18th November 1834 Examination (Elizabeth Jenkin)

County of The Examination of Elizabeth Jenkin now resident in the parish of Saint Mary in the Borough of in the County of Cornwall Spinster of and Borough concerning the place of her last legal settlement taken upon oath before me of Nicholas Francis Bassett Esquire Mayor and one of His Majesty’s Justices of Truro the Peace in and for the said Borough of Truro and Edmund Turner Esquire one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the said County the eighteenth day of November 1834 Who upon her oath saith, That she is about sixty six years of age and was born as she hath been informed and verily believes in the parish of Saint Agnes in the said County where her father and mother were settled Inhabitants – That when she was about thirteen years of age she left her parents and went to with her Cousin Mary Verran who kept the Ship Inn – that she lived there about two years and then went to and Falmouth for a short time at each place visiting friends – she then returned to her parents in St Agnes – That when she was about seventeen or eighteen years of age, she went as a housekeeper to a Mr. Jago at Ennis in St Erme – the Wages were £7 per year – She remained there eight or nine years under that hiring – She went to Launceston from Ennis and lived there with an elder Sister not quite a year – When she left Launceston she went to Falmouth and lived there about two years as a visitor with her Brother‐ in‐Law – She came to Truro with her Sister Mrs. Jago and assisted her in her housekeeping – no Wages – remained with Mrs. Jago until her death about three months ago

Taken and sworn the day The mark or sign and year first before written before us of Elizabeth Jenkin

N.F. Bassett Mayor (signed) Ed. Turner (signed)

N.B. Entire document handwritten Source: LDS Film 1596549 image 1322; original document CRO Ref: P57/13/4/13

Transcribed by John Evans