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UJ m 1/1 >o 3 3 V- vOto a o *- o h 3 catholic o J o -J Û-! 25 cents Established in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday, June 12, 1992-

E m o t i o n

Jubilant charism atics rock

Pittsburgh ’s Civic A ren a By JOHN FRANKO ciscan University of Steuben­ PITTSBURGH - The ville. They were joined by the Stanley Cup Finals were over Hispanic musical group but the Civic Arena still rock­ “ Nuestra Señora Del ed with as much emotion as Cenacula" (Our Lady of the the 31-year-old building has Cenacle). ever seen. Patti Gallagher Mansfield, The crowd of almost 17,000 who was one of the students at stood, clapping and singing the Ark and Dove in 1967, the praises of “The King of described the scene as one by Glory” as a colorful banner one the retreatants went into procession moved into place. the chapel and were filled with As if on cue, the giant the Holy Spirit. athletic banners suspended “ Like the apostles after from the ceiling swayed in Pentecost we couldn’t help but unison with the rejoicing to speak of the things we had crowd. On the floor of the seen and heard,” she said. arena, dozens joyfully danced The gathering cheered en­ hand-in-hand throughout the thusiastically as Jose Prado aisles. Flores spoke on the growth of The June 5 opening session charismatic renewal among of “ Pentecost in Pittsburgh” Hispanics. set the tone for what was to Flores pointed out the word become a memorable religious of God is lived and proclaimed experience. and is one of the most essen­ Bishop open­ tial elements of renewal for ed the session by recalling the Hispanics, adding “ We are birth of the Catholic witnesses of how the Holy charismatic movement in an Spirit is renewing the face of upper room chapel at the Ark the earth.” and Dove Retreat House (now He recalled the recent rash the Cardinal Wright Center) in of devastating explosions that Gibsonia. leveled his home town of “ The embers were stirred in­ Guadalajara, Mexico, and said to flame and took hold," he government officials asked said. “ It’s the flame we hope members of the charismatic m ow s uy ovvauui ruiiuyai will renew the face of the movement to go out and com­ earth." fort the people. Words of scripture and Ralph Martin, whose syn­ Almost 17.000 cttfirlsmatLc Catholics gatherecClp. Jtffits- prépare to receive Holy Communion. Bottom left: Thé songs of praise were joyfully dicated television program is burgh to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Catholic worshippers lift up their souls to the Lord. Bottom right: proclaimed throughout the seen nationwide, told the Charismatic Renewal. Top left: A parade of banners Bishop Wuerl talks with Bishop Sam Jacobs at the clos* evening. gathering that the heart of the leads celebrants into the arena Top right Priests gather ing liturgy. Music was provided by the is seeing the for the closing liturgy. Center: Some of the faithful Music Ministry of the Fran­ face of Christ. 17,000 celebrate 25th anniversary S p irit-filled charism atics retu rn to roots in P ittsb u rg h -a. k<4kCitltf By JOHN FRANKO tier Return to roots The move stems from the publication of them was Patti Gallagher Mansfield, who PITTSBURGH — Filled with the power of “ How appropriate to return to your roots the document “ Fanning the Flame" in addressed the gathering. the Holy Spirit, charismatics celebrated the where modern Catholic Charismatic which evidence is given that states baptism She noted the power of the spirit that in­ 25th anniversary of their movement's foun­ Renewal was fanned into flame 25 years in the spirit belongs to the public official fluenced the founding of the movement. ding by returning to the city where it all ago,” said Bishop Wuerl as he addressed the liturgy of the Church. It decrees baptism in “ It was a love stoiy,” she said. “ God’s ex­ began. conference at the opening session. the spirit is normative. traordinary response to some very ordinary Almost 17,000 people were on hand for People from all 50 states, six Canadian Among the speakers at the conference people.” “ Pentecost in Pittsbuigh,” the 1992 Na­ provinces, and at least seven countries were Bishop Sam Jacobs of Alexandria, La., In addition to the general sessions, a tional Catholic Charismatic Renewal Con­ (among them Korea, , France, India, chairman of the National Servicfe Commit­ number of mini-conferences were held on ference celebration held jointly at the Civic Haiti and the ) participated. tee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal; June 6. Arena and David L. Lawrence Convention . "People of different races and cultures Bishop Paul Cordes, vice president of the Various conferences Center June 5-7. were able to come together as one,” said Pontifical Council for the Laity; Capuchin Ethnic conferences were held for The meeting’s theme of “ Return to the Father Frank Tinajero of Los Angeles. “ It Father Ranlero Cantalamessa, official Filipinos, Haitians, Hispanics and Koreans! Upper Room" commemorated the February personified what it means to be followers of preacher of the pontifical household at the Also offered were conferences for children, 1967 meeting of some 30 Duquesne Univer­ Jesus Christ.” Vatican; and Bishop Joseph McKinney of youth, young adults and adults. sity students anti faculty in an upper room Turning point Grand Rapids, Mich., one of the first bishops The mini-conferences, a bookstore, an ex­ chapel at the Ark and Dove Retreat House The conference marked a turning point in in North America to embrace the CCR. hibition area and arts and craft displays (now Cardinal Wright Center) in Gibsonia, that the movement has recently Original retreatants were located in the David L. Lawrence Con- which spawned the birth of modem demonstrated a bold determination to move Several of the original Duquesne Catholic Charismatic Renewal. to the heart of Church Ufe. retreatants were also in attendance. Among (Continued on page 2)

Funds stolen fro m S t P aul M onastery C hurch PITTSBURGH — Between theft at 3:30 a.m. on Monday the scene Monday morning to donations to the poor box and $4,000 and $5,000 in collec­ morning as he entered his of­ dust for fingerprints and to in­ other funds contributed tions and contributions was fice in the monastery complex. vestigate, Brother Matthew through the week to the stolen from St. Paul Monastery He saw the door open and said. Church, South Side, on Sun­ the lock jimmied. As he They found no sign of forced monastery. day, June 7. entered, he saw the office in entry on the outside of the The funds were to be used Brother Matthew Krawchyk, disarray and his desk emptied church, he added. C P, vice-rector of the of the funds, he reported. The money represented con­ for the monastery's food bank monastery, discovered the Pittsburgh Police were on tributions at Sunday Masses, and monastery expenses.

R uling expected WASHINGTON (CNS) — A ruling is expected from the Editorials...... 4 Supreme Court by the July 4 C a r e Letters, ...... 5 holiday in the case of Planned Entertainment...... 6 Amy link of Etna is spen­ M>le Oulr- . .•...... ,••6 Parenthood of Southeastern ding a year helping others in Catholic Life...... 7 Pennsylvania vs. Casey, the Seton Volunteer Program Around Diocese...... 9-10 which involves Penn­ in Arizona. Obituaries...... 10 sylvania’s abortion restric­ Page 7 j tions. The court is expected to rule before it recesses for the From moon to Duquesne Catholic H f l l H a f i i B summer. Sister Bernard Joseph Dobrick, VSC. principal of Duquesne Rulings are generally an­ Elaine Ricketts, a convert to Q u o t e Catholic School, hosts Captain Eugene Cernan, the last man Catholic Otarttis» and the nounced at 10 a.m. Eastern Catholicism, recently was diocese have agreed to help in to walk on the moon. He visited Duquesne Catholic June 2. HO m outstanding parish "But whim he comm, the time. The only scheduled ses­ The school was one of ten across the United States to win a the resettlement of 50 Hainan Spirit of truth, he will g u id e sions remaining this term are I calhechist. i| | l| | | refugees. visit by an astronaut as part of a Space BlU of Rights Contest • you to all truth." | : all Mondays, June 15, 22 and sponsored by McDonald’s. Ronald McDonald Children's ill Èpa — John. IS: 13 ISBbSII ìI ..Paged ...... - ....P*g«3 29, Charities and the Young Astronaut Council ~ , : ■ - —I * ; $ ' f Page 2 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC______Friday, June 12, 1992

D iocesan/national new s

C hurch pushes attention to hum an elem ent of ecology

; . the poor nations to: trary to the objective moral Cardinal Hume said During the series of events phltheater at 6 a.m. j(CNS) — The Vatican's posi- • Pursue environmentally order and to the liberty, digni­ ecological responsibility and making up the forum several Retired Archbishop Helder jtion against artificial birth sound economic development. ty and conscience of the social justice go hand in hand. thousand people from nearly Pessoa Camara of Olinda and ¡control came under fire from • Take steps to counteract human being,” he said. “ The eradication of poverty two dozen denominations Recife, seen by many ¡various angles as the Earth global warming by reducing Archbishop Martino is Indispensable for sus­ gathered in Rio's Flamengo Brazilians as a living saint, ¡Summit on the globe's en- emissions of ozone-destroying reiterated the Church view tainable development,” he Park to spend the night pray­ spoke of the diversity of people jvlronmental future got under- gases. that human life is sacred and said. “ Overconsumption by ing for the earth in a vigil they gathered in the park bqt ¡way in Rio de Janeiro, • Link access to the that public policy must the rich world is at the heart of called A New Day for the pointed out they all had the j The Vatican responded with developing world’s natural enhance the life of families. He this.” Earth. earth in common. •a defense of Church teachings resources by the wealthy na­ said the Church insists that Sustainable development Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, "Everything that we build tp ¡and a challenge to its critics to tions to financial aid and "the transmission of and the refers to economic growth Protestants and represen­ serve us — our homes, oqr ¡look at the human aspect of technology transfer. Also to caring for human life must be without destruction of the en­ tatives of native religions — roads, our stadiums, our air­ ¡ecology and seek the protec- share the financial and exercised with an utmost vironment and the base of people of all races — prayed ports ... for all of these things, jtlon and enhancement of material benefits of new pro- sense of responsibility.” economic resources. together and individually for the earth sustains us,” said ihuman life. ducts developed from He also reiterated the Idea While the U.N. summit was solutions to current en­ the 83-year-old archbishop, J On his flight to Angola for a biological resources. that protecting the environ­ underway, a parallel gathering vironmental problems. who reminded people that ¡visit June 4, Pope John Paul II • Protect the world’s ment and promoting develop­ o f private and religious At 1 a.m. June 5, the par­ “ even mare simple creatures ¡said that, in his view, ecology forests and fisheries from ment Is impossible without ad­ organizations was tackling a ticipants went to any of 22 need the earth.” deals not only with natural destruction. dressing the "structural forms broad range of issues from tents to pray according to the "To live, you need a piece of «sources, but with human In a sharply worded state­ E of poverty.” At the root of en­ pollution to poverty in what tradition of their choice before the earth,” he said as the resources too.” ment May 22, the Vatican vironmental problems are was billed the Global Forum. meeting at the park’s am- crowd cheered and applauded. j ''This means the denied it had tried to remove moral and ethical issues, he ¡demographic problem is an population questions from the said. important one, for which agenda, but said it wanted Britain's Catholic leader, responsible parenthood is them discussed in an ethical Cardinal George Basil Hume of Charism atics celebrate 25th anniversary ¡needed,” he said. "But even framework. A position paper Westminster, England, sound­ ¡from an ecological point of released May 30 took the same ed a similar theme in a (Continued from page one) Bishop Wuerl said no one can proclaim ¡view, I think the human being view its representative at the message to the country's Jesus is risen unless their heart is open. knust be protected.” United Nations, Archbishop Church members. vention Center. He pointed out Jesus’ death and resurrec­ , In the weeks leading up to Renato Martino, presented to "Th e Issues now being The Duquesne University Student Union tion is the fountain of all renewed, personal ¡the Earth Summit, there were the assembly June 4. discussed at the conference hosted a youth conference. and institutional. ¡allegations that the Vatican "The Catholic Church does are of crucial importance for Contagious spirit Fountain of renewal blocked the inclusion of family not propose procreation at any the future of humanity,” the The contagious spirit of the conference "It is the fountain of renewal that is car­ ¡planning and access to con­ cost,” Archbishop Martino cardinal said. “ What is needed was evident on downtown streets as par­ ried on in each one of us by the power of traception in the "action pro­ told the conference, repeating is a keen awareness of the in­ ticipants shuttled between meeting sites God,” he said. “ For us, Pentecost is not just grams” to be taken up at the what he has said in recent trinsic worth and dignity of all and hotels or took time to view the city. a remembrance. The Church gathers in her ¡meeting. weeks. people, the value of all living “ People receive as much meeting In lines, liturgy to represent what happened in the J The June 3-14 summit, for­ "What the Church opposes things, and the necessity of hallways, stores, etc. as they do In the life, death and resurrection of Jesus." mally titled the United Nations is th e imposition of respect for the natural world. general sessions," said William Beatty, a He added only the spirit can allow the Conference on Environment demographic policies and the "A change of heart Is a member of the Renewal’s National Service faithful to praise Jesus as Lord. and Development, sought promotion of methods for prerequisite of a change In Committee. The bishop closed by saying the gathering agreement from the rich and limiting births which are con- policy.” Members of the service committee and was celebrating the simple recognition that conference coordinators met with the media God, in his graciousness and love, has Pope addresses Saturday afternoon to discuss the con­ poured out His spirit on His Church. CALL AN EXPERT ference’s objectives and the state of the anniversaries 'Alive in that spirit* CCR. ; “ We, you and I are alive in that spirit,” he • New vision and hope on Angola trip said. “ With our voices, our lives, our energy, At gflur ita Bishop Jacobs said charismatic members our commitment and our faith we proclaim 1 LUANDA, Angola (CNS) — are sensing a new vision and hope. Sister ‘Jesus Christ is Lord.’” During a visit to Angola, Pope Nancy Keller, SC, chairperson of the con­ At the conclusion of the Mass Bishop! John Paul II chose his words MISCELLANEOUS PLASTERING ference coordinating committee, pointed Wuerl presented Bishop Jacobs with a silver ! carefully in describing two out the spirit of evangelization moved con­ pectoral cross to signify the 25th anniver-: parallel and controversial ference leaders to bring Mary (Lady of THIS A m e ric a n sary of the CCR movement. Pro-Life Pharmacy Fran Rauscher anniversaries. Guadalupe) to the forefront of the gathering. Fr. Thomas Kredel, pastor of St. Ber­ 9 70 0 H tn n o n y D r. This year, the Church is SPACE In g o m u , P A 15127 PLASTERING The Lady was honored in the opening pro­ nadette Church, Monroeville, was one of the F O R S A L E (41 2 ) 3 44-3422 PATCHWORK celebrating the discovery and cession and her picture Was displayed pro­ many priests who participated in Sunday's T ell Free 1-900-227-11359 A SPECIALITY evangelization of the New minently during the closing liturgy. liturgy. He noted the strong spirit of • 9 . 3 9 “America's Original World 500 years ago. While A WEEK Pro-Life Pharmacy“ Over 80 Ya*n Experience evangelization that prevailed at ' the deploring mistreatment of A concert by musician John Michael All Life Is Precious Free Estimates Talbot preceded Saturday’s general session. conference. Pray to End Abortion Work Guaranteed native peoples, the pope sees Depth of renewal "Operating on Catholic, the event as largely positive. The evening's attendance was the largest of Pro-life principles." 833-8142 the weekend as the crowd swelled to 17,500. "The weekend showed the depth of the Christianity in Angola is SEWING renewal,” he said. “ I think great blessings Prompt Service and also marking its 500th year. Closing liturgy (in the form of vocations and meeting ELECTRICIANS But as in the Americas, painful The conference ended with a closing Church challenges) are to come to our city MACHINE memories are being evoked: Sensible Prices liturgy on June 7. Bishop Wuerl was the as a result of this." Thomas P. L E E J. M I L L E R After European discovery, an main celebrant and homilist. Ruth Synowiec, a member of Our Lady of REPAIR Sullivan estimated 4 million slaves Since 1920 ELECTRIC All bishops, priests and deacons attending Loreto, Brookline, agreed. Eiectrlcan laoand/Regtstorod were shipped out of the region the conference were invited to partiAate in “ It was exciting,” she stated. “ The Registered-lnsured Reasonable Ratea to the Americas. the Mass. |^B A .L . MORMONE FREI ESTIMATES weekend told me I have to get bolder and Free Estimates The pope recalled that fact In his homily the bishop recanMpie in­ start talking to my neighbors. I think the 563-2515 3 3 1 - 8 9 9 0 421-4316 after a Mass June 7 in Luanda, stallation of Pope John Paul A, at wnich the Lord is going to do great things in once West Africa's main em­ Holy Father asked Church faithful to open Pittsburgh.” TREE SERVICES barkation point for slaves. their hearts to Christ. The conference schedule opened with a "I share in the sufferings of "The Holy Father said 'open so wide that National Leaders’ meeting June 4. Held ALLEGHENY TREE REMOVAL the past, when people were you pull the doors right off it's hinges,” June 5 was a Day for Bishops, Priests and THIS uprooted from their land and TREE SERVICE AND TRIMMING Bishop Wuerl stated. “ To do that you need Deacons, as well as one for Religious Sisters Removal, Trimming, EMERGENCY/STORM SPACE forced to go to the Americas in an enormous amount of power. That is the and Brothers. 28 yra. in busineaa DAMAGE WORK Free Estimates, T O R S A L E an Inhuman slavery,” he said. power we celebrate today.” The conference was convened by the InsuiedI FREE ESTIMATES Then he struck a more • 9 . 3 9 Feast of Pentecost Renewal’s National Service Committee in Sr. Citizen Discount FULLY INSURED positive tone. 781-6367 366-4774 343-4455 A WEEK The bishop described the feast of conjunction with various ethnic leadership “ I share In the joy of the Pentecost as the Church’s “great before and groups. Administrative duties were handled church In Angola” for offering PLUMBING PLASTERING after.” “ It’s proof that real spiritual miracles by the Franciscan University of Steuben­ “ 500 years of service and the continue to happen,” he said. ville’s Christian Conference Office. THE ORIGINAL Eat. 1865 way of liberation to these peo­ Stephen R. Poramski B.JM. B A IL E Y ple,” he said. BUERKLE Plumbing S Beating Plastering Co. Plumbing Co. Inc. 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W orld/national new s

