West to on Her Pay Germany £1,170 Agrees Million Pre-War Loans
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UGHTING-UP TIME Yesterday's WeatKer 6.45 p.m. Maximum temperature ...... 70.5 Minimum temperature 62.0 Rainfall .64 of an Inch Sunshine 3A hours Tide Table For Feb. kjk High Low (No forecast of today's weather bate Wate Water Sun- Sun- was available from the Bermuda y a.m. pjn. a.m. p.m. rise aet Meteorological Station last night.) *fj 8.30 8.46 2.18 2.47 6.49 6.1S VOL. 33 NO. 50 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1953 6D PER COPY West Germany Agrees Temporary Zoning Order To Pay £1,170 Million Rejected By One Vote; On Her Pre-War Loans Put Up To New Assembly LONDON, February 27 (Reuter>.-The western half of By the casting vote of Mr. C. G. Gilbert (in the chair) divided Germany—the old enemy and new ally of the Wfst" Clip Functions the House of Assembly yesterday rejected the temporary today signed the biggest external debt settlement in history, zoning order which would have forbidden until the end of June building on foreshores less than 100 feet from the promising to pay £1,170 million on pre-war loans. Of Labour Board highway, on, agricultural land of one-third of an acre or Shattered by war and in • state of chaos after the more and on recreational areas. unconditional surrender of the Nazi regime, West Germany On Its Transfer A message was sent to the i has made tremendous strides towards fall recoverjr—so much message was Governor informing him that the so that she is now a *™*^J^££*£was^madel Before passing a bill trans^ House had decided not to consider Approve £109,500 conquerors. And a great part of her recovery was made ^ £ the order, entitled The Develoo- ferring fl ctions of the ment of Land (Agricultural, possible by the victors in the war, who occupied ner territory [j^^,,,,. Board to Q^ Board of Immigration the House of Assem Recreational and Coastal Areas) Extension To and have built her up to counter the menace of a new war (Zoning) (Temporary Provisions) caused by Soviet expansion. bly yesterday deleted three clauses empowering the board to Order, 1953, further during the The signing of the debt settlement frees West Germany collect information and prepare present session. ^ | The Hospital flom many crippling trade handicaps and opens up a new era statistics relating to the rates of A similar message was sent to the Legislative Council who yes wages, working hours and other A slim House of Assembly for German exerts? whiek are already making great strides terday morning adopted the same agreed late yesterday afternoon in the international market until today, German traders I terms and conditions of employ- order. to vote £109,500 for an extension ,could"~notTpe'ii bank accbtints in ment prevailing from time to Members who opposed the order to the maternity wing of the King London New York or other major tune in the Colony. The clauses were Messrs. H. T. North, B. C. C. Edward Memorial Hospital and to financial centres — their funds also authorised tbe board to order Outerbridge, H. B. L. Wilkinson, build a nurses' residence. The Senate Unanimous ! would have been seized by credi- employers to give the information P. C. Outerbridge, E. R. Williams, money will not, however, be met tors Similarly, Germany had no required. NEW ESTATE.—Picture shows work on a new road being cut out of Glebe Hill near the Mid- J. E. P. Vesey, Ross Winter, access to normal international The motion to delete the Ocean Club's golf course. The road is being made in connection with a real estate develop Edmund Gibbons, G. Powell, R. L.. I °ut of f""""4 expenses since last In Condemning trade credits. clauses, made by - Mr- Ernest ment on Glebe Hill by the Bermuda Development Company which has 20 lots for sale there. The Pearman, Vincent Lee, R. N. December the Assembly agreed to Trade circles said today that | Vesey, was carried by 17 votes to Hodgson W B Furbert C G Place approximately £100,000 in road will make the lots accessible. Work commenced a week ago today and is expected to take Pub c 0 1 // HPrV6_"t6U I QCtS I Germany's competitors in the ex- | eight. Gilbert wd Mrs'. Hilda Aitken. "?» « W . *? Reserve fund 11 port market will soon have to "sit I Those who supported the about six weeks to complete. About 5,800 cubic yards will be excavated. Those in favour were Messrs. E. l±or possible building. The Up and take notice.'' motion were warned by the H. Barnes, H. St. George Butter- request for the money was wAcwTwr-Tr™ PVh 27 —The The agreement was signed by opposition, led by Mr. A.IX Spur- field, E. P. T. Tucker H. r. | contained in a message from the WASHINGTON, Feb. «•—-*?