Advancing the Modernization of Agriculture and Rural Areas

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Advancing the Modernization of Agriculture and Rural Areas 劥䫣デꅷ欽梠⥂紺䓎⿺屘㟯⽪ⵖ ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప 2017 ᎡᏓ្ॷ AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF CHINA DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURAL ⚥㕂ⱚ⚌〄㾝Ꜿ遤 "(3*$6-563"-%&7&-01.&/5#"/,0'$)*/" 㖑㖧⻌❩䋑銯㙹⼓剢㗐⻌遳歌〿 歏霢⠛溫 ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 緸㖧XXXBECDDPNDO "EE":VFUBOCFJKJF4USFFU 9JDIFOH%JTUSJDU #FJKJOH $IJOB Social Responsibility Report 5FM'BY IUUQXXXBECDDPNDO ᡀಣ CONTENTS ᐧᑂ䶳 ᑧᵦ䨥偯ڇ㦐θ䪬㜡䓋 12 ̀䷅喟 02 ڡ㵹䪬㜡䓋 16 ᰺ߎΎ᱾ᡜ 04 ڕ䩛㐖᩵ 20 Ԋ䯉పუ㇛丌Ⴖڠ 06 22 ᰺ߎ㙞䉘ᩨಇ ᱾⣝Аࡃۉ͇ۉλ᜾Й 27 ᣕ䔈ڠ 10 36 ᰺ߎࡧഌࡼ䄰ࣾᆂ 42๜჋जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂധ⵭ 56 䭱ᒂ 44 ䷻䮖䭟ᣔ 56 ຃䶦হ㢐㾶 䲏䷻䮖ノ⤳ 58 ្ॷ䄡ᬻڕᣕ䔈 44 ᣔव㻱ᐧ䃫ڲ๜჋ 45 էݥウ䯳 46 էݥࣾ㵹ᗲۢ 46 Ѕᗲۢپէݥ 46 ࣯̻էݥጯ౧ᐧ䃫 47 50 ჏ᝤ᰺ߎ 50 ᑧࡃ⻾ឭᩜᦾ 50 ᮛࣷ䛾㲺ⴒ䃳 51 ⌞ࡃϑ≮व҉ 51 অጒࣾᆂ 51 ᐧ䃫ϧ᝺䭌к 52 ᣽ࡴࣾᆂ㘪߈ 53 ჋⣝㕹͇Ꭵ⺼ᙌ 㦐θ䪬㜡䓋 Ꭱ喑᭜჋᫪Ą࡮̶ρą㻱ܿ⮱䛺㺮Ꭱ喑 ̭Ꭱ喑᭜ӈ㐆Ӕ㐀Ჱᕔᩦ䲖⮱⌞ࡃ͸Ꭱȡ̭Ꭱ喑᭜ӈ ڒ⌞ࣾ㵹ۉ䲏㥪ڕ⮱࡮Ί๔㇫⺋喑ڇ䉜ᒨڒ⌞ࣾ㵹ۉ ప䛾㲺ڕప䛾㲺ጒ҉ч䃛Ƞ͚๛㏼≻ጒ҉ч䃛Ƞ჋ڕ჋ ᱾ጒۉ᱾ጒ҉ч䃛ぶጒ҉䘕㒟喑ಇᠮ⽠͚͚๛ۉ͚๛ ߈Ⅿ䔈ጒ҉ᕨڕⅯ䔈ጒ҉ᕨധ䄰喑㥪჋᫝ࣾᆂ⤳ᔢȡ ӈ͇ۉ᰺ߎۉӈ㐆Ӕ㐀Ჱᕔᩦ䲖喑⼜Ხᩜᠮ͇ۉ᰺ߎ ᱾⣝Аۉ᱾⣝Аࡃ喑̺᫚᣽ࡴ᰺ߎపუᝅ⪒হ͇ۉ͇ ąࣾۉąࣾᆂ⮱㘪߈喑䔈̭ₒࣾᡒᩬゃᕔĄ̶ۉĄ̶ ͇ۉࣾᆂजᠮ㐚Ƞ⊵䮑䉘ఝȠ⣜ධ䛾㲺ౕ͇ۉ䛾㲺ౕ ⩌ᔮԊ៑ぶ䶳ഌ⮱䛺㺮҉⩕ȡ⩌ᔮԊ៑ぶ ᐧᑂ䶳ᑧڇᐧᑂ䶳ᑧᵦ䨥偯ڇ ᄦ䛾ڇᅭ倅Ꮣಇᠮڕᄦ䛾㲺⮱䶳ᄩ喑ϻᝅ⪒হڇಇᠮ 䲏ϻڕȡ͒Ⴕᩬ⇨㏗ᒸহ⠍ៀڇ⇨ڇ䲏ϻ͒ノڕៀ⠍ 㵹অጒ䔈̭ₒᴾ⿸Ąఈᩬ⇨㻱ⴖڕᩬ⇨㻱ⴖ喑Ӱ䔈 ᘼ䃳ą喑෋ᑧĄఈ͗㜗Ԏą喑ևݝĄఈ͗ᘼ䃳ą͗ ࣾ㵹㥪͗᰺ϻąۉ᰺ϻą喑ᣕߕ͚๛۠ゃ䘕㒟ౕ͗ ➏ప҉ͧౝ⩌ᵦȡ្ۉౝ⩌ᵦȡ➏䃝ჄᬕҬপ喑ិᩜ ሴ倅⮱⤳ᘠহθ͇喑⼜Ხែ䏘ݝ᰺ߎĄ̶ሴ倅⮱⤳ᘠ ą⮱ь๔ۉą⮱ь๔჋䌢͚ࣨȡۉ Ύ᱾̀∕͇ͨᡜڡᡜ͇ͨ⧵̀ ♓ࣾ㵹㖇ۉą䛺◦䶳ഌȠ㪱ᑞ⣜㞯ۉࣾ㵹㖇♓Ą̶ۉ হ䉘ఝౝܧ⾮喑וহ䉘ఝౝࡧ喑๔߈ᩜᠮ㇛᷶⇦ᩣ ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 40$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&1035 䉱⎽ᐭ̻ࣾԊ៑ぶ᫝ϔ৮喑ᣏ㉏ᣕᎬឣ䉘 ۉ͇ۉ߈᰺ߎ㙞䉘ᩨಇ喑व㻱ᩜᠮڕ㇫۳ 䒙䉤ぶ᫝὎ᐼ喑̺᫚᣽ࡴ᰺ߎۉАࡃ喑 䓴ᶒȠᩜ⣝͇ۉ᱾ധ⵭䃫᫪ᐧ䃫喑݈᫝ᩜᠮ Ꭱ㉜ᩫ䉤 ჋Ҁ㏼≻⮱䉕䛼হ᩵⢴ȡウᐧ䯱Ⴖܳ㵹喑ڕ䲏ᐧ᜽ᄼᏤ⹫чȡڕߖ߈۠㘉 Ϭٰ喑Ꭱ᱘䉤҆䷊ ̴Ϭ ๔߈ᩜᠮ䯱Ⴖ᫝ࡧᐧ䃫ȡड़ߕ᫝ᵥᓰ㈨㐌̴  Ⴧ⽠ڕ Ϭٰȡ็ᣗᎣͫウ ᐧ䃫喑ߍᑧ᪝ᢛ⇨⤳喑Ԏᖜ㈨㐌Ⴖ 喑䒰Ꭱ݊෋ߍٰ 䓽㵹ȡ ͇ۉ≯䉱䛾喑ᑂᄩ⹫ч䉱䛾ࣺਧఋۉᣗᩜ Ꭱ㉜䃎ࣾէウ䉱 ̴Ϭٰ喑ڕ᱾喑ۉ ䷊Ꭱ᱘էݥ҆䷊ ̴ Ϭ ٰ喑 ႅ҆ ⼸Ϭٰȡ ̺ᔅ݊ᓰᐭड़᫝ᒮ̴ 䲏䉜ᒨ࡮Ί๔㇫⺋⮱ᐭᅭڕᎡ喑᭜ ࣾ㵹倅䉕䛼ࣾᆂ⮱䊤ₒ͸Ꭱȡۉ͸Ꭱ喑Ό᭜ ๜჋ധ⵭㜡߈जᠮ㐚 ⮱࡮Ί๔㇫⺋喑ᠶ⚔ڇ䲏䉜ᒨڕࣾ㵹ᄳۉ ప䛾㲺ጒ҉ч䃛Ƞ͚๛㏼≻ጒ҉ч䃛Ƞڕ ᣕڒ⌞⮱Ѻ㒛喑ܧ⾮ᄳ䭟ᣔ䷻䮖ᥳౕᰡߍ ڇ᱾ጒ҉ч䃛⮱䘕㒟喑ಇᠮহႹ઱ۉ䲏䷻䮖ノ⤳喑ᄦ䛺◦ࡧഌȠ䛺◦ϔ৮ ͚๛ڕ䔈 ჋᫪̀䶦ノᣔᣗ᫪喑ࣷᬣࡃ㼐䷻䮖䮽ᗐ喑 ⮱䶳ᄩ喑ಇᠮ⽠͚Ⅿ䔈ጒ҉ᕨധ䄰喑В᰺ ӈ͇ۉᝅ⪒ͧᕨៀ᝸喑В᰺ߎڡႵѼγ̺ࣾ⩌㈨㐌ᕔ䷻䮖⮱Ꮒ㏬ȡಇᠮӊ ߎΎ᱾ᡜ ߈᰺ߎపუᝅڕᐭᆂĄ̶ຄݖąĄ̶䔊 㐆Ӕ㐀Ჱᕔᩦ䲖ͧͨ㏬喑ڒ⌞व㻱㏼㥒喑∂ ąࣾᆂ喑Ɑ߈䭟ᣔۉࣺąĄఈ̺ᒀąহጯ౧Ξ䆎̀䶦⇨⤳喑Ɑ ⪒ȠႼ㻯䄰ᣔহĄ̶ ᣔҀ㈨ȡ䉱ϔ䉕䛼Ԋᠮ⽠Ⴧ喑 䛺◦䷻䮖喑㐌ウᣕ䔈ऱ䶦ጒ҉喑๸߈ᐭड़ڲ߈Ⴙ઱ 䲏ᐧڕࣾ㵹倅䉕䛼ࣾᆂ᫝ᒮ⼸喑ͧ۠㘉ۉ Ꭱ᱘̺㞜䉤⢴ 喑ัλह͇䒰ສ ⅡᎠȡ ᜽ᄼᏤ⹫чȠ჋⣝⹫чͨͶ⣝Аࡃহ͚ࡻ 㔹̺ᛵ๸᫄喆ڡℾ᫼ь๔ฺ ⮱ڇᲮᣕ䔈ᩦ䲖᫦ᵵ㥪჋㥪ౝ喑ិߍᑧ⼜ ࣾ㵹⯾ۉࣾ㵹」⼸喑ۉ᫝ԛ䃏⮱ڒۆ䶳ᄩ Ⲑノ⤳ߋ∂হ͇ߎܳㆨߋ∂ₐᐼ㣤ឦȡႹ ڲ჎Ҁݣᩦ䲖喑෋ᑧڲ઱Ҁݣᱧݣ喑⌞ࡃ 䘕჎䃎⮱⠙⿸ᕔᱰ༮ᕔȡߍ๔ϔ৮᰺ߎহ ὎ᐼ݈᫝߈Ꮣ喑݈᫝ᣕܧ᪆㗟ឣ䉘Ƞ⊤∸ AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF CHINA 㵹䪬㜡䓋 ͚๛᫦䦵ᩬ ⹧㠰ࡧᐧ䃫হჇ◦ឣ䉘ጒ҉ȡ჋᫪⌲ࢂڇ䉜ᒨڒ⌞ࣾ㵹ۉᎡ喑 䲏㥪჋ ݣノ⤳喑䉤㇫۳Ꮣহឣ䉘᜽᩵๔፲᣽ڕゃ喑䃑ⱌ㥪჋పߎ䮏۠ゃ䘕㒟喑 Ϭٰ喑 Ꭱ㉜ᩫ㇫۳ឣ䉘䉤ڕ᫝ࣾᆂ⤳ᔢ喑ऱ䶦ጒ҉⽠͚ᰶ䔈Ƞ䔈͚ा ࡴȡ 㵹̷̸䓻䯫㔹̷Ƞᐭ᠀䔈ः喑 ҆䷊℁̷Ꭱ෋䪬 ȡڕສȡ̭ᎡᲒ喑 ᱾䛾ۉࣾᡒౕܳٲᔍ䄇ᆒ㕹Ƞߴλ៲ᒀ喑 㲺Ҁ㈨͚⮱ͨҀহ俕᎟҉⩕喑̺᫚᣽ࡴ᰺ ᱾ധ⵭䃫᫪ᐧ䃫ȡಇ۠㥪ۉ͇ۉąࣾᆂ⮱ࡼ व㻱ᩜᠮۉߎపუᝅ⪒㘪߈喑ᣕߕĄ̶ 䄰̻जᠮ㐚ȡ ჋⌲⤳㻱㠰ౝ᫦ᩬᏉէߎ⮱ᩬゃ㺮Ⅿ喑๔ Ꭱڕ߈ᩜᠮḇᩦȠⅡݖぶ䛺๔ℾ⩌䶦Ⱋ喑 ᱾ധ⵭䃫᫪ᐧ䃫䉤ۉ͇ۉᩫ㉜ Ϭٰ喑 ͚喟㉜ᩫḇᩦ䉤ڣȡ⼜ᲮᏁᄦ㇛᷶ጯ౧ Ϭٰ喑ו߈ᩜᠮ㇛᷶⇦ᩣڕ ᱾ϑۉࡃᩣ䉚᫝ᒏ߬᫝ᠾᝅ喑ᣕᎬᏁ⩕⢶ㆠԎ⩕ ㉜ᩫⅡݖᐧ䃫䉤 ϬٰȠ ⣜᱾ϧᅲۉ ϬٰȠᩦ઱ ჋㵹Ą̭㵹͑ 䕇䉤וԊ䃮ധ䛾὎ᐼ喑ᄦ᷶㟞ᩣ হጯ౧ࡃᩣ䉚喑 ධ䉤 Ϭٰ喑ᰶ߈ᩜᠮγ̭๔ឦוゃą喑㐌ウᩜᠮᩬゃᕔᩣ 䉱䛾ӈᏁͨ⍍䖀҉⩕喑ܴ჋㐡 䛺๔ℾ⩌䶦Ⱋȡוࣾᡒγᩣ ℾݖ⯷ȡۉহڕγపუ㇛丌Ⴖ៑ Аࡃȡ㉔㉔డ㐂Ჱᐧ⣝А⣝͇ۉ᫝ᩜᠮ݈ ϔ͇Ҁ㈨Ƞ⩌ϔҀ㈨Ƞ㏼㥒Ҁ㈨喑ߍ͇ۉ ߈᰺ߎ㙞䉘ᩨಇȡడ㐂ᐧᶐڕ㇫۳ܧ⾮ ≯᱾ౌౝۉᐧ䃫Ƞ⩝ۉࢎ䉘ఝϧऐĄ̺͑ᘮȠ̶Ԋ䯉ą䬛䷅喑 ๔߈Ꮣᩜᠮ倅ᴴ۳⿸ 㖇♓Ą̶ࡧ̶ጋąぶ⌞Ꮣ䉘ఝౝࡧ喑⾮ 䒙হ䔯Ꮣ㻱὎㏼㥒Ƞ᳄͇⩌ᔮԊ៑ぶ喑Ӱ А⣝͇ۉᎡ㉜ᩫऱㆨڕ䒙ಸࡴ㏔ȡ͇ۉ߈ 䔈ڕᩜᠮᭀౝឣ䉘ᥙ䓮হϔ͇ឣ䉘ȡܧ Ϭٰ喑݈᫝὎ᐼᩜᠮ᫝ ᣕ䔈ധ⵭䃫᫪ឣ䉘Ԏ䉤ጒ҉喑⼜Ხ࣯̻ ࡃ䉤 ᳄ิוϖȠపუ̴ ⩝ۉĄ̴Ю፛̴᱾ą㇫۳ឣ䉘㵹ߕȡ݈᫝᫦ ᐧ倅ᴴ۳ ᐼ᫦∂喑᝻჋ᣕ䔈ᩬゃᕔ䛾㲺ឣ䉘჋侹 ധౝぶపౌ㐬ࡃ ̴ϖȡ ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 40$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&1035 ⼜Ხᰶ᩵䭟ᣔ䷻䮖ȡₐ⶛ั⤳͇ߎࣾᆂ̻ ⣝ᰶ㜗䏘➦㞟⮱ڤ㈨喑ក䕍ڠ䭟ᣔ䷻䮖⮱ А䷻䮖ノ⤳Ҁ㈨喑᣽ࡴ䷻䮖ノᣔ㘪߈হᵥ ᓰ》ζ߈喑ܴ჋ႵѼ䷻䮖Ꮒ㏬喑ᰡສౝ᰺ 㵹ڕߎ჋Ҁ㏼≻喑ͧ䶧ݖ჋⣝ᩦ䲖Ⱋᴴহ 倅䉕䛼ࣾᆂ᣽ӈᰶ߈Ԋ䯉ȡᎡ᱘̺㞜䉤 ⢴ 喑᠕ิ㺳Ⰳ⢴ 喑䷻䮖២ 㶒㘪߈ᠮ㐚᣽ࡴ喑పᰶ䉱᱙Ԋթ෋թ㘪߈ ̺᫚෋ᑧȡ ͚๛Ƞపڇ䉜ᒨڒ⌞ࣾ㵹ᄳۉᎡ喑 ᓰ㖇߈喑ⵒⵧݺ܊ߎ䮏ऱ䶦᫦䦵ᩬゃ喑 ۉࣾᡒܳٲᝅ⪒喑ڡ߈᰺ߎΎ᱾ᡜڕ㵹喑 ప᫝្ۉᩜۆᩬゃᕔ䨣㵹㕹㘪҉⩕喑㐚͇ ヴ」喆 AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF CHINA Դ✆ᯘ࿞ ֚ٝਝмҵͨ݇ރ㏼≻㐖᩵ ͧьҫОԥѹङ 帡࠮ѿௌԥѹ͹ьҫ 2017 46,560 2016 40,946 2015 34,410 Ӕӯ䃔ԥѹ͹ьҫ 2017 171.2 2016 162.1 2015 153.4 Љਧ帡࠮ௌԥѹ͹ьҫ 2017 378 2016 360 2015 286 ۱߄ৱߓञԥѹ͹ьҫ 2017 1,356 2016 1,185 2015 1,022 ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 40$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&103540$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&1035 㐖᩵䶳ഌ 2017 2016 2015 ࣾ㵹ϧℾጮէݥ喍Ϭٰ喎 10,400 12,384 10,560 ̺㞜䉤⢴ (%) 0.81 0.88 0.83 ݖᖜᩣఋ⢴ (%) 97.6 98.2 100.4 30.5 30.1 26.1 (%) ℁ڒ᜽᱙ᩣ ᠕ิ㺳Ⰳ⢴ (%) 394 316 328 ㏠⼻䷊喍Ϭٰ喎 163 164 171 䘕ౝࡧ䉤҆䷊喍Ϭٰ喎 14,732 12,342 