-• Supplément Bo. 2

Cï)e <0a^ette ifto. \m of utï) October, !946.


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the Defence (Emergency) Regulations, 1945, I, JOHN CONYERS D'ARCY, Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Military Cross, Major General, General Officer Commanding the British Troops in Palestine and Trans-Jordan, with the consent of the High Commissioner eby appoint the officer from time to time in command of His Majesty's Military־do hei Forces in 15 Area, to be. Military Commander of the Area or Place comprising Haifa and Galilee Districts and the Sub-District of Jenin, with effect from the 15th day of

October, 1945, and until further notice. v

J. C. D'AECY Major-General, (SF/917/38) General Officer Commanding British Troops in Palestine and Trans-Jordan.


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the Defence (Emergency) Regulations, 1945, I,', JOHN CONYERS D'ARCY, Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Military Cross, Major General, General Officer Commanding the British Troops in Palestine and Trans-Jordan, with the consent of the High Commissioner do hereby appoint the officer from time to time in command of His Majesty's Military Forces in 21 Area, to be Military Commander of the Area or Place comprising Samaria (less the Sub-District of Jenin), Lydda and Gaza Districts, with effect from the 15th day of October, 1945, and until further notice.

J. C. D'AECY ׳ Major-General, . (SF/917/38) • General Officer Commanding British Troops in Palestine and Trans-Jordan.


IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the Defence (Emergency) Regulations, 1945,

I, JOHN CONYERS D'ARCY, Commander of the sMost Excellent Order of the British Empire, Military Cross, Major General, General Officer Commanding the British Troops in Palestine and Trans-Jordan, with the consent of the High Commissioner do hereby appoint the officer from time to time in command of His Majesty's Military Forces in 156 () Sub-Area to be Military Commander of the Area or Place comprising with effect from the 15th day of October, 1945, and until further notice.

J. C. D'AECY , . Major-General, (SF/917/38) , General Officer Commanding British Troops in Palestine and Trans-Jordan.

—. 1197 — 1198 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. .2.. 25th October, 1945


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by the Emergency Powers (Defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940, as extended to Palestine from time to time by any Order by His Majesty in Council, the High Commissioner has made the following Defence Regulations: —

Citation. 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Defence (Control of Citrus Marketing) (Amendment) Regulations, 1945, and shall be read as one Gaz: 20.9.45, with the Defence (Control of Citrus Marketing) Regulations, 1945, p. 1043. hereinafter referred to as "the principal Regulations". Amendment of 2. Paragraph (c) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation 6 of the prin• regulation 6 of cipal Regulations shall be revoked and the following paragraph shall the principal be substituted therefor : — Ecgulations. "(c) the payment to the Board of a deposit of five per centum of the purchase price, as (fixed by •the Board, of any scheduled citrus fruit exported, sold for export, or sold to any manufacturer of citrus products, as security for the payment of any moneys which may become payable to the Board, by the person to whom the permit is granted by the Board under these Regulations, in respect of any such loss, damage or difference in price as is re• ferred to in paragraph 12 of the Scheme

Amendment of 3. Paragraph 13 of the Second Schedule to the principal Regula• paragraph 13 of tions shall be amended as follows :— the Second (1) In sub-paragraph (c) thereof, the expression "the following com• Schedule to the principal mission:—" shall be deleted and the expression Regulations. "a commission not exceeding" shall be substituted therefor. (2) Subparagraphs (/) and (m) thereof shall be revoked and the following sub-paragraphs shall be substituted therefor, respect• ively : — "(I) The proceeds of sales of the scheduled citrus fruit of all the growers linked to an exporter shall, after deduction of the cost of picking, grading, packing and transport of the fruit, and of the commission payable to the exporter in accordance with sub• paragraph (c), form a pool, herein referred to as "the Pool", which shall be deposited in a special bank account which may be operated by the exporter at his own risk, (ra) Subject to the provisions of sub-paragraph (h), the distribu• tion of the amounts standing to the credit of the Pool in respect of the several varieties of scheduled citrus fruit shall be effected between all the growers linked to the exporter in proportion to, the number of cases and/or weight of fruit obtained from each grower." Commencement. 4. These Regulations shall be deemed to have come into force on the 20th day of September, 1945. By His Excellency's Command, 18th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (F/Cit/19/45) Chief Secretary. 25th October, 1945 1199 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. .IMMIGRATION ORDINANCE, 1941 ־•::••


. "IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by paragraph (/) of sub­ section, (1) of section 4 of the Immigration Ordinance, 1941, the High No. 5 of 1941. Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the class of persons specified in the Schedule to this Order shall • .... be exempt from the provisions of paragraphs (g) and (h) of subsection (1) of section 5, and from the provisions of section 7, of the said Ordinance. THE SCHEDULE.

CLASS OF PERSONS EXEMPTED. Jewish members or discharged members of the Royal Navy or His Majesty's Army or the Royal Air Force, who originally enlisted therein in Mauritius voluntarily, and, their wives and children under the age of eighteen years.

By His Excellency's Command, 18th October, 1945. J. V,~W. SHAW (1/419/45) Chief: Secretary.'



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Regulation 6(4) of the Defence (Finance) Regulations, 1941, the High Commissioner is pleased. Gaz: 6.11.41, to give notice, and notice is hereby given, as follows:— V• 1647. 1. This Notice may be cited as the Defence (Finance) (Designated Citation.

.EXPLANATORY NOTE •••׳ ״ ••'•••׳• • • The effect of this Notice is to add the Danish Kroner to the list of "designated" foreign currencies, which persons, firms or companies resident or carrying on business in Palestine, are required by Regulation 6 of the Defence (Finance) Regulations, 1941, to offer for sale to the High Commissioner, or to a person designated by the High Commissioner.



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 9 of the Trading No. 36 of 1939. with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows : — 1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Cus- Citation, todian) ^Denmark} Order. 1945. 1200 ,THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 25th October, 1945

Removal of 2. Paragraphs 3, 6 and 7 of the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) certain pro­ Order, 1939 (requiring payment of certain moneys to the Custodian visions of the and imposing restrictions and requirements in regard to certain pro­ Trading with perty in. Palestine) shall not apply to— the Enemy (Custodian) (a) any money which would but for the existence of a state of war Order, 1939. become payable to or for the benefit of any person within the Gaz: 1.11.39. description contained in paragraph 3 of this Order on or after p. 1201. the date of the coming into operation of this Order; (b) any property which on or after the date of the coming into oper­ ation of this Order comes into the ownership of any such person as aforesaid; (c) any money or property to which the above-mentioned paragraphs would apply only because any such persons as aforesaid became resident or commenced or recommenced to carry on business in Denmark on or after the 5th day of May, 1945. Application of 3. This Order applies — the Order. (a) to any individual resident in Denmark; (Z;) as respects any business carried on in Denmark to any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on that business; (c) as respects any business carried on in any territory - which is neither enemy territory nor an area which is for the time being to be treated as enemy territory for the purposes of section 9 of the Ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of section 14 or 15 thereof, to any body of persons (whether corporate or unin­ corporate) carrying on that business, if and so long as controlled by any individual resident in, or body of persons carrying on

• . , ׳ .business in, Denmark By His Excellency's Command, 12th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW .Chief Secretary ..'־'•,. (P/Cnst/74/45) EXPLANATORY NOTE. Section 14 of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, as No. 30 of 1945. enacted by the Defence Legislation (Incorporation in Certain Ordin­

ances) Ordinance, 1945? continues the Custodian's control in Palestine of persons in areas which have ceased to be in the occupation of the enemy until it is otherwise decided. The present Order provides for the removal of this control to the extent and in respect of the persons ׳ .specified in the Order


No. 36 of 1939. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 6 of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows : — Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Trans­ fer of Negotiable Instruments, etc.) (Denmark) Order, 1945, Sanction of 2. The High Commissioner hereby sanctions — certain trans­ (a) any assignment of a thing in action, fers under (b) any transfer of a negotiable instrument, and section 6 of (c) any transfer of any coupon or other security transferable by the Ordinance. delivery, not being a negotiable instrument; 1201

being, an assignment or; transfer made on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Order by or on behalf of a person to ׳ , .whom this Order applies 3. This Order applies: — Application of (a) to any individual resident in Denmark ; the Order. (&) as" respects any business carried on in Denmark to any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) , carrying on that business; (c) as respects any business carried on in any territory which is neither enemy territory nor an area which is for the time being to be treated as enemy territory for the purposes of section 6 of ,the Ordinance, in accordance with section 14 or 15 thereof, to any body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carry­ ing on that business, if and so long as the body is controlled by any individual resident in, or body of persons carrying on business in, Denmark. 1 By His Excellency's Command, 12th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (F/Cnst/74/45) ; Chief Secretary. EXPLANATORY NOTE. By an order of even date the High Commissioner has amended the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, so that its provisions cease to apply to money payable to, and property acquired by, the persons specified in the Order on or after the date of coming into operation of that Order. This present Order sanctions transfers or assignments of things in action or negotiable instruments which may be made by or on behalf of such persons on or after that date.



