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The nglers like Jack Phelan and Tim Keoghan provided c Salmon (Salrno sCitalr) total of 94 local river-names. Many of the5l- hatdhir{ the Nore river and to stands. The river-names are first years their ives Nore Laura Walsh 'o llno~:t all in and are probably of relatively before heading to r d., ... I.. is an example of a is is a reminder that place-names ~rp.lrlibly, after a i/P11r rr-110n,es are constantly evolving Ballyragget fortified from the 15th and or more at sea then 16th It, along with other their to breed. tower houll es, was deliberately sited Ballyragget Bridge to important routeway of the River Nore. Tom Delan.':)s Garden .J- -"...... :" .~':I.. .. -:-...... I , ~:~...... ' ~.# . I r.c ..'. r- ...... " ".~ . .: ., '.' . The Nore Fre:sll vvat4~r pearl mU!!s~1 ~; . ' . .. (Margaritifera is not found dt!~'Whlere else in the world. They ive to over 100 V'ealrs age and are on the verge In the 18th century rural were they are ""'~'ir'" completely reorganised by new Protestant YI I Landlords. This was known as 'Age of Improvement' and was the origin of most of the landed estates created along the valley like Grange Demense, shown abclve. Over 150 small circular UU'-'UI Church Yard hole rnuur\l.l:i known as ring bar~ vvs Ithp. Bronze Age (25iOO- ..... 80(IB are spread along the the northern Nore t -"'" Dinin .

Lismaine Bridge Herder's Bridge The River Nore runs through 66 north of City. Townlands are the The basic administrative unit in . They originated as tribal boundaries in the The Dinin Nuenna medieval period. '!N JOrtStrip

The Tailot The Guelder opulus) is the 5racken common in he(1g E{ro~tS on soils in the river valley. in the area date back and were established a result of the Enclosure Gabhlog like the one Ardaloo Acts. are very important shown here is used Threecasth~~ Fieries hn~litn,t!f:/fnr wildlife, especially birds. to rest fishing rods.

The Hole 15th century even ChlJrcln ~ needed with the ~tick\ This 'Murderhole' in of Church would have used to drop bolll w"'·~ .. r or anything else hand onto he(ld ~~f unwelcome Yankees ...... ri,~f, Frbm the 9th to the 12th century, Irish lived in defended !f:p.t,tlp.mp.lnt!f: called ringforts. The weavers and spinners of This is a cropmark of a destroyed Greenvale woollen mill in the ringfort at Threecastles. 1920's. The mill was built by Ellen of Desart in 1906 part of Kilkenny's Mother _~~ u~;trial Revolution'. Cane.':) Is,ar,o 'On th~ banks 'twere sweet to linger, Sweet to stem th~ summer stream; Sweet to woo, and wed, nd die b ' e thee, Courtes!;I of the K-AS ~I %:~ This view of the city fron\ the Castle and 'H A'""'" hou, of waters, fairest Bridge; Chancellor's Mills ous poem The Meadows I T .... right and Greensbridge on the left, in the foregrollt)d. c.1850 Green's Bridge suspension bt ic::lge was built by Ellen ¥:ountess of to link Talbotsinch - oVIWlgeto the woollen mills on the fn r\ bank. It was in the great Key footings of the bridge Kilkenny can still "'S~Em ~JdalY at Bishopsmeadows. • Cane.':) Island = local river name Castle 5 reagagh The Nuenna = tributar'y Ossory Briclae' - = bridge This poster is part of the Heritage Audit of the Northern River Nore Project which is an action of the Kilkenny Heritage Plan 2007 to 2011. An Chomha lrle Oidhreachta • See www.kilkennyheritage.ie for further information. Please do not visit any privately owned sites/land without first getting approval from the landowner. The Heritage Cooncil