
Production NEW Philip Glass Akhnaten Four Hundred Ninety-Ninth Program of the 2012-13 Season ______Indiana University Theater


as its 429th production Akhnaten Music by Philip Glass Libretto by Philip Glass, in association with Shalom Goldman, Robert Israel, and Richard Riddell

Arthur Fagen, Conductor Candace Evans, Stage Director Doug Fitch, Set Designer Linda Pisano, Costume Designer Todd Hensley, Lighting Designer Walter Huff, Chorus Master

Supported in part by the Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation, Inc., the Christel DeHaan Family Foundation, and the Indiana University Office of the President

______Musical Arts Center Clowes Memorial Hall Friday Evening, February 22 Butler University Saturday Evening, February 23 Friday Evening, March 8 Friday Evening, March 1 Saturday Evening, March 9 Saturday Evening, March 2 Eight O’Clock Eight O’Clock Presented by Indianapolis Opera music.indiana.edu Cast of Characters Akhnaten ...... Brennan Hall, Nicholas Tamagna Nefertiti ...... Sarah . . Ballman, Laura Thoreson Queen Tye ...... Shannon . . Love, Olivia Savage Horemhab ...... Jeremy . . Johnson, Keith Schwartz Amon ...... Lorenzo Garcia, Jacob Williams Aye ...... Zachary . . Coates, Jason Eck Narrator ...... Ben . Abbott . Daughters of Akhnaten Daughter No . 1 ...... Jessica. . . Beebe Daughter No . 2 ...... Olivia. . . Yokers Daughter No . 3 ...... Riley . . Svatos Daughter No . 4 ...... Erika . . Raschke Daughter No . 5 ...... Jacqueline . . Matava Daughter No . 6 ...... Anna. . .Prokop Supernumeraries ...... Deiran. . Manning, Brendon Marsh Chris Sims, Carlos Botero Vargas Chorus ...... Simran. . Afsah, Renee Albrecht, Betty Allison Jessica Beebe, Meghan Folkerts, Julia Holsapple Emily Holsclaw, Megan Hrabak, Eileen Jennings Smitha Johnson, Jung Hyun Lee, Leah McRath Jacqueline Matava, Abigail Mowery, Anna Prokop Erika Raschke, Jane Rownd, Emily Smith Synthia Steiman, Riley Svatos, Elizabeth Toy Kelsea Webb, Natalie Weinberg, Sarah Wells Olivia Yokers, Yeji Youn Brayton Arvin*, Travis Bloom*, Joshua Clampitt Benjamin Cortez*, Mark Davies*, Michael Deane* Paul DiGiulio, Gregory Geehern*, Barry Greene Michael Hyatt, Nick Karageorgiou, Andrew LeVan* Connor Lidell*, Bor Liang Lin*, Alex Nelson Preston Orr, Francisco Ortega, William Paget James Reynolds*, Scott Stauffer, Reuben Walker* Zachary Weber*, Ezra Zurita * Priests

Special thanks to: Eva Mroczek, Hebrew Diction Coach Steve Vinson, Egyptian Diction Coach Projection poetry text by: Abul Qassim Al-Chabbi Philanthropy at work...

In a groundbreaking strategic partnership, Indianapolis Opera has joined the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, home of IU Opera Theater, to present two performances of American composer Philip Glass’s seminal opera Akhnaten at Clowes Memorial Hall in Indianapolis, in addition to the school’s four performances at the Musical Arts Center in Bloomington . We would like to extend our most sincere appreciation to the Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation, Inc ,. the Christel DeHaan Family Foundation, and the Indiana University Office of the President for making this collaboration and the performances in Indianapolis possible . Through their investment and belief in the partnership between IU Opera Theater and Indianapolis Opera, these organizations have given Indiana University Jacobs School of Music students a unique opportunity to share their musical talents with the Indianapolis community, and Indianapolis music lovers will experience one of the finest collegiate opera programs . We look forward to all of these distinctive performances . Synopsis by Elizabeth Newton and Candace Evans

The opera is set in the city of Thebes, Egypt . It is a series of episodes from the life of Akhnaten, Pharaoh of Egypt from 1351 to 1334 B .C .

Prelude The opera opens with an orchestral prelude and a reflection on the current conditions in Egypt . We are then introduced to the Scribe, a narrator who will guide us throughout the opera . The Scribe’s opening speech predicts the religious and social changes to come during the rule of Akhnaten .

Funeral Pharaoh Amenhotep III has died, and the people of Thebes bid farewell to him and accompany the funeral procession along the Nile .

Coronation Akhnaten, the son of the late Pharaoh, receives the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt from the High Priest Amon, General Horemhab, and Aye, a government advisor .

The Window of Appearances The new regime is formally announced as Akhnaten, his wife Nefertiti, and his mother, Queen Tye, sing a hymn of acceptance and resolve from the Temple windows . This is the first time we hear the voice of Akhnaten, a role sung by a countertenor, musically illustrating the unusual aspects of the coming era—the Amarna period of Egyptian history .

The Temple It is eight years into the reign of Akhnaten, and, in the Temple, the priests are worshipping the traditional Gods of Egypt . Akhnaten, Nefertiti, and Queen Tye arrive and engage in a wordless debate with the priests, declaring a new monotheistic order of religion . The Pharaoh’s former name, Amenhotep IV, will be abandoned in favor of Akhnaten, meaning son of Aten, the Sun God . The Temple is destroyed and the sun enters to light the way for the new, revolutionary Aten order .


Akhnaten and Nefertiti The second half of the opera begins with the Scribe reading a poem from an ancient tomb inscription . Repeating this poem in song, the words become an illustration of the love between Akhnaten and Nefertiti . In the background, we see Queen Tye, who realizes her time of power has passed, as she thinks of her husband Pharaoh Amenhotep III’s funeral procession journeying to the land of Ra .

The City Using a text from the Boundary markers of the Amarna period, the Scribe illustrates the changes in Egypt’s power and Akhnaten’s plan to build a new utopia, Akhetaten . Meaning the horizon of Aten, the city is to be a place of openness and light .

The Dance As Akhnaten consults with his architects, we see the city of Akhetaten being built by the joyful citizens .

Hymn At a defining moment of the opera, Akhnaten sings a “Hymn to the Aten ”. Determined by the composer that this music is to be sung in the language of the opera’s audience, Akhnaten praises the Sun God and speaks of himself as one with him . Following the Hymn, the chorus sings Psalm 104 from the Old Testament in Hebrew, a direct musical influence from the time of Moses in Egypt .

The Family It is year 17 of Akhnaten’s rule, and he is with wife Nefertiti and their six daughters inside their palace . Increasingly isolated from the outside world, the family revels in their own utopian ideals .

Attack and Fall Outside the palace, the citizens have grown restless over the neglect of the country’s needs . As they gather, the Scribe incites their anger by reading letters chronicling the years of myopic rule . As their distress increases, the mob surrounds and enters the palace, carrying the Pharaoh and his family away . The scene closes with the Scribe announcing the end of Akhnaten’s rule .

The Ruins The Scribe describes the return of the Amon order, with the ascendancy of Tutankhamen, a son of Akhnaten by a lesser wife . King Tut ordered the destruction of his father’s city and monuments and oversaw the rebuilding of the temples that Akhnaten had destroyed . The scene then transitions to present day, where we see the ruins of the city Akhetaten, the site of the few archaeological remnants of Akhnaten’s rule . The Scribe, transformed into a twentieth-century tour guide, tells the modern visitors the story of what once was .

Epilogue In a timeless juxtaposition, we see the ghosts of Akhnaten, Nefertiti, and Tye, and the citizens of modern Egypt amidst the ruins .

Program Notes “Dead Languages, Living Music” by Daniel Bishop We know very little about the historical Akhnaten, the rebellious Egyptian Pharaoh of the fourteenth century B C. E. ,. who initiated the short-lived religious reform that came to be known as the Amarna period . In approaching tonight’s opera, we might imagine ourselves as archaeologists, examining millennia-old stellae inscriptions and sarcophagus carvings . Always, with such relics, far more is lost than is preserved . Akhnaten, like ancient history itself, embraces distances and gaps in its search for familiarity and relevance . Philip Glass’s music counters the distance of this fragmentary history with recognizable, even traditional operatic traits . At the time of Akhnaten’s premiere, Glass was increasingly engaging with Western operatic traditions . In his earlier, more avant-garde theater works such as Einstein on the Beach (1979), Glass had even explicitly avoided the term “opera ”. But Einstein would eventually be tied together with Satyagraha (1981) and Akhnaten (1984), to form a trilogy of historical “portrait” . While the first two had originally been independent works, written without any cycle in mind, only Akhnaten was conceived from the start as part of a “trilogy,” and, as such, it is far more deliberate in drawing together motives from the previous two works to create a complementary whole . Almost inevitably, Akhnaten’s sense of grand historical-mythic sweep drew comparisons to Romantic opera, especially ’s Ring Cycle . But instead of a Wagnerian libretto, which would have given dramatic dialogue to historical or mythic characters, Akhnaten marks out its themes and historical trajectory entirely with “found texts,” conveying an estranging sense of historical distance . Excerpts from a group of religious documents traditionally called the “Pyramid Texts” set the scene for the funeral of Akhnaten’s father . Dating from nearly a thousand years before the opera is set, they convey the traditionalism of the ancient priesthood, which the newly crowned Pharaoh will soon forcibly suppress . Glass suggests this shift of power through recognizable musical tropes . The music of the old order is percussive and primitivist, suggesting an archaic tribalism from which the “purified” music of Akhnaten will emerge . A new era is established by texts dating from the Amarna period itself, in which Akhnaten and his family overthrow the priesthood of the sun god Amon and establish a city consecrated to the “Aten,” a transcendent, ineffable deity . Glass characterizes the young Pharaoh through dramatic instrumentation . The role of Akhnaten is written for countertenor, and his singing is always accompanied by a solo trumpet, in much the same way that a string “halo” surrounds the words of Christ in J . S . Bach’s St. Matthew Passion. Thus Glass marks Akhnaten apart as strange and different, befitting both his unconventional spirituality and his vast historical distance from the modern audience . Perhaps implicitly, Akhnaten’s high voice is also reminiscent of the heroic male lovers of Baroque opera, often performed by castrati (castrated adult male sopranos) . The gender ambiguity implied in this connection perhaps links Akhnaten’s strangeness to a theory, contested by many scholars, that the young Pharaoh was sexually androgynous, perhaps even a hermaphrodite . Know-HowKITCHEN WITH CHEF JEFF TABER

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Director’s Notes by Candace Evans When asked to direct this production, I was at once delighted and overwhelmed . The music of Philip Glass is uniquely challenging, and the scope of Egyptian history is vast . My first step with any opera is always the music . Why was it written and orchestrated as it was? What did the libretto illuminate? And, most urgently, what was the real story being told? As I listened again and again, ideas began to form . Parallel to this world of listening, I began doing research . Beyond the Tutankhamen exhibits which toured the United States, a few hours in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the opera , my knowledge of Egypt was minimal . One of the great joys of my career is the continual expansion of knowledge that accompanies each project . New language, rich history, varied geography, fascinating social behavior, and apparel are revelations within each directorial assignment . I studied books, toured exhibitions, watched historical DVDs, and immersed myself in all things Egyptian, all the while continuing to listen to the music . Every new piece of information added knowledge and piqued my interest, but the core question was as yet unanswered . What is this opera really about, and why should we, as an audience of this time and place, care? Each day as I listened to the score and continued my research, the media buzzed about the Arab Spring . As my knowledge of ancient Egypt increased, each day provided more awareness of modern Egypt . And there, in that synchronicity, was my answer . Akhnaten was not Mubarak . His leadership did not purposefully limit the freedom of his citizens nor was he brutal to his people . However, he was a man who became increasingly uncaring about the daily needs of his country . While he was history making in his declaration of monotheism, he allied himself more with God than his citizens . Constructing a utopian city, surrounded by mountains and bordered by the Nile, he became philosophically, and literally, isolated from his people . As in modern-day Egypt, an historical populace continually marginalized by its leadership becomes a populace who will revolt . The original work of Philip Glass concludes the opera with a modern look back at the Akhnaten era during the Ruins scene . I have added another modern scene during the opera’s Prelude and extended the Ruins scene—with a current reflection on life—as the opera concludes . Through the use of projections and present-day action, I invite you to consider the parallels of these two significant eras . When belief becomes obsession and rulers become myopic, the citizens will determine a new fate for themselves . History, as they say, certainly does repeat itself . From Philip Glass to Jennifer Higdon to Ola Gjeilo— each week we celebrate the music of living composers

