Maine State Legislature
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) NEW DRAFT OF: H. P. 53o-L. D. 622 NINETY-SEVENTH LEGISLATURE Legislative Document No. 1500 H. P. 1221 House of Representatives, April 27, 1955 Reported by Mr. Potter from the Committee on Inland Fisheries and Game and printed under Joint Rules No. 10. HARVEY R. PK\SE, Clerk STATE OF MAINE IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE RESOLVE, to Simplify the Ice Fishing Laws by Counties. Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Game to issue certain rules and regula tions. Resolved: That the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Game is here by authorized and directed to issue rules and regulations relating to ice fishing in certain lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and brooks. Where county lines divide a body of water the more liberal county regulations shall apply. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY The daily bag limit is 10 tront, salmon, togue or bass in the aggregate from any or all of the lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and brooks which shall not exceed a weight of 7Yz pounds in the aggregate unless otherwise restricted below. No size or bag limit on white perch. Open to ice fishing for pickerel, white perch, hornpout, yellow perch, eels, cusk, chubs and smelts from the time ice forms in the fall until March 31. Allen Pond, Greene Lard Pond, Turner Androscoggin Lake, \i\1ayne, Leeds Long Pond, Livermore Androscoggin River Loon Pond, Webster Androscoggin River, Little Lower Range Pond, Poland Bartlett Pond, Livermore }Iiddle Range Pond, Poland Bear Pond, Big, Turner },iud Pond, Turner Berrv Pond, Greene No Name Pond, Lewiston Black Pond, Turner Pleasant Pond, Turner Brettun's Pond, Livermore Ronnd Pond, Livermore Hooper Pond, Greene Round Pond, Turner 2 LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENT No.
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