■ ; _ __ ESS.

OCTOBlliH 11, 1867.,',,. , Term* Eight ^[QRNING, DollarHperanrtunijht advance. i he Portland dailv press \* published I'ABDS. MINCE LEAN COE*. INNIJttANCfc HtJIOVALS. BlflStfES* disagreeable and (Sunday « xcepted,i at Nq. 1 Printers' flavor which is m> disgusting Ai» tjcty day, < vcu Exchange Street, Portland. DAILY PRESS. to Exchauge, nauseating most palates. Good eider C'rul>apples with in ure JOHN 0. a cultivated N. FOSTER, Proprietor. GEORGE !'• FICKETT, PKOCTKli ways commands chiefly Aj 1867. 1868. and will command a good for sucoliariue preserve. The 1 xRMSEight Dollar? a year In advance. Life Insurance. lnut removed into the PORTLAND. in yellow ,,rgold,„ price the market. colored lru.t and especially auswers well for such I HE MAINE STATE la published at the Druggist Apothecary, a use. The tree is a PRESS, AND DEALER IN M. H. PAGE l*"»er dwarl, very hardy aud mu very Thursday luoruin at $2.00 a year, Pori land Bank **•■» p|»c Fall Trade! Savings Bnilding, October II, 1867. Paris. handsome. Wlieu in blossom it ef.ii in advance. to call the Friday MorJng, quite |. ra. iai.ly English <£ American Goods, attention of the public, to the »» Fancy peculiar features of tbo KXt'HANHC STREET. PAris, Sept. 27.1S07 rich in flowers which are iikI.uI in DESIRES 'lb the of occdingly deliciously i. n s nr .mvt irrisixu.—Utn space, No. 143 Congress, neur Editor the Prest: Washington Street, Tdl'lland, Oct. 10. HOT. t H Whui we IVufei. t It bear.fi nit to ti ciuuin, ronMitutes * "square.” l.cgal frapruut. abundantly—,n much cents Ppr Koon it will be said of the ,i* ...... jitare daily first w« k ; 7ft PORTLAND, ME. North America Life Insurance Co. Exposition ttiat so that the whole will seem covered A note is a n of top with week three *itlw»*, Si contlnu- 1st It offers the Greatest tor leeal-tender simply >te hand ;Mii»r: insertions* Security; by a recent KFNOVAL. “it was.” visitors will ere 50 cents. Physicians* eom- & Returning litlle room for the and Ini* v. \ -dher day after Ural week, Prescription* carefully Fhadhourn Kendall, Act ol the Le„‘i slut m e of ihe Slate of New this from the United Slates to long apples, allotvfne foliage; one po untied. York, Government the Mail three biscrlioimor lew. 75cents, mpt2td3m Company is authorized to make He their conversation with “When I \>.,s >" square. _ special posits preface intiimu the apples appeal* lilre drops ol gold ,». iiii* ..a Week with ol holder. The on the face of the si eld.< l*cr alter the Supcrintemlant tm- lnsuiatnc Denart- inscription and this eh -i ui.vr*.’’#o i*«r at the (ifeat mostsut- trnuig in the sun. The red is also itidcr head n ami G. A. mcnf, and receive therefor Registered Policies, mat- Office of Portland note declares “That the Exposition.” variety i*»ns or less, 91.5th SUSSKRAUT, 3 United States promise tier week ; three insert ing the seal ol the ami ;■ ecriitieate that Laundry cessful of all World's Eairs will In- bauds.uae. It |« well to lnve one tree ol each ‘ft square lor the first :n- I it! PO KT K Department, 1 HKHOVED TO shortiy m xi Notioiss,$I per M, the Policy is secured by pledge ofPublic Stock- un- to j> The most ill FREi: ST. BfeOCK, Company exclusively. MART,” Wbat idea can the “ioiks at home” obtain striking. We have known a er.h \ilvt-i nts iiiMited the "MAINE STATS makes as ami every Registered Policy secure to the* holder ;M note is not e ire., to ha« si circulation in Furs, Hats Caps, NO. 1 IS CONfJi{K therefore money, though by law app hi.0.0111 Pi : (winch large every jwir- as a Nation alBauk Note, or a United States Rond, ST.,POKTLANll. of this wonderful Exhibition ? Doubtless thrgp times in one seasoa he Sialeitor tor lirst insert km* & it is made lo some of tbe and to mature trult ;,i $1.00 per square 1HH Middle Street. jobbers of 2d, All Policies are now' made iiriisputahlu from Se> £-niter 30. eodlm* perlorin functions of each time. *cd >0 ui.k pc» SjQiao lor each sulwhxiucin biati- the time of the eoi troin here to different ... MA1NK. issue. is an respoudeuce The crab ot ou. » « i' f(>im.ANl>, money. It simply evidence ot indebted- apple ards an 1 aniens ia 'Hivq, 31 Usual Restrictions on Residence blind kfi^Casli paid for Shipping Furs.srjv.'Odli Occupation, .iouruals has been as consistent as Ibe a nativo of Worth and Travel, are abolished. ness. The legal-tenders are counted every America growl,, wild i 4th Thirty allowed on renewal REMOVAL! men’s of the and loi the the Middle and Southern DEANE A VEUR l LI, days grace any pay- month in the statement of the of the description elephant States. |, ,, llot jik,. BUSINESS ment, and Policy held Secretary (TKUF FINE V.00LENS ! good. same reason. no one lias the crab ol sou to as Probably person apple Europe whieh is indei d n Any pel wi>hiug act Canvasser or Local Treasury as apart of the "debt bearing no bi- 1 ab- Agent lor the above to John Kinsman seen the whole of this mammoth att’ilr be t thing tit only f*>r impervious COUNSELLORS AT LAW, le rest.” are therefore symbols of a debt though hedge*. Has Removed from They he wli-ro it NATHAlf WEEK, may have studied it during the whole con- In Aroostook Co., difficult if u«»t lu Bankruptcy, TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS General Agei I Maine. Union street to hearing no interest and payable at no’definite Solicitors V3/“Olbce t>5 Exchange St., Portland. scpt5-d3m tinuance. impossible to grow large apple tr.*e.« produc JK^rhaugc Hi., time. Such a debt is a forced loan, and the No. 49! Krckaiip dml, AND Oilh such /Hiit a* we have the think Counsellor and at Law, Where he has a luig-j writer may study oiip part; another ing here, people Attorney of law the issue of legal tenders has roHTLAND. assortment authorizing it .in to cultivate tic crab tor ta- Fire lusiiraiice ! may write ol another part; the two descrip- object apple No. <» I Datne. tsnplg’iiJUil) T*. Verrill. Gas Fixtures, (4mm been anther harshly call- ho KxchanffoSt. lluoiyl’. Byrwu appropriately though tions will be ble uses amt for cider. II is hardy, and ma- 'MEN’S Sloven, Improv- quite unlike and yet both may ed “a law li.r the collection ol a forced loan.” sure ilulyK-.ltl __ W. H. Plill.lJPS, ed tures iti fHiit so that it is thing W. 1>. & Burner*, be trne. the studious Is early, LITTLE Ac. a reporter, having & CO., Congress did perlectly right to pass such in tin- Aroo>took country. I‘US. CUADWkiK Prices according to loinc familiar with the interior CARPENTER, BUILDER, Cioods ?! law. The of the hour demanded mechanism, IOI l-tf F#N«KF:S!» »T**KKT, General Insurance the times. exigency it, the Furnishing Agents JOHN integral fact, the; management and na- Vnriet i4v*i. BROWN'S NEW BLOCK. Ami Ship Joiner. KINSMAN. and the was saved it. Ami X J *i clet* writeinv. 128 country by Mivl-.ni be to allow tlieir Exchange Street, tives which make this stupendous whole, hav- tst Circular aud dig Sawing done with despatch. will ready sej.iHllui Portland, Me. But the law having been passed, the debt Mouldings ofall kind*, Doors, Sasli aud Mind* made \o. 41} 1-2 Exchange St.9 2d Slot*y9 ing viewed the Exposition from no distant —Aohille Fouhl, tin* French Senator whos ( .1, SOU 11 VOIKU, been what is now the or tu hi "lull to order. having contracted, duty death is announced tin* was bom of NEW T ALL STYLES Continue to represent the following SOtJND AND H E ME OVA L point, may pronounce it a humbug, an ex- by cable, 33S Commercial Ml , (fool of Park lit.,) RELIABLE ot What class ol creditors Jewish i ittesro pimTEit. COMPANIES,viz: Congress? public cuse to make the casual “cceaslohar parents in Paris, D. toher .81, I8110 Portland, Maine, au29«ltr OF money; •Hi. eat the Stor** ot Messrs. A. tl. SchloitiT of should first he those who hold the inter- While still a lie Drug PIMENVX, Hartford,!'<»iiu H. paid, who sees it as a whole in a few will de- boy went into his father MEIK MANm of M.EEE WEE, days be«k & Co., NOYES & Hartford, bands of the Government, or those counting room, and served there in the fiun A. N. SON, NORTH AMERICAN, ol llni lfot d, *< (Successor to J. Smith it Co.) est-paying clare it a marvel of all that is Both will :lO:» € M,l'oilliin«l. ltlc, and Domestic good. •uri-cmh Foreign CITY FIRE, of Hartford, « who hold the naked to pay ? Necessi- which "tiII exist-. In 1H-IJ he was chosen to Mau ulac.turers aud dealer* in promise be in a but dear in au turjdcr iii»r aborroBkAwn. ATIjANTIA, af ProvidiNie.lU Manufacturer right measure, reader, the of of Leather knows no law. Bo as llie maturing Chamber deputies, and in tSift to the A TEA NTH' MUTUAL of Exeter, N. H. Belting, ty long dio tnlinniniuH ibin. It Is that A lias removed to quite likely Constituent Assembly. |n 1840 he Ixvaiu W. P. FREEMAN & CO., Staves, Ranges Furnaces, WOOLMS ! And are prepare* 1 to ISSUE POLICIES as hereto- debt of the Government absorbs tbe revenue, fore on selfishness prompted this Exposition, and Minister of DWELLINGS, STORES, MERCHANDIZE, NO. «2 MIDDLE at a date fixed Napoleon’s Finance, having long Can he found In their and OTHER GOOD STREET. so long the promises to pay PROPERTY, at the MOST those of us who have been behind the curtain enjoyed that potentate's financial confidence. g Upholsterers FAVORABLE RATES. Marrett Ar Pnfet? New BlocV, where may hejcnnd a must in some way he met. Bat when the ti | W HVJHjDIMQ ON LIMK have MB HT„ THIS DAY! 1*1?*’Buildings in process of construction and Farm full assortment ot Leather as uud witnessed a good deal ol chicanery, but 5ind the decositing of his prfvat** bank a< and Manufacturers of Belting, rhea,,, condition ol the there the Market.) insured on highly favorable terms. equal to any in New England. Belling and Loom treasury will'permit, (Opposite property spite of all tne many aggravating contingen- count. In 1852 he retired from the ministry mi BE1)-BTRAI>8 These Companies Were among the fu st to pay their Straps made to order. Alao tor sale. Belt Leather can be no doubt that those creditors who ex- nmitlTUBE, L0DS0i:8, Where will be to see all their former account of a his they pleased 0. & K. will all the losses the great lire in this city, without subject- Backs and S»Ie«, Leather Trimmings, Lace Bcalher, cies the Exposition UniveraeUe i3 exceedingly disagreement with colleagues. JnMnmevs orders as usual. u l*eConstantly receiving by MattreHse*, Few tlnsUione, and receive auglTdtl ing the insured to vexation, discount or expense of Hooks, Copper Rivets and Burs. no interest and wholly upon tbe HprmK-JBO'U, Jjglt jyiWtl pect rely rich in oi use aud and he who Subsequently he was created Senator, Mini- any kind. augidkltf objects beauty Wo. 1 «!lu*p>» Block-fool Clkmimt Stteo, eAVREBT A CHASE, A. HI I.L~ honor of flic Government for lire redemption tor of and Minister of the will may obtain much prniit an I pleasure in State, Imperial I'orlluud. the due Wholesale Flour Dealers Choice New of Goods, NEW FIRM. Counsellor and Attorney at of its promise to pay principal them, its Household. D. W. Deo*. C. I.. Qnis»v. Styles Law, study. Krfemas, should be relieve!’. That has been —The consular agent of Franco at Formosa tt A„K ff'M'o f~A L~. ginning. collecting ray- Poughuu, group constantly times, that many were notwith- While Double and Oastor prizes bought, yet, the which lie and Counsetler at and Western When* Flours Rxtra, Moscow, Esquimeanx, Ohinchilla UNDERWRITERS ing then? promises lo pay at the rate of about Pescadores, between Formosa Attorney Law, and White and Red Wheats, Ai m invidious Extras, Michigan JAME8 standing many distinctions,your coast of is a BAN*; BfllilllKU, -and- O’DONNELL, lour millions a mouth. and the China. There good port Forlluud. nest grades Mol.is-es, Teas, Tobacco, Spices, &c., Beavers! No Sii Middle Hlrrel at the lowest correspondent docs not hesitate to say ttiat iu th island of with usdally kept In a first class House, is an and Ihfnghau,called Nabung, rublbiti fn full liue ol colors. Counsellor There alternative which haa found _~ market rate*. Also, at Law. award was well scpLJdlin* General Insurance every deserved. How much excellent anchorage at all seasons of the year way Jirnt medal; grand offer to ilio Merchant Tailors, and the trade general- EXCHANGE STREET, citizen would become a stockholder in search was and under the l-I YS At W. U. every cross of the ol wan made, Immediately H /■’. mil CO,, ti house in Port land or CldFIWKD, legion Honor bestowed Crockery, la**-Ware, Carpeting*, ly, on hs favorable tortus as any Ocean Insurance IViudow Minute*, Company’s Block. the great national hanking house at Washing- roof was discovered, rare lolly wrapped up in Paper Hanging*, anywhere else. Connsellor at Law, upon Mr. (.'bickering. The solution of Ill s —AND— ed the interests and secured ail the And Mo Ur if or of Pair ton, and the profits of the concern would be many folds of dirty rags, no less than 18,0001. IVliolesale Dnigsisb, Haying purclia- him, riddle is that the jury were unable to UlADUOluyi KENDALL. facilities of the t wo firms now we are able agree combined, Hus Removed to applied to the reduction of the public debt in gold ($V>00). No. 148 For,- Street. House Furuisliiu'r Goods, Portland, Aug. 26,1867. d2m to carry the largest lines in every department of as to which should have the highest awuid lift 17-fit 1 _ Corner of Brown tun) —In a Bible in Connecticut this re- IkO. 11 I’rrklr P.rllaud, Me. insurance in Gottorns Streetii, Whether; this w ould be a w ise measure or not family 81., NEW and hit upon this ingenious method to 18. eodCni FIRST CUB Jala_BROWN’S put cord is to be found: "Elizabeth 1 oru on May _ TUV 1* OUTLAW l> COMPANIES, BLOCK._dt* it is now lo consider. It will Jones, JOHN IP. ».1M. unnecessary both foremost. And about and at satisfactory rates. sewing machines: the 20th of to the &• Harris A- Water house, never be The traditions and cus- November, 178.5, according Kimball Prince, JOHN adopted. Elias received DOW, JOBBERS OF Howe ids award on account of best of her recollection.** (ounsellor and al Law, Kerosene Oil .1. H. COFFIN, toms of the American are to Attorney Comp’y, “ people opposed the FRANK W. LIBBY. being inreutor; Wheeler aud Wilson le- —Carthago, in Jasp. r bad but No. SIO ExNiange St, DentieitM. the establishment of a bank. county, Mo., to Portland, July 1, 1807. julyl3dtt and Furs. government Bight DectJ—till Would inforro the public that they continue Hats, Caps ceived their medal lor the different kinds < f about one hundred inhabitants a year ago,and ~ No, ofthe United Btates hold 11 (Jkpp'8 Block, Oougress Street, Manufacture or wrong, the people PURELY MUTUAL! Bbc. 3d 186«. work done by a single machine; yet theie now lias six hundred, aud the increase in the BRAIIIITTRY & BR i 1>«»URY. Old Oily Portland, the function ol a Oppoaitv Hall) HARRIS & Wholesale Dealers the opinion that government THE WATEKHoUSC, are machines here which will work as well or county has been in proportion. This is a fa r PORTLAND. MAINE. in Huts, ami removed to their New I and not to and sell mon- Portland Kerosene Cups, Furs,have is to coin money buy illustration of the of iu Counsellors at Law, C. KiraballrD. D S. nclOcodtt Fred A. Prince Oil, Mew mutual Store, ueuei which received lesser prizes. growth population From Albert Coal Exclusively* England No. 12 ey. Our hanking system in New England Southwestern Missoni i. Biiildiug, ICrthaagr HI, Exchange Street, The Ijnited .States has lout none ot its top Having**Ruult ~~J. A. FEXTiEB&OS, R. J. F. HAKKH*. de4tf K. — Insurance WAiKliUOLftF. was very satisfactory lie fore the war, aud we The London Times says the new subma- Wholesale Dealer in The of a of inferior and Life Comp’y, utation lor inventive anil it we could Dion Bradbury, 1 A prevalence large quantity genius, \V. PORTLAND, OF MASS. Organized 1843. prefer to have the business Wit in the bunds rine cable from France to the United States A. Bradlmry. i dangerous oils m the market, at a cheap price- BOSTON, only have been more IuUy represented, our d* dune 27-dll' Cash DAVI3, CHAPMAN A HASKELL, of our and who understand will extend from Brest to St. _____ and Domestic of which are little better than itself— Assets, January 1,1807, $4,700,000. friends neighbors Pierre, Miquelon, Fruit, many Naptha would have stood second to none Foreign Cash Dividends of 1804-5, now in course of JOBBERS OF partment “c. dow¥ebi7 and the exigence of false reports in regard to the llie wants aud ways of their several commu- following a plateau which has been sounded Fancy Groceries) payment, 073,000. For the Corliss is one of the render it a matter Total instance, Engine From io Onions, Sweet Potatoes, Cheese, Pickles, Puic Spi- .PORTLAND KEROSENE till*, Surplus Divided, 2,200,000. limes. very carefully. St. Pierre the cable, MElWflANT Losses Paul In most accurate TA1LQN, Tobacco, of to as well as safety 18G0, 314,000. Goods and Woolens! finest, pieces o( ov- reach New w ill follow ces, Faucy Soaps, Cigars, Confectionery, justice ourselves, Dry As it seems dear then that tlie ten- machinery order to York, Urn Eng has kkmovebto Fiuit &c. Total Losses Paid, 2,307.000. legal Nut?, Date?. Prunes, Bankets, to that some notice should he and agents tor the and does honor to Am- cou-suiuus, Income lur erput together great lish coast of New Brunswick and the Ainet i- No. 233 1-2 Street, l’orllaud. I860, 1,778,000. ders will remain as are now, evi- Congress No. 9 Itx IiauKc .Street, taken of these facts. we again Annual in they simple Therefore, Distributions Caah.^Jfll erica. Our not r to can littoral of the Stab-s«»t M New May 24-eSoA w r what is to he done locomotive, superb many d»»», Hamp- CORNER OF UHKSTNNT present au advertisement, and would call 50 Local Agents Wanted, and also Canvassers can Warren ('assimeres and Flannels! dences of an unpaid debt, IfeCti. n dtl make to woikl'ur the above Co. which run uu home is fur shire, Massachusetts and Goijuccticut. At August 30, attentiou to the standard ot our the good arrangements i* The of these daily railroads, high Oil, to KI FITN A 80N. about payment payment prom- Dr- W. R. Apply BfALL NO. 18 FREE STREET. of at tiivd it desirable to a Johnson, of ami ahead any the Exposition, though for- sight might appear carry J. !>. HUKSON, tiie test of which is i:ift degrees Fahrenheit, felthltf General Agents for Maiue, Biddefora, Me ises will be to a .JUM equivalent general resump- line Horn Brest to New York hilt t often reaches considerably higher; also, we would eigners console themselves by saying "we direct, They beg leave to call the attention of the trade to | tlon of since the national T . es- specie payments, achieve this it would be to A R T I H DENTIST, say that we are determined to maintain its long their don't need any such; ours are object necessary 13 l*‘J Fr»e INSURE YOUR HORSES are to redeem their good enough Oflre No. sireel, banks already obliged the cable across of the lied of the Studio XoltOl 1-2 Uotuiress Street. tablished reputation. • WITH THE for us.-’ And the loom of Mr. of cany parts New and Extensive Slock of Goods, How then Shall we Crompton Second House from II. H. Hay’s Ai«<»th« ary Store. Portland Kerosene Oil notes in legal tenders. Atlantic which are utterly unionudablc. The given in Painting and Drawing. Company. HARTFORD Worcester is admitted by men who are ac- fcjr Ether administered when desired and thought PORTT.ANT*. 1867. which they are prepared fo so!! on as favorable tennis reach this solid basis of specie To of submersion is to begin 1—<*tr ME., Aug4th, payments? with such operation expected February advisable. jyWeodt I as can be obtained in this or any other marker. quainted machinery to Ire tiie most auglUly. Stock Insurance that end we need to absorb a portion of in May, 1868. __ Live. Portland, Sept. HO, 18C7. doni first, At It ASX All it, Company, perfect thing of the kind extant. The cloth BTCHAKDSOX HARTFORD, CONN. the legal-tender paper which tlie substitution —A Southern paper lire other day ad mini which was woven by the loom in the Imildiug LIVERY STiltLi:: JORDAN & RANDALL of would render superfluous; second, to to red a most crushing rebuke to one of th Commission k Merchants, gold was admired Shipping byJail who saw its texture, and who are iu the habit of in HAVING REMOVED TO THE accumulate a reserve of specie; third, to fix a gentlemen indulging Stivaunali, Ga. numerous looms of the kind BOAUDINO AND BAITING have been pur- the bluster about fightin ; again in case of a Particular attention given to the sale oi' Kaalern definite date tor resumption. the in the stable Store No. 145 Middle Casli Assets chased for manufactories. defeat at the it said: didn’t Hay, chartering of vessels, and lining Timber And By subscriber, recently occupied by St., $800,000. To meet these three the New European polls, “Why you Samuel Adams, rear ok lequirements Lumber orders. ( Evhii« Block,) A call just nt this moment iroin a French tight when tightiug could be of some use? V ou l.eter—In Boston to Messrs W. B. Iteyiiol s York Nation utters tlie following plan, which HALTi J are & Vila & Co J. Richardson & Bro’s; L4.NCASTKH Would respect fully invite the trade to examine their W. D. Little & has turned who blustered while We fought very ready Co.: Spencer, ; Co., aims in the direction if it does not hit gentleman your correspondent's c so vast, that the debt HI mm fuctnred under PmenlH of the f ol- l that have formed a under MAKERS, capital H. <5. PEABODY. they copartnership ers here are a A. B HOLDEN. sepoiftt turers’ lowest prices. paid pitiful pittance, quite in- which we now bc.tr will seem as little burden IVo. 055 CoiiR'i’eMN Street wolUjShaw A- Willard Manufacturing do. the Arm name of invested, 3 per cent, every six months, for the & m WATER free from all the sufficient tor proper nourishment, even in Some to.the of this conutry in 1920 as wright en, PIPE, objec- Old Pianos taken iu for Now. reserve of which are now re- people NEAR HEAD OP GREEN STREET. of its exnLauge greenbacks they Uretnivootl Mill, ANEWtions to common Lea certin as, Aceordeons, Tamborines, Flutes, Flageo- an of twice the tour 21 cent, their Siook. erdcre MdicUed. 