A Word From Coach Winecke

RJ BROWN: What I am going to miss most is seeing your huge smile ZACH SLOWIAK: What I am going to miss most is your love for baseball everyday around campus and at ball. You have a smile that lights up and your teammates. When you ask someone how their day was the room and makes people want to be around you. You have a come going, you honestly wanted to know how their day was going. You are a long way in your time here at Saint Mary’s and in our program. You another example of what this program is all about—the willingness to walked into the program as a thrower and you leave as a PITCHER. work hard and put others first. You have learned not to give up on You have matured and grown so much and I am very proud of you for yourself and through hard work, you played yourself into someone that. College, and college baseball in particular, are not always easy. who has given us some of the best AB’s over the last two years. Your You are forced to grow and learn, which can take a lot out of some path in the program is like many others, and you have shown them people if they don’t look at situations the right way. I can say that that if you stay with it and believe in the work, you will grow and be you, RJ, have done a wonderful job of growing and learning while a rewarded. You have a smile that reminds me of a little kid who might part of this program. We will miss the big smile, the big leg kick, and or might not have done something he shouldn’t have done. I will miss the person that you are. Good luck RJ! the little kid that loves the game and loves being around his team - mates. Good luck Slow! NATHAN MATHWIG: What I am going to miss the most about you is your willingness to take the ball in big situations—and the famous JOE SEEGERS: What I am going to miss most is your leadership, love of glove slap to close out a game. You, like many that have come through baseball and your love for your teammates. I have never coached a the program, have grown so much over your time in a Cardinal uni - player that comes every day happy and ready to work—with a smile on form—both on and off the field. You have really embraced who you your face from ear-to-ear. That is you, Joe Seegers! You have turned are as a person, and because of that, so many people are happy to into one of the greatest leaders I have coached, and that’s because all call you a friend. You are a goofy lefty , no doubt about that, and I will your teammates and coaches respect who you are and the way you go miss the crooked smile you would give when one of your sliders would about your business on and off the field. You have grown so much as a go behind the batter—nowhere near the zone. It’s almost like you person and player. I never had to worry if Joe Seegers would show up planned it to happen. Remember to not get comfortable and always ready to work and improve. You deserve every bit of your success on push yourself to see what is next on your journey of growing. Good and off the field and I can truly say that you have gotten every ounce luck Wigs! of talent out of your body! We will miss you lots around here Seegs. Good luck Joe! JAKE TASCHETTA: What I am going to miss the most about you is your team-first mentality and your willingness to do anything for anyone on the team. I also am going to miss your driving Mencacci nuts on a daily basis! I am proud of the student you have become over your time here and I hope it shows you that you are more than capable to accomplish things you commit to in life. Any time your role on the team has changed, you have stepped up to the plate ready to work and give it your best. People always notice those that put others first—and you have certainly done that in your time here. Good luck Jake!

ALEX KLEVE: What I am going to miss the most about you is your work ethic and belief that good things will always happen to good people that work hard. I truly believe this is the case for you, and I think the best parts of your life are in the future—as long as you always work hard and believe. I know this year has brought many challenges for you, but they could never take away your smile or sense of humor. I wish your senior year of baseball could have been different, but I know God has a plan for you, Alex, and I trust it’s a great plan. Thank you for stepping up this year and throwing so many rounds of BP—I would not have gotten through this year without you doing that. You are the man Klever, and you are the type of person that makes this program what it is. Good luck Alex!

JAKE MENCACCI: What I am going to miss most about you is your no- nonsense personally and work ethic you brought to all aspects of your life. It is very hard to stay dedicated to so many things, but you have done so. Good for you Jake. You have always been willing to lead a group of guys, no matter what your role was in any given year. I only wish your body would have been able to handle what your mind achieved. But you know what? You never let it take over and you always made the most out of each experience. You have grown as a person and you have challenged yourself to see how great you could be in all aspects of your life. I will miss you and Dixon taking care of Weino, to get him to where he needs to be every day at practice. Good luck Jake! CAREER BY THE NUMBERS Year ERA W-L SV IP H R ER BB SO

2015 5.06 10-2 3 21.1 16 14 12 3 12

2016 2.01 5-1 6 31.1 36 13 7 5 24

2017 6.08 1-2 2 13.1 27 17 9 7 12

2018 10.12 0-0 2 5.1 11 6 6 1 6

Career 4.29 7-5 13 71.1 90 50 34 16 54

Nathan Bids Farewell I’VE NEVER REALLY BEEN A MAN of many words, so I guess I’ll just law this all out on paper and see how it goes. Playing baseball here at Saint M ary’s has given me some experiences (some negative but many positive) that will stick with me for the rest of my life and I’m sure many other sen - iors feel the same way. Before writing this salute, I asked myself how I want to remember these four years and I guess I finally came to a conclusion. I decided that it depends. It depends on what I want to get out of it. If I want a happy memory, I’ve got plenty and if I want to remember something that I’ve learned then I have plenty more memories to fall back on. That’s part of what I see as the beauty of playing college baseball. In some respects, I’m an adult ready to become a productive member of society, and in other ways I’m still a kid learning who I am through playing a game that I love. And there’s been a lot of learning. Freshmen year it was learn - Nathan ing to accept myself, there were and are so many changes in life and base - #12 ball that if I do not accept who I am then I will always be searching for someone else to do it for me. Sophomore year it was learning to deal with success. I learned that I need to stay hungry to avoid complacency. Junior Mathwig year I learned to deal with failure. I had to come to terms with the idea (as strange as it feels to put on paper) that my self-worth does not need to be tied to my baseball ability. Now that it’s Senior year I’ve learned that I Year need to put it all together. My future self will be built on what I have learned here so I need to actively build that self. I apologize for the ram - bling, but I feel like this is as much for me as it is for the reader whoever Senior you are. Mom, Dad, Grandpa and Grandma Mathwig, Grandpa Charlie, Naomi, Position Grandma Maralyn, Sid, Josh and the variety of other family members who have helped me with my baseball career, I sincerely thank you. Thank you for taking me to games. Thank you for coming to my games. Thank you for Pitcher the countless donations I’ve asked from you for the various programs I’ve been a part of. Thank you for being understanding when I’ve had to move other commitments around for baseball. Thank you for living my baseball Major career with me. Thank you for the compliments, the discussions, the sup - port, the complaints, and the criticisms. In other words, thank you for wanting the best for me. Most of all, thank you for fueling my passion for History/Social Studies baseball. I’m still the kid that remembers going to the Twins game in the Metrodome and loving the seats down the 3rd baseline but still wanting to go to the upper deck because it seemed so cool. Dad, thanks for coaching Hometown me officially for many years, and unofficially for many years after. Mom, thanks for putting up with commitments to baseball, and for organizing the Woodbury, Minn. food for this year, I know you’ve had to put up with a lot. Josh, I’m excited See NATHAN BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page NATHAN BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page way, you taught me to never hold back, to throw with con - viction and to want to utilize the slider to the best of my to see how you grow as a man and a baseball player, I ability. appreciate your (somewhat) willing participation in my TJ, thanks a ton for believing in me when I may not have pitching mechanics brainstorming sessions. Coach Parker believed in myself. Thanks for teaching me to commit to my and the many players I’ve played with over the years, I p itches again and to trust my stuff. Thanks for teaching me thank you as well for putting up with a weird lefty pitcher that there’s no pressure in pitching, instead I need to make with an even weirder personality. Thank you as well Coach the batter feel that pressure. I plan on leaving nothing back Diediker for letting me make the Sophomore baseball team in the future and attacking all challenges while leaving no as long I was content with not being guaranteed playing room for regret. The mound is mine, so thanks for helping time. Seeing what that decision has gotten me, I would me take it. make it again in a heartbeat. Krone, Thanks for all that you’ve done to help out the Coach Winecke, thank you for putting up with a strange team. I know that it doesn’t seem like it at times, but the lefty pitcher like me. I’m sure that I have made it difficult p itchers and I really appreciate your help and commitment f or you at times to figure out what my role should be. I’m to the team. Keep at it Slam Dunk Champ. not sure how much you remember but the fall of Sophomore Bro Frank, Thanks for being the grandpa of the team, I year you gave me a word to remember after a mediocre know that I can speak for all of us when I say that I really performance. It was Commit, and I feel like I’ve taken that a ppreciate having you around the team. Thanks a lot for to heart over the past couple of years. To commit to what I cooking as well, I always look forward to it. want, to commit to improving, to commit to each pitch, Regan, Ketchmark, Dawson, Whitey, Primmer, Jacobs and ect. If I forget everything else you have taught me (which is others, thanks for helping me develop both as a pitcher and unlikely) I will remember the importance of commitment. I a s a man while also giving me plently of happy memories. had my pick of colleges to go to, but how you talked with Senioirs: my parents and I really sealed my commitment (wording Seegs, it’s been a blast rooming with you for the last cou - intended) to Saint Mary’s. p le of years. I still remember asking you during practice if Coach Jake, you were only my coach for one year but in there was an opening with you and the Kleves and I’m still that year, you helped build me into the type of pitcher I h ave become. You also taught me commitment in another See NATHAN BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page NATHAN BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page good use out of your experiences here. Dixon, I’ve always enjoyed having you as my catcher. happy with the results. It’s also been a blast seeing your Seeing you work behind the plate always makes be feel transformation into a solid SS and a reliable friend (not that c omfortable pitching. You’re also a great person and it’s you weren’t reliable before, its just even better now). been tons of fun getting to know you over the past couple Thanks for including me in a ton of stuff, because we both of years so keep at it and I’m sure you’ll find tons of suc - now that I tend to be more likely to keep to myself. Thanks cess. for being my friend and for snagging anything that comes Eli, from one lefty pitcher to another, you’re a fun person your way. to be around. Playing with you is always an adventure and Slow, I don’t care what you think, Barry Bonds does not a lways a positive one. You’re one of the funniest guys on deserve to get into the HOF. Sadly, that is not the most the team but you still know when it’s time to bear down r idiculous thing you have said over the last four years but at and work. Seeing your speed is always inspiring to the other least most of them have been funny. All joking aside it’s pitchers so that we might achieve similar athletic ability. been a lot of fun playing with you over the years, your time Andy Kram, I always enjoy having you as my throwing as team dad is rapidly ending and soon you’ll just be a reg - partner. While I don’t enjoy it myself, I respect your com - ular dad. m itment to running and I think that type of commitment Barry, Big Bear (or Big Barr both have been used), Seeing will do you well in life. I think running a marathon is an some of your moonshots have been some of the most enjoy - admirable goal. Keep working at pitching and you’ll be a ble moments of baseball here. However, I respect you rewarded in one way or another. changing your swing senior year to benefit the team (pre - Jake Kram, I really respect your effort to recover over the sumably to get less height and more distance on your hits past year and I’m looking forward to seeing what comes out but I have no idea, I’m just a pitcher). Thanks as well for o f it. It’s been a ton of fun seeing you pitch and practicing being a good friend despite my verbal abuse and snarky with you because you always seem to know how to balance comments, it’s all because it’s fun. fun and work. Mencacci, I respect the hell out of you if you haven’t real - Heim, I just want you to know that I, and the rest of the ized already. The very first pitching appearance I had in col - team will always be there for you. I’d like to think of you l e ge, you caught and now I realize that I would not have b oth as a friend, a teammate and a brother. You are also had it any other way. For the record I also remember that one of the hardest workers that I know, and it is good to you called a pitch-out that game, but we hadn’t gone over see some of that work paying off on the mound. Keep at it. them yet, so I threw a change-up that just happened to be DJ, I’m pretty sure that you realize this already but you’re outside. Getting back on track, good luck with everything in a pretty funny guy. Having you around always seems to the future, I know that you’ve got the mental toughness to l i ghten the mood. I’m honestly glad to say that I’ve gotten get through anything. to know you a little bit over the last years, so I hope this Kleve, Thanks for being my roommate over the past years, friendship continues. Hit the ball hard and FTPSFH. I know that I’ve been a little messy, but I’ve been working Sophomores: o n it so deal with it for a little longer please. It’s also been Stilp, seeing your transformation as a pitcher has been a tons of fun having you on the team for four years, especial - b last and I really respect you stepping up and filling a role ly when you caught my bullpens. Thanks for sticking with o n the team that as really needed (aka the late-innings sub - the team. I’m also still not convinced that you really like marine guy) the Capitals and the Nationals, or if it’s just Ovechkin and Pat, from one funky lefty to another, keep at it. Despite Harper. my snarky comments and annoying attitude, I really want RJ, you always seem to know how to keep the mood light. t he best for you and you seem to take it so well that its I think we both know important it is to not take thing too hard to stop. I love how much you seem to enjoy your time s eriously at times so getting a chuckle out of you makes my with the boys. Commit to your pitches and learn from each day. It’s also been tons of fun seeing you grow as a man and adventure. a pitcher and seeing how you’re the only other senior pitch - Pie, thanks for taking Jacob’s spot as my verbal punching er whose been here for the full four years, it’s a good thing bag over the past year. On another note, its been great to because we’ve been stuck together for a long time. s ee your growth as a player over the past year and seeing Taschetta, Speedy Taz, Baseball, etc, you’re a fun guy to you respond to the needs of the team. Keep at it and stay be around. I don’t really think I knew you well before your both hungry and positive. You can keep the attitude too, m ove to the PU but I feel like that’s changed over the past keeps things interesting. couple of years. I respect how you jumped all in to pitching Max, keep being team-first guy, I know the other seniors and its been fun having all sorts of strange conversations and your teammates love to have you around the team, and with you and I hope we’ll continue this connection into the k eeping us together and going in the right direction. You real world. almost change my idea of Hill Murray guys, almost. Juniors: Will, I really respect how you’ve given your all over the Bailey, it’s been great having another history guy on the past years to improve yourself and the team. I admire your t eam that isn’t Slow (I don’t mean that as a bad thing, but d rive to get better, keep at it and stay hungry. h e thinks Barry Bonds is the greatest and is a Cubs fan). Costello, you are one of the most intense guys when it Since we’re both history and Spanish guys we’ve seen a lot comes to playing baseball that I know, I know that you of each other in class so it’s a good think we get along so would do whatever it takes to stand up for the team when well. On another note, I’ve always respected your work ethic with baseball and school and I’m sure you’ll make See NATHAN BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page NATHAN BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page always enjoyed seeing you hit so keep at the recovery at whatever pace is necessary. (I love you). it counts. On that note, learn to relax a bit and I’m sure Freshmen: I know some of you more than the others, so in that you’ll have a lot more fun. fairness I’ll just give a message to all of the freshmen as Jack, you’re one fun guy to be around and your work ethic o ne. is impressive. I’ve enjoyed seeing your growth. Stay hungry Many of the other seniors and alumni may say that these a nd refuse to get discouraged and eventually you’ll find four years have passed like the blink of an eye. While I success in baseball or life (maybe even both). a gree in some ways, I also feel like it was the longest four Sandy, without you I don’t think the team would be the years of my life. I mean that in every possible positive way. same so make good decisions and work for both your better - There are so many new experiences that it can sometimes m ent and the team’s. We’ll need you be hard to keep up, but keep in mind that adaptation is Drake, you can be both the most infuriating person one something you can’t rush. The four years of baseball is also moment and the most endearing the next, but I don’t think a grind. It can seem like the indoor practices last forever t he team would be the same without you. Let’s just say you especially by senior year, but you need to keep the same keep things interesting. I respect the efforts you’ve made passage as February 1st. Last of all, stay young, we are all to make the team better and for beating Hotts in wrestling. just kids playing a kid’s game have a little fun and you will Weinberg, you can also be incredibly infuriating, but it not have any regrets. gives you character. You have tons of talent so seeing you —Nathan Mathwig #12, “Wiggy”, “Wigs” “Wigatron” etc. p lay is always enjoyable. Just fix the diet and you’ll take at least one step in the right direction. Nate, having you around always seems to make me com - fortable, you just seem to have that effect on people. I’ve