<: re 1 Germanyue lny, the United States, ling, chairman of the Board of Watlington, A. D. Spurling, J. E. Governor. It was accompanied Senate today unanimously * ? . ™" ' ___. _= _.._.__ I£_!_-- ____ «-__ 1__ .~__-^- Assembly Prepares For Defer Compensation adopted President Eisenhower's | Britain, France and 15 other I Immigration, that the effects Pearman, J. C. Astwood, D. C. by a letter from Mr. C. H. V. resolution'djWclatingtheUmtedJn-tkms. It must be ratified by the | might be felt unfavourably in a Smith, Collingwood Burch and Talbot, the manager of the Its Own Dissolution hospital. SU^T^^^^ve-a^nsofIfour principal signatories. __ !*««£_ claimed ^ ^ „_ the Hon. N. H. P. Vesey, the Hon. N. B. Dill, the Hon. H. D. Butter The member-in-charge, Mr. Russia ostensibly carri«l out MILLION A YEAR LJSitJS gatheredwas.useless Upper House Approves £49 The House of Assembly yes- field, the Hon. W. W. Davidson Ernest Vesey, said he was pleased under terms of the Yalta and _Qr &^ yeaTSt West Germany and the time had now come for I terday sent messages to the and Mrs. Edna Watson. the request had come forward. Potsdam agreements. wm pay about £49 milium a year Bermudians to be able to sell Governor and the Legislative A move by Mr. Ernest Vesey The additional buildings, which would include provision for a The Senate also adopted by an a„ainst ^ maii_ debt and in their services for the best possible Council informing them that after Temporary Zoning Order early in the debate to prevent the overwhelminM lMg majority, a rpso,uresolu °"" " «--*»-*-- » -'settlement of post-war ectmomie | price 2 p.m. on Monday there would be House from going into committee psychopathic ward, were badly tion calling upon the President to 1*., _• .. iTr,;+__j c.._._,_ ld from mt to consider tbe order also resulted needed but construction had been bring to the attention of the * _, '£* £ _VJ?H£_? NOW ADJUSTED no further business requiring the rance and Bntjun attention of the House during the in an even division. delayed in the past because of Genfral Assembly of the United fK : *£*£*' When the American bases were The Legislative Council yefterday approved the tempor more urgent matters. Now that Nations alleged persecutions by the annual ^payments £*$** present session. SPEAKER'S DUTY • __j ».„_. _J*__IK*__ „„„».....__«.! annuities of about £68 million. established it might have been ary zoning order "freezing" the development of agricultural, the air terminal was nearing com Russia and her satellite countries necessary to ensure a close liaison Then, after the message had The Speaker, Sir John Cox, told It seems a lot, but the German been agreed to, the House de- recreational and foreshore areas but left the matter of pletion the Works Department ot religious and racial minorities. _ „.i.__ J„„_J (». wn^t fbetween the American authorities, ... , _* .„ , w_«. I the House it was his duty to vote evidently felt it would be able Itato-appr-vedarertutionool^^^g^^^J^^land the Bermuda Government | ?ded not to meet on Monday bnt compensation to the next session of Parliament in view of in favour of going into committee within a year to go ahead with ver to convene again on Tuesday at so that the matter could be fur its own behalf condemning such | may be carried by the saving inl°__ _ the wages the former were the imminent dissolution of the present House of Assembly. the extensions to the hospital. persecutions. ^JvitT* *_^"exi_ort-imDort trade I prepared to pay local employees two o'clock. Major the Hon. David Huxley, | ther considered. He therefore QUEEN TO BE ASKED cast his vote with those who The unanimous endorsement by carrying uui _~ i~ Bermuda had now adjusted itself, The Legislative Council, how the Attorney General, told mem ever, which usually meets on a opposed Mr. Vesey's motion. (The Royal Gazette under the Senate of the administration's n0_Pf *• _ ded in bers that while the recommenda fe f West Ger H m Vexy succee Tuesday morning, decided yester Before he made his motion Mr. stands that Her Majesty the resolution condemning clauses * \ ces* is demonstrated in having the clauses removed, tions of the joint select committee P/Sgt. J. S. Wilson Queen will be asked to lay the day to meet on Monday morning —which suggested an order along Vesey said there was opposition in agreements between Russia and " 9M_54 budget would Mr. Spurling be prepared instead. cornerstone 6f one of the new th W ,ch had be( per the lines of a draft prepared by both inside and outside the House _.__i?v. _. - L " Provides for payment of the debt,4to allow imported labour from.the Before the Assembly is dis to the zoning order.