Este certificado confirma que: This is to confirm that

SAT Nº 97 BLANCASOL Carretera de Jumilla, Km 36, s/n, 30540, - Blanca,

Cumple con los requisitos de Complies with the requirements of

IFA GR IFA 4.02 March 2013 Opción 2 Grupo de productores Option 2 Producer Group

El anexo adjuntos contiene detalles de los productos, unidades de producción y manipulación incluidos en el presente certificado The annex attachment contains details of the products, production management unit and/or producers and handling activities assigned to this certificate

GGN: 4052852830096 Nº acreditación SAI GLOBAL: Z1440295AS SAI GLOBAL acreditation No

Nº registro GlobalG.A.P: SAI-GLOBAL FV-ES-00544 Nº de certificado SAI GLOBAL: FV-ES 2016053103 GlobalG.A.P. registration No SAI GLOBAL certificate No

Fecha de impresión: 30/06/2016 Válido desde:30/05/2016 Issue Date Valid From Date

Decisión de certificación: 16/05/2016 Válido hasta: 29/05/2017 Certification Decision Date Expiry Date

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to either , or

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Anexo al Certificado de Conformidad

Annex of the Certificate of Conformity

Covered (ha) Covered (ha) (ha) Product Product Product GlobalG.A.P. Certificate No No of No produce Harvest included Producto (s) (s) Producto aire libre (ha) (ha) aire libre GlobalG.A.P Handlingincluded ParallelProduction ParallelOwnership invernadero (ha) (ha) invernadero Countries Destination of Nº deNº certificado Paisesde destino Nº deNº productores Further CoveredHarvest (ha) Propiedad paralela FirstHarvest Covered (ha) First (ha) Non-CoveredHarvest Producción Paralela Recolección incluida Further Non-Harvest Manipulación incluida Manipulación incluida Siguientes recolecciones recolecciones Siguientes recolecciones Siguientes 1ª recolección invernadero invernadero 1ª recolección 1ª recolección aire libre (ha) libre aire 1ª recolección

ESP Albaricoques/ 00045- CCHXV-0002 YES YES 5 NO YES 199.41 0 0 0 Apricots EU

ESP Clementinas/ 00045- CCKFP- 0002 YES YES 4 NO YES 90.02 0 0 0 Clementines EU

ESP Paraguayos/ YES YES 5 NO YES 71.14 0 0 0 Flat Peach 00045- CCKCH- 0002 EU

ESP Pomelo/ YES YES 1 NO YES 18.85 0 0 0 Grapefruit 00045- CCKFH- 0002 UE

ESP Uvas/ YES YES 4 NO YES 95.95 0 0 0 Grapes (Table) 00045- CCKCC- 0002 EU

GGN: 4052852830096 Nº acreditación SAI GLOBAL: Z1440295AS SAI GLOBAL acreditation No

Nº registro GlobalG.A.P: SAI-GLOBAL FV-ES-00544 Nº de certificado SAI GLOBAL: FV-ES 2016053103 GlobalG.A.P. registration No SAI GLOBAL certificate No

Fecha de impresión: 30/06/2016 Válido desde:30/05/2016 Issue Date Valid From Date

Decisión de certificación: 16/05/2016 Válido hasta: 29/05/2017 Certification Decision Date Expiry Date

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to either , or

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ESP Limones/ 00045- CCKHC- 0002 YES YES 4 NO YES 133.06 0 0 0 Lemons EU

ESP Mandarinas/ 00045- CCKCP- 0002 YES YES 7 NO YES 243.51 0 0 0 Mandarins EU

ESP Nectarinas/Nect 00045- CCKCV- 0002 YES YES 4 NO YES 120.68 0 0 0 arines EU

ESP Naranjas/ 00045- CCKCL- 0002 YES YES 5 NO YES 158.54 0 0 0 Oranges EU

ESP Melocotones/ 00045- CCKFL- 0002 YES YES 2 NO YES 57.96 0 0 0 Peaches EU

ESP 00045- CCKFC- 0002 YES YES 1 NO YES 24.10 0 0 0 Ciruelas/ Plums EU

ESP Satsumas/ 00045- CCKFV- 0002 YES YES 2 NO YES 9.01 0 0 0 Satsumas EU

GGN: 4052852830096 Nº acreditación SAI GLOBAL: Z1440295AS SAI GLOBAL acreditation No