2015 .375 8 8 4 3 0 0 0 2

2016 .288 43 146 31 42 3 0 0 17

2017 .296 39 142 30 42 7 0 0 13

2018 .368 27 95 22 35 5 2 0 10

Career .312 117 391 87 122 15 2 0 42

Joe Bids Farewell MY PARENTS: MOM AND DAD , I can not thank you enough for everything that you have done for me. From driving me to countless games and prac - t ices, teaching me how to become a person with integrity and respect. I can’t believe how many games you guys traveled to watch me play. I love you both so much and could not have been blessed with better parents. Thank you for everything. My sisters: I know you guys all must be sick for all my baseball games. I don’t know what I would do without you guys. You have listened to me and g iven me so much life advice I will forever be grateful for. I love you Britney, Shannon, Colleen, and Mary. My brother: Gosh I love you. From playing indoor baseball to just messing around outside in the yard and mom would yell at us for not doing our h omework. You are my best friend and would do anything for you. When ever you need anything or someone to talk to you will always be there for Joe you. #13 Coach Winecke: I would not be the baseball player I am without you and would not be the person I am without you today. Thank you for seeing the Seegers p otential that I had and pushing me everyday to try to be the best version of myself that I can be. I appreciate you taking a chance on a random homeschooler. The life lessons that you have taught me are to many to Year count and will be something that I will take through the rest of my life and when I coach someday. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Love you coach. Senior Coach TJ: You have made such an impact on my life and have taught me to want to be a better person. You make everyone that you are around feel l o ved and that is something truly special. I wish in another life I was a Position pitcher so you could see me pitch and we could develop my lefthand. Thank you so much for always being there for me, all the life lessons that you have taught me, and know that you are always invited for ribs at my house. Shortstop Love You coach. Coach Whaley: Thank you for always bring a positive attitude to what ever you are doing weather it be talking about baseball or life. You show so Major m uch passion for your family that rubs off on me to want to be like that. Thank you for the time that you give to us. Business Management Kron: Big old smile here. Thank you for all that you do for us and all the time that you invest in us. The fire that you bring to this team is something t hat has rubbed off on me and I will continue to use in my life. I love joking Hometown around with you it is so fun. Thank you! (Steph voice) Burek: Thank you for coming back. You give me such a calm presents that makes me just relax. Getting to play with you over the years has been Oconomowoc, Wis. amazing. You are one of the most humble play I think I know and one of the See JOE BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JOE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page always having my back. I know this is the end of college, but I am so excited for our friendship for the years to best hitters I have seen. Last year you gave me one of the come. Love you ya dork. greatest compliments I have ever received which was you Joe Kleve: You were one of my first friends at school and I maximize your talent. Thank you for all that you have done can’t believe how fast that it went. You helped me through for me. a lot of tough situations over the year and I am deeply Bro Frank: Thank you for all that you have done for me thankful for that. I know we haven’t hung out much this and the loving connection that you have with my family. year but I can’t wait for our friendship to continue in the W hen ever you need to get rid of some cookies you let me future. know. Kelly: You are like a little brother to me. Thanks for all Sagar: I was your first class of kids that you had at SMU that you have done for this team it does not go unnoticed and I remember one of the first things that I said to you a nd thanks for dealing with my sister all the time. w as I have never really lifted much but I will work hard. Ike: you are an exciting ball players and wish that I could Thank you for all the time and energy that you put into me have seen you out on the field more. Keep working and and my teammates. l e arning and you will go far. Thank you for always making Emily: Thank you for how much time you put into helping me laugh. us play to the best of our ability. I will miss just hanging out Dan: how we doing? Thank you for all that you do for us i n the training room with you! and just being there as a friend. Donny: thank you for all that you do for us athletes. I Jimmer: I love greeting you with our signature way to appreciate you sending out all the emails about how each each other. You are one of the hardest workers I have ever t eam is doing, it keeps me in the loop. s een, you are always in the RAC doing something and I hope Willie Doll and Cale Pie: You two are of the greatest lead - you know that you helped push me this year to do the ers that I have ever known. Thank you for always being same. I know you will do amazing things in your four years t here for me especially my sophomore year, I would not be here. Keep being yourself! where I am without you both Liam: Hey Liam, Right away when we met we were instant Brit: My short stop friend. You are such a great player its friends and that to me was very cool because it usually unreal but you are even a better friend. You have always b een there for me through thick and thin, thank you for See JOE BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JOE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page then I love joking around with you. I love playing behind you when you are on the mound from the moment when I takes me a while to warm up to people. You have a lot of said get this guy and you said don’t worry I got it. I am potential and you have really started to see that these past excited to watch you during your career. couple weeks. Keep grinding! Jordan: I wasn’t sure how much you were going to talk to CC: Thank you! Seeing how much you have grown since fall me when we first met but though the year I love having you ball has been fun to watch. You have a great attitude when a t short. Stay confident because you have a lot of great i t comes to anything that coach or the team asks of you. tools that can take you far. We should keep working out You are one of those people that bring a lot of energy to with each other! our team and you help give me energy and help me to have J. French: You are such a hard worker and I think that will fun on the field. carry you so far in this program and more importantly in Brandon: My BRX guy! Your hands are unreal and I love l i fe. I am excited to see your career progresses in the years watching you turn double plays. I think back when we to come. Love seeing you in the Lib almost everyday hope - t urned like six double plays and that was one of the most fully it will be weird next year when I don’t come in and fun I have ever had at practice. I’m glad I have another SMU say hi to you. boy close to me at home and can’t wait to hangout over the Wino: Justin, I probably don’t need to retell the story of summers. not know if I really liked you after your recruiting visit but I Kodey: You are one of those guys who I can talk about any - a m glad I was wrong. I love you dude from being my bus thing with and it be a good conversation. You have such a buddy to always able to make me laugh. You are a guy who g reat competitive edge that I can see when you get one to I always want be around and can instantly put a smile on the mound that makes me want to compete even harder. my face. You are a leader on this team and we all look up Keep working and beat everyone. to you, keep making baseball fun even thought I know you Dom: Hey roomie! I love when you come over to the new don’t like it. You’ll always be my trainer guy! and hangout especially in the first semester you are a very Sandy: Hey! I thin you were one of the first guys I talked a nd chill guy that brings me calmness. I know you work hard to in your class when all the guys were at primmers room and will continues to work hard, keep pushing and show no a nd I loved every second on it. I love being your teammate fear. PS thanks for your glove work! but love being your friend more, being in accounting with David: Your love of the game of baseball is unmatched be you, and stretching with you lol. You are such a genuine almost anyone. Seeing you happy no matter what you are person, keep that up and you will go far. Red squad for d oing at practice, games, and class helps me on my bad every and we better hangout this summer because I don’t days. Thank you for all the energy that you bring. Keep think I can go without seeing you for more than like two working my guy and you will go far. days or I start to go crazy. Nick: First off you are a great friend and I am so happy to Cieminski: Jon you have this quiet confidence that I love, be called your friend. I see so much in you and all the peo - it gives me confidence when I am out on the field with you. p le that underestimate you better watch out, keep that as Y ou are such a funny guy and I love our random conversa - your edge and never let anyone tell you, you can’t do tion even though you are a pitcher… and left-handed. Can’t something. You make my days brighter when ever I see you wait to see how you progress these next couple years. so I thank you for that. Will: William! You are like a little brother to me and its Tommy: You have a work ethic and drive to be the best been awesome seeing you grow these past two year. You you can be and it is refreshing to see. I don’t know if you w ill always be my left side guy who I love to joke around n otice this but when we are at games I try to hang around with and try to push your buttons. You are a great ball play - you because you make me feel like I am the best player in er and if I don’t see you this summer I am going to hurt the world. Keep working and make sure you play the way you. Love you cardinal rule! you know how to play. Oh and I mustache you a question… Drake: My shortstop brother! Playing the past two years Taylor: You are such a funny guy! The story of you I will with you at short have been awesome. You push me every - always remember is when you asked me one night if I want - d ay to be better and know how I love you. You have taught e d to see you special talent. Then you opened your eyes me so much and have mad me laugh so much that it has wide and said “I can open my eyes really wide.” That will made me cry. I don’t think there is enough that I can say always be one of my favorite memories this year. I cannot about you. SS gang forever. wait for the summers to come to hangout. Joey: I know I have said this to you many times but I have Mitch: When you said that I was helping you stick with never had so much fun playing with someone up the middle baseball you really hit me. It was an amazing compliment to b efore. You make going to baseball enjoyable everyday. I g ive me so I think you for that and I hope that everyday I also see you as a brother, and you are a leader of this team, keep helping with that. Keep working hard, you are a good keep that going. P.S. Double plays are sooooo fun. Love you players and will shine. Go Red squad! Joey. I could talk about anything with you and could talk Tepp: First off I hate you but what’s new. The strides you about you for hours. Joey do you ever miss home? made this year were unreal. From moving from infield to Cheb: You make me so happy and I am so glad how close t he outfield and an outfielder that I trust to track down you are close you live to me. I think when we had our little balls is amazing. You Quiet confidence about you that I feed r oad trip this summer we really bonded. I will always be off of, I can’t wait to see you develop as a player over the there for you when ever you need me. Keep working hard next four years. like you always do. Oh and hey… nothing! Love you my guy. Lenny: Rooming with you in Florida was great because I really did not feel like I new you that well but ever since See JOE BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page