12,096͉ ͚䘕ౝࡧ䉤҆䷊喍Ϭٰ喎 19,064 20,704 13,881 㺬䘕ౝࡧ䉤҆䷊喍Ϭٰ喎 12,764 7,899 8,423 䉤҆䷊喍Ϭٰ喎 45,428 40,143 33,885ۉ⊷ ᄼᓛЮ͇䉤҆䷊喍Ϭٰ喎 16,995 12,157 8,133 ḇᝤࡧᩦ䕍䉤҆䷊喍Ϭٰ喎 6,613 2,565 521 Ԋ䯉ᕔႶᅲጒ⼸ᒀᎡ䉤᫝෋䷊喍Ϭٰ喎 4,276 2,134 617 AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF CHINA ⹫ч㐖᩵ ௌԥѹ͹Ѕҫۈௌԥѹ͹ьҫ Ҹञ㘜֑܎ҵۈ㜦帚帡࠮ٶҶ 2017 1,000 2017 2,910 2016 950 2016 2,403 2015 2015 1,531 㐖᩵䶳ഌ 2017 2016 2015 ჏ᝤ␎ᘼᏓ (%) 99.99 99.97 99.99 ᰺ߎ㔮ᄾ䓦⾤⮱㑾◦᪝䛼喍͗喎 313 308 305 䃫㒛ᬍ䯉ⶺ䕇䖀⮱㑾◦᪝䛼喍͗喎 427 360 305 䃫㒛❞ᓰ⿄ऐ⮱㑾◦᪝䛼喍͗喎 521 501 481 ᔄᙬ㔲≨ߕᬣ䪬喍ᄼᬣ喎 4,315 6,521 6,144 ⯷ᙵ઱䶦Ⱋ᪝喍͗喎 276 209 167ڙ অጒᕨ᪝喍ϧ喎 52,166 51,879 51,309 ຠঅጒᕨ᪝喍ϧ喎 21,227 21,266 20,473 ᄾ᪝ℾ᫼অጒᕨ᪝喍ϧ喎 5,148 4,970 4,791 喍̴ٰ喎 9,524 8,706 7,953ܧঅጒദ䃚㏼䉦ᩜ অጒദ䃚喍ϧ⁎喎 48,930 44,463 53,515 ፛ឣ䛾䷊喍̴ٰ喎 1,121.8 1,141 1,121.5≩⩌ ፛ߖఝ䯫অጒ喍ϧ⁎喎 3,714 3,897 3,684 ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 40$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&103540$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&1035 ⣜ධ㐖᩵ ୏ԥѹ͹Зރਭਈ࣪ґாऩ帡࠮ѿௌԥѹ͹ьҫ ݵܴङਭਈ࣪ґாऩ 2017 2,395 2017 1,770 2016 885 2016 802 2015 801 2015 894 㐖᩵䶳ഌ 2017 2016 2015 㞯㘪⣜Ԋ䶦Ⱋ䉤҆䷊ह℁෋䪬⢴ (%) 170.63 10.44 11.99 㕄Ⅱᕨ䛼喍ॕ喎 46,288 45,671 47,005ڙߋ 㕄⩢ᕨ䛼喍Ꮣ喎 9,939,540 9,871,944 8,932,290ڙߋ ߎ䒓㕄⇦ᕨ䛼喍ࡴ喎 25,520 25,996 21,765ڙ ∕喟㕄ⅡȠ㕄⩢Ƞ㕄⇦౴ͧᕨ㵹᪝ᢛ AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF CHINA Դ΅ณω 䉱᱙ 570 Ϭٰ喑ڹ⧵ࣾᆂ䨣㵹᜽⿸λ 1994 Ꭱ喑͇ۉ͚ప ࣾᆂ䨣㵹᜽⿸λ1994Ꭱ喑͇ۉ͚ప 䉱᱙ڹ⧵ ᩬゃᕔ䨣㵹ȡ͇ۉⰡᆋపߎ䮏䶳ᄩ喑᭜᜾పੜ̭̭უ 㺮Шߎ᭜ВపუԎ⩕ͧധ⵭喑Вጯ౧ͧӊច喑ウͨڣ ąθ͇ࣾᆂ喑ࣾᡒపუᝅ⪒ 