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by sections 3 and 7 of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and of all other powers No. 36 of 1939. enabling him in that behalf, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows : — 1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Author­ Citation. isation) (Denmark) Order, 1945. 2. Notwithstanding anything * contained in section 3 of the Ordin­ Authorisation ance, any person, unless the High Commissioner otherwise directs, under section may trade within Denmark with any individual or body of persons 3 of the (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on business therein. ; Ordinance. •

3. The transfer by or on behalf of any person within the descrip­ Authorisation tion contained in paragraph 4 of this Order of any annuities, stocks, under section shares, bonds, debentures or debenture stock, registered or inscribed 7 of the in any register, branch register or other! book kept in Palestine which Ordinance. on or after the date of the coming into operation of this •Order comes into the ownership of any such person as aforesaid, is hereby , ...':•'׳ .sanctioned 4. Paragraph 3 of this Order shall apply: — Application of (a) ,to any individual resident in Denmark; • the Order. (&) as respects any business carried on in Denmark to'any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on that business; . / 1202 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 25th October, 1945

(c) as respects any business carried on in any territory which is neither enemy territory nor an area which is for the time being to be treated as enemy territory for the purposes of section 7 of the Ordinance, in accordance with section 14 or 15 thereof, to any body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carry• ing on that business, if and so long as controlled by any individual resident in, or body of persons carrying on business in, Denmark.

By His Excellency's Command, 12th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (F/Cust/74/45) Chief Secretary.

EXPLANATORY NOTE. ' (1) There may be persons in Denmark (e.g. persons permitted to conduct the business of a German incorporation) with whom it has remained an offence to trade in spite of the liberation of that territory. Paragraph 2 of this Order removes the restriction. (2) By an order of even date the High Commissioner has amended the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, so that its provisions cease to apply to property acquired on or after that date by persons specified in the Order. Paragraph 3 of the present Order sanctions transfers of Palestine registered securities which are acquired by such persons on or after that date.



No. 36 of 1939. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 9 of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows : —

Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Custod• ian) () Order, 1945.

Removal of cer• 2. Paragraphs 3, 6 and 7 of the Trading with the Enemy (Custod• tain provisions ian) Order, 1939. (requiring payment of certain moneys to the Cus• of the Trading todian and imposing restrictions and requirements in regard to cer• with the Enemy tain property in Palestine) and Vesting Order No. 2 of 4th January, (Custodian) 1940, shall not apply to.— . Order, 1939. (a) any money which would but for the existence of a state of •war Gaz: 1.11.39, p. 1201. become, payable to or for the benefit of any person within the Gaz: 11.1.40, description contained in paragraph 3 of this Order on or after p. 23. the date of the coming into operation of this Order by reason Gaz: 25.10.45, of any trade authorised by paragraph 2 of the Trading with the p. 1204. Enemy (Authorisation) (Italy) Order, 1945; (b) any property which on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Order comes into the ownership of any such person as aforesaid, by reason of any such trade as aforesaid : (c) any money or property to which the above-mentioned paragraphs would apply only because any such persons as aforesaid became resident or commenced or recommenced to carry on business in Italy on or after the date of coming into operation of this Order.

Application of 3. This Order shall apply to the Italian State, any individual resid• the Order. ent in Italy, and as respects any business carried on in Italy, to any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on that business. 1203 25th October, 1945 , THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2.

4. For the purposes of this Order, the expression^ "Italy" means Definition of the.Italian mainland, Sicily and Sardinia, with the islands adjacent "Italy", thereto. , By His Excellency's Command, 12th October, 1915. J. V. W. SHAW .(F(Cust/70/41) .• Chief ,Secretary,

EXPLANATORY NOTE. By an order of even date the High Commissioner authorised trade to the extent provided in the Order with the Italian State and individuals and persons in Italy. The present Order renroves the Custodian's control over money or property accruing in consequence of this authorisation, and excludes the application of Vesting Order to such moneys or property. Italian property in Palestine at the date of the 2־ .No coming into operation of this Order and income arising therefrom continue under Custodian control.



IN-EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 6 of the Trading No. 36 of 1939. with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows :— ) 1• This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Trans- Citation, fer of Negotiable Instruments, etc) (Italy) Order, 1945. 2. The High Commissioner hereby sanctions — Sanction of (a) any assignment of a thing in action, certain trans- . fcrs under (b) any transfer of a negotiable instrument, and section 6 of (c) any transfer of any security transferable by delivery, not being the Ordinance, a coupon or a negotiable instrument, being an assignment or transfer made on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Order by or on behalf of the Govern­ ment or person to whom this Order applies. 3. This Order shall apply to the Italian State, to any individual Application of resident in Italy, and as respects any business carried on in Italy, the Order. to any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincor- porate) carrying on that business. 4. For the purposes of this Order, the expression "Italy" means the Definition of Italian mainland, Sicily and Sardinia, with the islands adjacent "Italy", thereto.

By His Excellency's Command, 12th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (F/Cust/70/41) Chief Secretary.


By an order of even date the High Commissioner has amended the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, so that its provisions cease to apply to money payable to, and property acquired by, the Italian State or persons specified in the Order on or after; the date of coming into operation of that Order. This present Order sanctions transfers or assignments of things in action or negotiable instruments which may be made by or on behalf of such State or persons on or• after that date. 1204 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO: 2. 25th October; 194*5


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by sections 3 and 7 of the No. 36 of 1939. Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows":— : Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Author­ isation) (Italy) Order, 1945.

Authorisation 2• Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3 of the Ordinance, under section any person, unless the High Commissioner otherwise directs, may, 3 of the except as provided in paragraph 3 of this Order, trade within Italy Ordinance. with the Italian state or with any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on business therein. Transactions 3. This licence shall not extend to, or authorise — excluded from (a) the performance of any contract of insurance or re-insurance authorisation. entered into with or for the benefit of any person within the description contained in paragraph 2 of this Order before the date of the coming into operation of this Order; (b) the payment of any bill of exchange payable in Palestine and drawn before the date of the coming into operation of this Order to or for the benefit of any such person as aforesaid; (c) the encashment of any coupons by or on behalf of any such . • ,׳ .person as aforesaid

Definition of 4. For the purpose of this Order "trade" is confined to supplying "trade". any goods to or for the benefit of the Italian state or any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on business therein, or to obtaining goods from the Italian state, such individuals or bodies of persons, and it is deemed to include — (a) transactions incidental to supplying or obtaining such goods; ׳ and (6) the paying, transmitting or receiving of any money, negotiable instrument or security for money in respect of such trade.

Definition of 5. For the purpose of this Order, the expression "Italy" means the "Italy". Italian mainland, Sicily and• Sardinia, with the islands adjacent• thereto. By His Excellency's Command, 12th October, 1945. . J. V. W. SHAW (F/Cust/70/41) Chief Secretary. EXPLANATORY NOTE. No. 36 of 1939, Section 15 of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, made and the whole of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance and the Orders No. 30 of 1945. under it continue to apply to areas under enemy sovereignty until it is otherwise decided. The present Order permits trade within certain limits with the Italian state, and individuals and persons in Italy. • ; TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE, 1939. ORDER BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 9.

No. 36 of 1939. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 9 o'f the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows: — 25th October, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 1205

1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Custo­ Citation. dian) (Netherlands) Order, 1945.

,2. Paragraphs 3, 6 and 7 of the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Removal of Order, 1939 (requiring'payment of certain moneys •to the Custodian certain provi- and imposing restrictions and requirements in• regard to certain sions of the property in Palestine) shall not apply to— Trading with the Enemy (a) any money which would but for the existence of a state of war (Custodian) become payable to or for the benefit of any person within the des­ Order, 1939. cription contained in paragraph 3 of this Order on or after tho Gaz: 1.11.39, date of the coming into operation of this Order; p. 1201. : (b) any property which on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Order comes into the ownership of any such person as aforesaid; (c) any money or property to which the abovementioned paragraphs would apply only because any such persons as aforesaid became resident or commenced or recommenced to carry on business in the Netherlands on or after the 8th day of May, 1945. 3. This Order applies — Application of :(«) to any individual resident in the Netherlands; . . the Order. (b) as respects any business carried on in the Netherlands to any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on :that business; as respects any business carried on in any territory, which is (׳c) neither enemy territory nor an area which is for the time being to be treated as; enemy territory for the purposes of section 9 of the Ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of section 14 or 15 thereof, to any body of persons (whether corporate or unincor­ porate) carrying on that business, if and so long as controlled by any individual resident in, or body of persons carrying on business in, the Netherlands.

4. For the purpose of this Order "the Netherlands" means all the Definition territory in Europe of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. of "the Netherlands". By His Excellency's Command, 16th October, 1945. J. Y. W. SHAW (F/Cust/79/45) Chief Secretary.

EXPLANATORY NOTE. Section 14 of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, as enacted, by the Defence Legislation (Incorporation in Certain Ordin­ No. 30 of 1945. ances) Ordinance, 1945, continues the Custodian's control in Palestine of persons in areas which-have ceased toxbe in the occupation of the enemy until it is otherwise decided. The present Order provides for the removal of this •control to the extent and in respect of the persons specified in the Order.