JOE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page Heim: I think that you and DJ are the heart and soul of the team. You make me feel so good about myself when I Patrick: Love seeing you in the locker room and saying a m around you so I always try to stay close to you during Patrick how are you doing? You are such a happy guy all the games. You are one of the most genuine guys that I know time and that really rubs off on everyone. You my get made and would trust you with anything. Love you dude and fun of but you always make it fun so I thank you for that. thanks for always bringing energy to where ever you are. Oh Keep grinding like you do in the rac and show everyone and thanks for keeping my jacket warm. what you got because I see it! Andy: Its been awesome getting to know you better this Ryan Wolfe: At first when I met you I thought you didn’t year and you have really turned into one of my bros. You like me but after awhile I figured out that was not true. You a re such a hard worker and know that it doesn’t go unno - a re one of the biggest competitors I have ever been on a ticed, people respected you so much. Keep grinding and team with and it rubs off on me to just want to beat every - keep saving my treadmill next to you for me. one. I could sit and watch you and pie go at it all day long Eli: You might be one of the funnies persons I know. You and will miss you two making me laugh. always can put a smile on my face and I love being around Pie: Having accounting classes with you really helped grow y ou. I think that we have very similar personalities and way our friendship and you actually talking to me when we first we go about doing things. I wouldn’t want anyone else to m et. I love being around you and joking with you. You make wear my hitting jacket but you. Love you dude and thanks baseball so fun even thought you left me at short with for going on those leadership things with me lol. Drake by myself. You are a great player and someone that Wigs: From sophomore year when we started rooming can get the team going with one word. Oh and thanks for together I think we have become close. I know I have told filling in with basketball. t his to you before but I could not have asked for a better Stilp: Oh man you can instantly put a smile on my face. I roommate. I can’t wait to see where you go in the future wish we got to hangout more but you are a weird pitcher so and for our friendship to continue over the year. PS thanks t hat kind of sucks. One of my favorite memories with you for making my 21st birthday fun! was in personal finance class when Heim missed and we Mencacci: My brother! I think that we are really brothers tried to make our backpacks look like him and pass it off as and family and are the closes thing that I have to an older you. Love you Tyler. b rother. I am literally about to cry thinking about you and Nelson: You give off this energy that gets me going. I wish our friendship over the years while I am sitting behind you we got to be around each other more because I really look in the bus. I love you so much dude and I am sorry if I don’t u p to you more than I think you know. Keep having fun with always show it but I can’t wait for our friendship while we the boys and give them everything that you have. I will see grow old together. you this summer and that is a fact because we are hanging Slow. Hey could you grab my car? These last two semesters out. you have become one of my best friends and can’t think Max: I cannot imagine playing baseball without you and I y ou enough for how much you make me laugh and how think that a lot of guy on the team would say the same much I want to hurt you sometimes. You helped get me out t hing. I think you are a big part of this team and I think one of my shell my freshman year and will always be in debt to of the best compliments that I can give you is you truly get you for that. I love you my guy and can’t wait for the better each day and try to find a way to get everyone future with you! around you better. Love you my guy. Alex Kleve: You were one of my first friends at school that Dixon: My dude you and I have become so close this I made and have become and one of my best friends. semester and now have so many inside jokes with all the T hanks for coming down this summer and helping my watch v ideos we watch. There are very few people that get my my nieces. You always give your best effort in no matter weird personality but you are defiantly one of them and what you do and you are going to go far. I love you dude your smile will part the seas. Love you my guy. Oh my bad! and looking forward to the years of friendship to come. Can’t wait for the years to come Taschetta: You are the adopted brother into our class and I Bailey: This past semester was one of the most fun semes - think that you fit in perfectly. One of my favorite memory ters of college and I owe that to you, Dixon, and Slow. You f rom summer was going over to your house and hanging out. h ave become one of my best friends and you are one of the I my give you a lot of crap but I love you dude and I look few people that I trust telling everything about myself. forward to the years a head of our friendship. Thank you for always being there for me. Love you and I RJ: I remember walking into your room freshman year one will always be there for you. of the first nights that we were on campus I just watch you DJ: You have made baseball fun everyday that I have g uys play video games. After that we went and played bas - played with you, that’s why I am always trying to be around ketball and after awhile you were like seegs isn’t to bad. I y ou for games. I think that you and Heim are the heart and love playing behind you and being apart of both of your no soul of this team and are in great hand. I don’t know I you hitters will be something I will remember forever. Love you know how much it meant to me when you asked me to my guy! hangout your freshman year. Love you brother. Barry: Becoming one of your roommates will be one of my J Kram: I think that this year we have become much bet - favorite memories from this year and messing around in ter friends and your competitive attitude that has rubbed whatever accounting classes we are in. I will always have o ff on me. When you talked about how when you get on the your back no matter what, even in a fight, because you mound and think that you are the best in the MIAC that is know I am always ready for a fight. Love you my big guy something that I do now when I am on the field. Thank you and can’t wait to see our friendship continue over the for that. years. CAREER BY THE NUMBERS Year Avg. GP AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI

2015 .333 15 18 4 6 1 0 0 2

2016 .250 32 100 19 25 3 1 1 13

2017 .111 5 9 2 1 0 0 0 0

2018 .222 11 18 2 4 1 0 0 2

Career .248 63 145 27 36 5 1 1 17

Jake Bids Farewell Five years ago I made the best decision of my life when deciding to attend Saint Mary’s University. At that point in time, I could never have imagined t he positive impact this little school in Winona, MN. Would have on my life. Over the past four years I have been challenged in ways I could never have been elsewhere. It has been such a privilege attending Saint Mary’s and being able to dawn the Cardinal Jersey every spring. Throughout my four years here, there have been many that have crossed my path. Unfortunately I can’t recognize each and every one. However, I would like to send a general message to anyone reading: Thank you. Thank you for being a part of my journey, for being my teammate, for being my friend. It has been a great four years but now it’s time for the next chapter! Mom & Dad: Well, I bet no one is looking forward to this day more than you two! No more broken ankles, shattered orbital bones or any one of the s lew of injuries I’ve put you through. I hate that I’ve had to put you through so many surgeries and difficult, expensive scenarios. It pained me Jake to see your faces right before I went under. Thank you for taking care of me #19 no matter the hour. That aside, my greatest dream in this life is to provide a life for my children as great as the one you’ve provided me. Though I may Mencacci not show it all the time, I truly feel that I am the luckiest 21 year old in the world because I had parents like you. You were the perfect role models for Mitch and I. Words can’t explain how much I love, appreciate and value you Year both and your opinions and guidance in my life. All I ever want to do in life is make you both proud. Onto the next chapter of life! Mitch: You’re the best brother I could have ever asked for. Thanks for Senior being a great role model for me. I really enjoy bragging about you to all of m y friends and can’t wait to continue that! I love you! To the rest of my Family: Thank you all for everything you’ve ever done Position for me. It’s been tough living so far away from you at times but that has m ade our experiences even more memorable. I’ve tried to do my very best through all my years of athletics to represent both sides of my family with Catcher dignity, class and straight up hard work. I hope I’ve made you all proud. Maddy: Mads, I have to keep this short, but you know exactly the impact you’ve had on my life. In a few weeks from now you and I will be over a Major t housand miles apart. There is nothing we can do to prepare for that, so we just have to take it day-by-day when it comes. I’m so proud of you and Markting/Management everything you’ve overcome, accomplished and will soon tackle. You’re such an impressive individual in your own right, I’m just lucky that I can be by your side. Remember, don’t be soft. I love you, Mads! Hometown Coaches: Coach Winecke: Thank you for allowing me the privilege of playing this b eautiful game for four years. All I’ve ever tried to do is represent the pro - Wheaton, Ill. gram with class and I hope you feel I’ve done that. As I hang up my spikes, I See JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page are few times where I’ve been more scared than my Sophomore year at Wheaton when you started yelling at can be at peace knowing I gave you everything I had every me. Wish you all the best, coach! day. I’ve grown as a baseball player in your program-- but Kronie: Krone, I’m going to miss you man. You are more importantly I’ve grown as a man and I thank you for absolutely integral to this program. The things I see you do that. I wish you and your family health and happiness forev - b ehind the scenes for all of us do not go unnoticed and you er. need to know that. I know you get a lot of crap, and some - TJ: The program got exponentially better when you times I’m confused as to why. But, just know that I can entered the picture. Not just performance wise, but people speak for everyone when I say: The second you need any - w ise. I’ve appreciated our conversations more than you thing in this life, I (we) will come running. You call me any know. I always felt better leaving your office than I did time, any place. I’ll be there to back you up. Thanks for entering which speaks of how impactful you are. Not many everything, Enjoy the titty-twister free years from here on people have that. You are an incredible coach, and one out! that I have great admiration for. More importantly, I consid - Buerk: Buerk, it’s been great having you back. You’re one er you a friend and one that I can count on. I wish you all of the greatest players I’ve ever seen. The best part about the best in wherever the future leads you! I am, and always t hat? You’re an ever better guy. Being your teammate is will be, #TEAMTO something I’ll be able to share proudly one day. I’ve always Patrick Jacobsen: Coach, thank you for recruiting me and enjoyed watching how you go about your business. As I believing in me. Though it was tough to watch you leave, I move on from being around the program every day, I want h ope you are enjoying your new life! you to know that if you ever need anything, you let me now Coach Whaley: Thank you for all the time you’ve put into and I’ll do everything in my power to help you. Thanks for not only my development, but so many 18-20 something being you, and for being a great friend to me. y ear olds in your years of baseball. It was really cool to be Brother Frank: MVP! MVP! MVP! You have been such a down at Cotter with you the other week to see how See JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , on on the page respected you are amongst the students. I must say there JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page well know I’d run through hell to help you out. Joseph- It was tough to not have you around every day. Everything welcome addition to our program, it’s really been a blessing happens for a reason, though, and you’ve made the most of getting to know you and the rest of the brothers for that opportunities presented to you. I’m excited for your future matter. You are an incredible cook and an even nicer man. because it’s going to be big. To the both of you, I love you Thank you so very much for everything you’ve done for me guys. I know I get on your nerves many a time, but I don’t and our entire team. I will never forget you and your kind - mean to. I am excited to continue our friendship wherever ness! we all end up. Deuces, fellas. Coach Sagar: Words can never explain how much you’ve Barry- Big fella, it’s been one heck of a ride! Thanks for meant (and mean) to me on and off the field. You will being one of the first people to help me feel at home on h ands down be one of the people I miss the most on cam - c ampus, it really made a difference for me. It’s been great pus. You are one of the most selfless and hard-working guys to watch you grow as a person and as a player throughout I know. This campus is and these athletes are so lucky to the four years, and I know that you will only continue to do have you developing them. I’m looking forward to staying in so. Whatever you decide to do, I know you will find a way, touch with you for years to come. you always seem to do so. Best of luck and reach out when - Emily Franz: I can’t thank you enough for doing your best ever you need me! to keep me in one piece. I know it’s not easy to do. Those Slow- I have to keep this short because I could go on all S unday’s that you came in on your own time and helped me sorts of rants. I’ve never had anyone get under my skin as rehab says enough in itself how good you are at your job. e asy as you and I hate it. You’re like a (emphasis on the Not only that, it shows how much you care. Thank you for next word) *little brother to me and wow am I glad I didn’t everything and I wish you nothing but the best in your have one in real life. For real though, you’re a fun ballplay - future endeavors. er to watch and have a sweeeet swing. You’ll make a great Montini Coaches/Jerry Miller: (Landi, Scott, Onycio, coach one day, but my kids won’t get anywhere near where Weisenberger, Frega, Fox, Perez) I appreciate the time you you teach! You know by now that I’ve always got your back, p ut into my life at such a crucial point. I will never forget and that will never change. I wish all people could be as you guys. Coach O- BABE! You changed my baseball career. selfless as you; but unfortunately that’s not the case. Thank I’ll never forget when you pulled me aside after one game you for all you’ve done for me. Looking forward to your and said “Babe, just be aggressive. Let loose, you never wedding big boy! know what can happen. Aggressive babe!” Might have been RJ- You’re one heck of a pitcher and a great competitor. just a regular conversation to you, but it wasn’t to me. It’s been great to see you develop into that beast of a man Thank you, it was great to see you and all of the Montini u p on that mound. You’re going to make a great coach at coaches at games when we traveled back to Wheaton. Bulls-Sox Academy—they’re lucky to have you. Best of luck Coach Wally W.