Nº registro GlobalG.A.P: SAI-GLOBAL FV-ES-00544 Nº de certificado SAI GLOBAL: FV-ES 2016053103 GlobalG.A.P. registration No SAI GLOBAL certificate No

Fecha de impresión: 30/06/2016 Válido desde:30/05/2016 Issue Date Valid From Date

Decisión de certificación: 16/05/2016 Válido hasta: 29/05/2017 Certification Decision Date Expiry Date

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to either , or

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Unidad de manipulación y empaquetado Product handling and packing units

Producto (s) GGN/GLN/Sub-GLN Nombre de la Unidad y dirección Product (s) Unit name and address Melocotón




Albaricoque SAT Nº97 BLANCASOL Ctra. Jumilla n-344 km 36 4052852830096 Mandarina 30540 BLANCA (MURCIA)




Uva de Mesa

GGN: 4052852830096 Nº acreditación SAI GLOBAL: Z1440295AS SAI GLOBAL acreditation No

Nº registro GlobalG.A.P: SAI-GLOBAL FV-ES-00544 Nº de certificado SAI GLOBAL: FV-ES 2016053103 GlobalG.A.P. registration No SAI GLOBAL certificate No

Fecha de impresión: 30/06/2016 Válido desde:30/05/2016 Issue Date Valid From Date

Decisión de certificación: 16/05/2016 Válido hasta: 29/05/2017 Certification Decision Date Expiry Date

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to either , or

Doc ID: 4670 Issue Date: 7th October 2015 © SAI Global Limited Copyright 2007 - ABN 67 050 611 642 page 4 of 10

Miembros del grupo de productores Producer group member

Manipulado Producción Producto (s) Nombre del productor y dirección Product GGN Paralela Product (s) Producer name and address handling Parallel Production Apricots 4049929728387 SAT Nº 4515 Los Naranjos , La Alcayna s/n , YES NO 30500, , - Murcia

Apricots 4049929498686 Agrícola El Palmito, S.L. , C/ Pensionistas 11 , YES NO 30500, , Molina de Segura-Murcia

Apricots 4049929728783 S.A.T. 608 El Cuartel , Paraje Román, S/N , 30520, YES NO , Jumilla - Murcia

Apricots 4049929042100 Verdelena, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO Blanca - Murcia

Apricots 4052852830317 NUEVOS GUILLEN, SL , Crt de , nº 18, YES NO 30562, , Ceutí (Murcia)

Clementines 4049929498686 Agrícola El Palmito, S.L. , C/ Pensionistas 11 , YES NO 30500, , Molina de Segura-Murcia

Clementines 4049929042100 Verdelena, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO Blanca - Murcia

GGN: 4052852830096 Nº acreditación SAI GLOBAL: Z1440295AS SAI GLOBAL acreditation No

Nº registro GlobalG.A.P: SAI-GLOBAL FV-ES-00544 Nº de certificado SAI GLOBAL: FV-ES 2016053103 GlobalG.A.P. registration No SAI GLOBAL certificate No

Fecha de impresión: 30/06/2016 Válido desde:30/05/2016 Issue Date Valid From Date

Decisión de certificación: 16/05/2016 Válido hasta: 29/05/2017 Certification Decision Date Expiry Date

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to either , or

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Clementines 4049928986542 Borrambla S.L. , Paraje Borrambla , 30080, , GEA YES NO Y TRUYOLS (MURCIA)

Clementines 4052852381123 SAT Nº406 Los Almendros , Avda. Doctor Jesús YES NO Marín López 8 Entl.B , 30500, , Molina del Segura


Flat Peach 4049929498686 Agrícola El Palmito, S.L. , C/ Pensionistas 11 , YES NO 30500, , Molina de Segura-Murcia

