Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:21 PM Page 1

Ag Camp to introduce urban youth to realities of food production By Donna Sullivan, Editor to Peterson. The junior ses- mation on donating to the With the average Ameri- sion will run from August 2- program, contact White Me- can now at least two genera- 5 and be for campers who morial Camp director Jancy tions removed from the farm, have completed third Pettit at 620-767-5165. there is an ever-widening through sixth grade. The Flint Hills Extension Dis- gap between consumers and senior session will be from trict Agriculture and Natural the farmers and ranchers August 5-8 for seventh Resources agent Lori Bam- who produce their food. A graders and up. 4-H and FFA merlin says the camp fits constant conversation in the members will serve as coun- well with her programming. agriculture community is selors for the camp, lending “We’re teaching about agri- how to best educate their their unique personal experi- culture,” she said. “Some of customers on the realities of ences in agriculture to the the grand challenges in Ex- food production amid voices cause. tension is feeding the grow- who seek to cast agriculture The setting will be the ing population and develop- in a disparaging light. beautiful White Memorial ing tomorrow’s leaders. Edu- Not one to see a need and Camp near Council Grove, cating the youth in where look the other way, Council which is nestled in native their food comes from and Grove businessman Don Pe- prairie land and surrounded making them more educated terson came up with the idea on three sides by the Council to help others will help agri- of Ag Camp – Seeing and Grove Lake. Each cabin is culture in the end, as well.” Being in Agriculture. Part- air-conditioned and there is a More information can be nering with the White Me- swimming pool and other found at www. whitememo- morial Camp Management outdoor activities that will be or on the Group, Council Grove FFA, utilized during the camp. Facebook page, AG Camp: Flint Hills Extension District After breakfast each Seeing & Being in Agricul- and TCT, Peterson is plan- morning, the campers will be ture. ning a four-day camping ex- shown a Power Point presen- While just one session for perience in August for kids tation depicting the farming Don Peterson, owner of Santa Fe Ag Services in Council Grove, and White Memo- each age group is planned who have not grown up with operations and practices they rial Camp director Jancy Pettit are working with the Council Grove FFA, Flint Hills Ex- for this year. Peterson hopes agriculture as a part of their will see that day. “We’ll try tension District and TCT to put together Ag Camp – Seeing and Being in Agriculture to add several more for the daily lives – ones who be- to explain the different to introduce urban young people to the farmers and ranchers who produce their 2016 season. lieve milk and bread comes things because the kids are In a letter to potential food. Courtesy photo from the grocery store and not going to know what supporters, Peterson ac- have no idea of the impor- they’re looking at without ranch, and meat goat ranch Since most swine operations which is below the actual knowledged the effort won’t tance of agriculture. some previous explanation,” as well as view different are closed due to disease pre- cost. To keep the experience be a quick fix. He added, To recruit urban youth to Peterson said. They will then crops in the field. They also cautions, the study of pork affordable for the youth, Pe- “We will be starting a trend the camp, fliers will be sent board buses for trips to near- plan to visit the historic Z production will be done at terson is soliciting donations for people to create an inter- to churches and other organ- by farms and ranches. Peter- Bar Ranch to see the native the camp. from agriculture-related est in and an understanding izations that touch the lives son hopes to include field grasses bison lived on and Cost for the camp is $90 businesses to be used for of their fellow workers.” of young people, according trips to a dairy farm, cattle the beautiful Flint Hills. for both juniors and seniors, scholarships. For more infor- net farm income slipped further in 2014 Lower prices paid to KFMA’s annual PROF- One state, farmers for their crops in ITLINK Analysis showed. different regions 2014 pulled average net farm An executive summary of “Historically, whatever income in Kansas below pre- the report is available online the wheat crop does, that’s vious year levels and well at how the KFMA numbers below the five-year average, move,” said Bryan Manny, according to the Kansas kfma/. KFMA economist in south Farm Management Associa- “Average net farm in- central Kansas, where the tion. come for the state was down average farm income was the Net farm income across about $18,000 in 2014 com- lowest. “Last year the aver- 1,175 KFMA member farms pared with 2013,” said Kevin age wheat yield (in south averaged $122,190, down Herbel, KFMA program ad- central) was about 26 from $140,356 the previous ministrator, adding that most bushels per acre, whereas in year and below the five-year of the pressure came from 2013, the average yield was average of $149,114, lower crop prices. 47 bushels per acre. Last KFMA divides the state year’s yield was the lowest into six regions. Net income since 2007 when there was a last year was down in four of late freeze and the average the six regions while south- yield was 14.6 bushels per east Kansas and northwest acre.” Kansas farms had higher in- Despite the slide, most come than the previous year. producers are weathering the Farmers listen to Stu Duncan, Kansas State University agronomy professor and South central Kansas farms storm well, Manny said of northeast area crops and soils specialist during the Republic County High School had the lowest at $52,996, a farmers in his area. Over the FFA Wheat Plot Tour Wednesday, June 3 in Cuba. Photo by Amy Hadachek sharp drop from $151,464 a last few years, some produc- year earlier. Southeast ers have shifted some of Spring challenges of wheat crop discussed on tour Kansas farms had the high- their acres to crops other est net income last year at than wheat and the rains in By Amy Hadachek These conditions affected the quality of $183,899. June and July last year Two dozen farmers attended the Repub- the wheat crop. DeWolf and Duncan em- Not all Kansas farms are helped those spring-planted lic County High School FFA Wheat Plot phasized that spraying fungicide this year KFMA members, but the an- crops. Tour in Cuba, which was the third stop on paid off, in preventing disease and main- nual report is a barometer of “Farmers are also not the River Valley Extension District tour taining yields. DeWolf said his ‘Top 3’ va- financial conditions for pro- spending a lot on equipment Wednesday, June 3rd. Erick DeWolf; rieties for north central Kansas are Ever- ducers, especially when right now,” he added. Kansas State University Research and Ex- est, WB-4458 and WB Cedar. Duncan comparing one year to the Average net farm income tension plant pathologist, and Stu Duncan; noted that the later-maturing wheat such as next, Herbel said. in northeast Kansas last year Kansas State University agronomy profes- Monument will most likely be the higher- While crop prices were tallied $149,476, not much sor and northeast area crops and soils spe- yielding varieties this year in this area, due down in 2014, livestock change from the previous cialist discussed how the wheat crop fared to the favorable growing conditions expe- prices were higher, which year of $160,350, said Clay over the 2014-2015 winter and the 2015 rienced in late spring. Both speakers also aided producers who raise spring; particularly with abnormally cool said that wheat at the Cuba plot looked cattle, particularly. and wet weather through April and May. equally as good as any wheat in the state. Continued on page 3 Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:22 PM Page 2

Page 2 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 moisture that’s fallen,” kernels out. Bigge says. “We’re a lot “I believe the potential greener out here than we for a good harvest is out have been the last several there,” Bigge says pointing years.” to his crop. The northwestern Kan- Still as any Kansas wheat sas farmer has conducted farmer will tell you, “Never By John Schlageck, color. Much of the crop stand counts in the fields. count your crop until it’s in Kansas Farm Bureau stood knee-high. He’s recorded yield esti- the bin.” Travel through north- While most of the wheat mates between 45 and 55 Three years ago, Bigge western Kansas and you’ll looks good viewed from the bushels. parked the machines next to A couple of weeks ago all ready to play. see plenty of variability in roads, walking into the crop “I believe this year’s crop a field and prepared to my grandson invited me to My son warned me that the winter wheat crop. often reveals a different is going to surprise some of begin harvest the next come up and play in his it wasn’t exactly all mud in our farmers once they pull morning. Rooks County farmer story. mud puddle with him, and the puddle. After all, it is Stephen Bigge, believes Some of the fields didn’t into the fields for harvest,” “It hailed us out that wheat planted on the family develop the stand needed to Bigge says. “I’m crossing my night before we could I told him I would love to. near the cattle pasture. farm during the third week get the quantity of tillers to fingers the (favorable) begin,” he says. “You just But several days passed, I But up I went and the little in September looks good. complete the crop, Bigge weather holds. A harvest have to wait, hope for the got busy and his family guy and I proceeded to Some of the crop seeded Oc- says. The later planted like that would be tremen- best and pray.” went out of town so I had- have great fun. His sister dous this year.” Until then Bigge will do tober 10 or later probably wheat looks good, but the n’t made it up there. Then eyed me warily when I ar- won’t yield as well and an stand is thin. Bigge believes harvest what farmers have done for early November freeze ham- Bigge planted the wheat will come early this year. If decades, keep an eye on the on a Sunday evening I was rived. mered some of the newly crop in good moisture last the temperatures warm into sky, the weather app on talking to him on the “Are you REALLY emerging crop. fall. But then the weather the 80s and low 90s, he fig- their smart phones and an phone. “Grandma, my going to get in that mud “We won’t harvest a turned dry and his wheat ures to start cutting wheat ear to the radio. And while mud puddle is melting,” he puddle?” she asked. bumper crop; however crop received little mois- June 10. harvest may be just around said. A three-year-old’s “I really am,” I replied. there’s some really good ture until mid-April. Some of the early wheat the corner, he cannot wait wheat in this county,” Bigge The last 30 days of mois- he planted was a short-sea- for it to begin. term for drying up, I “You’re crazy,” she pro- says. “On the other hand, ture has been plentiful and son variety. As of the third John Schlageck is a lead- guess. “You better come claimed. Yeah, I’ve been some wheat fields will not timely. Fields have received week in May, the heads al- ing commentator on agricul- play with me if you still told that before. even be cut.” from two inches to nearly ready contain a half to ture and rural Kansas. Born waaaaaaaaant to,” that We splashed and As of May 20, the wheat eight inches. three-quarter sized berry. and raised on a diversified sweet little voice contin- played, slipped and slid fields sported a deep green “We’re thankful for the With warmer weather, it will farm in northwestern Kansas, not take long to finish the his writing reflects a lifetime ued. I assured him that I until we were a muddy of experience, knowledge and still wanted to and would mess. After a while, my passion. be there Tuesday evening, granddaughter joined us. Really, who can resist playing in the mud? “I’m not sure they’re ever going to smell the same,” my daughter-in-law mused. As the one who would have to clean them off, she won the “Good Sport” award for the Recently I had a meeting at the catching. I am not usually one for art evening. Agriculture Hall of Fame in Bonner but this display alone is worth going The stock tank was Springs. There are many places that to see. More importantly it also nearby and after obtaining fascinate me and this is one of them. marks a partnership with Bayer that I am not sure how many times I have will lead to even greater things. permission from both par- been to the Hall of Fame, several The Hall of Fame also has a ents, we climbed in to over the past twenty years or so and number of old structures like an old clean off. The nearby cat- I never fail to see something new and railroad depot, blacksmith shop and tle just shook their heads this time was no exception. The Hall school that are neat to walk through at the antics of the humans of Fame has a new director, new di- and get a feel of what it must have that had invaded their rection and new life and it is some- been like a hundred years ago. The space. thing everyone should go see. building I found most interesting The good news is, we Of course my favorite part is all was the old farm house and out- all came clean; had some of the old farm equipment on dis- buildings. It is set up just like a turn fun and made some mem- play. I jokingly told those around me of the century farm and offers an ex- ories. In my book, that’s a that it was like going into our ma- perience of farm life from that era to successful evening. chine shed, and there may have school kids. The cattle, on the other been some truth to that. Like any Speaking of kids, that is what I hand, may be scarred for farmer the old implements, tractors think is the most exciting and holds life. and combines of the past catch my the most promise for the Ag Hall of attention and I try to think about Fame. They have been working on what it must have been like to use various projects involving children them. My conclusion is that farming from nearby schools. They have also now is pretty cushy compared to forged a partnership with Kansas back then. State Research and Extension Mas- I started my tractor driving ca- ter Gardeners to start a gardening reer on an open tractor, but I was project. This is exciting because it raking hay and that hardly com- involves urban youth who get a pares with plowing, disking or plant- glimpse and taste of agriculture and ing. I just barely remember Dad what it is like to grow food. That is combining with an old Massey com- where the Hall of Fame can have its bine with no cab. I don’t really re- biggest impact. member the combine, just Mom’s This project also has a display strict orders for us to stay out of garden complete with more signs to Dad’s way when he got home and to sidetrack those of us who are into give him a clear path to the shower. such things. They have also added a I also remember not recognizing the beekeeping exhibit that is really dusty, greasy guy who hastily made buzzing (sorry, I just couldn’t help his way to the shower. myself). If you want to see something I could and have spent a great really odd and cool ask the staff to deal of time studying the old equip- show you the plow in a tree. Yes, a ment and reading the signs in front plow in a tree. It is my understand- of their display. Yes, I am that per- ing that the plow somehow had son in a museum. I read everything grown into the tree and was sus- and if you want to get through one in pended twelve feet off of the ground a hurry, I am not the person you before the tree died. It is worth the want to go with. Rushing through extra effort to see. the Hall of Fame with me is not an I know we are all looking for GRASS & GRAIN (USPS 937-880) option. If you have any background quick easy trips this summer and The newsweekly for Kansas and southern Ne- in agriculture and any knowledge of the Hall of Fame is just that. It is braska, published each Tuesday at 1531 Yuma equipment this section will hold you also relatively cheap; well, unless (Box 1009), Manhattan, KS by Ag Press, Inc. Periodicals postage paid at Manhattan, Kansas. for quite a while. you include a trip to the Legends Postmaster send address changes to: Ag Press, The Hall’s newest exhibit and Mall just a couple of miles to the east 785-539-7558 Box 1009, Manhattan, KS 66505. one of the biggest feathers in their and then it might be a rather expen- Fax 785-539-2679 Subscription — $79 for 2 years. $43 for 1 year, cap is a sculpture donated by Bayer. sive trip. In any case, the Agriculture includes sales tax. Outside Kansas, $50 for 1 It was made for the Farm Progress Hall of Fame is one of the best kept Editor — Donna Sullivan year, $93 for 2 years. [email protected] Show and is constructed entirely of secrets in our neck of the woods and MEMBER OF recycled materials. I must say that I highly recommend exiting I-70 to — Advertising Staff — Associated Press the pop bottle corn is really eye take a look. Steve Reichert [email protected] Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:22 PM Page 3

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 3 Off with the wedding ring, Kansas net farm income not with your fingers slipped further in 2014 It’s easy to spot a mar- most important for hand lights or other heat Continued from page 1 $3.75 per bushel. for 2014 also showed: ried farmer. function, so avoid wearing sources. Simons, a KFMA economist “We (northeast Kansas) The value of production There’s the telltale tan rings on these at all times. Spilled chemicals can in that area. had a nice buffer with yields across Kansas farms came in line around the wedding Take special care when get under a ring or watch- “Primarily, producers had and livestock prices last year at an average of $613,243, ring. All too often, missing climbing onto or off of band, irritating or burning but we can’t count on that down from both $631,437 a fingers clue you into a equipment, she says. the skin. tremendous yields in the farm accident gone bad. Rings caught on machin- In addition to rings, face of lower prices, which forever,” Simons said, year earlier and $639,282 Take off your wedding ery provide a powerful avoid neck and hand jew- helped,” Simons said, adding adding that most producers two years earlier. The 2014 ring while working, says torque if you fall. elry, especially jewelry that some cattle producers in have been prudent with their number was, however, above University of Missouri Ex- Rings also pose a risk that dangles, Funken- northeast Kansas received finances and that balance the five-year average of tension state health spe- of electrocution if you busch says. If you need to Livestock Forage Disaster sheets are generally in good $606,792. cialist Karen Funken- work on electrical de- wear a medical alert payments (www. shape. Net income for dryland busch. vices. bracelet or similar jewel- Dave Rempe, KFMA crop producers averaged That small wedding Danger increases when ry, choose the kind that File/lfp_2014_fbill.pdf) be- economist in north central $91,811, down from ring is a big hazard for gloves are worn over has a breakaway clasp. cause of drought conditions. Kansas, said that area did not $161,069 in 2013. people working in agricul- rings. Moving equipment Ring accidents are not have a great wheat crop in Net income for producers ture. Wedding rings can parts can snag gloves, and unique to farmers. Acci- Those payments, along with catch on machinery, tear- the ring catches. dents occur at home, historically high cattle 2014, where average net who irrigate averaged ing skin, muscles and ten- Metal rings transfer amusement parks, sport- prices, provided a boost last farm income slipped to $118,608, down from dons, Funkenbusch says. heat to the skin, so ring ing events and construc- year. $102,508 from $137,633 the $125,628 in 2013. The thumb and the index fingers can burn when ex- tion sites. “The average (cattle) previous year. “That, along Average net income for and middle fingers are posed to high-intensity farm in northeast Kansas re- with feedgrain commodity 36 producers whose opera- ceived $29,010 in forage prices, were the reasons we tions are primarily cow Kansas Corn Commission to expand efforts to build loss payments,” Simons said. were down. We would have herds jumped to $177,047 “That was a nice economic been down more if not for from $92,612 a year earlier. markets, profitability for corn with checkoff increase shot in the arm for them.” the livestock prices. Fortu- Net income for producers Despite the relatively nately, that helped our in- who grow crops and have a As of July 1, 2015, the using the most innovative one cent per bushel, the strong net farm income last come.” cow herd averaged $155,677 Kansas corn checkoff rate technology and production Kansas corn checkoff re- year in northeast Kansas, Despite lower income in compared with $73,005 the will increase to one cent per practices to grow plentiful mains the lowest grain however, producers know 2014, $102,508 was a good previous year. bushel. This is the first and sustainable crops checkoff rate in Kansas,” things can change and are year considering the size of Net income for the 19 Kansas corn checkoff rate Building efforts to tell Krissek said. “The commis- farms in that part of the state, KFMA member producers increase in 25 years. The the story of corn and agri- sion looks forward to play- being cautious, he said. Kansas corn checkoff is col- culture to consumers who ing a greater role in market “Corn with a $3 (price) in Rempe said. who grow crops and back- lected by the Kansas De- are becoming increasingly development, research, pro- front of it is certainly differ- “Our farms are in really ground calves averaged partment of Agriculture and misinformed and wary of motion and education ef- ent than with a $6 or $7 in good shape to weather this $321,206, sharply higher is administered by the grow- our food system forts to increase profitabili- front of it,” he added, noting storm financially,” he said. than a year earlier at er-elected Kansas Corn “This increase will allow ty for Kansas corn produc- that fertilizer and other input “We’ve seen this coming. $71,719. Commission. the Kansas Corn Commis- ers.” prices, as well as rent and People are cautious. A lot of According to Kansas sion to aggressively pursue In Kansas, the Kansas land prices, have not economic activity, such as Corn Commission chairman opportunities to build do- wheat checkoff is two cents dropped in tandem with crop equipment purchases, has Kent Moore of Iuka, increas- mestic and foreign markets per bushel. The Kansas sun- prices. slowed as people are antici- ing the checkoff rate was not for corn and products made flower checkoff is five cents pating a drop in income. a decision the commission from corn, like red meat, per hundredweight. The The average price paid to took lightly. ethanol and red meat,” Kansas corn, wheat and sun- U.S. farmers for their corn in There’s a chance we’ll see “Much has changed in Moore said. “We will also flower checkoffs are refund- the 2013-2014 marketing deterioration of our balance the last 25 years, especially strive to improve sustain- able state checkoffs. The year was $4.46 per bushel, sheets, but we’re going into the need to build existing able and profitable corn soybean and grain sorghum down from $6.89 the previ- it in a very strong position.” markets and create new production practices and checkoffs are national ous year. USDA projects the Net income by markets for corn. This reali- build consumer under- checkoffs through USDA 2014-2015 average price to operation ty was best illustrated in standing and acceptance of with a soybean rate of 0.5 dip even further, to $3.55 to The KFMA member data 2014 when several market new technologies used by percent of the net market factors proved that demand corn farmers.” value of soybeans, and a for corn was not bullet- In 2008, the Kansas Leg- grain sorghum rate of 0.6 proof,” Moore said. “Events islature gave the Kansas percent of the net market that decreased export de- Corn Commission the au- value of grain sorghum. mand, and issues that put thority to increase the Created in 1977, the the ethanol industry at risk checkoff to one cent per Kansas Corn Commission all helped to deflate corn bushel. Implementing this invests the corn checkoff to prices.” increase now will bring develop domestic and for- These factors emphasize Kansas in line with the ma- eign markets for corn and the need to build even jority of corn states which corn products like red stronger demand for the have checkoff rates higher meats and ethanol; to sup- crop by: than the half-cent per port research to improve Strengthening and ex- bushel rate, according to production practices and panding our foreign and do- Kansas Corn Commission profitability; and to support mestic markets for products CEO Greg Krissek. Twelve efforts in promotion, educa- made with corn like ethanol states, including Missouri, tion and advocacy for corn and corn-fed beef and pork Colorado, Texas, South and agriculture. The Kansas Building infrastructure Dakota and Iowa, have a one Corn Commission is based and demand for ethanol- cent per bushel checkoff in Garnett. More informa- blended fuels rate. tion can be found at Ensuring our growers are “Even at the new rate of Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:23 PM Page 4

Page 4 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 CARAMEL APPLE powder OATMEAL BROWNIES FRANKFURTER, COFFEE CAKE 1 tsp. salt Shirley Deiser, Kanopolis LETTUCE AND TOMATO Kathy Hogue of Tope- 2 large eggs 1 1/2 cups quick oats SALAD ka/Alma describes this treat 1 cup milk 1 cup M&M miniature bak- Nancy Horne as pure bliss! She bakes it 1/2 cup vegetable oil ing bits 6 oz. of frankfurter or 1/2 cup flour hot dog with walnuts and Fuji ap- 2 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 4 cups finely shredded ples. The batter will be 1 cup boiling water 1/2 cup chopped walnuts lettuce (I just cut my let- thick. It might just be a nice Coat insert of 5-6 qt. slow 1/2 teaspoon baking soda tuce up). reward for a well-done cooker with spray. 1/2 cup butter or margarine, 2 medium tomatoes Honey-Do! Whisk sugar, flour, melted diced Barbara Barthol is 3 eggs cocoa, baking soda, baking 1 package fudge brownie 1/3 cup Thousand Island 1 teaspoon salt powder and salt in a large mix (9-by-13-by-2-inch pan dressing, or any dressing weekly Grass & 2 cups sugar bowl. size) will work 1 teaspoon baking soda Whisk together eggs, In a bowl combine oats, 4 slices of Italian Bread. baking bits, flour, brown Or any bread will work. I Grain recipe 1 ½ cups vegetable oil milk, oil, and vanilla in an- sugar, walnuts, soda and use corn chips for the 3 cups peeled chopped other bowl, until well com- margarine; mix well. Set bread. apples bined. Whisk in boiling aside 1 cup for topping. Pat Dice the frankfurter and contest winner 2 teaspoon vanilla water. Pour wet ingredients the remaining mixture into brown in skillet, in cooking SHEEPHERDERS drippings in pan 1 cup finely chopped into dry ingredients and a greased 15-by-10-by-1-inch spray. Remove from heat BREAKFAST CASSEROLE Stir in hash browns and pecans or finely chopped mix well. Pour batter into baking pan. Prepare brown- and cool. In large bowl com- Serves 8 cook, uncovered, over med. walnuts slow cooker. ie batter according to pack- bine shredded lettuce and Barbara Barthol, Olathe heat 10 minutes until bot- 3 cups all-purpose flour Cook covered on low age. Spread over crust. diced tomatoes. Add cooled 3/4 lb. bacon strips, fine- tom is golden brown. TOPPING: until wooden pick comes Sprinkle with the reserved frankfurters and dressing. oat mixture. Bake at 350 de- Mix gently to combine. ly chopped Turn potatoes. ½ cup butter out clean and cake has be- 1 med onion, chopped With back of spoon make grees for 25 to 30 minutes or Toast the bread. Quickly ¼ cup milk gaun to pull away from until toothpick comes out spray toast with butter fla- 1 30 oz pkg. THAWED 8 evenly spaced wells in po- 1 cup packed brown sides of insert, 3-3 1/4 hours. clean. Cool on rack and cut vored cooking spray. Dice hash brown potatoes tato mixture sugar Turn off cooker and into bars. Makes 5 dozen. the toast into small pieces. 8 eggs Break 1 egg into each Pinch salt allow cake to rest, covered ***** Add to the lettuce mixture 1/2 teaspoon salt well- sprinkle with salt and Beat eggs until foamy; for 30 min. Serve the cake “I tried this unusual and toss gently. Serves 4. I 1/4 t pepper pepper gradually add sugar. Blend directly from the cooker. combination of food, and it did not put the bread in. I 1 cup (4oz) shredded Cook, covered on low 10 in oil and vanilla. Combine Great for hot weather was good,” Nancy Horne put the corn chips in for the cheddar cheese minutes or till eggs are set flour, salt and baking soda; cooking as no heat from writes. bread. In large skillet, cook and potatoes are tender add to egg mixture. Stir in oven. ***** bacon and onion over medi- Sprinkle with cheese, let apples and choice of nuts. ***** Honoring the 60th anniversary of um heat until bacon is crisp stand tilll cheese is melted Pour into a greased 10 inch PORK CHOPS AND RICE Drain - reserving 1/4 cup ***** bundt pan. Bake at 350° for CASSEROLE IN SLOW Grass & Grain with this 1989 1 hour and 10 minutes. Test COOKER with toothpick. Cool on a recipe from our archives Millie Conger, Tecumseh wire rack for 10 minutes. In- Dauer Rotary Tree Saw 4-6 pork chops vert cake to platter. Com- 1 onion sliced in rings bine topping ingredients in 1 can cream of mush- a saucepan; boil 3 minutes room soup stirring constantly. Use a 1 can petite diced toma- pastry brush to coat the toes cake with some of the top- 1 1/2 cups cooked rice ping while it’s warm. Refrig- 1/4 cup water erate remaining topping to Salt and pepper to taste. drizzle over each slice Small amount oil when it is served. Salt and pepper pork ***** chops, brown in skillet with the oil. Spray slow cooker SLOW COOKER with non-stick spray. CHOCOLATE CAKE Mix mushroom soup, Kellee George, Lawrence tomatoes, and onions in the Cooking spray slow cooker. Place pork 2 cups sugar chops in the mixture and 1 3/4 cup flour cook on low for 4-6 hours . • Heavy Duty Construction 3/4 cup cocoa • Quick Tach fits most skid steer loaders Mix in cooked rice and cook 1 1/2 teaspoon baking another 30 min. or until hot. • Complete with all hoses and couplers soda ***** • Ideal Operating Ranges: 1 1/2 teaspoon baking 19 GPM 1350 RPM To 24 GPM 1850 RPM E&D Custom Silage • Total Weight: 1220 Pounds Conveniently located in central Kansas • Heavy Blade Available 2 sizes: • Claas 900 machine with K.P. and inoculant. 1 1/2 x 23” or 1 1/2 x 26” • 8 row head and pickup head. Forge Harvesting, • 12 Replaceable Carbides Matt Forge, Owner • Cuts Flush with Ground • Support trucks and equipment. • Optional 12 volt sprayer available • Dependable crew and equipment. Custom Silage Harvesting Silage-Haylage-Earlage • Tucks between skid steer and saw Jobs of Any Size! • Family Owned and Operated in Council Grove, Kansas MANUFACTURED BY: • 2008 Claas with 8 row head and pickup head Dustin T.R. Cort • Supporting trucks and equipment Dauer Welding & Machine, Inc. 620-635-0238 620-786-4646 620-786-5172 301 East Union Lindsborg, KS 67456 • Ability to arrange packing, swathing and bagging 785-227-3531 1219 Old Hwy. 4 785-210-9795 • [email protected] Senior Insurance Council Grove, KS [email protected] Call * Medicare Supplement CENTRAL KANSAS to book your JUNE & JULY 2015 Spring Needs! “Our Daily Bread” * Long Term Care AG AVIATION * Final Expense Recipe Contest Prize 800-373-9559 Grass & Grain Cookbook STEVE PHILLIPS INSURANCE DONOVAN Your Kansas Health Specialist Cellular: 785-366-0513 • Office: 785-258-3649

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of 1 book: Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-1 Volumes 1-6 The winner each week is se- 2. Be sure your name, address lected from the recipes printed. and phone number are on the entry. Please include a street ad- Send us your favorite recipe. dress with your recipe entries. A It may be a main dish, leftover, post office box number is not suf- salad, side dish, dessert, or what- ficient for prize delivery. Allow 3- 913-367-4711 have-you. 4 weeks for delivery. 1. Check your recipe carefully to 3. Send it to: Woman’s Page Edi- Ag Risk Solutions is an Equal Opportunity Provider make certain all ingredients are tor, Grass & Grain, Box 1009, accurate and instructions are Manhattan, KS 66505. clear. OR e-mail at: Tyler Atwood - Lawrence, KS 913-645-0116 Jennifer Forant - Nortonville, KS 785-217-3815 [email protected] Mike Chartier - Hiawatha, KS 913-370-0999 Mike Scherer - Atchison, KS 913-426-2640 Tony Elizondo - Manhattan, KS 785-410-7563 Kurt Schwarz - LaCygne, KS 660-424-3422 Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:23 PM Page 5

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 5 Reduce Risks of Foodborne Illness With Tested Canning Methods By Barbara L. Ames Wildcat as the one in Ohio are tragic don’t necessarily have to most food preservation skills. Space is limited and about this and other topics, District Extension Agent, reminders that using tested buy a specific water-bath recipes, whether they’re registration is needed by please feel free to contact Independence, Kansas methods and precisely fol- canner.” from Extension, the U.S. De- Monday, June 15, 2015. Call the Wildcat Extension Dis- Do you know which lowing recipes from reli- Make sure the stockpot is partment of Agriculture, or 620-331-2690 or email trict, Crawford County, 620- method is appropriate for able sources are both im- big enough to allow water to even the Ball Blue Book, list [email protected]. 724-8233; Labette County, canning your garden pro- perative. Improperly can- cover the tops of the jars by process times for altitudes More information about 620-784-5337; Montgomery duce? Using the correct ning foods increases the at least 1 to 2 inches. “Foods of 0 to 1,000 feet. Always canning and food safety is County, 620-331-2690; Pitts- method is important since risk of people getting food- such as meats and vegeta- refer to the general instruc- available online on the burg Office, Expanded Food improper equipment and borne illnesses, and even if bles that are not pickled are tions for more information Rapid Response Center’s and Nutrition Education techniques can result in it happens only occasional- low-acid foods and must be and adjust processing time website (http://www.rrc. (EFNEP), 620-232-1930. foodborne illnesses such as ly, do you want your family pressure-canned,” Blakes- accordingly depending on or Wildcat District Extension botulism. to take that chance? lee said. “There is no other the altitude where you are. K-State Research and Ex- is on the Web at www. wild- Fortunately, botulism Karen Blakeslee, food option.” Canned food storage. tension’s food safety web- Or, like cases are fairly rare but science Extension associate Make sure your pressure Make sure the jars are our Facebook page at face- most of those reported in for K-State Research and canner is in good repair and sealed before storing them. afety/). the U.S. are associated with Extension and coordinator if using a dial gauge canner, The lid on a sealed jar will For more information .district. food canned improperly at of the Rapid Response Cen- have the gauge tested year- concave following a “ping” home. You may remember ter, offers the following ad- ly. Most local Extension of- sound. After processing, let that Ohio public health offi- vice for those doing home fices in Kansas have a pres- the jars cool completely be- cials determined in late canning. sure gauge tester available fore checking lids and rings April potato salad contain- Clean. Wash your hands, and can test it at no cost. to allow the jars to seal on ing home-canned potatoes equipment, kitchen sur- Focus on temperature. their own. After cooling, was the likely cause of a re- faces and the food to be The water bath should people should lightly press cent botulism outbreak in canned. Determine your reach boiling temperature, on the lid to make sure it is Lancaster, Ohio. One method. 212 degrees Fahrenheit, tight and not bouncing up woman died and 21 others “For high-acid foods, and the pressure canning and down. Store in a cool were confirmed as having such as fruits, jams, jellies method requires at least 240 dry place. botulism associated with and pickles, we can use the degrees F to prevent botu- Wildcat District Exten- the outbreak. boiling water-bath method,” lism. This temperature is sion is offering a Hands-On Much of the available Blakeslee said. “With a achieved by pressure can- Canning Workshop on Sat- home canning information boiling water bath, you use ning. urday, June 20, 2015, in Par- on the internet is less than a large stockpot, rack and Adjust for altitude. Peo- sons, for those who would trustworthy, and cases such lid. It’s simple, and you ple might not realize that like to update their canning Summer Safety – Take Precautions In The Sun School is out, the days Look for broad spectrum wipe off with a towel then skin cancers commonly are longer, and everyone is sunscreen. This means that you should reapply sooner. occur. You can be safe and looking forward to some out- it has been tested and pro- Wearing sunglasses that have fun in the sun this sum- door fun. Whether it’s work- tects against both UVB and block UV rays is also impor- mer with just a little bit of ing in your garden, heading UVA rays. tant for your eyes. Look for a planning on your part. to the pool, relaxing by the Sunscreen cannot be la- label that says “UV absorp- lake or working in the field beled “waterproof” or tion up to 400nm” or “Meets when you are in the sun “sweatproof” because the ANSI UV Requirements” there are some precautions government feels that this this means that the glasses MANHATTAN you need to take to protect term is misleading. They can will block at least 99% of UV yourself from the harmful be labeled “Water resistant” rays. Wear a hat that has a SHOE REPAIR rays of the sun. The sun’s but they have to state two to three inch brim all rays can cause premature whether they protect the the way around. Hats made Repairing aging, wrinkling and skin skin for 40 or 80 minutes of from a tightly woven fabric • Boots • Luggage Contact: cancer. According to the swimming or sweating based such as canvas protect bet- American Cancer Society on testing. Sunscreen should ter than those that are loose- • Shoes • Back Packs more skin cancers are diag- be reapplied every two ly woven like a straw hat. • Purses • Ball Gloves F & L CONSTRUCTION nosed in the U.S. each year hours minimum. If you are Baseball caps do not protect Frank Engelken Joshua Engelken than all other cancers com- sweating or swimming and the neck and ears where M-F • 8-5:30 845 C Road 4609 Grantham Drive bined. Most skin cancer is Closed Sat. & Sun caused by too much expo- 216 South Fourth Centralia, KS 66415 St. George, KS 66535 sure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. Manhattan, KS 785-857-3293 785-564-0642 You can also be at a higher risk for skin cancer if you 785-776-1193 have any of the following traits: • You have had skin can- cer before • There is a family histo- ry of skin cancer, especially melanoma • Have many moles, ir- regular moles, or large moles • Have freckles and burn before tanning • Have fair skin, blue or green eyes, or blond, red or light brown hair. • Spend a lot of time out- doors. So how do you protect yourself? One of the best ways is to use sunscreen. It is important to remember that sunscreen is just a filter and does not block all UV rays. When selecting a sun- screen you want to look for one that has an SPF of 30 or higher. SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. The SPF number is the level of pro- tection the sunscreen pro- A Complete Cattle Feeding and Marketing Service vides against UVB rays, Tiffany Cattle Co. which are the main cause of sunburn. A higher SPF num- Family Owned ber means more UVB pro- tection. For example, when And Operated applying an SPF 30 sun- With a 15,000 head capacity,Tiffany screen correctly you get the Cattle Company is large enough to equivalent of 1 minute of have economics of scale but small UVB rays for each 30 min- enough to provide personal atten- utes you spend in the sun. You need to be generous tion. Pen sizes range from 50 to 200 when applying sunscreen. head. A computerized summary of Most people do not apply feed, cattle processing, veterinary enough and therefore actu- services and other costs are easily ally get less protection then accessible on each pen of cattle. they think they are getting. You need to use about an ounce of screen (which is PRODUCTION SERVICES about a shot glass or palm Objective is simply: Least Cost Per Pound of Gain! full) to cover the arms, legs, Ration formulation and cost analysis, health program designed and main- neck and face of an adult. tained by veterinarian, special pens and attention to sick animals, feed financing, and cattle purchasing available. MARKETING SERVICES Marketing finished cattle is top priority at Tiffany Cattle Company. You have Rangeland the option of selling on the cash market, forward contracting or grid pricing through US Premium Beef. ResourcesMAX TRAHAN • Risk management handled by Tiffany Cattle Company 785-523-4516 • Locked commodity prices • Complete profit/loss statement for each pen 1579 Sunset Road Delphos, KS 67436 • All marketing decisions discussed with and approved by cattle owner [email protected] • Reward for your efforts in producing a quality product by selling your cattle on an industry competitive grid LAND & CATTLE MANAGEMENT 1333 S. 2500 Road, Herington, KS 67449 • Fencing • Tree Saw • Hedge Post Shawn Tiffany, Owner/Manager: 785-229-2902 • Range Development • Rotational Grazing Shane Tiffany, Owner/Manager: 785-466-6529 Office: 785-258-3721 • [email protected] Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:24 PM Page 6

