Image Based Flow

Jarke J. van Wijk∗ Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science

Abstract particular. The method provides a single framework to generate a wide variety of visualizations of ¯ow, varying from moving A new method for the visualization of two-dimensional ¯uid ¯ow is particles, streamlines, moving textures, to topological images. presented. The method is based on the advection and decay of dye. Three other features of the method are: handling of unsteady ¯ow, These processes are simulated by de®ning each frame of a ¯ow an- ef®ciency and ease of implementation. More speci®c, all 512 512 imation as a blend between a warped version of the previous image images presented in this paper are snapshots from animations× of and a number of background images. For the latter a sequence of unsteady ¯ow ®elds. The animations were generated at up to 50 ®ltered white noise images is used: ®ltered in time and space to re- frames per second (fps) on a notebook computer, and the accom- move high frequency components. Because all steps are done us- panying DVD contains a simple but complete implementation in ing images, the method is named Image Based Flow Visualization about a hundred lines of source code. (IBFV). With IBFV a wide variety of visualization techniques can be The method is based on a simple concept: Each image is the re- emulated. Flow can be visualized as moving textures with line inte- sult of warping the previous image, followed by blending with some gral convolution and spot noise. Arrow plots, streamlines, particles, background image. This process is accelerated by taking advantage and topological images can be generated by adding extra dye to the of graphics hardware. The construction of the background images image. Unsteady ¯ows, de®ned on arbitrary meshes, can be han- is crucial to obtain a smooth result. All operations are on images, dled. IBFV achieves a high performance by using standard features hence we coined the term Image Based Flow Visualization (IBFV) of graphics hardware. Typically ®fty frames per second are gener- for our method. ated using standard graphics cards on PCs. Finally, IBFV is easy to In the next section related work is discussed, and in section 3 the understand, analyse, and implement. method is described and analysed extensively. The implementation CR Categories: I.3.3 []: Picture/Image Gener- and application are presented in section 4, in section 5 the results are ation; I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]: Methodology and TechniquesÐ discussed. Finally, conclusions are drawn. Interaction techniques; I.6.6 [Simulation and Modeling]: Simula- tion Output Analysis 2 Related work Keywords: Flow visualization, texture mapping, line integral con- volution Many methods have been developed to visualize ¯ow. Arrow plots are a standard method, but it is hard to reconstruct the ¯ow from dis- 1 Introduction crete samples. Streamlines and advected particles provide more in- sight. A disadvantage of these techniques is that the user has to de- Fluid ¯ow plays a dominant role in many processes that are impor- cide where to position the startpoints of streamlines and particles, tant to mankind, such as weather, climate, industrial processes, cool- hence important features of the ¯ow can be overlooked. ing, heating, etc. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simula- The visualization community has spent much effort in the devel- tions are carried out to achieve a better understanding and to improve opment of more effective techniques. Van Wijk [1991] introduced the ef®ciency and effectivity of manmade artifacts. Visualization is the use of texture to visualize ¯ow. A spot noise texture is generated indispensable to achieve insight in the large datasets produced by by inserting distorted spots with a random intensity at random loca- these simulations. Many methods for ¯ow visualization have been tions in the ®eld, resulting in a dense texture that visualizes data. developed, ranging from arrow plots and streamlines to dense tex- Cabral and Leedom [1993] introduced Line Integral Convolution ture methods, such as Line Integral Convolution [Cabral and Lee- (LIC), which gives a much better image quality. Per pixel a stream- dom 1993]. The latter class of methods produces very clear visual- line is traced, both upstream and downstream, along this streamline izations of two-dimensional ¯ow, but is computationally expensive. a random noise texture ®eld is sampled and convolved with a ®lter. We present a new method for the visualization of two- Many extensions to and variations on these original methods, and dimensional vector ®elds in general and ¯uid ¯ow ®elds in especially LIC, have been published. The main issue is improve- ment of the ef®ciency. Both the standard spot noise and the LIC al- ∗e-mail: [email protected] gorithm use a more or less brute force approach. In spot noise, many spots are required to achieve a dense coverage. In pure LIC, for each pixel a number of points on a streamline (typically 20-50) have to be computed. As a result, the computing time per frame is in the order of tens of seconds. One approach is to develop more ef®cient al- gorithms. Stalling and Hege [1995] achieved a higher performance by using a faster numerical method and a more ef®cient, streamline oriented scheme for the integration. Another approach to achieve a higher ef®ciency is to exploit hard- ware. Firstly, parallel processing can be used [de Leeuw and van Liere 1997; ZÈockler et al. 1997; Shen and Kao 1998]. Secondly, graphics hardware can be used. De Leeuw et al. [1995] use texture Publication Equipment Procs. fps IBFV uses advection of images via forward texture mapping on Cabral et al.