US 2005O250739A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0250739 A1 christian et al. (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 10, 2005

(54) PHARMACEUTICAL DOPAMINE wherein, GLYCOCONJUGATE COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF THEIR PREPARATION AND Ring 1 comprises an aryl or heteroaryl ring having 4 to USE 8 carbon atoms, among which atoms are counted X" and *Y"; (76) Inventors: Samuel T. christian, Chelsa, AL (US); John S. Sundsmo, Vista, CA (US) each of X and Y is optional; X, when present is either Correspondence Address: -C(R)- or -C(R)-; Y, when present, is JOHN S. SUNDSMO either -CH2- or -CH-CH-; BIOMEDPATNET COM P.O. BOX 535 Z, Rs and Rs. are optional, and when present Z, Rs and VISTA, CA 92085 (US) Rs, together form a lower alkyl or a Substituted lower alkyl moiety; (21) Appl. No.: 10/625,645 N is part of either an amine or an amide linkage; (22) Filed: Jul. 22, 2003 E is a Saccharide which forms a linkage with N through Related U.S. Application Data a single bond from a carbon or oxygen atom thereof; (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/547,501, R and R are Selected form the group consisting of filed on Apr. 12, 2000. hydrogen, hydroxyl, halogen, halo-lower alkyl, Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/198,798, alkoxyl, alkoxyl-lower alkyl, halo-alkoxy, thioa filed on Jul. 18, 2002, now abandoned. Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/547,506, mido, amidoSulfonyl, alkoxylcarbonyl, carboxam filed on Apr. 12, 2000, now Pat. No. 6,548,484. ide, aminocarbonyl, and alkylamino-carbonyl, Publication Classification R and R are hydroxyl, (51) Int. Cl...... A61K 31/704 Rs and R, when present, are Selected from the group (52) U.S. Cl...... 514/62; 536/18.7 consisting of hydrogen, hydroxyl, alkoxyl, carbonyl, alkoxylcarbonyl, aminocarbonyl, alkylamino-carbo (57) ABSTRACT nyl and dialkylamino-carbonyl; and, Hydrophilic transportable N-linked glycosyl dopaminergic prodrug compounds according to FORMULAV and meth Re and R are Selected from the group consisting of ods of their use, hydrogen, hydroxyl, alkoxyl, carboxyl, alkoxylcar Formula V bonyl, aminocarbonyl, alkylamino-carbonyl and dia lylamino-carbonyl, with the proviso that Ring 1 is capable of binding to any of: a dopaminergic Selected from the group con sisting of a D1 receptor and a D5 receptor; a DAT transporter; a VMAT transporter; and, with the proviso that E is capable of binding to a GLUT transporter Selected from the group consisting of a GLUT1 receptor and a GLUT3 receptor.

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Figure 3

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Figure 6 Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 7 of 14 US 2005/0250739 A1

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US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

PHARMACEUTICAL DOPAMINE have been shown to lack the therapeutic potency of GLYCOCONJUGATE COMPOSITIONS AND Levodopa. Direct acting D2 agonists (e.g., bromocriptine, METHODS OF THEIR PREPARATION AND USE lisuride and pergolide) have shown limited efficacy in mono therapy and are primarily used as add-on therapy to L-Dopa. FIELD OF THE INVENTION Recent identification of novel structural classes of D1-se lective isochroman dopamine agonistS has led to renewed 0001. The invention relates generally to dopaminergic interest in possible use of D1 Selective agonists in treatments compositions and methods of their preparation and use for for Parkinson's and other neurological diseases. However, treating neurological diseases including Parkinson's and any interest in dopaminergic agonists has recently been related diseases. tempered by reports that direct neural injections of dopam ine may be toxic to certain neurons (e.g. Rabinovic et al., BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Luo et al.); possibly by overloading nascent vesicular 0002 Parkinson's disease reportedly affects one person monoamine transporters (e.g. Reveron et al.) and inducing in fifty over fifty years of age and one is twenty over Seventy. apoptosis (e.g. Hou et al.; Panet et al., Weingarten et al.) A degenerative disease of the nervous System described in through postulated formation of toxic dopamine oxidative 1817 and characterized by progressive loSS of nigrostriatal metabolites (e.g., Daily et al.) that might be transportable by neurons, a Shaking palsy with tremor at rest, muscular a dopamine transporter (DAT, Xia et al.). rigidity and slowneSS of movement, the possible etiology, 0006 L-dopa, Levodopa, Cardiodopa (an inhibitor of the cell biology, biochemistry and pathophysiology are still dopa decarboxylase), Deprenyl (inhibiting dopamine areas of intense speculation and ongoing research. Diseases degrading monoamine oxidase), Sinemet (a controlled related by clinical Symptomology, and progressive clinical release form of Levodopa) and their combinations and Symptomology in Parkinson's patients, include post-en derivatives Suffer from many major disadvantages. Com cephalitic Syndromes, Wilson's disease, Parkinsonism Sec monly these agents have poor aqueous Solubility and ondary to cerebrovascular trauma and Stroke, dementia, tively short half-lives. Observed side effects accompanying Alzheimer's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, psychomotor chronic use include motor fluctuation, dysfunctions, peak retardation, certain Schizophreniform behavior, anxiety and dose dyskinesia, requirements for frequent dosing, involun depression. The primary biochemical defect in Parkinson's tary movements, psychosis, confusion, Visual hallucinations, disease is loSS of nigrostriatal dopamine Synthesis. bradykinesia, rigidity, tremors, gastrointestinal and gen 0.003 Catecholamines including dopamine, norepineph tiourinary dyantonomia, hypotension and cognitive decline rine and epinephrine are produced by chromaffin cells in the (Hurtig, 1997). Often after 3-5 years of treatment patients adrenal medulla responding as a Specialized ganglion to develop complex dose-related unpredictable response fluc Sympathetic enervation from preganglionic fibers of the tuations usually leading to a progressive decrease in thera Splanchic nerve. However, catecholamines do not cross the peutic efficacy and also possible onset of Serious Side effects blood-brain barrier, hence, the need for synthesis within the Such as abnormal involuntary movements, end-of-dose dete CNS. L-Dopa, the precursor of dopamine, readily crosses rioration and abrupt near instantaneous on-off changes in the blood-brain barrier but is unstable and rapidly inacti patient disability. "Adaptation' by neural tissues to chronic vated in blood. Levodopa (a precursor of dopamine) and its administration is complex, and may include down-regula derivatives are used for treatments of Parkinson's disease. tion of dopamine receptor expression as well as metabolic Dopamine administered intravenously, while not crossing changes in post-striatal neurons. In certain patients dyski the blood brain barrier, binds D1-like and D2-like dopamine nesia and response fluctuations would desirably be con receptors in the periphery and is reportedly useful in certain trolled by continuous intravenous infusion of drug at a treatments for peripheral defects Such as congestive heart constant level, however, because of the low aqueous Solu failure and hypertension (e.g., Kuchel, 1999). bility of Levodopa this is not a feasible solution. In addition to these neurologic disadvantages, metabolism of oral dopa 0004 Pharmaceutical compositions for treatments of Par compounds to dopamine in the Stomach and gastrointestinal kinsonism include: Levodopa (e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 3,253,023, tract (even in the presence of decarboxylase inhibitors) can U.S. Pat. No. 3,405,159), Carbidopa (e.g., U.S. Pat. No. often lead to unwanted Side effects including Severe nausea 3,462.536), aminoindans (e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 5,891.923), and hypotension. Levodopa methyl and ethyl esters given benzhydrylamines (e.g., Diphenhydramine, U.S. Pat. No. orally Suffer many of these same problems. Thus, all current 2,427,878); benzenemethanamines (e.g., U.S. Pat. No. therapies suffer from serious side effects, bioavailability 2,599,000; U.S. Pat. No. 5,190,965), piperidines (e.g., problems, or both, and there has been a long-felt need for Budipine, U.S. Pat. No. 4,016,280; Biperiden, U.S. Pat. No. improved pharmaceutically active agents for metabolic 2,789,110; Trihexylphenidyl, U.S. Pat. No. 2,682.543), pyr replacement therapy in Parkinson's and related diseases rolidines (e.g., Procyclidine, U.S. Pat. No. 2,891,890), (Hurtig, 1997). There has also been a long-standing need for tropines (e.g., Benztropine, U.S. Pat. No. 2,595,405; Hyos improved dopaminergic catechol agonists with improved cyamine, Fodor et al. 1961), criptines (e.g., Bromocriptine, bioavailability and penetrability of myelinated nerves, i.e., U.S. Pat. No. 3,752,814) and ergolines (e.g. Pergolide, U.S. for peripheral use in treatments of e.g. hypertension and Pat. No. 4,166,182). congenital heart diseases. 0005 Metabolic replacement therapy compounds that are 0007 Molecular cloning studies have identified several endogenously converted to dopamine, e.g., Levodopa, genes encoding dopamine receptors. D1-like receptors, (rec results in stimulation of both D1-like and D2-like dopam ognized pharmacologically by the SCH23390 agonist), acti inergic families of receptors. While agonists are theoreti Vate adenylate cyclase resulting in increased intracellular cally Superior to Levodopa (i.e., because they should not be cAMP. Two gene products have been identified, i.e., D1A dependent on enzymatic conversion), in clinical use they and D1B. D1B may have been previously identified phar US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 macologically as D5 and may be responsible for SCH23390 in Figlewicz, 1999). Radiotracer imaging methods have Specific agonist activity. D2-like dopamine receptors, (rec been used to localize DAT (e.g., within the nucleus accum ognized pharmacologically by Spiperone and Sulpride ago bens and mid-brain regions) and D1 and D2 receptors (e.g., nists), appear to be encoded by three genes with multiple in nigrostrial pathways) in the brains of normal Subjects, as possible splice variants expressed in different brain regions, well as in patients with Parkinson's disease and neuropsy i.e., D2S, D2L, D3 and D4. D2-like receptors do not appear chiatric diseases Such as Schizophrenia (reviewed in Verho adenylate cyclase-linked and may decrease intercellular eff, 1999). Structure activity studies of antagonists have cAMP levels, perhaps a result of kinase-mediated phospho Suggested that: (i) the DAT transporter may be sensitive to rylation. D2-like receptorS have been identified as a poten N-substitution (Choi et al., 2000); (ii) N-phenyl-substituted tial target for development of anti-psychotic agents and analogues may inhibit transport (Prakash et al., 1999; Hus treatments for Schizoprenia, i.e., based on antipsychotic bands, et al., 1999); (iii) certain energetically unfavored boat effects of chlorpromazine occurring with resultant drug conformations of rings may have high affinity for DAT induced Parkinson's Symptoms and increased risk of tardive (Prakash et al., 1999); (iv) structural rearrangement of the dyskinesia. Schizoprenia is (at present) believed to result DAT protein may occur and be required for inward transport from hyperactive dopaminergic transmission in the (Chen et al., 2000;); (v) the DAT protein contains an meSolimbic region of the brain. While antipsychotic drugs endogenous Zn'" binding site (Loland et al., 1999); (vi) with fewer side-effects have been developed (e.g., haloperi DAT transporter function is Sensitive to aromatic Substitu dol, fluiphenazine, clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone), to tions (Husbands, et al., 1999); and, (vii) apparent ordered date, no consensus antipsychotic dopaminergic antagonist kinetics for DAT transporter function is Na' binding first, pharmacologic or receptor profile has emerged and then dopamine and then Cl. approaches under active consideration include: (i) combi 0010 Several tissue enzyme systems exist for altering nation approaches for blockade of D2-like and D1-like catecholamines, including dopamine. Monoamine oxidases, receptors as well as 5-HT, and et al., adrenergic receptors; MAO-A in neural tissues and MAO-B in other tissues (ii) Selective approaches for blocking D2 Subtypes, e.g., D3 including Stomach and intestine, are oxioreductases that and/or D4 or D2L/S and D4; and (iii) attempts to develop deaminate dopamine and other catecholamines with prefer partial agonists to compete with dopamine binding. ential activity manifest for 2-phenylethylamine and benzy 0008. In pharmacologic studies conducted over the past lamine. Catechol-O-methyltransferase is a cytosolic enzyme 20 years, the results seem to Suggest relatively Stringent that catalyzes addition of a methyl group, usually at the 3 Structural requirements for activation of the D1 receptors, position of a benzyl ring. O-methoxylated derivatives may particularly in regard to any nitrogen atoms present in the be further modified by conjugation with glucuronic acid. compound (e.g., see Seiler et al., 1991; Berger et al., 1989; Non-neuronal dopamine transporter uptake mechanisms Brewster et al., 1990; Kaiser et al., 1982; Dandridge et al., may also exist, e.g., in kidney (Sugamori et. al., 1999). 1984; Brewster et al. 1990; Weinstock et al., 1985; Riggs et 0011 Oral delivery of drugs constitutes special chemical al.; Seiler et al., 1982, Shah et al., 1996; Knoerzer et al., challenges, i.e., general Simultaneous requirements for intes 1994). In addition, the nature of the terminal group (i.e., tinal penetration, blood borne delivery, blood-brain-barrier amino), or presence or length of an n-alkyl chain (lorio et. penetrability and maintenance of functional (receptor bind al., 1986) may reportedly influence binding interactions at ing and/or metabolic) utility. CNS active drugs constitute yet D1 Sites. Based on experience with different pharmacoph additional Special and challenging problems, i.e., low pH ores, Several receptor models have been proposed (Seiler Stability (or protection) and intestinal transport. Intestinal and Markstein, 1989; Petersson et. al., 1990; Brewster et. al., intracellular transport mechanisms for amino acids, Vitamins 1990; Knoerzer et al., 1994; Snyder et. al., 1995; Minor et. and Sugars are varied. Glucose transport has recently been al., 1994). By comparison, pharmacologic Studies of D2-like reviewed (Takata et al., 1997). Transport mechanisms for receptorS Suggest Somewhat less rigid overall Structural glucose include intestinal transport vesicles and Na/glucose requirements, but also restrictions around any nitrogen co-transporters (SGLTs), i.e., driving active transport of atoms (e.g., see McDermed et al. 1979; Freeman and glucose and galactose acroSS the intestinal brush border by McDermed, 1982.; Liljefors et al., 1986; van de Waterbeemd harnessing Na' gradients acroSS the cell membrane. Net et al., 1987). rates of vesicle transport and exocytosis have been estimated 0009. The Na"/Cl dependent dopamine transporter, to be in the range of 10 thousand to 1 million per Second DAT1, granule System mediates calcium-dependent outward (Wright et. al., 1997). Missense mutations in SGLT1 report dopamine release into the Synaptic cleft and inward energy edly result in potentially lethal inability to transport glucose dependent dopamine vesicular re-uptake into the cytoplasm and galactose (Martin et. al., 1996). Certain Sugar specifici of presynaptic neurons. Loading of biosynthetic dopamine ty’s, Structural requirements and capabilities of Na'-depen into granules is effected by the vesicular monoamine trans dent glucose transport carriers have been investigated with porter (VMAT2; reviewed in Miller et. al., 1999). DAT may impure receptor membrane preparations, and/or mixtures of also control movements of other monoamines in brain receptors, with the findings that the glucosyl transporter in tissues. Cocaine, amphetamines, phencyclidine and certain human erythrocytes (i.e., GLUT1): (i) seems to require that anti-depressants and uptake inhibitors interfere with dopam the ring oxygen atoms at positions C1, C3, C4, and possibly ine transport by DAT (e.g., see Jones et al., 1999; Giros et. C6, be capable of forming hydrogen bonds with the trans al., 1992). DAT function may be regulated by steroid hor porter protein, and (ii) a hydrophobic group at C5 may mones, has second order dependence on Na" (Earles et al., increase affinity for the transporter (Barnett et al., 1973). 1999) and may be coupled (or uncoupled) to modulatory Intestinal glucose transporter mechanisms reportedly prefer: Second messenger Systems, (e.g., down-regulation of DAT (i) f-anomers to C.-anomers; (ii) B-D-glucose to f-D-galac accompanying activation of protein kinase C by phorbol tose; and, (iii) f-glucoside>O-glucoside>?-galactoside>C.- esters), and ionic currents (Melikian et al., 1999; reviewed galactoside. The C-anomers of glucose and galactose were US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 reportedly hydrolyzed to their aglycone constituents during N-methylnicotinic acid esters and amides, Bodor et. al., a non-Na'-dependent desglucosylation transport (Mizuma 1981 and 1983; PCT/US83/00725; U.S. Pat. No. 4,540,564); et. al., 1992, 1993, 1994). Apparently unrelated studies of derivatization to centrally acting amines (e.g., dihydropyri antiviral glycosides have reportedly found that: (i) C1 phe dinium quaternary amine derivatives, PCT/US85/00236); nyl-Substituted glycosides and para-Substituted butyl-phenyl and enclosing compounds in cyclodextrin complexes (e.g., derivatives may inhibit glucose transporters (Arita et. al., Yaksh et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,180,716). 1980); (ii) C1 O-acylglycoside derivatives with alkyl chains 0015) Neuraxial delivery of many cyclic and heterocyclic or carbonyl groups (as an aglycone Substituent) may act as compounds is problematic. Objects of the invention provide non-penetrating inhibitors of glucose transport new classes of CNS-active compounds which circumvent (Ramaswamy et. al., 1976); and (iii) 1-5-anhydroglucitol problems of low aqueous Solubility of dopaminergic com and 6-deoxyglucose may be transportable (Alvarado et. al., pounds and the varied transport, receptor binding and Sta 1960). Thus, like dopaminergic receptor binding, the art bility problems encountered with dopaminergic drugs, Suggests that Special chemical Structural requirements may including their relatively poor blood-brain barrier penetra exist for intestinal transport. bility. 0012 Unlike intestinal transport, neural glucose transport at the blood brain barrier appears to be mediated: (i) by SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION endothelial cells and a Sodium-independent facilitative 0016 Hydrophilic transportable N-linked glycosyl transporter known as GLUT1 (Kumagai et al., 1999); and dopaminergic prodrug compounds, their methods of prepa (ii) at neuronal cells by GLUT3 (Vannucci, S. J. et. al., 1998). GLUT1 also a predominant glucose transporter ration and uses are disclosed. The compounds are described expressed in human erythrocytes. Neural tissue is almost by the general structure of FORMULA I, entirely dependent on glucose transport for normal meta Formula I bolic activity because tissue Stores of glucose are low 0017 wherein: each of “-” constitutes a single (relative to demand). Thus, current understanding Suggest bond; the “A”-moiety constitutes a dopaminergic that GLUT1/3 competitive agents might have undesirable cyclic radical; the “B”-moiety constitutes a “bridg side effects. Specificity of neural GLUT1/3 is an area of ing” alkyl moiety; the “D'-moiety constitutes a active current investigation. nitrogen “linker'; and, the “E”-moiety constitutes a 0013 In mammals, glucuronidation of drug metabolites Saccharide as Set forth further below, e.g., a mono-, is common, e.g., involving the hepatic glucuronosyltrans di-, tri- or oligosaccharide. Preferred compounds ferase System and enzyme Systems in kidney and intestine. thus configured are: (i) ligands for a dopaminergic Catecholamine glucuronidation is reportedly an important receptor; (ii) transportable in an intact form by an metabolic pathway in the rat and dopamine glucuronides intestinal Saccharide transporter System; (iii) trans were reportedly identified in rat cerebrospinal fluid (Wang portable in an intact form by an endothelial blood et. al., 1983). Many drugs investigated for dopaminergic brain barrier Saccharide transporter System; (iv) agonists and antagonist properties are reportedly metabo transportable by neural dopamine transporters, and lized and/or excreted as glucuronides, e.g., SCH23390 (a (v) metabolizable to provide a metabolic replace Schering prototype D1 receptor antagonist, Barnett, et. al., ment therapy. 1992), CGS15873 (a Ciba-Geigy dopamine agonist; Leal et. al., 1992), Carmoxirole (a Merck dopamine agonist; Meyer BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES et. al., 1992), Olanzapine (a Lilly dopaminergic compound; 0018 FIG.1. MPTP treatment of mice resulted in neural Mattiuzet. al. 1997) and CP-93,393 (a Pfizer anxiolytic drug leisions that Significantly reduced coordination and balance candidate; Prakash et. al., 1998). Within this general class of as measured by the time animals were able to remain on a cyclic Parkinson's drugs, Several investigators have Sug Slowly rotating rod, “Rota-Rod', as depicted graphically in gested glucuronidation as one common mechanism for tar the figure and as set forth further in regard to EXAMPLE 13, geting removal of phenolic drugs by urinary and biliary below. Rota-Rod performance times of C57BL/6 mice excretion, e.g., Mico et al., 1986 (indolone agonists); Ger before and after lesioning with MPTP, or as a negative ding et. al., 1990 (N-0437, a tetralin agonist); Wang et. al., control, NaCl. 1983 (catecholamines); Green et. al., 1996 (hydroxylated and carboxylated phenolic compounds); Pocchiariet. al., 0.019 FIG.2. MPTP-lesioned mice (FIG. 1) were treated 1986 (Ibopamine); Claustreet. al., 1990 and Alexander et. with COMPOUND #1 twice daily and tested for Rota-Rod al., 1984 (dopamine). Shindo et al., 1973 reportedly studied performance times at weekly intervals as depicted graphi absorption of L- and D-dopa in vitro in ligated rat intestinal cally in the figure and Set forth further in regard to loops and found active transport and metabolism to dopam EXAMPLE 13, below. ine glucuronides. 0020 FIG. 3. Significant improvements in Rota-rod per 0.014. The blood brain barrier effectively limits neuraxial formance times were observed in COMPOUND if1-treated delivery of many pharmaceutically active compounds, MPTP-leisioned mice (FIG. 1), i.e., as as depicted graphi including dopamine. Approaches disclosed for delivering cally in the figure and Set forth further in regard to drugs to the brain include lipophilic additions and modifi EXAMPLE 13, below. (p<0.05.) cations of hydrophilic drugs, (e.g., N-methylpyridinium-2- 0021 FIG. 4. Washout experiments to determine how carbaldoxime chloride; 2-PA; U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,929,813 and long therapeutic effects remained evident after cessation of 3,962,447; Bodor et al., 1976, 1978 and 1981); linkage of COMPOUND #1 therapy in MPTP-leisioned mice, i.e., as as prodrugs to biologically active compounds, (e.g., phenyl depicted graphically in the figure and Set forth further in ethylamine coupled to nicotinic acid and modified to form regard to EXAMPLE 13, below. (p<0.05). US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

