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The Crescent - February 15, 1943

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Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "The Crescent - February 15, 1943" (1943). "The Crescent" Student Newspaper. 445.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Museum at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in "The Crescent" Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME j^i S'Y Newberg, Oregon, February 15, 1943 No. 9 "Dad-Daughter" Banquet Scheduled For Friday Last Flight The biannual "Dad-Daughter" Lewis, Roberts Nominated banquet will be held Friday uighl at the Friends church. For Student Body President This banquet is sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. and is given the PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS years that we do not have Ma, Primary elections held today, Monday, resulted in Day. Girls who will be unable to take tlieir own fathers will tak<- the following candidates for the major offices of the another father as the guest. Student body: Prof. R. W. Lewis, father of our Student Body President Claude Lewis Y. M. C. A. president will act :. Student Body President Arthur Roberts or the evening. An entertaining program is plcmneO Vice President Kathleen Smith and a good time is anticipated by all. Elenita- Mardock has charge Vice President David Thomas of the banquet. Joyce Perisho has S. B. Secretary .Florence Swanson charge of the ticket sales. EDDIE DANIEL, S. B Secretary .Margery Wohlgemuth The hearts of all who know Registration Shows him were saddened when news of Treasurer Jack L. Willcuts tile sudden death of Eddie Daniel A Slight Loss was b r o u g h t to the2 campus Treasurer Irene Lewis Recently commissioned on En­ When the dust hid settled and Crescent Editor sign, Eddie was taken away in .Evangelyn Shattuck the excitement of registration had his hour of greatest achievement all ceased Miss Sutton's list show Crescent Eclilor Betty Ashwill and liappiness. ed a little difference in enroll­ L'Ami Editor ment from the previous period. The accident occured in Miami, Deane Roberts where Eddie and his bride of only With five new students and L'Ami Editor Carroll Michener three weeks, the former Margeret eight fallen by the wayside, the Montgomery of this city, had gone advantage in numbers does lie to live following his graduation Library Adds Books with the preceding period. and commission. Hoover Sends Latest Gold "Q" Banquet The enrollment of five mew A pilot in the Air Corps of our Pacific college library has ac­ students is something of a record fleet, Eddie died at his job, for quired seven.l valuable new vol­ Big Success for the College, yet even so we it was an airplane crash that took umes this yeor. Six books by au­ One of the outstanding social are still scheduled for a light his life. thorities in the field of interna­ events of the season was the form­ second semester and all together Ed was a former student—and tional relat'ons were »tjr>t by the al Cold Q banquet, held Saturday too noticeable trend the past few- would have been graduated this International Relations club. night at the dining hall o the years. year had he not cast his lot with Herbert Hoover sent the book Friends church. Uncle Sam's birdmen. "The Problems of Lasting Peace" Tomato cocktail, fruit salad, roast Presence of the new students The body is on the way to the by Hoover and Gibson. beef, potatoes, igravey, rolls and in several instances can be at­ coast and services will be either A complimentary copy of "The apple pie a la mode made up the tributed to the new Reconstruc­ in Portland or here in Newberg, lovely three course dinner. tion courses now being offered in World Calendar Reform Sincu acording to Mrs. Jean Emment, 1930" was sent by the authxr. Coffee was served later in the line with the recently inaugurated mother of the flier. Federa 1 post war program in Miss Elizabeth Aehelis. She is fireplace room while the grtfup •which our College and its coher- spending her fortune to get a new- enjoyed a short musical program ents intend to play a vital part. Prof. Jones Resigns calendar adopted by the world. consisting of: A nnmiber by the The library takes the quarterly The war can be blamed aigain Accepts