1m a* Miraug Liail Pipe Wareroom 337 Congress Hn-eet. years per upon capital, and DEALERS lets, Violin Bows, Music Siools, is in the extreme. bloke the bunk at Badcu, bas renewed bi.s ex- Picalou, Clarionets, foot. Goods this distressing tiEFFUuNCKS—R. P. Buck .V *N'ew Yolk; Music Stands, Drums, Files, Sheet Music, Music weight |»«:r Dry Jobbing Business, WHI. «. THOMHI.V. sum, in addition to tlie surplus which the Said this A few ago he did th Win. Mcliilvery. Esij., Searspurl; Ryan & 1 ‘avia, Books, Violin and Guitar St rip gs, Stereoscopes and CoMlff lea im r foot tbau Lead Pipe of And will occupy my friend: "After the Exposition you ploits year. days ol the Invof C. Edwards & Oovernmonl might easily hold in would Portland. mai26dtf Views. Ifnil*reHas. Canes, Clocks, Bird Look- (Formerly Co.) gold, same in that town times The Cages, Ibe Maine Mtrcugtb. be will see a revolution. We have tie means of tluee running. ing Albums, Ink, Rocking augGdtf amply sufficient for a circulation of Glasses, Stationery, Pens, of White Lead And Chambers No. S3 Middle Street, *300,- Prince of Wales to \m there at the II. Al. PA Homy. Pictures and Frames Fancy Baskets, Chil- Also, superior qualities Zinc, a livelihood. In happened YSftX. and In Red Leap, Lithabue. Lead xITe 000,000, which is all that is now authorized procuring my iiositioii (which dren’* and a great of other articles. dry ground Oil, Opposite Canal National by himself with a few na- Oarriages variety Oast Ikon Pipe Bank, is consblered a time, amusing playiug Oltl l*inn»M Takcu iu for New. Pipf. Tin Pipe, S*-eft I.eAp, law. It due notice were of well-paying situation) I am EKrbnu|(c Until on or Concrete given compulsory to the Duke of Uam- «• Pt mi Ac. about November when we from time STOCK IRtOliLU. and to ot.. and Fittings, s, Ac., Manu&ctured by 1st, shall re- Pavement obiieed to polcous time; tir Pianos and Melodeous uued appear in cloth with a BOSTON LEAH t O , move to the new' and spacious store resumption in lour years, Sjound bankets would good iug, April £9 the best and iu use iltou and Pacha were also among No. 30 ___ cheapest for clean shirt Mustapha Exchange Street, tl—11JT J. H. CHADWICK & 00., Agents, lor it in every day and my whole habili- PORTI.AND ME no21dt prepare ample season, and the proba- the visitors, lie thou started for tak- aid (fi.ovksF -IIP A' Broad Boston. NOS. 5L & 56 MIDDLE STREET. ment as Berlin, 5'i 91*, it should ire, and I do not gain enough bility is that long before the appointed date on his and at this latter Aug31-d3ni to ing Homburg way, For Ktreot or Pari y \V 04«v, We shall open at our present location, on Thurs- Sidewalks, G-ardenwalks, pay my nourishment. Besides 1 have a Lufkin & Perry, legal tenders and national notes would have place won but (lid not break th Gray, day August 15tb, with an wile and three 300,0001'r., At FEBNAI.D A MON'S, I Street Paving, C children to support. Kents are MAXUPAVl US tills L O 1< N G-’S rossings, risen to par and business would be re-estab- bank, because the director kept sending bank- Under Preble House. laborers are &ep20dlm Nlakle and Warehouse Floors. high—common obliged to hire notes as lastoJ. coolue.' * ASO JOHHKRU (IF Entire New Stock Cellars, lished on a solid footing. For those branches long as the play The Iron Waterxtop houses several It is more durable than and is and leagues without the with which the Maltese matador struck Sili'er Plated Hare. -op- brick, easy elas- of business in which we have to meet foreign city—pro- played tic to the toot. Can be laid in any place where a sol visions are is HATH, CAPS, TIJItH, for the dear, everything beyond our every oue with astoaishment, so Jiiucb so that -AS n- Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, id permanent floor is required, lor two-thirds the competition, sbipbuildiug|particu>arly, THBE^IIOLDN Fresh and Desirable Goods I of Brick or Cemeut and iu Gardens reaeh; we have no way of a the director of burg bank called upon Htraw (iootls ! orCarriage restoration of to its normal limction as a earning living. the.Horn Forks, Ac. £rlceHives without curb-stone. gold .Spoons. After the Exposition it will he taken. I wa. his the day after, ami told him he hail never .14 A Middle Hi, over Woodman, True Co’s, Purchased Cash The subscribers having purchased the slight to Iky measure of values, is a consummation which at !• Falcated INKS. for seen Of Rogers Bros., and oilier manufactures, west the Concrete in this city are now prcpaied to lay a wituess of the Revolution of ’48. Civil a gentleuiau play with the same impas l‘ O It T I, A ft nAINU. any- cannot be lo too soon. », prices. in thing from a Garden-walk to a Street-crossing. brought pass s»ve In New Yolk during the late severe depression war is a terrible I dread but it deiueauor, since he was not more moved Apr 'j-dtf NTEVPNS A 4 O. |0r Walk war ranted to satis- thing. it, will the Dry Goods market. Every give perfect than faction. the bank itself. But what is narrated a < September f9. dll .';00 Ctuigi ctsSt. Our stuck will be found -' flood Cider. come.” So says every one who thinks on the DGGIUNG, iUILLUvKM & CO., Order* rno.n is the CeA at No. 6 Month Nticet, times. singular circumstance that the ok — Good cider is fora JOBBERS necessary variety of uses, Maltese keeps the be SMARDON & COMPLETE AND Prompily attended to. lit addition to this, foreign war is imminent. money wins, and doc» THUMBS, CO,, ATTRACTIVE and sufficient care is when exercised in its uot, like almost all others, win **ne day to lose D VC V WOODS, JOBBEBS OK Galley, Sheridan & GrOUtlis. Napoleon deeply (eels his humiliation in Mex- ABU- In uianufactuie, constitutes a most pleasaut and double the next. It also appears that he Every Deparhi.rnt, ico ; his ol his "loolb h. KF“The very best references given. people speak plainly his rnoA The objeel ol Ibis Patent is to prevent rain and healthful beverage. Of course we refer to spends winnings freely, giving large W OOi /RN »po«L/:.v% And to which we shall be Portland, May 27, 1867. dtt ness’in that direction; he cannot in- B, melting snow from ei.Wring houses Horn beneath long sums iu and Have this removed to the new and store the pure juices of the unadulterated charity presents. day spacious AND doors and windows. It lias been thoroughly tested apple, the demeanor of Count von tor them jure Bismarck.— —Dr. while in the north erected and is warranted not to (ail. Making Daily Additions and uupoisoned by drugs or aleulnd which Hall, pole regions, This Threshold is to that All awaits a continental war, which 58 and dO Middle admirably adapted i mixed it Europe dines off of nine pounds of frozen meat to 81., Tailors' much-desired style ol windows called Casement or are with iu dram shops to enable Trimmings! mJRinrO TUK NEAMOIV. 1 will if it conies and it acenis French fof tills invention all the disa- Ooupres* be long, terrible, k^ep him warm. Un the Old Site oicnpled by tin m previous to the windows, by tipplers to get drunk upon it. The A OEM'S FOB THE greeable teatures of that ol window are obviat liquor great flu*. style i'W" THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE IS that there is no way of esca|>c. The signs of —Anthony Trollope has written a story the ed, and there can be no reason now it cannot be and and Portland, March 16. If why RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. at, properly expressed preserved pure laid in this into use. the times seem to indicate that scene of which is country durin brought general sweet has a domestic value. provocation Ne Plus Ultra Collar Certificates tor all that is needed is high Vet very Oomp’y, unnecessary, 83F' Orders will receive prompt attention. Portland will succeed provocation till France w ill take the late war. It is called the Two Generals M. F. to see the oi*eratiou of one a storm, or to ssk little cider is to be KING, uioouFOitn, me. during really good found, owing two were those who have tried them. the Prussia will not be and the point is that the brothci MESEEVE & 00. I Maine. up gauntlet; unpi?- Orders addressed to LOOSE, to various causes,amongst which is a careless sides. 50 Union l«J7.-rltf and Russia will her to and served on opposite P B PH tSti*eet, Jit MEN A. August 15, pared join repel the in- OTO GllA 1ST, I'OSN, ness in picking the fruit, and the almost utter the id near —Professor Watson, of Uuiversity (Filial Door iroin Middle ) Middle, Hami shire street, promptly attended vader; Austria will ally with France: Italy l.‘{7 MitUllo stroct, to. jy*29-d8m neglect of neatness and skill in making and Michigan, the recent discoverer ot two planet Francis O. Thornes. JelOTTA-stf Geo. 11. Smardon. L. B. FOLLETTE, will oppose Austria; Denmark will fight THE LION preserving it. Many indulge the supposition instill a young man. He was educated at the fOUTLiAND, AIK. V® H Holland and will REDDY, ANJD that all are of Prussia; probably Belg.um where he now ha< of the observ- JnRe 1 JiT,J iTl* MKROHANi TAILOR, Fairbanks Celebrated Scales, HOSIERY GLOVES, apples possessed equal valuer college charge the Great European Circus was themselves under the French banner.— AND DEALKU IN passing up array and is a man ot at talents and ener AS the Lion be half HOOP SKIM’S AND and that whether they are sweet or sour, atory, gn .iOHIN K. GENTS’ FURNISHING The Tlighrftt Prrminm twiveu them Congress Street, appeared*to UUbUETB, IJOW, Jr., GOODS, until he got to England will be reluctantly compelled to join oi character. He is to a brilliant 107 asleep sound cr are tor the gy destined No. FEDERAL STREET. -AT THE- hail-rotten, they proper one ui the k ami endure Fenian rebellion at We han; in store finest assortment of California Cheap John’s Ladies’ Children’s Underflaniiels. cider-mill, rnd be worked to Napoleon career as an astronomer. Counsellor ami at haw, ENGLISH, GERMAN. FRENCH and DOMESTIC Clothing* may up equally iWloriu*) rAitrs jixrofiiTiox. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. and consternation will Germans during the war last CLOTHS, CASS1 MERES, &c., that can l»c lound in Store, good and home, general prevail. —Many young The Corner of advantage prolit. When, however, dud Portland. These goods have been selected with great SirongCMt, he fOT" Congress St. and Tolman 1‘lace. Let our in America beware lest mutilated themselves to military Solicitor m Hankvuplcy, When suddenly aroused and took a deliberate cider of a is the government year escape care and adapted to the fashionable look at iFebT, 1867.—dly good quality desired, apples JAUNCEY especially Ircufc, the sign, and then at the clothing hanging we be drawn info service, France is now COURT, and at that cannot fail to and all insidiously this fearful vor- inflicting punishment prices please, goods Most Durable, out. He appeared as it he wished to slop dow n and should be harvested when they are fully ripe, 4‘V Hall «tr««*i, ... Y«rk Shrunk and satisthction 31 for the same offence. Uily. thoroughly guaranteed. AND secure a good tall or winter suit, at the well known tex. Subtile means are anil have been under A re l solicited. Thankful to friends and before they have to The ffAf 'Commissioner tor Maine and call is spec low of that begun decay. — Massachusetts, fully Moot Neii»it«vc prices establishment, where you can pick Col. J. W. says, as a general thing, dan. ‘JO dtt for to merit a continuance of noin a Collars l way to get the United States so committed Forney past patronage, hoping flist rate stock ot Clothing. New Goods and Styles of Paper fruit should then he carefully sorted, and on- the same. new we must concede the superiority of the Eng- styles. Prices lower than ever. Call and see For Mile at FERNALD & SON’S that we may have a share in the M. H. him. tli# soundest and I rest reserved for the best pending pan- \V. T. BKOYYN & janOdtf REDDY, Proprietor. Coine wiiero you get the most lor your money. ly lish, French, and German railway* and cars, CO~, SCALE. September20. dim Under Preble House. ic. Patriots! look well to ballots. or that which is use your Leg- Genera/ Oitiiioi’iiin I liquor, designed lor or but thinks there can be no comparison between Commission Merchants, And the Cheap «Xolm AN ELEGANT STOCK OF islators! have a care lor our homes! States Cloths! Cloths! increasing the market a.s a the fruit steamers and our own. If sur- No. DO I J Coaniaierc-inl street, beverage; imperfect Kufdpean they a:l3 CONGllEM STKJEET. Goods foi* Gouts Clothing ! men! protect our country. A I. i'll eh (Thomas Clock,) kdemand for them is and also that which has become diseased from pass ns in many respects on land, we leave Just received a large assortment of Goods'.fbr September 11. dtt At FERNALD & SON’S AVii.i.akii I set aside lor au interior them immeasurably behind on the water. T.'Brown, 1 ,)KTLASl>-,NI1 "the host of any cause, article. The Fish Commissioners—For some time Warier H. Brown, j proof September 20. dim Under Preble House. their undoubted Perfect 'cleanliness should be obsei ved in -Ismail Pacha, since liis return -to Sole Wholesale Agents for the Boston Match Co. Over CAMDEN per- past Mr. N. W. Foster one of the Fish Com- Kgyp for Maine. r« ter to Dana & J. Coatings! from the tour of West rn lias sent to By permission Co., superiority. Gas Gas Fixtures ! fecting the grinding process, which should, if missioners of this Slate, lias been engaged in Europe, W. Perkins & Co., Josiali H. Drummond, Burgess, Fixtures! a liii KiNLis—Piatroi in, h. be two or three be all parts of liis kingdom stringent and formal 1mdies & Co. juuo'26dtt SUITS, &c. Counter, Hay, coal, A.nclior W^orks ! possible, performed days superintending the construct ion of list-ways in R. Tra, and most lash ion able ly render drink, any ture next winter. The seems to as of the of Ross & Sturdivant. jyl&eodCm Yellow Metal and latest styles. experiment bearer resolution Congress. (’upper Sheathing New and Wo invito who intend Desirable Styles, persons to purcha-e fixture- use. Water should never be added, as it is he in on a scale of intro- doors "I hi* and uw a call before elsewhere. progress, systematic Colon#! locked the Nails, Spikes Bolts, to give purchasing it haul and —Bishop Broker ami Dealer in comprising every variety of C. M. & II. T. certain to lender unpleasant to aud the WALTER COREY FOE SALE BY Gov’t Bonds, PLUMMER, ducing the long barred salmon, shad, alt-wives church Bishop Xwells, latter, S CO, Nos. ft, 11 and 13 Union Street, Portland, Me. drank. The casks agaiust LliHAN MON A the taste when also in and sea tlsb Win the streams '*<* *»”k‘’u "l*11 with Manufactcukes and Dealers in TOBEV, Aytul«, 175 Fore and I Exchange Slrtcf*. PRICE AND OVALITY, September 12. dll other and upper having caused them lift Commercial st. which it is should be cleansed a sermon Irom the put thoroughly waters of our State. It is greatly to he jwacbed Portland, 186?. iua>23dtl SVCH AH Trot Horse tor Sale. hoped sledge-hammers, May 22, We are now the June and issues of Hus? and if are or are not carnal. converting July before being used, they mouldy that it may succeed, and there docs i.ot text, "Our weapons ! Not IVIa&hiur, the unit Trnvcllmg IIo»- The well known Trolling Horse “SAR- ap- FURNITURE 'pllfc' PtlrMuy inj; Shirt., rndcr-UInmsela, it be half-a-dozen crackers iu a tureen, I. machine a sewed boot 01 Bevan-Thii t!ea s iLtofVDINE is for sale at J. W. lbddnson’s possessed of.any unpleasant smell, will to he much doubt that it --L.iv in existence by which into the new FivirTw. ntit ieiy, «lovc», Hand- M peal' will. shoe can be and Kcarft, Tie., /•r'fl 'Livery Stable, South Street. He was boiling water to cover them. (Jlasses, Mattresses, made. Adapted to all kinds, styles of 1 to intiodocc in alter on enough Looking July 1866 or 1867, on terms more favorable than kcichiefii, White Lin- •! r A driv. n Iasi lull Foster Palmer one-ball judicious them, thorough jMiiir si/.es of boots wnd shoes. 200 pairs tan be ma'a It, ket, and are made at the cost of ju g- AT ViatY saddle, anil a little substantially tiesol as at I lie market rates can LOW P1IICES. mato aud other seeds in loaf sugar nutmeg over them, and in use b\ all the Ala 1862, present they of nothing, and stand.' wihoul, hitching. He is a which are contained uing. leading manufacturers. n are introduced. The ftmies of the brimstone pocket good margin by exchanging into any of the stands hands and 1060 on sweet ereun to make a nice ffcl.Mif chines, with competent men to set Ihiu in opera- bright bay, 15.2$ high, weighs the mmi lag moils out the vegeta- drop euough I'OKTLAKD. later issues (either November oi ai d still re- and of the pulp. They tion, furnished at one notice. Her July) pounds. will penetrate every part pore in- delicious day's particulars tain an good bond. For to J. W. Robinson ble it and out seeds with the sauce, and you will have a simple and ol license apply toUOlCllON AleK A ( Bath equally terms, Ac., apply or Math- open, dry dig tlte S- V. Agent, Seven-'i’hirties and interest ROBINSON terior surface of the and neutralize those FREEMAN & CO., street, Boston, Mas-. a 16. dtiii AngH't Compound & KNIGHT, ews & Thomas, lie is sold for no the owner cask, dried theut. A bettor dessert that will rest lightly on the stomach, pi Notes cashed. fault, mucilage adhering to No. “SS being about to leave the city. and atoms w hich Bank Ntraet, noxious principles unsavoiy cut it open and and it is Leave out the cream, Commission Merchants ! J^f^liold, Silver, Stocks. State and City Con^rcsK septtdtl wav is, wheu the fruit is ripe, to easily prepared. and sold. of AND Bonds bousht septl7dtf OPPOSITE PKKKI.K HOUSE. are the principal J cause sourness and ah together in- and it ii a valuable receipt lot “sick room cook- **-l Broad BROOMS BRUSHES Steam keflned serape ont the seeds and pulp Ntreol, oet5 dlw&w2w Tripe. i.i the when or at- to Samuil baldness liquor used, to alt earthen or other vessel large enough ery.” Freeman,! Uinae who keep my tripe, have my tubs itnOLON & SIMMS November 5.20 as a w ater into iu VV eat Coupons painted autl lettered ill a neat and man- to he used, contain the mass. Put some tepid —Not many yeans since, i’lymouth nkw iohk. Broom ALL taaty tempted beverage.— B^^Partle.ularhT;. attention removed their and Brush Manu bought by ANY ner. Look out and tlie Steam warm custom lor gw, n .. QUANTITY get Kebncd, it in some N. it used to b«5 the the school- of ^e put chasing to No20 Preble *St, and are now Alter eider lias lermented it the vessel and set ptaee-say H., Flour and Grain. HAVEtory prepared THE ONl.V GOOD TKIPE thoroughly, the litule with Brooms and Blushes in it will master to “board round,” among the families Retcrencch—David »«lL- v to II. 31. be racked off into a keep Reazei, Ebq e supply I’AYSON, OF the should clean barrels and near stove,-where moderately in market. Thai’s what’s the matter. save every variety, or two fermentation will take of his so as to excuse. Sometimes U. W. BKLKNAP. suffered to remain tor a month or warm, In a day pupils 32 i'.xchantje Sheet. two, when, didn’t ,Ct tlit' Lowest Prices ! Portland Sept. 7, lKiiT. iltf that will separate the to eds from the of course, the days come out quite even, ocl3dlw to Clarify it, from one to two quarts of oleau phu-e NEW HATS would be aud 0110-half one il'jI#80# it AND CAPS, the former sinking to the bottom, and there eight days at VBOTUEUs, Patronage respeelluHy Nottefc. white beach sand, mixed with the whites of pulp, soiil'j^,J'i-ul PRANG’S clearing rhe ruina or digging cellars wil latter rising to the surface. All have house aud uiue at another. One man, who THOS. S hud the you Sept. :»0. eiiiltl SlidSB. IJKKSunsa g«>od plai n to deposit their rubbish on half a dozen eggs, and one of mustard tor bis tho Sign and Window Shade Franklin Wharf. pint to do then, is to |Ktur off the top and the wa- was notorious meuutiess, just before Painters, lie al- II Frrr Si. American Uliromos, sept In rltt S. BOUNDS. Wharfinger. seed should introduced, and the liquor the seeds in schoolmaster liis said to him: HUrlc, Porllnnd, Wr. PAINTS A A I t OILS, ter, leaving the vessel, wliieli may began dinuer, Show ter a racked, ■— Cards, Glass Signs, and all kinds of Imitations of Oil Pnii.linss! K. M. 8. reasonable time, he once more be taken out aud exposed to tlte air an hour or ‘Mr. —said he, “1 suppose f»y rights Ornamental Painting done in a superior manner. Medicines, X> .ve- and if a is wanted in bot- clean that time is about half way* Tnc shop will always be found irom 7 A. OrujjK, railIkIkmI i,y l'KA.NG & CO., liOSTON. t<‘ry nice article put two, when they will be fottml perfectly your up just open M, JUST RECEIVED at to 6 P M. All orders to omit the as 1 kin promptly attended to. Sold in les Some and and be done in amt through this dinner. That's as near august 1 d:;ui nt uirst, Window Glass. nil Picture Stores. Scud forCatalozue. The Kitchen Mineral closely corked. prefer dry, may tip papers Oct 8-U4w Soap! the to close. Hut AGENTS FOB the second and allow liquor laid away. All seeds should be kept from the make it, and I’ve calculated pretty ONl.V 13 PER BAB! racking, «• W. HARRIS’S, CENTS and about it, and Ji>u kin fKRRlLL, Forest Hirer 4 H arren Lewi (Jo.’* remain in the barrels with the sand, cgus light and air as much ns possible. If placed 1 don’t wish tube small To be Eet, would lor or- 41 torney & Counsellor at ( Mauuiacturcd the Mineral SoanCompany it from in bottles ami corked their as much as yen JLaw, imitn \ mn.itHN, 11 til K necond nnd lourtli stories of Store No. 151 only by mustard unremoved. This prevents glass up. vegeta- cat just about TO-DAY! No. 1015 Washington street up stairs. For sale, W». If KxrbRUiir Nos. 5 and a .Boston. 1. Middle street, Hopkins Bloek lo that flat and tivc will be for InsuranceBuilding, Commercial Wharf, Apply wholesale and retail J. L. WEEKS, or of power preserved years. dinary.” Me. 1 septXidlf ST. .JOHN October 5. d I w becoming sour, possessed j **-»r)laiiil, epMtt Oec4—TuTb*5Uy SMITH.* aug28dtf ana 74 Fore St., Portland.