Page 6 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 and from there the legend other Irishman known as fear.” Pueblo County Sheriff grew. There were others “Bear River Tom” Smith In 1879, tracks for the Henly R. Price presented who fit that mold, but for was added to support & Rio Grande Rail- Masterson with a writ of in- the most part successful Desmond. The Irish reputa- road and the Santa Fe Rail- junction against the Santa frontier lawmen were well tion for fighting was not lost way both arrived at the Fe but Masterson refused to practiced in the art of read- on either man. Both were Royal Gorge. At stake was give up. That afternoon ing human behavior and fearless, capable of wading the right to build through Deputy Sheriff Pat acting on keen instinct. into a crowd of revelers and the canyon to the silver Desmond assembled fifty Two such men came to- calming riotous situations mines at Leadville. While men in front of the Victoria gether in an 1870 end-of- by their mere presence. attorneys fought in the Hotel. Each man was issued track railroad town. Kit Vigilantes were unneces- courts, two armies of gun- a rifle with fixed bayonet Carson, Colorado was the sary under the guidance of men faced off on the supplied by the Denver & successor to towns with col- Desmond and Smith. ground. The Santa Fe had Rio Grande. News of the im- orful names and infamous By April, 1870, although hired to de- minent battle spread fast. reputations. The town of the population of the town fend the strategic station By 3:30 p.m. the streets and Standing Between Phil Sheridan, Kansas, had swelled to fifteen hun- and roundhouse at Pueblo. the bluffs overlooking the more commonly known as dred residents, Kit Carson Masterson brought a gang of town were filled with spec- Order and Chaos Sheridan, led those “Hell was described as “a quiet Dodge City gunmen with tators. In the annals of the Old guns and iron nerve were on Wheels” towns in sheer business place.” Bear River him, including Paddy Desmond and his men West one man could be the classic prerequisites for lawlessness. An observer at Tom moved on to tame the Walsh, Mysterious Dave, took the telegraph office counted on to stand for law the Wild West lawman. At the time noted, “These Texas cowboys at the end of , Doc Holli- and moved on to the round- and order in the face of least that is what the story were the men who gloried the Chisholm Trail in Abi- day, J. J. Webb, & Dirty house. Faced with the chaos and contempt for the tellers would have us be- in snuffing out a candle, or lene, Kansas. Just as he had Dave Rudabaugh. The prospect of bloodshed from law. He might be a city mar- lieve. a life, at thirty paces.” Resi- in Kit Carson, Smith gained Dodge City men fortified a determined force, Bat shal, county sheriff, or set the dents had to resort to the the respect of both friend the roundhouse with a Masterson relinquished the deputy U. S. Marshal. On mold with his fast guns and regular use of the hang- and foe in a transformed piece of cannon stolen from roundhouse. For Pat the wild frontier the same numerous shootouts. His man’s noose through the cattle town. But tragedy the state armory. Desmond it was just anoth- man might hold more than exploits were recorded in strength of vigilante law. struck in November when The courts ruled in favor er day of standing between one position at once. Fast Harpers Weekly magazine Sheridan’s torch was briefly Smith was ambushed and of the Denver & Rio order and chaos on The Way passed to Monument and killed. Grande. The morning of West. Eagle Tail, Kansas, before Pat Desmond’s Kit Car- June 11, 1879, the sheriff in “The Cowboy,” Jim Gray is their buildings were loaded son was civilized, “clean, Denver took possession of author of the book Desperate AG LIME on railcars and transferred and decent.” By 1872, the depot and roundhouse Seed: Ellsworth Kansas on to Kit Carson. Desmond was in South at that location. Gunmen the Violent Frontier and Ex- GYPSUM Town founders instantly Pueblo, Colorado. Over the working for the Denver & ecutive Director of the Na- Standard or Variable Rate Application realized that Kit Carson next several years he Rio Grande boarded a train tional Drovers Hall of Fame. was on track to become a served in various law en- and headed south, taking Contact Kansas Cowboy, Box mirror image of Sheridan. forcement positions as well possession of every station 62, Ellsworth, KS 67439. GEARY GRAIN, INC. A Union Pacific detective as the southern Colorado along the way. Phone 785-531-2058. Junction City, Kansas by the name of Pat operative for the Rocky 785-238-4177 Desmond was appointed Mountain Detective Agency. USDA announces restart of township constable. As One Colorado newspaper township constables tradi- described Desmond as Biomass Crop Assistance tionally served in pairs, an- “wholly unconscious of Program for renewable energy DISTRIBUTORS FOR: The U.S. Department of available through BCAP for • Scott, Obeco, Agriculture (USDA) has an- costs associated with har- Knapheide and Reiten nounced that incentives vesting and transporting Grain Bodies will resume this summer for agriculture or forest • Shur-Lok Roll Tarps farmers, ranchers and for- residues to facilities that est landowners interested convert biomass crops into • SRT 2 Roll Tarps in growing and harvesting energy. Eligible crops may • Pickup Roll Tarps biomass for renewable en- include corn residue, dis- • Aulick and Scott ergy. The support comes eased or insect-infested Tapered Silage Bodies through the Biomass Crop wood materials, or orchard • Aluminum Pickup Beds Assistance Program (BCAP), waste. The energy facility • Tool Boxes which was reauthorized by must first be approved by • Frame and Driveshaft the 2014 Farm Bill. BCAP USDA to accept the biomass Lengthening, provides financial assis- crop. Facilities can apply Shortening and Repair. tance to establish and main- for, or renew, their BCAP tain new crops of energy qualification status begin- biomass, or who harvest and ning today. $11.5 million of JOHNNY’S WELDING deliver forest or agricultur- federal funds will be allo- al residues to a qualifying cated to support the deliv- 1901 S. 6th (South U.S. 77 Highway) 402-223-2384 Beatrice, Neb. energy facility. ery of biomass materials Financial assistance is through December 2015. Last year, more than 200,000 tons of dead or diseased trees from National Forests and Bureau of Land Man- agement lands were re- moved and used to produce renewable energy, while re- ducing the risk of forest fire. Nineteen energy facilities in ten states participated in the program. Farmers, ranchers and forest landowners can also receive financial assistance to grow biomass crops that will be converted into ener- gy in selected BCAP project areas. New BCAP project area proposals will be so- licited beginning this sum- mer and accepted through fall 2015, with new project area announcements and enrollments taking place in early spring 2016. The ex- tended proposal submission period allows project spon- sors time to complete any needed environmental as- sessments and allows pro- ducers enough lead time to make informed decisions on whether or not to pursue the BCAP project area enroll- ment opportunity. This fis- cal year USDA’s Farm Serv- ice Agency (FSA) will allo- cate up to $8 million for pro- ducer enrollment to expand and enhance existing BCAP project areas. Additionally, in accordance with the 2014 Farm Bill, underserved farmers are eligible for a higher establishment cost share. BCAP projects have supported over 50,000 acres across 74 counties in 11 dif- ferent project areas. Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:24 PM Page 7

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 7 would aid the documenta- Plains. ward through Hollenberg tion and mapping. “The Church provided a and into Nebraska. Howev- “We have to do this,” revolving travel fund to er they went, Mormon Durst said. “We have to pre- transport these new con- Springs is the only remnant serve the past. But more verts to the Rocky Moun- of their passage. than just trying to find the tains, with the understand- Though merely an ob- original route, we’re trying ing that the new Saints scure footnote to the Mor- to understand the history of would earn money and re- mon migration, Mormon the trails, too.” imburse the fund so that Springs was one of only a According to Lois Co- more converts could be handful of other bluffs horst, a Marysville histori- transported,” he wrote. Be- where emigrants left their an, the Mormons who cause many of the converts mark. Within those fading passed through the county spoke no English, there are inscriptions is the story of were about six years past few written accounts of an America moving west. the first exodus, all of their experiences. For that alone it deserves which took place in Nebras- Some sources say Mor- recognition. Resurrecting the Forgotten Past ka. These Mormons started mons crossed into Washing- “It’s a part of Kansas his- As we prepare to embark grassy swales, in carvings behind a meandering from Independence, Mo., or ton County after being fer- tory that’s been neglected upon a multi-week ex- and inscriptions—some canopy of deciduous woods. Atchison. One route fol- ried over the Big Blue River all this time,” Durst said. ploratory journey down the mysterious and indecipher- Located about a half-mile to lowed the Santa Fe Trail to at Marshall’s Crossing near “We have a challenge ahead Oregon Trail, it’s humbling able such as an arrow point- the west on private proper- 110-Mile Creek where it present-day Marysville. of us, but if we don’t do it to think of the emigrants ing north with the initials ty, access is limited and his- turned northward directly From there they took the now, it’s never going to get who crossed this great land JF on a ridge far above torical documentation to Fort Riley. From there Oregon Trail northwest- done.” in search of better lives and Naomi Pike Falls (John Fre- scarce. But during 1854 a the trail angled northwest better homes. They were mont, perhaps?)—and in sizable contingent of Mor- to its junction with the Ore- tough people, determined dozens of monuments, mons, mostly European and gon Trail in the Platte Val- BARN BUILDERS people, visionary people, markers and monoliths Scandinavian converts, ley of southern Nebraska, DT CONSTRUCTION and they let nothing stop staggered along the route. passed through on the Fort passing through the present 918-527-0117 them, not rain-swollen Nor is it just the Oregon Riley-Fort Kearney Military counties of Riley and Wash- rivers, not heat nor cold, not Trail. Marysville has one of Road, finding in the clear Free Estimates! All Workers Insured Est. 1977 ington. No other emigrants One Year Warranty thunderstorms that over- the few remaining Pony Ex- cool waters issuing from the are known to have used this turned wagons and stam- press stations in its original base of the bluff a tempo- trail. peded their stock, not location, a limestone barn rary refuge from the rigors In Highway to Zion: The snakebite nor Indian raids where, on the night of April of the trail. Kansas Connection, Morris nor cholera, not their dead 3, 1860, Pony Express rider Their story, and the Werner said there was little buried in shallow un- Jack Keetley was the first springs themselves, will 30x50x10 enclosed...... Galvalume $8,000 knowledge of the route trav- 12’ slider, 1 walk door .....Colored metal $9,000 marked graves. rider to gallop west on the soon be better known eled through the state. Mor- 40x60x14 enclosed Price includes They are not mere ab- initial run to Sacramento. through the efforts of Duane mon missionary activity in 2 12’ sliding doors...... Galvalume $14,600 labor and material. 1 walk door...... Colored metal $16,000 stracts but part of the fabric Nearby Hollenberg Pony Durst, former director of Europe provided a bumper of this place. Living in Blue Express Station State His- Hollenberg Pony Express crop of converts, many who 40x100x16 enclosed Rapids, a mere eight miles toric Site was visited by Station and tireless histori- 20’ split sliding door ...... Galvalume $22,800 made their way to Atchison 1 walk door...... Colored metal $24,800 from Alcove Spring and In- none other than Mark Twain an of Washington County, in for the crossing of the Great dependence Crossing, and, when he headed to the Ne- conjunction with trail histo- for that matter, about 20 vada goldfields on the Over- rians Doug Tippin and Dan miles from a little-known land Stage. All of these sites Combs, both of Manhattan. junction where the Oregon- have been heavily docu- A monument with photo and California Trail, the St. Joe mented in historic records. descriptive text is planned Road, the Overland Stage Another, but virtually for a small parking lot off Line and the Pony Express unheard of, site lies a few Highway 15 in July, part of a Trail converged into a sin- miles south of Washington larger project of mapping gle entity, the history of on the banks of Ash Creek. the Military and Mormon westward expansion is as Mormon Spring, a squat Trails from Fort Riley to the fresh and alive as today’s sandstone bluff festooned Nebraska border. They’re newspapers. Its mark is with inscriptions dating seeking input from riven into the land in deep back to 1871, is invisible landowners about ruts and ruts sculpted through from Highway 15, hidden other areas of interest that Chairman Roberts condemns ‘WOTUS’ rulemaking process, calls on EPA to start fresh U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts, R- What’s more, thanks to a back to the drawing board Kan., Chairman of the Sen- New York Times story, seri- and restart the rulemaking ate Committee on Agricul- ous concerns about EPA’s process to include stake- ture, Nutrition and tactics to garner support for holders – especially agricul- Forestry, released the fol- the rule are being raised. ture. lowing statement after the EPA not only stacked the All of us want to protect White House Office of Man- deck against agriculture, it clean water, especially agri- agement and Budget re- ignored them. culture. However, farmers leased the U.S. Environ- “Today, the Obama Ad- and ranchers cannot be ig- mental Protection Agency’s ministration released the nored. finalized ‘Waters of the damaging ‘Waters of the The EPA’s conduct dur- ’ (WOTUS) U.S.’ finalized rule – a regu- ing the rulemaking process rule. lation that is opposed by vir- confirms my belief that the The release of the nearly tually every farm organiza- Administration is not listen- 300-page, finalized WOTUS tion, commodity group and ing. Any American who Bruna Implement Rossville Truck & Tractor McConnell Machinery feels aggrieved by their gov- Straub International rule raises more questions other business interests in Washington, KS Rossville, KS Lawrence, KS 7 Kansas Locations than it answers about the rural America. ernment now has no voice. 785-325-2232 785-584-6195 expansion of federal juris- I am sorry to say, as ex- This is a serious problem.” 785-843-2676 diction under EPA’s Clean pected, the rule is bad news Water Act. In March, the for rural America. Committee held a hearing As chairman of the Agri- on the impacts of the culture Committee, I’m WOTUS rule and heard proud to champion agricul- from farmers, ranchers and ture. We will lead the rural constituencies from charge in pushing back Kansas and around the against EPA’s egregious fed- country. The message was eral overreach. clear: this is the wrong ap- That’s why I have helped proach and the wrong rule introduced the Federal for agriculture and rural Water Quality Protection America. Act. This requires EPA to go

THURSDAY EVENING,AUCTION JUNE 18 — 5:30 PM Located at Wischropp Auction Facility, 930 Laing St. - OSAGE CITY, KS JD 3020 dsl. w/ JD 46A loader; Maple 4 pc. B.R. suite; Maple Ford 2N tractor; Squealer dining table- buffet-chairs; La- 5Q840 Rot. Mower; Rhino LR Z-Boy recliner; La-Z-Boy 2 pc. 7ft. blade; cont. post hole dig- L.R. suite; custom made west- ger; 94 Dodge Ram 250 Van- ern saddle; selection of tack; 15 not running; 16 panel round +/- glass or metal horse fig- pen; 8- 16ft. pipe panels; 80 +/- urines. steel posts; Craftsman riding COLLECTIBLES-BOOKS- mower; Troy built 21’’ mower ANTIQUE-ETC. Happy Trails ChuckwagonMOST IN serving GOOD CONDITION Auction starts with household- glass- furniture- farm- then tractors KATHIE & MERLIN SMITH, SELLERS MILLER &785-828-4212 MIDYETT REAL ESTATE Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:25 PM Page 8

Page 8 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Retired K-State professor Miles McKee to receive inaugural Impact Award Back in 1950, the national champion livestock judging Kansas State was his outstanding academic advising. Along there are many people connected to the department from team was from Kansas State University and was coached by with Dr. Good, he laid the foundation and culture of our de- all over the country. Don Good. A member of that team, Miles McKee, will be the partment for student service and success.” “We need to reach these committed K-Staters and give first recipient of the Don Good Impact Award. McKee is professor emeritus at K-State, where he them a reason to come to Manhattan,” Odde said. He com- Named for the former head of the K-State Department of worked from 1959 through his retirement in 2005. He re- mended the LMIC on their work with the reunion, citing re- Animal Sciences and Industry, the award recognizes posi- ceived several teaching and advising awards during his connecting the department faculty, staff and students with tive impact on the livestock and meat industry or agricul- tenure. alumni and friends as a reason for attending. ture. Presented by the Livestock and Meat Industry Council Warren Weibert of Manhattan is president of the LMIC Odde said the department numbers are up 500 students (LMIC), the award will be presented at the Kansas State and received a Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2013 from in the last seven years. In the 2014-15 academic year, 1,250 University Animal Science Family and Friends Reunion, the department. He said the Family and Friends Reunion is undergraduates and 209 graduate students were enrolled in set for Oct. 9 at the Stanley Stout Center in Manhattan. designed to bring alumni and friends of K-State Animal Sci- the department. “Miles McKee taught thousands of students in beef pro- ences and Industry home to Manhattan for a weekend of More information and registration is available online for duction, pregnancy diagnosis and introductory animal sci- fun. “It will provide an opportunity to reconnect with col- the Oct. 9 K-State Animal Science Family and Friends Re- ence,” said Dave Nichols, professor of animal sciences and lege classmates, faculty and staff as well,” he said. union at www. industry and the award nominator. “His greatest impact at Ken Odde, head of animal sciences and industry, said html New USDA portal enables farmers, ranchers to request conservation assistance online Agriculture Secretary ice (NRCS) through a new tance and track payments way,” Vilsack said. “USDA mit contracts and appen- “Our goal is to make it Tom Vilsack has announced online portal. With the re- for their conservation activ- is committed to providing dices for conservation pro- easy and convenient for that farmers, ranchers and cent launch of Conservation ities. effective, efficient assis- grams; farmers and ranchers to private forest landowners Client Gateway, producers “What used to require a tance to its clients, and Con- • Document completed work with USDA,” Vilsack can now do business with will have the ability to work trip to a USDA service cen- servation Client Gateway is practices and request certi- said. “Customers can log in U.S. Department of Agricul- with conservation planners ter can now be done from a one way to improve cus- fication of completed prac- 24 hours a day, seven days a ture’s (USDA) Natural Re- online to access Farm Bill home computer through tomer service." tices; week, to electronically sign sources Conservation Serv- programs, request assis- Conservation Client Gate- Conservation Client • Request and track pay- documents, apply for con- Gateway enables farmers, ments for conservation pro- servation programs, access ranchers and private grams; and conservation plans, report landowners to securely: • Store and retrieve practice completion or track • Request NRCS techni- technical and financial the status of conservation cal and financial assistance; files, including documents payments. Through Conser- • Review and sign con- and photographs. vation Client Gateway, pro- servation plans and practice Conservation Client ducers have their conserva- schedules; Gateway is entirely volun- tion information at their fin- • Complete and sign an tary, giving producers a gertips and they can save application for a conserva- choice between conducting time and gas money by re- tion program; business online or traveling ducing the number of trips • Review, sign and sub- to a USDA service center. to USDA service centers.” Conservation Client Gateway is available to indi- vidual landowners and will AUCTION soon be extended to busi- SATURDAY, JUNE 13 — 10:30 AM ness entities, such as Limit- Located at Bob’s Auction House From Herington, Kansas. 4-way stop of 56- 77 Highway go east on 56 7 miles thru Delavan 1/2 mile to 2500 Road. Go ed Liability Corporations. It north 1/2 mile. Watch for Signs, park in yard. is part of the agency’s ongo- TOOLS & MISC STARTING AT 10:30 AM, ing Conservation Delivery FURNITURE & PICTURES Streamlining Initiative, See last week’s Grass & Grain for pictures & listings or which will feature addition- SELLER: ShieldClick Estate on and Gunnerson Photography Estate al capabilities in the future. Minneapolis: Marysville: Linn: Emporia: For more information Large Auction of items from 3-story house/studio from Salina, Kansas LOTT IMPLEMENT KANEQUIP, INC. KUHLMAN IMPLEMENT SCHAEFER EQUIPMENT CO. about Conservation Client 785-392-3110 785-562-2377 785-348-5547 620-342-3172 AUCTIONEERS: BOB’S AUCTION SERVICE BOB KICKHAEFER: 785-258-4188 Gateway, visit: www.nrcs. Mt. Hope & Winfield: JOHN SCHMIDT & SONS, INC.: 316-445-2103 • 620-221-0300 Clerk/Cashier:Lunch by Burdick Bob's Relay Auction For Service Life Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 2:00 PM Page 9

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 9 NCGA, ASA: IARC pesticide findings create confusion, fear among consumers National Corn Growers more confusion and concern “While IARC may be ful- been the subject of hun- we use and the crops we tivist agenda mislead the Association president Chip about two widely used her- filling its narrow charge, its dreds of scientific studies grow because we value the public on safety issues, they Bowling and American Soy- bicides that have been findings are easily misrep- and regulatory reviews. Gov- safety of both our families create confusion and panic bean Association chairman mainstays for farmers for resented and misunder- ernment regulatory agen- and yours. We urge IARC that minimizes the time and Ray Gaesser issued the fol- decades. These two sub- stood. cies charged with protection and all those interpreting attention that can be devot- lowing statement in antici- stances play an especially “That’s what happened of public health in more its findings to take care: ed to real health and envi- pation of a second finding important role in corn and recently with IARC’s review than 100 countries have When groups with an ac- ronmental risks.” by the International Agency soybean farming as they of the herbicide glyphosate, evaluated the science and for Research on Cancer that allow us to manage weeds in the generic form of concluded that 2,4-D and would classify another safe, a sustainable way. Roundup®, Touchdown® glyphosate do not increase important pesticide as a “The IARC exists to re- and several other branded health risks when used as probable carcinogen: view health and safety data herbicides. IARC classified directed. In fact, no govern- “Like anyone who cre- to decide whether some- glyphosate as a “probable ment in the world considers AUCTIONSATURDAY, JUNE 13 — 10:00 AM 805 C Street - 66968 ates something, farmers thing could (not will or is carcinogen.” Following the them carcinogens. That in- WASHINGTON, KS need tools to produce a safe even likely to) be carcino- IARC report, activists called cludes U.S. EPA, the Euro- Roy Rogers Comic books; Antique Furniture; and healthy crop. Today, genic. IARC creates confu- for EPA to consider immedi- pean Food Safety Authority, Tools; Old Framed Pictures; Snow blower; many consumers have ques- sion and unnecessary fear ately pulling glyphosate Health Canada and the Household items & Yard and Garden items. tions and concerns about amongst the public by using from the market despite an World Health Organization See last week’s Grass & Grain for full listings! how food is produced. That’s narrowly focused data re- overwhelming response (yes, the same World Health why it is important to us to moved from real-world situ- from scientists acknowledg- Organization that oversees JACK AND MARY MCCARTY - SELLERS share information with con- ations to find almost every- ing the safety of the product. IARC). LARRY AND RHONDA MANLEY - SELLERS sumers so they have a better thing that it reviews as po- We’re concerned the same “Farmers across the understanding of why and tentially carcinogenic, in- thing may happen again this country work the land with how we use the different cluding drinking coffee, month when IARC is going their families and aim to seeds and crop protection using aloe vera, or working to release the findings of its pass it on to the next gener- chemicals. We are con- the late shift. review of several more sub- ation. We place a high value Mark Uhlik – Broker/Auctioneer 785-325-2740 Greg Askren, Agent/Auctioneer • Jeff Dankenbring, Agent cerned, however, that a “IARC does not take the stances, including 2,4-D, on the safety of the products pending announcement regulations and use pat- dicamba and other crop pro- from the U.N. World Health terns around herbicides tection tools. Organization’s International that allow them to be imple- “These important herbi- Agency for Research on mented safely into consider- cides – glyphosate, 2,4-D and Cancer will only lead to ation. others under review – have

Skid Loader$2,600 Dozer Blade 84” Heavy$2,200 Duty Brush Grapple HSB WELDING & FABRICATION 1565 120th Rd., Seneca, KS • 785-336-1562 • 785-336-3173

Members of the Rock Creek Envirothon team are, from left: Nate Jilka, Paul Glover, Wyatt Fouts, Justin Dunafon, and Brett Schwarz. Rock Creek High School places first in the Kansas Envirothon competition The Rock Creek High To qualify for a state servation Foundation’s En- Santee Structural School Envirothon Team competition a team must virothon to be held in competed at the 24th Annu- first participate in a Region- Springfield, Missouri host- al Kansas Envirothon on al Envirothon. Rock Creek ed by Missouri State Univer- Farm and Ranch Structures April 29, 2015 at YMCA’s High School attended the sity on July 27 through Au- Camp Wood near Elmdale. regional competition at the gust 2, 2015. Typically there The Kansas Envirothon is Red Rocks Guest Ranch on are approximately 55 top an outdoor, environmental April 15, 2015 and this team teams at this contest from Pole Barns, Stock Shelters, Feed high school educational scored the highest from the United States of Ameri- competition sponsored by their school in order to ad- ca along with teams from Bunks, Horse Stables, Horse Arenas Conservation Districts in vance. The team of gentle- Providences and Territo- Kansas. Students learn and men also placed first in the ries. The Rock Creek team Foam Insulation Packages $1.20 SQ/FT are tested on Soils/Land Soils/LandUse category, is sponsored by the Pot- Use, Forestry, Wildlife, first in the Wildlife section, tawatomie County Conser- Contact Sales: Aquatic Ecology and a Cur- first in Aquatic Ecology vation District. rent Issue. The current area and second in the Cur- Team members Wyatt issue for the present year rent Issue portion and re- Fouts (captain), Brett was in the area of ceived medals for their hard Schwarz, Paul Glover, Nate 785-207-1955 Urban/Community Forestry. work at the state contest. Jilka and Justin Dunafon The team also gave an oral The Kansas Envirothon also are advised by David Holli- presentation over the topic. awarded the team a check day, Agricultural Instructor. Students rotated to one for $350.00 to be designated presentation in each area to a department of their ad- and then as a team during visor’s choice at their the testing portion of the school, which was the FFA competition. There were 15 chapter. teams total competing at the The group will now ad- event. vance to the National Con-

SATURDAY,AUCTION JUNE 13 — 10:00 AM Auction will be held at the farm located from I-70 West of Salina, Kansas Exit 233 go North 6 miles on blacktop to Westfall, Kansas then 1/2 mile West to 260th Road, then South 1 1/4 miles or from Lincoln, Kansas 8 miles South on Highway 14 to curve 190 Road then 1/8 mile South to Elk Road then 7 miles East to 260th Road then 1 1/2 miles South TRACTORS, EQUIPMENT, ANTIQUES,COLLEC- PICKUP & TRAILERS: 2005 TABLES & TOOLS: IHC milk John Deere 5303 (74 hp) trac- paint step back cupboard; oak tor w/510 loader 6’ bucket, 3 lead glass curved door hood- pt. hyd pump no outlet, 635 ed secretary; wall 1 door hours church cabinet See last week’s Grass & Grain for listings & check our website for pictures ARDELL & KATHY SMITH Auction Conducted By: THUMMEL REAL ESTATE & AUCTION LLC 785-738-0067 or 785-738-5933 Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:26 PM Page 10

Page 10 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Positive Aging Day to be HEATING & AIR held June 23 in Wichita Seniors, caregivers, ed by June 19, 2015 to re- AUCTION aging professionals, and serve a boxed lunch. Partic- students are invited to at- ipants can register on-line tend Positive Aging Day at, SATURDAY, JUNE 20 — 9:00 AM June 23 at the Sedgwick mail their name and contact 515 S. 8TH — MANHATTAN, KANSAS County Extension Center in information along with pay- JUST OFF FORT RILEY BLVD. Wichita. The event will run ment, or contact K-State Re- from 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Par- search and Extension-Sedg- ticipants will choose five of wick County Monday 20 different educational through Wednesday at 316- sessions, listen to keynote 660-0127. speaker Chaille Blount This annual event is from the Sedgwick County hosted by K-State Research Zoo, and enjoy a boxed and Extension-Sedgwick lunch. Highlights of the day County, Central Plains Area The new Kansas FFA officer team is, from left: Sentinel include topics on garden- Agency on Aging, and Wi- Gabryelle Gilliam, Washington County FFA; Reporter ing, cooking for one or two, chita State University, and Kyler Langvardt, Chapman FFA;Treasurer Lane Cober- exercise, protecting your- sponsored by Harry Hynes self, caregiving, organizing Memorial Hospice, Hart ly, Chapman FFA; Secretary Dean Klahr, Holton FFA; and much more. Pharmacy, Home Instead Vice President Bailey Peterson, Buhler FFA; President Cost for the event is Senior Care, and Active Karl Wilhelm, Holton FFA. $10.50 per person. Advance Age. registration is recommend- Holton FFA member elected Kansas FFA president Karl Wilhelm from the President Karl Wilhelm, REALMONDAY ESTATE EVENING, JUNE AUCTION 22 — 7 PM Holton FFA chapter was Holton FFA; Vice President From Melvern,Held KS at MELVERN, Community KS Center Community go east Center 4 miles, then 1 elected to serve as the 2014- Bailey Peterson, Buhler mile south on Sh. Hts. Rd., then 1/8 mile east on 317th to west 2015 state FFA president at FFA; Secretary Dean Klahr, property line. Tract in SW 1/4-8-18-17E Osage Co., KS. the 87th Kansas FFA Con- Holton FFA; Treasurer vention May 27-29 on the Lane Coberly, Chapman Selling 108 acres +/- with 45 acres +/- tillable, 35 acres +/- brome, Kansas State University FFA; Reporter Kyler Lang- 10 acres +/- native grass, balance water ways and trees. Buyer to re- cieve permission to plant 45 tillable acres on June 23. campus. Wilhelm was vardt, Chapman FFA; and among 18 candidates run- Sentinel Gabryelle Gilliam, ROBERT & CARRIE BAILEY, SELLERS ning for a state officer posi- Washington County FFA. MILLER &785-828-4212 MIDYETT REAL ESTATE tion to represent more than Wilhelm has served as a 8,800 Kansas FFA members. Chapter Vice President and As state FFA president, been involved in various Ca- Wilhelm will serve on a reer Development Events REFRIGERATION ITEMS: APPLIANCES: team of six officers who will during his four years in Kane-May digital carbon Kitchen aid refrg (white); black travel across the state shar- FFA. His SAE is in sales monoxide tester & others; Amana microwave over stove; ing their passion for agri- and service. He plans to at- Appion G5 twin recovery Whirlpool Gold ice maker culture, leadership and tend Kansas State Universi- machine; black light leak tester; (black); Sharp AR-168D scan- combustion gas detector; vari- ner/copier; service. Kansas FFA offi- ty next fall with the career able speed Zebra blower tester; MISC TOOLS, LIFTS, cers present workshops and objective of becoming a Manometers; combustion ana- THREADERS: conferences across the state chemical engineer with a lyzer C75; Tek Mate leak detec- 3 Vermette hydro pallet high and challenge FFA mem- focus on crop variety devel- tors & others; vacuum gages & lifts; Lecto truck lifts (600 & 1200 bers to serve their commu- opment. pumps; 4 elec charging scales; lbs lift) w/ terrine wheels, attach- nities and the agriculture Karl is the son of Kevin Freon gages; recovery bottles ment, 1 battery charger; Ridgid for R22 & R410A; Freon bottles 535 pip threader ¼” to 2”; Trane industry. and Brenda Wilhelm, and R22 & R410A & others R12; 80,000 BTU natural gas fur- The 2015-2016 Kansas his advisors are Alex Bartel copper fittings for air & heat; run naces; 4 new Trane A coil air FFA officer team includes: and Jason Larison. compositors’, fan switches & conditioners; several alum contactors; furnace gas valves, extension ladders; Business fan control boards for Trane; Man base & truck radios; boiler thermostat igniters for Trane & parts; soil pipe pullers; 3 ton others chain hoist; several wood stor- EQUIPMENTSATURDAY, JUNE 13AUCTION — 9:30 AM PLUMBING ITEMS: age bins of various lengths & 13907 NW 170th Street — NEWTON, KANSAS copper fittings; service stops; heights; 2 H&M pipe beveling (From 1st St. & Spencer, Newton, 12 Miles East & 2 North; From Walton, 8 ball valves; misc faucets; pvc fit- machine; Ridgid pipe wrenches East 3 South; From SW Corner of Peabody, 6 South) tings; fernco couplings; 2 com- from 10” to 60”; Ridgid pipe NOTE: Milford and his family have worked this farm for 55 mercial bath fans; bowl wax; flu- threaders, cutters, reamers; 2 years. Due to an unfortunate event, he has decided to sell the idmaters; flappers pipe cutters; elec hand held Ridgid pipe home, land & equipment. Real Estate sells at 11:00. Also, transfer pumps; gear pullers; wrenches; 2 Ridgid mod 300 Labor Day in Burrton, KS, his oil memorabilia & Collectibles bolt cutters; elec pipe threaders on stands; 2 will be offered. Hope to see you at both auctions! Thanks, Vern SHEET METAL ITEMS: pipe vises on stands; Toledo 2 FARM EQUIPMENT Lockformer Pittsburg machine; ½” to 4” pipe threader (needs 1973 1066 International Turbo Diesel, 4 Speed Torque, 3 PT, 2 Engel edge notcher; Rockwell some repair); Milwaukee dia- PTO’s, new 18.4 x 38 radials, complete engine overhaul 100+ hrs, floor mount drill press; Engle mond drill w/ various diamond one owner; 1600 Oliver/1610 Oliver Loader, 6 Speed Trans/Torque, snap lock former; 4’ Whitney- cutters & bits; banding machine; 3 PT, Gas, Dual Hydraulics, good rubber; 1961 Oliver 880 Diesel, Jensen metal brake; 10’ ridgid cast iron cutters; acety- metal brake; Ezye lene bottles of varies sizes; sm Adjustable Wide Front, Quick Attach 3 PT, PTO, 6 Speed Trans, Edger ¼” bend; Pexto crimper; torch set; several sets of gages, Adjustable Wide Front, Good Rubber; Oliver 99, 4 Speed Trans, Whitney metal hole punch; ½ hoses & cutting heads; Werner Live Char-Lyn Hydraulic Pump; Oliver 70 Row Crop/Loader, Add on drive bender; seam bender; bar fiber glass step ladders 4’ to 12’; Hydraulic & Flat Head Engine; Oliver 70 Row Crop/Buzz-Saw, Cen- folder ½” to 1” bend; rolling used misc acs; 3 metal office trifugal Pump shear table 4 ½’ X11’; pneumat- desks; 4 drawer legal file cabi- ABOVE TRACTORS ALL RUNNING ic notcher w/ air regulator & fil- nets; 4 4 drawer file cabinet; 3 2 New Holland 352 Grinder Mixer; Tucker 10’ Speed Mover; 1947 ter; 3’ metal roller; hand held drawer file cabinets; metal table Chevrolet Loadmaster, 13’ 6” Giant Bed/Stock Racks & Hoist; shears HAND TOOLS: duct w/drawer; 2 office shelving Krause 16’ Tandem Disc; New Farm Star 3 PT PTO Post Hole Dig- board stapler; ½ banger; 4 heat units w/2 doors & cubbies; 1 ger; Marlin Golden 39A; 2012 Hustler Fastrak 42” Mower; Plus full guns; 1 air & 1 manual pop rivet metal & 1 wood coat stands; line of equipment, shop, & related items. machine surveyors transit scope; McCall HAND TOOLS: pattern cabinet; MILFORD EDIGER, SELLER 1 drill bit sharpener; Dewalt ANTIQUES & cordless drills; engraver; 9 Hilti COLLECTABLES: MIDWEST LAND SPECIALISTS, INC. hammer drills & others; 5 galvanized tin man; lead pots, Check for complete listing sawzalls, Milwaukee & others; 4 ladles, forming tools; black Vern Koch, 316.772.6318 Mike Flavin, 316.283.8164 Milwaukee right angle drills; smith tools; round nail & parts misc drill bits, hole cutters & bin 5 ½’ X 36”; W. & L.E. Gurley hole hogs including masonry brass surveyor scope drill bits w/extensions; conduit benders of various sizes


AUCTIONEERS NOTES: This is only a partial listing of the things they have to liquidate. For complete listing & additional pictures go to click on Market Place then auctions or We will be running 2 rings part of the day.