- I owe you so much. Thank you for steering in whatever the future holds for you boss! me in the right direction. Jerry, representing Post 76 was a Mathwig- Mathwig, your slider is filthy. You’re one of the dream of mine. What you do for those kids is nothing short smartest guys I know and I know that it will take you far in of miraculous. I’ve never had more fun playing ball, thank l i fe. I admire how you’re so committed to your studies. you. I’m excited to see where your kids go in a few years! Thanks for being a friend to me throughout the four years! The Boys: Keep in touch big man! Seniors: Oh boy, fellas. It’s been one heck of a ride the Taschetta- Well, it’s finally coming to an end my man. The l a st four years. All I have to say to you cannot be said in a eight some-odd years of us playing together has been great. p aragraph but I will do my best. Generally speaking, I’m so P eople like you are few and far between. You’re incredibly proud of how we’ve led the team this year. Truly. selfess and that showed this past summer when you took Seegs- I love you, brother. I wish I could type forever the couch and I took your own bed! I know I am very hard because I really could. No matter how far or close we are on you, Jake. I hope you know that I am hard on you f rom each other in the years to come, that won’t change. because I want to push you to become the best person you I’m so proud of how you’ve come into your own this year. can be. Sometimes I feel as though you don’t give yourself Heck with baseball, we all know you’re an incredible player. enough credit for what you bring to the table. I can’t thank It’s just cool to be friends with a guy like you. We’ve been your family enough for being so kind to me, it means the through a lot the last four years! I still think one of my world to me. You full well know that I’ll always have your favorite memories is that lizard freshman year. I’m excited back. to see where the future takes you. Where you become a Juniors: Fellas, it’s been a pleasure. You are all so unique Professor, that’s where my kids are going to school! To the and bring so much to the table as individuals. It’s your team entire Seegers family: thank you for opening up your home n ow, make all of us old guys proud! to me and being so kind and generous. You’ve raised a great Dixon & Bailey: I am so thankful that you two have son who I’m proud to call one of my best friends for life. become two of my best friends. You’re both selfless, caring I’ll see you guys around! and hard-working guys. Dixon, I had always hoped after Kleve (Alex then Joe)- Man oh man. What a special human your visit to SMU that you would end up here. Luckily my being you are. Maddy said it best, you are perfect for me. wishes came true. I’ve enjoyed watching you play—you’re a Y ou have the ability not many do to calm me down just with stud behind that dish kid! More importantly, it’s fun to your presence and I thank you for that. Thanks for always watch you handle your business. You treat others the way pushing me to work harder and be better. To keep it short, you want to be treated, and come from a great family. Your my heart shattered when I saw you down on your back in the RAC this year. Please don’t ever do that again. You full See JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page Costello- Jorts, you’ve turned into a leader the first two years in the program and that’s not too easy to do. You’ve parents are so kind to me and it really helps me out when I g ot a grit not many people come close to and it’s fun to can’t see mine for long periods of time. I know that sounds watch. You’ve got some of the smoothest hands I’ve ever weird but it truly helps me out. Bailey, good lord man you seen! I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a Gold Glove in your push me to be the best me I can possibly be. Your work near future. I hope you have a great junior and senior year. ethic is something I have trouble keeping up with. You are It goes by fast! Enjoy your time. Reach out if you ever need going to be such a great teacher, and unlike Slow, I would anything. move my kids to the district that you’re teaching in ☺. I Pie- You’re the man, Pie. You’re freaking hilarious. That appreciate your laugh and your big smile, don’t ever lose aside, you’re a really intelligent kid with a bright future. that. You make a positive impact on every one that you K eep playing the game the right way! come across. To the both of you, I love you guys. I’ll see Wolfe- No surprise here, I’d just like to let you know how you soon. much I enjoy watching you compete. It really is a thing of John Heim: My freshman year, I was in the weight room b eauty. You’re a really great guy on and off the field! with Kronie. Krone pulled me to the side and told me about Max- You’re truly a glue guy to this team. Without you, t his young kid from Lewiston and the fact that “you’ll love this team wouldn’t be the way it is. You’re going to make a this kid. He’s a no-nonsense kind of guy that works hard and g reat teacher one day! When you get your opportunity is super intense.” Safe to say he was right. You’re the per - make the most of it! fect image of how hard work pays off. You’ve been able to Cheb- I’m really happy that you and I have gotten closer develop your last two years and jump into a crucial role for this year. I know you said I’ve helped you with your mental us this year. I love watching you compete. Off the field, d evelopment, but it’s been a two-way street for sure. It you’re someone that I know just “gets it”. I’ll leave it at was tough to see you go down with an injury because I that. I wish you nothing but the very best in your future, know how hard you’ve worked to turn yourself into a com - wherever it takes you. If I ever need a financial guru, you’ll plete player. Whatever you decide to do, just know I’ll be at the top of my list. For what it’s worth, I’ve prayed always have your back. Wish you all the best in this life hard for your family, in particular your Dad. If you ever Cheb because you deserve it. need anything, you let me know. Drake- You’re one of those guys that I would hate to play DJ: While we may be different people almost entirely, I against but absolutely love having on my team. I’ll take you still have enjoyed our conversations together. You’re hilari - o n my squad (whatever it may be) any day of the week. o us and always give me a good laugh. One thing I have Your grit and determination is second to none and it’s some - noticed this year is your ability and willingness to lead oth - thing that drives this team. You might get a lot of crap from ers. You’ve gained my respect and the respect of many oth - everyone, but you’re also a guy that the team can and will ers by being willing to do the dirty work and work when no rally around whenever you need it. I hope you know I’ll help one is watching. Wish you all the best my man. If you ever you out in any way I can whenever you need. I’ll genuinely need anything, don’t hesitate. miss you next year, stud. Keep being you! Kramlinger Brothers: You both have an incredible work Sandy- Great guy! You’re the man Sandy. It was tough to ethic and it’s so great to watch you compete with each watch you go down with a bummer of an ankle injury. o ther. Besides that, you’re both hilarious! You’re certainly Y ou’ve been dealt some tough blows this year but you’ve not afraid to speak your mind and the world needs more of got a great smile and one that picks me and anyone up that. Looking forward to see where you both go post-gradu - whenever needed. ation. Keep in touch fellas! Ceminski- You’ve been a great addition to the squad this Dan- Dan the man. The entire team appreciates your time year Ceminsk! You’re really a genuine guy and one that I’ve and effort you put in! You’re going to make a great teacher e njoyed spending time around. o ne day! Nelson- You’re one of my favorite guys I’ve ever come Sophomores: Boy oh boy do you all have some characters across, Nels. Saying you’re down to earth is an understate - in your group… Your class is special for many reasons *cough m ent. I’m really going to miss you next year. Keep on work - c ough Weino* but you boys can really play some ball. ing hard and good things will come. #NFIB Weino- Good lord, man. You’re really something else. This Laughlin- Patty, I’m proud to share the common bond in last week completely sums it up: “Cacci I forgot my jock - schooling with you. Many things you do confuse me but s trap, can I use yours?” Incredible. You’re a great ballplayer t hat’s alright, you do you! Never ever change because the Weino, one I’ve truly enjoyed watching. Thanks for being world needs guys like you to keep things light. such a smartass because it really makes me laugh. You’re Freshmen: Boys, I hope this senior class has made you feel the worst kind of person, but I would still come help you welcomed. That’s been the ultimate goal since day one. whenever and wherever you needed it. Maybe. I’m going to E njoy your four years… they go by so fast. Remember to miss seeing you around next year, kid. develop yourself both on and off the field as being a part of Stilp: I’ve gone back and forth with how I’ve wanted to this program is a great stepping-stone to what comes next. approach this. So I’ve decided to be the bigger man and tell For now, enjoy the ride. y ou that you’ve become one of my best friends this year “Big Dave French”: I should’ve known you were trouble (unfortunately). Sorry, had to toss one snarky comment in when you typed that in as your contact information on my there. Seriously though, you’re a one of a kind person in my phone early on in the year. You had a unique start to being eyes. You’re a man of God, a true loyal friend, and one I a part of the program, but I’m glad it smoothed out for you. look forward to keeping in touch with for years to come. I’ll miss you Stilpy. Friends and brothers till the end. #NFIB See JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page impact during my four years on campus. Jon Schlemmer and Tyler “Whitey” Lursen: Guys, the swag Continue to work hard, do the right things, and you will be crew is officially all retired. I’ve done my best to carry the rewarded. t orch, but I don’t’ think I’ve done it justice compared to Tepp- Have a year, kid. It’s been fun watching you thrive you. Schlem, you’re one of the greatest role models in my this year. I’ve really enjoyed messing around with you life. Thank you for treating me so well my freshmen year, I t hroughout the year. I hope you haven’t taken it the wrong will never ever forget it. I’ve done my best to emulate you way, that’s the last thing I wish. Stay in touch, I’m excited this year. Whitey.. I don’t know where to begin… you’re to see what you do for this program. such a whackjob! (I don’t even know how to spell that) and Connor- Haven’t had too much time to get to know you I will definitely not be asking you to be my chiropractor too well but I hope you have felt welcomed and have anytime soon I promise. I loved watching you play! Thank e njoyed your first year as a Cardinal. Best of luck in what - you for being a great teammate to me in your time here. ever you decide to do! Peder Sviggum- I don’t know where to begin. You’re such a Liam- You’re a witty son of a gun. Enjoy your time in the special human being and you’re really one of those people I program, it goes fast my man. t hank God for every night that I have in my life. You never Hafemann- Sure, you might be small; but you’re a great fail to brighten up not only my day, but everyone’s day. ballplayer and one that has a bright future if you just stick Thank you for being a one of a kind man and friend. I’ll w ith it. never forget you and all you’ve done for me. Taylor- I just can’t get over how much you run like a Connor Christenson- My all-time favorite roommate. gazelle. It’s incredible to me. Best of luck in your upcoming Missed cooking with you in Florida this year. I’ve never been t enure at Saint Mary’s my man. m ore happy for anyone than I was for you last year when Nick- I’m proud of you, Nick. You’ve truly grown and you went on that tear towards the end of the year. Thanks learned so much in your first year. Forget baseball, continue for being a great friend to me, Connor. I’ll never forget you t o do the right things and you will continue to find your and everything you’ve done for me. You call me and I’ll way. come sprinting to wherever you are. Jake French- Big fella. Keep on grinding, the rest will fall Willie Doll- You’re the greatest leader I’ve ever seen Will. into place. I hope you’ve felt at home here in this program, Not only that, you are the greatest player I’ve ever played J ake! Now pass it on to the incoming class. w ith. Thank you for making me feel comfortable right from Mitch- I’ve got you marked down to be an impact player the start. It’s truly a special feeling having a guy like you I your junior year. Don’t make me eat my words. Do your can consider a friend. Thanks for everything and know I am t hing, work hard and let your talents to the talking. always rooting for you. Dom- I can speak for everyone when I say I appreciate the Brit Birkhauser- Brit, we’ve finally made it. Shoulder bud - time you put into fixing all of our gloves. It really helps a dies for life. I appreciate your friendship more than you l o t of us out! Best of luck in wherever the future takes you k now. You’ve always shot me straight and I can’t thank you Dom! enough for that. Continue to do your thing and that will Kodey- Bright, bright future. Looking forward to keeping take you so very far in life. I’m proud of you Brit! track of where you go, kid. But don’t forget hard work To anyone I may have forgotten: I sincerely apologize. b eats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Reach out to me so I can let you know just how special you Jimmer- Goodness gracious can you pitch. Better yet, h ave been in my life up to this point. goodness gracious do you work hard. Not many people are I’ve had so many memories that will last a lifetime playing i n the RAC at 10 p.m. at night the night before their start this beautiful game but it’s time to hang up my spikes. To working on dry work. Never lose that drive, Jimmer. Best of t he next generation of Cardinal Baseball Players: Never for - luck in the future my man. get those that came before you; represent the jersey with Jordan- What’s up, Jordan! My man. You’re a ballplayer, pride, hard work and passion. and don’t let anyone ever tell you differently. I’ve enjoyed God bless! o ur conversations more than you might know. Hang in there —Jacob W. Mencacci kid. Learn and grow, learn and grow, learn and grow. Lenny- Homegrown! You’re a great kid, Lenny. You’re mature for your age and I appreciate that. Never settle! Tilly- I’m proud of you, Tommy. I know you’ve had a tough year. I know you’re hard on yourself. But you know what? L et it fuel the fire. Take the hard lessons you’ve learned this year and take that into your Sophomore year and domi - nate. Call me, text me, facetime me whenever you need anything kid. Stay true to who you are and ball out in school and on the field. Chris- Thank you for your hard work throughout the entire year, it does not go unnoticed. Keep working hard in the w eight room! I can already see results! Isaac- Thank you for all you’ve done for the team this year. Bounce back next year and come back ready to roll! I know I will forget many, but I would like to single out a few alumni and select people that have made a significant


