2021 NEWS

THE VILLAGE DIARY IS BACK With the lifting of lockdown and resuming of clubs, activities and events, the village diary has returned to the back page. POLISH UP THE PARISH page 9. FERNHURST NEWS: For contact details please see page 1. STAGECOACH BUS TIMETABLE as from 29/08/21 Times shown from Fernhurst Crossroads 70 TO (approx. 10 minutes to Midhurst) Mondays to Fridays: 06.23, 07.40, 08.43, 09.45, 10.45, 11.45, 12.45, 13.45, 14.45, 15.50, 16.50, 17.56, 19.01. Saturdays: 08.45, 09.45, 10.45, 11.45, 12.45, 13.45, 14.45, 15.45, 16.45, 17.45, 18.56. Sundays and Public Holidays: 10.15, 12.15, 14.15, 16.15, 18.15.

70 to , GODALMING AND GUILDFORD (approx. 1 hr to Guildford) Mondays to Fridays: 06.48, 07.40, 08.05, 09.05, 10.10, 11.10, 12.10, 13.10, 14.10, 15.10, 16.15, 17.15, 18.20, 19.25 Saturdays: 09.10, 10.10, 11.10, 12.10, 13.10, 14.10, 15.10, 16.15, 1715, 18.20, 19.25. Sundays and Public Holidays (70/71): 1045, 1245, 1445, 1645, 1845.

THE HOSPITAL HOPPA (registered charity no. 1104954) - a door to door transport service from your home in Fernhurst to the Royal Surrey Hospital and all other health facilities between Haslemere and Guildford. Call our booking line on 01428 681701.

POLICE: Please report any suspicious activity to Police by calling: ‘999' for Emergency/Crime/suspicious activity in progress or '101' for Non emergency.

CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU - Well Lane House, Well Lane, Haslemere GU27 2LB. Monday 10am -1pm, Tuesday 1-6pm, Wednesday and Thursday 10am - 3pm, Friday Closed. Tel: 0344 848 7969 An adviser from Citizens Advice will be in the Fernhurst Centre every Thursday from 1.45 - 3.45 pm

FERNHURST PHARMACY (tel. 01428 644050) opening: Mon & Tues 9.00am - 1.30pm, 2.30pm - 6.30pm; Wed 9am - 1pm; Thurs & Fri 9.00am - 1.30pm, 2.30pm - 6.00pm; Sat 9.00am - 12noon. (Haslemere Late Night Pharmacy at Haslemere Health Centre, Beech Road, Haslemere is open Monday to Saturday 7 am to 10.30 pm and on Sundays 10 am to 5 pm.)

RECYCLING at Road, Midhurst, GU29 9QX. OPEN 9 am - 6 pm Mon. Thurs. Fri. Sat . & Sun. CLOSED Tues. & Wed.

COMMUNITY DEFIBRILLATOR is located on the outside wall of the Village Hall.

Printed by Blackdown Press - Tel. 01428 643309 The Hunter Centre is a facility that provides advice and support to those living with Dementia. Day Care is provided at the Marjorie Gray Hall, Grayswood Road, Haslemere, Surrey. 10am – 4pm. Mondays, Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays. Our aim is to provide social stimulation in a relaxed safe environment, run by staff with many years’ experience. We also run Carers Support Groups and Dementia Friends Information Sessions. If you would like any information on any of the services The Hunter Centre provides, please contact the Operations Manager, Elaine Clement on 01428 654710 or email: [email protected] Registered Charity 1173587

Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here Country Paws Dog Walking

A flexible and reliable local dog walker. I also do doggie day care and in-house boarding Where your dog will be part of the family. Insured and DBS checked. Pet First Aid & CPR Certificate. Phone 07533 023562 or

email [email protected]

Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here. his event costs £8 and includes a welcome drink with the opportunity to buy signed copies of the book. The book follows a year in the life of a Manx Shearwater chick as it flies 8000 miles from the British Isles to the South Atlantic. Part memoir, part homage to wilderness, Shearwater traces Roger's 50-year obsession with one of nature’s supreme travellers, full of lightly-worn knowledge, acute human observation and self-deprecating humour bringing to life a truly mysterious and charismatic bird.

Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here MATT OVERTON

Painter & Decorator

15 years’ experience, good rates, fully insured and there is no VAT Contact: 07769533766 Or email: [email protected]

ROBERT MOODIE at Clare Laughland Interiors Master Upholsterer since 1973

Is your sofa or perhaps your favourite chair In need of a little loving care? Don’t push it aside or take to the ‘tip’ Just give us a ring and we’ll mend it. Loose covers or fitted, or down to the frame We will restore it, elaborate or plain Fabrics and braids for us to enhance Our craftsmanship’s shown if given the chance. Specialists in reupholstery of antique and contemporary furniture The Old Milking Parlour, Mellow Farm, Dockenfield, Surrey, GU10 4HH - 01428 712886 [email protected]

Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here. Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here. Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here. FERNHURST NEWS

Fernhurst News is a community magazine printed by Blackdown Press. If there are issues that you think are pertinent to the village and would be of interest, we would be happy to hear from you. Don’t forget to tell us about your events for the Village Diary. The Editorial Committee takes no responsibility for the views and accuracy of the contributors’ articles nor for the quality of the services and products advertised.

Anyone wishing to obtain extra copies of the Fernhurst News can do so from The Hub at Crossfield, Vann Road or at the Church. For postal subscriptions. please contact Judy and Ian Goodall 07800 778 538. Alternatively download from www.fernhurst.net/fernhurstnews.pdf. For publication information contact Elaine Ireland: [email protected] Copy for November 2021 issue to Elaine by 10 October please. A big thank you… We hope you’ll join us in saying a big thank you to Pat and Charles Hallifax who have stepped down after managing the distribution of the Fernhurst News for 15 years. For each issue (apart from the occasional break) Pat and Charles collected copies of the Fernhurst News from the printer, counted out the copies (and any fliers) required for each of the delivery rounds and then delivered them to the volunteers. We currently print 1280 copies which are split into 38 bundles and delivered to 46 volunteers to deliver to your door. We are very grateful to Judy and Ian Goodall for taking on this sterling work — managing the distribution and delivering a free copy of local news to every household in the Parish and to any paid subscribers outside the village.

Fernhurst News October 2021 1 THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM Saturday 9th October 2021 in the Village Hall Doors open 7pm, film starts 7.30pm Duration 1hr 31 mins Rated: PG We’re back at last! And looking forward to seeing you again because we’ve wanted to show you this film since April 2020 plus other gems we’ve found in the meantime and wish to share with you. It was tantalizing not being able to screen films, but in a strange way, after what everyone’s gone through last year, it makes ‘The Biggest Little Farm’ an even more relevant and uplifting experience and perfect to start off our new season. Because it’s the true story of a couple who promised their dog a better life, and upped sticks to buy a run down, worn out fruit farm in California. A cou- ple of ingénues, who know diddly squat about farming, but are prepared to dare and take on a challenge to build a life in perfect harmony with nature. They had a plan; Mother Nature had hers. Their bravery and remarkable stoicism are extraordinary which is why this enlightening and inspiring film is joyful in all the best ways. Do come back and enjoy one of the most delightful films you’ll see this year Click onto: www.fernhurst.net/films/index.htm for a synopsis and trailer of this film. Tickets available at the door on the night. Tickets unchanged at £6 on sale at at the door on the night. Licensed bar and refreshments available from 7pm.

FE R N HU R S T V IL L A G E WE B S ITE S w w w .f ernhurst.net A ll you need to know about the village, organisations, facilities, businesses and local inform ation. Fernhurst Village Community Board The online m eeting p lace for residents and friends of F ernhurst. Join the Group w ith one click from your F acebook p age.

2 Fernhurst News October 2021 Fernhurst Art Group www.fernhurst.net/art


Fernhurst News October 2021 3 Hallelujah - We’re Back!