[1993] SGI Indigo 1 0.02-0.05 distorted polygonal meshes [Max and Becker 1995], in combina- Stalling and Hege [1995] SGI Indigo 1 0.23 tion with blending of successive frames [Jobard et al. 2001]. The Max and Becker [1995] SGI Onyx 1 4.0 combination of these two approaches has not been presented before, De Leeuw et al.[1997] SGI Onyx 8 5.6 and we think it is close to optimal. In contrast, the use of graphics ZÈockler et al.[1997] Cray T3D 64 20.0 hardware (f.i. via pixel textures) to calculate new texture coordi- Shen and Kao [1998] SGI Onyx2 7 0.09 nates requires special features of the hardware, introduces quanti- Heidrich et al.[1999] SGI Octane 1 3.3 zation problems, and requires interpolation of the velocity ®eld on Jobard et al.[2000] SGI Octane 1 2.5 a rectangular grid. Advection of a ¯ow simulation mesh matches Jobard et al.[2001] SGI Onyx2 4 4.5 more naturally with higher level graphics primitives, i.e. polygons Weiskopf et al.[2001] PC, GeForce3 1 37.0 instead of pixels, in combination with the use of a general purpose IBFV, 2002 PC, GeForce2 1 49.3 processor to perform the necessary calculations. A major contribution of IBFV is the de®nition of the background images that are blended in. In other approaches [Jobard et al. 2000; 1: Performance results for texture synthesis in frames per sec- Jobard et al. 2001] much work is spent afterwards to eliminate high ond. frequency components. The approach used here is simpler: If the original images are low pass ®ltered, then there is no need for such a step afterwards. mapped polygons to render the spots. Max and Becker [1995] vi- sualized ¯ow by distorting images. An image is mapped on a rect- angular mesh, next either the texture coordinates or the vertex co- 3 Method ordinates are changed. The mesh is rendered, and the mesh is dis- torted further. After a number of frames the distortion of the image In this section we start with an informal introduction of IBFV,fol- accumulates, hence a new image is smoothly blended in, using alpha lowed by a more precise description. Various aspects are analysed. compositing [Porter and Duff 1984]. In section 4 the model presented here is translated into an algorithm Heidrich et al. [1999] have presented the ®rst version of LIC ac- and mapped on graphics primitives. A discussion of the results can celerated by graphics hardware. The integration of texture coordi- be found in section 5. nates is delegated to the graphics hardware, and indirect addressing on a per-pixel basis via pixel textures [Hansen 1997] is used. They are used to store the velocity ®eld and the texture coordinates. Pix- 3.1 Concept els are updated via backward texture advection: The color of a pixel is found by tracing a virtual particle backwards. How can we generate a frame sequence that shows an animation of ¯ow? Suppose we already have an image available (®g. 1). Typi- Jobard et al. [2000] have further elaborated on the use of pixel cally, the next frame will look almost the same. If we project the im- textures. They presented a variety of extensions, including the han- age on, say, a rectangular, mesh, move each mesh point over a short dling of unsteady ¯ow, dye advection and feature extraction. Sev- distance according to the local ¯ow and render this distorted image, eral problems obtained special attention. Edge effects emerge near we get an even better approximation [Max and Becker 1995]. in¯ow boundaries. This is solved by adding new noise via image compositing. White noise is used as background, where per frame 3 % of the pixels are inverted to maintain high spatial frequencies at divergent areas. A sequence of frames (typically 10) is stored. background images At each time step the oldest frame is subtracted and the newest is added. All in all 18 texture applications per image are used. Re- cently Jobard et al. [2001] presented an alternative approach, which is a combination of a Lagrangian and an Eulerian approach: i.e. a mix of particles and noise. Again, backward texture advection is used. The method is implemented in a parallel fashion on a general k+ 2 k+ 1 k purpose computer. Successive frames are blended. Finally, Weiskopf et al. [2001] have used the programmable per- pixel operations of a nVIDIA GeForce 3 card. Backward texture advection is used to show moving particles. Short pathlines can be shown by combining the four last frames. A summary of the performance results for the synthesis of dense image k distort render blend textures for ¯ow visualization reported is given in Table 1. Procs. refers to the number of processors used. This table should not be k := k+ 1 taken too seriously, because the results are not completely compara- ble. The resolution of the images varies, some consider only steady ¯ow, and the image quality varies, for instance Weiskopf et al. pro- Figure 1: Pipeline image based ¯ow visualization duce only animations of moving particles. Overall, we see that signi®cant progress has been achieved in the We could continue this process, but then several problems show synthesis of texture for ¯ow visualization. Unsteady ¯ows can be up. If we distort the mesh further for the next frames, the accumu- handled, framerates in the order of 3 to 40 LIC images per second lating deformation will lead to cells with shapes that are far from can be achieved. However, to achieve real-time frame rates a super- rectangular. This problem can easily be solved: We just repeat ex- computer has to be used, or image quality has to be sacri®ced. Fram- actly the same step as before, each time starting with the original erates in the order of 1 to 6 fps require special features of graphics mesh. hardware and/or parallel machines such as an SGI Onyx. For com- Nevertheless, the original image will be distorted more and more, parison purposes, IBFV refers to the method presented in this article. and it will disappear from the viewport, advected by the ¯ow. This problem