Elaine Ricketts, Ross Twp. ■News in Brief-

‘Outstanding catechist’ named Unfunded liability down Provision condemned ' By RITA ZETTELMAYER say. WASHINGTON (CNS) — The unfunded WASHINGTON (CNS) — An official of the , ROSS TWP — Elaine Watching adult catec­ retirement liability for retired religious drop­ U.S. bishops' conference has condemned as Ricketts converted to r / \ % ped $451 million between 1989 and 1991, "uniquely extreme” a provision of the ? i f > . 'i?-' humens become Catholic is a Catholicism in 1983 during N ?» T special experience for according to a survey released June 5. defense budget that would require military the Easter Vigil Mass at St. Ricketts. However, an unfunded retirement liability hospitals overseas to provide abortions if the Sebastian Parish. Nearly 10 “ RCIA is my real love. When of $4.88 billion remains. The biennial patients pay for them. years later, she was named you have an adult convert, survey taken by Arthur Andersen & Co. for Msgr. Robert N. Lynch, general secretary outstanding parish catechist you have a wonderful person,” the Tri-Conference Retirement Office added of the National Conference of Catholic for the Diocese of Pittsburgh in she says. that if religious orders used all their assets Bishops, commented an the provision In a the 1992 April-May Issue of Ricketts remembers her to meet the needs of their aging members, June 3 letter to members of Congress. Catechist Magazine. own conversion each year dur­ they would still be $3.52 billion short. The House approved the amendment on Ricketts, who didn’t even ing the Easter Vigil liturgy. abortion June 4 by a 216-193 vote, and know she had been nominated “ It’s my absolute favorite Cam paign successful passed the full the $270 billion Defense for the award, was surprised to time in the Church,” she says. Department budget June 5 by a 198-168 PHILADELPHIA (CNS) — A fund-raising learn she was the winner. “ Easter Vigil is the most vote. campaign in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia “ I knew there were other special Mass.” has brought more than $101 million in homlnatlons from the parish, Photo by Jim Hoffmann Ricketts’ husband Baric and Form er director charged &nd I knew how impressive Elaine Ricketts pledges as well as a new “spirit of communi­ daughters Laura and Karen ty” in the archdiocese. they were. When I found out I joined St. Sebastian in 1980. DENVER (CNS) — A former Denver ar­ Philadelphia Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilac- had won, I said ‘How can this “ I don’t have a favorite She describes her move to chdiocesan official is expected to stand trial qua, former bishop in Pittsburgh, announced be?’” she recalls. group to work with,” Ricketts Catholicism in 1983 as “ very on fraud charges in connection with a the success of the Catholic Life 2000 cam­ < Ricketts has been a says. “ All three groups are exhilarating.” gravel-mining scheme at an archdiocesan paign June 1 and said archdiocesan Office for catechist at St. Sebastian for wonderful, but also different.’’ For Ricketts, teaching cemetery. Development would collect the $101,320,517 Bill McCook, former archdiocesan director seven years. In addition to With children, she explains, results in a sense of pledged over the next three to five years. of financial administration, was Indicted having worked with grades 5 , teachers need to be genuinely satisfaction. April 23 an nine counts in the scheme. His 6 , and 8 , she has worked as a trustworthy and somewhat “ I always think that when Regulations set aside Liturgy of the Word Catechist careful. you're a teacher it helps you wife, Barbara, was charged with six felony for grades 1-6, a Rite of Chris­ grow more,” she says. WASHINGTON (CNS) — A federal Judge counts. tian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) “ It’s so marvelous to watch Although she was surprised May 28 set aside a Bush administration Charles Deorio, formerly director of the Catechist, a Rite of Christian how hungry the children are by the Catechist Magazine directive that allowed doctors at family Mount Olivet Cemetery Association, plead­ Initiation of Children (RCIC) to hear what you say,’’ award, Ricketts is thankful for planning clinics to discuss abortion with ed guilty May 18 to a single count of con­ Catechist, and a facilitator of Ricketts says. "You have to be the honor. their patients. spiracy to commit theft. Prosecutors say Me- diocesan courses held in her careful with the little ones. “ I’m going to take it and run The Judge's decision has the effect of Cook and Deorio pocketed $600,000 from parish. They will believe anything you with it!” she says. suspending a regulation meant to gravel excavation at Mount Olivet. discourage federally funded family planning clinics from referring clients for abortions. The regulation was amended recently to Destruction in Bosnia allow doctors only at the affected clinics the right to hold such discussions. VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Serb attacks in # Bosnia-Herzegovina have killed Muslim 1 . f t & gl leaders, destroyed Catholic churches and ‘ mI- « f F 1 Pope speaks of hatreds displaced more than 1 million people, said HUAMBO, Angola (CNS) — Pope John Archbishop Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo. Paul II, standing on grounds used for execu­ "We do not know what has happened to tions during Angola's civil war, Implored many priests and nuns because of the lack the country to close the door on past hatreds of communications,” he said. “ But the | J X and “ useless suffering.” situation of Muslim spiritual leaders is even The pope’s second day in Angola, June 5, worse,” he said. m

t a o was a tour through devastation — physical Fifty-four Muslim leaders have been kill- • and moral — in one of the mast heavily ed, "some cruelly tortured in front of their i Photo by Salvador Portugal damaged regions of the country. own faithful and then slaughtered,” he said. New deans installed Father's Day tribute Aux. Bishop William J. Winter and Bishop Vanyo, Walter Benz, Stephen Chervenak, Ponald W. '.,Tuerl (center) install new Theodore Zabowski, Hugh Gloninger, Msgr. PITTSBURGH — The choir and cantors of St. Paul H earing Aid B atteries members of the College of Deans during Raymond Schultz, and Fathers George Premium Zinc Air Pack of Four-$3.15 Clergy Day at St. Paul Seminary, June 3. Saladna and Carl Gentile. Other deans (not Cathedral, Oakland, will pre­ pictured) are Fathers Thomas KredeL Ter­ sent a special Father's Day Deans Include, from left. Fathers Norbert ■RAYO VAC ACTIVAIR DURACELL EVEREADY BELT0NE SEARS MIRACLE Campbell, Robert Herrmann, Robert Rear- rence Fedigan and Hugh Lang. The College celebration Sunday, June 21 ■NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER (ion, Albtn McGinnis, George Newmeyer, Leo of Deans is an advisory board to the bishop. at 3 p.m. in Synod Hall. •10A 230H M ...B20PA...... 8138...... MÉ10Z The program will be a con­ MSA 13HPX...... DAIS...... AC13E...... B28PA...... „..8136...... MESZ *312A 312HPX ...... DA312...... AC312E...... B347PA...... 0137...... ME7Z0 cert performance of Gilbert "875A 75HPX...... DA675...... AC675E...... B900PA...... 813S...... MESZ H aitians to resettle in P ittsburgh and Sullivan's operetta “ The Find the brand and number you are presently using. Much your number with the Ray 0 Vic Number. Pirates of Penzance.” Cost is Order it many at you »ml - Minimum Order: Two Packs (______Quantity Ordered) residing at Guantanamo Bay the resettlement of the 50 Sand chtck, along with _ jt M - ______A TM P.O. Box 22132 I PITTSBURGH — Catholic $5. Tickets may be purchased your nama and addraaa to: HEaAR JwAMERlCA Pittaburgh, Pa 1S222-9S38 Charities and the diocese have Camp. If they are not moved refugees. They are extending at the door or from any choir agreed to resettle 50 Haitian from there to key U.S. cities for an urgent plea for concerned member. refugees who are due to arrive the purpose of resettlement, individuals to help provide HOLY LAND in Pittsburgh after June 12. they will be returned to Haiti sponsorship, housing and EUROPE/ EGYPT and the deplorable conditions shelter, transportation, The U.S. Catholic Con­ from which they fled. The U.S. translation and tutoring. ckport ference is committed to the Catholic Conference is relying I resettlement of approximately on secondary diocese who Meetings are scheduled on Father's Day 8-28 Days June 17 and 25 from 7-9 p.m. 3 5 itineraries to choose from 15,000 Haitians and Pitt­ hadn’t previously accepted S p e c i a l s sburgh is doing its part to Haitians to begin doing so. in the board room of Catholic Athana, Assisi, Bathlaham, Eairo, Corinth, Fatima, Galilee, Charities, 307 Fourth Ave. All Greek Islands, Jerusalem, Lancianco, Lisbon, Loreto, Lourdes, assist in this effort said of­ Pro Walkers Retail *79.99 Medjugorje, Milan, Monte Caaaino, Mount Carmel, Mazareth, ficials from Catholic Charities. Catholic Charities is looking those interested in volunteer­ Nevers, Mice, Padre Plo, Padua, Paria,.Pyramids, Santare, to mobilize people in the Pitt­ ing their services are asked to *61" Switzerland, Venice and more. The refugees are currently sburgh community to help in attend one of the meetings. 1 1 1 A priest accompanist each trip aa a Tour Chaplain Join the thousands of satisfied travelers who go each year with MODERN PILGRIM­ AGES, America's largest and most experienced arranger of Catholic intarset tours. Group organizers welcome. Franciscan Friars elect officers at chapter m eeting FOR COLOP'UL NEW 1992/93 BORCHURE, CALL NOW (TOLL-FREE) White. Black or Bono AVALON — Election of of­ Renewal Center, near West chapter events. Fr. Francis Dressports Retail *121.99 1-800 662-3700 Lowest Prices ficers highlighted the first View. Fr. Lawrence Landini, Tebbe, a member of St. John $9498 Weekly qhapter meeting of the Fran- OFM, general visitor and presi­ the Baptist Province, served as MODQN PIlGWMdGGÇ, INC. Departure qlscan Friars of the Holy dent of the chapter, led 29 parliamentarian and yrrdM-lllliTíÉMIMIilllll *. Savior Vice Province. friars in prayer and reflection facilitator, and Sister Elected were Fathers throughout the weekend. ïïnnvM M ® IHIisairiinig A M Catherine Fedewa, CSFN, was Stock or Burgandy William Reisteter as provincial During the weekend, Fr. the recording secretary. N »'»-12 N o t really, but close! minister and David Kohut as Reisteter presented a report on M 7-12,13,14 provincial vicar. Friars Joseph the state of the Vice Province The vice province council W 7'»-12,13 Other im m m s m M m fWtasik, John Joseph Gon- and Fr. Landini spoke of the will meet at Holy Family HEARING AIDS MARCON NATURAL char, Michael Dubec and friars* future. Presentations Friary, Avalon, June 9, to WAGNER Michael Lenz were chosen as were also given on numerous reflect on the decisions of the QUALITY SHOES chapter. LAW RENCE VILLE SHARPSBURG the four councilors. topics affecting the friars. 4313 Butler St. 712 Main St. The friars held their first 0 8 2 - 2 7 5 0 7 8 1 - 4 2 7 1 chapter as a vice province May F r. Damian Cesanek 18-21 at the Martina Spiritual prepared and coordinated the R eal Estate Facts THE PRUDENTIAL W hat is Your Nationality? PREFERRED REALTY N o w N o w YO U SEE i T •Would you like to see the homeland by: AUDIA OTTO, CRS, GRI i m m m of your ancestors? MANAGER 621-5300 •Would you like to see how they lived and how you The Secret of the NEW MARCON NATURAL is that the soft, would live had they not emigrated? Netting a Sale! The work ii done! You've ipent weeks mak­ points you have agreed to pay, title charges, at­ flesh-like tone of the hearing aid blends with your complexion. We Get this New & Exciting Video from ing your home attractive to buyers. 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Next, subtract the amount still owed on REDUCES BACKGROUND NOISE • HEAR BETTER IN CROWDS. INTRODUCTORY A ROO SHIPPING 4 proceeds you receive. Each is predictable, so any outstanding mortgage and your pro-rata por­ 1 9 HANDLING your “net" proceeds at closing can be tion of property taxes owed for the current year. The NEW MARCON NATURAL model has a micro chip OFFER *39.95 estimated with accuracy. Simply estimate the Finally, subtract any interest due on an existing Allow 4 Weeks for Delivery - For Information, Call 362-4177 money you will receive, then subtract the mortgage from the beginning of the month solid-state circuit that helps you understand words more N O T A V A IL A B L E IN S T O R E S ! (Vi&a/MauerCard Check or Money Order Accepted) various costs of selling. through the closing date. The remaining amount clearly in the presence o f background noise. SEND TO: NATIONALITY BOX DEPT. IC. P.O. Box 6*2, Greaneburg, PA Money you receive will include the sale price is your “net proceeds from sale”...... You may also be due a refund for property in­ for the real estate, the amount due for any per­ Pittsburgh H earing A id C enter I sonal property you have included in the sate, surance which was prepaid, as well qs the remain­ ¡N a m e ______and a pro-rata refiind of any taxes, assessments ing balance in your mortgage cscfow account. I or homeowner's association dues you have paid Ask your agent to help determine your net 1201 Clark Bldg. *717 Liberty Ave.* Downtown Pittsburgh' ¡A d d re s s _____ -P h o n e in advance for the current year. The total of proceeds. I these items is known as the “Gross Amount ••••• 2 8 1 - 1 3 1 8 i ---- Due to SeUtr”. Ifyou’re pirmnini to Mil your home toon end would ¡C o u n try _____ ike information on In current value, or art interested Three other locations: I Next, identify and total the costs of sale. These . Expires on may include some or all of the following: in a carter in real estate, give ut a collet 621-5300 ¡Credit Card # . brokerage fees, closing costs such as discount or stop in at 117 S. Aiken Ave., Shadyside. Monroeville, North Hills, Bellevue Ia ...... Í s PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, June 12, 1992

E ditorials/colum ns

fective Monday, June 29. ic' Bishop Wuerl announces the following nj:lergy appointments: RESIDENCE r t t i parochial vicar. Assumption Parish, nn N EW LY O RD A IN ED parochial vicar, St. Anne Parish, Castle Shan­ non, to parochial vicar, St. Anselm Parish, Bellevue, to parochial vicar, Most Blessed The Rev. Pius Ng’ela to residence, St. «•I* Sylvester Parish, Brentwood, effective im­ Swlssvale, effective Monday, June 29. Sacrament Parish Natrona Heights, effective 70. The Rev. Richard A. Infante to parochial mediately. Fr. Ng’ela, a priest of the Diocese •:vicar, St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, East The Rev. Kenneth E. Kezmareky from Monday, July 13. The Rev. Brian J. Welding from graduate of Mombasa, Kenya, will begin studies at Du- McKeesport, effective Monday, June 29. chaplain, Divine Providence Hospital of Pitt­ studies, North American College, Rome, Ita­ quesne University. ,,r The Rev. Alan E. Morris to parochial vicar, sburgh and assistant chaplain, Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, to parochial ly, to parochial vicar, St. Sebastian Parish, The Rev. Augustine Obi from residence, St. St. John the Baptist Parish, Unity, effective Albert the Great Parish, Baldwin, to vicar, St. Athanasius Parish, West View, ef­ Ross Twp., effective Monday, July 20. •j’ TMonday, June 29. residence, St. Raphael Parish, Momingsidfc, fective Monday, June 29. PAROCHIAL VICAR /CHAPLAIN effective immediately. Fr. Obi, a priest of the PAROCHIAL VICARS The Rev. Frank M. Kurimsky from Congregation of the Holy Ghost, the Province parochial vicar, St. John the Baptist Parish, of Nigeria, will continue his studies at Dp- Monaca, to parochial vicar, Immaculate Con­ The Rev. Edward M. Czemerda from * The Rev. J. Lawrence Bruney from parochial vicar, St. John the Baptist Parish, quesne University. [ ^ parochial vicar, St. Mary of the Assumption ception Parish, Washington, effective Mon­ I Unity, to parochial vicar, St. John the Baptist ^Parish, Glenshaw, to parochial vicar, St. day, June 29. Parish, Monaca, and part-time chaplain, RELEASE ‘ Margaret Parish, Green Tree, effective Mon- The Rev. Nicholas M. Mastrangelo to I Quigley Catholic High School, Baden, effec­ parochial vicar, St. Anne Parish, Castle Shan­ . day, June 29. tive Monday, June 29. The Rev. Mark S. Papen is released from The Rev. David M. Cillo from parochial non, effective Monday, June 29. The Rev. Steven M. Paisa to part-time priestly service in the Diocese of Pittsburgh ’^icar, St. Colman Parish, Turtle Creek, to The Rev. Joseph W. Reschick from chaplain, Vincentian Catholic High School, and relieved of his responsibilities as '’ parochial vicar, St. Louise de Marillac Parish, parochial vicar, St Rosalia Parish, Green­ North Hills, effective Monday, July 20. Fr. parochial vicar, Immaculate Conception •Upper Saint Clair, effective Monday, June 29. field, to parochial vicar, Assumption Parish, Paisa also will continue in his present assign­ Parish, Washington, effective June 15. so iV The Rev. Leroy A. DiPietro from parochial Bellevue, effective Monday, July 13. ment as parochial vicar at St. Ursula Parish, that he may take up priestly ministry in tlie ‘ vicar. Good Shepherd Parish, Braddock, to The Rev. Victor J. Rocha from parochial Allison Park. Diocese of Tucson, Ariz. I parochial vicar, St. Sylvester Parish, Brent­ vicar, St. Sylvester Parish, Brentwood, to wood, effective Monday, June 29. parochial vicar, St. Maurice Parish. Forest CHAPLAIN LEAVE OF ABSENCE '«* The Rev. Thomas J. Galvin from parochial | Hills, effective Monday, June 29. ,‘.Vicar, St. Sebastian Parish, Ross Twp., and The Rev. Robert J. Zajdel will begin a leavie The Rev. Paul J. Schratz from parochial The Rev. Stanley J. Bernacki from j part-time chaplain, Vincentian Catholic High parochial vicar (pro-tem), St. Athanasius of absence for reasons of health effective Mon­ j School, North Hills, to parochial vicar, St. vicar, St. Louise de Marillac Parish, Upper St. Parish, West View, to chaplain. Divine Pro­ day, June 29. At the same time, he is relieve)! ■¡Bartholomew Parish, Penn Hills, effective Clair, to parochial vicar, St. Colman Parish, vidence Hospital of Pittsburgh with residence of his responsibilities as parochial vicar, Sf. ¿Monday, July 20. Turtle Creek, effective Monday, June 29. at St. Mary Assumption Parish, Glenshaw, ef- Margaret Parish, Green Tree. 1* The Rev. Charles T. Geiselhart from The Rev. Thomas A. Wagner from (it pw ’IL' E d i t o r i a l s Environmental summit The United Nations Earth Summit in Rio out of Third World poverty and global en­ de Janeiro has a number of troublesome vironmental damage. _issues to deal with If our planet is to remain The Vatican maintained that “ population ; habitable, much less hospitable. growth, of and by itself, is seldom the \ These range from global warming to the primary cause of environmental problems. In ; provision of clean water supplies to the most cases there are no causal links between ¡amelioration of the effects of toxic waste the numbers of people and the degradation of * dumps to countless other crises affecting our environment. In fact, the less-populated na­ < sometimes fragile earth, tions of the North are directly or indirectly i Unfortunately, there will be the tiresome responsible for most of the abuse of the global ¡group of anti-Ufe advocates blaming many environment.” (environmental woes on the increasing Those are words that all of us — particular­ i population of undeveloped nations. ly in the United States and other developed I That is hardly the case. The Vatican, in a countries — should heed in shunning the j recent statement, supported a view earlier ex­ materialistic lifestyle that allows "rich” na­ pressed by Pope John Paul II that population tions to use up an unfair amount of the ¡control is a superficial and unacceptable way world’s resources. Theologians gather The Catholic Theological Society of in our church. Scriptures America began its 47th annual meeting in Pit­ The Holy Father, in a recent address to tsburgh on June 11. another gathering of theologians, said. “ Take This organization, which was formally the trouble to promote unity and mutual June 14: Trinity Sunday understanding rather than engage in welcomed to Pittsburgh by Bishop Wuerl, has perience is ongoing. It does not polemics.” Proverbs 8:22-31 the opportunity to address issues of vital in­ happen just once, then written terest to all Catholics. Certainly, what is needed is the embrace of Romans 5:1-5 the teaching of Vatican II, rather than any John 16:12-15 about and memorized, so we The faithful are confident that the society’s can proclaim it correctly at the members will follow the encouragement, ex­ selective sorting out that serves only to work Perhaps some of our dif­ pearly gates, insuring our en­ pressed by Pope John Paul II, to foster unity against Church unity, ficulties with the Trinity flow Fr. Roger trance to heaven. If so, why from the way we originally Karban would we need the Holy learned of it. It was part of our Spirit? Though we usually call Hurting the poor very first catechism lesson. on his help only during exam time, memorization was not ; As the state of Pennsylvania moves pressed to gain employment in a still- Teachers helped us memorize j through its annual budget process, fiscal recessionary economy; the "three persons in one his role in the early Christian | responsibility is to be encouraged and • Cutting Medicaid benefits, which would God” formula, taught us their community. be “ harsh and harmful to those who have no names, assured us that we Our evangelist sees him as j applauded. someone constantly giving us But there are five so-called “ welfare other means of paying for health care;” really were not worshipping J reform” proposals in the state budget propos- • Ending additional assistance to three gods, and quickly warn­ It is intertwined with new insights as we experience Jesus and his Father in new »ed for the coming year that are viewed by the newborn children of welfare families; ed that no matter how long or everything God has made. Or, ; Pennsylvania Catholic Conference as • Cutting grants for those who pool their hard we meditated on the as the sacred author poetically ways. “ I have much more to tell you,” Jesus cautions his | “destructive," given their expected effect on meager resources, sometimes in an effort to Trinity, we would never be expresses it: “ Yahweh begot leave homeless shelters in favor of a modest able to understand or explain me, the first-born of his ways, disciples, “ but you cannot ‘ the poor people of the state, bear it now. When he comes, j Howard J. Fetterhoff, PCC executive direc- apartment; and it, even if we worked on it in the forerunner of his prodigies however, being the Spirit of 1 tor, noted the organization endorses the con- • Cutting grants to families with children heaven. of long ago... I was beside him truth he will guide you to all * cept that "productive work is more compati- who skip school, supposedly because welfare- Then, to reinforce the im­ as his craftsman, and I was his aided children are more likely to be truants, possibility of ever comprehen­ delight day by day, playing truth." i ble with human dignity than dependence on We certainly cannot erase l the state.” But he goes on to explain that despite some evidence to the contrary. ding the three in one, some before him all the while." 2,000 years of theological ; welfare clients “ will experience suffering if “ Others have recommended more con­ also narrated the famous St. The normal way we learn and understand God comes reflection just because we i some proposals are enacted.” structive ways for the state to save taxpayers’ Augustine story. It is the one have problems with its for­ The provisions that the PCC finds objec- money by welfare reforms which do not harm in which he is walking by the through carefully reflecting on the poor and the children of the poor,” Fet­ seashore pondering the Trini­ our experiences of him in our mulations or conclusions. But } tionable include: perhaps we would have been • Increasing the category of ‘ ‘transitional­ terhoff said. He urges adoption of these alter­ ty, when he comes across a daily lives. ly needy,” which would cut benefits for per­ nate measures, to which we can add a hearty boy trying to empty the sea in­ This is exactly what the better served if somewhere along the line our teachers had sons aged 45 to 55, a group that is hard- “ amen.” to a small hole he had dug in Lord's followers did. Instead of the sand. When the saint con­ relying on dogmas, they stopped giving us answers t,o PITTSBURGH fronts him on the impossibility followed the ancient wisdom things for which we had ho of his project, the boy (turned tradition: they observed God questions. angel) replies, "It is just as im­ working around them. Rather The best teachers of tl\e possible for you, Augustine, to than discover him in a book, faith are not those who “ spill put the Trinity in your mind!” they discovered him in a per­ the beans” right away, but Luckily. bo|h \our Jewish son — Jesus. those who help direct us down Serving the Dloceee of Pltteburgh; AHagltany, Baavar, Butlar, Graana, Lawranca and Washington counties. ancestors in the faith and the Paul puts this belief into the roads in which we will Established In 1044 by Rt. Rev. Michael O’Connor, D.D. first disciples of Jesus followed words in our Romans meet God working in our lives. Annual Subscription Rates a different learning process. pericope. “Since we have been An experience of God, not *11.00 Individual *7.60 Paid by Parishes In the PHD Plan They did not begin with a justified by faith,” he writes, dogmas, prods us to follow $12.00 Outalda ths U.8. 14* an Issue, Pariah Bulk Rata ^ p„ d , t Pltt8burflh, PA mysterious theological “ we have peace with God him. dogma; they started with an through our Lord Jesus Fr. Anthony de Mello often ★ ★ ★ reminded his audiences: Pittsburgh Catholic Publishing Assoclatss experience of God. Christ, through whom we This approach is the basis have gained access to this “ Once we know the name 6f Most Rev. Donald W. Wuerl, S.T.D., President fo r a ll Jewish wisdom grace in which we stand...” the bird, we no longer see the William P. Fodlak, E ditor Carmaila Walsmantla, Comptroller literature. Today’s first When we join ourselves to bird.” When we know how to Phil Taylor, Aesletent Editor PoWT * » « • . Circulation Manager define something, we stdp Patrlela Sartos, R eporter Jack Lea, Advertising Manager reading from Proverbs Jesus through faith, we John W. ■ ranko, Reporter Busan K. Mazur, Graphic Artlat presumes that we learn about receive the same peace of observing It. , Regina M. Duekataln, Compositor Patty Ambrose, Receptionist Yahweh by observing his crea­ reconciliation with God which It is much more meaningful Published Every Friday Deadline • Noon Every Monday___ tion. Wisdom, the key to he received. We not only note to have experienced a Father, Poetmeeter 6 Subeortben Send address changes to Wtteburgh CathoHo, 100 Wood «beet, *uMe «00, Plttebumh. PA is m ia a a understanding God’s actions, his experience, we actually Son and Holy Spirit than Ip Allow *4 weeks ter change ef address was placed in the universe become part of it. have learned how to explain Pittsburgh Catholic (IS8N-032-0323); 100 Wood Street, Suite 600; (First A vs. Entrance) Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1622 from the beginning. John assumes this ex­ their existence. PHONE: (412) «71-1262 FAX: (412) 471-4226______

