2020 Executive Board

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2020 Executive Board MIAMI-DADE COUNTY LEAGUE OF CITIES 2019-2020 EXECUTIVE BOARD Dear Colleagues: Each legislative session presents new challenges to address and new challenges to overcome, as we collaborate to uphold Home Rule and President ensure that local decisions are taken by local elected officials. As Hon. Claudia V. Cubillos President of the Miami-Dade County League of Cities and Mayor of the Mayor, Village of El Portal Village of El Portal, it is my privilege to serve the 34 municipalities of Miami-Dade County. During my tenure, I have collaborated with officials from all municipalities in advocacy of our collective interests. I have witnessed the colorful mosaic of cities, towns, and villages that allows us to draw on the strength of our unique diversity and harmonize our voices into a powerful force. First Vice President Second Vice President Hon. Keon Hardemon Hon. Joseph Corradino Chairman, City of Miami Mayor, Village of Pinecrest It is in this spirit of unity that we must resolutely voice our legislative positions, positions which are expressed and outlined in this year’s Legislative Action Agenda. In tandem with the Florida League of Cities and Miami-Dade County Public Schools, the League has focused on the key developments emerging on the state level that are most likely to have an effect on our communities. We have crafted this agenda to serve as the framework for you to continue to promote and protect Home Rule and ensure that we all speak with one united voice. Secretary Treasurer Hon. Juan Carlos Bermudez Hon. Rodney Harris Mayor, City of Doral Vice Mayor, City of Miami Gardens Yours in Service, Claudia V. Cubillos MDCLC President Immediate Past President Mayor, Village of El Portal Hon. Jordan W. Leonard Council Member, Town of Bay Harbor Islands 2 3 Miami-Dade County League of Cities Transportation Funding 2020 State Legislative Priority Positions he Florida eague of ities and the iami-Dade ounty eague of ities SUPPORT legislation that ill provide local governments Private Property Rights and the “Bert Harris Act” ith ne and innovative revenue options and resources to finance critical infrastructure maintenance and construction needs to The Florida League of Cities and the Miami-Dade County League meet the ever-changing transportation demands driven y of Cities OPPOSE changes to the Bert J. Harris Jr. Private Property dramatic population groth and new technology (autonomous Rights Protection Act that do not consider everyone’s property vehicles) throughout Florida rights or that create one-sided lawsuits that shift inordinate financial burdens onto local taxpayers and limit the ability of cities Water Resources to quickly resolve claims. Water is an essential public asset that benefits Florida’s economy, Sales Tax Fairness residents visitors and environment. Presently, Florida spends less than of percent of its entire state udget on water supply The Florida League of Cities and the Miami-Dade County League and ater uality improvements he Florida eague of ities and of Cities SUPPORT legislation to reform Florida’s sales and use tax the iami-ade ounty eague of ities SUPPORT legislation to laws that apply to online/e-commerce sales from out-of-state address Florida’s water quality crisis and water supply deficiencies retailers. Changes are needed to ensure in-state retailers are that treated equitably. • Provides for an annual assessment of the state’s Short Term Rentals ater infrastructure and ater uality improvement needs at the state, regional and local levels; The Florida League of Cities and the Miami-Dade County League • Estalishes a framewor for a state ater of Cities SUPPORT legislation providing for a collaboration infrastructure and ater uality funding program between the Florida Department of Business and Professional that includes objective criteria tied to eneficial Regulation and cities to ensure that short-term rental properties returns on investment, sustainale utility practices, abide by state and local regulations and be properly licensed and and intergovernmental co-ordination; and insured, are complying with state and local taxation requirements, • dentifies potential sources of funding and and comply with industry-accepted safety practices. The Florida financing League of Cities and the Miami-Dade County League of Cities SUPPORT legislation clarifying that existing, grandfathered municipal short-term rental ordinances can be amended if the changes being made are equal to or less restrictive than the current regulation in place. 