570 Ϭٰۉ䉱䛾喑ᩜᠮĄ̶ۉ䯳ᩜ ᩜᦾ҉⩕ȡ㏼㥒Ⴤᬕ᭜㉔㉔డ㐂᰺ߎపუᝅ⪒喑ᐧ䃫 䋠Ƞ⇨⤳㻱㠰ȠٲȠ͇ߎ⌲ᮝȠ䉱᱙ܧ⾮ჇѺᬻ⶛Ƞߌ㘪 ᰶ 31 ͗Ⱞ㏔ܳ㵹Ƞ339 ͗ι㏔ڞ㈨㐌ڕ जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ㘪ิڤȠ᰺ߎ㞜ສȠڕᣔ͒ჳȠ䓽㥒Ⴖڲ ᰶ 31 ͗Ⱞ㏔ܳ ܳ㵹হ 1,816 ͗࣬ഌ㥒͇ᱧᲱ喑অጒڞ㈨㐌ڕᩬゃᕔ䨣㵹ȡⰛݺ喑͇ۉ߈⮱ 㵹Ƞ339 ͗ι㏔ܳ㵹হ 1,816 ͗࣬ഌ㥒͇ᱧᲱ喑অጒ 5 5 ̴็ϧ喑᰺ߎ㑾㐉䕺ጰ͚ప๔䭳ౝࡧȡ ̴็ϧ ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 40$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&1035 ߌ㘪 ჇѺ ͇ߎ ⾮ܧ ᬻ⶛ ⌲ᮝ 䉱᱙ 䋠ٲ ㏼㥒Ⴤᬕ ㉔㉔డ㐂᰺ߎపუᝅ⪒ जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ㘪߈⮱ิڤᐧ䃫 ᩬゃᕔ䨣㵹͇ۉ ⇨⤳ 㻱㠰 ᣔڲ ͒ჳ 䓽㥒 ᰺ߎ 㞜ສ ڕႶ AGRICULTURALAGRIAGRAGAGRIGRGRICULTCUCULCUULTLTL URALUURAUR DEVELOPMENTDEVEVVELOPMEOPMPMEMEENT BABBANKANK OFOFFCH CHCHINAHINA ࣾ㵹В࡮Ί๔ч䃛䘕㒟ͧᵦ᱙䖢ᓗ喑ۉᎡ喑 2017 ᅭ倅ڕ⮱䶳ᄩ䔆̭䛺๔ᩬ⇨݆࣌喑ϻᝅ⪒হڇಇᠮ ䷅̀ 㵹ȡ➏ధᴾ⿸Ąఈ͗ᘼ䃳ą喑⇨ڇ䲏ϻ͒ノڕᏓ⠍ៀ 㵹অጒ䔈̭ₒ෋ᑧĄఈ͗㜗Ԏą喑➏䃝ჄᬕڕӰ䔈 ప҉ͧሴ倅⮱⤳ᘠহθ͇喑⼜Ხែ្ۉҬপ喑ិᩜ 䛺◦⠍ៀܧ⾮ą⮱ь๔჋䌢͚ࣨȡۉԡ౫౾⣕ 䏘ݝ᰺ߎĄ̶ ᐧ喑ڇ㥪჋喑⌞ࡃᣕߕ᎟䘕ϧ᝺Ƞₐ䷻㖰㏗Ƞധᅯ 䲏ϻ͒ノڕ჋ិ㏗ᒸ㻱ⴖ⿸䊤ᲒȠ͒䊤Გ喑ᣕ䔈ܴ 㵹ᐣѥݝധᅯȠ᝻ᵦݝധᅯȡ⇨ڇ ⨠ಗᅩ⛒ ఈ͗ ఈ͗ ᘼ䃳 㜗Ԏ ᐧጒ҉Ꮤ䄵чڇ༁Γ䃝Ƞ㦐θ䪬㼐႓ᮧౕᐣႶጯܳ㵹ͨᠮङᐭധᅯڇࣾ㵹ۉ͓ ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 40$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&1035 ಇ۠㥪჋͑͗Ą̭В䉜͸ą ⼜Ხᐧ⿸⻾႓ᱧݣ ㏱㏴࣯ڇ༁۠ゃݺ㒛⼸Ꮌ㺮Ⅿ喑Ɑ߈㼐۠ڇ⮱䶳ᄩ䔆̭䛺๔ᩬ⇨݆࣌㥪჋ݝ㏼㥒ノ⤳ ͒ᵩ㥪჋ڇಇᠮߍᑧិ 䩛䬛䷅喑ڠノ᎟䘕݆࣌͑͗ڇ⮱䶳ᄩ喑ϻĄᵦąহĄ偯ą ̻䛺๔䬛䷅۠ゃȠ㥪჋ڇ༁໸㏵ಇᠮڇࣾ㵹ۉऱ⣜㞯ȡ ㏱㏴ౕ۠ゃȠប㵹Ƞ⯾Ⲑऱ⣜㞯⮱ᱰ䉐হጒ҉ڇ⮱ᐧ䃫̻ߍᔘ ᬻ⶛ڇ⮱ᐧ䃫喑ᠮ㐚ᣕߕڇ⮱倅Ꮣ䛺㻳হߍᑧ Ҁࡃȡڤ㏱㏴ࣾᡒ҉⩕㏱㏴ࡃȠݣᏓࡃȠڇᐧ ᫦ᐼ喑Ҭڇࣾ㵹⇨⤳Ҁ㈨হ⇨⤳㘪߈⣝Аࡃ⮱㉔ჳ㲺वȡិۉ ㏱㏴䶳ᄩᵥᓰহᩬ⇨ᵥڇ⿸喑ϻҀݣ̷⶛⼸「ڒۆጒ҉ 䘕ᩦ䲖᜽⿸㦐θч䓴⼸͚喑㥪ڲࣾ㵹ౕ⌞ࡃۉᓰౝѺȡ ༁ч̻㦐ڇȠϑࣶШ㕹ą䶳ᄩᱧݣ喑ᬻ⶛ڒ჋Ąࣹा䔈 ༁۠Ⴧ喑ڇθч㕹ᱰ喑Ԋ䃮ౕ჋䭲ጒ҉͚̺ៅ̺ថប㵹 ࣾ㵹 ㏱㏴ࡃۉڒۆ⮱䶳ᄩڇ༁ᘼఫȡិಇᠮহߍᑧڇ⣝Ҁ ࣾ㵹ᕨҀࣾᆂᝅ⪒হĄ࡮̶ρąࣾᆂ㻱ܿۉڒ喑㏠⼸「 ᐧጒ҉ȡڇᅭহᝅ⪒倅Ꮣ䄸ܿڕ㺮喑ϻ㏟ ڒࣹा䔈 Ҁࡃڤ ϑࣶШ㕹 ݣᏓࡃ অ᪆㗟ദ䃚ጒ҉ڇ㏱㏴ᐧ䃫 䃑ⱌᐭᆂڇᣕ䔈Ą͑႓̭ևą႓΍᪆ Ɑ߈ߍᑧധᅯڒ⌞ 㗟፥ᔮࡃݣᏓࡃ ᕔڇࣾ㵹ಇᠮВ⤳ᘠԎᔢ᪆㗟Ƞۉ λ䔈̭ₒߍᑧധᅯڠݣჇ࢝ࣾȨ ㏗᪆㗟ͧͨ㏬喑В᣽倅ౕᇄڇ䷻ڇ ㏱㏴ᐧ䃫⮱ᠴᄩᘼ㻮ȩぶ喑Ⴙڇ ༁ិᣕ䔈Ą͑႓̭ևą႓ڇࣾ㵹ۉ ࣾܳٲঅ㉍䉕Ƞ㜗㻶ᆒ㕹ᅪ䉐Ƞڇ ᐧጒ҉䔝㕹ڇ༁Γ䃝ៀധᅯڇ΍᪆㗟፥ᔮࡃݣᏓࡃ҉ͧ䛺㺮ᩬ⇨ ઱ অ⮱ڇ䨸὎㠰҉⩕ͧⰛ⮱喑ᄳٵঅ⼜ܳノ⤳喑 ᡒڇ㖇߈ 䃱䃛ݣᏓ喑ᣕ㵹܊㏱㏴ڇШߎ喑҉ͧ෋ᑧധᅯ 㵹অጒ⮱᪆㗟ദ䃚Ⱕڕᐧ̀䶦Ⲑᴒহധᅯ㏱㏴ᐧ ᪆㗟ദ䃚̻ڇᝅ᫄߈⮱ᰶ߈ៀ᝸喑㉔ថĄ႓ą⮱ ᐭᆂ 㐀वȠ̻͇ߎ㘪߈᣽倅Ⱕ㐀व喑䛴 ڇ㏱㏴ڇღȠĄևą⮱ᴴ۳ȠĄᩦą⮱㺮Ⅿ喑 䃫Ⲑᴒ䄰ⵁ喑჋᫪ധᅯڲ ᵎദ䃚Ƞڇ᫚ᄳĄ͑႓̭ևą႓΍᪆㗟፥ᔮ ᐧጒ҉䛼ࡃ㔰ᵥȡ ः䯳͚᪆㗟Ƞߋ⤚ദ䃚Ƞ̺ ȡ 㑾㐉ദ䃚ぶ็⻺᫦ᐼ喑ᰶ䦵ᄦᕔౝڒ⌞ࡃݣᏓࡃጒ҉ᑂा অ䔈㵹᪆㗟ദ䃚ȡڇᄦ Ą႓ą Ąևą ㏗᪆㗟 ͨ㏬ڇ䷻ڇᕔڇღ ⮱ᴴ۳ ⤳ᘠԎᔢ᪆㗟Ƞڲ⮱ অ㉍䉕Ƞ㜗㻶ᆒ㕹ᅪ䉐ȠڇĄᩦą ᣽倅ౕᇄ 䨸὎㠰҉⩕ Ⱋ⮱ٵࣾᡒܳٲ ⮱㺮Ⅿ AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF CHINA ⱋײ⁶ ᐧĄᵤᲬ㵹ąڇႶᓪᇠ㺬ᩜ㵹ក䕍ധᅯ অ᎟䘕፛ߖ⍜⇠᱾䒙⼨䉘ఝᝤڇᯡ䰕ᬣ㞯ᇠ㺬ᩜ㵹͓ 1 ధჇ ๖ͧ ڞᩜ䘕㐀ᄦڇᇠ㺬ᩜ㵹⼜Ხ̻㺬⩵᱾ ᐧ≨ߕᬒąڞĄ ᐧጒ҉ݣڞᐧ㐀ᄦڇᐧ喑ݣჇĄ123ą ᐧ≨ߕᬒą喑ڞᏓ喑ࢠ⃼ᰵధჇ1๖ͧĄ Ꭱ㜠ᄾ፛ߖ䉘ఝᝤߋ2У჋ڕঅڇ⃼ऺ অևݝο႓Ƞڇঅ̻㐀ᄦ᱾ڇθ喑ᩜ㵹 ο㖁Ƞοߖぶ3᫦䲏οߕϑ≮ 喠ಇᠮ݈ ݣჇĄ123ą ᐧጒ҉ڞᐧ㐀ᄦڇ ζх喑ВĄ̺̻ह͇℁ᒲ䕴喑᪏̻हٵ 㵹℁᰺ߎą⮱๶⡛㇫⺋喑̭ܴͧγ჏ ݣᏓ অ̻㐀ᄦ᱾ڇᩜ㵹 Ꭱ㜠ڕঅڇᝤ喑ևݝᩬゃაэ㼐䄨ݝѺȠͨߕ̷䬕 ⃼ऺ অևݝο႓Ƞοڇ ϘݝѺȠ䬛䷅⇌ ᄾ፛ߖ䉘ఝᝤߋڞ᰺ߎݝѺȠԎᖜ䌌䍗 㖁Ƞοߖぶ 3 ᫦䲏 2 У჋θ ≯䕇ࣺ亵ݝѺ喑̺᫚᣽倅䛾㲺᰺ߎ䉕䛼ȡ οߕϑ ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 40$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&1035 ⱋײ⁶ ᐧაэ䒪Ҁڇ㧆ऑጡᒓ⌃ᅁܳ㵹݈᫝ڲ ᐧąᎠڇᐧᓛԎ㓑喑ក䕍Ąᠴᅃڇᐧ䭢ౝ⮱ა ⮱х߬喑݈ᐧγڇጡᒓ⌃ᅁጯܳ㵹⼜Ხ݈᫝喑ͨߕࣾᡒ 䄫㻳䶾喑ڇ䄫ࣷ᏶ᩬڇ⮱᫦䦵ᩬゃ喑᣽ӈڇใ㐀 झ喑აэڲэᑂ䶳҉⩕ȡᠶ⚔Ąߌ㘪Ⴙ઱Ƞ̭ბ็⩕喑 ᐧߕᔮȩ喑ڇᕔ᪆㗟ȡ݈ߋȨڇಸθ䔦喑ᑧࡃڥᐧ͸უą喑 აយڇ㞟ą⮱݆࣌喑ጯܳ㵹ក䕍Ą➦ܧ⾮वȠ 㵹ڕ䘕ϑ≮ąᎠझ喑ϻ̺ह㻳㻿჋ᬣࣺ᭍ڲट䃝ᓳࡧȠ᜽᳉ᆂ⹧ࡧȠ㢐㾶䭵݄ࡧȠఫΓ ក䕍Ąڇܳܿ ᐧጒ҉ᐭᆂᗲۢࣷ᜽᳉ȡڇ ⮱ᐧ䃫ࣷڇ䬲䄨ࡧȠᶐᵵᆂ㻵ࡧぶ喑䯳͚ᆂ⹧䄒㵹 ㏼㥒ノ⤳ᗲۢȡݖ⩕᝸ᱧ倅᩵ӬᢤȠᭀ㷘๔фᣒऄ ᐧაэ䉱᫆ڇ㿀䃺 ͓ጡᒓ⌃ᅁጯܳ㵹㑃ݣ⮱ڇڒᐧ͸უą䛺⍖ڇঅౕĄڇጡᒓ⌃ᅁܳ㵹͓ ⱋײ⁶ ᩲθ喑ᓳሒኅᆮڢ㏱㏴ౕϙ⮱ᕨ㵹㵹 ͓ఈጊϭ䗎ጯᩜ㵹㏱㏴ᐭᆂĄख़㔮ڠࣾ㵹ᕨ㵹ᱧۉᎡ ᰵ喑 ͓ ऺ᎟䘕অጒ̭ह࣯㻯Ąⵒⵧ ᰵąͨ䷅≨ߕ҆ ڠ䶳ᄩহᕨ㵹ᱧ ๔Вژ⮱࡮ڇ๸䔈⮱ρᎡą๔ಸ᜽ᅞᆂ喑ϟ䏘ᙌऄ হపუθ͇ࣾ⩌⮱ࢳटᕔअ䲖ڇᲒ AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF CHINA Ⴙ׮Ͷღ໘Ե ڕԊ䯉పუ㇛丌Ⴖ 20 22 ᰺ߎ㙞䉘ᩨಇ ᱾⣝Аࡃۉ͇ۉᣕ䔈 27 ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 40$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&1035 AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF CHINA ѳ⠀࢕ૉ᪴⤊઩ԫ Ⴙ׮ᴰ⋝࿙ࣈ ۉߖ߈ᩦ઱ ت᱾ϧᅲ⣜ධ ༒⑄Ց́ᚴς تѧ⑄Ցღᚴς ᣕߕΎ᱾ 㐬㞟ࣾᆂ ⌞ࡃჇ◦ឣ䉘হ ჋侹⹧㠰ࡧጒ҉ ⩌͇ۉᩜᠮ ϔ㘪߈᣽ࡴ ⲱ۳䛺◦䶳ഌ ڒߍ๔ែ ᣕߕ䉕 ۉڡ䛼 ᰺ߎϔ͇ 㲺वࣾᆂ ࣯̻ᣕߕ ᱾ᩦ䲖ۉ ᱾ۉᩜᠮ ϑ䕇ᐧ䃫 㖇♓⌞Ꮣ䉘ఝ ᰺ߎపუ䛺๔ ⼸ౝࡧ䛺◦ࣾ߈ Ⅱݖጒ ಇႵ㇫ ⪑۳᫦ Ԋ䯉ᩬゃᕔᩣ 䉱䛾䰭㺮ו ߖ߈㇛᷶⇦ϔ ͇䒙ಸࡴ㏔ ᩜᠮ㇛᷶⇦ᩣ ጯ౧ࡃᩦ䲖ו ᰺ߎపუ㇛丌≮ 䕇䛺㺮㞯◦ᐧ䃫 ᩜᠮḇᝤ ࡧᩦ䕍 ڕԊ䯉పუ㇛丌Ⴖ ࣾ㵹ಇჇ̺⼨ᆒ㵹ᩬゃᕔ䨣㵹㕹䉐喑⼜Ხͨߕևສ㇛᷶⇦ᩣ䉚䉱䛾ӈᏁ喑㐌ウᐭᆂᩬゃᕔᩣ䉚হጯ౧ۉᎡ喑 2017 ℾݖ⯷᣽ӈγᑧᰶ߈Ԋ䯉ȡۉহڕࣾᡒ㇛᷶⇦ͨᄩ䨣㵹҉⩕喑ͧపუ㇛丌Ⴖܳٲᕔᩣ䉚喑 Ꭱ᫝䔈ᆂ ᠮ㐚ᣕ䔈͉ࡄౝࡧ⢶ㆠᩣ䉚Ԏ䉤Ԋ 䃮ധ䛾喑ᰶ᩵㑀㼐͚ᄼЮ͇㲺䉱䯫Ƞ 㲺䉱䉢䬛䷅喑጖ధ⢶ㆠጯ౧ࡃᩦ䲖 ᜽᩵ȡ 䃑ⱌ㥪჋పუႼ㻯䄰ᣔᩬゃ喑㐔 㐚ևສ⽨䅤ᄼ叓ᰭѻФᩣ䉚䉱䛾 ӈᏁȡ ߍ๔㇛⇦ጯ౧ᕔᩣ䉚䉱䛾ӈᏁ߈ Ꮣ喑ͨߕ䄰᪡Ⴙ઱Ԏ䉤ᩬゃ喑ౕ䭟 ᣔ䷻䮖⮱ݺ᣽̸喑⼜Ხᩜᠮጯ౧ᕔ ᩣ䉚ȡ ჳܴ䙺व㥪჋పუ᷶㟞ⰛᴴФᵩᩦ 䲖喑䔈̭ₒႹ઱Ą̭㵹͑ゃą⮱Ԏ 䉤ゃ⪒喑㐔㐚ߍ๔ᄦ᫝⪳᷶㟞ᩣ䉚 ȡڒԎ䉤ែ ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 40$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&1035 ڕϔ৮ӈ㐆হ丌৮ႶۉᩜᠮĄ㤉ㄛၽąጒ⼸喑Ԋ䯉೻Ύ ϔ৮䉕ۉڕ֒⿸ϔ৮䉕䛼Ⴖ ᩜᠮᐧۉϔ৮ϔࡧ䶱 ᩜᠮ᣽ࡴۉᩜᠮౕх߬ϔࡧᐧ䃫̭ ᩜᠮ჋᫪ ≹䮖䃱ѝȠ⯾䷻ڕ䛼Ⴖ ۉ⯾ノ㘪߈喑ౕ䛺㺮ڕ ϔ৮ϔۉឦపუ㏔Ƞࡧഌ㏔ϔౝ ۤጒ⼸喑ᐧ䃫 ϔ৮ 䶱䂓হᏁᕒั㒛Ҁ㈨喑ޜۉឦࣾጯ౧হ⩝๡ጯ౧喑 ౝ䓽䓀䕇䖀Ƞۤ䨫➖≮ ϔ৮䯳᪐ౝȠ ⫘ϔ৮ぶ ᰺ߎऐᇥߕḺ➖ᷭۉϔ৮ጯ౧ 䙺䔮͚ᓰহ䙺䔮〆 ឦࣾጯ౧ᐧ䃫ۉ⯷ᕔڙᣕߕ ᐧ䃫 ≮䕇⣜㞯⮱ज䔪⏜Ҁ㈨ 㻱㠰ࡃᐧ䃫 ᩫ䉤 36.13 Ϭٰ喑 ㉜ᩫ䉤 42.87 Ϭٰ喑 ㉜ᩫ䉤 43.83 Ϭٰ喑 ㉜ᩫ䉤 19.11 Ϭٰ喑㉜ ≯ϔ৮ۤ䨫➖ۉϔ৮ ߖ߈ۉప俕᎟ڕϔ৮ ߖ߈ۉ⯷ᕔڙపڕߖ߈Ą㤉ㄛၽąጒ⼸ ߖ߈ 䶦Ⱋ 19 ͗ ⹧㠰ጯ౧ 10 უ ឦࣾጯ౧ 10 უ ᴴ۳ࡃ䄂◦Ю͇ 12 უ ∕喟᪝ᢛͧ᝗㜠 Ꭱ᱘ ᅴц ᩜᠮх䉕хФᩣ䉚喑ᑂᄩ⻺Ḻ㐀Ჱ䄰᪡ әஎ᠜ὒܻڬὒ૓ེ͇ᩡࠈᠦǔ͞᠗͑͞ᄒԜѿὒር౥஋૏ܻГ˧ͼТ࣒रࡡ࣒־тԯᛩҁ஼οᠦ̟ ˒ມᥓ᝕эዶᯄஎ᠜᫐ᮭὒྺ҇௯஋૏͞᠗ዶᯄஎ᠜ὒᇀμ͞᠗ዶăሠᄒݦǔӶॲѫĄὒమகଖҷт ǔڌәஎ᠜஋૏᧠ཊὒᤸᤇˉ᠁ዶᬿڬΡፔΧፏ౦঵ஐ᭱ˈ஺ຏәǕ෺ӷᄽѴᛩ͇஋૏͞᠗࠽ᳩஎ᠜˦࣒ ዶᯄ͕˒ኬᝩ੕ႝՔ΃ӱ᝴ὒ஋૏͞᠗ᴥ݈ҳࣂ͕˒रࡡᝩӵஎ᠜Ǖ۔