can be solved too: For each frame we take some new image The ®rst term represents the in¯uence of the initial picture. This and blend it with the distorted image [Jobard et al. 2001]. term can be ignored if we either start with a black picture F(x 0) The next question is what new image to take. One could use a or consider a large value for k. Hence we get ; sequence of random white noise images, just like in standard LIC k 1 algorithms However, this leads to noisy animations. A better solu- − i F(pk k) α (1 α) G(pk i k i). (7) tion is to use pink noise, i.e. to remove high frequency components − ; = i 0 − ; − from the background images, both in space and time. X= The preceding elements are the basic ingredients of Image Based In other words, the color of a point pk of the image is the result of Flow Visualization. Flow visualization methods like particle and a line integral convolution of a sequence of images G(x i) along ; streamline tracking operate in world space, and have geometric ob- a pathline through pk , with an exponential decay convolution ®lter jects like points and lines as primitives. The Line Integral Convolu- α(1 α)i .Alowα gives a high correlation along a pathline. tion method starts from screen space: For each pixel a streamline is This− is a Eulerian point of view; We observe what happens at traced. We take complete images as our basic primitive. This leads a point. We can also adopt a Lagrangian point of view; Consider to straightforward de®nitions and algorithms, which can be mapped what happens when we move along with a particle. Particles here effectively on graphics hardware. are advected by the ¯ow and fade away exponentially. Jobard et al. [2001] made the observation that this can be interpreted phys- 3.2 Image generation ically, and hence gives a natural effect. The particle moves two- dimensionally, and simultaneously sinks away with constant speed Consider an unsteady two-dimensional vector ®eld v(x t) IR 2 in a semi-transparent ¯uid. ; ∈ The next question is what images G and masks α to use. We ®rst v(x t) [vx (x, y t), vy (x, y t)]. (1) consider the synthesis of dense textures. A standard way to obtain ; = ; ; these is to use random noise. In the next section we discuss spa- We assume it has been de®ned for t 0, and for x S,where tial constraints on such noise, in section 3.4 we consider temporal 2 ≥ ∈ S IR . The region S is typically rectangular, but this is not essen- characteristics. Two aspects of IBFV that require further attention are tial.⊂ We focus on ¯ow ®elds, where v(x t) represents a velocity, but edge and contrast problems, which are discussed in section 3.5 and other applications, such as potential ®elds; where v(x t) represents 3.6. In section 3.7 the injection of dye is discussed. a direction and a strength, fall within the scope as well.; A pathline is obtained when we track the position of a particle in a dynamic ¯ow ®eld. A pathline is the solution of the differential 3.3 Noise: spatial equation To simplify the following discussion, without loss of generality, we dp(t)/dt v(p(t) t), (2) consider a simple steady ¯ow ®eld v(x t) [v,0]. As a result, = ; pathlines are horizontal lines, and successive; = points p are spaced for a given start position p(0). A streamline has an almost identi- k d v1t apart. Furthermore, we consider a pathline through the cal de®nition, except that here the velocity at a ®xed time T is con- origin,= and assume that F and G are scalar functions (i.e. grey scale sidered. For a steady ¯ow ®eld, pathlines and streamlines are the images). If we de®ne f and g as same. A ®rst order approximation of equation (2) gives the well- known Euler integration method: f (x k) F([x, 0] k) (8) ; = ; g(x k) G([x, 0] k) (9) pk 1 pk v(pk t)1t, (3) + = + ; ; = ; with k IN and t k1t. In the remainder we use the frame number then equation (7) reduces to ∈ = k as unit of time. k 1 Suppose we have a ®eld F(x k) that represents some property − i ; f (x k) α (1 α) g(x id k i) (10) advected by the ¯ow. Here F represents an image, hence F(x k) is ; = i 0 − − ; − typically an RGB-triplet. The property is advected just like a; par- X= ticle, so F(p(t) t) is constant along a pathline p(t). A ®rst order We consider some special cases for g. First, let's suppose that g is approximation of; the transport of F can hence be given by: a steady, rectangular pulse with width δ and unit height, i.e. 1ifx δ/2 F(pk k) if pk S g(x k) (11) F(pk 1 k 1) ; ∈ (4) 0 otherwise| |≤ + ; + = 0 otherwise ; =   The corresponding f (x k) for large k is a sequence of thin pulses, Here we set F(pk 1 k 1) to 0 (black) if the velocity at a previous ; point p is unde®ned.+ ; Sooner+ or later most of F(x k) for x S will with exponentially decreasing height, spaced d apart (®g. 2). Obvi- k ; ∈ ously, this is not what we want. Discretization of the time dimension be black; for many points pk S a corresponding start point p0 will be located outside S. To remedy∈ this, at each time step we take a gives a sequence of ghost images of the pulse. The desired smooth result is obtained if we set δ v1t,andlet1t 0 convex combination of F and another image G. Speci®cally, = → f (x) α(1 α)x/d . (12) F(pk k) (1 α)F(pk 1 k 1) αG(pk k), (5) = − ; = − − ; − + ; What are the requirements on g(x) to obtain such a smooth result? where the points p are de®ned by equation (3), and where α(x k) k ; ∈ Obviously, this is a sampling problem, which can be studied in the [0, 1] de®nes a blending mask. For many applications α will be con- frequency domain. A narrow pulse has a ¯at, white noise spectrum stant in time and space. Equation (5) is central. It de®nes the image in its limit. Sampling such a signal gives aliasing artifacts. As an generation process and forms a startpoint for analysis. example, if we set g(x k) cos(2πnx/d), we get for the steady The recurrency in (5) can be eliminated to give state f (x) cos(2πnx; /d)=. Hence, all components with a spatial frequency that= is an integral multiple of the sampling frequency are k 1 k − i not damped at all. Therefore, to prevent artifacts, g should not have F(pk k) (1 α) F(p0 0) α (1 α) G(pk i k i). (6) − high frequency components. ; = − ; + i 0 − ; − X= α(1−α)x/d

