Metro Group S All-An
———— ~ — — STSTS a s • Metro Group* All-An ¦ By Brian Ball FIRST annual Metro- THEpolitan Sunday Newspa- pers’ All-America football team is composed of out- standing players from every section of the country, with only one university, Notre Dame, represented twice. The Midwest placed five stars, the Southwest two, the East two, the Far West one and the South ' one. Ohio if @s/S play- .•Si^^^( , ;', t / jflii the home State of three Mnw*aß ers on the mythical eleven, but the eight others hail from vi, i .Jf •• > .-zgtk -P^ scattered points of the Nation. Ralph Gugllelmi, Notre Dame quarterback, pilots a backfteld which includes How- ard Cassady of Ohio State _ and Dickie Moegle of Rice at the halfs, with Alan Ameche, Wisconsin, at fullback. The ends went to the two FRANK BROOKS-Guord Navyfc -'* service academies, with *cv- *9H 4 . N s V Br¦¦¦ •- Beagle Cassady, ffJt HE HBBj’ ip Ronnie on one flank one more vote than and John Kerr, Purdue. and Army’s Don Holleder at sparkplug of Ohio State’s Tackles Bruce Bosley, Hr >¦* the other. Jack Ellena, UCLA, high-powered attack. West Virginia; Sid Fournet, and Frank Varrichione, Notre Several players narrowly LSU; Richard Hilinski, Ohio Dame, man the tackles. won positions from other State; Sam Palumbo, Notre 111 la JB3|OPanfe«Bf^ Frank Brooks, Georgia Tech, standouts. Paul Larson, Cali- Dame; Bob Bartholomew, and Calvin Jones, lowa, won fornia back, just failed to win Wake Forest, and Ed Fouch, |WBaA| ,~jßs '% spots at guard. Oklahoma’s a spot. Jim Pyburn of Au- Southern California.
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