. The work will bd completed by 31.03.2021. Action plan to be revised adding latest water quality data for the polluted river, major drains Available information included in the report. with flow and other parameters. Map showing all the towns, tributaries, drains & industrial estates, contributing to pollution to be Available information included in the report. included Gap analysis with projection upto 15 years w.r.t sewage and Waste Management be included in 24.62 MLD action plan Actions be initiated against industries functioning All GPIs and SPIs under concern administration without captive ETPs or connection with CETPs. of WBPCB are having captive ETPs. Detailed gap analysis w.r.t present generation, projected generation existing infrastructure, existing capacity utilization, gap observed in the catchment for management of industrial effluent Available information included in the report. and waste management (solid waste, hazardous waste, C & D waste, bio-medical waste) need to be detailed in a separate table clearly.

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Background: The West Bengal is the land of rivers. An intricate network of three major river basins (the Ganga, Brahmaputra and Subarnarekha) drain this State. Human settlement and related activities on the banks of the rivers have gradually increased over the years. Considering very reach ecological diversities of the water resources and the benefits of river network, most of the industrial development in this State took place near the rivers and the population density is also very high in these areas. As a result, these rivers receive liquid wastes like industrial discharges and municipal sewage and solid wastes are also dumped near the banks of the rivers. Since early eighties, the West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WBPCB), in collaboration with the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), initiated monitoring of water quality of all important rivers, canals, ponds and reservoirs. The CPCB conducted water quality assessment based on available data have collected till 2016 to identify polluted river stretches in the entire country. An application was registered before the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi as O.A. No. 673/2018 on the basis of a news item dated 17.09.2018 in ‘The Hindu” under the heading “More river stretches are now critically polluted: CPCB”. The Hon’ble Tribunal was pleased to pass an order on 20.09.2018identifying seventeen (17) polluted river stretches in the State of West Bengal and categorized these polluted stretches in five priority classes (Table-1). The Hon’ble Tribunal directed the State to prepare action plans for rejuvenation of these 17 polluted river stretches for bringing all the polluted river stretches to be fit at least for bathing purposes (i.e. BOD< 3 mg/l and FC < 500 MPN/100 ml). The Hon’ble NGT further directed on 19.12.2019 that action plans for rivers are to be reviewed by the CPCB before acceptance. Table 1: Polluted River Stretches in West Bengal

BOD (mg/L) Sl. Priority River Polluted Stretch identified when identified No. as polluted Haroa Bridge to Malancha Burning 1 I Vindyadhari 26.7 – 45.0 Ghat 2 II Mahananda Siliguri to Binaguri 6.5 – 25 3 III Churni Santipur Town to Majhadia 10.3 – 11.3 4 III Dwarka Tarapith to SadhakBamdebGhat 5.6 – 17.0 5 III Ganga Tribeni to 5.0 – 12.2 6 IV Damodar to Dishergarh 4.4 – 8.2 7 IV Jalangi Laal Dighi to Krishna Nagar 8.3 8 IV Kansi Midnapore to Ramnagar 9.9 9 IV MathaBhanga Madhupur to Gobindapur 8.5 10 V Barakar Kulti to Asansol 5.7 11 V Dwarakeshwar to Kushtia 1 – 5.6 12 V Kaljani Bitala to Alipurdwar 6.0 13 V Karola Jalpaiguri to ThakurerKamat 3.9 14 V Mayurakshi Suri to Durgapur 5.2 15 V Rupnarayan to Benapur 3.1 – 5.8 16 V Silabati to Nischindipur 3.8 17 V Teesta Siliguri to Paharpur 3.3

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River Rejuvenation Committee:

In compliance to the direction of Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi in respect of O.A. No. 673/2018, the Government of West Bengal constituted the River Rejuvenation Committee (RRC) for preparation of such action plans for effective abatement of pollution, rejuvenation, protection and management of the identified polluted River stretches, for bringing the polluted river stretches to be fit at least for bathing purposes and identified the following components for such action plan, although all the components may not be applicable for all the polluted river stretches: 1. Identification of polluting sources 2. Trade and Sewage Generated in the Catchment Area of Polluted River Stretch. 3. Functioning status of STPs/ETPs/CETP 4. Interception and Diversion of sewage carrying drains to the STP. 5. Solid Waste Management including quantification and characterisation of Solid Waste, Bio- Medical Waste Management, e-waste and processing facilities, quantification and characterisation of Solid Waste 6. Protection and management of Flood Plain Zones (FPZ) 7. Rain Water Harvesting, Ground Water Charging 8. Adopting good irrigation practices 9. Address issues relating to Ground Water Extraction 10. Maintaining minimum Environmental Flow of river and plantation on both sides of the river 11. Plantation on both sides of the river 12. Setting up of biodiversity parks on flood plains by removing encroachment. 13. Utilization of treated sewage so as to minimize extraction of Ground or Surface Water