TERMS & CONDITION: Cash or personal check with proper ID. All items must be paid for before removal. Statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. For complete listing & additional pictures, go to, click on Market Place then auctions or Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:27 PM Page 11

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 11 metal brakes & equip- ment, collector tractors Hill City for Richard and ment, power pipe thread- and equipment, shop Charlotte Roper. Auction- ers, complete line of tools equipment and misc. at eers: Farmland Auction Auction Sales Scheduled at Manhattan for Powell Lawrence for Heine Grad- and Realty. Brothers. Auctioneers: ing. Auctioneers: Elston. July 9 – Ellsworth County Reynolds Auction Serv- June 27 – Liquidation auc- land auction, 312 acres check out the on-line schedule at ice. tion at Lawrence for crop and pasture at Mar- June 20 – Collector vehicles, Heine Grading. Auction- quette for Peterson Fami- tractor, Studebaker items, eers: Elston Auctions. ly. Auctioneers: Omli and June 9 – Land Auction at Ar- Abilene. Auctioneers: derson. Auctioneers: shop tools, firearms, col- June 28 – Outdoor items, Associates. lington. Auctioneers: Randy Reynolds Auction. Ruckert Auctions. lectibles, furniture, tools, furniture, house- July 25 – Real estate, trail- United Country National June 13 – Real estate, trac- June 13 – Collectibles, toy household and misc. at hold and collectibles at ers, tools, greenhouse Realty & Auction. tor, welding, mechanic tractors, collectible glass- Lawrence for Elmer Lin- Washington for Judy equipment at Wamego for June 9 – 400+ acres of Rus- tools, hardware store ware, pottery, collectible dell Estate. Autioneers: Pfeister. Auctioneers: Mark Pope. Auctioneers: sell County Land at Rus- items, antiques at Repub- coins, artwork at Lyons. Elston. Bott RE and Auction. Murray Auctions. sell. Auctioneers: United lic for Republic Feed, Auctioneers: Oswalt Auc- June 20 – Collector vehicles, June 30 – Land Auction at September 7 — 20th annual Country RE, Crossroads Fertilizer and Welding tion Service. tractors, Studebaker Kincaid. Auctioneers: Labor Day auction at Lyn- Auction & Realty. Shop. Auctioneers: Roger June 13 – Furniture, appli- items, shop tools, United Country Real Es- don. Auctioneers: Harley June 9 – Lawn and yard Novak Bros and Gieber. ances, antiques and col- firearms, furniture, col- tate – Great Plains Auc- Gerdes Auctions. tools, furniture, guns, June 13 – Tractors, equip- lectibles at Alma for lectibles, misc. at tion. misc. at Manhattan for ment, pickup, trailer, an- Jessie Walls Estate. Auc- Lawrence for Elmer Lin- July 6 – Land Auction at Alan and Marilyn Shine- tiques, collectibles, tools tioneers: Hallgren Auc- dell Estate. Auctioneers: man. Auctioneers: Gan- for Ardell & Kathy Smith. tions. Elston Auction. non. Auctioneers: Thummel. JUne 14 – Furniture, misc. June 20 – Real estate, farm June 13 — Construction June 13 – Real Estate at household items at Man- equipment, household equipment & tools at Abi- Newton for Henry Milford hattan for Margaret and furniture at Silver REALSATURDAY, ESTATE JUNE 13 AUCTION — 11:00 AM lene for Gay Construction. Ediger. Auctioneers: Mid- Landowne. Auctioneers: Lake for Reamer estate. 1st & Spencer Newton, 12 East & 2 N; From Walton, 8 East & 3 S; From SW corner Peabody, 6 South Auctioneers: Reynolds west Land Specialists. Gannon Auctions. Auctioneers: Gannon Auc- Auction Service. June 13 – Tools, collectibles, JUne 14 – Furniture, vehi- tions. 80 Acre Farm + 2 bedroom home, 1 bath, 914 AGLA, consisting June 13 – Misc. hand and bicycles, horse drawn doc- cle, dishes, primitives at June 20 – Furniture, an- of 34x40x14 Shop, older buildings covered with tin & rural water. garden tools, misc. house- tor buggy, machinery, Topeka for Keith and Beth tiques, primitives, col- Farmland consists of 50.05 Acres tillable, 27.91 Acres waterways, brome, & pasture. hold, furniture at Dela- camper, household, furni- Lawson. Auctioneers: lectibles at Portis for Bud Manner of Auction: van, for Shield Estate and ture, etc. at Marysville for Kooser Auction Service. and Janice Minger. Auc- Tract 1 : will be 5 Acres m/l June 16 – Furniture, water Gunnerson Photography Buck and Linda Schwartz. tioneers: Wolters Auction. Tract 2 : will be 75 Acres m/l tillable land Estate. Auctioneers: Kick- Auctioneers: Don Prell coolers, misc. household June 20 – Farm machinery, Tract 3 : will be Tract 1 & Tract Combined haefer Auctions. Auctions. items at Manhattan for collectibles, antiques, Viewing & Inspection: June 11 & 12, 12-8:00 June 13 – Mower and equip- June 13 – Furniture, tools, Audrey Catrell/Teresa glass, household at Over- or Contact Vern or Steve ment, golf cart and motor- yard items, etc. at Ran- Miller. Auctioneers: Gan- brook for Moore Family. cycle, misc. construction dolph for Ruby Anderson non Auctions. Auctioneers: Wischropp HENRY MILFORD EDIGER Any announcements made at the time of Auction, take prece- items, collectibles, etc. at and the late Lawrence An- June 18 – Farm, livestock Auction. dence over printed material or previous statements. For Aerial, equipment, truck, furni- June 20 – Horse and farm Zoetis introduces new ture, tack, collectibles at equipment and household Soil or Topography Maps, Legal Description or to pre-register, call Vern 316.772.6318. AUREOMIX® S without penicillin Osage City for Kathie and at Paxico for Jim Thomp- Merlin Smith. Auction- son. Auctioneers: Murray MIDWEST LAND SPECIALISTS, INC. Zoetis announces the ted to educating producers eers: Wischropp Auctions. Auctions. June 20 — Plumbing & heat- availability of AURE- on proper and responsible June 27 – Excavating equip- ing equipment, sheet OMIX® S — a medicated uses of these tools. Training Vern Koch, 316.772.6318 Steve McCullough, 316.283.3300 feed additive that combines programs, such as Individ- the proven safety and thera- ual Pig Care, provide guide- peutic strength of chlortet- lines so pig caregivers can AUCTION racycline and sulfamet- identify sick animals sooner hazine without the use of to help ensure they are SATURDAY, JUNE 13 — 9:30 AM penicillin. AUREOMIX S treated with the right prod- ABILENE, KANSAS ESTATESATURDAY, JUNE AUCTION 20 — 9:00 AM replaces AUREO S-P 250® uct at the right time. AUCTION LOCATION: 517 NE 4TH & BRADY 2223 LEARNARD AVE, — LAWRENCE, KS and AUREOMIX® Granular Zoetis supports the COLLECTOR man sample) steam-engine; 500, the chlortetracy- FDA’s Guidance for Indus- VEHICLES/ Worthington size 3 ½ -4 pump cline/sulfamethazine/penici try 209 and 213 to phase out MOWER & EQUIPMENT; GOLF CART TRACTOR/STUDEBAKER #V; National cash register; Big llin combinations that the use of all medically im- & MOTORCYCLE; ITEMS: Ben tobacco tins; several other 1962 Studebaker Lark car 4 advertising tins; tobacco roller; Zoetis voluntarily withdrew portant antibiotic products MISC CONSTRUCTION ITEMS; door(Nice); 1950 Studebaker Maytag wringer washer; 2 last year. labeled for growth promo- See lastCOLLECTIBLES week’s Grass & Grain for listings truck V8 w/matching Studebak- small RARE J-Hawk paper- “We worked voluntarily tion and is committed to For listing & pictures, go to, click on Market Place er trailer; 1962 Studebaker weights; square fly rod in wood- with the Food and Drug Ad- helping veterinarians, pork Lark car & 1950 Studebaker en box; other vintage then auctions. Also ... ministration (FDA) to re- producers and the livestock truck (not running); 63/64 T- rods/reels; 2 Enterprise lard We will be running 2 rings most of the day! move penicillin from these feed industry stay informed Cab truck(parts); Case VAC presses; pitcher pump; de- row-crop tractor; 100’s of horner; hand sheep shearer combinations as a confirma- in a changing regulatory en- Studebaker parts of all kinds stand; brass air-whistle;oak tion of our commitment to vironment. To learn more (tail gates/bumpers/head wall phone; wood ducks; post- the responsible use of an- about the Zoetis commit- lamps/buttons/books/hub-caps/ vise; 1920’s Red Black LHS; tibiotics,” said Shelley ment to responsible use of chrome items/much more as numerous Lawrence/Douglas Stanford, DVM, MS, MBA, antibiotics, talk to your Elmer loved collecting Stude- County books; Frank Leslie’s Director, U.S. Pork Techni- local representative or visit baker items!! Civil War Famous Leaders & SHOP TOOLS/ FIREARMS: Battles book; post cal Services, Zoetis. “We all ResponsibleAntibioti- (ALL ATF RULES APPLY KS cards/greeting cards; 1900’s can help maintain the effec- RESIDENTS ONLY!) mantel clock; Linden mantel tiveness of these important 6 ½ x 16 ft. flat-bed trailer; clock; resources through practic- Dixon ZTR3014 zero-turning TOYS: 2-WM Doepke Jaeger ing responsible use.” mower; John Deere R72 riding Model Toys pull-type cement AUREOMIX S is indicat- mower; Mighty Mac 7 hp. chip- mixers; Structo #310 Rocker per; Cyclone Rake Classic 5 scraper; Toostie Ford tractor ed for treatment of bacteri- hp.; Eichman 10” Regal Ma- w/trip bucket; Hubley 460 truck; al swine enteritis and cervi- AUCTION chinist Metal Lathe; Atlas 64 MARX 22C Jumpin Jeep wind- cal abscesses during times drill press; 12 ton shop press; 3 up; road grader; Lucky Military of stress. The granular for- SATURDAY, JUNE 13 — 10:00 A.M. ton engine stand; parts washer; Jeep; Bull Dog cap-gun; 1915 mula offers several benefits 24134A VOLLAND, ROAD • ALMA, KS Coleman 4000 generator; sev- Studebaker; 1948 Tucker; 1928 such as excellent flowabili- DIRECTIONS: Approx. 7 miles SW of Alma; or Approx. 10 miles NE of Alta Vista on Old K-10 Rd. (Sky- eral air compressors of all Mac Firetruck; 1937 Woody; ty, improved medication dis- line Mill Creek Scenic Drive). WATCH FOR SIGNS. sizes; power-washer; sand 1957 Golden Hawk; several FURNITURE & APPLIANCES: oak glass top & man push mower; Winpower 8000 watt generator; bead blaster; 12v electric other toys; Rexrratt Special tribution in the feed, less winch; AC/DC welder; Starret bugle; Noble Juniorette accor- dust and stability under front showcase; corner shelf; sewing machine cab- Homelite chain saw; dirt slip; live trap; various inet; banister table; glass front cabinet; drop leaf hand tools level; machinist tools; joint- dion; pocket knives; tie bolo’s; high temperatures. AURE- table; 2 gooseneck swan rockers; library table; ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: CI tea pot; green er/table-saw; radial arm-saw; costume jewelry; Roseville OMIX S is available in two several occasional tables; sofa sleeper; needle depression pcs.; Gone with Wind lamp electrifi ed; table-saws; Delta disc/belt 6533 vase; Carnival/Mel- formulations: work stand; rocker with cane seat; recliner; ma- various prints; various dolls; child tea set; Perfec- sander; Sears 10 & 12” band- Mac/Luray/Heisey/Candle • Type A: AUREOMIX S hogany table & chairs; Abernathy occasional table; tion heater; costume jewelry; CI stool; silver plate fl saws; Delta Miter-Saw; Walker Wick/glassware; tea-pots; yellow pine dresser & oval mirror; oak bed; gossip atware; nickel silver flatware; 12 place setting large floor jack; chop-saw; spin- Wentworth Silver Wheat set; 40/40 dle sander; lawn equip- Longberger baskets; GE & • Type B: AUREOMIX S bench; 2 walnut occasional chairs; oak swirl dining Rosenthal china; kitchen clock; leather hat box; table; oak small glass front showcase; small maple misc. silver plate; beer steins; Wintesling china set ment(trailers/thatchers/spreade Maytag washer/dryer; upright 10/10 chest; oak chest of drawers; oak dresser & mirror; of German water glasses; lead crystal bowl; rs/disc);tool cabinets; extension freezer; double recliner couch; Along with a portfolio of walnut bound sofa; oak dressing table & trifold mir- Spiegel wall clock; 2 tin knights; 2 tin frogs in sav- ladders; manual tire changer; recliner; oak dinette table & antimicrobial products, ror & stool; oval mahogany magazine rack; ma- ing; CI boxer; scale with crystals; apothecary jar; bench grinder; pneumatic tools; chairs; Wurlitzer electric organ Zoetis also offers a full line hogany wardrober; 2 oak dining chair; round oak Aladdin lamp; various German prints; various large A-Frame; furniture dolly; w/bench; Tempus Fugit grand- coffee table walnut dresser mirror; oak library fancy work; crocheted bed spread; CI woodstove; electrical/plumbing/hardware; father clock; 1950’s Blonde of vaccines that help pre- socket; wrenches; hammers; bedroom suite; Queen bed; vent disease and is commit- table; Edison cabinet; oak secretary; pine recliner; oak wall clock brass face; large wall tapestry; wicker chest; oak judges chair; oak parlor table Zenith tube type radio; gum ball machine 2 #10 pliers; battery chargers; screw- chest drawers; Lane cedar glass ball feet; oak bound red velvet fainting coach; crocks; Hot Fresh popcorn machine; metal Kre-mel drivers; chest; Pro Form treadmill; oak ice box; booth; Singer treadle upholstery dispenser; 2 school benches; milk cans; various Many Tools New In Box! Nu- porch swing; patio set; BBQ sewing machine; Consew upholstery sewing ma- carnival pcs.; large jar; wood barrel; kitchen pantry; merous hand/power tools of grill; kitchen décor; holiday chine;Singer upholstery sewing machine; brass military foot locker; double wedding ring quilt; doll ALL KINDS!! décor; 10 ft. metal v-bottom plated bed; blonde oak dresser; blonde oak chest cradle; dress form; CI items; Andy churn; bird Stevens Model 15-A bolt-action fishing boat; 1957 Lone Star of drawers; 2 twin beds; maple dresser & mirror; cage; refrigerator dishes; Grundig Majestic radio; rifle; American Gun Co. double sign; Stetson cowboy hats; bank beds; glass front display; Kenmore refrigera- #2 crock; aluminum water glasses; Watts bowls; barrel/hammer shotgun; misc. caps(J-Hawk/ Kansas/ Imple- tor; Amana upright freezer; Kenmore washer & California pottery pcs.; CI boiler; linens & fancy- ammo ment Dealers/Military); large dryer; 3 metal rockers; 2 rockers CI table & chair work windmill; nice selection of kitchen primitives COLLECTIBLES/ amount of small salvage items: LAWN TRACTOR, TOOLS & MISC.: Wizard lawn and various glassware FURNIURE / electrical/ metal/motors/etc.; tractor;, 16hp, 42” deck; Craftsman rear tine tiller; HOUSEHOLD/MISC. numerous items too many to Craftsman trimmer on wheels; lawn cart; Crafts- Vintage Store front oak cabinet mention! w/glass doors; Weeden (sales- JESSIE MAE WALLS ESTATE Auction Note: Elmer was an Avid Auction Attendee & Very Ac- tive in Several Civic Groups within Lawrence! Terms: Cash or This Will Be A Very Large Auction & We Will Run Two Auction Good Check. REAL ESTATE & Rings Part of The Day With Plenty of Shade! Not Responsible for AUCTIONS, LLC SELLERS: Accidents. Please visit usELMER online at LINDELL ESTATE for pictures! Statements made day of ALTA VISTA, KANSAS • 785-499-5376 auction take precedence over GREG HALLGREN JAY E. BROWN Auctioneers: Elston Auctions written materials. 785-499-2897 785-223-7555 (785-594-0505) • (785-218-7851) e-mail: [email protected] “Serving Your Auction Needs Since 1994” Lunch Available • Sect. 1 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/4/15 1:28 PM Page 12

Page 12 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 They blow through here To train it. That’s okay, grouchy but if they only windys or stirrin’ up the like tumbleweeds, I’ve give but the corner by his bed knew nest. BAXTER up keepin’ score. Is littered with old pa- I’m just tired of playin’ They can learn by my ex- Tonight they’re down at pers. So he could learn to wet nurse to a string of ample. Maybe even save a Mona’s pro’bly spendin’ read, he said. buckaroos buck. their last dime I might just go to Mona’s. They won’t get the satis- And I would go in to BLACK ‘Cause we pull out on Show them kids a thing or faction of seein’ me im- Mona’s but I lent the lads my Monday. But way back there two. pressed truck! ONTHEEDGEOFCOMMONSENSE was a time They think I’m old and by their endless balface I’d been right in amongst ‘em but I quit goin’ to town. Saturday Night I got a box for pop cans Dang it, someone spilt Shoot, they’ve broke anoth- but they’re scattered all their coffee on the deck of er chair! around, cards again. And I’d been countin’ on It doesn’t seem too much Probably one of the new a little game of solitaire. to ask to keep the trash guys. This place looks like a Kids. I’ve seen a million picked up. den walkin’ through this Matilda whelped another of hibernating coyotes. bunkhouse door. batch. Romero took a pup Kansas Ag Secretary comments on NBAF groundbreaking The National Bio and partnerships have all United States Department Agro-Defense Facility played fundamental roles in of Agriculture will continue (NBAF) groundbreaking the construction of the utilizing partnerships to took place in Manhattan NBAF. The Department of maximize research capabil- May 27 in a ceremony at- Homeland Security and the ities. tended by city, university, state and federal leaders. The NBAF facility will make Kansas the epicenter of new and progressive ani- SATURDAY,AUCTION JUNE 13 — 9:00 AM mal disease research. The CELEBRATION CENTRE 1145 E US HWY 56, Kansas Congressional dele- LYONS, KS gation, Governor Sam Toy tractors; lots of interesting & unusual primitive items; Brownback and Kansas Sec- collectible glassware & pottery; silver & collectible coins; retary of Agriculture Jackie artwork; collectible furniture; full assortment of clean con- McClaskey all took part in temporary furniture & appliances the groundbreaking event in addition to numerous feder- OSWALT AUCTION SERVICE al officials. Bill Oswalt, Broker: Office: 620-897-6354 Cell: 620-897-7500 “NBAF being located in Kansas reaffirms the Kansas Department of Agri- culture’s commitment to protect and preserves our tremendous animal agricul- ture industry,” said Mc- Claskey. “This state-of-the- art facility will offer great opportunities for advance- ments in animal agricul- ture. We understand the in- herent value of NBAF and the challenge to protect this valuable industry. We take pride in Kansas agriculture and recognize the signifi- cant economic contribution the animal agriculture in- dustry has in Kansas and in the United States. We look forward to the opportunities to partner with NBAF, as to- gether we will play a role in keeping those sectors pro- tected.” Ensuring a safe food sup- ply, protecting natural re- sources, promoting public health and safety, protect- ing animal health, and pro- viding consumer protection to the best of its ability is part of the mission of the Kansas Department of Agri- culture. NBAF will provide fundamental research as- suring livestock, food and fiber industries in Kansas remain secure. The agriculture industry impacts the state’s economy more than any other sector, accounting for more than $63 billion to the Kansas economy each year and more than $1 trillion nation- ally. In an economy that re- lies heavily on the agricul- ture industry, innovative re- search is imperative for fu- ture progress and security. Federal, state and local 13-18.qxp:Layout 1 6/8/15 8:54 AM Page 13

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 13 head lower until we find L.L.C. specializes in risk man- pleteness. Past results are not buyers. agement and cash grain and necessarily indicative of fu- The corn and soybeans livestock marketing plans. ture results. All statements weren’t nearly as strong as For information on the mar- contained herein are current the wheat, but were still kets or our marketing service opinions, which are subject to Schwieterman positive. There isn’t any you can contact Bret Crotts at change. The risk of loss in weather premium in the 888-437-9131 or bret@swbell. trading commodity future corn market and the market net. contracts is substantial. You A marketingMarket commentary Outlook by Bret Crotts will be sensitive to any The information contained should therefore carefully con- threats, so funds are getting herein is based on data ob- sider whether such trading is out of the way until they are tained from recognized statis- suitable for you in light of On June 10th we have the Same thing applies to the slow, but since it is so early sure that the crop is okay. If tical services and other your financial condition. Nei- next WASDE report, but beans. The crop is off to a in the crop year, USDA may we make it into July without sources believed to be reliable. ther the information, nor any looking at the trade guesses good start, the weather is lean towards no changes. any weather problems then However, we have not verified opinion expressed shall be makes me think it won’t be non-threatening, and expec- Last week’s market activ- the corn will be in trouble, such information and we do construed as an offer to buy or very exciting. If the average tations are already bearish. ity kept the bears on their but for the time being look not make any representations sell any futures or options on trade guesses are right we Perhaps confirmation of toes. There was plenty of for a little bit of sideways to as to the accuracy or com- futures contracts. won’t see much of a reac- large ending stocks esti- volatility and most of it had higher trade. tion. There is always the po- mates will encourage some a bullish bias. The wheat Cattle futures were a lit- tential for a surprise be- selling, but it is more likely was the big winner of the tle softer this week, but it 17 Year Periodical cause it is, after all, a USDA that confirmation of large week since funds are short wasn’t a major break. Now report, but it is hard to stocks encourages more di- and we have another poor that we have option expira- guess what that surprise rectionless trade and we crop coming on there isn’t a tion out of the way for the might be when expectations won’t see another major great deal of incentive to be June contract and we are Cicadas are are neutral. move until after the June short from the current level entering the delivery period Some analysts think we stocks report. especially when the dollar the cash and futures mar- should see an increase in Don’t look for much ex- is under pressure. If we do kets will have to come to- emerging gether, which should imply the corn yield since the citement in the wheat ei- see much strength we will In the summer of 1998, periodical cicada females planting pace was ahead of ther. There hasn’t been find willing sellers because strength in the front months. The cash feeder index is bred and laid eggs. Seventeen years later, we have the the five-year average, but enough harvest activity or we are probably going to after-effects. the five year average isn’t change in condition ratings have adequate supplies of still on the rise, which could eventually support the Au- Seventeen year periodical cicadas are creating great because of recent to justify any major produc- wheat unless demand picks quite a ‘buzz’ right now, and it’s one that could contin- planting problems. What we tion changes. If you are up. That, as usual, is the key gust contract, but since it is so long until expiration the ue for a bit. Newly emerging periodical cicadas are have is a pretty normal crop looking for something to for the wheat market. If we hatching now. Their distinctive appearance (black which would imply a trend fear, I would be afraid that don’t have some better de- spread between the futures and the index can be pretty body, blood-red beady eyes and orange-veined clear/ line yield, which is what USDA would cut export de- mand, it really won’t matter transparent wings), gives them away for sure, but that USDA is already using. mand since sales have been what the crop size is, we will wide. Schwieterman Marketing, doesn’t mean the first few you see won’t throw you. Even if you don’t see them, the distinctive high- pitched buzzing (the males calling to attract females Farm Bureau asks Congress to repeal Country for mating) tends to alert you to their presence. In addition to the noise they create, cicadas also of Origin Labeling for beef, chicken and pork produce mud emergence holes in the ground as nymphs emerge as well as lots of ‘skins’ from which Recently the American that WTO would have found vote by the full House could with $2 billion in tariffs the adult cicadas have emerged. The egg-laying activ- Farm Bureau Federation COOL to be legal, it is now happen within days. against U.S. food if we don’t ities can also kill tree branch tips, causing the ap- announced support for ef- clear that we are far better “We are pleased the stop the labeling program.” pearance of dead branch tips (the damage is aesthetic forts in Congress to repeal a off with no mandatory label- House Agriculture Commit- Last month the House only). law that forces food distrib- ing for beef, pork and chick- tee has moved to repeal Agriculture Committee, Following mating, the female will use her oviposi- utors to label beef, chicken en, which should end country of origin labeling under the leadership of tor to slice into and create cavities in twigs into which and pork products as to threats of retaliation by our for beef, pork and chicken, Chairman Conaway, passed she will insert up to 20 eggs. This will be repeated their country of origin. The two closest trading part- and we ask the full House to H.R. 2393, which amends the until she deposits up to around 600 eggs in total. Six request comes on the heels ners,” said AFBF president do likewise,” Stallman said. Agricultural Marketing Act to ten weeks later, the newly hatched nymphs drop to of a World Trade Organiza- Bob Stallman. “Whatever benefits labeling of 1946 to effectively repeal the soil and burrow into the ground until emerging tion ruling that grants Cana- The House Agriculture brought farmers and ranch- country of origin labeling again – in 2032! da and Mexico the right to Committee, under the lead- ers, the WTO ruled that the requirements for beef, pork, For a full ‘rundown’ on the 17 year periodical cica- retaliate against the United ership of Chairman Mike process of separating the and chicken, while leaving da – including pictures – check out the Kansas Insect States if it fails to stop the Conaway (R-Texas), passed herds was too cumbersome intact the requirements for Newsletter available at: http://entomology.k-state. program by mid-November. a bill to remove the lan- to permit free trade. Canada all other covered commodi- edu/doc/Newsletters/2015/KSInsectNewsletter4.pdf “While we were hopeful guage from current law. A and Mexico could retaliate ties.

COMM. CATTLE AUCTION MANHATTAN CO.INC. EVERY FRIDAY 1-800-834-1029 Toll-Free STARTING 10:00 A.M. ON WEIGH COWS FOLLOWED BY STOCKER FEEDERS — 11:00 A.M. OFFICE PHONE 785-776-4815 • OWNERS MERVIN SEXTON & JOHN CLINE Our CONSIGNMENTS can now be viewed after 12 Noon on Mondays by going to & logging onto the online subscription A light run of cattle found very good interest Manhattan 1 blk [email protected] Manhattan 1 blk 5 $2,450.00 McLouth 1 blk $3,500.00 with a large attendance of buyers. Several Wamego 1 bwf [email protected] Wamego 2 blk 2-3 $2,450.00 McLouth 1 blk $3,500.00 fall calving cows were offered and they were Peabody 1 blk [email protected] Frankfort 1 blk 2 $2,400.00 Manhattan 1 simm $3,100.00 getting lots of attention. Cull cows and bulls Wamego 1 blk [email protected] Leonardville 1 herford 6 $2,300.00 Olathe 1 blk $3,100.00 Frankfort 1 xbred 7 $2,200.00 Leonardville 1 blk [email protected] Olathe 1 blk $3,000.00 sold $2 to $3 lower. Wamego 1 xbred 2 $1,950.00 Longford 1 herford [email protected] Frankfort 1 blk BM $1,725.00 STEERS — 300-725 LBS Manhattan 1 bwf [email protected] Alta Vista 6 blk [email protected] Spring Hill 1 blk [email protected] BRED COWS EARLY CONSIGNMENTS Frankfort 4 blk [email protected] Longford 1 herford [email protected] Age Mo. Junction City 7 blk [email protected] Kansas City 1 herford [email protected] Beattie 10 blk 3-4 4-5 $3,025.00 FRIDAY, JUNE 12TH Frankfort 3 blk [email protected] Kansas City 1 herford [email protected] Randolph 14 blk 3 4-5 $3,010.00 TO SELL AT 12 NOON Vermillion 4 blk [email protected] Peabody 1 bwf [email protected] Beattie 6 blk 3-4 5 $2,925.00 12 blk first calf hfrs w/2 week- 30 day old Alma 8 blk bulls [email protected] Wamego 1 blk [email protected] Beattie 6 xbred 3-5 5 $2,900.00 Randolph 5 blk 35$2,900.00 calves by side Vermillion 3 blk [email protected] Auburn 1 xbred [email protected] Beattie 10 blk 5-6 4-5 $2,875.00 8 Choice blk first calf hfrs with Feb.-March Marysville 1 xbred [email protected] Randolph 4 bwf 3-5 4-5 $2,875.00 Angus sired calves by side. All worked. HEIFERS — 400-700 LBS. Spring Hill 1 blk [email protected] Randolph 6 blk 3-5 4-5 $2,825.00 Hfrs running back with red Angus and Alta Vista 5 blk [email protected] Wamego 1 herford [email protected] Beattie 7 blk 5-6 4 $2,750.00 Frankfort 4 blk [email protected] Longford 1 herford [email protected] Randolph 9 blk 4-5 5 $2,750.00 Charolais bulls since May 10 Vermillion 5 blk [email protected] Manhattan 1 blk [email protected] Clay Center 1 xbred 25$2,700.00 8 Hereford Angus & Char-x cows, 2-7 Beattie 7 blk 7-8 5 $2,660.00 Junction City 7 blk [email protected] Manhattan 1 blk [email protected] years old with March & April calves. Vermillion 6 blk [email protected] Vermillion 1 herford [email protected] Randolph 4 blk 3-4 3 $2,650.00 Delia 3 herford [email protected] Clay Center 4 blk 3-4 4-5 $2,650.00 Black Leg shots & casterated Beattie 2 char 5-6 5 $2,600.00 BULLS — 1,125-1,725LBS. 6 blk Simm/Angus first calf hfrs w/big late Clay Center 1 xbred 23$2,575.00 COWS & HEIFERETTES — 950-1,875 LBS Centralia 1 blk [email protected] Clay Center 1 xbred 28$2,575.00 Jan & Feb calves by side, 2 rds shots Junction City 1 blk [email protected] Olathe 1 blk [email protected] Clay Center 2 blk 3-4 4 $2,550.00 3 blk Simm/Angus first calf hfrs, Heavy Junction City 1 blk [email protected] Olathe 1 blk [email protected] Clay Center 1 char 3-4 2-4 $2,550.00 Springers Spring Hill 1 blk [email protected] Olathe 1 blk [email protected] Beattie 4 bwf 5-6 4-5 $2,500.00 Centralia 1 char [email protected] Beattie 5 blk SS 5 $1,900.00 Clay Center 1 blk [email protected] 25 bwf, few rwf strs, 600-650 lbs. Clay Center 1 blk [email protected] Riley 1 blk [email protected] Leonardville 1 blk 63$1,775.00 Junction City 1 herford [email protected] Beattie 3 blk BM 5 $1,600.00 24 CAB Angus strs & hfrs, off grass. 7 way Longford 1 herford [email protected] COW/CALF PAIRS Black Leg & Sommus, 3 way Pinkeye, Ter- Age. BULLS BY THE HEAD Leonardville 1 blk [email protected] anus, Bavishield Gold & V&S. No implants, Alma 1 blk [email protected] Marion 2 xbred 2-3 $3,250.00 Olathe 1 blk $4,400.00 Vliets 1 blk 2 $2,750.00 Spring Hill 1 blk [email protected] McLouth 1 blk $3,800.00 no antibiotics, 400-500 lbs. VISIT US ON THE WEB FOR DAILY CONSIGNMENT UPDATES AT WWW.MCCLIVESTOCK.COM ————————— FIELD REPRESENTATIVES ————————— JOHN CLINE SAM GRIFFIN BRENT MILLER ALAN HUBBARD MERVIN SEXTON BILL RAINE TOM TAUL JEFF BROOKS BRYCE HECK DAN COATES ONAGA BURNS ALMA OLSBURG MANHATTAN MAPLE HILL MANHATTAN BEATTIE LINN BALDWIN 785-889-4775 620-726-5877 785-765-3467 785-468-3552 785-537-7295 785-256-4439 785-537-0036 785-353-2263 785-348-5448 785-418-4524 Cell: 785-532-8381 Cell: 620-382-7502 Cell: 785-587-7824 Cell: 785-410-5011 Cell: 785-770-2622 Cell: 785-633-4610 Cell: 785-556-1422 Cell: 785-562-6807 Cell: 785-447-0456 13-18.qxp:Layout 1 6/8/15 7:34 AM Page 14

