f WRITTEN RESOURCES FOR THE LWVIL CRIMINAL JUSTICE POSITION UPDATE Related sections of the study are noted in parenthesis after each entry ​ Additional resources may be found at the end of each section of the study


ALREADY FIGHTING ONE PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, CHICAGO’S GUN VIOLENCE INTERRUPTERS TAKE ON CORONAVIRUS, The Trace, By Lakeidra Chavis, March 17, 2020 ​ ​ ​ https://www.thetrace.org/2020/03/chicago-coronavirus-gun-violence-interrupters/ (Investing in Communities to reduce crime and violence) ​ (Violence interrupters are now assuming a dual public health role: helping vulnerable communities avert gun violence while simultaneously informing residents about COVID-19.)

AMERICA’S OTHER EPIDEMIC Story by Beth Macy in The Atlantic, May 2020 ​ ​ ​ https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/05/nikki-king-opioid-treatment-program/609085/ (Sentencing Laws and Procedures: from punitive solutions to problem solving courts and public health ​ ​ ​ ​ treatment approach.) ​ ​ THE CASE FOR CAPPING ALL PRISON SENTENCES AT 20 YEARS, vox.com, By German ​ ​ ​ [email protected]@vox.com Feb 12, 2019. ​ ​ https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/2/12/18184070/maximum-prison-sentence-cap-mass-incarceratio n (Sentencing Laws and Procedures) ​ ​ CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM UTILIZATION IN RURAL AREAS https://icjia.illinois.gov/researchhub/articles/criminal-justice-system-utilization-in-rural-area s (Funding: which affects other areas such as public health/social services, legal ​ ​ services,etc.)

FIGHT CRIME: INVEST IN KIDS ILLINOIS --Hundreds of Illinois law enforcement leaders working to prevent crime and violence(website continuously adds articles) https://www.strongnation.org/locations/illinois/fight-crime-invest-in-kids-illinois (Emerging Adults, Policing)

GERMAN PRISONS WITHOUT PUNISHMENT https://www.themarshallproject.org/2015/09/25/prison-without-punishment (Emerging adults, Sentencing Laws and Procedures, IDOC: Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release, Post Incarceration)

THE HIGH COST OF RECIDIVISM by Bryant Jackson-Green, Criminal Justice Policy Analyst, for the Illinois Policy Institute. ​ https://www.illinoispolicy.org/the-high-cost-of-recidivism/ (Post-Incarceration and Sentence Completion: from recidivism to successful re-entry, IDOC: Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release) Repeat offenses cost Illinois taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars each year; removing obstacles to work would help combat this problem.


HOW CONSERVATIVES CAN MAKE PROSECUTION MORE PRODUCTIVE By Lars Trautman ​ R STREET POLICY STUDY NO. 193 January 2020 https://www.rstreet.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/193-1.pdf (Sentencing Laws and Procedures: prosecutors) As defined by convictions, sentence lengths, and the relentless enforcement of the law, for decades, conservatives have ​ ​ prized “toughness” above all other attributes in assessing a prosecutor’s worth. Indeed, until recently, this same mindset ​ ​ permeated conservatives’ approach to nearly every other aspect of the criminal justice system.

INNOCENCE IS IRRELEVANT by Emily Yoffe, September, 2017, The Atlantic (about plea bargaining), ​ ​ ​ https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/09/innocence-is-irrelevant/534171/ (Sentencing Laws and Procedures: plea bargaining) For most of its history, the United States relied on the trial system to administer criminal justice. Not anymore. We live in the age of the plea bargain—and millions of Americans are suffering the consequences.