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 6 of the Trading No. 36 of 1939. with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, arid of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows :— , 12Ü6 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 25th October, 1945

Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Transfer .־:,. .of Negotiable Instruments, etc.) (Netherlands) Order, 194,5 Sanction of 2. The High Commissioner hereby sanctions— certain transfers (a) any assignment of a thing in action, under section 6 of the Ordinance. (/>) any transfer of a negotiable instrument, and (c) any transfer of any coupon or other security transferable by delivery, not being a negotiable instrument; being an assignment or transfer made on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Order by or on behalf of a person to whom this Order applies. Application of 3. This Order applies: — the Order. (a) to any individual resident in the Netherlands; •. (/;)as respects any business carried on in the Netherlands to any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincorpbrate) carrying on that business; (c) as respects any business carried on in any territory which is neither enemy territory nor an area which is for the time being to be treated as enemy territory for the purposes of section 6 of tho Ordinance, in accordance with section 14 or 15 thereof, to any ' body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporated carrying., on that business, if and, so long as the body is controlled by any individual resident in, or body of persons carrying on business in, the Netherlands.

Definition 4. For the purpose •of this Order "the Netherlands" means all-th•}. of "the territory in Europe of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Netherlands". By His Excellency's Command, 16th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (F/Cust/79/45) Chief Secretary.

EXPLANATORY NOTE. By an order of even date the High Commissioner has amended the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, so that its provisions cease to apply to money payable to, and property acquired by, the persons specified in the Order on or after the date of coming into operation of that Order. This present Order sanctions transfers or assignments of things in action or negotiable instruments which may be made by or on behalf of such persons on or after that date.



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him .by sections 3 and 7 of the No. 36 of 1939. Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commissioner has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows: —

Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Author­ isation) (Netherlands) Order, 1945.

Authorisation 2. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3 of the Ordin­ under section ance, any person, unless the High Commissioner otherwise directs, 3 of the may trade within the Netherlands with any individual or body of Ordinance. persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on business • therein. 25th October, 1915 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE •NO.' 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 1207

The transfer by or on behalf of any person within the description Authorisation .3׳ contained in paragraph 4 of this Order of any annuities, stocks, under section shares, bonds, debentures or debenture stock, registered or inscribed 7 of the in any register, branch register or other book kept in Palestine which Ordinance. on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Order comes into the ownership of any such person as aforesaid, is hereby sanc­ tioned. - -

4. Paragraph 3 of this Order shall apply : — Application of (a) to any individual resident in the Netherlands; , the Order. (&) as respects any business carried on in the Netherlands to any individual or body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on that business; (c) as respects any business carried on in any territory which is neither enemy territory nor an area which is for the time being to .׳•־ be treated as enemy territory for the purposes of section 7 of the Ordinance, in accordance with section 14 or 15 thereof, to any body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on that business, if and so long as controlled by any individual resident in, or body of persons carrying on business in, the Nether­ lands. • • •

5. For the purpose of this Order "the Netherlands" means all the Definition territory in Europe of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. of "the Netherlands". By His Excellency's Command, 16th October, .1945. J. V. W. SHAW (F/Cust/79/45) ' Chief Secretary.

EXPLANATORY NOTE. "< " (1) There may be persons in the Netherlands (e.g. persons permitted to conduct the business of a German incorporation) with whom it has remained an offence to -trade in spite of the liberation of that territory. Paragraph 2 of this Order removes the restriction. (2) By an order of even date the High Commissioner has amended the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, so that its provisions cease to apply to pro­ perty acquired on or after that date by persons specified in the Order. Para­ graph 3 of the present Order sanctions transfers of Palestine registered securities ! which are acquired by such persons on or after that date.



NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that a piece of land situated in the village of Jalbun in the sub-district of Jenin in the District of Samaria, having an area: of 67 metric dunums and 500 square'metres, or thereabouts, delineated and described on Survey Plan Number 316/44, and forming part of Fiscal Block No. VII is required by the High Commis­ sioner for public purposes absolutely. Copies of the said plan, showing the said land edged with red, are deposited at the offices of the Assistant District Commissioner, Jenin Sub-District, and at the offices of the Director of Land Registration, Jerusalem, and may be inspected there during the usual office hours by any person interested. Any person claiming to have any right or interest in the said land is required within six weeks from the date of the posting of this notice to send to the Director, Depart­ ment of Land Settlement, a statement of his right and interest and of the evidence thereof, and of any claim made by him in respect of such right or interest. 1208 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 25th October, 1945

The High Commissioner is willing to treat for the acquisition of the said land. AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the High Commissioner intends to enter into possession of the said land at the expiration of six weeks from the date of the posting of this notice, and that ,the High Commissioner has directed, and it is hereby directed, that the persons claiming to have any right or interest in the said land shall yield up possession thereof immediately after the expiration of the said period of six weeks. This 19th day of October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (L/9/45) Chief Secretary. PORTS ORDINANCE. ORDER BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 10(1).

Cap. 114. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 10(1) of the Ports Ordinance, the High Commissioner has ordered, and it is. hereby ordered, as follows: — Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Port of Haifa (Transport of Pas­ sengers and Luggage Charges) (Amendment) Order, 1945. Increase of 2. The charges for the transport of passengers and luggage, as pre- .charges for the' scribed in the Port of Haifa (Transport of Passengers and'Luggage transport of Charges) Order, shall be increased by one hundred per centum. '.־"'• passengers and luggage. ,. Laws •of Pal., ,By His Excellency's Command ׳•V• 1998• 15th October, 1945. , J. V. W. SHAW .Secretary /67־׳:״ (11/12/45?) MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ORDINANCE, 1934. BY-LAWS MADE BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OP UNDER SECTION 99.

No. 1 of 1934. LN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 99 of the Muni­ cipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the Municipal Council of Tel Aviv have made the following by-laws : — Citation. 1. These By-laws may be cited as the Tel Aviv (Certificate Fees) By-laws, 1945. Interpretation. 2. In these By-laws: — ^ "Mayor" means the Mayor of Tel Aviv and includes any person to whom the Mayor has delegated in writing his powers under these By-laws. "Council" means the Municipal Council of Tel Aviv.

Feeg 3. The fee for the granting or authenticating of any certificate by the Mayor shall be two hundred and fifty mils and shall be paid to the Council by the person applying for the certificate: Provided that the Mayor may grant exemption from paying the fee prescribed under this by-law, or part thereof, in case of poverty of the applicant or where the application for the certificate is made by a charitable, religious, cultural or educational institution the object of which is a purpose entirely other than to derive pecuniary profit. I. EOKACH Mayor of Tel Aviv.K ' . Confirmed. : By His Excellency's Command, 17th October, 1945. / J. V. W. SHAW (F/LG/93/45) '. Chief Secretary. 25th October, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 1209



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 99 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance; 1934, the Municipal Council of No. lof 1934." Petah Tiqva, with the approval of the High Commissioner, have made the following by-laws: —

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Petah Tiqva (Prevention of Citation. Nuisances and Removal of Refuse) (Amendment) By-laws, 1945, and shall be read as one with the Petah Tiqva (Prevention of Nuisances Gaz: 28.7. and Removal of Refuse) By-laws, 1938, hereinafter, referred to as "the p. 942. principal By-laws". 2. By-law 22 of the principal By-laws shall be revoked and the fol­ Revocation and lowing by-law shall be substituted therefor: — replacement of "Fees. 22.—(1) The Municipal Council of Petah Tiqva by-law 22 of the principal By-, shall be entitled to collect in respect of the removal laws. of refuse from any building or building plot within the ,municipal area of Petah Tiqva an annual fee which in respect of a building shall be equal to two per centum of the rateable value of such building, and in respect of a building plot shall be equal to fifteen per centum of the rateable value of such build­ ing plot. • (2) The rateable value of any building or build- ing plot for the purposes of these by-laws shall be ׳' the rateable value of such building or building plot as fixed from time to time for the purpose of assess­ ment of municipal rates under section 104 of the Ordinance- (3) The fee referred to in paragraph (1) of this by-law shall be paid by the occupier of the build­ ing or the owner of the building plot in the same manner and by the same instalments ,as the muni­ cipal rates are paid." 9 3. The Petah Tiqva (Prevention of Nuisances and Removal of Re­ Revocation. fuse) (Amendment) By-laws, 1942 are hereby revoked. Gaz: 30,7.42, V- 1238.

J. SAPHIR Mayor of Petah Tiqva. Confirmed. By His Excellency's Command, 19th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (F/LG/96/45) Chief Secretary:



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by subsection (4) of section 8 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the High Commis­ No. 1 of 1931. sioner in Council has ordered,• and it is hereby ordered, as follows : — 1. This Order may be cited as the Gaza (Decrease of Number of Citation. Councillors) Order, 1945. 1210. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 25th October, 1945

Decrease of 2. The first Schedule to the Ordinance shall be amended by sub• number of stituting the number ten for the number twelve as the, number of Councillors. councillors for the municipal corporation of Gaza. •

15th October, 1945 G. G. GEIMWOOD (G/36/45) Clerk to the Executive Council.



No. 1 of 1934. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 12 of the Muni• cipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the High Commissioner has order• ed, and it is hereby ordered, as follows: —

Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Gaza (Electoral Divisions) Order. 1945. .

Division of 2. For the purposes of election of Municipal Councillors for the municipal area municipal area of Gaza, such area shall be divided into four electoral of Gaza into divisions as set out in the first column of the Schedule. Each such electoral division shall respectively include the area comprised within the divisions. boundaries specified in the third column of the Schedule.

Number of 3. The number of Councillors to represent each electoral division Councillors specified in the Schedule shall be the number set out opposite such electoral division in the second column of the Schedule.