New Position girls' quartette (Mary Frances "Journal of Calendar Reform" Nordy, Evangeline Marx, Kath­ for the eight now missing from Thomas Jones, professor of which favors this plan. our ranks. Going directly into the History and Speech and athietic leen Smith, and Joyce Perisho,) a Elbert Rnssull stnt a copy of his clarinet solo by George Bales, a service are Wendell Deane and coach, resigned his position at book ''The Histury of Quakerism " Jim Webb, the former into the Pacific College last week. He has piano duet by Mildred Haworth The Nationll American Wom­ and Kathleen Smith and two Navy, and the latter to the land accepted a position on the teach­ en's Suffrage asociatiir sent "Vic­ units. John Hays and Henry Cole- ing staff of Reed College, in Port­ banjo-guitar numbers by George tory, How Women Won It," a (Continued to Page 4) unan are retiring to something land. Because of the contract that history of the sui'f.-age movement more lucrative than study, with Reed has with the Army for ia the D. 6. an eye to entering the armed training some 200 soldiers there The college has bought three Social Service Leader forces with something besides was need for additional instruct­ Relates Opportunities holes in their purses. Gerald Dun- ntw books on tnr. subject of psy­ ors. Mr. Jones will continue to chology for the department in aigan has gone to California with teach history. For Profession (Continued on page 3) Psychology and Education. The chapel speaker on Tuesday, Feb. 9 was Joun Whilelaw, chair­ man of the Oregon Chapter of Rev. Mendenhall Will Be a¥cuu Beautiful Without SUoei Community Chest, who spoke on Speaker In Meetings the subject "Social Service as a Career." Social service has been The Christian Associations of Last Tuesday in thousands of when the announcement came that shore stores over the nation cus­ a imonth, hence all manufacture perfi rmed si l :e early times, but Pacific College in colloboration as a separate piofeasion unrelated with the local Friends church and tomers forgot the old adage, "if of footwear would cease—that the shoe fits put it on," for a the shoe business had gone out to church and social it is only with the faculty of the college ara as old as this century. The num­ planning another series of special more curt statement — "Put it for victory, not defeat—we levelly on." Against all criticism on the began to keep our laces tight and ber of social workers doubled in services. Rev. Moses Mendenhall the decade from 1920 to 1930, of San Diago, California is to bt fitting of their new shoes, they our toes shining in the hope of insisted that they'd get by in a keeping our pedal pins away from the great impetus being provid­ the speaker. Altho' the dates arf ed Iby the need which arose out not definitely set, meetings will pinch—and we fully expect them nature as long as possible. to. However, we weren't all quite Around school individual re- of the depression. probably start sometime the last A social worker must have a of February or the first of March. that gullible. Through several reactions are as different as the similar experiences of government- people whose they are. Davie fundamental liking for people; be CHEMISTRY—THIS AND THAT By Laurence F. Skene Cecil F. Hinshaw It is tru.e of course, that chem­ INSURANCE istry has gone to war, but it is also true that it doing its bit LIFE — AUTO — FIRE Published bi-weekly during the college year by the Student for the forgotten man—(this time 103 S. Washington St. Body of Pacific College, Newberg, Oregon the civilian.) Entered as second-class matter at the The ra'pidity at which plastics Postoffice at Newberg, Oregon are being developed to replace HOUSER Terms—50c a year critical materials is almost un­ believable. Things are now beimg LUMBER YARD made from plastics which a year EDITOR Arthur Roberts Paint—Lumber ago we" though* could only be A.DVISOR~ -- Russell Lewis made from metal. Since alumin­ Phone 76M 1 & Main BUSINESS STAFF um has passed out of civilian, use BUSINESS MANAGER Willi an Stein, ADVERTISING MANAGER Carrol Michener for the duration, I think that the CIRCULATION MANAGER Wilma Archambeau old axim will apply to it as it WALLACE'S EDITORIAL STAFF has to other materials in the past, Newberg's Variety Store NEWS EDITOR Evangelyn Shattuck