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This Week in Sanford Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida


This Week in Sanford, Vol. 02, No. 14, October 18, 1926

Arthur R. Curnick

J. Henry Wulbern

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STARS Citation Curnick, Arthur R. and Wulbern, J. Henry, "This Week in Sanford, Vol. 02, No. 14, October 18, 1926" (1926). This Week in Sanford. 25. SANFORD PUBLIC LIBRARY SANFORD, FLORIDA \o7Jiis JfeeMin £anforcL> Chamber oF Commerce News ^^_^ RealEstate Activities; PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF SEMINOLE COUNTY.FLDRIDA.' SS=%, ^IMII i , I«TBII» n in i Wft ii'iuiiiiuiiiiiiiBimiiiiiiiuiiiHiiiiiiiiuiiminiiiiiiiiimiiiSftriniiiiiiiiiii iiittiiiiiiwiniiuiiiniiiMiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiTOhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiniuniiniiimHiiiHiiimimmiiniiiiiiiiiiilii AMUSEMENTS SOCIAL AND FASHION NOTES SPORTS NEWS OF THE CHURCHES DAILr CALENDAR aiwiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHiMiiiiiiiMiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii.iiini i iiiiu.i 11 IIII»HI nitiii i mum im immim n umim im iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiinui iiiimiiiinniii i mi • 111 IIIIII] ii IIIM IIJI 1111 MIIIIII till ninwiTTrni II1 luimil II11 nil mi ] 11III III! Ml inmui! Lllllllimil llflli: •Him


The new packing house of C. C. Fos­ WHAT'S GOING ON gate and Company at Forrest City is more than an indication of the fact that Semi­ Reflections Caught on the Mirror of SHRINE CEREMONIAL nole county is expanding rapidly agri­ culturally. Sanford Life Today