The Member Secretary, West Bengal Pollution Control Board is the Chairman, RRC and the Chief Executive Officer, Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority is the Member-Convenor, RRC. The Committee is functioning under the supervision and coordination of Principal Secretary, Environment Department, GoWB.

The main causes of the river water quality deterioration are (1) Discharge of industrial wastewater (2) Discharge of municipal wastewater and (3) Pollution from nonpoint sources. Any action plan for any river stretch to improve its water quality then is required to address these three issues and address them primarily. In West Bengal there are forty eight (48) Grossly Polluting Industries (GPIs) and four hundred (400) odd Seriously Polluting Industries (SPIs). All these industries are under Consent administration of the WBPCB. The WBPCB inspects the GPIs every month and SPIs periodically to assess the environmental performance of these industries. All these industries are having Effluent Treatment Plant(s) inside the premises and the industrial wastewater generated are treated in these ETPs before being discharged either in to the river / canal or to local water bodies (Ponds & Wetlands) or to municipal drains/public sewer those are channalised to the canals. The river stretches in the State run through habitations of wide varieties and human activities. The habitations on the banks of these rivers also generate large quantities of sewage water regularly which are also drained through various discharges channels in to these rivers. As the rivers are not of perennial nature, during lean periods the

Page | 6 Action Plan for Rejuvenation of River Kansi water volume becomes less resulting in high pollution concentrations. Inadequacy in solid waste management facilities resulted in unscientific dumping of solid wastes on the banks and this is also a major source of river pollution. Since most of these rivers are having long stretches, agricultural runoffs also finally find their ways in to these rivers. The river water quality database of the WBPCB however shows no significant impact of such non-point source contribution in any of these river stretches.

Therefore, the action plan for river Kansi need to be prepared for its catchment areas considering the discharges from industrial source, discharges from municipal outfalls, interception and diversion of sewage carrying drains to the STP, solid waste management, Bio-medical waste management, e-waste management, ground water management, rain water harvesting, ground water charging, maintaining minimum environmental flow of river, protection and management of Flood Plain Zones (FPZ), adopting good irrigation practices, plantation on both sides of the river, setting up of biodiversity parks on flood plains etc.

The RRC, WB sent the Action Plan for rejuvenation of river Kansito CPCB on 12.02.2020 and the Task Team in its 10th Meeting held on 26.02.2020 suggested some revision in the action. The RRC, WB approved the revised action in its 7th meeting held on 09.06.2020 and sent to CPCB on 09.06.2020 which was once again reviewed by the CPCB in its 12th Task Team meeting on 11.06.2020 and once again suggested some modifications.

Now, this action plan has been modified as per recommendation of the CPCB Task Team and the RRC, WB has approved this Action Plan in its 8th meeting held on 02.07.2020.

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The River Kansi:

River Kansi or Kangshabati is created from the confluence of two smaller river streams namely Saharjhor and Girgiri and takes the name of Kangshabati near Tigra village of C. D. Block Jhalda II in district . The river originates from the JaborPahar near Jhalda in the in Purulia district. After Purulia district, the river passes by Khatra and Ranibandh in Bankura district, and then enters PaschimMedinipur in the Binpur area. It is joined by Bhairabbanki. At Keshpur the river splits into two. The northern branch flows through the Daspur area as Palarpai and joins the Rupnarayan River. The other branch flows in a south-easterly direction and on joining the Kaliaghai River, it forms the , which flows into the Bay of Bengal at Haldia.

Polluted stretch of river Kansi:

The stretch of this river that has been identified as “Polluted” is Medinipur to Ramnagar, about 10.0 km in length. The river is non-tidal in nature and receives municipal wastewater from the Midnapur town round the year. Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Faecal Coliform (FC) are the principal pollutants in this river stretch. This river is strictly non-perennial. Usage of water in this stretch is mainly for purposes of agriculture and fishing.