Page 14 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Soy growers call on Congress to scrap Clean Water Rule The American Soybean Wilkins, who farms in test that leaves enough open rule. SUNDAY,AUCTION JUNE 14 — 9:30 AM SHARP Association (ASA) is calling Greenwood, Del., noted that to interpretation that it “The Clean Water Rule— 2002 S.W. BIRCHWOOD LANE — TOPEKA, KS on lawmakers to take leg- EPA is erroneously using a could be argued the rule and before it the Waters of Directions: From S.W. 21ST & S.W. Gage Blvd., East on 21st to S.W. Birchwood Lane, then North….WATCH FOR SIGNS!!! islative action to prevent minority opinion from the eventually applies to unlim- the U.S. rule—was meant to the clean water measure Supreme Court to expand ited bodies of water, no mat- establish certainty by from taking effect. ASA its jurisdiction. ter their size or actual con- spelling out exactly which specifically cites the nexus “The proposed rule nectivity to waters already types of water are and are test—language in the rule wrongly applies the nexus under jurisdiction. Also, in not covered by the Clean that EPA says it will now use test to waters nationwide by making its decision, EPA Water Act. That is a produc- to determine the level to placing jurisdiction over has adopted only a minority tive goal, and one we fully which a smaller body of any water that may have a opinion of the Supreme support, but unfortunately water connects to a larger nexus to waters covered Court and one that has been the way the nexus test is ap- FURNITURE: Bookcase Secretary, Leather Divan/Matching Loveseat, Leather Chair, Coffee & Lamp Tables, Floor & Table one for the purposes of es- under the Clean Water Act,” considered by only a minor- plied in this most recent Lamps, 3 Drawer Chest, Glass Top Library Table, Corner Cabinets, tablishing jurisdiction said Wilkins. “While EPA ity of federal circuit courts.” rule it creates far more un- Oak Dining Room Table/8 Oak Chairs, Oak China Cabinet, Grand- under the Clean Water Act— has said that the rule cre- Wilkins added that it is certainty and risk,” Wilkins mother Clock, Kitchen Island, Walnut Dresser w/Marble Insert, as exceeding both the intent ates no additional require- the end goal of certainty for said. “At this point, the only Maple Dresser, 4 Pc. Bedroom Suite (Incl. King Sz. Bed, 5 Drawer of Congress and the rulings ments with regard to normal farmers that has been at the constructive course of ac- Chest, Triple Dresser, Night Stand), Full Sz. Bed, Book Shelves, Double Dresser, Sgl. Bed, 4 Drawer Chest, Elect. Sewing Machine. of the Supreme Court. ASA farming practices, it is the core of ASA’s effort on this tion is for the House and the VEHICLE: 1987 Chevrolet Suburban. first vice president Richard broad nature of the nexus issue, and in the absence of Senate to step in and pre- DISHES: Longaberger Dishes/Pottery, Fenton, Heisey, Depression. that certainty, Congress vent this rule from going for- PRIMITIVES & MISC.: CALLIOPE (Built for Mardi Gras/Krewe of should step in and block the ward.” Orpheus), Brass Gasoline Pump Handles, Crocks, Crock Bowls, Longaberger Baskets, Copper Boiler, Cast Iron School Bell, Cast Iron Kettles, Anvil, Push Mower, Bicycle Built For 2, Shop Vac., Table Saw, Misc. Power Tools, Hand & Garden Tools, Sm. Appls, Patio $8,295 SURPLUS AUCTION Table/Chairs, Bird Bath, Yard Art, Holiday Décor., Scaffold. OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION!! TERMS: Cash, Good Check OR Major Credit Card ($50 minimum purchase, 5% Convenience Fee). Anything Stated Sale Day Takes Precedence Over SATURDAY, JUNE 20 — Any Printed Material. Concessions Available. 12:30 PM KEITH & BETH LAWSON, Sellers LOCATED at the Southwest corner of KOOSER AUCTION SERVICE Topeka, KS Second and Leonard Streets in Downtown PIONEER IS ONLY FOR DRIVERS 16 YEARS AND OLDER. MULTI-PURPOSE UTILITY VEHICLES CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO OPERATE. FOR YOUR SAFETY, BE RESPONSIBLE. ALWAYS WEAR A HEL- 785-235-1176 • 785-478-4176 MET, EYE PROTECTION AND APPROPRIATE CLOTHING. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT, AND KEEP THE SIDE NETS AND DOORS CLOSED. AVOID EXCESSIVE SPEEDS AND BE CAREFUL ON DIFFICULT “Our Service Doesn’t Cost, It Pays” TERRAIN. ALL MUV DRIVERS SHOULD WATCH THE SAFETY VIDEO “MULTIPURPOSE UTILITY VEHICLES: A GUIDE TO SAFE OPERATION” AND READ THE OWNER’S MANUAL BEFORE OPERATING THE VE- ONAGA, KS HICLE. NEVER DRIVE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL, ON PUBLIC ROADS OR WITH MORE THAN ONE PASSENGER. DRIVER AND PASSENGER MUST BE TALL ENOUGH FOR SEAT BELT TO FIT PROPERLY AND TO BRACE THEMSELVES WITH BOTH FEET FIRMLY ON THE FLOOR. PASSENGER MUST BE ABLE TO GRASP THE HAND HOLD WITH THE SEAT BELT ON AND BOTH FEET ON THE Furniture and Cabinets: 10 plus 4 ft. tall, double door FLOOR. RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT WHEN DRIVING. Pioneer is a trademark of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (MM/YY) SRP $8,499, dealer bonus $300, after bonus $8,199, excludes $600 destination charge. wooden cabinets; Several 6 ft. wall cabinets ; Several 6 ft. tall, double door cabinets; 3 metal 4 drawer filing cabinets; 7 We specialize Bookshelves; Round oak dining table; 2 dining chairs; Up- OPEN holstered waiting room chairs; Other good upholstered in Trucks and 785-584-5850 Monday thru chairs; Metal folding chairs; 6 ft. X 8 ft. therapy table; 2 nar- Sport U’s! Saturday: row, padded therapy tables; Rectangular butcher block top 9 AM-6 PM adjustable height table; Hamilton deep stainless steel sink on metal roller stand; Metal desk with wing;2 metal shelving “NOW AVAILABLE!” New Flatbeds & Trailers racks; Stainless steel sink; Audio carts Visit our website: Mower, Appliances and Misc. Husqvarna 18 hp. zero turn 42 in. deck mower with Kawasaki motor; Kenmore FORD F-350 GMC SIERRA 3500 DODGE RAM 2500 electric range – used very little; Kenmore Heavy Duty 60 Series electric dryer – Good; Star Trac tread mill; Schwinn 2 2 2 Air-Dyne Pro exercise bike; Aluminum frame windows; Par- 0 0 0 titions; PLUS Many other misc. items 0 0 0 Auctioneer’s note: Many good, useable items. Come take 4 a look! 0 $9,995 CALL 0 $5,995 Terms: Cash or Valid Check Reg. Cab 4x4, XLT, 7.3 Powerstroke Diesel Reg. Cab 4x4, SLT, 6.6 Duramax Diesel Not Responsible for Accidents or Theft Reg. Cab 4x4, 5.9 with dual arm bale bed!! Deweze bale bed!! CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD 4X4 CHEVY SILVERADO Statements made sale day take precedence over printed CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD material.SELLERS: COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 2 2 2 DISTRICT NO. 1 0 0 CLINE REALTY & AUCTION, LLC 0 Auction Conducted By: 0 1 0 785-889-4775 Onaga, KS John E. Cline, Broker/Auction cell 785-532-8381 5 $21,995 * $18,995 1 $16,988 7 $12,988 Crew Cab, 6.6 Duramax, GOOD MILES! Reg. cab, 4x4, 6.0 Vortec Reg. Cab 4x4, 6.0 Vortec, AT DODGE RAM 2500 4X4 DODGE RAM 2500 QUAD CAB CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 $14,988 3 $21,995 * $18,988 7 $16,988 * $13,988 4 Dr., 5.9 Cummins Turbo Diesel 4x4, SLT, 5.9 Cummins, Only 120K! Reg. Cab, 4x4, LT, Duramax Diesel, Allison AT CHEVY SILVERADO 2500 HD CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD DODGE RAM 2500 4X4 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 $10,988 6 $17,988 6 $17,988 $16,988 Reg. Cab, 4x4, 6.0 Vortec Crew Cab, 4x4, Duramax 4 Dr., 5.9 Cummins Turbo Diesel FORD F-350 CHEVY 2500HD 4X4 2 2 CHEVY SILVERADO 3500 HD 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 $8,988 6 $6,995 1 Reg. Cab, 4x4 Reg. Cab, 6.0 AT 1 $24,995 Crew Cab, 4x4, 6.6 Duramax CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD 2 2 NO REASONABLE 0 0 OFFERS REFUSED! 0 0 “Many Diesels 5 $15,995 6 $10,988 * $8,988 4x4, Crew, 6.6 Duramax Quad Cab 4x4, 6.0 Vortec diesel, bale bed! In Stock” MILLER MOTORS - 225 W. Hwy. 24, Rossville, Kansas For Sales Call: 785-584-5850 13-18.qxp:Layout 1 6/5/15 4:05 PM Page 15

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 15 Center for Outcomes Research and Education receives USDA grant to study risk management strategies for reducing effects of bovine respiratory disease complex A multidisciplinary re- and death in U.S. feeder cat- said there is clearly a need the impacts of bovine respi- he said. “We will achieve try.” search team from Kansas tle,” Renter said. “Every to concurrently develop ratory disease complex in this goal through three inter- Renter said that collec- State University will study year, it costs the U.S. beef in- health and economic risk the U.S. beef industry. related research objectives. tively, the research ap- risk management strategies dustry an estimated $4 bil- management strategies that “Our research goal is to We also will collaborate proaches, combined with in- to help reduce the health lion and negatively affects combine the best science develop strategies that dif- with cattle producers and dustry partnerships, will en- and economic effects of the well-being of millions of with data from commercial ferentiate bovine respirato- veterinarians to generate able his research team to de- bovine respiratory disease animals. Our long-term goal beef cattle production sys- ry disease complex risks more detailed information velop risk management complex in commercial is to reduce the health and tems. The data generated in among diverse feeder cattle on how feeder calves were strategies that lead to imme- feeder cattle. economic impacts of bovine the research will reflect the populations and identify managed prior to feedlot diate and sustainable reduc- Principle investigator respiratory disease complex different types of cattle pop- sustainable approaches to purchase by studying groups tion of the effects of bovine David Renter, director of the by utilizing scientific and in- ulations and production set- reducing the disease in of feeder cattle in different respiratory disease complex new Center for Outcomes dustry knowledge to im- tings in the industry, and these animal populations,” segments of the beef indus- in the U.S. beef industry. Research and Education in prove disease manage- will enable the scientific re- the university’s College of ment.” sults and approaches to be Veterinary Medicine, has re- To reach this goal, Renter directly relevant to reducing ceived a $489,466 Agricul- ture and Food Research Ini- tiative Competitive Grant for the project from the U.S. De- TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015 5:00 PM partment of Agriculture’s 2818 OREGON LANE — MANHATTAN,— KANSAS National Institute of Food Story & Clark spinet piano & bench (very nice); 2 Hagan water colors; Randel Woodell water and Agriculture. nice sleeper sofa; French Provincial dining room color. Deco TV lamp; figurines; pictures & “This is a really signifi- suite with table, 2 leaves, 6 chairs & matching frames; lamps; pressure cooker; fireplace tools; cant initiative at the Center china cabinet; French Provincial couch & match- aquarium; ironing board; large glass bottles; for Outcomes Research and ing chairs; Mahogany 6-drawer double dresser glassware; stemware; Corningware; copper tea Education,” said Renter, with mirror & matching 5-drawer chest-of-draw- kettle; silverware; vases; hat rack; radios; mir- who is a professor of epi- REAL ESTATE, ers; 3 full size beds; wood desk & chair; 6-draw- rors; decorations; baskets; bedding; fans; irons; er dresser with mirror; Elna sewing machine & kitchen & household items; pair of spurs; step demiology in the College of TRAILERS, TOOLS, Veterinary Medicine’s diag- cabinet; desk; 2 swivel rockers (light blue); 2 ladder; metal shelf; miscellaneous items. glass top end tables; stand table; 3-section wall nostic medicine and patho- GREEN HOUSE EQUIP. shelf; 2 & 4-drawer file cabinets; 2 caned arm NOTE: Very very clean Auction! biology department. “This is chairs; round bamboo table; camel saddle; stor- a four-year project that in- AUCTION age shelf; brass coat rack; small glass display volves several truly excep- stand table; card table; artificial plants; wood tional faculty.” SATURDAY, JULY 25 — 9:30 AM sack dolly. The research team in- 101 VINE — WAMEGO, KS cludes Kansas State Univer- REAL ESTATE: Large 2 story barn, one of the AUDREY CATRELL/ TERESA MILLER sity’s Mike Sanderson, pro- oldest buildings in Wamego. Sits on 5 acres GANNON REAL ESTATE & AUCTIONS fessor, and Natalia Cernic- more or less. VERN GANNON, BROKER/AUCTIONEER chiaro, assistant professor, PERSONAL PROPERTY: 45,000 watt 785-770-0066 • MANHATTAN, KANSAS • 785-539-2316 both of diagnostic medicine propane generator, wrenches and hand tools, and pathobiology; Robert trailers and green house items. Larson, professor, and Brad A COMPLETE LIST WILL APPEAR IN AN White, associate professor, UPCOMING EDITION. both of clinical sciences; Ted Schroeder, university distinguished professor of SELLER: MARK POPE agricultural economics; and Nora Bello, associate profes- MURRAY AUCTION and REALTY Steve Murray, Broker/Auctioneer • 785-556-4354 sor of statistics. Bill Raine and Bob Murray, Auctioneers “Bovine respiratory dis- ease complex is the most common cause of sickness [email protected]

SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 10:00 AM 1628 NW HOCH ROAD (ONE MILE SOUTH— OF SILVER LAKE, KS) 1500 sq. ft. 4-bedroom home with living room, boxes; welding supplies; iron rack; battery dining room, kitchen and bath to be moved in 60 charger; brooder; 3 pumps; 2 sets car ramps; days. Nice home that was built and moved to wood toolbox; lots of sockets; bar; wrenches; current location in two sections. Nice home with come-a-long; clippers; hammers; electric impact great possibilities. Call for appointment to be wrench; chain saw; Craftsman stool; gas cans; viewed (Jeff at 785-224-9924) or will be shown grease bucket; 4”X4” & 2”X6” lumber; 10 sheets Friday afternoon before Auction. 12’ corrugated tin; plastic barrels & buckets; IH 1066 diesel tractor with cab & 2 new rear vise; truck mirrors; hydraulic & floor jacks; lad- tires; IH 706 gas tractor with cab & Dual loader; ders; 4 pick-up toolboxes; 4 dolly’s; 2-12’, 1-10’ 2 Kawasaki Bayou 220 4-wheelers; 1982 Ford flat bottom aluminum boats; Briggs/Stratton F250 XLT pick-up, 360 automatic, 139,000 5HP, 4 cycle boat motor (near new); Evinrude miles;16’ WW bumper hitch stock trailer; 18’ boat motor (not running); oars; minnow buckets; triple axle implement trailer with ramps; 16’X6’ fish nets; fillet knife; fishing items; GUNS: Win- tandem axle machinery trailer; 16’ 2-wheel trail- chester model 190, 22 rifle; Sears/Ted Williams er; 500 gallon propane tank; 2-wheel 8’X6’ sin- model 300, 12ga automatic shotgun; Marlin 60, gle axle trailer; IH 470 12’ tandem disk with 22 rifle with scope; Sears & Roebuck Model 3T, cylinders; Case 14’ field cultivator with wing ex- 22 cal. Rifle; Remington Model 12A, 22 pump; tensions; JD pull type rotary mower; IH 4-row old Indian Royal Service 12ga double barrel 3pt cultivator; BMB 3pt blade; 3pt 6-shank chis- shotgun; Stevens 20 ga bolt action shotgun; 4 el; IH 55 7-shank chisel plow; 4-row JD planter; BB guns; pellet gun; turkey decoy; Lots miscel- corral-10 panels & gate (factory pipe); livestock laneous. water tanks; T & electric fence posts; 2 round Dining table & chairs; recliner; pool table; small bale feeders; 2 feed bunks; 2 3pt bale spears; 2 dropfront desk; 2 window AC’s; chairs; rocker; pick-up bed fuel tanks; 2-wheel pick-up bed stove; 2 trunks; ash stand; microwave; TV’s; pic- trailer; blade; pipe; scrap iron; brick; block; small nic table; metal office desk; 2 wood carpenter’s 2-wheel trailer; grain auger; axle-leaf springs- chests; Dynasty bike; exercise bike; wheelchair; trailer hitch to build trailer; 3pt lister/potato dig- walker; various chairs; magazine rack; treadmill; ger; tires; wheels; one-section springtooth; 2pt Roy Rogers & Scooby Doo lunch pails; 3 Royals to 3pt fast hitch; wire winder; walking plow; 110 glasses; stemware; blue fluted dish; plates; milk gallon water tank; 70 gallon sweet potato cans & bottles; Royal Crown cooler; 2 compart- planter tank; 3pt Broadcast seeder; engine lift; ment wash tub; fancy heater; Star tobacco cut- Sears chest-on-chest tool chest; bead breaker; ter; nutcracker; Coleman lamp; doll bed; red floor jack; Lincoln AC/DC welder; wire feed metal cooler; wire baskets; copper tea kettle; welder; transfer pump; submersible pump; Pop bottles & cases; tub; sprinkle can; wooden Ryobi 10” table saw; acetylene tanks; sand- Budweiser box; coal bucket; 2 gas signs; pul- blaster tank; lawn mower lift; sprayer & electric leys; egg basket; crock jug; double 5-cent candy pump with boom; MW generator; chain hoist; machine; picture frames; collection of old Stihl chain saw; electric hand grinder; electric wrenches; insulators; cant hook; Maytag can; pole saw; 2 weedeaters; small pressure washer; bottles & jugs; milk crate; spittoon; popcorn pop- drill press; cut-off saw; metal sawhorses; 2 alu- per; milk carrier; wash basin; fruit jars; wood minum step ladders; push garden cultivator; ex- ironing board; oil spout can; pipe jack; 2 metal tension cords; rope; horse shoes; wheels; gas bushel baskets; oil bottles; hand scythe; can- cans; garden tools; bushel baskets; burlap ning jars; pressure cooker; lard press; 2 bags; grocery/produce scales; garden tools; kerosene heaters; cast iron pot & skillets; coffee boomer; air brake for truck; measuring wheel; grinder; IH toolbox; pipe vise; hay pulleys; cool- clamps; pipe wrenches; scales; stock tank ers & thermoses; sled; trail camera; pop-up tent; heater; jumper cables; nails; bolts; hardware; household items. saw vise; saws; welding helmet; drills; circular & jig saws; oil products; live traps; heaters; tool- GEORGE REAMER ESTATE DORIS REAMER GANNON REAL ESTATE & AUCTIONS VERN GANNON, BROKER/AUCTIONEER 785-770-0066 • MANHATTAN, KANSAS • 785-539-2316 13-18.qxp:Layout 1 6/8/15 7:56 AM Page 16

Page 16 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Plow Day and Tractor Show planned for last weekend in June The Lyon County organi- #107, Emporia and Central annual Plow Day and Trac- Sunday, June 26, 27 and 28. equipment to be used in- Power Association (FHAPA) zation of the Flint Hills An- State Hart Parr Oliver Col- tor Show at the Dale DeLong Antique tractors demon- cludes six-foot Gleaner and has members from several tique Power Association, lectors Association, Osage Farm, 1420 Road 210, Empo- strating plowing and the an- Allis Chalmers pull-type areas of Kansas, including (FHAPA), EDGE and TA City, will present the fifth ria, on Friday, Saturday, and tique tractor and equipment combines owned by Gary Hillsboro, Marysville, show will be from 10:00 a.m. Watts and a 1970 Oliver 7300 LaCygne and Peabody. to 4:00 p.m. with wheat self-propelled combine Special invited guests in- threshing, hay baling, and owned by Dale DeLong. clude Sherry Schaefer from corn shelling demonstra- Thirty to forty antique Greenville, Illinois, who is tions taking place from 11:00 tractors pulling antique the editor of Heritage Iron a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday. plows will plow fifty acres of and Oliver Heritage maga- The wheat will be cut wheat stubble. zines. Special friends from SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 12:00 NOON around the middle of June Friday will be the day to Dixon, Missouri, who search 4548 ANDERSON (ACROSS FROM BLUEVILLE NURSERY)— — MANHATTAN, KANSAS and bundles will be loaded set up and test the equip- out Oliver tractors, also Rectangle Oak parlor table with large glass ball flowers; card tables; chili pot; heater; ricer; fire- onto hay wagons to be ment and for tractor owners plan to attend. & claw feet; round Oak game table & 4 chairs; place tools; records; towels; sheets; placemats; stored in a dry place until to bring tractors and other Each year, the show fea- Maple 9-drawer dresser & nite stand; ornate mirrors; coffee pots; cassette tapes; raised toilet the actual threshing day on equipment to show. Demon- tures a particular brand of side chair; desk; set of 4 chairs; recliner; chest- seat; old music; DVD’s; games; bedding; can- Saturday, June 27. strations will include Mark tractor. The first year at the of-drawers; wood framed couch; Speed Queen ning jars; canner; pressure cooker; roasters; Events will include bind- Say showing his corn sheller Jim Woods Show site, the dryer; Queen size frame; 2 stools; various mop bucket; fireplace tools; gardening books; ing with an antique John and corn meal grinder, and featured tractor was Oliver. chairs; Oak stand table; side chairs; Oak rocker; plant holder; 4-prong cane; thermos coffee Deere grain binder, thresh- Roy Gatewood operating his The second year near Maple dough box end table; glass top patio maker; pillows; glass canisters; electric skillet; ing with a 1922 Avery thresh- collection of hit-and-miss Soden’s Grove, the Allis table & 6 chairs; 2 wood chairs; flat top & Corningware; flower pot rollers; ice cream freez- wardrobe trunks; utility cart; cedar chest; apart- er; fabric & sewing notions; mugs; vases; Dirt er and baling with a 1920 engines. Chalmers was featured. ment size refrigerator; Aladdin lamp; Oak man- Devil; BB gun; wood shelf; macramé flower pot Ann Arbor Hay Press. Other The Flint Hills Antique Year three, at Dale DeLong’s tel clock; Flo-blue plates; kerosene lamp; hand- with lamp; glasses; comforters; Christmas deco- farm, the International Har- painted bowls; pink depression glass; Cobalt rations; buttons; neckties; pictures; VHS tapes; vester was selected. Year blue Fiesta carafe; butter mold; copper boiler; vases; pots; pans; plastic ware; snack sets; four, the John Deere was horse collar mirror with hames; antique jars; teapots; china; copper items; cookbooks. Snap- AUCTION chosen for the Dan Richard straight razor; Cuckoo clock; Railroad lantern; per riding mower; Kenmore BBQ grill; water Show site. For this year, the crock jug; glass bottom butter churn; copper tea fountain; bench grinder; wrenches; sockets; ex- SATURDAY, JUNE 20 — 10:00 AM Oliver and Minneapolis Mo- kettle; child’s sled; crock; insulators; old books; tension cords; wheelbarrow; bird bath; swing 30268 VERA RD — PAXICO, KS line tractors and farm buck saw; wood wagon wheels; pitcher pump; set; croquet set; lawn chairs; lawn items; garden DIRECTIONS: 1 3/4 mile South of I-70 & Vera Rd. Watch for equipment will be the stars. Oak framed mirror; nail totes; iron butchering hose; flower pots; lawn dethatcher; bench signs! All colors are invited to kettle; chamber pot; touch lamp; picnic basket; grinder; paint supplies; fishing tackle & box; cir- HORSE AND FARM EQUIPMENT: Coleman & Gott coolers; Brother computer; cular & other saws; concrete tools; step ladders; Pair of GRAY PERCHERON GELDINGS, broke the very best, mowed and show and to plow. shelf; stereo & turntable; floor lamp; folding small dolly; scoop shovel; garden tools; shovels; raked hay for thousands of bales and have hauled hundreds of people at The Flint Hills Antique events, 20 yrs. old, they will sell with a good set of nylon harness; runabout chairs; bread machine; small TV; microwave; 2 picks; variety of miscellaneous. buggy, needs tongue or shaves; bench grinder; jig saw; 225 Lincoln arc Power Association member dehumidifiers; Hoover sweeper; Mikasa garden welder; assortment of new and used tin; electric fence charger; (5) electric who is providing his farm, club dishes; baskets; books; puzzles; artificial tank heaters; (3) hundred gal. rubber tanks; (3) 40 gal. rubber tanks; (4) 20 gal. tubs; assortment of feed pans; (2) feed bunks; hay bunks; barn door fields and facilities for the track; asst. of shovels/forks; BIO THANE Harness, fits 9-1300 lb. horses; event this year is Dale De- MARGARET LANSDOWNE antique bridle w/Crockett bit; Crockett spurs & straps; (2) pairs of good Long and his family which spurs; harness to fit 5-900 lb. horses or mules; (2) nylon bridles; (2) sets of GANNON REAL ESTATE & AUCTIONS includes his wife, Bobbi, VERN GANNON, BROKER/AUCTIONEER harness for big horses; assort. of various size collars/pads; branding iron lantern; several harness racks & hangers; (5) framed 5 ft. walk thru gates; and two daughters: Haley, 785-770-0066 • MANHATTAN, KANSAS • 785-539-2316 (3) 5-ft. gates; (25) 10 ft. portable panels; group of calf panels; framed wire panels; (5) continuous pipe panels; (2) big dog houses; (1) dog pen; draft attending K-State; and horse shoes; pictures; dehorners; pinchers; brushes; riveter; lots of har- Macey, who is attending Em- ness parts, halters and other horse and farm equipment. Lots of items to still be discovered. poria State University. HOUSEHOLD: Dale is the owner of fifty (2) Refrigerators; microwave; assorted kitchen utensils; 4 ft. portable BBQ running Oliver and White grill, good; assorted pots, pans and dishes. tractors, and two that are Auctioneers Notes: This acution will feature lots of items for the horse eu- not. He purchases the trac- thusiast and stockman. Jim has been a cowboy/ ranch hand all his life and tors in whatever condition has many friends in the country. He has cared for and shipped 1000’s of they are in and restores SATURDAY, JUNE 20 — 9:32 AM cattle in his careeer. Come out and vist with one of the few remaining old them in his well-equipped AUCTION1431 N VINE — ABILENE, KANSAS time cowboys. Will be a short run of unique, collectibles and useable equine shop, usually from Decem- items. LUNCH SERVED ber 1 to March 1, when he SELLER: JIM THOMPSON MURRAY AUCTION and REALTY has time from his farming Steve Murray, Broker/Auctioneer • 785-556-4354 and cattle operations. He Bill Raine and Bob Murray, Auctioneers has been collecting since 2000 which is the year he built his shop. Dale pur- chased his first Oliver 77 AUCTION tractor from his dad, Don DeLong, in 2001. The engine SATURDAY, JUNE 20 — 9:00 AM was frozen after setting un- 627FOR Market BUD Street & JANICE — PORTIS, MINGER KANSAS used for twenty years, so this became Dale’s first FURNITURE: Child’s Rocker , Child’s Play Dressers, Matchbox restoration project. He has Recliner Chair, Old Oak Chest Cases w/ Toys, Keen Kutter Sil- finished restoring fifteen Type Ice Box, 12 Gun Cabinet, verware Set in Box, Wm. Oak Glass Front Cabinets (3), Rogers Set in Box, Alum. Soup tractors since 2001. Hutch, Secretary/China Cabinet, Bowls, Northwestern School of His favorite tractor is a Fancy Oak Sideboard, Dining Taxidermy Eagle, Indians of the 1973 White 2255 which is red Room Table, Maple Secretary, Little Big Horn Print, Straight and white, and is only one of Misc. Chairs, Buffet, Desk, En- Edges, Large Peppermint Swirl thirty-six made in 1973 by trance Table, Blonde Bed, Cedar Piece, Waltham, Hamilton, Oliver. The Cockshutt Com- Chest, Oak Gibson Ice Box, Elgin, Engersol Pocket Watch- Misc. chairs, Oak Table Leaves es, 1939 Chauffeur’s License, pany in Canada was pur- ANTIQUES-PRIMITIVES-COL- Sharple Seperater Watch Fob, chased in the early 1960s by LECTIBLES: Black Memor- Ring Whistle, US Spurs (1 w/ Oliver. After Oliver pur- balia Salt and Peppers, Syrup Rowles), Foreign Coins, Jewelry chased the Cockshutt Com- Pitcher, Colored and Other Sil- inc. LOTS of Turquoise Jewelry pany, they wanted to offer a houette Pictures, 45 rpm ( rings, bracelets, buckles, neck- tractor for the Cockshutt Records (Elvis, etc), Harley- laces inc. Squah Blossom, Davidson Die Cast Replicas w/ some signed), Cameos, etc, customers to purchase in Plastic Details, Ertyl Col- Nice Old Pipe, Bone Drill, Large the colors they were famil- lectibles, Green Depr. pieces, Colt Firearms Factory #60 Pad- iar with: red and white. Budweiser Collectibles, Hop a lock w/ Key, UPRR Switch Pad- Dale stated, “Farmers are Machinery, Guns, Vehicles and extension ladders, 5 HP large tractor cultivator, post hole dig- Long Cassidy Binoculars, Pur- lock, Finger Shackles, U-W very loyal to their brand and Shop Equipment air compressor, stick welder, ger, 2-wheel trailer, 5 ft. rotary ple Slag Glass Butter Dish and Wood Block, Bolo Ties, Celluloid the coloring is a big part of 12’x20’ carport, 1988 Chevy bench grinders, large Crafts- mower, Roto spader, wheel bar- Toothpick, Carnival Stretch Box w/ Shaving Mug and Brush, P/U (Silverado) w/topper, 1987 man toolbox, Handyman jacks, rows, lawn and garden hand Vases, Lotis and Dragon Carni- Indian Spear Points and Knife, that when they are talking Chevy Celebrity, AC WC trac- old cast iron house jacks, yard tools, 3-pt. chisel, wooden fold- val Piece and Others, Eye Cups, Turtle Pipe and Other Pipe tractors.” tor, (2)-AC WD45 tractors, AC carts, hand drills, extension ing chairs, steel shelving, wood KU and KS Whiskey Decanters, (William Gould Collection), Un- Dale’s laughing reply to tractor, 3-pt garden rake, 6-ft. 3- cords, hedge trimmers, air cabinets, miter boxes, Rockola Jukebox Model #437 usual Indian Drum, Conn Trum- “What is your favorite trac- hoses, welding rod, fish and weedeater, paper log roller, log pt blade, AC plow, AC cultivator, SN 362727, Lone Wolf Pictures, pet, Old Photo Album w/ Photos, tor to drive?” was “All of AC round baler, 3-pt spring tackle box, chain saw, leg hold cant hook, galvanized wash Set of Hardback Zane Grey Auburn Toy Motorcycle, Lenora, them.” He has a special tooth, 1 bottom plow, 1 bottom animal trap, floor jack, hand tubs, log chains, elect golf cart, Books, Wooden Chicken Crate, KS. Adv Bank, Camel, Horse, plow shear, 2 bottom mounted scythe, 12 volt 20 gal. sprayer, assorted small engines, galva- Flat Top Trunks, LOTS of Salt Mule, Elephant, Lion, Sheep affinity for the Oliver 995 plow, Cub Cadet P2T zero turn band saw, lathes, wood trunks, nized water can, Come-a-long, and Peppers (Willie and Millie, and Amos and Andy CI Banks, which he just finished lawn mower, 17’ aluminum Coleman coolers, Hawthorne bench vise, pipe vises, minnow Shawnee, Adv., Frankoma, Ja- Lone Wolf, Spirited Horses, End restoring. canoe, canoe paddles, Pincor metal childs wagon, acetylene seine net, shop vac, garden dite, etc) , Green Handled Beat- of the Trail Pictures, Music The majority of tractors 6500 generator, rotary mower, hoses and gauges, Craftsman tool caddy, cement mixer er Jar, Pickle Jar, Red Top Scene Picture (L. Jambar), are located through the in- Windsor billiard table model JF table saw, 2-person side by w/elect. Motor, P/U topper, pipe Dazey Butter Churn, 78 rpm. Blankets ( 1 Virgin Wool), Amer- ternet with most of them Sevens and Eight, Electric side bicycle, 3-wheel bicycle, cutter, lots of canning jars, Records, Cookbooks, Alamo ican Indian Necklaces, Dryden handicap scooters-3, Hot tub battery chargers, several roto tread mill, small Toro elect snow Pottery Pitcher, Watkins Pie Piece, Ruby Cut to Clear Sou- coming from South Dakota, Jacuzzi like new. tillers, Coleman gas lantern, blower, small belt sander, tool Plates, Black amethyst Divided venir Pieces, Banks, ,1933 Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Guns: Daisy model 840 BB bushel baskets, cast iron rope boxes full of hand tools, iron Dishes and Other Pieces, Car- Bagattlle Clown Game, Weath- Wisconsin, and Illinois. gun, OC Mossberg model 46B maker, wood shingles, heavy pile, many, many more boxes bide Light, Hull Vase (w1-5 ½ “), er Vane, Cigar Cutters ( 1914 The first tractor which rifle, Smith and Wesson model duty press, drill press, croquet yet to open. Buggy Lap Robes, Indian Prints, Paxton and Gallagher Whole- 14 or 17 pistol w/case, Win- set, electric hack saws, old cast Dale purchased, when he Southwestern Jug, Auto Harp sale Groceries Omaha, NE. and was a high school freshman chester model 74 .22 rifle, iron wall drill, 300 gal. gas tank, (Schmidt), Hohner and Other Champion 1871), Adv. Pieces, to grind feed for his swine Eclipse Beauty 7212D Belgium Ford tractor jack, JD Rototiller Harmonicas, Tiger Tobacco Tin, Adv. Faultless Startch Booklets, Dec. 20 1892, step ladders, homemade tractor, small lawn Salesman Sample Waffle Irons Arrowheads and Points, (2) Ar- operation, was an Oliver 77. ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE DAY OF SALE TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER PRINTED MATERIAL. LUNCH (wagner, Hollowware), Marbles, cade CI Trucks, Nehi Adv. Pre- His junior year, a 1980 2-85 SERVED. CLERK/CASHIER AUCTION COMPANY Child’s Set Cherry Blossom mium Booklets and much more! White was purchased new dishes, Akro Agate Child’s Set, and his senior year, a White SELLERS: FLOYD EDMUNDS ESTATE SALE CONDUCTED BY: 4-210. In 1979, the swine “Be Wise”...Select WOLTERS AUCTION & REALTY Col. Jim Wolters, Broker & Auctioneer business was losing ground RON SHIVERS REALTY & AUCTION CO. Col. Rich Fairbanks, Assisting Auctioneer at fifteen-cents a pound and RON SHIVERS, BROKER/AUCTIONEER Box 68, 627 Market St. • Portis, KS 67474 by 1982 that project was email: [email protected] Partial list, see full list on website: fazed out and a cattle feed- 120 NE 14TH ST., P.O. BOX 356, ABILENE, KS 67410 ing operation was begun PHONE: (785) 263-7488 • FAX: (785) 263-1973 Toll-Free: 866-346-2071 • Business 785-346-2071 and continues in the pres- EMAIL: [email protected] Cell: 785-545-7097 • Home: 785-346-2524 ent. Visit our website: 13-18.qxp:Layout 1 6/8/15 8:27 AM Page 17