Révocation. 4. The Gaza (Electoral Divisions) Order, No. 1 of 1934, shall be Gaz: 19.4.34, revoked. p. 313.



Electoral Division, Number of Number, and Boundaries Councillors Name

1. East 2 The whole of Blocks 617, 618, 6P9, 621, 622, 623, 730, 731, 732, 734, 735, 736, 737, 852 part of, 887, 888,889 .

2. West 2 The whole of Blocks 663, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 835.

3. North 3 The whole of Blocks 6Q3, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 696, 697, 698, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720.

4. South 3 The whole of Blocks 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 620, 624, 631, 632, 686, 710, 711.

By His Excellency's Command, 16th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (G/36/45), Chief Secretary. 25th October, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 1241



.l of 1934׳.IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 99 of the Muni- No cipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, and by section 3 of the Local Au- 29 of 1945. thorities (Business Tax) Ordinance, 1945, the Municipal Corporation of Safad have made the following by-laws: — 1. These by-laws may be cited as the Safad (Municipal Business Citation. Tax) By-laws, 1945. ' 2. In these By-laws — Interpretation. "Council" means the Municipal Council of Safad; "Mayor" means the Mayor of Safad; "place or premises" means any shop, house, room, hut, kiosk or part thereof, in which any specified trade or business is carried on, and includes land whether surrounded by a fence or not; "specified trade or business" means any trade or business specified in the Schedule; "tax" means the municipal business tax imposed by these By-laws.

3. —(1) Any person carrying on any specified trade or business with- Imposition of in the municipal area of Safad for any period during any financial year shall pay to the Council tax in the amount set out in the second column of the Schedule, opposite such trade or business, in respect of each place or premises where such trade or business is carried on by ' such person. (2) Where two or more persons carry on different specified trades or businesses in the same place or premises, each of such persons shall pay the tax in respect of the trade or business carried on by him in such place or premises. (3) Where one person carries on two or more specified trades or businesses in the same place or premises, tax shall be payable only in respect of one of such trades or businesses, and where, in accord­ ance with the Schedule, the amounts of tax payable in respect of the said trades or businesses are different, tax shall be paid in respect of such one of the said trades or businesses as under the said Schedule is subject to the highest tax. 4. The tax shall be paid by two equal instalments as follows:— Payment of (A) in respect of any specified trade or business which any person tax• carries on for any period during the financial year ending on the 31st day of March, 1946 — (a) if he carries on such trade or business at the date of the pub­ lication of these By-laws in the Gazette — (i) the first instalment within thirty days from the date of such s ־ ,publication (ii) the second instalment within two months from the date of sUch publication ; (6) if he begins to carry on such trade or business after the date of the publication of these By-laws in the Gazette — (i) the first instalment within thirty days from the date on which he begins to carry on such trade or business, 1212 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE'NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 25th October, 1945

(ii) the second instalment within two months from the date on which he begins to carry on such trade or business; (B) in respect of any specified trade or business which any person carries on for any period during any financial year subsequent to the financial year ending on the 31st day. of March, .1946 — (a) if he carries on such trade or business on the first day of April of such subsequent financial year — (i) the first instalment on the first day of July of such sub• sequent financial year, (ii) the second instalment on the first day of October of such subsequent financial year; (b) if he begins to carry on such trade or business after the first day of April of such subsequent financial year— ..•<-'. (i) the first instalment within thirty days from the date on which he begins to carry on such trade or business, • (ii) the second instalment within four months from the date on which he begins to carry on such trade or business.

Power to 5. Any person carrying on any specified trade or business who claims require pro• to have paid the tax in respect of such trade or business in accordance duction of with the provisions of these By-laws shall, on demand made in that receipts for tax. behalf by the Mayor, or any official of the Council authorised by the Mayor, produce for inspection to the person making the demand any receipts held by him in respect of the tax which he claims to have paid.

Power to 6. The Mayor, or any official of the Council authorised by the Mayor, inspect premises. shall have the power at any reasonable time to inspect any place or premises in order to ascertain whether any specified trade or business is carried on therein.

Manner of 7. The provisions of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, collection of tax. regarding the recovery of rates imposed by a municipal council under No. 1 of 1934. that Ordinance shall apply mutatis mutandis to the recovery of the: tax, as though it was a rate recoverable under the said Ordinance.

Exemption. 8. The provisions of these By-laws shall not apply to any specified trade or business which is carried on by the Government of Palestine, the Council, or any naval, military or air force authority.

Reduction or 9. With the approval of the District Commissioner, the Council remission of may, on account of the poverty of any person liable to pay the tax- tax on account imposed by these By-laws, reduce or remit the payment of such tax. of poverty.


Description of Trade Amount or Business of Tax

Shops fo£ the sale of dairy produce Shops for the sale of vegetables and fruit (Wholesale) Shops for the sale of vegetables and fruit (Retail) Shops for the sale of meat Shops for the sale of fish Shops for the sale of poultry Grocery shops (Wholesale) 15 Grocery shops (Retail) 5 25th October, 1945. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 1213

Description of Trade ; Amount or Business of Tax

__ . . • - ; ~~ : £P. ׳"-.'־ Confectionery and sweetmeat manufacturers •12 .9 10. Cafes, restaurants and tea rooms situated on the Ring Road 12 •'.׳־'"' Cafes, restaurants and tea rooms situated elsewhere than oil the .11 Ring Road 6 12. Ice factories 15 13. Aerated water and non-alcoholic beverage factories 12

14. Pharmacies t 15 ־ Soda water fountains and ice-cream shops 6 .15 16. Tobacconists (Wholesale) 12 17. Tobacconists (Retail) ' 1

18. Barbers and hairdressers x 1 19. Stationers and booksellers (Wholesale) A " 12 20. Stationers and booksellers (Retail) 6 21. Laundries, dry cleaners and dyers 2 22. Breweries, wine presses and factories of alcohol 10 23. Shops for the sale of intoxicating liquors, with "Off" licences 5 24. Bakeries . 12 25. Public ovens 2 26. Drapers, outfitters and cloth sellers 15 27. Textiles sellers with "Utility" licences ' •' .. ' 12 28. Tailors manufacturing from cloth supplied by them at their premises 6 29. Tailors and dressmakers manufacturing frorh cloth not supplied by ׳> them at their premises 2 ׳'Furniture, furnishing, carpets and upholstery shops 3 .30 31. Carpenters and cabinet makers with power driven machinery 5 32. Carpenters and cabinet makers without power driven machinery 2 33. Basket-making and mat-making workshops 6 34. Goldsmiths and silversmiths . 1 35. Shops for the sale of hardware and building materials . 12 36. Cycle and cycle-repairing shops 1 37. Service-stations for motor-cars and machinery, 12 38. Establishments for the sale or storage of petroleum, paraffin or oil 15 39. Hotels with 30 beds or more ** 1 20 40. Hotels with from 11 to 29 beds 15 ־ Hotels with 10 beds or less 10 .41 .42. Lodging houses (where no food is provided) with 20 beds or more 12 43. Lodging houses (where no food is provided) with from 11 to 19 beds 8 44.- Lodging houses (where no food is provided) with 10 beds or less 4 45. Shops for the sale of fancy goods ,12 46. Stone-crushing plants 12 47. Cinema-houses with 100 seats or more 20 48. Cinema-houses with less than 100 seats 10 49. Banks and branches of banks \; 20 50• Omnibus and truck-transport services 20 51. Unleavened bread factories 15 52. Diamond cutting and diamond polishing factories 12 53. Factories not specially mentioned in the Schedule employing 3 workers or more , 25 54. Factories not specially mentioned in the Schedule employing less ! than 3 workers . — 6 55. -r Commission agents 12 56. Shops for the sale of confectionery, and sweetmeats 6 1214 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO.^ 2. 25th October, 1945 Description of Trade Amount or Business of Tax £P. 57. Electrical appliances shops 6 58. Radio and musical instruments shops 6 59. Leather-ware shops 4 60. Shops for the sale and distribution of eggs 6 61. Flour, corn, grain and cereal mills 3 62. Oil presses with power driven machinery 5 63. Oil presses, animal driven 2 64. Cloth and goat-hair tents weaving establishments 2 65. Shoemakers 2 66. Fell-mongers 3 67. Public garages 6 68. Blacksmiths, locksmiths and ironsmiths workshops with power driven machinery 69. Blacksmiths, locksmiths and ironsmiths workshops without machinery 70. Farriers 71. Firewood and charcoal stores and shops 72. Printing presses , 73. Cereal stores 74. Nut-makers and nut-sellers 75. Plumbers

76. : Paint shops 77. Tyre-pumping establishments

ZAKI QADDUEA Mayor of Safad. Confirmed. By His Excellency's Command, 16th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (F/LG/137/45) . Chief Secretary.



No. 23 of 1944. IN EXERCISE of the pdwers vested in him by section 3 of the Village Administration Ordinance, 1944, the High Commissioner has ordered, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:

Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Village Administration (Village Councils) Order (No. 5), 1945.

Application of 2. The whole of the village lands of the villages specified in the Part II of the Schedule to this Order shall be brought within the operation of Part Ordinance. II of the Village Administration Ordinance, 1944. Commencement. 3. This Order shall come into operation on the first day of Novem• ber, 1945. SCHEDULE.