Table-2: Polluted stretch of river Kansi

Name of Identified BOD (mg/L) SL. Priority the rivers / Details polluted when No. wise streams stretches identified The river originates from the JaborPahar near Jhalda in the Chota Nagpur plateau in Purulia district. After Purulia district, the river enters PaschimMedinipur in the. It is joined by Bhairabbanki. At Keshpur Medinipur to the river splits into two. The northern Ramnagar, 1. Kansi 9.90 mg/l IV branch flows through the Daspur area as about 10.0 km Palarpai and joins the Rupnarayan River. in length The other branch flows in a south-easterly direction and on joining the Kaliaghai River, it forms the Haldi River, which flows into the Bay of Bengal at Haldia.

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Kansiriver Midnapore Town

Figure 1: Map showing the River Kansi and the Midnapore Town

Major towns located on the bank of the polluted stretch:

Within the identified polluted river stretch, the major town located on the side of the river is the Midnapore town. As of 2011 census, Midnapore had a population of 1,69,127. It is the second largest town in PaschimMidnapore district after .

Water quality assessment of river Kansi: The water quality status of the river Kansi is monitored by the West Bengal Pollution Control Board under the National Water Monitoring Programme on monthly basis at one location at Gandhighat, Downstream of Midnapore Town (CPCB Station Code: 2507). The water quality of the river Kansi during last three years (January 2017-December 2019) for two criteria pollutants (BOD & FC) is given in Table-3. Table-3: Water quality of river Kansi during 2017, 2018 & 2019 Sampling Location: River Kansi, Gandhighat, Downstream of Medinipur BOD (mg/l) FC (MPN/100 ml) Months 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 January 5.15 5.40 2.10 17000 17000 17000 February 7.55 5.30 5.15 17000 17000 13000 March 6.00 4.00 5.35 8000 5000 17000 April 7.90 6.65 6.30 22000 11000 11000 May 9.90 3.50 5.10 30000 1700 11000 June 2.90 4.90 4.05 5000 7000 11000 July 3.40 4.35 4.95 22000 22000 2500 August 1.20 3.10 3.40 7000 7000 2300 September 3.45 3.40 3.15 5000 22000 3300 October 4.90 4.65 2.35 22000 17000 3300 November 5.90 3.25 2.05 17000 14000 2200 December 1.55 6.85 3.00 5000 33500 4000 5000- 1700- Range 1.20-9.90 3.10-6.85 2.05-6.30 2200-17000 30000 33500 Average 4.98 4.61 3.91 14750 14517 8133

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Latest water quality of river Kansi:

Considering the impact of this river water to the ecosystem of the west Midnapore district and the livelihood of the fishermen living on both sides of the river, revival of the water quality of this river is extremely important on context of its utility as it is non perennial river. The ultimate goal for beneficial use of rivers will determine the level of actions to be taken for maintaining the water quality. The water quality of river Kansi during the first five months in the year 2020 (Jan-May) are also depicted Table-4.

For achieving this objective, generated municipal sewage should be treated to meet the required standards for outdoor bathing as notified by the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, GoI for “Primary Water Quality Criteria for Bathing Water” vide GSR 742I dated 25.09.2000. Also, the trade and other effluents generated within the catchment of river and generated from the catchment of the river which are ultimately joining and contributing to the pollution load in the river should be treated to meet the effluent discharge standards as stipulated above.

The target for water quality for the stretch is for organised outdoor bathing.

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Table-4: Water quality of river Kansi during Jan-May 2020

