May 2014 Issue
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Letter from the President Janice Rotenberg ‘78, along with her two writing partners, released a revision to their bestseller Dear Alumni and Friends, “Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)” earlier It’s hard to believe, but in a short few weeks, it will be a year since my this month. Another STHS grad, author/illustrator term began. It has been a pleasure working with our current Officers, Marla Roth-Fisch ‘80, is included in the Board, Association members, and individuals within the school district. Acknowledgements section of the book. Now in its fourteenth printing, with more than 50,000 cop- Here are just a few highlights of our successes this past year: ies sold in all formats, it is an authoritative and practical guide to understanding and treating this In late March, we were certified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charita- little-understood condition. Look for it on Ama- ble organization. Your Alumni Association donations are now tax- zon! deductible! A summary of our journey is outlined on page 4. Adam Resnick ‘78 , was a guest on the April 30 Our Vietnam Memorial committee continues to make progress broadcast of The Late Show with David Letter- man discussing his new book “WILL NOT AT- toward building our third monument in the Memorial Gardens. TEND, Lively Stories of Detachment and The committee has engaged our STHS art students Isolation”. Adam was the co-creator and to design the memorial. I hope you had an oppor- writer for Get A Life with Chris Elliott. He tunity to view the photographs on and also was co-executive producer of one sea- the corresponding article published in the Patriot- son of HBO’s The Larry Sanders Show. In News on Tuesday, May 13, 2014. 1994 he again teamed with Chris Elliott for the motion picture Cabin Boy. In 2000, Ad- We had our first Pancake Breakfast fundraiser. am wrote the film Lucky Numbers starring Special Thanks to our Fundraising Chair Tammi John Travolta and Lisa Kudrow. Then in Hammaker! The breakfast supplemented our 2002, he wrote the Edward Norton film, Death to Smoochy, which was directed by Scholarship Fund. Look for more in the near fu- Danny DeVito. Adam also created and ture. Come out and join the fun and help us support our students. wrote the HBO television series The High Life.
On May 13, we awarded $500 Scholarships to seniors Stephen Morris and Tanner Turner-Rush. Steve and Tanner are highlight- DATES TO REMEMBER ed in this edition’s Spotlight. 3rd Annual Golf Event There have been challenges! Our school district has had, and contin- Valley Green Golf Course ues to have, some difficult days. I know how much it has affected our Friday June 27, 2014 @ 8:30AM entire ST family. Even with these challenges, the many accomplish- Sign-up sheet on page 7 ments should make us proud and remind us what makes Susquehan- na Township special. 24th Annual Banquet Our alma mater will be looking to us alumni more than ever to help it Colonial Golf & Tennis Club get back on track. I know we have the capacity to reach out in a posi- 4901 Linglestown Road tive manner and lend a hand when called. Together we can make a Saturday June 28, 2014 @ 11:00 AM difference! Sign-up sheet on page 7
As we approach Memorial Day, I’d like to extend THANKS to our veterans for their service. 2014 Commencement The Forum Go Indians! Thursday June 12, 2014 @ 7:30 PM
Dwayne DeFoor ‘78