0022 FIG. 5. The effects of COMPOUND #1 were DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE tested in the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) rat nigrostri PREFERRED EMBODIMENT atal-leision model and rotational behavior induced by apo morphine, i.e., as depicted graphically in the figure and Set 0032) Objects of the invention provide improved novel chemical entities (NCEs) for metabolic replacement therapy forth further in regard to EXAMPLE 14, below. in Parkinson's and related disease. Objects of the invention 0023 FIG. 6. Treatment of 6-OHDA leisioned rats (FIG. also provide dopaminergic NCES with Simultaneously 5) with COMPOUND #1 significantly decreased apomor enhanced hydrophilicity, i.e., facilitating blood-borne trans phine-induced rotation in 6-hydroxydopamine-leisioned port; improved intestinal transport; improved blood-brain animals, i.e., as depicted graphically in the figure and Set barrier endothelial transport; and improved neuronal trans forth further in regard to EXAMPLE 14, below. (p<0.05). port. In other objects, the invention provides NCEs that are N-Substituted dopaminergic compounds that, unexpectedly, 0024 FIG. 7. Nurr1 genetically deficient stem-cell fulfill the Structural binding requirements of dopaminergic knockout mice wre treated with COMPOUND if 1 or Saline receptorS despite their N-Substitution. In yet other objects, and observed weekly for RotoRod performance (time) as the invention provides a NCES comprising dopaminergic depicted graphically in the figure and Set forth further in (dihydroxy-phenyl-)glycosyl-compounds which, unexpect regard to EXAMPLE 15, below. *p-0.05. edly, do not inhibit intestinal glucose transporters, but 0025 FIG.8. Washout of COMPOUND #1 treatment in instead, are transportable by these proteins. In other objects, Nurr1 deficient mice as evidenced by returining disability in the invention provides N-Substituted compounds unexpect the Rota-Rod performance time measurements (FIG. 1) of edly transportable by dopamine transporters (DAT) in the animals after removal of therapy, i.e., as depicted graphi brain. In still other objects, the invention provides N-phenyl cally in the figure and as Set forth further in regard to derivatives that do not inhibit DAT. In other objects, the EXAMPLE 15, below. *p-0.05. invention provides N-phenyl derivative compounds that 0.026 FIG. 9 schematically depicts the disclosed regula bind DAT and do not inhibit normal loading of Na" and Cl tory mechanisms operative at the Tyrosine Hydroxylase by DAT, or inhibit normal Structural conformational changes gene by cis- and trans-acting elements affecting the pro in the DAT protein required for inward transport of dopam moter region of the gene, i.e., as Set forth further in regard ine. In other objects the invention provides domaminergic to EXAMPLE 17, below. In FIG. 9-12, positive (+) signs agonist and partial agonist compounds that do not down asSociated with arrows depict that the factor at the beginning regulate transporter function, e.g., by activating a cellular of the arrow increases expression or activity of the factor at protein kinase. In other objects, the invention provides the arrow head; negative (-) signs depict that the indicated compounds that are not modified by monoamine oxidases, factor decreases expression or activity; and, all indicated catechol-O-methyltransferase or glucuronidation mecha nisms operative in the intestine and Stomach. In Still other activities are as they would occur in wild-type neural cells objects, the invention provides dopaminergic prodrug NCES in the Substantia nigra. which, unexpectedly, are not metabolized or glucuronidated 0.027 FIG. 10 schematically depicts the disclosed regu by intestinal transport mechanisms, and instead, are trans latory mechanisms operative at the GLUT1 (vascular endot ported intact. In Still other objects, the invention provides a helial glucose transporter) gene by cis- and trans-acting class of dopaminergic NCES that, unexpectedly, do not alter elements affecting the promoter region of the gene, i.e., as intestinal or brain glucose or dopamine transport in an set forth further in regard to EXAMPLE 17, below. adverse manner. In other objects, the invention provides dopamine NCES having a high degree of innate aqueous 0028 FIG. 11 schematically depicts the disclosed regu Solubility, e.g., up to 500 mg/ml. Thus, in other objects the latory mechanisms operative at the GLUT3 (neural glucose invention provides hydrophilic therapeutic NCE prodrug transporter) gene by cis- and trans-acting elements affecting pharmaceutical compositions which, when administered the promoter region of the gene, i.e., as Set forth further in orally are Sequentially transportable in an intact form acroSS regard to EXAMPLE 17, below. the intestine, are also transportable in blood; are also trans 0029 FIG. 12 schematically depicts the disclosed regu portable across the blood brain barrier; are transportable by latory mechanisms operative at the DAT (dopamine re DAT transporters, and are capable of binding to dopamine uptake neural transporter) gene by cis- and trans-acting receptors. In other objects, the invention provides pharma elements affecting the promoter region of the gene, i.e., as ceutical compositions for metabolic replacement therapy in set forth further in regard to EXAMPLE 17, below. Subjects with Parkinsonism and related diseases. In yet other objects, because the Special aqueous Solubility of the instant 0030 FIG. 13 schematically depicts the disclosed regu NCE prodrug compounds, the invention provides novel latory mechanisms operative at the Nurr gene by cis- and pharmaceutical compositions containing relatively high con trans-acting elements affecting the promoter region of the centrations of active ingredients allowing administration of gene, i.e., as set forth further in regard to EXAMPLE 17, a therapeutically effective unit dose in a relatively Small below. Volume, i.e., a particular advantage for multi-dose, timed 0.031 FIG. 14 schematically depicts coordinate regula release, Subcutaneous and intradermal, intranasal, buccal, tory mechanisms exerted by SP1, SP2, Nurr1 and Nurr12 at and trouch pharmaceutical compositions, as well as for the gene regulatory regions of the DAT, VMAT2 (the pharmaceutical compositions designed to achieve Steady dopamine vesicular storage transporter), TH, GLUT1, State plasma concentrations. In Still other objects, the inven GLUT3, D1A (Dopaminergic receptor-1A) and membrane tion provides bioavailable dopaminergic NCE prodrugs transporters Adenine nucleotide translocate-2 and beta-ga lacking in a reactive carboxylic acid, making co-adminis lactosidase-Sialyltransferase, i.e., as Set forth further in tration of a decarboxylase or a monoamine oxidase inhibitor regard to EXAMPLE 17, below. unnecessary in a treatment for Parkinson's disease. In other US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 objects, the invention provides dopaminergic NCE prodrug 0035. For purposes of organizing the following disclo compounds that may be activatable by a brain amidase, e.g., Sure, as well as, improved understanding of the Scope and glucosaminidase, galactosaminidase and the like. In other breadth of the instant compounds and their constituent objects, the invention provides dopaminergic NCE prodrug structure, embodiments of the invention are described by the compounds that may be capable of promoting their own general structure of FORMULA I, transport by upregulating expression and transport rates of intestinal Saccharide transporters in gastrointestinal cells. In “A-B-D-E Formula I other objects, the invention provides dopaminergic prodrug 0036 wherein: each of “-” constitutes a single NCE compounds comprising a Saccharide-transporter-en bond; the “A”-moiety constitutes a dopaminergic hancing functionality, (i.e., a dopaminergic moiety), that cyclic radical; the “B”-moiety constitutes a “bridg may compensate for Parkinson's malabsorption, erratic gas ing” alkyl moiety; the “D'-moiety constitutes a trointestinal absorption, irregular gastric contractions, and nitrogen “linker'; and, the “E”-moiety constitutes a the like. In Still other objects, the invention provides dopam Saccharide as Set forth further below, e.g., a mono-, inergic NCE prodrug compounds comprising a dopamine di-, tri- or oligosaccharide. While certain preferred receptor-enhancing functionality (i.e., a Sugar or oligosac instant compounds according to FORMULAI are set charide moiety) capable of upregulating dopaminergic forth below as representative examples, i.e., FOR receptor function, i.e., particularly useful in advanced Par MULAS VII and VIII, below, whereby certain of the kinsonism where a limited number of functional nigrostriatal preferred constituents are disclosed, before address neurons may be available and possible glutamate-induced ing the Specifics, the meanings of general terms dyskinesia is evident. In other objects, the invention pro relating to FORMULAI are provided as follows: vides Stable dopaminergic pharmaceutical compositions namely, Suitable for transcutaneous delivery, i.e., not possible with 0037) “Dopaminergic cyclic radical”, as used in reference many prior dopa compounds because of their chemical to the “A-moiety”, FORMULA I (Supra), is intended to instability. mean a group according to FORMULA II, below, (as 0033) Applicants do not believe it has been appreciated, depicted linked through a single bond to the B-moiety, until now, that a single chemical entity can affect glucose Supra): transporters and dopamine receptors to promote its own transport and receptor binding. Fischer et al., 1995 reported that tryptamine, 5-OH-tryptamine and dopamine may elicit Formula II about a 3-5 fold increase in glucose transport with about 1.8- R and 1.5-fold increases in the amount of cell Surface GLUT1 and GLUT4 transporters, respectively. Whitfield et al., 1974 R2 R4 Suggested that catecholamines, including dopamine, might 1. Stimulate carrier-mediated transport of 3-O-methylglucose R1 X YS Ro and galactose in avian erythrocytes. Coffey et al., 1994 Suggested that binding of a radiolabeled tropane to a rat B striatal membrane dopamine receptors might be increased in the presence of Sucrose, fructose and mannose, but not dextrose or N-methyl-D-glucosamine (Coffey, et al. 1994). 0.038 wherein, These respective reports utilized Separate dopaminergic and Sugar chemical entities, not a Single chemical entity, to 0039 Ring 1 comprises am optionally substituted achieve their measured results. cyclic or heterocyclic ring, or an optionally Substi tuted aromatic ring, composed of about 4 to about 8 0034 Embodiments of the invention provide dopaminer carbon atoms, among which are counted “X” and gic compounds having improved hydrophilicity, bioavail “Y”; preferably, Ring 1 comprises an optionally ability and blood brain barrier penetration. In other embodi Substituted aryl or heteroaryl ring, and most prefer ments, the invention provides novel compounds capable of ably, a Substituted aryl ring, wherein, R, R2, R and binding to a dopaminergic receptor, a dopamine transporter R comprise the Subject optional ring Substituents, and a glucose transporter protein. In other embodiments, the invention provides dopaminergic pro-drug compounds that 0040 each of X and Y are optional and when present are transportable by all of the following: namely, intestinal comprise a carbon atom, a halogen atom or a lower transporters, blood transporters and blood-brain-barrier alkyl, preferably, a carbon atom or a lower alkyl transporters. In yet other embodiments, the invention pro chain having 2 carbon atoms, most preferably a vides dopaminergic prodrug compounds comprising glyco Single carbon atom; Syl-pro-drug compounds that are: (i) ligands for a dopam inergic receptor; (ii) transportable in an intact form by an 0041 Ro comprises hydrogen; intestinal Saccharide transporter System; (iii) transportable in 0042 R, R or R comprise a group selected from an intact form by an endothelial blood brain barrier saccha among hydrogen, hydroxyl, halogen, halo-lower ride transporter System; (iv) transportable by neural dopam alkyl, alkoxy, alkoxy-lower alkyl, halo-alkoxy, ine transporters; and (V) metabolizable to provide metabolic thioamido, amidoSulfonyl, alkoxycarbonyl, carboxa replacement therapy. In yet other embodiments, the inven mide, amino-carbonyl, and alkylamine-carbonyl, tion provides novel dopaminergic agonist and partial agonist compounds finding a variety of different potential therapeu 0043 R comprises hydroxyl; and, preferably, both tic uses in treating peripheral diseases including e.g., con R and R comprise hydroxyl and R and R com gestive heart disease and hypertension. prise hydrogen. US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

0044) “Bridge', when used in reference to the B-moiety, prises compounds having the general Structure according to of FORMULA I (Supra), is intended to mean a group FORMULA V: namely, according to FORMULA m, below, (as depicted linked through Single bonds to each of the A-moiety and the D-moiety, Supra): Formula V R R2 R4 Formula III 1. X Y. R 1 n Ro R R5N 1 s'

0045 wherein, 0046 Z is optional and when present comprises a lower alkyl optionally substituted with Rs and Rs; preferably, Z is absent or a lower alkyl comprising 1 0050 wherein, the constituents of Formula V are as or 2 carbon atoms, most preferably, Z is absent or a set forth above; the relationship of “Z” with Rs. Rs', one carbon atom; and, Rs and Rs. (when present) and Re and R. may be cis or trans, and, the relationship Re and Re (when present) are groups selected from of “N” with R. R. R., “Z”, and “E” may be either among hydrogen, hydroxyl, alkoxyl, carboxyl, cis or trans. alkoxylcarbonyl, aminocarbonyl, alkylamino-carbo nyl and dialkylamino-carbonyl. 0051. “Saccharide” is intended to mean a mono-, di-, tri 0047 “Linker”, when used in reference to the D-moiety, or oligosaccharide made up of n Sugar Subunits linked to FORMULA I (supra), is intended to mean an optionally each other by glycosidic bonds, which Subunits, when n is R7-substituted amide or amine linking the B-moiety with the greater than 1, may be the same or different in respect to: (i) E-moiety, i.e., through each of two Single bonds, according the type of constituent Sugar residues (e.g., homo- or het to FORMULA IV, below (depicted linking the B- and eropolymeric); and, (ii) the localization of axial and equa E-moieties of FORMULAI): namely, torial ring Substituents, i.e., Rs (Supra); (iii) the number of carbon atoms (i.e., Co Supra); and (iv) the ring carbon locations and orientations of hydroxyl groups. Formula IV 0052 “Sugar, used interchangeably with monosaccha ride, when used in reference to constituents groups of the “E-moiety” (Supra), is intended to mean a Substituted or unsubstituted Sugar residue having 3 carbon atoms (triose), 4 carbons (tetraose), 5 carbons (pentose), 6 carbons (hex ose), 7 carbons (heptose), 8 carbons (octose) or 9 carbon 0048 wherein, N comprises a nitrogen atom of a atoms (nonose). FORMULA VIa, VIb, VIc and VId illus primary or Secondary amine or an amide, preferably trate the interrelated Straight chain, hemiacetal and acetal R, is a hydrogen or methyl, most preferably, R, is forms of a hexose Sugar, i.e., depicted in FORMULAVIa hydrogen. and VIb using a modified Fischer projection formula, and 0049. Thus, according to the foregoing disclosure, the depicted in FORMULAS VIc and VId using modified assemblage of constituents A-B-D-E (FORMULAI) com Haworth projection formulas:

CH R12 R11 O R8 O R8 R R10 --- R10

R11 Ro Ro CH-R12

Formula VIa Formula Vb Formula VIc Formula VId US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

0.053 wherein, 0059 Substituents Rs, Ro, Rio, R and R (according to FORMULAS VIa-VId) are selected from hydroxyl, hydro 0054) The bi-directional arrows between FORMULAS gen, methyl, halogen, lower alkyl, halo-lower alkyl, alkoxyl, VIa, VIb, VIc and VId are intended to mean that the subject ketone, carboxyl, amine, amido, N-acetyl, N-methyl, Sugar residues are interconvertible between Straight chain, N-linked lower alkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkylaminocarbonyl, aldosyl, furanosyl and pyranosyl forms at Some equilibrium dialkylaminocarbonyl, phosphate, Sulfate, and thiol. In cer constant; and, while for purposes of illustration the Fischer and Hayworth formulas are set forth in FORMULAS Va, tain alternative embodiments, R may be a monosaccharide Vb, Vc and Vd depicting the configuration of a glucosyl or disaccharide, with the proviso that R when present as a residue, the Scope of the invention is not intended to be So Substituent in a monosaccharide glucosyl Sugar R2 is not limited, as Set forth further in the accompanying disclosure, carboxyl, i.e., the instant Sugar is not a C-glucuronic acid; below; 0060 Preferably, two of either Rs, R. R. R. and R. are hydroxyl; most preferably, Ro and R2 are hydroxyl. 0055) The numbers “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6” and the like appearing in FORMULAVIa and VIb, are intended, to 0061 Representative examples of E-moiety Sugar resi refer to particular numbered carbon atoms in the respective dues include the following: namely, polyhydroxy C-alde different Sugar residues, e.g., C, C, C, C, Cs and C, (i.e., hydes (e.g. aldoses and ketoaldoses); polyols resulting from CHOH). In certain optional embodiments, carbon atoms e.g., reduction of the Caldehyde carbonyl to a hydroxyl depicted in FORMULAS VIa, VIb, VIc and VId may be (e.g., alditols and ketoses); polyhdyroxy acids resulting e.g., optional, e.g., in trioses C, C and C are absent. In aldoses, from oxidation of the Caldehyde and/or the chain terminal according to convention, positional numbering of carbon hydroxyl (e.g., aldonic, ketoaldonic, aldaric and ketoal atoms is initiated from the chain terminal aldehyde and in daric); amino-Sugars resulting from replacement of any ketoses, from the chain terminal carbon atom nearest the hydroxyl in the chain with an amino (e.g., aldosamines and ketone. In alternative embodiments, C, C and C (FOR ketosamines); aldehydo-acids resulting e.g. from oxidation MULAS VIa, VIb, VIc and VId) are optional; preferably, C. of only the chain terminal hydroxyl in an aldehydo-Sugar is present; most preferably, all of C, C and C are present; (e.g., uronic acids and keto-uronic acids); and their various lactones, i.e., cyclic esters of hydroxy carboxylic acids 0056. The optional dotted line connecting the Cs containing one 1-oxacycloalkan-2-one Structure. The Subject oxygen atom to the C carbon atom (FORMULA SugarS may be Straight chains and/or cyclic 0.3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, VIb) is intended to mean an optional ester bond, in 7-, 8- and 9-membered Sugar residues (e.g., hemiacetals and the absence of which bond FORMULAVIb is acy acetals) optionally substituted and linked with the D-moiety clic as depicted in FORMULA VIa; as set forth, Supra. Representative triosyl residues include 0057. In certain embodiments, the linkage of the the aldoses D- and L-glyceraldehyde and derivatives thereof E-moiety to the D-moiety amine or amide (Supra) e.g., glyceraldehyde and glyceric acid phosphates, the keto occurs through a single bond formed between the SugarS D- and L-dihydroxyacetone and derivatives thereof. Subject amine or amide nitrogen and either of the C, Representative tetraoSyl residues include the aldoses D- and C, C, C, Cs or C carbon atoms of the Subject L-erythrose, threose, Streptose and apiose, the keto-Sugars sugar (FORMULAS VIa-VId). Preferably, with D- and L-erythrulose, and derivatives thereof. Representa hexosyl residues the linkage is between the D-moiety tive pentosyl residues include the D- and L-aldoses ribose, amine or amide and the C, C, C, or Cs carbon, most arabinose, Xylose and lyxose, the D- and L-ketoseS ribulose preferably, the linkage is between the D-moiety and Xylulose, and, derivatives thereof. Representative heXo amine or amide and the C or C. carbon. Preferably, Syl residues include aldosyl, furanosyl and pyranosyl Sugars, with pentosyl residues (i.e., the C residue depicted e.g., cyclic and acyclic D- and L-aldoses Such as allose, in FORMULAS VIa-VId is absent), linkage is altrose, glucose, mannose, gulose, idose, galactose, talose, between the D-moiety amine or amide and the C or fructose, glucono-1,4-lactone, glucaro-1,4:6,3-dilactone, Cs carbon atom (i.e., as depicted in FORMULAS gluconofuranono-6,3-lactone; the ketoseS ribo-heXulose, VIa-VId). Preferably, with tetraosyl residues (i.e., arabino-heXulolose, Xylo-heXulose and lyxo-heXulose; and when both C and C of FORMULAS VIa-VId are derivatives thereof. Representative 7-membered residues absent), linkage is between the D-moiety amine or (i.e., heptosyl residues) include e.g., Sedoheptulose and amide and the Cs or C carbon atom (i.e., as depicted derivatives thereof, and, representative 9-membered resi in FORMULAS VIa-VId). Preferably, with triosyl dues (i.e., nonosyl residues) include N-acetylneuraminic residues (i.e., when C., C and C of FORMULAS acid and derivatives thereof. Also representative are, VIa-VId are absent), linkage is between the D-moi 2-deoxy-ribose, 6-deoxyglucose and 2-deoxyglucose, ety amine or amide and the Cs or C carbon (i.e., as Xyloascorbyllactone, digitoxose (2-deoxyaltromethylose), depicted in FORMULAS VIa-VId). Most preferably, fucose (6-deoxy-galactose), gluconolactone, galaconolac the E-moiety is hexosyl and linkage is between the tone, rhamnose (6-deoxy-mannose), fructose (2-keto-arabo hexose), aldaric acids, alditols, aldonic acids, ketoaldonic D-moiety amine or amide and the C, C, or C. acids, and amino Sugars, with the proviso that the E-moiety carbon atoms. is not a cyclodextrin. Representative alditols include e.g., 0.058. The E-moiety optional substitutions according to erythritol, threitol, ribitol, arabinitol, Xylitol, lyxitol, gluci FORMULAS VIa, VIb, VIc and VId comprise Rs, R., Rio, tol, alloSitol, altrositol, mannositol, gulositol, idositol, galac R and R2, preferably, when the D-moiety forms a carbon tositol, taloSitol and their derivatives. Representative aldonic to nitrogen bond with C, then Rs is hydrogen; preferably, acids include erythronic acid, threonic acid, ribonic acid, when the D-moiety forms a carbon to nitrogen bond with C, arabinonic acid, Xylonic acid, lyxonic acid, gluconic acid, then Ro is hydrogen; when the D-moiety forms a carbon allonic acid, altronic acid, mannonic acid, gulonic acid, to-nitrogen bond with C, then Rio is hydrogen; when the idonic acid, galactonic acid, tolonic acid and their deriva D-moiety forms a carbon-to-nitrogen bond with C, then R tives. Representative ketoaldonic acids include erythro-tet is hydrogen; most preferably, the D-moiety forms a carbon rauloSonic acid, threo-tetrauloSonic acid, ribo-pentuloSonic to-nitrogen bond with either of C or C. acid, arabino-pentuloSonic acid, Xylo-pentuloSonic acid, US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