Name of Village Sub •District District El Maliha Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem El Khadr Jerusalem Jerusalem 16th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (Y/79/45) Chief Secretary. ••25th.October, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 1215


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Regulation 48 of the Defence Regulations, 1939, I, I. LI. PHILLIPS, Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District, being a Com­ petent Authority for the purpose of the said regulation, in the interest of defence, do hereby take possession of the lands described in the Schedule hereto with effect from 1st November, 1942; and I do hereby authorise the Assistant Director of Hirings, H.Q. Palestine, Jerusalem, to enter into possession of the said lands on my behalf until further order; and I do hereby order that no person shall exercise any rights over ,any of the said lands which he may have been exercising at the date of the operation of this notice, whether by virtue of interest in land or otherwise, save with the prior permission of the said Assistant Director of Hirings. / ־״ , .SCHEDULE Area for Village Block-No. Parcel No. requisition Name of Owner Dunums.Metres

Maj dal Yaba 4252 48.360 Aboud Mohd. Ismail 4252 2.167 T:' ־ 16th October, 194-5. I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/13/40) Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District; Competent Authority.


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Regulation 48 of the Defence Regulations, 1939, I, I. LI. PHILLIPS, Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District, being a Com­ petent Authority for the purpose of the said regulation, in the interest of defence, do hereby take possession of the lands described in the Schedule hereto with effect from 1st October, 1945; and I do hereby authorise the Assistant Director of Hirings, H.Q. Palestine, Jerusalem, to enter into possession of the said lands on my behalf until further order; and I do hereby order that no person shall exercise any fights over any of the said lands which he may have been exercising at the date of the operation of this notice, whether by virtue of interest in land or otherwise, save with the prior permission of the said Assistant Director of Hirings. . ' :SCHEDULE ־ p . Area occupied ״. ^ A rea occupied arcel Parcel J Block Village Block Dunums Metres r Dunums Metres Yahdudiya 6707 1 3.550 Yahdudiya 6707 28 5.293 2 3.144 .30 4.484 3 1.402 31 7.217 4 5.929 ... 32 4.231 5 3.712 33 13.749 6 3.392 34 2.587 7 6.291 35 11.755 8 1.897 •'' 36 17.704 9 4.225 . 37 12.835 10 ' 3.192 38 1.710 11 5.732 96 19.544 26 4.930 97 8.167 : 27 3.630 6708 46 10.049 13.839 47 -• •׳•..׳•

16th October, 1945 "" • I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/13/40) Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District. Competent Authority. 1220 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 25th October, 1945 have granted authority to put into force, 15 days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, a detailed scheme entitled Scheme No. 87—of D. Burstein, notice of the deposit whereof, together with the plan annexed thereto, at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission was published in the Gazette No. 1402 of. the 12th April, 1945, at page 330.

AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that copies of the said scheme and of the plan annexed thereto, as authorised by the said District Commission, have been deposited and are open for inspection at the office of the said Local Commission.

13th October, 1945. I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission:




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission, have granted authority to put into force, 15 days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, a detailed scheme entitled Scheme No. 103—of Sonnenberg and Partners, notice of the deposit whereof, together with the plan annexed thereto, at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission was published in the Gazette No. 1402 of the 12th April, 1945, at page 330.

AND NOTICE is HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that copies of the said scheme and of thé plan annexed thereto, as authorised by the said District Commission, have been deposited and are open for inspection at the office of the said Local Commission.

13th October, 1945. I. LI. PHILLIPS , (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance,... 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission have granted authority to put into force, 15 days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, a detailed scheme entitled Scheme No. R/171—Kefar Menahem—Masmiya Road Scheme, notice of the deposit whereof together with the plan annexed thereto, at the office of the Lydda District Regional Building and Planning Commission (Town Planning Adviser's Office, Tel Aviv) was published in the Gazette No. 1419 of the 21st June, 1945, at page 699.

AND NOTICE• IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that copies of the said scheme and of the plan annexed thereto, as authorised by the said District Commission, have been deposited and are open for inspection at the office of the said Local Commission.

13th October, 1945. I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission. 25th October, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 1221



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the entries in the land registers relating to the subsisting interests, rights and obligations in respect of the lands described in the First Schedule hereto have been destroyed in whole or in part and that I intend to hold enquiries with a view to preparing new entries. , Any person who claims that he is interested in the reconstruction of the entries is hereby required to submit in writing to me at the Department of Land Registration, Jerusalem, within the period of thirty days from the date of the publication of this notice a statement of his claim. The entries believed to be concerned relate to the interests mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto.

THE FIRST SCHEDULE. y Particulars of Property Area Serial Tpwn or registration Tax Assessment Locality File No. No. Village Volume Folio Block Parcel Dunums Metres No. No. No. No.

157 Jérusalem Bab El Khalil _ 435 73 31, 78, 73 83 1086/45 ׳ • , lu 174 Jérusalem Bab El Asbat , 287 70 24 1437/45 175 Jérusalem Bab El Asbat — 324 70 23 — '— : 1437/45 181 Beit Jala El Madbasseh — 382 1 75 28036 76 325/45 (Urban) 335 Jérusalem Joret I'seileh Old duns. Pics 21 197 ' — • — 1349/45 18 1232 336 Jérusalem Ard Iliatama 4 970 21 198 — — ' - 1349/45[ 337 Jérusalem Joret Im'ala 3 661 21 199 — ' 1349/45 338 Jérusalem Al Baida, 3 733 21 200 — — 1349/45 339 Qaluniya Karm Sha'ar 6 — 58 Shibat, 3 72Q 753/45 1326, (Rural) 57 Kanun Tani, 1325 . , ׳ Dunums Metres 58 & 18 and 22 340 Beit Jala Zeitun Al Dahr — 919 6 74 28035 (Urban) 1651/45 341 Jérusalem Bab El Amoud — — 8 Mais, —, 1550/45 1333 Bab Hutta — * — 226 Huzei- — — 820/44 ran, 1319 Jérusalem Bab El Amoud — — 73 1 54 — — 1651/45 Old duns. Pics 5 Tishrin 342 Ramallah Shou'b Eassa 2 — Awwal,'1299 • — — - 357/45 343 Wad El Ghouleh. 40 — 649 Kanun — — 12/34 Awwal, 1302 344- Lifta Al Zaqaiq 15 — 355 Kanun — — 631/35 . Awwa' , 1298 345 Lifta Al Khabain — 400 356 Kanun — —— 631/35 Awwal, 1298 346 Lifta Al Habaleh 1 — 357 Kanun — —.. 631/35 Awwal, 1298 347• Lifta Hakouret El Ghar 1 — 358 Kanun — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 348 Lifta Ginanet El Faqeih — 400 359 Kanun — — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 349 Lifta 'Aqabat El Jisr 20, — • 360 Kanun v — —: 631/35 Awwal, 1298 1222 . • THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 25th October, 1945 Particulars Property Tax Area Serial Town »/ registration Assessment Locality Folio No. or Village Volume Folio Block Parcel No, Dunums Metres No. No. No. No.

350 Lifta Bas El Tabib 30 361 Kanun 631/35 Awwal, 1298 - 351 Lifta AI Dahadeih 35 — 362 Kanun — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 — 352 Lifta Aqabat, Ziadeh , 3 — 363 Kanun — — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 353 Lifta Hariket awlad 4 — 364 Kanun — — 631/35 Salih Awwal, 1298 354 Lifta Hariket AI 'Atil Old dims. Pics 365 Kanun 631/35 3 — Awwal, 1298 — — 355 Lifta Hakouret AI Dar 2 — 367 Kanun — — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 356 Lifta Hariket El Qaff 2 — 369 Kanun — - — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 357 Lifta 'Aqabat 'Ireib 10 370 Kanun — 631/35 — Awwal, 1298 — 358 Lifta Wa'r Ifheimeh 18 400 371 Kanun — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 — Dunums xMetres 376/45 62׳,Jérusalem Bab El Khalil 2 186 33 74 65 60, 61 359 and 79 376/45 87 65 156 67׳ Jérusalem Bab El Khalil 1 562 360 361 Jérusalem Bab El Khalil ' — 494 43 113 65 75 376/45 ,Mart 29״ Old duns. Pics 362 Karm Sheikh Salih — 1100 1327 30008 70 407/45 363 Jérusalem Bab El Khalil — — 18 182 74 42 1510/45 . (Urban) Dunums Metres 135 ׳ 364 : Lifta , Schneller — 424 19 191 82 (Urban) 2089/45 365 Hajar AI Badd and 2 560 8 6 5 887 1600/45 Wa'r AI Makawneh '(Rural) ׳Jérusalem Boukharian Quarter 1 694 65 17 84 101 86/45 366 (Urban) ־ 367 Jerusaïem Beth — 198 43 23 88 92 306/45 (Urban) 368 Ein Karem Yefei Nof — 536 12 16 162 47 403/45 (Urban) 369 Talpioth — 745 1 86 115 17 1841/45 (Urban) 370 Lifta Schneller — 397 19 30 80 110 1849/45 THE SECOND SCHEDULE.