Tuesdays at 10 pm Artistic Staff Conductor Arthur Fagen has been professor of orchestral conducting at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University since 2008 . Additionally, he has been music director of the Atlanta Opera since 2010 . Fagen was born in New York, where he began his conducting studies with Laszlo Halasz . Further studies continued at the Curtis Institute, under the guidance of Max Rudolf, at the Salzburg Mozarteum, and with Hans Swarowsky . A former assistant of both Christoph von Dohnanyi (Frankfurt Opera) and (), Fagen’s career has been marked by a string of notable appearances . He has conducted opera productions at the Lyric Opera of Chicago, Metropolitan Opera, Munich State Opera, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Staatsoper Berlin, New York City Opera, Theatre Capitole de Toulouse, Bordeaux Opera, Frankfurt Opera, Staatstheater Stuttgart, New Israeli Opera, Baltimore Opera, Edmonton Opera, Spoleto Festival, Teatro Colon Buenos Aires, Teatro Lirico di Cagliari, and Stadttheater Bozen . From 1998 to 2001, he was invited regularly as guest conductor at the Vienna State Opera . On the concert podium, Fagen has appeared with internationally known orchestras including the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie, the Czech Philharmonic, Munich Radio Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic, RAI Orchestras (Torino, Naples, Milano, Roma), the Bergen Philharmonic, Prague Spring Festival, the Dutch Radio Orchestra, Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, among others . Performances Classes

ivytech.edu/waldron Galleries Fagen has an opera repertory of more than 75 works . He has served as principal conductor in Kassel and Brunswick, as chief conductor of the Flanders Opera of Antwerp and Ghent, as music director of the Queens Symphony Orchestra, and as a member of the conducting staff of the Chicago Lyric Opera . From 2002 to 2007, he was music director of the Dortmund Philharmonic Orchestra and the Dortmund Opera . Following his successful concerts with the Dortmund Philharmonic at the Grosse Festspielhaus in Salzburg, Fagen and the Dortmund Philharmonic were invited to the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Palais de Beaux Arts in Brussels, and to Salzburg, Beijing, and Shanghai . He conducted in that period, among others, new opera productions of Siegfried, Götterdämmerung, and two Ring Cycles . Fagen conducted a new production of at the Atlanta Opera in 2007, opening the season with enormous success and inaugurating the new opera house, the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center . Soon afterward in Atlanta, he conducted the contemporary opera Cold Sassy Tree by Carlisle Floyd . He was first-prize winner of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Conductors Competition, as well as a prize winner of the Gino Marinuzzi International Conductors’ Competition in Italy . Fagen has recorded for BMG, Bayerischer Rundfunk, SFB, and WDR Cologne . He records regularly for Naxos, for which he has completed the six symphonies of Bohuslav Martinu . The recent Naxos recording of Martinu’s piano concertos has been awarded an Editor’s Choice award in the March 2010 issue of Gramophone magazine . Stage Director Candace Evans is honored to return to Indiana University following last season’s Candide. Since then, she has directed Roméo et Juliette for Arizona Opera and a new production of Three Decembers for the Fort Worth Opera Festival, which earned high praise in Opera News as “genuine gripping drama ”. Honored by the National Music Critics Association of Argentina, Evans’ production of La Viuda Alegre at the legendary Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires was selected as one of the top three operas of the Argentinian season . Additionally, her direction/choreography of and Eugene Onegin for Madison Opera both earned Top Ten Classical awards . Similarly, her Dallas Opera Merry Widow earned a place in the Top Ten Classical Events of 2008 . She was also honored to direct the Dallas Opera Don Pasquale for the company’s inaugural season at the Winspear Opera House . Praised as a director “with a flawless sense of timing” (Opera News), Evans’ past seasons have included engagements with /Apprentice Scenes, Palm Beach Opera, North Carolina Opera, Knoxville Opera, and Opera Southwest . Trained as an opera singer, having danced with the Wisconsin Ballet Company, and with a Master of Fine Arts in Classical Theatre/Direction, she is passionate about the integration of all the arts to create seamless and moving operatic experiences . After working in New York City, she relocated to Texas to teach for the theatre/ music departments of Southern Methodist University . Lecturing nationally on acting for opera singers, she also conducts mask workshops to inspire mind, voice, and body integration . She has served as the acting/movement coach for the Dallas Opera, took part in the “Frontiers” new works panel for the Fort Worth Opera Festival, and taught at the Taos Opera Institute . Known for her collaborative spirit, Evans has directed/ choreographed over 80 operas, musicals, and plays, including the regional and world premieres of Jane Eyre and Children’s Letters to God. Her upcoming engagements include Florentine Opera, a summer in Italy directing Le Nozze di Figaro for La Musica Lirica, and return engagements to Knoxville Opera and Arizona Opera . Additionally, she is the stage director on the creative team developing a world premiere opera, Riders of the Purple Sage.

Set Designer Doug Fitch has worked in media ranging from architecture and opera to puppetry and food . As director/designer, he created a production of Elliot Carter’s opera, What Next?, conducted by James Levine, which was filmed and premiered at the . He has also created productions of Turandot for the Santa Fe Opera, Hansel and Gretel for the Los Angeles Opera, Das Rheingold for the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, and Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny in Tanglewood . With the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center, he mounted L’Enfant et les Sortilèges, Abduction from the Seraglio, and a live shadow performance of Swan Lake. Most recently, his productions of Le Grand Macabre and The Cunning Little Vixen, which both appeared at with leading the , were met with great acclaim . This year, he is directing and designing Petrushka and The Fairy’s Kiss, again for the New York Philharmonic, in which the entire orchestra will be theatrically involved . His work in concert-theater rekindled a childhood interest in puppetry now finding form as a live-filmed and projected miniature theater of moving pictures . The first production that used this technique wasA Soldier’s Tale, featuring Pinchus Zuckerman and principals from the New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center . Evolving into a form of live-animation, he formed a company called , with whom he created a production of Peter and the Wolf, commissioned by the . Other projects have taken him around the world, where he has designed productions in Russia, made sculpture in Japan, made furniture in Italy and the Philippines, and had several exhibitions of drawings and paintings in Germany . He has created a number of performance installation feasts involving whole villages in France and designed and constructed the interior and furniture for a home for violinist . In a traveling exhibition of drawings and painted sculptures titled Organs of Emotion, he proposed a new design for the human anatomy aimed at better serving the life of emotions . An exhibition of tactile pictures, Mit Haut und Haaren, is currently traveling around Germany .

Costume Designer This is Linda Pisano’s sixth production with IU Opera Theater, having also designed Vincent, La Rondine, , Der Rosenkavalier, and . She heads the Costume Design Program and directs the Study Abroad Program in London for IU’s Department of Theatre and Drama . A member of the United Scenic Artists Local 829, Pisano’s work has covered a broad range of theater, dance, musical theater, ballet, and opera . Her work has been featured in the Quadrennial World Design Expo in Prague and the World Stage Design exhibition in Toronto . She is a four-time winner of the Peggy Ezekiel Award for Excellence in Design, a three-time jury winner in the National Design Expo, and a two-time recipient of the Kennedy Center/ACTF Meritorious Achievement in Costume Design Award . Pisano regularly designs with ballet and theater companies throughout the United States . Several of her ballet designs continue to tour through Canada, England, and the United States . She also designed A Little Night Music for Indiana Repertory Theatre with Sylvia McNair as Desiree . She serves on the board of directors of the United States Institute for Theatre Technology . Lighting Designer Todd Hensley returns to IU after lighting IU Opera’s La Rondine and Candide He. is a Chicago-based designer whose work includes such productions as Un Ballo in Maschera, , and Cavalleria/ for Florida Grand Opera, for San Diego Opera, and From the Towers of the Moon for Minnesota Opera, Il Barbiere di Siviglia for Michigan Opera Theatre, and productions for Baltimore Opera, Cleveland Opera, Skylight Opera Theatre, Tulsa Opera, Chicago Opera Theatre, and Chicago’s Lyric Opera Center . Other work includes Sense and Sensibility in Jon Jory’s new adaptation for Northlight Theatre; the off-Broadway premiere of John Logan’s Hauptmann; and many productions for Chicago’s Tony Award-winning Victory Gardens Theater Hensley. is a partner with Schuler Shook Theatre Planners, with projects including Chicago Millennium Park’s Jay Pritzker Pavilion and major opera house renovations in New York, Seattle, Chicago, and Sarasota .

Chorus Master Along with his responsibilities as adjunct associate professor of choral conducting at the Jacobs School of Music, Walter Huff continues his duties as Atlanta Opera Chorus master . He has been chorus master for The Atlanta Opera since 1988, preparing the chorus in more than 80 productions, receiving critical acclaim in the United States and abroad . Huff received his Bachelor of Music degree from the Oberlin Conservatory and his Master of Music degree from Peabody Conservatory (Johns Hopkins) . He studied piano with Sarah Martin, Peter Takacs, and Lillian Freundlich, and voice with Flore Wend . After serving as a fellow at Tanglewood Music Center, Huff received Tanglewood’s C D. . Jackson Master Award for Excellence . He served as coach with the Peabody Opera Theatre and Washington Opera, and has been musical director for The Atlanta Opera Studio, Georgia State University Opera, and Actor’s Express (Atlanta, Ga ). . He also has worked as chorus master with San Diego Opera . Huff served on the faculty at Georgia State University for four years as assistant professor, guest lecturer, and conductor for the Georgia State University Choral Society . Recently, he was one of four Atlanta artists chosen for the first Loridans Arts Awards, given to Atlanta artists who have made exceptional contributions to the arts life of Atlanta over a long period of time . While serving as chorus master for The Atlanta Opera, Huff has been the music director for The Atlanta Opera High School Opera Institute, a nine-month training program for talented, classically trained high school singers . In addition, he maintains a busy vocal coaching studio in Atlanta . My life’s never been more fun!


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3211 E Moores Pike, Bloomington, IN 47401 812-558-0724 | redbudhills.com Cast Akhnaten Countertenor Brennan Hall is a native of Orlando, Fla . Hall is pursuing a Performance Diploma at the Jacobs School of Music, where he also completed his master’s through the Early Music Institute . Hall made his professional debut singing as a soloist in Bach’s St . John Passion with the American Bach Soloist, under the direction of Jeffrey Thomas . Hall was heralded by the San Francisco Classical Voice for his “silky vocal production and suave presentation . and. admirable musical intelligence ” . Hall premiered a Matthew Barney and Jonathan Bepler filmed opera as Horus in River of Fundament . He also performed several scenes from the movie at the 2012 summer Holland Festival in Amsterdam . He has performed the roles of the Spirit in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas and as Willie in Small Box, a new one-act opera by Bruce L . Pearson and Herman Whitfield III . He has also appeared in scenes as Sesto (Giulio Cesare), Orfeo (Orfeo ed Euridice) and Malcome (La donna del Lago) . Hall’s concert work as a soloist includes Bach’s Mass in B Minor, Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass, Handel’s Messiah and Judas Maccabaeus . He is a frequent soloist for the Bloomington Bach Cantata Project and the Bloomington Early Music Festival . Hall has studied with Paul Elliott and is currently a student of Robert Harrison . He received his B A. . in voice from Rollins College, in Winter Park, Fla . Nicholas Tamagna is a countertenor of rare quality . Specializing in Handelian repertoire, he has conquered such challenging roles as Giulio Cesare, Ruggiero, and Xerxes . His technique, calibrated registration, clarity of diction, and dramatic versatility have allowed him to cross over into repertoire sung by other voice types . In the 2012-13 season, Tamagna will sing with Operamission in the title role of Handel’s rarely performed Rodrigo . Highlighting his comedic skills, he performs the role of The Duchess in ’s The Gondoliers with Utopia Unlimited Opera Company, and appears at Symphony Space as Ottone in L’Incoronazione di Poppea . In the concert hall, he is featured in Handel’s Messiah with Princeton Pro Musica and Ars Musica Baroque All-Star ensemble, and with Christine Gevert’s Crescendo ensemble in the premiere of La Lombardesca with music of the Polish Baroque . He is frequent collaborator with the Cherylyn Lavagnino Dance troupe and ensemble . In 2011-12, Tamagna performed the role of Mr . Norris in A Weimar Flute, a contemporary piece based on Mozart’s , and in concerts of Baroque repertoire with The American Virtuosi and the Richard Tucker Foundation . In previous seasons, his active performance schedule has included the title role in Handel’s Xerxes, Pane in Cavalli’s La Calisto, the Witch in Hänsel und Gretel, Farnace in Mitridate, and Ruggiero in Alcina . With Opera London, Bel Cantanti Opera, and in a reading sponsored by the Metropolitan Opera Guild, he performed the roles of Cesare and Tolomeo in Giulio Cesare . He has sung Prince Orlofsky in Die Fledermaus, Gluck’s Orpheo (Opera Memphis), the Sorceress in Dido and Aeneas, and in scenes from Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Dove’s Flight, and Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress . Tamagna has collaborated with numerous composers to create roles in new works, most notably Billy in Richard Burke’s A Game of Poker . In 2009, he premiered the role of Milos in Jeff Meyers’ A Hunger Art and was an invited guest artist in Melissa Dunphy’s media-splash oratorio The Gonzales Cantata, featured at the Philly Fringe Festival and on the Rachel Maddow Show . Both works were given repeat performances at The Burning Bayreuth Festival under the direction of Timothy Nelson . An active concert soloist, Tamagna has sung in Vivaldi’s Stabat Mater, Handel’s Messiah and Utrecht Jubilate, Bach’s motets, Monteverdi’s madrigals and Il Ballo delle Ingrate, and John Adams’ El Niño at renowned venues, including Carnegie Hall, Merkin Hall, and Avery Fischer Hall . At Lincoln Center, he performed his house debut as a soloist in Goossens’ edition of Handel’s Messiah under the auspices of the Distinguished Concerts International New York . He has been a frequent guest artist with Amor Artis Chamber Orchestra and Choir, Princeton Pro Musica, C4 Ensemble, One World Symphony, La Fiocco Ensemble, Ensemble Calandra, Crescendo Choir and Chamber Ensemble, and St . Boniface Choir in Brooklyn . Tamagna was the first-prize recipient of the 2012 New York Lyric Opera Theater Competition . In 2011, he placed in three notable competitions: as winner of the first Nico Castel International Mastersinger Competition, as second Judges Prize in the Arkadi Foundation Opera Idol Competition, and as a semi-finalist in the first-ever countertenor competition—the Gianni Bergamo Award for Countertenors in Lugano, Switzerland . Nefertiti Mezzo-soprano Sarah Ballman, from Eagle Grove, Iowa, is currently pursuing a Doctor of Music in Voice Performance at Indiana University, where she studies with Patricia Havranek . Ballman received her Bachelor of Arts in Voice with honors at South Dakota State University (SDSU) in Brookings, S D. ,. in 2009, where she studied with Emily Wood Toronto . Throughout her years at SDSU, Ballman performed in many opera scenes, including Rossini’s (Angelina), Bizet’s Carmen (Carmen), and Mozart’s The Magic Flute (Pamina) . She also performed the role of Olga in the world premiere of the chamber opera The Trickster and the Troll, written by Kristen Kuster, with the Heartland Opera Troupe in 2008 . She received her Master of Music in Voice Performance from Indiana University last December . At IU, Ballman has performed with the Contemporary Vocal Ensemble and was chosen as the mezzo-soprano soloist for Aaron Copland’s In the Beginning, performed in Chicago at the KAM Isaiah Israel Synagogue in 2010 with the choir . Ballman has performed with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra as the alto soloist for ’s Messiah and with the Bloomington Chamber Singers as the alto soloist for ’s Missa Solemnis. Her roles with IU Opera Theater include Una Conversa in Puccini’s , Octavian in Richard Strauss’s Der Rosenkavalier, and Prince Charmant in Jules Massenet’s Cendrillon . As an alumna of the Jacobs School of Music, mezzo-soprano Laura Beckel Thoreson is thrilled to be returning to Indiana University Opera Theater as a guest artist for Akhnaten. She has appeared as a guest artist with such groups as the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (Mozart’s Coronation Mass and Solemn Vespers, Handel’s Messiah), Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (Messiah), Utah Festival Opera (Bach’s St. Matthew Passion), Augusta Opera (La Zia Principessa in Puccini’s Suor Angelica), and the Lafayette Symphony Orchestra (Mama Lucia in Mascagni’s ) . She has given solo recitals in venues across the country, including the Kennedy Center in Washington, D C. . During her time at IU, Thoreson appeared in Puccini’sLa Rondine (Suzy), Adamo’s Little Women (Jo March), and Bernstein’s Candide (Old Lady), in addition to performing as alto soloist in Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Bach’s St. John Passion, Part’s Missa Syllabica, Handel’s Judas Maccabeus, and Mozart’s Coronation Mass, among others . Other opera roles include Orfeo in Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice, Dido in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, and Gertrude in Humperdinck’s Hänsel und Gretel. Recent engagements include performances of Bach’s Magnificat with the Portland Baroque Orchestra and Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra . Upcoming engagements include a return to Utah Festival Opera & as a principal artist, performing as the alto soloist in Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis and Emilia in Verdi’s , and performances of Messiah with the San Juan Symphony Orchestra . A native of Vancouver, Wash ., Thoreson now resides in the Portland area, where she maintains a private voice studio in addition to her active performing schedule . She is a student of Timothy Noble .

