Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Turning His Life Around by Grace R. Duncan Turning His Life Around. When Kane Harris's world turns upside down, his lifelong best friend is the only one to catch him. Years ago, Ian Kelly accepted Kane would never return his love, since he knows Kane believes he's incapable of it. Ian is willing to settle for what he can get-a best friend, sometimes casual lover, and occasional submissive. He's learned he can't live without Kane, but he can't let Kane know. Because when, not if, Kane confirms that Ian's love will never be returned, Ian won't be able to take it. But when Kane loses his job and asks Ian to step up their play to help him deal, Ian's ability to hide his feelings falters. Then Kane starts his own computer security firm and asks Ian to join him, and Ian struggles further. It's not until they visit the exclusive BDSM club the Iron Door that things come to a head. Kane screws up big time, and he's afraid he can't fix it. He's sure he'll lose his best friend, his Dom, his everything. forever. Six ex-criminals who transformed their lives around through Christ Jesus. We have compiled a list of ex-criminals who in the early stages of their lives committed distasteful sins but later received redemption through giving their lives to Jesus Christ. This article should hopefully encourage you that despite all the evil and shameful activities you’ve done in the past, God has not stopped his unfailing love and mercy upon your life and there is still hope for you. The remedy for being close to God is simple, acknowledge your sins and sincerely repent from your sinful ways, this is illustrated in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Be encouraged to take steps in assembling the image of Jesus Christ each day like these reformed men of God below: Charles Colson (Born 1931 – Died 2012) – Former Political Saboteur. Charles Colson was known within the Nixon administration as the “evil genius” served special counsel to President Richard M Nixon, who masterminded ways to sabotage his opponent’s in his own words “I’d walk over my own grandmother to re-elect Richard Nixon.” Mr. Colson was sentenced to prison for seven months in federal Maxwell prison for his involvement in the 1970’s Watergate scandal on the charges of obstruction of justice. Behind bars, he became a born-again Christian and became an evangelic Christian leader, he founded several impactful non-profit organizations including Prison Fellowship Ministries, which was designed to bring Bible study to prison inmates and their families. In 1983 he set up Justice Fellowship to develop the Bible-based criminal justice and prison reform. He found the Break Point radio show and Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, which is a research and networking study center of growing Christians looking to defend the Christian worldview. The remaining of his life, dedicates the rest of his life spreading the gospel. Michael Franzese (Born 1951) – Former New York Mobster and Head of the Colombo Crime Family. Michael Franzese was born into a life of crime, born in Brooklyn, New York; his father was the notorious Colombo Underboss John “Sonny” Franzese. In October 1975 Franzese attended Hofstra University but soon after decided to quit his college to join the Colombo family. Franzese grew in the ranks of his mafia peers through creating lucrative money making schemes from the mafia, including extortion, money laundering, intimidation to his most famous scheme the infamous gasoline-bootlegging racket in the mid-1980’s. In 1984 he met Camile Garcia, an evangelical Christian on a film set who would soon become his wife. Franchzese credits his wife for introducing him to the Christian faith. In 1985 he was indicted on 14 counts of racketeering, extortion, counterfeiting from the gasoline-bootlegging racket and was sentenced to ten years in federal prison but was released from prison after serving 43 months. In December 27, 1991 he was sent back to federal prison for his involvement in tax fraud. During his time in jail, he claimed he found Jesus where he summoned up the strength to walk away from the Colombo family which is a cardinal sin in the mafia. In 1992 was the year of transformation; he wrote his autobiography title, “Quitting the Mob” book which he wrote as a tool to sway teenagers to stay out of a life of crime by revealing the myth of the glamorous life. He founded the Breaking Out Foundation, where he routinely tours across America sharing his life experience and new life in Christ to college campuses, Churches and empowerment seminars. Johnny Lee Clary (Born 1959 – Died 2014) – Former Leader. Johnny Lee Clary was born in June 1958 in , where he was raised in a racist home where is father who claimed to be Catholic encouraged hatred towards black people and those who are minorities. At the age of 14 he became involved in gangs and