• 1 * A Sac*KiAKV McCulloch hold* that the and Plraanut Murpriw—Testimonial ta a De> ^ ^ Portland Vicinity. SPECIAL ! ^ aud ChiloO, llulchy !i:\ y rfP^er» MEW ADVKMTI^? 1*8. P R y~-•*>*■•*■ truth will appear to be that every portion of »t Citizen- NOfljMy Bo^t TH33 j CM Ml Volant. Do HSS_. Jr II brig Igo. (Jcoi net. wm. SC Likeof Josiah iDuiNBr ok M»ssaciBPBett5 the Bonded debt of the which has NfW Advertisement* litis fin?* On Wednesday last the residence i.f Tick- Government evening ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH!!! ALraLANDlirA—Ar7tb. luig Kate Foster, hb= 'W Foh.i», For Kale at a Hart> i. it l»Jf Son, Ei'ikfnnd-Qitincy. Bostoii: been or in Mr. John ! N OI'JC Applied Friday October If. 1887- paid bought siucct 1861 has been Meyerjsjj,' courteous and energetic SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH Mer.bg. | v in M‘ i»r I mm of I ta i --- amUFteldif redeemed in COLUMN. Superintendent tte- from 10 to IK li.»ur*. ~Ar^'‘* v«** Waite, li • »>. jMlor to foyoe it- gold; that it has been the univer- BNTEHTAOniKNT tWLlie For«M City Sugar ” The tirM which is Oi.imul ht'llrb. «?rMm&lSa1*f f 11 WO Mouses in Slew n> PI o e, t»em. Non. ami W--—~j if tlfcught lijMv sal of loans well tinerv, was the rr5H*T t\ Ini lire Leggr. Ihts inter- understanding the public that all Theatre—Bid A Lockv. scCThAof afijftosi li.tjjPpy .111,1; m«l—, urea HitllKh. uJ*. r oi».« First Page to-day ifelf of any rea*of "'* 1 connimii*: 9 autl 11 respectively. Inquire uponSh«Wnd of and 11 .. curi*» Truer. Cider; Letter Tiom is the unusual Government should he paid, principal AUCTION COLUMN. leasing demonstration in I he way of a sin prise. •JinTmnrt1 ,£®i£2fc£.YFORTRESS MONKOE-Ar on llie premmen, 01 of Tenders? Good Tatis; a noble life ”""ui, ai cures Ilrk. 7tli, wb» M r llaskflT Commercial esting record of „It Burbrr. s, KlCi Kit, »jJ 81., in case of com- At about as above nam- New Vork b.r HaUimorx; O M Ki ll Commissioners; Varieties. which it extended. interest, gold, unless, as in the Horses, Ac.—B. M. Patten A Co. o’clock, the hruianNOmnnru, ,-ures Kerry Iliad I’eiitt, iron, fort land .1. w. I Long Wharf. the of the over eight do. UIOART, length period loan cer- ed .. tor • -The Dream, Thom- pound-interest the temporary gentleman was liis cigar,and Huurlil»)luK. A A—Ar October i •. U2w Fourth Page Lady’s by a of eighteen, graduat- notes, NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. enjoying quite ,n OLD POINT. 7lh, brie Jas Miller. Pen- Josiali Quincy, youth not •» "ents. AiMress Chinese in and the Seven-Thirties, when unconscious of tjie little WKKKS^'.lrvnroS* '£yNo. 170 dleton. Altavel*, leaky, older el to New Vork.l as llno-l; the Paliforuia; the Tu- in 1790, with the first hon- tificates, pleasant maneuver- n OUTER, Washington Street, Ifom Harvard, under Foreclosure of Mortgage—J. B. Pickett. a? 7th, brig Deborah S To Lot. ing converted into the law ing dole iiil house was BALTIMORE—'Id Houle, hl. 9 Turned. the occasion a Fivo-Twenties, Boarders Wanted. by, suddenly filled ors ol his year, celebrated by Soule Buenos Ayres. PPHllEE room* on tjafcnVtte Street, Munj.y, for their payment Annual with the •afeJte a."SdS;^:i"Dr,,iiei,tB- 1 month. at which Governor John Han- which they issued provided Meeting. snrtling flices-of a number of his em- Ar'itb tout Frank E Allen, Merrill, Malanzas. ro.ii oi Bakery. Rent $10 |w*r En- Gknemae Shruidan dinner party understood For Sale at a Bargain. TV n BRtmore, Blekmere, Bouton. quire of M. Howe. Architect. Ihc prom*. t». has accepted an invita- in or it was otherwise by ployees, the tore most of whom—Mr. ciil'stti brig cock—h'» node by marriage—was one of the currency, Worsted Goods—J. 0. Yotnig. Henry EYE U PIIILADELI’HIA—Ar Hlb, barijue l.imta llew- October 8. «ltf tion from Governor to visit the should be in curren- YtJTijY G Chamberlain the that they paid Clothing- Grin Hawkes & Co. in his arms a lyigtut. and he lived to congratulate Abraham takers Peck—bearing goodly-sized pack- ett, liemeilles: brig Gazelle, Oole, die guests; of the sta- For Shooting or lurks tttsto Capital and it is said, has designated cy. Iu other words, the promises which Fishing. Ar i*tb, barque Ann Elizabeth. Norgrave, Punts and Wunted. Lincoln op the happy edicts of the latter’s et, hepresented toMr. Meyer in au elo- Pocket Ita-.nra. Gardiner. Vc-t Makers to visit pol- officers of Abo,tine Cutteri/, Heiteort, Tail- lslauda bug M 0 Rosevelt, Farnsworth. 28th instant tor that As he is tutes of Congress, of the financial ami other Pant* ami V«st j\l bets Wanted. Cou- purpose. ! icy of emancipation. His life before the Flour—Blake, Jones A Co, • quent speech. He assured the astonished re- ope. Barter'* Shears, Fruit anil Ftoirer .lorituu. ir«n« follows began Helow,tilipltomleiv, » RiywnjooJ. J Muni • t?o Fore street. on the 24ili. it the and the actual actiou of the Gov- Confectionery Stock—W. H. Jerris. Clippers(a new tiling), an.l a variety ot Binall Hurd Sill tin Breakwater idh, rigs habboni, (CUSTOMemployment uiv« u, Hartford,Connecticut war ol the aud country, that the O W A on Revolution, lasted long enough Bon B. B. Club, cipient offering they brought was trom be obtained of U. L. Do!awar| oclMtl RICH CO. lie the faith of the Ware, may BA1I.KY, that his visit to Cortland may expected lor him to ernment, have pledged public To in plainly see lire coining triumph of Let—Rooms. klllhil their heart* -«h into k efstliq high regard in AugiTeoUti su .. No.43 Kxibangi street. *>NK\^WR,ft^tr Adelnlde, PntieA.’l.i his return from United States to the payment, in of all Pants and Vett Maker* “Wanted-G. it: Rich & Co Isivornool. Augusta. the national cause in the war of the Re- coin, he was held t- great which by Mr. re- Ar Park. Caraill. b« its indebtedness not and un- thjem. Meyer Oth, ship Henry B Wiight, in this expressly agreed ^ JJI±JJLJR5.i J! A.*-!? wi:i.i,wiKs 1V R W li O 4y O N. city bellion, covering more than the whole period sponded with considerable emo- barque Monte/.tnna, HiiD.nond, Barbtdoeb; The light-hearted Democracy derstood to briefly, saying, 'Nyn; n a ot be’paid otherwise. To'violate these THE DAILY AND brig Mcrriwa. 11 Frank- in the l,irk y<.st> ay our national existence. He was personally MAINE STATE he Waterhouse, S.igu i, day#: fired a hundr. dguns ol the toiyj gratified beyond expression Great German Coush lin. Swan, Jacksonville: VVHn *n, Nowell, i- ILL 1.1 »v had been ii He pledges public faith, in whole or In part, PRESS. Remedy! Sophia ll.eir friends beatf acquainted with General Washington, the unlo.-ked-for event. He conelnded re-, Wilmington; s C Loud. Parker. amt Harriet Baker, ternoon because would be by by U tube lire heal Cough Keioedv In the come witlnn was repudiation. Is it because he holds be acknowledged Webber. .1 Hunk and Cherub, and Iowa, and had a member of Cougress during the admin- May obtained at the Periodical Depots of Fcs- that he would he oi market. pilCK * CENTS AND *1,00. Portland; Patten, ins, ami again in Ohio these marking always proud them Bailey, Bangor. Shawls, Silks Dress (jowls ! in the mining istration oi Jefferson. He entertained opinions that Secretary is now to he re- Bros., Marquis, Robinson, Andiews, and of losing a Congressman Lafay- Chisholm at as he had been heretofore—ail assurance which Ltd'.nil, bnnpie May Stetson, lYn-Melon. .Saltillo thi.ml at an ace moved Mr. Bros., B«>ston Depot, and on the train of Brourhilia and Phihiair Cured. Opened iv have ut won a ette at his house. He knew Madi- by Johnson? G. M. Curtis. River, Ga: brig S K Kenn« dy. Imuran. F.lizaheth- of Pennsylvania. They Randolph, to lie a sufficient oi the region At appeared guarantee I Imd Inifti attli* ted tor eight years with Bronchitis, porl; sell S & It SumII. rotttii, shuhe. Nt* & in the hut then had son, Marshall and Biddeford, ot Pillsbury Bros. ViCKKKY 1.1MBYN, single point game, they’ve Judges Story, Hamilton, At Saco of oontiimauee of the amiable relations then ex- iausing a raw throat, frequent Needing, and much StoNlNGToV-Ai HtH. sell Watelmiai,, Deritv, At Worcester J, S,. Locke and B. S. Boulter. octedlw N« :;l I'm Street. and so celebrate Burr, the and scores ot Wednesday morning General At distress in theair pipes and chest, rendering it very Calais. a raigl ty good campaign, they Webster, Adamses, Brunswick, of W- R. Fields. between him and his men. Sheridan and his At of isting diflicult and wearisome to tqtcwk. By the free use of pkoVU>f;nck-Ai dui. hcIih Hattie f: itodg*.-, the victory they have won—if they had others whose names are a part of the of party were greatly amused WaterviUt, J. S. Carter. might history The present, was then examined—bnt not the Great Gentian Remedy tor two months, 1 was Freeman, Baltimore; Gov Coney.Parker, Elizabeth- by a quotation from a familiar which Onred. f. KRPRR\1SIIR1> had votes enough". These cheerful gentleman the country. “He was a light in three succes- hymn, ZZL1J .-JJ_LLlLl-gy entirely C. Wi?LT,rrt;ove, Ferry. Me; Challohfro, Btckmoro, Calais; Py- — A Nl» —— remind us of old S. of Nantucket. sive generations that burned to its suspended Supreme Judicial • Captain brighter Cauri- the removal of wrapper after wrapper, string Poi sale by Jobu W. Perkins & Co W. F. Phillips thon, CIomoh. Bangor; Union, Dennison, Maddox. close.” street: OCTOBER PRESIDING. & H, H. and W. W. Rockland. The Captain was a perfect marine philosopher, very TERM.—TAPLEY, J., after Co., Hay, Whipple & Co., Copy, ThonniK, string, (comprising tour Daily Presses, Wholesale and the trade E Early 1 my Godl without 1” Thursday.—William vs. F. Walk- Druggists, Portland, by NEWPORT—Ar !dli, sell L th-egory, Thorn- and no amount of ill luck ever his The of such a as delay Martin Moody READY FOR FALL BUSINESS! dampened story life, told, it is, with two Aryusses, seveD Stars, five AT. Y. Heralds, generally throughout the State. dike. Fall liiver lorRnekland er. in with a crime failb or into the harbor and Slander, charging plain till' Prepared only JEREMIAH BUXTON, Jr„ NEW BKUFOHD—Ar 8th schs Boaz, Biowu. and good spirits. Coming dignity, grace simplicity, could not fail to a Tribuue or two, aud an immense heap of by against nature. The defence w as the truth of the Yarmouth, Me. s« pil!0eod1iB'& wStnsti Watelmmn, Bangor. a three bo of the The German are nlMe, once, with an empty ship, after years greatest interest. The philosophers puzzling to lie an work HOLMES’ HOLE— Ar K fl biographer Charge. The parties, were the only per- Cordage),and proved exquisite 8tb, brig Kick, Hop- who their brains over a translation Andrew Jack- il^efore, Greenland lor xchs from BE cruise, he was boarded by a townsman, has wisely allowed his to of of It was a desk bine, Philadelphia; Eutuil, WM. 0. subject speak chiefly sons who knew whether was true. They Parisian ingenuity. writing Medical Notice. KETT, son ^the story ltoeklai.d for New York; R I .each, Plllsbnn, tor how rnau.v bar'll-? for himself, his Davis’s “Great Harmonia.” So far, they G. II. M. inquired: “Waal, eap’n, drawing matter largely from contradict each other. Tiffcrime was stiffed to have of rare wood and skillful structure, inlaid with CHADWICK, D., will devote special at- New York; Canteo, F'lwcll. Bangor tor New York; the can make neither head nor tail tention to Disoa cs ot the Eye. No. 30D St. Had a “No,” responded the confess, they been committed six and to but Congress Pilot. Nash, Rockland tor SS op- Calais (hr New belong to an wh!cb is and nesses on this stated that his character had ter some tinging and conversation, in the uimualitied of eminent Havcrf; Victory, Hliuie, Bangor for went as did last the Democrats ate age wholly past, to was No point engaged approval many physi- they spring position slavery right. opposition cians. 11 contains nothing injurious to the most del- F'all River. von —w- have little upon the lint the been discussed and stated both ways in the comma-, an interchange of sentimont for au hour or so, talking about gains. The truth is most of the bearing present. could l>c too decided, no abhorrence of the icate system. Sold everywhere Sent on receipt oi BOSTON—Ar t*th, schs Mary Means, Bayard, and hook abounds in and nity where he lived. mm * *■ ! wheu to tlieir homes—full of akl and two TURNER & 120 SarfUi Moore, Herrick. Bangor; Ella, Bennett, Bris- towns show on the anecdotes, personal poli- too But he seldom in they dispersed postage stamps. CO., Republican gains vote for system deep. engaged Tremont Street. Boston, tol: Concern, Blake, Balli; Hennetta. .lames from tical, in pictures of life anil in strik- The Judge instiactel the jury tint defendant, the best feelings and their generous entertain- Mass., proprietor. Fail and Winter governor last April, the Democrats have not manners, the practical labor of it down. For sale by W. F. Phillips & Co., Portland, Me. Wear, voting Henry when he puts the truth in evidence in order thai it tor B historical aud ment. The occasion was the birth of Mr. 18. Chi 9th. brign Hancock, Havana; J ami is carried a town which ing glimpses, social, incidentally once confessed to more on day July eod&wlysn m>w ready to oiler hi- Iriemiii md the public single did not vote Sur Clay apprehension may avail him, must prove it* to the satisfaction of Brown, Bain, Portland. revealed in the coarse of and we wish him re- all Colchester which tl|e narrative but fas- account of the few Meyer, many happy Ar 10th. brigs J W Spencer, Whiting, ftn Fortune tin; latest styh a, such a heavy English, went Copperhead voting Abolitionists, than the jury as folly as would be necessary to convict * troui the vividness with which Tilton tft Island; Princeton. Wells, Baltimore; nebs Louisa in tiie Htate cinating they of a multiude of a tbffis. McFarland, election has been revolutionized, mere theorists. Nor were him if they were sifting on the very charge itafepf in t'rockett, Crockett. Baltimore; Kgnduskeag, Miteb- recall to 11s the real and flavor of the Affairs of this kind can not bo too Desire to call tlieattention to the fact that more than and spirit life his ffearg s criminal that if cainr to tfife ques- frequent ell. Kondout: Franconia, Elizabeth Han Trirotri and Variasalrd Dot lb ! Bloomfield, the invincible Gibradler of groundless. Saj Wendell Holmes, it prosecution; they 1 Holt, port; of the last J C Boker. century. When Mr. Quincy was a is tion ot damages they would consider the damages —lliej arc productive of the best results, aud n'c Westbrook, Littlejohn, and Logon Connecticut Democracy, which never wavered Portland. far Rushtes* und Walkiiu 'iuil young man he attended one of past and The returned a verdict au interest in business relations Of their Safe* *aw AMW.* in the in or Washington’s “The vots that shakes the turrets of the land." prospective. iury promote ^ROTEOTION Old 10th, Almira St Jmr»; peace war, has sailed over to the Repub- late tire. Parties desiring a barque Coombs, Wilson, receptions. He and his wife differed in their of guilty, assessing the one dollar. which must he of to and brigs ( larabelbi. Traeej Martinique; John Bright- licans with Culors and drums The voting Abolitionists never accepted Mr. damages^ advantage employees, Cbincltiil% Killer Mows md Pilot dying heating. Harmon. ^ Littlefield. FIRST KATE luan, Gray, Muchias; ach Waterloo,Crosby, B.ngor. estimate ot the first President’s manners. She if like that of Wednesday evening, certainly of SAFE, It tills is “the Phillips’s' estimate of the value of the Union, At a MODERATE PKIfTFI, will please fall on SA LKM—Slrisko, Irom Cadiz tor Boston. Cloihiug Dye.I, he w heeled Moustaches. Overtops Sales im- u signs. Tt i even in cir- himself about to the was a common of it or something else led him to examine it> .adopted and entered on oar minutes: everything. 1’ld at St 7fli m>t, sch pniredyin manner hitherto unknown in Port- alleged high military enjoy society agreement, should be accom- mense. Satisfaction unlimited. Oue Joku, NR; Magnet, (ng*T>s, land. ol preparation. New York. Perfect satisfaction git irantced. cles that General his guests. I11 the midst of the a and he found that he had the Resoloed, That by the death of Edwin Bart- color. No No Sherman went so far as to festivities, plished. On proper conditions, such as may got wrong bag Any washing. trouble. Reliable and lett this Company the loss of a W. 1®^ of the Ciolden Ji himself Mr. servant, in removing a the with little and came to the conclusion that had experiences perfect. BOGLK, NigM frlrree, express strongly against Slauton’s cut-glass eperyne, difficulty be determined, the ar- somebody friend and to whose and Wigs and 202 SPOKBN. central counsellor, sagacity Hair-Work, Washington St.,Boston. suspension. » ornament, from the table let it tall, and rangement should be continued. made the exchange on purpose. A description unvarying support, it is both October 2. M W A FsN-dlm Aug 2«, lat 18 S, Ion 34 w, ship Montana. Moore, 12 No, 194 K\i*litiii>cp street. greatly indebted, data irom it was dashed into a thousand ot the who in its aud its Liverpool lor Calcutta. iiagmeuts. Mr. A Radical Prohibitionist. gentleman had taken his was early struggles subsequent pros- * October 5. dtf Gaihualdi’s Claim cr American Citizen- Hancock bag l^ktraniBtic Naim and fttrnnalic min- i*’ *5il 35 12, ship Valley Forge, from immediately relieved the awkward- obtained and a hilnt for him was cofinkeneed. perity Callao tor II mpton K .ads, for orders. a rumor that our That the eral received ship.—Thecablndispatch gives ness which fell the Resolved, Directors deeply feel the %Valer«, just an t no trade a new and at- writing under date of the J5tli Sept., says that larger 25 cents. Ot the notabilities known to Mr. between the two but not some David Seventy-six pages: price Sent to any ad- tractive Htoek ol Quincy, upd quantity of well remain over than last parties, until HoadleW, President. dress. No he iiad seen who was then in logs Joseph F. money required until the book is J. C. Garibaldi, prison, lie us this A Joy, Secretary. revetved, VOMfi, gives anecdote, French lady of year, and the amount manufactued this spiey conversation had been had. read, ami lully It is a periect to the and adds: “He reclaims his American citizen- year approvod. guide rauk, who had been au to Amurica will siek or indisposed. Address DR. S. S. FITCH, 25 emigrant fall short of last or mil- At a of the trustees of credi- Treninnt (Jowls and Small Wares, ship and says ‘if I out of this and soe by twenty thirty Whose was special meeting Kircet, Boston. sn Faery get your at the same time with It.—A lady whose magnificent tors .lanitklly 80 & 82 Devonshire Talleyrand, lions than in 1865. and stockholders of the Ohio aud Mississ- np-It will not be convenient lor Dr. Fitch to visit Street, Minister I ha will it.’ probably, although larger waterfall of guess get Henceforward ou au (the envy her companions and the Radioed (E. held on the Portland again. Skirt* and presenting American to him -Thomas Banco of Kendall’s tried ippi Company. IX) Hoop Cornet*, he remains Italian, hut refuses to he a Mills, admiration of the had 17th inst., the resolutions were unan- subject’ iu 1S15, added, “You have uot and gentlemen,) got loosened following BOSTON, ol forgotten, convicted of has been sen- Hosiery *k*»tl Victor Emmanuel.” The housebreaking, from her and was iu the imously adopted:—. Catarrh Can be Cured l Glove*, correspondent Prince, Ihe hall you and 1 Were at in bead, act of becoming together tenced to State for twelve That we iMiMK i'm Si or adds farther: prison years. a Resolved, sincerely lament the death and in fact ft VYlicn I left Florence the city fall in reality, related its to the gen- relieved, every disease jobber together with complete stork at Tiimiulaf,, V«l- Philadelphia?”—“Ah, no,” replied the Priuqe, —The the history of our lriend and late Edwin Bart- HEADACHEof the nose and head cured Braids, was iu a of Bangor Whig says steamer Cam- associate, permanently by the vets, Nets, Belting, Hnfffiiig*. K»I^n»s, C’ol- state siege, Kattazzi bidden or es- tleman who assisted in such a cat- use of the well-known accompanying the sneer au preventing led't. who has been identified with the Ohio remedy, lirs, Cutis, Yarns, Knit Worsted Oood-i, with a full the by indescribably bridge made a trip from Boston to Bangor, in- caped, people frenzied.'' of the astrophe. Taking off the beautiful and Mississippi Railroad almost from its com- Kinder's Hosiery, line of eloquent shrug shoulders: “the Ameri- all in 18 hours. netting German Snuff! cluding landings, mencement, who was also one of the Try It, for It costs bnt 28c. For sale all can are a which enveloped it, she to‘his won- original by drug- John B. people hospitable, a disp ayed or “Fieryniaiin’s Gough.