Sampling Location: River Kansi, Downstream of Medinipur Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Parameter Jan-2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Temperature (⁰C) 27.00 27.00 23.00 31.00 33.00 pH 7.49 7.32 7.57 7.32 6.45 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) 9.20 9.10 8.60 6.60 7.00 BOD (mg/l) 2.90 1.15 1.50 2.20 1.05 COD (mg/l) 7.36 6.58 5.23 5.90 4.86 Total Coliform (MPN/100 13000 14000 12000 16000 11000 ml) Fecal Coliform (MPN/100 2100 4900 9400 5000 4900 ml) Total Dissolved Solids 182.00 282.00 96.00 180.00 132.00 (mg/l) Not Total Fixed Solids (mg/l) 104.00 130.00 104.00 152.00 Done Total Suspended Solids Not 34.00 6.00 26.00 8.00 (mg/l) Done Turbidity (NTU) 15.70 12.10 25.70 17.38 13.50 Conductivity (µs/cm) 372.20 5401.00 365.00 527.00 275.93 Calcium (mg/l) 13.00 26.00 32.00 20.00 18.00 Magnesium (mg/l) 11.00 6.00 4.00 4.86 6.00 Total Hardness as CaCO3 76.00 90.00 96.00 70.00 70.00 (mg/l) Total Alkalinity (mg/l) 94.00 96.00 94.00 94.00 84.00 Phenolphthalein Alkalinity Not NIL NIL NIL 4.00 (mg/l) Done Ammonia-N (mg/l) 0.34 0.25 0.62 0.24 BDL Nitrate-N (mg/l) 0.41 1.06 0.97 0.59 0.53 Phosphate-P (mg/l) 0.34 0.38 0.23 0.20 0.62 Sulphate (mg/l) 13.86 13.46 64.97 18.00 16.54 Not Fluoride (mg/l) 0.25 0.29 0.21 0.34 Done Chloride (mg/l) 19.95 24.51 25.40 30.99 17.91 Not Boron (mg/l) BDL BDL BDL BDL Done Potassium (mg/l) 4.04 4.01 3.10 3.53 4.07 Sodium (mg/l) 15.39 14.48 14.97 12.28 14.34

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Polluting Sources of River Kansi:

Industrial wastewater treatment: There is no industrial estate in the catchment of river Kansi. There are four major water polluting industries (Table-5) located within the catchment area of the river Kansi discharging directly or indirectly in to the river.

Table-5: Major water polluting industrieslocated within the catchment area of the river Kansi

Sl. Name & Address of the unit Water consumption in Waste Water Generation in KLD No. KLD Industrial Domestic Industrial Domestic Mixed Balaji Paper & Newsprint (P) Ltd. Manikpara,PO- 1. 530.00 35.00 400.00 20.00 0.00 Manikpara PS-Jhargram,PIN-721513 Unisavo Paper Mills Pvt.Ltd.Jitusole,PO- 2. 37.24 5.00 Recycled 4.00 0.00 Garhsalboni,PS-Jhargram PIN-721507 Unitech Paper & Board Industries (Pvt) Ltd. 3. 22.00 4.00 12.00(Recycled) 3.00 0.00 Beltala,PO-Rajabasa,PS- Jhargram Bera Food Products Abash 4. KhasjungleKotwali 2.00 2.00 1.90 1.90 0.00 MediniporeWest, PIN-721102 Total 591.24 46.00 401.90 28.90 0.00

Total industrial water consumption : 637.24 KLD Total industrial wastewater discharge : 430.80 KLD Existing industrial wastewater treatment facility : 430.80 KLD Gap in industrial wastewater treatment : 0.00 KLD

All the industries have captive ETP and they are complied with the effluent discharge standards.

Municipal wastewater treatment:

The following 2 (two) canals/drains are discharging large quantities of municipal wastewater in to the river.

Daribandh Khal : The khal is carrying municipal waste water of Midnapore municipality area.

Jharna Khal : The khal is carrying waste water of Midnapore station market area & small scale units.

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Name of the recipient water body : River Kansi Name of the Municipal Town : Midnapur Town No. of drains discharging : 2 (two) No. of drains considered for treatment facility : 2 (two) [DaribandhKhal, JharnaKhal] Water consumption as on 2020 : 32.01 MLD Wastewater generation as on 2020 : 21.41 MLD Existing wastewater treatment facility : NIL Gap in wastewater treatment : 21.41 MLD Proposed Treatment system : Primary treatment with Sedimentation Tank & disinfection Scheduled date of start of work for Primary treatment : 31.08.2020 Scheduled date of completion of work for Primary : 30.06.2021 treatment

Primary treatment at Midnapore town for river Kansi by providing screens, sedimentation tank, followed by disinfection by chlorination at out falls of 2 nos. of drains is proposed. The 1st and 2nd call of the tender could not be matured. The 3rd call of the tender opened on 29/06/2020 and the tender is expected to be finalized by August2020.