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Be sure to mention the code FMG3XX to receive a 30% discount! Queen Tye Soprano Shannon Love, a native of Ponca City, Okla ., is in her first year of study as a doctoral student, pursuing her degree in vocal performance . She received her master’s degree at the Jacobs School, where, with IU Opera Theater, she performed the roles of Queen of the Night in Die Zauberflöte, Lauretta in , and, most recently, Cunegonde in last year’s production of Candide . She began her study at IU as a Barbara and David Jacobs Fellow under the tutelage of Costanza Cuccaro, with whom she is extremely grateful to continue studying . She received her bachelor’s degree in vocal performance from the University of Central Oklahoma, where, as a student of Barbara Streets, she performed the roles of Fiordiligi (Così fan tutte), Sofia (Il signor Bruschino), Périchole (La Périchole), Mrs . Gleaton (Susannah), and Mrs . Gobineau (The Medium) . She is thrilled to join Opera New Jersey this summer, where she will be covering the role of Queen of the Night .

Olivia Savage has been hailed as “fearless,” “graceful,” and “flexible” by the Cleveland Plain Dealer . Her role credits include Elle in La Voix humaine, Thisbe inPyramus and Thisbe, Aminta in Il rè pastore, Tytania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Muffin in the west-coast premiere of William Bolcom’s A Wedding . Savage was a chorus member for the 2010‐11 season at the Opera Company of Philadelphia, performing in Otello, Roméo et Juliette, and . She was a semi‐finalist in the 2010 Houston Grand Opera Studio Auditions and Eleanor McCullom Competition, as well as a recipient of an Encouragement Award from the Four Cities District in both the 2010 and 2011 Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions . She recently performed as a soloist at the Princeton Festival, and has spent two summers with the Music Academy of the West, as well as one summer in the CoOPERAtive Program with Laura Brooks Rice . Savage is currently studying with Robert Harrison while in pursuit of her D M. . Previously, she received her B M. . from Oberlin Conservatory of Music and her M .M . from Westminster Choir College .

Horemhab Jeremy Johnson, baritone, has performed with IU Opera Theater as Masetto in Don Giovanni, Schaunard in La Bohème, and the character role Gladhand in West Side Story, as well as in productions of Faust, Lucia di Lammermoor, Roméo et Juliette, and The Love for Three Oranges . Last summer, he appeared as Ser Amantio and Maestro Spinelloccio in the Princeton Festival’s production of Gianni Schicchi, and he recently reprised the role of Schaunard in the premiere performance of Opera Experience Southeast . He sang the role of Peter in the touring production of Don Freund’s Romeo and Juliet, and has been a featured soloist in Haydn’s Die Schöpfung, Bach’s Johannespassion, Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb, and Liszt’s Die Seligkeiten . He has performed in opera workshops in roles such as Pelléas, Don Giovanni, Count Almaviva (Le Nozze di Figaro), and Papageno (Die Zauberflöte) . This summer, he will cover the role of Luis in the world premiere of Terence Blanchard’s Champion as a Gerdine Young Artist with Opera Theater of St . Louis . Originally from San Diego, he is a first-year master’s student in the studio of Andreas Poulimenos . Keith Schwartz, baritone, is a native of the Washington . D C. ,. area . He is currently pursuing a Master of Music in Voice Performance at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music . This performance marks his second production at IU, after appearing in the chorus of The Merry Widow last fall. He earned his Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Delaware, where he performed the title role in Don Giovanni and Count Almaviva in Le Nozze di Figaro with The University of Delaware Opera Theater . Schwartz is a student of Timothy Noble .

Amon Lorenzo Miguel Garcia, a native of San Antonio, Texas, is a second- year graduate student pursuing a Master of Music in Voice Performance under the direction of Robert Harrison . He returns to the IU Opera Theater stage, having performed Ferrando in Così fan tutte and Valzacchi in Der Rosenkavalier during its 2011-2012 season . This past summer, he participated in Bay View Music Festival’s production of Don Giovanni, where he performed the role of Don Ottavio . Prior to IU, he received a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from The University of Texas of San Antonio, where he performed the roles of Second Priest in The Magic Fluteand the title role in The Impresarrio.This summer, Garcia joins Opera Theatre Saint Louis as a member of its Gerdine Young Artist Program .

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The STore smithville.net Jacob Williams recently premiered the role of Theo van Gogh in Bernard Rands’ opera Vincent at Indiana University and assumed the title role in Handel’s Judas Maccabeus with the Winona Symphonic Choir . He has also performed the roles of Baron von Eisenstein in Die Fledermaus with Pacific Opera Company, Nemorino (L’Elisir d’Amore) at Bear Valley Music Festival, and in a new production of Albert Herring at Indiana University . In 2010, Williams sang at the Cincinnati May Festival under James Conlon and has enjoyed numerous oratorio and concert opportunities, including three radio-broadcast concerts as the Evangelist in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion with Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus and the world premiere of Imant Raminsh’s The Peace of Wild Things with California-based professional choir Cantiamo! . Williams is an associate instructor of voice at the Jacobs School of Music and will perform with Ensemble Monterey in Britten’s War this April .

Aye Baritone Zachary Coates received his bachelor’s degree in voice performance from Westminster Choir College of Rider University and is currently pursuing a Master of Music degree at Indiana University, studying voice with Andreas Poulimenos . At the Jacobs School, he has been seen in the role of Don Giovanni (Don Giovanni), Sid (Albert Herring), Guglielmo (Cosí fan tutte), Wagner (Faust), and the Gallery Director (Vincent) . In the summer of 2008, Coates made his professional operatic debut with the Spoleto Festival USA, singing the role of Reporter 2 in Anthony Davis’s Amistad . He has also appeared with Westminster Opera Theater singing Golaud (Pelléas et Mélisande), the Father (Hänsel and Gretel), the Marquis de la Force (Les Dialogues des Carmelites), and Pinellino (Gianni Schicchi), and with the Princeton Amateur Society, singing King Melchior (Amahl and the Night Visitors) . As a soloist, Coates has performed the Fauré Requiem with the Indiana University Chorale, the Mozart Requiem with the Westminster Symphonic Choir, and Haydn’s Mass in Time of War with the American Classical Orchestra .

Bass-baritone Jason Eck, from Binghamton, N Y. ,. has performed Bartolo (Il Barbiere di Siviglia), Theodorous Van Gogh (Vincent world premiere), Don Alfonso (Così fan tutte), Sid (Albert Herring), and Leporello (Don Giovanni) . He attended Marilyn Horne’s Music Academy of the West, singing Colline in La Bohème in 2007. In the 2011 Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, he won the Indiana District and received an honorable mention in the Central Region . Eck has for the last two summers participated in the Gerdine Young Artist Program at Opera Theatre of Saint Louis (OTSL) He. will be returning to OTSL this coming summer, again as a principal artist, singing The Sergeant of Police inThe Pirates of Penzance . He is a student of Timothy Noble .

Narrator Ben Abbott is a guest artist, originally from San Luis Obispo, Calif . He trained at the Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts in Santa Maria, Calif ,. and received his B A. . in Theater and Performance Studies from the University of California, Berkeley . Roles include Petruchio (Taming of the Shrew), Buckingham (Richard III), Lance (Two Gentlemen of Verona), Lysander (A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Hamlet (Hamlet), Macduff Macbeth( ), Dr . Parker (Bat Boy: The Musical), Donald (You Can’t Take it With You), and Dad (Knuffle Bunny) . Enjoy this Performance– and ours!

Classical Music With: Michael Toulouse 6 – 9 a.m. weekdays Meredith Granger 4 – 7 p.m. weekdays Peter Van De Graaff Midnight – 6 a.m. Mon. – Fri. Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin 7 – 8 p.m. weekdays

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Viola Bass Bassoon Percussion Evan Vicic Dorian Jackman Chandler Stapleton Nicholas Stevens Emily Owsinski Peter Ferretti Cayla Bellamy Jonathan Tomasello Benjamin Schantz Clark Brown Kelly Rotterman Kimberly Hankins Samantha Dickman Horn Ashley Fruhling Andrew Keller I Ping Chiu Keyboard & Celesta Tara Foley Michael Digatono Andrew Pham Woonjoo Park Flute Sofia Nikas Jessica Lipstone Trumpet Orchestra Manager Mark Hatlestad Jeong Young Hong, Zachary Kingins Anna Tsai Evan Robinson Piccolo Jacob Hook Nicole Schroeder, Asst.