Fernhurst Choral Society held its first “in-person” rehearsal in the Village Hall on Monday 6th September. This was the first time we had sung together in the same room since March last year. We have of course been continuing to sing together on Zoom for much of that period, which has kept our spirits up and enabled the choir to maintain an esprit de corps during the long months of enforced separation. However, there really is no substitute for combined voices. A good deal of thought and planning had been undertaken by the Committee to make rehearsals as COVID-secure as they could be. After sourcing advice from national choral guidelines, a risk-assessment was carried out. Pre-attendance COVID testing was mandated, all attendees had been fully vaccinated, the seating was laid out to provide a suitable distance between choristers and of course a high level of ventilation was maintained. Our Autumn concert is scheduled to be held in St Mary’s Church, on the 20th November. We shall be singing a perennially favourite piece of choristers and public alike; Messiah by George Frideric Handel. Messiah was composed with a scriptural text from the King James Bible and Psalms from the Book of Common Prayer. It was first performed in Dublin in 1742. After an initially modest public reception, the oratorio gained in popularity, eventually becoming one of the best-known and most frequently performed choral works in Western music. In our first rehearsal of the season, we undertook a simple run-through of Messiah’s choral movements, without stopping to repeatedly practice the trickier sections, or ensure our pronunciation, timing or dynamics were as they should be. All that detailed work will be addressed in rehearsals leading up to the November concert. Our first run-through that evening on the 6th was jubilant, we were all so glad to be back singing together. It felt like an act of renewal for us all as a choral body. It was emotional and tremendously enjoyable. It wasn’t just our voices singing, it was our hearts as well. Put the date in your diary and join us for what we all believe will be a joyous and uplifting performance. You will be able to purchase tickets for the concert from our website from mid-October. Michael Burnham Website: www.fernhurstchoralsociety.org.ukemail: [email protected]

4 Fernhurst News October 2021 Fernhurst News October 2021 5 HORT SOC NEWS www.fernhurst.net/hortsoc/ It is sad that in view of so many uncertainties during these turbulent times, the Fernhurst Horticultural Society decided to cancel the 2021 Autumn Flower Show on 11th September. This decision was not taken lightly and was based on the fact that the risk was simply too great for the event to be held this Autumn. We are very much hoping that we can go ahead with the first of our talks in the Village Hall when Benjamin Pope will talk to us about creating movement, structure and interest in the garden during the quiet winter months. Doors open at 7.30pm for coffee, talk starts at 8pm. Non-members welcome (£1 entry). _____oOo_____ Autumn in our Fernhurst Garden - John Hargrove When we moved to Fernhurst just over 6 years ago, we left a formal and very flat ‘outer suburban’ garden, all straight lines and formal flower beds – and lots of lawn. Now we have a garden which goes up and down in all directions and where there are no straight lines and not much grass, lots of shrubs particularly clematis, roses and wisteria, the latter being a ‘super-thug’ in gardening terms. What I have to do this Autumn is decide what needs to be removed from the garden and what to keep; there is an acute over-crowding problem, starting with removing the three D’s – the ‘dead, diseased and damaged’. The only thing I miss not having is our old bonfire area – simply not room - but it is more compensated for our enviable view over the . Bizarrely, busy Autumn has started in much delayed but glorious summer weather! Pruning what remains after the clear out, will take up a lot of time but it is very worthwhile cutting most shrubs back by about a third and removing weak shoots will make spring pruning much easier. I try to follow the guidance available from the RHS and elsewhere but with clematis I simply cut them all back to knee height in the autumn and they seem to appreciate it and flower in the next season. I have also extended the space for vegetables with a new area in full sun which I may regret. It will also be more expensive as the price of timber has gone through the roof. Talking of rooves, I have two sheds, each with leaking rooves that need replacing. More cost, but if winter is bleak, cold and wet, a shed and/or greenhouse are a real bonus. I also want to check on a gap under the hedge with next door. This currently being used by next door’s cat, some churchyard rabbits, Mr Brock the badger from the field and, when he finds it, probably Digby, our daughter’s dachshund, but I don’t want to close it to any itinerant hedgehogs who may be on the prowl, particularly as none of the current users are doing any damage in the garden. I am quite sure as I plunge into the undergrowth, I will find many more things that need dealing with. But then we can all look forward to looking through the plant seed catalogues as a respite from hard graft and (probably) wet and cold weather.

6 Fernhurst News October 2021 FERNHURST LUNCH CLUB Unlike the Windmill Theatre in WW2, we had to close because of the Covid restrictions. So it was indeed a joyous occasion when we shared a delicious cream tea as a prelude to our lunch club relaunch on September. The superb scones, made by our chef Lou, and Marjory, Ruth, Christine and Elizabeth, were enjoyed by all sixty people who attended along with invited guests. Lou has plans for many exciting and varied lunches in the future. The Club was represented at the Revels on Bank Holiday Monday with our hamper stall which is always a big attraction with Anne, Bob and Irene manning the stall all day long. The luxury hamper, won by Vera Matthews, was quite sumptuous, so congratulations Vera. Now, here’s a poser for you—what goes on a scone first? I rang a friend in Devon to find out. Apparently in Cornwall it is the jam first with Devonians saying cream. Personally, I don’t mind. They are a gorgeous treat any way. My thanks to Ruth for stepping in to write up all press notes while I took time out. It was lovely to see everyone again. We welcome most heartily new members to our friendly club. Special diets catered for; and transport can be arranged. Our next lunches will be served on 7th and 21st October. So why not come along for a taster? We are also holding a table-top sale on 7th October with ‘bits and bobs’ and delicious cakes available. For further info contact Penny Self on 01428 653396.

Fernhurst News October 2021 7 The Fernhurst Society www.fernhurstsociety.org.uk

A WALK Sunday 17th October Common Meet Crossfield Car Park 1.30pm We’ll bundle into as few cars as possible and head up to the starting point for a gentle walk of up to 2 hours on Woolbeding Common led by Dave Gibbon. Dave produced the wonderful booklet on local walks for the Scouts. Dogs welcome — bring a leash.

A TALK Thursday 28th October The South Downs National Park Fernhurst Village Hall, 8pm Doors open 7.30pm. Teas, coffees etc not available this time.. A talk by Doug Jones on the work and role of the National Park team whose HQ is in Midhurst. Talks are free to members. Non-members £2

New committee members and chairman wanted. The Society was set up to promote our local heritage (from history to bio-diversity) with walks and talks and projects. The committee meets 4 to 5 times a year to draw up a programme of activities and events and organise how we’ll carry it out. If you’re interested, please contact Judith Turner. Judith is also looking to step down after 5 years as chairman. We seek a successor. Hard act to follow, but if you are interested (or if you know a good candidate for the role) please contact Judith. Tel: 01428 653790 Email: [email protected]

8 Fernhurst News October 2021 TALES FROM THE ARCHIVES … The Day before Yesterday Before Tudor Gardens the site was occupied by a succession of fuel companies. The shop in front was the local Home Guard base during WW2.

As Covid restrictions are eased we are welcoming visitors to the Archive by appointment only. If you have any queries on local history that you would like the team to help you with please contact us by email: [email protected] Christine Maynard - Fernhurst Archive

Litter picking in and around Fernhurst Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 October ‘Polish up the Parish’

