Congressional Record—Senate S470

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Congressional Record—Senate S470 S470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 4, 2021 on D.C. Act 23–577, ‘‘District of Columbia Baer for Congress, $250; 9/17/18, ActBlue, $25; 7. Sisters and Spouses: Patricia Noble (hus- Water and Sewer Authority Omnibus Amend- 8/18/18, Karen Bass for Congress, $500; 8/18/18, band: Bertell, deceased): 5/15/20, DSCC, $5; 5/ ment Act of 2020’’; to the Committee on Lauren Baer for Congress, $25; 8/18/18, Tom 15/20, ActBlue, $1. Maxine Caldwell: no con- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Malinowski for Congress, $250; 7/24/18, tributions. Kathy Thomas-Grover (husband: fairs. Soderberg for Congress, $100; 7/19/18, ActBlue, Arnold James): 11/12/20, ActBlue, $2; 11/12/20, EC–332. A communication from the Chair- $25; 7/18/18, Toni Malinowski for Congress, Stop Republicans, $3; 10/24/20, Stop Repub- man of the Council of the District of Colum- $250; 4/28/18, Tom Malinowski for Congress, licans, $10; 10/15/20, Stop Republicans, $3; 8/13/ bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report $250; 12/6/17, Tom Malinowski for Congress, 20, Biden for President, $20; 7/17/20, Biden for on D.C. Act 23–578, ‘‘Performance Parking $500. President, $5; 5/17/20, Democratic Action, $25; and RPP Exclusion Amendment Act of 2020’’; 2. Spouse: Lafayette Masteen Greenfield: 4/25/20, Democratic Action, $10; 3/5/20, Biden to the Committee on Homeland Security and 11/2/20, Biden For President, $10; 10/31/20, for President, $10. Husband: no contribu- Governmental Affairs. Biden For President, $25; 10/26/20, Biden For tions. EC–333. A communication from the Chair- President, $10; 10/24/20, Biden For President, * Linda Thomas-Greenfield, of Louisiana, man of the Council of the District of Colum- $25; 10/19/20, Biden For President, $10; 10/17/20, to be Representative of the United States of bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Biden For President, $25; 10/13/20, Democratic America to the Sessions of the General As- Party of Virginia, $25; 10/13/20, ActBlue, $2.50; on D.C. Act 23–579, ‘‘Surplus Green Space Re- sembly of the United Nations during her ten- 10/12/20, Biden For President, $10; 10/10/20, tention Amendment Act of 2020’’; to the ure of service as Representative of the Biden For President, $25; 10/6/20, Biden Vic- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- United States of America to the United Na- tory Fund, $5; 10/6/20, ActBlue, $1; 10/5/20, ernmental Affairs. tions. Biden For President, $25; 10/5/20, Biden For EC–334. A communication from the Chair- President, $5; 10/3/20, Biden For President, * Nomination was reported with rec- man of the Council of the District of Colum- $25; 9/30/20, Jeffries For Congress, $250; 9/30/20, ommendation that it be confirmed sub- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Paulette For Senate, $50; 9/27/20, Amy ject to the nominee’s commitment to on D.C. Act 23–580, ‘‘Public Facilities Envi- McGrath For Senate, Inc., $6; 9/26/20, Biden ronment Safety Amendment Act of 2020’’; to respond to requests to appear and tes- For President, $25; 9/22/20, Jaime Harrison tify before any duly constituted com- the Committee on Homeland Security and For US Senate, $50; 9/20/20, Democratic Sen- Governmental Affairs. atorial Campaign Committee, $100; 9/20/20, mittee of the Senate EC–335. A communication from the Chair- ActBlue, $10; 9/19/20, Biden For President, $25; f man of the Council of the District of Colum- 9/12/20, Biden For President, $7; 9/12/20, Biden bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report For President, $25; 9/12/20, ActBlue, $1; 9/10/20, INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND on D.C. Act 23–581, ‘‘Specialty License Plate The Southern Strategy, $100; 9/10/20, ActBlue, JOINT RESOLUTIONS Amendment Act of 2020’’; to the Committee $10; 8/29/20, Biden Victory Fund, $99.62; 8/27/20, on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- The following bills and joint resolu- Amy McGrath For Senate, Inc., $6; 8/22/20, tions were introduced, read the first fairs Jaime Harrison For US Senate, $50; 8/14/20, and second times by unanimous con- f Biden Victory Fund, $75.94; 8/9/20, Mike Espy For Senate Campaign Committee, $500; 8/9/20, sent, and referred as indicated: EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF ActBlue, $50; 7/27/20, Amy McGrath For Sen- By Mr. THUNE (for himself and Mrs. COMMITTEES ate, Inc., $6; 7/22/20, Jaime Harrison For US SHAHEEN): Senate, $50; 6/27/20, Amy McGrath For Sen- S. 218. A bill to approve certain advanced The following executive reports of ate, Inc., $6; 6/22/20, Jaime Harrison For US biofuel registrations, to require the consider- nominations were submitted: Senate, $50; 6/8/20, Jaime Harrison For