Cello Oboe Trombone Orchestra Set-Up Jae Choi Jessica Warren, d’amore Alexander Krawczyk Nicole Schroeder William Rowe Anna Bradford, d’amore Eric Rogers, Bass I Ping Chiu Andrew Bader Mark Hatlestad Meng Cui Clarinet Tuba Sara Page Bixby Kennedy Aaron Yong Librarian Mackenzie Holmberg Joseph Miller Mariel Stauff Maxwell Frank Harrison Burks, Bass Stephen Dorff


Discover degrees and careers in arts management www.indiana edu/~artsadm/ Student Production Staff Assistant Conductor ...... Brian. . Onderdonk Assistant Chorus Master ...... Juan. . . Hernández Coach Accompanist ...... Brian Eads Opera Assistant ...... Hallie Stebbins Assistant Stage Manager ...... Joe . Fernandez. Deck Supervisors ...... Mitch. . Anthony, Robbie Kozub Mercedes Lysaker, Steven Wilson Deck Crew ...... Kristin. . Allen, Rachael Fernandez David Gordon-Johnson, Robert Gowin Lindsay Hubble, Kainan Kawamura, Tyler Keown Hafsah Khan, Jacob Morehead, Anna Moore Rachel Payne, Emma Reuth, Rosa Schaefer Sarah Schaefer, Amy Schulze, Lynn Schulze Alana Shanon, Kayla Silverman, Matthew Storino Holly Noel Yeung, Andrew Woodcock Electrics Supervisors ...... Patrick . . Clark, Krista Laskowski Electrics Crew ...... Nathan. . Belton, Daniel Hamilton Alexis Jarson, Rebecca Johnstone, Elizabeth Parker Zachary Schmidt, Joshua Tobin, June Tomastic Caitlin Watkins, Betsy Wray Props Master ...... Monica. . . Armstrong Paint Supervisors ...... Brendon . . Marsh, Christa Ruiz Paint Crew ...... Monica . . Armstrong, Brayton Arvin, Andrea Ball Caroline Benton, Carlos Botero Vargas, Hanna Brammer Krista Grant, Eva Mahan-Taylor, Preston Orr Jacob Wiener, Felicity Young, Simone Zhang Costume Design Assistants ...... Eriko . . Tereao Costume Crew ...... Hannah. . Andrews, Simone Chanley Rachel Evans, Liz Faranda, Carly Hammond Haleigh Holtman, Kaity Jellison Alysse Maglior, Maryam Noorzad Supertitle Operator ...... Chan Mi Jean Audio Production Crew ...... Kendall. . Demarest, Ethan Harrell Nathan Lasley, Gerald Leonard, Matthew Tobey Jacobs School of Music Honor Roll Calendar Year 2012 Individual, Corporate, and Foundation Supporters Th e Jacobs School of Music wishes to recognize those individuals, corporations, and foundations who have made contributions to the school between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2012 . Th ose listed here are among the Jacobs School’s most dedicated and involved benefactors, and it is their outstanding generosity that enables the IU Jacobs School of Music to continue to be the fi nest institution of its kind in the nation . $500,000 and Up e Estate of Mary M. Freeburne Louise Addicott-Joshi and Yatish Joshi e Estate of Paul and Anne S. Plummer e Estate of Barbara M. Jacobs Sandy Little eld

$100,000 - $499,999 Gary and Kathy Anderson Richard and Barbara Schilling Col. Jack I. and Dora B. Hamlin $25,000 - $99,999 Jamey and Sara Aebersold Virginia A. Jones Shalin Liu Mary C. Gasser Howard H. Lipstone e Estate of Virginia Schmucker Rusty and Ann Harrison Ronald K. Lipstone Marianne W. Tobias

$10,000 - $24,999 Luba Dubinsky Hon. P. A. Mack Jon A. Olson e Estate of Frederick G. Freeburne Patrick and Jane Martin Stephen and Margaret Russell Peter and Monika Kroener Cullen and Rachel McCarty Robert D. Sullivan

$5,000 - $9,999 Sue Aramian Jay and Karen Goodgold Earnest and Lorraine Pope Jack and Pamela Burks Frank Graves and Christine Dugan Stanley E. Ransom Park and Louise Carmon Dennis and Judith Leatherman Charles and Lisa Surack Linda K. Fischer Leonard Phillips and Neil and Elizabeth Yoder Ramona R. Fox Mary Wennerstrom Mimi Zweig $1,000 - $4,999 Marianne L. Ackerson Jay and Jacqueline Dickinson L. Scott and Donna Horrall Donald and Charlene Allen Gary and Sandra Dowty Je rey S. Jepsen Susan H. Backer Gertrude I. Doyle Ted W. Jones Andrew T. Banzhaf Jeremiah and Chelsea Duggan Kenneth and Linda Kaczmarek William Banzhaf and Cathy Tschannen Stephany A. Dunfee omas and Gail Kasdorf Robert Barker and Patsy Fell-Barker Nile and Lois Dusdieker George and Cathy Korinek David H. Barnard Stephen B. Ellis omas and eresa Kulb Brian M. Barnicle Lee and Carolyn Eubank Jeanette C. Marchant Marian K. Bates Mary E. Forbes Gary and Carol Matula Frederick and Beth Behning Edward and Mary Fox Patrick and Marianne McCall David and Gina Boonsho Jon and Jann Fujimoto Darby A. McCarty Mildred J. Brannon Paul and Ellen Gignilliat Beverly A. McGahey Roberta Brokaw Monroe A. Gilbert Carmen J. McGrae Carol V. Brown Jack and Linda Gill Grady McGrannahan Je rey C. Brown Glen G. Graber Clarence and Nancy Miller Brayton and Tracie Brunkhurst John and Susan Graham John and Geraldine Miller J. Peter Burkholder Susan Grodner Craig C. Morris Philip Caito and Dena Hancock Henry C. Gulick Jim and Jacqueline Morris David and Marcella Carlton Rajih and Darlene Haddawi Lawrence and Betty Myers Susan Cartland-Bode Robert and Jaci Hadsell Eugene O’Brien William and Anita Cast Stephen and Jo Ham Joan C. Olcott Fred and Beth Cate Lee H. Hamilton Eric and Patricia Orth Mark S. Cobb Lenore S. Hat eld Herbert E. Parks John and Carol Cornwell Dale C. Hedding Lamar Peterson and Eleanor Fell William and Marion Crawford e Estate of Bernhard C. Heiden Mark W. Phillips Danny and Patty Danielson Laura B. Hentges Gary and Christine Potter David DePeters and Elizabeth Hainen William T. Hopkins Edward and Lois Rath Nancy P. Ray eld Gerald and Joanne Solomon Bruce and Madelyn Trible Robert and Joy Renshaw William C. Spence Timothy and Priscilla Turner Joseph Rezits and Je Steele and Jane Fricke Nicoletta Valletti Norma Beversdorf-Rezits Beth Stoner Calvin and Margaret Varnell Gwyn and Barbara Richards Ellen Strommen Allen and Nancy White Scharmal K. Schrock Linda Strommen David L. Wicker Richard C. Searles Mark A. Sudeith Mark Wiedenmayer Harold and Jeannette Segel Susan C. rasher Laura S. Youens-Wexler Janet S. Smith Randall and Deborah Tobias Stephen L. Zegree

$500 - $999

Robert Agrano and Susan Klein Mary A. Gray Lawrence and Jennifer McBride James and Ruth Allen Gene F. Hedrick Je rey and Cynthia McCreary Robert Althauser and Mary Goetze Carter and Kathleen Henrich Jerry and Phyllis McCullough Niel and Donna Armstrong Allan Hersh eld and Alexandra Young David and Catherine Meltzer Charles and Margaret Athey Jolaine L. Hill Emanuel and Kathleen Mickel James and Mary Babb Lowell and Ruth Ho man Terry and Sara Miller Linda A. Baker Rona Hokanson Pamela A. Morgan David Y. Bannard William and Karol Hope Gary and Susan Noonan David Barnes and Jill Taylor-Barnes Amy Horowitz Dennis W. Organ Charles and Gladys Bartholomew Je rey and Lesa Huber James and Carol Orr Brett and Amy Battjer Chester Hublar Robert and Ruth Palmer Christopher and Ruth Borman Nancy O. Hublar Pete Pfei er and Alice Diamant Karen M. Boston-Wright Robert J. Hublar P.Q. Phan Scott Cameron Linda S. Hunt Robert and Pamela Phillips Jerald and Megan Chester Lawrence and Celeste Hurst Richard Pugh and Elizabeth Baker Miriam S. Clarke Masanori and Seiko Igarashi David and Monica Purk James and Carol Clauser Peter P. Jacobi James and Mary Rickert J. Neal Cox Robert and Lisa Jones Eugene and Norma Rousseau John and Elisabeth Dahlstrand Michael W. Judd Dora P. Ryan Timothy and Cheryl Dahlstrand Carol R. Kelly Randy Schekman and Nancy Walls Ralph and Nancy Daum John Kincaid and Mary Soper Andrew and Natalie Scott Lenore S. Davis Harry and Roberta Kletter William R. Shindle Robert and Josette Degeilh Stephen Koscica Je erson S. Shreve Sterling and Melinda Doster Peter and Monika Kroener James B. Sinclair omas and Marian Drake Scott R. Latzky Mary L. Stein David B. Edgeworth Luther T. Lemley Beth A. Taylor Jorja Fleezanis Eric and Rebecca Lightcap Susan E. Trippet Frank and Suzanne Gault William J. Longardner Craig and Cynthia Weyers Lawrence and Lucienne Glaubinger Marie T. Lutz Skip and Elizabeth Whaley

$250 - $499 Susan L. Adams William A. Crowle Alan R. Goldhammer James A. Allison Janice E. Daniels Selma C. Grant Paula J. Amrod John D. Danielson Linda J. Greaf Kenneth and Elizabeth Arono Charles Daval and Jennifer Ross Richard and Carolyn Haile Brian K. Arreola Mary L. Denne Joan Hall James F. Ault Dominic and Susan Devito Ralph E. Hamon Sandra C. Balmer Susie J. Dewey Sheila Hass Mark and Ann Bear Kim and Dianne Diefenderfer Jim Holland William and Nichole Bier Susan L. DiLeonardo Harvey B. Holly Arthur and Karen Bortolini Lee and Eleanore Dodge Harlow and Harriet Hopkins Louise Breau-Bontes Clarence and Judith Doninger Donna Hornibrook Craig M. Brown John and Sharon Downey Diane S. Humphrey Montgomery and Mary Brown Gregory S. Dugan James S. Humphrey Winston and Marilyn Budrow Frank and Vickie Edmonson John and Victoria Huntington David Burkhart and Chris Holmes John and Anne-Marie Egan Marshall L. Hutchinson John N. Burrows omas and Katherine Eggleston Harlan Hutson William and Helen Butler Charles and Anna Ellis Jennifer A. Jafari Phyllip B. Campbell Dean A. Everett Wayne and Kristin Jones Philip and Elizabeth Capasso Mark and Jennifer Famous Russell L. Jones Robert and Gayle Chesebro Terrell and Mary Faulkenberry Kenneth and Elyse Joseph Aileen Chitwood Salvatore and Carol Ferrantelli Chitate Kagawa Paul and Catherine Christenson David M. Flood Karen L. Klages Jonathan D. Chu Anne T. Fraker Marilyn J. Kloss Johnnie Clayton and Violeta R. Frederick Howard and Linda Klug Tineke Scholten-Clayton Don and Sandra Freund Charles C. Knox Roger W. Cline Bernard J. Froelich Will and Ann Konneker Mark R. Conrad Gabriel and Sara Frommer Betty E. Landis Todd and Darla Coolman Charles L. Fugo Kathleen C. Laws Katherine R. Covington omas E. Gerber Robert and Sara LeBien Bettejane Crossen Robert and Elizabeth Glassey Gregory and Veronica Le er Amy L. Letson Omar and Julia Nielsen David and Barbara Sheldon Joseph J. Lewis Adrienne Ostrander Odette F. Shepherd omas and Nancy Liley Charles Owen Wayne and Lois Shipe John and Barbara Lombardo R. Alan and Brenda uick Alan and Jackie Singleton Mary C. Majerus Donald and Jean Rhoads Estus Smith Richard and Geraldine Markus Carolyn J. Rice Frances L. Smith Perry J. Maull Joann Richardson Mike St John Frank and Winnifred McGinnis Mary A. Rickert James L. Strause P. Douglas McKinney Scott and Katherine Riley George and Viola Taliaferro Ralph and Shirley Melton David and Orli Robertson Dana W. Taylor Ben F. Miller Bruce Ronkin and Janet Zipes William Teltser and Carolyn Marlow omas J. Miller Byuong and Patine Ryu Robert M. ompson Travis and Sarah Miller Robert and Ruth Salek Wayne and Rebecca Weaver Richard J. Mlynarski Michael and Susan Sanders Tony J. Wiederhold Edward Mongoven and Judith Virginia G. Sarber Donald H. Wissman Schroeder Beth E. Schlicksup Rick and Jamie Yemm Sam and Kathryn Morrison David D. Schrader Christopher Young and Brenda Brenner Ray and Wendy Muston Christopher and Janet Schwabe Giovanni Zanovello omas and Lindsey Nazelli Perry and Lisa Scott Larry and Joyce Zimmerman William Newkirk and Cheryl Tschanz John and Lorna Seward Conrad and Debora Zimmermann Lenny and Lou Newman Mark and Gerri Sha er

