APICULTURE AND SOCIAL INSECTS Resistance to destructor (: Varroidae) When -Resistant Queen Honey (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Were Free-Mated with Unselected Drones


Honey Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Laboratory, USDAÐARS, Baton Rouge, LA 70820

J. Econ. Entomol. 94(6): 1319Ð1323 (2001) ABSTRACT This study demonstrated (1) that honey bees, Apis mellifera L, can express a high level of resistance to Anderson & Trueman when bees were selected for only one resistant trait (suppression of mite reproduction); and (2) that a signiÞcant level of mite-resistance was retained when these queens were free-mated with unselected drones. The test compared the growth of mite populations in colonies of bees that each received one of the following queens: (1) resistantÑqueens selected for suppression of mite reproduction and artiÞcially inseminated in Baton Rouge with drones from similarly selected stocks; (2) resistant ϫ controlÑresistant queens, as above, produced and free-mated to unselected drones by one of four commercial queen producers; and (3) controlÑcommercial queens chosen by the same four queen producers and free-mated as above. All colonies started the test with Ϸ0.9 kg of bees that were naturally infested with Ϸ650 . Colonies with resistant ϫ control queens ended the 115-d test period with signiÞcantly fewer mites than did colonies with control queens. This suggests that beekeepers can derive immediate beneÞt from mite-resistant queens that have been free-mated to unselected drones. Moreover, the pro- duction and distribution of these free-mated queens from many commercial sources may be an effective way to insert beneÞcial genes into our commercial population of honey bees without losing the genetic diversity and the useful characteristics of this population.