—It is going the rounds of magnanimous to the annual members of the Board, and for several years gists; semi36c to O. P. SEYMOUR A CO.. Bon- Gloves, Zephyr Worsted,' —According report of the An- a and handsome remark- the that people, aud are destined to be a great dering eyes large wig, its presiding oflfoer. not, and receive a box by return mail. sepIdtlHX papers Gough’s original terms for a nation,— droscoggin Railroad made the Allot which will be sold maialeur luxe it by President, that not since, as she was That his laithlul and devoted ser- lecture were $50. However that affreux!" Perhaps he was ing long passiug up Resolved, f’orsets, may b?, We Oliver Moses aud other the earn- vices in this tfnst ff Iain’s offioers, gross Federal street one a woll entitle him to the grateful Pure Elderberry and Cur- A T W know that in 1845 the late right. evening, dressed, WHOL K AMO, Deacon Graut of for the were one hundred and remembrance of all who have been interested rant Wines. Iu ings year sixty- middle man, up her side and 1803, Mr. “the aged stepped jto in its and that in his death we mourn —«-At THB-»- Boston who was known as a Quincy claiming privilege six thousand success; So highly rccdifimended KNIT widely great dollars, ($166,132.31) running ex- insisted her by PhysiciRiins, may be WORSTED GOODS. friend of of old age,” wrote a letter to Mr. which upon accompanying home, which not only the loss of an esteemed and valued tbuwtat wholesale at tb stores of W. W. temperance, took in hand and Lincoln, one drug Wlun- Gough penses hundred and fifteen thousand she in hut of one who in all the relations of ple A Co., H. tr. Hav. W. P. A Co Also a lull assortment LOWEST MAE LET MATES. was printed at the time. It thanked him for declined; persisting his attentions, the colleague, Phillips E. L. of engaged Treraout Temple tor him where he life has earned the Stanwood and J. W. Perkins A Co. ($115,409.10), leaving the net over sev- a highest reputation fur in- janlisndly his letter .o the Illinois earnings (being resolute and energetic woman) sud- JO- oUDlilW 1'UOMl‘Tl.Y FILLED. lectured over one hundred to crowd- Convention (Sept.) add thousand tegrity and honor. evenings enty ($70,723.12). Important repairs seized him the hair of his head aud "s n-d?w ed houses. it earnestly urged We denly by Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be Batchelor’s Hair Trimmings, Buttons pt There seemed to he no Emancipation. copy have been new Dye. Braids, tailing off, made, twenty freight cars built, off the whole of much to her sentfto the of the deceased and for his the close of the letter, and Mr. Lincoln’s pulled it, aston-' family publish- This Splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world. ninety-ninth lecture was as at- reply. a new locomotive Further ed in this and Small tully purchased. repairs ishraent, and which so alarmed the tho,papers of city. The only true and perfect fti/e— Harmless, Reliable, Wares, tended as liis first. Yrour in his, gentle- Instantaneous. No ! Deacon Grant wars the instrumentality the work is to you are Deeded and additions to No ; n) Allan Campbell, Chairman. disappointment. No ridieulaus Milliiim a of equipment. man that he took to his and ran as Natural master in subject special glory, favor and heels, away E. I). Hammond, tints. Black or Brown. Remedies the ill spirit this movement. Five cents at felicity. loss of human life occurred on the Secretary. Specially adapted to New trade. The madness of Secession and road (luring fast as he much like a effects of/(t»d Duet. Invigorates the England first its inevitable could, looking China- hair, le»vln" were charged for hut he drewr civil the nor it. suit and beautiful. The genuine is Wil- MESSES. (I. admission, cous«;qu CO. wiU, result, being last Judge Johnson, Albany, liam A. Jiatchelor. All others are mere Special Attention Is called to assortment of such full houses that soon after give the and the of imitation- my the commence- right power universal Company have leased the Leeds and ever saw ing words:— and should be avoided. Sold Farming- time she the would-be and as by ail Druggists ami Have just returned Irma New York with u de ice ment of liis sooner or later. If the United gallant, Died at his lectures, ten cents were emancipation ton Railroad for 80 from Dec. residence, in Annaudalc, N. V Perfumers. Factory 81 Barclay street, NVw Ycik assortment of charged.— States do not understand years 1st, 1865, no advertisement appeared for its she At that “Ten aud fully appreciate recovery, on the 10th inst., Edwin in the 71st tF'Brwmv nfn 'ennirrfeii. lime, cents admission to ne- the for which are to for the 1st of Bartlett, ZEPHYR WORSTED. pay boon thus bestowed ou them, aud fail to they pay period had made a splendid ornament for herself out year of his age. November 10. 1866 dlysn was a cessary expenses,” in improve it to the utmost extent of the five years $32j)00 a 2d of five I never a October II. d2m phrase everybody’s power year; period of this costly windfall. S. W. E. knew- truer hearted or purer man, €1ie will recreant to themselves no mouth,aud boy's in the streets often re- granted, they prove $34,000 a year; 3d a for warmer friend, no wiser adviser, none more MILLINERY GOODS and to period $36,000 year; -MARRIED. and even posterity. unstained In ol the -- IN peated it; children of a larger growth I write under the the next ten years $38,000 a year; and for the Debbinq hall will no donbt be crowded long experience world, PLOTHING! impression that the victory none whose character his follow men sometimes it with a among repeated sneer. The lec- of the United States in this war is inevitable. of 25 a this evening to witness the first FALL. A NO WI remaining period years $40,000 year. performance was more to be enuilated than Edwin Bart- In this city Oct. 10, by Rev. J. T. Hewes >TER 8TYLES, turer received all over and above Compromise is Peace on of D. Stephen “necessary ex- impossible. any By this lease the old and new parts of the the sensation of the day, entitled lett’s. A. S. J. Knight and Emma W lairing, both ot Portland. other basis would the Nobody’s In and are now prepared to offer to of Mil- penses.” His lectuies then were far different he establishment ot two road Augusta, Oct. in Charles A. Smith, Esq., of onnsr HAWKES & CO. purchasers each are effectually consolidated for 50 Daughter or the Ballad Singer of linery a» wholesale or retail, the most beau- nations, hating the other, both military, years. trapping, We are informed that the Yonng Men’s Memphis, lean., and Miso Fannie E. Hoyt, of A. from wliat are now. He often of At are now tiful selection:* otb vvd this shin they spoke both necessarily their territories —S.C. Robbins of has been ex- founded upon Miss Braddon’s novel of Cape Elizabeth R. Rev U opening a large assortment of new and ,cv*£ hostile, inter- Winthrop popular Christian Association hare given the idea Ferry, Sept. by hr New York In his wife who was hurried intoher with a up Rideout, John Tibbetts anil Susan desirable grave liy his locked, tendency to never-ceasing hot in the of new which will he new Wallace, both of perimenting production varieties Diavoln, produoed with'1 of a course of lectures the and Portland and the tears would flow tility. Can we leave to a more cruel coming season, intemperance, ft-om posterity of potatoes. He has one called the six scenery, properties the cele- At E,ll»l>«Ih Oct. 4. bv Rev V. inheritance, or one more Of Dirigo, &c.; introducing withdraw in favor of the course the S®!*-' Ferry. Ride- in those audiences. hopeless happiness got up by out. Nelson M. Russell and Abide C. every eye large He spoke and ? years from the seed. The Farmer the brated gambling scene, with a representation Soul, of Port- Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, prosperity says po- Army and Union. land; 9th, Geo. W and Orinda D clo' with much and heart Pardon the the Navy Doughty Dyer nnrci s feeling every responded. liberty I have taken in this let- tatoes are of good of a and white of greatrgames of faro, roulette and Charles C. Abbot and Snsan A. all of LACKS VKLVKTN, NATI.\H, sire, pink keuo; Gratfam, Pats' lor He did not aim to excite mirth at that ter, and do not feel in to take Elizabeth. Men’s and Boys’ wear. a great time, obliged any way umaou uhui aim are tree irum roi. also the ruined towers and West- Also, variety ot notice ot and by moonlight In Ania-a bnt his io the it; believe me ever your grateful UusiucMN Liberty, Sept. 8, Dnuton and Catharine Straw and Frit Goods 1 ! appeal podr drunkard was very' minster Bridge, with a view of London Items. I and obliged servant, Josiah Quincy. —About two o’clock, Wednesday, A. M., the by McCarty. Geni’s Furnishing Goods. pathetic and moving. The story of his wife’s The have In Bncksport, Sept. 10, Pi cslon P. Preble and El PRESIDENT LINCOLN TO MR. barn of James of gaslight. managers spared neither len H. l QUINCY. Robinson, Durham, with all Choice Havana at Schlotterbeck & apley. *•* In our stock can l»e seen an entire cate of sufferings, like Hawkins’s story of his daugh- time nor in cigars SIMM, opp. PrrMr House French Executive all expense producing this great iu all the new Mansion, Washington, Sept. IS, its contents, tour tons of hay, one yoke of at reduced Flowing, desirable shades and nnvd- ter never failed to in the au- 1 HKi.—Dear and Co.’s, prioes. Hannah, produce Honored Sir:—Allow me to ex- piece, and they will no doubt a rich har- ORIN oxen, two two cows, one were de- reap HAWKE* & CO. dience the press the personal I feel at horses, hog, ^wetalicdt an ln CopeUkl, aged fore ns. Mr. Qniney and John Adams known, is now a sentence of two C. « ROKINMA.X A 410. mirth and launch Qniney serving years The Lost Bonus.- The number of bonds In tv OMN forth the shafts of ridicule lost to attend the sale. Mon ilk), Sept. 20, Mr. Nicholas Twiteholl. HAWKE8 A CO. October 14. were very and sb a'natural iu State Prison for a horse eodlw&w It early risers, conse- stabbing offense in Mrs. were aged 98 years. October 11. d2w with which nature hail so by Taylor five—three of them 6-20s, generously provid- of such hail a Durham. In Addison, 9, quence1 hilly habit of going to numbers 4008 and See advertisement of Orin Hawkes & Co Sept. Augusta A., wile of Sidney ed him. Hawkins became somewhat morose 4007, 9362, issue of Nov. 1, II. Austin, aged -Ui vears. in the time. -‘Nature would not —The Lewiston Journal a EVANS & sleep day he says, fire was dis- for who have got in a stock of In Addison. Seth N. Flour7 b ‘cause he couldn’t kill off at a blow all the 1865, 8100 each, aud two 7-30s of July 15, just splendid hats, Sept. 14, Ramsdell, aged 66 BAILEY, cheated of her and it were covered in W. years 11 months. dues, they not paid yesterday F. Allen’s silver and which are at rumsellets, and Gough contented himself plat- 1865, for 8100 each. A rewai d will be paid for caps, clothing, they ottering VOS. 1 ,e i EEEE ST. by in season, she would exact them out of season.” ing establishment. It from BLOCK, mirth aud originated sponta- the recovery of any of the bonds or the lowest prices. AU the fashionable styles creating ridicule and letting the coupons, Pe»irh, will The hook says: neous combustion and was soon out. IMPORTS. I cl(Ve nut their stock ol "world slide.” put Loss by leaving them at the house of Mr. Taylor, may be found at their establishment. 81. George, j about -- -■ ■ One day, Mr. John who was $200. y nr. loum. Quincv Adams, No. 6 Park street, or at the City Marshal’s of- WINDSOR,’NS. Sch Horton—225 tons plaster, to addicted to the same vice of Sale of Real estate on the order. Kiug Lender, Political Facts and Figures.—In intemperate early —Mr. Harding Dunlap, haggage master, on Estate.—The and iMass 18ti2, with much fice. Crockery whcujtbc was rising, tlie same consequences, railroad from corner of and Walnnt country depressed through lail- the Bath to Brunswick, had tis Officer Gerts Washington streets, ure of was visiting my father, who invited him to go yesterday recovered one of the Coir’s Choice, WAR K r military sneoesscs, (lie Democrats band between two of a 2 1-2 storied 2 1-2 storied DKIMft lTKK OF OC EAN STEAMERS. wrested several into J Story’s lecture and hear his jammed cars on Wed- bonds but the Consisting house, ■'r.lival, ILLINOIS. States from the edge room, entire, coupons had been ent off. NAMK f Republicans with lot 48 FROM DBBTHfATlON Nw • the lecture to his Ian- class. Now did nesday. The fingers of the left band were stere, by 115 feet, was sold at auc- .arise, | K^ir THK NKXT HIXTl D VVW J liy following majorities: Judge Story It was in possession of an on Centre dava... not tlie Irishman .Boston.Liverpool.Oct 9 I '*\\i \ 1 \ i Y At YY New accept philosophy of his two friends in much injured. tion F. O. It was New Also, various brands of choice Serine Extras. \ York, 10,752 street, who it to Mr. yesterday by Bailey. pur- Oityoi York..New York. .Liverpool.Oet 9 at prices which defy competition. To deal- this and would insist that it was a gave up Gerts upon beiifg JONES Si trnmlry Pennsylvania, particular, —The Aroostook Pioneer ■Chiaed by Mr. for Chicago.New York..Liverpool.Oct 9 BLAKE, GAGE, ers and parti« * this is an 3,521 more excellent to take out one’s says: “Best kind of called for it. JfCiinuingham #2)ii50. No. 1 Bait Bio, replenishing, «>pp.oiun ty 5 way allow- upon Siberia.New York.. 9 I., CuiuuiercUl Street. rarely an Ohio, 557 a Liverpool.Oct October offeieil, ance of sleep in hfcd, and lie wide awake when agricultural/air— pretty country girl.” We In Malta. t.New York.. 9 11. dlw Illinois, 10,540 regard to the purchase of' coupons by Mr. Messrs. G. C. Robinson & Co., Liverpool.Oet out of it—which lie himself most assuredly al- suppose there were lots of such at having pur- New York.. Havana...... Oet 10 Indiana, the recent we This Stork be 9,543 wap. The Duuphy’s clerk, will say that he did not the stock of No. 3 San Francisco.New York. Fomloiiiiii‘ ol must Sold ! (Jl>pu the following however, the Re- ways Judge received the two Presi- Fair at Isle. chase^ milinary goods at Nicaragua_Oct 10 Mortgage. year, dents and them Presque think them of America... .New York. .Bremen.Oct 10 HLIC side issues and gladly, placed iu the seat of any value, and purchased them Elm at a low Notice Is liercbv given to all peranns it- in crdeV to publicans, ignoring turning out The Pioneer also Clapp's Block, street, very figure, Henry .New York.. II make rontu tor a new and large assort- in honor on the dais his the says that the Cook Chauncey. Vspinwall.ijct PUterosled, that John ol their strength, recovered these States the by side, fronting class, grist- for the purpose of toru and Celia.New York.. Fiokeit, Cape Elizabeth, ineiil of by aud mending mutilated and replenished it by a installment from London.Oct 12 on tbo I urteenth of majorities: proceeded with his It was uot mill in that village has five runs of stones large day August, In the v.ar ol oil following lecture. scrip. Cityot Boston ....New York..Liverpool.Oct 12 Lmd one tin Ubanl New long before, his eye aside to see how New York, are to sell at that c phi liu.ornl and slaty, by Ids York, at,404 glancing which gTind immense of prepared prices Erin...... -New York.. Liverpool.Oet 12 of his were quantities grain, yet deed that (late which Is recorded in the Cumber- FI1HNI T guests impressed by his he The will remind oue of the ot curren- Hibernia.New 12 n«E ! Pennsylvania, 12,402 doctrine, the rush is so that opening Promenade oft' days specie York..Glasg w...Oct land of Doods Book 304 I saw that they were both of them sound great abont two thousand Concert came Saxonia.New York.. Registry page 8!», mortgage Ohio, lot, 099 asleep, in cy. See advertisement. Hamburg.Oct 12 to Chailcs Forbts ut Portland, a certain lot ol 'ami »ueh as lino never before hem offered In this and he saw that the it bushels are on hand their Mechanics' Hall last The hall was North America—New York. Rio city. Illinois, 29,59H class saw too. Pausing awaiting turn, and evening. Janeiro .Oct ti with the buildings then on, .situated in said Ca;« a moment in his swift career of he the is “still it filled with dancers who seemed to them- Elizabeth in the ol Cumberland ou the west- Indiana, 15,000 speech, cry comes I” eiyoy Look at the look at the County EVANS a pointed to tlie two ami utter- Ruins.—Aye, ruins erly side of a road b allhg from lands of <1. BAILEE, sleeping figures, selves to their heart’s Miniature Almanac. ..October II. George —We learn from the Macbias Union that content. Chandler's of what were D.er and to land of S. NO* I » > » J I BM: ST ed these words of warning: "Uontieinen, you ouce magnificent sets of teeth, running southeasterly Ilig- M h K l Hl.ot H Politico! Notes. the British Band furnished the and it sun rises.6.07 I Moon gets.3.50 AM gini, and hounded beginnim; at the corner of lauds see before you a ineiaiiehi.lv of the flag was seen flying on three music, of course to be seen in Look October 10. dtl example everywhere society. at Sun sots.... .,.5.25 | High water.>0.30 AM owned by E be uezer Pickett thence running souther- Xhe secret Democratic organization in evil effects of The shout of at the was good as it always is on all There early rising!” barques, wharves, in that city one day occasions. them, anil ask yourself if it is not marvelous ly by said road to laud of Svlvunus Higgins thence run Xom some time laughter with which this judicial obiter dietvm has been a bo tit u by laud to lands of Kb- Washington, by Florence, last week; all loading for foreign ports. very great improvement iu this that shell destruction is westerly ot'ydd Higgins quaktWhly he four was received, effectually aroused the beautiful permitted, when", by anezer Fh*eti, thence oorthweatarty try iKids ol s;4d ago nominated lieu. .Sherman with Mr. John- sleepers, —The building. Two rooms have been MARIN E 1ST or and it is to be hoped that heard and Bastport Sentinel says the wild cats simply using Sozodont, any teeth, however fra- EW9. Fickettto astake, thence ninth'asterly to the place son lor next they prof- made out of the presidential term. Dem- ited the remainder of are numerous at one, and either half is better than begun at containing forty acres(tt); to secure the Many by the discourse. quite Perry this fall. Mr. may be preserved from or gile, decay blemish payment ol o le pruiuiaiuy ante of two hundred ocrats are now as would the whole was before this was PORT OP PORTLAND. ritty The Casco talking tkongh they e at Birch lost improvement as as dve tteyeu National \\ have uot undertaken to give any criti- Thompson Lincoln, Point, having long life lasts. oct!0-2t and twenty one hundredths dollars, that I Bank, like a made. No uoli ticket ill case they could not or ten doubt this hall will he in de- get cism upon this hook or even of eight sheep, and Mr. Page eleven by good October OiTOHKR 7lk, ISHT. General auy summary mand the Thursday, 10. auks Sherman himself to accept the nom- them. ooming winter. There are the its contents; but merely such specimens of its al) ARUlv'ED. and sixty se?en assign and set over to Jerome B. ination tor conveniences * the His most inti- —Ellis M. of which parties can re- M-iJ-fOiWMfs. yy- i r Virtue ol a license lioia the Hon. Little Wanderers, RESTORING GRAY IIA & Co. vtadge of i$*;i5 Pilsburrey or else has ’em and JR TO ITS ORTGINA1. BXProbate tor Cumberland 1 sbnll Notes ot Otlisr had 15 votes and Jorslma L. The Pbospeci ut VutuuirA.—A Richmond something brought low, will Sch Abbie, Loring, & Fox. county, sell, at Batiks,. 11,450.00 Chambertan got Boston, Mass., preach to the iriends if COLOR AND PROMOTINGTTs Baltimore-Emery Public on Specie »nd few will GROWTH- Sch Phenix. Johnson, Boston. Auoti«>n, Tue-da.v, November 12tli, next, Eraclhmal Currency, *,743.7* but two. Good lor but correspondent of the New Fork Times furnish- cry. homeless and at 11 o'clock on Lawtul Bingemine bad for neglected children at the Pine sch Abbie. A. M.. ike promts, s, the valuable Iq* Money,. ttc.lRO.oo —The It. is the SAILED—Brig Predonia; of Hue from es Kennebec Journal cheapest ever land on the north corner of Congress and other Banks. .. Jarshtta. the following sketch of the political condi- says: “Building Street Methodist on preparation Franklin 75,037.50 Church, Sunday inornilig to the to the estate of Charles tion of tlie operations have commenced at Pittsfield in ojferetl public, as one bottle From Branch OJice Western Union Streets, belonging Into R. Out of fifty-seven town- elections iu Con- Old Dominion. The new era is com- next, Oct. 13th, West in the Telegraph. lieckett, extending TfMJ levt nn’T’ongress *1,900,713. to Congregational will last lonyev and Ar at Fortress Monroe SfVeM, anti ing, as he sees this State for the erection of a 118 feet accomplish 9th, brig Mountdiu Eagle, containing about 8,«*06 square feet, subject to E. P. GERRIS11, Cashier. necticut tlms far heard from, the Republicans plainly enough, but, ‘‘it is a had building afternoon, and at-Free Btreet in the more than three bottles Portland for Baltimore mort- Baptist oy any Sherman, Sid, brig Lucy^ gages of $5,500 and interest. October loo? ctludzt piece of long, 68 feet wide in the with 60 from Portland, ;, carried and we suppose one must business,” he thinks. He will live to centre, wings A number of and touch- other preparation. Ann, Georgetown for Portland. Also, same day at 3 o’clock P. M., at thirty-five, sei evqping. interesting Private Sale that it is a feet each 34 feet three Also ar, ship Valley Forge,-. ror orders. at the A Market be set down as At rate both very of business: wide; stories high with it will ssessrs’Office, Hall, lot of mud on doubtful. any good piece ing incidents, illustrating the work of the H*r-Our rcnew.risnotarlyo; not stain the Ar at Philadelphia 9th, sch Georgle Wil- Notice. a skin as Deering. Vaughan Street, belonging to said S|K‘.o HAII yvB A^Mt'KKTT’ ONDummy Train discontinued, l a reg- —The Custom House at Belfast Steam Fire Nashua, Proprietor*. HAILEY, Auctioneer. Oct II tsr.r with ear ocratic nomination for Governor of Massachu- is, receiving Engine.—A new and beautiful For sale Ar at Havana 8th, brig Hyperion, Simon ton, from October It. emllil u, 1WJ. ular Height train, Mooengsr aum licd, will by oc7tod&eowluisb lean- Saeo River at 0.50 \ a aMprqggistfi. Portland: sch Nellie be on, to -\| _ setts * new roof and general repairs. steam fire engine, built by Johnson lor the Star, Foster, Ellsworth. pnt Buxton They will not condescends4fiarS to Ar at Matanzas 7 th, sch Hattie Hoes, trom Centre 7.05. Gorham R, Sace.y'appa *.15 anivlne 111 ing. talk aW —The fever somewhat ex- Fame at Uliick, 0 A. M .and The mention Slate affairs of the nation with typhoid prevails Company, West Chester, Penn., was Portland. Hoarders Pori land at leaving „t fn ls g 4 papers elections which the their former Ml Mill Ah BATHS AT HOME. Wauled. alter Ilia! dale. to enter into in Washington county. exhibited yesterday in front of the Preble Sid I'm Cardenas 30th, sch Ducotah. Partridge, for o’clock train have just been held in Ohio slaves, and disdain any tensively ai,J se,lt' man and enn GEO. Pennsylvania, and alliance Sierra Morena; 31st, Ellen Steveue, tor Cal A ho wile, la Wnnnin hv with or concede to them even the —The this season has been un- House. It is called a third class but barque a‘®" ttt N,‘- 1 October li*. the or Eft TREATMENT WITH lull.,wing ,(• s- are are enthusiastic aud fully grailed before the winter sets in. by band by horses. The of IuVekaIL WATERS Launched—At Orland 2Gth ult, a scbr ot Uo tons, the Bribed poods were sylvania. They fully organized, workmanship Portland Benevolent Society n III 1>4 held soiled at Ihe Hmei ,nd of —The Do away with all various and named W C Barnes. She is commanded by ■*1 Bank, V A Saco exultant, because they are certain victory. New York Tribune says the “Hon. J. the machine is of the best ami your often pernici- Oapt OF the ottire of Portland Fire (lenta Savlnys ... for ol the New York character, every ous and Barbour, and sailed 8rb iust lor Netv York. on *<** correspondent of arc to be over- drugs quack medicines, and use a lew baths Wednesday IBth instant !*■ M. lfevanao, New York at gloomy American Gift Machias Steamer.