


The planets, stars and everything you can “An exhilarating see are less than 5 percent of the universe. perspective of What is the other 95 percent? the universe as we know it, and, as In stunningly detailed scenes—including the most accurate atlas of the universe in existence—Dark Universe brings audiences we don’t know it.” to the cutting edge of cosmic exploration. — International Science Times v

Fly through the Milky Way galaxy.

Relive Edwin Hubble’s discovery at Mount Wilson Observatory that led to .

Discover how the Planck satellite maps Show Themes: cosmic microwave . background radiation Our Place In Space The Expanding Discover the place of the Milky Way The expansion of the universe is within the observable universe. accelerating, not slowing as once thought. Big Discoveries Plunge into Jupiter’s Revisit some of the 20th century’s Dark Matter atmosphere with the & Dark Energy Galileo probe. foundational cosmic discoveries. An invisible cosmic ocean accounts The Big Bang for 95% of the universe. What is the Big Bang? What is the cosmic microwave background?

Visualize mysterious dark matter and dark energy. “Will blow your mind” —


FORMAT: FIND OUT MORE: 3D, DCI-compliant digital projection, 4k/2k resolution amnh.org/films TIMING: [email protected] 25:15

212.496.3362 AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Mandarin, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish


CREDITS: 6 months or 1 year

Dark Universe was developed by the American Museum of Natural History, New York (www.amnh.org), ACCESSIBILITY: in collaboration with the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, and GOTO INC, Tokyo, Japan. HI audio track, VI-N audio track, Image credits: © AMNH Closed Captioning data track