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 17

With farming being his will be available during the EPA proposes lowering required amount of ethanol in gas main occupation, feeding weekend or by contacting ster the rural economy. It re- gress required and the ad- better news for the oil in- cattle is a close second. He Glen Knuth, president, at The Obama administra- tion is proposing to reduce quired a steady increase in ministration expected. dustry, which has fought the is assisted with this opera- [email protected] . the overall amount of the amount of renewable There has also been less existing policy. Oil compa- tion by his wife, Bobbi, and A food court, sponsored ethanol blended in the na- fuels like corn-based gasoline use than predicted, nies say they would prefer daughters, Haley and by the Flint Hills Antique tion’s gasoline in coming ethanol blended into gaso- the Environmental Protec- that the market determine Macey, when they are home Power Association, will be years, a blow to renewable line over time. The new pro- tion Agency said. how much ethanol is blend- from college. open Saturday and Sunday fuel companies that have posal would reduce the Still, the targets would ed into their gas. Sunday, June 28, will be with a moderately priced pushed to keep high vol- amount required by more represent an overall in- Tom Buis of the ethanol the Tractor Pull Day at the menu. An Oliver tractor- umes of their product flow- than 4 billion gallons in 2015 crease in the use of renew- industry group Growth En- DeLong track. Spectators themed quilt, made by Bar- ing into drivers’ gas tanks. and by more than 3 billion able fuels over time. EPA of- ergy accused the EPA of sid- will be welcome to have bara Knuth, will be on dis- The move is unlikely to gallons the following year. ficials said the new require- ing with the oil companies. lunch under the lean-to play throughout the week- mean much for consumers The agency said the stan- ments would drive growth at “It is unfortunate that which will provide plenty of end. Donations for a chance or prices at the pump, but dards set by the law cannot an ``ambitious but responsi- EPA chose to side with the shade, a comfortable place to win will be available for the ethanol policy has been be achieved, partly due to ble’’ rate. obligated parties who have to sit, and plenty of space purchase at various FHAPA popular in farm states that limitations on the amount of “We believe these pro- deliberately refused to live and fresh air to cheer on the events. It will be given away have profited over the years non-ethanol renewable posed volume requirements up to their obligation to pro- participants in the Pull on September 19 at the from higher corn prices fuels that can be produced. will provide a strong incen- vide consumers with a which will begin at 1:00 p.m. Howe House fall show and linked to the use of corn- Next-generation biofuels, tive for continued invest- choice of fossil fuels or Dale commented that the equipment demonstrations. based ethanol. Campaigning made from agricultural ment and growth in biofu- lower cost, higher perform- farm work he likes best is Sponsors for the event in Iowa, Democratic presi- waste such as wood chips els,’’ said EPA’s Janet Mc- ing, homegrown renewable dential candidate Hillary and corncobs, have not Cabe. energy at the pump,’’ Buis plowing. But, his favorite are: the Lyon County State Rodham Clinton has called taken off as quickly as Con- The lower targets are said. part of the Threshing and Bank, Fowler Farms; Flint for a robust renewable fuels Plow Day event will be the Hills Battery; Rock Creek standard. opportunity to see others Outfitters; Sutherland Lum- The 2007 renewable fuels and the camaraderie which ber; and Ogden Publica- law tried to address global it provides. tions. warming, reduce depend- The Plow Day, Tractor ence on foreign oil and bol- AUCTIONSATURDAY, JUNE 20 — 9:30 AM Show and Antique Tractor Located from OVERBROOK, KS; 3 miles west on HWY 56 then 2 1/2 miles south on Croco Rd OR Pull are open to the public from JCT HWY 56/75, 15 miles south of Topeka, then 4 miles east on HWY 56 then 2 1/2 miles with no admission charge. south on Croco Rd. However, members of the I.H. 384 Utility Dsl. Fenders, 3 pt al Chain Hoist MVP Super Lift ***DODGE PICK-UP*** general public who would SATURDAY,AUCTION JUNE 20 — 10:00 AM w/ Westendorf TA 25 Loader, 5 ft Floor Jack Craftsman Chain STOCK TRAILER & ATV like to take part in the plow- Bucket, Good Condition Ford 9N Saw / 3 Army Fuel Cans I-R 5 2005 Dodge Ram 1500 Crew ing and threshing demon- 520 South 5th St. - Parking lot behind Daylight Donuts OD, Turf Tires w/ woods 306 HP Portable 220 Air Compressor Cab, 4 WD, Short bed, 5.7L strations or the Antique MANHATTAN, KANSAS Belly Mower, 6 ft, Good Condi- 5+ Milk Cans / Small Dinner Bell Hemi V-8, A.T., Power, Cloth, SEMI TRAILER AND CONTENTS FROM tion King Kutter 5 1/2 ft Box Sipe Mfg KC-MO. Dbl Roller Hog 43,800 miles, One-Owner, Looks Tractor Pull must have a LOCAL ANTIQUE STORE Flint Hills Antique Power Blade, 3 pt. TSC 5 ft Rotary Oiler Frigidaire Frig, White, Frost Like New 1997 Trav-A-Long 7 x Mower 3 pt. Blade, 6 ft, 3 pt. / Dirt Proof, 18.2 cu ft. Maytag 20 ft. Gooseneck Stock Trailer Association EDGE & TA 40FT STEP UP ENCLOSED SEMI TRAILER Slip, 3 pt. Cook Disc 6 ft Offset Propane Cook Stove Westing- Polaris 250 4x4 ATV Demand 4 Branch #107, Emporia, KS WITH TITLE, TRAILER IS HARD WIRED Pull Type Disc I.H. 2 Wheel Ma- house Refrigerator Tappan Up- Drive. membership card. These FOR LIGHTS AND HAS SHELVING FOR nure Spreader on Rubber Ezee right Freezer Nasl Foos Ball NOTE: This will be a large auc- STORAGE. Flow 10 ft. / Bale Fork, 3 pt. Bale Game, Old Assortment of Home tion with something of interest for OVER 100 PLASTIC STORAGE TOTES FILLED WITH ITEMS Spear, Loader Bucket Mount Interior— Clear Glass— Tea everyone with 9-10 trailer loads FROM TREASURES OF THE HEART ANTIQUE STORE. Ford Tractor Front Tow Hitch 2 Pots— Miniature Lamps— of small items. Pick-up, Tractors, Old J.D. Tractor Fly Wheels Records— Old Books—Kitchen etc should sell approx. 1:30 pm. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: TOTES ARE FILLED WITH SMALL Post Hole Digger 12 in Bit, 3 pt. Items—Etc. 2 Standing Liberty ITEMS OF ALL KINDS. COME DISCOVER WITH US. Wood Frame 8 x 8 ft. Storage Halves 1918-20 Fancy Carved **INSPECTION DAY OF SALE ONLY** Shed Wood Frame 12x7 ft Wooden Center Piece Cake STATEMENTS DAY OF SALE Shed, Needs Repairs Metal Stand Hand & Shop Tools— OVER-RIDE ANYTHING TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Announcements made day of sale take prece- Truck Van Box 8x16 1/2 ft. For Wrenches—Sockets— Nuts— ADVERTISED dence over previous printed material. Auction company and seller not re- **TWO RINGS WILL RUN MOST OF GSI sponsible for accidents. Storage Needs Floor Repair Bolts—Etc. Small Collection of GRAIN BINS Lincoln AC 225 Amp Welder Modern J.D. Items Lots of Yard DAY** ALL SIZES AVAILABLE TREASURES OF THE HEART Several I.H. & J.D. Wrenches Art Western & Youth Saddles & FINANCINGHopper Bins AVAILABLE Available 2—8 ft Poly Feed Bunks / Manu- Assorted Tack Jeff Ruckert, Auctioneer/Broker PROPERTY OF MOORE FAMILY LIVING TRUST ALBERTA MOORE & THE LATE JIM MOORE Harder AG PRODUCTS Manhattan, KS 66502 West Highway 50 785-565-8293 WISCHROPP AUCTIONS • 785-828-4212 [email protected] PEABODY, KANSAS 66866 Pictures & listings at: Phone 620-983-2158 HERINGTON LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO.

CATTLE SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY: 11:30 AM SELL HOGS 1ST & 3RD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH 06/03/2015 Steer and heifer calves sold steady to active market. Feeder steers and heifers sold steady to $5 higher depending on quality and condition. Cows & bulls sold steady to $1 higher. COWS Carlton, hol [email protected] Hope, 62 mix [email protected] White City, blk [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Marion, 61 mix [email protected] Lincolnville, bwf [email protected] Herington, bll [email protected] HEIFERS Herington, red [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Lincolnville, 3 blk [email protected] White City, blk [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Lincolnville, 22 blk [email protected] White City, blk [email protected] Tampa, blk [email protected] Herington, 11 red [email protected] Lincolnville, blk [email protected] Hope, blk [email protected] Lincolnville, 8 blk [email protected] White City, blk [email protected] Tampa, red [email protected] Herington, 20 red [email protected] Carlton, hol [email protected] Carlton, hol [email protected] White City, 8 blk [email protected] White City, blk [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Herington, 14 mix [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Tampa, blk [email protected] Burdick, 21 mix [email protected] White City, blk [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Florence, 8 mix [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] BULLS Herington, bwf [email protected] Hope, blk [email protected] White City, blk [email protected] Hope, blk [email protected] STEERS Alta Vista, red [email protected] Marion, blk [email protected] Herington, 20 mix [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Lincolnville, red [email protected] Burdick, 3 blk [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Marion, mf [email protected] Lincolnville, 12 mix [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Lincolnville, 145 mix [email protected] Marion, red [email protected] Marion, rwf [email protected] Lincolnville, 61 mix [email protected] White City, blk [email protected] Marion, char [email protected] Herington, 25 mix [email protected] Marion, red [email protected] Lehigh, blk [email protected] Lincolnville, 21 mix [email protected] Herington, blk [email protected] Tampa, blk [email protected] Herington, 45 mix [email protected] EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR JUNE 17: • 64 mix steers, 800-825 lbs. • 62 mix steers, 875-900 lbs. • 60 mix steers, 850 lbs. MORE CATTLE BY SALE TIME! NO SALE JUNE 24 & JULY 1 NO SHEEP AND GOAT SALE IN JUNE DUE TO WHEAT HARVEST Herington Livestock Cafe Now Open: Wednesdays from 6:30 AM ʻtill 7:00 PM Don’t forget the video as an option to market your cattle. View our live auctions at Our Consignments can now be viewed after 12 Noon on Mondays by going to & logging onto the online Subscription.

**Now Accepting Registration for Internet Bidding at LMAAUCTIONS.COM**

KFRM AM 550, Every Wed., 8:00 a.m. Barn Phone 785-258-2205 *Fax No. 785-258-3766 IF YOU HAVE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR APPRAISAL, CALL COLLECT. Bill Mathias, Manager • 785-258-0102 Gary Suderman - 913-837-6785 • Rick Parkerson - 620-767-2738 Bob Kickhaefer, Cell - 785-258-4188 • Dave Bures - 402-766-3743 13-18.qxp:Layout 1 6/8/15 8:07 AM Page 18

Page 18 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 ASA responds to EPA’s proposed RFS volume requirements for biodiesel The Environmental Pro- billion gallons of Advanced dustry and to soybean grow- Proposed Rule and ex- domestically produced, re- ers.” tection Agency recently re- Biofuels ers who supply much of the pressed the association’s newable fuel that is proven By law, EPA is supposed leased its proposed rule to 2016 – 1.8 billion gallons feedstock. However, the pro- hope that this action is a fur- to achieve emissions reduc- to finalize biomass-based establish the volume re- of Biomass-based Diesel, 3.4 posed volumes do not fully ther sign of a return to tions up to 86 percent better diesel volumes 14 months in quirements for the Renew- billion gallons of Advanced recognize or capitalize on schedule on the implemen- than petroleum diesel - can advance of the applicable able Fuel Standard, includ- Biofuels 2017 – 1.9 billion the capacity and further tation of the RFS. contribute more to that ef- year, making the agency sig- ing the volume require- gallons of Biomass-based growth potential of U.S. “Again, we are glad to fort.” nificantly overdue in setting ments for biomass-based Diesel biodiesel. see the volumes for bio- There will be a 60 day the volumes for 2014, 2015 diesel for 2014, 2015, 2016, The volumes proposed by American Soybean Asso- mass-based diesel in- public comment period and and 2016. and 2017. EPA proposes set- EPA are certainly an im- ciation President Wade creased above the previous EPA intends to finalize the “ASA will continue to ting the biomass-based provement over the previ- Cowan noted that ASA be- proposal. Biodiesel pro- rule by November 30, 2015. work, along with the U.S. diesel volumes at the follow- ous proposal, which would lieves the EPA and the vides significant economic “We’re hardly done fight- biodiesel industry, to sup- ing levels: have set the Biomass-based Obama administration and environmental benefits ing for biodiesel,” Cowan port the RFS and to high- 2014 – 1.63 billion gallons Diesel requirements at 1.28 could do more to capitalize and we have the capacity to added. “As we have in the light the many benefits that of Biomass-based Diesel, billion gallons for 2014 and on additional benefits that do more,” Cowan said. “The preceding months and biodiesel provides to the na- 2.68 billion gallons of Ad- 2015. The increases pro- could be achieved with administration wants to ad- years, ASA will continue to tion, to rural communities, vanced Biofuels posed by EPA will provide more robust biomass-based dress climate change and point out the benefits and and to soybean growers,” 2015 – 1.7 billion gallons some benefit and certainty diesel volumes, however he reduce greenhouse gas importance of this critical Cowan added. of Biomass-based Diesel, 2.9 to the domestic biodiesel in- welcomed the release of the emissions and biodiesel - a market for soybean farm-

Farmers & Ranchers Livestock Commission Co., Inc. Salina, KANSAS AUCTIONS EVERY SALE BARN PHONE: MONDAY & THURSDAY MONDAY — HOGS785-825-0211 & CATTLE Hogs sell at 10:30 a.m. Cattle at 12:00 Noon. Selling calves and Selling Hogs & Cattle every Monday yearlings first, followed by Packer cows and bulls. THURSDAY — CATTLE ONLY Selling starts at 10:00 a.m. Consign your cattle as early as pos- • THURSDAY SALES WILL sible so we can get them highly advertised. RESUME JULY 9TH — AUCTIONEERS — KYLE ELWOOD, GARREN WALROD & RUSTY TAYLOR •WE ARE ON OUR SUMMER For a complete list of cattle for all sales check out our website at SCHEDULE NOW WITH MONDAYS SALES ONLY THRU THE MONTH OF JUNE! RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK TOTALED 2,117 CATTLE AND 125 HOGS. STEERS 118 mix Abilene [email protected] 300-400 $320.00-$340.00 31 mix Durham [email protected] 400-500 $300.00-$315.00 6 blk Newton [email protected] 500-600 $280.00-$295.00 61 mix Assaria [email protected] 600-700 $260.00-$276.00 6 blk Minneapolis [email protected] 700-800 $230.00-$250.00 53 mix Randolph [email protected] 800-900 $208.00-$227.00 27 mix Hope [email protected] 900-1000 $190.00-$204.00 3 mix Randolph [email protected] HEIFERS 1 blk Newton [email protected] 300-400 $300.00-$300.00 3 mix Salina [email protected] 400-500 $252.00-$288.00 HEIFERS 500-600 $240.00-$259.00 1 blk Falun [email protected] 600-700 $230.00-$253.00 2 char Wilson [email protected] 700-800 $200.00-$226.00 14 blk Beloit [email protected] 800-900 $190.00-$204.75 18 blk Beloit [email protected] 900-1000 $160.00-$185.00 4 blk Murdock [email protected] STEERS 5 mix Burdick [email protected] 3 mix Halstead [email protected] 1 blk Falun [email protected] 1 blk Ellsworth [email protected] 1 blk McPherson [email protected] 86 mix Herington [email protected] 11 blk Beloit [email protected] 3 blk Galva [email protected] 1 blk Scandia [email protected] 1 blk Hope [email protected] 2 blk Galva [email protected] 2 blk Lehigh [email protected] COWS 3 blk Randolph [email protected] 3 mix Murdock [email protected] 8 mix Burdick [email protected] 1 char Abilene [email protected] 2 mix Abilene [email protected] 40 blk Beloit [email protected] 9 mix Clay Center [email protected] 1 red Gypsum [email protected] 10 blk Lindsborg [email protected] 4 mix Burdick [email protected] 2 blk Randolph [email protected] 1 char Tescott [email protected] BULLS 2 blk Falun [email protected] 3 mix Hope [email protected] 1 bwf Canton [email protected] 1 char Sterling [email protected] 29 blk Beloit [email protected] 8 blk Ellsworth [email protected] 1 bwf Falun [email protected] 1 blk Minneapolis [email protected] 30 blk Beloit [email protected] 1 blk Lehigh [email protected] 1 rwf Gypsum [email protected] 1 red Delphos [email protected] 3 mix Buhler [email protected] 55 wf Hope [email protected] 1 bwf Little River [email protected] 1 blk Ellsworth [email protected] 3 blk Gypsum [email protected] 60 mix Abilene [email protected] 1 rwf Buhler [email protected] 1 blk Ellsworth [email protected] 5 mix Murdock [email protected] 5 blk Culver [email protected] 1 red Gypsum [email protected] 1 rwf Lindsborg [email protected] 27 mix Enterprise [email protected] 6 blk Buhler [email protected] 1 char Gypsum [email protected] 1 blk Lincoln [email protected] 3 blk Gypsum [email protected] 29 mix Hope [email protected] 1 bwf Kanopolis [email protected] 1 blk Marquette [email protected] 35 mix Hope [email protected] 1 red Culver [email protected] 1 blk Little River [email protected] 1 blk Tescott [email protected] 9 blk Newton [email protected] 63 mix Hope [email protected] 1 blk Inman [email protected] 1 blk Lindsborg [email protected] 4 mix Burdick [email protected] 14 wf Hope [email protected] SOWS CALVES 3 blk Inman [email protected] 2 blk Lehigh [email protected] 4 wht Abilene [email protected] 1 red Gypsum [email protected] 29 blk Hillboro [email protected] 4 red Abilene [email protected] 3 wht Abilene [email protected] 1 bwf Lindsborg [email protected] 47 mix Durham [email protected] 1 blk Burdick [email protected] 1 wht Abilene [email protected] 1 bwf Lincoln [email protected] 18 mix Enterprise [email protected] 61 mix Hope [email protected] 1 wht Abilene [email protected] 1 char Gypsum [email protected] 2 bwf Bennington [email protected] 12 blk Randolph [email protected] 2 wht Abilene [email protected] 1 char Gypsum [email protected] 6 blk Inman [email protected] 55 mix Herington [email protected] 2 wht Abilene [email protected] 1 blk Inman [email protected] 11 blk Newton [email protected] 1 gray Ellsworth [email protected] HOGS 30 mix Great Bend [email protected] 1 char Canton [email protected] 3 wht Superior, NE [email protected] 1 red Hunter [email protected] 1 mix Superior, NE [email protected] 1 rwf Hunter [email protected] 21 mix Tescott [email protected] IN STOCK TODAY 1 blk Tampa [email protected] 1 hamp Hillsboro [email protected] 1 blk Salina [email protected] 1 hamp Hillsboro [email protected] • Heavy Duty Round Bale Feeders 1 blk Miltonvale [email protected] For Information or estimates, contact: Check our listings each week on our website at Mike Samples, Sale Mgr., Cell Phone 785-826-7884 Kyle Elwood, Asst. Sale Mgr., Cell Phone 785-493-2901 Jim Crowther Lisa Long Cody Schafer Kenny Briscoe Kevin Henke Austin Rathbun 785-254-7385 620-553-2351 620-381-1050 785-658-7386 H: 785-729-3473, C: 785-565-3525 785-531-0042 Roxbury, KS Ellsworth, KS Durham, KS Lincoln, KS Agenda, KS Ellsworth, KS Cattle Sale Broadcast Live on 1150 KSAL, Salina 6:45 AM –MON.FRI ******* 880 KRVN 8:40 AM – WED.-THURS. *******550AM KFRM - 8:00 am, Wed.-Thurs. Sect. 2 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/5/15 2:54 PM Page 19

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 19

CATTLE CATTLE CATTLE CATTLE CATTLE CATTLE BLACK ANGUS ANGUS & POLLED Bull & Female Sale POLLED HEREFORD SIMMENTAL-ANGUS HEREFORD SAT., MARCH 12 BULLS BULLS BULLS 2016 Full Brothers Bred for Complete Volume Discounts Performance Large frame, low birth weight, A • Growth High Quality fertility tested • Priced for the Commercial Red Angus Bulls in • Muscle • Guaranteed & Delivered • FOR SALE PRIVATE Cattleman Quantity! • Maternal Add meat, muscle, growth. • Yearlings & 2 yr. olds with TREATY • Disposition Heifers also available. calving ease & growth Sired by: Yearling Bulls Anticipation, Mission State- Fertility Tested and MIKE and BOB FEIGHT • Excellent Selection with Vol- Guaranteed ment, Conqueror, Sovereign, Calving Ease • Performance MILL BRAE CLYDE, KANSAS ume Discounts • Performance Data Available Boxed Beef, Epic, Packer. Efficient • Docile RANCH 785-614-1368 • Good Maternal Traits • An Extremely nice set of Fall DETTKE FARMS Mark Nikkel, Managing Partner 785-243-4973 18-month old & Spring Year- Dave Stump Call: Maple Hill, Kansas Huninghake Angus ling bulls available. Blue Rapids, KS ANDY DETTKE 785-256-4327 785-446-3729 FRANKFORT, KS • All scanned by ultrasound, (785) 363-7410 Marysville, KS Leo Huninghake fertility tested and guaranteed. 785-268-0423 Jensen Bros. Herefords 785-292-4537 (785) 556-0124 • EPD Balance and High Qual- 785-562-6257 Brian Bulls For Sale Private Treaty Cell: 785-556-2648 Visit us at ity ANGUS FALL BULLS • Your Private Treaty Head- A Gold TPR Breeder quarters. No Pressure, No 75 head to Select From Politics. All cattle are sold by Plus 8 Sim-Angus Bulls private treaty. Come visit us 4 2-year old Bulls M BUSS ANGUS and together, we’ll invest the ANGUS BULLS This is a stout set of Simmental • Angus time necessary to identify the 14 to 20 Months Old artificially sired bulls, with 40 ANGUS BULLS • SimAngus right bull(s) that best fit your Featured Sires: over 20 years of artificially For Sale by Private Treaty Private Treaty Bulls For Sale program and help you gain a Performance, Fertility tested, Concensus 7229 breeding. Featured Sires: competitive edge. Hoover Dam Fully guranteed, Calving ease, Semen checked, ready to go Plainsman, Emblazon, DNA-EPD’s 60 Yearling Bulls • Short on Time – We have ex- Net Worth Hoover Dam, Regis & Shear Free Delivery Solid Black & tensive experience with sight Bismark Nelson Angus Force. unseen purchases. Satisfac- Final Answer Kevin Jensen Raymond & Alan & Mike Solid Red tion guaranteed. Pioneer Performance Tested; Fertility Courtland, KS Nelson • Calving Ease • Contact us for a information Thunderbird Tested; Fully Guaranteed; 785-374-4372 Riley, KS • High Roughage Diet SEVERAL SETS OF FULL Free Delivery in KS & NE. 785-243-6397, cell Your Partner in 785-485-2378 Volume Discounts BROTHERS Alan’s Cell: 785-770-7054 See Price List at: [email protected] Selling bulls since 1970 Progress. GARY BUSS Get Genetics That Will Mike’s Cell: 785-565-8477 We look forward to the op- Leonardville, Kansas Maximize your Profits, and LURAY, KANSAS HORNED HEREFORD bulls, portunity to EARN your 785-293-4444 • 785-410-3006 excellent maternal traits, per- Optimize your Resources! business. RED ANGUS 785-698-2225 formance records, can deliver. Dickinson Ranch HARMS ANGUS - SIMANGUS GELBVIEH Swenson Herefords, 2324 370th Ave 785-243-1609. SIMMENTAL BULLS HEREFORD BULLS Gorham, KS 67640 PLAINVIEW BULLS FOR SALE: 28 HEAD Simm/ Angus/ Char Kirk: 785-735-4347 Cell RANCH SIRED BY: Full Brothers bulls, yearling/ 2 yr., black, red, 785-998-4401 Ph/ Fax Mark & Kim Harms OCC PAXTON Volume Discounts polled. Calving ease and 1-888-603-BULL 2528 250th Street OCC MISSING LINK Large frame, low birth weight, growth, calm disposition. Luin E Lincolnville, KS 66858 & OTHERS fertility tested Berger. Waterville. C: Email: [email protected] MOST ARE CALVING EASE • Guaranteed & Delivered • 785-268-0647. H: Good bulls with balanced 18 MONTH - 2 YR OLDS Add meat, muscle, growth. 785-363-2645. EPD’s, practical development, 620-924-5544 Heifers also available. 2 HOLSTEIN cows due in June good disposition & eye appeal. and 1 registered cow just fresh. Mark Cell: MIKE and BOB FEIGHT $2,300 each. 785-666-4442. 620-382-6388 CLYDE, KANSAS Oleen Cattle Co. 785-243-4973 LET THE CLASSIFIEDS TERRY OHLDE Falun, KS WORK FOR YOU 785-747-6554 785-614-1368 GLENN CHUCK PLACE YOUR AD TODAY GRASS & GRAIN [email protected] 785-446-3729 785-668-2368 785-668-2454 Sect. 2 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/5/15 2:44 PM Page 20

Page 20 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 CATTLE LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT FEED & SEED AUTOMOTIVE GRASS & GRAIN DIRECTORY GRAHAM SCHOOL • 4.5’’ Pipe $4.00 NATIVE GRASSES 1991 INTERNATIONAL 8200 Graham School for livestock • 2 7/8’’ Pipe $1.90 daycab twinscrew, 14 Cummins men and women. We special- • 2 3/8’’ Pipe $0.95 **** engine, well maintained. HALDEMAN Coaltrain ize in teaching pregnancy • 1 1/4’’ Pipe $0.45 WILDFLOWERS 785-258-1111. check, artificial insemination, WILL DELIVER WELL DRILLING & Insulation/ herd health, calf delivery and POST CUT TO ORDER **** REAL ESTATE PUMP SERVICE Cellulose/Foam many other subjects. Quanity Discount CERTIFIED Ray’s Pipe FARM & RANCH DATES FOR 2015 SEED WHEAT Council Grove, Kansas Saline Co.- 1.7 Acres m/l. 785-539-9295 JUNE 15-19 MANHATTAN, KS 620-767-2907 **** Ranch Homw w/ 2 car garage, JULY 20-24 fenced yard. Chris Rost AUGUST 17-21 TRITICALE Free Estimates HOLD ‘EM Fence Company- 493-2476. Custom Manure barbed wire, welded continuous **** Saline Co.- 3 Acres m/l. fence, pipe, custom tubs, gates, COVER CROPS & 1700+ Sq. Ft. Brick Ranch Hauling & Spreading Rick Johnson, Owner alleyways. Cell 785-313-4552, Home. 48x72 Building w/Con- Big to Small Jobs! 785-456-4301 FORAGES crete floors. Chris 493-2476. Chore-Boyz Services Wamego, KS 66547 Saline Co.- 18 Acres m/l & 3 (Toll Free) 877-456-7836 Acres m/l building site in SES 913-636-1099 School Dist. w/ pond & rural D. ROCHE For more information, water hook ups. Chris, call or write: FENCING 493-2476. Blue Valley Drilling, Inc. Dept. GG, Graham School Saline Co- 3 Acres m/l build- Water Well Drilling & Service INC. 641 West Hwy. 31 ing site in SES School District. Garnett, KS 66032 Family Business Over 70 Years! Portable Corral 785-263-3436 PASTURE Rural Water Available. Chris QUALITY BUILT FENCES Introducing our New Rawhide 493-2476 CONTACT ERIC STRADER 785-448-3119 FAMILY FARM wanting grass DON ROCHE Processor by John McDonald Saline Co.- 16 Acres m/l. Used Rawhides for sale also to run cow/ calf pairs and/ or Great building site. Rural water 785-292-4271 www. open heifers. Honest, reputable hookups. 2 sheds. Sharon, 785-363-7353 FRANKFORT, KS Alcove Cattle Co. people, looking for the same. 826-0010. AUCTIONEERS 620-793-2368. For Sale: Saline Co.- 3 Acres m/l. One AUTOMOTIVE of A Kind 3200+ Sq. Ft. Pool ARMSBID.COM Black Angus Bulls FEED & SEED w/Pool House & Greenhouse. ONLINE 15 months old Kull’s Old Town Sharon 826-0010. AUCTIONS Good disposition Saline Co.- 19.47 Acres m/l. Station invites con- Calving ease WANTED signments for our Southeast of Saline. Eques- To consign ag & Sired by EF Complement, DAMAGED construction equipment, Spring, Summer & train Property. 2 Story Remod- Fall Auctions. If you Conn IF 4925, TC Aberdeen GRAIN eled Home. Chris 493-2476 trailers, vehicles or have 1 or 1,000, we’d like to talk to you. Ave Final Answer Dickinson Co.- 10 Acres m/l. semis, call: We will also buy collections or We pay top dollar for individual guns. Ken Duensing damaged grain. Trucks and Mostly heavily wooded can- 888.594.1833 vac’s available. Immediate opy. Ideal for secluded home. [email protected] or Blue Rapids, Ks Chris, 493-2476. response anywhere. 2004 IHC 4400, Allison auto- 785-862-8800 • 800-466-5516 Ottawa Co.- 3.8 Acres, 5 Topeka, Kansas 785-363-7456 matic, new 20’ stakeless bed, bdrm, 2 story home w/1827 sq. Pruess harsh hoist, rollover tarp ft. Plenty of trees. Jody, Several Daycabs available Elevator, Inc 785-231-4617. Feed Mixers and Ottawa Co.- 35 Acres m/l. 1-800-828-6642 Manure Spreaders Great building site. Native Kuhn Knight, new & used DAMAGED GRAIN grass, creek and timber. Chris, WANTED STATEWIDE 493-2476. McPherson Co.- 160 Acres We buy damaged grain, m/l. Part tillable pasture any condition-wet or dry- Belleville, KS w/pond. Quonset bldg. & 3 Excellent including damaged silo corn. bdrm manufactured home. selection of TOP DOLLAR! 800-536-2293 Chris, 493-2476. We have vacs and trucks. Polled Hereford CALL HEIDI OR GARTON Farm & Ranch Division Of: GANNON REAL ESTATE & AUCTIONS And NORTHERN AG F1 Black Baldy SERVICE, INC. VERN GANNON, CAI 800-205-5751 Broker/Auctioneer 12-18 Months old BROME SEED high demands Manhattan, Kansas 66502 Bulls wanted truck loads Eskridge, 785-539-2316 Also, One 2 year old Polled Coop scales. 785-449-7200. Hereford Bull www.gannonauctions.com785-537-9003 The Experienced Sound In Selling Ready to go to work for you FEYH FARM SEED CO -Fertility Tested and Delivered- ALMA, KANSAS 2014 Nissan Altima 2013 Chevy Quad Cab 4x4 CATTLE CATTLE Valek Farms Native Grass Seed 2013 Dodge Avenger Mick: 785-732-6637 Wildflowers 2011 Chevy Aveo WABAUNSEE CO. Naturally Sired Cell: 785-527-1049 Smooth Brome Grass 2010 Chevy Camaro 104 ac M/L, upland farm with Bill: 785-527-1033 Erosion Control Products Purebred Cover Crop Seed 2008 Chrysler P.T. Cruiser 85 ac terraced crop ground, Black Angus Yearling 2007 Dodge Durango 4x4 crop land & soils are mostly 866-765-3415 2007 Nissan Quest Martin silty clay loam with 3 to Bulls SWINE [email protected] 7% slopes. Tree lined creek Fertilitiy exam, hotwire 2007 Honda Odyssey 2006 Hyundai Santa Fe runs through the property that broke, trailer broke SWINE has some mature hardwoods ANGUS BULLS 2005 Lincoln Town car that provide very good deer double vacc., pour on. 2005 Ford Five Hundra Calving Ease EQUIPMENT Cattle & Hog Feed and turkey hunting, 5 miles Virgin 2 year old bulls Buildings — Ventilation WHEAT MIDDLINGS B. C. Motors north of Paxico. $250,000. BRIAN KOSTER Flooring — Feeders 902 E. Trapp PEARL REAL ESTATE & Pelletized, crude protein not APPRAISAL SERVICES, INC. TESCOTT, KS Waterers — Heaters less than 14.5%. Call for pric- Herington, KS 67449 Crates — Nursery Equip. MIKE PEARL 785-488-6219 • 785-392-0345 ing. 785-258-2818 785-437-6007 BLUESTEM WESTERN STAR MILL K&N Angus Division of ADM - Salina, KS 2003 CHEVY 2500 4x4 Dura- Swine Systems 1-800-649-1541 (Kansas) max diesel economy manufac- POLLED Jim Gammell RICK HENRY turing bale bed bar 6 cub feeder. The Simplest Way HEREFORD Lindsborg, KS 785-336-2130 785-292-4287. Cell: 785-227-5544 SENECA, KANSAS For the highest yielding to Buy and Sell BULLS Sorghum Silage plant Myronized Truck Works Land Anywhere Calving ease, good growth Sorghum Partners 1615 Centralia, Kansas and disposition ------785-857-3581 in the U.S. Semen tested, poured, For the highest yielding • Drop N Lock gooseneck ball vaccinated Sorghum Sedan grass that • Economy Mfg. flatbeds b will not head out plant • Luverne grill guards, nurf Delivery available tubes, mud flaps, side steps 785-865-3444 TOP QUALITY HAMP BOARS Sucroffe Available Year Around 9R-PS or 2000 International 4700 16' Flory box truck $9000 obo. 195,000 GALEN & ROBERTA HARMS Sorghum Partners Angus Bulls miles. 4000lb lift gate 62"x 86". Polled Herefords Whitewater, KS 316-799-2382 Sordan headless For Sale by Private Treaty Just passed full DOT inspection. Delivery available. Kept in doors. Runs great. call 14-20 Months Old BOARS & GILTS Spring Creek Ag Frank @ 785-249-1669 DWIGHT-MORRIS CO. Calving Ease (Heifer Bulls) Duroc, Chester, York, Hamp, Lovely early 1900’s 2 story Genomic (DNA) Enhanced home 4 bedrooms, 2 baths & Hamp/Duroc Products, Inc EPDs with HD50K oak floors, home has been ********************************* 800-432-5672 updated, large tree filled lot BJ Angus Genetics SLEICHTER $55,000 John or Bonnie Slocombe DUROC FARM 2015 BROME/ Fescue 3x4x8 Hutchinson, Kansas *********************************** ABILENE, KS big square bales and 5x6 round Hillsboro, Kansas 785-532-9777 ‘14 Ford F-350 crew cab 4x4, RILEY CO. 785-263-1898 785-479-6694 bales, net wrapped, 1500 lbs., Lariet, diesel, auto, loaded, Hilltop with panoramic view trucking available. Call 56K of Flint Hills Deep Creek GRASS & GRAIN 785-256-3907. 785-539-7558 HORSES ‘13 Ford F-350 crew cab 4x4, Area 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Lariet, diesel, auto, leather, ranch home on 5 acres. 2000 3X3X8 square bales prairie sq. ft + on main floor, full References available in your area In search of a broke and gen- loaded, 56K hay, $100/ ton; 3x3x8 square basement. $375,000 American We offer a complete line of tle riding horse, one that is rea- ‘13 Ford F-250 crew 4x4 XLT, bales of brome, $100/ ton. Additional 15 Acres and Made low volume mist blowers. sonable price. Call: (785) diesel, auto, loaded, one 785-249-3303, Dennis. outbuildings are available 562-6877 785-231-9715, Devere. owner, 39K ‘12 Chevy Colorado 2LT, crew, $200,000 BUYER FOR all types of 319 ROUND prairie hay, aver- 4x4, auto, loaded, nice, 29K S.I. Feeders horses. 785-556-5740. age 1,000 lbs., $30/ bale. ‘11 Chevy Silverado 2500HD Call Dolly Anderson, Broker LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT 785-823-3821. LT ext. cab, diesel, 4x4, 785-532-8801 loaded, 29K Excellent for spraying: CATTLE, G&A REAL ESTATE vegetables, vineyards, orchards, nurseries, FOR SALE: Wilson Wheel Cor- ‘11 Ford F-250 reg. cab, 4x4, mosquitoes, livestock, chicken houses, XLT, diesel, auto, nice, 31K Manhattan, Kansas Quality Strength - Durability- ral. Phone 785-632-4769 or Christmas trees, etc. Ask For Kris Hanschu Longevity 785-210-5306. Low Maintenance High Performance khanschu@ LET THE CLASSIFIEDS WORK FOR YOU 7240 County Road AA, Quinter, KS 67752 GRASS & GRAIN 785-754-3513 or 800-864-4595 620-755-2824 PLACE YOUR AD TODAY Free Brochure 785-539-7558 GRASS & GRAIN 785-539-7558 Sect. 2 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/5/15 2:45 PM Page 21