4 5 Affordable Housing • Removing sauory barriers for loal governments to provide telecommuniaion servies and open he Florida eaue of ities and the iami-Dade ounty eaue competiion for affordable nernet servie; and of ities SUPPORT leislation that requires all monies from the • Inreasing publi funding for onstrution of adowsi tate and ocal Housin rust Fund be used only for broadband infrasruture. Florida’s affordable housing programs. Local Business Tax Protection Annexation he Florida eague of ities and the iami-Dade ounty eague he Florida eaue of ities and the iami-Dade ounty eaue of iies SUPPORT legislaion ha protets general reenues of ities SUPPORT leislation that facilitates the municipal collected from he local business ta. hese reenues are used o anneation of unincorporated areas, while protectin private provide essenial muniipal servies such as publi safey and property rihts and respectin municipal boundaries. construting and mainaining roads and bridges, publi pars and open spaes. ainaining a diversified reenue base srenghens Cybersecurity the fisal sabiliy of loal governments and improves heir abiliy to serve iiens and businesses and protet he publi. he Florida eaue of ities and the iami-Dade ounty eaue of ities SUPPORT leislation dedicating state resources for the Medical Marijuana development and enhancement of municipal cybersecurity by providin fundin for technical assistance, threat assessments, he Florida eague of ities and the iami-Dade ounty eague employee trainin, infrastructure improvements and data of iies SUPPORT legislaion restoring muniipal auhoriy o protection, includin the protection of eempt and confidential regulae medial mariuana failities ihin muniipal boundaries. information such as law enforcement personnel information and buildin plans for overnment and recreational buildins and Resiliency infrastructure. he Florida eague of ities and the iami-Dade ounty eague Digital Divide of iies SUPPORT the ffie of esilience and oasal Protetion and ill SUPPORT legislaion o fund and oordinae sae he Florida eaue of ities and the iami-Dade ounty eaue resilieny programs ih hose of loal goernmens. of ities SUPPORT leislation that reduces the diital divide and epands broad- band internet access to all underserved areas of Smoke-Free Zones in City Parks the state. his includes: he Florida eague of ities and the iami-Dade ounty eague • Fundin a study to identify areas of Florida that are of iies SUPPORT legislaion auhoriing cities o establish underserved by traditional broadband providers; smoe-free ones ihin the boundaries of a iy par. 6 7 • Ensure alignent of the coding of incidents eteen Miami-Dade County Public Schools the Florida Department of Education’s School 2020 State Legislative Priority Positions Enironent afet ncident eort (SESIR) and lorida eartment of aw nforceent FDLE) sstes and • acilitate the reuireent of charter schools reorting Funding their SIR incident data indeendentl of school districts. and the ool of allowale otions to eet he Miami-ade ounty eague of iies and he Miami-Dade the reuireent of a safe schools officer at eery school ounty ubli School sysem SUPPORT increasing the state’s by adding certified la enforceent officers as inestment in -12 eduaion b inreasing the ase udent ualifing under the guardian rogra alloing school llocaion (BSA) b fie percent and disoninuing he poliy of districts to re-eloy retired olice officers after one rolling ba he euired ocal Effort rae. ieise, e SUPPORT month of retireent ithout enalty to their ension ensuring ha an changes to he istrit os ifferential tae ino etending the OP eriod to eight years for la account cost differences integral to educational institutions’ enforceent officers serving as a school resource operaions eending auhoriaion of locall-voted leies for officers and eanding the entities that offer and operaing purposes from to 10 ears and appropriaing certif guardian rogra to include accredited la $14,765,000 from he ae hool rus Fund o he epartment enforceent agencies; and of Educaion for he benefi of iami-Dade ounty ubli hools. • upport legislation that ensures school districts are notified hen a student is released fro an stateide School Security aer ct receiing facility and of an felon arrest or formal charges of adult students he iami-ade ounty eague of iies and the iami-Dade ounty Publi hool ssem SUPPORT fully funding he os of the reuirement of a chool esource ffier (SRO) or hool School Readiness afey ffier (SSO) a eah publi shool mental healh servies for sudents o failitae he hiring addiional shool ounselors, he iai-ade ounty eague of ities and the iai-Dade soial orers, and psychologiss as ell as provide funding for ounty Pulic chool sste SUPPORT state funding for a high- safey infrasruture needs. uality, full-da oluntary re-indergarten VPK) rogra that rovides a minimu of hours for all eligile students and n addiion e SUPPORT amending he aror oneman relacement of the current assessment ith a ouglas afey Act o, amongs other hings: develoentall aropriate on-going assessment tool to tiel measure children’s progress and development, to inform the • Mandae he use of a uniform emergeny teachers and parents, and to evaluate the program’s effectiveness. communiaion ssem across all publi shools and all la enforement agenies ihin eah ounty for he purpose of riial iniden response; 8 9 Teacher and Personnel Shortage GOVERNOR & CABINET he iami-Dade ounty eague of ities and the iami-Dade GOVERNOR PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE ounty ulic School sstem SUPPORT implementing and funding Ron DeSantis Bill Galvano strategies such as teacher felloships and loan forgiveness (850) 488-7146 409, The Capitol (850) 717-9337 404 S.
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