$100 - 249 Lois C. Adams Miller Christine M. Bohlman omas and Betty Clerkin Robert and Kara Adams Lawrence and Mary Bond Je rey and Jennifer Cohen Paul and Janet Addison Charles and Nancy Bonser Robert and Marcia Coleman Mary Ruth Albright Brian A. Borcherding James D. Collier Shirley T. Aliferis David and Tricia Borcherding Roger S. Collins James and Susan Alling Francis and Kay Borkowski Timothy and Sandra Connery Glen R. Allman Gilles Bouyer and Patricia Reese Charles and Ann Conrad Joseph and Sharon Amlung Elizabeth M. Brannon R. Kent Cook Gail J. Amster-Longardner Je rey L. Bransford Gail M. Cotler Donna K. Anderson Ashley B. Breland Laura Cottrill Richard and Evelyn Anderson Paul E. Bresciani Nora B. Courier Robert and Lucia Anderson Clayton and Pauletta Brewer Cynthia M. Crago Wayne A. Anderson Paul and Carolyn Brinkman Gretchen E. Craig Brad E. Annis W. Michael Brittenback Janet S. Crossen Kevin B. Arbogast Dorothea M. Brown Michael G. Cunningham Helen L. Aylsworth Gordon and Janet Brown Edward and Linda Dahm Mary R. Babbitt Keith and Maggie Brown John T. Dalton Robert and Sandra Babbs Marian T. Brown David and Donna Dalton Peggy Bachman Wayne Brown and Brenda Kee Eugene B. Daniels David G. Baldwin Edward P. Bruenjes Mary W. Davidson Daniel C. Balog Schuyler and Mary Buck Walter H. DeArmitt Samuel and Janet Baltzer David and Brenda Buehler David V. Deeg Pamela L. Banks Hal and Freddie Burke Linda Degh-Vazsonyi John and Patricia Barnes Donald and Jean Burkholder Patricia J. Deihl Charles L. Barr Ralph and Ann Burns Richard and Linda Delano Patricia W. Barrett Doris J. Burton Richard and Barbara Dell Robert R. Bartalot Giuliana C. Busch Allan W. Dennis Gary D. Barton Rebecca C. Butler Patrick and Karen Dessent Michael and Joan Bartos Margaret R. Buttermore Mary A. Diaz-Przybyl Jonathan Bass and Tatiana Dimi- John and Cathleen Cameron Roger D. Dickerson triades Tommy and Cheryl Campbell Barbara C. Dickey Robert W. Bastian Lisa C. Cardwell Ponten Virginia Dixon Barbara S. Baum Richard and Judith Carl Richard and Barbara Domek Cecelia Beam John C. Carmichael D. Michael Donathan Martin and Judy Becker James and Melanie Case Gayl and Beverly Doster John C. Beckman Glen J. Cavanagh James and Elizabeth Doster David and Ingrid Beery Robert and Susan Cave Paul T. Dove Cyrus and Helga Behroozi Jay and Nancy Cherry David A. Drinkwater Suzanne K. Belbutoski James M. Childress Margaret J. Du n David and Ingrid Bellman Janice O. Childress Barbara J. Dunn Joseph and Marjorie Belth Michael and Susan Chmilewski Erik D. Dyke Audrone M. Bentham Matthew Christ and Sophia Goodman Dale and Edith Dzubay Brian and Jan Berg Douglas and Roseann Christian Silsby S. Eastman Olesia O. Bihun Sean and Geraldine Christie Robert and Robin Eatman Wilhelm and Renee Bilgram Cynthia M. Cirome Frank Eberle and Cathy Cooper Cheryl A. Bintz Je rey D. Clanton Patricia Eckstein David and Judy Blackwell David Clark and Diane Coutre Terrence and Barbara Edgeworth Heinz and Gayle Blankenburg Janice L. Clark Frank and Vickie Edmondson Julian M. Blumenthal Steve and Sonya Clark Ryan T. Edwards John and Mary Blutenthal William B. Clay Stephen A. Ehrlich David and Amy Boggs Marjorie L. Clayton Anne C. Eisfeller Christine M. Bohlman Frederick and Emma Clem J.R. Elkins Gerlad Ellington and Florence E. Hiatt Nathan Larimer and Cara Owens Marilyn Park-Ellington Leslie W. Hicken David and Suzanne Larsen Joseph E. Elliott Joe and Margaret Hickman George Lawrence and Judith Auer Michael J. Ellis Dana E. Higbee John and Julia Lawson Marc Embree and Jane Bunnell Laura J. Hilmert Randy L. Leazenby Steven K. Emery Don I. Hirose Charles and Holly Ledvina Herman and Mary Emmert Ernest Hite and Joan Pauls David Lee Dannie and Janet Epstein Kathryn K. Hodge Robert and Debra Lee Gerald and Coleen Falasca Mark and Elizabeth Hofeldt Bradley Le wich and Elliot Fan and Elaine Chu Marilyn L. Ho man Linda Higginbotham Teresa K. Fancher Sarah K. Hogan Susanne J. Leggett John and Suzanne Farbstein Grayson R. Holland James A. Leick John Fearnsides and Margaret Jenny Halle Holland Kristin M. Lensch Harvey and Phyllis Feigenbaum Nicholas and Katherine Holzmer Jerry and Jane Lewis Arthur and erese Fell Dennis and Judith Hopkinson Jon and Susan Lewis Vicky Felton Ray and Phyllis Horton Timothy Lewis Craig and Carol Fenimore Emily L. Hostetter Scott and Ann Liberman William and Harriet Fierman omas and Patricia Howenstine Howard and Carolyn Lickerman Martin and Susie Fine Robert B. Huber Timothy Lindeman and Nancy Walker Mary E. Fine Ivan and Anne Hughes William and Karen Lion Michael Fish and Belinda Potoma John and Cindy Hughes Martha A. Livsey-Barker Donald and Myra Fisher Marcia A. Hughes M Locke and Sarah Bovaird Locke Constance C. Ford Craig D. Hultgren Robert and Susan Long Graham V. Fuguitt Mike Hurtubise and Ann Murray Alma E. Lyle Edwin R. Fuhrmann Earl and Elaine Jackson Joan I. Lynch Melanie J. Fuhrmann Carole L. James Al and Susan Lyons Mauricio Fuks and Glenn E. Jenne Michael and Valerie MacLean Violaine Gabriel-Fuks Dwight L. Jennings Frances M. Madachy Robert Fuller and Lynda Clendenning Ross S. Jennings Robert W. Magnuson David and Marilyn Fulton Donald and Wendy Jensen Robert and Marcia Mahnken Jessica E. Galgiani Anna L. Jerger David and Barbara Malson Douglass Garibaldi Robert and Kathryn Jessup Joseph and Leslie Manfredo Brent M. Gault Robert and Michele Johns Rochelle G. Mann Craig C. Gibson Carl L. Johnson Rudy T. Marcozzi David and Linda Giedroc James E. Johnson Brian D. Marcus Susann Gilbert Kent and Shelley Johnson Philip Marcus Ezekiel and Viola Gilliam Marla J. Johnson Rovena Marcus Sander and Marina Gilman Robert and Doris Johnson Richard and Susan Marvin Walter A. Goldreich omas and Marilyn Johnson John M. Maryn Vincent M. Golik Ted and Barbara Johnson Noel and Helena Masters Richard S. Gorden Paul R. Johnston Andrea Matthias omas and Heather Gorin Donald and Margaret Jones Matthew and Kelly Mayer Sylvia S. Gormley David and Harriett Kaplan Barbara E. Mayhew Arlene Goter Martin and Linda Kaplan Philip and Elizabeth McClintock Brian E. Graban Kathleen Katra omas and Norma McComb Ken and Kathleen Grandsta Dennis D. Keithley Mark and Kathleen McConahay Susan E. Grathwohl Janet Kelsay Michael and Linda McCoy Je rey D. Green Natatlie J. Kemerer Scott and Kelly McCray Charles and eresa Greenwood Margaret A. Kennedy-Dygas Herm and Carol McCreary Stephen C. Greist Richard E. Kennon Patrick and Catherine McGinn David E. Greiwe Kevin Kerwin and Ellen L. McGlothin Teddy and Phyllis Gron Katherine Mahoney-Kerwin James L. McLay omas and Susan Hacker Martin W. Kettelhut James and Nelia McLuckie Holli M. Haerr Myrna M. Killey Mary Jo McMillan Franck P. Hagendorf John and Julianne King Michael and Marcia McNelley Laurel K. Hagerman Laura J. King Sean M. McNelley Robert and Jeanne Hallam Meredith K. Kirkpatrick Norman and Misako Meeker Kenneth and Judy Hamilton Christopher and Kathryn Klapheke William Meezan Donna Hamm Taka and Karen Kling eodore and Bessie Megremis Linda Y. Hammel Iris J. Knollenberg Mary K. Mehner Robert and Julie Hammel Joseph P. Koestner Glenn and Edith Mellow Norman L. Hanks Marvin and Gretchen Ko ron Milford and h Merrill Katharine D. Hannah Dana Kolovson and Lynn A. Meyer Bernard and Nancy Hansan Barbara Taggart-Milberg Margaret J. Miller Charlene A. Harb Ronald and Carolyn Kovener Ronald and Joyce Miller Shannon M. Hardiek George J. Kozacik Raymond and Clara Millett Ellie M. Harlow Joseph C. Kraus Julianne M. Miranda Dell C. Harmsen Scott W. Kunkel Darwin L. Missling R. V. Harnack Lisa Kuntz G and Rosalind Mitchell Donald W. Harris David and Judith Lahm Kenneth H. Mitchell Pierrette Harris Glenda G. Lamont Patrick and Frances Mitchell Stephen and Martha Harris omas and Nancy Lancaster Jan T. Mixter eodore R. Harvey John and Mary Langdon Michael L. Mlynarski Je rey and Jeanette Hathaway Lois B. Lantz Rosalind E. Mohnsen Clayton and Ellen Heath Aldis and Susan Lapins Michael Molenda and Karl S. Henry Gregory Largent and Janet Stavropoulos Jan Herlinger Anna Leppert-Largent David and Maria Montgomery Jay E. Montgomery David Sabbagh and Linda Simon Olivia N. Stidham Philip and Patty Moreau Irving L. Sablosky Lawrence F. Sto el Cassie M. Murphy Mary L. Sachse Eric and Etsuko Strohecker Dudley G. Murphy Tetsuro and Sonomi Sakai Gregory and Rhonda Swanson Andrew G. Myers Janice Salvucci Rick and Leaetta Ta inger Darla J. Myers David and Ann Samuelson Yasuoki Tanaka Andrea Myslicki Stephanie Sant’Ambrogio Lester I. Tanji George and Diane Nadaf John and Donna Sasse Joyce A. Taylor David and Jean Nanney David Sasso and Dana Small Kathleen A. Taylor Dale and Cynthia Nelson Marc T. Satterwhite Helen C. Templeton Louis and Nancy Newman Andrew R. Schemm Nancy C. Teutemacher Gail C. Newmark Stephen and Susan Schlegel Amy R. arp Kathleen C. Nicely Barbara I. Schneider William C. ompson Christopher and Mary Nielsen Richard, Sabine, and Richard Schneider William E. omson Je rey and Jane Nierman Loren Schoenberg Derrick and Nancy Tietz Gloria G. Noone Fredric and Nancy Schroeder Scott Tisdel and Stefanie Jacob Christine Norris Matthew R. Schuler Dava A. Tobery Christopher J. Norris Gary J. Schulte Rebecca Todaro David and Diane O’Hagan Daniel E. Schulz Joseph and Diana Tompa William and Kathleen Oliver Monte Schwarzwalder and Jonathan Towne and Rebecca Noreen George D. Osborne Rebecca Henry Stephanie G. Tretick Mary A. Owings Beverly Scott and Sylvia Patterson-Scott Philip and Alice Trimble Hyung-Sun Paik Carol B. Scott Joshua S. Tripp Carol L. Pampalone Walter L. Scott Julia B. Tripp Margaret D. Parker Mary E. Scroggs David and Elizabeth Troutman Robert and Sandra Parker Harry and Priscilla Sebel Linda J. Tucker Peggy W. Paschall John A. Seest John R. Turk Walter and Beverly Pavasaris Mary K. Seidholz Noelle M. Turner Russell and Ruth Peck Christian and Mary Seitz John and Alice Tweedle Kenneth D. Pennington Richard Sengpiehl and Mary Adams Frank and Janet Van Graas Kathie I. Perrett Danny and Sarah Sergesketter Robert C. VanNuys Byron and Nancy Peterson Timothy W. Sha er Lawrence A. Vanore Douglas Peterson and Stephen and Nancy Shane Violette Verdy Pamela Hanson-Peterson John and Merry Shapiro John and Tamyra Verheul Edward Petsonk David L. Shea William and Shirley Vessels David and Sara Pierce Richard and Karen Shepherd Wayne and Jane Vincent David and Deborah Pierson J.R. Shine James R. Volstorf Ernest and Patricia Pinson John and Rebecca Shockley William and Jane Volz John and Jill Pitz Nathaniel and Joline Short Charlotte E. Wagner Je rey L. Plonski omas and Donna Shriner Martha F. Wailes James H. Potts W. Robert and Jill Siddall Barbara J. Waite Gregg and Shayla Powell Curtis and Judith Simic Je rey D. Walker Ronald and Frona Powell Edwin L. Simpson Dennis and Julie Walsh Stephen and Darlene Pratt Abner Slatt and Pamela Ha Janet R. Walton Sylvanna T. Prechtl John and Donna Slinkard Timothy and Elizabeth Wappes Richard and Mary Pretat Catherine A. Smith Sarah F. Ward John F. Priddy Eliot R. Smith Garry Wasserman and Robert and Ellen Priez John and Juel Smith Cathleen McComas Nancy G. Puckett Linda K. Smith Paul and Mary Waytenick Julia D. Ragains-Slawin Marvin K. Smith Mark Webb and Lee Smith John A. Rathgeb Robert Smith and Janice Lesniak Paul E. Weikle Alan and Diana Rawizza Lucille Snell Eugene and Frances Weinberg Lincoln and Marlene Record Steve and Mary Snider Daniel Weiss James L. Rei nger Gary and Sandra Snyder George Weremchuk Jack Relyea John L. Snyder Mark and Karen Westerhausen Phyllis E. Relyea Fredric and Roberta Somach Susan E. Westphal Craig and Katherine Rhoades Nancy A. Sonntag James and Joan Whitaker Paul and Barbara Ristau George and Barbara Sorrells James T. White Christopher and Stephanie Ritrievi James and Carolyn Sowinski Marian P. White Donald and Lucy Ritter Paul V. Spade Barbara G. Williams Alice E. Robbins Christopher and Michelane Spanburg Heather M. Williams-Mamiya Brent and Elizabeth Robertson C. Gregory and Mary Spangler Dolores Wilson Gail A. Robertson Fredrick and Lori Spencer and Cecily Shull Frederic and Wilhelmina Robinson Barry R. Springer Carl Wiu Amaryllis Rodriguez-Mojica Stanley and Cynthia Springer Peter and Teresa Wolf Roger Roe Francis William and Cynthia St. Leger Earl S. Woodworth Edward and Donna Ronco Darell and Susan Stachelski Judith A. Woolfolk Clyde R. Rose James and Susan Stamper James and Patricia Wright Linda J. Rosenthal David E. Starkey Mary M. Yager James and Maureen Ross Joseph and Nina Steg Eugene Yates Daniel Rothmuller Paul Stephenson and Maria Schmidt Je rey P. Zaring Robin S. Rothrock Malcolm and Ellen Stern David and Joan Zaun John and Mary Rucker Scott A. Stewart Timothy and Sara Zwickl Gerlad J. Rudman Melanie D. Stidham * Deceased Corporations and Foundations $25,000 and Up Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable David H. Jacobs Marital Trust Paul Dean Plummer Trust Foundation, Inc. JK Family Foundation Inc. Summer Star Foundation for Nature, Christel DeHaan Family Foundation Georgina Joshi Foundation, Inc. Art and Humanity