lyxo-pentuloSonic acid, gluco-heXuloSonic acid, allo-heXu mono-, di- and tri-saccharides and transportable by Saccha loSonic acid, altro-heXuloSonic acid, manno-heXuloSonic ride transporters in mammals, most preferably, when present acid, gulo-heXuloSonic acid, ido-heXuloSonic acid, galacto as an oligosaccharide the Subject E-moiety comprises a heXuloSonic acid, talo-heXuloSonic acid and their deriva residue Selected from the group of metabolizable di-and tives. Representative aldaric acids include erythraric acid, tri-saccharides consisting of: (i) homopolymerS Such as an threaric acid, ribaric acid, arabinaric acid, Xylaric acid, erythran, a threan, a riban, an arabinan, a Xylan, a lyxan, an ly Xaric acid, allaric acid, altraric acid, glucaric acid, man allan, an altran, a glucan (e.g. maltose, isomaltose, cello naric acid, gularic acid, idaric acid, galactaric acid, talaric biose), a mannan, a gulan, an idan, a galactan, a talan and acid and their derivatives. Representative of amino Sugar their Substituted derivatives; (ii) heteropolymerS Such as include erhtyrosamine, threosamine, ribosamine, arabi erythrosides, threosides, ribosides, arabinosides, XyloSides, nosamine, Xylosamine, lyxosamine, allosanine, altrosamine, lyxoSides, alloSides, altrosides, glucosides (e.g., Sucrose; glucosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, N-methlglucosamine (Glc-?31,4-Frc), galactosides (e.g., lactose; Gal-f1.4-Glc), mannosamine, gulosamine, idosamine, galactosamine, mannosides, gulosides, idosides, taloSides and their Substi talosamine and their derivatives. Representative uronic acids tuted derivatives. Other representative oligosaccharides include erythroSuronic acid, threoSuronic acid, ribosuronic include the following: namely, Sucrose glycogen, fucosi acid, arabinoSuronic acid, XyloSuronic acid, lyxoSuronic dolactose, lactulose, lactobionic acid, amylose, fructose, acid, alloSuronic acid, altroSuronic acid, glucuronic acid, fructofuranose, Scillabiose, panose, raffinose, armylopectin, mannoSuronic acid, guloSuronic acid, idoSuronic acid, galac hyaluronic acid, chondroitin Sulfate, heparin, laminarin, toSuronic acid, taloSuronic acid and their derivatives. Rep lichenin and inulin. Preferably, the subject E-moiety, when resentative keto-uronic acids include keto-erythroSuronic present as an oligosaccharide, is Selected from the group acid, keto-threoSuronic acid, keto-ribosuronic acid, keto consisting of glucosyl and galactosylhomo- and heteropoly arabinoSuronic acid, keto-XyloSuronic acid, keto-lyxoSu mers, e.g., glucans, galactans, glucosides and galactosides. ronic acid, keto-alloSuronic acid, keto-altroSuronic acid, The subject E-moiety is not a cyclodextrin or derivative keto-glucuronic acid, keto-mannoSuronic acid, keto-guloSu thereof. ronic acid, keto-idoSuronic acid, keto-galactoSuronic acid, 0067 Thus according to the foregoing disclosure, keto-taloSuronic acid and their derivatives. Representative embodiments of the invention provide a variety of com lactones include erythrolactone, threolactone, ribolactone, pounds which are within the spirit and bounds of the instant arabinolactone, Xyloslactone, lyxoslactone, allolactone, invention. For example, FORMULAVIIa and VIIb, below, altrolacone, glucolactone, mannolactone, gulolactone, idola depict an illustrative E-moiety aldose hexosyl Sugar (FOR ctone, galactolactone, talolactone and their derivatives. MULAVIIa) linked at C with A-B-D and interconvertible 0.062 Preferably, the subject E-moiety comprises an with its pyranose form (FORMULAVIIIb). aldose or ketose pentose or hexose Sugar Selected from the group consisting of D- and L-enantiomers of ribose, glucose, galactose, mannose, arabinose, allose, altrose, gulose, idose, talose and their substituted derivatives. Most preferably, the Subject E-moiety comprises an aldose pentosyl or hexosyl Sugar Selected from ribose, glucose, galactose, glucosamine, galactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalac tosamine, N-acetyl ribosamine, Xylose, mannose and arabi OSC. 0.063 “Di-saccharide', when used in regard to the subject E-moiety, is intended to mean a polymeric assemblage of 2 Sugar residues. Representative examples of disaccharides include homo-polymeric (e.g., maltose and cellobiose) and hetero-polymeric (e.g., lactose and Sucrose) assemblages of Sugars as Set forth Supra. 0.064 “Tri-saccharide', when used in regard to the Sub ject E-moiety, is intended to mean a polymeric assemblage of 3 Sugar residues, e.g., as Set forth Supra. 0065 “Oligosaccharide', when used in relation to the Subject E-moiety, is intended to mean a polymeric assem blage of about 4 to about 10 constituent homo-monosaccha ride Sugars (i.e., all the same constituent) or hetero Formula VIIa Formula VIIb. monosaccharide (i.e., different constituent) Sugars. Each of the Subject constituent SugarS is linked one-to-another in a Serial array through a Series of glycosyl bonds formed 0068 wherein the X, Y, Z and R-R are as set forth between the C and C carbon atoms, or alternatively, in regard to FORMULA I, Supra. between the C and C carbon atoms, or alternatively, 0069. Those of skill in the art will recognize varied between the C, and C carbon atoms, with the proviso that Synthetic routes for assembling test compounds from the when the E-moiety is according to FORMULA VIa, VIb, constituents Set forth in the foregoing disclosure. The Skill VIc or VId and comprises glycosidic linkage at C1-C, then for determining the functionality of a test compound accord Rs and R are hydrogen, when linkage is at C-C, then Rs ing to the invention is also known in the art. For instance, and Ro are hydrogen, and when linkage is at C1-C, then "% assays for measuring ligand binding to dopaminergic recep and R2 are hydrogen. tors are known as are assays for determining that a test 0.066 Preferably, the subject di-, tri- and oligosaccharide compound is transportable by a Saccharide transporter. (Fur E-moieties are metabolizable and/or acid hydrolyzable to ther disclosure of illustrative testing methods being provided US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 in the accompanying disclosure below.) In other presently hydroxyl, alkoxyl, or halogen, preferably hydrogen, preferred embodiments, the invention provides N-linked lower alkyl, halogen- or hydroxyl-Substituted lower transportable and metabolizable dopaminergic compounds alkyl, haloalkoxy, hydroxyl, alkoxyl, alkoxycarbo according to FORMULAS VIIIA and VIIIB, which follow nyl, thioalkoxy or halogen, or a monosaccharide, on the next page. disaccharide, trisaccharide or oligosaccharide. Most preferably, R is hydrogen, hydroxyl or Substituted lower alkyl. FORMULAVIIIA 0078. In alternative embodiments, compounds according R12 to FORMULAVIIIA or VIIIB are provided in which R and R comprise a group Selected from the group consisting of R11 hydrogen, hydroxyl, halogen, hydroxyl Substituted lower O alkyl, halogen Substituted lower alkyl and carboxyl, prefer 2 ably, R and R comprise hydrogen, hydroxyl or halogen. R R R4 R 10 8 IT 0079 AS used herein, the following additional terms are Nn 1. intended to have meanings as follows: namely, 1. (CH2)m 0080) “Halogen' is intended to mean a fluorine, chlorine, R3 CH)n2 bromine, or Sulfur atom or ion or group. Preferred halo groups are chlorine, bromine, thiol and Sulfonyl and most R2 R1 preferred, chlorine. FORMULAVIIIB 0081 “Lower alkyl is intended to mean a hydrocarbon chain containing fewer than Six carbon atoms, preferably R12 fewer than four and most preferably two or 3 carbon atoms. Representative lower alkyl groups include methyl, ethyl, R11 n-propyl, i-propyl, n-butyl, t-butyl and i-butyl. Presently O preferred alkyls are methyl, ethyl or i-propyl, and most 2 preferably, ethyl. R4 R. R10 R8 T 0082 "Substituted lower alkyl” is intended to mean a NS 1. lower alkyl in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms are 1. (CH2)m replaced by a Substituent group. Representative Substituent R3 CH)n2 groups include hydroxy, alkoxy, halogen, amino, amido, carboxyl, thiol, Sulfonyl, methoxy and the like. R2 R1 0083) “Halo-lower alkyl” is intended to mean a lower alkyl in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms on the hydrocarbon chain has been replaced by a halogen atom. 0070 wherein: 0084) “Cycloalkyl is intended to mean a closed saturated 0071 Ring 1 is the A-moiety (described supra); monocyclic hydrocarbon ring made up of about 4 to about Substituents R1-R, Rs, Rio, R and R2 are as 9 carbon atoms, preferably about 5 to about 7 carbon atoms described (Supra) and Ring 2 is the E-moiety, also as and most preferably 6 carbon atoms. Representative described (Supra); examples of cycloalkyl compounds include phenyl, pip eridyl, piperazinyl, diazinyl, morpholinyl, isooxazoanyl and 0072 T comprises an optional amine, amide, halo gen, thioamido, oxyamido, ureido, thioureido, thia the like. mido, dithiamido, acetyl, carboxylic acid amide, 0085) “Heterocyclic” is intended to mean a close satu carboxamide, amino-carbonyl, alkylaminocarbonyl, rated monocyclic ring made up of about 4 to about 8 carbon dialkylaminocarbonyl, preferably amine or amide, atoms and about 1 to about 2 non-carbon atoms, preferably, most preferably amine, about 5 to about 6 carbon atoms and 1 non-carbon halogen 0073 n is an integer selected from within the range or oxygen atom; and, most preferably 5 carbon atoms and 1 of 1 to 4, and, m is an integer Selected from within non-carbon halogen or oxygen atom. the range of 0 to 4, with the proviso that value of 0086) “Aromatic”, and “aryl', are used interchangeably (m+n) is an integer Selected from within the range of to mean a closed unsaturated monocyclic hydrocarbon ring 1 to 4, System made up of about 3 to about 9 carbon atoms having a delocalized L-electron system. Preferably, the Subject aryl 0074 R and R are hydroxyl; ring is made up of about 5 to about 7 carbon atoms and most 0075 Ro, R and R are hydrogen; preferably, 6 carbon atoms. Representative aromatic rings include benzyl, pyranyl, pyridyl, pyrimidinyl, thiadiazinyl 0076 Rs, R, R or R are selected the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxyl, halogen, hydroxyl and pyridazinyl, with benzyl preferred. substituted lower alkyl, halogen substituted lower 0087) “Amine” is intended to mean an -NHR substitu alkyl or lower alkyl; ent group. 0077 R is selected from the group consisting of 0088 “Amide” is intended to mean an–C(O)N-(R')R" hydrogen, lower alkyl, Substituted lower alkyl, or -HNC(O) substituent group, where R' and R" are US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 hydrogen or a Substituent Such as hydroxy, lower alkyl, the general formula HOCH-CH(OH),C(=O)CH, wherein amino, or the like. Preferred amino groups are those wherein n is greater than one and Such as may be derived from an R' or R" is hydrogen. aldose by oxidation of the aldehyde function. 0089) “Alkoxy” is intended to mean an -OR substituent 0107 “Amino Sugar" is intended to mean a sugar grOup. (defined Supra) having one alcoholic OH group replaced by 0090 “Halo-lower alkyl is intended to mean a halogen an amino group. Substituted lower alkyl, preferably, a halogen Substituted 0.108 “Glycosyl is intended to mean a hexose sugar lower alkyl having 2 to 6 carbon atoms, most, preferably, a Substituent group; preferably, a glucosyl or galactosyl Sub chlorine or fluorine substituted lower alkyl having 2 to 4 Stituent. carbon atoms. 0109) “Glycosylamine”, also known as N-glycosides, is 0.091 “Alkoxy-lower alkyl is intended to mean an intended to mean glycosyl group attached to an amino alkoxy compound, Supra, wherein R comprises a lower -NR, group; preferably, an N-linked glucosyl or galactosyl alkyl, preferably a 2 to 6 carbon lower alkyl; and most Substituent. preferably, a 2 to 4 carbon lower alkyl. 0.110) “Furanose' is intended to mean a cyclic hemiacetal 0092) “Thioalkoxy” is intended to mean an–SOR sub form of a Sugar in which the ring is five membered. Stituent group. 0111 “Pyranose' is intended to mean a cyclic hemiacetal 0.093 “Aminocarbonyl' is intended to mean a form of a hexose Sugar in which the ring is six membered. -C(O)NH, substituent group. 0112 “Saccharide transporter” is intended to mean a 0094) “Alkylaminocarbonyl' is intended to mean a cellular membrane protein capable of binding a Saccharide -C(O)NHR substituent group wherein R is a lower alkyl. and transporting that Saccharide from one location to another 0.095 “Alkoxycarbonyl” is intended to mean a on the cell. Representative examples of Saccharide trans -C(O)OR Substituent group. porters include a glucose transporters (e.g., GLUT 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), galactose transporters, a mannose transporters, fruc 0096). “Carboxamide" is intended to mean a –NR'COR tose transporters, arabinose transporters and the like. Those Substituent group. skilled in the art are cognizant of methods by which test 0097 “Dialkylaminocarbonyl” is intended to mean a compounds according to the invention may be shown -C(O)NR'R substituent group, wherein RandR constitute capable of binding to a Saccharide transporter, i.e., as a lower alkyl groups. ligand binding in a specific and Saturable manner, i.e., examples of which are provided below. In one illustrative 0.098 “Haloalkoxy” is intended to mean a -OR sub assay a labeled ligand (e.g., H radiolabeled at a concentra Stituent group where R is a haloalkyl. tion selected from within 0.1 nM to 10 mM) is incubated at room temperature, 37 C., and 4 C. with an aliquot of cells 0099 “Oxyamido” is intended to mean a-OC(O)NH (or a membrane preparation) having a Saccharide trans or -HNC(O)O-substituent. porter. After the incubation the cells (or membranes) are 0100 “Thioamido” is intended to mean a-SC(O)NH washed (e.g., by centrifugation through an isobutylpthalate or -HNC(S)- Substituent. or Sucrose cushion) and the amount of labeled ligand asso ciated with the cell (or membrane) pellet is determined (e.g., 0101) “Amidosulfonyl” is intended to mean a by quantifying radioactivity). The data obtained in this -NHSO-substituent. manner may be used to conduct a Scatchard binding analysis 0102) “Aldose” is intended to mean a polyhydroxyalde of the data from which asSociation constant and the relative hyde of the sugar of the general form HICH(OH),C(=O)H, binding affinity of the transporter for the test compound. wherein n is an integer greater than one; preferably, the 0113 Embodiments of the invention provide a variety of Subject aldose is in equilibrium with furanosyl and pyrano dopaminergic glycoconjugates in which the primary amine syl forms. of Dopa or dopamine (3-hydroxytryramine) may be viewed 0103). “Ketose', also known as ketoaldose, is intended to as covalently bonded with a Sugar, or alternatively, the mean a Sugar containing both an aldehydic group and a compounds may be viewed as having a "Dopa-like” Sub ketonic carbonyl group; preferably, the Subject ketose is in Stituent covalently bonded with an amino Sugar, e.g., glu equilibrium with intramolecular hemiacetal forms. cosamine, galactosamine and the like. Depending upon the 0104 “Aldaric acid”, used interchangeably with glycaric View with is taken, a variety of different Synthesis routes is acid, is intended to mean a polyhydroxy dicarboxylic acid of available to those of skill in the art, and with different a sugar having the general formula HOC(=O)CH(OH) possible reagent Starting materials. C(=O)CH, wherein n is greater than 1 and such as may be 0114 Preparation of Dopa and dopamine (and their derived from an aldose by oxidation of both terminal carbon derivatives) are known in the art and variety of compounds atoms to carboxyl groups. are commercially available for use as Starting materials in chemical Syntheses, Some examples of which are disclosed 0105. “Alditol' is intended to mean an acyclic polyol further below. Similarly, methods are known for detection having the general formula HOCHICH(OH), CH-OH, and quantitation of dopamine and N-acyldopamine and wherein n is greater than one. dopamine glucosides, e.g., by HPLC in 0.1M potassium 0106 “Aldonic acid”, used interchangeably with gly dihydrogen phosphate-phosphoric acid buffer pH 2.0 and conic acid, is intended to mean a polyhydroxy acid having 0.1M potassium dihydrogen phosphate-phosphoric acid US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 buffer, pH 3.0 acetonitrile (93.7, V/v), respectively aims with oligosaccharide E-moieties. For example, in an (Kawasaki et al., 1983). General separation and detection initial Stage the Starting Sugar material may be frozen in one methods for distinguishing catechols from dopamine deriva of its tautomeric forms to provide acyclic furanoid or tives in complex mixtures are also known, e.g., by C18 pyranoid derivatives onto which ensuing chemistry can be column chromatography using two mobile phases (i.e., unequivocally imposed, i.e., using fixation reactions uncov acetonitrile and methanol/sodium octyl Sulfate) with elec ered before the turn of the century (e.g., mercaptalization of trodetection (Morgan, et al., 1987). More recently, positive acyclic dithioacetals, isopropylidenation of furanoid Sys ion electrospray mass spectrometry (ESMS) and tandem tems or generation of pyranoid glycosides, glycals or mass spectrometry (ESMS-MS) have been used to identify hydroxyglycal esters). Next, a desired protective group glucosamine, N-acetyldopamine and catecholamine adducts Substituent functionality may be introduced, e.g., benzoyla of glucosamine in complex solutions (Kerwin et al., 1999; tion for D-glucose or D-maltose (i.e., forming -OBZ pro Kerwin et al. 1996; Kerwin et al., 1997). tecting groups), or conversion to pyranoid enediolones 0115 Assays for determining the Substitution ratios of (dihyropyranones with 2 chiral centers at one side of the E-moieties covalently bound with A-B-D (FORMULA I, ring) may be accomplished in a 4-step procedure with about Supra), are also known. For example, benzothiazolone 60% overall yield by acetonation, oxidation, acid removal of hydrazone assays for bound amino Sugars are known in the isopropylidene groupS and benzoylation under Slightly basic art. In addition, procedures for determination of hex conditions (e.g., NaHCO as described by Lichtenthaler) to OSamines or N-acetylhexosamines based on the procedures elicit -elimination of benzoic acid. Protected tetrabenzoyl of Elson and Morgan (e.g., Horton, 1969) are known. glucosyl residues are relatively acid-Sensitive but alkali Formation of a chromophore in this case requires the free stable. Sugar, e.g., released by hydrolysis. However, quantitative 0118 For preparation of lactones, e.g., starting from liberation of amino SugarS may be difficult because of their glycal or hydroxyglycal esters enantiopure dihydropyra extreme Stability to Strong acid conditions, in this case one nones may be prepared yielding products Suitable for use as alternative method involves reacting with 3-methyl-2-ben intermediates in further syntheses. BF-induced removal of Zthiazolinone hydrazone hydrochloride (MBTH) under mild the allylic acyloxy function may be used to form the acidic conditions e.g., 0.5N HCl, to obtain de-N-acetylation allylcarboxonion ion, Susceptible to attach at C-1 by m-chlo with colorimetric determination and quantitation of the roperbenzoic acid (MCPBA) resulting in formation of a resultant benzothiazolones (e.g., Manzi et al., 1993; perester intermediate which undergoes fragmentation to Schauer, 1978). yield lactones. Lactones may also be prepared using N-acetylglucosaminolactone as a Starting material. Prepara 0116 Preparative methods for aldoses, ketoses, pyrano tion of amino Sugar lactones is known (e.g., Findlay et. al., Syl- and furanosyl-compounds, and their derivatives, Suit 1958). able for use as Starting materials in Synthesis of the com pounds of FORMULA I are also known. For example, 0119 For assembly of heptones, octones and nonone Synthesis routes for amino Sugars through aldonic acids by Sugars, 5 carbon acyclic pentenal building blockS can be hydrogen cyanide in Strecker- and Fischer-Leuchs-type prepared from 6 membered cyclic glycal esters (e.g., tri reactions (Horton, 1969 at pp. 18-62); Kuhn-type amino acetyl-glycal or triacetyl-galactal), or from hexoses via nitrile condensation reactions of aldoses with ammonia, enolactone conversion and mercuric ion-catalyzed acid benzylamidine or arylamine, intramolecular Amadori rear opening of the ring to form e.g., 4,5,6-trihydroxy-hexanals. rangements converting aldosylamines into aminoketoses, A reactive C carbonyl may be produced at relatively high direct amidation reactions of Sugar epoxides, amination yield by reacting the intermediate pentenal compound with displacement of Sulfonic esters and Sulfones, Synthesis by NHOH, then MeCHO and NaOAc in MeCO. The carbonyl phenylhydrazone or urononitrile reduction; reduction of produced in Such reactions may be Suitable for addition of Sugar Oximes and aziridine derivatives, ring closure reac carbon atoms, e.g., attack by a lithium-based 3-carbon tions with dialdehydes, and various inter-conversions of Synthon Such as the lithium enolate of acetone. Enantiomer axial and equatorial hydroxyl groups. Similarly, routes for Specific introduction of a reactive halide leaving group at Cs obtaining 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose (GlcN) derivatives is also known. Production of reactive 2,6-dihydropyrones is also known, which are, in turn useful for hydride addition, from natural Sources, e.g., chitin, are known (Horton, 1969 and a variety of C-branching with Grignard or cuprate at pg. 62). Methods are also described for N-acetylation and reagents and Diels-Alder types of cyclo-additions. For Syn selective N-acylation of glucosamine (Horton, 1969 at pp. thesis of oligosaccharides, anomeric effects at C carbons 63-68) and certain methods for N-alkylation and synthesis of allow entantiomer Specific addition of halide leaving groups N-aryl compounds have also been described (Horton, 1969 to 2,6-dihydropyrones, e.g., Br, yielding compounds which at pp. 71-73), but generally yield may be low and in are useful in-turn in alcoholysis reactions with Simple acid acid-alcohol mixtures the B-D-glycosides of N-acetylated scavengers (e.g., MeOH in NaHCO) yielding C methyl amino Sugars may mutarotate (Horton, 1969 at pp. 71-73 esters at high yields and also providing 3-glycosides at and pg. 91) giving C-D-forms, i.e., a situation where the relatively high yields. Synthetic methods for lengthening the reverse reaction does not apparently occur. carbon chain of aldoses is also known, e.g., Kiliani-Fischer 0117. Aims in common syntheses are retention of the Synthesis with conversion to glyconic acids of the next carbon chain of the Sugar, but also using reactions which higher carbon number by addition of HCN and hydrolysis allow Simple reagents and uncomplicated non-chromato (under acidic conditions) of the resulting cyanohydrins to graphic workups with use simple protective groups, aiming glyconolactones followed by reduction to aldoses. Methods for Stable, crystalline and readily puriflable products, and for reducing carbon chain length are also known, e.g., Ruff reasonably high overall yields (e.g., 75% per Step). Com degradation involving conversion to a glyconic acid, forma paratively few reaction channels capable of achieving these tion of a calcium Salt and oxidation of the Salt by hydrogen US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 peroxide/Fe" or oxidation (e.g., in nitric acid) of an aldose Vivo tests for assessing binding of test compounds to dopam to a keto acid with cleavage at the resultant carbonyl to form ine receptors include assays measuring tyrosine hydroxylase lower carbon number aldaric dicarboxylic acids. Methods activity in mouse and rat brain where dopaminergic agonist for separation of epimers (diastereomers) are also known, induced increases in enzyme activity which may be mea e.g., by crystallization of lactone Salts with differing physical Sured using conventional methodology (e.g., Kikuchi et al. properties followed by reduction to a single pure aldose or 1995; Yasuda et al., 1988). Antagonist activity of a test ketose epimer. Methods for converting between epimers are compound may also be evaluated using assay methods to also known, e.g., oxidation to a glyconic acid followed by measure reserpine and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL)-in treatment with pyridine to establish an equilibrium between duced increases in tyrosine hydroxylase activity, i.e., the the epimers, Separation of the epimers as lactone Salts, increase in activity is antagonized by D2 receptor antago followed by reduction to the epimeric pure aldose. Methods nists Such as haloperidol. Post-Synaptic D2 receptor antago for separation of anomeric (i.e., C) diastereomers are also nist activity may be confirmed by increased locomotor known. Methods for conversion of aldoses to ketoses, e.g., activity in reserpine-treated mice, or by evaluating rotation through enediols under alkaline conditions, are also appre in rats with unilateral 6-OH-dopamine lesions (Kikuchi et ciated in the art as are methods for converting aldoses to al., 1995). glyconic monocarboxylic acids, e.g., by reduction to glyci 0123 Assays for determining that a test compound tols and oxidation to glyconic acids. according to FORMULA I is capable of passaging the 0120 According to the instant methods, lactones of Sug blood-brain barrier are also known. For example, a test arS and their acids are preferred Starting materials for Syn compound according to the invention may be injected intra thesis of compounds according to FORMULA I, e.g., venously into test mice and passage of the blood-brain aldonic and keto-aldonic acids (Supra). Preferably, the start barrier may be evaluated by measuring a brain penetration ing materials are lactones or aldoses, ketoses, aldonic and index (BPI), wherein the amount of test compound mea keto-aldonic monocarboxylic acids, i.e., aldehydo lactones Sured per gram of brain tissue is divided by the amount of and lactone acids and their Salts. According to instruction test compound measured per gram of liver tissue. For provided herein, glucuronic C acid lactones are not pre comparison, the BPI value for gamma aminobutyric acid ferred Starting material according to the instant methods, i.e., (GABA) is about 1.0%. Ex-Vivo assays for determining drug glucuronides being rapidly metabolized and removed blood brain barrier transport are also known, including e.g., from circulation. an assay described recently by Duport et al., (1998) using in vitro organ culture to measure the likelihood that a test 0121 Also envisaged as within the scope of the present compound will passage the blood brain barrier. Briefly, in invention are acid- and alkali-hydrolyzable controlled-re the latter assay Slices of Selected brain regions are overlaid lease multimers of the compounds of FORMULAI, wherein onto an endothelial cell monolayer in vitro and allowed to a first A-B-D-E molecule is linked through a hydrolyzable form tight junctions over the course of about 10 days of cross-linker “R” to a second A-B-D-E molecule, e.g., E-D- culture. Test compounds are then perfused into the endot B-A-R-A-B-D-E. Linkage between the first and the second helial side of culture and blood brain barrier penetration is molecules may be effected at any of the A, B, D or E detected by measuring the levels of the test compound which moieties, e.g., using methods known in the art. enter into the organ Slice. 0122) Methods for determining that a test compound Synthesized according to the methods of the invention is 0.124 Methods for assessing intestinal transport of a test dopaminergic, i.e., capable of binding a dopamine receptor, compound (i.e., according to FORMULA1) are also known. may be determined according to methods known in the art. For example, that a compound according to the instant For example, dopamine receptors and receptor ligand bind invention is transportable by an intestinal Saccharide trans ing assays are known in the art including at least assays for porter may be determined e.g., using the eX situ perfused D1-like (D1A, D1B/D5), and D2-like (D2S, D2L, D3, D4) everted rat Small intestine (jejunum) model in a Ussing-type receptors using e.g., brain Slices, brain region membrane chamber, or alternatively, using everted intestinal SacS and preparations, isolated neuronal cells, cell lines, SynaptoSo rings. In the latter assays, transport of a test compound mal membrane preparations and cells Stably transfected with according to the invention is determined by applying the test dopamine receptors, e.g., C-6 glioma cells Stably transfected compound to the everted luminal epithelium and measuring with rat cDNA encoding D2L or D3; CHO cells stably the amount of compound that reaches the opposite Serosal transfected with cDNA encoding rat D2S, D2L, D3 or D4; Side (e.g., see Mizuma et al., 1994, Diez-Sampedro et al., and the like. The binding interactions between a test com 1999). For ease of measurement, the subject test compound pound and a dopamine receptor binding may be assessed may be radiolabeled e.g., with C". That a sodium-depen e.g., using radiolabeled test compounds as ligands. Speci dent glucose co-transporter (SGLT1) is specifically involved ficity of binding may be assessed by competition with in transport of a test compound according to the invention known dopamine receptor ligands, e.g., the D1 antagonist may be determined by removing Sodium ions from the SCH23390 (R)-(+)-7-chloro-8-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phe intestinal perfusate Solution, (i.e., the Subject Saccharide nyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine and the D2 transporter is Na+ dependent and the rate or amount trans antagonist haloperidol. Functionality of a test compound ported in the absence of Na+ ions should decrease), or by according to the invention as a dopaminergic agonist may, adding phlorizin (i.e., an inhibitor of transport). for example, be determined using rat Striatal membrane 0.125 Methods for testing compounds to determine that preparations and modulation of Second messengerS Such they binding to and are transported by glucose co-transport cAMP, calcium flux or 5'-O-gamma-S) thio)triphosphate erS in vitro are also known, e.g., using isolated primary (S-GTPgamma S) binding, e.g., according to methods cultures of rat Villus tip intestinal enterocytes and entero Such as those described in Geurts, et al., 1999 and others. In cyte-like cultures of HT-29 colon carcinoma cells. That a test US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 compound according to the invention is transportable may CNS-acting prodrug compounds according to FORMULAI be determined by adding the compound to the extracellular and a formulary effective to provide a dosage form Suitable medium, Washing the cells to remove non-Specifically asso for administration to man or domestic animals. Representa ciated test compound cells (e.g., by centrifugation through tive examples of formularies and dosage forms So Suitable isobutyl pthylate or Ficol), and then measuring the amount are provided below. of test compound which has entered the cells. Specificity of 0131 “Formulary” is intended to mean an agent added to transport may be established, as above, by removing Na+ a pharmaceutical composition comprising Said hydrophilic ions or adding phlorizin. N-linked CNS acting prodrug compound. Representative 0.126 Saccharide transporter, as set forth above, is examples of formulary agents include additives, Stabilizers, intended to mean a cellular membrane protein capable of carriers, binders, buffers, excipients, emollient water-in-oil binding a Saccharide and transporting that Saccharide from and oil-in-water emulsions, disintegrants, lubricating agents, one location to another on/in the cell. Representative antimicrobial agents, preservative and the like, as disclosed examples of Saccharide transporters include glucose trans further below. porters (e.g., GLUT 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), galactose transporters, mannose transporters, fructose transporters, arabinose trans 0132) “Dosage form” is intended to mean a form of a porters and the like. Those skilled in the art are cognizant of pharmaceutical composition Suitable for administration to a methods by which test compounds may be shown capable of Subject in need thereof. Representative dosage forms include binding to a Saccharide transporter, examples of which are Solids and liquids, e.g., perenteral and injection Solutions, provided below. powders and granules, emollient creams, Syrups and elixirs, nasal and ophthalmic drops, intrabronchial inhalants, timed 0127) “Brain penetration index”, abbreviated BPI, is release capsules, lozenges, troches, Suppositories, dermal intended to mean the mathematical ratio calculated as the patches, impregnated bandages and the like. amount of one or more of the instant compounds in brain tissue per gram of brain tissue, divided by the amount of the 0.133 Embodiments of the invention provide pharmaceu compound (or compounds) in liver tissue per gram liver tical compositions, Supra, containing one or more of the tissue. The liver being chosen as a reference organ because instant N-linked prodrug compounds in a form Suitable for of its intimate contact with blood and relative lack of administration to man or domestic animals. Representative barriers. Measurements of BPI may be made for instance at examples of forms So Suitable include compositions in 5-60 minutes after administration of a test compound, e.g., which the instant compound is in Solid and liquid mixtures by oral, Subcutaneous or intravenous routes. The Subject with optional additives, stabilizers, carriers, binders, buffers, mathematical ratio is commonly expressed as a percentage, excipients, emollients, disintegrants, lubricating agents, i.e., by multiplying the ratio by 100%. This procedure has antimicrobial agents and the like. The instant pharmaceuti the advantage that even for a sparingly Soluble lipophilic cal compositions are distinct, in that the instant compound drugs, (which tend to remain largely at an injection site with comprising the active ingredient in the Subject compositions Slow diffusion into the circulation), the amounts of drug in has all of the following properties: namely, (i) it is trans the liver will reflect the actual amount which is systemically portable in an intact form by a Saccharide transporter, e.g., available and not the initial dose injected. Certain of the as that receptor is expressed in nature in an intestinal cell or preferred compounds according to the instant invention have in a red blood cell; (ii) it is transportable in an intact form BPIs in the range of about 2% to about 500%, most preferred acroSS the blood brain barrier by a Saccharide transporter, compounds have a BPI of about 10% to about 200%. i.e., as that transporter is expressed in nature in an endot 0128 Methods for determining that a test compound helial cell; (iii) it is transportable by DAT; and, (iv) it is according to FORMULA I, i.e., with a drug selected from capable of binding to a dopaminergic receptor in a neural TABLE A or TABLE B, is Suitable for use in one or more cell, i.e., as that receptor is expressed in nature in a neural of the instant methods, (i.e., for treating neurologic dysfunc cell. tion or for use as a CNS-acting drug), are known to those 0134) “Intestinal cell' is intended to mean a columnar skilled in the art of neuropsychopharmacology. For instance, epithelial cell, e.g., a microVillus luminal cell, lining the the test compound may be evaluated in behavioral tests in Small or large intestine, or lining the colon. experimental animals, e.g., to determine whether it exhibits one or more of the following: namely, a Pergolide-like 0.135 “Endothelial cell' is intended to mean a cell lining dopaminergic activity, Stimulation induced release of a blood vessel, e.g., a capillary cell or a cell of an artery or dopamine, locomotor activity in a murine test model, anti a vein. convulsant activity, analgesic activity, cognition/memory, 0.136 “Neural cell” is intended to mean cells of the DAT transportability, activity in an MPTP-induced model of nervous System, including neurons, glial cells, Schwann locomotor impairment, i.e., illustrative methodology being cells and the like. disclosed in Applicant's copending U.S. patent application Ser. No. , incorporated herein by reference in its 0.137 “Transportable in an intact form' is intended to entirety. mean that the Subject instant compound is not an inhibitor of GLUT transporters, and is not substantially chemically 0129 “N-linked glycosyl prodrug”, when used herein in altered during transport, e.g., it is not metabolized or con regard to a pharmaceutical agent, is intended to mean an verted to a glucuronide during transport, Such that when the “A'-moiety CNS acting prodrug compound according to instant compound is transported from one side of a cell to the FORMULAL linked through an amine or amide according another side it remains Substantially unchanged. "Substan to FORMULAI to a Saccharide. tially unchanged” means that only conservative modifica 0.130) “Pharmaceutical composition”, is intended to mean tions of certain R, R1, RS, R, R-7, Rs. Ro, R or R2 group a composition containing one or more N-linked glycosyl Substituents (Supra) may occur during transport, e.g., US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