namely: let a material become Since 1911 scarce or 'be removed from the SPORTS EDITOR - ,—Harold Nelson "Where a Little Money Goes a SOCIETY EDITOR .'Charlotte Mtacy market and other materials will FEATURE EDITOR Deano Roberta be developed which will replace Long Way" STAFF REPORTERS—Marion DolWe, Doris Manning, Wilma that which ig no longer available Archaimbeau, Ruth Vasey, James Spirup to such, an extent that when the FIRST CLASS supply of the original is restored, PHOTO FINISHING its market is gone. I do not m'ean , • CARELESSNESS COSTS • that aluminum will become non- important, rather that it will RILEY "STUDIO No doubt a large percentage of the student body have been probably be permanently replaced for many of its pre-war uses. How­ up in the recreaton room within the last couple of weeks. Is­ ever, it will probably find more n't it a mess? Does that have to be the characteristic of all important uses, possibly in the C. A. MORRIS "Lounges, Recreation Rooms, etc., in colleges? Sad to say col­ field of transportation. Jeweler and Optometrist lege students still retain supposedly hi school characteristics Another interesting development when it comes to carelessness with property not specifically is that of rubber substitutes. I Pens ? Pencils - Rings their own. notice that plastics are replacing everything from bath mats to kid­ Much of the blame has fallen on the person who is sup­ dy car tires. The sad note is that most of the plants are beimg set Parker Hardware posed to be janitor of that room. In student body meeting up to produce & very inferior General Hardware Friday, however, that matter was taken up and we can be type of rubber, the market for assured that the question of janitor responsibility will be which will be very poor after the Sporting Goods and Paint war. These plants are much more taken care of. However, that absolutely does not excuse us simple than those which would 701 First Street from throwing those darts full speed ahead into that high be needed to produce a good grade ceiling. A few days ago a couple of our new fellows were ob­ of synthetic rubber. Hollingsworth—Gwin Successor of W- W. Hollingsworth served trying earnestly with stick and chair to dislodge those All of the major rubber com­ & Son darts in order to play that dart game. Finally they succeeded panies have developed their own synthetic rubber, varying mostly Store of Quality in batting down about all of them, altho one or two were in the production process, the Phone 94W broken in the process. main source material being unsat­ Furniture Morticians urated hydrocarbons. The rubber About a half an hour ago some of the fellows wanted to made by this process is equal to play some tennis on a sunshiny day. They started to stretch natural rubber in its wearing COZY the net up, but it kept sagging. They pulled it tight as they qualities and superior to the nat­ ural product where expensed (to Barber Shop could to get the heavy thing up high enough. The rope snapped oil and gasoline; whereas, most "It pays to look well." in the middle. Someone had left that net out in the rain for of the synthetic rubber reaching civilians will have wearing qual­ Howard Mills the last two floods, evidently. Let's take a personal interest ities ranging down to twenty-five in our schools valuable equipment. We only hurt ourselves by per cent that of natural rubber. It carelessness. seems quite probable that even af­ ter the war natural rubber will Manson Florists have considerabl competition. COOPERATION Flowers for all Occasions Natural r u b lb er production aoe VILLA ROAD The name of one organization on the college campus might started in Brazil, from which country seeds were stolen to get well be adapted to the whole school. It is Student-Faculty around the embargo against these Committee on Cooperation. We ought all to be members exportations. These seeds were of one committee whose unwritten name is that of coopera­ taken to the East Indies, where Chehalem Valley Mills tion. That is all very vague; but I have in mind some specific American capitol developed many Manufacturers of great plantations. Very little cap- examples of this quality of cooperativeness. The other day at in Brazil where rubber resources the Reed-Pacific basketball game played in the good warm