NEW The Class of 1949 will hold their 65th Reunion on MEMBERS June 21, 2014 at Penbrook Post 730. The reunion cost is $25.00 per person with a choice of entrée. Dress is casual. Deadline for reservations is June 8, 2014. Kimberli A Fitting ‘84 Charles Kannegieser is serving as Chairman, 65th Reun- Bradley Forman ‘74 ion, Class of 1949. Inquiries should be made to Chuck Gary Lyter ’58 Kannegieser at 2010A Kohn Road, Harrisburg, Pa. Samuel Smith ‘11 17110 or via telephone at (717) 657-0124. Marcia Bentz Till ‘64 Donald Till ‘63 The Class of 1964 will hold their 50th Reunion on October 10 - 11. Top Members By Class Friday, October 11: Pre-event MIXER at Arooga's Grille House & Sports Bar/Rt 22, 7025 ALLEN-
TOWN BLVD from 6 pm until ? The Mixer is
OPEN TO ALL in classes ’62, ’63, ’64, ’65 & ‘66. Challenge your former Classmates to join Food and drinks on a cash basis. If you have not the 1134 members of the STHS Alumni Association. already done so, please RSVP to Dave Funk in ad- Sign-up a friend! vance of the weekend at [email protected] or
(757) 867-8885. Support your alma mater! Saturday, October 11: Main event at Blue Ridge CC, 3940 Linglestown Road, with reception at 6 PM; dinner buffet at 7 PM; social hour afterwards until 10 pm or later. Cost $50 per person with a LEST WE FORGET cash bar. Facility is handicap accessible. Attend-
Albert Bressler ‘55 ance by pre-paid registration only; no “walk-ins”. Rae Arlene Miller Carter ‘65 If any classmates have not received their info, Barbara Eltherington Davis ‘Middle School Teacher’ please contact Jerry Kreider at (610) 667-4759 or Melvin D. Feidt [email protected] Last date for registration is Rev. Thomas Irwin, Jr. ‘54 ‘Past Alumni President’ August 1, 2014. Helen Mohler Nieliwocki ‘75 Nancy Lewis Platt ‘55 Please email either of the contacts noted above with any Janet Saunders Schlegel ‘50 known info about: Jeff Bachman, Liz Cornman, Leona Harry Thomas ‘51 Davenport Bowers, Larry Miller, Carol Montgomery Margie Arnold Weiser ‘59 Hawkins, Nancy Parthemer, Paul Ratowski, Judith Rich- Tariq Alexander Sinclair Williams ‘04 ardson, Barry Rife, Sam Simpson, Francis Marie Smith Emerick, Deborah Stevens, Janice Stutts, Michael Sweetman and Kathy Thomas Yantz.
The Class of 1954’s 60th Reunion is to be held on Sat- urday, September 20, 2014 at the Radisson Hotel, 1150 Camp Hill Bypass, Camp Hill, PA 17011. The Class of 1954 Reunion Committee is attempting to locate Eliza- If you would prefer to receive your Newsletter via beth Black Slusser and Phyllis Barner Fasolt. If anyone email, please notify Dwayne DeFoor at has contact information, please contact Rita Roy [email protected]. Please provide the email address Warner at (717) 232-9009 or Anna Young Shope at where you wish to have the Newsletter delivered. (717) 545-9923. Thank you to everyone who signed up for In addition to the upcoming reunion, members of the electronic delivery so far!!! 186 and counting!!! class meet the third Tuesday of each month for lunch at the Pan Tree Restaurant, 9 N Progress Ave, Harrisburg, PA 17109 at 12:00 Noon. Everyone is welcome—come join us!
School of the Arts students Austin Hall, Luis President– Dwayne DeFoor '78 Hernandez, Kenneth Medley, and Arnaud Vice President- Shirley Kauffman Kannegieser '50 Yougbare received Secretary- Barbara Smith Pearce ‘65 the top award at Treasurer– Virginia Miller Wright ’88
the 6th Chamber
High School Busi- Committees ness Challenge on Activities-Connie Yontz Aurand '53, Frances Burd ‘50, Sandy Daily '65, Apr. 24, at the Car- Dottie George ’47, Barbara Pearce ‘65, Virginia (Graehling) Brown ‘53, lisle TechCelerator Helen McCollum '56 Business Center. Auditing–Open Hall. The team’s winning business plan was Fundraising-Tammi Hammaker ‘83 Chairman called "Dream Your Dress". The Harrisburg Re- Golf Committee-Tim DeFoor '79 Chairman, Gilbert Scheibelhut '53, Joel Dietrick '56, Tony Wright '86, Brian Jackson , Bob Reichard ‘72 gion Chamber of Commerce and the Capital Re- Hanna Education