removal of a halogen atom and replacement with a hydro macokinetic half-life of the instant compounds varies gen, conversion of a hydroxyl to a methoxy (e.g., an depending upon the pyranosyl or furanosyl moiety Selected, —OCH, in an acetal or a hemiacetal) and the like. whether the Saccharide units therein are multimeric, whether 0.138. In other embodiments, the invention provides phar the multimer constitutes an oligosaccharide, and whether the maceutical compositions containing one or more of the multimerS or oligosaccharide are derivatized, i.e., chemi instant compounds in combination with optional Stabilizers, cally modified by methylation, Sulfation, nitration and the carriers, binders, buffers, excipients, emollients, disinte like. Pharmacokinetic half-life and pharmacodynamics may grants, lubricating agents, antimicrobial agents and the like. also be modified by: a) encapsulation (e.g., in liposomes); b) For oral administration, the instant pharmaceutical compo controlling the degree of hydration (e.g., by controlling the Sitions may be liquid, Solid or encapsulated. For perenteral extent and type of Saccharide units); and, c) controlling the administration, the instant pharmaceutical compositions electroStatic charge and hydrophobicity of the Saccharide may be Sterile liquids or Solids may be provided in a form units. Suitable for reconstitution, e.g., powdered or granulated. 0141 Pharmaceutically acceptable salts can be readily prepared from the instant compounds by conventional meth 0.139. The instant compounds may be administered alone ods. Thus, Such Salts may be, for example, prepared by or in combination with pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, treating the instant compound with an aqueous Solution of in either Single or multiple doses. Suitable pharmaceutical the desired pharmaceutically acceptable metallic hydroxide carriers may include inert Solid diluents or fillers, Sterile or other metallic base and evaporating the resulting Solution aqueous Solutions, and various nontoxic organic Solvents. to dryness, preferably under reduced pressure in a nitrogen The pharmaceutical compositions formed by combining the atmosphere. Alternatively, a Solution of the instant com instant compound with the pharmaceutically acceptable car pound may be mixed with an alkoxide to the desired metal, rier may then be readily administered in a variety of dosage and the Solution Subsequently evaporated to dryneSS. The forms Such as tablets, lozenges, Syrups, injectable Solutions, pharmaceutically acceptable hydroxides, bases, and alkOX and the like. These pharmaceutical carriers can, if desired, ides include those with cations for this purpose, including contain additional ingredients Such as flavorings, binders, (but not limited to), potassium, Sodium, ammonium, cal excipients, and the like. Thus, for purposes of oral admin cium, and magnesium. Other representative pharmaceuti istration, tablets containing various excipients Such as cally acceptable Salts include hydrochloride, hydrobromide, Sodium citrate, calcium carbonate, and calcium phosphate may be employed along with various disintegrants Such as Sulfate, bisulfate, acetate, oxalate, Valarate, oleate, laurate, Starch, and preferably potato or tapioca Starch, alginic acid, borate, benzoate, lactate, phosphate, toSulate, citrate, male and certain complex Silicates, together with binding agents ate, furmarate, Succinate, tartrate, and the like. Such as polyvinylpyrolidone, Sucrose, gelatin, and acacia. 0.142 Freely-soluble salts of the instant compounds may Additionally, lubricating agents, Such as magnesium Stear also be converted to salts of low solubility in body fluids by ate, Sodium lauryl Sulfate, and talc are often useful for modification with a slightly water-Soluble pharmaceutically tableting purposes. Solid compositions of a similar type may acceptable Salt, e.g., tannic or palmoic acid, or by inclusion also be employed as fillers in Salt and hard-filled gelatin in a time-release formulation Such as covalently coupled to capsules. Preferred materials for this purpose include lactose a larger carrier, or in timed-release capsules and the like. In or milk Sugar and high molecular weight polyethylene general, the acid addition Salts of instant compounds with glycols. When acqueous Suspensions of elixirs are desired for pharmaceutically acceptable acids will be biologically oral administration, the instant compound therein may be equivalent to the compounds themselves. Pharmaceutically combined with various Sweetening or flavoring agents, acceptable Salts can be readily prepared from the instant colored matter or dyes, and if desired, emulsifying or compounds by conventional methods. Thus, Such Salts are, Suspending agents, together with diluents Such as water, for example, prepared by treating with an aqueous Solution ethanol, propylene glycol, glycerin, and combinations of the desired pharmaceutically acceptable metallic hydrox thereof. For parenteral administration, Solutions of the ide or other metallic base and evaporating the resulting instant compound in Sesame or peanut oil or in aqueous Solution to dryness, preferably under reduced pressure in a polypropylene glycol may be employed, as well as Sterile nitrogen atmosphere. Alternatively, a Solution of a com aqueous Saline Solutions of the corresponding water-Soluble pound is mixed with an alkoxide to the desired metal, and pharmaceutically acceptable metal Salts previously the Solution Subsequently evaporated to dryneSS. The phar described. Such an aqueous Solution should be Suitably maceutically acceptable hydroxides, bases, and alkoxides buffered if necessary and the liquid diluent first rendered include those with cations for this purpose, including (but isotonic with Sufficient Saline or glucose. These particular not limited to), potassium, Sodium, ammonium, calcium, aqueous Solutions are especially Suitable for intravenous, and magnesium. Other representative pharmaceutically intramuscular, Subcutaneous, and intraperitoneal injection. acceptable Salts include hydrochloride, hydrobromide, Sul The Sterile aqueous media employed are all readily obtain fate, bisulfate, acetate, oxalate, Valarate, oleate, laurate, able by standard techniques well known to those skilled in borate, benzoate, lactate, phosphate, tosylate, citrate, male the art. ate, furmarate, Succinate, tartrate, and the like. 0140. It may prove desirable to stabilize the instant 0143. The preferred pharmaceutical compositions for compounds e.g. to increase their shelf life and/or pharma inocula and dosage will vary with the clinical indication. cokinetic half-life. Shelf-life stability may be improved by The inocula may typically be prepared from a dried com adding excipients Such as: a) hydrophobic agents (e.g., pound by Suspending the compound in a physiologically glycerol); b) non-linked Sugars (e.g., Sucrose, mannose, acceptable diluent Such as water, Saline, or phosphate Sorbitol, rhamnose, Xylose); c) non-linked complex carbo buffered Saline. Some variation in dosage will necessarily hydrates (e.g., lactose); and/or d) bacteriostatic agents. Phar occur depending upon the condition of the patient being US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