eventually joined the Ku Klux Klan. Due to his dedication he quickly climbed up the ranks and moved into the position as the imperial wizard of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. In his life in the race hatred group he built respect amongst his peers for not only inciting race hate but being responsible for audacious activities like beating people up, burning crosses outside peoples homes and eventually burning a black church. Later in his life, Johnny felt compelled to give his life to Christ after reading Luke 15, on the story of the prodigal son, which led him to repentance. In his own words he recounts, “I finally got on my knees and said, ‘God, my life is screwed up. God, I’m in a mess. I need your help,” he recalled. “I felt like a new person, brand new creation. I felt like I had had a weight lifted off my shoulders.” After receiving Christ in his heart grew to have love for all people regardless of their race. Soon after his repentance, he became a Pentecostal evangelist and the first elder in a predominantly African-American denomination in the Church of God in Christ. In this period of his life he made amends with those he tormented during his years in the Klan including Rev. who became his best friend and mentored Cary. He spent the remainder of his life repairing his damaged past from educating the FBI on how white supremacy groups operate to converting racist to love all people. He died in October 2014 at age 55 of a heart attack. Joshua Milton Blahyi (Born 1971) – African War Lord. In the 1990s Joshua Blahyi, better known as General Butt Naked was known for his fatal atrocities during the first Liberian Civil War. Since the age of 11 he claimed to participate in his first human sacrifice after being initiated as a tribal priest. In his memoir he stated how from an early age he received an encounter from the Devil who told him he would one day become a great warrior and instructed him to continuously practice cannibalism and human sacrifice to increase empowerment. He later became appointed, high priest due to his dedication and physical prowess, which lead him in a position to become the spiritual advisor of Samuel Doe, the former president of Liberia. His nickname “General Butt Naked” was cultivated due to his reputation leading his troops in the battle of the civil war naked except for shoes and gun; he believed this was the source that protected him from bullets. With his reputation as the top general fighter he was able to recruit more than 20,000 children as soldiers. From a human standpoint, it’s impossible to forgive someone with such atrocities like this, before going out to battle his ritual was to sacrifice small children whose fresh blood satisfied the devil. Joshua has confessed on several occasions, even publically that he has killed over 20,000 people during 14 years of civil war. In 1996 a Pastor in Liberia Bishop Kun Kun claimed he heard from God to fast for 54 days to deliver Blahyi’s rampage. After fasting Pastor Kun Kun went into his shrine in Liberia to preach to him. After Blahyi received the visit from the pastor, he claimed Jesus appeared to him in a blinding light and told him to repent for his sins or die. Joshua, then gave his life to Christ and went on a confession spree to confess his sins in churches and to the relatives of the victims he killed. He is now the President of the End Time Train Evangelistic Ministries, which focuses on restoring gang, reforming the lives of his former soldiers and violent conflicts in Liberia. Apostle Paul – Former Christian persecutor. Paul was born as Saul in the City of Tarsus (Acts 22:3) located in the province of Cilicia, now known as modern Turkey. In his early years he enrolled in a Pharisaic Rabbinical school in Jerusalem and soon became a Pharisee. In the Bible described as being zealous in all that he did, in Act 7 Paul witnessed the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian Martyr (watching the cloaks of those who were stoning Stephen.). In later stages of his life Saul lead major persecution again Christians, he did everything within his power to stop the growth of Christianity by destroying churches, putting Christians in prison in Jerusalem. It was when he was on the way to Damascus to persecute more Christian believers, when Jesus Christ appeared to him, which caused him to repent and become one of the greatest evangelists of his day. Review: Turning His Life Around by Grace R. Duncan. If you are looking for a good BDSM novel with a twist, then look no further than Grace R. Duncan’s Turning His Life Around . Two best friends since the tender age of six, Kane and Ian have been on again, off again fuck buddies as well as roommates. Both self-professed geeks, they have that rare friendship that seems able to accept the fact that they are not destined to be anything more than best buddies—or do they? When the two begin to explore their D/s