itol went to rubber development MONTANA BLENDED FLOTTR Hi-school gym Prof. Allen was the only faculty member there, were thereby left undeveloped. AND STOCK FEED, ALWAYS besides, of course, Coach Jones. It was a bad, snowy night. I Would it not be convenient to FRESH, LOWEST PRICES have a well developed rubber in­ noticed that Prof. Allen walked home thru the snowstorm. We dustry at our south door? Looks Phone 170 803 N. Main Ave. students appreciate that enthusiasm and interest a great deal. as though "Chicken still come We* appreciate our faculty all the more when they take that home to roost," doesn't it? keen interest in our affairs. At the Formal Reception held at Kanyon Hall at the opening of this semester quite a few of The way to keep the wolf from Dr. f. W, Hester your door is to go out with him. the students who were within easy reach of the school failed Football bears the same relation Physician and Surgeon to turn out for this big event of the season. It was rainy, yes, to education as Ibrall fighting does and gas must be used sparingly; and yet several of those pre­ to agriculture.—Elbert Hubbard.s I AM NOW OPERATING sent came sveral miles. A few blocks in the rain might not In Prof. Macy's Class. give us pneumonia. The difficulty lies in the fact that we have "What is a trachoma? STAGS DEPOT too many things that can become legitimate excuses. Char­ Cowley: (Rudely awakenod.) I —AS WELL AS— acter is built by putting forth an effort to overcome these don't know—somewhere near Seattle, I think. easy excuses—like walking thru the rain or snow. JOHN'S CANTEEN Also in Social Problems class. Prof. Macy: What is rural dis- We hope that onr Friends will •Dom-fin ™iWp is fn begin soon a series of special meet- drop in and acquaint tlicm- Social Worker (Continued from Page 1) Lynn B. Ferguson pensible to a social worker. The Prescripiton Druggist profession compares favorably with teaching financially with 302 First St. Phone 15W considerable opportunity for an Newberg, Oregon alert person to advance. Qualified social workers are hired by •public and governmental agencies and as specialists in or­ ganizations for other purposes Rygg Cleaners such as hospitals, schools and courts. Appreciate Your Patronage There are five types of social work: (1) Social case work with families, children and working along with a physician or a psy­ NEWBERG chiatrist where such specialists are needed. (2) Social group work in Boy and Girl Scouts, YM &. GRAPHIC YWOA. (3) Community organiza­ tion with its joint planning of all PRINTING social service agencies in a giv­ en area, central financing, and community chest drives. (4) So­ VOGUE cial research with an emphasis on statistics and the literature BEAUTY SALON which is growing up with the Dorothy Povenmire •profession. (5) Social administra­ tion. Phone 287W In preparation for social ser­ vice undergraduate work with a emphasis on social science and Flowers; The Silent Token English should be folowed by one or two years of graduate work. The first year of graduate work Japtith Florists have decided not to write scanda is a year of basic instruction and actual supervised experience; the Phone — — 2J 3) eat. Gouiitt Mouie. in thi8 letter but let yom find it out by other means. Maybe Bro­ second year's instruction is oiore Along with the new semester ther Rat could contribute to it. specialized and includes valuable have come many and varied new THE DORM MOUSE. experience of gathering and or­ ELLIS developments in dead old KtH. For ganizing data for the writing of GROCERY & MARKET instance, the new couples that a dissertation. occupy the davenports—J. G. and 5beai fenatkeA flat Because he is dealing with The Red & White Store J. P. could he mentioned here, emotional problems and often emo­ and what developments! ! Life in the dorm these days has Ph. 134R - Free Delivery •been dull compared to what it used tionally unbalanced peaple the Something new in the jittertmit to he when James Webb lived social worker needs to be al'ole to think straight logically and ob­ realm is our cornet-playinig romeo here. We are sorry to lose him jectively. NEWBERG from O. S. C.