0 d2d x

Figure 2: Stepwise advected pulse

We next consider this in the spatial domain. Let the function hw(x) represent a triangular pulse

1 x /w if x w hw(x) −| | | |≤ (13) = 0 otherwise  and let g(x) hw(x).Forsmallw, the corresponding f (x) is a sequence of= triangles with constant width and exponentially di- minishing height. If the triangles overlap, they are added up. How can we get a result that approximates the continuous result of equa- tion (12) satisfactorily? If we require that f (x) should be at least monotonously decreasing, the requirement we get is simply w d, or, in general ≥ w v 1t. (14) ≥| | This leads to a convenient way to construct low-pass ®ltered white noise. We use a linearly interpolated sequence of N random values G , with i 0, 1,...,N 1, i.e. i = − g(x) h (x is)G , (15) = s − i mod N X where the spacing s satis®es s v 1t. There are two ways to sat- isfy this constraint. First, a large≥| value| for s can be used. Figure 3(b) Figure 3: Source in linear ¯ow. From top to bottom: (a) background shows an example. The velocity ®eld is modeled by a source in a noise, (b) direction and magnitude, (c) direction only, (d) artifacts linear ¯ow, moving from left to right. Left of the source a saddle- point is located, where the magnitude of the velocity is 0. A station- ary black-and-white noise was used, with s set to three pixels (®g. different settings for s are shown. Dependent on the scale, ®ne LIC- 3(a)). The texture shows both the direction and the magnitude of style images, coarser spot noise images, to fuzzy, smoke-like pat- the local velocity. Concerning the latter: in regions with low veloc- terns are produced. The latter may seem unattractive, but such pat- ity the texture is isotropic, whereas it is stretched in high velocity terns give a lively result when used for animations of unsteady ¯ow areas. A second way to satisfy the constraint is to use a modi®ed ®elds. velocity ®eld v0(x k), with ; 3.4 Noise: temporal v(x k)vmax/ v(x k) if v(x k) >vmax v0(x k) ; | ; | | ; | (16) In the preceding section G(x k) was assumed to be constant in time. ; = v(x k) otherwise ;  ; This results in static images for steady ¯ow. How can we produce a texture that moves along with the ¯ow? The obvious answer is to in other words, we clamp the magnitude of the velocitity to an up- vary G(x k) as a function of time. We analyse this again using the per limit vmax, with vmax1t s.Ifweusealargevalueof1t and ; ≤ one-dimensional model. We use a set of M images as background a low value for vmax, most of the velocity ®eld will be clamped, i.e. noise, linearly interpolated in space and discrete in time, i.e. magnitude information is ignored and only directional information is shown (®g. 3(c)). Or, in LIC terms, the ®eld is sampled with g(x k) hs (x is)Gi mod N k mod M, (17) points equidistant in geometric space, whereas in the previous way ; = − ; the points are equidistant in traveling time. In practice a combi- with k again representingX the frame number. One simple solution nation of both approaches is most convenient. Fields de®ned with would be to use for each frame a different set of random values for sinks and sources can locally lead to high velocities, and the use of Gik. This would spoil the animation however, because the variation v0 is a useful safeguard here. Another approach would be to normal- along a path line is too strong. In spectral terms, too much high fre- ize the velocity by dividing through max( v ), but for ®elds de®ned quency is introduced. Another solution is to produce two random | | with sinks and sources this gives poor results. images Gi 0 and Gi N/2 , and to derive the other images via linear in- ; ; If we set vmax to high values, artifacts appear. For ®g. 3(d) terpolation, similar to [Max and Becker 1995] . However, this so- we set vmax1t to nine pixels, and used a high value for 1t.Asa lution lso falls short. This texture is not stationary in time, in the result, components in the background noise with a wavelength of sense that each frame has statistically the same properties. As an nine, eighteen, etc. pixels show up prominently, leading to intricate example, the variation in magnitude will be higher for Gi 0 than for ; knitwear like patterns. Gi N/4 , because the latter is an average of two samples. The scale parameter s can be used to in¯uence the style of the ;A convenient solution can be derived from the spot noise tech- visualization. In ®gure 4 three visualizations of the same ®eld with nique. The intensity of each spot varies while it moves, and to each Figure 4: Scaling the texture. From top to bottom: (a) s =1.5, (b) s =3.0,(c)s =6.0 spot a different phase is assigned. Here we do the same: We con- sider each point Gi of the background texture as a spot or parti- cle that periodically glows up and decays according to some pro®le w(t). In other words Figure 5: Different pro®les w(t). From top to bottom: (a) cosine, (b) square, (c) exponential decay, (d) saw tooth. Gi k w((k/M φi ) mod 1) (18) ; = + where φi represents a random phase, drawn uniformly from the in- 3.5 Contrast terval [0, 1),andwherew(t) is de®ned for t [0, 1]. ∈ We have experimented with various pro®les w(t). The use of One typical problem of ¯ow visualization using texture mapping cos 2πx (®gure 5(a)) gives a result that is too soft and too diffuse, is the reduced contrast, and, as can be observed from ®gure 5, the especially when seen in animations. A sharp edge in the pro®le