roles with Ian taking the more dominant position, their relationship slowly begins to morph into something else. As they weather life changes, with Kane losing his job only to be offered the opportunity to set up his own business and bring Ian with him, Ian finds himself needing more. He is no longer content just being fuck buddies with Kane; in fact, he has fallen in love with his best friend. However, an abusive past has left its mark on Kane. Not being sure what love really is and fairly positive it is not meant for him, Kane fails to recognize the signs Ian is giving off. Now they stand at a crossroads—can they be just friends? This was an excellent study of a developing D/s relationship and a glimpse into what happens when friends cross the line into something more. While I understood the need for the fairly continuous sex, I felt that the story actually suffered overall. In fact, at times, it felt like the plot existed only to serve as the next jumping off point for heated and intense sexual encounters between the two main characters. I really enjoyed the moments when the author allowed us to take a break from the intimate moments and get a peek at what her characters were like. Ian was so invested in Kane and vice versa—their friendship was so convincing and their growing need to be more than just friends was well done. Each time that Kane missed those obvious cues that Ian was falling harder for him, you wanted to just shake the man and scream, wake up! All in all, Turning His Life Around was a good novel that could have benefited from a bit more time spent on furthering the plot and a little less time in the bedroom. “That I Might Draw All Men unto Me” As we draw closer to God, the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ will come into our lives. My dear brothers and sisters, while living in Africa, I sought advice from Elder Wilford W. Andersen of the Seventy about helping Saints who live in poverty. Among the remarkable insights he shared with me was this: “The greater the distance between the giver and the receiver, the more the receiver develops a sense of entitlement.” This principle underlies the Church’s welfare system. When members are not able to meet their own needs, they turn first to their families. Thereafter, if necessary, they can also turn to their local Church leaders for assistance with their temporal needs. 1 Family members and local Church leaders are closest to those in need, frequently have faced similar circumstances, and understand best how to help. Because of their proximity to the givers, recipients who receive help according to this pattern are grateful and less likely to feel entitled. The concept—“the greater the distance between the giver and the receiver, the more the receiver develops a sense of entitlement”—also has profound spiritual applications. Our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, are the ultimate Givers. The more we distance ourselves from Them, the more entitled we feel. We begin to think that we deserve grace and are owed blessings. We are more prone to look around, identify inequities, and feel aggrieved—even offended—by the unfairness we perceive. While the unfairness can range from trivial to gut-wrenching, when we are distant from God, even small inequities loom large. We feel that God has an obligation to fix things—and fix them right now! The difference made by our proximity to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is illustrated in the Book of Mormon in the stark contrast between Nephi and his older brothers Laman and Lemuel: Nephi had “great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, [he] did cry unto the Lord,” and his heart was softened. 2 On the other hand, Laman and Lemuel were distant from God—they did not know Him. Nephi accepted challenging assignments without complaint, but Laman and Lemuel “did murmur in many things.” Murmuring is the scriptural equivalent of childish whining. The scripture records that “they did murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them.” 3. Nephi’s closeness to God enabled him to recognize and appreciate God’s “tender mercies.” 4 In contrast, when Laman and Lemuel saw Nephi receiving blessings, they “were wroth with him because they understood not the dealings of the Lord.” 5 Laman and Lemuel saw the blessings that they received as their due and petulantly assumed that they should have more. They seemed to view Nephi’s blessings as “wrongs” committed against them. This is the scriptural equivalent of disgruntled entitlement. Nephi exercised faith in God to accomplish what he was asked to do. 6 In contrast, Laman and Lemuel, “being hard in their hearts, … did not look unto the Lord as they ought.” 