US ation of certain advanced biofuel pathways, By Mr. REED for the Committee on Armed Senate, $50; 5/27/20, Amy McGrath For Sen- and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and Services. ate, Inc., $25; 5/22/20, Amy McGrath For Sen- for other purposes; to the Committee on En- * Kathleen Holland Hicks, of Virginia, to be ate, Inc., $250; 5/22/20, ActBlue, $25; 5/22/20, vironment and Public Works. Deputy Secretary of Defense. ActBlue, $25; 5/22/20, Democratic Senatorial By Ms. CORTEZ MASTO: By Mr. BROWN for the Committee on Campaign Committee, $10; 5/22/20, Demo- S. 219. A bill to require the Secretary of Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. cratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, $125; Veterans Affairs to increase the amount of * Marcia Louise Fudge, of Ohio, to be Sec- 5/22/20, Jaime Harrison For US Senate, $125; certain payments during the emergency pe- retary of Housing and Urban Development. 5/22/20, Jaime Harrison For US Senate, $100; riod resulting from the COVID–19 pandemic, * Cecilia Elena Rouse, of New Jersey, to be 5/22/20, Jaime Harrison For US Senate, $50; and for other purposes; to the Committee on Chairman of the Council of Economic Advis- 10/27/19, Democratic National Committee, Veterans’ Affairs. ers. $500; 10/23/19, ActBlue, $50; 7/17/19, Democratic By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. By Mr. MENENDEZ for the Committee on National Committee, $200; 11/8/18, ActBlue, MANCHIN, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. SINEMA, Foreign Relations. $30; 11/8/18, Democratic National Committee, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. HAS- * Linda Thomas-Greenfield, of Louisiana, $100; 10/16/18, ActBlue, $30; 10/16/18, Demo- SAN, Mr. CASEY, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. to be the Representative of the United cratic National Committee, $300; 8/29/18, KELLY, and Mr. SULLIVAN): States of America to the United Nations, Gillum for Governor, $250; 8/17/18, Democratic S. 220. A bill to provide emergency relief to with the rank and status of the Ambassador National Committee, $100; 8/17/18, Bill Nelson youth, children, and families experiencing Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and the for Senate, $100; 8/4/18, Democratic Party of homelessness, in light of the health and eco- Representative of the United States of Amer- Virginia, $500; 8/4/18, ActBlue, $50. nomic consequences of COVID–19; to the ica in the Security Council of the United Na- 3. Children and Spouses: Lindsay Jamila Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and tions. Greenfield: 10/30/20, Biden for President, $10; Pensions. Nominee: Linda Thomas-Greenfield. 8/30/20, Biden for President, $10; 7/30/20, Biden By Mr. MORAN (for himself, Mr. for President, $10; 6/30/20, Biden for Presi- Post: U.S. Permanent Representative to MENENDEZ, Ms. ERNST, and Mr. dent, $10; 5/30/20, Biden for President, $10; 4/ the United Nations. CARDIN): 30/20, Biden for President, $10; 3/30/20, Biden Nominated: November 23, 2020. S. 221. A bill to direct the Secretary of De- for President, $10; 2/29/20, Biden for Presi- (The following is a list of all members of fense to carry out a grant program to in- dent, $10; 1/30/20, Biden for President, $10; 12/ my immediate family and their spouses. I crease cooperation on post-traumatic stress 30/19, Biden for President, $10; 11/30/19, Biden have asked each of these persons to inform disorder research between the United States for President, $10; 10/30/19, Biden for Presi- me of the pertinent contributions made by and Israel; to the Committee on Foreign Re- dent, $10; 9/30/19, Biden for President, $10; 8/ them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- lations. 30/19, Biden for President, $10; 7/30/19, Biden formation contained in this report is com- By Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Ms. for President, $10; 6/30/19, Biden for Presi- plete and accurate.) BALDWIN, Mr. SCHUMER, Mrs. GILLI- dent, $10; 5/30/19, Biden for President, $10; 4/ Contributions, date, donee, and amount: BRAND, Mr. COONS, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. 30/19, Biden for President, $10. Lafayette 1. Self: 10/12/20, Biden Victory Fund, $250; 8/ Masteen Greenfield II (wife: Aida Kebere); 11/ MARKEY, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. 12/20, Biden Victory Fund, $100; 7/15/20, Biden 3/20, Biden for President, $25; 10/29/20, Biden BROWN, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. SCHATZ, Victory Fund, $2,000; 7/15/20, Biden Victory Victory Fund, $50; 10/29/20, Jaime Harrison Ms. WARREN, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. DUR- Fund, $800; 6/8/20, Karen Bass for Congress, for US Senate, $50; 10/2/20, Jaime Harrison for BIN, and Ms.
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