Serial Nature of Deed No. Grantor Grantee Share No. Transaction

157 1380/44 Sale Yitzhaq Saat Nissan Yehezkel Yaaqov 4/100 1883/44 Yitzhaq Saat Shmuel Eliahu Mizrahi ) 10/100 ־ Yitzhaq Saat Malka Mizrahi 4/100 1883/44 1883/44 Yitzhaq Saat Shaoul Shalom Mizrahi 5/100 1883/44 Yitzhaq Saat Yosef Eliahu Cohen 8/100 1883/44 Yitzhaq Saat Haim Elisha Urfali 9/100

1884/44 Lease x Yosef Eliahu Cohen, Malca Nissan Yehezkel Yaaqov 12/300 Mizrahi, Shmuel Eliahu Mizrahi, Haim Elisha Ur- fali, Shaoul Shalom Miz­ rahi, Moshe Yosef Tisone 25th October,. 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 1215


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Regulation 48 of the Defence Regulations, 1939, I, I. LI. PHILLIPS, Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District, being a Com­ petent Authority for the purpose of the said regulation, in the interest of defence, do hereby take possession of the lands described in the Schedule hereto with effect from 1st November, 1942; and I do hereby authorise the Assistant Director of Hirings, H.Q. Palestine, Jerusalem, to enter into possession of the said lands on my behalf until further order; and I do hereby order that no person shall exercise any rights over any of the said lands which he may have been exercising at the date of the operation of this notice, whether by virtue of interest in land or otherwise, save with the prior permission of the said Assistant Director of Hirings. . SCHEDULE. Area for Village Block •No. Parcel No. requisition Name of Owner Dunums. Metres Majdal Yaba 4252 48.360 Aboud Mohd. Ismail 4252 2-167

16th October, 1945: I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/13/40) Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District. Competent Authority.


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Regulation 48 of the Defence Regulations, 1939, I, I. LI. PHILLIPS, Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District, being a Com­ petent Authority for the purpose of the said regulation, in the interest of defence, do hereby take possession of the lands described in the Schedule hereto with effect from 1st October, 1945; and I do hereby authorise the Assistant Director of Hiring^, H.Q. Palestine, Jerusalem, to enter into possession of the said lands on my behalf Until further order; and I do hereby order that no person shall exercise any rights over any of the said lands which he may have been exercising at the date of the operation of this notice, whether by virtue of interest in land or otherwise/save with the prior permission of the said Assistant Director of Hirings. SCHEDULE:

p ? Area occupied ״..Area occupied T Parcel VillagJ e Block Village Block Dunums Metres rarcei Dunums Metres Yahdudiya 6707 1 3.550 Yahdudiya 6707 28 5.293 2 3.144 30 4.484 3 1.402 31 7.217 4.231 32 5.929 . 4 ׳ 5 3.712 33 13.749 6 3.392 34 2.587 7 6.291 35 11.755 8 1.897 36 17.704

9 ( 4.225 37 12.835 10 ' 3.192 38 1.710 11 5.732 96 19.544 26 4.930 97 8.167 27 3.630 6708 46 10.049 47 13.839 16th October, 1945 I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/13/40) Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District. Competent Authority. 1216 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 14-17—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 25th October, 1945



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Regulation 48 of the Defence Regulations, 1939, I, I. LI. PHILLIPS, Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District, being a Com­ petent Authority for the purpose of the said regulation, in the interest of defence; do hereby take possession of the track traversing the lands described in the Schedule hereto, and under which the main sewage pipe line of Sarafand Camp passes, with effect from the dates shown hereunder; and I do hereby authorise the Assistant Director of Hirings, H'.Q. Palestine, Jerusalem, to enter into possession of the said track on mf behalf until further order; and I do hereby order that no person shall exercise any rights over any part of the said track which he may have been exercising at the date of the operation of this notice whether by virtue of interest in land or otherwise, save with the prior permission of the said Assistant Director of Hirings. SCHEDULE.

Block Parcel . ^nfift'1^ Number of Date of ,,.״ Drn ,Villa«e No. No. X?r/ Manholes Requisition

Sarafand El Amar 4222 4 13.20 — 1.1.45 4222 10 111.50 2 5.5.39 . 4222 12 124.70 3 1.1.45 1.1.45 2־ 94.45 26 4222 4222 37 70.70 2 1.1.45 1.1.44 ׳ 8 430.00 28 4225 4227 3 146.50 3 1.1.45 4227 56 476.30 9 1.1.45

17th October, 1945. I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/13/40) Acting District Commissioner , Lydda District. Competent Authority.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Jaffa Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled Scheme No. P/345—of A.' Sa'd Eddin, together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette.

13th October, 1945. I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Petah TiqvaT Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled Scheme No; 110— of I. Simkin, together with the plan annexed thereto. ;25th October, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1147—SUI^PLEMENT No. 2. 1217

The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 18th October, 1945. I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Buildingand Town Planning Commission.,




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled Scheme No. 114—of A. Kaufman, together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 13th October, 1945. I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town'Planning Commission.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled Scheme No. 122—of Shmuel Hakohen, together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. |

13th October, 1945. . I. LI. PHILLIPS '['-,' (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 19 of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Jaffa Local Building and Town Planning Commission, together with the plan annexed thereto, a copy of a modification (No. 1 of 1945), resolved upon by the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission of a detailed scheme entitled Scheme'No. "G"—Detailed Scheme for Blocks 7015, 7017-7019 and 7037, notice of the grant by the' said District Commission of authority for the putting.into force whereof was published in the Gazette No. 1285 of the 19th ,August, 1943, at page 756. . , , The copy of the said modification together with the plan annexed thereto are open for inspection by any person'interested free of charge, and any person interested as 1220 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 25th October, 1945 have granted authority to put into force, 15 days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, a detailed scheme entitled Scheme No. 87—of D. Burstein, notice of the deposit whereof, together with the plan annexed thereto, at the office of the Petah

Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission wasv published in the Gazette No. 1402 of the 12th April, 1945, at page 330.

AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that copies of the said scheme and of the plan annexed thereto, as authorised by the said District Commission, have been deposited and are open for inspection at the office of the said Local Commission.

13th October, 1945. I. LI. PHILLIPS . (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission have granted authority to put into force, 15 days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, a detailed scheme entitled Scheme No. 103—of Sonnenberg and Partners, notice of the deposit whereof, together with the plan annexed thereto, at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission was published in the Gazette No. 1402 of the 12th April, 1945, at page 330.

AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that copies of the said scheme and of the plan annexed thereto, as authorised by the said District Commission, have been deposited and are open for inspection at the office of the said Local Commission.

13th October, 1945. I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Toivn Planning Commission.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance,. 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission have granted authority to put into force, 15 days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, a detailed scheme entitled Scheme No. R/171—Kefar Menahem—Masmiya Road Scheme, notice of the deposit whereof together with the plan annexed thereto, at the office of the Lydda District Regional Building and Planning Commission (Town Planning Adviser's Office, Tel Aviv) was published in the Gazette No. 1419 of the 21st June, 1945, at page 699.

AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that copies of the said scheme and of the plan annexed thereto, as authorised by the said District Commission, have been deposited and are open for inspection at the office of the said Local Commission.

13th October, 1945. I. LI. PHILLIPS (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission. 25th October, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 1221



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the entries in the land registers relating to the subsisting interests, rights and obligations in respect of the lands described in the First Schedule hereto have been destroyed in whole or in part and that I intend to hold enquiries with -..׳••־ ' .a view to preparing new entries , Any person who claims that he is interested in the reconstruction of the entries is hereby required to submit in writing to me at the Department of Land Registration, Jerusalem, within the period of thirty days from the date of the publication of this notice a statement of his claim. The entries believed to be concerned relate to the interests mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto.


Particulars of Property Area Serial Totcn or registration Tax Assessment Locality File No. No. Village Volume Folio Block Parcel Dunums Metres No. • No. No. No.

157 Jérusalem Bab El Khalil — 435 73 31, 78, 73 83 1086/45 7Q ׳ • to , ׳ 174 Jérusalem Bab El Asbat , 287 70 24 1437/45 175 Jérusalem Bab El Asbat — 324 70 23 — '— : 1437/45 181 Beit Jala El Madbasseh — 382 1 75 28036 76 325/45 (Urban) 1349/45 — — ׳' Jérusalem Joret I'seileh Old duns. Pics 21 197 335 18 1232 336 Jérusalem Ard Iliatama 4 970 21 198 — — ' • 1349/45 337 Jérusalem Joret Im'ala 3 661 21 199 —• ' — 1349/45 338 Jérusalem Al Baida^ 3 733 21 200 — — 1349/45 339 Qaluniya Karm Sha'ar 6 — 58 Shibat, 3 72Q 753/45 1326, (Eural) 57 Kanun r. , , Tani, 1325 Dunums Metres 58 & 18 and 22 340 Beit Jala Zeitun Al Dahr — 919 6 74 28035 (Urban) 1651/45 341 Jérusalem Bab El Amoud — •—• 8 Mais, —. 1550/45 1333 Bab Hutta — 226 Huzei- — — 820/44 ran, 1319 Jérusalem Bab El Amoud — — 73 54 — •— 1651/45 Old duns. . Pics 5 Tishrin 357/45 • — ׳ Ramallah Shou'b Eassa 2 . — Awwal,'1299 342 12/34 • ־ • — — Lifta Wad El Ghouleh 40 — 649 Kanun 343 Awwal, 1302 344 Lifta Al Zaqaiq 15 — 355 Kanun — — 631/35 . Awwal, 1298 345 Lifta Al Khabain — 400 356 Kanun — — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 346 Lifta Al Habaleh 1 — 357 Kanun — —: 631/35 Awwal, 1298 347 • Lifta Hakouret El Gliar 1 — 358 Kanun — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 631/35 • •— ׳— Lifta Ginanet El Faqeih — 400 359 Kamin 348 Awwal, 1298 631/35 — — ־ Lifta 'Aqabat El Jisr 20 — ' 360 Kanun 349 Awwal, 1298 1222 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1447—SurrLEMENT No. 2. 25th October, 1945 Particulars Property Tax Area Serial Town of registration Assessment Locality Folio No. or Village Volume Folio Block Parcel No, Dunums Metres No. No. No. No.