Flat Peach 4049929728783 S.A.T. 608 El Cuartel , Paraje Román, S/N , 30520, YES NO , Jumilla - Murcia

Flat Peach 4049929042100 Verdelena, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO Blanca - Murcia

Flat Peach SAT Nº406 Los Almendros , Avda. Doctor Jesús YES NO 4052852381123 Marín López 8 Entl.B , 30500, , Molina del Segura (Murcia)

Flat Peach 4049929271425 Sarqui, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 3054 0, Blanca - YES NO Murcia Grapefruit 4049928986542 Borrambla S.L . , Paraje Borrambla , 30080, GEA Y YES NO TRUYOLS (MURCIA)

Grapes 4049929728783 S.A.T. 608 El Cuartel , Paraje Román, S/N , 30520, YES NO (Table) , Jumilla - Murcia

GGN: 4052852830096 Nº acreditación SAI GLOBAL: Z1440295AS SAI GLOBAL acreditation No

Nº registro GlobalG.A.P: SAI-GLOBAL FV-ES-00544 Nº de certificado SAI GLOBAL: FV-ES 2016053103 GlobalG.A.P. registration No SAI GLOBAL certificate No

Fecha de impresión: 30/06/2016 Válido desde:30/05/2016 Issue Date Valid From Date

Decisión de certificación: 16/05/2016 Válido hasta: 29/05/2017 Certification Decision Date Expiry Date

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to either , or

Doc ID: 4670 Issue Date: 7th October 2015 © SAI Global Limited Copyright 2007 - ABN 67 050 611 642 page 6 of 10

Grapes 4049929042100 Verdelena, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO (Table) Blanca - Murcia

Grapes 4049929271425 Sarqui, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , Blanca YES NO (Table) - Murcia

Grapes 4049929497511 Gestiagro S.L. , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO (Table) Blanca - Murcia

Lemons 4049929498686 Agrícola El Palmito, S.L. , C/ Pensionistas 11 , YES NO 30500, , Molina de Segura-Murcia

Lemons 4049929042100 Verdelena, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO Blanca - Murcia

Lemons 4049928986542 Borrambla S.L. , Paraje Borrambla , 30080, , GEA YES NO Y TRUYOLS (MURCIA)

Lemons 4052852518536 PROBELCASA, S.L. , Yechas -Mula , 30550, , Murcia YES NO

Mandarins 4049929728387 SAT Nº 4515 Los Naranjos , La Alcayna s/n , YES NO 30500, , Molina de Segura – Murcia

GGN: 4052852830096 Nº acreditación SAI GLOBAL: Z1440295AS SAI GLOBAL acreditation No

Nº registro GlobalG.A.P: SAI-GLOBAL FV-ES-00544 Nº de certificado SAI GLOBAL: FV-ES 2016053103 GlobalG.A.P. registration No SAI GLOBAL certificate No

Fecha de impresión: 30/06/2016 Válido desde:30/05/2016 Issue Date Valid From Date

Decisión de certificación: 16/05/2016 Válido hasta: 29/05/2017 Certification Decision Date Expiry Date

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to either , or

Doc ID: 4670 Issue Date: 7th October 2015 © SAI Global Limited Copyright 2007 - ABN 67 050 611 642 page 7 of 10

Mandarins 4049929498686 Agrícola El Palmito, S.L. , C/ Pensionistas 11 , YES NO 30500, , Molina de Segura-Murcia

Mandarins 4049929042100 Verdelena, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO Blanca - Murcia

Mandarins 4049929497511 Gestiagro S.L. , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO Blanca - Murcia

Mandarins 4049928986542 Borrambla S.L. , Paraje Borrambla , 30080, , GEA YES NO Y TRUYOLS (MURCIA)

Mandarins 4052852381123 SAT Nº406 Los Almendros , Avda. Doctor Jesús YES NO Marín López 8 Entl.B , 30500, , Molina del Segura (Murcia)

Mandarins 4052852518536 PROBELCASA, S.L. , Yechas -Mula , 30550, , Murcia YES NO

Nectarines 4049929498686 Agrícola El Palmito, S.L. , C/ Pensionistas 11 , YES NO 30500, , Molina de Segura-Murcia