—The of Richmond i'KLHUMATIC SALTSl” Sch Saxon, Cassidy, of and trom New York lor least Tlie whites all the wealth and Concert and a City These SA L PS are 40,090, Indiana business. have tickers, prospec made from the concentrated Pembroke, with Iron, ashore in the H. c. 7 bo tGpyv *«“"«* *•» *»*»«». loots,, New 5,000 8 is to be on the route to ot tl e pig got Narrow* U. 1*. Jersey intelligence, but the have all the poli- y kept Machias, touching Liquors Mineral Weil of the Peuu’sSalt Man- at 3d m«t. where sin- brandy!1‘l°^f^ and negroes which he received Cnmpobello. remains. The i 1 •> upward, Johnson win U8.ur Weekly, by Co., in 5 tltHE of Hie Eon B. Clnb oc- Septemb. lath, at Not 1,,,. have the traitorous tical the Imllot. are con- mail on at the usual until ufacturing ami are packed in air- steamer Mosswoud went to hci Monthly Heeling 1J thutubarland C1,“ power through Friday. The places Dec. 1. Thi* month Pittsburg, assi-tauce, but up to ue*t, Oelohei 12th, at btuiiug m lbs. M,«niee<. under bn, They circular invites the re- boxes. One for a 1 cttr* on ttlhurdav evening Rum,*, heel, ami scious of their aud will use it without tight alwaji suflftient bath. Di- the 6th. had uot started her. Is wifi, do„ht, strength cipient to become an and November will afford some fine weather rections are at 8 oVIock. \ toll and nunetnnl nttondance re- Vi.af Appra, ,/AVT: -out,« (*,«,», crush them and one man agent for tacked. Sell Advance,Leighton, w1fn coal For an t. JktnRrr Braurt,. their nigger uterey. They will cast their votes as Kelly’s $2,000,- Eastern He.Nlik yyixiit, tober 1st, ai Appraisers j poficy He 000 and for tourists to visit Deer l*ort, put iulo Holmes’ Hole nth, with loss of qneeted. Ji Komu. B.,til,.» Brandy. docs’nt which for out-and-out Radical and lottery scheme, promises Isle, Mount Desert, iNTBWfAtLrDsE head ol Secretary. October sill, lit mm 11ner, | J>a rk [ say way these states Republicans, glittering foremast and attached, tote oetll'Ud J;l \j u t. are to „0 to view the rigging jib fore- while to the most offices white men profits; but the Mayor of See., and grand of the coost •‘Struniatic ftlint-ral fioom, Auv l*rs..n 01 persons and as there is no important Augusta not re- scenery Waters 1” sail, galley, &c. having bail a gale on the 7th. rlnuulug Ihe suiuo an r, apparently will only itueHted to and probability of of their own party w ill be chosen, they Mr. of In bottle* otoiie and a half One sufficient Confectionery and Variety Stoek appear nuke such claim a ill,in to. il- their either jects Kelly’s overtures, but tells us that Maine._, pints. front the going way by such claim a shaie of the The Con- for a use. DOMESTIC ror ly days date bereol. the said majorities as surely spoils. is a day’s PORTS. Sole, otherwise ‘the whole thing swindle which lien. giRifls will be <1,speed of III accord he names, the eheerfnl vention that is to be elected on the 22il will lie should be Wit learn that Sickles will deliver a $mr$o\AMr idruggistM.gciii'raUy. SAVANNAIi-Ar -th, h located. n. e with ihe ids programme marked Wan! J Bo- a Store centrally Kent h *\ Tlda is a uf Cuugress lu such cases it will The Tribune sends the Merrill Bi\>s. Boston S Parks, made and t.r old d. out for will be thoroughly Radical, though donblless exposed.’ tickets to lecture before the and this No.l'lssuiesi.,Boston; Reynolds, gart. days. good chance lor a man or a woman with a the President postponed. Army Navy Union Pratt.iS Co., No. 106 Knltoi st. Slil [N cupiml ISRAEL WASHBURN. -In., he New York, Whole- ftth, sch Nellie Yarbox, tm- a few bundled dollais. to composed of white men. Police Captain Petty.” the Boston id' Apply Collector. month, provided Citv Hall can be obtained. sale agentfl. nn20» n eod&wly CHARLESTON Ai octHdl w* _ «h, ebtp Spear, W. H. JERK1S. Portland, Oot. Iff. Indy. ,i,aw3w — El’HOPH. C O 31 iH K 11 CIAL. .nisaaLANKoi;«, ^HSCKM.AftCOt’S. KVTIUCTA I u y\ NEWS KNITS. *' < •?. JWM .*».% Ll.M, turn * w * Fiuuiuinl. MV Till* C % H 1/ ft£ • New York, Oct. 10—s P. A» Theatre, J tetri * E. * FALL OPEN! \(,! i. v i> i i : s , WAttl tb-day. 'flic two leading rae1 ti ine Shells, < hmise ami .lap.ii to- Palmer. The ,lc- DAVIS At OPENING ^ooils, Shell Ai-., f Ttf .« weather was fair nnd attendance “WHiff »• «%«*I ,;i'° €D., GijAlVl) very good. mand; rales unchanged. Gold unsettled, with more Uvuou. declined u> •' \>> > V a » S jll ; 11. V i Klc Friday 1433. Cash Gold scarce. Exchange dull and Clapp’s Block, IKII.HK BIIAVU.I, A The manifestations of ill feeling on the part dull and IKNNTK4^U,SON, 1 "• 1 <« _- changed. Government securities closed iA ot the have eve- iMo s!'W Irish in the north of England heavy. Stocks weak. Balance in the Sab-Treasuryj inhabitants believe heretofore so popular as heiu/lha of ’'"'tin" 4* .7,',,77.1 Union Branch nted lunch alarm. The to-day, $109,000,000. depot supplies FALL unyeltir. in active n™;,1 fnutVt (By Western Telegraph, Office). far MB WINTER CLOAKS! «J,|#“Seyeral p.tpirati.‘ii. that Feuiaus are concerting for an out- toiler 11. ■•>" ■ civil authorities The Oil market is mi let. In Sperm kt-beir ‘Awmhl \ivuoi)d/i Uvyiii) h nrka.v. A tire broke out at 2.30 P. M., in Abbott’s Season, BiisIi'H,T,' Nlirllllrit ;; i", l.l?";; llm.-, no transactions, Init holders are Arm, and oAvinjg to JVC>. 341 FKEE W'THEKT. Munich, Oct. 9. toftbe Ulltl IhttlS. uilhiiisrcan.iiict) .il«|ji.;i ui.ki mill, a wooden and extended the sm dl stock and limited imfwirtatlons eftm- ... K. planing building, of the Bavarian I iiiouu At the sitting Diet, t- advance. In liihition uUi piuvein.-. to su>’ I*', u yest many, tjt I'urLhur. DRESS I > ***• »«i ,» Lu>. *an.:»i. a ingsix.month*. ioyk TRIMMINGS! >it to 4—a-*tlon ia yl..t discussed the ***»ve. Look’s a Cabinet, question of German Had-on at luc Is tilts * wiU <*■ MONO 1 ojtT.lt.I store, blacksmith and the op:H9 hWk Bay gallon j~ With a and open A V, October 7 th. in with Taikir- s**a>» __ grocery shop bay opohed large varied assortuieut cpuuertioa my derASas^;;r.»».« the auspi. es of the «n»i»^ n, iib- ^ and indicated the position of the Bava- ot’ the * both small were unity tndmti'?. same, eousisthig of Itier a dtirn— a shade lower; « lien life —• AT the- of en- Stairs, the oi the Bugle and Mlk Fring- Hat nesses, (aits Ac., m exertions of the citizens. The arrival Presidency uplands ai 19c. li e a d Ilot-ses King bt Prussia, and at the Maine time to take Made O lo ak«i! A from assisted those of the Flour—to 1 ukul ‘-quat Should this the Win*at—l u L’c 84.000 * Loss from #10,000 f« #12,000. policy b** carried iufo effect, lower; sales l.ush.; Chicago la^o V Watch. .1 1,1’ 14, llv4.>. whole bal- Spring 1 at 1? 2 do. No 2 at 2 824*2 w.t Harntftk'ii. fatherland would-bo eoinphtetl, the Jfp. fu 41}; ^ 57; Velvet anil Silk Uibbuun 1 do. No. Alt 2 28. ^ Out r ance of power betweeu Austria and Prussia oiui < .’urn—1 2c lower ami sales LEOTURES si.-.!. TUItS OCJTOKAUt ILMMIOUK. preserved and the of additional- (<$ heavy; 88,000 hush.; One peace Europe Mixed Western 1 1 42. in the newest and most deniable .-hudes. GOODS FOB CLOAKS! hump Tart 39} ($? One ly guaranteed. t »als— 1 (gt> 2c lower; sales < )hio and. Chicago at 80 fo Hum,, Cart Harn,.*. <>0lliltnrivauia The f«enlrrfri1 T-SOi. Jlaj. K' U ami We are * Bbef—•qlifbf steady. happy to inform the ladies that Mm. J«ha of New* *'.*•. Aaciioiiecc., Oct. 10. sales bids.: mess 23 thereU»_n..w iocbraur, York, U4>IOKnmi*.^I it Philadelphia, New York, Ge 10. Pork—lirmur; 3,250 at 20. no of those i,x< HANOE ST The Press a scarcity Mom. I I .II. publishes table of I lie election The announcement that counterfeit 7-30s had Lard—heavy; sales at 14 (o> 14 jc. Mike to at the Shortest KdwardB.frai«ailil,U II., the in 51 Whiskey—quiet. up Notice. President ol i returns, giving reported majorities been discovered created considerable excite- Order, Hillsdale College and Ex Licat.Clov. Bctls, itoUUuiu, u.»itui,, &t. at which Alice—quiet * of Counties, l>v tSlnirswond has oulvi# lim- ment in the stock market this tnrennou. Tile J«t Michigan. % uotioo. sales 1.000 Portu llico Buttons ,.tA. Tiie eouutn- to hear from Iasi \ e.a[■ Swgaf— fairly active; hhds.; Trimming CJ. joi%. was made in Washington by the a) i<,‘ Holland, (Timothy TiLcomb,) of Mass. s \ t. at in tin- discovery at 12 12-c; Muscovado at 111, '*Io. 36 Free Street, stairs) Portland. rint‘PAY>’0, 1?fh, oVI.ck A M gave Uepublicans 7573 votes, and the Dem- Chief Clerk ol the and W* **• (N»il hoaila), whieh have been iu such demand (up new Feather lied-, Blank Treasury Department, 45nHec—quiet. I®*®**" lately, WtAhr.:?.^-, 53T Arrangement* are also being made wiiii Maj. ON in, t.) uiir^uvi >itV ocrats G'JOO lor ive have umv a lull line 01 and — Bui** m ,‘’li in l'»M Mr. Clark,. Superintendent of the Currently Molasses—quiet. < 1 these, -:-... -:— Gon. DANIEL E SICKLES, and several other dis- ers, Solas, Uur.is, i* I’he has vet arcs from 41 wliich Kaval 1 r--t, trf» ~j < r.-ekerT ami Pl ated \Fniv, Stoves. I in Age cotiuties Printing Bureau, arrived here this morning Stores—quiet; Spirits Turpentine Tv?@ *A8c, i6n given.* Heading, lln*. I.amt at /Vin-tiow.- The State Central Committee Also 20 h ams to ou Saco River Also 2 or 3 supported by oilier .liatingiiiwiicci House ami Republican houses have been notified that they now either JUdL iiWidra ot log good Art ist a. have work horses w Ei Octolwr itl loYtofk P. I additional returns, and with a liberal »l- hold or have them. The issues New I'isli WORSTEDS! ith vv:ig.,iis and harness. quire of ISfli, M., recently passed York Nnrltd. t-1 T luu ; • Joseph Hobson 293Coinmerctal Portland, or No. -bill Mil lli,* un. anil •»- lililt -CU IwilM N auvo for losses in their estimate for (lie re- are all dated between Sept. 21st and October, St., M. W. W hiliicy nsshlcl by Mr*, 'milk,Hr*. OMTUB.OAY New York, Oct. 9. 1 Spring’s Island, Saco. Oct .lame. W awl Laui cl Sfn cr. Sai-i h.*u>- .anuuuri seven room maining counties to be heard from, figure up u ot this of them are of whiter Now, as be we make this a y-d3w Cary, hinny, Howard n. year. Many pa- Dry Coil are plenty aud dull; Guorgs’s may be always thro, department t'vp Let 1 o 92 I cl. Stab*. 1 Vianet. lilt lull {rood charts, r.-ftrir, riHteih, by Republican majority of 2000 in the than the The are ruled a u 50 speciality;and would incite, pm liiiuhiHy to To Let. raw How, per genuine. borders quoted at 0 50 G2}, aud Bank 5 (to u 00 per qtl. Utetrade, H gl Thin propen y is yde isnnfly iiti ited, iu a good u igl Tho Chairman of tho Democratic State Com- that are not only of direct import* but me j VanSST wider and the star teal is sightly longer, with Mackerel L ive become quiet agaki, and pricfM are a they ion, so and and third Stories of the stoic in (be boiboo.1, amt valuable for oceitpatio*. mi tree off: 2ft among flic best lo this war- and V YOUNG MAN desires «l rofer- GERMANIA BAND AND has received information from dftl. No. I B.iVareaolUnp at 5.) lfghiei^iid adapted fora whole- E HI. HA'r I'E.Y ,% .lui liottrrrr. majority 3000 Cleveland and other western cities. It is im- in^ plenty and shall continue to idler fd., ib hilt little demand. List, them at the same low sale store. They will lie ready lor occupancy the MENDELSSOHN The Ihiilletiu estimates tho for Wil- at to estimate how much stall' —S7 4-l octHdlw* X. Y Z Portland P. O. on Cattle market dull; sales iu conse- , BAND WKi>NKShAV,<> u.ber b.fch, at Uo’el ck Al., Legislature composed* New' Oct. 10. 'sellers; goon « iittle, which arc extremely scarce, ad- W anted the York, B rooms suitable will for the ONon premises, U n oiler lor *1*: :* jjo t 20 Republicans to 18 Democrats; House 55 Re- vanced while poorer are HOSIERY AND GLOVES! 1AJID, large pleasant and female Agents to canvass for an eutiro- luruish mu>lc evenings ol Lectures. Secretsrv Seward and Huron Stocckl Strived grades unchanged; *e*. Free st. two «tnry wo den hou. No. !»*, tt -n Sti,.i t to 45 D imocrats. and demand WITHlot gentleman and wile, at 52 sep2li)tt MALEnew the grentsst in the State. publicans here He leaves fer Auburn coipts 4,500. .Sheep je higher good; re-‘ ly article, novelty Tin- house ln« one flu: aim I Mated roof and yesterday. to-day. at prices to suit alL r nts are horn to HP“Sea*»on Ticlels lor the eniire comse f Lec- room, ceipla 7,600; sales ;y)i» at 4(#6iO. Hog* Agi making twenty flfry dollars per with b»k*k floor. Tim Pittsburg, Oct. 10. Six more seizures were made in this f<^Ae To Let. tures and Concerts lor s ilo at tbe Book good cedar, lot i* ai.nut t.n I city yes- higher; receipts5,000; sales afc 6 6c. week. Call soon lor choice of II'iritore. #2.00, Stores, Returns from 09 districts of internal revenue 4,000 @ Linen and of the Committee 00 k-et Allmdianycoun- terday by officers, involving (Rood*, Liuen Bottoms , llaudker- BooMt a suite of rooms at No 20 Dan- a of 5876 for li.M.lFOUG&CO.,* F. G. Then we aiiaU offer tbe three lots m-xt i t-K.w tie; ty, give Williams, rep., majority thirty-two carrels of a tobacco lac- 1 and tbrtli str. ot. oct.'5tlft%lw 351 PATTERSON, Whiskey, ■ i cklcfs, Collars, (ML, WITH VuohgrassStreet. abo?i7. Kadi lot isrtbout .*J0 f ef on Cotton State Senator. over and ) j S. C. Snoot an 1 Evart’s, rep., majority tory 6,8110 cigars. iijniifrr‘*hn~TT|ili«~t—- Sept, 13. dtt GORDON, tib ~ '“TV-* 1 1 1 1 K. M. ieetdcc|i. Barr is .5410. The Annie V and won BALII.'IOKK, Otl.O, 1 •yrf—**ff Y.ElK, Fannie the Atlantic nil new and pretty Also a lot of Linen Wanted! Terms one-third cash, balance In one and Ohio. Cotton nominal at 20c for MuldUu* upUudti. i’lrh.r patterns. job A. W. BRADBURY, payable yacht club race Collars and < ’uttV. bougot low and at cost.— To Let. filter tnt Machin. s at 173 two with inter. »t -. nir«*l n tort <’• yesterday. unirt and le.ss flrtn, blit J.'iici 8 art; without quotable selling Sewing Fore F. M. SMITH, yeais, by gift Oct. 10. I The losses oi' flic firms who will do well to examine this line. A 30(1 of the lower end of fust m nou c Street. GE*>. W. RICH & CO. October l*U. iciTdul Cincinnati, aggregate ’have change. Wheat .lull and drooping; tccoiptn ate f Lilies Boyr (bet TWO^Rlft Lecture Committee. PortlAud, 5, sold and Offices there- Octobers, dtf The Commercial says over 50counties give counterfeit f-3034 to the Government heavier; p. inn: and choice While l'80 ud hua. c iron Ov The Gazotte states that the returns are still The return ot base ball to between Grenadine, Tissue and Barege for Veils. BOARD, pleasant 4$? game day Chicago ITlaikcix. for and at 52 Free street. ford street, enifttining ten rootns, clothes The the Atlantics of WITH gentleman wile, Agents Wanted. yrts-. incomplete. election is very close, but the Brooklyn, aud the Unions of 29 and closet*. Also the carjieta on the floor?*. Hous e CmcAdo, III., Oct. 10. June rltf ALIi uol Female. Works of Democrats have carried the was won hv the Unions, which Efttrtuniliiftry iniluceftient Washington Irving Unished iu a workmanlike luitoner. with a cistern of probably JLegisla- Morrisania, Flour dull; Spring extra 9 25 @ 10 80. Wheat dull jyj ture. The is in but Thurman them the The score soft water. IV desirable on account location tor a Governor doubt, championship. stood, auil 3c lowip; salas Nr. 1 at 1 Go and No. 2 at I 93. To Let. yt Septeiubei ;0. (ItI A. M Mu KENNEY. dwedlfig and store’, and t»i« one «»t* (In in... ( l.usiu is probably elected. fivesfuious 111, Athletics 12. Corn tame and 2c lower ; sales No. 1 at 108 @1 Iu aunouuciag several new editions, iu a *>t\ le of 08]; Laces and Embroideries I mBB Sereud, Third and Fourth Stpriei iu Smilli's stre«-tain the city, leading over Into The Enquirer estimates Thurman’s The Union League Cluh this No. 2 at 1 07. Gals lc lower; sales 54Ba«, Use “ Fukey’s bridge majority evening adopt- quiet 1. New clock,No. Mi Uniou SL A ifcsirablc lueaiion Cook Wanted. impro ed oleg&uce and convenience, of the Works the towns oi Westbrook, Falmouth ni.dFutnheriun at 2109. The will stand 19 Demo- ed resolutions of condolence to and ete lower shies at 1 28 @ 1 30. moderate- Legislature the Boston Barley All goods contained in our Lace Department, are se- lor Jobbiug or M.mitai:! utiug purposes. Will 1*leas- Tor ins at Bole. ly active at a decline of 3c; sales No. 2 at 1 18. Mess FIRST i:itu Cook will Uml » guwl uutl pleasant of WAHtfrSGTON the Wuuld take crats to 17 Republicans in the Senate, and 50 League Club in tile death of its lected witn great c&iv and good taste, and ed entire or separate. Aiufyto liViKO, publisher At house and land No. 4o Lincoln President, Pork dull ab 23 75- Lard more active at A situation by applying iu,m«tliau>ly at No. 17 Democrats to 50 Republicans in the House. Charles G. Luring. 13] @ 13]c, comprise the nicest patterns ot A. CUSHMAN & CO. 1 Street. A twoHhi'T house atitl land Nu, V5 Smith Receipt*—11,000 bbls. Hour. 134,000 bush, Statu Struct. August 28,1807. the opportunity ot acknowledging the good tecep- wheat* J*ly23dtl No. 34 Union Street. tiff Strict. A two stogy lioUse and land No. I2» V'» !i- Columbus, Oct. 10—4.15 P. M. 66.000 bush, corn, 47,000 bush, oats, 6,000 hogs. Aug-78 Mns.urlia I ictus Hon which his effort* in the presentation of these fa- iuglull Street. oCMM Id The election returns show that Hayes is elec- tin .Shipments—12,000 bids, flour, 37,000 bush, wheat, CI iut>> Thread Valeucifeawen, (Maltese, and 108.000 bush, Wanted. without Governor, a of Got. 10. corn, 5,50(1 bush. oats. Pelst Lace CalkiM and Handk’ft. vorite writings have heretofore received. In the lev* ted, doubt, by majority Boston, on Pant anil Vest Makers, at A F. Horses, i at Auction to and that the is James alias : -tr.- Stofe Lots Exchange St., YORK’S, arriages, &c, from 1000 2000, Legislature Pottengill Gray, alleged to be CIOAT,J\Brow n »& Hanson’? Middle H oral tonus in which the various ol the f-iuciuiiuii Block, st, opposite productions lit 11 o'clock A. oil ii( w democratic a small u Three coun- an expert thief anu passer of counter leil mon- ?lMabels. also a nice assortment of H. SATURDAY, II., by ajority. ’' r; May’s aug2Gd3m TO IsE.lSE. author ot the EVERYmarket lot, Market siiegl, 1 shall sell Moi‘c*. ties are to be heard from. has been arrested in this and commit- C/sr'lNNA I I, Oct IQ. ‘*JJkelch-Book’# have been given to the ey, city Carriages, XTc. ted to for He is Whiskey unchanged. M«sh Pork lower and quot- a GENTS WANTED—$10 to $20 a to intro- Harnessed, jail trial. said to have had a EDGINGS AND day. it Is estimated that the sale has reached uo *9. K. O. Itwi. ed 23 50. Lard in nemand Bacon TNSERTINGS fV duce our uew public, Ayl HAILEY, AHct.‘oncer hand in the lewd and various at 134c. him; sales Lots 90 patent STAR SHUTTLE SEW- robbery, depre- to come ou' fi urn smoke Wive Stove ft. front, ING McG Oct. 10. aLD]c ua shoulders and 16]c MACHINE. Price $20. It uses two threads, less than thousand id Urn series, or more than a REOOR, dations on ip Hew York anil Boston. of same. flity BY M. (’IIA ULLS & property tor clo-pt sidjjs (he Running bark ICO feet, on Westerly side of Ex- and makes the genuine Lock SiVroii. All other low ifO. Iowa election returns from county The have also arrested 1 Clayton police Frank Bustclt lit tuiir .<*«■ .ill **«»»|«» lb>:> i»M »•«•/’ change street, formerly occupied by Walter Co' ey priced machines make the Chain Stitcli. Exclusive million volumes. Nor is the demand yet abated. 109 Federal Street, l’orlhfiid, Aic.,:«udb7 liiiiou r fti*- 1200 majority; from Welch- alias llochon, with recent 8rw OiUuum niarkMa. Mas*. Republican charged swindling and others. territory given. Send for Circular. W. G. WILSON On Strict, Boston, man 750 Howard cun- in & the contrary, new exertions ol enterprise are re- county Republican,and operations Oleve’and, Ohio. Bussell was NEW Orleans. Oct. 10. Apply to Co., Manufacturers, Cleveland, Ohio, an 13d3m 325 Embroidered Hatidkerchicf*, Tacked and IkRY OOuDS, I kited Ware, Wat* to a, Hhirta ami ty Republican majority. delivered fiver to Chief of Police Frazer, oi Cottou active and prices sales quired to meet the desires ot a new ot * irregular; 1,16> bales; GEORGE A. THOMAS. generation 1 Drawers. Army Pent, and F important The contest tor the is- inactive, unchanged. VMtoHitiaM general ions of readers with no ot great troltiug Long 16 00 50 m and 19 50 ordinary emotions DAY and FRIDAY dining the listne-s ycanon. changes in the Cabinet, to be followed by a @16 tierces, in tins. Potatoes WATCH a flat agate set in gold. The land colt stake lor three year came off to- KEY, Ur Liberal advaue. s on ( «*n> iguim uts. wholesale of under officials. The olds, 5 50 per bbl. Onions 4 60per bid. Bacon $15 00 por We have constantly on hand a large line of Under will he rewarded it he will leave Interest. The charm of the felicitious stylo ot Wash- decapitation on the Fashion A suitably September 7. (lom President will take a stand which will day Course, sweepstakes $500 quintal. tt at the Probate Office. aston- ingtou the reflection of the ish the each, half forte it. There were sixteen entries; _octVIiif ^Fresh living, amiahlo pceth country. I'oniium-isl—Per t able. Oysters.^ ^ sixstsrtvii. The race was mile heals und re- of the Thomas L. and E. arc men- Goods! Found. made to have a of spirit finely refined "onfh im n. would he felt Ewing Corning in the second horse his London, Oct. mourning Ilaviug airangenu-nts supply tioned as of tho peat, harness, saving 9—Evening. a Lea At I*ers-iuw' Secretary Treasury. Seward Consols at for Tuesday lust, on Danforth at, piece of Fancy ou on slake; I'lie value of the stake » ns $4050, and 94] money. any topic which the author had been pleased will probably send in his from Au- American Veils. Trim- Catsimere of about two or three yards. The ! ! resignation won securities. -The following arc the Mourning Mourning Sets, Handkerchief ON • rm.KMMt »'*■:•* was by Mr. J. S. Watson’s br. e., brother rciiue at thie OymlPrs to bestow It. But It is for burn, and Re Johnson can be his suc- quotations for American securities: United .States mings, &c., &c. owner can have the by calling office, Steamer the ever-enduring tame verity to 2.52 2‘52 1-4. A match tor for this Latcriisement* By Iron. NORFOLK, V A., I would ^aj to cessor. Bruno; time, J-4, Illinois Central Eiie proving property aud paying 5-‘J0’s, 71]; shares 77]; shares the public that I have this day received a lot in the of Irving, that he chose for the exercise of his $2000, mile heats, in was won Lov- Atlantic and Great pen rr Htr-uee ! The Tribune’s special says the President hairless, by 43]; Western consolidated bonds best condition. PartieB iu want .d''Oysters would do Worc4‘*Uii‘sh* ett's blk. sr., Oen. II. s 1>. -W1 '---—v, will lie serenaded when lie Butler, healing Mack 22. well tocalr as aie superior to iu the topics of undying value and importance. In his in- Thursday night Mountain in Lost! t^ey anything PBOKOFN<'F.I> BY ft U'BACT will define his in., Maid, throe straight hints; Frankfort, Oct. 9—Evening. FANCY GOODS! market. For sttie in any quanrtt \r to suit future policy. U.S purchasers. viting Essays on human life and character iu time, 2.28, 2.27 1-2, 2.29 3-4. the above 5-20’s 744. October a GOLD WATCH. EB^Wo persons who like g.