350 Lifta Ras El Tabib 30 361 Kamin _ 631/35 Awwal, 1298 351' Lifta AI Dahadeih 35 . — 362 Kamin — 631/35 Awwal, 1298

352 Lifta Aqabat,Ziadeh y 3 — 363 Kanun — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 353 Lifta Hariket awlad 4 — 364 Kanun —; — 631/35 Salih Awwal, 1298 354 Lifta Hariket AI 'Atil Old duns. Pics 365 Kanun — •— 631/35 3 — Awwal, 1298 355 Lifta Hakouret AI Dar 2 — 367 Kanun — —' 631/35 Awwal, 1298 356 Lifta Hariket El Qaff 2 — 369 Kanun — — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 357 Lifta 'Aqabat 'Ireib 10 — 370 Kanun — — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 358 '•• Lifta Wa'r Ifheimeh 18 400 371 Kanun — — 631/35 Awwal, 1298 Dunums Metres 376/45 62׳ ,Jérusalem Bab Ei Khalil 2 186 33 74 65 60, .61 359 and 79 360 Jérusalem Bab El Khalil 1 562 67 156 65 87 376/45 361 Jérusalem Bab El Khalil — 494 43 113 65 75 376/45 Old duns. Pics 29 Mart, 407/45 ־ Malha Karm Sheikh Salih — 1100 1327 30008 70 362 363 Jérusalem Bab El Khalil — — 18 182 74 42 1510/45 (Urban) Dunums Metres 135 364 Lifta Schneller — 424 19 191 82 (Urban) 2089/45 365 Deir Yassin Hajar AI Badd and 2 560 8 6 5 887 1600/45 Wa'r AI Makawneh (Rural) ׳Jérusalem Bonkharian Quarter 1 694 65 17 84 101 86/45 366 - (Urban) 367 Jérusalem Beth Israel — 198 43 23 88 92 306/45 (Urban) 403/45 •־' Ein Karem Yefei Nof — 536 12 16 162 47 368 (Urban) 369 Beit Safafa Talpioth — 745 1 86 115 17 1841/45 (Urban) 370 Lifta Schneller — 397 19 30 80 110 1849/45 THE SECOND SCHEDULE.

Serial Nature of Deed No. Grantor Grantee Share No. Transaction

157 • 1380/44 Sale Yitzhaq Saat Nissan Yehezkel Yaaqov 4/100 1883/44 Yitzhaq Saat Shmuel Eliahu Mizrahi 10/100 1883/44 Yitzhaq Saat Malka Mizrahi 4/100 1883/44 Yitzhaq Saat Shaoul Shalom Mizrahi 5/100 1883/44 Y'itzhaq Saat Yosef Eliahu Cohen 8/100 1883/44 Yitzhaq Saat Haim Elisha Urfali 9/100

1884/44 Lease x Yosef Eliahu Cohen, Malca Nissan Yehezkel Yaaqov 12/300 1 Mizrahi, Shmuol Eliahu Mizrahi, Haim Elisha Ur- fali, Shaoul Shalom Miz­ • i rahi, Moshe Yosef Tisone 25th October, 1945 • THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLÉMENT NO. 2. 1223

Serial Nature of Deed No. Grantor Grantee Share No: Transaction

1885/44 Lease Yosef Eliahu Cohen, Haim Malea Mizrahi 12/300 Elisha Urfali, Shaoul Shalom Mizrahi, Shmuel Eliahu Mizrahi, Moshe Yosef Tisone and Nissan Yehezkel Yaaqov 1886/44 Lease Moshe Yosef Tisone, Mal• Yosef Eliahu Cohen 16/300 ea Mizrahi, Shmuel Elia• hu Mizrahi, Haim Elisha Urfali, Shaoul Shalom Mizrahi, Nissan Yehez• kel Yaaqov 1887/44 Lease Moshe Yosef Tisone, Malea Haim Elisha Urfali 21/300 Mizrahi, Shmuel Eliahu Mizrahi, Shaoul Shalom Mizrahi, Nissan Yehezkel Yaaqov and Yosef Eliahu Cohen 1888/44 Lease Yosef Eliahu Cohen, Malea Shaoul Shalom Mizrahi 13/300 Mizrahi, Shmuel Eliahu Mizrahi, Haim Elisha Ur• fali, Nissan Yehezkel Yaaqov, Moshe Yosef Ti• sone 1889/44 Lease Yosef Eliahu Cohen, Haim Shmuel Eliahu Mizrahi 21/300- Elisha Urfali, Shaoul Shalom Mizrahi, Nissan Yehezkel Yaaqov, Moshe Yosef Tisone, Malea Miz• rahi 174 1395/43 Succession Izhaq As'ad El Badrieh Sara bint Abdul Rahman 6/18 Nadimeh Izhaq El Badrieh 7/48 Amneh Izhaq El Badrieh 7/48 175 1395/43 Succession Izhaq As'ad El Badrieh Sara bint Abdul Rahmah 6/48 Nadimeh Izhaq El Badrieh 7/48 Amneh Izhaq El Badrieh 7/48 181 3110/43 Sale Ibrahim Hanna Mitri, Ib• Jadallah Muhsin Nazzal 1487/2702 rahim Yusef Nazzal, and Hanneh Attallah Bader 335 1542/27 Ghusoun Ahmad 'Eid 1152/122880 Registration Kafieh Ahmad 'Eid 1152/122880 Hamameh Ahmad 'Eid 1152/122880 Saleh Ahmad 'Eid 1152/122880 330 .1542/27 Ghusoun Ahmad 'Eid 1152/122880 Registration Kafieh Ahmad 'Eid 1152/122880 Hamameh Ahmad 'Eid 1152/122880 Saleh Ahmad 'Eid 1152/122880 337 1542/27 Ghusoun Ahmad 'Eid 576/122880 Registration Kafieh Ahmad 'Eid. 576/122880 Hamameh Ahmad 'Eid 576/122880 Saleh Ahmad 'Eid 576/122880 338 1542/27 Ghusoun Ahmad 'Eid 576/122880 Registration Kafieh Ahmad 'Eid 576/122880 Hamameh Ahmad ,Eid 576/122880 Saleh Ahmad 'Eid 576/122880 339 Sale Mustafa Khalil Saleh 'Awad Musa Hijbi In whole 340 1089/44 Sale Basil Jadallah Hadweh Jiries Issa Abu Zgheibreh 24/192 Salim Khalil Abu 21/192 Zgheibreh 1224 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 25th October, 1945

Serial Deed Nature of Grantor Grantee Share No. No. Transaction

1090/44 Mortgage Salim Khalil Abu Zgheib- Mehran Bughos Serakanian reh Mustafa, Aishe and Zeinab Abdul Fattah Haj Abdul 341 Sale children of Ahmad, Farize Qadir Farhan bint Bakr Arniah Partial suc• Abdul Fattah Haj Abdul Luliyeh bint Haj Abdul cession Qadir Farhan Qadir Farhan Sale Blias Abu Haneh Saleh Ibrahim Hishmeh Eegistration Ali bin Juma Registration Hnsein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. ,Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Registration Husein Muhd. 'Auda Rabi' Pearlbat Zelig Leider 1192/43 Sale Mustafa Bey El Khaldy and Badr Hasan El Khaldy 1193/43 Remainder Mustafa Bey El Khaldy after sale Badr Hasan El Khaldy 3027/42 Parcella- Badr Hasan El Khaldy tion sub• Mustafa Hasan El Khaldy ject to Mortgage Deeds Nos. 2574/34 (2409/40) . and 1786/36 Succession 1312/44 Amineh Badr El Khaldy Mustafa Bey El Khaldy Haj Badr Hassan El Khaldy 2101/42 Succession Nafiseh Badr El Khaldy ' Mustafa Bey El Khaldy Haj Badr Hassan El Khaldy Mustafa Bey El Khaldy 1312/44 Succession Amineh Badr El Khaldy Haj Badr Hassan El Khaldy Registration Petro bin' Wasil Tuma Kritikides Issachar bin Yaqub Bram 444/25 Sale and Heirs of Yaqub Bram Op- Possession latka Oplatka 1026/40 Mortgage Eliezer Eilbaum Yusef Rinds Jotter Ltd. 2048/41 Transfer of Yusef Rinde Mortgage 3999/41 Sale Sara Burg Feige Safranovitch 3965/42 Mortgage . Menashe Mosheoff Esther Bat Abraham Basrawi-Maaravi, Lea Bat Abraham Basrawi- Al Hadif, Sara Bat Shlomo Mizrabi- Basrawi and Eliahu ben Abraham Basrawi 25th October, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 1225

Serial Deed- Nature of. Grantor ... Grantee Share No. No. Transaction

367 1604/40, Sale Zissa Spivâk Zvi Gelbard 1/2 .. 628/43 Mortgage Zvi Gelbard Pinhas Mordecai Ben 1/2 ' Yusef Shlomo Singer and his wife Esther * • bat Shlomo Gerashon 368 3905/42 Sale . Yitzhaq Yaqov Tweina Faloo ben Zvi Zivlin In whole 3906/42 Mortgage Faloo ben Zvi Zivlin Yitzhaq Yaqov Tweina In whole 369 2208/34 Sale Anglo Palestine Bank Ltd. Yehoshua Mordechai In whole Eozenblum 370 2057/36 Sale Abraham Hasidoff Shlomo ben Salem In whole

Zfirah t

Dated this 10th day of October, 1945. J.F: SPRY Assistant Director of Land Registration. Authorised Officer.