Foundation –Tim DeFoor ‘79, John Fabian ‘03, gion Economic Development Corporation invited Eric Waters ’86 area high schools to submit concepts for a new Historical-Roy Knupp '52, Al Richwine ‘ 39 business. Eleven schools participated, and the top Membership– Carol Brightbill ’60, Dwayne DeFoor, ‘78 four teams presented their plans during the Memorial Gardens-Shirley Kauffman Kannegieser '50 event , moderated by Valerie Pritchett of ABC27. * Korean War Memorial-Bob Chapman ‘55, James Hartman ‘51, Shirley Kauffman Kannegieser '50 Co-Chairman, Melvin Longenecker ‘52, Jared Folks has been selected to play in the Big Dr. Tom Peck ‘51 Co-Chairman, Bill Reynolds ’51, Claire Hetzel ’51 33 Football Classic this June 14 ay Hershey Park * WWII Memorial -Roy Knupp, ’52 Chairman, Bob Chapman ‘55, Melvin Longenecker ‘ 52 , Homer Pontius ‘52, Arlene Prentice ‘69, Albert Richwine Stadium. The contest consists of the best high ‘39, Shirley Kauffman Kannegieser '50 school football players from Maryland playing * Vietnam War Memorial - Richard Fleegal ‘60, Chairman, Carol Carter ‘63, against the best high school players Charles Lloyd ‘58, Ben Lerew, Richard Veet ‘65, Bill Dale ‘65, Barry Garber from Pennsylvania. Jared is the first ’59, Richard Burton, Gary Lyter, Harry Stoner ‘65, Bill Irwin ‘57, Shirley STHS Indian to participate in the Kauffman Kannegieser '50 game since Johnnie Hicks played in Newsletter–Dwayne DeFoor ‘78, Pat Miller Helm ‘49 1992. Jared, a 6’2, 220 pound de- Nominating-Melvin Longenecker ‘52, Tony Wright ‘86 fensive end has accepted a full Publicity-Anna Mae (Harman) Mumma '52 Scholarship–Bob Chapman ‘55, Dwayne DeFoor ‘78 Chairman, Tammi Ham- scholarship to play college football maker ‘83, Pat Miller Helm ‘49, Shirley Kauffman Kannegieser '50, Melvin at Temple University. Longenecker ‘ 52, Tony Wright ‘86, Virginia Miller Wright ’88 School Liaison– Peggy (Hummel) Keiser ’45 STHS Boy’s basketball player Gabe
Mack ‘14 was selected to the PIAA ADDITIONAL BOARD MEMBERS AAA third team All State team while his sophomore brother Nehemiah John Skethway ‘56 Mack (below) was named to the first Dottie Burger George '47 team All State. He is the Audrey Hammaker ‘50 Albert Richwine ‘39 first sophomore to achieve this honor in our history. Nehemiah was also select- ed to Max's Preps Sophomore All American Team honorable men- tion. Head Basketball Coach Vince Send Membership Name Changes, New Addresses, and Obits Rogers was named PIAA AAA Coach of the to: Membership Chairman Year. Carol Brightbill Priyanka Bose ‘14 has been named one of 20 3817 Schoolhouse Lane Best and Brightest students by the PA Media Harrisburg, PA 17109 Group for 2014. Bose will be featured in the 717-545-3939 Sunday Patriot-News on May 25 followed by a [email protected] reception at the Governor's Residence.
We are pleased to award our 2nd Annual Alumni Scholar- The Susquehanna Township High School Alumni Asso- ships to Stephen Morris ‘14 and Tanner Turner-Rush ciation, a Pennsylvania Non Profit Corporation, is ‘14. The scholarships were presented to both recipients at the May 13 Senior Athletic and Academic Awards Cere- pleased to announce that it has been granted Federal mony. Stephen, a son of Michael and Rosemary Morris, IRS Tax Exempt status as of March 2014. and Tanner, the daughter of Vincent Turner and Michele Rush, exemplify the School and Community Service ideals the association had in mind when the scholarship was es- tablished in 2013.
Our journey to becoming a charitable organization be- gan in February 2013. We created our rough draft in July 2013. With the assistance of local attorney Gary
French of Eckert Seamans, our application was mailed to the IRS on September 12, 2013. Thank you Gary!