KEY WORDS Apis mellifera, Varroa destructor, breeding, selection, resistance

Varroa destructor ANDERSON & Trueman, formerly least one viable daughter (a female that reaches adult- known as V. jacobsoni Oudemans (Anderson and hood) after a foundress female has entered a brood Trueman 2000), is an external parasite of the Asian cell, where it normally would reproduce. Mites that hive bee ( F.) and the (Apis fail to produce at least one viable daughter (they may mellifera L.). These mites feed on the hemolymph of or may not lay eggs) are termed nonreproductive. immature and adult bees. Although the traditional These nonreproductive mites are found in nearly ev- Asian host, A. cerana, is not severely affected by the ery colony. However, the frequency of nonreproduc- parasite, infestation with V. destructor normally causes ing mites in European honey bees is typically below the death of a colony of honey bees. 40% (Camazine 1986, Martin 1994, Rosenkranz and Suppression of mite reproduction (SMR) is one of Engels 1994). With selective breeding, we have en- many characteristics of honey bees that has been as- hanced the expression of this trait such that 100% of sociated with resistance to V. destructor (Bu¨ chler and the mites in the brood cells are nonreproductive. Drescher 1990, Boecking et al. 1993, Bu¨ chler 1994, Data suggest that there may be two traits that sup- Spivak 1996, Thakur et al. 1997, Spivak and Reuter press mite reproduction; one with an immediate effect 1998). We focused our breeding work on suppression reported by Camazine (1986) and another with a of mite reproduction because it had been reported in delayed effect that was Þrst described by Fuchs different places around the world as a trait that is (1994). Both traits were found to be heritable (Harbo associated with colonies of bees that survived an in- and Harris 1999), but the delayed trait was the basis of festation of varroa (Ruttner and Marx 1984, Ritter our selection. 1990, Rosenkranz and Engels 1994, Eguaras et al. The purpose of this study was to see if mite-resistant 1995). Moreover, suppression of mite reproduction queens confer an acceptable level of resistance to was present in our breeding population in 1995; it their colonies when they are commercially produced correlated with changes in our mite populations and free-mated to unselected drones. If so, the com- (Harbo and Hoopingarner 1997), and it was heritable mercial beekeeping system could produce and dis- (Harbo and Harris 1999). tribute queen bees that would give beekeepers some Suppression of mite reproduction is a genetic trait immediate relief from varroa mites. Furthermore, this of bees that causes mites to become nonreproductive. procedure may enable us to insert mite-resistant genes We deÞne a reproductive mite as one that produces at (or any beneÞcial genes of the honey bee) into a 1320 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 94, no. 6 population without replacing the existing population a third location. We also included 13 colonies with and without changing the existing beekeeping char- R ϫ R queens (four or Þve at each location). Test acteristics of that population. Once in the population colonies were set up on 23 May 31 May and 6 June at a higher frequency, mite-resistant genes should be 2000. favored by natural selection. This should hasten the Colony Setup. We established Ϸ22 colonies of bees return of our feral population of bees and eventually at each location with uniform populations of bees and eliminate the need to control V. destructor with chem- mites. To achieve uniformity, we Þrst collected a large icals. population (Ͼ30 kg) of mite-infested bees into a cage This study tested the following hypotheses, stated that had a volume of Ϸ340 liters (Harbo 1986, Harbo below as the alternate hypotheses that we found to be and Hoopingarner 1997). The bees were taken from correct: (1) Brood produced in colonies with resistant colonies in the Baton Rouge area. Bees from the large queens mated to unselected drones (resistant ϫ con- cage were put into smaller cages to establish the initial trol) has a greater percentage of nonreproductive bee and mite populations for all the test colonies at a mites than colonies with control queens. (2) Colonies location (Ϸ900 g of bees). The number of mites was with resistant ϫ control queens have fewer mites per calculated from four samples of Ϸ150 g of bees that 100 cells of brood than colonies with control queens. were collected from the large cage during the recaging (3) Colonies with resistant ϫ control queens have a process (Harbo and Harris 1999). Based on data from lower population of mites than colonies with control these samples, we calculated that each colony in 1999 queens. started with Ϸ740 (Þrst location) or Ϸ865 mites (sec- ond location). Colonies in 2000 (three locations), started with Ϸ732, Ϸ487, or Ϸ717 mites per colony. Materials and Methods Each colony began with a caged population of bees General Design. The experiment had multiple fac- and mites (described above), a test queen (also tors within a complete randomized block design con- caged), and Þve combs (each 20 by 43 cm) in a stan- ducted in Baton Rouge, LA, in 1999 and repeated with dard hive that could hold 10 combs. We immediately some modiÞcation in 2000. opened the cages to allow free movement of the The experiment compared the growth of mite pop- worker bees within the hives, but hive entrances re- ulations in colonies of bees that each received one of mained screened until the following night. Queens the following three queen types (treatments); resis- were released and began to lay eggs the following day. tant (R ϫ R)Ñqueens from colonies selected for Combs were added as needed during the experimental suppression of mite reproduction and artiÞcially in- period. seminated with drones from colonies that had also Colony Evaluation. We evaluated colonies for mite been selected for the trait; resistant ϫ control (R ϫ reproduction and mite population growth during and C)Ñmite-resistant queens, as above, but free-mated at the end of the test period that extended for 78 d in with unselected drones; and control (C ϫ C)Ñ 1999 and 115 d in 2000. queens not selected for resistance to mites and free- Total Mite Population. At the end of the test period, mated to unselected drones. We produced and insem- we weighed the bees in each colony (colony en- inated the R ϫ R treatment in Baton Rouge. The trances were screened at night so that all the bees free-mated queens (R ϫ C and C ϫ C) were reared were weighed), sampled adult bees for mites per 100 g by four different queen producers, mated at their of bees, measured the amount of capped brood, and location (Texas, Louisiana, Michigan, or Ohio), and estimated the mite population in the brood (using the then sent to Baton Rouge for testing. The four coop- mites per 200 cells of brood described below). From erating bee breeders produced the R ϫ C queens by these data, we calculated the total mite population in rearing daughters from mite-resistant queens that we each colony (Harbo and Harris 1999). Only adult, had sent to them and produced the C ϫ C queens from female mites were counted. a breeder queen of their choice. Suppression of Mite Reproduction. We deÞne repro- 1999 Experiment. Our experimental design in 1999 ducing mites as those that produce at least one viable did not include the R ϫ R treatment. It included all daughter (a daughter that could possibly reach adult- eight of the possible treatment ϫ producer combina- hood). Nonreproducing mites are mites that enter the tions (four commercial producers, each with two cell to reproduce but (1) produce no progeny, (2) queen types), but these combinations were not produce males only, (3) produce progeny too late to equally represented at the two apiary locations. The mature, or (4) die in the cell before they can repro- fully balanced factorial design would have included all duce. Mite reproduction was measured at the end of 16 possible treatment combinations (two apiaries ϫ the test period in 1999. In 2000, measurements were two queen types ϫ four producers). Our test in 1999 made 18 and 45 d after queen release. had 10 of these possible combinations among a total of To estimate the percentage of the mites that pro- 33 colonies. We established test colonies on 21 June duced no viable progeny (percentage nonreproduc- and 14 July. tion), we evaluated mites in worker brood, in cells that 2000 Experiment. The 2000 test was more balanced had progressed 8 to 11 d of their 12-d duration (the than the 1999 test. In addition to having four cooper- duration of the capped stage of the worker bee). Cells ators and two treatments (R ϫ C and C ϫ C) as in the of this age were determined by the coloration of the 1999 test, the 2000 test had more test colonies (54) and bee pupa in the cell (purple-eyed pupae and older). December 2001 HARBO AND HARRIS:RESISTANCE TO Varroa 1321