Municipal Solid Waste Management:

Present generation of waste in Midnapore town is 114 TPD. Door-to-Door collection of solid waste is expected to be achieved within Jan. 2021. Waste segregation at source is expected to be achieved within Mar. 2021. Establishment of waste processing facility including Sanitary Land Fill (SLF) for the town will be completed following the timeframe as stipulated in Rule 22 of SWM Rule 2016

Hazardous Saste Management:

In West Bengal, there is one (1) Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility operating at Haldia. The facility is capable of disposing all hazardous wastes generated in the State. All hazardous waste generating industries are disposing their hazardous wastes through the CHWTSDFs located at Haldia.

Bio-Medical Waste Management:

In West Bengal, there are six (6) Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities. All health care institutions within the catchment area of the river are disposing their bio-medical wastes through the Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility at Haldia, .

Construction & Demolition Waste Management:

Local ULB has been directed by the WBPCB and UD&MA Dept., GoWB to take necessary action as per C&D Waste Management Rules, 2016.

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Ecological / Environmental Flow (E-Flow):

The river Kansi has freshwater supply from the Kangsabati Dam at Mukutmanipur as up- stream flow. It receives runoff during monsoon and base flow is maintained from ground water pool during lean months including the up-stream flow. The Kangsabati Dam authority may be instructed to release sufficient water so that the ecological flow in this river is maintained even in the lean season of the year. Afforestation, rainwater harvesting and reduction of ground water exploitation from flood plain could ensure the ecological flow in this river including discharge of urban wastewater after appropriate treatment meeting the STP discharge standard for urban cities. At one location, i.e., downstream of the town Medinipur, flow of the river should be measured and record maintained by State Irrigation department.

Table-6: Action Plan with agencies responsible, time target and budgetary estimates

Budgetary Department Estimate Actions to be taken Targeted s /Agencies timeline (Rs. In lakh) Action plans for Management of Municipal Waste Water MED 30.06.2021 55.658 discharge. All industries are having treatment facilities in place and are being Continuous WBPCB - monitored on regular basis. process Action plans for management of Solid wastes & Plastic wastes in urban areas  Door to Door collection of solid waste. 31.01.2021  Waste segregation at household source. 31.03.2021  Establishment of waste processing facility including SLF for the town will be completed following the timeframe as SUDA stipulated in Rule 22 of SWM Rule 2016  Development of IEC activities & capacity buildings of

different stakeholder.

 Draft Action Plan prepared to be ratified by State Level Technical Committee shortly Capital:3298 O & M: 291 per year Others 24 Action plans for management of Hazardous, Bio-medical and Continuous WBPCB 0.00 Electrical and Electronic wastes process Quantification and Installation of e-waste bin, Characterization Categorizing and Disposal Selection and Utilization of approved Existing Infrastructure PROs for collection and Disposal Detailed Gap Analysis Monitoring & Management DoIT Management Action Meeting with OEMs, other stake 28.02.2021 1.5 Plan holders Sensitization Training Promotional Documents, Training Promotional Materials Hoardings at river stretch

Protection and management of flood plain zones (FPZ) IRD The under mentioned 1.5 km bank protection work of Rs. 3.62 Crore 31.03.2021 361.66 will be completed by March-2021 by which 13800 people under

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Protertion snd mrnspemmt offlood plain zone3 {FPZt Th€ rmder mentioned L5 km bar* protectio[ work of Rs. 3.62 C.rore will be completed by March-2021 by which 13800 people under 700Ha areas ffay bc benefittedProtection and pitching work to the l€ft bark of river Kangsabati for a length of 1500 m al MouzaKankabati, Block Midnapore Sadar,P.SKotowali, District Paschirn Mediripur. tRt) 3t.03.202t 361.66

Mtintrinins minimum environmentrl flow of river. Ihc dischargc tkough Kansabati rivcr is rcgulated trom the liajot dam at Mukuthanipur, Baokura. The rcgulated release fiom dan! alongwilh tbc contribution from th€ uncontolled catchment of thc d,i s of the dam, maintains environmental flow in the river.

