Residents Say BU Is Violating Armory Promise

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Residents Say BU Is Violating Armory Promise I Nonprofits win poli~e grants 1 ..... !] Comm nity Newspaper Corr pany allstonbrighton FRIDAY, MARCH ~2, 2002 Vol. 6, No. 35 40 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ Fo t loose and fancy , Residents say BU is violating Armory promise By Audttl Guha important architectural component and STAI Y., Tl they should sharpen their pencils and oston University's plans to de­ come up with creative designs." . molish the Commonwealth A\­ BU spokesman Kevin Carleton said • Benue Amiory and build an arena that while they are trying to explore op­ mid donm ha.-. upset resident-.. Man) be­ tmns, they will most likely have to de­ lieve that BU had a commionent to the molish it a.s it does not fit into the arena cny to presef\e the front pan of the plilll. building. known a.s the headhouse, "I believe the agreement said that we when they took it O\'er - a commitment 1\ ould try to preserve the headhouse, they are clearly ignoring, say residenL5. and we are looking to see if that is possi­ "We never opposed taking out the ble," he said. Lt is our intent to pull it building. just the headhouse, which is a down, as it does not seem feasible to de­ historic building," said Bill Marchione. sign ari arena there wi,thout doing so - pre~ i dent of the Brighton Allston Histor­ there is too big a setback and there is a ical Society. "I believe that \\hen BU basic safety issue." took O\·er the building they said it would But residents believe that BU is not be presef\ed. In that respect, it is vel) tl)mg hard enough and are not surprised distressing. They have broken their 111th their decision do pull it down. They promise to Brighton and to the city. I sec bulldozing as the pattern ofBU's de- consider the headhou-.e to be pan of the 1dopment in the area. street-;cape of Commonwealth A \'enue. Helen Gallaway, Allston resident for and 1f it 1s coming down, it is another in­ 57 years, has seen many changes over dication of the insensitivity BU has the years to her neighborhood. "1 think shown us in many instances of historic it\ a shame becauM! the front of the ar­ preservation." mory is beautiful, but BU walks over Many local activists, prese1vationists e\cryone," she said. and residents feel the same way. They Carleton said that they are cooperat­ are upset that after a dedde after acquir­ in~ with residents via the ta5k force and ing the Anno!), the university has bro­ C\ en set up an informational meeting re­ ken its wont on pre~f\ mg 11 c1.•ntly on the request of Allston Civic "The Alliance b ~ttll oppo"'-"d to the A i-<~iatio~ Pre iLlcnt P;IUI lkrl..ele}. hea<ltK'lok hemg fdm down, for histonc "People may look at the headtiOOse as prescf\·atioo JeL\On-.." s:ud Albert Rex, a historic building. but if it were to be in­ Filjrunakers earn commercial suecbss e>..ecutive director of the Boston Preser­ co1porated wilh more mo<ll·m buildings \ ation Alliance. "BU had an agreement it \~0trld lose a lot of it-; aesthetic value,'' in 1990. signed by the state historic said Carleton. Brighton reside1its picked as finalists for Sam Adams ad I commission, and \\ere supposed to Meanwhile, negotiations continue be­ 1 come up with alternatives to demolish tween BU and environmental agencies Live Planet, a media Oe\Ck~m \\ere selected to <Jloot a demo \eNon tiln1l.'<l t!fircommercial in and around the headhou-.e. Now after I 0 years, they regarding the fate of the headhouse. Car­ Wiii Kllbum company co-founded b) Ben Affleck of their commercial. Brighton re<-ident-; the lnsh tyillage pub on Market Street say that they are unable to do so. It is an ARMORY, page 7 and Matt Damon. Amy Kroeplin and Santiago Tapia in Bnght . When B ·ton Brewing Co., ma ·ers Project Greenlight\ 1Jl!".1: A~k a.-,pir- ma<le the fi~t cut with their concept. And j st like that, they were in the of Sam A s beer, went looking ora ing filmmakers for their concept-. for a "Emergenc):· in \\ hich Mmuternen top three don a planeoutto the Sun­ new directi for th~ir television c mi- commercial that would capture the ~.old ier.. cc me to the re:-,cue at a pub dance Fi F~tival in Park City, Utah. mercials, its yed away from tradit ·on- essence of Sam Adam-, liecr. The prize: \\ htch has experienced a sudden loss of 'The urprise thing that happened al ad agenci and production hm •;es. have their commercial .,hot profession- Sam Adam, pre.sure. wa<; that y decided to take all three of School officials Instead, it I ked to Project Greenhght, ally and then broadca'it nationally With a small budget and a lot of help u.s to Su , becaw;e only the winner a joint ven re between Miramax and Out of nearly 8,(XX) n.