$1,000 - $24,999 Americas Society Harrison Steel Castings Company, Inc. Paul C. Gignilliat Trust Avedis Zildjian Company Kalamazoo Community Foundation Paulsen Family Foundation Bank of America Foundation Kuehn Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Bemis Company Foundation M.A. Gilbert Declaration of Trust Stanley E. Ransom Family Trust Big Red Liquors, Inc. McGrae Charitable Foundation Steve Zegree Productions Bloomington Classical Guitar Society, Inc. Myers Revocable Trust Sweetwater Sound, Inc. Camerata, Inc. National Christian Foundation e Anamcara Trust Chicago Tribune Foundation Greater Chicago Vanguard Charitable Endowment Christ Church Cathedral Opera Illinois League Program Community Foundation of Greenville, Inc. Park and Louise Carmon Family Trust Annual Giving Circles Th e Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Annual Giving Circles include individuals dedicated to making a diff erence in the cultural life of the university . Th ese unrestricted gifts of opportunity capital support the areas of greatest need, including fi nancial aid, faculty research, academic opportunities, and visiting artists . Dean’s Circle Visionary Members $10,000 and Up Gary and Kathy Anderson

Strategic Members $5,000 - $9,999 Sue Aramian Jay and Karen Goodgold Dennis and Judith Leatherman Jack and Pamela Burks Frank Graves and Christine Dugan Charles and Lisa Surack

Supporting Members $2,500 - $4,999 David and Gina Boonsho Darby A. McCarty Beth Stoner Jack and Linda Gill Eugene O'Brien Mark A. Sudeith Henry C. Gulick Gwyn and Barbara Richards David L. Wicker Contributing Members $1,000 - $2,499 Robert Barker and Patsy Fell-Barker Rajih and Darlene Haddawi John and Geraldine Miller Brayton and Tracie Brunkhurst Lee H. Hamilton Lawrence and Betty Myers David and Marcella Carlton Dale C. Hedding Philip and Jennifer Nubel William and Anita Cast William T. Hopkins Joan C. Olcott Mark S. Cobb Je rey S. Jepsen Herbert E. Parks John and Carol Cornwell Ted W. Jones Gary and Christine Potter William and Marion Crawford Kenneth and Linda Kaczmarek Robert and Joy Renshaw Danny and Patty Danielson omas and Gail Kasdorf Richard C. Searles Gertrude I. Doyle George and Cathy Korinek Harold and Jeannette Segel Jeremiah and Chelsea Duggan omas and eresa Kulb William C. Spence Stephany A. Dunfee Hon. P. A. Mack Randall and Deborah Tobias Nile and Lois Dusdieker Jeanette C. Marchant Bruce and Madelyn Trible Paul and Ellen Gignilliat Patrick and Marianne McCall John and Susan Graham Carmen J. McGrae Artist’s Circle $500 - $999 Niel and Donna Armstrong Lawrence and Lucienne Glaubinger Emanuel and Kathleen Mickel Charles and Margaret Athey Carter and Kathleen Henrich Terry and Sara Miller James and Mary Babb Jolaine L. Hill Dennis W. Organ Linda A. Baker Lowell and Ruth Ho man James and Carol Orr David Y. Bannard William and Karol Hope Pete Pfei er and Alice Diamant Charles and Gladys Bartholomew Je rey and Lesa Huber Richard Pugh and Elizabeth Baker Christopher and Ruth Borman Masanori and Seiko Igarashi James and Mary Rickert Karen M. Boston-Wright Robert and Lisa Jones Randy Schekman and Nancy Walls Roberta Brokaw Carol R. Kelly Scharmal K. Schrock Jerald and Megan Chester Scott R. Latzky James B. Sinclair Miriam S. Clarke Eric and Rebecca Lightcap Mary L. Stein James and Carol Clauser William J. Longardner Beth A. Taylor Lenore S. Davis Marie T. Lutz Susan C. rasher Robert and Josette Degeilh Je rey and Cynthia McCreary Susan E. Trippet Jorja Fleezanis Beverly A. McGahey $250 - $499 Susan L. Adams Charles L. Fugo Adrienne Ostrander Paula J. Amrod omas E. Gerber R and Brenda uick Kenneth and Elizabeth Arono Selma C. Grant Edward and Lois Rath Brian K. Arreola Linda J. Greaf Donald and Jean Rhoads Sandra C. Balmer Richard and Carolyn Haile Carolyn J. Rice David H. Barnard Jim Holland Mary A. Rickert Mark and Ann Bear Harvey B. Holly Scott and Katherine Riley Arthur and Karen Bortolini Harlow and Harriet Hopkins Bruce Ronkin and Janet Zipes Louise Breau-Bontes Donna Hornibrook Sanford E. Rosenberg Montgomery and Mary Brown James S. and Janet G.* Humphrey Byuong and Patine Ryu John N. Burrows Jennifer A. Jafari Robert and Ruth Salek Robert and Gayle Chesebro Russell L. Jones Virginia G. Sarber Aileen Chitwood Kenneth and Elyse Joseph David D. Schrader Paul and Catherine Christenson Marilyn J. Kloss Christopher and Janet Schwabe Mark R. Conrad Howard and Linda Klug David and Barbara Sheldon Katherine R. Covington Charles C. Knox Odette F. Shepherd Bettejane Crossen Will and Ann Konneker William R. Shindle William A. Crowle Kathleen C. Laws Wayne and Lois Shipe John D. Danielson Gregory and Veronica Le er Estus Smith Todd and Paulette Davidson Amy L. Letson Frances L. Smith Mary L. Denne Joseph J. Lewis James L. Strause Susan L. DiLeonardo omas and Nancy Liley Dana W. Taylor Clarence and Judith Doninger John and Barbara Lombardo William Teltser and Carolyn Marlow John and Sharon Downey Mary C. Majerus Robert M. ompson Frank and Vickie Edmonson Richard and Geraldine Markus Wayne and Rebecca Weaver John and Anne-Marie Egan Jerry and Phyllis McCullough Skip and Elizabeth Whaley Mark and Jennifer Famous Francis and Winnifred McGinnis Donald H. Wissman Terrell and Mary Faulkenberry omas and Lindsey Nazelli Larry and Joyce Zimmerman Salvatore and Carol Ferrantelli William Newkirk and Cheryl Tschanz Gabriel and Sara Frommer Omar and Julia Nielsen $100 - $249 Lois C. Adams Miller John C. Beckman Ralph and Ann Burns Robert and Kara Adams David and Ingrid Beery Doris J. Burton Shirley T. Aliferis Cyrus and Helga Behroozi Giuliana C. Busch Joseph and Sharon Amlung Suzanne K. Belbutoski Rebecca C. Butler Donna K. Anderson Olesia O. Bihun Margaret R. Buttermore Richard and Evelyn Anderson Wilhelm and Renee Bilgram John C. Carmichael Kevin B. Arbogast Cheryl A. Bintz Robert and Susan Cave Helen L. Aylsworth David and Judy Blackwell James M. Childress David G. Baldwin Heinz and Gayle Blankenburg Janice O. Childress Samuel and Janet Baltzer Lawrence and Mary Bond Cynthia M. Cirome Pamela L. Banks Brian A. Borcherding David Clark and Diane Coutre John and Patricia Barnes Carolyn E. Bowen Marjorie L. Clayton Charles L. Barr Elizabeth M. Brannon Je rey and Jennifer Cohen Patricia W. Barrett Ashley B. Breland Robert and Marcia Coleman Robert R. Bartalot Clayton and Pauletta Brewer Roger S. Collins Michael and Joan Bartos William M. Brittenback and Timothy and Sandra Connery Jonathan Bass and Tatiana Dimitriades William Meezan Nora B. Courier Robert W. Bastian Dorothea M. Brown Cynthia M. Crago Barbara S. Baum Gordon and Janet Brown Janet S. Crossen Cecelia Beam Marian T. Brown Michael G. Cunningham Martin and Judy Becker Hal and Freddie Burke Edward and Linda Dahm John T. Dalton Carole L. James George D. Osborne Eugene B. Daniels Glenn E. Jenne Mary A. Owings David V. Deeg Dwight L. Jennings Hyung-Sun Paik Patricia J. Deihl Ross S. Jennings Carol L. Pampalone Richard and Barbara Dell Robert and Kathryn Jessup Margaret D. Parker Patrick and Karen Dessent Kent and Shelley Johnson Peggy W. Paschall Mary A. Diaz-Przybyl Wayne and Kristin Jones Russell and Ruth Peck Roger D. Dickerson David and Harriett Kaplan Kenneth D. Pennington Barbara C. Dickey Janet Kelsay Kathie I. Perrett Kim and Dianne Diefenderfer Margaret A. Kennedy-Dygas Byron and Nancy Peterson Richard and Barbara Domek Richard E. Kennon Edward Petsonk James and Elizabeth Doster Martin W. Kettelhut David and Deborah Pierson Paul T. Dove Myrna M. Killey Je rey L. Plonski David A. Drinkwater Laura J. King Sylvanna T. Prechtl Margaret J. Du n Iris J. Knollenberg John F. Priddy Dale and Edith Dzubay Joseph C. Kraus Robert and Ellen Priez Silsby S. Eastman omas and Nancy Lancaster Nancy G. Puckett Robert and Robin Eatman John and Mary Langdon Julia D. Ragains-Slawin Patricia Eckstein Lois B. Lantz Lincoln and Marlene Record Ryan T. Edwards Aldis and Susan Lapins James L. Rei nger Anne C. Eisfeller Nathan Larimer and Cara Owens Jack Relyea J.R. Elkins David and Suzanne Larsen Paul and Barbara Ristau Gerald Ellington and George Lawrence and Judith Auer Christopher and Stephanie Ritrievi Marilyn Park-Ellington Randy L. Leazenby Donald and Lucy Ritter Joseph E. Elliott Robert and Sara LeBien Brent and Elizabeth Robertson Charles and Anna Ellis Robert and Debra Lee Amaryllis Rodriguez-Mojica Michael J. Ellis James A. Leick Roger Roe Marc Embree and Jane Bunnell Jon and Susan Lewis Edward and Donna Ronco Herman and Mary Emmert Timothy Lindeman and Nancy Walker Clyde R. Rose Dannie and Janet Epstein William and Karen Lion Linda J. Rosenthal Gerald and Coleen Falasca Martha A. Livsey-Barker James and Maureen Ross John and Suzanne Farbstein M. Locke and Sarah Bovaird Locke Daniel Rothmuller William and Harriet Fierman Joan I. Lynch Mary L. Sachse Mary E. Fine Michael J. MacLean Janice Salvucci David M. Flood Frances M. Madachy David and Ann Samuelson Constance C. Ford Robert and Marcia Mahnken Stephanie Sant-Ambrogio Graham V. Fuguitt Rudy T. Marcozzi John and Donna Sasse Edwin R. Fuhrmann Brian D. Marcus David Sasso and Dana Small Melanie J. Fuhrmann Philip Marcus Stephen and Susan Schlegel Mauricio Fuks and Violaine Gabriel-Fuks Rovena Marcus Barbara I. Schneider Douglass Garibaldi Richard and Susan Marvin Richard E. Schneider Ezekiel and Viola Gilliam John M. Maryn Richard and Sabine Schneider Sander and Marina Gilman Andrea Matthias Fredric and Nancy Schroeder Walter A. Goldreich Barbara E. Mayhew Matthew R. Schuler Richard S. Gorden Philip and Elizabeth McClintock Gary J. Schulte Sylvia S. Gormley Mark and Kathleen McConahay Monte Schwarzwalder and Arlene Goter Herm and Carol McCreary Rebecca Henry David E. Greiwe Ellen L. McGlothin Beverly Scott and Sylvia Patterson-Scott Teddy and Phyllis Gron James and Nelia McLuckie Carol B. Scott Franck P. Hagendorf Mary Jo McMillan Perry and Lisa Scott Laurel K. Hagerman Michael and Marcia McNelley Walter L. Scott Robert and Jeanne Hallam Glenn and Edith Mellow Harry and Priscilla Sebel Kenneth and Judy Hamilton Glen and Shirley Melton Mary K. Seidholz Donna Hamm Milford and H Merill Christian and Mary Seitz Linda Y. Hammel Lynn A. Meyer Richard Sengpiehl and Mary Adams Norman L. Hanks Margaret J. Miller Danny and Sarah Sergesketter Charlene A. Harb Ronald and Joyce Miller Stephen and Nancy Shane Donald W. Harris Raymond and Clara Millett John and Merry Shapiro Stephen and Martha Harris Darwin L. Missling David L. Shea eodore R. Harvey Patrick and Frances Mitchell Richard and Karen Shepherd Je rey and Jeanette Hathaway Rosalind E. Mohnsen John and Rebecca Shockley Clayton and Ellen Heath David and Maria Montgomery Nathaniel and Joline Short Laura B. Hentges Jay E. Montgomery omas and Donna Shriner Florence E. Hiatt Brent J. Monahan W. Robert and Jill Siddall Joe and Margaret Hickman Philip and Patty Moreau Edwin L. Simpson Dana E. Higbee Cassie M. Murphy Abner Slatt and Pamela Ha Don I. Hirose Dudley G. Murphy Eliot and Pamela Smith Kathryn K. Hodge Andrea Myslicki John and Juel Smith Mark and Elizabeth Hofeldt George and Diane Nadaf Linda K. Smith Nicholas and Katherine Holzmer David and Jean Nanney Marvin K. Smith Dennis and Judith Hopkinson Gail C. Newmark Robert Smith and Janice Lesniak Ray and Phyllis Horton Kathleen C. Nicely Steve and Mary Snider Emily L. Hostetter Christopher and Mary Nielsen John L. Snyder Ivan and Anne Hughes Gloria G. Noone George and Barbara Sorrells Craig D. Hultgren Christine Norris C. and Mary Spangler Diane S. Humphrey Christopher J. Norris Fredrick and Lori Spencer Mike Hurtubise and Ann Murray David and Diane O’Hagan Stanley and Cynthia Springer Darell and Susan Stachelski Philip and Alice Trimble Je rey D. Walker David E. Starkey David and Elizabeth Troutman Janet R. Walton Joseph and Nina Steg Linda J. Tucker Sarah F. Ward Paul Stephenson and Maria Schmidt Noelle M. Turner Paul and Mary Waytenick Gregory and Rhonda Swanson John and Alice Tweedle Mark Webb and Lee Smith Yasuoki Tanaka Frank and Janet Van Graas Eugene and Frances Weinberg Lester I. Tanji Robert C. VanNuys George Weremchuk Kathleen A. Taylor Lawrence A. Vanore Marian P. White Helen C. Templeton John and Tamyra Verheul Barbara G. Williams Nancy C. Teutemacher William and Shirley Vessels Dolores Wilson William C. ompson James R. Volstorf Robert Wilson and Cecily Shull Scott Tisdel and Stefani Jacob William and Jane Volz Carl Wiu Joseph and Diana Tompa Charlotte E. Wagner Peter and Teresa Wolf Jonathan Towne and Rebecca Noreen Martha F. Wailes Mary M. Yager Stephanie G. Tretick Barbara J. Waite Timothy and Sara Zwickl

