Ed Caesar | 9781451685855 | | | | | Two Hours: The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon, By Ed Caesar - book review

The second one is most likely to be the socio-economic change sports like marathon bring to poverty ridden places in eastern Africa. Best Selling in Nonfiction See all. The sight and smell of those burning houses remains vivid to him. In addition, I must draw attention to Caesar's notes at the back of the book; there is some fantastic information that was worth going through but I wish I'd done it while reading the book, instead of after I'd finished. Maybe if the book had traded breadth for more time with the chamoions, it would have had greater emotional and universal Two Hours The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 1st edition. You may also like. The telling, the facts, read well, and the author handles them with style and presents to the read a work that is insightful, easy reading, and a joy to read at the same time. Great overview of the marathon scene in Two Hours The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 1st edition and today Caesar does a good job of bringing to life the history of road racing, the human side of today's stars, and the controversy surrounding doping, payments, and moving the race to a track. Ed Caesar. He brings us to , New York, , and , but ultimately allows us to look inside ourselves. Other Editions Having run two full , an ultramarathon, and an unofficial training marathon, as slow as I am, I know that a marathon is ultimately a battle against yourself. Caesar is a Brit who was embedded in the running community in and Ifen and got to know , Geoffrey Kamworor, This book was a pleasant surprise. But the main focus here is on the elite athletes as they chip away at the world record time and get ever closer to the two-hour mark. The distance is democratic that way. In the years that followed, sub-four-minute miles became commonplace Two Hours The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 1st edition elite athletes. Kind of 'this is how these runners have achieved so much, and here is how this greatness could be further harnessed' with a generous helping of hero-worship, but interesting all the same. I forgot about stuff and I thought the writing was a bit chopped during the history part. Show 0 comments. Why should we care if some extraordinary person Two Hours The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 1st edition run this arbitrary distance in just over, or just under, two hours? This is a great book for anyone and especially runners like me to learn more about the sports. Six weeks after Bannister made history, Landy himself obliterated the new world record, running dead. This tale would appeal to the athlete, the casual jogger, and to the reader that is just curious of what the marathon is about. It's about talent, heroism, and refusing to accept defeat. It is running's Everest, a feat once seen as impossible for the human body. The irony, Caesar notes, is that, as man gets closer to his goal, the pessimists continue to hold sway. He is a husband, a father, a son, a grandson, a nephew, a cousin, a coach, a businessman, and a potentate. Jan 10, Russell Smith rated it really liked it. It is one of many bizarre quirks of the sport of professional road running that, despite being the oldest continuously contested marathon in the world, Boston does not count for world record purposes. Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. The pioneer will have to endure more, live Two Hours The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 1st edition, plan better, and be luckier than anyone who has run before. A paper, which measured everything from running economy to lactate threshold and lung capacity, published in in the Journal of Applied Physiologysuggested that man was capable of running Caesar's conversational voice grabs your attention instantly, making you feel as if you're running alongside elite marathoners, visiting hometowns of the greats like Mutai and --and ultimately you will think you're reading a fictional story rather than an intensely research-heavy non-fiction book. Two hours discusses the science behind running a marathon and debates the probability of running a two hour marathon. The sub-two hour marathon will require an exceptional combination of speed, mental strength, and endurance. To ask other readers questions about Two Hoursplease sign up. Nov 25, Pranav Hundekari rated it really liked it Shelves: business. Having watched Breaking2 with great excitement and now following Kipchoge's second sub-2 attempt, I think this conversation has moved on, and I would have liked to see more reflections on what the sub-2 barrier represents and the weight it has gained from a commercial point of view. Two Hours is a book about a beautiful sport few people understand. Jul 24, Michelle Sauvageau rated it really liked it. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Now any club runner worth his salt can run faster. The most insightful comments on all subjects will be published daily in dedicated articles. It has become a metaphor. I think that this book would Two Hours is a nonfiction book about the struggle to run a marathon in under minutes. Friend Reviews. Two Hours : The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon by Ed Caesar (2016, Trade Paperback)

