Baj~ Consumer CARE
baj~ coNsuMER CARE June 20, 2019 DCS-CRD Listing Compliance BSE limited National Stock Exchange of India L First Floor, New Trade Wing Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor Rotunda Building Plot No.C/1, 'G'Block Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Bondre- Kurla Comple Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 023 Bandra East, Mum 400 051 Fax No. 2272 3719/ 2037 Fax No. 2659 8 I 8238 Script Code: 533229 e: BAJAJCON ISIN - INE933K01021 E933K01021 Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: 13th Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company Pursuant to Regulation 34 and other applicable provisions of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find attached Annual Report for the financial year 2018-19 containing, inter a/ia, the notice convening the 13th Annual General Meeting of the Company. The entire annual report is available on the website of the Company and that of Karvy Fintech Private Limited, RTA of the Company. The same may please be taken on record and suitably disseminated to all concerned. Thanking you, Yours truly, For Bajaj Consumer Care Limited " ran nataki ead al & Company Secretary Membership No. ACS 14509 Encl: as above Bajaj Consumtr Care Ltd /Formerly !laiai Corp Ltd) Registered Oltice, Old Station Road, Sevashram Chouraha, Udaipur . 313 001 IRaiasthanl. Tel., +91 0294-2561631, 2561632 Corporate Office: 221, Solita ire Corporate P ark, U7. Guru Haq~ovind Mar-g. Chaka la . Andhe ri (Eastl. Mumbai - 400 093. Tel., +91 22 66919477 / 78 I Fa,, +91 22&6919476 I CIN, L01110RJ2006PLC047173 I Web , baj~ coNsuMER cARE Progress today for a brighter tomorrow Registered office: Old Station Road, Sevashram Chauraha, Udaipur 313 001, Rajasthan.
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