treated, and the physician will, in any event, determine the trophy in the nervous system), ii) Vascular impairment e.g. appropriate dose for the individual patient. The effective resulting in damage to nervous tissues, iii) central nervous amount of the instant compound per unit dose depends, System degeneration or peripheral nerve degeneration, iv) among other things, on the body weight, physiology, and nervous System lesions induced by physical trauma, v) chosen inoculation regimen. A unit does of the instant nervous System complications of illnesses and infections compound refers to the weight of compound (according to (e.g., viral or bacterial); and Vi) hereditary nervous System impairment. Representative illness, diseases, and conditions FORMULAI) without the weight of carrier (when carrier is having neurologic dysfunction have been classified and used). Generally, the amount of active ingredient adminis codified (“International Classification of Diseases, Washing tered to a Subject in need thereof according to the practice of ton D.C., 1989). Representative examples of subjects in the invention will be in the range of about 1 mg/day to about need of treatment may include humans and domestic ani 2.5gm/day. Single unit dosage forms and multi-use dosage mals having e.g., a condition of hyper- or hypo-dopaminer forms are considered within the Scope of the invention, as gic activity, Such as may be evident in a patient with disclosed further below. Schizoprenia, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, locomotor defi 0144. The instant pharmaceutically acceptable carriers ciency, hyperprolactinemia, Tourette's Syndrome, Hunting may be formed, filled and Sealed for ease of use. Represen ton's disease, psychosis, chronic psychiatric illness with tative forming, filling and Sealing methods are known in the amotivation, apathy, asociality, psychomotor adverse effects pharmaceutical arts. For instant, the instant compositions of drugs of abuse (e.g., cocaine, amphetamine, neuroleptics), may be formulated with pharmaceutically acceptable carri subolivopontocerebellar atrophy (s0PCA), multiple system erS into pharmaceutical preparations Suitable for inclusion in atrophy (MSA), bipolar disorder, chronic alcoholism, timed-release capsules, tablets, lozenges, SyrupS and the cocaine abuse, mood disorders, attention deficit disorder, like. physiologic stress, pesticide exposure (e.g., organochlorine insecticides), juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 0145 Pharmaceutically acceptable salts may be prepared (JNCL), detached personality Syndromes (as e.g. determined from the instant compounds by conventional methods. For using the Karolinska Scales of Personality questionnaire) example, Such Salts may be prepared by treating one or more and the like. Representative examples of conditions exhib of the instant compounds with an aqueous Solution of the iting hyper-dopaminergic activity include Schizophrenia, desired pharmaceutically acceptable metallic hydroxide or chronic psychiatric illness with hallucinations and delusions. other metallic base and evaporating the resulting Solution to Also representative are, patients with coronary hyperten dryneSS, preferably under reduced pressure in a nitrogen Sion, angina, ischemic myocardium and the like. In addition, atmosphere. Alternatively, a Solution of the instant com prophylactic methods are envisaged for lowering aortic and pound may be mixed with an alkoxide to the desired metal, pulmonary artery pressure during and after coronary bypass and the Solution Subsequently evaporated to dryneSS. The Surgery and liver, kidney and heart transplant Surgery. pharmaceutically acceptable hydroxides, bases, and alkOX Vasodilation mediated by the instant compounds is without ides include those with cations for this purpose, including impairment of oxygen delivery or impairment of intrinsic (but not limited to), potassium, Sodium, ammonium, cal neural or hormonal control Systems. cium, and magnesium. Other representative pharmaceuti cally acceptable Salts include hydrochloride, hydrobromide, 0.148 “Parkinson's related disease”, as used herein, is Sulfate, bisulfate, acetate, oxalate, Valarate, oleate, laurate, intended to mean a disease characterized by one or more borate, benzoate, lactate, phosphate, to Sulate, citrate, male Symptoms which are also evidenced clinically in a patient ate, furmarate, Succinate, tartrate, and the like. with Parkinson's disease. Representative examples of Symp toms evidenced in patients with Parkinsonism include Sei 0146 The route of delivery of the instant compounds is Zure, loSS of neuromotor control of muscle movements, determined by the disease and the Site where treatment is tardive dyskinesia, Alzheimer's disease, Wilson's disease, required. For topical, intrathecal, intramuscular or intra post-encephalitic Syndromes, Parkinsonism Secondary to rectal application it may be desirable to apply the instant trauma and Stroke, dementia, Lou Gehrig's disease, psycho compounds as a Salve, ointment or emollient pharmaceutical moter retardation, Schizophreniform behavior, anxiety and composition at the local Site, or to place an impregnated depression. Clinical features of Parkinson's related diseases bandage or a dermal timed-release lipid-Soluble patch. For are disclosed in Hurtig, 1997, incorporated herein by refer intra-rectal application, it may be desirable to apply the instant compounds as a pharmaceutical composition in a ence in its entirety. Suppository. In other situations, it may prove desirable to 0149 “Metabolic replacement therapy”, as used herein, administer the compositions by intranasal or intrabronchial is intended to mean that the instant compound, when admin instillation (e.g., as a pharmaceutical composition Suitable istered in the instant pharmaceutical composition, is effec for use in a nebulizer), or gastrointestinal delivery (e.g., with tive, following transport into a neural cell, to Satisfy one or a capsule, tablet, trouch or Suppository). In one preferred metabolic requirements of catecholamine Synthesis in the embodiment, the instant pharmaceutical compositions are neural cell of a Subject having a nigrostriatal dopamine administered via Suppository taking advantage of Saccharide insufficiency. Representative examples of compounds So transporters in the colon for transport of the instant com capable include derivatives of L-Dopa, e.g., Levodopa. pound into the blood Stream in a timed-release type manner for metabolic replacement therapy in patients with Parkin 0150. The routes and methods for delivery of the instant Sons and related diseases. preparations are determined by the particular disease. Dis closure of therapeutic methods of treating disease appear in 0147 The instant compounds find use in treatment of a Applicant's co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. Nos. variety of pathological central and peripheral nervous SyS 10/274,798, 10/198,798 and 09/547,501, incorporated tem dysfunctions, neuromotor conditions and cardiovascular herein by reference in their entirety. diseases in Subjects in need of treatment. For example, the Subject conditions include, but are not limited to, i) toxic 0151. In yet other embodiments, the special aqueous dystrophy, (e.g., chemical or drug-induced Secondary dys Solubility of the instant prodrug compounds provides novel US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 pharmaceutical compositions containing relatively high con minutes and then 3-hydroxytyramine (2.0 gm, 10.5 mmol) centrations of active ingredients (e.g., up to 500 mg/ml) was added slowly, i.e., allowing it to dissolve. The reaction included in relatively small volumes (e.g., up to about 500 mixture was stirred in the dark for about 2 hrs. during which mg/ml), allowing administration of relatively Small Volumes time a white Solid precipitant appeared. The white Solid of therapeutically effective unit doses. The latter attribute of precipitant was collected by filtration, washed with metha the instant compounds is a particular advantage in the instant nol (5 mL) and dried in vacuo for 6 hrs. to give dopamine pharmaceutical compositions, i.e., especially in multi-dose, gluconamide (1.69 gm, 5.10 mmol, 48.6% yield). Melting time-release, Subcutaneous and intradermal, buccal, trouch, point of the synthesis product was 154-155 C. Predicted: and Suppository preparations. The Subject attributes may CH, N, (331.32): C-50.75%, H–6.39%, N- 4.23%; also be especially useful for achieving Steady State plasma analysis results of synthetic product: C, 50.65; H, 6.63; N, levels in a subject in need thereof. Where conventional 4.44. methods of administration are ineffective in certain patients, the subject high solubility attributes of the instant com pounds make it feasible to administer metabolic replacement EXAMPLE 2 therapy via an implantable mini-pump Such as those used for delivery of insulin in patients with Type I insulin-dependent Protection of Aromatic Dopamine Hydroxyl diabetes mellitus. Residues 0152. Non-limiting illustrative preparations and formu O155) lations are disclosed in the EXAMPLES, section which follows. Scheme 2 EXAMPLE 1. H Preparation of Dopamine Gluconamide N O 0153 O HO oil CH ulsCH OH He Scheme 1 OH O HO OH O OH HO OH TEA -O MeOH CH2OH --- OH





OH OH 0156 Dopamine gluconamide (EXAMPLE 1, Supra; 0.75 CH2OH gm, 2.26 mmol) was added to acetone (40 mL) in a 100 mL round bottom flask with stirring. Then, the reaction mixture was refluxed for 2 hrs., after which time it was allowed to 0154) Gluconolactone (1.9 gm, 10.5 mmol) and triethy cool to room temperature (about 22-25 C). The resultant lamine (TEA, 1.1 gm, 10.5 mmol) were added to methanol white solid was removed by filtration and dried in vacuo for (25 mL) in a 100 mL round bottom flask with stirring. The 7 hrs. yielding the isopropylidine protected dopamine glu gluconolactone was allowed to dissolve. When the solid was conamide (0.68 gm, 1.83 mmol, 81.0% yield). Melting point dissolved, the Solution was stirred for an additional 10 of the synthesis product was 170° C. US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

EXAMPLE 3 4hr. in the dark, during which time the Solution acquired a slight yellow color. Solvents were removed by rotary evapo Reduction of Isopropylidine Protected Dopamine ration using anhydrous ethanol as an azeotrope to remove Gluconamide any residual water. The resultant dried product constituted a thick Syrup which Solidified upon Standing (1 hr.) to give a O157) white solid. The white solid product was stirred (1 hr.) with acetone (40 mL), again resulting in a white Solid as a product. The resultant solid was collected by filtration and Scheme 3 dried in vacuo for 6 hrs. yielding dopamine ribonamide H (3.83 gm, 12.7 mmol, 94.1% yield.) H and 'C-NMR results and CHN analyses were consistent with structure. N O Melting point was 90-91° C. Predicted CHN: (301.30): C, 51.82; H, 6.36; N, 4.65; Analysis results of synthesis OH product: C, 51.67; H, 6.40; N, 4.69. O (1) Borane/THF O OH (2) MeOH/HCI EXAMPLE 5 CH HO CH Preparation of Dopamine Isopropylidine OH Ribonamide OH 0160 Aromatic hydroxyl groups in dopamine ribonamide were protected by Synthesizing the isopropyli CH2OH dine compound. Dopamine ribonamide (EXAMPLE 4, 1.0 H gm, 3.32 mmol) was added to acetone (30 mL) in a 100 mL N H round bottom flask with stirring. The reaction mixture was refluxed for 5 hrs. and then allowed to cool to room OH temperature. The resultant white solid was collected by HO filtration and dried in vacuo for 7 hrs. to yield the isopro OH pylidine protected dopamine ribonamide (0.99 g, 2.90 OH mmol, 87.6% yield). H and 'C-NMR results were consis HO tent with structure. Melting point was found to 142-143 C. OH EXAMPLE 6 OH Reduction of Isopropylidine Protected Dopamide CH2OH Ribonamide Yielding Dopamine Ribonamine 0.161 Isopropylidine-protected dopamide ribonamide 0158 Isopropylidene protected dopamine gluconamide (EXAMPLE 5; 0.70 gm; 2.05 mmol) was added slowly to 1 (EXAMPLE 2, Supra; 0.68 gm, 1.83 mmol) was slowly M Borane in THF (25 mL) in a 100 mL round bottom flask added to a 1 M Borane solution in THF (25 ml) in a 100 mL with stirring. The reaction mixture was refluxed for 2 hr. and round bottom flask, with Stirring. The reaction mixture was allowed to cool to room temperature. ExceSS Solvent was refluxed for 2 hrs. and then allowed to cool to room removed by rotary evaporation and methanolic HCl was temperature. ExceSS Solvent was removed by rotary evapo added to the resulting residue. The resuspended residue was ration. Methanolic HCl was added to the resultant residue refluxed for 2 hr. and Solvent was then evaporated yielding and the Solution refluxed for 2 hrs., after which time solvent a thick hygroscopic syrup (complicating melting point was removed by evaporation and the Solid recrystalized analysis). The Syrup was dried in vacuo for 6 hrs. to give the using a mixture of acetonitrile and ethanol. The recrystalized dopamine ribonamine-HCl salt as product (0.20 gm., 0.62 reduced dopamine gluconamide product was dried in vacuo mmol, 30.3% yield.) H and 'C-NMR results were consis for 6 hrs giving the dopamine gluconamine-HCl Salt (0.22 tent with structure. gm, 0.62 mmol, 33.8% recovery). Melting point for the synthesis product was 151-152 C. Predicted CHN EXAMPLE 7 (353.80); C, 47.53; H, 6.84; N, 3.96; Analysis result of synthesis product: C, 47.48; H, 6.93; N, 3.88. Ready Solution For Administration as a Measured Dose EXAMPLE 4 0162 An illustrative ready solution for administration as Preparation of Dopamine Ribonamide a measure dose was prepared according to the formulation of TABLE A, below. 0159) D-(+)-Ribonic acid gamma-lactone (2.0 gm, 13.5 mmol) was added to methanol (25 mL) in a 100 mL round TABLE A bottom flask with stirring until dissolved, and then an additional 5 min. 3-Hydroxytyramine (2.6 gm, 13.5 mmol) Component: Amount: was added slowly, allowing it to dissolve, with Stirring, over Compound #1 or #2* 2.5 gm the course of about 10 minutes. Triethylamine (1.4 gm, 13.5 Methyl-p-aminobenzoic acid 0.014 gm mmol) was then added and the reaction mixture refluxed for US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 18

TABLE A-continued TABLE D-continued Component: Amount: Component: Amount: Propyl-p-aminobenzoic acid 0.020 gm Ammonium glycyrrhiznate 20 mg Saccharin sodium 0.050 gm Sodium saccharin 2 mg Flavoring agent 0.001 gm Flavor 10 mg Citric acid 0.200 gm Magnesium sterate 7 mg Sodium citrate 0.320 gm Distilled water USP q.s. to 100 ml *Compound #1, Dopamine gluconamide (EXAMPLE #1, supra); Com pound #2, Dopamine gluconamine. * Compound #1, Dopamine gluconamide (EXAMPLE #1, supra); Com pound #2, Dopamine gluconamine. EXAMPLE 11 EXAMPLE 8 Dopamine Receptor Binding Powder Composition for Reconstitution Prior to 0166 To illustrate biological activity, i.e., dopaminergic Use activity, and putative pharmaceutical utility, dopamine 0163 An illustrative powder composition for reconstitu receptor binding activity of Compounds #1 (EXAMPLE 2, tion prior to use was prepared according to the formulation product) and Compound #2 (EXAMPLE 3, product) was of TABLE B, below. tested in vitro using COS-7 cells transiently transfected with pCD-PS eXpression vectors containing human D1, human TABLE B D5 and human D2 (long) inserts, i.e., according to Materials and Methods disclosed further below. Binding to dopamin Component: Amount: ergic receptorS was tested as ability to compete binding of Compound #1 or #2* 2.5 mg Sodium citrate 20.0 mg specific receptor ligands (i.e., H-SCH-23390 for D1; Sorbitol 2.0 mg 1H-emonapride for D2), as well as, the ability to trigger Flavoring agent 0.1 mg intra-cellular Second messengers, i.e., cAMP Distilled water USP for reconstitution: 10.0 ml 0.167 Competition binding assays were initiated in dupli * Compound #1, Dopamine gluconanude (EXAMPLE #1, supra); Com pound #2, Dopamine gluconamine. cate with 0.5 ml aliquots of membrane preparations from cell cultures transfected with cDNA encoding human D1- or D2-receptors. Test compounds (Compounds #1 or #2, Supra) EXAMPLE 9 were added as competitors to achieve a final concentration in the assay in the range of 10M to 10 M. As binding Tablets for Oral Administration ligand, H-SCH-23390 (a D1-selective agonist) or H 0164. An illustrative tablet for oral administration was Emonapride (a D2-selective agonist) was added to each prepared according to the formulation of TABLE C, below. assay. After 90 minutes incubation at room temperature the assay was terminated by rapid filtration and membrane TABLE C bound H was determined by scintillation spectrometry. Component: Amount: 0168 Test Compounds #1 and #2 Successfully competed Compound #1 or #2* 250 mg H-SCH-23390 binding to dopamine receptors in cells Starch 17 mg transiently expressing receptors, i.e., in a dose-response and Sodium glycolate (starch) 40 mg uniphasic type manner. Under these particular conditions of Polyvinal pyrrollidene 7.0 mg assay, the illustrative test Compounds #1 and #2 showed Microcrystalline cellulose 45 mg Selectivity for D5- over D1-receptors, i.e., a property held in Magnesium sterate 2.0 mg common with natural dopamine agonist. * Compound #1, Dopamine gluconamide (EXAMPLE #1, supra); Com pound #2, Dopamine gluconamine. 0169. Agonist functional activity assays were conducted by evaluating ability of test compound to trigger production of Second messengers in dopamine receptor transfected EXAMPLE 10 COS-7 cells, i.e., cAMP. Incubation with test compound (or dopamine as a positive control) were conducted at 37 C. Tablet for Sublingual Administration (5% CO) for 15 min. and cAMP accumulation was deter 0.165 An illustrative tablet for Sublingual administration mined by radioimmunoassay. For comparison, dopamine as was prepared according to a positive control stimulated accumulation of cAMP by about 5-fold in D1-transfected cells and about 3-fold in TABLED D5-transfectants. In dopamine receptor transfectants, Com pound #2 Stimulated cAMP accumulation in a dose-response Component: Amount: manner to levels near those achieved in dopamine control Compound #1 or #2 250 mg cultures. Co-incubation of dopamine with Compound #2 did Gum arabic 10 mg not reduce the levels of cAMP accumulation recorded, Lactose 90 mg Suggesting Strongly that the compounds produced according to the instant methods act as agonists, not antagonists. US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