7 They seemed to feel that the Lord was obligated to provide answers to questions that they had not posed. “The Lord maketh no such thing known unto us,” they said, but they did not even make the effort to ask. 8 This is the scriptural equivalent of derisive skepticism. Because they were distant from the Savior, Laman and Lemuel murmured, became contentious, and were faithless. They felt that life was unfair and that they were entitled to God’s grace. In contrast, because he had drawn close to God, Nephi must have recognized that life would be the most unfair for Jesus Christ. Though absolutely innocent, the Savior would suffer the most. The closer we are to Jesus Christ in the thoughts and intents of our hearts, the more we appreciate His innocent suffering, the more grateful we are for grace and forgiveness, and the more we want to repent and become like Him. Our absolute distance from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is important, but the direction we are heading is even more crucial. God is more pleased with repentant sinners who are trying to draw closer to Him than with self-righteous, faultfinding individuals who, like the Pharisees and scribes of old, do not realize how badly they need to repent. 9. As a child, I sang a Swedish Christmas carol that teaches a simple but powerful lesson—drawing near to the Savior causes us to change. The lyrics go something like this: When Christmas morning gleams. I want to go to the stable, Where God in the nighttime hours. Already rests upon the straw. How good Thou wast to desire. To come down to the earth! Now, I do not wish to waste. My childhood days in sin anymore! Jesus, we need Thee, Thou dear children’s friend. I no longer wish to grieve Thee. With my sins again. 10. When we figuratively transport ourselves to the Bethlehem stable, “where God in the nighttime hours already rests upon the straw,” we can recognize better the Savior as a gift from a kind, loving Heavenly Father. Rather than feeling entitled to His blessings and grace, we develop an intense desire to stop causing God further grief. Whatever our current direction or distance to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we can choose to turn toward Them and draw closer to Them. They will help us. As the Savior told the Nephites following His Resurrection: “And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me, … “And for this cause have I been lifted up; therefore, according to the power of the Father I will draw all men unto me.” 11. To draw closer to the Savior, we must increase our faith in Him, make and keep covenants, and have the Holy Ghost with us. We must also act in faith, responding to the spiritual direction we receive. All of these elements come together in the sacrament. Indeed, the best way I know of to draw closer to God is to prepare conscientiously and partake worthily of the sacrament each week. A friend of ours in South Africa shared how she came to this realization. When Diane was a new convert, she attended a branch outside of Johannesburg. One Sunday, as she sat in the congregation, the layout of the chapel made it so that the deacon did not see her as the sacrament was passed. Diane was disappointed but said nothing. Another member noted the omission and mentioned it to the branch president after the meeting. As Sunday School began, Diane was invited to an empty classroom. A priesthood holder came in. He knelt down, blessed some bread, and handed her a piece. She ate it. He knelt down again and blessed some water and handed her a small cup. She drank it. Thereafter, Diane had two thoughts in rapid succession: First, “Oh, he [the priesthood holder] did this just for me.” And then, “Oh, He [the Savior] did this just for me.” Diane felt Heavenly Father’s love. Her realization that the Savior’s sacrifice was just for her helped her feel close to Him and fueled an overwhelming desire to keep that feeling in her heart, not just on Sunday but every day. She realized that although she sat in a congregation to partake of the sacrament, the covenants she made anew each Sunday were individually hers. The sacrament helped—and continues to help—Diane feel the power of godly love, recognize the Lord’s hand in her life, and draw closer to the Savior. The Savior identified the sacrament as indispensable to a spiritual foundation. He said: “And I give unto you a commandment that ye shall do these things [partake of the sacrament]. And if ye shall always do these things blessed are ye, for ye are built upon my rock. “But whoso among you shall do more or less than these are not built upon my rock, but are built upon a sandy foundation; and when the rain descends, and the floods come, and the winds blow, and beat upon them, they shall fall.” 12. Jesus did not say “ if rain descends, if floods come, and if winds blow” but “ when. ” No one is immune from life’s challenges; we all need the safety that comes from partaking of the sacrament. On the day of the Savior’s Resurrection, two disciples traveled to a village called Emmaus. Unrecognized, the risen Lord joined them on the journey. As they traveled, He taught them from the scriptures. When they reached their destination, they invited Him to dine with them. “And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. “And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight. “And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? “And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven [Apostles] gathered together.” And then they testified to the Apostles that “the Lord is risen indeed. … “And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.” 