ISSUES IN POLICING RURAL AREAS: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE https://icjia.illinois.gov/researchhub/articles/issues-in-policing-rural-areas-a-review-of-the-literatur e (Policing: lack of mental and public health resources, lack of public defenders) ​ ​ LAW ENFORCEMENT RESPONSE TO MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS INCIDENTS: A SURVEY OF ILLINOIS POLICE AND SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENTS https://icjia.illinois.gov/researchhub/articles/law-enforcement-response-to-mental-health-crisis-incidents-a-survey-of illinois-police-and-sheriff-s-departments (Policing)

NEW, MORE PROGRESSIVE PROSECUTORS ARE ANGERING POLICE, WHO WARN APPROACH WILL LEAD TO CHAOS https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/08/criminal-justice-police-progressive-prosecutors-battle-over reform/4660796002/ (Policing, Sentencing Laws and Procedures)

PEORIA'S RESIDENT OFFICER PROGRAM IS GROWING. BUT HOW WELL DOES IT WORK? By Dana Vollmer, February 13, 2020, WCBU.org http://www.tinyurl.com/wmx8gq6 A handful of Peoria police are working double duty as patrolmen and neighbors. The resident officer program places police in high-risk neighborhoods to deter crime and build relationships with residents. There are four in the city and plans to add another (Policing)

PRISON GERRYMANDERING DISTORTS OUR DEMOCRACY IN THE WORST WAYS The ​, Nation By John NicholsTwitter, March 8, 2019. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/mark-pocan-gerrymandering-prisons/ (IDOC: Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release, Investing in Communities to reduce crime and violence, Post ​ ​ ​ Incarceration and Sentence Completion: from recidivism to successful re-entry)

THE PROBLEM OF PRISON GERRYMANDERING. Prison Gerrymandering Project. ​ Excerpt: 60% of Illinois' prisoners are from Cook County (Chicago), yet 99% of them are counted outside the ​ county. https://www.prisonersofthecensus.org/impact.html ​ ​ 2

(IDOC: Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release, Investing in Communities to reduce crime and violence, Post ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Incarceration and Sentence Completion: from recidivism to successful re-entry)

ROLE OF A US–NORWAY EXCHANGE IN PLACING HEALTH AND WELL-BEING AT THE CENTER OF US PRISON REFORM by Cyrus Ahalt, Craig Haney, Kim Ekhaugen, and Brie Williams., American Journal of Public Health 110, no. S1 (January ​ ​ 1, 2020): pp. S27-S29. https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2019.305444 (IDOC: Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release)

SHOULD OLDER PRISONERS GET A PASS JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE OLD? By Robin Seaton Jefferson, Former ​ ​ ​ Contributor, Forbes Magazine May 25, 2018, ​ ​ https://www.forbes.com/sites/robinseatonjefferson/2018/05/25/new-report-makes-recommendations-for-releasing caring-for-aging-prisoners/#850fe345ca62 (Sentencing Laws and Procedures, IDOC: Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release) ​ ​ ​ WHY AMERICAN PRISONS OWE THEIR CRUELTY TO SLAVERY By ​ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/14/magazine/prison-industrial-complex-slavery-racism.htm l (all) ​ ​ Slavery denied the humanity of black and brown people. Hundreds of years after the arrival of enslaved Africans, a ​ ​ ​ presumption of danger and criminality still follows black people everywhere. The consequences of slavery have ​ permeated not only the criminal justice system but our entire society and culture. ​ REPORTS:

AFFIRMATION OF SHARED PRINCIPLES, Illinois NAACP and Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, March 22, ​ 2018 https://www.ilchiefs.org/shared-principles ​ (Policing)

BUILDING A SAFE CHICAGO CALLING FOR A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN— November 3, 2016 ​ https://www.law.northwestern.edu/legalclinic/cfjc/documents/Building%20a%20Safe%20Chicago%20111616.pdf (Investing in Communities to reduce crime and violence, Sentencing Laws and Procedures, Policing, IDOC: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release) ​ Experts have cautioned that we cannot arrest, prosecute, or imprison our way out of the problem a comprehensive … plan on a scale adequate to address root causes of violence, setting out five core components of such a plan and offering smarts tools for decision-making.

CAMPAIGN ZERO https://www.joincampaignzero.org/ Campaign Zero provides an ongoing "analysis of policing practices across the country, research to identify effective solutions to end police violence, technical assistance to organizers leading police accountability campaigns and the development of model legislation and advocacy to end police violence nationwide.")

