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»,mmmm r3h@# jv;r;i^:||j?-:,^^si^^: .'-' .'• >'v >, N r qMOIMtffv N, X* COimiim-JCWRNAI,WlIDAA ^fAy30,t!>52 British Columbia Catholics C&tMfc, Ve&, Han -'->$ Fulton Oursler, 59, Eisenhower Praises Pope's 1^1 .'. • •;>'•; Convention Parade Fight Against Cotntniiiiisni Baltimore, M& •*- QtCft ^ K 11 To Conversion thoree-hoicr'- xarwde ttorougtfc 4ote» Demand Fair SJf&re ^i-. *"J8Jif ~$Wh~(NC)— FultcmOtwsler, fo&s>s#in&autlior Zeist, The JNejaheriarnds »(Nb}-«ddt». Dwignt D. Eisefl- to>wn Baltimore will *K) a JSeatur* whose p^pasations for .-writing "T3ie Giiateafc. Story Eyer hower told Catholic, Protestant an*l Jengish ptjny chaplains of the nettiQiial convejotlort oi^bm For Schools->Not Ceitf Of Tola" led'Sin* into the Cnurch, die&herMow-. He was 59. here that the Pope Ms ^et am example to the free wild in, Catholier^arViiteraca and their Nriaoij, p. c. ~{NC)-~ British; penalfcedVlfi ©e alternative.' of AuEEhQr Of 25 books and live 'his sjtoltUBil leadership against Ladies' Auxiliary .hear* jftan* !»*- fair ahare.<rf'C((th<^cJa^ei. t» ?2, '* •• - 4—. Columbia Catholics want * lair "We do not want the GOT- either lendinj; their children to a. play*, Ufa periodical editor, movie IkeChided the evil of communism. share of Catholic taxes.to sup- eminent to force^thoJJe* to Public School system which la Scenario writer, contributor to "Tteough Ijelngr a devoted and <port their own schools. They do support school system which against the conscience of the par leading magazines, Mr. Oursler On Chaplain nearigr-fariatlc ^*w8^B™JJ^BlHBMSsssllssssft,l* not want one red cent ol Protes to conscience only Protestants was,one.oJC th* most successful tant money. ents or being forced to pay for Pro* testant," can attend. Just a» we do not the support of the Public School popu3ai writers and editors of This flat statement of "What want one jred <m* ot Fwtes. Statement the General We Want" and "What We Do tant money, we feel Krotea- system and "then out of their his day. TBet after becoming a Jkwtoi* — (BNS) — JkXdk' said, "I like to American Cftftfeem Not Want' was made by The own. funds to erect and support convert nine years' ago he wrote: bishop Richard J. CiuliMx of declare how? I, tants have too great * KHM of Boston took Issue here with Urgently JfeeSK Prospector, Catholic weekly Justice to w«n* onr Catholic a school system which is in keep "tflfry years of neglect lie be and every newspaper published here. In a Genu BvelgU \ money for the support of their ing with their conscience.** hind m. r must work fast to E4. sentljow-. Christian with . Tour ^Belp front-page article the paper? schools. make «p far that wasted time." gave what it said were the views HERE IS WHAT Catholics do er"* recent me, asdmlre tho The Indians who. welcomeSi "Second, Catholics do want the itsbenun&tlwt of the province's Catholicsjn res not want, In'the Prospector* «fc© AWL THOSE who are at- manner in Columbus when he. landed.ia • i right to exist — without being opinion: chaplains in ponse to many questions received Iracted ana yet frightened and which the Aanerica were a liala and on the controversial education penalized, without being discrim "First, Catholics do not Vant the armed inated against reluctant, £ say there is no way forces *^»re Pope oiRome, hearty people.- Bufe %». jcon» issue. one red cent of Protestant money. to peace- on earth except In the •qaered r*d man, caadgttOTo* "THE NATJDBAI. law endows not doing the Holy Path. Elsenhower r CATHOLICS IN the Canadian "Catholics heartily agree with footstepi of the Master," he their Job." that fcad and jceservafefffinr la th# dti&«*ij)wl province have objected strenu the parent with the right to edu Protestants that it would be a er, aud his or> cate his child — 'the State is the wrote In '"The Road to Eamai- -*m tha mortad thing that Is ooramtmisny ted desert areas of onfr 4*tt\ira. ously to paying taxes whh go grave injustice to take any part general mnde ganthatl zatfotries tno overwhelm our : entirely to the public schools servant of the parent. This is a of Protestant tax money and use cus," tvhlchi tells of the spiritual try, has W&mb tM' tM$fefc democracy. All else is dictator aucJb. s state- havearthe , thaledt triethes to win the souls, and most dfestjtat© iSj^'.'fit while they must also support it for the support of Catholic pilgrimage of 15 converts. raent," the oi .men, ami that •will reduce and \.' their own schools. This "double ship. Catholic parents want all Public Schools. battle against our Ataetican meSfiJijjr |Ut^ studies to be shown in their re It was wlille making notes for A r chbishop degrade them to- pawns handled taxation" exists nowhere else in "Second, Catholics do not want "The Greatest Story Ever Told," Archbishop said, "he by tb.