A lot of hard work went into preparing the application. It is 26 pages with several written attachment require-
Pictured L-R Dwayne DeFoor, Tanner Turner-Rush, ments. We also included newsletters, banquet pro- Stephen Morris, and Shirley Kannegieser grams, Memorial Gardens & Digital Sign photographs, as well as many other event and donation documents. Stephen volunteers at the St. Patrick’s Cathedral Food Our hope was that these documents would provide an Kitchen and the Central PA Food Bank. He is a member of the youth group at St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, a referee aid to the reviewer. and a coach for the Susquehanna Soccer Club. He is an active supporter of the Four Diamonds Foundation and a Then we waited...and waited....and waited. committee chair of STHS’ Mini-THON fundraiser. A member of the National Honor Society, Stephen is ranked After a few long months, a call was made to Congress- 18th in his class of 240. Stephen has been in the Art Club man Lou Barletta who opened a Congressional In- for four years where had painted several murals for the 2014 musical Shrek. He is also on the Alumni Associa- quiry. We were contacted by the IRS shortly thereafter tion's Vietnam Memorial art design team. He will attend who stated that page 12 was not signed! Oops! Nothing HACC before transferring to Penn State. Did we mention else was missing....a rare feat! A quickly faxed signa- he was voted Most School Spirited??? ture page closed out the ONLY issue and our certifica-
Tanner, volunteers with the Special Olympics, Breast Can- tion was completed the next day! Thank you Con- cer Awareness walks, and assisted with summer basketball gressman Barletta and your Constituent Services ad- camps from 2009 to 2012. She was President of the Math ministrator Jodi Marsico! Sciences Challenge for three years, Student Government Treasurer from 2011 to 2012, and a member of the Key Club from 2012 to 2013. Ranked 56 out of 240, Tanner Here's what this means for our members and do- spends part of her day at HACC taking college courses. A nors... four year basketball player , she served as Captain the past two years. In addition to basketball, Tanner played Varsity Donors can deduct gifts to the Alumni Soccer for four years and also served as Captain for two of Association on their federal and state income those years. When not playing on a school team, she played AAU Basketball and Elite Soccer teams. Tanner tax returns. will attend Goldey-Beacom College in Wilmington, DE. For those who donate $250 or more you will receive Did we mention she was a M&T Bank John Travers a written acknowledgment of your contribution in Award nominee??? Each Travers nominee excels as an January of the following year to use with your tax athlete, student, and member of the community at large. filing. CONGRATULATIONS STEVE and TANNER! You will be included on the Donor Honor Roll list.
C.J. Skender ‘72, professor at the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business Our Vietnam Memorial project continues to make progress. We School, will speak at commencement on June are requesting assistance from class representatives to provide 12, at the Forum in Harrisburg. Following the Memorial Committee names of any of their classmates that graduation from STHS, he attended Lehigh were in the service during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1975. University on a basketball scholarship and The criteria for their names to appear on the monument is that graduated magna cum laude in 1976. they attended STHS or lived in the township during their tour of duty. C.J. taught classes at Duke while in graduate school, and after interviewing with accounting firms as he neared We will shortly reach out to local businesses for their financial graduation, he decided to teach another year. Another year turned support. During our World War II and Korean War Memorial into two, and 28 plus years later he has yet to leave. projects, many alumni made monetary contributions. Several of the donations were Class Gifts. Vietnam Veterans Of Ameri- C.J. continues to teach at Duke and has taught at UNC since ca Michael J Novosel Capital Area Chapter 542 has pledged 1997. He has received multiple teaching awards at UNC's Kenan- their assistance to raise funds for the memorial. The estimated Flagler Business School, Duke University's Fuqua School of cost is $30,000. Business and at North Carolina State University. He has educated thousands of students and executives and has taught all three of The Alumni Association and the Vietnam War Memorial Com- his children while they were students at UNC. His classes have mittee are pleased to have STHS art students working on the also been highlighted in, design of the memorial. Preliminary sketches have been re- and viewed with a follow-up meeting in late May before their sum- mer break.