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 21 REAL ESTATE TRAILERS TRAILERS MACHINERY MACHINERY MACHINERY FOR RENT Hillsboro Endura alum. Stocks FORD GOLDEN Jubilee Hutchmaster 10’ offset disc..... Steel and alum. utilities $1,650. 785-325-2459...... $2,250 OAKHILL ESTATES Doolittle enclosed cargos Case IH 900 6R30” planter SALVAGE COMBINES Hillsboro 16 +4 Tilt JD 524 front blade...... $1,250 ALLIS N7-6, L2, L, M, G, F2, LUXURY Doolittle 18’ equip. Leon front dozer blade .$1,000 F, CII, AII; JD 8820, 7720, Doolittle 14’ dump Duall 3000 loader w/JD mts. ... 1 & 2 BDRM APTS. 7700, 6600, 4400, 3300, 105, ...... $1,250 95, 55; MF 860, 760, 750, 510, Private Balconies and Patios AUSTIN JD 700 grinder/mixer....$2,500 604 & 605 N balers 410; IH 1680, 1480, 1460, Woodburning Fireplace TRAILERS LLC NEW STOCK, HORSE, JD 1630 12’ disc...... $3,500 6640/6650 Rancher baler 915, 815, 715, 503, 403; NH Ceiling Fans 2560 Pillsbury Dr. FLATBED, & MF 1163 cornhead ...... $2,250 R2300, R2800 twin rake Manhattan, Kansas UTILITY TRAILERS TR70-85, 1400, 995, 985, 975. Gas Heat/AC BMB 10’ hydraulic blade...... BPX 9000 processor TRAILER REPAIR BRAKES, SALVAGE TRACTORS ...... $1,800 VR1022/1224 wheel rake Exclusive area in Wamego 785-539-3925 LIGHTS, SAND BLAST, ALLIS 7000-7080, 220, 210, IH 496 32’ disc...... $5,500 TM700, TM800 trailed mower PAINT WELD 190XT; D17-19; JD 84-8630, Rhino TW84 rotary mower ...... Disc Mowers & Mower Cond. 1-888-537-9064 TRAVALONG TRAILERS 7520, 6030, 5020, 4630, 4430, We Install Brake Controllers ...... $2,250 USED VERMEER BALERS New steel & alum. stock 4020, 3020, 720, 730; CASE White 230 21’ field cultivator ... Hydra-Bed™ & accessories New 20’ to 31’ flatbed USED TRAILERS 1470, 1370, 1270, 1200, 1070, ...... $3,500 Winkel Livestock Equip. 160 Acres WB CO KS Used 18’, 22’ stock- 14’ dump ‘12 Barrett 24’ GN Aluminum 930, 400; IH 1568, 1466, Several Gravity Wagons ...Call Winkel Flatbeds Grass/ Hay/ Crop Used 3 horse GN- slant stock ...... $13,500 1256, 1066, 1026, 806; FORD GP 15’ mtd drill 24x7.....$2500 Bar 6 Cake Feeders SE4 36-14-9E Used Hav Rock tree saw ‘04 Titan 26’ GN stock...$7200 4-5-6-8-9000; MF 2745, 1155, Farmhand 945 XL loader off Dixie Chopper Lawn Mowers ‘71 Homebuilt 28’ GN utility..... 1100, 90, 85; OLIVER 2150; $304,000 VISSER TRAILER SALES Case tractor...... $2,500 MILLER RANCH Herington, KS • 785-258-2800 ...... $4,500 MM G1000; WH2-150, 4-150. NH 499 12’ swather...... $4,000 Hill Realty ‘05 PJ 32’ GN flatbed ...$6,000 Spring Valley 75 bu seed ten- EQUIPMENT ‘04 Calico 16’ GN stock Mike’s Equipment der ...... $2,500 33778 K-99 Hwy. 785-764-0782 combo ...... $4,200 BUHLER, KANSAS Trailers 4 U Mellenbruch Alma, Kansas ‘13 Land Pride FDR1660, like 1-800-543-2535 New Merritt Gooseneck 24’ new ...... $1,800 Machinery 785-765-3588 stock trailers, 5’x10’ & 6’x12’ ‘05 Titan 28’ GN classic stock. Soldier, Kansas utility trailers, Travalong 24’ ...... $8,200 NEW EQUIPMENT aluminum stock trailers, ‘00 Titan 16’ BH utility ..$2,800 Bush Hog rotary mowers 5’-15’ and used 20’ and 24’ stock ‘00 Titan 24’ GN stock..$5,500 Vermeer 605N balers 785-834-2541 Cell: 785-305-0234 trailers available Vermeer VR1224 rake Call Us To Sell or Check out Vermeer VR1428 rake 2002 R72 Gleaner 2166 Sep. Lease Your Oil for more information Vermeer VR2040 rake hours , single point attachmetn Frankfort, KS Vermeer MC3700 mower $55,000. 8000 flex head with & Gas Minerals USED EQUIPMENT 785-292-4166 Crary air reel $20,000; 830 hug- UMC 4500 grain cart ger corn head $10,000. National Headquarters Vermeer 605F baler 620-654-2661. NEW Alva, OK ELITE Vermeer 605 Super M 605N, 504N, 6650 Ranchers 580-327-4440 2-Vermeer 605 M rebuilt Case IH 955 16RN FF planter, VR1428 & VR1224 rakes Shane Terrel, 580-327-7889 Vermeer R23A Rake liquid fertilizer, dribble on , pull 7040 disc mower Blue Valley Trailers behind. $18,000 Case IH 950 USED 225 South East St. 12RN FF, liquid fertilizer, 2-250 R2800, R2300, VR1428 & TRAILERS Waterville, Kansas 66548 gal. tanks. $9,500.620-382-5439 VR1224 rakes 785-363-2224 2011 JD 946 MoCo excellent 605XL, 605L, 605J, 605F, 504F 1-866-368-4826 condition, always shedded $24,800; 2005 Case IH DCX LARGER BALE FORKS AVAILABLE When There’s Work To Do... • Experience the ELITE 131 disc mower excellent condi- DONAHUE! tion, always shedded. $16,500. SPRING STEEL Difference MACHINERY NEW STEEL • Optional W.E.R.M Flooring G & R IMPL. CO. 316-799-2642, 316-737-7121. JD 680 manure spreader good 4”x8” 14 ga., 12 ga., 11 ga. & WESTENDORF-BUSH HOG TITAN condition, always shedded Gleaner Combines 1/4 sheet metal STIHL 4”x8” 14 ga. & 1/8” treadplate • Large Inventory at $6,500. 316-799-2642, 830 Hugger CH ...... $7,950 Competitive prices ROUND SQUARE TUBING 316-737-7121. 620-732-3245 JD 925 flex head with R series or 620-732-2275 ANGLE CHANNEL & FLAT Your Trailer Super Store! Bish adaptor ...... $8,500 1983 8820 3.5x32 dual range DURHAM, KANSAS 23/8”, 27/8”, 41/2” & 6” pipe 1-800-457-7406 Mid-Plains cyl. header height, 4WD excep- ‘99 R62 RWA...... $49,500 3/4 & 7/8 sucker rods Equipment tional condition with 930 rigid ‘02 R62...... $69,500 WELDING SUPPLIES 825, 520, 530 flex HDS Oxygen C125 & acet. Bottles E. Hwy 30 & 10, PO Box 2526 head $19,900 obo. for sale Kearney, NE 68848 785-263-5651. GRAVITY WAGONS Welding rods & wire 1-877-654-2553 EZ Trail gravity wagons, 230 VERMEER 605 Super F baler, to 400 bushel Top & bottom belts for all bal- SALVAGING COMBINES ers LIVESTOCK & HORSE $2,000; Vermeer 605 Super J EZ Trail grain carts, 490 & 700 TRAILERS baler $3,000. 970-216-7208. N5, N7, L, L2, M, F, G, C, CII, Twine 4’ & 5’ netwrap bushel FLATBED TRAILERS AII, A&E, K Gleaner. 6620, Portable panels, Feed Bunks • 1-800-526-0939 • New EZ Trail 350 grain cart .... 7720, 8820, 7700, 6600, 4400, & Round Bale Feeders Great Plains Tillage Tools ...... CALL 3300, 105, 95, 55, JD. 915, Forrest Johnson Bison 10’ 3 pt. back blade...... 1480, 1460, 1420, 815 IHC...... $2,195 81 Farm Eq. Service LEONARDVILLE, KS 66449 1999 TRAVALONG 24’ flatbed 860, 760, 750, 510, 410, 300 IH 496 25’ tandem...... $8,750 McPherson, KS.620-241-3100 785-293-5583 trailer, new floor. Onaga. Massey. Several black and or- $4,500. 785-458-9139. Case IH 950 8RN w/fert. cul- 1-800-357-3101 785-293-2235 tors...... $7,900 ange Gleaner cornheads. 2004 TRAVALONG Advantage GRASS & GRAIN GRASS & GRAIN 24’ shedded $6,000. Frankfort, WINCHELL’S, INC. Jack Boyle KS. 785-292-4922. Phillipsburg, KS 785-543-2118 Vermillion 785-382-6848 785-564-0511 — SKID STEERS — ‘05 JD 4720 ...... $99,500 660 NH round baler. ‘13 JD 320D ...... $27,500 ‘05 Spray Coupe 4450$47,500 620-465-2255. ‘13 CIH SV300 ...... $42,500 ‘91 Spray Coupe 3630$18,900 NH LX-665 ...... $9,500 ‘12 RoGator RG900 .$184,750 — PLANTERS/DRILLS — ‘08 Bestway 1200 . . .$15,500 TRACTORS Parker 510 grain cart, corner ‘08 JD 1750 8/30 . . . .$28,500 ‘12 New Leader 345 .$99,500 New JCB 541-70Ag telehandler auger ‘08 JD 1770 24-30” . .$74,500 New JCB 300 skid loader New HI 10x72’ & 10x82’ 1-888-825-1199 ‘10 JD 1770 16-30” . .$72,500 — TRACTORS — ‘08 JD 1770 16/30” . .$62,500 ‘09 JD 9430 PTO . . .$159,500 New JCB 225 skid loader 2010 HI 10x32 truck auger elec. ‘08 JD 9430T ...... $185,000 New JCB 205 skid loader drive AG LAND ‘07 JD 1770 16-30” . .$51,500 NEW LISTING! 285 Ac +/- irrigated tillable located NW of ‘04 JD 1770 16-30” . .$44,750 ‘08 JD 9430T ...... $169,500 2013 Case IH Steiger 350, 285 2009 Demco 750 grain cart ‘12 JD 9360 3 pt. PTO$219,500 Minneapolis on blacktop, 2 pivots & nice bldg. Call Ray, 785-452- ‘01 JD 1770 16-30” . .$35,500 hrs Brandt 1050 grain cart, ...... 8498 ‘11 JD 1770 12/30” LF $76,500 ‘02 JD 9320T ...... $117,500 2012 Volvo MC115C, 340 hrs ...... Special Pricing 240 Ac +/- Geary Co. blacktop frontage 190 pasture w/new fences, 3 ‘05 JD 1770 12/30” . .$41,000 ‘01 JD 9300 PS . . . . .$49,500 2011 Case IH Farmall 45 MFD New Wheatheart 10x81 swing big springs and 2 new wells. 45 tillable. Close to town. Seller is a ‘08 JD 1760 12-30” . .$45,000 ‘11 JD 8360R ...... $225,000 w/ Westendorf TA 170 loader hopper Kansas licensed real estate agent. Call Ray! ‘10 JD 1790 16/31 . . .$94,000 ‘12 JD 8335 MFWD .$220,000 80 Ac +/- just 3/4 mi. W of Happy Corner Grade School. Can be ‘04 JD 1790 16/31 . . .$44,750 ‘97 JD 8300 ...... $75,000 2003 Case IH MX255 Magnum, MISCELLANEOUS bought as farmland or 3 bldg. sites w/a view. Great school district. ‘04 JD 1790 16/31 . . .$44,000 ‘96 JD 8200 2WD . . .$41,000 6400 hrs 2009 Great Plains 4336 36’ disk Call Ray! ‘99 JD 1780 6/11 . . . .$22,950 Worksaver 6’ hyd. snow blade w/ 3 row spike ‘09 DB90 36 row . . . .$99,950 ‘99 JD 8100 w/ loader.$89,950 *Auctions * Private Treaty Sales * Value Assessments ‘07 JD 7830 ...... $105,000 for skid loader New Rhino 4150 15’ Batwing For more info visit our website or contact one of our agents! ‘13 DB60 36-20” . . .$159,500 Ray Swearingen...... 785-452-8498 ‘12 Kinze 3660 16/31$109,300 ‘94 JD 7800 MFWD . .$57,500 HAY EQUIPMENT New Rhino 3150 15’ Batwing Steve Burr...... 785-826-0103 Brad Budden...... 785-280-0915 ‘09 Kinze 3660 16/31 .$64,500 ‘94 JD 4760 MFWD . .$57,500 Vermeer WRX12 wheel rake New Landoll 7431- 26VT demo Calvin Carlson.....785-819-1480 Billy Randle...... 785-479-1152 ‘05 Kinze 3650 16/31 .$42,500 ‘89 JD 4455 ...... $34,500 New Hesston 2956A rd balers New Landoll 6230- 29’ disk Ty Bryant...... 785-366-0261 Tim Hamm...... 785-630-0245 ‘05 Kinze 3200 12-30 .$23,850 ‘76 JD 4430 ...... $8,500 2007 Hesston 5456A net baler, Case IH 1200 16RN planter Sheila Van Winkle ..785-280-3564 Rachelle Swearingen...... 785-452-5115 ‘03 Kinze 3700 24-30” $53,350 Brian Swearingen...... 785-565-3898 ‘74 JD 4030 w/ loader $15,500 2100 bales New Brown 10’ & 12’ box scrap- ‘04 JD 1690 35’-15” . .$49,000 ‘01 JD 6410 MFWD . .$47,500 — COMBINES — MacDon R-85 rotary ers One Year Power Guard ‘12 CIH 290 MFWD .$174,900 MacDon M-205 SR rotary New Sunflower 6630/27’ vertical — TILLAGE — Use Season waiver ‘13 JD 2310 33’ . . . . .$69,900 New H&S 1660 16 wheel Hi Cap till LAND FOR SALE: 2.9% Interest CIH 4300 51’ ...... $17,500 rakes 2011 Sunflower 1435-40 split 1) Lot 1 Chieftain Road, Tonganoxie, KS: PRICE REDUCED!! ‘13 JD S690 ...... $315,000 Wilrich 3400 FC ...... $8,950 1984 JD 4650 PS 4316 hrs wing disc Great location for this 11+ acre tract of ground! Property features a pond and would make a great spot to build your dream home! Priced ‘12 JD S670 4WD . .$215,000 ‘10 CIH 30’ Turbo UT .$44,000 COMBINES New Rhino 184 rotary mower ‘13 JD S660 4WD . .$235,000 — HAY EQUIPMENT — at $64,950. 2010 MacDon FD70 40’ flex New Rhino 1540 hydraulic blade ‘12 JD S660 ...... $210,000 ‘03 JD 567 ...... $17,500 2) 24109 243rd Street, McLouth, KS: Beautiful rolling fields and draper JD mounts Icon 1632 grader rear steer ‘11 JD 9770 4WD . .$169,500 ‘96 JD 566 ...... $9,950 pastureland! Gorgeous 3 bedroom reverse 1.5 story on 108 acres! 2002 Case IH 1020, 25’ flex Farmhand 1140 mounts only for ‘09 JD 9770 Hillco . .$180,000 ‘88 JD 530 ...... $4,000 Incredible views in all directions! Home features spacious kitchen, head with Crary Air reel TW Ford 8830, 8700, & 9700 ‘09 JD 9770 4WD . .$199,500 ‘05 Gehl 2880 ...... $8,500 formal dining room, finished walkout basement, huge laundry, and 1994 Case IH 1010 25’ head ‘08 JD 9770 Hillco . .$152,500 ‘05 NH 780, 3300 bales$16,950 spacious master suite with fireplace, walk-in closet, and plush private ‘08 JD 285 ...... $8,250 ‘11 JD 9670 ...... $180,000 salvage bath! There are 3 large ponds on the property! 80x52 barn with concrete floor! Priced at $499,000. ‘07 JD 9660 Hillco . .$129,500 ‘02 JD 956 ...... $16,500 2004 Case IH 2366 1990 Case IH 1083 cornhead 3) 23635 139th Street, Leavenworth, KS: Prime development on 7 ‘05 JD 9660 ...... $98,000 Highway, great 105 acres m/l! Home features 4 bedrooms, super ‘95 JD 9600 4WD . . .$32,500 2003 Gleaner R65, 2700 sep. hrs large master suite with private bath, hardwood floors, finished lower ‘10 JD 9570 ...... $130,000 level, and vinyl siding. There is also a 2 bedroom 1 bath rental home 2002 New Holland TR99, 2260 ‘04 JD 9560 SH . . . . .$95,500 on the property just to the left of the main entrance. Lots of ‘13 CAT 760 ...... $290,000 sep. hrs outbuildings - perfect for farming and cattle! Priced at $549,950. ‘06 CAT 570R ...... $99,750 AUGER & GRAIN CARTS ‘06 CAT 570R ...... $89,950 New Harvest International Lynch Real Estate ‘11 CIH 5088 ...... $175,000 T13x32 truck auger SUPERIOR [email protected] ‘05 CIH 2388 ...... $94,950 J&M 750-18 grain cart w/ scales IMPLEMENT, INC. 32 corn heads Sunflower 8600 grain cart 24 flex heads New Mayrath 10x35 elect. 402-879-4723 — SPRAYERS & APPL.— 785-742-7121 Parker 2500 gravity wagon with ‘12 JD 4830 100’ . . .$184,750 HIAWATHA, KS 66434 auger & roof Evening: 402-879-3719 ‘13 JD 4730 100’ . . .$184,500 New Parker 839 grain cart SUPERIOR, NEBRASKA ‘11 JD 4730 100’ . . .$169,500 Sect. 2 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/5/15 2:46 PM Page 22


A&L F700 grain cart rebuilt — USED IMPLEMENT — COMBINES USED TRACTORS fighting, like new 30.5x32 radial NEW EQUIPMENT Case IH 8370 hydro swing 2011 Case IH 7120, 4WD ‘11 Case IH Maxxum 125 w/ tires excellent condition. R2800 rake R2300 rake 2014 Gleaner S77 combine 2011 Case IH 7088, 4WD loader, 550 hrs $14,500. 316-799-2642, Gehl 2880 rd. baler 2011 Case IH 3020 flex 30’ ‘98 Case IH 8930 MFD, 4300 316-737-7121. VR1224 BPX 9000 Bale Processor Hesston 946 rd. baler 2007 Case IH 7010 4WD hrs 2013 Gleaner S-77 1998 Case IH 2388 4WD ‘64 IH 806 diesel, new tires NEW 6650 Rancher Case & IH 6640 Vermeer baler w/net 1998 Gleaner R72 1997 Case IH 2166 4WD ‘58 IH 460, gas w/implements • 604-605N net 1996 Gleaner R62 1981 IH 963 6RN ‘41 IH FarmAll A w/Woods • 6640 net ramp Tractor Salvage wrap TE170 Tedder Gleaner 8200 30’ w/air reel NEW TRACTORS belly mower • R2300 & R2800 rakes Case 300’s thru 2096 Gleaner 800 30’ flexhead Case IH Maxxum 125 MFD MISCELLANEOUS • TM800 & TM850 disc IH 460’s thru 5488 MC 3700 USED EQUIPMENT Gleaner 400 30’ rigid Case IH Farmall 115U MFD ‘14 Bushhog 2815 Batwing mowers Over 1000 Tractors on shelf Gleaner 700 30’ rigid Case IH Farmall 85C MFD ‘11 Case IH 3406 corn head VR1022 & VR1224 wheel New & Rebuilt parts for all 605 Super M baler 505 Super I Baler 2003 MF 9690 w/30’ head USED TRACTORS ‘08 Case IH 530C Ecolo-Tiger rakes brands of tractors & combines 2011 MF 8650 2003 NH TN65 rops, 4WD ‘07 Case IH RMX340 25’ • TM1400 Trail 18’ disc R2800 rake Want to buy M850 Mower Demo Gehl 7810 skid loader 2001 NH TL70 cab, 4WD ‘09 Case IH 330 turbo 25’ mowers Case & IH salvage tractors 2006 8000 25’ flexhead 2013 Case IH Magnum 340 Case IH 4300 FC 33’ Please check our website, NOW DEALERS PRAXAIR WELDING SUPPLY 2013 Case IH Magnum 290 ‘02 Kinze 3200 12 row 30 or give Elmer’s Repair 2008 Case IH Puma 140, ldr. planter us a call at 785-828-4706 CENTRALIA, KS MISCELLANEOUS ‘04 Case IH 2388 4WD, 2715 to view all of our New 785-857-3248 2011 Case IH 330 turbo 31’ eng., 2135 sep. and Used Equipment 2006 Case IH DCX 131, disk ‘91 Case IH 1680 combine mower 4WD 6 SUNFLOWER finger pickup Kuhlman Impl. 2011 Case IH 1240 16/31 fert. ‘02 Case IH 1020 25’ • M205 with 16’ disc head units for JD 7000 or Kinze. 6 LINN, KANSAS 2010 Case IH 1240 16/31 ‘99 Case IH 1020 20’ Kinze 60 cell larger milo seed 2008 Case IH 1240 16RN, BF ‘92 Case IH 820 15’ Sloop Sales & and 6 smaller milo seed brush 785-348-5547 1997 JD 630 disc 30’ ‘97 Case IH 1063 cornhead Hook’s Repair, Inc. meter plates. 6 used JD 7000 1995 Case IH 4800 FC 32’ ‘94 Case IH 1063 cornhead Lyndon, KS 66451 row unit shanks. 785-747-7625 BERG REPAIR FOR SALE OR TRADE 2007 MF 2745, net/twine IH 810 platform 14200 Godlove Rd. Gravity Wagons, grain carts. 1999 NH 658 twine (2) IH 863 cornheads Westmoreland, KS MF1080 81 HP ...... $6,650 1990 Hesston 1150 MoCo ‘03 Case IH RBX462 rd. baler, 785.457.3534 Cooter’s 1980 IH 770 plow disk twine/ net 2011 BushHog 2715 flex mwr ‘95 Case IH 8465, A. baler JD MODEL 1710 15 shank 785-562-2027 1994 JD 2018 20’ flex mower ‘92 NH 660 twine/ net baler mulch tiller, $1,000. 785-562-6131 ’92 Case IH 8480 rd.baler 785-823-3821 ‘06 Case IH WRX 201 10 wheel rake PLANTER SALVAGE L3 GLEANER RWA 2354 ‘11 Case IH WRX301 12 hours, shed kept, 318 flex wheel rake IH 800-900-950-955 Cyclo McConnell Machinery TRACTORS 11 CIH WD2303 ...... $89000(H) $10,500 obo good condition. 1111 E. 23rd Lawrence, KS ‘93 Hesston 1150 MoCo 12’ 14 CIH S450...... $284500(W) 11 NH H8080 SP....$84900(LA) JD 494-1280, 7000-7300, 785-242-8866. Tonutti 8 wheel carted rake 14 CIH S400...... $279500(W) 10 NH H7550 PT ...... $20000(S) plate and plateless 785-843-2676 IH 2001 loader 14 CIH F105C MFD..$67000(S) 04 CIH WDX1101 ..$39000(GB) White 5100 or GB 870 loader, fixer upper 3313 Nebraska Terr.Ottawa, KS 14 CIH F120-A ...... $63000(S) GRAIN DRILL NEW EQUIPMENT 13 CIH S550...... $294000(W) 12 CB 40’...... $33500(LA) Koelzer Repair 785-242-1463 Maxxum 125 13 CIH S500...... $284000(W) 12 CIH SDX40...... $160000(LA) Onaga, KS 785-857-3257 13 CIH F105U ...... $65000(H) 11 CrustB 4030AP....$47000(S) Evenings Farmall 115U 12 CIH M340...... $217000(PR) 10 CIH SDX40...... $105000(H) TigerMate 28’ F.C. 11 Mahindra 3616 ....$16500(S) 08 GP 3S4000 HD.$55000(GB) NEW HOLLAND 116 Hydra/ 785-979-2271 340 disc 28’ 11 CIH S350...... $223500(W) 08 SF 9530 ...... $52500(GB) swing swather. Always shedded, Several Bush Hog rotary 11 CIH S400...... $259000(S) 08 CB 4000AP...... $48000(GB) nice well maintained one owner mowers 11 CIH M290 ...... $190000(S) 07 CIH SDX40 Air ....$80000(S) machine. $4,500. 785-799-5478. FOR SALE: 815 International 06 CIH MX285 .....$126000(GB) 05 SF 9433 40’ ...... $59500(PR) hydrostat diesel combine, 16’ With 5 locations, 04 JD 7920 ...... $90000(GB) 05 CIH SDX40 Air ....$89500(H) TIRE TOWN INC. head, 2,332 hours, $4,000 OBO; Abilene Machine is one of the 01 CIH MX240...... $59000(W) 04 JD 455 30’ ...... $29900(LA) 18.4-34 new, 10p ...... $575 ‘61 Ford 2 ton grain truck, needs 00 JD 8110FWA ...... $78500(H) 03 GP 3S4000...... $40000(H) largest distributors of new, 11L-15 rib 12p, new ...... $90 work, $1,000 OBO; Hay all 5x5 94 NH 8770 MFD .....$49500(H) 03 GP 3S4000...... $39500(S) remanufactured and recycled 800/70R38, 80% ...... $1,500 round string tie. We load, you ROSSVILLE 87 Case 3594 ...... $20000(W) 03 GP 3S4000...... $35000(H) ag replacement parts in the 16.5L-16.1, 10p, new ...... $235 haul. 2013 (15) bales, $10; 2014 Truck & Tractor 83 CIH 1394 ...... $5750(H) 03 CB 4740AP ...... $49000(H) United States. 58 Massey...... $4500(H) 02 CIH SDX30...... $49000(H) 20, 8-38, 10p, new ...... $760 (50) bales, $25. Call between 8 ROSSVILLE, KANSAS COMBINES 00 GP 3S3000...... $27500(LA) 18.4R46, new...... $1,450 AM & 8 PM. 913-369-3541. 785-584-6195 14 CIH 7230 ...... $299500(W) 00 SF 9432 30’ ...... $24500(S) Nationwide Shipping 13 Case IH 7230..$230000(PR) 00 JD 455 35’ ...... $26000(S) PICKUP REEL for 925 JD with 12 CIH 7230 ...... $206000(H) 98 JD 455 ...... $26000(S) WE DEAL mounting & hydraulic motor, TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL 10 CIH 6088 ...... $151000(S) 98 CB 4030 ...... $16500(H) Other Sizes and Prices very good. 785-366-0021. 785-539-7558 10 CIH 7120 ...... $205000(H) 97 GP 3S3000...... $27500(LA) New & Used 09 CIH 8120 ...... $204500(W) 89 GP 45’SS...... $14500(W) 800-444-7209 800-451-9864 09 CIH 7088 ...... $165000(S) 89 GP 2SP30 ...... $13500(H) 913-441-4500 913-682-3201 08 CIH 7010 ...... $140000(S) PLANTERS 08 CIH 7010 ...... $159500(W) 13 JD 1770 ...... $112500(W) JD 7000 6 row planter, shed- 07 JD 9760 ...... $129000(LA) 11 CIH 1250 24R...$135000(W) ded, very good, $3,000. 800-255-0337 05 CIH 8010...... $139000(PR) 08 CIH 1230 16R .....$37000(H) 785-479-0126. 01 CIH 2388 RWA....$66000(H) 05 CIH 1200 16RN $53000(GB) 99 CIH 2388 w/HDR...... 98 CIH 955 6R...... $7000(W) ...... $68000(GB) 98 White 6128 8R....$18750(W) 95 CIH 2188...... $49000(M) JD 7000 12RN...... $10000(W) 93 CIH 1666 ...... $32000(H) SPRAYERS 91 CIH 1660 ...... $28500(H) 14 CIH SPX4430.....$299800(W) 91 CIH 1660 ...... $23500(W) 13 CIH SPX3340...... $27500(W) HEADERS 13 CIH SPX4430.....$229800(W) 14 Mcdn FD75 30’....$69000(H) 12 CIH SPX4430 ...$259000(PR) 13 JD 635F 35’F...... $25700(H) 12 CIH SPX3330...$195000(GB) 13 CIH 2162 40’FD ..$70000(H) 10 CIH PAT 3330 .....$179000(H) 12 CIH 2162 40’FD..$65000(W) 10 CIH SPX3330 .....$180000(H) 21.5L-16 FST rib Imp 10 pr TL (used) on 8 12 CIH 3020FH...... $25900(M) 09 CIH SPX3330...$160000(GB) bolt rims...... $225 12 CIH 3020FH...... $23500(PR) 07 CIH SPX3310 .....$125000(H) 710/70R42 RAD AT DT ...... $2,452 10 Mcdn FD70 40’FD ...... 07 CIH 3310...... $114000(H) ...... $63500(W) 07 CIH SPX3310.....$126000(W) 30.5L-32 SAT 23 12PR...... $1,884 10 CIH 2152 35’.....$56000(GB) 06 CIH SPX3310...$135000(GB) 800/70R38 RAD DT 23...... $3,585 10 JD 635F ...... $33900(GB) 05 Rogator 1064 ...... $74500(S) 09 CIH 2162 40’DH $63500 (W) 00 CIH 4260...... $72000 (H) TF-866-888-7838 08 JD 612C 12RCH .$61000(H) Hardi 1000 60’ PT ...$10000(GB) 08 CIH 2162 40’FD ..$56900(H) TILLAGE ABILENE, KS 07 CIH 2020FH ...... $23000(W) 13 CIH RM330 31’....$52000(S) 07 CIH 2062 35’ ...... $36000(S) 10 SF 1435 33’ ...... $39000(LA) 06 CIH 2062 36’ ...... $39000(H) 08 SF 1435 36’ ...... $29000(LA) BRUNA IMPL. CO. JD 1990CCS 36’....$89,500 (C) 06 CIH 2062 36’DH ..$43000(S) 08 Baker 9200 42’ FC....$29500 JD 1850 36’ w/o cart$10,000(C) 06 Mcdn FD70 35’FH ...... 04 SF 4510 18’DC...... $7500(S) COMBINES: ...... $54000(H) 03 SF6432 36’FF...... $12500(S) 2009 Case IH 8120 4WD, 1875 Crust Buster 3400 30’ drill ...... 2015 PJ 83’’x20’ remote quick 05 JD 635F 35’ ...... $15000(S) 03 GP 6546 46’FC ...$25800(H) hrs...... $187,000 (H) ...... $15,500 (C) tilt ...... $4,350 05 Mcdn 963 ...... $32500(PR) 99 SF 1443 35’ disc.$17500(W) 2006 Case IH 8010 4WD, 3425 Great Plains 3000 30’ drill ...... 2015 PJ 20’ car trailer ....$2,800 04 JD 630F...... $17500(LA) 99 SF 4411 17’ rip ...$14500(W) hrs...... $125,000 (M) ...... $30,000 (C) 2015 Travalong 31’ flatbed 10k 98 Mcdn 962 36’...... $19000(H) 95 Krause 4960 30’ $12500(LA) Krause 5425 25’ drill$17,500(C) 96 CIH 1083 8RN ..$15000(GB) 89 JD 630 27’ disk ..$19900(LA) 2012 Case IH 7230 4WD, 1002 tandems...... $9,600 96 CIH 1063 6RCH..$9900(GB) 85 Krause 1904 21’D .$4000(M) hrs...... $216,500 (C) Landoll 5530 30’ drill$63,500(C) 2015 Travalong 27’ flatbed 10k 94 CIH 1083 8RCH ..$14000(H) CIH 5310 Nutri Till.$29500 (PR) 2009 Case IH 7120 4WD, 2501 Case IH 1200 16RN w/ liquid ... tandems...... $9,100 Your Local Dealer for: 91 CIH 1083 8RCH$12900(GB) Krause 2143 disk 43’...... hrs...... $178,500 (H) ...... $33,900 (C) 2015 Travalong 25’ flatbed...... Travalong Trailers, Bradford CIH 883 8RCH ...... $2100(H) ...... $13500(W) 2000 Case IH 2388 4WD, 4019 Case IH 1250 24RN FF w/liquid ...... $6800 (4) 1020 30’FH .$12500-$17000 Krause 1915 21’ disk...... Built Flatbeds, Landoll, hrs...... $65,000 (H) ...... $119,500 (W) 2015 PJ 32’ hydraulic Dovetail (2) 1020 25’FH ...$8000-$10000 ...... $3500(GB) Hillsboro, and Club Car (4) 1010 30’ rigid ..$3900-$7800 DMI 2500 7 shk rip $10500(GB) 2003 Case IH 2388 4WD, 2967 Case IH 1250 16RN FF w/liquid flatbed...... $12,900 (3) 1010 25’ rigid ..$5000-$7500 JD 960 34’ FC...... $9500(W) hrs...... $115,000 (H) ...... $74,500 (M) CALL FOR PRICES ON NEW Titan West OK Corral ...$12,400 BALERS/RAKES INT 496 24’ disc...... $6500(W) 1998 Case IH 2366 4WD, 2527 Case IH 955 8RN plain ...... HYDRA BEDS NEW ALUMINUM 13 JD RB569 ...... $34000(GB) Wilrich 46’ FC ...... $6000(S) hrs...... $87,500 (M) ...... $9,500(M) GRAIN TRAILERS STOCK TRAILERS 13 Sitrex MK 16HC...... $15900 Hesston 2210 22’ FC.$5000(W) JD 7200 16RN w/liquid...... 13 H&S HD11 17whl $22000(S) Salina, Kansas (S) 1988 Case IH 1688 4WD, 3744 FOR SALE & LEASE 2015 Hillsboro 7.5x24 Endura 12 H&S 16Whl...... $14500(S) 1-800-658-4653 hrs...... $33,500 (M) ...... $25,000 (W) 2010 GSI 40’ grain trailer ...... extra wide door...... $17,750 11 CIH RB564 ...... $35900(GB) 785-452-1180 Eric 1996 Gleaner R72 4WD, 6322 Kinze 3660 16/31 RN plain...... $22,500 2015 Travalong 7’5”x28’...... 11 CIH RM564 N&T $22500(W) 785-493-4999 Kevin hrs...... $39,500 (M) ...... $98,000 (M) New 42’ aluminum grain trailer, ...... $19,995 10 H&S 17 whl...... $18500(GB) Pratt, Ks. (PR) HEADERS: Kinze 3600 16RN w/liquid ...... FET incl...... $31,500 2015 Travalong 7’6’’x24’ ...... 09 Darf 917 rake....$22000(GB) 1-877-680-4455 ...... $68,800 (S) 09 M&W 16whl ...... $9750(GB) Marion, Kansas (M) 2005 Case IH 1020 30’ flex ...... New 38’ Alum. grain trailer, FET ...... $16,500 Kinze 3200 12RN plain...... 06 Rowse 24whl. ...$24000(GB) 1-877-382-2188 ...... $15,500 (W) incl...... starting at $29,500 Bradford Built Steel ...... $37,500 (C) 05 CIH RBX562...... $9500(H) 620-382-5439 Marlin 2008 Case IH 1020 25’ flex ...... 38’ New Travalong steel grain Pickup Flatbeds 04 H&S 17 whl...... $12500(LA) Wichita, Ks. (W) ...... $15,500 (C) trailers starting at $26,200 03 CIH RBX562...... $9500(H) 1-800-779-7012 Starting at...... $1,870 1998 Case IH 1020 22.5’ flex ... Bruna Impl. Co. FET included 03 Hesston 956 ...... $14500(W) Hutchinson Ks. (H) C - Clay Center: 785-632-5621 We now install pickup Beds...... $14,500 (M) 2012 Travalong aluminum 42’... 00 NH 260 whl dr ...... $3500(H) 1-800-658-1714 Call For Prices. 98 NH 664RB ...... $9900(GB) Larned Ks. (LA) 2001 Case IH 1020 20’ flex ...... H - Hiawatha: 785-742-2261 ...... $29,500 Buy Next to the Factory and WINDROWER 1-866-400-3105 ...... $12,500 (H) M - Marysville: 785-562-5304 2012 Maurer 42’...... $24,900 save hundreds of Dollars 13 MF WR9740...... $95900(GB) Great Bend, Ks. (GB) 1990 Case IH 1010 25’ rigid..... USED TRAILERS 13 CIH 2303 ...... $109900(GB) 1-800-658-1706 ...... $5,250 (C) S - Seneca: 785-336-2111 13 CIH RD193 HD .$35000(GB) 2013 Travalong 18’ cargo...... ROCKING “M” 12 CIH 1903 ...... $92000(W) SEEDING: W - Washington: 785-325-2232 ...... $6,300 Case IH SDX30 w/ADX2280 .... 2009 Travalong 24’ stock$6,900 TRAILER SALES ...... $69,500 (C) List of our entire 430 S. Colorado used inventory on: 2002 Travalong 22’ stock$5,000 Case IH SDX40 w/ ADX2280 ... Waterville, KS 66548 2010 Titan 20’...... $7,250 ...... $112,000 2010 Travalong 24’ stock$8,950 Office: 1-866-261-2526 Case IH Precision Disk 30 w/ 2006 Titan 27’ Flatbed....$6,750 or 785-562-6614 cart...... $59,500 (C) NEW TRAILERS 2015 14x83 PJ utility...... $2,150 Sect. 2 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/5/15 2:57 PM Page 23