Fernhurst News October 2021 9 From the Vicarage

I was amused to be told, many years ago, that somewhere on the North Yorkshire Moors there was a noticeboard that read, ‘It is forbidden to throw stones at this no- tice.’ I’m not sure if it ever really existed, but it’s achieved almost legendary status – there was a discussion in The Guardian about it back in 2011. We’ve all seen or heard about unintentionally funny signs and notices. I love them – I collect pictures of them. I’ve got shops proclaiming, ‘Antique Tables Made Daily,’ and ‘Yes, We’re Open (unless we are closed).’ From America – ‘Touching Wires Causes Instant Death – $200 Dollar Fine,’ and an elementary school advertising a ‘Leteracy Night’. There’s a road sign pointing to a ‘Historic Life–Saving Station Ceme- tery’, and a reassuring notice telling us that ‘Extra Ladies are available around the corner’. I’m particularly attracted to ‘notice bloopers’ associated with church. My favourite has to be ‘Don’t Let Worries Kill You – Let The Church Help.’ Some notices are very creative. Seen in a church store room: ‘A place for everything, and everything in its place. However, its place is not here!’ And ‘Beware of the Dog. The Cat is not trustworthy either’ caught my eye recently. You see, that’s the thing about signs and notices. They’re meant to catch your eye. You’re supposed to notice them. But, these days, we’re so surrounded by notices, particularly ones about Covid restrictions and requirements, that we tend to tune them out. The fact is that many of them go un–noticed. Many are routinely ig- nored. Perhaps we all suffer from ‘notice fatigue.’ There are just too many notices everywhere, plastering walls and windows, many of them put up to point out the obvious, or to prevent litigation. It’s too much. And it’s all so impersonal. So much for signs and notices. Now, some people say to me, “Why can’t God send me a sign?” It’s an interesting question, and clearly heartfelt. Why can’t God make it obvious for us? Couldn’t He send us notices and signs? Letters of fire across the sky would be nice. Something we can’t miss? Maybe we might notice them, if He did. Or maybe we wouldn’t; maybe we’d see them as just another part of the ‘background clutter’ that we tune out on a daily ba- sis in this noisy and cluttered world. And He’s not an impersonal God, anyway. He doesn’t tend to send us notices. He’s much more direct and personal than that; he deals with each of us as the unique, and loved, individuals we are. Perhaps he is speaking to us, and we just haven’t noticed yet. With every blessing, Nick

10 Fernhurst News October 2021 And Now from the Pew… October already, but writing this article on what looks to be the last real day of Summer, it’s hard to realise how fast the year is moving on. October was once only the eighth month of the year back in Roman times, octo meaning eight. The Saxons called it Wintirfyllth, because it was when the first full moon of the season appeared. October became the tenth month when it was added in the Gregorian calendar. Despite the fact that the weather will be getting chillier, and the autumn leaves beginning to fall, October seems to be a quiet month at St Margaret’s, a time in which to draw breath and start to anticipate the coming season. We can also look back, the Revels finally took place on the last Bank Holiday Monday in August, and what a great day it turned out to be despite being rather cool and grey. We missed St George and his dragon, and the Maypole dancing, but there were plenty more attractions instead. St Margaret’s sandwich stall excelled itself this year, more sandwiches were prepared, which meant they managed to keep going without an early sell out! The Harvest supper will have taken place on the 25th of September, a few adjustments were being made to adapt to present ‘covid’ rules, with shepherd’s pies and fruit crumbles being prepared for each table, making serving much simpler. Hopefully, with restrictions having been eased back this will have been a jolly occasion, a chance to feast, socialise and be entertained has been hugely missed! Our Harvest Festival Service will have followed the next morning, this too promised to be a happy occasion. With singing allowed again, the sound of ‘Come ye thankful people come’ and ‘ ‘We plough the fields and scatter’ will surely have raised the roof! It's good to feel things are gradually creeping back to almost normal, a lot has changed and we are wise to still keep a note of caution and respect for other people’s feelings. Obviously if anyone tests positive or is warned to quarantine, they must isolate We can sit anywhere we like now and, oh joy, we are allowed to sing again. We do not have an organist though sadly, and miss Michael’s playing very much, but are so grateful to all those musicians who are happy to accompany us. Sundays at Seven have recommenced, taking place in St Margaret’s on the first Sunday of the month. These are informal quiet reflective services, sometimes using the Northumberland Community Evening prayer, or Celtic Prayer, or using a Taize style service, with songs interspersed with readings, prayers, and silence. These are more contemplative gatherings, with everyone sitting comfortably in the ‘round’ in the Lady Chapel. Stop Press! The Men’s Breakfast is also about to start again on October 2nd in the Parish and Community Room. You will need to book your place though, either with Keith Tyler 0142 8658504 or Bob Pennington 01428 664406 as numbers limited. Finally, don’t forget the clocks go back on the last Sunday of October, when there will be a service for All Souls at the 10’clock … Angela Parrott

Fernhurst News October 2021 11 FERNHURST GOOD COMPANIONS

Rosemary Foster

12 Fernhurst News October 2021 Are you entitled to 2-year funding? Some 2-year-olds in can get free early education and childcare. You can check if you are eligible by clicking on https://www.gov.uk/free-early-education If your child is eligible, you can start claiming after they turn 2. The date you can claim will depend on when their birthday is. Places are subject to availability, please call 01428 652579 if you fit the criteria.