DoF Nlrsery work completed. Plantation work will start from July 2020 3t.03.2024 t3 90 Good agriculhral practic€ (Bicvillagc progranl IPM demonsaatiotr €tc.) Crop diversification (D€monstration with loq/ water requiring crops etc.) DoAg 31.03.2022 201.00 Good irigation practices (Micro irrigation wilh supplementary water manageeent actiyities) Soil and ]vater conservation (water han/esting struoture, dW well Cully l,lugging Check dam €tc.) . Rainwater harvesting in primary school . Plantation in catclment area P&RDI) 30 06 2021 200 . Vctivcr plafiation on the riycr stretch . SWM Units . CW Lcvel & Quality Monitoring . Real-Time GWL Monitoring through Installation of DWLR swtD 31-03-2021 2.99 . Roof top Binwatel and surface runoff Harvesting for conservdtion on su.face and artificial r€chsrge to groundwater Policy has been notified by Go14. of West Bengal Do Utilization ofAeated waste trD& l!L{ water on 30-06-2020 Action will be taken rccordingly. MED: Mu,ticipd Enginceing Directorate, D,UD&W, GoW SUDA: State Urban Developnent Agency, D1IID&MA, G1WB WPCB: West Bengal Pollution Contrul Board DolT: Depntment oflnfornation Techw)lo$ G1WB P&RDD: Parchaydl & Rural Dewlopmem Depar\nent, GoW SWID: Sk le Water lrvestigation Dircctorate lRD: Irrigation Departmenl, G,WB DoF: t'oresl lkryrtmeh4 GoW DoAg: AgiLalture DeparmenL G,WB DoUD&MA: Depatme$ of Urban Delrylopnpnt & Munj.iryt Afaits, GoW p{w 24 6 f,

\r4l\r1.o D.Dtt. sl Uo I xl Pase | 15 cori. or l|rrt lmg'' *nr,nlor rsnu, u.! Diractorato. cd!t. ot Compllance ot RRC mcltins held on 17l(E/2020

SI Ob5ervation ot RRC Meeting Rema*s

1 Water quality of the polluted river stretch.s for F.calStreptococci(FSC) whereas water quality of all drains to be.halyzed forgeneral parameters, heaw metals and fccalcoliforlri as well.3 Feca I Str.ptococci (FSC) and includ.d in th. rcport. Will b. complied as per 2 Wat.r quality of Broundwater inthe catchmentfor r€lcvant parametersto CPCB guid.linc be included. 3 8io-mining ofexisting dumpsites in the catchment of pollut d river str.tlh.s n!€d to be elaborated. l& D oI sewage from the identified dr.ins toth€ ne.rby existing STPS or Not Applicable proposed STPS to be mentioned clearly in the report. 5 Watershed managehent, flood plain protection, ground water recharge, greenery, rainwat€r harvelting apart from measures for discharge of Will be complied as per stored waterfrom U/s ofdams to be included as a part of propoialfor e- CPCBguideline flo\o maintEnance ih allthe polluted river strltch.s. 6 Specific fundang agencyfor each actjon pointto be included Departmeht of uD & MA

7 Short-term measures for drains such as phytoremediation/bio" Actioh already initiat.d rem€diation/nano bubblestreatmentherationtreatment and other options feasibility to b€ examined a.d adopted to improv€ water quality of po,lut€d rjv€rs &pcndina oh th€ local .onditioni. 8 Tjmelines to be revised as per Hon'ble NGT order for allthe proposed To be complet€d by action plan and PERT chart also b. included- 30/06/2021, R€vised PERT chart incorporated.

oulrnz ffiy,{uw Addilional Chief Engi (s)' Secretary Municipal Engineering Dte Municipal Engineering Dte. PERT Chan in of imDlementation of action Dlans for Kansi River atretch

Town lridnapore River Xansl Bloremediation of Drains

Start Prolect Preparatlon & approval (September, l9 (4 month) (Scptsmber to Dec€mber, 2019)

Tender lnvitatlon & selection of Detail Survey Contractor (Revised) (1 Monlh, September, 20'19) {7 months) (Feb to Aug, 2020)

Preparation of detail estimate & Submission (2 Months, Od to Nov, 2019) Tender lnvitation ('1d to 2nd) (5 Months, Feb to June, 2020)

Recommendation ot detail Tender lnvitation (3'd Call) estimate to ihe Deparlment (1 Month, July, 2020) (1 Week, Dec, 2019)