2015 .500 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 0

2017 .298 35 94 8 28 11 1 0 17

2018 318 24 66 9 21 2 1 0 11

Career .309 64 162 18 50 13 2 0 28

Zach Bids Farewell LIFE IS A LOT LIKE BASEBALL, WHEN you think you are going to get a fastball, you still have to be ready to hit a curve. Over the past 4 years, Saint Mary’s Baseball has prepared me for being as successful as possible on and off the field. Looking back on my time as a member of the SMU base - ball team, I have so much to be thankful for, and so many people to thank . All of the players, coaches, and friends I have made here at SMU have changed my life, and I want to start by saying thank you to everybody for that. To my family—Dad: I will always remember being able to call you coach and dad, my love for baseball stems from those early days of you introduc - ing the game to me. A baseball field will always have a special place in my heart because it is a place that reminds me of the times I got to have with you as my coach.Since I can remember you have always pushed me to be the best at anything I do. Thank you for teaching me what hard work really Zach is. Without that work ethic and your support, there is no way I could have #24 had any sort of success on the baseball field, or in life. Thank you for all you do for me dad. Slowiak Mom: Your love for baseball has always been something that has continued to push me. A smile comes on my face every time I have had a game and got to look down the leftfield line to see you sitting there so others don’t Year “get in the way of the game.” One memory I have of us that will never go away is the time that you bet me I could not field 100 ground balls in a row, and even when I was halfway there, you kept pushing me. No matter the Senior circumstances or situation you have always been my rock and a person I could go to. You are the perfect mom, thank you mom. Alex/Zandy: Zandy, I wish I could explain how thankful I am that you are Position my brother. You are a great kid, awesome friend, a great person, and an even better brother. If the world had more people like you, it would be a much better place, never change and continue to work at whatever you Outfield want to be great at. Thank you for all of those days that you stopped what you were doing to come to one of my games. Whether it was high school, college, little league, or summer ball, you were always there. To you it may Major not seem like a big deal, but it means a lot to me. Thanks buddy. History/Education Grandma Dee and Grandpa J: Thank you for all of the support over the years. I want this section of my senior salute to be a section that shows how thankful I truly am. Grandma Dee, I will NEVER be embarrassed to Hometown hear you cheering from the crowd. It makes me smile just thinking about how excited/nervous you get for my games. It shows how much you care, and that genuine nature is rare. I love you so much, and you and grandpa Chippewa Falls, Wis. are hands down the best fans a player could ask for. Thank you so much. See ZACH BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page ZACH BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page Other family members: Slowiak and Falkenburg families, thank you for all of the support, while growing up it was Baby Grandma: Your goodluck wishes, cut out newspaper very rare to go to any sporting event without somebody articles, attendance at games, and letters from you and the there that falls dogs are some of the things that have gotten me through in this category. Playing sports in the yard, talking sports, my athletic career. You have shown me how to treat family and just spending family time together are the days I remi - and friends with love. No matter how bad of a day I am nisce on, and all of your love has had an impact on my life having, I know that you are thinking of me and that makes a and athletic career. Thank you all so much! huge difference to me. Thank you grandma, I love you. Riley: I don’t even know where to start, you have been so Coaching Staff supportive ever since we have been together. I know it has Brother Frank: Brother, I know it took us a while to get not always been easy to take a back burner to baseball, but each other’s names down, but once that happened, our you always have supported me and my decision to play col - friendship has been amazing. Our relationship is one that I lege baseball. You are an incredible person and have shown would not trade for anything! Throughout my four years on that no matter what you will be there for me. Thank you campus, you have always been someone I could go to with for everything, and I am excited to see where life takes us next. See ZACH BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page ZACH BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page thankful for. Coach Ben: Beanie, I do not even know where to start. any problems. You always had a solution, or the next step First, I want to say thank you for taking me under your wing to take. After games, your handshakes and, “Good game, my Freshman year in Left. It was probably pretty frustrating Zachary” are always something to look forward to. Saint most days, but thank you for always being so willing to lend Mary’s is lucky to have you as a member of their communi - a helping hand. As time went on, you always knew how to ty, and the baseball team has the best liazon in the nation. push me. If it is throwing me Chapman fastballs, or helping We will keep in touch, thank you Brother. me by coming in and hitting together. As a player, you were Coach Winecke: To start, I want to say thank you for one of the most fun players I have ever watched or played reaching out to me to play baseball for Saint Mary’s. with. During your senior season, it was a true honor to play Without you, I would not have even thought about coming in the outfield with you (even though you did not always to SMU. To build off of that, I also want to say thank you for tell me where the fence was). As a friend, it is awesome to the opportunity to play college baseball. Not many people know that you are always there and will always be there to get that opportunity, but because you saw something in me, support me and the rest of the team. Having you on the I have gotten that opportunity, and that means a lot to me. coaching staff has been amazing, and a great addition to One more thing I need to thank you for is not giving up on the squad. I hope we stay in touch, and maybe one day can me. My first two years at SMU were tough, and it could teach in the same district! have been very easy to just look past me. However, even Emily: Thank you for dealing with all of our injuries, and when I didn’t see what you did in me, you kept pushing me nonsense the past two years. You make the baseball experi - and never gave up on me. That ence a lot more fun and relaxing. SMU got a steal with you! is something only true leaders do, and I thank you for that. Coach Sagar: Thank you for always pushing us and getting I hope I can give back half as much as this organization has the best out of us. This world needs more people like you given me. who shows they care, but are still willing to push everyone! TJ : You are a GOAT. SMU Baseball got a steal in you. Every Saint Mary’s 2018 Team aspect of a great coach, you have. All of us love playing for Lil Ron - RJ, you are arguably my best friend here. Our you. Ever since you got here, it was very obvious that you sport conversations are some of my favorite memories. We were a player’s coach, and I think every single player knows both know how to push each other’s buttons so well, and you care about us and will do anything for us. Thank you for dang, we would make for some great television. I love every all the support. I will never forget that during one of my moment we have had together from sitting by you seasons here, I was having one of the toughest weeks of my on the bus, standing next to you in stretching lines, and life and you did such a great job being there for me and just chillin’. You are a great person, ball player, and friend. explaining that the Big Man Upstairs has a plan and pieces I know we give each other a hard time, but that time I had will always fall into place. As a player, I learned how impor - to take a call after practice and you followed me I saw how tant the mental game is, and you are a huge part of much you really care about me, and that meant the that.Thank you world to me. We WILL stay in touch, even if you do not for all you do for this program TJ! want to. Show up to my wedding Jan. 5, in your zone bro! I Bush: You are a perfect example of what Saint Mary’s love you man, I will always have your back, and I know that baseball is. Whenever I think of you, I think of times in the feeling is dug out when you are wearing your heart on your sleeve. I mutual. love how you are willing to do anything to help put the Frat Boy - Little human, ever since LCT 125, I have been organization in a better place. This world needs more peo - happy to call you my friend. ple like you who are willing to do so much to use their lives However, after the Hillside experience Sophomore year, I to give back to what they love. No matter what coach says, have been happy to call you one of my closest friends. I I think I’d take you in a fight…. Thank you Bush! would not have made it through baseball or college without Coach Jake: You are a major reason I ended up coming to you. I love SMU. Without you reaching out to me, and taking the time watching you just tee off on balls and put them on in the to recruit me, I have no idea where I would be. Also, I want bluffs, but I also love the moments we have had just going to say thank you for your genuine nature. Every time I see to Hy-Vee and goofing around on the weekends. Every time you, weather it was on the field or when you are bringing I come through Chicago, I will make sure to let you know propsective students to SMU, you always take the time to and stop by. You are one of the people I know that I will say hello and have a conversation. Lastly, you have hands never lose contact with. We will go to some Cubs games down the best announcing voice of all time, I sure miss this summer! Thank you for all you have done for me man, I hearing, “YOUR SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY CARDINALS” at love you bro. P.S. we have hands down the sickest poster in home hockey games. SMU history … Coach Whaley: Thank you for all you do for this organiza - Taschetta - Tazz, you are such a gamer man. By that I tion and this team. You are a true player’s coach, and you mean video games, and real games. When there is a game always care about us whether its on or off the field. On top going on, I think there are very few people who can consis - of being a great coach and person, you have a mean tently bring out the tie/suit game, whenever I wear one of those ties you gave best in yourself and others during games. That is a rare skill me, I get a compliment. Thank you for that Coach. To con - to have. Also, I loved rooming with you, no matter the situ - clude this section, I want to say that my Junior year in ation, you always made sure I was okay and having a great Florida, you stood up for me after a game, and that will be a memory I will always have, and a memory I am extremely See ZACH BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page ZACH BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page Thank you for always being pushing others, and making everyone feel welcome. day. Make sure to keep in touch, and continue to grind my Johnny: Heimer, prior to Florida this past year, we really guy. did not talk that much. However, after our sports talks, and Klever: I don’t know where to start with you. Ever since discussions we started to talk more, and I am really thank - the first day of school, you have always been a rock for me. ful for that. Also, I wanted you to know how much I admire You are always so happy, positive (but realistic), and a great your courage. No matter what you are going through, you role model for the whole school. You scared the living poop always come to practice and push everyone. No matter out of me during the mile, but the way you goof around where you go in life, you are going to be successful. about it and make it light is amazing. I admire your work J. Kram: I loved having LCT with you. I know it sounds ethic in every aspect of life, and the support you give oth - small, but it was really nice to get to know you more during ers. We sure had some great stories together in college, that class. Also, the class was kinda terrible, and you from the Conjuring to the salad bar, we always had a great always found a way to make it fun. Your work ethic is top time together. Please make sure to stay in touch. I know notch and I love your mentality on the mound. Let’s make you are going to do great things in this world, and the Bee’s sure we have some more great FortNite games in the got one of the best possible interns in the nation. Love ya future! A. Kleve. 715 - Bro: DJ, you are a legend. Over the past three years, Mencacci: Jake, you are the first person I met that I knew very few people have had the ability to connect with every - was coming to SMU. You are one of those people that every - one like you do. It’s been a lot of fun being a part of the one looks up to, and nobody wants to disappoint. We have back of the bus crew and goofing around throughout the one of the most unique relationships I have ever had. I year. Baker is almost wears the head band as you. Let’s cherish all the memories we have, and I want to say make sure we stay in touch and continue the 715 connec - thank you for all that you have done for me. During dark tion. You’re going to absolutely mash next year, and I can’t times, I knew you were a person I could talk to and you wait to hear about it! would shoot me straight. Never lose that work ethic you Melz Guy: Hey, hey, hey… Over the past year you have have. All you have gone through, and still have this great become one of my best friends on campus, and I am so legacy at SMU shows how hard you work and that hard work thankful for that. I know you are someone that I can come does pay off. Continue to love life, keep in touch, and to with any situation and you will take the time out of your make sure that our brother like day to help. The next year is going to be really hard not liv - relationship continues. (I’m the big brother…) Love you ing with you guys. Just remember, you aren’t a black belt, man. unless you wake up in ’s body. Plus, it is great Joe: Seegs, YOU JUST GOTTA RELAX. Just kidding, you are to be a member of the above average club together living in my guy. Since day 1, there was just something special about this small world! But on a serious not, you are honestly one you. The way you treat others, the continued support you of the greatest teammates and people I have ever met. I show, and your positive attitude are some of the most can not wait to see how your career continues to play out. incredible traits you have. You are a valuable Thank you for all you do man, I love you brother. member of the 201 Crew, and I will miss having you come Dix: Man, it was great living together. I will miss living and knock on the door to hear. “It’s not open.” It has been together, coming home and seeing how much of a legend amazing to watch you grow as a person, frined, and player you are in FortNite. I know I make you shake your head these past 4 years! Also, our relationship has really grown when I play, but it was still a lot of fun to play together. stronger over the past few years. Throughout this year, You are one of the best catchers I have ever seen play, ad there have been so many memories made, and I cannot wait you are always busting it to get better. Even though our to keep making more. Long Island nights will have to be a sports teams don’t always align, make sure we stay in tradition for many years to come. Thank you for always touch! Love you Dix, thanks for all the support this past being there Seegs, and I hope we stay in touch throughout year. life. Thank you for being one of the best friends I could ask Max: Keep working man, you’ve come a long ways, and the for, and one of the best shortstops I’ve ever seen. Love you more you work on your craft, the more you will open eyes. broski. P.S. I’m writing this on my computer … . Keep pushing yourself and others. Wigs: Man Wiggy, being a history major, and member of Jack: Big Country, its been fun seeing you grow as a per - your team the past 4 years has been awesome. I will always son and player. While we stayed in Fargo, it was hilarious to remember your demeanor and confidence on the bump. My hear you goof around with the rest of us in the room. Keep favorite memory with you is driving to and from Saint reppin’ the best state in the nation. John’s after that stinkin history thing. A lot of good laughs Stilp: Wow, it was fun to ride on the plane next to you. and memories my man! Love ya wigs. You are so much fun to talk to and just hang out with. Erik: E, you are one of the most competitive players I have Thank you for always having fun man. Keep leading and ever seen. Over the past year, we have gotten a lot closer, keep working hard man. Pie: Matthew, I love hearing and I am really happy about that. I loved all the times I got “Slowiak” every day. You are one of the funniest people I to listen to you and just sit back and laugh. Keep grinding, have ever met. Seeing you grow after Florida your Freshman and good things will come! Keep in touch, Erik.- From year was awesome. I can’t wait to see where you go in both Kevin. baseball and life. Keep grinding, and loving life man. If you A. Kram: Andy, I love how hard you work, and always have ever need anything do not hesitate to reach out! a witty comment for every situation. You are an extremely caring person, and you are always willing to help others. See ZACH BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page ZACH BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page Nick: It has been awesome to be locker buddies! If you ever need anything do not hesitate to contact me. Wolfe: Keep competing Ryan, you are one of the most fun D. French: It has been awesome to learn about you and pitchers to watch. You always throw your best at every sin - see you live out your dream. Keep working. gle team. Also, I love listening to you and Pie go at each Dom: Just keep working, and you will be a big piece in the other. Keep working, and I can’t wait to see where your future. baseball career leads you. Kody: Don’t settle, and continue to grow! As a hitter, I Pat: Keep working Pat, as a lefty, I hate facing people like hated facing you, you can do almost anything, and that’s you. When you get your chance take advantage of it and tough. never give that spot back. Brandon: Your hands are so quick, you will get your shot, Cheb: I will miss our hitting sessions, and conversations we and take advantage. However, I don’t know how good you have together. Thank you for being so straight forward all are at FortNite Mini Mugs… the time. You are going to be a force in the in the lineup C.C.: Trust yourself, you are a great athlete, and you have for the next two years. If you ever need anything, just let all it takes to be great! me know. Keep working man, don’t let anyone tell you that Liam: Just keep doing what you’re doing. You’ve grown a you can’t do anything. Keep being Cheb, love ya bud. lot. Costello: On the field, you are absolutely nasty with the Jimmer: James, you are a corner piece for the program glove, and extremely clutch with the bat! As a person, you for years to come. Keep being yourself, and get better each are extremely caring and are always willing to listen to oth - day! Your hormone monster voice is on point! ers. Make sure to keep in touch. Alumni Drizzy: Zach, you are a gamer! I love watching you play C.C: Con, thank you for all you did for me. You are like my and grind man. On top of watching you play, I love just talk - big brother, and I am so thankful for the relationship we ing to you. You know how to make everyone laugh, and how have. You showed all of us how to act and hold each other to make every situation interesting. Having a locker next to accountable. You are the perfect example of this program. yous is one of my favorite things that happened to me this Peder: Peder, thank you for always being so accepting. year. Make sure you keep showing everyone how to play the You always were so nice, and inviting! Without you, I do not game. know how much I would have enjoyed my first years at Bill: Go cubbies! You LOVE baseball, keep using that pas - SMU. sion and grind man. We will have to go to a Cubbies game Willie: On and off the field, you are a great person! this summer! Thanks for taking me under your wing and showing me how Thor: Jon, thank you for always coming out with a great to play the game. Also, it is awesome how you treat all of attitude. I hope that you enjoyed being a part of the team us when you see us now. You are still a big part of the pro - as much as we enjoyed having you on the team. Keep work - gram today! Thanks, W.D.! ing man, and maybe we will meet up between the Wolves Cale: Thank you for all you gave to me and this program and Merchants. Cale. I will never forget when we were playing in Plover for Sandy: Sandy, you have a great swing and head on your legion, and you came up to me and reminded me who you shoulders. It was awesome being your “big brother” and were! That made me feel comfortable instantly. getting to know you. If there is anything I can ever do to help do not hesitate to reach out. Make sure we hang out this summer, and keep reppin’ the 715! Last, I want to say thank you for the conversation we had in Florida, I know it seemed like a small thing to say at the time, but it meant a lot. Weino: There is never a dull day around you man. I enjoyed every minute with you. However, stop acting like you don’t care about baseball, narc. Its going to be fun to see you keep taking the MIAC by storm. Every time I come to campus, I will make sure to see you! J. French: Keep working, your time will come. Always stay motivated, and love the game. Jordan: I loved hearing you and RJ argue sports, keep working and you will open a lot of eyes. Lenny: Your passion for the game is awesome, and you are always welcome on The Slow and Jay show! Tepper: I’m so proud of all the success you are having. It shows how all your hard work is paying off. Don’t settle, and keep going Andy. Go Pack Go! Mitch: It was fun to be catch partners, have fun and keep working my guy. Taylor: Playing football in the RAC was a lot of fun, just know I can shut you down any day! No matter what RJ says. Tommy: Keep working Tommy! Just remember why you play man! Alex Bids Farewell