—He isn't doing so to the army as he made life very badly on this campus either. intresting for Us at times. Also LUMBER YARD Of course the Wilma-Fish story Wendel Deane has been lost to Carey Tells Experiences COMPLETE LINE OP is old stuff but there are new de­ the dorm and needless to say we In Y. M. C. A. Meeting Building Materials velopments there too (for par­ miss him very much. Harley "Commit thy way unto the TELEPHONE 1S8J ticulars see Wayne Antrim). Branigar left our happy dorm life Lord, trust also in him and he Hadlock and Marx must he to live some where else. We wish shall bring it to pass," was the stealing Wilma's stuff. They have him luck, Ibut would rather have theme of the inspirational talk R. H. C. Bennett gone in for fish .too, hut they keep him living in the dorm. In return which Prof. Carey brought to the theirs in water (Cold.) for our losses we have Loren Y. M. C. A. meeting Wednesday, Some suggested song titles for Smith, Wes Herrick, Lucien Jone3 Feb. 11. the song of the season may be and George Smith. Office: Second Floor Union Block "Sitting on the Sofa with Loren" Life in the Ping Pong room has Registration or "Standing in the Doorway with 'been interesting of late. One does (Continued from Page 1) Chester." not know what to expect when he the intention of enrolling in an Poor Hulda! She will have to opens the door. Such couples as avination school and eventually become a full time agent for the Joyce and Jim, Leo and Abbie, flying in the Navy. Of the whole College Pharmacy cook-book if business keeps boom­ Florence and Loren, and a host of list only Harley Branigar intends' ing. others are seen by all. The news to continue his education, having If Ka|nyon Hall only had a of the possibilities of the room enrolled at Mt. Angel. Ronnie RAY PARRISH circulating library, just think of must have reached the girls dorm Smith, versatile football halfback, the interesting material that the because the other night aibout six has gone back to Idaho to take dormites and their friends could girls strolled over to the room. over his father's work because We Have All STUDENT contribute to it. Here is a sample They said they went to play ping of the latter's illness. Del Cloud of possible articles: pong, but we wonder. undecided for a while, has gone Craven—A study of the Spirup Lloyd Fish is having a hard, home to get into farm work. Supplies World. time "keeping a roommate. First There is a brighter side, the Wohlgemuth—The Way of a it was Harley, then Chet now it is positive side, which shows two B (r) ashful Boy. Heinie. Freshmen, a like number of Soph- K. Smith—How to Get a Repp. Jim Spirup must still be going mores and one Senior. From Port­ A. Miller—The advantages and strong in the evenings because it land to the Frosh class comes disadvantages of getting to class has been very hard for him not to Loren Stoith and Wes Herrick, Dr. Homer Hester both of Lent's Friends church, and on time. sleep through his 8 o'clock class. Alan Atkinson i provinlg him­ already a heavy contribution to DENTIST Swanson—"One minute after s our ranks. Johnny Barber's en­ ten-thirty." self quite a chess player these days, and our dorm governor, rollment raises our list of Dundee A. Roberts—Latest develop­ students to three, and promises ments in Ping-Ponig. Prof. "Ho-bson, can hold his own in this game of brain matter. to prove one of the Ibright lights Bates—The , a way to of the Frosh class. Hodson Mortuary Freedom. Don Brash better be careful Lady Attendant From Cascade Locks, via Ore­ Gossard—Herrick steps out. not to make any more promises AMBULANCE SERVICE thian he is able to fulfill. It seems gon State, we have Lucian Jone3, Macy—Oregon's possibilities, if Anytime—Anywhere one had a car. he has made a number of pro­ a sophimore majoring in Engineer­ Haworth— On to Moscow. mises to girls as to what he will ing, with flair for music and an PHONE 118M or 18W abundance of ability along that Shattuck—A study of th«* do when he leaves Tor the army, line. •moon in Idaho, Oregon and . and it ig understood that the girls lAnonomous—The definition aod intend to hold him to these pro­ The Senior class member is MILLER'S qualifications of a Wolf. mises. really not new to many of us as The dining hall hasn't had much The new visiting hours for boys he was with us for a year in 1941- 42. George Smith hails from Sal- SEE US FOB CLOTHING ~* fhn o-iri-o linmi shouldn't both- NEEDS Gold "Q" Banquet