Table 1. Mite development in bee colonies containing mite-resistant or susceptible queens

Type of queen F test ϭ R ϫ CvsCϫ C only Variable Resistanta Res. ϫ Cntlb Controlc F df P (R ϫ R) (R ϫ C) (C ϫ C) 1999 Experiment Suppression of mite reproduction 49 Ϯ 20% 37 Ϯ 18% 1.3 1, 5.2 0.31 on day 78 Total mite population on day 78 672 Ϯ 321 1128 Ϯ 340 7.5 1, 4.3 0.05 Mites per 100 cells on day 78 11 Ϯ 722Ϯ 11 5.9 1, 4.4 0.07 2000 Experiment Suppression of mite reproduction 64 Ϯ 34%e 45 Ϯ 20% 32 Ϯ 18% 2.8 1, 12 0.12 on day 18 Suppression of mite reproduction 100 Ϯ 0% 58 Ϯ 22% 40 Ϯ 22% 4.6 1, 12 0.05 on day 45 Total mite population on day 115 19 Ϯ 20 424 Ϯ 179 834 Ϯ 656 5.3 1, 8.1 0.05 Mites per 100 cells on day 115 0.2 Ϯ 0.25 4.4 Ϯ 1.6 14.0 Ϯ 11.1 12.9 1, 7.1 0.009 Number of cells of capped brood 2834 Ϯ 1,432f 5945 Ϯ 1,437 4393 Ϯ 2,137 13.0 1, 12 0.004 on day 115 Total adult bee weight on day 115 0.9 Ϯ 0.4 kgg 1.9 Ϯ 0.3 kg 1.6 Ϯ 0.6 kg 8.8 1, 11.8 0.01

Data are means Ϯ SD. SD values were calculated as colony to colony variability, pooled across location. a n ϭ 11Ð13. b n ϭ 16 in 1999 and 23Ð28 in 2000. c n ϭ 17 in 1999 and 23Ð26 in 2000. d The mite population refers to the total number of adult female mites in the brood and on adult bees. Each colony started with about 800 mites in 1999 and 650 in 2000. e,f,g The 2000 experiment compared the resistant (R ϫ R) with the control (C ϫ C) group to describe two areas of interest: immediate suppression of mite reproduction (e) and the growth of bee populations (f and g). The respective F, df, and P for these three characteristics are 15.4; 1, 9; 0.004 (e); 12.6; 1, 9.0; 0.006 (f); and 15.8; 1, 9; 0.003 (g). The remaining R ϫ R values are included to serve as points of reference for the main comparisons (R ϫ C versus C ϫ C).