AS A FRESHMAN, IT SEEMED LIKE WE had forever before we had to gradu - ate, but that was definitely not case. Sitting here today, it’s crazy to think a bout how fast it all went, as I am really beginning to understand what peo - ple mean when they time flies, and is only going to get faster. Reflecting on these past four years brings so many great memories from my time here. Saint Mary’s University school and baseball program have left a tremendous impact on me and helped develop me into the person I am today. This is truly a special place, and I feel so lucky to have been apart of it. I would first like to thank my family. You have all been there to support me, protect me, and love through everything my whole life, and I could not b e more thankful for that, and all the sacrifices you have made for me. Although I may not always say it or show it, I am so thankful for everything that you have done, and continue to do. Mom, you are the most amazing person in the world, and there is so much I could go on and on about with all the sacrifices, hard work, and love that you have put into raising me, but words cant do it all justice. You have given me so much asking for noth - ing in return and showed me what it means to work hard, and what life is all about. I love you, and am appreciative of everything you do for me. You’re the best. Nana, I know we mess around with you a lot, but you have such a great sense of humor and you make it too much fun for us. Thank you for everything you do for me and for all the love you give me. I am so lucky to have you as my grandmother and love you so much. Joe, We have been together step by step for 21 years, and have been through so much together. You have supported me and protected me through all of that and am so lucky to have you as my brother. To the coaches- Coach Winecke, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this program that has given me so much more t han I could have ever expected. You have taught me so many lessons about how to be ready and prepared for life after school, and how to be a selfless human being that others could rely on. This program has given me so many Alex lifelong friends and memories and that is all because of you, and I could not #27 be more thankful. Coach T.J., thank you for being an example to all of us on how we should live our lives, and care for those around us. You have taught me so much Kleve a bout what the important things in life really are, and how to appreciate the things we take for granted. Coach Whaley, thank you for being such a joy to be around. You come to Year practice everyday with a huge smile and sense of humor that make it so fun t o be around. You have a special way of connecting with people and really lets them know you care. Senior Coach Krone, Krooooooooooneing, first, thank you for everything that you do for this program. You give so much and ask for so little in return. Second, you are a beast. I am going to miss seeing you on the weekend Position mornings getting after it in the weight room shrugging insane amounts of weight. You are an incredible worker and a great example and leader for all Catcher of us to learn from. Coach Buerkle, thank you for the time and effort you put in with this pro - gram. You have been a great leader for others to look up to and your work Major e thic is has been something that has really inspired me. I’ll miss seeing you at planet fitness with all the other lunks. Brother Frank, Thank you for all the support you give to the baseball Marketing/Finance team. You are such a joy to be around. Your Hot Dagos and cookies are very m uch appreciated and will be missed greatly. Coach Sagar, I have so much to be thankful to you for. All your hard work Hometown and dedication to making our team better, the care you have for all of us as individuals, and for getting me through that little incident we had. It is so Roseville, Minn. inspiring to see how hard you work, and how much passion you have for See ALEX BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page ALEX BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page Chris: It has been a pleasure being a fellow manager with you this year Chris. You have done so much for the team what you do. You are a great role model for us and I hope I a nd it’s appreciated by everyone. can bring the same amount of energy and passion to my Liam: Keep working hard and grinding man. It has been profession in life. fun watching you improve and develop your game. Emily, Thank you for everything you do for us. You are Connor: You can fly man. You are a very talented player always so full of energy and happiness it is so nice to have with a great work ethic to go with it. That combination is y ou around. g oing to take you very far. Brother Pat, Thank you for all the work you have done Brandon: I love watching you in the infield. You make with our retreats. They were experiences that I will never some pretty slick plays. Keep working hard and you’ll get f orget, and have helped us to get closer as a group and y our shot. develop bonds that will never break. Kodey: You are a talented ball player. It has been exciting To the guys who came before me, thank you for showing to watch you improve and I’m excited to see what you can us the ways of the Cardinal baseball program, for bringing d o in the future. u s in, and making us feel at home. You guys taught me so Dom: The Italian Stallion. I have enjoyed seeing the much about being a great teammate, how to work hard, progress your flowing hair has made, Keep it going man. You and be someone people could rely on. a re always such a positive person and fun to be around. The Current Guys: David: Your confidence is something that is going to take I remember thinking I had all the time in the world when I you far. You are such a hard worker and it is awesome w ould be reading these, so appreciate your time here while w atching how far you have come in just a year. Keep up the y ou can because it goes fast. I want to thank each of you good work. for making year my favorite one. We have an Nick: I don’t think I’ve ever seen hair that compares to incredible, selfless group of guys who are willing to do any - your Patty Kane flow. Continue to be the kind person you thing for each other. It is truly something special to be a a re, and work hard! part of and I am thankful everyday to have gotten to expe - Tommy: You are a true grinder and someone who is never rience this opportunity with such a great group who care for satisfied with good enough. The dedication you put into and support each other through everything. t hings is going to get you places not only in baseball, but in The Freshmen: life as well. Jimmer: You have impressed me so much with your skills Isaac: I love how you are always yourself. You are a funny o n the field, but the way you act off the field and treat dude and never fail to bring the energy wherever you go. o thers impresses me even more. You will go very far in life with your work ethic so keep it up. See ALEX BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page ALEX BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page and off the field. Keep trusting the process and working hard and the success will come. Taylor: Hey Taylor! I’m going to miss saying that on a daily Max: Little Buddy. It has been awesome getting to know basis. You have such a great sense of humor and always you the last couple years. You are truly a great guy. Keep make my day when I see you walking across campus. o n bringing energy with you everywhere you go, it is infec - Mitch: Keep on grinding and improving and you’ll have a tious and fun to be around. great career here. It has been awesome to see the improve - Juniors: m ents you have already made. DJ: From your sayings, to your style, you are never afraid Andy: I love your smile man. You have really impressed me t o be yourself, and so many guys look up to you because of not only with your play on the field, but with your maturity t hat. It has been awesome to watch you not only grow as a a nd humbleness as well. You’re such a hard worker and ballplayer, but as a person as well. Keep working hard and that is going to take you places. being a good example, because there is a lot of eyes look - Lenny: That change-up is nasty Lenny. Keep working hard ing up to you. and you’ll have a great career here when all is said and Jake: You are an incredible worker and teammate and is d one. something a lot of people admire you for. It has been awe - Jordan: I have enjoyed seeing you come out of your shell s ome to see you back on the mound again and always awe - more and more as the year has gone on. You’re a pretty some to watch you compete. f unny dude and people appreciate your humor. John: You are a great leader, and someone so many people Jake French: It has been awesome to see your hard work are willing to follow. You’re such a nice and genuine person, pay off with the way you continue to develop and improve a nd are always looking for ways to help others and the y our game. You are a great listener and that is going to take team, and is something that is not always easy to do. Keep you far. being a great leader and working hard, and I know you’ll go The Sophomores: far in life. Justin: Hey Sunshine. Thanks for having such a great per - Andy: I don’t know if a lot of people realize how hard you s onality and keeping things in a light mood. You are a fun work. It seems like every time I go into the rac I see you g uy and enjoyable to be around. e ffortlessly running miles and miles on the treadmill. Keep Sandy: Sandman, you are a great guy. You always come to up the positive attitude and work ethic, and show the practice with a positive attitude and energy. Keep working younger guys what this program is all about. h ard and improving, you have come a long ways already. Eli: Elias, you are the kind of guy where you can joke Jon Cieminski: Thor! It has been awesome to have you join around with, but also have a serious talk with if they need the squad this year. You are a great guy, and have a mane t o and is a combination that is not always easy to find. t hat can’t be competed with. You’re a fun guy to be around and always have a joke or Will: You have a smile that never goes away. Your passion two to lighten the mood, which is something this team and love for the game is infectious to everyone and just needs. a wesome to see everyday. Dan: Fellow manager Dan. It has been awesome getting to Zach: Your can’t be beat personality is one I wish more know you better this season and have you around. You have guys on this team had. It is awesome to watch you compete a great sense of humor and are a fun guy to be around. a nd never back down. Dixon: Dixie Chix, I remember when you came for your Joey: I love how you are able to be such a great guy off overnight visit way back when I was a freshman. I think it’s the field, but an absolute competitor on the field that does - s afe to say we know each other a little better now. One of n ’t take any crap. Keep competing and working hard, it’s the things I admire most about you is your willingness to fun to watch. help others, whether it be on the field, in school, or a per - Nate: I hate you Nate. But for real, you are one of the sonal situation, and you never ask for anything in return. hardest workers I have ever met, and are never satisfied I’m really going to miss hanging out with you next year, w ith where you are. That is something that is going to take especially on Thursdays when I get my huge pitcher of you far in both baseball and life. Keep it up, and maybe I’ll water all to myself. You have been an awesome friend, and like you one day. so much fun to be around, and I know that with your work Pat: You are just a great person to be around. You have an ethic and drive, you will go very far in life. attitude and personality that keeps things in a light mood Bailey: Hello Bailey. Talk about a BG. I’m so glad I wont a nd helps this team play more relaxed. have to see you next year. But on the real, you are one of Ryan: You are an incredible competitor and a blast to t he guys I am going to miss most. You are a great friend and watch. You have already done some great things in your the kind of guy that is willing to do anything for anyone, s hort time here, and can’t wait to see what else you will do and is something that can be seen just by the type of team - with your time left. mate you are. You are also one of the hardest workers I Pie: I remember when I thought you were just a shy kid have ever met, and should be proud of all the work you from Hutchinson, but boy was I wrong. You are hilarious to have put in, and how far you’ve come. Thanks for being a b e around and am going to miss working the hockey games great friend, and a great person to be around. I’ll be on the with you. look out for Torii and you will be the first to know of any Stilp: You Friggin Hoser! You’re just an incredible guy and sightings. a blast to be around. It has been awesome getting to know Seniors: y ou and share our appreciation of Canadian culture. Ill miss RJ: You have come such a long way since freshman year, it joking around with ya, and watching you dice on the field. Jack: You have a great way of carrying yourself both on See ALEX BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page

ALEX BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page lot of great memories over these past four years…… and some unfortunate ones like the red Gatorade being spilt on has been awesome to see all the improvements and success me instead of your white pants. It seemed lie it would be you have had. And talk about a competitor. Whether it be forever before we were going to be seniors, but here we baseball, or video games, there is no way you are going to are. You have been a great friend and someone that I can coast. That is something that I hope you continue to have go to for anything during these four years, and I am so after school and carry into your profession, because with appreciative of that. You are the kind of guy that puts that attitude, you won’t be beat. everyone else and their happiness before himself, and Taschetta: I’m happy you decided to come here after that’s what makes you such a great dude. freshman year. You are such a caring person, and always Seegs: What up gangsta! We’ve been through good, bad, l o oking out for the well being of others. One thing I have and interesting times during our four years here, and I’m noticed about you is that if you have a passion for some - h appy I was able to experience a lot of it with such a great thing, you are the kind of person that is not going to let friend. One of the things that I appreciate most about you anything get in the way of stopping you to make that pas - is how seriously you take your faith. Coming from a very sion a reality. Keep that mindset, and there is not doubt Catholic high background, it was nice to have someone who that you will be successful after school. took their faith as seriously as I did. You are the type of Barry: So remember that time at Perkins when your milk - person that everyone loves to be around, and a lot of that shake went everywhere? Just wanted to bring that up for has to do with the positive energy you always have, and the o ld times sake. You are such a fun guy to be around and way you treat the people around you. You are a special per - bring a lot of joy into peoples lives because of the way you son, and a great friend. treat them. So many people look up to because of the way Jake: I don’t know how you do it man, you are the defini - you treat others, your work ethic, and your dedication to be tion of a grinder. By the time I wake up on Fridays, you’ve great at all the things you do. Also, if you get that pet fox, a lready had a meeting, worked out, and been around the I’ll always be open to pet sitting for a weekend. world three times. Your work ethic is incredible and some - Mathwig: Wigs, The thing I love most about you is that you thing that has really driven and inspired me over the last don’t try and sugar coat situations, you always tell it like it four years, so thank you for that. You are a great friend to i s . I think that is something that will not only help you bet - go to for anything, and someone who I can depend on if I ter yourself, but better those around you as well. People need something. One of the things I am going to miss most get to caught up in things sometimes and need to here it is the weekend workouts we had in the morning with an how it is, and you are someone that has been able to do empty weight room because it was before half the campus that for them. Good luck next year, I’m sure it’ll be a little was awake. Thank you for being such a supportive and reli - different without me always nagging about the dishes. able friend, I can’t wait to see how far you go. Slow: I think it’s safe to say we cannot be left alone together, or something is going to happen. We have had a