(A Weekly Feature) The Sanford Shrine Club has arranged with Morocco Temple of Jacksonville, A new committee at the Chamber of Novices to the number of thirty-three Florida, to hold a Shrine Ceremonial in Commerce is working on a program for will cross the burning sands to become tourist entertainment. Good stuff! members of the Shriners when the cere­ Sanford Wednesday, October 20th, and monial is held here Wednesday. the following program will be started Tuesday, October 1th at 8 P. M.:— That cold spell last week certainly Band Concert by Sanford Municipal fooled us. Work on the memorial fountain and flag pole at the municipal pier under con­ Band in front of Armory on Hood Ave., from 9 to 12. struction now will probably be finished The action of the police department in by Armistice Day, on which day the Street dance, music furnished by Semi­ designating express and stop streets will American Legion will dedicate the pole. prevent a lot of needless accidents. En­ Final plans decided upon for the celebra­ nole Syncapators, from 12 to 2 A. M. force it rigidly, or it is worse than use­ tion include a parade, boat races, a foot­ Midnight show, Honey Bunch Musical less. ball game, and other features. Co. at Milane Theatre. Wednesday, October 20th, Shrine The first annual lawn fete given by The Department of Agriculture's plan parade at 11 A. M. Immediately after the ladies of All Souls church drew a of lending money to farmers made desti­ parade exhibition drill by Morocco Tem­ tremendous crowd Wednesday night. Miss tute by the hurricane in Southern and ple Patrol. Irene Brandt was awarded a diamond ring Florida is so wound up in red tape as the winner of the popularity contest. as to be practically worthless. The farmer Luncheon at noon for Nobles and their must prove his neediness, sign notes for wives. the fertilizer and seeds secured, which places another burden on unfortunates al­ FirGt seciton of Ceremonial at 2 P. M. The arrival of a physical director for ready overburdened. Why not give the the local Y. M. C. A., expected this week, Boat ride on Lake Monroe for ladies at seed to them? should give great impetus to the work of 2 P. M. this body. Band concert by Morocco Temple The Sunday issue of the Times, on Band at 5:30 P. M. which the writer has some authoritative KIWANIS CONVENTION "inside" dope, will be a surprise to the Shrine dance at 9 P. M. Local Kiwanians are making prepara­ most ardent supporters of the city's morn­ tions to attend the State convention to be ing "sheet." Look out for it. held at Lakeland October 25 and 26. reflect most on the store failing to "dress The local organization will no doubt make as fine a showing as any other attending. The Seminole County Chamber of up." Commerce, with L. C. Bebout as secre­ tary, and prominent men from all over the county working for it, is fast develop­ Walking down First street one day last NO FENCE LAW ing into a result-producing organization. week an apparently new building struck Marion County will put into force the our eye. 'Twas the Princess Theatre, in no fence law on January first. The no a new stucco coat. "Atta boy, Mr. Teete! fence law means that all cattle must be Merchants of Sanford are showing fenced allowing farmers to have their whole-hearted co-operation with the farms on the open highway without any Shriners in decorating for the coming An epidemic of matrimony in its most fences. Such laws have to be local option ceremonial and in other ways. Should acute form seems to be sweeping the news­ laws or county laws since Florida legis­ there be any dark spots in the colorful paper offices of the city. There is ap­ lature has never seen fit to pass a state line of shops, however, the negligence will parently no way of obtaining immunity. wide law fencing up the cattle. Two make our ideal acres produce, to establish AN ERROR This Week In Sanford industries which will hum with activity of manufacture, and bring new business Published Weekly at 204 North Park Avenue Through typographical error the telephone enterprises which will give us a greater number of the Blue Bird Beauty Shoppe was Telephone 236 variety of the necessary things of life wrongly given in last week's issue. To make without having to call so often on our appointments you should call 349-J and re­ Advertising Rates on Application ceive the well known courteous attention of sister counties and other states for our Mrs. Tucker or Mrs. Wagner. ARTHUR R. CURNICK, Editor and Publisher. daily needs. 'Seminole County—For­ J. HENRY WULBERN, Associate ward1 will be the keynote of our activities." The largest swimming pool in the West was Entered at Postoffice, Sanford, Florida, as third built at the Pickford-Fairbanks Studio for cer­ Class Matter tain scenes for "." It holds New industries are being attracted to Florida 700,000 gallons of water. THE EDITOR'S CORNER now by the great development of high tension Hewing to the line, let the chips fall where electric lines in all parts of the state. This idea they may of continuous current day and night in any part There are six principal villains in "The Black Pirate," and one beautiful Princess. Billie of Florida means that industrial plants can have Dove plays the Princess, and the villains are a cheaper and better current for power and San de Grasse, Donald Crisp, Anders Randolf, SEMINOLE COUNTY FORWARD lights than a small plant can hope to obtain. Charles Stevens, Charles M. Belcher and Roy Coulston. It means a bigger and better Florida in every "Seminole County—Forward," will be way. the slogan of the re-organized Seminole County Chamber of Commerce, which started a big program this week. L. C. Bebout, secretary of the organization stat­ SANFORD ed that it will be the aim of the Chamber WELCOME NOBLES to have Seminole county and its resources stamped on the minds of prospective home and Ladies ! GROVE seekers and investors in all sections of the "Amid Majestic Pines" United States and the sister nation of The Nichols Candy Shop Canada. 31 McLander Arcade "Seminole County," said Secretary Be­ PREMIER PIONEER bout, "can easily become the center of at­ traction for those contemplating a sojourn Halloween Favors DEVELOPMENT in Florida. Seminole's ideal location, its High Class Candies climate and fertility of its soil place it on of 150 Acres par with any county of the state, and we Toasted Sandwiches have every opportunity to offer the in­ HIGH in Elevation vestor or the homeseeker that any county in any other state in the Union, has to HIGH in Quality give its new settlers. LOW in Price "We are entering on a progressive era, The Loaf Substantial and Seminole county will take front rank Cresent Boulevard 120 ft. among the really supstantial counties, be­ in width and Geneva SANFORD'S cause of our facilities for industrial and Road, paved highways, commercial development, our exceptionally Sanford to Geneva, pass fine lands for cultivation and the raising thru this property. of poultry and livestock. Seminole county —forward means that we are to advance PAN DANDY Sanford Grove, Inc. in every phase of our activity, because of our far-sighted and progressive citizen­ BREAD E. C. MILLER .President ship, our natural resources and our desire OFFICES to supply a variety of products to the great Taste the Difference First National Bank Building market centers, as well as give a hearty Sanford, Florida welcome to those desiring to settle in a New York Office county where life is pleasant the year Sanford Baking Company 115 Bank Street around, where the environment is excep­ tional for the rearing of children, and the opportunities are for the making of a comfortable living. COME TO "The banks of our county show that WHEN IN the forward movement is on, as their de­ SANFORD, FLORIDA posits and resources are increasing stead­ Stop at the Laneys Drug Store ily. This is the barometer of business. When the financial institutions of a coun­ Service and Courtesy ty show steady gains, the fact is para­ Hotel Montezuma Whitman's and Nunnally's Candies mount that the farms and business en­ The Hotel With a Welcome terprises are progressing. Phone 103 Meisch Bldg. J. A. MINELL "In increasing our population, we have in mind the welfare of the energetic and We Appreciate Your Business progressive residents already within our 110 Magnolia Avenue county, our primary purpose being to Three AMUSEMENT SECTION THE WEEK IN LOCAL THEATRES—NOTES FROM STAGE AND FILM