Nectarines 4049929042100 Verdelena, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO Blanca - Murcia

GGN: 4052852830096 Nº acreditación SAI GLOBAL: Z1440295AS SAI GLOBAL acreditation No

Nº registro GlobalG.A.P: SAI-GLOBAL FV-ES-00544 Nº de certificado SAI GLOBAL: FV-ES 2016053103 GlobalG.A.P. registration No SAI GLOBAL certificate No

Fecha de impresión: 30/06/2016 Válido desde:30/05/2016 Issue Date Valid From Date

Decisión de certificación: 16/05/2016 Válido hasta: 29/05/2017 Certification Decision Date Expiry Date

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to either , or

Doc ID: 4670 Issue Date: 7th October 2015 © SAI Global Limited Copyright 2007 - ABN 67 050 611 642 page 8 of 10

Nectarines 4052852381123 SAT Nº406 Los Almendros , Avda. Doctor Jesús YES NO Marín López 8 Entl.B , 30500, , Molina del Segura


Nectarines 4052852830317 NUEVOS GUILLEN, SL , Crt de Archena, nº 18, YES NO 30562, , Ceutí (Murcia)

Oranges 4049929728387 SAT Nº 4515 Los Naranjos , La Alcayna s/n , YES NO 30500, , Molina de Segura - Murcia

Oranges 4049929498686 Agrícola El Palmito, S.L. , C/ Pensionistas 11 , YES NO 30500, , Molina de Segura-Murcia

Oranges 4049929042100 Verdelena, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO Blanca - Murcia

Oranges 4049928986542 Borrambla S.L. , Paraje Borrambla , 30080, , GEA YES NO Y TRUYOLS (MURCIA)

Oranges 4052852381123 SAT Nº406 Los Almendros , Avda. Doctor Jesús YES NO Marín López 8 Entl.B , 30500, , Molina del Segura (Murcia)

Peaches 4049929042100 Verdelena, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO Blanca - Murcia

GGN: 4052852830096 Nº acreditación SAI GLOBAL: Z1440295AS SAI GLOBAL acreditation No

Nº registro GlobalG.A.P: SAI-GLOBAL FV-ES-00544 Nº de certificado SAI GLOBAL: FV-ES 2016053103 GlobalG.A.P. registration No SAI GLOBAL certificate No

Fecha de impresión: 30/06/2016 Válido desde:30/05/2016 Issue Date Valid From Date

Decisión de certificación: 16/05/2016 Válido hasta: 29/05/2017 Certification Decision Date Expiry Date

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to either , or

Doc ID: 4670 Issue Date: 7th October 2015 © SAI Global Limited Copyright 2007 - ABN 67 050 611 642 page 9 of 10

Peaches 4049929271425 Sarqui, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , Blanca YES NO - Murcia

Plums 4049929728387 SAT Nº 4515 Los Naranjos , La Alcayna s/n , YES NO 30500, , Molina de Segura - Murcia

Satsumas 4049929042100 Verdelena, SA , Ctra. Jumilla, Km. 36 , 30540, , YES NO Blanca - Murcia

Satsumas 4052852518536 PROBELCASA, S.L. , Yechas -Mula , 30550, , Murcia YES NO

GGN: 4052852830096 Nº acreditación SAI GLOBAL: Z1440295AS SAI GLOBAL acreditation No

Nº registro GlobalG.A.P: SAI-GLOBAL FV-ES-00544 Nº de certificado SAI GLOBAL: FV-ES 2016053103 GlobalG.A.P. registration No SAI GLOBAL certificate No

Fecha de impresión: 30/06/2016 Válido desde:30/05/2016 Issue Date Valid From Date

Decisión de certificación: 16/05/2016 Válido hasta: 29/05/2017 Certification Decision Date Expiry Date

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to either , or

Doc ID: 4670 Issue Date: 7th October 2015 © SAI Global Limited Copyright 2007 - ABN 67 050 611 642 page 10 of 10