u 1 - Friday, June 12, 1992 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Page 5

O pinions/com m ents

Washington letter Haitians blocked entry into U.S.

In a January column, I had a for George Walker Bush? I down on die poor and make N ew com ers on rise, kind word to say for the Bush doubt it. There is such an odor them shape up, that goes for administration's humane of expedience and politics; and domestic as well as foreign policy shift toward the Haitian judgement will be rendered on poor. As I have noted previous­ natio n challenged boat people. That was when Panama and the cruel fiasco of ly, this Puritan administration our Coast Guard began pick­ Msgr. Charles the Gulf. did not bear down on the Hai­ ing them up and taking them O. Rice This latest action is tian rich in its sanctions, nor to our Guantanamo base for heartless, and there's a goodly did it really bear down on the WASHINGTON (CNS) - care and processing. That was number of people involved, Haitian military. At O’Connor Hospital in San better than hauling them all although no more than we This soft spot in our hearts Jose, Calif., in response to a back to Haiti. could absorb with a little ef­ for non-Communist military growing Hispanic and Asian But there’s a rub. It turns fort. There is such misery, and dictators is a residue of patient population, the pa­ out that the processing part brutality and cruelty in Haiti, the Cold War. Panama may tient menu now includes was not all that humane. It ago, Oliver Cromwell said of and there is the background of seem an exception, but it is tortillas as a bread option was screening to see whether the native Irish Catholics that American responsibility and not much of one. Noriega was and a variety of dishes made they were political refugees they could go “To hell or Con­ carelessness. not a Communist sympathizer with tofu. and thus entitled to seek naught.” Today our kinder, Whatever history's verdict, but he was uppity, and the the verdict of our electorate on The Catholic hospital run asylum, or economic ones en­ gentler president in effect tells Panama Canal runs through by the Daughters of Charity titled to nothing except a trip die poor and starving boat this particular action will not his country. be too unfavorable. Polls has also created a task force back to where they came from. people that they can go “ To seems to indicate a majority, Father Jean-Bertrand of Asian employees to sen- the population, however, It was also biased. hell or Haiti” for all we care. Aristide, Haiti’s legal presi­ ‘ sitize its staff to Asian was greater at the turn of albeit a narrow one, believed it Now Guantanamo is full and By the way. George, like was fine. And that does not dent, has said that all it would *' culture. the century, when the total the Haitians keep on coming. Oliver, is a Puritan, and the take to make the military At St. Matthias Parish in U.S. population was surprise me. It is not that I So all pretense at being Puritan spirit with its think we are heartless people, behave and to allow him to * the Queens borough of New smaller. Today the foreign- humane is dropped, and con­ righteousness is very strong in assume his post is a phone call 0 York, the new pastor, Msgr. bom populace is just under but we are rich, and like many centration is soley cm keeping America — has been from the from President George Bush. Anthony Sherman, is work- 8 percent of the total U.S. rich, or even just comfortable the “ wretched refuse” as far beginning. ing on developing a parish population, compared to individuals we fear the poor, It is not that simple. We from our shores (and the Pesident Bush’s latest solu­ or find them a pain in the would have to take a number council that is represen- 14-15 percent at the turn of Statue of Liberty) as possible. tative of the parish popula- the century, notes Ms. tion of his Haitian problem is neck. Oddly, to the south and of drastic steps, short of war, tion, which includes new Meissner. Under the new policy, the not a "final solution,” but it is southeast we have millions of to let the junta know that we immigrants from Serbia, In Miami, nearly three- Coast Guard intercepts the pretty bad. is of doubtful them. mean business and that the Bosnia-Herzegovina and quarters of city residents, poor creatures before they legality and sets a precedent. We feel threatened, par­ brutality has to stop. However, Romania. Sunday Masses speak a language other than leave international waters, We will get away with this now ticularly since so many of our president will not take are also celebrated in Ger- English, while less than 4 and back they go to whatever because we are so strong and them want to come here. Let those steps because the Hai­ man, Italian, Spanish and percent of Midwesterners fate awaits them. They are not unchallenged, and other me explain, we are relatively tian military are not uppity Polish for other segments of are foreign-bom, the Census our problem. That is very regimes, really nasty ones, will rich compared to the rest of toward us, and besides, we the parish population. Bureau found. high-handed and really take us as an example and the humanity, and we are relative­ trained their officers who still Needless to say, language Nationwide, nearly 32 against international law, but long- range consequences will ly few in number. have friends in high American barriers pose a formidable million people speak a what can anyone do about it? be vile. Part of our Puritan heritage military and diplomatic challenge. “ Is it possible to language other than Three hundred or so years Will history accept excuses makes it easier for vis to bear circles. get us all together English at home, somehow?’ ’ asks Msgr. The nation is in “ an ab- Sherman. solutely historic period as A growing immigrant far as immigration is con- population is evident not cemed,” says Ms. Meissner, only in New York and who predicts the influx of California but across the newcomers will continue country. The new diversity through the 1990s. brings enormous challenges She said the new lm- (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following was sent to Bishop New prayer ‘step backward’ to a nation founded by im- migration raises “ the Donald W. Wuerlfrom the Vatican.) To the Editor: migrants that is still seen classic question: To what The proposed new Our Father (Pittsburgh Catholic, May c globally — despite well- degree can the American Cardinal grateful to diocese 29) would be a step backward for the Ecumenical move­ publicized efforts to control dream still function for peo- ment. The changes in the wording of the prayer also £ its borders — as a haven for pie who are newly arrived?” Your Excellency, In this year In which the Church celebrates the 500th an­ change the cadence. those “ huddled masses At the beginning of the niversary of evangelization in the Americas, we When Catholics and Protestants gather together to pray ~ yearning to breathe free.” century, unskilled Euro- acknowledge with gratitude the continuing great generosi­ aloud, the Lord's Prayer is usually recited. Statistics from the 1990 pean immigrants were able ty of the Catholics of the United States for the missionary Consider for a moment this scenario: Catholics saying - Census released in late May to take manufacturing jobs, task of today. the proposed Our Father aloud, and Protestants saying the q show a nation with but in today’s economy new In particular, we offer gratitude for the contribution of current Lord’s Prayer. Would this be a statement of Chris- * numerically the largest immigrants often are forced $440,270 to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith tian unity or chaos? foreign-bom population in into low-paying service jobs, and $275,162 to the Society of St. Peter Apostle from the ROSEMARY ZIZAK its history, although large But the newcomers are Diocese of Pittsburgh. North Braddock areas of the nation — mostly “ hard-working, motivated, In “ Redemptoris Missio,” Pope John Paul stresses the in the Midwest and South — tend to be prepared to importance of World Mission Sunday to the continuing remain almost untouched tolerate almost anything, Leave ‘Our Father* be mission of the Church. He calls it “ an important date in the To the Editor: ■J by the growing ethnic and bring with them a survival life of the Church because it teaches how to give: as an of­ racial population. mentality and great ap- Regarding the proposed new English version of the Our fering made to God in the Eucharistic celebration and for Father, please, enough is enough (Pittsburgh Catholic, May The first major immigra- preciation for being here, the young dioceses announcing the Gospel among the tion wave came during the and are a great deal more 29). millions who have not heard it.” so-called “ birth of the na- entrepreneurial than the No one would think of changing Shakespeare’s works to •• We thank you personally for encouraging the universal apply to today’s English, so why the need to change the tion,” largely from the rest of us,” said Ms. missionary spirit that prompts this offering and for your Lord’s Prayer? British Isles; the second in Meissner. fraternal cooperation with Bishop William McCormack, na­ the 1840s and 1850s from Critical to the upward A good barometer of how successful the change would be tional director of the Propagation of the Faith. is to listen to the mumbling and fumbling that goes on ‘ Germany and Scandinavia; mobility of past immigrants CARDINAL JOSEF TOMKO when people try to say the Apostles’ Creed and confuse it and the third wave at the were Catholic schools, Congregation For The Evangelization Of Peoples turn of the last century from unions and political party with the Nicene Creed; not to mention the different ver­ Rome, Italy 1 southern and eastern structures, said Ms. sions of the Act of Contrition. Europe and Ireland, says Meissner, noting, however, The Our Father and Hail Mary transcend all ages, simply I Doris Meissner, that “ today each of these in- let them be. j ‘ demographer at the stitutions is under some Racism affects blacks and whites JANICE HEAGY | Washington-based Carnegie siege.” To the Editor: Pittsburgh Endowment. Sister Barbara Neist, a Therese McKenzie, in her letter (Pittsburgh Catholic, '' The fourth and current School Sister of Notre Dame May 15) complains about white racism in America. She ' wave of immigrants is a ma- who is associate superinten- states that “ ...white Americans are conditioned to be More on ‘Our Father* jority of Asian and Hispanic, dent of schools in the Ar- racist, it is natural to them (though wrong)..." However, To the Editor: II Nationally, 19.7 million chdiocese of Los Angeles, she excludes Msgr. Rice from this category because of his Now I ask you, do we need the Our Father changed (Pitt­ ' 1 persons were foreign-bom agrees with Ms. Meissner views. Her statement is a generalization, in that all white sburgh Catholic, May 29)? I say no. 1 in 1990, the Census that education of children Americans are racist. That generalization could be taken The more modern it seems we get, the more we get away Bureau’s statistics remains key to the long- by some as a racist statement. from God’s ways. J indicated. range success of Racism is not a “ One Way Street,” as the politically cor­ MRS. PETER BRADISH - The foreign-bom share of immigrants. rect would have us believe. Racism is a disease shared by Greensburg many in the white and black community. RONALD A. FRANZ Pittsburgh Need tradition to cling to To the Editor: Yesterday’s Headlines Pastor has touched m any lives Please don’t change the Our Father (Pittsburgh Catholic, To the Editor: May 29). I realize translation can vary, but we were taught , The following stories are taken from the files of the Pitt­ I think everyone at St. Robert Bellarmine parish in East that tampering with or adding to the Lord’s Prayer was , sburgh Catholic, America’s oldest Catholic newspaper in con- McKeesport knows what a special pastor we have had for unthinkable. We need at least one tradition to ding to to keep us ; ' ttnuous publication: the last 25 years. But now that he nears retirement, I think 10 YEARS AGO everyone in the diocese should know. unified. (1982) Father John Scanlon has devoted the last 25 years to our It is an insult to people’s intdligence to assume they can- ; Pro-Life advocates seek amendment parish. He has kept our school open and active. He has not understand what “ art” means. Constant re-phrasing of ; Right-to-Life advocates throughout Pennsylvania have in­ spoken from the altar with mind and heart to direct us all. prayers leads to confusion. j itiated an intensive campaign to help secure passage of an He has lived a God-centered life and set good examples. As a CCD teacher I can see the effects in children when • ¡amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overturn the 1973 Fr. Scanlon has touched many lives. He is loved by many changes are made in what they have learned from second • ' Supreme Court decision favoring abortion. and will be missed by many. God truly blessed our parish to seventh grade. They question which way is right. 25 YEARS AGO by letting us have Fr. Scanlon in our parish and in our PAT RUSKIN ’ . (1967) lives. St. Catherina of Siena • Beechview Pope praises peace DIANE KISUL Pope Paul VI, appearing at his window to bless the thousands N. Versailles ‘waiting in St. Peter’s Square below, gave thanks to God that the Praises bishop’s pastoral Middle East conflict had ended. Letters to the editor welcome 50 YEARS AGO To the Editor: (1942) Letters to the editor are encouraged and welcome. All What a beautiful pastoral letter Bishop Wuerl wrote on * ' Bishop ordains 33 priests letters should be limited to 300 words. The editor reserves "Love and Sexuality” (Pittsburgh Catholic, May 15). ‘ * with Bishop High C. Boyle officiating, the Sacrament of Holy the right to reject, edit or delete material from letters due If every bishop in this world wrote a similar letter for ! Orders was conferred upon 33 priests during a Pontifical Low to space limitations or subject material Letters must be their respective dioceses, this might be a more chaste ! ' Mass in the Church of St. Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe. The or­ signed by the writer and a telephone number should be universe. dained priests included 28 for the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and included so the letters can be verified. Letters that cannot MARILYN LOPEZ ‘ five members of the Benedictine Community at St. Vincent. be verified will not be published. Pittsburgh • ■ — Compiled by JOHN FRANKO

~ ■ r ■ — • - f Paie 6 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, June 12, 1992