"Black Pirate", with , IS, TREMENDOUS PICTURE

Duchess and the Waiter," "A Social Cele­ jop himself, joins the ranks of Ziegfield girls THIS WEEK AT THE brity" and now—"The Ace of Cads." Every on their way to screen eminence. one of them a long time coming but each well MILANE worth waiting for! Why? Because of Adolphe The story as it has been handled is a thing Menjou, king of sophisticated comedy and of absorbing interest. Colorful to an extreme, newly appointed "Ace of Cads." the action covers a period from 1906 to the A roitering tale is "The Black Pirate" at the present year. Scenes take place against back­ Milane theatre Monday and Tuesday, a glorious Adapted by Forrest Halsey from Michael grounds provided by Paris, London, the World riot of adventure. To the colorful exploits Aden's story, "The Ace of Cads," arrives at War and an English Guards regiment. Douglas Fairbanks and a pirate crew has been the Milane on Thursday. The picture is note­ worthy because— Briefly, "The Ace of Cads" was a man who added the most perfect Technicolor yet flashed had one great love. The passage of time, the upon the screen. Colored pictures, no doubt It serves as Luther Reed's first directorial frailty of human nature or the horror of about it, are here. "The Black Pirate" proves assignment. Paramount is lucky to have rec- poverty could not kill it. Imagine this if you that it can heighten, instead of distracting from, onized this "comer" before any of its compet­ will and then think of Menjou as the lover. the vividness of a thrill ! itors. Superb—that's the word. Never did more villianous crew board the Performances of all the players, Alice Joyce, peaceful merchantman than that headed by Norman Trevor, Philip Strange and Suzanne Douglas Fairbanks. With a gay "yo ho" and Fleming included, are far above par. Miss Every coroner wears a silk hat, as does Ray­ a muttered curse, he takes us back to the old Fleming, said to have been discovered by Men- mond Griffith in Paramount's "You'd Be Sur­ dark days when buccaneers sailed the Spanish prised," which comes to the Milane theatre Main. Friday. Treasure chests in secret hiding places, spark­ But—never was there such a coroner as Ray! ling water and gray sky, these are the back­ He is very much annoyed because of being ground for a swash-buckling adventure story. asked to solve a murder mystery while on his Then there are alarms, and excursions and way to the theatre. Two expensive tickets are gallant, incredible rescues. burning holes in his pocket and he has only And there is Doug, too, in a part he must twenty minutes before curtain time. have loved. When he's not skimming up the As a result of the complications hinted at, rigging he's fighting duels, swimming through "You'd Be Surprised" is Griffith's cleverest green-blue waters or taking a vessel single comedy—while at the same time containing handed. That exploit, of course, is the very enough thrills to satisfy the most ardent lover essence of Fairbanks. Swarming up the slippery of Conan Doyle situation. Your spine will sides, he is a pirate crew in himself. He does tingle at the picture's mystery. Then—at the every one of the magnificent, unbelievable next minute you'll be laughing—trying to solve things that little boys dream of. it. This picture, besides being the world's first Dorothy Sebastian, the girl in the case, is exquisite color film, is one of the greatest "in" it right up to her neck, as are Earle pictures ever produced, fit to be ranked with Williams and Edward Martindel. Director "The Birth of a Nation." To show what pains A-thur Rosson deserves credit for having taken were taken to secure realism, it is necessary to Jul s Furthman's story and given the screen know that the casualties occurred while "The something distinctly new. Black Pirate" was being filmed were the heaviest ever recorded in a Fairbanks produc­ Incidentry Griffith has made a special re­ tion. "Doug" suffered a broken rib; Ted Reed, quest to those who see the picture. "Don't production manager, a broken shin bone, and tell your friends who the real murderer is. Roy Coulson, pirate, had a sword run nearly This will keep "You'd Be Surprised" a real through the Achilles tendon of his right leg, mystery right till the very end—at which time while Donald Crisp suffered a dislocated fi. g^r the amazing solution is finally unfolded." while firing a vintage of 1600 pistol. "It's no gentle business, this thing of play­ ,Adolphe Menjou in In Warner Bros.' production of "Across the ing pirate," said Fairbanks. Pacific," directed by Roy Del Ruth, coming to •The Ace oF Cads' the Milane theatre next Saturday, Mont Blue plays one of the big, two-fisted he-man roles "The King on Main Street," "The Grand A Paramount Picture (Continued on Page 6) THE FORD FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE YOU BUY NUMBER TWO COMPARISON OF ENGINE REVOLUTIONS Ford Car, Revolutions per mile 2526 Second Car, Revolutions per mile ^568 Third Car, Revolutions per mile 3277 Fourth Car, Revolutions per mile 3400 Fifth Car, Revolutions per mile 3765 The Latest and Best in The FORD engine outlasts others because of its accomplishing the same amount of work with the small expenditure of energy and wear. Photo Drama Attractions It's ECONOMICAL to Buy a Ford EDWARD HIGGINS,Inc. WATCH THIS PAGE WEEKLY LINCOLN—FORD—FORDSON For Announcement Reviews North Palmetto Avenue Sanford, Florida Phone 331 Four The St. Agnes Guild held one of their most SNAPSHOT COLUMN interesting meetings of the year on Monday af­ Classified Section ternoon at the home of Mrs. Chris Matthews LITTLE PICTURES FROM SOCIETY on Elm Avenue. THE FASHIONS ADVERTISING SIGNS: The Gude Tyme Bridge Club was entertained Bridge luncheons and evening card parties on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Verne C. continue to feature the local social calendar, Messenger at her lovely home on Myrtle Ave­ numerous society leaders entertaining delight­ &%e BOLT- NIPPER ADV.M nue. Mrs. T. D. Inabet was awarded a late fully in this manner during the past week. novel for holding high score.