EXAMPLE 12 POUND #1, or vehicle control (0.9% NaCl). Rota-Rod times were statistically different from control at 34 wks. In Dopamine Transporter Binding Activity the 20 mg/kg treatment group; and 24 wkS. in the 80 mg/kg 0170 To further illustrate biological activity, i.e., trans treatment group. (p<0.05.) portability within the brain, Compounds #1 and #2 (Supra) 0176 FIG. 4. Washout experiment to determine how dopamine transporter (DAT) binding activity of Compounds long therapeutic effects remained evident after cessation of #1 and #2 was evaluated by measuring their ability to COMPOUND #1 therapy. MPTP-lesioned mice were treated compete uptake of H-labeled dopamine by human DAT for 4 wks. At either 20 mg/kg or 80 mg/kg and then left transfected cells over the course of a 5 hour incubation untreated for an additional 1 or 2 wkS. The results presented period. To obtain differing levels of DAT expression, cells in FIG. 7 show a gradual return of symptoms in the were transiently transfected) with plasmids containing a MPTP-lesioned mice (i.e., a decrease in Rota Rod perfor DAT cDNA insert (hDAT), or alternatively, control irrel mance), but therapeutic effects of COMPOUND #1 were evant cDNA insert (Negative Control, NC). After 48-72 hrs. Still evident in these animals even after a two-week washout culture, dopamine transport was measured in the transiently time period. Washout of COMPOUND #1 therapeutic transfected hDAT-cells by incubation for 5 hrs. in the effects in MPTP-lesioned mice left untreated for an addi presence of H-labeled dopamine (Positive Control, PC). tional 1 or 2 weeks. (Clear bar. MPTP-lesioned/notherapy; Competition of H-dopamine uptake was observed with both 2" bar. MPTP-lesioned/4 wks. therapy with COMPOUND Compound #1 and Compound #2. #1). (p<0.05). EXAMPLE 13 0177 CONCLUSIONS: The data indicate that COM POUND #1 possesses anti-Parkinsons effects in MPTP Parkinson's Animal Model Studies lesioned mice and that COMPOUND if 1 when administered at 20 mg/kg exhibits similar efficacy to when it is adminis Study #1: Anti-Parkinson's Effect in tered at 80 mg/kg. MPTP-Lesioned Mice 0178 DISCUSSION: A discussion of the animal model 0171 Dopaminergic neurotoxin 1,2,3,6-methyl-phenyl data is presented in EXAMPLE 17, below. tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) is a chemical contaminant first 0179 METHODS: Rota-Rod performance measures the found in contaminated Synthetic Street heroin. This chemical length of time each animal manages to maintain its balance produces Parkinsons-like neuropathological changes and on the rotating lucite rod. Prior to MPTP-lesioning animals, clinical features in man, monkey and mice. Like the natural the performance was conditioned in three training Sessions. dopamine mediator, MPP is taken up into the dopaminergic The general training and testing procedure was as follows: nigral terminal by dopamine transporters (DAT) with result namely, ant cellular changes similar to those mitochondrial complex I defects found in Parkinson's Disease. MPTP-treated mice 0180 Animals were placed on a stationary rod for 30sec are one accepted Parkinson's-like animal models. to accustom the behavior and establish familiarity with the 0172 The first phase of the project involved testing to environment. During this time if an animal fell, it was placed measure anti-Parkinson's effects of COMPOUND if 1 in an back on the rod; Next, animals were conditioned (or tested) MPTP-mouse model of nigral injury. Experimental mice at a constant speed of 5 rpm for 90 Sec.; were lesioned with MPTP (i.e., 40 mg/kg, ip twice, 1 0181 Any animal that failed a first test was re-tested two month). more times, Any animal that failed a third test at 5 rpm was removed from the experiment; Thirty-minutes (30 min) after 0173 FIG. 1. MPTP treatment significantly reduced the the last 5 rpm trial, each animal was placed back on the rod Rota-Rod mean time- i.e., by over 65%. Rota-Rod perfor the Speed was increased to 10 rpm, The length of time that mance times of C57BL/6 mice before and after lesioning each animal was able to maintain balance on the rod was with MPTP, or as a negative control, NaCl. measured at the constant Speed of 10 rpm, i.e., data collec 0174 FIG. 2. MPTP-lesioned mice were treated with tion. COMPOUND #1 twice daily (20 mg/kg or 80 mg/kg) and tested at weekly intervals. The results presented show EXAMPLE 1.4 improved Rota-Rod performance times at the fourth week of COMPOUND #I treatment, i.e., 8-9 fold better than NaCl Parkinson's Animal Model Studies treated controls (p<0.05). Rota-Rod performance of MPTP lesioned mice after four weeks of treatment with either 20 STUDY if?. Effects of IPXTSO in mg/kg or 80 mg/kg COMPOUND #1 or, with vehicle control 6-OHDA-Lesioned Rats (0.9% NaCl). Both treatment groups showed statistically 0182 Effects of COMPOUND # 1 were next tested in a significant increases (p<0.05) in the Rota-Rod times. 6-OHDA-induced nigral-injury model in SD rats. Anti (Y-axis: time in Seconds). Parkinson's effects of COMPOUND #1 were tested by 0175 FIG. 3. Significant improvements in Rota-rod per measuring rotational behavior ('spinning or circular wan formance times were observed in COMPOUND if 1 treated dering) of rats induced by apomorphine, i.e., as measuring animals beginning at about the third week of treatment at a using a Rota-Count-8 unit (Columbus Instruments). In this dose of 20 mg/kg, and at about the Second week at the higher animal model, Parkinsons-like Symptoms Similar to the dose of 80 mg/kg. Kinetics of onset of anti-Parkinsons human condition are produced by treating animals with therapeutic effects on COMPOUND #1 treatment. MPTP 6-OHDA, a dopamine-depleting drug. The nigral dopamine lesioned mice treated daily at 20 mg/kg or 80 g/kg COM depletion is induced by using unilateral injections of US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

6-OHDA directly into the nigrostriatal system (AP: -4.4 ments. Treatments consisted of twice daily administration of mm, ML:1.1 mm, DV:7.5 mm, AP:-4.0 mm, ML:0.8 mm, 20 mg/kg COMPOUND #1, or as a control, saline. Rota rod DV:7.8 mm). As a result of the 6-OHDA dopamine depletion performance measurements were made on a weekly basis dopaminergic receptors in post-Synaptic terminals are during an 8 week treatment period. Performance of COM hyper-Sensitized to the action of dopaminergic compounds. POUND #1 treated animals was significantly improved, i.e., Thus, animals treated with 6-OHDA having the unilateral about 2-fold to near WT performance times, relative to lesion will exhibit an uncontrolled “Spinning, circular wan Saline treated controls within just two weeks of treatment dering and other rotational behaviors after the administration and performance of treated animals remained Stable during of apomorphine and certain other dopaminergic agonists. the course of the 8-week treatment study (FIG. 7). 0183 FIG. 5. The possible agonist effects of COM 0190 FIG. 7. Nurr1 genetically deficient mice treated POUND # 1 were tested at 80 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg in this with COMPOUND #1 or saline were observed weekly for 6-OHDA model. Like dopamine, administration of IPX750, RotoRod performance (time). Before treatment, RotaRod at either 80 mg/kg or 200 mg/kg, did not trigger visible times showed a significant decrease in Nurr1 deficient mice effects in this animal model. compared with WT mice. Nurr1 deficient mice treated with 0184) To investigate the effects of COMPOUND #1,6- COMPOUND #1 (20 mg/kg) showed significant increase of OHDA-lesioned rats were treated with COMPOUND if 1 at Rota-Rod time within two weeks of treatment, i.e., a Statis 5 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg daily for 4 weeks and the rotational tically significant increase in performance when compared response of the animals to apomorphine was tested at with pretreatment performance times. *p-0.05. weekly intervals. Rotation in 6-OHDA-unilateral-lesioned 0191) To determine the washout kinetics for COM rats: Comparing apomorphine-induced rotation after treating POUND #1, treatment was terminated at the 8" week and with COMPOUND #1 at 80 mg/kg or 200 mg/kg. RotaRod performance measurements of mice were made in 0185 FIG. 6. The results show that COMPOUND #1 each of the Successive three weeks. treatment at 20 mg/kg Significantly decreased apomorphine 0192 FIG.8. Washout of COMPOUND #1 treatment in induced rotation. Animals in the vehicle control group Nurr1 deficient mice. Rota-Rod performance measurements (receiving only 0.9% NaCl) did not show this decreased were performed over three Successive weeks following responsiveness to apomorphine. COMPOUND #1 at 5 cessation of COMPOUND #1 treatment. Rota-Rod perfor mg/kg or 20 mg/kg in comparison with SINEMET(20 mance degraded significantly within one week and returned mg/kg). Effect on apomorphine-induced rotation; at 20 to pre-treatment values within 2 weeks. *p-0.05. mg/kg (p<0.05). 0193 CONCLUSIONS: The data indicate COMPOUND 0186 CONCLUSIONS: The data indicate COMPOUND #1 (20 mg/kg) possesses anti-Parkinson's effects in Nurr1 #1 (20 mg/kg) possesses anti-Parkinson's effects in deficient mice. 6-OHDA lesioned rats. 0194 DISCUSSION: A discussion of the animal model 0187 DISCUSSION: A discussion of the animal model data is presented in EXAMPLE 17, below. data is presented in EXAMPLE 17, below. 0195 MATERIALS AND METHODS: RotaRod perfor 0188 METHODS for STUDY i2: The Rota-Count 8 unit mance measurements (time that balance was maintained on is an eight channel rotational meter. The System utilizes a the rod) were performed (as in Study #1), each week during digital rotary encoder and each encoder is mounted in a 8 weeks of treatment. After RotaRod testing, COMPOUND small bowl with a cable attachment; thereby, rotations of rats #1 (20 mg/kg) was administered twice daily ip; Vehicle are automatically recorded. 6-OHDA in 0.9% NaCl at a control animals received NaCl twice daily; WT control concentration of 0.2% (w/v)-8 ul injected into the nigros animals received NaCl twice daily. triatum. To control for injection failures in the injections, only 6-OHDA-lesioned rats that rotated more than 5 cycles/ EXAMPLE 16 min at 7 days post-injection were Selected for experimental use. Treatments ip with COMPOUND #1 or SINEMET Measurements of Tyrosine Hydroxylase Levels in administered twice daily 2-wks. after 6-OHDA. the Nigrostriatal Region of Mice Treated with Compound #1 EXAMPLE 1.5 0196) Mice lesioned with MPTP and treated with 20 mg/kg of Compound #1, or NaCl as a negative control, for Parkinson's Animal Model Studies two months according to EXAMPLE 13 were sacrificed and brains were prepared for immunocytochemistry with an aim STUDY i3. Effects of IPXTSO in Nurr1 toward detecting both (i) the numbers of neurons in the Genetic-Knockout Mice nigrostrial region that Stain positively for the presence of 0189 Genetic knockout mice having defective expres TH; and, (ii) the amount of TH per neuron. Sion of the Nurr1 gene exhibit age-related Selective agenesis 0197) The results of these experiments indicated, signifi at dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain, i.e., Similar to the cantly, that: genetic defects observed in patients with Parkinsons disease. Possible anti-Parkinson's effects of COMPOUND if 1 were 0198 (i) the number of neurons staining positively observed in Nurr1 deficient mice at an age when locomotor for TH were approximately 20-30% greater, (but not activity was first determined to be significantly defective Statistically Significant due to the Small numbers of (Clear bars, FIG. 10) in comparison with similarly aged animals per group, i.e., n=6), in mice treated with wild type (WT, FIG. 7) mice, i.e., in Rota Rod measure Compound # 1; and, US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

0199 (ii) the amount of TH per neuron was quali Hic-5 activation, i.e., phosphorylation, occurs during the tatively much higher in the Compound #1 treated course of dopamine binding and transport. Hic-5 is a ligand animals. for Nurr-1. GLUT3-LIM protein is intended to mean a GLUT3 adaptor protein associated with the intracellular 0200 Normal, non-MPTP-lesioned mice, treated for two domain of GLUT3 and having multiple Lin-11, Isl-1 and/or months according to EXAMPLEif13 with Compound #1 at Mec-3 domains. GLUT3-LIM is activated, i.e., phosphory 20 mg/kg (daily/ip) showed normal locomotor activity and lated, during the course of Compound if 1 binding and brain histology without any evidence of overt or histologic transport. toxicity. MPTP-lesioned mice treated for two months with Compound #1 at 20 mg/kg (daily/ip) recovered locomotor 0207 VMAT2 is the vesicular monoamine transporter activity and histologically showed no evidence of any neural responsible for vesicle Sequestration of dopamine that has toxicity over-and-above that shown by control MPTP-le been transported into the cell via DAT. Sioned NaCl-treated animals. 0208 GLUT is intended to mean a family of structurally 0201 DISCUSSION: The results obtained in the present related, membrane-Spanning glycoproteins that mediate the EXAMPLE 16, are discussed in EXAMPLE 17, below. facilitative transport of glucose acroSS plasma membranes. Six GLUT isoforms have been cloned (to date) with GLUT1 EXAMPLE 1.7 widely expressed in endothelial cells of the vasculature including neural vasculature, GLUT3 expressed Strongly in Low-Level Delivery of Compounds #1 and #2 the trophoblast and neural cells of the brain and retina; Effects Cross-Coupling of Transcriptional GLUT4 expressed in Somatic cells including muscle and Regulation of the Tyrosine Hydroxylase Gene as adipose tissue; and GLUT2 expressed primarily in the Mediated Through DAT and GLUT Transporters pancreas and liver but also in the intestine and kidney. 0202 Citations made in this EXAMPLE 17 appear at the 0209 GLU72 gene regulation may act in molecular sen end of this particular examples Section. By convention, Sor mechanisms determining production of insulin by pan genes are referred to herein with italices and their protein creatic beta-cells and GLUT4 gene regulation may act in products in regular text. hepato-portal molecular Sensor mechanisms regulating Sys 0203) DISCUSSION OF EXAMPLES 13-16 follows a temic glucose concentrations. definition of terms and an introductory Background Section, below. DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN EXAMPLE 17: 0210 GLUT1 is intended to mean the endothelial glucose transporter isoform associated with neural endothelial cells. 0204 Tfrosine hydroxylase (IT) is a tetrahydrobiopterin Resident in the cytosol, these transporters are rapidly mobi (BH4,6-(R)-erythro-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin) requiring, lized to and from the plasma membrane in response to iron-containing monooxygenase enzyme which catalyzes changes in extracellular glucose concentrations. The the first and rate-limiting Step of catecholamine Synthesis, GLUT1 gene is StreSS responsive and hypoxia or hypogly i.e. conversion of tyrosine to L-Dopa. TH expression is cemia induce increased levels of GLUT1 mRNA, increased necessary for neurotransmitter specification of all catechola translocation of and induces increased. minergic neurons. Nigrostriatal Synthesis of dopamine accounts for the majority of dopamine in the central nervous 0211 GLUT3 is intended to mean the neural glucose System. Indicative of its importance, TH is regulated by transporter isoform associated with neural cells. nearly every reported form of regulation including multiple gene-level transcription controls, alternative splicing, 0212 Hypoxia is intended to mean low oxygen tension, mRNA stability, translational control, enzyme stability, e.g., less than 5% O. Hypoxia increases expression of both feedback inhibition on enzyme activity by end products Such the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and certan GLUT gene prod as dopamine, allosteric modulation of enzyme activity and ucts in neural cells. The response to hypoxia is a cell-type phosphorylation-dependent activation of the enzyme by Specific, not generalized, and the gene-level response shows various kinase Systems. TH protein, and the TH gene, are differences in regulation for different isoforms of GLUT, i.e., stress responsive. Up-regulation of THITH activity and GLUT1 and GLUT3 are activated for increased transcription expression is triggered during hypoxia and may Supply while GLUT2 is down-regulated. neurotransmitters needed for critical Sympathoadrenal 0213 HIF-1 is intended to mean HIF-1C, HIF-1 B and/or StreSS-responsive functions Such as changing breathing and HIF-2O, which are hypoxia-inducible transcription factors heart rate and liver function. in Somatic, (e.g. myoblasts, cardiac muscle cells, fibroblasts, 0205 Dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) catalyzes con epithelial cells and the like), and neural cells, (e.g. cells of version of dopamine (DA) to noradrenaline (NA) and is the central and peripheral nervous System), respectively. Selectively expressed in noradrenergic and adrenergic neu HIF-1C. is capable of forming functional regulatory het rons and neuroendocrine cells. erodimers with aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator (ARNT) and is encoded by a gene whose promoter contains 0206 DAT is intended to mean the dopamine (DA) a hypoxia response element (HRE). HIF-1 is capable of presynaptic monoamine transporter encoded by the DAT up-regulating TH, GLUT1 and GLUT3. Activity of HIF-1 C. gene. DAT regulates extracellular levels of DA by reuptake protein may also be increased in cells exposed to low oxygen of released DA. DAT is an important site of action of tension. amphetamine and cocaine. Hic-5 is an adaptor protein associated with the intracellular domain of DAT and 0214 VHL is intended to mean von Hippel-Lindau pro involved in signal transduction mediated by DAT. Hic-5 tein which interacts with HIF-1C. and decreases HIF-1C. contains multiple Lin-11, Isl-1 and Mec-3 (LAM) domains. degradation by inhibiting ubiquination. US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 22

0215 Pitx3 is intended to mean the pair-like home 0226 Background: odomain 3 also known as pituitary 0227 Tyrosine hydroxylase catalyzes the rate-limiting 3. Pitx3RE is the GGCTTT response element for Step in biosynthesis of catecholamines including dopamine, Pitx3. norepinephrine and epinephrine. Regulation of the enzyme 0216) Pro-OHases is intended to mean prolyl-4-hydroxy and gene encoding the enzyme represent the central means lases active in hydroxylation of HIF-1 resulting in ubiquiti for controlling midbrain Synthesis of these important central nation and Subsequent proteasome-dependent degradation. and Sympathetic neurotransmitters and adrenomedullary 0217 NFkB is intended to mean the nuclear transcription hormones. Accordingly, tyrosine hydroxylase appears to be factor kappa B. NFkB is mobilized from the cytoplasm of modulated by nearly every documented form of regulation cells into the nucleus in response to cytokines, (e.g., IL-1, including e.g. all of the following: namely, (i) gene tran scriptional regulation of TH mRNA levels; (ii) alternative TNF-C, IFN-Y), hypoxia and certain other cellular stress mRNA processing/splicing that generates four different insults. NFKB increases transcription of StreSS related genes. enzyme isoforms with differences in activity; (iii) regulation 0218 PKC is protein kinase C; PKA is protein kinase A; of mRNA stability; (iv) possible translational control; (v) PI3K is posphoinositol-3 kinase; PP1 is protein phosphatase enzyme stability controls; (vi) enzyme co-factor require 1; PP2A is protein phosphatase 2A; and, MEK 1/2 kinase is ments for tetrahydrobiopterin; (vii) enzyme feedback inhi mitogen enhanced kinase 1 or 2. bition of the enzyme protein by catecholamine end- and 0219) CREM is intended to mean cAMP-responsive ele intermediate-products, e.g. dopamine, L-dopa, and NE; ment modulator, is also known as CREB, an acronym for (viii) allosteric modulation of enzyme activity; and, (ix) cAMP response element binding protein; and, CBP, CREB phosphorylation-dependent activation of enzyme activity. At binding protein that is a co-activator of CREB. the gene level, transcription controls are exerted as depicted by the inventors in FIG. 9. 0220 AP-1 is intended to mean activator protein-1 tran Scription factor; AP-1 is intended to mean a genomic AP-1 0228 FIG. 9 schematically depicts regulation of the binding Site Such as commonly present in a gene promoter Tyrosine Hydroxylase gene by cis- and trans-acting ele region; IRE is intended to mean an insulin response element ments affecting the promoter region of the gene. In FIG. in a promoter region of a gene, SRE is a Serum-response 9-12, positive (+) signs associated with arrows depict that element in a promoter region of a gene, TRE is a TPA the factor at the beginning of the arrow increases expression (phorbol myristate) sensitive response element in a promoter or activity of the factor at the arrow head; negative (-) signs region of a gene, FSE is a fat specific response element that depict that the indicated factor decreases expression or is present within neural cells at an AP-1 regulatory Site that activity; and, all indicated activities are as they would occur may be responsive to NGF signaling through the Fos/Jun in wild-type neural cells in the Substantia nigra. Unless transcription complex; NBRE is the nerve growth factor otherwise indicated, all cell-type specific gene regulatory induced protein I-B binding site response element which is interactions presented in FIG. 9-13 are as they occur in a Nurr1 response element, also referred to herein as NRE; human nigrostriatal neural cells. GRE is glucocorticoid response element; and RAR is the 0229. The MPTP Model of Parkinsonism: N-methyl-4- retinoic acid response element. phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine as oxidized by monoam 0221 VGCC is intended to mean voltage-gated Cat" ine oxidases in neural cells to MPP is currently believed to channels involved in membrane depolarization changes and be a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial electron transport, Ca' influx. increasing oxidative StreSS, and inducing apoptotic mecha 0222 BDNF is brain-derived neurotrophic factor; GCNF nisms responsible for programmed cell death in the nigros is glial cell neurotrophic factor, CRH is corticotropin trial region of mice, monkeys and man. MPTP chemical releasing hormone; PDGF is platelet-derived growth factor; leisioning results in fewer TH-positive nigral neurons with IL-1 is interleukin-1; TNF-C. is tumor necrosis factor-alpha; decreased expression of pre-synaptic DAT and post-Synaptic IFN-Y is interferon-gamma; NGF is nerve growth factor; dopaminergic receptors of the D1 and D2 families and and, FGF is fibroblast growth factor. increased expression of the alpha Synuclein gene (37); and, with the appearance of behavioral abnormalities well cor 0223 PACAP is intended to mean pituitary adenylate related with decreased expression of the DAT, VMAT and cyclase-activating polypeptide. TH genes (38). MPTP treatment has also been disclosed by 0224 ERK is intended to mean the extracellular-regu certain investigators to increase DA turnover in a manner lated kinase involved with c-fos in Ca2" calmodulin depen inhibited by pre-treating mice with 17 B-estradiol, progest dent responses to hypoxia; PIK3 is the phosphoinositide-3 erone and raloxifene (39). Interestingly, the estradiol pre kinase cascade. treatment reportedly preserve TH and DAT mRNA levels in 0225 Nurr1 is Nur-related factor 1 a member of the Nur these MPTP lesioned animals (39). Subfamily of orphan nuclear receptors which are ligand 0230. The 6-Hydroxydopamine Model of Parkinsonism: activated nuclear receptors, i.e., Nurr1 is also known as aka The destruction of dopaminergic and Serotonergic neural NOT, TINUR, RNR-1, HZF-3, and NR4A2; Nurr2, also cells by 6-hydroxydopamine (OHDA) is a common tool known as Nurr1a, is an alternatively spliced and frame used in elucidation of function and in investigating pharma shifted carboxy-truncated form of Nurr which negatively ceutical efficacy of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease test regulates the binding of several members of the Nur Sub compounds. Apoptosis is commonly believed to be induced family to NBRE sites; RXR is the by common oxidative StreSS mechanisms possibly involving activator of Nurr1; and, SRC is a steroid receptor coactivator oxidation of toxins into quinones or production of toxic of Nurr1 protein. hydrogen peroxide by-products. US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 23