Mite progeny at this stage must be past the egg stage type of queen, and queen producer nested within if there is any hope for them to become adults before location) and one random effect (queen producer ϫ the bee emerges from the cell (Harbo and Harris type of queen nested within location). 1999). We found 20 mite-infested cells in each colony, Although similar to the 1999 test, the 2000 experi- classiÞed each foundress mite as either reproductive ment was more balanced and had more observations. or nonreproductive, and then calculated percentage The factors in the model were as follows: (a) location nonreproduction for each colony. Cells with multiple of test apiary, (b) type of test queen in a colony, (c) foundress mites were not counted. It was not difÞcult producer of the test queen, (d) the interaction of to collect data at the beginning of the experiment queen type ϫ producer, and (e) the interaction of because all colonies had hundreds of mites. However, location ϫ queen type ϫ producer. We included an at the end of the experiment, it was often difÞcult to R ϫ R group in the 2000 experiment. This group was Þnd as many as three mites per 1,000 capped cells in compared with the control group with regard to three some of the most resistant colonies. Therefore, we did variables (immediate suppression of mite reproduc- not evaluate suppression of mite reproduction on d tion, amount of brood at the end of the test, and bee 115 in 2000. weight at the end of the test). The analyses used the Mites Per 100 Cells of Brood. We examined 200 cells mixed models procedure (SAS Institute 1997). of capped brood to derive this estimate. All ages of Some of the variables resulted in unequal variances capped brood were examined by opening a row of 50 (determined by BartlettÕs test for homogeneity of vari- cells on each side of two combs of capped brood and ance). In those cases, we forced the mixed model counting all the live, foundress mites in the 200 cells. procedure (SAS Institute 1997) to run analyses for Statistical Analysis. Both experiments had multiple unequal variances. Variables evaluated with unequal factors within a complete randomized block design. A variances are those with the decimal in the denomi- mixed models approach was used for the analyses of nator df. The others have df in whole numbers variables within each test (Proc Mixed, SAS Institute (Table 1). 1997). The Kenward-Roger method of estimating de- grees of freedom was used in each analysis of variance Results and Discussion (ANOVA) (SAS Institute 1997). The 1999 experiment had three major factors in the The major Þnding from this test was that colonies model: (a) location of test apiary, (b) type of test with queens selected for the suppression of mite re- queen in a colony, and (c) producer of the test queen. production trait possessed a signiÞcant level of resis- Not all queen producers were represented at the two tance to mites when they were free-mated to drones apiary locations, so to account for this unbalanced at commercial beekeeping locations. Therefore, com- design, the model for each dependent variable had mercially produced queens (mite-resistant queens four Þxed effects (location, type of queen, location x that are allowed to mate freely) should provide bee- 1322 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 94, no. 6 keepers with some immediate relief from parasitic and bees when they were free mated to produce the mites. The following three measures of resistance sup- R ϫ C group (Table 1). Therefore, the problem with port this conclusion and correspond to the three hy- the R ϫ R group was probably related to their mating: potheses in the introduction: inbreeding, a detrimental side effect of the resistant (1). The expression of the mite-resistant trait (the trait when it is present at a high level, or a problem percentage of nonreproducing mites) was higher in with the inseminations (e.g., diluting and mixing of the R ϫ C group than in the C ϫ C group. The semen, an insufÞcient quantity of semen, or queen difference was not statistically signiÞcant in 1999, but storage before insemination). it was in 2000 (Table 1). However, the direction and This study demonstrated that selection of honey magnitude of the differences were similar in both bees for a single resistant trait (suppression of mite years (12% in 1999 and 18% in 2000; Table 1). reproduction) can effectively reduce and nearly elim- (2). Mites per hundred cells of brood were lower in inate mite populations in a bee colony. It may not be the colonies withRxCqueens than in colonies with desirable to rely on a single mechanism of resistance, C ϫ C queens (P ϭ 0.07 in 1999 and 0.009 in 2000, but resistance to mites does not necessarily require a Table 1). combination of genetic effects or genetic effects com- (3). In both 1999 and 2000, Þnal mite populations bined with cultural or chemical treatments. were signiÞcantly lower in colonies with R ϫ C queens than in colonies with C ϫ C queens. In colonies with R ϫ C queens, the average mite population declined Acknowledgments by 16% during the 1999 experimental period and by 34% during the 2000 experiment. In contrast, mite Deborah Boykin (USDAÐARS, Stoneville, MS) designed populations increased in the colonies with C ϫ C the statistical analysis. David Dodge and Daniel Winfrey queens (70% in 1999 and 97% in 2000)(Table 1). assisted with the Þeld and laboratory work. This research was This was the Þrst time that we detected suppression conducted in cooperation with the Louisiana Agricultural of mite reproduction in the Þrst reproductive cycle Experiment Station. (Table 1). In previous tests, our colonies with resistant or control queens had expressed identical levels of mite reproduction in the Þrst brood cycle (Harris and References Cited Harbo 2000). Although we knew that an immediate effect did exist (Camazine 1986) and that it was her- Anderson, D. L., and J.W.H. Trueman. 2000. Varroa jacob- soni (: Varroidae) is more than one . Exp. itable (Harbo and Harris 1999), our selection had been Appl. Acarol. 24: 165Ð189. for mite reproduction that was suppressed only after Boecking, O., W. Rath, and W. Drescher. 1993. Grooming a queen with resistant genes had been producing and removal behaviorÑstrategies of Apis mellifera and brood in a colony for Ϸ6 wk. We call the delayed effect Apis cerana bees against . Am. Bee J. 133: SMRd and the immediate effect SMRi. We do not 117Ð119. know if SMRi is associated with SMRd. Bu¨ chler, R. 1994. Varroa tolerance in honey bees Ðoccur- With respect to the growth of bee populations as rence, characters and breeding. Bee World 75: 54Ð70. measured by the number of brood cells and the weight Bu¨ chler, R., and W. Drescher. 1990. Variance and herita- of the adult bees at the end of the test, the R ϫ C group bility of the capped developmental stage in European ϫ Apis mellifera L and its correlation with increased Varroa was signiÞcantly better than the C C group (Table jacobsoni Oud. infestation. J. Apic. Res. 29: 172Ð176. 1). This may have been caused by the higher mite load Camazine, S. 1986. Differential reproduction of the mite, in the C ϫ C group or it may be that the resistant Varroa jacobsoni (Mesostigmata: Varroidae), of African- queens provided the commercial queen producers ized and European honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). with genes that combined well with their existing Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 79: 801Ð803. stock. The important point is that bee populations Eguaras, M., J. Marcangeli, M. Oppedisano, and N. Fernan- showed an acceptable level of growth in colonies with dez. 1995. Mortality and reproduction of Varroa jacob- R ϫ C queens. soni in resistant colonies of bees (Apis mellifera) in Ar- In contrast, the colonies with R ϫ R queens had a gentina. BeeScience 3: 174Ð178. Fuchs, S. 1994. Nonreproducing Varroa jacobsoni Oud. in slower growth of their bee populations. The number honey bee worker cellsÑstatus of mites or effect of brood of brood cells and the weight of the adult bees was ϫ cells? Exp. Appl. Acarol 18: 309Ð317. signiÞcantly less than in colonies with C C queens Harbo, J. R. 1986. Effect of population size on brood pro- (Table 1, statistics in footnotes f and g). Many colonies duction, worker survival and honey gain in colonies of with R ϫ R queens developed a very irregular brood honeybees. J. Apic. Res. 25: 22Ð29. pattern as the summer progressed, and this probably Harbo, J. R., and J. W. Harris. 1999. Selecting honey bees for caused their relatively low population of bees at the resistance to Varroa jacobsoni. Apidologie 30: 183Ð196. end of the 2000 test. The queens were slightly inbred, Harbo, J. R., and R. A. Hoopingarner. 1997. Honey bees but when choosing queens for the test, we chose only (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the United States that express resistance to Varroa jacobsoni (Mesostigmata: Varroi- queens that had a solid brood pattern in what was then dae). J. Econ. Entomol. 90: 893Ð898. their Þrst month of egg laying, so their poor brood Harris, J. W., and J. R. Harbo. 2000. Changes in reproduc- pattern was not a sex allele problem. Also, it was tion of Varroa destructor after honey bee queens were probably not a queen problem because similar resis- exchanged between resistant and susceptible colonies. tant queens produced very good populations of brood Apidologie 31: 689Ð699. December 2001 HARBO AND HARRIS:RESISTANCE TO Varroa 1323