Outstanding among the many bridge sessions Ladies of the community are preparing a sigNS held was the meeting of the Duplicate Club at cordial welcome for the wives andn sweethearts the lovely home of Mrs. Hawkins Connelly on of Florida Shriners who will accompany Nobles Wednesday evening. Light refreshments were here on Wednesday for the Shrine Ceremonial. Santord AVE. at FIRST ST. served following several interesting progres­ Phone 480-W sions.

A distinctly out of the ordinary program was THE OUTLET ARCHITECT held at the Woman's Club Wednesday when the literature department of the organization played host at a realistic and colorful Japanese tea party, costumes and decorations beautifully I. H. KANNER caryring out the general scheme. Complete Lines of ARCHITECT WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS Stenciled leather of soft tan with irregular 315 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. darts in red is the unusual material used for one Phone 722 of the sportiest of Fall coats. The lining is half nutria with the length finished out in plain Ready to Serve You leather

AUTOMOBILES First Street Opposite the Post Office Coming as a surprise to the many friends whom he has acquired during his rather short stay in the city, the wedding of Daniel A. Shee- WILLYS-KNIGHT OVERLAND han, circulation manager of The Sanford Times, to Miss Mary Clyde Phillips, lovely Parts and Service Tampan, was announced last week.

SANFORD OVERLAND CO. pSf< LUMBER! h ra.-j pq.COM PAN Y|{ ?<- The Sisters Bridge Club was delightfully en­ IssP \g# dj^ ES# Jnlr EIJ rfc^ iMS Park and Commercial Phone 58 tertained Wednesday evening at the .cozy home THE YARD WITH A MILL BACKING of Mrs. S. M. Wiggins on Magnolia avenue. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Miss Lillian Shinholser, attractive bride-elect Saw Mill and Brick Factory Under of Earl Edward Jones, was the guest of honor Same Management Enable Us .at a pretty party given Friday evening by Mrs. To Give The BELT AUTO INDEMNITY T. W. Williams and Mrs. R. L. Griffin at the ASSOCIATION home of the latter. BOND GRADE More Automobile Insurance at 25 per cent lower rates. Get our price FIRST, compare it with any other Mrs. Brooks White of Jacksonville, prominent company. See in D. A. R. work throughout the state, was G. C. FELLOWS pleasantly entertained by Mrs. John Leonardi at an informal party on Saturday afternoon. Room 16, Arcade Bldg. Phone 120 Res. 46-J SERVICE The silhoutte of the hour, wider in the upper YARD: Holly Ave. at 11-12-13th Sts. portion with perfectly straight lines for the Phones 135 - 136 BEAUTY SHOP skirt, is exploited in one of the most popular of negligees designed by Paris modistes. LADIES- Have : your acials now. Try our new milk pack. Also Lemon and Honey Film Pack 'PROPERTIES OF MERIT' ^Ixxt Jitrh JUaititr $k nppe 206 N. Park A ve. Telephone 349'J I MAYFAIR DREAMWOLD BEL-AIR