«wl Oysters, I would poi- It is stated that Ex-Gov*. Seymour will suc- During 2d, Lady's say 4 oiaii«M< nrn of a letter fr.iiu a races Commodore VanderlilltVb. Liverpool. Oct. 9—Evening. The Under will he rewarded by leaving we areno\y servin; un this kind ol For sale in ceed Seward. F. P. g. Mountain Tins of our stock is and attrac- TUESDAY, suitably oys»ers. traylng iuanncrs, as the Sketch Book,” Brtic- B|pir, MeCler- Cotton irregular; sales 12,000 Middling up- part unusually large & Pearson’s No. 8« Mobile at Secretary Boy was driven halt, in 1.07 1-4, Sam Mc- bales; the same at G.ni-h store, only io iio Gent ft m nand and are by lands tive, those sets 01 ■ Ewing, named for the War office. at 8] (a) $ 5-lGd. B.ead-tufls quiet and un- comprising elrgant Jet, Coral. ■ brWge Hall,** and other he his Laughlin. and the Hots ot Street. / C, oct5#w, volumes, tombed, Black and Cowan are mentioned as successors changed. Sparr. Steel, cheaper Bogwood Jew- Atwood’s Oyster Uonse, at Al to lii elry.. all new. with mingled sentiment and those The “Owl* to McCulloch (4cn. Howard is to sent to humor, cniotifon* \»e The Kockiiiglinw I’nir. Also, perthmed Handleefehiei Boxes, Ladies Com- firotkr at the and Holt will be got rid of. Freight*. which are in the hearts of while id* plains Judge panions, together with a VERT LARGE assortment Implanted ad; W M I *. •». Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 10. New Oct. 9. I. FciTiald St Son, nrrtatet, ay, Gen. Sherman has bad an interview with York, of beautiful WORSTED PAT 1LRNS for SLIP- J. Good Sanw!” The Piscataqua lair closed to-dav. [For three continue topics of biography, of hi tory and romance, are cl the President. splendidly days,]—Freights strong, jnr- PERS, Otfotanns, TravidHfig Lags, and the like. “1>U Lea X l*ir- life* rot between Nellie Locke of this and ticularly to Great Britain and the Continent, and such The Times’s special there is au- city world-wide celebrity and passionate intend .is Altai to riua that U»..ir ,s »..« > says good rates have been both to vessels on the T S applicable Gipsey Boy ot Bridgewater, Mass., took place higher paid, In favors BOO is thority for the statement that the President berth and those K#*" gratefully acknowledging past ftjom highly estcitned in for a of The first heat wa- chartered. The tonnage supply is the s.ory of Columbus and )us followers, with their purse $200. dead, friends and the public, we would invite their atteu- Merchant _Awn Si'MRt YAMY TV India, mtiiI is in lit v announced in view of the recent elections lie very moderate, and medium size vessels arc much Tailors, The second and third were both won tion to the above mentioned articles, as we intend the Bloat *.! will make some in the Cabinet Ivy Nellie wanted for Sin. is discoveries of the New World; the life of the found- i*i>uikm !» change# in and Grain, Potrolcuni, Large tonnage them at reasomdde and soon to I oi Bell 2.38 2.3(1. The fourth heat was declared also more and selling rates, require OF ilatiU Gen. Sherman leaves for St. Louis inquired for, there is less disposition to — Friday. and it dark make room for other and winter good', i i -p— AND er of the nation, George Washington, with whole so in a dead, being tire race was umlo- accept long voyages than lor many months. Grain drawing gamst Information bus been received here that Please tall and examine, as we take pleasure in DIMM. safe tint l» rid i!. Foreign from San Fi aneisco keep up to £3 to the it the narrative of the Civil of 7-30's sent to Washington to be exhibiting new goods. and Military events of quantities There were 0000 or 8000 United and that rate has been refused fir into 5-20’s have been discovered to probably spectators Kingdom, The success ol 11«imeat tlelkiotis him unrivai* \ exchanged For ships now in that part, The advuuc iu Wheat to America during his remarkable career; the marvel- be and have been returned. present. gentlemen’s driving horses, trot eonh»h/Ws, the ptr- time. Time, 2.57, 2.52. 2.57 1-2. F. W. Miller’s Freights dull, oct4dtf No. 10 Clapp’s Block, apply The Post’s says the statement that as are also shorl foreign to the West his race iu see special Old Jack made twolieals in 2.57and 2.58. The voyages indies, geuiusof t.Uc romantic fact aud legend ol lie is respectfully ,tnp«ctmliy ar.nouuce to California to San Francisco re- within ten to fifteen mfnntcS walk of the PostOffice. *’*T -'*« Is citizens ol lNjrtlanit.uid that he New Oct. 10. will dine with the Governor, aud accompany Freights—Freights Oct 4-dlw merit readily appreciated reader Wilhite'lie \icindy, York, main dull at low measurement by every ; hi* him to the theatre in the very rates; 15 (& 3Qe; ALSO, ___■ permanently located ill hi* eit>. During the tl.r The Herald editorially says the recent elec- evening. Preble House.) sense and weight ]c; no Kails titterings; Coal $15 ton 224# A large garden lot, beautifully located, Rplcndid (Under good humor, the air of enjoyment pervad- years we liavc bceu in this cl), we have cored*o.n tions do not denote Democratic but Nails w victorias, lbs.; 70c per keg. The shipments of agricul- soil, well stocked ith fruit trees, &c., within twelve ! ot the worst l<-rims of dicase in person* wholiuv that the element of the -s new rnaw ei zsouDcry—.* malt- I'nson Quilts ing bis pages, has secured his works a homo In both Republican conutry tural freight are expected tube lighter than multi, minutes walk of the Post Office, at 30 cents per foot. fcied oilier forms ol ircali&u-jit in vain, uml cun*i null Bobbed. September IT- has aside to rebuke its leaders. 0 Broken into the California market been ove stocked last Corner lot. size 87 x 200 loot; will make six house lots. dim__ JUankets ! in m> .short a Linn? ilial :,he notion stepped having hemispheres, wherever the English language is un- pulicut* i, is mica The World editorially says the elections are 11 ahtfoku, Conn., Oct. 10. year. With improved rates in the Atlantic service, ALSO, NEW STYLES asked, ill* they stay cured? To Miiswci thisiiuetn >t owners arc less desirous to their to Five from to each. l derstood. Ol the few We will suv that ad that do u. has been a praci leal Electrkian lor I went The Times the elections in- ware stolen from the -how case of the ROWING y editorially says furnish- die yetis, and is also a regular gnniWHieil no 19. dlt 300 among the foremost. The doliglu ot the nhysieiai dicate increased confidence in the Demo- ing shop, where they were exposed foi sale lo Hfew York Htack Market. "NOTICE. At FERSATiD * SON’S, September Congress St. childhood, Electricity is j*ciici tly udiptcd to chronic liheaces cratic hut a reaction the visitors. ol or sick party, simply against New GW. 10j chivalrlc companion of refined womanhood, the sol- the form uervoy? headache: wrumdgtu in extreme acts York, Under Preble 111)ate. tyrd measures of the Republican The rogues gained access to the prison yard Stocks:—heavy and excited. HHHE property ol the Yarmouth Paper Company, sent20dlBt the head, neck, oi rxliemii••*; consumption when ace of life at every period, his writing are an in the acute or ttw aw not party, and convey an admonition which ought by breaking through a small gate in the rear American Gold....143] X situated in Yarmouth, twelve miles from Port- imper- stages twliere lung* iuI;v be to U. S. Grand Trunk or FALt. AND VVINTEK M Bi U FROM Involved; acute oi chrome iheitioalimi sormula, i..», to salutary the leaders. and took a wheelbarrow from one of the shops, Five-Twenties, ebu|»otis, 1862,.112] land by ICennM>cc & Portland AHLFAOTl REST ishable legacy or grace and beauty to his country disea-es, white swellings, n The Tribune tin* vital with which rolled off the and then U.S. Five-Twenties, coupons, 1864.1(18] Railroad, is offered for sale. spinal ili^asw* CHTVniu- editorially says prin- they booty oi the 0Atr.mlwl a of U. »S. Five-Tw enties, coupons, 1865..109 The consists of an excellent mill'privi- men. spiuo, u^dle?, oi speech, dyspepsia, iiMlIp clusive Ten-Forties, registered.100] plete paper triumph; through wh atever trials of foul, coo tractors for the labor of convicts in U.S. with Store House, Stable and tic.u, constipation audlivui complaint* pile."—we cure Ten-Forties, coupons, iv;;.100] per day, together JUST RECEIVED* several forms of unusual elegance, and all, in pro- the great party will move right into the furnishing shop. U. S. 7-30’s. Stock House. every case tjiatcau. la? presented: iiUunu, bmnr'ui constancy 105] strictures ot nil arduous hut inevitable achievement of equal New York Cenlral,. 113^ The whole Is now under leaso for five years at a portion tp a moderate prico for sack, combining good Us, thachest,and loraMcf leunij tor all. good rent, and will lie sold subject to the lease. ! * Cpupihlt. rights t'anadian Affairs Erie,. 68] taste with Tbe will Erie preferred.77" Ii not sold at private sole previous to Thursday, economy. series be issued in the Oct. 10. October it will then be offered at Public JVATHAUf UaOIJ). . From Ottawa, Rending.101 \ 24tli, Auc- following order, punctually on tho first day of ea?h By KU'dvicitv WaMhingioic. The members of the local of tion, on the premises, at 3 o’clock P. M.,011 that government M ich i gan (’cut ral .lob the pleasure to wifom his friends and the The Kheumatic. the the Janie and the la*y Oct. 10. Nova Scotia have Sir T. Williams day. month until completed, beginning with October: gcuur, Washington, resigned,hut Michigan Southern,...... 82] HASpublic that he has just received a full and ieap with joy, and move wi'b the *guii> and cln.u. Official information of the arrival the U. Illinois Cent ral. 122 l'lie can iHiexamlDOil at Terms of declines to accept their resignations as he property anytime. oi youth ; the heated brain i« rtirfled; the ‘rod- A; Rack Island cx-div. 961 $1,000 at sale, and balance on delivery of deed. KxteiRirc Assortment of _ ity S. steamer Aroostook at Singapore Aug. 18th leaves soonfor England. Gen. will then Chicago FIIW. Til REA Braccbridge Ball. Astoria. bitted Mmbs restored, the anconih deformities Doyle ] A. L. LOKING, Treasurer, ,l“in The betwee n the United States the blind tuade I- see. the deal In hear .ml postal treaty Toronto, Ocl. 10. October 8. dtd Yarmouth, wa"?nt' Sketch Book. 2 vols. strength; French vfl ;-i—r- i ftt-re-* r--» Crayon Mjsfcdlany. sented at tiie Treasury Department for re- j ing on the St. Lawrence. Coupons. 143] | Spanish Papers. United States ill M ‘n anl Women's Goldsmith. ii A 111 ¥ 8 deniption. All were either of A or B series. Coupon Sixes,iFSl, (issue J861).. Hair Felt Inner Soles! -FOR—— r. l I Sationary and. Portable Miscellanies. Un ted States 7-30s, 1862 106] V Alhambra. Who have cold haur.f and loci; weak stomach*, lo.n The counterfeit is regarded as one of the most Dmirnciive bites. better than cork. A large lot just receiv- Washington, 5 vols. duly: ..... 106 and weak hacks; nervous and sick headache; dte.:i that has beeu is ed and tor sale, wholesale and ami \\i111,■ c s dangerous yet executed and tlowrmn, N. H., Oct. 10. United Slates5-208. 1862 MUCH retail, at Palm- Fall Cnluipbu*, vols. Life and Letters, 4 vols. ues? ami swimming i:» the head with indigestion and Ill] er & Merrill’s Boot and No. .Steam declared superior to the coillitei leit $500 green- A fire occurred at Hillsboro’ ot 2 1864. 109 Shoe Store, 132 Middle Engines and,Boilers, constipation oftlie howelsj twin in ihc side and hick; Bridge of the A ol 1*ta»0W backs by Uhlric, who is now iu 1866. Street, sign large pane of glass. variety Engines; also. IfiitieeR will be issued, unmrly: leucorrhtva, (or white?); failing orine v»omh with i prison. o’clock this morning, destroying the large liv July, Mil] October 8. dlw Tin* >ereuado to the President lias 1865. ! tunul cancers; tuiuor n^, uudaU that long promised stable of George A. together with 107] OVERCOATINGS 1. Tub cry Bobbins, KnickeRiiooki r Edition— flmhl :.f mSea*e« will Ona in l .lei lru.it a sure nu .» * been indefinitely postponed. 1807 ...... 1074 -AND (large paper) y five horses, carriages, harnesses, hay and grain. ol cure. For too United States T ..-forties ... 101! pnminl n.cnvtTnntion, *,40111->> Family School l Orevcrv n„ on superfine laid full with 11- Also a small llverv stable owned John for Boys .Inscription, hon,l a, „nr Mnn- paper, aiae, 12mo, * by Eastern Railroad. 110] constat men*ti nation. and ill 01 tho*e long line 01 trout u ami I). P. Greeulier. ! uiacioi iu Ouaklbstowh, at our 1? % cruionl Muzzy occupied by Portland Sixes iBt>7... o2 • AT GORMAN, MB. BM^inowH Nub# Mars,and lnstiations. end bound in vrttb young ladies Klectihiiy a rertaiti apccih beihlnlurr. City Warehouse, nil Lioerty Elegantly printed LonrsvnxE, Kv., Oct. 10. Western K illroad. 143 street, and will, in ashert lhae, teVtcre ;be sufferer title Montpelier, Oct. 10. New York. extra Price The strainer Ella Falter was destroyed by Portl md, Saco & Portsmout U Kaiiroadu. 104] Which be i9 ready to make into cloth, gilt top. to subscriber* for 7igni ci health ri lie Vermont General Assembly convened Rev. George A. Perkins, apr23eod6m COOK, BYMES & CO.' fire at Portland last night. She was valued at "■ . Principal. the whole set, $2,25 per volume. Holt calf TEXTII ! TEETH I TEETH! in this place to-day. The two houses were or- ; extra, $150,000. Fully insured in Louisville offices. SITUATION pleasant, healthy, and very accessi- Dr. D. .still continue? to Extract .'ccih by Err.- ganized the election of the following offi- JH KJT TS ! ux $3,7B. by O ble.. .The Winter Session ot nineteen weeks will Mid,lit Mechanics’, A" aoci aion. fbioity wiTHOut pain. Persons havingdrear> .1 Clark of Sec- Tea I commence on first cers:—Senate—Henry Rutland, 1- rani California. Tea, Tea, the Wednesday atter — AT TBB- teeth or they wish lo have removed lb" reset- Thanksgiv- '•* This edition wilt be sold to tor stumps retary; James S. Peck of Assist ing. Send for circulars. only subscribers a invitation 10 all. Montpelier, IT U y ting hi* would give polite ant D. San Francisco, Oct. 10. October 10. . h m Uai'tion*. of bark Clara has arrived from Pilow lies and lor the center D. can :• it». m*'it ntB with luvi.tf art Middielmry, Speaker; J. H. Flag*' of Bell, Bay, Little Blue -AKD— THIRD table. Dr. accomuc-dute of the ot the Family School9 EXHIBITION vnd treatineirt at hi ‘•..me. Bennineton, Clerk; Rev. Mr. Foster of Mont- bringing a portion employees Having taken the new store OF hours Iroui a o'• lot k A. >1 to 12 ft! from pelier, Chaplain. company. The Nightingale sailecl the same FlBiUlNCTOlV, JUG. WAHRANTCD TO FIT! *• Tint Utkwuiidt Kimiiur—oh Uwe white p«|>er. Office No. 85 Fod«*ral,near Exchange St.. to 6 P. M and 7 to ft, in ike eventotc* day, Sept, lfith, and is momentarily expected iu I6iue. fl'HE next session of thiB Classical an«l The whole set will >>e newly sickeo- Couiullatiou lieu. uovlt- witli the remainder. would rail the attention of the citizens of Porllanu English Mechanic Arts and X Boarding School lor will commence Not- Manufactures, Maryland Republican Ntnlc Convention. ton- Boys to Cloths and have them typedlh the Mine elegaht 'manlier the vol Tbs shipments of wheat during the mouth and vicinity to my new stock ot goods Every’ gy*Persotis wishing buy as\n * vemlwp40i.J facility affbrded for the physi- to Oct. 10. of of cut to be made at home or.elsewhere, will do well umes PROPOSALS. Baltimore, September were €00,25$ sacks, valued at Misting cs* mental and moral ot committed already issued. These will be re issued training pupils call on IS NOW OPEN -A_ The Republican State Convention met here $126,456. to our care. Apply to THE — and continued in OrFtce of Tin: U. S. Muishal, l and nominated L. Bond tenders 110 1-2. oot7eoditw3w EDW. P. —(IN monthly volumes uulil eom- to-day. Judge Hugh Legal Coffees, WESTON, Principal. District of' Maine, Portland, Oct. 5, 1*C7. f Governor. The resolutions Teas, Sugars, Spices, Oreen for adopted pledge Y P I.OW lieted. crape doth, gilt top, bevde.l PRO W»S A IS will be teceiv.d at il See. 9 A: Nathan Cioold, ^IT jO 10Jut., the of to uuiyer- The >.* un- Republican party Maryland Various Items. Annual Meeting edges, $1,75 per volume. SEALEDolttec, No. 11«lupp’s Uljck, Coiigr. triad, sal manhood uniform And will continue tVoru four to six weeks. til October 17, K o’clock uoan, suffrage, education, pay New Oct. 10. My st ick is all ct the tlic Female Orphan Asylum of will THURSDAY, tfloT.ut ol'the National and them- York, Portland, MERCHANT TAILOR, 3. The tor tarnishing the II. S. Courts with t'nel lor the meut debt, pledge Mrs. OFhe hold at the house of Mm. .1. T. McOobU No. People’s Edition—From the Mine Mereo- yea. to Phillip Groesbeck was shot Tuesday FIRNV CM. AH* VOODN! 1|« HRIltSF^MDj ^Mprrhiieiidtiit. ending October lf>, I HUH. The fuel will b selves fight it out on that liue." Also, fa- at 42 Park Street, ou Tuesday, the loth ibr e required night Masepettc, L. J„ while walking with and 1 Intend to sell them at fair prices. All insl.,ot 137 Middle Street- September 25. WS&Mlt types as the above, but priuted n the best quality of Lkiiicu CoalSTOI V. Sizf., welt vor the repeal of the present militia law. goods o’clock, P. M. MARY Bi See. eheaptr |m- her husband. The warranted as STOKER, screened anti free/nun Slate amt hvst anu to be de- assassin escaped. represented* October 8. dtd and bound in cloth. to September 13. lm pir neatly Pike $1 2.r> p«*r livered in sueh such an l Owing unwarranted demands on the part WILLIAM L. WILSON* _ quantities and at times places an the U. S. Mar Maine From of the Brooklyn Printers Union the Aug 10-wit volume, slid for the District ol Richmoiifll. regarding Estate of Seward Merrill. A«m4 Awiiwii «r E^ton & may direct. internal regulations of the office- Family Day Scjmel* # Oct. 10. newspaper is given that *** lu this edition these favorite works are now Proposals to be eudors* d “Proposals for Fuel for Richmond, ot that not FALL A IV JL> WINTER : hereby the subscriber haa Nm-ridgifwock, Maine. of city being complied with by the been U. S. Courts.” and tublrr ,i to «ln- United States Outside the Republican election NOTIcfEduly appointed Executor ot the Will of and Flannels, In a party, proprietors there is a strike on there. Shirtings presented readable and attractive shape, and Marshal for the District or dajie- has bet u received here with goiug SEWARD MERRILL, late ol (Est,ihl;«!u> lie giving iviag advantages by t»e*| of The day. people particu- FOR 31 E N A N D ROYS. law directs. All persons demands the demies With those ot a school.-* %* Sunuyhipf Edition is now publiahed at the late of Boston, Oct 10. having upon AT Fogelner family discouraged the amend- estate »l said are » For Sale in Saco. larly on deceased, required to exhibit the For catalogue address EATON BROS. in 2k J. B. Eaton, roadmaster tlie Boston and A Stock, all the NTRVE3# r «:u complete vote., 12 mo, cloth. $2 50 per w ith ment iu Ohio. Splendid embracing same: and all persons indebted to said estate ate Ohilurl. t>nd4tv Price, FIRST Cl.ASS twostorv hou*e let, situat- was killed this are Lowell railway, morning called to * ed on Main No tfi7, next als-ve the Con- The governnient making arrangements by upon make perm ant to September 10. dtf 300 Congtess fef. volume, or In half mlf, $4 per Tokim*- # A Street, from the on to t he track. AN l.REW P. Meeting Hou-e, tn sa« o. The lohation to have Davis’s trial, evidence and arguments,; stooping platform DESIRABLE STYLES! tiSBORNE, Executor, gregational conductor on N. B.—The utiention of the Trade is in- combines ah the to make one of the mo-1 the _ Mass. specially requisites for preservation in Benjamin Ttraniali, freight ,, BobIou, for Wen’s aild reported by stenographers NOW REiDV AND FOB SALE LOW. E. tor said Cloths Tioys’ Wear, residences in the city or Slate. House near- Newport railroad, was killed last uiglit by being "J" Morris, ally’., estate No. 100 vited to these several editions. pleasant book St. Enterprising book- ly containing nine tinl?died rooms, hall in cen- form._ on the car. Exchange mill* new, struck by a bridge while top CIBPKTI»«<, with stable and Octohei 1,1?«7. sellers can take orders for whole tre, together out-buildiugs. Lo 'Portland, Oct.\-cod3w readily sets.^to be feet of fcBHcaice ■ egialntorr. Table r.incii', Towels, contains over M,WO land, with garden and Moulhi-i-ii firms. Robinson & Sheetings tulle Nasiivii-le, Oct. 10. Knight, (Mirered in monthly volumes. truit trees, one-half from the railroad depot, Patent and a great many other articles selling cheap at and three and one-hall miles from Old and New Orleans, Oct. 10 Damper. Orchard Gov. UjBOWiilotv was inaugurated to-day, 288 CONGRESS ST, sul.sci iber is now «. P. Beach. Will be sold low lor ra: h. Tlie fever interments for ready to supply the citizens «mi:M a Puinum & Sou, Innuir.-of the address was read by the Gover- yellow twenty-four of Portland and f«>, JOHN inaugural (Mile Freblr Portland. THE viclutty with the celebrated c. PROCTER. maintains that hours were 50. Opp House, see. 300 Street. nor’s Secretary. He Nay’s Patent Damper, at No. 101 Fore Street, and Call and Congress PlCUSHKRS, oeMd2w Middle St., Pm Hand. private lavor Oct, 10. the of the Republican party Mobile, October. 