~pon~. 25 from their friencb. Kroeplin and Tapia FILMMAKERS, page 7 against MCAS Priyatize bus stops set to dot neigh~orhood on transcripts Elabotate stops ~ 1 ill carry ads, By Audltl Guha this as it places a disproportionate which irks some in neighborhood STAFF WRITER pressure on the students and is not Allston-Brighton school officials an appropriate use of the test at this y Audltl Guha residents would rather they stay out. are plea'ied with student improve­ Lime," she said. 'The MCAS is a STAFF WRITER This summer, they plan to etch ments in la<;t year's MCAS scores, good measure of what students After co quering Europe, Wall their presence here with e\otic bus but few support the state's proposal have achieved in school. I support USA Inc. w nts to bring "street furni­ shelters, and not everyone i-. thrilled to put them on high school tran­ it a<; a diagnostic tool to help us as­ ture," to Al ston-Brighton, but S(lme because the shelters will sport adver­ script<;. sess and improve teaching meth­ tisement~ in a neighborhood that While it is a good diagnostic ods. It is not a perfect test, but it is a claims to have too many. tool, it does not reflect a student's very effective measure to give "Do we really need to be bombard­ perfonnance completely and only credibility tb a students perfor­ ed with advertisement\? 1 find it ex­ puts pressure on them, they say. mance and to see where he can im­ tremely sad," said local re ...ident According to Dr. Elizabeth prove and what kind of teaching he David Bertino, who bdte\e., that this Reilinger, chairwoman of the needs." a quality-of-life issue, i111J ht: .., espe­ Boston School Committee, the Local school · officials support cially concerned about \\hetht:r there MCAS resulll> on high school tran­ thi~ view. will be alcohol and tobacco a<h at­ scripts would mean nothing as it is "We are not there yet as to what tached to them. a local test. She recently expressed constitutes a good test so I think it's Wall representatives. \\ho up her opposition to the proposal by a Little," said Antonio their office in South Boston la.'t )ea.f writing a joint letter to the state Barbosa, principal of the Winship after being selected by the cit). which Board of Education along with School in Brighton. was calling for street furniture de­ Mayor Thomas Menino and Adds to Victoria Megias-Batista, signers, said at a recent communit) Thoma<; Payzant, superintendent of principal of the Garfield School, ''It meeting they would ha\e no tobacco of Wall USA Inc. "Our experience in "The. things are vandal-resistant Boston public schools. is a test created to see where stu­ but some alcohol ads and none near 47 cities O\'er the world and in Boston but not v ndal-proof," said Dick Mul­ They all affinned that putting dents are in relation to their stan­ schools. Ten percent of their 250 pro­ that products of high quality and ligan, p sident of the Brighton All­ MCAS scores on transcripts may dards. It is mostly for information posed shelters in the cit) "'ill also \\hich are 'A-ell maintained tend to re­ ston lm vement Association. "But place many Ma.<;sachusetts public and depends on how people inter­ have public-service ads. main so. We plan to replace parts a\ they are 'ght on top of it and have a school students at a disadvantage pret it, so what is the purpose of in­ This did not comfort resident., \\ho and \\hen needed. \\'hile vandalism is good ma ntenance program." when applying for higher educa­ cluding it in transcripts? If it is for a are concerned about \andali-.m and an ongoing is.-,ue. we plan to maintain McDo ough stressed that their tion, scholarships or employment. valid purpose OK, but if it is to maintenance. But Wall representa­ them to 'A-orld-da' tandards." produc~~~are architecturally designed They said while students may do so bash a child it could be negative." tives said trained service cre\\ s \\ill The 15 bus helters. three public with q ality materials such as voluntarily, it would be unfair and While officials are vocal about ..,.SEEPAGE l3 respond to vandalism 1l'TU1ll.'<liately toileh. \\hich clean automatically. temperat ~ety glass and high­ unnecessary to require all students not including the results on tran­ and clean the shelters mice a \\eek.
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