Tender evaluation E awarding Contracl (1Moflth, Aug, 2020) Approval of delail esiimate & issue of A.A & F-S (3 Wbeks, Dec, 2019) Project lmplcmsntatlon (10 months) (Sep, 20 to June, 2021)

Work execrrtion Test & submission of Repod (9 Months, SeD, 20 to Mav. 21) (1 [ionth, June.21)

End (June,2l)

.14 b(p,* Addilional Chief Engineer (S) Secretary Municipal Engineering Dte Municipal Engineering Dte Information on Drains. Sewage Treatment Plants in compliance to Hon'bie NGT order dated 22.08.2019 Annexure ME-1

Waste Water Management Action Plan Primary Treatment Waste Gap Name (Nos.) Total Existing Action Plan for Primart Treatment Water analysis of Drain untapped discharge Name of Water Consumption Waste Water SI City /town Generati for Waste Name of capacity Provision of Time period River data as on 2022 Treatment on as on Water Drain of drains bioremediation for finalization Schedule Infrastructure Whether 2022 Treatment for drain (Yes / Estimate Type of Structure of Tender Work Start dale of Tender No) d Cost proposed Process 8, date completion Invited awarding Work of work Order Consumtion (MLD) (MLD ) Source (MLD) (MLD) (Lakhs) Enclosed in Screen bar, Cascade, Action 1 Jalangi Krishnagar Surface 28.61 17.45 0 17.45 8 separate 17.45 Yes 18.34 Aeration & Yes 31.08.2020 01.09.2020 30.06.2021 Taken sheet disinfection

Action Sedimentation Tank 2 Kansi Medinipur surface 33.98 21.41 0 21.41 2 NA 21.41 Yes 55.66 Yes 31.08.2020 01.09.2020 30.06.2021 Taken & disinfection

Action Sedimentation Tank 3 Darakeswar Bankura Surface 25.09 15.10 0 15.10 13 NA 15.10 Yes 131.49 Yes 31.08.2020 01.09.2020 30.06.2021 Taken & disinfection

Action Sedimentation Tank 4 kaljani Alipurduar Surface 15.43 9.33 0 9.33 18 NA 9.33 Yes 22.25 Yes 31.08.2020 01.09.2020 30.06.2021 Taken & disinfection

Action Sedimentation Tank 5 Karola Jalpaiguri Surface 21.01 12.81 0 12.81 4 NA 12.81 Yes 36.56 Yes 31.08.2020 01.09.2020 30.06.2021 Taken & disinfection

Action Sedimentation Tank 6 Rupnarayan Surface 13.24 8.37 0 8.37 4 NA 8.37 Yes 81.87 Yes 31.08.2020 01.09.2020 30.06.2021 Taken & disinfection

Mayurakshi Action Sedimentation Tank 7 Suri Ground 7.44 4.04 0 4.04 12 NA 4.04 Yes 78.97 Yes 31.08.2020 01.09.2020 30.06.2021 Taken & disinfection

Ground Action Sedimentation Tank 8 Mayurakshi Sainthia 5.02 2.68 0 2.68 14 NA 2.68 Yes 86.27 Yes 31.08.2020 01.09.2020 30.06.2021 Taken & disinfection

Surface Action Sedimentation Tank 9 Silabati Ghatal 6.92 3.80 0 3.80 4 NA 3.80 Yes 134.37 Yes 31.08.2020 01.09.2020 30.06.2021 Taken & disinfection


Name of the River Name of the Action Plan Targeted timeline Budgetary Estimate(Rs. Municipality Feb 2021. In lakh)

Churni Ranaghat Draft Action Plan prepared to be C= Rs.17.68 Crore ratified by State Level Technical O= Rs.10.16 Crore / year Committee shortly Jalangi Krishna Nagar Draft Action Plan prepared to be C= Rs.47.98 Crore ratified by State Level Technical O= Rs.25.16 Crore / year Committee shortly Kansi Midnapore Draft Action Plan prepared to be C= Rs.32.98 Crore ratified by State Level Technical O= Rs.2.91 Crore / year Committee shortly Others = 0.24 Crore Dwarka NA Damodar NA Ganga NA

C= Capital Expenditure O = Operation and Maintenance Expenditure Others includes Capacity Building and IEC