Entertainm ent Movie reviews Church & Bible Quiz Hollywood gambles on summer releases The boyhood of notable Bible characters The summer box office level. sets are there with a mystical, By WILLIAM NED ANDREWS sweepstakes is now officially spooky atmosphere, “ Alien 3” The jokes, shoot outs, explo­ Th e most precious gift which one carries throughout life is the priceless ■ Underway as Hollywood looks much better than it is. sions and car chases are well store of memories of one’s childhood, and the further back one remembers, ^studios release their big guns. The best thing one can say handled by director Richard the more cherished the memory, as one’s destiny is often shaped in those Though "Batman Returns" is formative years. The Inspired writers of the Bible recognize the Importance about this film is that it ends Donner, but the final result is of the individual right freon the very beginning in presenting the biographies the most eagerly-awaited film, the trilogy. Sigourney Weaver another sequel that begs for of outstanding characters, often opening their stories, not just with the sub­ .some of the biggest films have tries very hard to lift this film series retirement. With all the ject’s birth, but even going as far back as the conception Itself. Match the opened here in the past weeks. to importance, but even she money it’s pulling in, clues in the left-hand column with the corresponding names in the right. Featuring comedy, horror, looks tired of her role as the however, "Lethal Weapon 4” 1. the unborn Infant who, while still in the violence and romance, these alien killer. When all is said cannot be far behind. wom b of his mother, Rebecca, struggles first movies of the season are a and done, "Allen,” the original ‘ ‘Enclno Man’ ’ with his twin brother, Esau, in an effort rather mixed bag. film in the series, is still the (Hollywood/Disney): Stupid is to be bom first a. Solomon "Far and Away” (Universal): classic. "Allen 3" is a braggart the best word to describe this 2. the young Hebrew shepherd boy, son of This is director Ron Howard’s seeking greatness and falling mess starring Sean Astin and Jacob and Rachel, who was sold into mother superior, Ardolino has slavery in Egypt by his 10 jealous sweeping saga of a couple’s a dream cast, which makes flat. MTV's Pauly Shore as two half-brothers b. Ishmael Search for land and fame in “ Lethal Weapon 3” (Warner misfits who dig up a caveman this "fish out of water” story 3. the Hebrew Infant, son of Amram and America. Based on the stories something special. Bros.): Yes, Danny Glover and and find sudden popularity. Jochebed, who was found by an Egyp­ Howard heard during his A fine supporting cast con­ Mel Gibson are back as the This was tried before in the tian princess floating down the Nile in a childhood, the film features tributes a great deal to the buddy cops with an uncanny lamentable “ Big Man on Cam­ basket c. Isaac Tom Cruise and Nicole Kid­ merriment While it won’t win knack for turning Los Angeles pus,” which no one went to the newborn Hebrew child who, with man as a mismatched couple any Oscars, "Sister Act” is upside down. Joining them in see. Pauly Shore guarantees his parents Mary and Joseph, waa forc­ ikrho find land and each other the violent fray are Joe Pesci, an audience for "Encino ed to flee to Egypt to escape the wrath charming, funny and a of the Jealous King Herod the Great d. Esau ih their escape to America to winner. who is completely wasted Man," which is really a more lie part of the great land rush. here, and Rene Russo, as a cop inept version of that other 5. the young lad who waa almost sacrific­ "Patriot Games” (Warner ed on an altar on Mt. Moriah by his ! Cruise and Kidman offer af­ Bros.): Harrison Ford takes who lowers herself to their turkey, "Wayne’s World.” father, Abraham, who was being tested fable performances, and over the reins as agent Jack by God for loyalty and obedience e. Jacob Howard’s direction is quick- Ryan in this second Tom Clan­ 6. the surrogate son who, with his mother, placed and often breathtaking. cy novel to be filmed. Other Movie ratings Hagar, was abandoned In the desert by If “ Far and Away” has a pro­ than Ford, "Patriot Games” his father, Abraham, in order to resolve a domestic dispute f. Joseph blem, it is that it appeals to a has little to offer. This is a The classification for the Rock-A-Doodle, A-I 7. the young Hebrew shepherd boy, son of limited audience« Still, this is suspense film without any real moral suitability of films Is Sleepwalkers. O another good film from one of determined by the United Jesse, who killed the Philistine giant suspense, as a group of ter­ Split Second, O Goliath with a stone from a slingshot g. Moses qur better directors, and it rorists target Ryan and his States Catholic Conference’s Thunderheart, A-III 8. the Infant son of King David and Dept, of Communications. White Sands, A-III j cjoes offer something different. family in a game of deadly Bathsheba, who was the center of great ; | "Sister Act” (Hollywood revenge. Everything is so well Year of the Comet, A-III attention and ceremony at this birth, % Sjtudlos/Disney): Director Theatrical Movies: even though he was not the king's put together that it all seems Alien 3, A-III EJmile Ardolino of "Dirty Danc- • A-I, General Patronage. first-born h. Samuel too smug and comfortable. The Babe, A-II • A-II, Adults and ipg” and “ Three Men and a Director Philip Noyce does lit­ 9. the boy whose mother, Hannah, had City of Joy, A-II Adolescents. dedicated his life to the service of the Little Lady" fame has pulled tle with the material, but he Class Act, O • A-m, Adults. o ff Lord in gratitude to God for having a minor miracle here. Since does get good performances CrlssCross, A-III • A-IV, Adults with reserva­ cured her of her barrenness i. David tjie well-documented feud bet­ from Ford, Anne Archer and Deep Cover, O tions. Classification designates 10. the first-bom son of Isaac, who was ween star Whoopi Goldberg James Earl Jones. “ Patriot Enclno Man, A-II certain films that, while not cheated out of his inheritance by his V and her employer, the Disney Games" could have been so FemGully, The Last Rain­ morally offensive in younger brother, Jacob j. Jesus V people, there was not a great much more. forest, A-I themselves, require caution it ANSWERBi POI !R6 :*8 -U ¡Q9 :3Q ¡fr « 6 'ÌZ :» I I deal of hope for the final result. "Alien 3” (20th Century Folks. A-m and some analysis. Is Ladybugs, A-II 1 ¡ ‘‘Sister Act,” however, Fox): Unfortunately, not even • O, Morally Offensive Lethal Weapon 3, O The word “Recommended" sleems to be destined for great a bald Sigourney Weaver can Newsies, A-II appears after the title of those Bishop W uerl on KDKA-TV success. With Whoopi playing save this bomb about the alien Passed Away, A-III films that merit such PITTSBURGH — Bishop Donald W. Wueri’s television a. lounge singer hidden from being coming to a celibate Patriot Games, IV designation. show on Sunday, June 21, at 8 a.m. on KDKA-TV is titl­ the mob in a convent and Mag­ prison colony with Weaver, gie Smith as a very proper While all the creepy looking ed “ The Place of the Eucharist in Our Lives." His guests will be John E. Kunz, an attorney and former recipient of the annual award of the St. Thomas More Society, an association of Catholic lawyers, and alen d ar Colleen Gardner, supervisor of the radiology department Medjugorje. Also every Monday. Third and Hallam Sts. To reserve tions call Tim Beck, 854-5600. at Mercy Hospital. St. Malachy, Kennedy Twp. — space at $4 call Sylvia Mlhalic, Mass and prayers for healing, 222-6883. SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Ih this program, Bishop Wuerl explains the meaning 7:30 p.m.. Fr. Martin Barkin, FRIDAY, JUNE 19 Ladies Ancient Order of Hiber­ and importance of the Eucharist, and why Catholics SUNDAY, JUNE 14 celebrant. St. Joseph, New Kensington — nians — Day of recollection, 9 have such great love for the sacrament. SS. Cyril ft Methodius, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 17 Flea market. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., a.m. to 3 p.m., Mercy Sisters’ The program, part of a continuing series based on a McKees Rocks — Flag Day bingo, Marian Movement of Priests gym, 1125 Leishman Ave. Also motherhouse. Conducted by Fr. catechism entitled The Teaching of Christ, also is 1-4 p.m., parish center, 109 — Cenacle, 7:15 p.m., St. Saturday. Indoors. Also food and Donald Fisher. For reservations shown on various cable systems in the diocese the week Cutler St. (one block from McKees Augustine Friary chapel. refreshments available. by June 14 at $12 call Sister Jean following the KDKA telecast. Rocks bridge). Also refreshments. THURSDAY, JUNE 18 St. Bernard, Mt. Lebanon — McNeil. 578-6225. Donation, $3. Separated and Divorced Art auction, 8 p.m., Clairvaux Group, St. Bernard, Mt. Hall, 311 Washington Rd. View­ SUNDAY, JUNE 21 •Unity•I Candle Sets A ddvsrtising It the life­ MONDAY, JUNE 15 Lebanon — Meeting and talk by ing and wine and cheese recep­ WPX3-TV, Channel 11 - Mass •Bulletin Covers line of any bmineis. St. Anthony, Bridgeville — Dan Carney on "Issues Relating tion, 7 p.m. Featuring works of A?Mt Informt potential for shut-ins, 6 a.m. •Wedding Party 0\fts cuttomen of your exis­ ! "Healing Rosary” service, 7 p.m., to Living Wills,” 7:30 p.m., school Dali, Max. Calder, Delacrois, St. Agnes, Oakland — Triden­ Wedding? !!Wedding Bibles tence. It stimulates action. conducted by Paul Rymniak. library. For information call others. Also entertainment. For •Wedding Crosses It Is an Investment that is tine Mass, 11:45 a.m. deductible and usually Queen of Peace Marian Prayer 561-0560. tickets at $5 call 561-5808 or Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pays off handsomely. Join Group, Point Breeze — Devo­ Our Lady of Miraculous 343-2988. Natrona Heights — Pro-life the banefcvagon and Invest tions, 7 p.m., 7110 Thomas Blvd. Medal, Meadowlands — Flea KIRNER'S in the Catholic maket Serra Club of Pittsburgh — prayer service, 7-9 p.m., in­ Catholic Book Store today. For information, call Including three rosaries. Mass, market. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., every Luncheon-meeting and installa­ cluding rosary, hymns, 219 Fourth Ave., Downtown 471-1252. prayers, according to format at Thursday, church parking lot. tion of new officers. For reserva- benediction. 261-2326 1-800-820-6620 ooooooooooooo ooo o ooo oooo oooooooooooooo d “helping people discover music since 1888” IN THE CENTER OF OCEAN CITY, MD. o H I G H Y I E L D MADISON BEACH MOTEL Now in O ur 2nd Y e a r ! O Family owned I oparalad by TIM Jenkins Your church bulletin % FREE Refrigerator in every room. may be worth Currant Close to churches YMd o 1 3 .0 0 V ^ l k w e in S •Vtry Rrasonable Rates «Sparkling Pool i Patio $ $ $ •Color Cabla TV-HBO •Spacious Sundack Call our hotline . Corporate Bonds: MUSIC PROM ALL PUBLISHERS •Air conditioned •Nearby Fishing for details. o§ "i: USAir Group Inc. •Vi Block to Beach •Ample Free Parking Liturgical—Chorus—Orchestra—Band—Organ—Plano Bdwk. and Restaurante •Major Credit Cards For mora informatico Instrumental—Method Books and Popular Music. Honored “ This production was ovan batter 5 Monday-Sunday 7 a.m.-7 p.m. than 0)« one I saw in New York.” Instruments—Rentals—Accessories-^Repair Service & Gifts. Free Brochure Upon Request Call Today - Toll Free 9 Balto. Ave. at 1st St. Ocsan City, Md. 21842 - Grty-htred men In blue bluer Phone Orders Welcome—Please Call 800-448-1404 EVERY FRL-SAT. 7:30 pzi. a«nuon SPECIAL SPRING EVERY SUN. 2:30 pjn. autkmftMB TOLL FREE 1-800-553-8742 AND THOMAS D. PRUNTY ** NUNSENSE HOTLINE: 343-SHOW Investment Consultant SEPTEMBER RATES Tickets also available «I: Htont Healey*« et Stollen ( LOCAL CALLS 788-5900 Produced A Directed by Square, ite TlX Sooth. Securities Corporation NORTH MILLS _ _ _ _ _ 301-289-6282 Q Jude Pohl ( Member NASO, Member SIPC MONTOUR RUN (SIT . FAX 000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 0 0 c m 150 River Ave. (North I Pittsburgh, PA 1 412-788-6055 PARKWAY WIST o s/ I «. or 440*2. to prior sals or oh en§e 138 INDUSTRY DRIVE ' In ptoe. YM d and market valu# M i lue tua te H th e bonde REVPHOLSTER NOW END SEVE are sold pria to maturity. MtOUSVRV or RIDC PARKWEST t Ut RT ON SELECTIVE FINE FABRICS WITH THE SAME WORKMANSHIP WE ARE KNOWN FOR IDEAL FOR INVESTORS SEEKING V0L«Wt*H s 32/M RR'DGlviLLl PITTSBURGH, PA 15275-1054 A FIXED INTEREST RATE OHIO/W.VA 60 Y E A R S WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS Buelnees Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Closed Sundey & Monday. Now's a great time to renew the look of your home at terrific FREE saving*. Select from all the pewest fabric* and design*. Estimates Reupholstering is our speciality. For 60 years, we have been serving the Pittsburgh area. Our expert craftsmen take pride By in their work. If yon have a favorite sofa, chair or antique that JOHNW. needs upholstered and yon want the ve ry best in detailing and o m e ... Enjoy (Fun! GENSLINGER, A.l.P. fabrics, then give us a call for a free estimate. Dining Room Chairs 25th Annual Restored and St. Agatha Church Bazaar Reupholstered

Monday, June 15 - Friday, June 19 8 2 1 - 1 8 2 9 PHONE ANSWEKS 84 HOURS Rides, Games, Food, Baked Goods, Bingo, White Elephant Sale, S p e c i a l Children's A r e a New Menu Items This Year: MILLVALE Spicy Wing Dings, Machos, Pepperoni Puffs UPHOLSTERY WE REFILL CUSHIONS TO St. Agatha School Grounds, Bridge St., Ellwood City 316 Grant Ave., MiUvale, PA SUIT YOUR COMFORT & NEEDS