Leadership Circle Members of the Leadership Circle have contributed lifetime gifts of $100,000 or more to the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music . We gratefully acknowledge the following donors, whose generosity helps the school reach new heights and build a sound fi nancial framework for the future . Over $10,000,000 Lilly Endowment, Inc. e Estate of Barbara M. Jacobs Over $1,000,000 Dorothy Richard Starling Foundation Jack and Linda Gill e Estate of Clara L. Nothhacksberger Cook, Inc. Louise Addicott-Joshi* and Yatish J. Joshi e Estate of Juanita M. Evans David H. Jacobs, Jr. e Estate of Juana Mendel Krannert Charitable Trust Georgina Joshi Foundation, Inc. Jack and Dora Hamlin $500,000 - $999,999 e DBJ Foundation e Estate of George A. Bilque Robert R. O'Hearn e Estate of Eva Sebok Sandy Little eld e Estate of Frederick G. and Gary and Kathy Anderson Alexander S. Bernstein Mary M. Freeburne e Estate of Eva M. Heinitz Jamie Bernstein Richard J. Schilling e Estate of Ione B. Auer Nina Bernstein Simmons Gayle T. Cook Ann and Gordon Getty e Estate of Ruth E. ompson Carl A. Cook Wilbert W. Gasser* and Jack and Pamela Burks Mary Kratz Gasser Arthur R Metz Foundation $250,000 - $499,999 e Estate of Wilfred C. Bain Bren Simon e Estate of Sylvia F. Budd e Estate of Samuel W. Siurua e Estate of Melvin Simon Beatrice P. Delany Charitable Trust e Estate of Lucille Espinosa e Estate of Herman B. Wells Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation e Estate of David H. Jacobs e Estate of Harold R. Janitz e Estate of Angeline M. Battista e Estate of Maidee H. Seward Presser Foundation IBM Global Services e Estate of John D. Winters Olimpia F. Barbera Murray and Sue Robinson e Estate of Nina Neal Jamey and Sara Aebersold Rudolph and Joy Rasin Paul and Cynthia S. Skjodt e Estate of Alvin M. Ehret e Estates of Samuel and Martha Siurua Deborah J. Simon Christelina DeHaan Marianne W. Tobias e Estate of Emma B. Horn Richard E. Ford e Estate of Lee E. Schroeder David and Jacqueline Simon Christel DeHaan Family Foundation Herbert Simon

$100,000 - $249,999 e Estate of Frances A. Brockman e Estate of Margaret E. Miller e Estate of Marjorie Gravit Charlotte Reeves e Estate of Mary C. Tilton e Estate of eodore C. Grams Smithville Telephone Company, Inc. Shalin C. Liu Penn Asset Equity LLC e Estate of Mavis M. Crow Summer Star Foundation for Nature Paul and Ellen Gignilliat Peter and Monika Kroener Art and Humanity Artur Balsam Foundation Betty Myers Bain e Estate of Robert A. Edwards Jean Creek and Doris Shoultz-Creek Fred Simon Wade and Ann Harrison e Estate of William H. Earles e Estate of Marvin Carmack Robert Barker and Patsy Fell-Barker e Estate of Virginia Schmucker Harrison Steel Castings Company, Inc. Stephen and Margaret Cole Russell e Estate of Robert D. Aungst Scott and Kathryn Schurz e Estate of Jean P. Nay Leonard Phillips and Mary Wennerstrom e Estate of Eleanor Knapik omson, Inc. Cole & Kate Porter Memorial Graduate e Estate of Margaret H. Hamlin e Estate of David C. Hall Fellowship in Music Brabson Library and Education Kenneth C. Whitener Hank J. Bode and Susan Cartland-Bode Foundation Joan & Marvin Carmack Foundation Bennet and Cynthia Brabson Georgia Wash Holbeck Living Trust Robert and Sandra Harrison e Estate of Ursula Apel William D. Rhodes Foundation e Estate of Dorothy Rey P. A. Mack Ford Meter Box Foundation, Inc Fred C. Arto e Estate of Eugene Knapik Marianne Y. Felton Eric D. Batterman Memorial Scholarship e Estate of omas L. Gentry David and Neill Marriott e Estate of Jascha Heifetz e Estate of Dagmar K. Riley

Th e Legacy Society Th e Legacy Society at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music honors the following individuals who have included the Jacobs School as a benefi ciary under their wills, trusts, life insurance policies, retirement plans, and other estate-planning arrangements .

David and Ruth Albright Ransom* and Mary Jo Gri n Jean R. and Charles F.* Peters Richard and Ann Alden Jonathan L. Gripe Leonard Phillips and Mary Wennerstrom Jeanette Amboise-Chaumont Kathy Gripe Anne S. D. Plummer Gary and Kathy Anderson Col. Jack I. and Dora B. Hamlin Jack W. Porter Peggy Bachman Charles Handelman Ben B. Raney, Jr. Dennis and Virginia Bamber James R. Hasler Stanley E. Ransom Olimpia F. Barbera Gerald W. Hedman Clare G. Rayner Christa-Maria Beardsley David and Mildred Hennessy Robert and Carlene Reed Michael E. Bent Clara Hofberg Charlotte Reeves Richard and Mary Bradford Rona Hokanson Albert and Lynn Reichle Mildred J. Brannon David M. Holcenberg Gwyn and Barbara Richards W. Michael Brittenback and William T. and Kathryn* Hopkins Ilona Richey William Meezan David E. Huggins Murray and Sue Robinson Marjorie Buell Harriet M. Ivey John* and Patricia Ryan Pamela Buell Douglas and Virginia Jewell Barbara R. Sable Gerald and Elizabeth Calkins Walter and Bernice* Jones Roy and Mary Samuelsen Marvin Carmack Myrna M. Killey George P. Sappen eld Sarah Clevenger C. Ray and Lynn Lewis Hubert A. Seller Eileen T. Cline Richard and Ann Lilly John and Lorna Seward Stanley R. Collyer George and Brenda Little Odette F. Shepherd Jack and Claire Cruse Harriett Z. Macht Judith E. Simic John* and Doris Curran P. A. Mack Donald G. Sisler Susie Dewey Jeanette C. Marchant Catherine A. Smith D. Michael Donathan Charles J. Marlatt George P. Smith, II Luba Dubinsky Susan G. McCray Mary L. Snider omas and Ellen Ehrlich Douglas McLain William and Elizabeth Strauss H. C. Engles Donald and Sonna Merk Douglas* and Margaret Strong Eleanor R. Fell William F. Milligan Robert D. Sullivan Marianne Y. Felton Robert A. Mix Hans* and Alice Tischler Michael and Sara Finton Dale and Cynthia Nelson Henry and Celicia Upper Philip* and Debra Ford Del and Letty Newkirk Nicoletta Valletti Marcella I. Gercken Robert O’Hearn Robert J. Waller Monroe A. Gilbert Fred Opie and Melanie Spewock Patrice M. Ward-Steinman Harold* and Lucille Goodman Richard* and Eleanor Osborn Charles H. Webb Glen G. Graber Arthur Panousis Michael D. Weiss Ken and Kathleen Grandsta Gilbert and Marie Peart Robert and Patricia Williams Ruth Grey James and Helen Pellerite * deceased Friends of Music Honor Roll Calendar Year 2012 Th e mission of the Society of the Friends of Music is to raise scholarship funds for deserving, talented students at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music . Th e society was established in 1964 by a small group led by Herman B Wells and Wilfred C . Bain . We are pleased to acknowledge outright gifts made between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2012 .