Sign up family or friends as Alumni Association members. Together we can make a difference! Like us on Facebook!
Search on “Susquehanna Township High School Alumni Association” or Photo Christine Baker | [email protected] Our Korean War Memorial is waiting to be replaced. It has developed several cracks and will hopefully be replaced by the Calling All Alumni end of September. We will keep you updated on our progress. We need a rep for your class! Thank you Jeff Piccola ‘66 for your assistance!
We are looking for a VOLUNTEER to represent your Special Thanks to Robert Reichard, Recreation and Parks Di- class as a liaison to the Alumni Association. The rector, Susquehanna Township Board of Commissioners, and Class Liaison would be called upon to interface with the Highway Department who provides maintenance of the your class regarding Alumni social events, information Memorial Gardens.
verification, fundraising, membership, and other related Please refer all Memorial Gardens inquiries to Shirley Kanne- activities. gieser at (717) 921-8536 or [email protected]
PLEASE contact SHIRLEY KANNEGIESER at (717) Please forward names of Vietnam Veterans to Charles Lloyd at 921-8536 or email at [email protected] (717) 503-2862 or [email protected]. That is “c”, “h”, “a”, “s”, “l” as in Lloyd, “1” as in one, “0” as in zero, ’y’ and ’d’! Military Service Do you have an alumni family member or friend currently serving in the military? Let us know. Please provide their STHS graduation year, Military Branch and Rank, if known. We'll acknowledge them in the newsletter.
Giant Foods Cash for Causes Gift Cards The STHS production of “Shrek the Musical” received five Hershey Theatre Apollo Award nominations for high school Do you or do you know someone who shops for groceries musicals: and gas at Giant Food Stores? Here’s an easy way to fi- Outstanding Featured Performer nancially support the Alumni Association with things like Kara Miller as Gingy/ Sugar Plum Fairy/ Queen Lillian our Newsletter costs. Outstanding Supporting Actor Brandon Fuller as Lord Farquaad You do not have to make donations or buy extra products. Outstanding Supporting Actor Simply, just purchase your Giant Cash for Causes gift Manny Wilson as Donkey Outstanding Lead Actress card directly from the Alumni Association then shop at Bailey Howell as Princess Fiona Giant with your gift card instead of cash or credit. Outstanding Musical "Shrek the Musical" The Susquehanna Township Alumni Association will earn 5% on every gift card purchased. The Hershey Theatre Apollo Awards honor achievement in high school theater in the area and are modeled after the Tony Awards. The awards will be announced on May 18 at Hershey Please contact Tammi Hammaker via telephone at (717) Theatre. 215-7583 or [email protected] Thank You and Best Wishes to the THANK YOU for your support 2014 STSD Retirees!
Doris Adams, Connie Cassel, Emery Cook, Lee Ann Hocker, Linda Leitzel, Cathleen McClain, Patrick McCoy, Kathyrn Miles, Bonnie Nelson, William Perbetsky, Debra Regan, Lori Ross, Dorothy Wilson, Harold Wilson, Neil Via
LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP IS ONLY $15.00 for Alumni / $20.00 for Associate (non-Alumni) Boys Basketball Camp Check payable to: STHS Alumni Association
June 16 –19 Mail your check and Membership Info to: Grades 3 thru 9 Virginia Wright 4317 Beaufort Hunt Drive $100 Harrisburg, PA 17110
8:30AM - 4:00PM Name ______
Address ______Susquehanna Twp. High School ______Instructors include Coach Vince Rogers
and current players Graduation Year ______Phone______Information and Questions to: Email______Vince Rogers
(717) 645-5233 Or Prefer to receive your newsletter via email? Circle: Yes or No [email protected] Include a Tax Deductible Donation $ Dribbling In support of Scholarship, Memorial Gardens, Newsletter, Rebounding or General Fund Passing Defense Shooting Fundamentals An IRS 501(c)(3) public charity
Make check payable to: STHS Alumni Assn. Golf Tournament Proceeds benefit the Alumni Scholarship Fund
