PUEBLO LORE INDEX Through September 2015
1 PUEBLO COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE PUEBLO LORE SUBJECT/TITLE INDEX NOVEMBER 1976 – DECEMBER, 2017 The Pueblo County Historical Society issued its first newsletter in September 1975. It was not published in the summers of 1976 and 1977. The early bulletins were limited to news of the Society and to items taken from the Pueblo Chieftain one hundred years ago. The first article appeared in November 1976. The indexing begins at this point. The first use of the logo of the Society, prepared by Barney Cawlfield, appeared in the bulletin of June 1978. The first use of the title Pueblo Lore appeared in March 1983. LORE INDEX OF REFERENCE BY AUTHOR IS AVAILABLE IN THE BROADHEAD LIBRARY Abernathy Boys of Oklahoma Peggy Runco Willcox Aug2014 “A” Street – What Happened to It Smith, John E. Sep 1998, Dec 1998 Abbey, Samuel A. Stage Coach to Coronation Fry, Eleanor May 1994 Abbiati, Albino Pioneer (Mineral Palace Artist) Anderies, Julie P. Jun 2007 Abbott, Jerri P.O. Abbott Nov 2011 Adams, Alva Colorado’s Everyman - Part I Fry, Eleanor Nov 1996 Colorado’s Everyman – Part II Fry, Eleanor Jan 1997 Adams, Walter G. Railroader 1853-1899 Jun 1995 Adamson, William 1814-1883 Broadhead, Edward Dec 1994 Adobe Bank Building Pueblo Chieftain 1920 May 2007 Adobe house known as the “Hornets Nest” Roper, Roy & Linda July 2011 Adobe Landmark to be Torn Down Pueblo Chieftain 1870 Jun 1999 Adobe - Manufacturing Fry, Eleanor Dec 1985 Ads, Local Pueblo Business Pueblo County Stockman 1985 July 2007 Agricultural and Industrial Assn - 1873 Pueblo Chieftain Jan 1997 Albanese, Pete: Lucky Man Jerry Miller Nov 2014 Albert, John - The Death Of – 1899 Pueblo Chieftain Jul 1992 Albin, James M.
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