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 23

MACHINERY MACHINERY MACHINERY EMPLOYMENT BUILDINGS - BLDG MATLS PETS Part- time temporary employ- WELSH PEMBROKE Corgis 7 NEW VERSALTILE OUR 64th YEAR Butterfly Supply, Inc. DEALERS WE ARE DEALERS FOR ment at the Kaw Mission State wks Tri-Colors 2 males, 5 fe- NEW TRACTORS USED FORAGE Historic Site in Council Grove , mals very small. Fawn and 2014 JD 8345R x 800-249-7473 HARVESTERS & HEADS KS. Responsible for operating Brindle 3-males 3 females. 2014 JD 7250R ‘11 Claas 960...... Coming the Site during public hours, pre- • Tubing • Rods • Cable • Shots and wormer farm raised. 2014 JD 7230R ‘10 Claas 980...... Coming senting historical information to 785-826-5670. 2015 JD 6150R g • Guardrail • Clips • ‘09 Claas 980 visitors, coordinating with the lo- 2015 JD 6150M AKC Brittany puppies 3 males ’05 Claas 900...... Call Kelly-Ryan- cal support group, and maintain- USED TRACTORS STEEL FENCING & 3 females, orange white, $500 ‘04 Claas 900...... Call Kewanee - Westendorf ing the buildings and grounds. 2014 JD 8370R 316-461-6486 Claas RU600, 8 row head...... C.E. Attachments Bachelor’s degree and historical BUILDING 2014 JD 8345R ...... From $30,000 H&S society or museum work is pre- 2013 JD 8360R SUPPLIES IRRIGATION *********************************** ferred. For work schedule and 2014 JD 8285R Just In TRACTORS application , visit www. 2014 JD 8245R 10’, 12’, 14’, 16’, NOW AVAILABLE 2012 Case 315...... $190,000 . EOE 2008 JD 8130 18’, & 20’ GATES New, Recyled and Reman Agco Star 8360 ...... $45,000 2005 JD 8220 CORRAL PANELS *********************************** REGIONAL SEED POWER UNITS for 2001 JD 8310 10’ corral panels...... $70.00 COMBINES JD, Cummins, Perkins & IH 2012 JD 7330 12’ corral panels...... $80.00 SALES MANAGER 0% For 5 years on all 2000 JD 7710 14’ corral panels...... $90.00 Agronomy knowledge and 62 & 72 Series combines USED PLANTERS 16’ corral panels...... $100.00 sales, experience helpful. ‘13 Gleaner S67 2012 JD 1790 16/31 HD Round Bale Feeders$250 Email resumes to: ‘12 Gleaner S77 2013 JD 1770 NT 16 row SKID LOADERS [email protected] ‘12 Gleaner S67 2008 JD 1770 NT 16 row & ATTACHMENTS EOE ‘11 Gleaenr S67 2005 JD 1760 12 row New Gehl R190 skid loader (2) ‘10 Gleaner R76 2012 Case IH 1250, 16 row New Gehl V330 skid loader ‘05 Gleaner R75...... $120,000 COMBINES New Gehl R220 skid loaders ‘02 Gleaner R72...... $85,000 HELP WANTED: 2014 JD S670 29 ga lifetime ptd...... $65/sq ‘99 Gleaner R72...... $75,000 New Gehl RT210 track ldr. TRAVALONG Call 800-292-1593 2013 JD S670 29 ga #2 ptd...... $60/sq ‘95 Gleaner R72 2012 Gehl 5240E, 1100 hours, Jerry (x113) or Grant (x106) 2010 JD 9670 TRAILERS 26 ga galvalume ...... $68/sq ‘98 Gleaner R62...... $67,500 cab w/heat, very nice NEW EQUIPMENT (2) ‘97 Gleaner R62 ...$45,000 2010 Gehl V270 skid loader, is Complete Building SPECIALS ‘94 Gleaner R62...... $40,000 600 hrs Packages WELDING 2015 JD 569 baler Increasing ‘13 3000 12R30...... $55,000 Worksaver walk thru pallet Doors, Insulation, Livestock 2013 JD 2623 disk Airgas welding and cutting ‘11 3000 12R30...... $50,000 forks 48”...... $800 Production Equipment, Scales, Waters BBK Header Trailers supplies Randolph KS John *********************************** Haugen bale grapple bucket Welders: Prefer 2 yrs *Jobsite Delivery Available* USED EQUIPMENT 785-313-2235 Joey MISCELLANEOUS New 12”, 16” M&M tree shears experience (prices 2014 JD 2510H Dry 16 row 785-556-0208 Sunflower Tillage equipment... New CEA pallet forks Painters: with experience subject to 2013 Case IH 330 turbo-til ...... Coming in daily New CEA tooth bars Automotive type painting change) 2010 JD 2510H New Mensch, manure scrprs Maintenance: Electrical & WANTED 2012 JD HX 20 RC New Lowe and Danuser post Plumbing knowledge, fix & 2008 JD 568 baler hole diggers, skid loader repair small tools and WANTED- EZ-Flow brome SOLID — STABLE mounts maintain equipment grass seeder 12 to 14 foot. Must STILL JD New brush grapples Paid Vacation & Holiday, 401k, be good. 785-294-0489. New Bale Spears for big Good work ethics, Competitive rounds and square wages (incl. piecerate) 40 hours Loyal to You! NEW EQUIPMENT DAMAGED Kalvesta Impl. Mon-Fri Noon. Call From a GoBob Customer: Enorossi 12 wheel Batman “We have been raising cattle GRAIN Company, Inc. rake 785-363-2552 for 30 years and we are Enorossi 14 wheel Hi Cap 451 Hwy 9 in WANTED 620-855-3567 proud to say that we use Go- 785-336-2138 Days rakes Waterville, KS 66548 KALVESTA, KS 67856 Bob equipment and materi- STATEWIDE Meyer’s manure sprds 350 & 785-548-5855 Nights als as much as we can. It’s 435 We buy damaged grain, Visit Us At BUILDINGS - BLDG MATLS built the old fashioned way - Cimmaron 6’, 7’, & 10’ 3 pt. ro- TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL tough, dependable and built any condition tary mowers 785-539-7558 Seneca, Kansas to last.” -wet or dry- 6’ Finish Mowers rear dischg. FOAM INSULATION including damaged USED EQUIPMENT 1-866-287-7585 The Icynene Insulation silo corn. Danhuser F-8 3 pt. posthole System™ Metal Bldgs. — digger Homes TOP DOLLAR! 5’ King cutter rotary mower 800-334-3626 SERVICES We have vacs 10’ Kelly Ryan silage bagger Healthier, Quieter, More and trucks. Mensch 6’ sand shooter Energy Efficient.™ Kuhn 8132 manure spreader CUSTOM MID-AMERICAN SALES, INC. CALL HEIDI OR 1999 NH TV140 bi-directional, PORTABLE w/ 7614 loader, 2700 hrs GARTON **USED GALVANIZED SHEET DISC-ROLLING AC 170 gas tractor METAL ** I have 176 sheets of NORTHERN AG Case IH 5120 w/GB loader DARRELL WAGONER 4'x8' appox 20ga sheet metal. SERVICE, INC. SENECA IMPL.CO. $15 ea. Also sheet metal rang- Cell: 785-650-4094 Hwy. 36 West ing from 3'x4' to 4'x6' $7ea Con- 800-205-5751 SENECA, KANSAS tact Frank @ 785-249-1669 LARRY’S PORTABLE sawmill Day ...785-336-2621 service, can come saw your MISCELLANEOUS SMITH POSTYARD logs. 785-776-8153. — ITEMS FOR SALE — JD 650 disc 3 ft...... $18,500 Night...... 785-336-2502 785-565-2647. 2500’ good used heavy chain 2005 AgCo DT240A tractor . . . CIH 496 disc 25 ft...... $5,000 Hedge Post link post and top rail...... $85,000 Sunflower 1433 disc . .$12,500 Delivery Available GRASS & GRAIN 785-466-6545. JD 5010 tractor ...... $9,500 JD 900 ripper 5 shk . . . .$4,500 JD 4430 tractor w/158 loader . . Blu Jet ripper 8 shk. . . .$7,500 JEFF SMITH ...... $13,500 White 5 btm. plow . . . . .$1,500 620-496-8956 Survey shows growers IHC Super MTA tractor 1954 yr. Krause 4223 cultivator . .$8,500 ...... $5,000 Kent Series V field cultivator 23 WE RENT TREE SHEARS! responding to glyphosate Belarus 250A tractor . . .$3,500 ft...... $3,500 BOBCATS - TRADE-INS AC 7060 tractor ...... $6,000 Orthman cultivator 12R30 CALL 2001 Bobcat 331 Ext. arm IH 1086 tractor w/loader, new JD 886 cultivator 8 rw . . .CALL compact excavator C&A resistance with more engine ...... CALL Hiniker cultivator 6R36 .$5,000 2,450 hrs...... CALL 2001 1254 AgChem rogator . . . Blu Jet 117 shank . . . . .$7,000 2014 Bobcat T590 C&A, Track diversified weed ...... $54,000 DMI 5250 42 ft. knife appl. 22” loader, 350 hrs...... $50,000 STEEL BUILDING 2009 1084 AgChem rogator . . . 8R36-40 dickie john cont. . . . 2013 Bobcat S750, A71, TS, INVENTORY SALE ...... $90,000 ...... $13,500 250 hrs...... $49,000 I-Beam Construction management programs 2012 JD 328 D Skidsteer JD 7200 6R planter, nice . . . . . 2013 Bobcat S650 C, H, & A, Easy Bolt-Up Design 40x65, 60x90, 100x150 mechanic special . . .$14,750 ...... $11,000 S&C, 200 hrs ...... $43,000 A survey featured in the They also increased the fre- Great Plains TSF 1090 sprayer JD 7200 8R planter dry fert., 2013 Bobcat S650 C, H, & A, Many Others Available most recent issue of the quency of their glyphosate TS, 580 hrs ...... $43,500 1000 gallon 90 ft. pull type . . . shedded ...... $8,500 journal Weed Technology applications by 45 percent. JD 1760 NT planter, 8 row liq. 2013 Bobcat S570 A91 HF TS, (800) 369-3882 ...... $9,000 shows that glyphosate-re- Though growers were 2005 JD 9660 STS Combine . . fert. TW3 Bu. box . . .$30,500 300 hrs...... $39,500 [email protected] sistant weeds have begun to using more glyphosate, the ...... $58,00 JD 1760 NT planter 8 rw liquid 2013 Bobcat S530, cab & JD 220 rigid head . . . . .$1,000 fert. TW 3 bu. box . . .$30,500 heat, 225 hrs...... $36,000 change the weed manage- survey showed they also had 2012 Bobcat S770 C, H, & A, JD 853A rowhead rebuilt .CALL 2007 JD 1770 planter NT METAL PANELS ment practices used by diversified their weed man- 300 hrs...... $49,500 JD 625F hydraflex . . . .$12,500 16x30 TW, LF, 3 bu. boxes . . . & ACCESSORIES growers. agement practices. JD 635F hydraflex . . . .$10,000 ...... $40,000 2012 Bobcat E50, excellent, Researchers at Kansas “In 2007 when the first C&A, 200 hrs ...... $59,000 2004 CIH 1020 flexhead 25 ft. 2005 JD 1890 CCS Air Seeder THE VALUE LEADER 2011 Bobcat S650 open, 250 State University surveyed glyphosate-resistant kochia crary air reel ...... $12,000 36’x10” 350 mon clean ...... WE WON’T BE UNDERSOLD hrs...... $32,000 crop consultants in the fall was discovered, nearly half 2005 CIH 2208 8x30 cornhead ...... $45,000 METAL $54/ SQUARE 2006 Bobcat S220 C, H, & A, of 2012 about weed manage- of Kansas fields received HYDP ...... $21,000 1997 JD 455 Drill 30’’ wide 10’’ 3500 hrs...... $22,500 ment in western Kansas — a glyphosate-only weed con- 2006 CIH 2612 cornhead spacing ...... $18,000 • DELIVERY AVAILABLE • Service on all 12R30 ...... $31,000 JD 455 drill 7.5”x30”, nice . . . . Prices subject to change region where glyphosate-re- trol treatments,” said Bobcat Equipment E-Z Trail 475 Grain Cart .CALL ...... $20,000 sistant kochia is on the rise. Phillip Stahlman, a Kansas Stop by and talk to us. Haybuster H-1100 tub grinder . JD 450 drill 13’x7.5” . . .$7,000 WESTERN METAL Kochia is found in crop State University weed sci- ...... $8,500 JD dozer blade ...... $1,400 Now Is The Time To Trade 2 Locations • Best Service Welco 8 bale fork ...... $1,100 fields, rangelands, and pas- entist who co-authored the Haybuster H-1000 tub grinder . ALL MACHINES INSPECTED LOUISBURG, KANSAS Bush hog mower 9 ft. . .$2,200 tures throughout the Great Weed Technology article. “By ...... $7,000 & READY TO WORK. Wimco header trailer 32 & 35 ft. 1-800-489-4100 Plains, including the west- 2012, only 15 percent of EZ Trail gravity wagon 300 bu. . NEW ...... CALL 3695 Green Valley Road HAYS, KANSAS ...... $1,800 ern United States and Cana- fields received glyphosate Complete listing on our web: Manhattan, KS 66502 2008 JD 946 MoCo swather . . . 1-800-770-2725 da. Glyphosate-resistant alone.” For More Details Call ...... $15,000 kochia was first discovered Survey respondents re- Greg • 785-215-4285 2007 JD 946 MoCo swather . . . in Kansas in 2007. The sur- ported that tillage was prov- BUY/SELL/TRADE DAILY Travis • 785-410-8985 ...... $15,000 Smith Center, KS Office • 785-537-9979 vey showed that in the five ing to be the most consis- Harvestman 14 hay rake, like 785-282-3000 years that followed, the per- tently effective practice for new ...... $11,000 centage of fields infested by managing glyphosate-resist- NH 258 rake ...... $1,000 785-282-0432 Cell Hesston 3983 rake 12 wheel . . 785-686-4005 kochia rose from 47 percent ant kochia...... $5,500 Evening Calls Welcome to 70 percent. Survey re- Full text of the article, Vermeer 604J baler . . . .$3,500 spondents estimated that by “Consultant’s Perspective NH 320 square baler, string 2012, one third of cropland on the Evolution and Man- w/farmhand accum. . . .$3,000 in western Kansas was in- agement of Glyphosate-re- Quinstar Fallowmaster 35 ft. . . fested by glyphosate-resist- sistant Kochia (Kochia sco- ...... $10,000 ant kochia. paria) in Western Kansas” 2004 SF 1434-36 disc .$23,500 1999 SF 1433-35 disc, nice During the same five- Weed Technology, Vol. 29, blades ...... $21,000 year period, growers in- Issue 2, April-June 2015, is JD 637 disc Wheatland, nice . . creased their glyphosate now available...... CALL use rates by 52 percent. Sect. 2 6-9-15.qxp:Layout 1 6/5/15 4:02 PM Page 24

Page 24 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Employees drive USDA culture change that leads to $1.4B in savings By Jason Miller buying as an organization. on what they were doing. but you’re actually figure Vilsack said a substan- tive knows he’s reporting to The Agriculture Depart- “In the past, what we “It has to come from the out how to do more with tial percentage of money me every two weeks,” Vil- ment saved more than a $1 were able to do is in a par- top. There has to be some less. You will figure out how was saved, and it’s reflected sack said. billion over the last three ticular mission area if they acknowledgement, recogni- to do a better job with less, a in the fact that the USDA The second reason for years by acting more like had several different agen- tion and buy-in by the folks more timely job with less operating budget is less the success of the program one organization. cies in that mission area, at the top and a communica- and have confidence that today than it was in 2009 is the buy-in from employ- But maybe more impor- they would collaborate on tion to folks throughout the people will actually get it when he became secretary. ees. tantly, the Blueprint for purchases of IT,” Vilsack department that the secre- done and they are.’” USDA’s discretionary “I think more important- Stronger Service initiative said. “They would collabo- tary and the President are Over the first three years, budget has ranged between ly it’s a recognition on the initiated a culture change rate on purchases of paper personally vested in this,” the department says it $23-to-$24 billion over the part of the folks who work among USDA employees. or pencils or supplies. Now Vilsack said. “It’s not some- found savings in several last four fiscal years, and here at USDA it’s in their Secretary Tom Vilsack we are basically saying, thing that has been delegat- back office areas: President Barack Obama re- long-term best interest to do said Agriculture Depart- ‘Let’s collaborate through- ed. It’s not something in a Agencies consolidated quested $25 billion in 2016. this. If we can avoid forced ment employees recognized out the entire USDA. Let’s memo or a directive that and right-sized offices, in- “We’ve essentially been layoffs, if we can avoid fur- that it was in their best in- make sure our research peo- everyone is expected to fol- cluding within Washington able to expand our activities loughs and if we can avoid terest to understand, sug- ple are collaborating with low up on with no additional achieving more than $25.2 at USDA, our workforce is a the disruption that occurs gest and make real the effi- our Farm Service Agency follow-up by the person at million in savings or avoid- little bit smaller than it was when you do that, then ciency initiatives. people who are collaborat- the time. It has to be some- ance. USDA achieved $135 when I came into office so everyone wins, everyone “We recognized revenues ing with our Rural Develop- thing secretaries take per- million in efficiencies by these savings that have been feels better about the job were going to get a little ment people in offices sonally and are engaged in updating agreements for IT identified have allowed us and everyone feels better tight, that our operating across the United States to personally.” support and services, cen- to continue to do the work about the job they were budget was going to be do this bulk purchasing. He said another impor- tralizing data servers, con- that is required to be done doing,” Vilsack said. “I squeezed by our friends in That’s a way of identifying tant factor agencies need to solidating cell phone servic- without having to go back think there was an under- Congress and so we looked potential savings.” keep in mind is the need to es and ensuring only the IT and say, ‘We now have to do standing and an apprecia- for ways we could avoid un- Additionally, Agriculture identify common goods and equipment necessary to get less.’ We’re actually doing tion that this wasn’t just necessary layoffs and dis- is looking across the govern- services whether it’s pen- the job done is purchased. more with less because doing it for the sake of doing ruption in the services that ment to piggyback on large cils, toilet paper or many Through workforce restruc- we’ve been smart with how it or just because it was the people rely on at USDA,” dollar buys for things such other items. turing, the agency saved we’ve used our resources,” flavor of the month. This Vilsack said in an interview as vehicles. “It’s not easy. It does re- more than $142 million Vilsack said. was an effort to try to really with Federal News Radio. Vilsack said USDA is quire some flexibility on the through the use of Early Re- Employee buy-in change the culture within “I challenged our team at talking with the General part of folks, but if people tirement and Voluntary Sep- Vilsack said the reason USDA so folks understood USDA to look for ways we Services Administration or are willing to be open to aration authorities. Cutting why USDA found so much it’s within their best interest could do a better job with the Defense Department to that idea there is a tremen- back on travel, in addition success in the Blueprint for to do this. Folks have really the resources we had. The buy automobiles at the same dous amount of savings that to improving the processes Stronger Service initiative gravitated to that notion, employee stepped with a time to increase their bulk can occur,” Vilsack said. for booking travel when nec- was twofold. and we’ve coupled this with number of suggestions and discount. “This is also sparking a essary, has provided more First, he oversaw the im- process improvement. We ideas, focused on travel, “We are keeping a chart sense of creativity in the than $400.3 million in sav- plementation of the pro- said, ‘Look there are proba- space, vehicle maintenance and keeping a count on the workforce, which is some- ings or cost avoidance. gram. bly things that we are asking and process improvements. savings and the goal is to get times we are challenged as Through the increase of “I meet every other week you folks to do that you Bottom line, $1.4 billion in to $100 million in the next leaders. We need to make telework, the department with Chris Nelson, who’s a know are not necessary to savings has been realized year or so,” he said. sure people understand we realized $18 million of cost career staff person from the do, so can we save you time? and we are not finished A personal goal of the trust their creativity. We en- avoidance in transit subsi- department of management, Can we save you money? yet.” secretary courage it. We empower dies to employees. and he basically brings me Can we save you grief and Vilsack said the Blue- Vilsack said USDA’s ef- them. Basically saying, ‘here Any time an agency talks up to date on where we are frustration by streamlining print for Stronger Service forts to save money and be- is the problem, help us solve about cost savings or cost with strategic sourcing, the processes, and if so help initiative, which began in come more efficient have it.’ You are essentially say- avoidance, the question where we are with space uti- us figure out how best to do 2012, will continue in 2016 struck a chord with others ing ‘I have the trust and comes up whether the or- lization, where we are with that.’ People have been very with a goal of saving another in government. faith in you that you can ganization found real money shared services centers of willing to come up with very $100 million through strate- He gave a presentation at come up with a creative so- that it could put toward mis- excellence, and he knows significant and very specific gic sourcing. the President’s Management lution that will not result in sion needs, or just spent less he’s reporting to me every process improvement He said USDA is going Council meeting and several declining service or doing money on the same products two weeks and the people plans.” from buying individually to agencies have followed up things in a less timely way, or services. he works with on this initia- 25-28.qxp:Layout 1 6/8/15 7:18 AM Page 25

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 25 FFA Stars named during annual convention

Each year, the Kansas Each year, the Kansas agricultural education op- neurship. Tremblay’s love FFA Association recognizes FFA Association recognizes portunities for beef produc- for hunting and the out- three FFA members who three FFA members who tion. Becoming a successful doors was the foundation of have the top Supervised have the top Supervised businessman, a community his SAE. He is actively in- Agricultural Experience Agricultural Experience leader and a beef industry volved with Freedom (SAE) programs with the (SAE) programs with the leader are Curran’s long Hunters and Wounded War- Star Farmer, Star in Star Farmer, Star in term goals. riors, allowing him to guide Agribusiness and Star in Ag Agribusiness and Star in Ag Curran is the son of Joe and host disabled veterans Placement awards. The Star Placement awards. The Star and Kim Curran. His advi- on turkey, pheasant, duck, competitions are sponsored competitions are sponsored sors are Joe Curran and goose and deer hunts. Trem- by ICM, Inc., United Bank by ICM, Inc., United Bank Alan Boultinghouse. blay also assisted in found- and Trust and Kansas Farm and Trust and Kansas Farm Tate Tremblay ing Patriots of Praise, a Bureau. Bureau. Hill City FFA member Christian-based hunting ex- Kord Curran Curran’s SAE is in Beef Tate Tremblay won the perience for veterans and Girard FFA member Production Placement. state’s top honor of Star in their families. Kord Curran won the state’s Feeding, processing and Agribusiness May 27-29 at Tremblay is the son of top honor of Star in Ag maintaining cattle are some the 87th Kansas FFA Con- Troy and Dana Tremblay. Placement May 29 at the of Curran’s responsibilities vention on the Kansas State His advisor is Alexis 87th Kansas FFA Conven- at O’Brien Cattle Company University campus. Wingerson. tion on the Kansas State Inc. In the future, he plans Tremblay’s SAE is in Out- Wyatt Harting University campus. to provide agritourism and door Recreation Entrepre- Norton FFA member Wyatt Harting won the State Star award winners at the FFA State Convetion state’s top honor of State were, from left: Wyatt Harting, Star Farmer; Kord Cur- Star Farmer May 27-29 at ran, Star in Ag Placement; and Tate Tremblay, Star in the 87th Kansas FFA Con- Agribusiness. vention on the Kansas State duction Entrepreneurship. purchased and fed out over University campus. Beginning with his first 108 head of feeder calves. Harting’s SAE is in Di- bucket calf, Harting knew With his earnings, he has in- versified Livestock Entre- he wanted to expand his vested his money in feedlot preneurship and Beef Pro- knowledge of the cattle in- construction. dustry. Currently, Harting’s Harting is the son of SAE consists of seven cross- Chris and Mindy Harting. bred cows and five heifers. His advisor is Garrett Bey- Throughout his SAE he has dler.


Marysville Livestock Sales Every Thursday at 12 Noon Donnie Kirkham, Manager • 785-562-1015 1180 US Hwy.SALE 77, INFORMATION P. O. Box FOR67, Marysville, JUNE 4, 2015 KS 66508

CALVES BY THE HEAD BLUE RAPIDS 1 BLK 1,460@$113.25 WASHINGTON1 RED 1,400@$103.00 SENECA 1 BLK HFR $610.00 MARYSVILLE 1 CHAR 1,310@$112.00 BARNES 1 BWF 1,390@$103.00 LINN 1 WF BULL $550.00 LIBERTY,NE 1 BLK 1,280@$111.75 WASHINGTON1 RED 1,135@$103.00 LIBERTY,NE 1 RED 1,195@$111.00 MARYSVILLE 1 HOL 1,635@$102.50 STEERS OLSBURG 1 BLK 1,110@$111.00 WETMORE 1 HOL 1,585@$102.50 STERLING,NE1 BLK STR 385@$324.00 BARNES 1 BLK 1,185@$110.00 OLSBURG 1 BWF 1,490@$102.50 GOFF 2 MIX STR 397@$315.00 WASHINGTON1 CHAR 1,215@$109.00 OLSBURG 1 WF 1,360@$102.50 FRANKFORT 7 BLK STR 627@$266.00 BARNES 1 BLK 1,195@$109.00 OLSBURG 1 RED 1,350@$102.00 MANHATTAN 1 BLK BULL 590@$263.00 OLSBURG 1 BLK 1,110@$109.00 LIBERTY,NE 1 RED 1,100@$102.00 STERLING,NE7 BLK STR 705@$246.25 STERLING,NE1 BLK 1,000@$109.00 BARNES 1 BLK 1,375@$101.50 FRANKFORT 5 BLK STR 737@$236.00 RANDOLPH 1 BLK 1,290@$108.50 WASHINGTON1 BLK 1,290@$100.50 ONAGA 2 BWF STR 727@$234.50 CENTRALIA 1 BLK 1,300@$108.00 WASHINGTON1 BLK 1,370@$100.00 BAILEYVILLE 3 MIX STR 785@$217.00 CENTRALIA 1 BLK 1,135@$108.00 ONAGA 1 WF 1,530@$99.50 STERLING,NE3 MIX STR 841@$214.00 DILLER,NE 1 BWF 1,015@$108.00 WASHINGTON1 WF 1,065@$99.00 SENECA 57 XBRD STR 922@$206.35 BARNES 1 BLK 1,420@$108.00 WASHINGTON1 BLK 1,140@$99.00 MARYSVILLE 2 XBRD BULL 867@$184.00 BARNES 1 BLK 1,195@$108.00 WASHINGTON1 RED 1,065@$98.50 WASHINGTON1 BLK 1,180@$108.00 BAILEYVILLE 1 BWF 1,060@$97.50 HEIFERS MARYSVILLE 1 WF 1,355@$108.00 BAILEYVILLE 1 HOL 1,375@$97.00 GOFF 2 BLK HFR 415@$280.00 WASHINGTON1 BWF 1,260@$107.50 WYMORE,NE 1 BLK 1,085@$97.00 STERLING,NE1 BLK HFR 520@$259.00 ONAGA 1 RED 1,380@$107.50 OLSBURG 1 BWF 1,250@$97.00 STERLING,NE6 BLK HFR 625@$245.00 RANDOLPH 1 BLK 1,195@$107.00 CENTRALIA 1 BLK 1,240@$96.00 ONAGA 3 XBRD HFR 631@$236.50 WASHINGTON1 BLK 1,245@$107.00 STERLING,NE1 BLK 1,260@$96.00 CENTRALIA 2 BLK HFR 615@$236.00 LIBERTY,NE 1 RED 1,100@$107.00 BAILEYVILLE 1 RED 1,395@$95.50 MARYSVILLE 2 BLK HFR 657@$224.50 BAILEYVILLE 1 RED 1,380@$106.50 WASHINGTON1 RED 975@$95.00 FRANKFORT 3 BLK HFR 671@$221.50 WASHINGTON1 XBRD 1,235@$106.00 WASHINGTON1 BWF 950@$95.00 STERLING,NE4 BLK HFR 723@$217.00 WASHINGTON1 BLK 1,055@$106.00 BAILEYVILLE 1 HOL 1,355@$95.00 WASHINGTON1 BLK 1,345@$106.00 BAILEYVILLE 1 WF 1,275@$95.00 HFRETTES BARNES 1 BLK 1,205@$106.00 ONAGA 1 RED 1,480@$94.50 MARYSVILLE 1 WF 960@$167.00 CENTRALIA 1 CHAR 1,065@$106.00 WETMORE 1 HOL 1,430@$94.00 BURCHARD,NE 1 BWF1,030@$161.00 STERLING,NE1 BLK 1,180@$106.00 BARNES 1 BLK 900@$94.00 MARYSVILLE 1 WF 910@$158.00 BLUE RAPIDS 1 WF 1310@$105.50 WETMORE 1 HOL 1,415@$93.50 MARYSVILLE 1 BLK 1,095@$150.50 WASHINGTON1 BWF 1,280@$105.50 OLSBURG 1 BWF 1,265@$92.00 WASHINGTON1 BLK 965@$148.00 STERLING,NE1 BLK 1,110@$105.00 CENTRALIA 1 BLK 1,090@$140.00 RANDOLPH 1 BLK 1,050@$105.00 ADULT BULLS BAILEYVILLE 1 BLK 1,130@$139.00 OLSBURG 1 RED 1,210@$104.00 MARYSVILLE 1 CHAR 2,050@$152.00 HADDAM 1 BLK 1,005@$131.00 WASHINGTON1 BLK 1,165@$104.00 WAMEGO 5 MIX 1,757@$150.50 WASHINGTON1 XBRD 1,115@$126.50 BAILEYVILLE 1 BLK 1,345@$104.00 WESTMORELAND1 BLK 1,810@$144.50 CENTRALIA 1 BLK 1,210@$126.00 MARYSVILLE 1 WF 1,620@$104.00 LINN 1 BWF 1,145@$124.50 BAILEYVILLE 1 HOL 1,670@$103.50 WASHINGTON1 RED 955@$118.00 SENECA 1 BLK 1,495@$103.25 MARYSVILLE 1 BLK 1,170@$117.00 LIBERTY,NE 1 RED 1,090@$117.00 EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR 6/04/2015 BRED COWS/PAIRS 15 HOLSTEIN STRS 350-400# wv SENECA 1 CHAR CCPR AGED $2,275.00 10 HOLSTEIN STRS 400-500# WV DUBOIS,NE 2 BLK CCPR AGED $2,275.00 10 HOLSTEIN STRS 450-500# WV WYMORE,NE 1 BLK CCPR 8 YRS $2,025.00 50 HOLSTEIN STRS 500-525# WV ONAGA 2 WF COW 2 YRS 6 MO $2,600.00 9 HOLSTEIN STRS 500-550# WV HADDAM 1 BLK COW 4 YRS 6 MO $2,575.00 15 HOLSTEIN & HOLX STRS 500-700# WV WYMORE,NE 4 BLK COW 7 YRS 5 MO $2,225.00 45 HOLSTEIN STRS 550-600# WV WASHINGTON 2 BLK COW 3 YRS 4 MO $2,175.00 80 HOLSTEIN STRS 600-800# WV WASHINGTON 1 BLK COW 8 YRS 6 MO $2,025.00 WYMORE,NE 1 BLK COW 8 YRS 4 MO $1,950.00 38 MIX STRS/HFRS 450-600# V HR WYMORE,NE 2 BLK COW 4 YRS 4 MO $1,875.00 10 MIX STRS/HFRS 450-600# WV HR 45 BLK STRS/HFRS 450-600# WV HR COWS 30 BLK STRS/HFRS 500-600# WV HR ONAGA 1 WF 1,385@$123.00 45 BLK STRS/HFRS 500-650# V HR WASHINGTON1 XBRD 1,070@$117.00 WASHINGTON1 XBRD 1,110@$116.50 HOLSTEIN SPECIAL - JUNE 11 WASHINGTON1 BWF 1,085@$116.00 WASHINGTON1 RED 1,100@$116.00 RANDOLPH 1 CHAR 1,235@$115.50 NO SALE WASHINGTON1 BLK 1,180@$114.50 FRANKFORT 1 RED 1,255@$114.00 JUNE 25 & JULY 2

FIELDMEN Jim Dalinghaus Dave Bures, Auctioneer Jeff Cook Greg Anderson Trevor Lundberg 785-799-5643 402-239-9717 785-564-2173 785-747-8170 785-770-2271 Baileyville, KS Odell, Nebraska Hanover, KS Waterville, KS Frankfort, KS Barn Phone • 785-562-1015 25-28.qxp:Layout 1 6/8/15 8:30 AM Page 26

