Fernlea, the Wishart Anderson (Support Service) Support Service
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Fernlea, The Wishart Anderson (Support Service) Support Service Marrister Symbister Whalsay Shetland ZE2 9AE Telephone: 01595 745182 Type of inspection: Unannounced Inspection completed on: 27 July 2017 Service provided by: Service provider number: Shetland Islands Council SP2003002063 Care service number: CS2005097965 Inspection report About the service Fernlea, The Wishart Anderson Care Centre is a purpose-built residential and support centre situated in Marrister on Whalsay, overlooking Linga Sound. The centre has an adjoining support service situated on the ground floor, which is separate from the residential service. The accommodation consists of various rooms including; bathroom facilities, a lounge and activity area, kitchen and dining area and staff offices. The décor gives a homely appearance. The service is registered to provide a care service to a maximum of eight adults and presently operates two days a week. The service has been registered with the Care Inspectorate since 1 April 2011. The service also manages the local 'meals on wheels' service and the care at home service. What people told us This report was written following an unannounced inspection from 10.00 am to 4.45 pm on Thursday 27 July 2017. We gave a feedback to the manager and senior staff during our inspection visit when we concluded the inspection. We also gave some feedback to service users and staff during the inspection. During the inspection information was gathered from a number of sources including talks with: - the manager - two members of staff - two senior social care workers - two relatives - a health care professional - six service users. We also looked at a range of policies, procedures, and records including: - peoples' personal plans - health and safety records - staff files - accident and incident recording - staff communication books - minutes of staff meetings and unit meetings - senior team minutes - management team minutes - social activities and events' planner - the services own quality assurance systems - in-house questionnaires - meaningful activities - Care Inspectorate questionnaires Inspection report for Fernlea, The Wishart Anderson (Support Service) page 2 of 7 Inspection report During the inspection, we also observed staff practice, which included how staff cared for and spoke with people. A general tour of the day care area was also carried out as part of the inspection visit. We spoke with all the people attending the service on the day, two relatives and a visiting professional, as well as staff who worked in the support service. We also sent Care Standards questionnaires (CSQs) for random distribution to people and their families. We received very positive responses from people about the quality of service they received at the Fernlea Support Service. Comments we received included: "I am very pleased and happy with everyone and all that the services provide - thank you all". "I know the names of most of the older staff not so much the younger ones" "Splendid". "I look forward to coming here - it makes my week". "Couldn't be better". "The staff are awful good" "There's always something to do". "It keeps me going". "Brilliant service - the staff are great as well - they all do a good job". Self assessment The service had not been asked to complete a self-assessment in advance of the inspection. We discussed their priorities and looked at quality assurance paperwork. These demonstrated their priorities for development and how they were monitoring the quality of the provision within the service. Inspection report for Fernlea, The Wishart Anderson (Support Service) page 3 of 7 Inspection report From this inspection we graded this service as: Quality of care and support 5 - Very Good Quality of environment not assessed Quality of staffing not assessed Quality of management and leadership 5 - Very Good What the service does well We found the performance of the service for quality theme's care and support and management and leadership, to be very good. We reached this conclusion after we spoke with people at the service, management, and the staff team. We also observed interactions between staff and the people visiting the service, looked at a number of care plans and quality assurance records. People were encouraged to improve and maintain their health, wellbeing and quality of life. This was because staff worked closely with local health, medical services, providing prompt support when needed, meaningful and interesting days were promoted, and staff were very knowledgeable in how to support peoples' assessed needs. A visiting health professional told us they were very pleased with the quality of care and the way in which people were supported. We saw that people were supported to exercise their rights, choices and preferences. Support plans detailed a good level of information, highlighting life histories, interests and future wishes and assessed needs. We saw that there had been an overall improvement with the quality of recording and details within support plans. They were better monitored and regularly audited. All care staff took responsibility in supporting the people in the service by providing a varied mix of interests and activities, which also involved maintaining and encouraging local community. We saw that this approach promoted good outcomes for people. People told us they were usually kept busy and could join in activities if they wanted. Comments included: "It makes my week coming here - I really look forward to it". "Splendid". "Love coming here". "We never stick for anything - there's always something to do". Inspection report for Fernlea, The Wishart Anderson (Support Service) page 4 of 7 Inspection report Through discussion, we noted that the staff team demonstrated a very good understanding of the specific needs of people, and supported them with warmth and genuine concern. Staff that were spoken with were able to show a good understanding about what would be considered abusive and what actions they would take if they had any concerns about practice if people were not treated right or were vulnerable. Mandatory induction training and a staff learning and development programme was seen to support all staff with their learning, registration with SSSC and ongoing personal development. Supervision and appraisal are also used to promote safe staff practice in their duties. Staff told us that training was very good and helpful to maintain their skills and knowledge. There was a positive and proactive culture and approach among the staff team, who all came across and keen and motivated. We saw that the service carried out regular health and safety checks including equipment. What the service could do better The service could consider further expanding the review minute to give a fuller description of the outcomes achieved. The service should consider the use of names badges as an aid so people can remember the names of staff. Requirements Number of requirements: 0 Recommendations Number of recommendations: 0 Complaints There have been no complaints upheld since the last inspection. Details of any older upheld complaints are published at www.careinspectorate.com. Inspection report for Fernlea, The Wishart Anderson (Support Service) page 5 of 7 Inspection report Inspection and grading history Date Type Gradings 23 Jan 2015 Unannounced Care and support 5 - Very good Environment 5 - Very good Staffing 4 - Good Management and leadership 4 - Good 2 Feb 2012 Unannounced Care and support 5 - Very good Environment Not assessed Staffing Not assessed Management and leadership 4 - Good 23 Nov 2010 Announced (short notice) Care and support 5 - Very good Environment 5 - Very good Staffing Not assessed Management and leadership Not assessed 1 Oct 2009 Announced Care and support 4 - Good Environment 4 - Good Staffing 4 - Good Management and leadership 4 - Good 31 Mar 2009 Announced Care and support 3 - Adequate Environment 4 - Good Staffing 4 - Good Management and leadership 4 - Good Inspection report for Fernlea, The Wishart Anderson (Support Service) page 6 of 7 Inspection report To find out more This inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate. You can download this report and others from our website. Care services in Scotland cannot operate unless they are registered with the Care Inspectorate. We inspect, award grades and help services to improve. We also investigate complaints about care services and can take action when things aren't good enough. Please get in touch with us if you would like more information or have any concerns about a care service. You can also read more about our work online at www.careinspectorate.com Contact us Care Inspectorate Compass House 11 Riverside Drive Dundee DD1 4NY [email protected] 0345 600 9527 Find us on Facebook Twitter: @careinspect Other languages and formats This report is available in other languages and formats on request. Tha am foillseachadh seo ri fhaighinn ann an cruthannan is cànain eile ma nithear iarrtas. Inspection report for Fernlea, The Wishart Anderson (Support Service) page 7 of 7.