5. dlw&u2w InvuntorV Kxeiiaoge. No. 2*9 Congress Street. A l principles There were six tevei lew urrirtted. NEW AKI1 New York. immigration into the State ol northern men, interments from yellow good agrtits octfalw CtIRES BS HOFF S MALT BXTBAEir French BEVERAGE OK Filr Sale Millinery. ami in some, during the last two days. HEALTH. ^9 by Dailey & Noyes, Exchange St regrets the disposition manifested ST -2S'ilnin,-»s..,r..e5SS^~ Just rotnrued t tom N» w York, wear- of 1MSONT BABCOCK, Lot to ^' by whom will to uni Lease. sale on favorable terms. H is in l>c reecived. our ti parts the State to drive them away. -AND- Ottered tor very suhscriptiots HAYINGprepared sb..w Fteiim r Patrons, Flection Frauds. GOOD Lot on Gross Public, u Pan. Street, 30x95 feet. Fourth ISprime running order, and u,s siiuaiion for business May 25, Charles Rheim. Esq.. Ninety third strei t September 28. dim desirable si... w of Minima y uml lot tram Middle Goods. New Oct. 10. A st'-et. Anply to is unfturtmtbdS as a basin. sir stand tin- sul#ol Grain uud N. from DISEASE OF THE 4Jon>it,t ng of ail the Latest t.-ii.U Style-, The Yoke, Eighth avenue, Y., Intrr-Kialc a LIVERMORE, i. asiue trom the business of Grinding; which a- CHEST. whicli wo tftr at low h. KrgAilB. Washington specials say fraud has beeu MANFFAfTI HERS OF V'.H.,IERR1S, &c.t For Kule! pile in October 2. d3vv» Rea’Estate lono would pay a good Miller Agplv to IDs. Walsh N. Y. from M ws. \\ OP I II A M X WELL, ™ N. Oct. 10. discovered ille- Agent. May 2d, Edwards, Theatre, Albany, Ym Philadelphia by which .1,000 EDW. H. BURGIN. A LAKQE Newiouniilaud Dog. two years oM, a No Fro Street. was the votes SOKE TH ROAT. n To-day last day ol the Inter-State Tlemocraiic were cast in that city. bruihei to the dog that waa pieseutud by the s* «l2w A gal September 30. d2w No. 120 Commercial St. May 10, F w. Wilkinson, Esq., No. Bcauiort September 2R, lHf»7. P»3ft regatta. large crowd was in attendance. Varnishes, &c. Corn. 17, Colony of New foundiaici bo If. R ft tiie r’rinee ot Japans, avenue*, Brooklyn, romGEN.BH.AL DEBILITY. Tin- hist race, between iff isrellnueons Western Mixed Corn, Wales in 1SG1. l'or apply to ibur-oared shells, was Ifispntehrs. :ti BRO.in stKlift:T, uontov OHO .ULiMHELS ot Maine. Npivher. Ksq No. 2d3 West h.n particulars A l ine Location e,,t' tt Ac.in store and .Jevilor. For sale MnyljJF. y-eighth 11EOUUE r- -‘ **». Mutuals Finer it ess Area's tine c. stimson, John street, Wbln llfi'l PI MCDONALD, ot bm-ini >s t.u sale. Gon e and lot ;y '*>' Monroe, Oct 0. babcock, < Executive 1 KNTvONSUMPTli »N. SNt Free Sitter or No 1 a man ot ;AV 20 minutes by BLAKE, JONES & iAGE, Dkfaktmkst, Madison Street « Albany time, 2 seconds I n the JOHN Lb lirtVioliE. dOm 3. T. Uiy Division corn, r Clc.-Hinui aud uuds laud Mtiec-t. II. A large number of vessels bout d to New septf No. 1 Galt Block. A iigusta. Sept. 90, 1 st»7. 5 May Kiuipler, Ksq.. street, N. Y.j October*. <11 w* I|*OR second race, single sculls, urtSdlw__ fiorn OBSTINATE and lot extend- lift Ac. on Chrduut st; pa., tor a block Kandall'sHini Smith’s put in here from stress oi adjourned session of the Executive Council will CATARRH, his whe from boats fouled just as they reached England )e»ts BODILY of two houses may be s Id otb Al-o a lot on < hurch the * are taken to GiiiutliaiCs Sale. be lield at the Cnun* it Chamber, in on WEAKNESS* Measures being build Notice. AN Augusta, To Forties about to lot two liou-. s stake, tune r.t both boats, 2b weafh.-r be sold at auction, unless previous- Line 11. if. Calioa, N. Y — GEN- Buihl street, ling, enough Apply to minute* 45 M c- to the on fht public umlersigoed liereliy gives nolico thatheis Mouday, th-J fourteenth day f Octolier next. Vf.iTikHnstreet, oinls. Tin* Union Club ot tefp"i-iph Hires principal ptflnts ly of at sale, on TH ERAL CONDITION IMPROVED. oc2d.*tw W. II. ILi.iGS. Boston private URSDAY, member nf Attest—EPHRAIM ... entered the underwriters. WILLdi*|Mjscd TGIEnot a the firm of Plummer FLINT. M -A W A Jfc rowed eoasl ill file inteiscsfrof the the 7th dav of 1H07, at the Post OreSsey, gS. ITuion, by J. Tyler, Jr., who e;tnie in Novenil^er. Office, A Oulu, iiud tbe use *»i bis name after this date is oct2dtd Sect etary oi State. Si*-vcus’ at 2 o’clock 1*. all the ival estate * Or«i an.l fourth. The rendered a ('INI INNVi'I, Oct. 1(1. plains, M., w wilhout his couHent. OEO. E Oats. judges finally decision of minor holly COLE, ot citiacu Ferdinum Alb. ila and Mabel Stow.dl, (ktfoher 8, lcB7. K00,"'Bter' N- V -, l,N,W ...... in lavor Baudall, created great t-x- Hertzier, a w ealthy ofSprhig- orio.ll w* W tyhioh Daniel heirs of Caroline K Slowell, consisting of 4j acres at irtepbry. 22.000 ckeineut and angry discussion this morning by burglais iSI GO’S. New clotli- W„„(^ WiistfiCAreliiieei, among interest- Held, was murdered wood him! and three Other wniTll parcel* of wood and iWK, ADAMS Store, rubber .lime t<,Gustav Hiiiijo. No. 387 avenue, N. Ho'v,''';- K- 17 street. If.WM BuhIkIh Hu.itburn W 1.11** *V.i 11- AI.ANNAN M. TUAMKM Eighth Ucl Fachauge ed A considerable amount of who lor the purpose of rob • of BuOts, oit JU. 1.07 parties. money mined his house pas* mv l nuls DAVID TURKEY, (luardian. AS.lug, donviniug Capes, Gouts, Lo'/gitifei*, wwiww. ,111,1807. oc eodtw* It.tKH) UuhI.vIb .hit-1. admitted a partner same c8 Horse i-rUA Wi'ijM changed hands on the race. in The murderers October 5. 1*07. octhltfw iuoiirtinn. Style Shoes, Blankets, Wagon Springs. Carry .Iuu,..,ir,L. L. |.ec hWx Port Hcary.— T*TKl!t'E * *° ry. escaped. Westbrook, let re. County, ForMilobJ- O'BRfON, third IS TilOMKS, SMAItDON & GO- Combs, Ac., at HAS DUNK HIM GOOD. t October 1. Tin* race, between double was Oct. 10. KtJHITECTintEA- ittf __ sculls, 10. ENGIVKEEINR. _ BaptimobEj Qjtuber diw No, 35 Commercial $t., Port I ami, Mav W. Canailn-lS won the Josh the Wink In Wan led. 27, M. Ollvle. Montreal. Moser*. ANDERSON. I.ONNEI.I, >t < <>.. liavo by Ward, withdrawing the Republican State Convention to-day October 3. eod‘2w NEAKLV made tho race ended. Time 2f»m. 4s. The ! (*Li I FLOOR BARRELS, at Forest OUT;ORDERS MORE. arrangements with M r. sTKAD. an Ar. lulett For Sale, before resolutions were to 17. recommend- iUU\ Sold t- adopted,M r Com- Only 9600! everywhere. Persons wishing agencies might c<* rcl'Olation. future on F Stn1. race was between the same Wink Pity Sugar Kcfinerv, Wc«fc a.e5SM. an,| will in carry CTORE lot* on Ml.Uk anil ton; last boats, tng the Grant the Be- to Hoff’s M2 Architecture w»tli Elm nomination of Gen. by mor. near loot of Emery street. a two story unfinished honso on leased land For Sale. Malt Extract Depot. Broadway, llK'ir br .siueps as Engineers. P:u- lots on Cuu.lxr.an i. winning six lengths. Time not As lor ial, aj.pl.y O ter, by given. publicans President. will also be on Sumner Street. SECOND HAND Wagon, in perfect tu are to on and Proposals received for new Sugar ILir- I7IOR Size 24 by 40 feet. Well cal- Expie«|3 Hivited call at their Struct* ITonsrs ibrxalf .A,‘' sociatiou medals badgi s were distributed a for two 4ima *I\>r further W. F. PH II.Lirs & CO., Portland, sole agents for omi c, No,.4k» ‘'a, -i,: Quebec, Oct. 1)0. reKJiiul sample may baseen at the oil&c ot the culated lamilics, giving each seven A running order, top? j>anU> Congress, siietl, and examine clova- Elm, rica.-x.il, High. I at family cab at the offlet ot EXPBEM Maine. ami Grocer*. ? pR... KB. to the successful competitors the Troy Nteamer Bt. Andrew Couipaiiy, IbSO Commercial, at corner of Union St. rooms. Apply to W. H. JERBIS ulare the CANADIAN Solti bv Druggists 01 bank*, gloves, blocks oi Struct*. o« trom Liverpool passed ortldlw Enquire w Exebaux'.. Stunt. House this evening. Farther Point at 9.15 this (eb!2d&wt* T. O. HERSHV October 10. d3w* CO„ »0 Exchange street. October 4. dot g)a^aptr octlOdlw evening. I REAL J I’oclr.v. EVTAtE. miscellaneous. COPA UT W r Ft* H IP. ni sc ETX 41VEOU*. WEBCntirDI8E. »i i a, :x 'f" ~y fc — j» (P^r Mi 'l l.. I.ndr’i Orcnm- House on Cumberland Street, For Copartnership. w hat Is Wanted! Across the Sierra tfevadas. Dumber for life, Bale. Just **ve «- formed a Nale. [nteruational Steahip Co. A’;.-! I lmvt> w.tlkod through * copart- Victoria x nership under the Royal Hotel, ; rPHK House in twit contains twelve good stylo of Ton heedless where I trod storied, the 1 ro all in order. Plenty good water in 100 m Dry P|a, to my ms, good Boards, NA*MAr, fit P Kahn nani< > ay4 li<*||»iug trample iellow-worui, j be sold on TO YOCR VM.AHU, HEAD A sod the kitchen. Thai propertv will favorable THE FLACK BUY H3IAI.L, IOO ,Tt Dry C«.'Rt« St, John, \ ml fill lb«* burial The I'nr- Heaslacli Hoard*, Ba?tp<»rt, terms and pp&ersjou given lmmediately. and TAKEN '**0 ** j- tin; that even the sparrow fulls it a ^boixthai^ Harare sad TUN orgct ldture will be sold with the house low Odor Shinnies. NELL & LORI A Z, Propribtohn. DIOBV, WIVDSOK A VO HALIFAX. JJot, unmarked of God! to WM. H. JEKK1S. Drv Goods the i Store So. 157 Qm,en price. Apply Cheapest Conmiereial Street, con- This and Hotel the October 9. dlw* ; sUnUyMhan.K141’''"^'1”' large spacious (oncot largest anti _ where we shall transact a sawed best iu the FALL AKI A.VOKMKNT. I drank the richest and where one is asked. wholesale HP’Dimenslons to order. West Indies,* will be opened for the ac- draughts; or Sale. only price E' & S‘ M' And ate whatever was f SMART> Lumber Dealers commodation ol visitors Nov. 1867. good— Pacific Railroad » 11 1, Fish and flesh and house No. 2G Jy FI H WKKJC. fowl and fruit, r pi IE cottage Myrtle Street. Has a Flour, and 8-d3m..IB Commercial kt. Nas-au is a l*eautiiul city on the Island of New TWO TKirA 1 brick cistern, tillered water. The house Grocery Provision my hungry routains and Is noted Supplied mood; rooms in thorough repair and business. Tlie Providence, lor its even temperature, Iiiitl never uiue nearly new. For A. J. & WM. M Western hall’ of tlie tm aihI tiler October 7th, remembered the wretched ones on the Pettengill Co., CLAKK, the Monday, that particulars enquire premises. Possession JOS. W. Coal, Goal, Goal t thermometer ranging about 75 during the Win- be NI P NOCAND, Capt. starve for want of food! the tirst of November. READ, Steamer given have on hand tor ter months. Sir. EH BRUNSWICK, “ •oid i.T <»K Great National undersigned delivery the Field,and tr- If «itt of a No. 169 Middle Street, Portland, October Trunk Line I dressed as November, part ot 7,1867, THEvailoue sixes of at the Steamer E. B. Wine lit Mur, will leave Kail- the noble dress, the house will be to let. aSO-U-*g&L- superior Coal, Loueit CORSICA leaves Now York every lour ipt Market Price,. Also road Wharf, toot ot Statu mr. t, every MONDAY 'dotli ot silver and an new Across the weeks, and It gold, have just opeued entirely stock ot Continent, takes only four days to reach Nassau. u»d at 5 o'clock V M. tor Eastport and >\ ith silk and satin and furs, For Dissolution ot All THURSDAY, costly "$1000. Copartnership. One Thouauui letters lor information addressed to TUNNJELL St John. In constructed with Oordi Hard and Soft Wood. many an ample fold; 8 “***“* between the Being the AID and SUPEKVIS- * will leave St. John and F on the limbs 1 ':2 B.lor-v V,OOB«. rooms, situated T^Sl£2riwSm1Jf>!ia5tofcre PBINCB * LORLAZ,Na^au,N.P., will be promptly answered Returning port Lut I never remembered the naked within 8 m|mi tee walk of the mutual con- ION OF THE UNITED STATES SOW, same days. Peat Office in a and sent Add neJ^niv.^dl‘y.ur and 0011 A. M., au.l 3.411 r. M. tlie recenUy occupied by Frederick HODGDON, The local Coals are all hrst I,3 48 47 17 August ter M P. thousand California, Utah and TRUE, *401,031 rrnodoro, utnmn and Katun N H M.. connecting villi the Nrw .tod Elmo % vr Montana; LanJ OD niw • firm I'*»f1 street, near the Cus- WH.theUte ol E. H. dk have this or at the rale ot two millions At m. uiim-i h §*r#vidru« come and but A tornA'OT..°4 lturgin Co., per annum, ofwbich _ Bnxt^rai.torfor Wait Button Loom-Raid. c,0APT.SlM.VION:s,on Man- they go; many more House. Enquire ol day torrned a under the of uth ot them BLANKETS, FLANNELS, Copartnership style more than three-iourthsarenct profitonless than 100 Umisgton, Lrmeriot, NowiU-.i Friday JKriMol,« APT’. come thau WM. SHEA, $7. Coal. ““Jhrfton It JL*if£e*ia!l*a,ld go. As yet Cheap $7. ParsortsfleM an.l Omlpee LAYTON, ou Tuesdays, ami S> it Ur- these harmless No 10 Vine street. mil s worked. This is upon the Thursday* crowds are weak and J*8dtf and everything to GEORGE W. TKUE & CO., actual, legitimate AtSaocarmnpaforH .nth Windham. Windham VAV du ns. pertaining Housekeeping, and leel traffic of the with usolul. Hop Chang a confident that our will road, itsternrinnsin the mountains, and North Windham, daily I feMengerft hy thin (in (o PHlLADl keeps laundry; Chi Hi 92,600! prices suit the P*r LPHiA, most for the purpose of a wholesale and with the normal ton, delivered at any part nt the By order ot rh«. B \LTIMurk and W ASH INGTON« in connect goes out as Cum economical. conducting only ratio ot government tians- c»t>.citi- Also lor sale _ President. with cook; Thing is a maid-ot-all buy a now uentoel two auil a halt at the lowest market 1867. the New work, \YTILL story and is juice, Portland, April li, dtf Camden and Ami*o> »* til road. li^g- they are iu uo T T In a liortaiion, exclusive of the materials carried lor Jersey, man’s way, aud they boose, just finished, good neighborhood, Old giigH checked thioiigli. hvbor lor a crust of containing seven re. mis, n cellar and brick the further extension of the Co. bread; the hod good cis- Grain & Flour road. Luhigh, Shortest, C heapest anti Best Tickets, Itenhri aud Staic-itooius ».. urod l>ornamJ and in 7, wait on ATI Three PKTTGNGILI, dr duct* d as John X. who will settle ran-, Chai« assortment ol Chicago Fifty-Ttoo guests. They make very Bargain, story brick bouse, 88 Dan CO., formerly by Webb, fie-.- Assuming that will build ,,u‘nd,1 Honrs" butlers good st forth of the accounts ot the lirm. they and control hall and chamber maids. Bob SI., corner Clark. Inquire of sepliSdtf No. 169 Middle Street. Sine the entire distance between San Rrancl co the ^ 9»-uv,;:;. Ticket-, t a old ELE'Ii GEO. G. WIGHT, and Through to artuda, and PORTLAND AND NLW YORK jolly girl in pig-tuil, washes <>.o obe 14. dKw HERCo., •SSP5* your JOHN T. WEBB. Mtasourt as now seems the The l»torie French roof. Finished William, NEW YORK, his interest By be- Through daily. from Bangor, Skowlit- 1*. Tbi Bill Steamer* drops water; and the ing to OAUBERT & OH ASK. The at Head of Maine W barf. I1 arm lBItlOO, FKAN- llirougi out in Modem Style, tbe store coming a joint investor in the gan, iu-ton. Augusia and on ar- habits ot his life prevent and tenc- January, 1867. thirsof the late firm will be settled either t- magnificent enterprise __PMy3dtf_ Portland, and anl him, even though meotare and by pai rival ol Steamers from and St. ^aff,'ONIA. lIILSAPLAkE, will, should latge commodious, and ill b\ie of tbe Insures J.H. and its first lien in Hanger Join making a*111 and alter ws: Ills bit of nose JAS. KEAZElt. gage Bondholders, the General above; thus a >^^Mi^^*iiirtlier tiny on the GEO. gatiou Risks. _sopl2dlm Government, in 7TIHE undersigned have on hand for voiding Hotel Kxiwuse* and Hacking OaH aWb.rt. P,u Hand. eve,, burning iron, from M HEARN, effect^ deliver, the 11T.® Wedaciaiav that it is September 28. daw 44 St. invitee the in crowded Cities. ami an seeing not the same to you. Lawrence st. co-operation qf private capitalists, and " ‘-owest Iburadi.^ Saturday, o'clock I' M ,andl«ve To-day The wbolfi oi the Notice l has aLrket tir-Bageagc checked through, wilhont Pier38 hisi Liver, N •» York, these yellow men are profits Company revert to the Copartnership carefully guarded their Interests against all or- &esSU^k,ob,'04l. change. eveijr Mi.inlay, Wed- sixty-thousand weak' and are Ai Refreshment Uu lor da v a ml ;u 4 in a For Sale or Assured, divided upon the Premia undersigned have this associated them- Rooms, Sleeping ars, Saturday o'clock I'. M. few years be six Lease. auuually, day dinary contingencies. Latlis, Shingles, American is Received from 3 be Oil and they may hundred tbou- and lor which Oer- THEselves together under the Firm name of tlanbert Clapboards, Money Passengers hold- igo Franconia arc lltled up wilb tine sand WILL sell at a low the Sro^rUliliat€d tLUring‘he year; and Pine ing Tickets strong. will ask for very price, lot of land on tificates are and fur the transaction of a The Company otter for sale, their Spruce Lumber. Spruce Dimensions sawed Through arrow uiodatlou.* Ibri.a ngoia.wakii, ibl* the They votes. They North issued, bearing interest until redeemed. Chase, wholesale flour through us, to order A most will liohl tiie 1 St., partially fenced. Or I will lease It tor Dividend tor ten and and at short notice. l.ri-weekly line ol first class steamers from Sar- speedy sale aiid.omi irfable route Inr balance ol In some A\crage years past 33 per cent grocery business, have taken store No. 78 travellers be- parties. dis- u term of years. W. S. SOU THARD. Commercial Thomas First lAtasoflc* ma. fire only fr-om Portland to Milwaukee tween New Ynrlr and Maine. tricts will make a street, block, old stand of Clark Morigage Thirty Year, Six p***|™». co., |M,DO, Passage instate Loom they the September S8. d£w* and street 302 and Chicago; State Rooms and Meals Cabiu majority; selecting The Company has the Chase. Cent. High Wharf, Commercial, iucluiled. |M» laiseam in o •. Meals catr i. j udges, the following Assets.wia: per Coupon Bonds, leaving Sarnia on Hoods lorwardcd (oruimg juries, interpreting the United States and State of JOHN H. GAUBEKT, late foot of High street, Tuesday, Thursday, anil Sutur- by Ibbt line lo ... i,om M n laws. T New-York Slocks Cit* ud pr29dll_ day on arilral ol tri hose yellow men are Farm for Sale. Bank and other OAUBERT* KEAZER, Principal la teres t payable la Oald evenings, Trains Ironi lire East ! aJ, OueLec, Bangui Bulb, A egu<,, East oorl anj Buddhists, pro- Stocks, 66 771 *885 & Through Tickets etui beI at all the Si, elohtl. aboni Loans secured Stocks WABREN P. late Caia, in New York arc in sums ol procured Prlaci- , Containing slxty-thr. c acres. by and otherwise i,|9q,*«a CHASE, city. They Sl,- ncket iifllces in practising mtanlicide.- LUMBER, pal New and at Ihe Corn- Shippers are to rend th. s Ollfoe. at ami rs aa ask MiidiMs-W turn, Interest and notes and Portland, Sept, 12th attached, Wholesale and Retail. early I'. M. ou ibe day ihai ihet mostly mowing, with a good sundry claims due fSla and are lor the 175 leave Portland. Asiatics to worM* two the selling present at 05 per cent, and F'.HRftPUt ASeut, Broadway, N. V ?n2fu o" a„Kr,:at s'ory company, estimated at 141 fifuj 24 C. .J. BUV dwill on the lacifle d-efr dwelling house, accrued Plank, Shingles and Scantling ol all sizes IKIES, Mauai'iug Director. For Irelgbi or passag, ani.li i.j slopes. A LatihtS?-story huu?c. u Bms Dissolution interest from July 1st in at Buddhist dwelling large *-**»«•• « of Copartnership added, currency, BOARDS,constantly on hand. WM. FLOWERS, Lantern Agent, Bangor. FMKltV iV FtiX halt. eliurch, front mg the an«i a which Whan IVI.n.l Buddhist churches iu n w o' thrifty &u,±rand heretotore rate they yield nearly Building material pawed to order. J. V. China Sing, * three orchard partnership existing between the I». M. AMKS, Pier 88 East River. and ( ey will rise in Westbrook, and a ball miles from THEsubscribers under the RLANCfHARU, Ion, California, Or- ?the ! city on the r ,nd. firm name ot Clark and Nine ISAAC DYER. August IS, isi7. anil Gray Will be sold low or ox- Chase is this per Cent, upon the Inmtwent. (11| egon, Nevada. More than lorcitv >12,538.30416 day dissolved by mutual eousent (Juion Wharf. Congress under all, a war of cbangeil property. Terms easy. The best All auglltl_No. St, Lancaster Hull, Portland. 1 i dim 4 ated lor a Milk l0- parties having demands against the firm nre These authorized act of WHOT will commence (arm in the Annlv to Bunds, by Congress, are is- Portland. Sepiember 23. iKB7. lietwcen Hie iace* which County. raifSTBES.- requested to present them lor Salt, Salt! Bcpl25-dll GEO. No. 11 payment, and all owing sued as the work Salt, u-d on beet and the races SMITH, jfovd street, or John the firm are to only prog*eM>e», and to the name a- jIVsuI which thrive ou D.donee, Wn,.stums requested make Immediate settlement Cadiz and Turks Island in Trine September 17, dim No. lai Foie St. Charies at No. 78 mount as the Bonds Sait, P55g*B3n «»»FOKTANT -vmmiL. m--i fSteaunhip iice; one ol those wars in which the Dennis, Henry K. Commercial street. Thomas block. only granted by the Govern- LIVERPOOL,bond or duty paid, tor sale by victory Lgert, WILLIAM M. aud uiinT'jii- 1 not uecessarily with the Joshua J. Henry, CLARK. ment; represent, in all cases, the first lie upon E. G. WILLARD, strong.—Neir Am- For Sale—One MU# from Henry Colt, Dennis WARREN P. CHASE. llnliliix, IV. ,tds,*.spiendid evergreen? and shade Babcock, W. leave Pryor’* London at fries; aliour i'00 Fletcher JOS. READ, TUf Central Pacific First have ail South ,V”,“rnin>-’ Whirl, Halit,, wjlirh Mr. ]»ear; apple, plum and cherry trees Wcstray. Mortgage Bonds UK. J. R. West, and North- West lor PorUand. every l iicl.v at 4 Ucpworth Dixon's ex- Robt.B. Oli0- 41' the assurances, sanctions and H1TOIIES o'clock P M a ••crated accounts and r Mint urn, Jr, guaranties ot the Pa- Via Boston and N. 1. < and Labm Paasage wiihstate of‘.Spiritualism and Mor- shout u goosehi.rles; Wm.E. rL'i* Portland, October 7, 1867. cific - oi sliawlwrnes- Dodge, Gordon W. Railroad Act ot Congress, and have in addition 0 Alt kit PEE mon ism were cited to raised 1.600 dunns Burnham, FOUND AT dll AT WESTERS, or PEN NSYLVA• app,y l" L disparage American so-' tlds y.-ar The lot embraces nearlcmnr Ho,"ou' Fred’k several noticeable advantages over all ot her classes SI A LENTIt A L l"LUN.I»; a^ witt Cbauucej R AILROAPS or via Boston t/- Alia11Li!■"*Wha'i 1 !'n RD, bn J. EDWARD H. trom California. daily, from A. M. to 9 1*. M. Desert_and sooJ nM»e Of your Comm etc al street; or FERNALD & H.Chapman,Secretary. BHKG1N, Vitiiai 1 tUe, Queen SON, corner GKO. W. TRUE. »ho are cu uu.lei the cannot lielieve she Ot Preble and Congress sticcts. t, ., 0 Third—Fully half the whole cost ol 800 fifth,AtHbam. tion ’TTStb•■TALlf'/f Lnhii Road (ruin iJouiini i! passed into the upou the 150 miles now about vice »l selibabese. Blurts completed. Devoting his entire time to < Sl. mu.M i;u i OK w,*° u now her constant Gonttel Jolm W. that particular branch of //> itVt jtevada! Kli.'MMO.ND, 5?mt0r HesideuZe tor Sale in Gor- Hunger, Fourth—A local business IPAU0, and!