Page 26 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 heavy morning dew. Producers are planting soybeans and Cow 1.00 to 1.07, an instance 1.10/point RFV, Premium- milo and side dressing corn as the fields dry out. The grind- Supreme 200.00. Bluestem: Good, small squares, 120.00- Kansas Hay ing quality alfalfa market is under pressure. The Brome cut- 145.00, mid and large squares 80.00-110.00, mostly 80.00-90.00, ting is just starting and will increase over the next two weeks instance 70.00, large rounds 55.00-65.00, Fair 50.00-55.00; weather permitting, the quality looks good. Wheat is turning Brome: Good, Small squares 130.00-145.00, mid and large Market Report and looks better than expected. If you have hay for sale or squares 110.00-135.00, large rounds 60.00-75.00. Grass Mulch pasture to rent or need hay or grazing, use the services of the CWF, large round 45.00-60.00. Hay and Pasture Exchange: Northwest Kansas Grinding alfalfa steady. Movement slow to moderate. Al- Hay trade slow to moderate. Demand moderate to good Southwest Kansas falfa: Horse, Mid squares 250.00; Stock cow, Fair-Good, for Dairy alfalfa, light to moderate for grinding alfalfa and Dairy and grinding alfalfa steady. Movement slow to mod- 1.00/point RFV. Fair, Grinding alfalfa at the edge of the field alfalfa pellets and grass hay. A break in the wet weather had erate. Alfalfa, Horse, large squares 250.00, small squares 90.00-100.00. Ground and delivered to feedlots and dairies every swather running that can; some fields are still too 280.00. Dairy, 1.00/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-210.00; Premi- 115.00-145.00. BMR Sudan and Millet, Good 80.00-95.00. muddy. Alfalfa and triticale chopping are in full swing. Al- um 170.00-195.00, some New Crop alfalfa contracted 100.00- North Central- falfa was testing 150-160 RFV but is dropping. Baling of al- 110.00 for all cuttings standing in the field; Dry Cow, Old Northeast Kansas falfa is beginning but hindered by the high humidity and Crop, Good 120.00-140.00. Fair-Good grinding alfalfa, at the Dairy alfalfa steady, grinding alfalfa steady to 10.00 lower, edge of the field 100.00-110.00, mostly 100.00. Ground and de- prairie hay and brome steady. Movement slow. Alfalfa: livered locally to feedlots and dairies 130.00-145.00, mostly Horse, 300.00, some 8.00-9.00/small square bale; Dairy, 135.00. The week of 5/25-30, 7,012T of grinding alfalfa and Supreme 185.00-220.00, a little New Crop 1.10/point RFV; Pre- 1,150T of dairy alfalfa were delivered. Straw, Good, large mium, 170.00-195.00; Stock Cow, Fair-Good, 1.00/point RFV, bales 60.00-75.00, mostly 70.00 or 80.00-95.00 delivered. Corn Utility-Fair grinding alfalfa at the edge of the field, 70.00- stalks 50.00-60.00, ground and delivered 78.00-100.00. CRP, 95.00; Ground and delivered 130.00-145.00. Grass hay: Good, large rounds 70.00, Fair 55.00-65.00. Cane or BMR Bluestem Good, small squares, 5.00-6.00/bale, 120.00-135.00, Bonded & Insured Sudan, Good large bales 65.00-75.00. Mid squares 80.00-100.00, large rounds 45.00-70.00, mostly SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY IN EMPORIA, KANSAS AT 11:00 AM South Central Kansas 50.00-60.00. Brome: Good, small squares, 6.00-7.00/bale, 620-342-2425 or 800-835-7803 toll-free • Fax: 620-342-7741 Dairy alfalfa steady, grinding alfalfa and alfalfa pellets 130.00-145.00/T, Mid squares, 100.00-120.00, Good, large steady to 5.00 lower. Movement slow to moderate. Alfalfa: round, 25.00-50.00/bale, 60.00-80.00/T; CWF Grass mulch, large Date: 6/03/15. A nice run with mostly slaugh- Horse, large squares 245.00-270.00, small squares 280.00. round 60.00-65.00. Straw, Good, small squares 4.00/bale or ter cows and bulls and feeders. Dairy, 1.00/point RFV, Supreme 185.00-210.00, a little New 4.50-5.00 delivered/bale; large bales 60.00-70.00/T. Sudan, Crop 200.00; Premium 170.00-195.00; Dry Cow, Good 120.00- Good large round 70.00-75.00, Fair 60.00-65.00. 1 blk bull [email protected] 1 blk cow [email protected] 130.00; Fair-Good grinding alfalfa at the edge of the field ***Prices are dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise 90.00-100.00; Utility-Fair 80.00-90.00. Ground and delivered noted. Dairy alfalfa prices are for mid and large squares unless 1 blk/brf bull [email protected] 1 blk cow [email protected] locally to feedlots, 130.00-145.00. The week of 5/25-30, 3,233T otherwise noted. Horse hay is in small squares unless otherwise 1 blk bull [email protected] 1 bwf cow [email protected] of grinding alfalfa and 925T of dairy alfalfa were delivered. noted. Prices are from the most recent sales. 1 blk cow [email protected] 1 blk cow [email protected] Alfalfa pellets: Sun Cured 15 pct protein 155.00-180.00, 17 pct *CWF Certified Weed Free *RFV calculated using the protein 183.00-190.00; Dehydrated 17 pct 255.00. Straw, Good, Wis/Minn formula. 1 blk cow [email protected] 1 blk cow [email protected] large bales 60.00-70.00. Cane or BMR Sudan, Good large **TDN calculated using the Western formula. Quantitative 1 blk cow [email protected] 1 red cow [email protected] bales 60.00-70.00, Fair quality 50.00-55.00. factors are approximate, and many factors can affect feeding Southeast Kansas value. Values based on 100% dry matter (TDN showing both 1 char cow [email protected] 1 char cow [email protected] 100% & 90%). Guidelines are to be used with visual appearance Alfalfa, brome and prairie hay steady. Movement slow. Al- and intent of sale (usage). Source: Kansas Dept of Ag-USDA 1 blk cow-as is [email protected] 1 brindle cow [email protected] falfa: Horse or Goat, mid squares 250.00; Dairy and Stock 1 jersey cow [email protected] 6 blk hfrs [email protected] Market News Service, Dodge City, KS Steve Hessman, Rich Hrus- ka, OIC (620) 227-8881 www.ams. 1 blk cow [email protected] 2 blk/bwf hfrs [email protected] DC_GR310.txt The Kansas Hay Market Report is provided by the 1 blk brf cow [email protected] 1 blk hfr [email protected] Kansas Department of Agriculture with technical oversight from 1 red cow [email protected] 1 blk hfr [email protected] UPCOMING AUCTIONS the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. 1 blk cow [email protected] 9 blk hfrs [email protected] CONSIGNMENT SALE 1 blk brf cow [email protected] 2 mix hfrs [email protected] 601 S. BROADWAY — SALINA, KS SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 AT 10:00 FEED 1 bwf cow [email protected] 1 blk hfr [email protected] 1 blk cow [email protected] 9 mix hfrs [email protected] A large consignment of construction equipment from Rolling Hills Ranch along with other consignments. Contact auction staff to con- 1 blk cow [email protected] 65 mix hfrs [email protected] sign your items. Consign early and benefit from $$$$ advertising in FEEDS 1 blk cow [email protected] 1 blk hfr- bred 1060@1,925.00 newspapers & web sites. Watch web site for sale bill. 1 brindle cow [email protected] 1 blk hfr- bred 1215@2,150.00 “The Key To Successful Feeding” 1 blk cow [email protected] 1 wf hfr [email protected] TIM RATHBUN ESTATE 1 blk cow [email protected] 1 blk pair- SS 1290@1,925.00 1355 AVENUE T, ELLSWORTH, KS How do you like your steak? 1 blk cow [email protected] 1 bwf pair- Smooth mouth1,600@2,000.00 SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 2015 AT 10:00 AM Well done, rare, medium? 1 blk cow- bred [email protected] 2 blk strs [email protected] Tools, tractors & equipment – contents of a nice shop with Everybody has a personal choice. 1 blk cow [email protected] 1 blk str [email protected] Snap-On, DeWalt, other quality tools. Watch web site for sale bill. 1 red cow [email protected] 6 blk strs [email protected] How about your livestock feed? 1 wf cow [email protected] 43 mix strs [email protected] fleshy TIM RATHBUN ESTATE Same deal, everybody’s situation is 1 bwf cow [email protected] 22 mix strs [email protected] fleshy 1355 AVENUE T, ELLSWORTH, KS SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 2015 AT 10:00 AM 1 blk cow [email protected] 6 mix strs [email protected] different, and we do cater to 1 blk cow [email protected] 18 mix strs [email protected] Tools, tractors & equipment – contents of a nice shop with what you need and want. Snap-On, DeWalt, other quality tools. Watch web site for sale bill. 1 blk brf cow [email protected] 165 blk strs [email protected] LOCATED AT 601 S Broadway, Salina, KS 1 blk cow [email protected] 48 mix strs [email protected] We will blend the supplements to comple- 1 red cow [email protected] 6 blk/bwf strs [email protected] Plastic rain barrels - $10 each ment your feedstuffs ... you name it, we 1 blk cow [email protected] Steel burn barrels - $15 each Commercial carpet remnants – over 100 rolls @ 50¢ per sq ft can balance your ration. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! For Latest Update & Pictures go to website: YOUR BUSINESS ALWAYS APPRECIATED! Call Us Now so we can help you For Cattle Appraisals Call: maximize your feedstuffs, BRODY PEAK, 620-343-5107 GLENN UNRUH, 620-341-0607 livestock productivity and LYLE WILLIAMS, Field Representative, 785-229-5457 greenbacks in your pocketbook! WIBW 580 - 6:45 A.M. Thurs; KVOE 1400 - 6:30-6:45 A.M. Thurs. & Fri. FOURTH & POMEROY ASSOCIATES, INC. Any announcement made the day of sale takes precedence over any printed matter. Joseph Ebert, General Manager JC LIVESTOCK SALES INC. CLAY CENTER 785-632-2141P.O. Box 516, • Clay WATS Center, 1-800-432-7423 KS 67432 Wednesday Sale, Hogs NOON • Cattle 12:30 PM LIVESTOCK SALES INC. For the week of May 27, 2015 Cattle sales Tuesday, 11:00 AM. STEERS 69 BUTCHER828 HOGS 193.00 For week of June 2, 2015 3 440 325.00 LARGE STEERS: Top Butcher Cow: 3 462 305.00 4 FEEDER288 PIGS 54.00 2 540 289.00 4 306 335.00 $117@1515 1 635 256.00 2 37 53.00 2 365 300.00 Top Butcher Bull: ANTIQUESUNDAY, JUNE AUCTION14 — 10:00 AM 8 664 247.00 3 37 35.00 2 550 263.00 $148.50Bred @2,010 Cows: lbs. Atchison Heritage Event Center 1 760 218.00 Top Butcher Cow: 3 605 258.00 14 869 206.50 1 810 210.00 $108.00 @ 1,345 lbs. HEIFERS: $1,700 to $1,875 710 South 9th Street - ATCHISON, KANSAS 1 910 191.00 Cow/Calf Pairs: HEIFERS 3 288 315.00 Antique Furniture: Moore’s Wizard No. 788 Wood/Gas Kitchen Top Butcher Bull: 8 491 250.00 $2,700.00 Range (natural gas);Kitchen Cupboard w/flour bin 1 280 316.00 $147.25 @ 1,835 lbs. 6 538 247.00 Oak Full Size Bed Complete, 74” Headboard, Smooth Cut Carvings; 1 470 266.00 8 669 217.00 Oak Dresser w/mirror (matches above bed); Oak Chiffonier w/mir- 7 520 258.00 Bred Cows: $1,600-$1,775 3 703 195.00 5 593 220.00 ror; Oak Wardrobe; Brass Full Size Bed Complete Marble Top Dresser w/mirror; Oak Washstand; 3 Stack Lawyers 8 669 214.00 Cow/Calf Pairs: $1,700 to $2,950 56 690 213.25 NEXT SALE: TUESDAY, JUNE 16th Cabinet; Oak Marble Top Washstand w/mirror ; Walnut Full Size Bed 5 757 204.00 Complete w/72” Headboard; Washstand w/towel rack; 2 Metal Framed Marble Top Occasional Tables; 54” Oak Pedestal Dining NEXT SALE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH Table w/3 leaves; 6 Oak Dining Chairs w/upholstered seats; Oak Buffet; Adam Schaaf #7381 Upright Piano w/bemch; Wooden Rocker; Oak Rocker;Child Oak Chair; Smoke Stand; Floor Lamp; UPCOMING SALE SCHEDULE UPCOMING SALE SCHEDULE Tiffany Table Lamp; Oval Parlor Table; Oak Shelf; Glass Front China Cabinet (newer); Collectibles: The Premium Game “LOGO- • June 10th ...... Sale • June 9th...... No Sale (Sale 10th at J.C.) • 52 Black x steers & heifers 500-650 lbsweaned 40 days & shots MACHY” or War of Words, by McLaughlin Bros.; Dresser Lamps; • June 16th...... SALE Tea Pots; Cut & Pressed Glass; Sad Iron; Doily’s & Dresser Scarf’s; • 20 Black x steers & heifers 700-900 lbs. yearlings Mantle Clock; Pitcher & Bowl; Piano Sheet Music (very old); Radio • 30 Black steers 800-850 lbs. • June 23rd...... No Sale Guide Magazines 1938; Movie Radio Programs 1941; Christmas • 20 Black x steers 850-875 lbs Decorations; Figurines; Paper Items; Organization of War Trans- • June 30th...... No Sale portation Control Aug. 10, 1918; Midland College Department of • June 17th ...... No Sale (Sale at Clay 16th) • July 7th ...... No Sale Music Piano Recital June 1, 1914; “ALWAYS” piano sheet music by • June 24th ...... No Sale Irving Berlin (signed), Presbyterian Church “The Household Cook- • July 1st...... No Sale • July 14th ...... Back to Regular Sale Schedule book” Atchison, Kansas 1915; Lots of old books; Etc. LP & 45 • July 8th...... Sale (Back to Regular Sale Schedule) Records; MANY MORE ITEMS BY DAY OF AUCTION If you need assistance in marketing your cattle please call & we will be happy to discuss it with you. OWNER: HAROLD MCKIBBEN Auctioneers Note: Mr. McKibben purchased this home in the 60’s from Courtney S. Turner as a turn key full of very beautiful antique furniture. The antique furniture and other items Visit our new website at are excellent condition. There were not any small children or pets around them. The auc- tion is being held in the lower level of the Heritage Event Center with controlled environ- ment. The small collectable items will be sold as a sit down auction. JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS • Barn Phone 785-238-1471 Clay Center, Ks • Barn Phone 785-632-5566 Terms: Cash or Good check with proper ID. Nothing removed until settled for. Not re- Clay Center Field Representatives: sponsible for accidents or theft. Statements made day of auction take precedence over all Seth Lauer 785-949-2285, Abilene Tom Koch, 785-243-5124 Lance Lagasse, 785-262-1185 others.Lunch Available For more complete listing go to KARL LANGVARDT MITCH LANGVARDT LYNN LANGVARDT Tues. & Wed. 785-499-5434 785-238-1858 785-762-2702 KCLY-Fm 100.9 8:00 am Auction Conducted By: CHEW AUCTION SERVICE Cell: 785-499-2945 Cell: 785-761-5814 Cell: 785-761-5813 Robert Chew Auctioneer/Real Estate Agent Lancaster, Kansas • 913-874-5053 • 913-370-2265 25-28.qxp:Layout 1 6/8/15 8:48 AM Page 27

Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Page 27 Controlling NAWG applauds NPDES fix legislation Recently Sens. Crapo (R-ID) and McCaskill (D-MO) rein- strictions listed on the FIFRA approved label. Since 2011 troduced legislation to end the need for a National Pollu- an additional Clean Water Act NPDES permit has been re- Buckbrush tion Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for cer- quired for certain pesticide applications. Those found out By David G. Hallauer, tain pesticide applications. of compliance could be subject to daily fines. The legisla- Meadowlark Extension “NAWG applauds the introduction of this legislation that tion introduced this week would eliminate the need for the District Agent, Crops & Soils/Horticulture would bring regulatory clarity on pesticide applications Clean Water Act permit, but retain the FIFRA regulation Many of our northeast Kansas pastures have some and we urge the Senate to pass the bill,” said NAWG presi- and any appropriate use restrictions on the label. Senators level of brush pressure. One of the more common is dent Brett Blankenship, wheat grower from Washtucna, co-sponsoring the legislation are Senator Jim Risch (R-ID), buckbrush, or coralberry, a perennial shrub native to Wash. “Growers are stewards of the land. Farmers are the Senators John Barrasso (R-WY), John Boozman (R-AK), Tom eastern Kansas. It produces red fruit in the fall and original environmentalists. We follow application guide- Carper (D-DE), Chris Coons (D-DE), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), spreads via ‘runners’. Like many brush species, buck- lines established by the EPA when applying any crop pro- Mike Enzi (R-WY), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Heidi Heitkamp (D- brush is an undesirable species in grazing lands. The tection product to our field.” ND), Jim Inhofe (R-OK) Jerry Moran (R-KS), Pat Roberts (R- dense patches they form tend to shade out desirable Pesticide applications are regulated by the Federal In- KS) and Thom Tillis (R-NC). species, reducing grazing area. With that in mind, how secticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) with re- do we control it? For non-chemical control, remove top growth after Axtell FFA member wins John Deere Gator the plants have leafed out (when root carbohydrate lev- Lindsay Carpenter of the preneurship award, or were al communication Career The drawing is spon- els are low). Prescribed burning is a good option - if Axtell FFA Chapter won a honored as a proficiency Development Events sored by Kansas John Deere done late in the spring for two or three years consecu- drawing for a John Deere award winner or District (CDEs). Dealers and the John Deere tively. Early to mid-May mowing for two to three con- Gator 625iXUV during the Star winner. As an FFA member, Agriculture and Turf Divi- secutive years can reduce stands as well. 86th Kansas FFA Conven- Carpenter was eligible Lindsay said she has en- sion. K-State Research & Extension Rangeland Manage- tion on Friday, May 29. for the drawing because she joyed activities such as at- “With continued support ment Specialist Dr. Walt Fick’s work shows some good Carpenter’s name was received her State FFA De- tending the national FFA from the John Deere Deal- effectiveness to herbicide applications, too. Time ap- drawn from ten finalists, gree. Her advisor is Kristin convention and participat- ers in Kansas, we are able to plications to coincide with the low point of the carbo- which were randomly se- Stratham. Carpenter’s Su- ing in CDE events. recognize and reward the hydrate cycle. This is typically when the leaves are lected from a pool of mem- pervised Agricultural Expe- “FFA has helped me to outstanding accomplish- just starting to change from a light to dark green color. bers who completed one of rience (SAE) program is in better communicate with ments of our members,” If buckbrush is your only target, 2,4-D at a rate of 1.5 the following requirements equine entrepreneurship, others and develop my per- said Kyle Apley, Kansas to 2 lbs./acre can be effective. If you are also after for entry: submitted an ap- which involves feeding, sonal communication FFA Reporter. other species (musk thistle, etc…), Fick suggests you plication for the American training, and riding her skills,” Carpenter said. may also want to consider Chaparral (aminopyralid + or State FFA Degree, partic- three horses. Carpenter also metsulfuron) or Grazon P+D (picloram + 2, 4-D). Use ipated in the agriscience participates in the veteri- caution when applying Chaparral to cool season grass fair, received an agri-entre- nary science and agricultur- stands (brome/fescue) and always read the label when considering the use of herbicides. For more specific Soy growers will review clean recommendations, check out the 2015 KSU Chemical Weed Control Guide, available at your district office. water rule, renew call for opportunity to comment The American Soybean rule and we will make a full Association will take the statement once we’ve done coming days to review the so. WASHINGTON COUNTY revised Clean Water Rule, “It bears repeating, how- formerly known as Waters ever, that we haven’t been LIVESTOCK, LLC of the United States, issued given an opportunity to Locally owned & operated recently by the Environ- comment on EPA’s revision WASHINGTON, KS – PHONE 785-325-2243 mental Protection Agency, of the rule. We voiced and comment after ASA strong opposition to the If you have cattleFax: to 785-325-2244 sell, please call us anytime! leaders digest the propos- original version, and while als contained in the rule. In we are encouraged by the Sale Date Has Changed: making the announcement, agency’s willingness to re- Axtell FFA member Lindsay Carpenter was the winner Sales will now be on Monday • Starting Time: 1 PM ASA President and Texas visit the rule and potential- of the John Deere Gator during the Kansas FFA Con- farmer Wade Cowan reiter- ly address farmer concerns, vention. SUMMER SCHEDULE: ated the association’s re- we are very much in a ‘trust quest for an opportunity to but verify’ mode. ASA • June 15th- Regular Sale comment on revisions to the needs to establish that the Holton Livestock Exchange, Inc. • June 22nd- No Sale rule, something not yet pro- rule does not affect every- vided by EPA: day soybean farming opera- 1/2 mile East of Holton, KS on 16 Highway • June 29th- Regular Sale “As is the case with any tions, and we are now in the • July 6th- No Sale expansive document, we process of making that de- Livestock Auction every Tuesday at 12 NOON need the time to determine termination. If we find that Serving the Midwest Livestock Industry for 62 Years! • July 13th- Regular Sale the potential impacts of this the rule does not live up to ****STARTING TIME: 12:00 NOON**** • July 20th- No Sale rule for soybean operations the promises made by EPA, in our 30 growing states be- we must have an opportuni- MARKET REPORT FOR TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2015 • July 27th- Regular Sale fore we decide how we want ty to submit comments to RECEIPTS: 512 CATTLE • Mondays In August- Regular Sale Weather to respond. Our farmers the agency to that effect.” and staff will analyze the STEERS & BULLS 3 blk hfrs [email protected] Permitting 5 blk strs [email protected] 3 blk hfrs [email protected] Don’t Forget the Video as an option to market your cattle 4 blk bulls [email protected] 3 blk hfrs [email protected] Eureka Livestock Sale 2 blk strs [email protected] 3 blk rwf hfrs [email protected] View our live auctions at P.O. Box 267 Eureka, KS 67045 2 bwf strs [email protected] 6 blk bwf hfrs [email protected] 2 blk strs [email protected] 5 blk red hfrs [email protected] Manager: Matt Kruse, 785-556-0715 620-583-5008 Office 620-583-7475 9 blk bwf strs [email protected] 10 blk hfrs [email protected] 15 bwf rwf strs [email protected] 11 blk hfrs [email protected] Fieldman: Terry Ohlde: 785-747-6554 Sale Every Thursday at 11:30 a.m. Sharp 9 blk strs [email protected] COW/CALF PAIRS View our website for current market report! 3 red blk bulls [email protected] 1 blk pair6yr 1350@2,585.00 On Thursday, June 4 we had 377 hd of cattle on a good 7 blk red strs [email protected] 1 blk pair6yr 1555@2,550.00 market. 3 blk bulls [email protected] 1 redblk pair 8yr 1645@2,400.00 6 blk strs [email protected] 1 red pair A 1530@2,250.00 STEERS HEIFERS BULLS 4 blk char strs [email protected] 1 blk pair SS 1375@2,100.00 9 bk [email protected] 5 bk [email protected] 2 bk [email protected] 3 blk bulls [email protected] 1 red blk pair 2yr 1085@2,000.00 4 bk [email protected] 14 bk [email protected] 7 bwf char bulls [email protected] 3 blk red pairs A 1375@1,785.00 ELDORADO 7 bk bwf [email protected] 4 bk [email protected] 4 blk char strs [email protected] 1 blk pair A 990@1,700.00 LIVESTOCK AUCTION, INC. 5 bk [email protected] 3 bk [email protected] 11 blk bulls [email protected] BRED COWS 7 bk charo [email protected] 4 bk bwf [email protected] 2 blk strs [email protected] 5blk cows2-4yr 2pr 1260@2,610.00 3 bk [email protected] 4 bk red [email protected] 2 hols strs [email protected] 1 bwf cow 1yr 3pr 1195@2,500.00 5 bk char [email protected] 2 bk [email protected] 6 blk rwf strs [email protected] 3blk cows 5-6yr 2-3pr 1225@2,450.00 3 hols strs [email protected] 2 blk cows1-2yr 3pr 1250@2,425.00 2 blk cows 2yr 3pr 1242@2,410.00 316-320-3212 BUTCHER COWS: $87-$121.50, mostly $105-$115, 2-3 lower, but very 7 hols strs [email protected] Fax: 316-320-7159 1 char cow 3yr 3pr 1185@2,300.00 active. BUTCHER BULLS: $114-$154.50, mostly $141-$146, steady to lower HEIFERS 2 char hfrs [email protected] 4 blk cows 2-8yr 2pr 1332@2,100.00 2595 SE Highway 54, P.O. Box 622, but very active. Real good time to sell some Packer Cows & Bulls. El Dorado, KS 67042 1 blk hfr [email protected] 1 blk cow 2yr 3pr 1020@2,025.00 Market Report - Sale Date 6-04-15. Head Count: light run, 248 BUTCHER COWS BUTCHER BULLS 2 blk hfrs [email protected] 1 blk cow 2yr 1pr 1050@1,875.00 300-400 lb. steers, $240-$351; heifers, $240-$327; 400-500 lb. 2 bk [email protected] 1 char [email protected] 2 blk bwf hfrs [email protected] 1 blk cow 6yr 2pr 1230@1,850.00 1 bk [email protected] 1 Branvieh [email protected] steers, $230-$309; heifers, $225-$281; 500-600 lb. steers, $225- 4 blk hfrs [email protected] 3blkredcows6-8yr2pr 1386 @1,785.00 1 bk [email protected] 1 blk [email protected] $279; heifers, $220-$253; 600-700 lb. steers, $200-$231; heifers, 6 blk hfrs [email protected] 1 blk cow 1yr 3pr 945@1,700.00 2 bk [email protected] 1 bk [email protected] 2 blk cows SS 2pr 1240@1,635.00 $200-235. Trend on Calves: Choice steer and heifer calves, steady 2 bwf hfrs [email protected] 2 char [email protected] 1 bk [email protected] 8 blk bwf hfrs [email protected] 1 blk cow SS 2pr 1245@1,600.00 on limited test. Trend on Feeder Cattle: no test. Butcher Cows: High 1 red [email protected] 1 bk [email protected] 2 blk hfrs [email protected] 2redrwf cowsSS 2pr 1115@1,475.000 dressing cows: $105-$125; Avg. dressing cows: $100-$105; low 4 bk [email protected] dressing cows, $70-$100. Trend on Cows and Bulls: Butcher cows, 3 Brangus [email protected] $2 lower. 1 Hols [email protected] SUMMER SCHEDULE: CONSIGNED FOR JUNE 11TH: 1 Hol [email protected] JUNE 16-REG. WEEKLY AUCTION 12 NOON Expecting 700-800 head EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR JUNE 11: JUNE 23--CLOSED--NO AUCTION • 52 blk strs & hfrs, 550-650 lbs., shots 170 mostly black steers 875-950# • 65 blk strs & hfrs, 500-650 lbs. 85 mixed heifers 750-850# JUNE 30--CLOSED--NO AUCTION • 55 blk strs & hfrs, 600-700 lbs. 50 bk red steers and heifers 400-700# JULY 7--REG. WEEKLY AUCTION 12 NOON • 32 mix strs, 700-750 lbs. JULY 14-SPECIAL CALF & FEEDER AUCTION We welcome your consignments! SPECIAL STOCKER/FEEDER CALF SALE JUNE 25 12 NOON • 500 mostly black steers and heifers, 500-800 lbs., fall calves If you have cattle to consign or would like additional information, Dan Harris, Auctioneer & Owner • 785-364-7137 • 85 char x steers and heifers 550-700#, weaned 45 days and vac please call the office at 316-320-3212 • 60 bk steers 500-600#, weaned 30 days and vac Danny Deters, Corning, Auct. & Field Rep • 785-868-2591 check our website for updated consignments: • 250 mix steers and heifers, 700-950 lbs. Dick Coppinger, Winchester, Field Rep. • 913-774-2415 Steve Aeschliman, Sabetha, Field Rep. • 785-284-2417 Chris Locke Steven Hamlin We appreciate your business! Larry Matzke, Wheaton, Field Rep. • 785-268-0225 (316) 320-1005 (H) (602) 402-6008 (H) Craig Wischropp, Horton, Field Rep. • 785-547-5419 (316) 322-0675 (M) (620) 222-1199 (M) Ron Ervin - Owner-Manager Barn Phone • 785-364-4114 Larry Womacks, Fieldman Van Schmidt, Fieldman Home Phone - 620-583-5385 WEBSITE: (620) 394-3273 (H) (620) 367-2331 (H) Mobile Cell 620-750-0123 EMAIL: [email protected] (620) 229-0076 (M) (620) 345-6879 (M) Austin Evenson- Fieldman Cattle Sale Every Thursday 11:00 AM Mobile Cell 620-750-0222 View our auctions live at "" If you have any cattle to be looked at call Ron or Austin 25-28.qxp:Layout 1 6/8/15 8:31 AM Page 28

Page 28 Grass & Grain, June 9, 2015 Farmer Veterans on Capitol Hill display agricultural products, raise awareness Recently House Agricul- fices and in stores and on a product labeling program doubling in the last three the Virginias to expand my families. The Homegrown ture Committee Chairman rigs and ranches. They start that identifies, promotes months. fruit operation to include a By Heroes label affords con- K. Michael Conaway (R-TX) businesses and they teach and supports agricultural The event featured an distillery. The support of sumers the opportunity to presented, in conjunction our children in schools. The products grown and raised array of products produced Farm Credit and the thank a veteran for their with Farm Credit and Rank- Homegrown By Heroes ini- by U.S. veterans and those by farmer veterans from Farmer Veteran Coalition service by purchasing their ing Member Collin Peterson tiative supported by Farm still serving in any branch of across the country, high- has been a life-changer for farm products. (D-MN), an event to honor Credit, helps veterans who the U.S. military. The pro- lighted by a signature me.” “Farm Credit’s support farmer veterans and cele- are farming and ranching. gram was launched nation- grilled cheese sandwich by The Farmer Veteran of farmer veterans is a way brate the success of the We owe our veterans a debt ally by the Farmer Veteran Calvin Riggleman, a veter- Coalition recognizes the for us to honor our nation’s Homegrown by Heroes pro- that we can never repay. Coalition in 2014 with fund- an, chef, farmer and the first commitment of rural Ameri- farmer veterans with pro- gram. When we purchase products ing from Farm Credit. In the producer in West Virginia to cans to military service with grams that will help get “Veterans’ contributions with the Homegrown By He- last year, the program has use the Homegrown By He- the goal of developing vi- them on the path to success to our country go well be- roes label, we are able to at grown to include more than roes label. able employment and mean- after returning home from yond their actions on the least show our appreciation 165 farmers and ranchers “As the first producer in ingful careers through the serving our country,” said field of battle,” said for the enormous sacrifices across 43 states comprising West Virginia to use the collaboration of the farming Gary Matteson, vice presi- Conaway. “After they leave that they have made.” $15 million in annual sales, Homegrown By Heroes and military communities. dent of young, beginning the military, they work in of- Homegrown by Heroes is with membership nearly label, I know first-hand how Veterans possess the unique and small farmer outreach valuable this program is to skills and character needed for the Farm Credit Council my success,” said Riggle- to strengthen rural commu- and Board Member for the man. “I’ve been able to take nities, and food production Farmer Veteran Coalition. my business to the next offers purpose, opportunity, “Farm Credit is committed level with valuable advice and physical and psycholog- to reaching out to returning that has helped strengthen ical benefits to those veter- veterans through veteran re- my business, my numbers ans. At a time when Post- source groups to highlight and my growth plan. I first 9/11 veterans are experienc- farming as an admirable, envisioned my plans while I ing a 7.2 percent unemploy- sustainable vocation, and was in the Marine Corps in ment rate (compared to the serve them through lending Iraq, advising my parents national average of 5.4 per- programs and advisory serv- about planting, harvesting cent), agriculture can be a ices that support beginning and selling from overseas. meaningful solution for vet- farmers.” Since my return, I’ve erans returning home and worked with Farm Credit of looking to provide for their

20 minutes East of Manhattan on Hwy. 24 • BELVUE, KANSAS 30 minutes west of Topeka on Hwy. 24 • 785-456-6500 It’s Now Grilling Season! Try our home-grown ANGUS BEEF. Homemade cooking. High-quality packaged meats: Best Bierocks around! Buffalo, Pork & Chicken We have Kansas Products: WEEKLY COME SEE US Local Honey SPECIALS TODAY! & Salsa in the Eatery! 22580 Hwy 24 • Belvue, KS And Many More! Hours: M-F 10-6 • Saturday 9-5 • Like us on Facebook

Sell By STARTING TIME 10:30 AM Or Buy Cattle Auction Tuesdays We sold 506 cattle June 2. Steer and heifer calves were in good 1 blk hfrt 1065 @ 132.50 PAIRS & BRED COWS 2 blk cows @ 1500.00 1 blk bull 2130 @ 139.50 demand at prices steady to $10.00 higher. Feeder steers sold 1 blk hfrt 850 @ 130.50 1 blk cow/cf @ 2725.00 1 limo cow @ 1400.00 1 blk bull 1795 @ 130.00 $5.00-8.00 higher. Cows & bulls were steady. 1 blk cow 1350 @ 112.50 3 blk/bwf cows @ 2410.00 1 blk cow @ 1325.00 1 blk bull 1365 @ 116.00 1 sim cow 1220 @ 110.50 3 blk cows @ 2250.00 1 blk cow @ 1085.00 STEER & BULL CALVES 2 x-bred strs 868 @ 196.00 1 x-bred hfrt 905 @ 110.00 1 blk cow @ 2200.00 BULLS 13 blk strs 461 @ 330.00 1 x-bred str 835 @ 192.00 1 red cow 1495 @ 109.50 1 blk cow @ 2150.00 1 blk bull 2050 @ 147.00 1 blk str 265 @ 325.00 2 lnghrn strs 815 @ 174.00 1 blk cow 1370 @ 108.00 3 blk cows @ 2000.00 11 blk strs 509 @ 316.50 HEIFER CALVES CONSIGNMENTS FOR JUNE 9 SALE 2 wf cows 1312 @ 106.00 1 limo cow @ 2000.00 1 bwf bull 310 @ 300.00 8 blk hfrs 420 @ 271.00 • 15 blk strs & hfrs, 450-500 lbs. 1 blk cow 1365 @ 105.00 1 bwf cow @ 1975.00 4 blk strs 479 @ 280.00 1 blk hfr 260 @ 268.00 1 wf cow 1205 @ 104.50 1 blk cow @ 1925.00 • 20 blk strs & hfrs, 500-600 lbs. STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS 3 blk hfrs 508 @ 259.00 1 blk cow 1420 @ 103.00 7 blk cows @ 1900.00 • 65 blk char strs 875-900 off brome 5 blk strs 560 @ 292.00 1 bwf hfr 450 @ 249.00 1 blk cow 1180 @ 102.50 1 bwf cow @ 1850.00 • 58 blk strs 900-925 4 blk strs 619 @ 274.00 2 hol hfrs 505 @ 165.00 1 bwf cow 1445 @ 100.50 1 blk cow @ 1850.00 5 blk strs 612 @ 255.00 STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS • 61 blk x-bred strs 900-925 1 wf cow 830 @ 100.00 1 blk cow @ 1825.00 42 blk/red strs 690 @ 251.50 2 blk hfrs 553 @ 252.00 • 60 blk char strs 850-875 1 sim cow 1135 @ 97.50 1 x-bred cow @ 1800.00 16 blk strs 662 @ 246.00 3 blk hfrs 588 @ 250.00 1 blk cow 1120 @ 97.00 1 blk cow @ 1800.00 23 blk strs 813 @ 220.00 10 blk hfrs 592 @ 248.00 1 blk cow 1130 @ 96.00 1 blk cow @ 1775.00 53 blk/char strs 846 @ 215.75 1 blk hfr 575 @ 246.00 1 blk cow 1035 @ 95.50 1 limo cow @ 1750.00 3 blk strs 783 @ 214.00 6 wf hfrs 738 @ 212.00 1 x-bred cow 1080 @ 95.00 1 blk cow @ 1525.00 CONSIGNMENTS FOR JUNE 16 SALE 1 bwf str 795 @ 214.00 1 blk hfr 685 @ 211.00 61 mix strs 924 @ 204.60 15 blk/red hfrs 744 @ 205.00 • 80 blk char hfrs 750-800 101 mix strs 973 @ 204.25 2 hol hfrs 620 @ 155.00 WATCH OUR AUCTIONS LIVE ON • 70 blk char hfrs 775-800 5 blk strs 932 @ 199.50 COWS & HEIFERETTES Our CONSIGNMENTS can now be viewed after 12 Noon on Mondays by going to & logging onto the online subscription FOR INFORMATION OR ESTIMATES:

REZAC BARN . . . . .ST. MARYS, 785-437-2785 LELAND BAILEY . . .TOPEKA, 785-286-1107 DENNIS REZAC . . . .ST. MARYS, 785-437-6349 LYNN REZAC . . . .ST. MARYS, 785-456-4943 DENNIS’ CELL PHONE ...... 785-456-4187 REX ARB ...... MELVERN, 785-224-6765 Livestock Commission KENNETH REZAC . .ST. MARYS 785-458-9071 Company, Inc. Toll Free Number...... 1-800-531-1676 Website: AUCTIONEERS: DENNIS REZAC & REX ARB St. Marys, Ks.