is method presented here is no exception. What happens with the con- needed to generate contrast where the user can focus on. A simple trast? Consider equation (10). The value of f is a sum of scaled choice is to use a square wave, i.e. w(t) 1ift < 1/2and0else- samples of g. Let us assume that the values of the samples of g are where (®gure 5(b)). Advantages are that a= high contrast is achieved independent (i.e. spaced s apart). We ®nd then, using standard rules and crisp images are generated. Let's have a closer look which pat- for summation and scaling of a number of independent variates, for 2 terns are generated. Consider a single point, linearly interpolated, the average µ f and variance σ f : which is set to 1 and 0 alternatingly for a number of frames. This produces a dashed line, which fades away in the direction of the µ f µg (19) ¯ow. And also, each dash itself fades away. This is somewhat un- = α σ 2 σ 2. (20) natural: A standard convention in particle rendering is that the head f = 2 α g should be the brightest and that the tail should faint. We can achieve − this effect if we use w(t) βt .Ifwesetβ<(1 α)M the pulse Hence, low values for α reduce the contrast signi®cantly. For in- = − falls off faster than the decay, and hence a texture with a decreasing stance, α 0.1 reduces σ f with about 77 percent, so a high value for 2 = intensity upstream is produced (®gure 5(c)). However, the exponen- σg is welcome. Another result from statistics is that the histogram tial decay has one disadvantage: the dynamic range is not used well of the intensities approaches a normal distribution, according to the during a cycle, leading to a poor contrast. A convenient alternative central limit theorem. here is the sawtooth w(t) 1 t, which produces a similar effect One way to solve this problem is to postprocess the images. We and uses the dynamic range= more− effectively (®gure 5(d)). The ef- have implemented this: Images can optionally be passed through a fect is strongest for animations, but also in still images the direction histogram equalization. For a sequence of textured images the his- of the ¯ow can be discerned. togram is fairly stable, so the calculation of the table has to be done Finally, we assumed so far that for each new frame a dif- only once. The result is however somewhat disappointing: Scal- ferent background image is used, for frame k we used pattern ing up the narrow range of intensities gives rise to quantization ar- G(x k mod N). We can also use G(x (vg k) mod N ),wherevg tifacts. The use of more bits per color component per pixel (eight denotes; the rate of image change. If N;bis large enough,c different here) could remedy this. Also, other, more sophisticated techniques, frequencies for background image variation can be modeled with- like the removal of low pass components [Shen and Kao 1998] could out visible artifacts using the same set of background images. be used. Most often however, we ®nd that the textures look nice enough on the screen, especially when they are used as a background for dye-based techniques, and that the reduction in frame rate is not worth the improvement in contrast. For none of the images pre- sented in this paper extra contrast enhancement was used, so that the impact on the contrast can be compared for the various variations.

3.6 Boundary areas Another issue that deserves extra attention is the treatment of bound- ary areas. Suppose that the ¯ow domain S originally coincides with the image as viewed on the screen, and let S0 be the distorted ¯ow domain (®g. 6): S0 x v1t x S . (21) ={ + | ∈ } We de®ne the boundary area B as S S0. − Figure 7: Boundary artifacts: black boundaries (top), increasing contrast towards edge (bottom). B S' S 3.7 Dye injection The injection of dye is a convenient metaphor for many ¯ow visu- alization methods. Shen et al. [1996] and Jobard et al. [2000] have Figure 6: Boundary area B S S0 already used dye injection in the context of LIC. Dye injection ®ts = − well in the model. Injection of dye with color G D and blending mask The use of eq. (4) and (5) comes down to the following proce- αD to an image F can be modeled as dure: 1) clear the screen; 2) render the previous image on a warped F0(x k) (1 α (x k))F(x k) α (x k)G (x k) (25) mesh; 3) blend in a background image. This procedure gives rise ; = − D ; ; + D ; D ; to artifacts (®g. 7 (a)). Area B is almost black for low α, and this Multiple dye sources can be modeled by repetition of this step. The leaks in from the boundary into the image. A better solution is to ®nal modi®ed image F0(x t) is next used in the advection step, ad- use a modi®ed version of eq. (5) ; vecting the injected dye as well. Note that αD(x k) varies with space. If we want to add a circular dye source to the; image, we just F(p k) (1 α)F∗(p k 1) αG(p ) (22) k ; = − k; − + k draw a ®lled circle in the image, thereby implicitly using a mask that is 1 over the area of the circle and 0 elsewhere. Furthermore, both α F(pk k 1) if pk B and G can vary with time. If they are static, the result is a trace of with F∗(pk k 1) ; − ∈ D ; − = F(pk 1 k 1) otherwise dye, exponentially decaying. By varying them, we get objects that  − ; − move and distort with the ¯ow. The same pro®les w(t) as used for Stated differently, we just do not clear the screen when we generate the background noise can be used, where the length of one cycle can a new frame. We can show that now the average value is constant. be set independently from that of the background noise. Equation (22) can be modeled by setting G(x t) to 0 for x < 0. The boundary area B is here the interval [0, d). The; equivalent of eq. (7) is then for k →∞ 4 Implementation m 1 ∞ − f (x) α (1 α)i g(x md) α (1 α)i g(x id) (23) So far we have presented a model, in this section we consider its = i m − − + i 0 − − implementation. In section 4.1 an algorithm is presented, in section X= X= 4.2 an application is described, and section 4.3 gives performance with m x/d . The boundary area B is not advected, just con- results. stantly blended=b withc new values of g. The average value of f is the 2 same as the average value of g. For the variance σ f for a constant g in time, we ®nd however 4.1 Algorithm All aspects of the model can easily be mapped on graphics primi- 2m 1 2 2(1 α) + α 2 tives and graphics operations. The image F is represented as a rect- σ f − + σg . (24) = 2 α angular array of pixels Fij, i 0..NX 1, j 0..NY 1. We − use the framebuffer to store the= image. The− background= images− G In the boundary area the samples of g are all the same, hence for are represented by a sequence of images Gkij , with k 0..M 1 2 2 2 = − m 0 σ f σg , with increasing m the variance σ f approaches and i, j 0..N 1, ®lled according to equation (18). Typically 2 = = = − σg α/(2 α). In other words, the closer to the in¯ow boundary, the NX NY = 512, N = 64, and M = 32. The background patterns higher the− contrast. Figure 7(b) shows this artifact. A linear ¯ow only= have to be recalculated if the time pro®le w(t) has changed, ®eld was used, v1t was 6 pixels, the texture scale s also to 6 pixels, and can be stored in texture memory. α 0.1. This is a critical setting, near the boundary aliasing arti- For the advection of the image we use a tesselation of S. = facts show up. In practice we use lower values vmax1t, typically 2-3 For instance a rectangular mesh, represented by an array Rij, pixels, and a time varying G, and as a result the boundary artifacts i, j 0..N , where for each array element the coordinates of the = m are almost invisible. Also, these artifacts can be removed by using advected grid point are stored. We typically use Nm 100. Other a slightly larger image than the image presented on the screen. meshes could also be used, triangular meshes for= instance lend themselves also well to fast implementations. If the velocity can be calculated analytically for arbitrary points, the implementor is free to choose the most ef®cient mesh; If the velocity is given for a mesh already, it is obviously most convenient to use that mesh. Also, time varying meshes can be handled without extra complexity. The algorithm to generate frame k of an animation now proceeds as follows.

1. If the ¯ow ®eld has changed, calculate a distorted mesh R; 2. Render R on the screen, texture mapped with the previous im- age;

3. Overlay a rectangle, texture mapped with noise pattern k mod M, blended with a factor α, whereas the image is weighted with 1 α; − 4. Draw dye to be injected; 5. Save the image in texture memory; Figure 8: User interface ¯ow modeling and visualization system 6. Draw overlaid graphics. A few words per step. The calculation of the distorted mesh is done per grid point Rij by calculating a displacement d v(Rij, k)1t, which is clamped if d exceeds a threshold, and adding= this dis- | | placement to Rij. In step 2 the texture coordinates are set evenly dis- tributed between 0 and 1. In step 3 the background noise is blended into the image. The texture coordinates are set such that the spacing of the points of the pattern equals s. Linear interpolation is done by the hardware. In step 4 dye is injected. This can be done in many ways, typically by drawing a shape or overlaying an extra image. In step 5 the result is copied to texture memory ready for the next frame. Finally, overlaid graphics that should not be advected, such as markers and time indicators, are drawn. One little problem of step 4 and 6 is that when something is drawn Figure 9: Texture: (a) coarse, (b) ®ne in the boundary region B, this is not removed in step 1 for the next frame. As a result, such dye is persistent and leaks into the ¯ow. A simple solution is just not to render additional imagery too close to ®eld v and a number of ®elds de®ned by ¯ow elements. Each ¯ow the boundary of the image or to display the computed image minus L element has a position pi , a source strength si and a rotation strength its border. r as attributes, and contributes Nearly all steps match very well with graphics hardware. The i main action is the rendering of texture mapped quadrilaterals, pos- si ri d sibly blended. Modern graphics hardware, such as which can be vi (x t) − , (26) ; = ri si d 2 found in standard PCs nowadays, is made exactly for this purpose,   | | and hence high speeds can be achieved. The algorithm can be im- with d x pi , to the ¯ow ®eld. plemented using only OpenGL1.1 calls, without extensions, hence Figure= 8− shows a screen-shot of the user interface. The user can the portability is high. As an of the simplicity and porta- interactively add and remove ¯ow elements and change their prop- bility of IBFV, the accompanying DVD contains a minimal but com- erties. To generate a time dependent ¯ow ®eld, to each ¯ow element plete texture based ¯ow visualization demo in the form of about one a velocity is assigned, such that the ¯ow element moves through the hundred lines of C-code. This enables the reader to make a quick ®eld. Each ¯ow element can optionally produce dye, various at- start and to experiment by varying the parameters and extending vi- tributes of the circles to be drawn can be set. The image is overlaid sualization options. here with an extra transparent texture, colored according to the mag- The only step that does not take advantage of the graphics hard- nitude of the velocity, similar to [Jobard et al. 2000]. Many options ware is the calculation of the distorted mesh. However, this is a great for visualization were implemented. With different variations of dye task for the central processor. These calculations are most easily injection a wide variety of effects can be achieved. We present