the Rooks. Some may have ex­ ('Continued from Page 1) perience, while others may not . SNACK SHOP . Bales and Melvin Ashwill. be very experienced at the game. The rooms were beautifully de­ By Harold Nelson But come out and learn, and you corated in the valentine motif BASEBALL may surprise yourself. Francis Home Made with pussy willows in the center Baseball, the Ail-American Keys of the Soph, class should, if piece. sport will swing into action again, he comes out, make a fine pitch­ Those attending were: Gold Q if the War Manpower Board will ing prospect. CANDIES members, Elenita Mardock, Doris allow the men to play baseball, as­ The letter men returning are Mannimg, Margery Wohlemuth, suming that it is a necessity in Crisman, Michener and Rdberts, Kathleen Smith, Joyce Perisho, wartime as a morale builder, this outfielders: G. Miller, Spirup and DOUGHNUTS Evangeline Marx, Mildred Haw- spring in different parts of the infield both); Hadlock, catcher, orth, Mary Frances Nordyke, Betty country. Here is a little bit about infield both); Madlock, catcher, Asbwill, Mary Grace Dixon and the history of Baseball. and Nelson pitcher. Fountain Service Mrs. Allen. Their guests: George 'It was founded over one hund­ Claude Lewis and David Thoma3 Bales, Jack Willcuts, Claude red years ago in Cooperstown, New after a year lay off from baseball Lewis, Carroll Michener, James York, by a iman named Double- might be out, and if so they will Siefker Hardware Greer, Melvin Ashwill, Wayne An­ day. In those early stages the help the team a lot. Both play trim, Chester Bumbarger, Deane game was played only for the in­ outield. The team needs a first and Roberts, Douglas Cowley and Mr. terest of the players involved in­ baseman, third baseman, another Allen—and Gold Q alumni and stead of the public. The fields on catcher or two, and a couple more FURNITURE their guests: Allice Gulley, Fern which they played were rugged pitcherg if we are to have a stellar Opposite Postofftce Ph. 38W Nixon, Arthur Roberts and Ross and unkept. Later in the stages ball team. Practice will begin next Gulley. of ibase'ball, busines s men and month. No schedule has been their associates got the idea o,~ dra.wn up as yet, but I suppose How Beautiful starting different leagues all over we will probably play the samic the nation, beginning mainly in teams we played last year. (Continued from Page 1) We will miss very much Dale Safeway Store good store of nail polish, pre­ the eastern part of the country. "Tex" Miller, third 'baseman and ventive of disaster on the fateful They started to build parks and day when they ration it also. She grounds on which to play. They heavy batter, Bill Hays, ace feels that her return to the native started to advertize and pay men knuckle-ball artist and fist base­ should at least be gradual. Ac­ to play for the league towns man, Burl Kirkpatrick, catcher, Fountain — Lunch cording to statistics, Orrin Ogier's After a while two Major Leagnies, John Hays, Lilbuin Tucker, Wen­ style 'Will !be cramped most of all the National League first and then dell Deane, Hiel Heald and David when the shoe shortage becomes the American League, were form­ Beebe. NAP'S acute. And some Idahoans, having ed. Minor Leagues came into ex­ Let's hope for a winning team already evolved webbed feet as a istence at first as farm clubs of this season. This season we will result of their migration, find the the Major Leagues. Later they have the transportation problem Cash Grocery & Market prospect of hair between the toes operated their own clubs. The to contend with and also the draft­ most prominent Minor League IF ing of men in the army as ob­ and the conversion of nails to r claws too gruesome to dwell -up­ the Pacific Coast Leaigue of which stacles £° the teams outlook. DR. AGNES WORLEY on. Portland is a member along with Track Naturopath Los Angeles, San Francisco and Track is an uncertainty, but if Radionics—Electrotherapy Sunnier souls cite the succes enough enthusiasm was had we others. 