Martin, S. J. 1994. Ontogenesis of the mite Varroa jacobsoni SAS Institute. 1997. SAS userÕs guide. SAS Institute, Cary, Oud. in worker brood of the honeybee Apis mellifera L. NC. under natural conditions. Exp. Appl. Acarol. 18: 87Ð100. Spivak, M. 1996. Honey bee hygienic behavior and defense Ritter, W. 1990. Development of varroa mite populations in against Varroa jacobsoni. Apidologie 27: 245Ð260. treated and untreated colonies in Tunisia. Apidologie 21: Spivak, M., and G. S. Reuter. 1998. Performance of hygienic 368Ð370. honey bee colonies in a commercial apiary. Apidologie 29: Rosenkrantz, P., and W. Engels. 1994. Infertility of Varroa 291Ð302. jacobsoni females after invasion into Apis mellifera worker Thakur, R. K., K. Bienefeld, and R. Keller. 1997. Varroa brood as a tolerance factor against varroatosis. Apidologie defense behavior in A. mellifera carnica. Am. Bee J. 137: 25: 402Ð411. 143Ð148. Ruttner, F., H. Marx, and G. Marx. 1984. Beobachtungen u¨ ber eine mo¨gliche anpassung von Varroa jacobsoni an Received for publication 26 March 2001; accepted 22 July Apis mellifera L. in Uruguay. Apidologie 15: 43Ð62. 2001.