0231. The Nurr1 kKnock-Out Mouse Model of Parkin transfected with either normal or mutant (A30P or A53T) sonism: Nurr1 (also called NOT, TNUR, RNR-1, HZF-3, alpha-synuclein using microarrays, with confirmation of and NR4A2) is a member of the transcrip selected genes by quantitative RT-PCR, Baptista and tion factor Superfamily 1, i.e., in the NR4A subfamily with coworkers (9) found significantly altered expression of NGFI-B (nerve growth factor-induced gene B) and NOR-1 Several genes included members of diverse functional gene (neuron-derived orphan receptor-1). Receptors are in this groupS Such as StreSS response, transcription regulators, general family are heterodimeric proteins that bind growth apoptosis-inducing molecules, transcription factors and factors, Steroids and hormones and modify housekeeping membrane-bound proteins. Among the genes with altered gene expression by acting as transcription factors at gene expression these investigators found (i) dihydropteridine promoter binding sites. The gene for Nurr1 has been mapped reductase, which indirectly regulates the Synthesis of to chromosome 2g22-23 and is essential for the develop dopamine; (ii) GTP cyclohydrolase, Sepiapterin reductase mental induction of nigral dopaminergic neurons, as well as, (SR), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and aromatic acid decar for the maintenance of mature dopaminergic neuronal func boxylase, i.e., apparently co-ordinately down-regulated by tion 2,3. It has been demonstrated that Nurr1 gene activa wild-type alpha-synuclein but not mutant alpha-synuclein; tion can enhance TH and DAT expression 4,5). Dr. W-D. Le and, (iii) Nurr1, the orphan receptor which is a member of and coworkers at Baylor in 1991 generated a Nurr1 knock the nuclear Superfamily NR4A Subgroup. out mice model by disrupting the Nurr1 gene in exon 3. In combination, these results Suggest that wild type alpha Interestingly, these knockout mice demonstrated massive Synuclein coordinately down-regulates DA synthesis and apoptosis of dopaminergic precursor neurons, Suggesting Nurr1(9). that Nurr1 gene function is required for both development 0234 Nurr1: A Transcription Regulator of Tyrosine and maintenance of dopaminergic neurons. In Nurr1 knock Hydroxylase: Kim et al. (10) recently disclosed that the out mice cellular apoptosis eventually leads to agenesis of product of the Nurr1 gene may transactivate the promoter of nigral DAergic neurons 1). Features of this Parkinson's the TH gene in a cell type-dependent manner. Nurr1 did not animal model include: (i) homozygous Nurr1 knock-out apparently exert regulator effects at the dopamine beta (Nurr1-/-) mice display a selective and complete loss of hydroxylase (DBH) promoter, (i.e., the terminal enzyme in dopaminergic neurons in the Substantia nigra (SN); (ii) DA noradrenalin Synthesis). Consistent with these results, only concentrations in the striatum are not detectable; and, (iii) the TH promoter contains multiple Sequence motifs homolo the homozygous mice die within 24 hr of birth. In contrast, gous to the known Nurr1-binding motif, NBRE. Deletion heterozygous Nurr1 gene knock-out (Nurr1+/-) mice Sur analysis in the tyrosine hydroxylase promoter indicated the Vive 6 but they are more Vulnerable to dopaminergic presence of three NBRE motifs <1.0 kb upstream from the neurotoxin MPTP compared with the wild-type (Nurr1+/+) origin of gene transcription, i.e. NL1, NL2 and NL3. Among mice 7). In addition, at middle age these heterozygous these potential motifs, Site-directed mutational analysis Nurr1+/-mice develop locomoter impairment, (15 month or showed that NL1, residing from -35 to -28 bp, which is older), with features similar to Parkinson's disease. AS reportedly most critical for mediating the transactivation by disease progresses in the heterozygous mice they exhibit a Nurr1. However, DNase I footprinting and electrophoretic chronic progressive deficiency of nigral dopaminergic func mobility shift assays showed that NL3, but not NL1 or NL2, tion which correlates with progressive impaired motor per has high binding affinity to Nurr1 (10). Kessler et al. (11) in formance, i.e., with 42% decrease in locomotor activity at Studies of the TH promoter region apparently identified an 15-16 months and 62% at 22-23 months, (i.e., as evaluated additional regulatory motif in the upstream TH promoter using Rota-Rod measurements). The disease progression in region at -2 kb to -9 kb relative to the transcription Start Site this animal model is also accompanied by both (i) marked and within these regions were also potential recognition Sites progressive reduction in the levels of striatal DA with e.g. a for NR4A2 (Nurr1), HNF-3beta, HOXA4, and HOXA5. 36% decrease at 15-16 months and 59% at 22-23 months; These results Suggest that Nurr1 may play a direct devel and, (ii) loss of TH-positive neurons with a 31% decrease at opmental and maintenance role in Specifying the identity of 15-16 months and 54% at 22-23 months. dopaminergic cells by activating tyrosine hydroxylase gene 0232) Nurr1: Developmental Significance: Recognizing transcription in a cell context-dependent manner. that Nurr1 is a transcription factor appearing critical for the development of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) neurons, 0235 Chu et al. (12) disclosed that virtually all of Chung et al. (8) modified mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) neurons to constitutively express Nurr1. The increased Nurr1-ex within the young adult human Substantia nigra were Nurr1 pression in the Stem cells lead to an up-regulation of all immunoreactive (Nurr1-ir) positive. Stereologic counts dopaminergic neuronal markers tested, i.e., resulting in a 4 reportedly revealed a significant reduction in the number of to 5-fold increase in neurons with a dopaminergic phenotype Nurr1-ir nigral neurons in middle-aged (23.13%) and aged during development. (46.33%) individuals relative to young subjects. The loss of 0233 Alpha-Synuclein: A Coordinate Transcription Nurr1-ir neurons was associated with a similar decline in Regulator of Dopamine Synthesis and Nurr1: Abnormal TH-ir neuron number. In this regard, TH-ir neuronal number accumulation of alpha-synuclein in Lewy bodies is a neu was reportedly decreased in middle-aged (11.10%) and in ropathological hallmark of both sporadic and familial Par aged (45.97%) Subjects, and this loss of TH-ir neurons was kinson's disease (PD). Although mutations in alpha-sy highly correlated (r=0.92) with the loss of Nurr1-ir neurons. nuclein have been identified in autosomal dominant PD, the 0236 Nurr1: Regulation by Purine Nucleosides Released mechanism by which dopaninergic cell death occurs remains in Stress Responses: As set forth above, Nurr1 is an orphan largely unknown, although recent investigations are begin member of the nuclear hormone receptor Superfamily NR4A ning to shed significant Some light on these events. Inves subgroup along with its close relative NOR-1. This subgroup tigating transcriptional changes in neuroblastoma cell lines is categorized as immediate early response genes that are US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 24 induced through multiple Signal transduction pathways. 0241 Multiple Requirements and Other Dopaminergic They have been implicated in cell proliferation, differentia Diseases: In reviewing evidence from recent transgenic tion, T-cell apoptosis, chondrosarcomas, neurological disor knock-out animal model Studies, Eells (17) reminds (i) that ders, inflammation and atherogenesis. However, the mecha alterations in dopaminergic neurotransmission have been nism of transcriptional activation, coactivator recruitment, implicated in a number of human neuropathologies includ and agonist mediated activation remains largely obscure. ing Parkinson's disease, Schizophrenia and attention deficit/ Recent studies of NOR-1 indicate that a variety of 6-MP hyperactivity disorder; and, (ii) that there are multiple analogs all efficiently activated NOR-1. These findings lead requirements for development, transmission and mainte the inventors to believe that signaling pathways already nance of DA neurons: namely, for development the genes known to modulate cell proliferation through inhibition of -1 and -2, ImX1b and Nurr1; for neurotransmission de novo purine and/or nucleic acid biosynthesis may also be tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), vesicular monoamine trans involved in regulating the activity of transcription factors in porter, dopamine transporter (DAT) and the D2 and D3 the NR4A family and Nurr1. receptors, and, for neuronal Survival alpha-synuclein, glial 0237 Abayratna Wansa and coworkers (13) suggested neurotrophic factor and Superoxide dismutase. that transcription factors of the NR4A subgroup may be 0242 Dysregulation in dopaminergic neurotransmission regulated by and mediates the genotoxic StreSS response, i.e., might play a role in the pathogenesis of Schizophrenia, and this Subgroup of transcription factors are Suggested to func therefore genetic components of the dopamine (DA) path tion as Sensors to identify modified purines which could way could conceivable confer a genetic risk. Since NR4A2/ result in genotoxicity. Nurr1 is essential for the development and maintenance of 0238 Ordentlich et al. (14) investigated Nurr1 instead of mesencephalic DA-Synthesizing neurons and the Nurr1 gene NOR-1 and found, in similar manner, that Nurr1 appears to product forms heterodimer with the retinoid X receptor be Subject to regulation by purine nucleosides and may be (RRX), it is possible that disturbances in retinoid-signaling activated by 6-mercaptopurine (14). From these combined could be involved in susceptibility to schizophrenia. How findings it now appears possible to the inventors that altered ever, Iwayama-Shigeno et al. (18) report that data do not nucleosides and/or purine nucleosides released in Stroke and Support the notion that haplotype analysis of Schizophrenic other genotoxic StreSS responses may down-regulate expres polymorphisms in Japanese do not Support a role for the Sion of Nurr1 resulting in-turn in decreased dopamine Syn NR4A2/Nurr1 gene plays a major role in determining Sta thesis. tistical risk. 0239 Nurr1: Possible Regulation by Kinase Pathways: 0243 Modulation of the NURR subfamily of nuclear Studying expression of Nurr1, NGFI-B and NOR-1, Satoh et receptors may also be an important mechanism regulating al. (15) report that all are expressed constitutively in various pathways associated with inflammatory joint disease. In human neural and non-neural cell lines under the Serum studies conducted by McEnvoy et al. (19) the signaling containing culture condition and their levels are up-regu mechanisms for induction of inflammatory mediators in lated in human neurons by activation of protein kinase A or rheumatoid arthritis Synovial tissue was reported to involve protein kinase C pathway. the possible regulation by the NURR subfamily. Markedly 0240. The NGFI-B (Nur77) subfamily of orphan nuclear enhanced expression of NURR is observed in synovial receptors (NRs), which also includes Nurr1 and NOR1, bind tissue of patients with RA compared with normal Subjects the NurRE regulatory element as either homo- or het and in primary RA and normal synoviocytes and Nurr1 (but erodimers formed between subfamily members. These not NOR1 or NUR 7) mRNA and protein were increased in nuclear receptorS reportedly mediate the activation of pitu response to PGE(2), IL-1 beta, and TNF-alpha. itary proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene transcription by 0244. Nurr1: Summary: Recent findings suggest to the the hypothalamic hormone corticotropin-releasing hormone inventors that dysregulation at the level of Nurr1 has the (CRH), a link between neuronal and endocrine components potential to decrease tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA levels, of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. CRH effects on decreasing levels of dopamine Synthesis in the Substantia POMC transcription do not require de novo protein synthe nigra-i.e., a Parkinson's hallmark phenotype. Dysregula sis, Suggesting that the Signaling mechanisms may be pre tion in Nurr1 could potentially result from any combination existent in cells. Elucidating these mechanisms, Maira et al. of the following: namely, (i) increased steady-state down (16) recently reported that CRH activates Nur factors via the regulation of Nurr1 mediated by alpha Synuclein, age cyclic AMP/protein kinase A(PKA) pathway. CRH induc related decreases in Nurr1 or decreased levels of Nurr1 tion of PKA apparently rapidly increases nuclear DNA activators (e.g., intracellular levels of purines and pyrim binding activity of NGFI-B dimers but not monomers. idines and the like); (ii) altered Nurr1 protein activity PKA-activated Nur dimeric factors have enhanced binding resulting in lowered responsiveness to PAK activity and/or to target response elements in the POMC gene promoter. age-related decrease in the activity of one or more Nurr1 Providing additional mechanistic understanding, Maira et al. co-activator/enhancer (telomeric) proteins like p160/SRC (16) reported that p160/SRC coactivators were recruited to co-activators; (iii) defects or alterations in Nurr1 dimer the Nur dimers (but not to monomers) and that coactivator formation with NR4A family member proteins; (iv) mutant recruitment to NurRE was enhanced in response to CRH. altered Nurr1 or Nurr1 co-activator or dimer partner protein; Thus, in this System PKA activation apparently activates or, (v) genetically altered promoter binding sites in target coactivator-induced potentiation of transcription factor dim genes or in the Nurr1 promoter region. mer binding at gene regulatory sites. Taken together, these results Suggest to the inventors that Nurr1 dimeric transcrip 0245. In studies of Nurr1 allelic variation in Parkinson's tion factors may be activation targets in PKA Signaling patients, Le and coworkers (20) have reportedly identified a pathway triggered by peptide hormones. homozygous polymorphism in intron 6 of the human Nurr1 US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 25 gene that Seems associated at a higher frequency with EXAMPLES 13-16 confirming transport via GLUT1 at familial Parkinson's than with spontaneous Parkinson's. endothelial cells of the blood brain barrier. Possible binding 0246. At least one recent Study Suggests an additional at a D2/D3 receptor site in vivo, thus, seems less likely than possibility: namely, that chronic long-term Stimulation at the binding to a D1/D5 receptor. D2 receptor, i.e., in cocaine users, may lead to decreased 0253) D1/D5 Agonist Activity: Binding at D1/D5 pre- or Nurr1 expression in human brain (21). In other receptor post-Synaptic receptors with associated triggering of a driven expression Systems, it is appreciated that compensa kinase-mediated signal transduction cascade (e.g. through tory down-regulation of transcription can occur in response PKA, PKC or calmodulin kinase II with cAMP, Ca2" flux to chronic long-term receptor activation. Thus, it is also and possible CREB involvement) may up-regulate TH gene possible that chronic production of inflammatory mediators expression, e.g. through CRE or AP-1 response elements as by microglial cells (macrophages) in the brain may down depicted in FIG. 9. However, the results presented in regulate Nurr1 activity. EXAMPLE 16 also show increased TH protein in the 0247 Reservoir Delivery: Gene transfer studies con nigrostriatal neurons of MPTP-lesioned animals treated with ducted by others have reported negative feedback regulation Compound #1. This Singular finding indicates that at least from simultaneous expression of the genes for TH; GTP Some of the important effects of Compound #1 must be cyclohydrolase-I, (rate limiting in tetrahydrobiopterin exerted pre-synaptically, i.e., increasing TH levels and up -BH1- co-factor Synthesis); and, aromatic L-amino decar regulating the TH gene-but how? The common perception boxylase (capable of converting the TH L-Dopa product into is that end-products like dopamine feedback on gene func dopamine), i.e., the reconstructed cells produced dopamine tion in a negative manner: So, either this is a misconception and the Synthesis was then apparently down-regulated by the with respect to Compound #1, or there must be some other dopamine end-product (29). Negative feedback regulation explanation for the findings of increased TH protein in was reportedly overcome in these gene therapy studies (29) Compound #1-treated animals. Theoretically, increased by also Supplying a vesicular monoamine transporter with immunoresponsive TH protein levels in treated animals the aim of Sequestering the Synthesized L-dopa and dopam could result from either: (a) increased protein stability, i.e., ine within vesicles. Such findings reinforce the inventors decreased turnover; (b) increased mRNA stability, i.e., belief in the great importance of Compound #1 binding and decreased turnover, with increased TH protein Synthesis, or, transport by DAT and GLUT transporters, as well as, the (c) from increased mRNA transcription and translation. At importance of this uptake route in establishing Sequestration present it is believed most likely that the majority of the increased TH protein results from increased TH mRNA into Vesicles, as discussed further below. transcription and translation. It is believed less likely that 0248 Coordinated DAT/GLUT3 Signaling: DAT and stability of mRNA and protein accounts for the observed GLUT are transporters, to the inventor's knowledge these changes in the striatum of animals treated with Compound plasma membrane proteins have not previously been impli #1. ASSuming in argumentum that this is the case, then even cated in Signal transduction or gene-level regulatory con if Compound #1 is binding and activating D1/D5 it is likely trols. that up-regulation of TH relates to Some other property of 0249) DISCUSSION: the instant class of compounds. 0250). In Vitro and In Vivo Studies: The results presented 0254 Coordinated Therapeutic Mode of Action: Poten in EXAMPLES 13-16, Supra, show that Compound #1 tial in Vivo binding Sites for Compound #1, i.e., in addition alleviated locomotor Symptoms in three different animal to D1/D5 receptor sites, may be reasoned as follows: models commonly used to evaluate a Parkinson's drug namely, candidate: namely, the MPTP-lesioned mouse model 0255 (i) Dopamine re-uptake transporters, i.e., (EXAMPLE 13), 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats DAT, mediate pre-synaptic re-uptake of dopamine (EXAMPLE 14); and, the Nurr1 genetic knockout mouse from the synaptic cleft and VMAT2 transporters model (EXAMPLE 15). Sequester the reuptake-dopamine preventing pos 0251 Potential Mechanisms of Action: Attempting to Sible toxicity associated with dopamine oxidation explain therapeutic mode of action, binding of Compound products. It seems likely to the inventors that DAT #1 to neural cells in the striatum may occur according to one reuptake processes are monitored at a gene level and or more of the following mechanisms: namely, (i) binding as that response elements must exist in the TH regula an agonist at D1/D5 receptorS post-Synaptically to Supply tory region to account for DAT activity. Similarly, needed dopamine for post-Synaptic innervation; (ii) binding DAT associated co-factors Such as Hic-5, LIM or as an agonist at D1/D5 receptors located on pre-synaptic other adaptor proteins must Serve functions in Signal plasma membrane; (iii) binding as an agonist, at a low level, transduction to the TH gene. Thus, is currently at a D2/D3 receptor; (iv) transport via a pre-synaptic DAT believed highly likely that Compound #1 binding transporters; and, (iv) transport via a pre- or post-Synaptic and translocation at DAT trigger changes effective to neural GLUT3 transporter. up-regulate the TH gene. Signaling through DAT and regulatory affects of DAT transport on TH gene 0252) The results of in vitro experiments presented in expression have, to the inventor's best knowledge, EXAMPLES 11 and 12 show that (a) Compound #1 has not been previously disclosed; predominantly D1/D5 binding specificity and that receptor binding triggerS Signal transduction with changes in intrac 0256 (ii) It is also believed highly likely that ellular cAMP; (b) Compound #1 is transportable at DAT; GLUT3 facilitative transporters on nigral neural and, (c) Compound #1 is transportable at GLUT1, i.e., as cells mediate uptake of Compound #1. It is believed evidenced by the locomotor effects disclosed in highly likely that glucose response elements exist in US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 26