13. The sacrament truly helps us know our Savior. It also reminds us of His innocent suffering. If life were truly fair, you and I would never be resurrected; you and I would never be able to stand clean before God. In this respect, I am grateful that life is not fair. At the same time, I can emphatically state that because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, ultimately, in the eternal scheme of things, there will be no unfairness. “All that is unfair about life can be made right.” 14 Our present circumstances may not change, but through God’s compassion, kindness, and love, we will all receive more than we deserve, more than we can ever earn, and more than we can ever hope for. We are promised that “God shall wipe away all tears from [our] eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” 15. No matter where you stand in your relationship to God, I invite you to draw nearer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, the Ultimate Benefactors and Givers of all that is good. I invite you to attend sacrament meeting each week and partake of the holy emblems of the Savior’s body and blood. I invite you to feel God’s nearness as He is made known to you, as He was to the disciples of old, in the “breaking of [the] bread.” As you do, I promise that you will feel nearer to God. Natural tendencies to childish whining, disgruntled entitlement, and derisive skepticism will dissipate. Those sentiments will be replaced by feelings of greater love and gratitude for Heavenly Father’s gift of His Son. As we draw closer to God, the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ will come into our lives. And, as with the disciples on the way to Emmaus, we will find that the Savior has been nearby all along. I so witness and testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Patience. Jamie Ryan was almost ready to accept he’d never find his destined mate. They’re uncommon to begin with, and same-sex versions are downright rare. Since his gay best friend found a destined mate, Jamie figured he was out of luck. Until end-of-semester stress forces him to go through the full-moon shift early. Stuck in wolf form, he runs into none other than his destined mate. Who’s human. Chad Sutton has always had good instincts. They served him well as a detective and continued on when he went private. Those instincts tell him there’s something about the dog that comes up to him while running away from animal control that isn’t quite right. He works to put the pieces together, but is unsuccessful until his dog turns into a human before his eyes. Jamie has no idea what the mate bite of a shifter will do to a human. He’s terrified to try—and possibly kill his mate. They hunt for answers while working together on one of Chad's cases. It’s easy to see they belong together, but Jamie fears the gods gave him someone he can’t keep. Cover Artist: Reese Dante. Patience. We Also Recommend. This is my new favorite shifter series. I just love this pack of wolves and all of their shenanigans. This book shouldn’t be read as a standalone, though - I mean you will get the gist of the storyline, but I think you firstly need to read and/or listen to book one, "Devotion", to get the full impact of the wolf pack and the beginning of Jamie’s story, since we see him a decent amount in that book too. I really loved book one and didn’t think it could get any better than that, but with this book it definitely did, and I loved all parts of this story and how well it all came together. It was really fun getting to know Jamie and Chad as characters and seeing their personalities come out. Not only did they have great chemistry but they were hilarious together as well. Jamie pretending to be a dog and Chad playing off of that - I was laughing at their antics for a large portion of this book. And we did get some insta-lust/love, but I think it was warranted since they were very obviously fated mates and they were bound to have a quick-forming bond together. One part I thought was really interesting was the fact that the pack as a whole was as un-informed about their pasts as Jamie and Chad were, and about the entire “human mate” aspect. I really hope to see some more follow-up and conclusion to that in the next books, since they obviously have a lot to more to learn about their species. I was a little confused as we went through this book regarding the guy Chad was trying to