THE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Settlement Notice under section 7 of the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance was issued in respect of the lands of the town scheduled hereunder. Any person claiming an interest in the lands of the said town, or in the lands of adjoining villages which abut on the boundaries of the town mentioned in the schedule hereto, should act in the manner prescribed in. the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance. The abovementioned Notice may be inspected at the following places : — .- Office of the Settlement Officer of the Area; Office of'the District Commissioner of the District; Office of the District Officer of the Sub-District; In the town.

Settlement Approximate Date of ״ Sub- Officer of date of Com­ Town District issue of District, the Area mencement Notice (Office at) of Settlement

The lands falling within the boundaries of Urban Property Tax Blocks 7053 and i 7054, Jaffa Jaffa Lydda Jaffa 17.10.45 1.11.45 . ׳

17th October, 1945. R* F. JARDINE (Gaz/1/40) Acting Director, Department of Land Settlement.

LAND (SETTLEMENT OF TITLE) ORDINANCE. NOTICE OF POSTING OF SCHEDULES OF RIGHTS- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the schedules of rights to land in the villages and settlement areas scheduled hereunder, and for the registration blocks mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Area Settlement Officers concerned and at the District Offices of the Sub-Districts in which the villages are situated, in accordance with • .״-•׳ ׳ . ׳ . .section 33(2) of the Ordinance 1226 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. . 25th October, 1945 j Settlement Settlement Village Sub-District Nos. of Registration -,•..•׳.. Area Office at Blocks

Ijzim Haifa Haifa Haifa 11992, 12007, 12013, 12014, 12016, 12019, 12020, 12023, 12040, 12041,• 12042, 12046

'Ein Ghazal Haifa Haifa Haifa ' 11782, 11783, 11786, 11792, 11793, 11794. 18th October, 1945. E. F. JARDINE (Gaz/1/40) Acting Director, Department of Land Settlement.


IN EXERCISE ,of the powers vested in him by the Emergency Powers (Defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940, as extended to Palestine from time to time by any Order by His Majesty in Council, the High Commissioner has made the following- Defence Regulations: —

Citation. 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Defence (Application of Food Control Ordinance, ]942) (Amendment) Regulations, 1945, and Gaz: 8.10.42, shall be read as one with the Defence (Application of Food Control p. 1535. Ordinance, 1942) Regulations, 1942, hereinafter referred• to as "the principal Regulations". Amendment of 2. The Schedule to the principal Regulations (as amended by the the Schedule to Defence (Application of Food Control Ordinance, 1942) (Amendment) the principal Regulations, 1943) shall be further amended by the deletion of the Regulations. following items: — Gaz: 12.^.43, JJ.737. Hay Locust beans (carobs) Straw Tobacco Bran Cake and meal of fish Bakieh Cake and meal of meat Gelbaneh Tombac Kersenneh By His Excellency's Command, 16th October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (C/134/43) Chief Secretary.



No. 4 of 1942. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 4 of the Food Control Ordinance, 1942, I, GEOFFREY WALSH, CM.G., C.B.E., Food Controller, do hereby order as follows : —

Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Food Control (Maximum Prices for Bread and Bita) Order, 1945.

Interpretation. 2. In this Order the expressions "bread" and "bita" have the mean­ Gaz: 6.9.45, ing assigned thereto in the Food Control (Bread) Rules, 1945. p. 986. Maximum 3.—(1) In any of the areas specified in the First Schedule no person price. shall sell or purchase, or offer or agree to purchase, any of the articles specified in the Second Schedule at a price exceeding the maximum price applicable in accordance with that Schedule. 25th October. .1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1447—SUPPLEMENT-No. 2. 1227

(2)'The onus of proof to establish his purchase price shall be upon the retailer. 4. In connection with the sale of any bread or bita, no person shall Fictitious trans­ enter, or offer or agree to enter, into any fictitious or artificial trans­ actions, etc. action, or make or demand any unreasonable charge.

5. —(1) The provisions of this Order are subject to any directions, Special direc­ authorisations, permits, licences or exemptions which at any time tions, etc. • may be given or granted by the Controller or by any person author­ reserved. ised by him in that regard. v (2) Every person holding an authorisation, permit, licence or ex­ emption granted under this Order shall comply with every condition imposed by such authorisation, permit, licence or exemption. ׳ .In the event of any contravention of this Order, any person who, Pen a It v .6 under the provisions of the Food Control Ordinance, 1942, as amended,, No. 4 of 1912. is guilty of an offence in respect of such contravention is liable, on conviction, to the penalties provided in that Ordinance. FIRST SCHEDULE.





Retailer's maximum ­margin over his pur ׳׳•| ״׳ ; • ״ , ״_ Wholesale maximum chase price or over Retail maximum selling selling price, in mils, •wholesale maximum Article per kilogramme net selling price, whichever price, in mils, per weight. . is the lower, in mils, kilogramme net weight per kilogramme net - weight

1. BREAD made of Pales­ tine Standard Flour— (a) loaves of round shape (i) Arab type 27.5 2.5 30 (ii) European type 29 3 32 (b) loaves of any shape other than ,. round shape (i) Arab type 32.5 , *2,5 .• 35 37 3 34׳ ii) European type) 30 ׳.-. . . .BITA 27.5 2.5 .2

G. WALSH 17th October, 1915. Food Controller. EXPLANATORY NOTE. In most of the major towns of the country, maximum prices for bread and bita have been fixed by the local, authorities. This has not been done in Jerusalem, and the above Order, therefore, prescribes maximum prices at which bread and bita (or "kimaj") may be sold within the municipal area of Jerusalem. :

Jenin until further notice. " ~ Chairman: Tahsin Eff. Abdul Hadi Members: 'Arif Eff. Abdul Rahman - Fami Eff. 'Abboushi. 2. AND, in accordance with section 14(2) of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, I hereby prescribe the 15th day of October, 1945, as the date on which the Electoral Committee for the Municipal Corporation of Jenin shall begin •to prepare the register of voters.

11th October, 1945. W. V, FULLEE (CF/860/39) Acting District Commissioner, Samaria District. 1232 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1447—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 25th October, 1945

Maximum Fare chargeable Description of Route per Passenger to ply Numbe r authorised of Route of Omnibuses Maximum No.

12(a) Chancellor Avenue— + Chancellor Avenue to Bayit Vegan or —Bay it Vegan - vice versa. 12 mils per single journey or part thereof.

1234 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1147—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 25th. October, 1945


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a piece of land situated in the locality of Shekhunat Hap-Poalim in the Village of Ein Karem in the Sub-District of Jerusalem, known as Parcel 61 of Urban Property Tax Assessment Block 30154, having an area of Seven metric dunums and two hundred and forty square metres, or thereabouts, delineated and described on copies of a sketch plan entitled "Beith Hakerem—Migrash Hakeren Hakayemeth Leisrael al yad Shkhunat Hapoalim" is required by the High Commissioner for public purposes absolutely.- Copies of the said plan, showing the said land edged with blue, are deposited at the offices of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, Jerusalem, and at the offices of the Director of Land Registraton, Jerusalem, and may be inspected there during the usual office hours by any person interested. Any person claiming to have any right or interest in the said land is required within six weeks from the date of the posting of this notice to send to the'Director, Department of Land Settlement, a statement of his right and interest and of the evidence thereof, and of any, claim made by him in respect of such right or interest. The High Commissioner is willing to treat for the acquisition of the said land.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the High Commissioner intends to enter into possession of the said land at the expiration of six weeks from the date of the posting of this notice, and that the High Commissioner has directed, and it is hereby directed, that the persons claiming to have any right or interest in the said land shall yield up possession thereof immediately after the expiration of the said period of six weeks. The 23rd day of October, 1945. J. V. W. SHAW (L/3/45) Chief Secretary.


IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him No. 37 of 1940. by sections 3 and 6(1) of the Citrus Control Ordinance, 1940, the High Commissioner has appointed the Registrar of Cooperative Societies to be an official member of the Palestine Citrus Control Board with effect from the 25th October, 1945, in the place of A. F. NAYTON ESQ., O.B.E., notice of whose appointment was published at page 1769 of Supple­ ment No. 2 to the Gazette No. 1064 of 19th December, 1940.

23rd October, 1945 . J. V. W. SHAW (F/Cit/25/44 Vol. II) Chief Secretary.