1st Name: Email: Phone:
Address: State: Zip:
2nd Name: Email: Phone:
Address: State: Zip:
3rd Name: Email: Phone:
Address: State: Zip:
4th Name: Email: Phone:
Address: State: Zip:
Return your Registration form with check to: $80.00 per person
Tim DeFoor, 1300 Ellis Drive #206, Harrisburg PA 17110 Deadline: June 13, 2014
TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL ALUMNI BANQUET Saturday, June 28, 2014 Colonial Golf & Tennis Club 4901 Linglestown Road, Harrisburg PA Handicap accessible main entrance
Registration & Doors Open at 11:00 a.m. / Meal Served at 12:00 noon
$25.00 per person Prepaid
Banquet features: Choice of Lemon Pepper Haddock or Marsala Beef Also: Salad, Vegetable Medley, Mashed Potatoes, Dessert, & Beverages
Contact BARBARA PEARCE at (717) 697-4114 [days or before 9 p.m. evenings ]
------Name ______Guest Name ______Class of ______Telephone # ______Number of reservations _____ at $25.00 each Amount Enclosed $ ______
Check your choice of entrée: Beef_____ or Haddock _____
Reservations must be accompanied by a check made payable to: STHS Alumni Association
Mail this form with check to: Barb Smith Pearce, 171 Brindle Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
The Alumni Association and the 2014 Golf committee are proud to announce the 3rd Annual Golf Event
June 27, 2014 at Valley Green Golf Course
8:00 AM Four-Person Shotgun Scramble. (Check in time is from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM) $80.00 per golfer or $320 per foursome. (Single participants will be paired up to form a foursome.) Price includes 18 holes of golf, cart, continental breakfast, lunch, and prizes. Registration deadline is June 13
The proceeds will benefit the STHS Alumni Scholarship Fund. An alumni scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving STHS graduating senior accepted at an undergraduate, accredited post-secondary institution.
Several levels of Sponsorships are available.
See Page 7 to sign-up! Documents are also posted on the school district’s website under Community / Alumni at
Please direct any questions to Tim DeFoor ’79 at (717) 525-8250, [email protected] or Tony Wright ’86 at (717) 585-1109, [email protected]
2014 Golf Event committee
Tim DeFoor, Chairman ‘79 Robert Chapman Sr. ‘55, Belinda DeFoor ‘73, William “Brian” Jackson, Shirley Kannegieser ‘50, Gil Scheibelhut ‘53, Alton “Tony” Wright ‘86
PREMIUM SPONSOR $1,000.00 Company’s banner displayed at the event, 18”x 24” billboard with company’s name posted at tee box on the golf course; (4) full entry fees for the tournament; Recognition as a Premium Sponsor in the tournament program; Company name listed on billboard and displayed during registration and lunch presentations, presentation of plaque in appreciation listing business as premium spon- sor.
CORPORATE SPONSOR $500.00 18”x 24” billboard with company’s name posted at tee box on the golf course; (2) full entry fees for the tournament; recognition as a Corporate Sponsor in the tournament program, company’s name listed on billboard displayed during registration and lunch presentations; and letter of appreciation.
BUSINESS SPONSOR $250.00 18”x 24” billboard with company’s name posted at tee box on the golf course; One full enter fee for the tournament; Recognition as a Business Sponsor in the tournament program; Company’s name listed on billboard displayed during registration and lunch presen- tations; and a letter of appreciation.
HOLE SPONSOR $150.00 18”x 24” billboard with company’s name or Graduation Class posted at a tee box on the golf course; Recognition as a sponsor in the tournament program Company’s name or Class listed on billboard displayed during registration and lunch presentation and a letter of appreciation.
GIFT / PRIZE SPONSOR Receive recognition in the tournament program as a business or Class sponsor and a letter of appreciation.
Make checks payable to:
STHS Alumni Golf Tournament C/o Tim DeFoor, 1300 Ellis Drive # 206 Harrisburg PA 17110
9 S.T.H.S. Alumni Association PO Box 61474 Harrisburg, Pa. 17106-1474