find, but ended up happy with that aspect since we got a conclusion and more information and it led us perfectly into what we will obviously be seeing in book three. I really liked this book just as much, and maybe just a little bit more, than book one. I will be adding these to my re-read and re-listen list. Audio – OK, first time listening to a book narrated by Christopher Boucher, but it will NOT be my last. He did such a great job. I was completely entertained by his voices for all of these characters. He really got into the roles and made them come to life, even when they were in wolf form and the characters were in Rome with their accents. I am really impressed with how well he did and really do look forward to hearing more from him. I will be keeping an eye out for more of his narrated books in the future. *** Audiobook copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. *** Tams Ebook review. Jamie Ryan is out for a night of fun and drinks with some of his college buddies when his wolf decides he wants to come out a play. He barely makes it to a dark alley before the shift takes hold. Not only does he have to leave his phone, wallet and keys in the dumpster and pray they are still there when he can return as a human; but now he's being chased down by animal control. It comes as quite a shock to Jamie when the person he runs into that helps him evade being caught by animal control is his mate, and he is human. Jamie never thought he would find a mate; they are rare among same sex couples. Even more so is a destined mate, but that is what Chad is, Jamie can feel it. Chad Sutton is a former cop turned Private Eye. He has seen a lot of things in his line of work that some people would question. He realizes from the start that there is something about the dog that ran to him for safety that doesn't add up. The animal is too smart, and Chad could swear that Murray, this is what he names his pup, is answering his questions with head nods, gestures and huffing and puffing. After Murray spends a couple of days with Chad, then shifts into Jamie right in front of him, Chad is more curious than shocked. Everything happens fast, but it’s a steady progression. That, and the fact that this is a Shifter story where Mates are most times decided by the fates, so my usual disdain for insta-love stories never questioned this book. As I said, there is a steady progression in a short amount of time. Chad learns Murray is actually Jamie and a shifter and they are destined mates. The attraction is mutual and the chemistry is evident from the start. The problem these two will have to face is not attraction or chemistry, its physiology. There are no known cases of human mates; furthermore, the wolves of Forbes pack are of the belief that Jamie’s bite could actually kill Chad. Jamie and Chad travel across the globe to a more ancient group of wolves to try and learn more about their mating and if it is even possible for Jamie to claim his lover. I am a lover of paranormal romance, especially when the Author can take the story and add enough reality to it to make me think it’s plausible. Jamie as Murray almost had me in stitches with the way he would nod for yes, shake his head for no, the tail wag thing and licking Chad’s face when he was excited. Then there was the bond they shared and how they could sense each other. There were some questions they wanted answered and limits they wanted to push that weren’t elaborated on in this book, I’m hoping that is explained more in the next book. There was a bit of angst that was borderline too much for me, but it was also somewhat understandable with the fast progression of their relationship, so I’ll overlook it. Overall I really enjoyed this read. There was just a bit of drama and uncertainty, with a whole lot of passion and even some romance. If you like Shifter stories, paranormal romance, intense connections between your MC’s and a well written story with visible world building, then you should definitely consider this series. Start at the beginning though, my opinion is they should be read in order. Tams Audiobook Review. My first Audiobook with this narrator and I really enjoyed the story. Each character got their own unique voice and his tones and inflections were spot on. I liked the way he put emotion into his voice when it was called for in the story, truly bringing the story to life. 4 Wolfy-Fun Stars! In book one of "The Forbes Mate Series" we met Jamie who was looking for his mate and recently moved across country to join Tanner's pack -- to find the home he never had. As we catch up with Jamie in this book he is on his way to the pack lands on a school break and has been suppressing his wolf for a while due to inability to shift at college. This has made his wolf unhappy to say the least and his is forced into a change in the city, during the middle of the day. He lays down to take a nap hoping his wolf will allow