Specification of Model-Based Analysis Methods and Tools D WP2.4 2

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Specification of Model-Based Analysis Methods and Tools D WP2.4 2 PROPRIETARY RIGHTS STATEMENT THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION, WHICH IS PROPRIETARY TO THE MBAT CONSORTIUM. NEITHER THIS DOCUMENT NOR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL BE USED, DUPLICATED OR COMMUNICATED BY ANY MEANS TO ANY THIRD PARTY, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTS, EXCEPT WITH THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE MBAT CONSORTIUM THIS RESTRICTION LEGEND SHALL NOT BE ALTERED OR OBLITERATED ON OR FROM THIS DOCUMENT THE RESEARCH LEADING TO THESE RESULTS HAS RECEIVED FUNDING FROM THE ARTEMIS JOINT UNDERTAKING UNDER GRANT AGREEMENT N° 269335 AND FROM SPECIFIC NATIONAL PROGRAMS AND/OR FUNDING AUTHORITIES. ARTEMIS Project MBAT: Combined Model-based Analysis and Testing of Embedded Systems Specification of Model-Based Analysis Methods and Tools D_WP2.4_2 Deliverable Specification of model-based analysis methods and tools Confidentiality Public Deliverable type Report Project MBAT Contract Number 269335 Deliverable File D_WP2.4_2 Date 2012-11-16 Name Status final, submitted to Version 1.0 ARTEMIS-JU Contact Person Brian Nielsen Organisation AAU Phone +45 9940 8883 E-Mail [email protected] D_WP2.4_2 Specification of Model-Based Analysis Methods and Tools Authors Name Company E-Mail Brian Nielsen AAU [email protected] Gianna Bellè AAU [email protected] Markus Pister ABS [email protected] Orlando Ferrante ALES [email protected] Marco Carloni ALES [email protected] Dejan Nickovic AIT [email protected] Helene Le Guen A4T [email protected] Stefan Häusler BTC [email protected] Olivier Bouissou CEA LIST [email protected] Mehrdad Saadatmand ENEA [email protected] Claudia Schett IFAT [email protected] Raluca Marinescu MDU [email protected] Cristina Seceleanu MDU [email protected] Sven Sieverding OFFIS [email protected] Vesal Vojdani TUM [email protected] Christian Schwarzl VIF [email protected] Reviewers (partners who have reviewed this deliverable) Name Company E-Mail Bernhard K. Aichernig TU Graz (TUG) [email protected] Ralf Bogusch Cassidian [email protected] Anjelika Votintseva Siemens [email protected] Distribution (to whom this deliverable has been distributed) Level of Type of Name / Role Company confidentiality deliverable MBAT partners PU R Antinio Vecchio, Project Officer ARTEMIS-JU PU R Version Status Date Page 1.0 final, submitted to ARTEMIS-JU 2012-11-19 2 of 47 © MBAT Consortium D_WP2.4_2 Specification of Model-Based Analysis Methods and Tools CHANGE HISTORY Pages Version Date Reason for Change Affected 0.1 27-09-2012 First version (template) and call for contributions * 0.2 17-10-2012 Collect all the contributions. * Merged reviewed versions and first update according to the 0.3 08-11-2012 * comments. 0.4 16-11-2012 Update according to review * 1.0 16-11-2012 Reviewed * 19-11-2012 Finalized & submitted to ARTEMIS-JU * Version Status Date Page 1.0 final, submitted to ARTEMIS-JU 2012-11-19 3 of 47 © MBAT Consortium D_WP2.4_2 Specification of Model-Based Analysis Methods and Tools CONTENT 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 OVERVIEW, PURPOSE AND SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 RELATION TO OTHER DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................. 6 2 PLANS FOR ANALYSIS TOOL COMPONENTS .............................................................................................. 8 2.1 AALBORG UNIVERSITY - AAU ............................................................................................................................. 8 2.1.1 UPPAAL model checker and UPPAAL-SMC ....................................................................................... 8 2.1.2 ECDAR .................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.1.3 opaal+LTSmin......................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 ABSINT ANGEWANDTE INFORMATIK - ABS ...................................................................................................... 12 2.2.1 The Static Analyzer Astrée ................................................................................................................... 13 2.2.2 The WCET Analyzer aiT ....................................................................................................................... 18 2.2.3 StackAnalyzer ......................................................................................................................................... 19 2.3 ADVANCED LABORATORY ON EMBEDDED SYSTEMS - ALES .......................................................................... 21 2.3.1 FormalSpecs Verifier – Contract Verification ..................................................................................... 21 2.4 ALL4TEC – A4T ................................................................................................................................................ 24 2.4.1 MaTeLo .................................................................................................................................................... 24 2.4.2 MaTeLo and other tools ........................................................................................................................ 25 2.4.3 Safety Architect ...................................................................................................................................... 25 2.5 AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - AIT .................................................................................................. 26 2.5.1 Data Time Flow Simulator (DTF) ......................................................................................................... 26 2.6 BTC EMBEDDED SYSTEMS - BTC ................................................................................................................... 29 2.6.1 BTC EmbeddedSpecifier ....................................................................................................................... 29 2.6.2 BTC Embedded Tester .......................................................................................................................... 30 2.7 CEA LIST ......................................................................................................................................................... 32 2.7.1 Fluctuat .................................................................................................................................................... 32 2.7.2 HybridFluctuat ......................................................................................................................................... 33 2.8 ENEA - ENEA ................................................................................................................................................... 34 2.8.1 NFR Profile suite .................................................................................................................................... 34 2.9 INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AUSTRIA - IFAT ..................................................................................................... 36 2.9.1 DODT ....................................................................................................................................................... 36 2.10 MÄLARDALEN UNIVERSITY - MDU ................................................................................................................... 37 2.10.1 ViTAL ....................................................................................................................................................... 37 2.11 OFFIS............................................................................................................................................................... 39 2.11.1 Requirements engineering with RSL and the PatternEditor ............................................................ 39 2.11.2 Requirements-based Change Impact Management ......................................................................... 40 2.11.3 Model-based safety analysis ................................................................................................................ 42 2.11.4 Requirements Consistency/Entailment analysis................................................................................ 43 2.11.5 Sequence diagram-based specification .............................................................................................. 43 2.12 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN - TUM ................................................................................................ 44 2.12.1 Goblint ...................................................................................................................................................... 44 2.13 VIRTUAL VEHICLE - VIF .................................................................................................................................... 45 2.13.1 STSSim .................................................................................................................................................... 45 3 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................
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