Friends of Music $5,000 and Above Ruth Albright Jim and Laura Byrnes Murray and Sue Robinson Eleanor Byrnes David H. Jacobs Scott and Kathryn Schurz

Guarantor Scholarship Circle Hoagy Carmichael $10,000 Jim and Laura Byrnes Wade and Ann Harrison Richard and Barbara Schilling e Estate of Marvin Carmack David H. Jacobs Scott and Kathryn Schurz

Cole Porter $5,000 - $9,999 Robert Barker and Patsy Fell-Barker Nelda M. Christ Ross S. Jennings Martha T. Black Susie J. Dewey Darby A. McCarty Eleanor F. Byrnes Stephen and Jo Ellen Ham

Herman B Wells Circle Gold $2,500 - $4,999 Herbert Kuebler and Phil Evans Charles and Julia McClary James and Joan Whitaker Jeanette C. Marchant Michael and Laurie McRobbie Silver $1,000 - $2,499 Robert Agrano and Susan Klein Robert R. Greig Leonard and Louise Newman Ruth Albright Frank and Athena Hrisomalos Rita O’Neill James and Susan Alling Lawrence and Celeste Hurst John and Lois Pless Gary and Kathy Anderson Peter P. Jacobi Amy Ra in William and Anita Cast Kenneth and Linda Kaczmarek Gwyn and Barbara Richards Jean Creek and Doris Shoultz-Creek Timothy W. Kittleson David and Virginia Rogers Regina Dean Mark and Alora McAlister Phyllis C. Schwitzer Michael C. Donaldson Stephen Medlyn and Curtis and Judith Simic Gayl and Beverly Doster Cynthia Farquhar-Medlyn L. Robert and Sylvia Stohler Barbara J. Dunn Peter and Patricia Miller Gregg and Judith Summerville Harvey and Phyllis Feigenbaum Gerald and Ann Moss Jack R. Wentworth Paul and Ellen Gignilliat Dale and Cynthia Nelson John and Linda Zimmerman James and Joyce Grandorf Delano and Luzetta Newkirk

Dean Wil ed C. Bain Circle Patrons $500 - $999 James and Ruth Allen Eugene J. Farkas David Sabbagh and Linda Simon John and Teresa Ayres Norman and Sharon Funk Randy Schekman and Nancy Walls Peggy Bachman Jack and Linda Gill John and Lorna Seward A. James Barnes Rajih and Darlene Haddawi Karen Shaw Dick Bishop Robert and Ann Harman Anthony and Jan Shipps W. Leland and Helen Butler Victor Harnack Je erson Shreve John and Cathleen Cameron Diane S. Humphrey Blount and Anna Stewart Edward S. Clark Ted W. Jones Sheldon Stryker William and Marion Crawford George and Cathy Korinek William E. omson Fred and Suzanne Dahling Michael Molenda and Janet Stavropoulos Henry and Celicia Upper Lee and Eleanore Dodge Martin and Shirley Newman Charles H. Webb Sterling and Melinda Doster Vera M. O'Lessker Galen Wood Stephen A. Ehrlich James and Carol Orr James and Jacqueline Faris Leonard Phillips and Mary Wennerstrom

Sustainers $300 - $499 S. Christian and Mary Albright Steven L. Hendricks Roger and Ruth Newton Rodger and Diana Alexander Robert and Doris Johnson David and Barbara Nordloh William and Honey Baldwin Donald and Margaret Jones John and Lislott Richardson Marian K. Bates Howard and Linda Klug Murray and Sue Robinson Shirley Bell Ronald and Carolyn Kovener Albert and Kathleen Ruesink Paul and Carolyn Brinkman Peter and Monika Kroener Robert and Alice Schloss Jack and Pamela Burks Mary M. Kroll Richard C. Schutte Shaun and Jill Byrnes Shirley Krutilla Michael A. Simkowitz Gerald and Elizabeth Calkins Michael Larsen and Ayelet Lindenstrauss Catherine A. Smith James and Carol Campbell Robert and Sara LeBien Alexis Spence Sarah Clevenger Harlan Lewis and Doris Wittenburg Lewis H. Strouse Frank Eberle and Cathy Cooper Jon and Susan Lewis Paula W. Sunderman Marianne Y. Felton Hon. P.A. Mack George and Viola Taliaferro Donald Gray and Susan Gubar John and Geraldine Miller Kenneth and Marcia VanderLinden Robert and Martha Gutmann Herbert and Judy Miller Steven and Judith Young Ralph E. Hamon Edward Mongoven and Judith Schroeder Melanie W. Hart Dawn E. Morley Donors $100 - $299 Bernard and Tama Abrams Pierrette Harris James and Helen Pellerite David and Melanie Alpers Robert and Emily Harrison Dorothy L. Peterson Ethan and Sandra Alyea J. Richard Hasler Harriet S. P ster Janette Amboise-Chaumont Carol L. Hayes Doris M. Philbrick Richard and Adrienne Baach James and Sandra Hertling Ronald and Frona Powell Donna M. Baiocchi David and Rachel Hertz Stephen and Darlene Pratt Mark J. Baker John D. Hobson Maryrose L. Pratter Nicholas and Jean Balaguras Cynthia R. Hogan Raymond and Eileen Prose Olimpia F. Barbera Rona Hokanson Earl and Dorothy Prout David and Judith Barnett Norman and Judy Holy Richard Pugh and Elizabeth Baker Robert and Patricia Bayer Donna Hornibrook omas and Bonnie Reilly Mark and Ann Bear Ruth D. Houdeshel Kenneth Renkens and David and Ingrid Beery Cheryl Howard Debra Lay-Renkens Joshua D. Bell Llewellyn and Sally Humphreys Carl Rexroad and Carol Pierce Franklin and Linda Bengston Owen and Annette Hungerford Joseph M. Rezits Ernest and Eva Bernhardt-Kabisch Hideo and Setsuko Ito Myfanwy Richards Michael and Vonora Bishop A Louise Jerger Betty Rieger Charles and Nancy Bonser Martin D. Joachim Roger and Tiiu Robison Ellen R. Boru Lora D. Johnson Catherine D. Rockwood Dirk Bowman Burton and Eleanor Jones Allan and Barbara Ross Keith and Maggie Brown Gwen J. Kaag John and Mary Rucker Alexander and Virginia Buchwald Martin and Linda Kaplan Jerard and Nancy Ru Richard and Mary Burke Patricia C. Kellar Ruth L. Rusie Derek and Marilyn Burleson Janet Kelsay Edward and Janet Ryan Barbara J. Byrum Marilyn J. Kelsey Ann K. Sanderson Barbara Carlson omas and Mary Kendrick James and Helen Sauer Milford and Margaret Christenson Sandra S. Kirby Lynn L. Schenck Marjorie L. Clayton Karl and Lynda Koehler Arthur and Norma Schenck Marcella M. Cooper Ernest and Dawn Koenig Richard C. Searles Steven and Karin Coopersmith Peter Koenig and Mary Jamison Richard Shi rin and Judith Bruce Corner and Gaye Gronlund Maryann Kopelov Mahy-Shi rin John R. Cutter Rosey Krakovitz J. Robert Shine Mark and Holly Dame William and Mary Kroll Richard and Denise Shockley Jefrey and Pamela Davidson David and Suzanne Larsen Anson and Janet Shupe Janice M. Dawson John and Julia Lawson Charles and Eleanor Six Linda Degh-Vazsonyi Jim* and Kathy Lazerwitz Ruth Skernick Julia DeHon Dennis and Judith Leatherman David Smith and Marie Libal-Smith Aldo and Deborah Della Ragione Susan J. Leggett Ethel C. Smith eodore R. Deppe Louis and Myrna Lemberger Janet S. Smith Walter and Deborah Divan Leslie and Kathleen Lenkowsky Jean M. Smith Barbara M. Dixon Howard and Carolyn Lickerman John L. Snyder David and Jennie Drasin Virginia K. Long-Cecil Roberta Somach John and Beth Drewes Peter and Carol Lorenzen Alan and Kathryn Somers Jon and Sarah Dunn Terry Loucks Stephen T. Sparks Peter and Pearl Ekstrom Ursula Loucks Francis William and Cynthia St. Leger Joe and Gloria Emerson Al and Susan Lyons Malcolm and Ellen Stern Mary I. Emison Kenneth Mackie and Yvonne Lai Bruce and Shannon Storm Michael and Cheryl Engber James and Jeanne Madison Ellen Strommen George and Jo Fielding William and Eleanor Mallory Linda Strommen Betty J. Fields Mayer and Ellen Mandelbaum William and Gayle Stuebe J.R. Fields Deborah S. Martin Charlotte H. Templin Charles R. Forker Nancy G. Martin Charles E. ompson Bruce and Betty Fowler Jerry and Phyllis McCullough Elizabeth A. omson Anne T. Fraker Susann H. McDonald Samuel B. Troxal Don and Sandra Freund Dennis and Beverly McGuire Je rey S. Tunis Virginia Gest James L. McLay Wayne and Jane Vincent Je rey and Toby Gill Stephen and Sandra Moberly Robert and Marcia Voss Michael and Patricia Gleeson Alfred and Carol Moellering Martha F. Wailes James and Constance Glen Lois Morris Judith Walco Vincent M. Golik F. Timothy Nagler George Walker and Robert A. Green Douglas and Roma North Carolyn Lipson-Walker John J. Greenman Edward and Soili Ochsner Donovan Walling and Samuel Troxal Jerry and Linda Gregory Wesley and Patricia Oglesby Eugene and Frances Weinberg Samuel and Phyllis Guskin Harold and Denise Ogren Ewing and Kay Werlein Jay and Sandra Habig Joan C. Olcott G and Frances Wilhoit omas and Susan Hacker Col. Marcus R. Oliphant Robert and Patricia Williams Hendrik and Jacobina Haitjema Richard and Jill Olshavsky James and Ruth Witten Stanley and Hilary Hamilton Donald Orr and Caryl ompson omas and Sara Wood Robert and Julie Hammel Elayne Ostrower John and Margaret Woodcock Andrew J. Hanson Russell L.Otte Robert and Judy Woodley Kenneth and Janet Harker Kent and Suzann Owen Virginia A. Woodward Dell C. Harmsen Harlan and Joanna Peithman Mimi Zweig Corporations and Foundations Bloomington ri Shop Smithville Telephone Company TIS Group Meadowood Retirement Community

Companies Providing Matching Gi s Bristol-Myers Squibb Exxon Mobil Goodrich Foundation Dow Chemical Company Global Impact IBM International Eli Lilly & Company

Planned Gi s We are grateful to those individuals who have expressed their interest in ensuring scholarship support for tomorrow’s students today, by making a planned gift through a testamentary gift in their estate planning by a will or trust, charitable gift annuity, or retirement plan . We are pleased to acknowledge those individuals who have provided gift documentation .

David* and Ruth Albright Douglas and Virginia Jewell James and Helen Pellerite Margaret K. Bachman Jeanette Calkins Marchant, in memory Judith E. Simic Anita Hursh Cast of Velma and Emerson Calkins Esther Ritz Collyer IU Opera Theater Production Staff General Manager ...... Dean. . Gwyn Richards Executive Director of Production ...... Timothy Stebbins Director of Coaching and Music Administration ...... Kevin . Murphy Executive Administrator of Instrumental Ensembles . . . . Thomas . Wieligman Faculty Director of Opera Choruses ...... Walter . . Huff Coordinating Opera Coach ...... Kimberly Carballo Coach Accompanist ...... Mark Phelps Stage Manager ...... Joe. Gladstone. . Assistant Stage Manager ...... Brian. . . August Technical Director ...... Alissia. . . Lauer Director of Paint and Props ...... Mark F . Smith Lead Costume Specialist ...... Dana. . . Tzvetkova Costume Specialist ...... Soraya. . . Noorzad Costume Specialist ...... Magdalena. . . Tortoriello Wigs and Makeup Designer ...... Christy . . Clark Head of Lighting ...... Patrick . . Mero House Electrician ...... Fritz Busch Stage Carpenter ...... Ken D’Eliso Stage Carpenter ...... Andrew Hastings Administrative Production Assistant ...... Sarah . . Slover Director of Recording Arts ...... Konrad. . Strauss Sound Designer ...... Douglas McKinnie Audio Technician ...... Fallon Stillman Director of Marketing and Publicity ...... Alain . . Barker Box Office and House Manager ...... Tridib Pal Publicity Assistant/Media Relations Specialist ...... Linda Cajigas Director of Design ...... Neil . Robinson. Director of Digital Design ...... Patrick . . Eddy Social Media Specialist ...... Brooke . . Feldman Program Editor ...... Jonathan Shull

Assistant Technical Director and Flyman ...... Nicholaus. . Miller Assistant Stage Carpenter ...... Zac Goodwin Assistant Electrician ...... Skylar Delk Assistant Properties Master ...... Gwen. . . Law Assistant Scenic Artist ...... Don . .Geyra Assistant Audio Engineer ...... Kyle . . Zucker Assistant Costume Specialist ...... Swallow . . Leach Assistant First Hand ...... Sarah . . Akemon Assistant First Hand ...... Anne . . Holen Assistant First Hand ...... Wendy. . . Langdon Assistant First Hand ...... Noriko . . Zulkowski

pring Ballet

S Fall Ballet Fall ept. 28, 29 Old World Old World New World March 22, 23 Bournonville Suite Temperaments The Four Symphony Western Nov. 30 | Dec. 1, 2 30 | Dec. 1, Nov. Light and Light Shade S Sweet Fields Eight Easy Pieces Eight More Appalachian Spring The Nutcracker music.indiana.edu/operaballet BALLET


s ept. 14, 15, 15, 22 21, ept. 14, Cinderella April 5, 6, 12, 13 Akhnaten Philip Glass 2 22, 23 | March 1, Feb. new production Falstaff Xerxes Xerxes Handel George Frideric 9 2, 8, 1, Feb. new production new production Cendrillon ( Jules Massenet 8, Nov. 11 9, 10, The Merry The Merry Widow Lehár Franz 19, 20, Oct. 18, 21 Don Giovanni A. Mozart W. S et See it all (812) 855-7433 (812) music.indiana.edu/boxoffice OPERA Tick Musical Arts Center Box Office 11:30-5:30 Monday - Friday,