f r

I C a t h o l i c

T I y t o

Friday, June 12, 1992 K illt/ Page 7

L o c a l a i d vegetables, sugar, pasta, powdered milk, blankets, c o l l e c t e d sheets, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste. E tn a reside nt m in iste rs in A rizo n a .for B osnia Any parish interested in donating items for Croatia • PITTSBURGH — With grow- should pack contributions in in new S eton V olunteer P rogram ¡ing numbers of refugees pour- sturdy cardboard boxes. ¡ing out of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Delivery sites are located in PITTSBURGH - "It’s an receive the sacraments and : Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Monroeville, 351-3909; North experience I wouldn't have says it is one of the joys of ¡has responded with an addi- Hills, 367-7858; Cokeburg, missed for anything,” her ministry. : tional $ 100,000 for relief ef- 945-6166; Monessen, declares Amy Link, As a Seton Volunteer, '• forts. This money will be chan­ 684-8898; Muse, 746-1454; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Am y lives with seven n eled through Caritas/Austria Aliquippa, 375-3021; Donora, John Link of All Saints Sisters of Charity in their •and It will be used to purchase 379-4841; Greensburg, Parish in Etna. convent in Chandler. That, «¡baby food, milk powder, flour, 834i2602; Millvale, 821-3438; Amy is spending a year of she says, “ is the most en­ '.¡medicine, blankets and cots. North Side. 231-3892; service with the Sisters of joyable part of the pro­ CRS has provided more than McKeesport, 672-1040; Am- Charity as the first partici­ gram," and observes that $300,000 of emergency relief bridge, 266-8438; Rankin, pant in the newly establish- “ coming home from school, aid in Croatia and Bosnia- 271-1 125; Versailles, ed Seton Volunteer relaxing a bit, then praying * Herzegovina. Contributions 751-6261; Clairton, 233-3828; Program. a n d having dinner /may be sent to CRS. Father Robinson Twp., 859-6510; Mt. Last year at this time she together” is "very special." /John A. Harvey, director, 1-11 Lebanon, 343-5508; and Mur- was designing computer It was the idea of "living /Blvd. of the Allies, Pittsbrgh, rysville. 327-2556. programs for steel mills, with other people who had | Pa. 15222. Parishes unable to deliver to working for Tippins, Inc. in some experience and who J In addition, the Brother’s a designated site should con­ Pittsburgh, and although could help me as I learned” J Brother Foundation and the tact Michael Mullen, food coor­ she enjoyed her work, Amy that interested Amy in J Croatian Fraternal Union are dinator for Brother’s Brother states that she needed to do becoming a volunteer. 'gathering food, medical sup­ Foundation at 431-1600 to ar­ something else with her life There are other programs plies, seeds and clothing to aid range for pick-up. Shipping for a while. out there, of course, she ¡those at risk from the fighting from Pittsburgh to Croatia and Today she is in Chandler, notes, but it was the ■•in Bosnia. local distribution in Croatia Arizona, setting up a com­ spiritual dimension added I Items needed presently in- will be arranged. puter lab program for St. to the professional ex­ jclude: canned meat, flour, oil, The Brother’s Brother Foun­ Mary-Basha Elementary perience that attracted her ¿rice, food for children (no dation and the Croatian School. to the Seton Volunteer ¿unusual foods), new candles, Fraternal Union anticipate the “ This is the computer Program. ¿detergents, new diapers and effort to continue for six age,” Amy declares. "Even She learned about the ¿sanitaryry towels, canned weeks. kindergarten children show program when her father V surprising computer saw a story about it in a Questions for Fr. Bober knowledge!” newspaper last spring; he In addition to her com­ clipped it and passed it on to Photo by CNS puter classes, Amy also Amy. helps out in the seventh Amy Link of All Saints Parish in Etna is working She was well prepared. In wltlf Gospel grade, and supervises students as a Seton Volunteer In Chandler, Artz. playground activities for the college she had studied physics and mathematics, before school program. and “ a little Spanish.” Her first-hand what to expect in an experience. The desert,» raises She says that she has parish experience, her work the year ahead. the rocks and orange trees always “ loved God’s little in Pittsburgh, and her deep The program, she says, are in our backyard!” ones... I came from a family has more than met her This spring her parents* questions where God played an impor­ desire to add a spiritual dimension to her profes­ expectations. will travel west to visit her, tant part. It is a Joy to share sional life, made her an apt In addition to the oppor­ and she is excited about that loving God with candidate for the program. tunity for ministiy, she has that. "There’s so much to QUESTION: and hearts and be the children.” time to visit sisters in other tell them, to show them,” f I read that the Church is source of our speech and ac­ On weekends she crosses After applying to become parts of Arizona — a sister she says. me spending time and energy tions. There is also a prayer the city to a small Hispanic a participant, being inter­ who works on a Papago In­ EDITOR’S NOTE — For ' on changing a few words at related to this gesture: parish where she assists viewed and completing dian Reservation, another Information on the Seton ' the end of the readings at “ May the gospel of Christ be another sister in the some paper work, Amy in the Red Rock area of Volunteer Program, write ^ Mass. What is behind all in my mind, on my lips and religious education pro­ spent a week with the Sedona, near the Grand to the Sisters of Charity/ that, and is it really that in my heart.” gram. She is helping to Sisters of Charity at Seton Canyon. M t . Thor Road, important? Regarding the changes prepare second graders to Hill, Greensburg, learning "Arizona,” she notes, “ is Greensburg, PA 15601. which are to take place in QUESTION: the liturgical proclamation Would you please ex­ of the Word of God, my plain why we make those understanding is that they little crosses on our are rather minor. For exam­ Home again foreheads, etc., before the ple, the Latin language text Gospel is read at Mass? directs that following the first reading at the God’s love can console during times of death QUESTION: Eucharist the lector says: Sometimes in our parish, "verbum Domini.” An ac­ CONNIE ANN VALENTI and speak instead about the have fearlessly and joyfu lt the Alleluia is sung before curate translation of this Father, we are reminded topic of death which I discuss­ told their parents that they the Gospel and other times statement is simply: “ The through the loss of a loved one ed recently with a physician were being called home bj’ it is recited, and one of our Word of the Lord.” In in­ that death comes to one and on my radio talk show. God or the angels. Thei:- priests just simply omits troducing any change, the all. It Is only a matter of time. Dr. Diane Komp is a testimony proved to be a reciting It What is the right Church is merely utilizing There is no escaping it. I pediatric oncologist who has source of great consolation thing to do? n ew publications of believe the clock of life ticks written a book titled “ A Win­ and hope to the parents wher i liturgical books to offer a more loudly as we grow older dow To Heaven.” It is about their children died. It also sug ANSWER: more accurate translation of and become more aware of terminally ill children who see gests that children may holt The proclamation of the some of the Latin texts. God’s love. These were some life in death and what we can the key to some of life’; Gospel has always played a The second reason offered of the things I was thinking learn from them. greatest mysteries. very important part in for this change seems to be about this past week after my ed reading books and working There are many mysteries Five-year old T.J. told hin Christian liturgy. It is not in réaction to the custom of mother-in-law, Agnes, died in the earth with flowers and in life that fascinate and mother one day that he lovet I surprising then, that it the readers lifting up the suddenly in her home in plants, and I unsuccessfully sometimes confuse and lead her more than anything in th<: raises questions. lectlonary or Gospel book Michigan. tried to defend myself. people away from the truth, world, except God. “I love him Various acclamations and| pronouncing: "This Is The trip seemed longer than Year after year she tried to but there is no greater a little bit more, ’’ he stated. I : have been utilized to in­ the World of the Lord” or usual and more stressful in an­ change me to her way of think­ mystery than the love of God was the first time that she eve ■ troduce the proclamation of “ This is the Gospel of the ticipation of how my husband ing, but to no avail. Now her for us. It is a mystery to which heard him speak about God. the Gospel. The phrases Lord.” This has led some to and I would feel when we ar­ two half-finished puzzles will we should devote much Two days later he fell througl. "Glory to you, O Lord,” limit the Word to the actual rived there. When we entered become beautiful memories to greater attention, because the ice on a creek and "Praise to you, O Christ” book from which the her home, I noticed all the me and gifts to those who there is much to be learned in drowned. and the Alleluia were found reading took place. familiar crafts she enjoyed do­ receive them. the effort. It expresses itself in His mother expressed in almost every ancient There is, however, a ing, neatly piled on tables in Father, I realize the body is an infinite number of ways, hatred for God until sh<: liturgy and represent a much more profound truth the sun porch. There were only a shell, but I am grateful even in the suffering and remembered a Christmas pre • joyful and triumphant ex­ in the fact that the Scripture half-finished, crocheted doll for the comfort the Church death of children which is an sent T.J. had bought her at a pression of the victory proclaimed and heard is ac­ dresses and beaded hanging gave to her family. I am event that sometimes Secret Santa Shop. He wanted Christ won for us. curately termed the Word of planters waiting to be gift sometimes critical of the challenges belief in a loving to give it to her right away, but The present liturgy, ac­ the Lord. wrapped. Church because it seems to God. she convinced him to wait un­ cording to ancient custom, Ohe intention of this Time seemed to stand still bend on issues such as divorce The Church has reflected on til Christmas. When she open­ presumes that the alleluia change seems to be to em­ as I wandered from room to and cremation but not on the mystery of death since the ed the package, it contained a and verse are sung as a phasize the proclaimed room. Even though I knew her others such as birth control. crucifixion of Jesus. It teaches necklace with a cross. Her liffe joyful greeting o f the word as it is heard, and as it life had come to an end, I ex­ The church often seems that death is a point of passage was changed dramatically. Gospel. The General In­ remains in our minds, pected to hear her humming strong and wishy-washy at the in which God welcomes us The love of Jesus flows to uS struction of the Roman hearts and on our lips. or singing at any moment. Her same time. But thank God the home again to a new, different through the Church not only Missal, therefore, states; All of these factors related way of praying was to sing comforting love of Christ ex­ and better form of life. This at the death of a loved one but "The Alleluia or the verse to the Gospel may seem too popular Marian hymns. She pressed for us through His belief is demonstrated also at every moment of life as before the gospel may be insignificant to some. would often Interchange the great suffering on the cross especially in children who we now understand it. omitted If not sung." (No. However, in our Roman words of the hymns. I even­ still flows to us through the 39) Catholic tradition, we place tually gave up trying to ex­ Church. The custom of making the great emphasis on symbol plain what she was doing, three-fold sign of the cross and unspoken meaning. because it was her way of ex­ FR. RON LENGWIN before the Gospt. reading This is seen especially in pressing love and it made her I am well aware of'what you Retreat in South Hills appears to be ancient. One those things which sur­ happy. believe are inconsistencies on PITTSBURGH — The Catholic Business and Professional explanation of its meaning round the Eucharist and the She could never understand particular issues in the Women’s Association will hold their annual retreat at the relates to the need for the proclamation of the Word of why I couldn’t work endless teaching of the Church. I Bethel Hdy Ghost Animation Center, Bethel Park, June 26-28 Gospel to touch our minds God. hours like she did with beads, would like to address that led by Father Francis X. Hanley, CSSp, For reservations cali thread, yam and puzzles. I lov misconception at another time Eileen Pietrusinski, 363-4482 (evenings), 281-9795 (days) 'Page 8 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, June 12, 1992 Classified ads/diocesan news ACCEPT ANCE-of an ad­ 500 SERVICES 810 RESORTS & vertisement in the Pittsburgh 1 2 0 T O U R S 848 HOUSE FOR RENT I905 LOTS & ACREAGE Catholic, while based on an OFFERED VACATION PROPERTY assumption in integrity on AMEKIFLORA-Columbus, HANDYMAN-A11 home FOR SALE-Prime time in Ju­ CARNEGIE-3 bedroom, 1 to ACRES OF LAND- the pan of the adventser, MBI BLUE & WHILE Ohio. July 24. $39. Gateway repairs: plumbing, carpentry, bath, nice yard/neighbor­ Hunting A Fishing. About % does not imply endorsement ly. Treasure Lake — Dubois, Clipper Dinner, music/danc­ MOTORCOACH I l!\l( OEN _ painting, electrical. Reason­ acres leveled A cleared. 24’ X •of a product or service. PA. Condo; accommodates hood. Convenient to schools, ing, 7-10 p.m. July 29. $31 able and Prompt Service. 6. Fishing, boating, golf, transportation, shopping and 24* structure with electricity 488-7217. .CLASSIFIED ADS-order- O N E D A Y a n u í a 682-5811. swimming! A /C, fully equip- church. Electric hook-up, kit­ and furnace. Venango; County-Mineral Township;! ed killed after being set but BED AND BBEAKFAST- WOOD FLOOR SPECIALIST- ped. Details 364-4518. chen/laundry. Available Ju­ TOURS ly 1. $490+ utilities. Daytime PA. Call 412-321-6968.; prior to publication will be Pumpkin Hollow Quest Old and new floors sanded HILTON HEAD IS.-S.C. billed at naif rate. Classified n c n t c o u ^ 355-7242. Evenings 341-8394. $25,000.00/negotiable. (M ust, Farm. Enjoy quiet retreat and refurnished. Installation Condo for rent by owner. "kills'' cannot be accepted A m art ft ere *9B See) from dty to our working and sale of all styles of wood Great location. Special Rates ESPLEN-5 room house. after 11 a.m. Mon. for cur­ farm. Collect eggs for June 28 floors. Call for free estimate Older couple only. $200.00 + rent week's issue. One Day Tours Available. 412-751-8120. breakfast, pet sheep, blrd- July 18, Atlantic CHy 793-8017. utilities + security. On “OCEAN CITY-Maryland. C l a s s i f i e d watch, or just relax! Great for Aug. 9 •43 Evening Express Folllngwatsf busline. 921-5071. 001 PERSONALS Families, anniversaries. Call now for free summer Departures Wad w 8HOWER « WEDDING 343-9117. Niagara Falls Juno 17 *38 FAVORS a INVITATIONS rental catalog or to make |9 & ! HOUSE FO R S A L E | RATES M a id o f t h e M i s t Casino Bonus *30 and DECORATIONS reservations. Evening hours. ALONE« PREGNANT ATLANTIC CITY ■lack Odd Adventure PARTY KINO Call Shoreline Properties BLOOMFIELD-Two Bed­ LHellne, a confidential caring July 18 *82 Birthday Favors, Me. 1-800-492-5832.” room, New Windows, Up­ Commercial friend. Free pregnancy test [Non-Catlnol Cenino Juno 20 43 MIKE FEINBERG CO. me. dated Kitchen, Large Rooms, C a lP g h . SS2-0543 I, _ 13 Days *140 TAJITVtttAL All New Oas Lines, Large 20 Words...... $6 |3 Days *99 | 40 sonus Pub and M b CASINO * Rf SORT *• I 173« PENN AVENUE, PGH., PA 15222 Beaver 843-0505 Connsaut Laks Spring/Summer Level Yard. Reduced. Butler 282-1200 AMERIFLORA 471-2622 Personals Cranberry 778-2850 June 17 Inights $49,000. 487-8353. ConneSsvSte 828-5555 Two Juno 26 *42 HILTON REPOSSESSED HOMES- 20 words ...$4.50 M on Valley 469-8020 •49 *99 am S e a W o r l d J u n o 24-26 510 ENTERTAINMENT $ Pittsburgh and Surrounding Each Additional Word 1 Sc Two Day *139 Panna. Amish June 23 y¥9 AAA-Finest-Entertainment- Areas. Prices $25,000 to An Additional $1.25 for July-Oct. HEAD June 30 *33 MATT OLIVER-(Accordion- $350,000.621-6401. PIVIROTTO Symbols or Bold Words Abortion can be a H aw aii Twin Rate»125 pp.do. July 16______*37 traumatic experience. New York Sspt»-17 organ) Hourly rates-Big Band Afford Ablo Condo REAL ESTATE. Above Your Ad iewuimolcnhx July 11 *30 II you need help In putting City >109 Nov. 10-11 *899 July 6-8, July 8-10 Mountain Maytiouss Sound-Senior’s Discount. for Six your life back in locus... Enjoy this famous resort H b m U M U y c k M ALL AOS MUST BE PRE-PAID July 10-12 Nashville July 15-17, July 20-22 “ C am otof 921-8278. DEADLINE-11 AM. MONDAY Call C.A.R.E. IBJUi with fins beaches, golf and Our Services Are Washington July 22-24, July 27-29 A PARTYTYME BAND- shops. Condo has A/C, 3 DISPIAV RATS* «wimM» on , Our Life, and Our Hope to "Price Includes: July 18-17 *176.75«*-. everything. Music for all oc­ 4 thee we pray, Blessed Mother Holy Land & Egypt casions and places. Call Len­ plus Nile River Cruise W heeling Italian 1 or 2 nights at the Taj of God. We Thank thee Bless- F e s t i v a l 2 Day Tours ny 276-3850. ! ed M other for so many favors Aug. 28Sept. 14 Mahal, transportation, •2,495pm* I Taxes. Baggage Washington, D.G. FOR YOUR-Weddings, Soc­ i granted. With all our love, July 28 •19 MR. AND MRS. ROBERT ADAMS } Mary A John. Multrday Tours ials and Church Functions S u i Gennaro Festival MULTI-DAY Juno 17-18 124 give us a call — Big Band Robert C. and Patricia j- MAY THE-Sacred Heart of The Boot of Bhsegrnee Sound — Polka Mass Special­ (Burke) Adams of Mt. »“'Jesus be loved, adored, Ney York/Atlantic City TOURS June 17-20 Taranto ty. Helen Matlak 276-6263. [ glorified throughout the '299 pp.do Phantom of the Optra Lebanon celebrated their Sept. 18-21 MUSIC-U-LDCE-DJ’s specializ­ I ^worldJVUIIU i now and forever. St. W ild w o o d 50th anniversary with a » Jude,ude, IHelper of the Hopeless, *389 pM» Dottywood/GatHabarg Juno 27-28 PP-do. ing in Wedding Anniversaries. *225 Reduced rates for 1/93.881-6246. Mass in St. Bernard Church. i » a y fofor us. Sacred Heart of RCMH Christmas Show Aug. 31-Sept 4 *377 June 21-25 '849 pp.do t rfesus,. pray] for us. Fray nine Oct 10-15 '86# pp.do Pa. Duteh Excursion A reception followed at Pen- NewYofk { 4im es per day. T hank you St. Sept. 13-17 * 2 6 0 520 PROFESSIONAL nsbury Village. The couple I dude. J.T.I.______Dec. 11-14 MncMsnw laland July 11-12 125 SERVICES Bow York City Agawa Canyon had a military wedding April ! ¡NOVENA TO-the Blessed •3 7 9 pp4* Multi-day Tours Buio Upload June 20-28 HAS YOUR-bouse burnt | ¡Virgin Mary. Holy Spirit, you 14, 1942 In St. Vincent Send for brochure Coeaucna O utlet *776 pp.do. Amoriflora '92 down and your Insurance t «who solve all problems, light Company refuses to pay on Church, Vallejo, Calif. | )dl roads so that I can attain P.O. Box 98261 July 17-19 •355 Nova BeoNn/Nes EaFaad June 29July 1 * 1 6 9 your policy? Have you had They have seven children: I my goal. You who gave me Pttteburgh, Pa. 16227 July 13-22 other problem s with your In­ ) ¡he divine gift to forgive and OR CALL Mary Irene Piotrowski of Baltim ore, '799 ppAo. •lu e Oreas Dinner Trabi surance Company? New i forget all evil against me and 885-6962 881-3479 W ashington Pennsylvania Law allows you Trenton, Mich., Charles of ’ {hat in all instances of my life and Annapolis Groat Opon Wont June 29-July2 2991 Bad Faith” damages. Call Fairfax Station, Va., Robert children. Mr. Adams is i you are with me. I want in July 18-30 Notre Dame Attorney Drew of Mt. Lebanon, Paul of Cin­ retired from Westinghouse t this short prayer to thank you July 24-26 •315 ‘796 pp.ds. California Bauer 343-4486. J Tor all things as I confirm I CUP AND cinnati, Allan of Jackson­ Electric Corp. Mrs. Adams •. -once again that I never want WUUamebsrg N nohvU lo July 8-27*2,059 M ilestones ville, Fla., Thomas of West formerly taught in Indiana ‘ to be separated from you o r. I SAVE Baeek Garden July 23-28 Child Care Center Mifflin and Bernard of Twp. schools and in St. Mar­ t -your mercy towards me and, »41# pp-do. Now York CHy 319 S. Lang Ave..Point Breeze ! jpinc. Amen. M.B.K.______ZONA TOURS Aug. 3-6 Anitouncint Elmhurst, 111.; and 16 grand- tin School, West End. 1 JiOVENA-to St. Jude. Mayl Fabulons Dia noy July 17-19*399 pp.do. Summer Camp *» Children O sean City, MdL Age* 6-12 plug Summer Pra-school t She Sacred Heart of Jesus be Ell wood City Transit Inc July 7-14, Oct. 13-20 On the Beach '«89 pp-do. Baltimore Dtavtor Thaatit Ages 21/2-5 f Jdored, glorified, loved and ATLANTIC CITY Call 371-7922 MR. AND MRS. FRANK RUPAN1 preserved throughout the •M C IA L Aug. 10-14 Dionay Economy July 17-19 Frank and Pauline Rupani of ' World now and forever. *219 PP^O. Ju ly 11 <36 "'$fccred H eart o f Jesus, pray Aug. 17-21 Aug. 19-24, Dec. 26-31 525 PROFESSIONAL Burgettstown celebrated their Cuino Boma MO Coin, Bulto '248 pp.do. Western Sampler -for us. St. Jude, worker of ATLANTIC CITY WEDDING SERVICES anniversary with renewal of ! miracles, pray for us. St. Multi-day Branson / Ozark Aug. 1-15 *1,119 pp-tto- vows In Our Lady of Lourdes - Jude, helper of the hopeless, ★ ★ ♦ June 21-22 '80 Midtown Motor Inn Oct. 12-19 pray for us. Say this prayer Cape Cod Whale Watch -PHOTOGRAPHER- Church, Burgettstown, and a Casino Bonuses Diplomat Hotel *899 pp.do. nine times daily, say it for Specialty Weddings, Por­ Mass in St. Agnes Church, traits, Family Reunions, nine days. It has never been ONI DAY 8XCUNSION8 WEEKDAYS Amariflorn '92 Aug. 6-14 *759 Oakland. A dinner followed at know to fail. Thank you, St. 3 days/2 nights Graduations. Call 821-8562. One Day, Mon. or Sat. Lenzner Tours Jude. H X P the Top of the Triangle Niagara Falls '4 9 WEDDING INVITATIONS- OH, ST. JOSEPH-whose pro­ J u n e 27 '47 June 24-26 •118 761-7000 Simulated engraved. Trad­ Restaurant, Downtown. The tection is so great, so strong, Amoriflora '92 itional and Christ centered. couple were married in St. Amert Flora ’92 S20 per 100. Includes double so prompt before the throne July 1-3 • 1 1 0 1 N ig h t/2 N ight, 1-800-342-2349 Agnes April 11, 1942. 1 o f G od, I place in you all my Columbus, Ohio Weekday/Weekend envelopes and delivery. Mary J u n e 24 Mt. Nebo Road Linterest and desire. Oh, St. July 15-17 150 Departures Starting at Margaret 241-3512. They have two children, with Bologna Coal Co. before! July 8,11,18, 29 -Joseph, do assist me by your •94 Sewickley, Pa. 15143 WEDDING VIDEOTAPE- Frank of Antioch, Calif., and InoludM Transportation, July 29-31 •118 his retirement. He is a life! ! powerful intercession and ob- Adm. to Exhibit, Suppor. Includes your music and Marlene Galluze of Robinson member of the Our Lady of ■ tain for me from your divine (Call for 8poclal Group Rates) July 12-14 385 WANTED TO BUY much more. Catholic Cere­ ¡Son all spiritual blessings July 26-28 monies, our specialty. Call Twp.; and one grandson. Mr. Lourdes council of the Knights ■through Jesus Christ, our Ellwood City Cmll Festival •130 AMERICAN FLYER-Lionel for sample, view at home. Rupani worked as a coal miner of Columbus. ! Lord, so that, having engag­ July 5 *20 Trains and Old Toys wanted Dave Malinaric 341-9528. ed here below your heavenly rODK-DAT SPECIAL by form er altar boy for H ob­ MR. AND MRS. LEO SOKOL power, I may offer my Ohio Dutch by. Courteous Reply, Free 6 0 0 HOME thanksgiving and homage to July 11______»47 Ann and Leo Sokol of Appraisals. 4664242,423-3231. IMPROVEMENTS the most loving Father. Oh, June 28-July 1 1 6 1 Bingo Cruise CHRISTMAS-Lights, trees, Whitehall celebrated their St. Joseph, I am never weary SENIOR CmZENS-Have Ju ly 18 »49 nVB-DAY SPECIAL candles, wreaths, Bubble- 50th anniversary with a contemplating you and Jesus your walls washed or painted asleep in your arms, I dare Lites, from the 50’s and Mass in St. Elizabeth Sea World or July 6-10 earlier. Noel, 2304 Salem at prices you can afford. not approach while He re­ Geauga Lake 241-5953. j Church, Pleasant Hills. A poses near year heart. Press July 20-24 $232 Road, Virginia Beach, VA Ju ly 18 him in my name and kiss his Aug. 10-14 200 HELP WANTED 23456. 809 APARTMENTS reception followed at the Of­ •26, '36, >40 fine head fo r me and ask him OLD TOYS WANTED- CA LL FO B TO R E N T fice Lounge. to return the kiss when I draw STORE CLERK-No selling. 1900-1980. Cars, Trucks, Put In Bay laland 1692 TOUR BOOK Will train. Sundays from 9:00 BELLEVUE-Furnished 3 They were married April my dying breath. St. Joseph, Ju ly 25 *46 Ships, Planes, Cast Iron, patron of departing souls, a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Hourly Wind-Ups, Battery Op., Also room*, bath, 2nd. floor, 15, 1942 and have two pray for me. Malian Feetlval LUXURY EURO wages. Convenient. Resume all kinds T.V. character toys, clean, carpeted, modern, daughters, Kathleen and to: Fort Pitt Leather Com­ July 25______»22 Star Wars/Trek. You Name private entrance, convenient pany, 1840-5th Avenue, Pitt­ Carol. Mr. Sokol is retired t PRAYER TO-St. Clare. Pray Co a c h s It! Honest, Prompt Response. location, includes utilities. | 9 Hail Marys once a day for Bavarian Fealtval sburgh, 15219. Cash Paid. Phil 343-9598. 761-2301. from LTV Corp. Aug. 1______*22 t pine days. It hat never been AVAILABLE FOI WANTED:-Liond, American ESPLEN -O n busline. Private. ' known to fail. Thank you St. Franciscan University 1st. floor. 4 rm. apt. Sr. MULTI-DAY TOURS Flyer Toy Trains. Notre Dame MR. AND MRS. DAVID WAGNER | ¡Clare. L.P. of Steubenville seeks G raduate win pay u p to Citizens only. $250.00 + Mr. and Mrs. David utilities + security. 921-5071. SINGLE CAIHOUCS-Meet Daytona Beaoh Part Time Clinical Inatnictor. $75,000 for trains in good Wagner of Oakland friends through corre' J u ly 3-10 '349pp.de. M B I TOURS Beginning Fall term, 1992. condition for my collection. tyxmdence club. For inform a­ Instruct senior level BSN nurs­ Please call Drew Bauer Esq. celebrated their 50th an­ S ps o/s/; 2 Adulta at Regular Leetsdali* Station EAST LIBERTY ron, tend a self-addressed, Prlca, 1 Child at $60, 2nd ing students at selected Pitts­ 343-4486. 2 BR Apartments & Townhouses niversary with a Mass in 99 Ohio River Blvd. burgh hospitals. Assignment stamped envelope to: Child f t Off Angular F ara. Available Immediately Sacred Heart Church, East Catholic Friends Club, P.O. Up to Aga 16.______lectsdak*. Pa. 15056 requires a Master's degree in 400 MISCELLANEOUS ‘399-'410 plus electric 8ox 412, Grove City, PA nursing with three years clinical Liberty, and a dinner at New York City 266-3111 SALES ¡16127. experience in medical/surgical Durantl’s in Oakland. The July 17-19 *249 pMo 1-800-433-3854 and or critical care nursing. DANCE FOR CELESTE- .THANK YOU-Most Sacred Two clinical days per week. Saturday, June 20,1992.8:00 CD couple were married June 7, Heart of Jesus and St. Jude Nova Scotia Travel to the University may p.m. to Midnight. Benefit REALTY GROWTH 1942 in St. Joseph Church, Tor the m any favors granted, Aug. 1-9 *989 pp-do. be required to teach selected Celeste Bugidski, Pancreas 391-6160 theory components. Salary North Side, with Father •With our love, Mary A John. 200 HELP WANTED Transplant Fund. Sponsored negotiable. Send applications Graceland/Memphls by William Penn Association, Farme officiating. TWO FREE-Blessed Brown G EN ER A L O FFIC E WORK- to: D0WNT0WN/Ï008EVELT AIMS Aug. 13-18 »399 pMo Branch 34, Pittsburgh, PA. Scapulars. Send Self-Addres- Dty hour». Hourly wage». Part- Me. Carolyn S. Miller, 1 Bedroom. Mr. Wagner retired in j JKd stamped envelope to: Phil Hungarian Social Club. 3004 time. Same location 35 yn. Mutt Chairptrson, Nursing Dspt Utilities included. Ocean CHy, MD Walnut Street, McKeesport, 1973 as maltre d’ at the s. M eade, *10 Hagy Place, have good hand writing skill». Franciscan Univ. of Stsubsnville, Possible subsidy Aug. 31-8ept. 4 *287pp¿a. PA. Donation $12/person in­ William Penn Hotel. Mrs. Pittsburgh, PA 15232. Personal resume and present oc­ Franciscan Way. Steubenville, Ohio 43952. cludes buffet. 481-4265. ;, VOLUNTEERS-are needed cupation. Write to: Fort Pitt Wagner, the former Eleanor Branson, Missouri Fax: 614-2634472. EOE/AA 279-8890. «!• for a special research program Country Music CHy Leather Company, 1840-Sth CD Kim, retired from nursing at a.m. Mass at Sacred }', on bereavem ent o f widows Oct. 18-23 *688 pp4e. Avenue, Pittsburgh, 15219. FOR SALE-Paintings of the REALTÀ' GROWTH Monteflore Hospital In 1984. Church, where he has V and widowers. Study par- HOME-BASED-business op­ P r in c ip a l Blessed Mother on Porcelain 391-1160 }■; ticipants must be 24 years of Reproductions of Raphael Mr. Wagner ushers the 9:30 ed for 36 years. ZONA TOURS portunity. Flexible hours, v age or older and have lost a and Murillo. 314 x 2V4 MNHONEWUEMMD guaranteed bonus incentives, of a suburban Elemen­ >! spouse through suicide. A Cameo. $1,500 for all four. DU0UESNE VILLAGE SHOP. CTR excellent income potential. tary Catholic School - St. MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH MELB j small honorarium is included. Serious Inquiries write to: W. MIFFLIN, PA 15122 Inc. 500 Coiporntion. 265- NALCO $ ; F or m ore inform ation, please Joan of Arc - South Park, Bax 193, Pittsburgh Catholic, Joseph (Jack) and Rose Mele celebrated their 50th annlver-! 1476 or 352-4318. Apartments available in * call The University of Pitt- 4 6 8 - 3 9 0 2 Library Pa. Preschool, 100 Wood Street, Suite 500, sary April 26 with a Mass in their home followed by a dinner at! Shadyside, Sq. H ill, High­ J ! »burgh School of Nursing, (Pittsburgh) HOUSEKEEPING-Light K-8. Call for application Pittsburgh, 15222. the Churchill Valley Country Club. They were married April; < Group Poetvention Study: storeroom denning, light land Paik and Surrounding I .624-4870. 7 5 2 - 9 7 0 1 (BIwoodCHy) maintenance work in small (412) 833-2400 or 500 SERVICES Neighboihoodi. 30, 1942 in Madonna del Castello Church, Swissvale. modern apartment. Located 833-2401. - O F F E R E D They have five children: Anthony, Cam, Bart, Father Joseph^ Classified Ads 1-800-833-4287 in tame building. For active, (Outside Ptttsbun AAA MOVING, HAULING- Open Eve. & Sun. and Mary Abel; eight grandchildren and three great-* Work I mature man. Same location 385 WANTED TO BUY 35 yrt. Day hours. Hourly Clean up attics, garages, estates. grandchildren. wages. Part-time. Full per­ ALL AGE ANTIQUES- Fair prices. Move anything. 6 8 2 - 7 0 0 0 030 FUNERAL DIRECTORS sonal resum e and present oc­ Fumiture, Oriental Rugs, 828-6614. 782-2597. cupation. Write to: Fort Pitt Glassware, Toys, Jewelry, ALL HAUUNG-and trash Anniversary policy announced Leather Company, 1840-Sth Stained Glass, Mantles, removal. Fast, reliable and 810 RESORTS & Avenue, Pittsburgh, 15219. Dolls, Estates, Highest Prices reasonable! Also demolition VACATION PROPERTY Couples who are celebrating golden or diamond annlver»* Paid Cash. 828-2698. work. Call Walt 687-6928. PERSONAL CARE AIDE- COMPLETELY-equipped saries should send Information and photo (optional) along with needed part-time for Adult AMERICAN FLYER-Liond EXPERT ROOF REPAIR- cottages on Lake Erie. your telephone number to: Pittsburgh Catholic, Suite 500, 10Q Day Care Downtown. Must Toy Trains-and accessories. Repair work our specialty: Southshore Motor Lodge, Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa., 15222. Photos will not be returned be over 55 years and have By Collector. Any age or con­ Downspouts, Gutters, Chimney Dunkirk, New York 14048. Coraopolls, PA 1510S restricted income. Call 391- dition. Pay up to $10,000. Work. Free estimates; ail work Write or call i-716-366- without a self-addressed envelope. Anniversaries will b^- 8500. 276-5325. guaranteed) 431-7636. 2822.” printed whenever space permits.