him to shift back after being wolfy for a while.. however, when he wakes up he sees something no animal in the city every wants to see. Animal Control! He also notices the best scent he has ever smelled.. and as he attempts to evade the dog catcher while looking for this scent he sees someone step out of a shop. Some quick thinking and hope on his part he runs up to the man hoping he will play along so he isn't taken into the pound. Chad Sutton is surprised to see a beautiful tan wolf running down the street towards him as he walks out of a coffee shop, one morning. He "knows" however that he must protect this dog from the dog catcher who is chasing him. When asked, he states that it is his dog and he must have lost his collar again. Chad ends up with a ticket and a wolf - which he aptly names Murray. Chad quickly realizes that Murray is not a normal dog, as he sees him stealing bacon, drinking coffee and even using the toilet one morning. He knows something is up.. but he never imagined that Murray would turn into a gorgeous naked blonde man in his bathroom. Once everything is on the table and everyone knows all the secrets about each other.. Jamie explains to Chad that he is his mate. Chad takes this extremely well - however the two must figure out if Jamie can claim Chad as wolves do with a bite or if his bite will be fatal to Chad. The two end up traveling to Europe in search of answers and find out more than they bargained for about Chad. Overall, this is a really fun book. I loved the characters and getting to see the characters from book one again was great. Ms. Duncan has written a great second book in her Forbes Mates series.. and I cannot wait to read book three!! *ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Jaime from Alpha Book Club. The only time insta love/lust works for me is in shifter books. It's the animalistic quality it brings. This is book two in Grace's Forbes Mates series. (you should read them in order in my opinion) I actually loved this book even more than the first one. So, we have Jaime who pretty much keeps his inner animal stagnant for so long that it takes control and he basically bursts. Jamie turns into Murray (his wolf/dog) and that is how Chad finds him. To Chad Jamie is Murray and I absolutely adored Murray's antics. The two of them were absolutely hilarious! I thought how Jamie/Murray finds his mate (Chad) was written perfectly. It is so very clever how these two come to be. There's comedy, fluff, and even some angst in here. But it's just the right amount of everything and it worked very well with the story. Great addition to this series! Reading the description for 'Patience', book two in the 'Forbes Mates' series, and having thoroughly enjoyed the first installment, I was looking forward to Jamie's story. My appreciation for the author's sense of humor was confirmed when Jamie meets his mate, Chad, while in wolf form and running from animal control. I laughed out loud at the two of them in the pet store, and I knew I was going to enjoy reading about Jamie and his mate. ​Weirder than telling me my dog is really a wolf that turns into a human that​s bonded to me by the fates?​ I already knew I liked Jamie from what I'd seen of him during Tanner and Finley's story, but I adored Chad straight from the beginning. He was very open-minded, asked questions, and most importantly, he listened to Jamie's answers. The way he made Jamie smile and reassured him about his insecurities was incredibly sweet and gentle of him. I wanted Jamie to find someone who would love him for exactly who he was, especially since his family disowned him when he came out. Chad is a former cop and now a private investigator, which works out very well, since Jamie's major is criminal justice. Yes, the gods don't screw around with destined mates. Jamie starts helping Chad with his latest case, while they also navigate a trip to Rome to look at the comprehensive library of wolf shifter data. Jamie is afraid to bite and claim Chad, not knowing what that might do to Chad, and they've exhausted the resources in the States. I felt so bad for Jamie on the flight from New York to London. Wolves don't do well in small, metal tubes. They made it, though not without some *ahem* bathroom breaks. Chad and Jamie find their answers in Rome, but also discover information indicating the American Alpha Prime has been holding back relevant data about humans because he wants to keep his wolves ​pure​. There are quite a few revelations after they come home, and after they mate. I enjoyed 'Patience' even more than the first book in the series. The mood of this installment was lighter, although they did have some drama, but overall this was a happy and very loving tale. Chad and Jamie were perfect for each other, and since I got a glimpse at who I think the next book will be about, I'm eagerly anticipating it. NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.