HASLEMERE DISTRICT FOOD BANK The weekly collection point for the HASLEMERE FOOD BANK is out- side the Post Office in Crossfield. Donations of tinned food, toiletries and other household items are still very much needed. Food bank vouchers available with referral from doctor’s surgery, schools, churches, Citizens’ Advice Bureau. Home delivery available on request. Email: [email protected]

Fernhurst News October 2021 13 14 Fernhurst News October 2021 ..

Fernhurst News October 2021 15 As summer fades away and we move into autumn, the Fernhurst Hub has become a hive of activity once again. All the established courses are now up and running and being taught face to face. The languages, French , Spanish and Italian are proving as popular as ever, and if there is enough uptake we will look at adding German next term, so do let us know if you are interested. Our new Bridge for Beginners and Intermediate had a fantastic response with the Intermediate sessions becoming fully booked soon after we opened. As did our Cheese and Wine tasting evening, not surprisingly! We also have an extensive range of crafts and floral workshops. It’s been so lovely to welcome new faces to the Hub to join our courses, and we have had great feedback from all the new comers. We are delighted to be working closely with Fernhurst Primary School to enhance our Children’s Activities. If you happen to pass the Hub between 0930 and 1000 on a Wednesday morning you can't help but smile as you hear Cecile singing French songs to the children with such enthusiasm and gusto. SHOPPING: In addition to our cards and gifts we now have a selection of smart Caspari Bridge cards, perfect for all those new bridge players or they would make a lovely present. We will have lots of new stock in as, dare I say, people start to think about Christmas. CAFÉ: Don’t forget we sell delicious freshly made sandwiches from the South Downs Coffee Company, as well as our indulgent chocolate brownies and flapjacks.

CHILDREN’S WEEKLY ACTIVITIES: Pre-School age (no booking required) Date: Monday (Storytime) and Wednesday (Fun French for Toddlers) Time: 0930 - 1000 Cost: £1 NEW - FRIDAY ‘MUSIC MAKERS AT THE HUB’ Date: Friday (starting 8 October) Time: 0930 - 1000 Cost: £1

NEW - SATURDAY KID’S CLUB 5-11 years old (booking required by Monday 4 October to secure your place email: [email protected]) Theme: Gardening & potting plants to take home Date: 9 October Time: 1400-1500 Cost: £5.00

16 Fernhurst News October 2021 EVENING EVENT: SHEARWATER’ A Bird, An Ocean and a Long Way Home. A fascinating talk by author and a founder of the Help for Heroes charity Roger Morgan-Grenville. Nature writer Roger tells the extraordinary story of the world’s best travelled bird and takes us on an adventure half way round the globe in his search for it. Informative, passionate and optimistic, this is a wildlife tale too good to miss. Date: Wednesday 20 October Time: 1930 - 2130 Cost: £8.00 - to include a glass of wine or soft drink.

FLORAL WORKSHOP: The theme for this month’s floral workshop by Louise Avery is ‘Foraged autumn Fruits’. Learn how to create a foraged collection of autumn fruits, nuts, berries & flowers.. All materials are included in the cost. Date: Wednesday 20 October Time: 1400 -1600 Cost: £40.00

IT & MEDIA COURSES SELLING ON EBAY iPHONE- 2 part course Date: 13 October Date: 20 & 27 October Time: 1400 - 1600 Time: 1400 - 1600 Cost: £18 Cost: £26 for both dates

LACE MAKING: Learn how to make beautiful lace with our experienced tutor of 30 years. Date: 12 October Time: 0930 - 1300 Cost: £20.00

ORIGAMI: Explore the Japanese art of paper folding to create some wonderful finished 3D sculptures. Date:13 October Time: 1915- 2045 Cost: £15.00

For all course enquiries please contact: [email protected]

Opening Hours: 2 Crossfield Mon - Tues - Thurs & Fri 10 -4 Vann Road Wed 10 - 1 Sat 10 - 12 noon GU27 3JL Tel: 01428 641931 Registered Charity no 1097445 e-mail: [email protected]

