Wets Lose in House by Vote of 227-187
;• • - - / . r :•* A V k B A C ® D AILT CnOOLAIION far the MoBth of FM rvaiy, IMS • r C r K W tim m B m m Hmitfoei ^ 5 , 5 3 5 fU r ^ odder tealgM; Jtoeedey Btanber of AnOt Boreaii iiatttb p fitfr fd r and conttnoed cold; tkiag tern* of dreolBtloii. pei'ature.. WodDeedigr« VOL. U ., NO. 140. (CteMlfled Adverttdng on Pace 10.), SOUTH MANCHfiSTEIL CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1932. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS HINDENBURG WINS; Off on Canoe Trip From Washingrton to Mexico .V V • WETS LOSE IN HOUSE X v-r-x -X vix W jv.v-: A MUST RUN AGAIN '—V ’/»} ..... --------------------- ^ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'yy BY VOTE OF 227-187 Akhongh Seven IHiHion Votes ■ (XUK GALORE- First Vote Oo ProhibitioD Re Eastman Kills Self; NORESDITSIN vision Held In Twelve Hy-IsCerlainofElecfion^ LINDBERGH CASE Noted Camera Maker Years Puts Members On Rochester, N. Y., March 14— (AP)— George Eastman, 77, Record For Or Against; Berlin, March 14.—(AP) —Presi From Many Parts of Nation millionaire manufacturer, phil Philanthropist dent Paul von Hindenburg, who anthropist and big game hunt Wet Vote Larger Tban missed re-election yesterday by Come Stories of Infant er, shot himself to death today 169,752 votes although he ran near in his East Avenue home here. Many of Tbem Expected. ly 7,500.000 ahead of Adolf Hitler, Dr. Audley D. Stewa(rt, an consented today to run again on the Being Seen Bot They All nouncing that Eastnlan had second ballot, April 10, and his elec shot himself after putting all Washington, March 14.—(AP) — tion was regarded as a certainty.
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