© W jP ST’ SEBASTIAN. NORTH HILLS H as television becom e ' " “Annual festival Wednesday through Saturday, June 17-20, nightly from 7-11 p.m. Including bingo, kid zone, dance music, booths, grille, outdoor ultim ate scapegoat? ST. PHILOMENA, SQUIRREL’HILL market, other attractions. Annual carnival Thursday. Friday and Saturday. June 18-20, 2740 By CARO LE O BRO KTA Beechwood Blvd. Hours are Thursday and Friday from 7:30 to 10:30 ST. ALBERT THE GREAT. BALDWIN BOROUGH p.m. and Saturday from 6-11 p.m. with dinners on Saturday from 6-8 Summer festival Monday through Saturday, June 22-27, on church Director, The Learning Media Center p.m. Television has been blamed for everything from declin­ grounds, 3171 Churchvlew Ave. Including silent auction, flea market, pony rides, kiddie rides, Including entertainment, rides, bingo, bake sale, amusements. Also ing SAT scores to increasing violence among the young, games, book sale, bingo, bake sale, other attractions. stuffed shell dinner on Wednesday. from provoking riots to creating couch potatoes. Opponents say television shortens attention spans, ST. BARTHOLOMEW, PENN HILLS OUR LADY OF FATIMA, HOPEWELL TWP. decreases the ability to process written Information, in­ 42nd annual festival Monday through Saturday, June 15-20, night­ Summer festival Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 19-21, Son hibits creativity and Interferes with socialization. ly from 7-11 p.m.. Franks town Rd. and Erhardt Dr. Including buffet church grounds, 4001 Brodhead Rd. Hours are Friday. 6 to 11 p.m., dinner Sunday, June 14, 4-7 p.m.: pasta on Wednesday and fish on and Saturday and Sunday from 2-10 p.m. Some proponents claim that television provides a win­ Friday. dow on the world that exposes viewers to events and Including more than 40 booths, games, food, moon walk, bingo, places they might not otherwise experience. Also including amusement rides, bingo, country store, white pony rides, children’s comer, entertainment and barbecue chicken elephant booth, appearances by representatives of Pittsburgh on Sunday. The statistics are all too familiar: by the age of 18, the Steelers, “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” McDonald’s Tender Care, average American child has watched over 22,000 hours of Pizza Hut and Bob Evans. television. That equals more hours in front of the tube ST. ALOYSIUS, WILMERDING Fair Thursday, Friday and Saturday. June 25-27, on church than inside a classroom. Although children aren't actively ST. ALOYSIUS, RESERVE TWP. grounds, 405 Westinghouse Ave. pursuing knowledge when ttiey watch television, that Annual summer festival Wednesday through Saturday, June 24-27, Including games for children and adults, baked goods, arts and 3610 Mt. Troy Rd. doesn’t mean they aren't learning or absorbing crafts, food available nightly from 5 p.m. something. Including games, dunk tank, bingo, refreshments, kiddle komer, During all those hours of vtewlng, children may be lear­ moon walk, other attractions. Also fish dinner Friday from 4:30 to 7 HOLY SPIRIT, WEST MIFFLIN ning that happiness and satisfaction are measured by p.m. For tickets at $5 for adults and $2.50 for children call 821-2351. Annual bazaar Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 19-21, pn Also bake sale on Saturday night. what and how much they buy. They may be absorbing church grounds, across from the county airport on Old Elizabeth Road. Hours are 7 to 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and Sunday, ftto misconceptions such as the Idea that conflicts are best HOLY FAMILY, LAWRENCEVILLE resolved by violence, that complex problems can be solv­ 10 p.m. Festival Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 25-27, nightly from Included will be kiddie rides, ethnic foods, flea market, bake sale, ed in five minutes by taking a pill and that successful peo­ 6:30 to 11 p.m., social hall and parish grounds, 44th St. ple always appear as attractive and wealthy. Chinese auction, dunking booth, bingo, hot air balloon rides on Friday Including rides, games, bingo, craft booths, Polish food, and Sunday from 7 to 10 p.m. Also ham dinner on Sunday from 3-6 refreshments. Despite the great impact television has on children, p.m. In Homer Hall at $5 for adults, $3 for children 12 and underC catechists are often reluctant to utilize media in the parish learning environment. When integrated with the OFFICE FURNITURE curriculum, television can become an additional resource BUSINESS MACHINES CALL THE EXPERTS to help catechists make better use of the learning time. OFFICE SUPPLIES DISCOUNT PRICES Focused viewing assignments that ask students to be FIRST CLASS SERVICE accountable for what they are viewing can became a part MT. LEBANON of the regular course of study. By providing opportunities OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., INC. for students to talk about television, educators can turn 1817 Banksville Rd. • Pgh., PA 15216 passive viewing into active learning and reinforce rather 1-800-924-7002 (412) 344-4300 REMODELING than take time away from the learning experience. Between 1950-80 television programming was limited by the scarcity of channels on the VHF dial. Now BOWERS CHUBAi Samel BOIaeta MOSES REMODELING Brick Pointing GENERAL CONTRACTOR • PorcitM o Any Kind ol Carpenter Work however, developments in both cable and satellite j L ¡ r k Were Next Best To Family • Commi Sidewalks • WotmsnUed Decks S Slaps Brick Cleaning Guaranteed Lowest o Concreta Drtvawsys • Rooting 1 Chimneys technology have provided for the transmission of hun­ Chimney Work Prices on Top Quality • Any Kind Ol Willi • Fill Rools I Guitars Roof Work HEATING & Thermolised Windows dreds of channels to viewers. All this plus inexpensive H r r a n n o n • Hock Wort • Soltt I Fascia t Downspouts Gutters & REMODELING and Doors. • Stono Work • Alum, I Vinyl Siding VCRs are giving catechists a greater variety of programs ■ - * HOME & HEALTH CARE and information than ever before. Downspouts Please see 279-7789 • C o m . or Wood Stops • Ceilings t Floors Nurses • Aides • Companions Senior Citizen Discount o Flroplocti • Additions • Pointing in I Out Video is one of the finest educational tools to which Quality Home Care Free Estimates our large • RalUngs I Hauling • Bathrooms V Tils Work Patrick • Gam Room I insulation a Block I Brick Horns children and adults can relate. It provides a method for Licensed • Bonded Agency Financing Available advertisement 531-7914 Sr. CttbM Discount Financing recording all aspects of human experience — from on page 10 of Massung Fns £stfaiatss/Ful)r Intind CALL 884-4336 celebrations to tragedies, from information to entertain­ 3 4 1 - 2 6 6 6 this weeks Construction ment — while involving its viewers in all aspects of the Recruiting qualified Personnel Catholic WE DO IT ALL learning process. Video enables students to examine the THIS Small or Large Jobs ^ ^ AIR CONDITIONING SALE CATHOLIC FAMILY Prn-Soason CLEANING 4 CHECK a a a a p world they live in. gather and process Information and SPACE In t e r io r recognize their own abilities to create change. 0 0 YÖÜ HAVE Honest Dependable YOUR AIR CONDITIONING ONLY < 9 4 9 . 9 0 FOR SALE PAINTING Very Reasonable All of us will no doubt be spending more time in front of E x te r io r > CHUCK WILLIS CO. TV screens as television and computers become increas­ W&# ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 30 years Experience Back-Hoe A Dump Sendee Available HEATING a n d c o o l i n g ingly tied to both school and recreational activities. The MATURING? VERY REASONABLE •11.74 Insured Free Estimates Day 672-1370 366-HEAT 257-HEAT - ^ only way to counteract the negative aspects of television A WEEK viewing is to become media literate. PUA 673-S163 Evening 823-7451 IK 882-HEAT 884-COOL ^ By providing opportunities for discussion, at the parish often o apd at home, students wil be encouraged to examine all CD Alternativ« PAINTING GENERAL CONTRACTING sides of the many issues presented on television. By help­ George Gallagher & Son ‘| ing our young people to think critically, we will be prepar­ 7.00% D ft R PAINTING Coamerial - Residential PAINTING RON YOHE ing them to use television more wisely and to make it a With our «Ingle premium annuity Interior a Exterior Painting 1 Decorating REGISTERED PLUMBER positive force in their adult lives. Interior - Erierior Päotios • No Sales Charge Homo liM id s ln WALL COVERINGS Int. & Ext. • No Annual Fees For further information regarding media literacy, call or Fres Estimates — insured WALL WASHING Wallcoverings Phone: write The Learning Media Center, 111 Blvd. of the Allies, • Avoids Probate • 100% Safe Principal DON HAZLETT DARBLK.BA8I Prompt Free Estimates 3202 Mallott Road 884-4013^1 Pittsburgh, PA 15222, phone 456-3120. • Competitive Interest 655-0551 621-4644 864-0649 Pittsburgh, PA 15227 881-7110 • Receive Interest Checks Monthly, Quarterly, F&L Painting 3-Star Painting Stan's Painting Semi-Annually Interior/Exterior Area’s Bèst Price on • Minimum *5,000 Deposit Residential-Commercial Interiors our specialty Dedication at Auberle H om e Interior-Exterior IO B l,bor • No Age Limit average room Decks cleaned & treated Refacing or Custom- • No W ithdraw Penalty Insured Free Estimates/insured Ree Estimate/Insured PITTSBURGH — Bishop Donald Wuerl will officiate at 10 year xperience Sr. Citizen Discount Made Càbinets MlAi Polish Union of America Free Estimates wallpapering dedication ceremonies for newly renovated residential units at 563-3430 Auberle Home in McKeesport Sunday, June 14, at 5:30 p.m. A Call Today: 343-2763 655-2761 CALL DON 984-0837 384-0551 W e Give Fre i Estim ates dinner will follow in the hom^s cafeteria. 1-800-866-0429 on New W ood or Formica Cabinets, The event will also commemorate the home’s 40th anniver­ Fraternal Insurance Servloo MISCELLANEOUS sary. Auberle opened its doors in 1952 as a residential program also W ood or Formica Refacing. for teenage boys. It has expanded into today’s family-focused, I Are you looking for ways to increase your business? taulti-service agency which has aided 3,800 children and 3,000 I Then... T H IS Deal Direct with Owner ftunllies over the years. Bishop Wuerl serves as ex-officio presi­ Discover the Catholic Market S P A C E References Est. 1980 dent of the board of directors. of Southwestern Pennsylvania r O R S A L E I Over 266,000 Catholic families reside in Allegheny, KITCHENS BY DIAL I Beaver, Butler, Greene, Lawrence and Washington •9.39 I counties. That's a combined spendable income of over A WEEK Curry Holly Rd., Pgh. 4 5 6 - 7 3 4 2 G uild for blind annual gala I a quarter million dollars! The Pittsburgh Catholic I serves this market. It has the largest paid weekly drcu- PITTSBURGH — The Greater Pittsburgh Guild for the Blind I lation of any newspaper in this area. Printed every I Wednesday, 115,000 copies of the Catholic are mailed Don't Move... Will hold its 14th annual scholarship fund event Thursday, I to our subscribers and to over 300 churches in the dio- June 25 from 6-8 p.m. at the Carnegie Science Center, North I cese. Call about our competitive rates. Don't let the ADD ROOM! Side. | Catholic market remain an undiscovered treasurer! Bishop Donald Wueii will serve as honorary chairman for the 412-471-1252, Extension 11 evening. Msgr. Paul M. Lackner will be the celebrated guest. raenooR fciL KDKA-TV’s Jon Burnett will host the first segment of the event, a n o WARM MORNING PERRY i For ticket information, call 221-2200. INSULATION We are second floor addition special­ t R J B c i t e POINTING ists. Wa can add to the rear or side of | Fire & Vermin Proof our home. II you have a 11/2 «tory Free Eoinates I t I t lome, we can add a dormer. Add one g i f t s ‘L ife in Spirit* in B eaver Falls Home Remodeling room, two rooms, bath, etc., a t you BRICK desire. * DEAL WITH THE OWNER * BEAVER FALLS — Father Leo Burchiantl is leading a six- 364-8700 -► C all Us for Savings on any Remodeling -m- CLEANING Decks • Porch E nclosures • R eplacement W indows • B aths • K itchens week “ Life in the Spirit” seminar series at Our Lady of Peace RBETORATI G amerooms • Carpentry • Concrete • Awnings Catholic Charities, the social ser­ House Pointing Monastery in Beaver Falls Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. through July vice arm of the Catholic Church, ChiiuMV Repair POINTVIEW BUILDERS, INC. 14. All are welcome. For Information call Fred or Jean Lehr, provides critical services through­ Fully Insured v t 30years serving ^ ,935-8372. Roofing, Siding, Free Estimates \ South Hills” 6 5 5 -7 0 6 1 out the six-county Diocese. We Free EeMmatee Beautify your home this serve Cod by helping others. DON CWIKLIK spring with help from A memorial tribute is an ideal the businesses In our 431 1570 341-2292 Beautiful Home Guide. The SlLlANOFF way to express your love and at St. Anthony Novena the same time help those in need. STAINED GLASS Dependable Give a lasting gift to Catholic C & M R O O F IN G Ultra High •NATIONAL aWARO O ld &t. Patrick*« (Eijurdj Charities in memory of a friend C —W en ilal G Residential Efficency •STAIN t! GLASS or family member or to com­ 1711 Liberty Avenue in the Strip • REPAIR ANY ROOF 9 2 Gas Furnace •MURALS memorate a special occasion. It •RESTORATIONS • STOP ANY LEAK K e e p s y o u . u a r m •WOOD ARVING "Bringing Christ to the Strip" will show you care. • NEW ROOFS INSTALLED w hile it saves you m oney. For more information on tax • GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS Saturday, June 13 to 100,000 BTU Janirro/ 2.5 Ton Air Conditioner SlLlANOFF deductible memorial or tribute • CHIMNEY WORK Sunday, June 21 • SOFFIT Sc FASCIA Ik SIDING Furnace only $1795 only $1495 with JJ ST JDIO gifts, call 471-1120. with normal installation normal installation , 12:10 N oon with Mass • ALL WORK GUARANTEED Ak«vjihNe:AprilAirHumidifinElecno(uc Air Qeanos, Ductwork I Rl 2Z-RP4 • 14 YEARS EXPERIENCE ibuig PA The tradttibml blessing and distribution of lilies in CHARLES HOWELL * honor of St. Anthony will take place June 13. C a t h o lic s . 1t*i «a sH loafing Hililil St. Anthony medals & bread distributed June 21 REMODELING & CONSTRUCTION? 668-7705 C h a n t ie s Call far VUE Estimates Duquesne Village Shopping Center, Call 461-1445 ALL WELCOME! 0%, 5%, 8% ftnpac Loans Available, Call of the Diocese of Pittsburgh 4 8 2 - 8 3 3 0 Financing Availably, Call______MAIL IN YOUR INTENTIONS 307 Fourth Avenue Pray for an Incrcas« in Fr. Brendan Malloy, OFM, Cap. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412)471-1120 IriigioBS Vocations 4 7 1 - 4 3 9 0 P l e a s e S u p p o r t o u r A d v e r t i s e r s ^ | PacelO PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, June 12. 1992 Around the diocese

