Learning Timetable: ENGLISH 22/5/20

Spelling and Reading Day 1 grammar Creative writing comprehension worksheet Spelling and Reading Day 2 grammar Creative writing comprehension worksheet Spelling and Reading Day 3 grammar Creative writing comprehension worksheet Spelling and Reading Day 4 grammar Creative writing comprehension worksheet Spelling and Reading Day 5 grammar Creative writing comprehension worksheet


Day 5 Spelling and Grammar

Spelling Word Write 1 Write 2 Write 3

1. whale

2. wheel

3. wheat

4. while

5.white 6. whistle

7. whisper

Now, use each of the words above in sentences of your own: 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______6. ______2

7. ______



Here is a link to a really fun and interactive game! This game is all about grammar, punctuation and spelling! Let the karate cats help you with your English learning!



Reading Comprehension all about Pokémon!

Ash and Pocket Monsters

Ash is a young man from Palet Town. This is Ash’s Mother and professor.

Pikachu is an electric Pokemon and he is Ash’s best friend. During his adventure he meets and Brock, who are also Pokemon warriors. They help Ash during his adventure—this is a team of goodness. There is unfortunately, also an evil team: Rocket Team. And they try to steal the Pokemon off the other warrior team, they especially try to steal .

Ash manages to catches many Pokemon on his wild adventures, but he finds Chaizrd is the most troublesome of all, he is incredibly difficult to catch! Ash likes to enter many competitions and a variety of tournaments. He manages to beat many Pokemon warriors to collect badges and his ambition is to be the greatest Pokemon warrior of all time! Even if he doesn’t reach his biggest goal of being the best Pokémon warrior of all time, he is the best for Poke fans. One Day, Ash Mistry and Brock are walking through the deep dark forest and they are on their way to Ash’s next battle. They are chatting away excitedly as they walk through the forest, discussing what is going to happen in the next battle. Suddenly, Pikachu heard something, he stops dead in his tracks. He had heard a giant hot air balloon hovering overhead. This balloon was the Meowth balloon and this balloon was incredible, it transforms into a giant robot! Ash sent out his Bulbusaur and Brock sent out his and together they battled team rocket. Team Rocket blasted off again! But Pikachu, Bulbusaur, and Mudkip were blasted far away too…. They began to walk and eventually found one another, now it was time to find their trainers too. Suddenly they got attacked by an angry Ursaring who was protecting his territory! Pikachu, Bulbusaur, Togepi and Mudkip began to battle against the angry Ursaring but the powerful Ursaring used a powerful Hyper Beam to knock the Pokemon into the rushing river. Mudkip managed to swim to the side and save the rest of the Pokemon. An Onix then appeared by the side of the water ready to attack the Pokemon. The Pokemon and the Onix then enter a deadly battle. After a very long and scary battle, the Pokémon together performed a combined Thunderbolt, Hydropump and Solar beam… They defeated the Onix and they were able to continue their journey so Ash could get to the gym and get his next badge.



1. Where is Ash from? ______

2. Who does Pikachu meet on his adventures? ______

______3. What does Ash like to enter? ______

______4. What does troublesome mean?

5. What adjective is used to describe the Ursaring?

6. What does the Ursaring use to knock the Pokemon into the river?


7. What did the Pokemon do ‘combined‛?


8. How would you change the ending of the story? ______



Creative Writing – If pets could speak…

Word bank Suddenly Then After Because Firstly Suspiciously Extremely Worriedly Excitedly Happily Just then Meanwhile In the beginning Earlier Rapidly Secretly

When you are writing, inverted commas or speech marks go before and after direct speech, surrounding what was said. "I'm hungry," she complained. If another character replies, use another set of inverted commas. "What's for tea?" she asked. "Delicious ants!" her mum replied. Now write the conversation between you and your pet! Use the word bank to help you. Remember new line new speech! That means you need to start on a new line each time someone new speaks.