Sri Kathamrita

Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa( tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam BBBiiinnndududu Issue No. 165 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications 21 November 2007 Śrī Utthāna Ekādaśī, 26 Damodāra, 521 Gaurābda Circulation, 2,031


His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

• KASHISHWAR PANDIT AND THE DEITIES OF GOVINDAJI AND GAURA Adapted from Srila Narahari Chakravarti Thakur’s Śrī Bhakti-ratnākara

• THE 16,000 QUEENS OF DWARKA Srila Sanatan Goswami Bhād-bhāgavatāmta 1.7.104-105 Highlights • AND KRISHNA’S CONVERSATION PAGE ONE TOP COLLUMN TWO

Highlights The Poet Ghanashyam Highlights

• WHAT IS PAINFUL FOR THE SAINTS? Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.1.58

KASHISHWAR GOSAI the person in charge was a śaivite, Sri Sivachandra Chaudhuri, who was a descen- His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta dant of Kashishwar Gosai’s brother. In Swami Prabhupada Vallabhapur there was a permanent arrange- Kashishwar Gosai was one of ment to cook nine kilos of rice, vegetables and the contemporaries of Sri other foodstuffs daily, and near the village there who was sufficient land belonging to the deity on was with the Lord in which this rice was grown. Unfortunately, the Puri. Also known descendants of Kashishwar Gosai’s brother as Kashishwar Pandit, he was have sold a major portion of this land, and there- a disciple of Ishwar Puri and fore the deity worship has been hampered. son of Vasudev Bhattacharya, who be- It is said in the Gaura-gaoddeśa-dīpikā (137) longed to the dynasty of Kanjilal Kanu. His that the servant of Krishna in surname was Chaudhuri. His sister’s son, named Bhringar descended as Kashishwar who was named Rudra Pandit, was the Gosai during the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya original priest of Vallabhapur, which is Mahaprabhu. In our householder life we also situated about one mile from the Srirampur sometimes visited this temple of Vallabhapur railway station in the village of Chatara. and took prasādam there at noon. The dei- Installed there are the deities of Radha- ties of this temple, Sri Sri Radha-Govinda Govinda and Lord Sri Chaitanya and the Gauranga vigraha, are extremely Mahaprabhu. Kashishwar Gosai was a very beautiful. Near Vallabhapur is a beautiful strong man, and therefore when Lord temple of Jagannath. We sometimes used to Chaitanya visited the temple of Jagannath, take prasādam in this Jagannath temple also. he used to protect the Lord from the crowds. These two temples are situated within a one Another of his duties was to distribute mile-radius of the Srirampur railway sta- prasādam to the devotees after kīrtana. tion, near Calcutta.  Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur vis- — Purport to Cc. ādi 8.67. Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Los ited this temple at Vallabhapur. At that time Angeles. 1975. next column é[q k* Z