these done in ¯oating point arithmetic, and data must be calculated, re- using the same ¯ow ®eld. All images have a 512 512 resolution, trieved from disk or from a network. The use of graphics hardware for the ¯ow ®eld a 100 100 mesh was used. × for this purpose does not pay off. Figure 9 shows two× visualizations with texture. The scale of the texture can be varied, left we used a coarse texture, on the right a 4.2 Results ®ne texture; by changing 1t and vmax either both the magnitude and direction of the velocity (left) or only the direction can be shown. In We have implemented IBFV in an interactive ¯ow simulation and vi- the latter version saddle points can be located more easily. sualization system. The application was implemented in Delphi 5, A simple model for injecting dye is to use a rectangular grid, pos- using ObjectPascal. It consists of about 3,500 lines of code, most sibly jittered, and to draw a circle on the gridpoints, either continu- of which concerned user interfacing. For the modeling of the ¯ow ously or intermittently. Figure 10(a) shows that continuous release a potential ¯ow model, in line with [Wejchert and Haumann 1991], gives arrow-like glyphs. In ®gure 10(b) particles are released, using was used. A ¯ow ®eld is de®ned by superposition of a linear ¯ow an exponential decay pro®le. This gives lively animations. Near the Figure 10: Classic: (a) arrow, (b) particles Figure 12: (a) Topology, (b) Topology with texture

Figure 11: Image distortion: (a) smeared, (b) warped Figure 13: Boundary: (a) streamlines, (b) timelines and dye sources sources (indicated with a red marker) particles are blown away, in zooming and panning on the animated ¯ow can be done smoothly at other areas dye accumulates. 30±40 fps. Arbitrary images can be inserted in the ®eld. Figure 11 shows All applications presented here were easy to implement. All that what happens if a picture of a grid is smeared (continuous release has to be done is injection of dye, and the remainder is done by the with low α) or warped (release once, with α 1) by the ¯ow. The underlying process. Almost no data structures are needed, for in- method presented here can be used to apply artistic= effects on arbi- stance, there is no need to keep track of the position of advected trary images by adding sources, sinks, and vortices, and by overlay- particles. Another strong effect of real-time animation is that it be- ing texture. comes interesting to make all parameters for dye injection time- Topological analysis [Helman and Hesselink 1989] aims at seg- dependent. Positions, colors, shapes, can all be de®ned as functions menting the ¯ow area into distinct areas, such that ¯ow is con- of time, leading to interesting special effects. strained within the area. Here, streamlines can start only at the boundary or at sources. If we now paint the boundary and let each 4.3 Performance source produce a differently colored dye, automatically a topolog- ical decomposition is achieved when the dye is advected (®g. 12). The images shown were made on a Dell Inspiron 8100 notebook PC, For the ¯ow model used here this process can be fully automated, running Windows 2000, with a Pentium III 866 MHz processor, 256 because sources are modeled and known explicitly, for arbitrary MB memory, and a nVidia GeForce2Go graphics card with 32 MB ¯ow ®elds this can be realized by searching for points where the memory. The following table shows framerates in fps for four differ- velocity magnitude vanishes. Combination of this technique with ent values of the mesh resolution Nm and for three different con®g- a soft texture (α 0.01 0.02, ®g. 12(b)) gives an especially at- urations. A distinction is made between steady ¯ow (mesh requires tractive result. The= texture− indicates the ¯ow, the color of the area no recalculation), one moving ¯ow element (mesh requires recalcu- faints with increasing distance from the source or boundary. lation), and seven moving ¯ow elements (the con®guration of ®g- In¯ow from a boundary can be studied by painting strips along ure 9 to 12). As test animation a moving black and white texture the boundary (®gure 13). If a pattern for the boundary is used, was used, but there is little difference for the various ¯ow visualiza- streamlines appear; intermittent painting gives so called time lines. tion styles. The only exceptions are the use of a transparent velocity Furthermore, on the right image three user positioned dye sources overlay or the use of a constant extra image (see ®gure 11(a)), which are shown. We have applied the method to visualize the result of CFD simu- lations. Figure 14 shows a 2D slice from a 3D time dependent sim- mesh steady one source seven sources ulation of turbulent ¯ow around a block [Verstappen and Veldman 50 50 49.3 49.3 49.3 × 1998]. A rectilinear 536 312 grid with a strongly varying den- 100 100 49.3 37.0 27.0 × sity was used. This grid could× be handled without special problems. 200 200 49.3 14.6 9.1 × We only added an option to zoom and pan on the data set, such that 512 512 18.5 2.5 1.4 × the turbulent ¯ow can be inspected at various scales. In ®gure 14 we zoom in on a corner of the block, thereby reveiling intricate de- tail. When suf®ciently close (i.e. about 50 50 gridlines in view), Table 2: Frames per second, 512 512 images × × Figure 15: (a) 50 50 mesh, (b) 512 512 mesh × ×

ments if necessary. The topology method is interesting from the viewpoint of stability. Standard approaches require careful pro- gramming, to make sure that streamlines starting from critical points end up in other critical points. IBFV produces stable results, also for hard cases like a pure vortex. The result here is that the boundary of the vortex area and the remainder of the ®eld is blurred and smooth, which seems to be a natural representation for this situation.

