Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: President, Office of the: Presidential Briefing Papers: Records, 1981-1989 Folder Title: 11/06/1982 (Case File: 115106) Box: 23 To see more digitized collections visit: To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: Contact a reference archivist at:
[email protected] Citation Guidelines: ·v /1 ~ ID # --'--/ "--"'! ~=:......-· . ..,,___~_{) _{,__ _ HITE HOUSE OFFICE OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT TR WORKSHEET DX-MEDIA D H-INTERNAL Subject Codes: [£]~ @][2] ~ - ~~ [£]~ ~~[R] -[2] ~ [lJ(g] ~~@-DC DD DOD-DC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [((lJ @J@J[] -DC DD DOD-DC [El [L] ~~~ -DC gJ~ cg~~ - ~ ~ ~~ ODD-DC 0 ~ [g CZJ [?J- DC ~~ @][QJ~ -DC ~ El ~[Q](g- ~~ ctfl@ 5181 ~ DC il..IUd~~~~~~~~~~~..::::::::7 !lJ~ ODD-DC [El~ [Q][l)~ -DC DD DOD-DC DD ODD-DC DD DOD-DC ROUTE TO: ACTION DISPOSITION Office/Agency (Staff Name) Action Tracking Date Type of Completion Date Code YY IMMIDD Response Code YYIMMIDD RMHENL RSZ c Referral Note: /V/ '2 ~ ID# (/-S- /o,f? WHITE HOUSE OFFIC OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET 0 X-MEDIA 0 H-INTERNAL Name of Document: BRIEFING PAPERS FOR PRESIDENT'S Subject Codes: SCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS FOR ~0 ~~0-~GJ !)subject·;.L ~~!..+--~~~s....L..i~~~~~L__- DD ODD-DD DD ODD-DD ~~~£J_L~~~~~~~~~ DD ODD-DD DD DOD-DD DD ODD-DD ~~ ~~[f] -DD [£]~ DOD-DD ~ [2] ~~[g -DD DD DOD-DD DD ODD-DD DD DOD-DD DD ODD-DD DD ODD-DD DD ODD-DD DD DOD-DD DD DOD-DD DD ODD-DD DD DOD-DD ROUTE TO : ACTION DISPOSITION Office/Agency (Staff Name) Action Tracking Date Type of Completion Date Code YY/MM/00 Response Code YY/MM/00 RMHENL RSZ c Referral Note: • Monday, December 6, 1982 9:00 am Staff Time 9:tJ~ Oval Office ( 30 min) (Baker, Meese, -iiee:o e~) 9:30 am National Security Briefing tf·.