the TH gene regulatory region and that GLUT3 glucose and dopamine, then what is it and how does transport is monitored at a gene level. Again, to the it work? Again, the key rate limiting enzyme in inventor's best knowledge, Signaling through GLUT catecholamine Synthesis is tyrosine hydroxylase. The and regulatory effects on TH gene expression have importance of this enzyme is affirmed by the findings not previously been disclosed; and, that Virtually every form of known regulation is 0257 (iii) It is believed highly likely that monitor exerted upon the TH gene, mRNA and protein (as ing glucose transport through GLUT3 and dopamine Summarized in the Background Section above). Even reuptake through DAT constitutes a novel important breathing and heart rate are regulated by the cat Sensor System operative within Striatal neural cells echolamine neurotransmitters whose Synthesis is for controling bodily metabolic responses to StreSS catalyzed by TH. Thus, the promoter regulatory and trauma. Again, to the inventor's best knowledge region of the TH gene and its associated transcription a coordinated DAT/GLUT3 sensor system operative factors is believed by the inventors to be the key in nigral cells at the level of TH gene regulation has Sensor System for balancing dopamine Synthesis in not been previously disclosed. response to glucose transport (mediated through 0258 Advantageous Properties of the Instant Therapeutic GLUT3) and dopamine reuptake through DAT. The Compounds: Transport of Compound #1 by DAT and GLUT following details, below, are offered up in answer to transporters insures that uptake and Sequestration into the question “how does it work?”; VMAT2 and GLUT3 cytoplasmic vesicles, thereby allevi 0262 3) FIGS. 9-14 disclose the inventor's under ating potential dopamine intracellular toxicity of the degra Standing of Signaling events relating to regulation of dation and oxidation products of Compound #1, as well as, the TH (FIG. 9), GLUT1 (FIG. 10), GLUT3 (FIG. possible negative feedback inhibitory activity of dopamine 11), DAT (FIG. 12) and Nurr1 genes (FIG. 13), as at both the enzyme and gene transcription levels. Vesicular well as how coordinate regulation is achieved Storage also allows time for processing of pro-drug Com through the counter-balancing effects of SP1/SP3 pound #1 into glucose and dopamine, and assures that the and Nurr1/Nurr? (FIG. 14). processed dopamine is redily available for Synaptic release. Vesicular Storage in Striatal neural cells in the midbrain, 0263 FIG. 9 schematically depicts regulation of the acting in combination with gradual release of Compound #1 Tyrosine Hydroxylase gene by cis- and trans-acting ele from GLUT1 receptors on red blood cells and regulated ments affecting the promoter region of the gene. In FIG. transport of Compound #1 via endothelial cells at the blood 9-12, positive (+) signs associated with arrows depict that brain barrier, are all presently believed to be key in achiev the factor at the beginning of the arrow increases expression ing the therapeutic efficacy of the instant class of therapeutic or activity of the factor at the arrow head; negative (-) signs agents, i.e., via gradual Sustained release at low levels. depict that the indicated factor decreases expression or activity; and, all indicated activities are as they would occur 0259 A Novel Drug Target: In Summary, the finding that in wild-type neural cells in the Substantia nigra. TH immunoreactive protein is increased in Striatal neurons in Compound #1-treated MPTP-lesioned mice (EXAMPLE 0264 FIG. 10 schematically depicts the disclosed regu 16) is considered to be highly significant as it indicates to the latory mechanisms operative at the GLUT1 (vascular endot inventors a previously un-recognized linkage between TH helial glucose transporter) gene by cis- and trans-acting gene expression and compounds, like Compound #1, that are elements affecting the promoter region of the gene. capable of simultaneously accessing GLUT3 and DAT. 0265 FIG. 11 schematically depicts the disclosed regu Further, the findings indicate highly likely gene regulatory latory mechanisms operative at the GLUT3 (neural glucose controls exerted on TH transcription and/or enzyme protein transporter) gene by cis- and trans-acting elements affecting which are responsive to GLUT3 and DAT transporter activ the promoter region of the gene. ity. The following additional reasoning may be posited: namely, 0266 FIG. 12 schematically depicts the disclosed regu 0260 1) Why should there be coupling of signaling latory mechanisms operative at the DAT (dopamine re at GLUT3, DAT and TH2 Important clues about uptake neural transporter) gene by cis- and trans-acting possible coordinate coupling of regulation at elements affecting the promoter region of the gene. GLUT3, DAT and TH is evident in detailed analysis 0267 FIG. 13 schematically depicts the disclosed regu of TH gene regulation: e.g., responsiveness of TH latory mechanisms operative at the Nurr gene by cis- and gene promoter elements to adrenocorticoid hor trans-acting elements affecting the promoter region of the mones, insulin, glucose levels and hypoxia. Telio gene. logically, the presence of “fight-or-flight' glucocor ticoid regulatory elements (GRE) in the TH promoter 0268 FIG. 14 schematically depicts coordinate regula region along with glucose Sensor capability Suggests tory mechanisms exerted by SP1, SP2, Nurr1 and Nurr12 at that in the process of responding to a “flight' direc the gene regulatory regions of the DAT, VMAT2 (the tive from adrenal gland hormones the brain may dopamine vesicular storage transporter), TH, GLUT1, judge it to be wise to check available bodily reserves GLUT3, D1A (Dopaminergic receptor-1A) and membrane of both dopamine and glucose, and if necessary, transporters Adenine nucleotide translocate-2 and beta-ga increase brain glucose transport, expression of TH lactosidase-Sialyltransferase. and output of parasympathetic and Sympathetic 0269 4) To the inventors thinking, a coordinated rapid mediators, System for responding to StreSS, trauma, hypoxia and inflam 0261) 2) Assuming in argumentum that the midbrain mation requires a single effector operative in Simultaneously nigroStrital region contains a coordinated Sensor for up-regulating the critical dopaminergic gene functions, i.e., US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 27 the transcription factor Nurr1. A critical System for respond ciencies in TH and DAT, i.e., a counter-productive in a long ing to StreSS also requires counteracting balances, i.e., Nurr2, term therapy designed to correct a defect in transcription as well as a multiplicity of backup components, i.e., the regulation of a TH gene. regulatory mechanisms set forth in FIG. 9-13. However, 0273 At the Protein Level: As schematically depicted in Such a rapid-response System is undoubtedly not Suitable for FIG. 12, dopaminergic agonists at D2/D3 receptors may day-to-day balancing and tuning of nigral dopamine prod activate phosphorylation of DAT through the actions of ucts. Thus, as set forth schematically in FIG. 14, it is PIK3, PKC and/or MEK 1/2. Phosphorylation of DAT believed most likely that reciprocal SP1/SP3-mediated bal down-regulates dopamine re-uptake by (a) sequestering ancing controls exerted on DAT, GLUT3, TH, and other phosphorylated DAT in cytoplasmic vesicules, thereby dopaminergic components (FIG. 14) provides basal level reducing plasma membrane DAT available for re-uptake of balanced +/- regulatory controls to fine-tune ongoing cel dopamine; and, (b) reducing the Vmax of dopamine trans lular functions, i.e., housekeeping functions. The multiplic port by DAT. Both of these actions are counter-productive in ity of backup components for maintaining control of critical a long term therapy designed to correct a nigrostriatal catecholamine synthesis are depicted in FIG. 9-13. dopamine deficiency. 0270 Defects in Existing L-Dopa, Carbidopa and Syn 0274. Additional Therapeutic Methods of Use: The ven tral tegmental area (VTA) and Substantia nigra pars com emet Treatments: Existing treatments of Parkinson's disease pacta (SNC) regions of the striatum includes cells whose Suffer fundamental mechanistic flaws in view of the instant Synapses impinge in brain areas implicated in locomotion; disclosed regulatory interactions, as also Supported by cer conditioning, learning and motivation of apetite and feeding tain recent disclosures from others. For example, Guttman et behavior; alcohol withdrawal seizures; and, reward. The al. (30) disclosed results of PET studies in patients with early disclosed association of DAT, GLUT3 and TH (above) Parkinson's disease (PD), wherein binding activity of test indicates additional uses for the compounds of the instant compounds at dopamine transporters (DAT) was reportedly invention in treatments of feeding disorders, e.g., binging reduced after therapeutic administration of L-dopa. Simi eating leading to obesity and increasing risk of Type 2 larly, Torstenson et al. (31) disclosed results of L-DOPA diabetes, bulimia nervosa, anorexia and the like. Other uses influx rates after levodopa infusion as recorded in PET of the compounds of the instant invention include the studies in patients with mild PD or advanced PD. Influx rates following: namely, (i) reversing DAT blockade by psycho were decreased in patients with mild PD and increased in Stimulants Such as cocaine, e.g. in an acute care Setting; (ii) patients with advanced PD, Suggesting to these authors a treatments for alcohol withdrawal Symptoms including Sei positive upregulation in patients with advanced disease. In Zures; (iii) treatments for insecticide poisoning related to wild-type rats, L-Dopa:carbidopa (50:5 mg/kg) adminis dysfunctional regulation of TH and DAT; (iv) treatments for tered three times daily significantly decreased DAT levels Sleep apnea and/or narcolepsy as related to dysfunctional (32). Looking at DAT transporters expressed Xenopus regulation of TH and DAT; (v) treatments for schizoprenia, oocytes and rat striatum, Gulley et al. (33) disclosed down attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity Syndromes, (vi) regulation of DAT function after repeated brief exposure to treatments for panic disorders; and, (vii) treatments of the dopamine, AMPH or tyramine. Down-regulation of DAT is rheumatoid Synovium, lung and immune Systems, wherein very counter-productive to Successful long-term therapy and the aim of each of the foregoing treatments is to restore a may also account for the significant fluctuations Seen in more normal transcription regulation of DAT and TH to a patient responsiveness, with time, to therapy. patient in need thereof. 0271 Defects in Existing D2 Agonist Treatments: As CITATIONS MADE IN EXAMPLE 1.7 depicted schematically in FIG. 9, D2 receptor agonists, but not D1 agonists, have been disclosed by others to down 0275 1. Saucedo-Cardenas O, Quintana-Hau J D, Le regulate transcription of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene in W D, et al. Nurr1 is essential for the induction of the vitro, in tissue slices (e.g. 34), in fetal grafts in animals (e.g. dopaminergic phenotype and the Survival of Ventral 35) and in patients. 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Mol Cell Neurosci 1998; 11:36-46 0272. At the Gene Level: As set forth in regard to the FIGURES above, the instant invention discloses that ago 0278 4. Iwawaki T, Kohno K., Kobayashi K. Identi nists binding at presynaptic D2/D3 receptors down-regulate fication of potential Nurr1 response element that acti Nurr1 gene expression (FIG. 13) with resultant decreased Vates the tyrosine hydroxylase gene promoter in cul positive-transcription regulation at the DAT gene promoter tured cells. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 2000; (FIG. 12) and also at the TH gene (FIG. 9). As a result, 274:590-595 despite Supplying Substrate L-dopa for dopamine Synthesis 0279) 5. Sacchetti P. Mitchell T. R., Grameman J. G., these D2/D3 agonists actions amply any nigrostriatal defi Bannon M. J. Nurr1 enhances transcription of the US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 28

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Z, Rs and Rs are optional, and when present Z, Rs and Rs. of allose, altrose, glucose, mannose, gulose, idose, galac together form a lower alkyl or a substituted lower alkyl tose, talose, fructose, ribo-heXulose, arabino-heXulose, lyXo moiety; heXulose and derivatives thereof. N is part of either an amine or an amide linkage; 8. The prodrug compound of claim 4, wherein Said pentosyl radical is further Selected from the group consisting E is a Saccharide which forms a linkage with N through of ribose, arabinose, Xylose, lyxose, ribulose, Xylulose and a single bond from a carbon or oxygen atom thereof; derivatives thereof. R and R are Selected form the group consisting of 9. The prodrug compound of claim 4, wherein Said hydrogen, hydroxyl, halogen, halo-lower alkyl, heptosyl residue comprises Sedoheptulose and derivatives alkoxyl, alkoxyl-lower alkyl, halo-alkoxy, thioamido, thereof. amidoSulfonyl, alkoxylcarbonyl, carboxamide, ami 10. The prodrug compound of claim 4, wherein said nocarbonyl, and alkylamino-carbonyl, nonosyl residue comprises N-acetylneuraminic acid, N-gly R and R are hydroxyl, colylneuraminic acid, diacetylneuranminic acid, and deriva tives thereof. Rs and R, when present, are Selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxyl, alkoxyl, carbonyl, 11. The prodrug compound of claim 7, further comprising alkoxylcarbonyl, aminocarbonyl, alkylamino-carbonyl glucose, galactose, fructose or derivatives thereof. and dialkylamino-carbonyl; and, 12. The prodrug compound of claim 2, wherein Said disaccharide, trisaccharide and oligosaccharide comprise a R and R are selected from the group consisting of Sugar homopolymer or a Sugar heteropolymer. hydrogen, hydroxyl, alkoxyl, carboxyl, alkoxylcarbo 13. The prodrug compound of claim 2, wherein Said Sugar nyl, aminocarbonyl, alkylamino-carbonyl and dialy homopolymer comprises a glycoside Selected from the lamino-carbonyl, with the proviso that Ring 1 is group consisting of erythran, threan, riban, arabinan, Xylan, capable of binding to any of ly Xan, allan, altran, glucan, mannan, gulan, idan, glalactan, a dopaminergic receptor Selected from the group consist talan, fructan and derivatives thereof. ing of a D1 receptor and a D5 receptor; a DAT 14. The prodrug compound of claim 2, wherein Said Sugar transporter; a VMAT transporter; and, heteropolymer further comprises a glycoside Selected from with the proviso that E is capable of binding to a GLUT the group consisting of erythroSide, threoside, riboside, transporter Selected from the group consisting of a arabinoside, XyloSide, lyxoSide, alloSide, altroSide, gluco GLUT1 receptor and a GLUT3 receptor. Side, mannoside, guloside, idoside, galactoside, taloSide, 2. The prodrug compound of claim 1, wherein the E fructoside and derivatives thereof. Substituent is Selected from the group consisting of a radical 15. The prodrug compound of claim 3, wherein said of a monosaccharide, a disaccharide, a trisaccharide and an glycoside further comprises a riban, an arabinan, a glucan, oligosaccharide a galactan, a mannan and derivatives thereof. 3. The prodrug compound of claim 1, wherein the E 16. The prodrug compound of claim 4, wherein Said monosaccharide comprises a radical of a Sugar Selected from glycoside further comprises a riboside, an arabinoside, a the group consisting of aldose, ketoaldose, alditols, ketoses, glucoside, a galactoside, a mannoside, a fructoside and aldonic acids, ketoaldonic acids, aldaric acids, ketoaldaric derivatives thereof. acids, amino Sugars, keto-amino Sugars, uronic acids, ketou 17. The prodrug compound of claim 15, wherein said ronic acids, lactones and keto-lactones. glucan comprises maltose, amylose, glycogen, cellobiose, 4. The prodrug compound of claim 3, wherein Said radical amylopectin, heparin and derivatives thereof. of a Sugar is further Selected from the group consisting of 18. The prodrug compound of claim 16, wherein said triosyl, tetraoSyl, pentosyl, hexosyl, heptosyl, octosyl and glucoside comprises Sucrose and derivatives thereof. nonosyl radicals and derivatives thereof. 5. The prodrug compound of claim 4, wherein Said 19. The prodrug compound of claim 16, wherein said pentosyl Sugar radical comprises a Straight carbon chain, a fructoside comprises fucosidolactose and derivatives furanosyl ring or a derivative thereof. thereof. 6. The prodrug compound of claim 4, wherein Said 20. The prodrug compound of claim 16, wherein said hexosyl Sugar radical comprises a Straight carbon chain, a galactoside comprises lactose, hyaluronic acid, pectin and furanosyl ring, a pyranosyl ring or a derivative thereof. derivatives thereof. 7. The prodrug compound of claim 4, wherein Said 21. The prodrug compound of claim 7, further comprising hexosyl radical is further Selected from the group consisting a sugar according to FORMULAS VIa, VIb, VIc and VId,


2 R9

R10 3 -- 4 R11

5 OH 6 CH-R12

Formula VIa Formula Vb Formula VIc Formula VId US 2005/0250739 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 35

wherein, Rs, Ro, Rio, R and R2 are Selected from the said compound according to FORMULAI binds to and is group consisting of hydroxyl, hydrogen, methyl, halo transportable by a GLUT in a blood cell; binds to and gen, lower alkyl, halo-lower alkyl, alkoxyl, ketone, is transportable by a GLUT in a vascular endothelial carboxyl, amine, amido, N-acetyl, N-methyl, N-linked cell; binds to and is transportable by a DAT; and is lower alkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkylaminocarbonyl, capable of binding to a dopamine receptor in a neural dialkylaminocarbonyl, phosphate, Sulfate and thiol. cell. 22. The prodrug compound of claim 1, further comprising 31. A method for treating a dopaminergic transcription a compound that binds to dopamine receptor in a mamma regulatory defect in a Subject in need thereof, comprising the lian cell. Step of administering to the Subject a compound effective to 23. The prodrug compound of claim 1, further comprising bind and activate both a GLUT and a DAT in a neural cell, a compound that bind to and is transportable by a DAT wherein the activation of the GLUT or the DAT is effective transporter in a neural cell. to alter the transcription of a dopaminergic gene in the neural 24. The prodrug compound of claim 1, further comprising cell, wherein the dopaminergic gene is Selected from the a compound that binds to and is transportable by a GLUT group consisting of a tyrosine hydroxylase gene, an aromatic transporter in a neural cell or a vascular endothelial cell. decarboxylase gene, a monoamine oxidase gene, a DAT 25. The prodrug compound of claim 1, further comprising gene, a VMAT2 gene, a Nurr1 or a Nurr2 gene, an SP1 or a compound transportable at the blood brain barrier by an SP3 gene, a dopaminergic receptor gene, a Synuclein gene, endothelial cell. an Elk gene, a Hic-5 gene, an LimX1b gene, a Pitx3 gene, a 26. A dopaminergic pharmaceutical composition compris HoxA5 gene, a HNF-3? gene and a HoxA4 gene. ing: one or more of an additive, a Stabilizer, a carrier, a 32. A method for identifying a candidate drug Substance binder, a buffer, an excipient, a filler, an emollient, a for treating a dopaminergic transcription regulatory defect, disintegrant, a lubricating agent, and antimicrobial agent; comprising the Steps of: and, a hydrophilic transportable dopaminergic prodrug com pound according to claim 1. measuring binding or transport of a test compound by a 27. The dopaminergic pharmaceutical composition of GLUT or by a DAT transporter; claim 26, further comprising a form Suitable for dermal measuring transcription of a dopaminergic gene Selected administration, oral administration, buccal administration, trouch administration, perenteral administration, injection, from the group consisting of a tyrosine hydroxylase intra-rectal administration, intrathecal administration, intra gene, an aromatic decarboxylase gene, a monoamine nasal administration, intra-bronchial administration and oxidase gene, a DAT gene, a VMAT2 gene, a Nurr1 or intra-ocular administration. a Nurr12 gene, an SP1 or SP3 gene, a dopaminergic 28. The dopaminergic phramaceutical composition of receptor gene, a Synuclein gene, an Elk gene, a Hic-5 claim 27, wherein Said form is Selected from the group gene, an LimX1b gene, a Pitx3 gene, a HoxA5 gene, a consisting of a Syrup, an elixir, a tablet, a lozenger, a capsule, HNF-3? gene and a HoxA4 gene; a perenteral Solution, an injection Solution, an nasal Solution, determining that the test compound is the candidate drug an eye dropS Solution, a powder, a granule, a timed-release Substance if the test compound is bound or transported capsule, an emollient cream, a Salve, an ointment, an by either of the GLUT or the DAT transporters and that impregnated bandage, a timed-release lipid Soluble patch, a the transcription of the dopaminergic gene is increased trouch and a Suppository. or decreased relative to a vehicle treated negative 29. A method for preparing a pharmaceutical composition control. comprising the Step of adding one or more of additives, a 33. The method of claim 32, wherein the test compound Stabilizers, carriers, binders, buffers, excipients, fillers, is transported by a GLUT3 transporter. emollients, disintegrants, lubricating agents, or antimicro bial agents to a hydrophilic transportable dopaminergic 34. The method of claim 32, wherein the test compound prodrug compound according to claim 1. increases the transcription of a tyrosine hydroxylase gene. 30. A hydrophilic prodrug dopaminergic pharmaceutical 35. The method of claim 32, wherein the test compound composition for metabolic replacement therapy in a Subject decreases the transcription of an alpha-synuclein gene. with Parkinson's disease or a Parkinson's related disease 36. The method of claim 32, wherein the test compound comprising a compound according to FORMULA I, increases the transcription of a Nurr gene. 37. The method of claim 36, wherein the increased mRNA A-B-D-E Formula I transcript of the Nurr1 gene is Nurr1 or Nurr12. wherein, 38. A method for treating a tyrosine hydroxylase genetic A, comprises a cyclic, heterocyclic, aryl or heteroaryl ring defect in a Subject in need thereof, comprising the Step of capable of binding to both a dopamine receptor and a administering to the Subject a pharmaceutical compound dopamine transporter in a neural cell; B, comprises a transportable by both a GLUT-3 transporter and DAT trans bridging lower alkyl moiety linked through Single porter in a manner effective to increase transcription of the bonds with each of A and D, D, comprises an amide or tyrosine hydroxylase gene in the Subject. an amine linked through Single bonds with each of B and E, E, comprises a Saccharide moiety; and, k k k k k