Figure 14: Visualization of turbulent ¯ow simulation data [Verstap- 5 Discussion pen and Veldman 1998] at different scales 5.1 Ef®ciency cost some 10 to 50% extra, dependent on the resolution of the mesh IBFV is about one to three orders of magnitude faster than other meth- or image. ods for the synthesis of dense texture animations of ¯ow (see ta- ble 1). This ef®ciency comes from four different effects. Firstly, What does this table show? Above all, IBFV is fast. Unsteady ¯ow is visualized via moving textures in real-time. Parameters can be graphics hardware is used. The warping, blending, and linear inter- changed on the ¯y, the effect of changes is smooth and immediate. polation of images is taken care of by the graphics hardware. Com- The maximum speed of the ¯ow as shown on the screen is typically munication between graphics hardware and processor is limited to in the order of 150 pixels per second, hence lively animations result. the coordinates of warped meshes, frames are copied directly to tex- We have tried our application on several other machines. On a PC ture memory. Secondly, the number of steps in the generation of a running Windows'98 with a 350 MHz processor, 128 MB memory, single image is limited. Only two full-screen operations are used per and a graphics card with a nVidia TNT processor and 16 MB mem- frame. Thirdly, frame to frame coherence is exploited. Fourthly, the ory we achieved a frame rate of 22 fps for the standard case. In other velocity ®eld can typically be sampled at a lower resolution than the words, also on somewhat older machines real-time frame rates can image resolution, where the central processor takes care of velocity be achieved. ®eld calculations. In the table from left to right the amount of work for the proces- We see no simple options to increase the performance further. sor increases with more moving sources. For steady ¯ow the same One limit is the refresh rate of the monitor used. Another limit is mesh can be reused, for dynamic ¯ow it has to be recalculated. De- the simplicity of the algorithm: The inner loop is almost empty. pendent on the complexity of the ®eld (one vs. seven sources) the In the near future we will experiment with higher image reso- process slows down. From top to bottom the amount of work for the lutions to see if the same frame rates are achieved. Limitations in texture memory will not be a problem. The total amount of texture graphics hardware increases with increasing mesh resolution: More 2 coordinates have to be transformed. For steady ¯ow the amount of memory required is 3Nx Ny bytes for the image, and 4N M bytes work for the processor is independent of the mesh resolution, for dy- for the background patterns. For the set-up used here, in total 1.25 namic ¯ow it depends on the complexity of the ®eld. MB is used, which ®ts well within graphics memory. The impact of variation of the mesh resolution on the result is lim- ited. Actually, for the ®elds modeled here no differences can be seen 5.2 Versatility in animations. As an example, ®gure 15 shows a dye source at a dis- tance of 100 pixels from a vortex. The left image was made using IBFV can be used for arbitrary ¯ow ®elds. So far, we have used IBFV Nm 50, for the right Nm 512 was used. The dye source pro- for unsteady ¯ow ®elds with high vorticity de®ned for rectangular duces= an almost perfect circle.= We do see that some diffusion shows meshes, but we expect that arbitrary triangular meshes, and even up, due to resampling of the distorted mesh on the regular pixel grid time varying meshes can be handled without special measures. of the image. This smoothing has also a very positive aspect: Stan- IBFV can be used to produce a variety of different types of visu- dard aliasing artifacts such as jagged edges never show up. Anyhow, alizations. Various kinds of texture can be produced. These can be these images are quite arti®cial, for texture visualization the visible de®ned with a few parameters: the scale s of the texture, the type of trace of a particle is much shorter. time pro®le w(t), the image variation speed vg and the blending fac- We did not perform yet a formal assessment of the accuracy of tor α. Dependent on these settings, LIC, spot noise, or smoke like IBFV, but judging from test images such as ®g. 15, it does not seem textures are produced. Changes in parameter settings can be judged an urgent problem. The use of a more advanced ODE solver than in real-time, hence tuning can be done ef®ciently. Furthermore, in- the very simple Euler scheme used here could give further improve- jection of dye and images can be used to generate effects like stream- lines, vectors, particles, and to analyse the topological structure of DE LEEUW,W.,AND VAN LIERE, R. 1997. Divide and conquer the ®eld. spot noise. In Proceedings SuperComputing'97.

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