110 N. School St. Ph. 40W of Daisy Mae, however, and sug The clubs in the Major Leagues could have ai small track team to gest that no better treatment could are New York, Chicago, Phila­ compete with other colleges. Let's Free Consultation — Open Eves. be found for keeping feet in good try track and have a team, there form than a daily Sadie Hawkins delphia, Boston, St. Louis. Cleve- race in bared feet. Boys refuse to land, Pittsburgh, Washington, might be a better outlook than follow this reference too far. It Brooklyn, Detroit and Cincinnati. might be supposed, and if we got Frink's Book Store seems that the feet of Little A/bner The clubs today have large park? started we might have a fair KODAK SERVICE have left a broader impression. and stadiums, such as the Yankee squad. Then there are the bedroom slip­ Stadium in New York and Shibe Basketball Stationery per advocates who predict that Park in Philadelphia, which seat. Speaking of lbaskebball, the School Supplies and Gifts life in our college will take a turn 40,000 up to 100,000 people at team was greatly helped when 504 First Street for the oriental, with every vari­ one tiime. Major League Baseball Lewis and Thomas came back. The ety of sandal from cat-fur dusters has two 'big classics in the sea­ team hasn't had a very good sea­ to more masculine romeos neatly son, the All^Star game, made up son as far as the wins and losses Moore's Super paired at the door of each class­ of stars of both leagues, and the are concerned, but we should give room by students as they enter. World series, at which the pen­ the members of the squad a pat However, the faculty seeks to nip nant winners of both leagues meet on the back for the fighting spirit Cream Shop this movement in the bud, pointing to decide which is baseball's World which they have shown. Stein on out that removing of slippers up­ Champion team. The players to­ Jan. 12 was very hot when he on entering a classroom would day sometimes get paid upwards scored 10 points in the Reed Follow the gang here for .give an illusion of retiring for a of ten thousand dollars a year game played on the high, school night's repose. Our professors for their services. Baseball sur­ floor. Antrim, Keyes, Ogier, Spir­ Sandwiches have never learned to rattle off vived the last war—let's hope it up, Roberts, Willcuts and Mich­ like alarm clocks. will continue in this war. ener are bo be congratulated for Ice Cream and Last of all, the most sage sub­ At Pacific College their spirit. We will miss Del ject of my search summarized it As the Baseball outlook for Cloud from Greenleaf for the last Milk Shakes all when he said, "First they Pacific College is concerned it of the season. froze the rulbber, then the gaso­ looks surprisingly promising. Base line, and now it's feet." Of the ball is the sport in which we had LATE FLASH—Weibb is back "~BERRIAN future *we cannot speak with cer­ the- most success last year, with —even the army couldn't keep tainty, but whether we die of ex­ Coach McGrath at the helm. Out him away from P. C. We haven't posure or wether we live to re­ of seven games we won three and heard his story yet? Service Station develop the primeval understruc- lost four, two of the four gaimes ture of the human race, we have lost were lost by only one run— oaused him to have lived in vain one to Reed and the other to O. COMPLETE who wrote: "And departing, leave C. E. The team spirit was very, Auto Service behind us footprints on the sands splendid, about that of many of Dr. I. R. Root of time—footprints that perhaps the teams which Pacific has turn­ another, sailing o'er life's solemn ed out. The spirit was high and DENTIST Hi-Rate Battery Charging main, a forlorn and shipwrecked we fought the other college to win. First and Edwards brother, seeing shall take heart The team may lose some of its again." For who would care to players before the season gets follow in the path of a hotentot? under way to the armed forces. PROGRESSIVE ETHEL Freshmen will play a large part "What does it mean to be a in the building of the team. Brash SHOE SHOP Christian? It means that some­ and Ogier have expressed their 'de­ BEAUY SALON thing has happened between God sire to turn out and many others H. S. BARNES, Prop. and man in which man, realizing will probably turn out also from Phone 149J his need and believing he can re­ ceive help from God, has accepted the proffered forgiveness of sin and has been given a neiw birth We Stand thru Jesus Christ; it means that A Biffed and lietie/i something is happening to our lives morally and socially; and