° all hI*»!vi,|» iJKHti Uls at t eft dan t Copartnership Notice. already yielding three- Profession, he fee" warranEd inHvX oilier »u»(.<>i taut |to»nis. V'W*. v.j, ter, will leave ham. :pUI the annual interest with advan- A * r 1N T0R kuiliea.l \\ Uatl. luitt ol Stale Hi r,'i;j Oh.ali! Csrmp.a4.ai, liabilities, At* Casks, whether of long SALE at the Onl¥ UNION TICKET no, indeed! Ol course *T*Offlce hours Irom 8 tageous rates in coin. ««JftKISO l.l,K * OFFICE ■e\, ,• |'u. an.I you will One of tbe Fiucat Residences A. M.toSP. M. pa>able l'°",r'“'0-0. entirely removing tl in «,|„y Iriday not believe it.” subscribers have fanned a S2lS!?amrI**"?ydregs ot disease Irom tlte Portland, "Vfiiias, :-i II i.'< I n k, .r ho. k- HI d'OPhWBM copartnership un- Fifth—The principal as well as the interest ol its syslent, aud makingK a 1p< ri- ICC der the firm name ot feet and No. 49 1-2 ,>eer ,sU‘- ill. “Hub If I Now Office Fore THE Bonds being in a pekmanknt GuitR. ^-dgwlck, l>c*crt, decline to take up such scandal occupied by M^jor Mann i s ol- St., Portland. payable coin, upon legally bind- Kxcbangre Street. ,1 t an«I i'ered tor March 12—dim ing <’a" tt)e “tter 'lon of the MUII*ndge, onosiK.i Mac hlasixn r. .vour sale. The house is two AeodtoJaal’6gAw6w EDWARD H. agreement. tJJ'LmT1',1 afflicted to the will concerning Queen, why do you storic BURGINdb CO., ami Returning, leave Machkispoit cverv tl»M«hir I judge finished '"“K-Manduig well-earned " aui! he and thoroughly inside win Having carefully investigated the resources, rniibih! reputation Pasands Tickets to (u/iiontin Thuied.i, ,, o inteUigeiice religion ol America and out, audio situation is continue the business of pro- mrniahing sntticient assurance of Itis skill ami Liverpool II.J LIJ. k,T,*Ton A Mr. by3 unsurpassed in that gress, and prospects of the and the siic- r,art,keOonlbmtfor at I >1x011 s scandal ?” beftnillui village.—'The lot is road, manage- P.Tl1 sale the **“' "*irt»i: ni'urtlanif ■ large, upon width is Lumber ment of the uly but “'“'“'R*- Monday, Mil immigration, EDWARD H. useless, always injuri<>ii« HftfTiiMn trains Sept 1C, largely English.” BURG1N, Now realize for the holders 1 he untortunati will rail as follows: — For Sale. K. S about should he paRtigux.ab In Scl,. ring 'tu*le so/ Aud with HKfcE toricil OERR1SH, bis as it is a Train lor Mtfi Area eat t.III escS a,i‘' "‘;lee'1- brick house No. 30 on Hiul. Slrecl. EDWARDS. BORGIN. FROM TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN PER CENT. physhnan, lamentable yet iucontroverti- Lewiston and South Paris at, 7 agtm f exclamations hy of J way admission, both T now 8yl>hnicic patients are mule nils- ^Express were Pleauani, occupied by the sub! Portland, Sept. 30,1867 oct. 5,-eodtf ADVANTAGE, mhb^’Jw!*wi,h subjects dropped. scril1e?rUer ruined constitutions bv **a11 The new With the same rale of uiaUreatuicnt WaterviUc, and superior jea-going two three interest. Bangor, Montreal,> One Also, storied brick stores on Fore pllya"'li>1i3 in general practice: for bee and the West at l.le p, M. steamers JOHN and corner Street, SjggjSjfr 7freni*. J. W. U. S.Eive do* pathology coinmotTy Fron* Lewiston, Auburn »*, Minua.t m cxcejned.) Poland’s A al liable Ileal Twenties, 1865, coupon, 148 49 pursues one system of in and South Pari... H.lo » w Estate on C’ommer- lRGo treatment, most cases mak- From STEAM ENGINES AND Five-Twenties, (new) coupon, do. 120 99 ing an indiscriminate use or Montreal, yuebec, Wa- Cabin fare,. 4, cial BOILEBS, !v that ^,mulaud danuan Bangor, ... Stieet tor Sale. U. S. do. 120‘ 9 antiquated1 at TW.k • H UJSKJH LOT of land about SHIPS’TANKS Mil,I. Five-Twenties, 1867(new)coupon, gerous weapon, the terville.Jtr., , u 100 DOCTOR. A 52 feet front on Commercial WORK OP A I,I, U. 8. Ten-Forties, and Mercury. Local Tram irom .»•*. CT coupon, pay ditterence 38 49 South Paris and In- street auil extending 2B4 ft to Fore the UNBOUNDED SUCCESS of th»Be collars KINDS, u. N. Freight taken as usual, A Positive tor at, same lias Seven-Thirties (2d series.) do. do. 128 19 termediate Statons, at Beniedy all Kinds ol ii now occupied B. P. Noble &i o. THE gained for them the reputation oi the Have 7-,5 p M uinors, by being Bridge WorJ[, and General Machinery built toor- L S. Seven-Thirties (3*1 series,) do. do. 122 19 OouflUence. L- Apply to J. Mom Economical & |.U in ini ihi.i-.u, WiMmat PARriCOLARLY DHOWNE, t .liars I der. eastings for Buildings, and all For All who have commuted an u, 1, ■**,**!»i“«M“demall Vessels, other sale by Banks end Bankers generally, of whom excess of any kind The are not May ly state Street. styles,-in Linen FinM.-Xn- purposes promptly furnished. vice Company responsible for litta e to Er)«i|K)la>,i\ell|p ti__ descriptive Pamphlets and Maps can be of youth, nr the stag- any amount $5n in Bash,Sail tlBeam,Seraf- a™i*a™H- At the Hednccd Repairs on Marine and Steam obtained, ingm»er rebuke a'v ^ot thfmisplaced *?Ut"y exceeding value tund that J, .'- ,, Farm lor lKf«~’7-i8h Fisk Ac Prostratton fi,f very Remedy known. II is not road west the Hatch, that may tbllow l'D(lfS, Managing Director. u so beyond Westbrook Alms House farm Banker* aud Dealer* fin Impure Coition, /' ways easy to> prove it. and Cnoverimicut Me- barometer to the H. BA ILK i Local THKEK Ilia,however, rxceediug- I continuing down to the canal on A. HAWLEY * FORGINGS OF ANT _ ,aIe whole system. $uj*erinttHikut. trips per the lower side! Co. SITE, not wait tor week. the Pr°Prieh>r ot this a I JP*, curiiieti, Do. the consummation that is Ihe \° medicine,that, P,ary for a market tor such We have sure to tbl Portland, 14, 1KC7. H benutuul, Htaunch ami l" tMC | J-1 i[cry .fitting garden, or a SELLING purposes. also good facilities tor wmt Sept ,ltl jK f lM,hlie Unit tbisisamosd beantltbl for a AGENTS, —AND— tor Unsightly tor **ea»uer »lV1L^eilCCwonderful and a58 place private residence, as there Is a supplying such patterns as may be wanted. ,ow,!,i!‘Y,'0' Ulcers, i41ar4in.» Al- eflcchvc specific tor as stated Having Disabled tor loss of <77 kciI \‘ Humors, splendid orchard in a very state of the tools and we Financial Agent* of (lie €• P. R. K. t lambs, lieauty Wood, will umke aoove, ho has abundant at high coltivaiton, 13 Otts and 24 necessary men, propose to build to o., ttud Mauler, tier proof hand to sustain his on the farm. The tarm Arch Streets, Complexion. 1 a‘ l" statement. cuts about 4li tons of hav: il order Portland & Baugui,leaving Kail- has been very well manured for the last ten BOSTON. No. 5 Nassau N. ¥. **•* Kennebec K. K. I'XA Ol Stale Surcel, every Tuenilav For Sixteen years the Humor Doctor years. Street, Thousands Cun Testify ta This •r. has been consequenUy gives a Wholesale Dealers in Fire and Proof Safes of Thursday ami sutunUv «t an manufactured and sold, and very large yield ol produce, MeusPurnishingGoods. Agents Burglar any Size, Sept 18-d2m by Mummer Mu-ninny, o’, lo, k, every year lias increased also has a very bai and is For Unhappy Experience! Airaagenirul. louchlng at Uamiloa. good n, insured or *500. J t Plymouth Buck Gloves.” arrangements as (Mklan.l, Urllaal. seainourt, W am/ the would be with.interior ordered, Bank Vaults, men troubled Saiidy Koivt, lim Wmi. sales.safesVa,Uin In NowN amoiSt m^ very convenient lor a splendid brick vard Aug24-cod8w Steel Lined Chests. Iron Voting with emissions In sleep —a k-imri. r[ioM nod Hami»l«n! where it as Doors, Shutters, &c., and Two trains v Hampshire, anginal ea, no there 1b any amount ol brick material complaint generally the iesuit of a through Daily between host Portland Returning dl leave Hmiynt every remedy for humors is so on the would reier to the Safes lu the First National and SOI bad habit’ iu an, .Momlav. highly prized. An eminent premises. Perfect tide youth,—treated and Ike Kennebec. aut^ at **ix an guaranteed. For further Portland and scientifically and a ^perfect *CUre cure v-arT ar Pr*,h»\ Morning, oYlo* k. a‘ n|y when Savings Bank, the Vault and Iron ranted or no tils Niw'wSS surgeon) practicing in particulars enquire of H. DOLAN Doorstn charge made. steami r will touch at Tenant’s Harbor purcl,asetl lietwecn The Howe Hou. Gao. W. Woodmau’s new built coiner of Brown every fifty and sixty Machine stores, Congress, Street, Hardly a tlay passes hut we *'5''duruay, east’ and WodncsJav coi SKT/*a?l!?^iro* Fore street Sewing under the of our are consulted one oi leave Purl land al 1 gojng king west,H some JPoTdfnd. superintendence Mr. Damon as hy p. M. lor dur,lI* seven or and W"_237 more young men with FMjBAKl all,'lrains until turiber notice. used it in bis eight years, specimens. CHARLES, IS OCCUPIK# BY tlte above disease, some ot stations on this and tor Lewis- practice. He has since then ordered it STAPLES, whom are ns weak and ton aud line, I’kvseneei t 11 rroperiy lor sale. Agency 36 Union St, Portland. CHARLES emaciated as they hud stations on the iekeleil through to and from hy i0sp,t wher« he was stationed. Other STAPLES, .In., though Androscoggin Road. AI-. Railroad ami Button, phv- E Oxford ‘heir friends arc and stations on Steamboat. Sld-fn!, P^haaed it, and House, pleasantly situated in tbe vil- GEORGE L. DAMON. IO b'.ve a part ot Family use or Manufacturers. many ilio of this dim, any1 ■»>»■ itl?S syby the whole tor a term ice. together with a assorineiil ol 4:nurant ol the as by the Maine CROUP, COUCHS FROM testii.ioniat!sarehcrc"ii’iwrie!|?3 ol'years. All orders sent to WM. W. or PORK,LAUD, FISH, Lugo cause, which is ihe to2d and ,L"a.n,‘ ,,a':8''-‘ Ceu.Vai COLDS, Or lie will erect LOTHROP, burcl»u.~ed in Boston i„r niiltuu huildfligs suitable lor manaiaetur- MORSE, LOTHROP & will receive J. B. DONNEIX, SECOND ST Alitflt SEMIN AI. WEARNESS. CeiitraTsiatlous^ii Maitm Bale, li^., Bust.,,. or DYER, prompt «- >ng other pii ippses, if desired. attention. JUSTUS a cure in Km au22dtf GREELY, perfect inch cases, an.1 a **!*» Uoiin>uuti8x, Catarrhal (Juuglis, nlth HrojKisals will be received if E. A. BUTLER. PLATED WARE ! run anil edtase*5Ss?>s:“aks tick. ‘■k.c-bs Bolls^br twoyears, by UPHAM. or healthy restoration of the urinarv organs. ts to couwis krum humors dmelopTne thro* .a,Hic,ed the subscriber. au3eodtf Persons who cannot KeJSfi-.’hf&TJSSt mid’an'er V'.k and bronuigal liiubs and Ollier Portland, Aug. 1,18C7. personally consult the I>r.. and * pairs of my INCUJDINO THE OdlOllS, g1v* speedy roliol in WhfOpmg win, h | ’ti',6.’ "K',,y N P. RICHARDSON. 1,1 » Ptain a .letter SKSIS a ni V make ^ and endured from oOth. Union tine Jn o’ !’y ,'?nt*nl?> manner, ip- Coughs, Asthma, and ••lien lilies the lntr»r, and hce ii tl.emV^ndesc" haMe May Street House. 10 say I hat 1 maySldtf Eating ,rpropr,n'u tem^ luvariahly shortens the run ot the Ibrmer. faitliluily tried sevm- nr ri',. Celebrated Cor ham Company’s ss be lor P~£rrstage.- KoeklanUeo.nie. 22 '"a^Mame^Vmr^Vr tal Bath: and Chihireu are liable to l»e aii;n k« d with Fir Kale. G. H. asi^snsi.jssigr nr Hal » Crouu S. M. BREED &, CO., and wlU Augusta, leaving on anivaioi without a momcnt’K warn H A VERY desirable lot ol KNIGHT, confl'1‘,,t'al, last,at daily train lion tug. is. t lure loro, 1m- land on Union street. Manufacture, beAretJrner,ei^?des?r«l.S‘r,Ct,T Boston, at..80 A. and lmu (ant f hat of i#\n PTAeTtritvjni or Address Having M.; In. Kulou, .in every family ^liotii.] lmve constantly at Portland, by H. DOEAN, Formerly Gothic Hall Eating House, DK. J. B. HUH Athens and and ].ti';a,,e£«rn,,vdi“ smfg which is considered the standard lot of HKS, Nornil'.ewo'k, Moose Beal lake a. pleasant, yet efficacious rim- happy io M" ft .,Pl511' 237 Pore StTcet. justly beauty .Skow and lor JmJ S0llH Wbtald inform his friends and the public that began, China. East and North Va. il i,,“l r,m often fatal MrntilmTlMta^re’remo^T^ Argus copy. design and of and finish. Next door to the Preble tsire at \ dh£disc.isr. tfcJ.r,iresuuii « °fi!?, ,iainf"1 atonal Misses quality plate House,'1 ^PwrUamiulia. assail,oro'; for Unity ut Kendall -Milt*- renKHij Is he has in connection with Ladies, & Children’s •Tidy 22. <13nt Wr Send a Stamp for Circular. and lor Canaan b^s.ir™Prn^l7mSeW*S To Im‘ af Platan's Kerry. Or. Hooker-. 4 0.1*1, au.l MILTON GALE. Sold French Croup Syrup. Boston, January 11,1856. Immediately^ Mr. Glove Calf, Pebbled Calf, Oiled Electie Medical Hhl'CH. SngeiintuMirai. For sale all rHouses anil lots in 6enj. E. Heseltine, Mm/lrmarw, too dune by Druggists. City. Price $808 and HI, Pebbled Gaat and !Uerge Tap Sale 1867. SPRING. 1867. Angasta, lo. 1SI.7. junelSdfl C. 1». A r»00. House lots in Elizabeth Star ami LEFT, Proprietor, Mass. Cape $r».i to $100 Re-opened a Saloon for Polish, Half Polish, TO THE RADIES. JB2 Argu* copy. Springfield, i’,"or«*«‘«lev, IV. m. JOSEPH HEED. Dcuias Barnes & Co.. 21 Park New York Iii/'i w*p,OC*’ Ileal will How, * Estate Agent, Oak and srs. AND Invites all 1st,lies, who alsr supply the Trade at List Prices. Oclobes2. Congress LADIES & m2f:S2Sf» fart,cn,ar,y PORTLAND dtf GENTLEMEN, adviser, to call at his rooms, No. If W. F. Phillips A Co, Wholesale Agent**, Pnrtand TRUE & Preble Struct, which wil find Mar Near the eeial freight with to entreat t »u to in- Chance for Business! kJP for W. Agents fur (rain, passenger CM atta k ? m !’ril||l asiiVri'i Agents Chickens' Improved Sewing STEAM “■ llip Mores, that it Machine Feed Wheel. Jobbing Department! Lio A. M. l.,r Saco an. uuSi towIts way Of to ?1 Vhand,l‘r>' may Gray’s Patent Molded Collar. tn’iT‘i!Jfi*TCP,u“Uu,‘Biddelord. and those tvliwsuher upon returning, leave Bnldelord al e.je themiglnydeep The C. H.GILMAN & CO. where we keep a lull assortment of work o Also a full assortment ot all aud Saco at 8 40 A. hi. 11 «*'<•'“ who take Seif undersigned having concluded to close the pegged the leading makes aud lam? Portland, Sept 12, 1867. sepl2dlm# all kinds. styles ot Ladies’ aud REFIIED SOAPS ? KUANi carry pas engoi-a, slmuM trv it lor Gentlemen’s Pai«er Goods in- IS CHASE, Siipt. ouce theyUi v wouldu m’i V cluding the Portland, April la, ia.,7, never he willing to voyage without aprlSdli (ate, Hardware Business J Mew Idineu l ini.fi New Stock of Goods! Shoe Stock and Rubbers! Collar with Cufla lo LEATHE «£• fl"HilJf its introduction Dry Match. GORE, to't'u'mibt.','1 IW")il8 ftoce WHOI.ENAf.K AND which we shall sell at the M»!Nt mor.- .,i, headache ami Un- RETAiV^ lowest market prices. by lor solicit the attention ol the trade aud ,,ii m,?i,Mi the case or Agents Maiue tor the y and dozen, and dealers us cau nave *, ttjmunri: have of consume! sure cure. thiidreu, always mund it a ordering* WOULD to their Standard Biands ol SPltlNO hereby offer tor sale their W. k F. P. ADAMS, any sizes wauted. SINGER SEWING MACHINE. A UitAf. v. EM ENT. name Hale* Room ititchie's tie, ami appear in pub- hereby inform their triends and the and Utanwfaclory STEAM REFINED JAqnUl Cvmpass, v.u!,i!|,IOnlllavi,1>: [“y10 WOOUM4N, TKIK & CO. SOAPS, bud alter count but to 11 ”n “'O' Other at that have taken the stand ledmaG Monday, April 15ik, f *al* and relievo WOULDpublic they • PHR oily reliable matron tnt In uac — but it ENTIRE Nos. 48 & Portland, March 4,1867. ,1,1 -viz s-— "liHtnrrent, tiains will bate ing will lie of any the furego- STOCK & TRADE. 44 Union St., Pottland I*, I Yctwel* V,TVS.l,uttur|ng;J 11 intermediale iu»lngihi* Compass reqaii ibut onk, a* Caii make use ol °r the extra, station ou this «< d public, you lafuxf4*tt Ilia, they are equally superior t«* of tours, Mo. 345 PORTLAND, MAINE. *°l ^^*1* ttul Aiil»iirn at Light de*vy weath- Congress St., BREED- SWAN A CAMILK, 7 00 A jtf only, er. and NEv KM UCT OFT 0»ORl»FK MAHHlh j' ki. Tills i ;| good chance fir the ot C. A. WALDEN. llARRETT, POK tEB business, stock nnni?‘ MO. 1, uu" goods new T •*; J. Kreight trains tor ,,el,‘X all over tha %V being entirely and well selected, and a Recently occupied by Edwin A. Marrett, Esq., and Caldwell. eod£wifm OLEINE. Walt ville and all int. rmr Wall_ '.'h'**•lu. Tile heeler, isiond,-.,. n trade diatc m-ceetlCy lor a peril* I ha- Ik-, u large being already established. are now a iil.l bullions, leave Port land U18.26 A. Al, eo Compass I and .’ opening C HEM 1C A1. VE. ton.'Mnl seriously an. I very contideutly earnestly BANKERS & rrniu from Bangor i* dim ut Portland al 2.15 P. fif toll, npnn whk-ttlto mge- J.W Poland’s HAINES, SMITH & BROKERS, CRAKE’S PATENT, in "u',y ilnm..rnoctora« a„ COOK, Beanon tot Maritime Nation has b. ,-n toil «S““n,1Dr-01 3 8. B. AVI) AMERICAN oimcct with train tor J*o»ton. cT.\*IKL L. CHoATB, oblige glo.es sewing North Consisting In part ot in the thirty years practical experience iu I he IAOOH loavoid and Walnut Hopkins and will we Mfd.KI.LAN, ( HAH. II. ('MASK, getting blood upon my work. The humor WherewiJ. he.the will V?rner Streets, Block, open business, therefore assure the public with enu- to keep a German Mr.ad <>F Pktkr Hanna. aaikiod me was probably a combination oi CI.Um, m On tarr* 8T. i.ovi* hokum dencc that wc oan and wil l, turnieh Ihe JOHN CROCKETT * 08 t CO., The Committee conclude their Ri‘(l Suit Blieiim. health was uceai Monday, October 7th, report by ‘‘rucom- nnlfu ,., My general Assortment of Groceries 7 Fauiiiy Mokov wad Ca*t.r Bearers, 8. Have a new Store oieu'iiuj’ it to uli sea-golug Vessel*. I began’in use Inc Humor »»u«t ProviNioio. AN ENTIRE iooLB08l",!A,io Beat Goods at the Loweat I opened flooioriuftvi Prioes Fnr sale by C II. FAKI.KY, m.d I., signs of healing I loulin- Black aal Vaacy take'll ! 1'er,,,!;‘vo D.eskiu.,1 Having recently enlarged and erected NEW Market Agent lor the Stale. U.net- 9 14. THOMAS CONDON. New and Cash Stock Corner and Federal are not *'/ September dim Bought WOKKS, contain# ail the modern wc Sts., SSTmV,' V" ,‘inill,y •■«*«*; fai»la.ni Itlell.a., Arc L improvements No. remunerative to furnish a t, Exchange slrcrt, Poillnml. OF Investment. are enabled supply ot Soup* ui the (Opposite Past Cloth inn BcmI <4uuliiie», adapted to for ttaler,) Also lor *alo ail kind* ot 1 -el. Cleansed and ltenaired $ L idies Dress Goodi in Great tnedemand, sale to give It Variety, •Iunp and I>ouie*lic < where can tiu.l up > Y WILIJAM and 7.30’s port oiiwiiiu|iiion. you always a good assortment of TV it ■■ r i«*ti I IiiNl I BUOWN, tam.rly In new aud Choice Style, and Fabric. July l'limoiil **. ” 1 >street, is new located at a,7l VJdcvsl A ti Stoueham. Mars., ,1 uiv WIIKKI.KIt. his new«imi,T?„ff p DRY ROODS! may p?£,KI' eralsi, a lew doors below Llm« 64?«*»: Black Ladle. LEATHE if; “t,enl1 Silks, Clanking., Nkawli, ■uiJ will noil Converted HOKE'S lo his us oil business ot tor into New Household Cleansing and l!! and other White 5/iO’s, Clothing ul ell kinds with his usual Muslin*, .Jaconet Cambric’s Goods, Ou Very Favorable Furnishing Star W. F. |.r„inV, Domestic* and Housekeeping goods,Gloves, CASH Terms. Corporation. Phillips & Co. rr-Second-hanrl qWthing |or sale St t“? pri™ Hosiery, ONLY, STEAM REFINED SOARS I goods: Match^ •Ian &e. at so low as Holders General 8—dtt &c., ... prices to the closest of BV A punt* ft>r our selected with care satisfy buyers. SEVEN-THIRTIES SOLD ALl. lUK w. & 0. the State. All goods are new, and from gain K. the vnrlou* tor cash, at nothing by delaying MLLIKEN, BETA market*, bought exclusively Wholesale Grocem ThroH|hvul ike State If, AliENTS. Window Shades j the current low rate*, and will be fold uniformly at A full line of conversion. all kinds of I'orlli.l.il, the Repairing Furnitnre, very lowest market prices. *' OESElt A L Brsadcltthi) Dseakinn ! R®*' "ill Arid a large A M) SELIjIXQ AO E House Overcoating*, ia ,*c*f SIS. and Store Shades Made to W. A 9. P. ADAMS. pr.lM rxrhm.aiuu fur other ««t- & and all kinds of Woolens and for Men’s T-uoatLe Gore, Order aud S an Hud, Trimmings, iTiiniciat It on d*.. Packing lor TransportatiOH ! ou.lanlly _ Portland, ocldlw teodtf and wear. S,ar Sept 30,1867. Boys Now is the time to buv your fall »- clornt and winter September 20, dtf 39? Cora wet-rial St, 4? 9c 49 Beach Street, I Y.o'lhnm.hcton'w!1"' TASSELS. CORD, Ac. goods. Give him a call. Always elpsod ■in FIXTURES, from Friday This store is to be kept and Cloth Fly at evening sunset to Saturday evening Screens, 7.30’8 sunset. IM PORTIxAND, MA INTfi h '* fnl1 muBI, on. ®'PW"r®«Al*« A arch 26—dtt Jk Kaoll,’0*' hundred ATWELIs & BAKYY8, octSeodti 149 MWd(e Mn„i. Dr. West’s Opeu Moi'tiing>' Kvcuiiig. r,7,i Botanic Balsam, “«*• «M» We oammou <70.7 tiiSj Middle st, Portland. for 5.20’s ! Tfce «T«VK Jjr2Seod3m^ ^_ Exchanged Btol Medicinp Ah the World THKN A CAI.I.. Government Bonds, tT Sulphur Mat.b. POWER October 3-dlm* Eickaage MB IwuMiiig, either «10B or by we4k‘*he ha* hem tested, it has met amt Speedy rare* for dninkenm^-nmltobtKvo chew- Tlll'v ar'o’ m„o!r?Kth0nK lhi,n Car! SSSSSP*WORK. i?r by wdh marked Of Every Mate In a"y other Sulplmt roeeivod lor all Portable bAf Gan furnish First Class workimi! sucAN^s, and hv i»s timelv use ol Dmcriptitn, Hither warranted. ami teat At ^yERTISEMpTS paper. j„ Engine. many ing. remedy by mail Maine, ami throughout the United I Will sell OB and material of all rhed'se'ses that flesh is I answer Stales an 1 favorable "terms ast* description. subject tonight he elie. ked Made from the bert material and by EXPEBIKMCKb |>i*t|iabi on receipt of Hive Mian*, or eircular on re- They both lor Splint nml Car.l Malt-be* British Provinces, and Insor-cd at the ° tii or let for a team of Residence Publisher*,* payment, years, the lots on. AMERICAN HOUSE. that WOK at oi Call on m a of and Attoraiiys. Iyl2tt Tilt by of this Balsam, aeptlS.llt_No.10 St, Portland, Sale. fln" a™ mpiest. A s,able its flltures, two TYPES, Price fiO coats. ,1,e9"lc Se,"n2 A*f"“ >V™„SE very nice Prepared onlv hv J). K. ItEKD, Needle Mun Maine. September28. and one Lmd SO A BIS. 200 M. Imported and domestic IWKHTT-HTK CINTS PER nolKN Roxbury, Mass. GEO. Touts. A xnli mii.l hfeS dim narm!nrni «»ss, s:Ac. ,0'"'i?eW,,nf' For bn|t*^' Jenuy Cigar C. UOODWlN & CO Gen- Xbe .man Board K- terms, apply to r" tor sale G. C. M ITCHKLIi & At A. S. DAVIS’ 61 FULL supply of of all for sale at THE for **, OKKHJSH, j 8ep2#dtl by SON, Photograph Galleries, No. 27 ky fever) where. Tents, sizes, Children'lhe large l£ d. 8. A. M. druggii-te A store Commercial <>t " IXrector*. McKENNEY nlglti 118 Fore Street Market Square, opposite Preble Street. |y»tl kiig29-ll3in*08*0n* Street, bead Wldjrery’* inh>«eo.ti,„ ’1,1 IH’BINSuN, BflAKKKTT, J Wharf. jnij.Beo.ntu in .... MANA88EH SMITH, 1 june*26dtf Exchange st. October 1. dll ^