PUBLICITY developed by

THE SEMINOLE THE BODWELL REALTY CO. ADVERTISING BUREAU 214 East First Street Arthur R. Curnick Service 20 years of experience behind us 204 North Park Ave. Phone 236 Five NOW SUZANNE KNOWS THAT MOVIELAND IS FAIRYLAND! JERSEY DRESSES Mobleys Drug Store An exceptionally good grade of How would you like to have a gentleman Jersey, in the newest shades has been take you to the most exclusive, expensive shops 'Just oAround the Corner" used in these neatly tailored frocks. on Fifth Avenue, New York, and buy you Plaits, tucks and smocking are the about two thousand dollars worth of clothes? only trimmings. Sizes 16 to 44. (This question is addressed to all girls who SPECIAL #10.00 VALUES have ever said, "Gee, I wish I had a new A Complete Stock of dress.'") All School Supplies How would you like it? Especially if this $6.95 gentleman had you try on the dresses and then, if you liked them and he liked them, would buy them without even asking the price? That's what happened to Suzanne Fleming. 110 South Park Auenue 5AUMEL/S And she's no "Peaches" Browning, either. CTtiONE 294 "The Post Office is next door to us." Suzanne was equipped with half a dozen complete costumes, from stockings to evening capes recently. The nice gentleman who bought them for her was H. M. K. Smith, costume director at the Paramount Long Island studio, where Suzanne, the newest motion picture "find,1' played the ingenue role in Adolphe Menjou's starring picture, "The Ace of Cads." $8.75 and Up^ Suzanne, 18 years old, was picked by Mr. The Y owell Co. Menjou from a tableau in the Ziegfeld Ameri­ 1 can Revue to play her first screen role in "The EVER FAST Ace of Cads," and three days later she was boys Suits WASH FABRICS acting before the camera, her big blue eyes still wide with surprise. It all came so suddenly 2 Pants, long or short, Guaranteed Fast to Sun and Water that it was "just one big, three-day thrill," to Made to Order use Suzanne's own words. But ask her what Suiting, Linen, Ginghams, Clothes, part of it was best—that is before she found and Voiles, 50c to $1.2? yard herself the object of Adolphe Menjou's most amorous screen attention—and she'll tell you S. ID. BRADFORD Phone 123 Sanford, Florida that it was having Mr. Smith buy her the 518 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg., Sanford, Fla. clothes she wears in the picture. Office Phone 618 Res. Phone 759-W Office Hours:—9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M. 7:30 to 9:30 P. M. Philadelphia will have a squadron of air police to stop stunt flying over the city. Twenty years ago Kissimmee passed an ordinance to take care of airplanes and it caused much merriment among the newspapers.

Fifty-nine contracts for road construction in VALDEZ HOTEL UNION PHARMACY this state were let by the State Road Depart­ ment between January 1 and August 13, 1926, SEMINOLE HOTEL Phone 375 according to a current issue of Florida high­ ways, the department's official publication. Operated by the

The rio-ida National Egg Laying contest Rogers-Warner Hotel System Prescription Department starts at Chipley on November first. Florida counties are getting ready for the big contest and many of them are making special arrange­ Prompt Serice ment to be there. We can now look for the farmers in West Florida to start their hens lay­ WURT W. WARNER ing eggs by electricity on a twenty-four hour Cigars Soda Fountain shift. Manager

The building permits issued so far this month in this city amount to $32,225.

