Cap Icc 2012 Confirmations Received As of 29 June 2012

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Cap Icc 2012 Confirmations Received As of 29 June 2012 7TH CONSULTATIVE ASSEMBLY OF PARLIAMENTARIANS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) AND THE RULE OF LAW 10 & 11 December 2012 Nuova Aula del Palazzo dei Gruppi Parlamentari, Camera dei Deputati, Rome, Italy LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 18 December 2012 With the High Patronage of With support for PGA ICC Campaign from The European Parliament Humanity United The Netherlands In partnership with Switzerland Association Internationale de Droit Pénal – Liechtenstein AIDP Gruppo italiano Until May 2012, the Campaign received support from With the support of European Instrument for Democracy & ENI Human Rights, European Union The Parliament of Italy & Parliamentarians for Global Action acknowledges the in-kind support of UN Women (Country Office Afghanistan), Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI), the Universities of Cologne (Germany) and of Roma Tre (Italy), as well as the in-kind contributions of the Parliamentary Delegations of the European Parliament, and of Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Georgia, Ghana, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Togo, Tonga, Uganda, United Kingdom, and Uruguay. 1/14 MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT 22. Dip. Carlos Manuel Garrido AFGHANISTAN Unión Cívica Radical 1. Sen. Said Azizullah Ulfati 23. Dip. Margarita Stolbizer Secretary, Mesharano Jirga Partido Nueva Generación Harakat-e-Inqilab-e-Islami 2. Sen. Amanullah Azimi AUSTRALIA Independent 24. Ms. Melissa Parke, MP 3. Sen. Lailoma Ahmadi PGA Member Australian Labor Party 4. Sen. Noor Mohammad Kafil Noori Mahaz Mili BELGIUM 5. Sen. Saliha Mirzad 25. Dep. Alain Destexhe 6. Sen. Fowzea Sadat Zamkanai PGA International Council Mouvement Réformateur 7. Ms. Naheed Farid, MP BOLIVIA International Relations Commission 26. Sen. Eugenio Rojas Apaza Independent Movimiento al Socialismo 8. Ms. Shinkai Karokhail, MP 27. Sen. Sandra Lilian Soriano Bascope Independent Movimiento al Socialismo 9. Mr. Jafar Mahdavi, MP BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 10. Ms. Najila Dehqan Nejad, MP 28. Ms. Milica Marković, MP 11. Mr. Sarwar Osmani, MP Member, Parliamentary Assembly of the 12. Mr. Ali Mohammad Shahidi, MP Council of Europe 13. Mr. Samiullah Samimi, MP Alliance of Independent Social Democrats 14. Mr. Hamidullah Tokhi, MP BRAZIL 15. Ms. Shahgul Rezaie, MP 29. Dip. Dr. Florisvaldo Fier Rosinha Independent PGA Member 16. Ms. Farkhunda Zahra Naderi, MP Partido dos Trabalhadores Hezb-e-Paiwand Milli Afghanistan 30. Dip. Walter Meyer Feldman Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira ALBANIA 31. Dip. Marcos Rogério da Silva Brito 17. Mr. Viktor Gumi, MP Partido Democrático Trabalhista ARGENTINA BULGARIA 18. Sen. Elena Corregido 32. Ms. Svetlana Angelova, MP Chaco Merece Más - PJ Citizens for European Development of 19. Sen. Pablo Gonzalez Bulgaria (GERB) Frente Para La Victoria 33. Mr. Ivan Bozhilov, MP Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB) 20. Dip. Remo Carloto Frente Para La Victoria 34. Ms. Snezhana Dukova, MP Deputy Chair, Human Rights 21. Dip. Diana Conti Committee Frente Para La Victoria 2/14 Citizens for European Development of 47. Dip. Felipe Salaberry Bulgaria (GERB) Unión Demócrata Independiente 35. Mr. Ilia Pachev, MP COLOMBIA Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB) 48. Dip. Ivan Cepeda Castro Co-chair, Committee of Peace 36. Mr. Nikolay Petkov, MP Deputy Chair, Human Rights Citizens for European Development of Committee Bulgaria (GERB) Polo Democrático Alternativo 37. Ms. Biserka Petrova, MP Order, Lawfulness, Justice COMOROS CAMBODIA 49. Dep. Said Ali Charifou 38. Mr. Vun Chheang, MP Chair, Commission on Foreign Affairs, COTE D’IVOIRE International Cooperation, Information 50. Dep. Mariame Traoré and Media PGA Member The Cambodian People’s Party Rassemblement des Républicains 39. Mr. Bunhok Sik, MP Vice-Chair, Commission on Legislation DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO and Justice The Cambodian People’s Party 51. Dep. Boniface Balamage Nkolo Rapporteur, ICC Implementing Legislation CAMEROON 52. Dep. Jean Baudouin Mayo Mambeke 40. Mr. Emmanuel Mbiam, MP UNC Rassemblement Démocratique du Peuple Camerounais 53. Dep. Adrien Mbambi Phoba MPCR CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 54. Dep. Eve Bazaiba Masudi Chair, Socio-cultural Committee 41. Dep. Marcel Djimassé PGA Member President, PGA-CAR group Mouvement de Libération du Congo Independent 55. Dep. Dieudonné Upira 42. Dep. Dangaye Sadjigoto President, PGA-DRC group PGA member Mouvement Social pour le Renouveau 56. Dep. Serge Mayamba CHILE UDPS 43. Sen. Carlos Cantero 57. Dep. Pascal Manshimba PGA International Councilor Independent DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 58. Sen. Julio César Valentín Jiminián 44. Dip. Gabriel Ascencio Mansilla PGA member Human Rights and Foreign Affairs Partido de la Liberación Dominicana Committee Democracia Cristiana 59. Dip. Victor Orlando Bisono Haza 45. Dip. Marta Eliana Isasi Barbieri PGA International Council Independent Partido Reformista Social Cristiano 46. Dip. Tucapel Jiménez Fuentes 60. Dip. Eugenio Cedeno Partido por la democracia Partido Revolucionario Dominicano 3/14 61. Dip. Antonio Bernabel Colon EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Partido Revolucionario Dominicano 75. Ms. Barbara Lochbihler, MEP 62. Dip. Ysabel de la Cruz (Germany) Partido de la Liberación Dominicana Chair, Human Rights Committee 63. Dip. Cristian Paredes PGA member PGA member Greens/European Free Alliance Partido Revolucionario Dominicano GEORGIA 64. Dip. Karen Lisbeth Ricardo 76. Ms. Eka Besselia Partido de la Liberación Dominicana Chair, Human Rights Committee 65. Dip. Minerva Josefina Tavarez Georgian Dream Mirabal 77. Ms. Shalva Shavgulidze Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee Deputy Chair, Legal Affairs Committee PGA Executive Committee Georgian Dream Partido de la Liberación Dominicana 66. Dip. Henry Meran GHANA Partido de la Liberación Dominicana 78. Mr. Mike Aaron Ocquaye, MP 67. Dip. Demostenes Martinez 2nd Deputy Speaker Partido de la Liberación Dominicana New Patriotic Party 79. Mr. Mike Aaron Ocquaye, MP 2nd Deputy Speaker ECUADOR New Patriotic Party 68. Dip. Marisa Peñafiel INDIA Alianza PAIS 80. Mr. Shri J.D. Seelam, MP EL SALVADOR PGA International Council 69. Dip. Sigfrido Reyes, MP National Congress Party President of the Legislative Assembly IRELAND PGA member Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación 81. Mr. Jim Walsh, MP Nacional PGA International Council Fianna Fáil 70. Dip. Jackeline Rivera Ávalos PGA member ITALY Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional 82. Sen. Renato Schifani President of the Senate 71. Dip. José Serafín Orantes Rodríguez PDL Conciliación Nacional 83. Sen. Benedetto Adragna 72. Dip. Mario Alberto Tenorio Guerrero Quaestor of the Senate PGA member PGA member Gran Alianza por la Unidad Nacional PD 73. Dip. Donato Eugenio Vaquerano 84. Sen. Emma Bonino Rivas Vice-President of the Senate Alianza Republicana Nacionalista Former European Commissioner for 74. Dip. Douglas Leonardo Mejía Avilés Humanitarian Aid Cambio democratico PGA member Rad. – PD 85. Sen. Barbara Contini First Vice-President, Sustainable Development Commission of the IPU 4/14 PGA member 97. Dep. Lapo Pistelli FLI – Terzo Polo Chair, Organising Committee of the 86. Sen. Alfredo Mantica CAP ICC 2012 Former Deputy Minister for Foreign PGA member Affairs PD, Resp. Esteri PDL 98. Dep. Roberto Rao 87. Sen. Pietro Marcerano Justice Committee; Rapporteur, Law on Chair, Human Rights Committee of the Cooperation with the ICC Senate UDC President, Human Rights and Political JAMAICA Affairs Committee, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 99. Mr. Arnaldo Brown, MP PD Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Peoples National Party 88. Sen. Marco Perduca Chair, PGA Italy National Group JORDAN Rad. – PD 100. Sen. Rateb Alwazani 89. Sen. Francesco Rutelli Former President of the High Court PGA member Independent API – Terzo Polo KAZAKHSTAN 90. Dep. Gianfranco Fini 101. Mr. Ramazan Sarpekov, MP President of the Chamber of Deputies NurOtan Former Deputy Prime Minister FLI – Terzo Polo LESOTHO 91. Dep. Franco Frattini 102. Mrs. Ntsieng Lydia Lethunya, MP Former Foreign Minister and former All Basotho Convention Vice-President of the European Commission LIBERIA PDL, Foreign Affairs Spokesman 103. Mr. Gabriel Smith, MP 92. Dep. Matteo Mecacci PGA International Council Committee Chair, OSCE Parliamentary Independent Assembly LIBYA PGA member Rad. – PD 104. Giuma A. A. Ataigha, MP Deputy Speaker of the General National 93. Dep. Daniela Melchiorre Congress Justice Committee - Author, ICC Party of Independent Social Democrats Implementation Bill Gruppo Misto Liberal democratici 105. Souad M. A. Ganour, MP 94. Dep. Federica Mogherini PGA member MALAWI PD, Spokesperson on Globalization 106. Mr. Jonas Vincent Chingola, MP 95. Dep. Osvaldo Napoli First Deputy Speaker Vice-President of the Italian Association Independent of Majors PDL – Deputy Head of Parliamentary Group 96. Dep. Enrico Pianetta PGA member PDL 5/14 MALAYSIA 122. Sen. David Monreal Avila 107. Mr. Dato Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Partido del Trabajo Aziz, MP 123. Sen. Angelica De la Peña Gomez Minister of Law and Parliamentary Partido de la Revolución Democrática Affairs in the Prime Minister’s Department MONTENEGRO Chair, PGA Malaysia National Group 124. Mr. Ranko Krivokapic, MP United Malays National Organisation Speaker of the Parliament 108.
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