Thousands of hours of suffering for these minutes of sweetness: speed and ease, force and grace. This was a heck of a book. Rating details. Join the discussion This book was a pleasant surprise. My main dislike in the story was that it was very slow to begin the action of the story and the actual running of the marathons. We warm to him all the more because of these insights. Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. It's an inspiring and powerful story, and I'm grateful to the author for having shared this. Oof, this is a book that did not age well. So far, in his career, the Spirit had allowed Mutai the courage to remake the sport of marathon running, and to destroy previous conceptions of what was possible; to lose his own fear, and implant it in the hearts of his competitors. Nov 25, Pranav Hundekari rated it really liked it Shelves: business. The themes are interlinked and well balanced. Log in Two Hours The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 1st edition. Create a commenting name to join the debate Submit. Definitely a book I'd recommend. You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. Live "split" times for the frontrunners in big races, evolving shoe technology and a developing time trial mentality mean that the elite marathons are increasingly races against the clock. Very interesting read! David Eddings Paperback Books. I'd have preferred a book going deeper into Mutai As there was obviously a special connect and another book specifically on the sub 2 quest. As a former marathoner I deeply appreciate both. Update preferences. Is it possible that things are only im possible when we think they're impossible? Things have moved on a little: more world records have fallen, and new stars are building the experience and knowhow to eclipse Geoffrey Mutai and the other leading lights of just 3 or 4 years ago. And he shows us why this most democratic of races retains its brutal, enthralling appeal—and why we are drawn to test ourselves to the limit. Caesar wears his considerable research into most aspects of the marathon — Two Hours The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 1st edition history, science, and the spectre of performance-enhancing drugs — with a loping, easy style. Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. Log in here. He is a rich man who grew up without shoes. Two Hours: The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon review – lyrical and passionate

Though topics such as the big business and complex logistics of putting on a major marathon aren't really touched upon and some readers may quibble with the fact that there are only a few fleeting mentions of female runners over the entire book, Caesar largely touches all the major bases around organized running events lasting These were absurd, freakish times. Kind of 'this is how these runners have achieved so much, and here is how this greatness could be further harnessed' with a generous helping of hero-worship, but interesting all the same. This was a pretty riveting book I thought with a mix of personal anecdote and history of marathon running and the quest to break two hours and the quest to break previous milestones in past history. But that's what it is. For the man who Two Hours The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 1st edition it will not only gain Roger Bannister-style immortality, he will become fantastically rich. David Eddings Paperback Books. But it feels very much like the author bet on the wrong horse and focused the narrative not so much on a no-name runner, but rather a budget Eluid Kipchoge. Yeah well, my collection of kickball participation awards are pretty great too but I don't need pages to talk about all that The current world record is Witnessing a lynching isn't a cool achievement or a bucket list item. The ending is a little more abrupt than I prefer but, overall, I was impressed with his debut effort. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? It's the human story that shines through. There is no nail-biting account of some penultimate event where a top marathoner tries to go sub, though there are extended discussions about the science behind it which are mercifully laymen-friendly yet scientifically sound and very well-explained and the optimal conditions for such a race a special track that strikes a perfect balance between springy and firm, rabbits to pace and allow drafting, and only a few elites to avoid multiple parties throwing down surges. Although he interviews and writes about several other elite-level distance runners, and gives a succinct history and breakdown of the marathon as a distance race, the primary focus of this book is Geoffrey Mutai; Caesar formed a special bond with the athlete during his research for this book, and Mutai was very open with him about his background, his culture, the secrets of training in Kenya, his goals and dreams for the future. Shimotake rated it Two Hours The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 1st edition liked it. Please continue to respect all commenters and create constructive debates. Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. Despite the slow start at the beginning of the book, after that the book contains Two Hours The Quest to Run the Impossible Marathon 1st edition interesting facts and statistics that will lure the reader into reading a lot more of the book and makes it hard to put the story down. The sub 2 hour marathon is indeed a challenge, and as training and knowledge of the body improves, one day this too shall be a norm. Two years on from first pub I enjoyed the writing, a lot. Will Eritrea become to cycling, a sport long dominated by European riders, what Jamaica is to sprinting and Kenya to marathon running? And is it even possible for a human being to achieve such a feat? Caesar's winning prose will keep even armchair readers turning pages, perhaps tuning in to watch the next marathon. Reading a book that combines those two things is one of the great pleasures in life. Oct 09, Lou rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction. The four-minute mile was only unbreakable until one man broke it. Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium. Through the stories of these rich characters, like Kenyan Geoffrey Mutai, around whom the narrative is built, Caesar traces the history of the marathon as well as the science, physiology, and psychology involved in running so fast for so long.