Best at the Price HIGHLAND PARK Sanford's Most Exclusive Residential Development, Artistic, Unique PERSONALITY Distinctive, Different CLOTHES In a Class By Itself $or.00 Highly Restricted, Close In and yet not High Priced •35 Very Attractive Inducements to Builders of High Class Homes W. M. YOUNG B. L. PERKINS OWNER AND DEVELOPER 208 North Park Avenue Six is progressing in a satisfactory manner, several Before it had been three days in production, Chamber of Commerce important roads having been completed or near that certain subtle that presages a masterpiece Activities completion. was in the air. Frankly, it was turning out President E. A. Douglas introduced J. C. bigger than any one had expected. In the first Morris, scout executive of the Central Florida place, its theme is one of national interest and Scout Council, who brought greetings from historical importance. Aims of the Chambers of Commerce rep­ boy scout officials, and asked for support of Adapted from the Charles D. Blaney story resenting Sanford and Seminole County, res­ the local work. pectively, were discussed at the weekly lunch­ by Darryl Zanuck it tells with dramatic empha­ eon of the Sanford Chamber Friday at the Secretary E. J. Trotter of the Chamber asked sis and sympathy the story of a Southern boy, Seminole Cafe. Hearty cooperation between for more regular attendance on the part of the divested of his estate and sweetheart, who en­ the city and county organizations was promised members, and requested the cooperation of the lists for the Spanish-American War. The greater and the support of the members of the city various civic clubs of the city. part of the action part of the action occurs in Chamber and Sanford residents generally, was the tropical setting of the Philippine Islands, asked in the county-wide work which is being where he is instrumental in ending the heroic taken up by the reorganized county body. THIS WEEK AT THE insurrection of Aguinaldo. During the discussion, Mayor Forrest Lake MILANE Scenes of camp and campaign life alternate asked for information on the amount of millage (Continued from Page 3) with his fight against the climate and the ad­ levied by the county for the support of the vances of a native girl to whom for strategic County Chamber of Commerce, and was told in which he has gained such wide popularity. reasons he must finally make love in the face by County Commissioner E. H. Kilbee of Gen­ The whole picture reflects his enthusiasm. of his late betrothed. eva, who was in attendance at the meeting, that two mills was levied last year for this purpose. Mr. Lake also brought up the matter of the disposition of the money collected for the pur­ pose. He was told by R. J. Holly that the funds would be expended by a board of direc­ tors, selected from various parts of the county, and that all bills would be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. While no particular section would receive money from the rund, all would share equally in the publicity and development work of the County Cham­ ber. Support of the County Chamber by the people of Sanford was asked. County Commissioner Kilbee asked that the people of Sanford give the commissioners their good will and cooperation, rather than their criticism, in the work that is before the board, stating that the board has the interests of the entire county at heart and could do nothing without the friendship of all the people. R. J. Holly was asked to give the members the information which he possessed on the pros­ pect of bringing a big league baseball team here for spring training next year. He said there already has been correspondence with the St. Louis and Boston teams of the National leagues, the Rochester team of the International league and the Indianapolis, American associa­ tion team. The manager of the Indianapolis team is expected here soon to look over the ground. Mr. Holly said another letter is expected soon from Rogers Hornsby, manager of the St. &>t*gJaf Fairbanks mA'he Black Pinatd Louis world champions, in the matter of that club training here. He made it clear that San­ ford is not offering a bonus to any of the teams, offering only the best baseball park in the state, cooperation of hotels and a good base­ ball town. E. B. COLEMAN PRESENTS Fred T. Williams, county engineer, made a report on the condition of the various road ROY KINSLOW projects in the county, saying that the work > and HONEY BUNCH COMPA Announcement in 66 M THE TASTY SHOP Passing Review EVERYTHING HOME-MADE

Will be open for business on or about OCTOBER 16 Shrine Mid-Night Show

Serving the best of home-made foods Milane Theatre, Tuesday October 19, Midnight Seats on sale at Roumillat and Anderson's Drug Store 208 PARK AVENUE Opposite the Court House. Admission $1.00 — Tax 10c —Total $1.10 Seven

the Congregational church it was voted to build at once a new garage to correspond with the SANFORD CHURCH NOTES parsonage at 811 Palmetto Avenue. BUYER'S GUIDE