FACT SHEET ON JUSTICE INVOLVED WOMEN IN 2016 https://cjinvolvedwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Fact-Sheet.pdf (Gender-Responsive Approach for All Offenders) Women’s experiences within and outside of the criminal justice system are markedly different from justice involved men, and therefore their needs are unique. This resource provides some basic facts about justice involved women, and how they are different from their male counterparts


ST FINAL REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT’S TASK FORCE ON 21 C​ ENTURY POLICING ​ http://www.gbfirm.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Presidents-task-force-on-21st-Century-Policing.pd f (Policing) ​ ​ FROM WARRIORS TO GUARDIANS: RECOMMITTING AMERICAN POLICE CULTURE TO DEMOCRATIC IDEALS, New ​ Perspectives in Policing Bulletin, Sue Rahr and Stephen K. Rice, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, ​ National Institute of Justice, 2015 NCJ 248654 (Policing)

GATEKEEPERS: THE ROLE OF POLICE IN ENDING MASS INCARCERATION, VERA INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE AUGUST 2019, S. Rebecca Neusteter, Ram Subramanian, Jennifer Trone, Mawia Khagali, and Cindy Reed, https://www.vera.org/publications/gatekeepers-police-and-mass-incarceration (Policing, IDOC: Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release)

THE HIGH COSTS OF LOW RISK: THE CRISIS OF AMERICA’S AGING PRISON POPULATION http://www.osborneny.org/resources/the-high-costs-of-low-risk/the-high-cost-of-low-risk / (Sentencing Laws and Procedures, IDOC: Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ THE HIGH COST OF RECIDIVISM, Illinois Results First, Summer, 2018, Illinois Sentencing Policy Advisory Council, ​ https://spac.icjia-api.cloud/uploads/Illinois_Result_First-The_High_Cost_of_Recidivism_2018-20191106T18123262.pd f (Investing in Communities to reduce crime and violence, IDOC: Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release, Post ​ ​ ​ ​ Incarceration and Sentence Completion: from recidivism to successful re-entry)

ILLINOIS STATE COMMISSION ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND SENTENCING REFORM PARTS I & II http://www.icjia.org/cjreform2015/index.html ​ (various—this report informed a number of our sections—a basic read)

ST THE PRESIDENT’S TASK FORCE ON 21 C​ ENTURY POLICING IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE: MOVING FROM ​ RECOMMENDATIONS TO ACTION https://noblenational.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/President-Barack-Obama-Task-Force-on-21st-Century-Policing Implementation-Guide.pdf (Policing)

ST AN EVIDENCE-ASSESSMENT OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT’S TASK FORCE ON 21 C​ ENTURY ​ POLICING- IMPLEMENTATION AND RESEARCH PRIORITIES, C. Lum, C.S. Koper, C. Gill, J. Hibdon, C. Telep and L. ​ Robinson Fairfax, VA: Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University. Alexandria , VA: International Association of Chiefs of Police. https://cebcp.org/wp-content/evidence-based-policing/IACP-GMU-Evidence-Assessment-Task-Force-FINAL.pd f (Policing) ​ ​ US–NORWAY EXCHANGE TO FURTHER US PRISON REFORM Cyrus Ahalt, Craig Haney, Kim Ekhaugen, and Brie Williams, “Role of a US–Norway Exchange in Placing Health and Well Being at the Center of US Prison Reform”, American Journal of Public Health 110, no. S1 (January 1, 2020): pp. ​ ​ S27-S29. https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2019.305444 ​ (IDOC: Incarceration, Mandatory Supervised Release) Some correctional systems outside the United States have ​ ​ ​ developed a correctional culture that deliberately puts health, humanity, and rehabilitation at the forefront of correctional practice.