« pow«r which has Its sseat (Hex omrfhixd of Ite^tqjv x - Canada, although it Is the rule lationship to God —- the Author gotten ^&8|tic^H|- tm '•. '.0k. anoTthe End draff knowledge. to attack the public school sys which he said he had planned as Cashing should at in the Kremlin," in the United States. tem. "an elevator boy's life of Jesus," least qualify that statement." The B. C. Catholic Education "Finally, Catholic want what A May 19 dispatehi fronts The ' CENEEt AL KSENHOWKB every slricere citizen of B.C. in "-CATHOLICS BESMECT the that Mr. Onursler reached his de continued ^ "1 believe that His Association is opposing "any po- God-given right of every Protes editor of America, and~the Rev. Hague, the Netherlands, quot • litical party which denies min stinctively desires — harmony cision to enter the Church. Yet ed Gen. Elsenhower as satylng (the Pope's) example must be tant -to send his child to the last year, in receiving the Card aiarttn J, Scott, S.J., author who followed an along the lino, and; ority rights in education" in the and peace, among all su'~ Jeers — school which Is In keeping with is attached to St Francis Xavler's that he intended to lell (lie provincial elections June 12. not bitterness toward any politi inal Gibbons Medal from the chaplains of the NATO forces that this Is not to bo confln«3 to his religjoua belief — the Public Alumni Association of the Cath Church, New York City. the clergy.** - .v HERB IS WHAT British Co cal party, any racial group, any School. Catholics believe that the next day that they -were religious creed. olic TJnlvexsity of America, he Besides writing eight novels not doing their Jo*. On the (Same months ago, General, lumbia Catholics want, according just as the man who holds the ander his own name, he wrote Elsenhower was quoted as say-. to the Prospector: "But there can be no harmony, highest office' in our country }s said he felt that his conversion following: day, a dispatch Strom eight book - length detective Zeist, the Netherlands, said: Ing tfaat he was a Protestant, aK "First, Catholics want their no,peace, where one group is a product of the Catholic Public began more than 40 years prev stories under the name of An "Apparently Gen. Elscnlwower though not a member of any School System (Canadian Prime ious. That was when as a cub changed his mind about giv partieular church.") Minister Louts St. Laurent), so reporter he met and was inspired thony Abbot. ing the chaplains at dressing many great statesmen and schol •Hie Genexal came to tho Nfetlt- by the' famous Cardinal and In 1950 Mr, Oursler served as down." , erlands during his farewell tour ars have cone from the Public Arciibishor* of Baltimore in 191L president ot the Catholic Insti School. ol countries linked together in tute of the Press, New York City, Archbishop Cusbdng suld "the North Atlantic T*eatf <3f. "Third. Catholics do not want MB. OUKSLEE. WAS born In that If the European command Baltimore to a Protestant family and is 1931 he received the insti ganizatlon €NATO). In his ad necessarily an Integration in the er thought the chaplains -were dress to the chaplains who came public school system — this was descended from the earliest set tute's literary award. Last No not doing their Job, ho might tlers ot Maryland. His ancestors from the various countries rep* a mere proposal. Catholics al vember he gave a featured ad at least have explained -Why. resented In NATO, General 1BI* ready f ollpw the course of studies had fought in all the Amerlcaa dress at the national congress of laid down by the Department of' wars. He attended Baltimore pub The Archbishop also said he enhower stressed -^he Irajwrtoice fiducation.™ lic schools. Although brought up. the Confraternity of Christian had received r letter irom ot spiritual" leadership ' arid d& clareta that the struggle-lor fxec< -. —. o' a Baptist, "in the middle of my Doctrine in Chicago. Archbishop Aloysluat J, teens I announced to my friends Sluencli, Papal Nuncio to Ger dom and' tiie vvtiole concept ol His books include "Father Flan many, asking him "to do some- NATO must bo based on rellgtoui Japanese Convert that I was an agnostic," he reagan of Boys' Town," which he called later. thing about the pictures c*t? pin faith. - * dian childrea like thia ar» wrote in collaboration with his up girls and bathingr beaotles1* tiwighfr feMW thearlivSa^iit General Dies Afler reporting for the Balti son, "Will Oursler, who followed appearing in the army JHIMI. FBXEDOCM AND faith go to. a white "ma^fa w,orI4 to 3ietej»» more American and later becom him Into the Church.