rW om en’s stories* in W hitehall E d u c a t io n a l ; PITTSBURGH — “ All Thai I Am.” a presentation dramatiz­ ing storiea of outstanding women from church history, will be performed Saturday, June 27, at 7 pm. In St. Francis Academy activities hall in Whitehall. I Q f t i U f o t . Presenting the show will be the touring theatrical group from Performing Arts Ministry of Call to Action in Chicago. The drama features the stories of the wife cf Simon Peter, St. Seven diocesan students were the state final competition held at Augustine’s mistress and Hllde of St. Bremar, who was ordered among 650 seventh graders from the American Poetry Center. • • • to leave her husband with the Church of Rome’s Imposition of Pennsylvania who were honored Celibacy for priests in the 12th century. for their outstanding verbal/or St. Joseph High School ‘.It also depicts the story of Anne Donne, wife of 17th-century mathematical ability discovered students Mark Cadungog, Jarda- in the 1992 annual Talent Search nlan Josephs. Alexander Ward theologian and poet John Donne, Maria Von Wedemeyer, conducted by the Johns Hopkins and Adrie Komaslewicz have fiancee of German Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer University Center for Talented been accepted to the Penn­ and an anonymous woman of the 1990s. Youth (CTY) in Baltimore. sylvania Governor's School of Ex* ‘ 'The production was written by Irene Mahoney, OSU, with Those honored were: Raymond ceUence for Health Care Profes­ music by Kathy Sherman, CSJ. Admission is $5 at the door. Vergona, Carlow Campus, sions. The classes will be held Ju­ Oakland; Claire Ackerman and ly 5 through Aug. 8 at the Univer­ ‘M iracle W orker* at Seton H ill Charles Flschette, Providence sity of Pittsburgh. Heights Alpha, Allison Park; $ • • • IfGREENSBURG — Dr. Gene A. Saraceni, professor of theatre Michael Litzinger, St. James, Constance Vaskov, an art and Seton Hill College 1992 Professor of the Year, will direct Sewlckley; Thomas Marcin, St. teacher at St. James School, William Gibson's “The Miracle Worker” June 17-26 at Apple Bernadette, Monroeville; James Wilkinsburg, received an Hill Playhouse. Reilly, St. Bernard, Mt. Lebanon; honorable mention in the fifth an­ Dr. Saraceni has been cast in the role of Dr. Grim wig for the a n d Barret Rhoden, St. nual A&E National Teacher Grant Civic Light Opera production of “ Oliver” July 21 at the Scholastics, Aspinwall. Competition. Recipients were • • • Benedum Center. honored at a reception at the Allison Renk, a student at St. Library of Congress in B enefit to aid transplant fund Elizabeth School, Pleasant Hills, Washington, D.C. was one of six first-place winners She received a $500 grant for McKEESPORT — The William Penn Association Branch 34, in the annual Young Voices her project entitled Neferteri — Will sponsor a dance Saturday, June 20, from 8 pm. to mid­ poetry contest held at the For Whom the Sun Shines a pro­ night to benefit the Celeste Bugielski Pancreas Transplant Photo by Jim Herrmann Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. ject designed to increase student Fund. Her poem was was submitted to awareness of Ancient Egypt. . The dance will be held at the Hungarian Social Club, 3400 Parish feast Walnut Street, McKeesport. Cost is $12 and includes a buffet. Father Peter Kuenzlg, Pastor of St. Joan of Arc Library, joins R evivalist at Celeste and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bugielski, are from left, Joey Bauman, Stacey Bugle and Tina Samo W e Carry members of St. Adalbert Church, South Side. Lovitlch in honoring the parish’s patron saint School and St. Peter’s CCD children served as lectors, ushers and choir members in PITTSBURGH — Father Fr. G arber to m ark jubilee Black Suits a special Mass said in St. Joan of Arc's name May 31. .James Goode, OFM, pastor of ; OAKDALE — Father George T. Garber, former pastor of St. St. Paul of the Shipwreck Ann Parish, Bulger, will celebrate the 55th anniversary of his Church in San Francisco, will for Clergy ordination on Sunday, June 14 at 11:30 am. at St. Patrick speak at St. Peter Church, Church, Oakdale. North Side, June 20 during A ll Sizes ' A reception will follow in the parish social hall. the 6 p.m. Mass and at all - Father Garber was ordained June 13, 1937 at St. Vincent Ar­ REICH/FRANK Masses on June 21. FT. Goode, Forbes-Shady Plaza, Squirrel Hill chabbey by Bishop Hugh C. Boyle. a nationally known African- Tuesday and Thursday until 9 p.m. American priest, will give a Plenty of Free Parking right In Front G ospel vocalist in Aliquippa presentation in the form of a 421-9660 ALIQUIPPA — Gospel singer Gene Nemes will present a pro­ mini-revival. gram of song Thursday, June 25, at 7:30 pm. at St. Joseph Church, 410 Allegheny Ave., West AUquippa. A donation will N O W AVAIL be taken. For information, call 375-3953. PHILIP GREEN ST. PATRICK’S M ASS featuring: The Trinity Chorale and Canon Sydney MacEwan One of the most sought after and unusual recordings ever released was the majestic and exhilarating “St. Patrick’s Mass^ Sr. Elise Radigan N e c r o l o g y Now finally available and on CD for the first time. At various £ Sister Elise (the former Ursula) June 15 national retail outlets or direct from Alanna Records. (|j Radigan died June 4 in the Villa Fr. Paul A. Nee ...... 1969 Call Collect: 412-835-5733. Ask for Alanna CD 5552 ' Maria Community Center, Villa June 16 Marla, Pa., at age 92. Fr. John P. Fitzgerald 1989 - Sister Elise was bom in New June 17 .Lexington, Ohio and entered the Fr. John A Rykaczewski... 1955 Photo by Jim Herrmann Sisters of the Humility of Mary in June 18 IT’S FREE! Home owners in area can now “sign 1919. She graduated from Notre Fr. George M. Guenther 1951 CLO award winners up” to receive an above ground pool of their choice -FREE Dame University and earned a Fr. Alphonse A. Susinskasl966 By John Grey master's degree from Duquesne June 20 Canevin Catholic, Central Catholic and North Catholic were , University. Fr. Edward J. Duwell...... 1963 among area high schools to be honored at the 2nd annual Swimmate Pool Company’s regional office annouces the availablity of a “Free" Gene Kelly Awards for Excellence in High School Musical atnmw gm nnri «H m m ln g p w l to r a «riant group n f home, frn iw i through a “ Bpariil Sister Elise taught high school June 21 Rebate Program.” and served as a librarian in the Fr. Raymond H. Hdntz 1954 Theater. Displaying their winnings are (from left): Front row, According to Dean Hunter, director for Swimmate Pool’s, "We are offering 50 dioceses of Pittsburgh, Cleveland Fr. William C. Kelty...... 1955 Angela Petrone of Canevin and Ryan Perrotte of Central. home owners who are willing to give us permission to use a photograph of their and Youngstown. Locally she Fr. Vincent Glovannlttl.....1961 Back: Matthew Brown of North, and Brian Eccher, David home with our moderate priced above ground swimming pool of their choice in­ taught at Villa Maria High School Cosnek and Margie Rehm all of Canevin. Canevin was award­ stalled at their home.” r “To the first 50 home owners who are willing to give their permission to use a i lüj from 1919-1920 and 1958-61. ed best set design, best costume design, best lighting design u Pray the Rosary photograph at their home for our planned advertising campaign, Swimmate Pool’s . A nephew survives. and best overall musical in the middle budget category. North will give a full 100 per cent refund for the entire cost of their swimming pool.” , Funeral Mass was offered June received die award fo r best student orchestra and Central “This means through our Spsdal Rebate Program” you will get the entire cost ¡6 at Villa Maria, followed by burial f o r P e a c e received an award for best quartet. of your pool returned, so in essence your installed pool will cost you nothing. It’s (¡¡I the Sisters' cemeteiy. Free. A once in a lifetime offer. An above ground swimming pool installed at your home and It’s Pies. This Bpsrtil Rebate Program is for a limited time. Take advantage of this op­ o * SHOP SMART...CALL CHUBA CO. * portunity nowl HURRY, CALL NOW! 831-7808 anytime.


PLUMBING HEATING . ROOFING REMODELING Sr. Marie Edward,O.P./ Vocation Directress •Roofing "Over 20 Yrs. Experience" Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne •Siding FREE 600 Linda Avenue, Hawthorne, NY 10532 •Soffittasela ESTIMATES (914)769-4794 i »Windows •Awnings . 271-6246 D *ar S r Edward.

882*4324 678-7010 682-7465 I would lika to know m ora about 1 your Community. SELECTIONS AMONG m m THE LARGEST

"The Spirit of the Lord God City CONCLUSION OF is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to SUte_ _Zip_ N O V E N A T O bring good tidings to the S t . M a r y afflicted." phcna_ ISAIAH 61 St. Anthony of Padua V- M e r c y (The Wonder Worker) T u e s d a y , J u n e 16 M a n o r Aovena SHARE 7 : 3 0 p . m . to the •>; Jtoty Spirit ?- extended attention apartments Rev. Philip J. Donatelli fo r the elderly & handicapped H om ilist A GREAT Distribution of St. Anthony's Bread NOVENA TO THE i# 330 - 46th Street After the Novena Service COMPASSION HOLY SPIRIT The Dom inican Sisters O f Hawthorne. W e n u r s e Pittsburgh, Pa 15201 BY FR. THEODORE P. ZABOWSKI Madonna del Castello incurable cancer patients in our seven free, modem nursing • * An irapiralional 9-day no vena with prayer tor each day prepared by Fr. AH utilities, laundry, Ted. $2 includes postage and handling. -For you copy, fill our the hom es, located in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, M assachusetts, C h u r c h coupon below Georgia and M innesota. Many who enter our community have « .t ^cleaning services, all maintenance and ill 2021 Braddock Avenue FR. THEODORE P. ZABOWSKI no prior nursing experience, but we all share a great compassion III 3 meals a day are included. PO BOX 6157 for the suffering poor and delight at being able to help them. H Swissvale, PA 15218 PITTSBURGH, PA 15212 Please send me ...... copies ol the Novena to the Living the vows and participating in a life of prayer gives us the fSE C TIO N 8 SUBSIDY AVAILABLE Rev. Msgr. Daniel N. DiNardo, STL ri!j Ift Holy Spirit. Enclosed it t ...... '...... ability to serve God in this Apostolate. We seek women who ere Rev. Paul J. Bradley full of love for Christ, and desire to Join a congregation with For more information, please call N am e...... Social Hour after Novena a strong spiritual and community life. Sr. Roseann or Sr. Pat at Address...... in Church Hall "I will obey God anywhere, at any time, with courage!" 682-2888 (St City/State/Zip...... All cordially Invited______Rose Hawthorne, Foundress .

The Spring 1992

M arriage Supplem ent

to the P itt h C a t h o l i c

¡gig f fj II 1 wj&sim - Wgm X X Hi WSmäKi I I W ’H* t M M M t t m t H U iM l ft f 11111 f 11111♦1 i 11V tt t l 1 ( • *...... I. j ...•.• | Page 2 June 12, 1992 W im G od H \ •> Jo I \ ( M

receive diocesan-approved instruction in the He may give obligation surrounding this sacrament. additional prayers, blessings or If one or both parties is under the age of 18, words of greeting or exhortation, or a marriage may be performed only after the priest may read a lesson if the ceremony confers with both sets of parents and evaluates is not part of the Eucharistic the couple's readiness and personal maturity for celebration. marriage. The final decision rests with the priest, In ceremonies of dispensation who delivers the evaluations and his recommen­ from canonical form, the priest may dations to the chancellor. participate by giving additional Weddings may not be performed on Sundays prayers, blessings or exhortations. of on holy days of obligation, and weddings per­ Since he is not the official formed on Saturdays must be completed no later celebrant, he does not sign the than 6 p.m. license or receive the consent from To obtain permission from the diocesan bishop either party for a mixed marriage (a marriage in which each Inter-communion is not permitted party is of a different faith), the Catholic party at weddings, and permission will must sign documents stating he or she is ready not be granted for inter-communion to remove all dangers of leaving the faith and will for a mixed marriage. do everything possible to raise children as Place of marriage Catholics. The non-Catholic party must be made aware of A parish church or house of these promises and of his or her obligations to prayer is the ordinary place of the marriage early in the preparation. marriage. Outdoor weddings are Canonical form not permitted. For a marriage to be considered valid, a Catholic If the couple wishes to marry in a is required to contract marriage according to the Catholic church other than their canonical form. This means the marriage must own, they must receive permission take place in the presence of a properly-delegated from each of their pastors and from priest and two witnesses. the pastor of the church in which In extraordinary circumstances, a bishop may they wish to marry. Wedding grant a dispensation, or exemption, from the ceremonies held in chapels are canonical form. In such cases, he acts in accor­ discouraged, since the parish and dance with the spirit of canon law as a gesture the parish church are considered of good will. proper units for celebration of this A bishop may grant a dispensation for several sacrament. Couples determined to reasons. He may believe the dispensation is marry in a chapel, however, may necessary to: help the couple achieve family har­ receive special permission for the mony or avoid alienation; to recognize a close ceremony. relationship with a non-Catholic minister; or to Inter-rite marriage recognize a close relationship of a non-Catholic to his or her church. The bishop of the Catholic Marriages of parties of different ouples considering marriage party will consult the bishop of the diocese in Catholic rites fall under the within the Diocese of Pittsburgh which the ceremony will be performed before jurisdiction of the rite of either can avoid a lot of heartache and granting the exemption. party. In such cases, pre-marital misunderstanding if they forms should be submitted to the Marriage between become familiar with the chancery of the Oriental Rite party diocesan regulations for this Catholics and non-Catholics (Byzantine, Ruthonian, etc.), then special sacrament before they Diocesan regulations do not permit two distinct to the Latin Rite Office of the begin planning their wedding. ceremonies. Similarly, services in which both the Chancellor. The engaged couple should notify their parish priest Catholic marriage ritual and the non-Catholic Sanctions of their plans at least six months before their intended ritual are performed jointly or successively are wedding date, since the Church considers all plans also prohibited. The priest may not elicit marital The sanction of a marriage is a unofficial until die marriage pact is validated. The consent from the Catholic party while a minister special validation which includes: a priest, following pre-nuptial procedures prescribed by elicits consent from the non-Catholic party. It is dispensation from any impediment die diocese, then determines if the marriage may take permitted, however, for a non-Catholic minister and a dispensation from the {dace. to participate in die Catholic marriage service, if In preparation for their marriage, the couple must he obtains the proper permission. See Rules, page s

WCIT^i 1 800-446-6090 3 6 9 -0 6 8 9 WISDOM Mon.-Sot., 9-5 Books and Church (Supplies See our forge selection of... • w edding bulletins • wedding candles • wedding rings • wedding gifts FREE PARKING 96£5Peny t-twy. ot1tie com er of W. tngbmar 8d. W H v I G o d H \S Jo I \ I I)

atural Family Planning is a The Ovulation Method, also term used to describe know as the Cervical Mucus specific methods of mon­ Method or the Billings Method, is itoring the female mens­ often used to tell when the fertile trual cycle in order to a- phase starts. It allows couples to chieve or avoid pregnancy. know when the fertile days before It involves two basic and after ovulation are most likely questions: Why? and How? to occur. Many reasons are given in answer to the first In the Sympto-Thermal Method question, some of which are not appropriate. (S-T), both BBT and Ovulation Reasons based solely on economics, for example, Methods are used to mark the are among those deemed inappropriate. fertile and infertile phases of die When answering the second question, the cou­ menstrual cycle. ple must have an understanding of the teachings of the Church. Essential to this understanding is Interpreting some of the a thorough appreciation of Pope Paul Vi's en­ symptoms takes training and cyclical, "Humanae Vitae." experience, but the S-T method is a The encyclical states that methods of family reliable way to note changes in the planning that interrupt the "Life Cycle" are fertility cycle. against the Church's teachings. Only those The Cervical Mucas-Basal Body methods that do not interfere with that cycle are Temperature Method (CM-BBT) is deemed appropriate. much like the S-T method in that it By using Natural Family Planning, a couple combines the BBT and Ovulation learns to recognize die woman's fertility cycle and methods. plan sexual relations depending on their desire Locally, the CM-BBT method is for children at that time. recommended to couples during The method encourages true marital sexuality, marriage preparation programs love and family life, and it gives greater in­ because its standards for training dependence to couples who wish to be respon­ are high and comprehensive e sible for family planning decisions. records are kept of its results. Natural Family Planning uses four methods to Studies have indicated that NFP determine the changes in a woman's fertility. is as effective in avoiding pregnancy as artificial methods, By The Basal Body Temperature Method (BBT) John doesn't give couples enough advance notice of when intercourse is restricted to the Franko ovulation to avoid pregnancy during the early infertile phase of the menstrual phase of the cycle, but it can give a good idea of when a woman's fertile phase ends. See NFP, page 8