2015 U.S. TRANSGENDER SURVEY, NATIONAL CENTER FOR TRANSGENDER EQUALITY, THE REPORT OF THE 2015 US TRANSGENDER SURVEY https://transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/usts/USTS-Full-Report-Dec17.pdf 4

(Gender-Responsive Approach for All Offenders) See Chapter 14 which describes the experience of transgender people with law enforcement and police., ​


AFTER THE PROTESTS ARE HEARD: ENACTING CIVIC ENGAGEMENT AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION, by Sharon ​ Welch, https://nyupress.org/books/9781479857906/ ​ Welch describes criminal justice reform as a current example of civic engagement and social transformation on pages 56-76. ​ ​ CALLED TO RISE by David O. Brown, with Michelle Burford, 2017. Chief Brown is the new superintendent of the ​ Chicago Police Department. Memoir from Chicago Police Chief, David Brown, on his experiences as Dallas, TX police chief. Brown evolved from a “throw ‘em in jail and let God sort ‘em out” beat cop into a passionate advocate for community-oriented law enforcement.

THE COLOR OF LAW by Richard Rothstein (Deals with racial bias) ​ Author discusses the laws and policy decisions passed by local, state and federal governments, that promoted discriminatory practices that continue today. These policies led to segregated public housing, explicit racial zoning, discriminatory hiring policies, and police and prosecutors brutally upholding racially biased laws.

JUST MERCY: A STORY OF JUSTICE AND REDEMPTION by Bryan Stevenson ​ This legal memoir, set in the 1980s and early 1990s, follows Stevenson's legal career as an advocate for Alabama prisoners who had been condemned to death. Although the book focuses on the case of Walter McMillian, a ​ ​ black man falsely convicted of murder, Stevenson manages to highlight the many injustices of the criminal justice ​ ​ systems found throughout the United States. ​ ​ LOCKED IN: THE TRUE CAUSES OF MASS INCARCERATION AND HOW TO ACHIEVE REAL REFORM by John F. Pfaff. ​ 311 pages Addresses the reasons for the huge rise in US incarceration rates with 1/4 of world’s prisoners and 5% of world population. According to the author, a shift in prosecutor charging behavior and a fractured criminal justice system where costs of incarceration are shifted has driven the huge US incarceration rate.

LOCKING UP OUR OWN: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT IN BLACK AMERICA by James Forman, Jr. 306 pages In Locking ​ ​ ​ Up Our Own, former public defender James Forman, Jr., seeks to understand the war on crime that began in the ​ ​ ​ 1970s and why it was supported by many African American leaders in the nation’s urban centers.

THE NEW JIM CROW- MASS INCARCERATION IN THE AGE OF COLOR BLINDNESS by Michelle Alexander. 312 pages. By ​ ​ targeting black men through the War on Drugs and decimating communities of color, the U.S. criminal justice


system functions as a contemporary system of racial control—relegating millions to a permanent second-class status— even as it formally adheres to the principle of colorblindness.

RISE OF THE WARRIOR COP: THE MILITARIZATION OF AMERICA’S POLICE FORCES by Radley Balko. 400 pages. A ​ ​ historic and comprehensive review of the reasons for, and the results of, the militarization of law enforcement.

SMARTER CRIME CONTROL A GUIDE TO A SAFER FUTURE FOR CITIZENS, COMMUNITIES, AND POLITICIANS by ​ Irvin Waller This book shows how to use recent knowledge and best practices to reduce the extraordinarily high rates of murder, traffic fatalities, drug overdoses, and incarceration, while avoiding the high taxes paid by families for policing and prisons. Getting smart on crime shifts from the failing, outdated, racially biased, and exorbitant complex of today to an effective, modern, fair and lean system for safer communities that spares so many victims from the loss and pain of preventable violence.

THE SUN DOES SHINE /HOW I FOUND LIFE, FREEDOM AND JUSTICE by Anthony Ray Hinton. The personal story of ​ ​ ​ the first man that Bryan Stevenson helped to get released from an Alabama prison after being on death row for 30 years for a crime he did not commit. 6