Volume 38, 2011 Pages 149{164 http://topology.auburn.edu/tp/ C(휏)-Cosmic Spaces by D. N. Georgiou, S. D. Iliadis, and A. C. Megaritis Electronically published on August 26, 2010 Topology Proceedings Web: http://topology.auburn.edu/tp/ Mail: Topology Proceedings Department of Mathematics & Statistics Auburn University, Alabama 36849, USA E-mail:
[email protected] ISSN: 0146-4124 COPYRIGHT ⃝c by Topology Proceedings. All rights reserved. http://topology.auburn.edu/tp/ TOPOLOGY PROCEEDINGS Volume 38 (2011) Pages 149-164 E-Published on August 26, 2010 C(휏)-COSMIC SPACES D. N. GEORGIOU, S. D. ILIADIS, AND A. C. MEGARITIS Abstract. In this paper we introduce and study the notion of C(휏)-cosmic space, where 휏 is an infinite cardinal. Partic- ularly, we prove that in the class of all C(휏)-cosmic spaces of weight ≤ 휏, there exists a universal element. 1. Preliminaries In what follows, by ! and c, we denote the first infinite cardinal and the cardinality of the continuum, respectively. Also, by jXj, we denote the cardinality of a set X and by w(X), the weight of a space X. A space T is said to be universal (see [3]) in a class IP of spaces if (1) T 2 IP and (2) for every X 2 IP there exists an embedding e of X into T . A regular space X is called cosmic (see [5]) if there exists a collection P of subsets of X with the properties (1) for every open subset U of X and every x 2 U, there exists P 2 P such that x 2 P ⊆ U, (2) jPj ≤ !.