METHODIST On October 23 there will be a sale of home cooked food by the ladies of the Union. The stores and services listed below are reliable and ready to serve you. There will be a Sunday school Training Keep this page for ready reference School held in Orlando next week from Sunday December 10 and 11 have been set aside in until Friday. At this time all who are interested the calendar as the days for the Church Bazaar. in doing special work and getting certificate of Various committees have been appointed to ARCHITECT credit in Sunday School training may do so handle the supper, decorations, publicity, and ELTON J. MOUGHTON, with little trouble and expense. During the the Christmas book. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 307 following week there will be a similar school held in Deland and it is hoped that many of our ATTORNEY:— people will take advantage of one or both of Because of the rapidly growing number of these schools. pupils in the Church school since the Closely S. J. NIX, Graded System was adopted i thas been neces­ 300 E. First Street, Phone 588 sary to use every room in the Church and every Miss May Chapman carried her Sunday room at the Parish house, even to the back AUTOMOBILES:— school class of girls on a picnic to Palm porch. The old tower room has been fitted SANFORD-OVERLAND CO., Springs on Thursday evening. She was assist­ out as an office for the use of the superinten­ Park Avenue, Phone 58 ed in entertaining by Miss Mitchell and Mr. dent and secretary of the school. Sturdivant. The girls reported a fine time, even if it were a little too cool for bathing. CIGARS, SOFT DRINKS:— ALL SOULS SEMINOLE FRUIT STORE, Week days Mass 7:00 A. M. 213 East First Street Mrs. B. E. Clark has taken charge of the Sunday Mass 7:30 A. M. Junior League, much to the delight of the CLOTHING, MEN'S:— children who have become so fond of Mrs. HOLY CROSS S. W. BRADFORD, Made-to-Measure Clark during the story hour at the library. The Suit or Overcoat, $22.50 meeting time has been changed to Tuesday af­ 518 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 618 ternoon, immediately after school, at the and 759-W church. In another week the Sunday school 20th Sunday after Trinity rooms wil lbe ready for use, but until that time Celebration of Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. the Junior League will meet in the Intermediate Church School 9:41 a. m. DRUG STORES:— League room. Morning prayer and sermon 11 a. m. LANEY'S DRUG STORE, Evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p. m. 224 Meisch Bldg. Phone 103 All friends and visitors are cordially wel­ UNION PHARMACY, We had a splendid attendance at Sunday comed at any of these services. 111 E. First Street, Phone 375 school last Sunday, which was Promotion Day. The work done by the Junior and Primary FLORIST;— grades . was unusually good and it was an in­ BAPTIST spiration to see how proud the little folks were STEWART IE FLORIST, of the recognition given them by the Sunday "A Photograph of Your Father''' is the sub­ McLander Arcade Phone 781 school and their department superintendents. ject of the morning study at the hour of wor­ ship. For the evening "The Cost of Sin" is FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY:— the subject of the sermon. MANUEL'S STORE, Dr. W. A. Cooper will preach for us Sunday "Service and Quality" First, near Park morning. Dr. Cooper has filled the Sanford The new board of trustees will be presented Methodist church pulpit before many times and to the congregation at the morning service. GROCERIES:— those who have had the pleasure of hearing him on those occasions know what an eloquent EDGEWOOD GROCERY, speaker he is. At this time Dr. Cooper is the The Young People's Unions meet at 6:1? "Best for Less," 2484 Sanford Ave. executive secretary of the Hospital Commission Sunday evening. A new spirit is prevading Phone 396 of the Florida Conference, which is one of the our training department. Parents, give your McCULLER GROCERY, most important positions of our church. heartiest support to these unions. The Basket, Phone 671

This church will soon have a large choir MEATS, WESTERN AND FLORIDA:— CONGREGATIONAL composed of the young people in the 'teen J. HUGH TILLIS, age, and will greatly assist the music depart­ 402 Sanford Ave. Phone 105 At a recent meeting of the Lalies' Union of ment of this church. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE:— E. F. LANE, First Nat'l Bank Building, Phone 95 The McLander Arcade RESTAURANTS:— PALM GARDEN TEA ROOM The Basket, Magnolia at 2nd. Phone668 Will be the CENTER of all things in Sanford in a SI'S PLACE, few weeks, and the PIONEER here, as always, will Valdez Bldg., Phone 24 reap. For attractive stores and offices see SHOP AND MILL WORK:— M. R. CARAWAY, Cabinet Work a Specialty. Holly Ave. John F. Pearson between 1st and 2nd Sts. Phone 636-W Room 16 Commercial Street Entrance NOTICE—"THIS WEEK IN SANFORD is the original weekly magazine of Seminole County, THE MARTIN COMFORT COTTAGE edited by Arthur R. Curnick. It Sanford. Florida. covers Seminole County com­ Highland, N. C. MRS. M. MARTIN pletely. The exclusive home place of Sanford A Cool, exclusive summer hotel Eight