F O X / 6 H A P K L eautiful Y A G H T 6 L U B

egmnmgs N o one does "I do's" better than w e do. O ur spacious ballroom , partially closed in at the Airport Hilton Inn glass, can accom m odate up to 500 guests Call us today for beautiful an d w ill prove to be the perfect settin g for your special day. Wedding Receptions, Rehearsal Dinners W e have added a beautiful open-air, and Bridal Showers with your budget in covered deck, which provides a rom antic mind. Our staff is eager to serve you. Make riverfront view . This truly is a "m ust see" plans for your honeymoon with our p l a c e . Romance Overnight Package. Call 965-8881 for additional inform ation or a personal tour. Beautiful beginnings begin with us. ra^HAPELY£6HI>6IXJB m t * mmm , (412) 262-3800 ' / . f • Ü 1366 01d Freeport Road «Pittsburgh, Pem^ylvania 15238 IV Page 4 m a 11;* June 12, 1992 VV 11 \ i Con H \s J( >i \h >

the marriage ceremony. Music for the liturgy Breaking of the Bread should be familiar to family and friends in atten­ dance so they will feel comfortable participating. The Lamb of God is a It is particularly important in the case where the congregation song before congregation may consist of people from other communion. There are a variety of religious denominations. music selections available for this prayer. The couple also share in the responsibility of taking time and care in choosing their music. Ac­ Communion Song cording to Romeri, "The couple should have a Either a solo, instrumental or feel for the flow and rhythm of the marriage congregation song would be ceremony." appropiate. The number of songs to Music for the wedding liturgy will consist of in­ be selected depends on the size of strumental, solo and congregation songs. Below the assembly. is a explanation of some of the elements of the liturgy a couple may be asked to select music for. Presentation of Flowers P relude to Blessed Mother Many wedding liturgies include a selection of As the bride or couple say a three to four songs before the ceremony begins. silent pray to Mary, a solo may be Romeri explained that these selections should set sung. The most popular of songs the tone for the liturgy. chosen at this time is the Ave Maria. Processional Recessional An instrumental march is usually chosen for As in the processional, the this dramatic part of the liturgy. The most com­ recessional song selection is usually mon selection is Trumpet Voluntary. a joyful march. The most popular Gathering Song march selected by couples is Mendelssohn's Wedding March. After the presider greets the congregation, the assembly may begin the wedding liturgy with a Couples should not delay congregation song of praise and thanksgiving. selecting the music for their liturgy. Responsorial Psalm They should meet with their music minister at least two months before After the first reading, the assembly may sing the wedding. a song of which the lyrics are taken from the Book Thjp time frame will also allow a of Psalms. A wide variety of music set to the couple time to prepare a liturgy psalms is available for couples to fit to the theme program. A program will help the of their liturgy. assembly follow the liturgy. Songs Marriage Rite selected should be noted on the program. Romeri suggested that Music during the exchange of vows would music lines should be included in distract from the marriage rite. However, after the the program so the assembly can rite some couples choose a short congregation easily join in the singing of the song to celebrate the joy of that moment. congregation songs and Eucharistic Preparation of the Gifts acdaSfyftrions. usic in a Catholic wedding ceremony serves as a expression A short solo or instrumental can be chosen for this moment. of the sacred text of the liturgy. BRIDAL GOWNS "Music should keep the integri­ Eucharistic Acclamations ty erf the liturgy," explained John A couple may choose music for the con­ bridesmaids Romeri, diocesan director of gregation to sing the Holy,Holy, Memorial Mother's feresses, Flowe^i^DressesT music, discussing the role of Acclamation, and the Great Amen. Huxedos and Shoes music in the wedding liturgy. Although there are no established diocesan Sign of Peace LARGEST SELECTION IN PITTSBURGH guidelines regarding music for a wedding liturgy, Although some couples choose a solo New Location in M ONROEVILLE Romen explained the diocese does follow Music in song for this moment in the liturgy, Monroeville Store Now Located On Catholic Worship, a document prepared by the U.S. Romeri explained that a song during this Route 22, Next to Eat *N Park Catholic Bishops in 1975. The document stresses that part of the liturgy is inappropiate. "It is ■music should reflect the sacredness of the liturgy. No Appointment Necessary a time for expressing Christ's peace to Although some popular songs may sing of everlasting each other." Special Orders and Layuways Welcome romantic love, songs during the wedding ceremony should be prayerful and indude sacred lyrics. Since every parish has its own policy regarding Get Yourself to the Church on time BOTH STORES OPEN music for the marriage ceremony, couples need to meet and We'U Remember the rest EVERY NIGHT with the parish director of music ministry. "A music Our, Professional Staff will minister should be understanding and take time and organize all the details that make Monday-Friday 10-9 care with each couple," Romeri mentioned. Your Wedding Day perfect from Saturday 10-5:30 & Sunday 12-5 It is the responsibility of the director of music start to finish. ministry to offer couples a variety of selections to For Wedding Receptions, Bridal choose from. Hie director should also be able to recom­ Showers, Rehearsal Dinners . .. mend musicians, vocalists and cantors. A cantor serves Remember Ramsda. to "animate the congregation and welcome the Call os at ^Wedding <§WofcQd assembly to participate in the wedding liturgy" RAMADA Romeri explained. 264-8950 for a personal MONROEVILLE PLEASANT HILLS Rpqieri added that the director should have an 1412 Bears School Rd, Rt 22 Ne rito Eat N Parli "1 consultation. CoraopoÄs, PA 16108.' Rt.5\N ear Southland J J. spyjifig, oi the ^spjep$lyjtjiat wfll.be attending [ 3 72 -53 1 1 6 5 3 -0 5 5 1 June 12, 1992 Page 5 w 11 \ i Goi ) áH \s J ( )i \ 11 )

hile many factors are in­ Vasko agrees. "A lot of couples volved in planning a want to pay for everything up honeymoon, finances in­ front." fluence a couple's decision According to Vasko, this is often most often. the path of couples who are on a Barb Vasko, a travel budget and taking their first agent with the West Penn vacation. American Automobile "The bottom line is that it Association (AAA), recommends a couple check depends on the person," Vasko into their budget first. says. "Find out how much you want to spend and Other factors are also important what your price range is," Vasko suggests. "It in planning a honeymoon. really depends on what you want to spend." "You need to ask yourself what According to Vasko, a honeymoon can be you want out of the vacation," economical, as there are numerous packages and Vasko says. options available. Dennler says she and Jankowski For example, a couple can spend their honey­ began throwing ideas around and moon in Cancún, Mexico, for $600 per person decided they wanted to go plus the cost of meals. somewhere tropical neither of them "This is one of the most economical trips had visited before. available," Vasko says. "We both wanted to go to the Vasko says there are also other ways to save beach and heard about Sandies by money. For instance, charter flights are more word of mouth," Dennler says. economical than others. Another area to consider is a trip's additional After agreeing on the spot, costs. Cruises can cost as little as $1,000, but that Dennler and Jankowski gathered T h e p e does not include alcohol, gratuities, and other ex­ literature and talked to different tras, according to Vasko. travel agents. t a k e s "The best vacation doesn't have to cost the Dennler got in touch with most," Vasko says, since many couples choose Sandies directly and was sent a b u d g e t a honeymoon package with an all-inclusive price. videotape. Deborah Dennler of Assumption Parish in "The tape was of still pictures not By Bellvue is planning a November wedding. She a film, but it gave us a good idea," Rita and her fiance, Mark Jankowski, have chosen an Dennler says. Zettelmayer all-inclusive trip to Sandies, a couples-only resort "Get an idea of what you both in Jamaica. like," Vasko says, then a travel "The one price we pay includes meals, tips, agent can help put packages baggage, transportation to and from the airport, together, based on what a couple drinks, activities and a lot of other things," Den­ wants from their honeymoon. nler says. "There are also five different Sandies Vasko even says there is hope for on the island. We can go to any one we want. couples who can't agree on where They call it 'Stay at one, play at all five'." to spend their honeymoon. Dennler is happy with this arrangement "We'll rind a place and package because money won't be as much of a worry dur­ that offers the things they're both ing the trip. looking fot," she says.

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■ ovples anticipating mar- be, and decide if there will be any riage make decisions possible changes in that income together for months before after marriage. their wedding and honey- Couples should visit the Internal m f M moon, and one financial Revenue Service for advice on ■ f f adviser suggests the whether their tax status will change couple continue to make when they are married, and should joint decisions after they make any suggested changes as are married, especially when dealing with their soon as possible because this may finances. affect their take-home income. Joanne H. Edgar, senior counselor at Consumer Edgar says it is also vital for the Credit Counseling Service of Western Penn­ couple to discuss individual values sylvania, Inc., a non-profit community agency, and goals together such as whether says couples should go into marriage with a they want to buy a new car or save "togetherness in managing their household in­ for a home, or take an expensive come." She says both husband and wife should vacation each year rather than save agree before final decisions are made and they money for unforeseen emergencies. should work together to establish a workable "These are not decisions," Edgar budget after keeping records of actual costs. says, "but instead, represent Before marriage, Edgar says the couple should attitudes. Partners with similar know what the exact costs of the wedding and attitudes will avoid a lot of marital honeymoon will be and exactly who will pay for conflict." what. If the couple needs to borrow money to pay Edgar warns couples to not use h e l p for these costs, she suggests the young people credit to obtain what they cannot take out "one loan with a fixed monthly pay­ afford at the moment. Couples o p e w i t h ment" which fits into their budget. should instead plan for large If this payment is too high for their income, expenditures such n e w b u r d e n s Edgar says the couple should reevaluate the as furniture and major appliances, By choices they made and see what costs can be and decide beforehand what is Theresa K. reduced. necessary and how much they can Flatley Couples preparing to marry should also list afford. whatever debts they are bringing to the marriage, This advice should not taken and what their monthly payments for those debts lightly. According to a recent story will be. Edgar suggests the engaged couple pay in USA Today, the Family off as many debts as possible prior to marriage. Economics Review says that The counselor says the couple should also determine what their total household income will See M oney, page a

Pearls W isdom Hi-Way T u x Spouses reveal secrets of a happy marriage TUXEDO RENTAL & SALES When it comes to marriage, both that's when you have to find just male and female spouses will usually a wee bit more." 14800 Rt. 30 • North Huntingdon, Pa. 15642 • (412) 823-8042 agree that keeping the peace is of para­ Patricia S., obstetrician, mount importance to the relationship. Married two years Here are a few tips on maintaining W hen your tuxedo has to be "just right' that elusive tranquility from some "There is only one way to keep the When the color and has to be just as you pictured... veteran — and not so veteran — peace in our house when it comes When the fit has to be exact to your formal specifications ... spouses. to finances, and that is separate When you tuxedo has to be just spotlessly clean and pressed... accounts — both checking and "When it comes to money, a man savings. For us to flirt with TRUST HI-WAY TUX SHOP must always have something anything else is to flirt Just as 25J000 wedding parties have for over 40 years. hidden away in a secret account. with disaster." WTiy? Read Below His wife may not even know about Frank W., engineer. H i-W ayT ux vs. O thers it, but there may come a time when Married nine years •Select front over 3^000 tuxedos in stock vs. Select from a picture only •Feel more comfortable with in house Order from out-of-town or from a i the marriage may really need it, inventory in case of last-minute changes warehouse "On holidays at m y in-law's home, •Find the latest quality brand-names Choos from generic or out-dated tuxes and that's when it pays off." and designer names m y wife's family could be •AQ-«ize coats are in the store for try-ons Measurements taken only. John W., parking lot owner. strangling each other over the •16 dressing rooms available at time final e One or two dressings rooms, if any at all •Over 40 years of experienced, Inexperienced men s formal personnel Married 23 yean dinner table, but I'll keep my expert consultants, fitters and tailors mouth shut! The only thing I'll say •Have special alterations taken care of Extra charge for alterations, if available "Above all else, never say anything free-of-charge at all is, 'Please pass the gravy'." •Convenient after-business hours Return your tux during negative about your spouse's return facility Monday business hours •Plenty of free parking Inconvenient parking meter, if you can find family. It will come back to haunt FhU H ., electrician. one nearby you. Even if they are wrong, an Married 25 years The End Result Brides and grooms always feel they m offending relative will be excused, "The minute it seems an argument get store than whal they paid for but an in-law never will." is going to get the least bit Sarah H ., insurance agent physical, both spouses should shut FREE FREE FREE Married 14 years their mouths and get out G ro o m 's tux arid, shoes rental 8 of each others' faces." with party of 6 or more tuxedos and "When you have reached your , , , . i r t w ^.•pcgrftyguard ; limit hi1 patience with your spouse,'' . Marriedfive yeata , j • I »V I •»JW'Wi*''*» <•- « * at mm m m «* p ».«••«* JTmee !►*» w A •as lape 12, 1992 Page 7 W H A I God H \ S Joi\l I)

M S h en Donna Szczypinski his general contracting business * i W M lost the diamond from her during summer vacations. K M E M engagement ring after 18 Cathy graduated from St. E M E M years of marriage, she Anthony's School for Exceptional EM # / retraced that day's ac- Children, Oakmont, and now M f U tivities but was unable to works at Goodwill Industries. M r M r find the stone. Carrie and Kellie are sophomores at More than 20 years later, Canevin High School, and Kristie her husband presented her with his mother's attends SS. Simon and Jude School engagement ring looped onto a red rose at a din­ in Scott Twp. ner marking their 30th wedding anniversary last "The Catholic faith is a major March. part of our lives," Donna said, Donna said replacing the diamond her hus­ adding that with such a wide age band, Dave, had bought with money earned range among family members, fife working at his uncles' home remodeling business can be "a challenge, to put it was not a priority as they struggled with the mildly." As is often the case in finances of raising seven children. large families, everyone is asked to Like any other married couple, setting priorities pitch in and do his or her part to is something they have learned to do as an in­ make things run more smoothly. tegral part of a strong, ongoing marriage. This was especially true when Donna was pregnant with their fourth child Donna decided to return to work to Matt, who is now 19, when she lost the diamond. help out with family finances after Their other children are Cathy, 29; Michael, 28, being at home with her children for who lives with his wife Tracey and their six years. children in Elliott; Mark, 23; Curie and Kellie, Kristie was attending twin daughters who are 15; and Kristie, who is kindergarten that year, so Donna 12. took a job working the 4 p.m. to 12 The couple, who live in the Oakwood section a.m. shift at a Downtown parking of Pittsburgh and attend Ascension Church in die B y garage. That way, she could still Theresa K. Ingram area, met on a blind date when Dave send her daughter off to school, Flatley returned from serving in the Army. They dated and when Kristie returned home for three years and were married in Holy Souls from school, her older siblings were Church, Carnegie, when Donna was 20 years old there to take care of her. and Dave was 23. Donna has been employed at Family is very important to the couple. Four of Canevin High School for the past their children still live at home and two of their sons, Mark and Matt, work with their father in See Couple, page 8 Wedding Reception 1993 Dates Available A*L*L»E*G*H*E»N»Y tifata Enjoy f t your “Q uality “Bridal Fashions at O utlet “Prices

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Hours: Tues-Thurs U S , Fri-Sat 10-5 TRutonialBannercHor 1309 E. Carson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15203 157 Phineas Streéf • PHtoburgli, P i 15212 * F0R APPOINTMENT CALL 231-9)41 w*.Chopping & Dining D istrict,,^ ! mile from Statjqn.Square file s , from page 2 FP, from page 3 O ney, from page 6 canonical form or renewal of con­ cycle. Natural Family Planning can with NFP. The method works spending outpaces income for the sent. The original consent, which also be used to plan conception. without the use of devices, chemicals average young married couple by has no effect canonically, is now The success of NFP depends on or medicines, and all that is needed $2,000 annually. "Many purchases can be delayed, made canonically effective. the couple's ability to recognize is a thermometer and recording A sanction may be used to validate charts. even though there may be some in­ signs, chart them and abstain from a marriage if, for example, a party Information about Natural Family convenience," Edgar says, adding refuses to renew the vow or intercourse. Sound instruction and Planning may be obtained by contac­ that couples must learn to "separate cooperate in its formal validation or a proper follow-up are also ting the diocesan Office of Family actual needs from wants." Too when the marriage is invalid because important. Life and Family Concerns at many financial obligations will strain of lack of proper delegation of the There are no harmful side-effects 456-3158. the relationship as well as the priest who officiated. household budget. Probably the most serious financial Brother-sister agreement decision couples face is whether to Couples in an invalid marriage buy a home or rent for awhile. Edgar may request permission to live as ouple, from page 7 says if the newlyweds decide to rent, brother and sister when they cannot they should inquire about utility marry validly or separate. This five years, and says working with each other through the sacrament of costs and any other responsibilities agreement is granted only because of the Catholic teenagers is something matrimony. for maintenance of the property an impediment which cannot be she really enjoys. From her ex­ "Young people find it so hard to aside from their rental payments. dispensed, if, for example, the bond perience, Catholic school students make a commitment these days. It's If they decide to buy a home, they of a previous marriage cannot be are better behaved than public should determine the condition of easy to make the decision to marry, broken, it is physically or morally im­ school students and show more the property and decide what might possible for a husband and wife to respect for others with their actions but it's also too easy to walk away need to be done to renovate it. separate because of sickness or and speech. from the marriage" if things don't "Because of interest rates, it is economic reasons, or if children ''I'm not saying these (Catholic work out the way the couple believes financially more prudent to buy a need the care of both parents. high school) kids are perfect,” she they should, she said. Many people more expensive home requiring Couples in this type of agreement said, "but there's no comparison simply say "they are tired of being fewer repairs than to buy a less ex­ may return to the sacraments. between the two groups of married" and decide, on that basis, pensive home and obtain a home For more information about the students." to seek a divorce, she added. remodeling loan for need repairs," marriage regulations of the diocese, Donna and Dave have tried to in­ After being married for 30 years, Edgar says. She also suggested the call the Chancellor's Office at still Catholic values in their children Donna can look back and honestly couple ask local banks about low in­ 456-3135 or the Diocesan Tribunal by sending them to Catholic schools, say her life has been "more fulfilling terest "first home buyers" Office at 456-3033. and also by staying committed to because of my marriage and family." programs.

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Hidden Valley Resort’s spectacular 2000 acres provide just the right setting, atmosphere, and personality to make any occasion memorable. Scenic settings provide beautiful backgrounds for outdoor weddings and receptions, while banquet rooms are trans­ formed to reflect any wedding theme. I RI I B R I \ ( II Jßittä Lurg.it Weddings and receptions are unique to each I O R I W O couple and Hidden Valley is able to accommo­ o C a r y e it date a variety of preferences. Brunches, \\ ln-II \ nil M. In d illi' . I I I buffets, sit down dinners, hors d’ocuvres .1 pi><> i 111 in it 1 w illi m il receptions, and rehearsal dinners arc offered in W i'ddinu * m istill.ini' classic style. Additionally, Hidden Valley's Wedding NÜ0-45N-0 175. \ 17 I Consultants arc able to assist with every detail. * Luxurious resort accommodations with special rales, plenty of parking and shuttle services offer HIDDEN convenience for your guests. VALLEY PA Turnpike Exit 9, 8 miles East on R l 31

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