2017 0.00 2-0 4 5.0 2 0 0 2 5

2018 13.50 0-0 2 1.1 3 2 2 1 1

Career 2.84 2-0 6 6.1 5 2 2 3 6

Jacob Bids Farewell Mom and Dad: I want to start off by saying thank you for all the time and money you have sacrificed for me to get an education and enabling me to continue to continue my baseball career at Saint Mary’s. Thank you for teaching me and raising me to be the man that I am today. Teaching such lessons for having compassion, being fair, and doing the right thing even when it’s not always the popular thing to do. Sarah, Matt, and Ellie: Thank you for being my supportive siblings even when I’m away at school. It means the world when I get texts or calls ask - ing how things are going or encouraging me to continue to work hard when times may not be going my way. Mom and Dad really did a good job raising all four of us and it shows in each of you too. Coaches: Thank you for allowing me to be part of the baseball team here at Saint Mary’s. Part of the reason I chose to transfer to Saint Mary’s was due to the sense of family when I first met the guys. Being part of a team is special but we were more than a team, we were a family. Each of you coaches has taught me something that I have made a part of my life. Rather Jacob it is the work ethic, the ability to recognize when something is wrong and #31 how to fix it, or even just how to treat people the right way. Those lessons will be carried on well after this year. Coach Winecke: Thanks for kicking my rear end into shape, not physically Taschetta but on the mental side of things. Rather it is from my days of being an out - fielder, or my days as a pitcher, it has made me maybe not a better base - ball player, but it has allowed me to reach the potential of what God gave Year me. Also, thank you for the way you run this program, it shows in the sup - port from the guys you have coached along with those you have played Senior along side in the way they give back to the program. It shows that the game and the program is bigger than all of us and brings all of those who came and those who are going to come together to reach an end goal. Position Coach Oakes: Thank you for taking a chance on my position change at the beginning of my junior year. There was not too much to go off of but you saw something and over the last two years, you have brought out the best Pitcher in me. I want to say thank you for all those hours you put into all those charts for us pitchers. You don’t need to do those but you want to. You see that we use those and it helps us understand what we need to work on and Major give us feedback we can always refer back to. It also is something that even my father has from when he got feedback from his college coaches and still can look and refer to them. Lastly, Bartolo better be a first ballot HoFer. Entrepreneurship / Coach Whaley: Thank you for being that father figure to all of us in my Marketing last three years here. You have shown us maturity not only in the game of baseball but also in all aspects of life. Coming from the high school to our practices and even driving yourself to games because you are teaching Hometown when we leave shows how committed you are to this program. Coach Krone: Rather it be from the days of Benny J giving you hell Winfield, Ill. See JACOB BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JACOB BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page pounds if you didn’t push me to work harder than I have in my life. Thank you for that. everyday at practice or Coach Winecke getting you all Emily Franz: Thank you for putting up with all my crap worked up with his “krony krony kronnnyyy” song, you have over the last two years. You always were there to sit and always been a great sport and bring a sense of “relaxed listen to me talk about the most stupid things and let me aggression” that is unique. What I mean by that is you can vent. You also allowed me to learn more about how to take be the fun, laid back guy at one moment but the next, you care of my body that I will have to use in the years to get right down to business and you get it done. I wish I come. would’ve been able to see you pitch when you played Brother Frank: Thank you for all that you have done for because I can only imagine how laser focused you get on this program. Giving us breaks for lent to eat meat on that mound. Its something we all can learn from you. Fridays, traveling with us on trips, or even skipping to go to Coach Buerkle: Thanks for being one of the best team - Memphis to come with us this last weekend up to mates I’ve played with. You were always there to answer Concordia. It shows that you have a very committed person questions and always took those in even when others didn’t. to this program and all that you do. Thank you also for all Since you have become part of the coaching staff, you have those awesome dinners at the brothers’ residence too! seemed to be able to keep that fine line of being a friend Wigs: Thanks for being the serious piece to this program and a coach. That is not easy to do because I could imagine but coming in with sly comments whenever you saw fit. It that coach some of us that you played with can be hard kept a great balance of serious and fun. Still the best left- when it comes to being friends vs. being a coach. You have handed slider I have seen from a batters standpoint. a very successful future ahead of you in coaching if you Seegs: Thanks for being the leader by example to this pro - choose to continue to do this. gram. You have left a mark on this program that is going to Coach Sagar: Thank you for kicking our rear ends at 6am stand for many years to come. You have left nothing but a in the morning. We all at one point or another have really positive mark on all you have come in contact with while just wanted to get after your for some of the stuff you being here at Saint Mary’s. made us do but you knew that I was making us better. Over Mencacci: Thanks for being the best example of working the three years here, you have taught us that not only are past the 9-5 hours. What I mean by that is you are always we getting stronger but its also helping us develop a work ethic when it comes to our bodies. I would still be 160 See JACOB BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JACOB BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page guys work hard it pushes everyone else to work just as hard if not harder. Stilp, Nelson, Cieminski, Wolfe, and Laughlin, looking to do work and not to get out of work. Growing up Thanks for being great teammates specifically when it with you and being able to play with you for well over 6 comes to the pitching staff. Catching each of you for flat seasons, you continue to impress me with the workload you pens and watching each of you pitch, you guys all have want to take on. great futures ahead of you. Costello, Matthews, Sandy, Slowiak: Thanks for being one of the most caring people Weinberg, Drake, Schoemann, Piechowski, and Faust, thanks I’ve met while being here at Saint Mary’s. Being your room - for being great teammates from the position player side of mate junior year allowed me to get to know you better and the team. The thing that sticks out to me about your group am excited to see how your future unfolds with teaching! is all of your abilities to be ready to be the “next man up”. Kleve: Thanks for being the best example of putting others It is not easy being 2nd at your given position but each of before yourself. In my three years here I was able to see you have been able to practice like you are the guy and you grow both in the classroom and on the field. With that when given your shot, have made the most of it. being said, thanks for catching me in those JV games, get - To the freshmen class: Thanks for being the most mature ting on me to finish our group projects and always having a class I’ve seen since I’ve been here at Saint Mary’s. Rather smile on your face. it be asking to do a task or just pushing us older guys to Barry: Thanks for always being there to talk about either work harder, it has been shown since day one that you all the most serious and dumb matters with me. I also want to have a common goal of being the best you can. I know it is say thank you for accepting, whoever it may be, for coming not easy to be in the first year of a program at a new place into this program. I look forward to see how your account - you have never been to before. Each of you has been able ing career develops. to adjust and continue to grow since when I first met you in RJ: Thanks for being like my brother for the last three the fall. Green, Kiel, Lonetti, and Lenny, each of you have years. You made my transition from a position player to a been able to buy into TJ’s “all in” mentality and it shows on pitcher only a very easy one. Catching bullpens for me in the mound. Some of you have got more innings than others the rac whenever I asked and giving honest advice on what I but innings are just a number. Each of you have pushed me need to work on. If you ever need anything, you know personally to work harder. I’m super excited to see each of where to find me. you grow and will be watching closely over the next three To the junior class: Thank you for all you have done for years! Liam, Conner, Hafemann, Davey, J. French, Tommy, this program. When I transferred into this program, it was Taylor, Mitch, Tepp, and Jordan, you all have shown the also your first year playing. Eli, DJ, Heim, Melz, Dix. It was same skillset as the sophomore class with the next man up great living in Benilde with you guys and watching all the mentality. Each of you really work hard and like I’ve said yelling and fighting that unfolded when it came to the many times before it pushes all of us older guys to work Benilde NHL hockey league. It was an experience to say the that much harder too. Be patient and enjoy the time with least living in Benilde but man was it fun. Andy and Jake your teammates if you haven’t got your shot yet because Kram, it wasn’t really until last year that I got to know you trust me, its coming. These next three years are going to guys but man are you guys funny. I can’t wait to live with FLY by so enjoy it while you can. you two, next year for my last semester here at Saint Managers: Thank you for sacrificing your time and energy Mary’s. to come along and help our program. Like coach always Continue to be the good guys that you all are and continue says, you guys help a ton. It’s a thankless job, each of you to work hard. I know you guys will continue to all lead by allow us to work hard during practice or games without hav - example going into your senior years. It will be fun to ing to do things like feed the machine or keep score. It watch you guys this next year from outside the lines! doesn’t seem like a lot but man does it make one heck of a To the sophomore class: Thank you for arguably the most difference. I would challenge each of you to continue to outgoing class in this program. Lead by Weinberg and Drake, come back each year and try and make a career out of it. I you guys never fail to push the limits of our teammates and think it shows the ability to work with others; ability to fol - get them razzed up as a good joke. Thanks for just coming low directions and it helps build life long friendships. every day being ready to get after it. It shows a lot about how age in our program is just a number and because you CAREER BY THE NUMBERS Year Avg. GP AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI

2015 .284 27 67 12 19 6 2 3 16

2016 .238 34 84 18 20 5 0 5 15

2017 .256 38 117 20 30 9 0 11 30

2018 .221 25 77 13 17 2 1 2 12

Career .249 124 345 63 86 22 3 21 73

Jake Bids Farewell WHAT A BLESSING IT HAS BEEN , a true blessing, to be a part of something more than I could have ever imagined. I can remember what seems like a f ew months ago, but a very short four years, stepping onto the Max Mollock baseball field here at St. Mary’s. I can still vividly remember lacing up my cleats, sun shining, green grass, the slight breeze blowing. I can remember seeing all the guys running around in the field during my first captain’s practice. The nerves, excitement, anxiety, and pure joy of being able to be a part of something that not many receive the honor to be able to do. I have to truly say that I have been blessed to be on such a special team and special program. To be a part of a culture that has helped shaped and define who I am today. I cannot believe the time is truly here, four years later looking back at all the amazing friendships and memories that I have made in my time here. But first, I would like to start from the beginning. I would like to begin by Jake thanking my parents. Mom and Dad thank you for being my biggest support - #33 e rs, my rock, and my foundation. Without you two I would not be the man I am today. You guys have been with me through it all, and I cannot tell you Barry the gratitude and great love I have for each of you. I could not have asked for better parents. Dad, thank you for spending countless hours in the play - ing catch with me, taking me to go hit, and teaching me this game that I Year have grown to love so much. Thank you for pushing me to be the best that I could possibly be. Thank you for teaching me a good work ethic, to never give up, and for being not only a role model, but a superhero in my eyes. I Senior would not be where I am today had it not been for you. You have always been there through thick and thin with advice no matter what the situation could be. I cannot truly express enough how much you mean to me and how Position appreciative I am of you. You are my role model. Mom, Thank you for sup - porting me and being my biggest fan. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have such a wonderful mother. Thank you for everything you have done for First Base me. I would not be who I am had it not been for you being such a great mom. You are my rock and I know I can come to you with anything. You are Major my other role model. I cannot express enough how blessed I have been to have parents like you. To my brothers, Josh and Sean, thank you for being such constants in my life and helping me in everything that you could. You Accounting two taught me so much growing up I cannot even fathom using words to describe. I know you will always be around for someone to reach out to and count on no matter the issue. Hometown To my Chicago Guys, thank you in your support throughout the years. You guys kept me sane and kept me who I am because I always knew I can count on you guys as people to go to, in specific Joe and V. Joe you were the best Tinley Park, Ill. roommate someone could ask for. All of the late nights coming back to the See JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page Coach Whaley- You are a great teacher and leader. I have learned so much from you throughout these four years and I room fromm practice or homework, the early mornings for a m very happy we have had the opportunity to learn from lifting and you were fine with it all. V, little did you know, your knowledge. Thank you for always having an answer to but through all of these years I used you as a motivation to the random questions I have about baseball. You know the keep pushing myself in baseball. You always asked about the game like it is the back of your hand. Thank you for all you games and were supportive of the team and myself through have put into this program. everything. Coach Sager- Thank you for pushing us all to become the To the previous players in the program. Thank you for set - best we possibly can. I’m glad you have been able to come ting a culture and standards to live by within the program. t o Florida with the team for the past years, it’s been great Y ou all have had impacts on the program and without you getting to know you. You’re work in improving all of the guys we would not be where we are at today. You guys laid athletes and your long hours do not go unnoticed. Thank down a foundation to live by and I believe that continues to you for everything have done for not only me, but for be carried over as the years goes on. All of you have Cardinal athletics as a whole impacted the program, and I am excited to continue to see Coach Krone- Keep being a great leader and pushing oth - you guys grow into your new careers and life. I wish you all ers to reach their full potential. You always keep everyone the best and hope to stay in contact. u p in the dugout and inot the game. I enjoy every conversa - To the Coaching Staff: tion I have ever had with and always looked forward to bed Coach Winecke- You have helped shape and define the checks to mess around with you Thank you for all you give c ardinal baseball program. As these four short years wind to the program Krone. d own I just want to tell you thank you. Thank you for Coach T.J.- I am honestly so happy we have had the privi - teaching us skills that can not only be used in baseball but lege of having you as a coach over the past year. I cannot in life. You put us all in a place to be very successful once express my gratitude to you for everything you have done. I we leave here and I am truly fortunate to have had you as a have learned so much from you in this short time.. I am coach. You pushed us to our absolute potential not only as blessed that I have gotten to know you more and more players, but also as people. Thank you for everything you have done for this program. See JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page all the hard work you do behind the plate you have come a long way since fall ball and it is great to see that all your throughout the year. Thank you for being you. You have hard work has paid off for you. Nick, I’m glad to have had taught us so many life lessons that can be utilized. All the the time to have you on the team and talk to. You are an readings given, talks, and advice. You are a great leader amazing person and always easy to talk to. You have a and I cannot wait to see what your future holds. bright future ahead of you and I will love to see what you (Coach) Buerk- It has been an honor to play with you for become in the years ahead. Tilly, loved playing Fortnite three years and a special gift to have you as a coach for my with you and our usually squad. I loved to watch you play l a st year. I consider a friend and I hope nothing, but the and practice you have a lot of talent and feel for the game. best for you and your future. Keep doing what you do and work on that swing because Bro Frank- Thank you for everything you do for the team you have a lot big things coming in your future and I know being our liaison. Thank you for all of the “open faced you will be able to achieve great things. Also, I’ll be waiting I t alian sandwiches” throughout the years too, they are deli - for the mixtape in the summer. Ike, I am currently in the cious. hotel room with you right now and you can’t lay down in Emily- I can say thank you enough for all of the work you your pullout bed because your legs are sunburnt from being have done not only for me, but the entire team. You keep in the sun for 6 hours in April. All of our Fortnite hours pick - u s as close to 100% as we can be whether it is something ing up Ws have been great. Thank you for everything you small or big. I’m going to miss all of the time in the training have given to the program, with your high energy and love room and requests I had for cupping and stimming. for the game, never change.Taylor, keep working on your Hopefully, with my departure some of workload decreases. game and keep being a great teammate I wish we could To the managers: have talked more but you are a great teammate and keep Chris- Cha boy Chris Kelly. Thank you for everything you do doing what you do. Mitch, you have improved hitting since f or the team. You’re always in a positive mood and I’m glad the beginning of the year and it was nice to be able to hit y ou could be part of this group for my last year. You’re still with you a few times during winter practices. Keep up the the BP champion. hard work. Tepp, or Robo-Tepp, you have been a huge part Dan- Thank you as well for all of the work you put in for of the lineup this year and have really come into yourself the team and splitting your manager time between us and on and off the field. Loved playing with you this year, I t he basketball team. can’t wait to see where you are few years from now. Lenny, Freshmen- Your guy’s class reminds me a lot of our class. you need cattle you are an incredible person and I enjoyed You guys all work so hard and have the drive to make some - talking to you every time I could. You are an incredible t hing big happen. Enjoy your time here and never take any - teammate and even better person. Jordan, it was good to thing for granted. Cherish every moment you have and get to know you this past year and keep working hard and enjoy the opportunity to be out on the field with 40 of your keep up all the Fortnite you play. Jake French, it was nice other best friends because the years go by faster than you to be able to watch you improve at first base and how far think. It has been an honor to get to know all of you. you have come this year. All the time at first base have Jimmer, it has been fun to see you come out of your shell allowed me to talk to you often and I hope nothing but the and be yourself with everyone on the team. I was lucky to best for you. Keep up al the hard work you put into your room with you down in Florida and closer to you because game. you are truly an amazing person. You are an absolute mon - Sophomores- You guys are awesome and I am glad to have ster on the mound and I enjoy watching you turn the switch been able to get to know each and every one of you. You all from your fun loving goofy self into the ultimate competi - are very talented and I am excited to see where the next tor. Also, I am sorry for running into you on that infield fly couple of years will take you guys. Weino, where do I start. in Wheaton. Liam, you are an incredible teammate and are You have become one of my best friends on campus in the always there to pick guys up in the dugout and watching past two years. All the times of us messing with Cheb have you grow into the player you are from when we started to been some of my favorite memories. You are one of the now has been quite the sight. Keep up all the hard work you best people to talk to and there is never a dull moment put in because one day everything will pay off and I am with you around and I am glad to call you a friend. Sandy, excited to see when it does. Connor, first off I’d like to say you are your own person and I’m excited to have been able you are definitely in the running for best hair on the team. to talk to you more this year to get to know you better. You are incredibly fast and I have enjoyed watching you Keep doing you Sandy because are a great person and team - work at being the best player you possibly can be. You have mate. John, I love the hair John I hope you never cut it and come up for the team in big spots and have come through a you have helped us out this year coming from the bullpen. I lot. Brandon, Mini Muggins you are always a good teammate didn’t get to know you as much as I would have liked, but I and are willing to put in work to be a better player. Keep hope you continue to work as hard as you do. Will, no words doing what you’re doing because I can see a bright future can describe you fully buddy. You have been a huge addition for you as long as you keep up the hard work. Kodey, you to the team and have really come out as yourself this year. have been a huge asset for the pitching staff this year and Between the dance moves and all of the questions and one have come into your own as being a solid choice from the liners you always have everyone a good laugh. Thank you bullpen. Thank you for coming in and doing work on the for keeping me on my toes at first base for the past two mound everytime you could. Dom, is first like to say you do years, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Drake, incredible work on baseball gloves and the love for the being my bed buddy in Florida and Wheaton have brought game you have is incredible to see. Keep shredding the slopes and don’t break your nose next time. David, keep up See JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page enjoyed the conversations with and all the arguments you had with your brother while I was playing Xbox with him. us uncomfortably close to each other, but we have had Eli, never stop being you. You truly do not care what any - some good times together. Jorts, the right side squad have one thinks and I respect that. You are a real competitor on had a good two years and I love the intensity you play the the mound and you give your full effort into pitching. I’m game at. You are always there for your teammates and gonna miss the late night Taco Bell runs with Cheb in The never let people push around anyone on the team. Keep Bus. All the time we spend in the lockerroom as the two doing you and you will have nowhere to go, but up. Cheb, people who are in there the most. We have turned that you are probably my best friend on campus. You’re like a lockerroom into our second home, if only I was able to little brother to me and I wish you nothing, but the best for dwell in the new lockerroom with you next year because you. All the memories we have together are countless. Keep that is our heaven. working and doing your thing my man. I’ll do anything for Seniors: To my fellow seniors, what a ride it has been the you my brother. Pat, never change who you are for anyone end is finally near. I cannot express how much each and or anything Pat because you are one special person. I loved e very one of you guys mean to me. It has been an honor having conversations with you because you’re always so full playing with all of you and I’m never going to forget any of of life. Wolfey, you are an animal on the mound and I can’t you. wait to see where you will be in the next coming years Mathwig- Wiggy, I still think that you are a robot. You have because you an incredible competitor and athlete. Keep had an incredible pitching career and you have come into doing your thing in the mound and keep going 100%. Pie, s ome big spots for us and have come through for us. I’m I’m really glad you have come out of your shell overtime glad you got back to the old wigatron this year because I because you are one of the funniest and most sarcastic per - know how hard you try to do your best and how much you son I have ever met. I hope you keep having success in your want to succeed. I wish you the best in you teaching career career and keep drinking those Dr. Ps you love so much. and everything else in your future. Stilpy, you are one of the best people and one of the best Seegs- I know we did not really hang out much until this people I have ever met. You are one of the truest humans year, but late is better than never. We have had some good I’ve ever encountered and I hope you stay that way because t imes this year like at Ground Round on Thursday’s. Your you are great. Jack, big country I wish you all the best in smile is infectious and you are genuinely good person and your career because you are a great player and I know will I’m going to miss our crazy dinner talks in the caf. be able to accomplish everything that you want. Keep work - Cacci- We have come a long way from the young faced ing your best at your craft and you will be where you want freshman roommates we used to be. I’m always going to to be. Max, you are the ultimate teammate. I have nothing, r emember the max out competition we had in the pre-sea - but respect for everything you do for the program and hav - son and me always coming out on top and how annoyed you ing you at first base has been great to get to know you. were when you were when you found out. It’s very unfortu - Juniors- It’s been a pleasure playing with you guys over nate that you were not able to play as much as you could the past three years. Have a blast next year and don’t take have because of injuries, but we all still respect the work a nything for granted and enjoy your senior years because it you have put in throughout the years. You are a leader for goes faster than you think and continue to all be leaders on us and always push people to become better. this team. Dj, my nation brother, it’s hard to fathom the Alex Kleve- Kleve you are a trooper for what happened idea of not coming back to be at the one bagger with you. this year and I have absolutely nothing, but respect for you. We have created such a bond from being together over Y ou are a great team guy and will always be “The Water there. I’m gonna miss all the talks we have over there and Guy” from now on. dealing with Krones quick fungos before games. Make sure Taschetta- You are truly your own person. I don’t think I you keep nation alive next year because it’s my time to go will ever encounter anyone else like you. You are hilarious now that Reds left us. I’ll miss you a ton my guy, keep doing a nd brighten my day waiting for some sort of comment. I your thing and stay crazy. John, big John you are a great got to talk to you a lot more this year and I’m very glad I leader for the team and an even better teammate. Make could. sure to keep doing your thing keeping the pitcher on lock Slow- My brother, living across from has gotten us even and helping out whenever you can. Dixon, it has been great closer than we were. I’ll never forget our sophomore year to hang out with you more living right across from you and w atching scary movies all night in my room. There’s so logging a lot of Fortnite hours in together. You are a wall much I can say about everything we have gone through and back behind the plate and I’m glad to see your successes takes about. You definitely need to come down to the Chi the past two years and I’m proud to see how far you’ve and we can catch a Cubs game together. I know you’ll come. Bailey, along with Dixon it was good to hang out with always be there for me and I’ll be there for you for any - you a lot from being directly across from you and we have thing. had some great times this year. You are an incredible team - RJ- You’re my boy J. You’re the king on the mound and I’m mate and you work harder than anyone I’ve ever seen. so excited that you have found success in your career JKram, you always have some sort of sarcastic remark for b ecause you worked so hard for it. We have come a long every situation and I’m glad I can count on you for the way since Florida freshman year and we have come into our Fortnite squad. You are hilarious to talk to and you bring a own on and off the field. I wish you nothing but the best for lot of looseness to the team when it is needed. Get healthy your future and we will be definitely hitting each other up so you can keep going out in relief for the squad. AKram, with Fejt back home. you are the marathon man and you work extremely hard in the off season and during season to keep getting better. I See JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page JAKE BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page

Thank you to everyone who has had an impact on this journey, to all my former coaches, teammates, and friends, you all have played a part. These will be memories that will stick with us for the rest of our lifetimes. I wish I could go back and go through my four years again, but, sadly, no can stay young forever. I have gained such a respect not only for life, but for baseball itself and its disheartening to say, but not everyone can play the game forever,whether you are 18 or 40 those who play the game won’t be able to someday. As the last game nears and the final cheer, final swing, final pitch, become closer and closer. I have learned one thing… the best time in the world can happen on a patch of dirt and grass with some of your best friends. CAREER BY THE NUMBERS Year ERA W-L APP IP H R ER BB SO

2015 15.75 0-0 3 4.0 6 7 7 9 2

2016 32.40 0-0 2 1.2 3 6 6 3 2

2017 3.32 3-4 11 57.0 35 21 21 22 47

2018 4.07 3-3 6 24.1 22 14 11 18 25

Career 4.66 6-7 22 87.0 66 48 45 52 76

R.J. Bids Farewell I GUESS I AM CLOSING OUT MY COLLEGE CAREER. Dad- Thank you for always having my back through good and bad times. Also thank you for motivating me to be the best player and person that I can be. You have been the rock of our family and I admire you in more ways than you can ever imagine. I appreciate the sacrifices you have made finan - cially getting me through school and giving me the opportunity to receive a college education. I love you and I strive to be the man you are every day. Octavia- Thanks for always being there through my ups and downs in life and my college career. I appreciate the motivation and wisdom you have gave me over the last 4 years that has made me a better student and a bet - ter man in preparing me for the world outside of college. I love you and keep working to get that masters I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle to get another diploma. Ryan Fejt- You are legit my brother that I have never had. We have so R.J. many similarities that is quite scary, but I’m happy to express that. You #34 have helped me become a better baseball player and even a better man on and off the field in so many ways you probably couldn't even imagine. From conversations and advice on multiple topics daily, helped me through these Brown four years. I’m proud to call you my brother and hope to continue our bond back in the land. Coaches- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to allow me to fulfill my Year dream of playing collegiate baseball. Also thank for keeping my best inter - ests in mind and pushing me to not only be the best person on the field, Senior but off the field also. I appreciate the motivation on a daily basis you all have given me to prepare for competition and for the beyond. Emily- Thank you for always putting up with me on and off the field. You Position have been amazing In preparing me physically to compete and I will always cherish the times and conversations that we have had in the trainer's room. Seniors Pitcher Taschetta- Where do I even start ? From arguing about baseball on a daily basis to simply chilling and playing video games. There have never been a dull moment that have passed by. You and your family are great people and Major I hope to continue building a strong relationship for years to come. Slow- You are honestly one of my best friends since sophomore year. We are probably known to be attached at the hip on and off the field. We need Sports Management to have a tv sports talk show one day from how much we argue and agree to disagree on multiple topics in sports, but I honestly enjoy it every day. Westbrook will always be better than Harden btw. I’m proud of you and Hometown admire the man you have become over the past four years. If you need any - thing you know where to reach me at anytime. Broadview, Ill. Barry- Big Barr you are definitely a character. We have had some wild See RJ BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page RJ BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page conversations whether it’s passing by or going out and getting some food. We have built a strong relationship over the past 4 years and I hope to continue that while we’re in the Chi. Keep in touch and if you need any - thing you know the number or twitter handle. Seegs- Mann What’s up my guy ! These 4 years on and off the field have been great having you around. You are a excellent player and a even better person. You have been a exemplary figure for the program and SMU have been lucky to have you. Keep in touch. Mencacci- Bro, you have been a upfront and honest since day 1. You also have been a face for the pro - gram for the past 4 years and I admire your hard work. Wigs- What’s up man, you have a nasty slider that hitters hate to see. You are an intelligent guy and have a bright future ahead of you, keep going Kleve- What’s up bro? I’m thankful for you on and off the field. I appre - ciate your work ethic and religious faith, that goes a long way. DJ- Bro, we have the twitter game on lock. You are hilarious on and off the field. Whether it’s laughing at the most idiotic things that we both see on a daily basis to things that are comical in sports, it’s always a good a time lbs. I see you as a little brother and if you need anything you already know the Twitter handle and that’s vice versa. You got potential to go far on and off the field. Also you have a supportive and loving family backing you through ups and downs which goes a long way. Heimmey- We have gotten close over the past two years. I love talking sports with you even though we agree to disagree most of the time. Me, you, DJ, Hotts and Dan have had so many laughable moments that have been and will be memories for years to come. I admire your work ethic need me you know where to reach me. and commitment to working on your craft. You’re a great Dixon- My Boy ! You are genuinely a nice guy on and off guy on and off the field and if you need anything you know the field and a great catcher. I have learned more about where to reach me on social media and on the dial. you over the past 2 years in which I’m so thankful for. Keep Kram(s)- You guys are a hell of a duo. There is never a dull balling on the field and keep leading this program in the moment whether at a game or in practice you guys keep right direction. things relaxed and make the game fun to play. You guys are Bailey- Whats up my man, you have been a great guy on also two of the most honest people I have met and are straightforward to a tee which I admire. If you guys ever See RJ BIDS FAREWELL , on the next page RJ BIDS FAREWELL , from the previous page and off the field. You’re a influential person, that many people admire. Your work ethic is second to none and you’re going to go far in life. Eli- Whats up bro. Man you are a charismatic guy. It’s always competitive between us and I love competing against you both on the field and off the field we were glued to battle on 2k. You are a leader for this program and keep being a influence on and off the field. If you need anything or want to argue about sports anytime. You know how to reach me. Sophomore Class- You all are mature beyond your years both on and off the field and are a joy to be around. Keep working to leave the program in a better place than when you got here. Freshmen- You all have a lot of talent in your class. Keep working and learn from one another as these 4 years will fly by so enjoy it and make the most of it.