Address High School Days PLACE A Weekly Feature By STAMP HELEN MARENTETTE HERE (This Space is for Name and Address for Mailing) We were not as fortunate in football Satur­ day but at any rate we can say that our team played fair and square. Our captain was hurt and it surely was a handicap, as he made our only touchdown. We hope he will be in con­ dition to play next Saturday against one of our This Week's Calendar bitterest rivals, Orlando. It promises to be a very good game and there should be a good at­ tendance from both the students and the citi­ zens. We have three new additions to the MONDAY team. It is not certain that they will be able to The Milane—Douglas Fairbanks in his latest sensation "The Black Pirate." Milane play Saturday as they came in after the list had News. — Ke Ke Song Kartoon "Beautiful Dazie Bell." been sent to the Athletic Association and special The Princess—Tom Tyler in "Out of the West. — 1st Episode of "Strings of Steel." permission must be given. Comedy "A Bed Time Story." Dine and Dance at the Orange and Black, Longwood. TUESDAY Quite a commotion was caused in Chapel on Rotary Meets at Seminole Cafe, Noon Wednesday morning when Mr. McKay an­ The Milane—-Same as Monday. nounced there would be no school Friday be­ The Princess—Anna Q. Nilssen in "Her Second Chance." — Awestern picture, "Don't cause of the Teachers' Convention in Orlando. Sheet.' — Krazy Kat Komedy "Chicken Chaser." We do feel sorry for the poor teachers. This Troop 2, Boy Scouts, Methodist Church, 7:30. is one time they'll be working while we're play­ Dine and Dance at the Orange and Black, Longwood ing. WEDNESDAY Kiwanis Meets at Seminole Cafe. Noon. The Milane—Alice Terry and Antonio Merene in "The Magician." Grantland Rice The pep meeting in Chapel Friday night was Sportlight "The Spirit of Play." — Aesop's Fables. quite a success except the Freshmen boys would The Princess—Richard Talmadge in "The Breadwat Gallant," — F. O. B. presents a not sing the school song. We advise the snappy action picture "Egged On." — Comedy "The River Nile." Freshman boys to learn it 'cause they'll have Dine and Dance at the Orange and Black, Longwood very little peace until they do. Come on Freshmen' show 'em you can. THURSDAY Lions Meet at Seminole Cafe, Noon. The Milane—Adolphe Manjou and Alice in "The Ace of Cads." — Milane Review and a two reel Christie Comedy, "Easy Pickings." Melvin Barnes, George Mitchell and Edward The Princess—Jack Hoxie in the "Fighting Peacemakers." — Comedy "The Newlyweds Anderson will represent Sanford at the "Older in Quarintine." — Felix the Cat "Fans ai.d Flames." Boys' Conference" in St. Augustine Saturday Troop 3, Boy Scouts, Baptist Church, 7:30. and Sunday. Dine and Dance at the Orange and Black, Longwood FRIDAY Chamber of Commerce Meets at Seminole Cafe, Noon. The soccer game Wednesday between San­ The Milane—Raymond Griffith in his latest scream "You'd Be Surprised." — Comedy ford and Groveland was the first ever played "Dizzy Dancers." — Milane News. by Sanford here. To many of us it was the The Princess—Encore Day Every Friday—Bringing Back the Big Pictures—Gloria Swan­ first we had ever seen and it proved to be a very son in "Fine Manners." — Harold Lloyd in "Never Weaken." fast game, full of action. Dine and Dance at the Orange and Black, Longwood SATURDAY The Milane—Monty Blue and Patsy Ruth Miller in "Across the Pacific." — Comedy "Briny Boob." The officers of the Senior and Junior classes The Princess—The World's greatest dog "Sandow " in "The Code of the Northwest." were elected last week. For the Seniors, Bill Fighting Hearts Serial "Twelve Miles Out." — Comedy "Wives and Women." DuBose, president; Louise Thrasher, vice presi­ Dine and Dance at the Orange and Black, Longwood dent; and Ruth Henry, secretary and treasurer. For the Juniors, Pearl Robison, president; Henry SUNDAY Russell, vice president; and Elisabeth Brown, Sanford Churches Invite you to worship. secretary and treasurer.

$25.00 We Serve PUTS A PIANO IN YOUR HOME Then only #10.00 a month Seminole County Bank J. K. ffinterminstet Pisno Company Forrest Lake PRESIDEUT 112 Magnolia Avenue o'L Sanford Florida