మ݀ږኖڌǔᦈዶᬿڌԜዶ෼ᬿ˟ ࣒ᰬࣸஎϺ͕˒எ᠜͞᠗ک՗௙ὒˉዶᯄᛀᠳદμࣹՄՔ΃ὒ᧜Ա̟ΡᩡʿͼᄒΡऌ᩟ഽसὒ஋૏Ւ ࠽ᳩኖܻሠ஽सὒር౥ऻ࠶࠽ᳩሠ೺ፏ౦ោ஧ὒΰᤑт˒ପ᠗ܡகǕ ࣺܶዶస᫖ὒ෺ӷѴᛩ࣋ጕ ᝨ઎ஒ͞᠗࠽ᳩஎ᠜ᠦ൤ ̫Гὒ஋૏͕˒எ᠜͞᠗࠽ᳩ ̫வǕ AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF CHINA ᰺ߎ㙞䉘ᩨಇ ࣾ㵹䃑ⱌ㥪჋㇫۳ឣ䉘㇫۳㙞䉘᫦⪒喑డۉᎡ喑 2017 Ꭱ㉜ᩫ㇫۳ឣ䉘䉤 2017 㐂ᐧᶐ⿸ࢎ䉘ఝϧऐĄ̺͑ᘮȠ̶Ԋ䯉ą䬛䷅喑㖇♓Ą̶ ࡧ̶ጋąぶ⌞Ꮣ䉘ఝౝࡧ喑䛺◦ᩜᠮᭀౝឣ䉘ᥙ䓮হϔ 5,120 Ϭٰ ߈ᣕ䔈ധ⵭䃫᫪ឣ䉘Ԏ䉤ጒ҉喑⼜Ხ࣯̻Ą̴ ℁̷Ꭱ෋䪬 40%ڕឣ䉘ȡ͇ Ю፛̴᱾ą㇫۳ឣ䉘㵹ߕȡ݈᫝᫦ᐼ᫦∂喑᝻჋ᣕ䔈ᩬ ゃᕔ䛾㲺ឣ䉘჋侹⹧㠰ࡧᐧ䃫হჇ◦ឣ䉘ጒ҉ȡ჋᫪⌲ ࢂݣノ⤳喑䔈̭ₒ᣽ࡴ䉤㇫۳Ꮣহឣ䉘᜽᩵ȡ ᭀౝឣ䉘ᥙ䓮䉤҆䷊ Ꭱ㉜ᩫ㇫۳ឣ䉘䉤 5,120 Ϭٰ喑℁̷Ꭱ෋䪬 2,538.58 Ϭٰ 2017 ⿸͚ᐧᶐڣ40%喠ᭀౝឣ䉘ᥙ䓮䉤҆䷊ 2,538.58 Ϭٰ喑ᘍࣷᥙ ᘍࣷᥙ䓮ϧऐ 768 ̴ϧ喑 ͚ᐧᶐ⿸ࢎᥙ䓮ϧऐ 524 ̴ϧ喑 ࢎᥙ䓮ϧऐ 524 ̴ϧ喑ࢍ℁ 68%ڣ䓮ϧऐ 768 ̴ϧ喑 ࢍ℁ 68%喠㉜䃎ाĄ̶ࡧ̶ጋą⌞Ꮣ䉘ఝౝࡧែᩫ䉤 Ϭٰ喑䒰Ꭱ݊෋ߍ 416.5 Ϭٰ喑෋䕌 52.8%ȡ 678.9 㖇♓䛺◦㇫۳ࣾ߈ ౕᩜᠮ䶳ഌ̷喑㖇♓ᐧᶐ⿸ࢎ䉘ఝ ϧऐ⮱Ą̺͑ᘮȠ̶Ԋ䯉ą䬛䷅喑 ܴ჋ߍ๔ᩜᠮ߈Ꮣ喑Вᭀౝឣ䉘ᥙ 䓮ͧ䛺◦喑㐌ウᩜᠮϔ͇ឣ䉘Ƞധ ⵭䃫᫪ឣ䉘Ƞ㕹͇᪆㗟ឣ䉘Ƞ⩌ᔮ Ԋ៑ឣ䉘হ䒙⼨ᅞ͇ឣ䉘ぶȡ ౕᩜᠮࡧഌ̷喑䛺◦ᩜᠮపუ㏔䉘 ౕᩜᠮ὎ᐼহᩜᠮ᝸⃢̷喑䛺◦ᣕ ఝ࣬ᦅ፪喑㼐۠ࡧഌᕔ᪡Ҁ䉘ఝ喠 䔈ឬ䉤ͨҀ݈᫝ȠԎ䉤ϔ৮݈᫝Ƞ ⼜Ხᩜᠮᐧᶐ⿸ࢎ䉘ఝ᱾䔭ܧ喑ߍ 䉤᫦ᐼ݈᫝Ƞノ⤳᝸⃢݈᫝ぶȡ ͚喑ڣᔘᩦ઱䉘ఝ᱾⩌ϔ⩌≨᲎Уȡ ݘ㺮ិ䉘ఝౝࡧ͚⮱䲖প㔮ࡧȠ➦ ࣾ㵹Ⴧ◦ឣ䉘࣬হᩬゃᕔ䛾㲺ឣۉ 䉘჋侹⹧㠰ࡧ҉ͧᩜᠮ⮱䛺͚͸ হхᘍ߈Ꮣȡڒ䛺喑ߍ๔ែ ࣾᆂ䨣㵹͇ۉ͚ప ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ 40$*"-3&410/4*#*-*5:3&1035 ⱋײ⁶ ჋ᣕ䔈ᭀౝឣ䉘ᥙ䓮 ͒ᵩប㵹ᥙ䓮ᩬゃȡడ㐂పუহⰮ㏔Ą࡮̶ρąᭀౝ Ą࡮̶ρą㻱ܿ⮱ᐧᶐ⿸ࢎڒឣ䉘ᥙ䓮㻱ܿ喑㖇♓㏠ ᥙ䓮ϧऐ喑͒ᵩᄦᣒᭀౝឣ䉘ᥙ䓮㻱ܿȠ͒ᵩិᤎ䉤 ⩕䕁Ƞ͒ᵩិᤎᩜᠮᄦ䆎Ƞ͒ᵩប㵹ᐧᶐ⿸ࢎ䉘ఝ ∂ᝤϧ౴Ѽᝬᐧ䃫䲏⼜ᴴ۳Ƞ͒ᵩ䖢⚔ᩬᏉ䉚Ν᰺ߎ
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