Fernhurst News October 2021 17 18 Fernhurst News October 2021 October Services

Fernhurst News October 2021 19 St. Margaret’s Church All Souls/Covid Remembrance Service Sunday, 31 October, 2021, at 4 p.m. A PRAYER FOR THE BEREAVED God of compassion, we pray for those who mourn loved ones and for those whose need of you is very great. May they embrace your promise of eternal life and in their grief receive your gifts of peace, hope, joy and faith; through Christ our Lord. Amen

St Margaret’s Fernhurst and St Peter’s Lynchmere Church Services and Private Prayer St Margaret’s and St Peter’s are open for private prayer every day between 10am-5pm. Please use the hand sanitisers provided on entering and on leaving the churches and observe the 2m distance rule within the buildings. You may wish to light a votive candle in St. Margaret’s in memory of someone who has died during the pandemic, or in thankfulness for the NHS and its staff, the key workers and all who have shown God’s love for their neighbours and friends. The church website (https://www.flcchurches.org.uk/ prayers.htm) provides prayers, readings and video reflections by Nick Haigh, as well as links to other sites offering prayers and streamed worship services.

Sundays at Seven have recommenced, taking place in St Margaret’s on the first Sunday of the month. These are informal quiet reflective services, sometimes using the Northumberland Community Evening prayer, or Celtic Prayer, or using a Taize style service, with songs interspersed with readings, prayers, and silence. These are more contemplative gatherings, with everyone sitting comfortably in the ‘round’ in the Lady Chapel.

The Rev. Nicolas Haigh, Vicar, Fernhurst (St. Margaret of Antioch), Lynchmere & Camelsdale (St. Peter & St. Paul) Tel. 01428 652229 Churchwarden & Acting Treasurer: Mrs Mary Oddi, Tel. 653517 PCC Secretary: Mrs. Jenny Hill, Tel. 644776 Deputy Warden: Mr Robert Pennington PCC Members: Graham Inns, Ann Smith, Ian Pavey (Deanery Synod), Sheelagh Underwood (Deanery Synod), Ruth Paine Licensed Reader: Anita Haigh Benefice Administrator Natasha McLeod, Tel. 07974 351255 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.flcchurches.org.uk

20 Fernhurst News October 2021 Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here Roger Poat & Partners

Funeral Directors & Monumental Masonry Consultants

Duck Lane Midhurst GU29 9DE

01730 812094 (24 Hours)

Michael Miller & Partners Ltd Pre-need Funeral Plans Private Chapel

email: [email protected]

Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here. Facing a crisis or stresses that feel impossible to manage? HOLIDAY Need someone to talk to? Contact ACCOMMODATION

Self-catering 16th Century Barn TIM RICE and four en suite rooms to let RELATIONSHIP COUNSELLOR for Bed & Breakfast based in Haslemere Oak-framed dining room Please feel free to call me on 07808 581457 available for dinner or email me: [email protected] parties. Seating for up to 18 My website is www.timricecounselling.com guests Or I offer warm, supportive, confidential take the credit and buy our counselling gourmet take away pack — freezer friendly. It’s better to talk To view log on to: www.shepshollow.co.uk Tel: 01428 653120 Email: [email protected]

Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here GARDEN MACHINERY LIMITED

Company Registration no 7961115 Sales, Servicing & Repairs of Garden Equipment , Petworth, West . GU28 9LH Tel: 01428 707269 Fax 01428 707629 Email: [email protected] www.simmonds-saws.co.uk

Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here. A.N. WELLAND ROOFING CONTRACTOR

01428 653069/07818212420 [email protected] Established in this area since 1980 All types of roofs, new and old. Flat roofs and leadwork.

Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here. Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here Abrasive Blast Cleaning

Sand-shot & bead blasting Mobile service or workshop facilities Blast Cleaning on all Types of materials Stone - brick - metal - timber & oak beams

Tel: 01428 707395 Mobile: 07971198552

Our advertisers help us. Please let them know you saw their advert here. Some of the Village’s Organisations and Facilities Art Group Angela Parrott 641533 Bridge Club Martin Nield 643593 Children’s Dancing Angela Cantan 652360 County Councillor David Bradford 07922 865735 Cricket Club Simon Vigar 07747 638712 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 District Councillor Norma Graves 01798 342881 District Councillor Peter Wilding 01428 707324 Fernhurst Archive Christine Maynard 653663 Fernhurst Hub (The Fernhurst Centre) 641931 Fernhurst Choral Society Tina Litchfield (Secretary) 01730 816542 Fernhurst Lunch Club Bob Smalley 645343 Fernhurst Parish Clerk Kevin Jones (Mon/Tu/Th 10-2pm) 661150 Fernhurst Pavilion (hiring) [email protected] 653790 Fernhurst Primary School Jennifer Thornton (Headteacher) 653144 Fernhurst Quilters Caroline Lewis [email protected] Fernhurst Revels Heather Bicknell 652145 Fernhurst Society Judith Turner 653790 Fernhurst Surgery Dr. Geeves 651040 Fernhurst Tennis Club Jill Holland 724728 Football Club [email protected] 07867520714 Good Companions (Over 60s) Sue Hodge 653059 Horticultural Society Theresa Kennedy 656524 Kingsley Green Society Louise Stevenson [email protected] Member of Parliament Gillian Keegan [email protected] Midhurst Riverbank Medical Centre 01730 812121 OSCARS (out of school club) 653144 Police (non-emergency) applies in all of England and Wales inc. Sussex 101 Pre-School Group Elizabeth Vigar 652579 Recreation Ground Trust Charlie Scott [email protected] Red Cross (wheelchair loans, etc) 03004 561914 Reformed Baptist Mission Satyen Chikhlia 480488 Scouts, Cubs & Beavers Sue Gibbon 645979 Sports Club Graham Heath 653461 St. Margaret’s Guild (Women’s club) Ann Pretty 653274 St. Margaret’s Vicar Nick Haigh 652229 St. Margaret’s Women’s Group Maureen Pavey 656592 Stray Dog Kennel (Portsmouth) (there is no longer a local warden) 02392688181 Table Tennis John Bounds 645366 Village Hall availability and bookings 07596 137660 (Chairman: Carla Barnes 654088) Youth Club Graham Inns - 07882757850 656487 (Acting Chair)

( NB - Please contact Marion on 01428 661436 if you find any of this information to be out of date!) FERNHURST VILLAGE DIARY OCTOBER 2021 VH Village Hall, FH Fernhurst Hub, PC Parish and Community Room,

Day Time Activity Venue Mon, 9.30am 30-minute pre-school children's activities (page 16). FH Wed, Fri Sat 2nd Men's Breakfast (page 11). PC Sat 2nd & Village litter-picking weekend (page 9). Sun 3rd Wed 6th 5pm Fernhurst Art Group (page 3). FH Thu 7th Fernhurst Lunch Club and table-top sale (page 7). VH 7.30pm Horticultural Society (page 6). Talk starts at 8pm. VH NEW Saturday Kid's Club for 5-11 year olds. Sat 9th 2pm FH Booking required (page 16). Fernhurst Films: The Biggest Little Farm. 7.30pm VH Doors open at 7pm (page 2). Tue 12th 9.30am Lace making workshop (page 17). FH Wed 13th 2pm Selling on eBay (page 17). FH 2.30pm Good Companions (page 12). FH 7.15pm Origami 3D sculpture workshop (page 17). FH Woolbeding Common Walk organised by Fernhurst Sun 17th 1.30pm Society. Meet Crossfield Car Park (page 8). Wed 20th 2pm Floral Workshop with Louise Avery (page 17). FH 2pm iPhone IT course Part 1 (page 17). FH 4.45pm Fernhurst Art Group (page 3). FH Talk: Sheerwater - A Bird, An Ocean and a Long 7.30pm FH Way Home (page 17). Thu 21st Fernhurst Lunch Club (page 7). VH Wed 27th 2.30pm Good Companions (page 12). VH Thu 28th 8pm Talk: The South Downs National Park (page 8). VH Sun 31st 2am Clocks go back one hour. 2am becomes 1am.

ST MARGARET’S CHURCH, FERNHURST For services and activities, including a special All Souls/Covid Remembrance Service on 31 October, please see pages 19 and 20.